Transmission Modeling and Simulation With Maplesim

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Transmission Modeling

and Simulation with MapleSim TM

As automotive manufacturers strive to manufacturers, the library covers all to best reflect how the loss data was
improve fuel-efficiency of their vehicles, stages in the powertrain, from the engine acquired from tests.
much of the focus is on the engine as the through to the differential, wheels
The purpose of this document is to
primary source of power loss during fuel and road loads. It includes example
provide some detailed description of this
combustion. However, there is arguably transmission configurations such as
library, and show how the components
as much loss through the transmission. manual, automatic, and dual-clutch.
can be used to very quickly develop
Engineers are putting a lot of effort into
One major advantage of this library complex transmission models and then
assessing exactly how much power is
is that the components use an acausal test them with empirical loss data. The
lost, and what can be done to reduce
approach to model development, resulting greater insight into the overall
losses and improve overall efficiency. As
where the user can simply connect the efficiency of the system means more-
a result, the transmission industry is now
components together in the required informed design decisions can be made to
actively involved in optimizing existing
configuration without worrying about reduce power losses and improve fuel-
designs and exploring new innovations.
issues like torque/speed directions and efficiency.
These investgations are based on virtual
load-flow. These issues are resolved
prototypes of transmission systems, The library contains over 20 application-
automatically by the underlying
used in computer simulations. Virtual specific components and many examples,
solver. This makes it much easier, and
prototypes yield more efficient products grouped in the following categories:
significantly faster, to produce models of
at significantly reduced costs, by allowing
any complex transmission configuration • Internal Combustion Engine
engineers to address design issues long
from prebuilt components, compared • Engine/Transmission Coupling
before they invest in the prototype.
to using traditional signal-flow • Transmissions: Ideal and Lossy
Engineering simulation products like
simulation tools. • Differentials: Ideal and Lossy
MapleSim™ have become critical tools
in this process and are being increasingly The library also provides “lossy” The library also includes a simple driver,
adopted by powertrain and transmission versions of many of the components wheel, and road-load components that
manufacturers. that allow losses due to tooth-meshing, can be used as-is in your own models, or
bearing friction, and slip to be readily modified to suit your own needs.
Maplesoft has developed a library
incorporated, either through external
of components, transmission sub- The remainder of this document provides
calculations or through the use of
assemblies, and full-powertrain examples an overview of what the library provides
empirical look-up tables. This approach
that show the use of the components in each of the major categories, and then
allows the user to maximize the fidelity
in various driveline applications. Built examines in detail the sample models that
of the model while configuring the losses
with guidance from several transmission come with the library.
IC Engine Transmission Wheels/Tires/Brakes
gasoline/diesel manual/automatic/CVT

drive cycles (EPA, FTP...)

Coupling Differential
clutch/torque converter passive/active

Figure 1

Internal Combustion Engine Models

The library provides three levels of engine Controlled Torque The speed can either be the rotational
model, depending on the level of detail Drive Engine Model speed of the driveshaft or the vehicle
you need to include in the powertrain speed.
model: The Controlled Torque Drive is a very
simple model for applications where only The engine power characteristic is
• Controlled Torque Driver
a torque/power output is required. It is determined by a lookup table of the
• Mean-value
intended to provide a first-approximation maximum power/torque curves vs. engine
• Cycle-by-cycle
model of any type of IC engine (spark- speed. This is used to limit the torque
Each one can be used as-is with basic ignition, diesel, etc.), in order to drive the output on the drive shaft.
parameters to give a realistic response, rest of the driveline.
but they are designed to allow you to
add further detail and your own engine It uses a simple PID controller to output a
parameters for greater fidelity. required torque to give the desired speed.

Figure 2

Transmission Modeling and Simulation with MapleSim

Mean Value Engine Model More detail about this model can be to the intake and exhaust valve trains,
found in the Maplesoft white paper, including the cams and the follower/
A mean-value model of an internal
Mean-Value Internal Combustion Engine valve/spring assemblies.
combustion engine provides the overall
Model with MapleSim.
power/speed/torque output, without Within the combustion chamber, gas-
considering details like piston motion flow, compression, combustion, and
and ignition. Typically, these models are Cycle-by-Cycle Engine Model exhaust is modeled using equations from
used for engine control development, This is a very detailed representation of standard texts. Lost energy is assumed to
validation, and testing. the mechanical, gas-flow, and thermal be generating heat in the cylinder wall
elements of an internal combustion and engine block.
The model incorporates acknowledged
standard equations for the mass flow rate engine that considers the details The model is intended to provide a
through the throttle, pressure drop across throughout the 4-stroke cycle: gas intake, comprehensive starting point and
the manifold, and indicated power from compression, ignition/combustion, and intuitive framework that can be used
combustion of the fuel, accounting for exhaust. It provides models of the piston/ as-is, but also allows you to add any
volumetric and thermal efficiencies. conrod/crank assembly as multibody detail that you require for your particular
components, with a geared connection application.

Figure 3

Figure 4
Engine/Transmission Coupling
In MapleSim, it is very easy to connect the between the friction pad and plate. Axial Typically, the torque converter is modeled
drive shaft of the engine to an external force on the plate(s) is provided by an by implementing a lookup table of torque
mechanical system, by simply drawing input signal. ratio (o/ti) and load capacity vs. speed
a line between the “mechanical flange” ratio (o/i). These characteristics will
ports available on each component. For It also provides a way of entering
differ depending on the torque-flow,
example, to attach the engine shaft to an geometric considerations, such as inner
which is either driven by the engine
inertial load, simply connect the ports of and outer pad radius and number of
(o/i< 1) or by the transmission when
the components to each other as shown pad/plate assemblies.
the vehicle is coasting (o/i> 1).
in Figure 5.
Torque Converter In the test model shown in Figure 8, the
For the purpose of modeling powertrains, input (pump) torque increases and the
MapleSim includes clutch models, and A torque converter is used primarily to transmission (turbine) torque closely
this library provides a torque converter provide a hydraulic coupling between the matches it with a slight lag. However,
model, which is discussed in more detail engine and an automatic transmission, due to inherent inefficiencies in the
in this section. although the mechanism has other mechanism, the turbine speed is slightly
applications. It is an enclosure that less than the pump speed while the torque
Clutches contains hydraulic fluid with a pump is driving the pump. Note that when the
impeller on the engine side and a turbine input torque drops at t = 15 s, the inertia
As part of its standard component library,
MapleSim provides two clutch models: a impeller on the transmission side. in the transmission load changes the
standard, controllable friction clutch; and During operation, the pump drives fluid torque flow and the turbine drives the
a one-way clutch model that provides full into the turbine impeller, causing it to pump, and the pump speed drops below
coupling when rotated in one direction transmit torque from the engine to the the turbine speed.
and controlled friction coupling when transmission. It also has the property of
Note also that at low speeds, between
rotated in the other, similar to a ratchet “multiplying” the output torque to the
t = 0 and 4 s, the turbine torque increases
mechanism. Both models provide the transmission at low speeds in order to
faster than the input torque. This is
ability to include a lookup table of overcome friction and inertia when the
the “torque multiplication” effect,
friction coefficients vs. relative speed vehicle is at a standstill.
mentioned above.

Clutch Geometry

Figure 5

n = no. of plates

Lookup: Friction (mu) Vs wRel

Figure 6

Transmission Modeling and Simulation with MapleSim

Efficiency Pump and Turbine Speeds



Figure 8

Figure 7
The transmissions section of the library The base gear ratio is given by where the carrier ports are connected
has two subsections: basic gearing nRing/nSun where nRing = the number together and exposed as the planetary
components; and example gearing of teeth in the ring and nSun = number carrier port, and the outer planet in
configurations that use these basic of teeth in the sun. The number of the Planet-Planet is directly connected
components. teeth in the planet is constrained to be to the planet in the Planet-Ring . The
½*(nRing - nSun). component has two parameters: the
MapleSim includes several gearing
components in its standard library, The basic planetary gear model is part of number of teeth on the sun (nSun) and
including ideal and lossy in-line gears, the standard 1-D rotational mechanical the number of teeth on the Ring (nRing).
and the planetary gear. component library in MapleSim. In this configuration, the outer
planet in the Planet-Planet component
Planetary Gear “Decomposed” Planetary Gear (planet1) is connected to the planet in
The planetary gear is one of the basic This library adds two fundamental gear the Planet-Ring component (planet2).
configurations for many automatic components that are essential building- The number of teeth on the planet
transmissions. It is made of three gears: blocks for transmission models: the (nPlanet) is calculated using
the sun gear at the center of rotation; the Planet-Planet and the Planet-Ring. With nPlanet = (nRing-nSun)/2 and this
planet that is mounted on a carrier arm these two components you can create is the same for planet1 and planet2,
that rotates around the sun and meshes many other planetary configurations. effectively making them the same gear.
with the sun; and a ring that meshes with Some of these are presented as example
Parameters required:
the planet and rotates around the same configurations in this document.
• nSun: # teeth on the sun gear
axis as the sun. The advantage of this The first example is the planetary gear • nRing: # teeth on the ring
configuration is that it provides up to six itself, which forms a basic transmission.
different gear ratios, depending on which This can be “decomposed” into a Planet- Note: If the number of teeth is
gear shaft is the input, which is the output Planet gear pair, where the inner planet is unknown, you can simply implement
and which is clamped, as shown in in the the sun wheel, rotating coaxially with the a ratio by entering 1 for nSun and the
table in Figure 9 . drive shaft, and a Planet-Ring gear pair, ratio for nRing.

Gear ratio depends on which gear is clamped... Planetary Gear Ring

Input Output Clamped Ratio [nRing = 100, nSun=50]

Sun Ring Planet - ——— -2
Sun Planet Ring —— +1 3
nRing 2 Sun
Planet Ring Sun ———— –
nRing + nSun 3
nSun 1
Planet Sun Ring ———— –
nRing + nSun 3
nRing + nSun 3
Ring Planet Sun ———— –
nRing 2
nSun 1
Ring Sun Planet - ——— -–
nRing 2
Figure 9

Planet-Ring Planet-Planet: inner planet = sun Planet-Planet

Figure 10

Transmission Modeling and Simulation with MapleSim

“Decomposed” Planetary Gear Dual-Ratio Planetary Gear
Co-rotating Planets

Planet1 Planet2
Planet1 Planet2

Note: # teeth of planet1= # teeth of planet2 Note: # teeth of planet1 # teeth of planet2
Speed of planet1= speed of planet2

Figure 11 Figure 12

Dual-Ratio Planetary Gear: Parameters required: overall effect is to reverse the rotation
Co-rotating Planets • nSun: # teeth on the sun gear of the ring, relative to the sun.
• nRing: # teeth on the ring
There are two configurations for a dual-ratio • nPlanet1: # teeth on inner planet Parameters required:
gear: co-rotating, where the second planet is • nPlanet2: # teeth on outer gear • nSun: # teeth on the sun gear
on the same shaft as the first but the number • nRing: # teeth on the ring
of teeth is different; and counter-rotating, • nPlanet1: # teeth on inner planet
Dual-Ratio Planetary Gear: • nPlanet2: # teeth on outer gear
where the planets are on separate shafts but
connected on the same carrier. Counter-rotating Planets
This configuration adds a Planet-Planet
The co-rotating gear uses the same
component to the basic planetary gear to
configuration as the planetary gear, but the
represent two planets rotating around the
number of teeth for both planets must be
sun and connected on the same carrier. The

Dual-Ratio Planetary Gear

Counter-rotating Planets

Planet1 Planet2 Note: Rotation of planet1 = -Rotation of planet2

Figure 13
Ravigneaux Gear Set The following parameters are required: discrete gear changes. Mechanically, a
• # teeth on large sun CVT has two conical pulleys, connected
The Ravigneaux configuration is a
• # teeth on small sun by a belt drive. Changes in ratio are
basic automatic transmission planetary
• # teeth on ring effected by adjusting the gap between the
assembly. It uses a large sun gear and a
two sides of the pulleys, thus changing
small sun gear, with two independent Selection of the required gear ratios is
the relative diameters of the pulleys, and
planetary gears connected to a rotating achieved by coupling or decoupling the
hence the gear ratio. This mechanism is
carrier. The inner and outer planets rotate mechanical ports with other shafts or
not new, but has not enjoyed popularity
independently of the carrier, but counter- with the gear housing, by means of clutch
in automotive applications because the
rotate with a fixed gear ratio. The inner components as shown in Figure 14. The
slip between the belt and pulleys makes
planet meshes with the small sun gear clutch states for each gear, and resulting
them very inefficient. However, advances
and the outer planet meshes with the gear ratio, is given in the table shown in
in technology, including the use of chain
large sun gear. The ring gear then meshes Figure 15.
drives, have made CVTs more viable, and
with the outer planet and couples the
The clutch states can be implemented as an increasing number of vehicles that use
gear-train together.
a lookup table, as illustrated in some of them are now in production.
The configuration is constructed using the powertrain models provided with the
The CVT can be modeled as a standard
three Planet-Planet components and one library.
gear set with ratio input as a signal. In
Planet-Ring component, connected as
response to the observation that slip
shown in Figure 13, providing mechanical Continuously Variable can differ depending on the direction
ports for: Transmission (CVT) of rotation, the slip factor, 1- o/i, can
• Small sun
A continuously variable transmission be entered as two different signals, one
• Large sun
(CVT) allows changes in gear ratio for forward and the other for reverse
• Carrier
without the “bumps” experienced with rotation.
• Ring

Clutch States zR=150

Gear Ratio Expression zLS=75
A B C D E zSS=50
R 0 0 1 1 0 - —— -2
1 0 1 0 1 0 —— 3
zR . (zSS + zLS)
2 0 1 0 0 1 —— ———— 1.67
zSS (zLS + ZR)
3 1 1 0 0 0 1 1
4 1 0 0 0 1 ————— 0.67
(zLS + zR)

Figure 14 Figure 15

Transmission Modeling and Simulation with MapleSim

Figure 16 Figure 17

Differential mesh with gears that are connected to is applied there, and can cause the wheel
each of the two output shafts. to slip. Various techniques have been
The differential provides a means of developed over the years to limit the
splitting power provided by an input The differential model uses three Planet-
torque to the least-loaded wheel, such as
shaft over two output shafts. Typically, Planet components for the crown/carrier/
limited slip differentials, but these work
this is used to balance the power to the planet assembly, meshing with simple
by taking power out of the drive shaft and
left and right wheels on the drive axle, gears that drive the output shafts. The
not by diverting it to the opposite wheel.
particularly when the vehicle is turning so input parameter is the overall gear ratio.
The active differential provides a
the inner wheel needs to turn slower than
Active Differential mechanism for diverting the torque to the
the outer wheel. They are also used for
least loaded wheel, thus providing greater
other applications, such as power splitting While they address the issue of providing stability while improving efficiency. This
between front and rear in four-wheel different wheel speeds during turning, model does this through the use of a
drive vehicles. differentials suffer from a major CVT mechanism that changes the torque
weakness: they will always provide greater distribution in response to a signal from
The mechanical configuration can be
torque to the least loaded wheel. This a controller. In this way, it is possible
seen in Figure 17, where the input shaft
can be a cause of inefficiency at best, to electronically link the steering with
from the transmission is connected to
and instability at worst. For example, in the differential to optimize the power
a bevelled crown wheel, which in turn a turn, the inner wheel has less load. If
rotates two gears on a carrier, which then distribution to each wheel.
too much power is applied, more torque

Figure 18
Incorporating Loss Data
This library provides all the mechanical and is related to the net torque between lookup table. The lossy gear component
building blocks you need to build any the gears as well shaft speed, while the expects four loss factor inputs: meshing
driveline system model to the level of bearing friction is expressed as a torque friction efficiency in the positive and
detail required for your application. loss and is related only to the shaft speed. negative torque directions, and bearing
These components are based on ideal This approach also accommodates torque loss in the positive and negative
energy-conservation laws, and do not differences in losses that may depend on rotation directions.
account for any energy losses within the direction of rotation.
The simulation results for this example
the gear. To address this, the library
The CVT component accounts for these show the loss of speed at the input and
also includes “lossy” versions of all the
losses, as well as slip, which is a function output shafts, given a certain applied
basic components, which allow you to
of transmitted power: torque * speed. The torque.
incorporate loss information as input
meshing friction factor can be used for
signals to increase the fidelity of your This approach is applied to all the
chain-drive configurations, if needed.
models. These signals can either be transmission components and these
the results of calculations performed This approach means that you have are provided in this library as a parallel
elsewhere in the model, or interpolated full control over how the loss data is collection for the following:
loss factors from lookup tables of implemented, so that it best matches how • Simple gear
measured data. you acquired the data from tests. • Planetary gear
For gears, the loss inputs account for For example, in the case of the planetary • Planet-planet & planet-ring
meshing and bearing friction (lost energy gear set, using the decomposed model • Dual ratio planetary
through friction between the gear teeth allows you to implement loss data (co- & counter-rotating planets)
and the shaft bearings, respectively) between the sun-planet pair and the • Ravigneaux gear
needs to be treated separately. This is planet-ring pair. Depending on how the • CVT
because meshing friction is expressed as data was measured, the appropriate shaft • Differential
a transmission efficiency (MF=out/in) can be selected for the speed used in the (passive and active)

Planet-Planet and Ring-Planet Gears with

Meshing and Bearing Friction Losses

Input/Output Speeds for Lossy

and Ideal Gears

Lookup Table

Figure 19

Transmission Modeling and Simulation with MapleSim

Example Powertrain Models
This library provides several example only applies a dynamic load, but also ratios. The gear selector is modeled with
models to illustrate how the driveline performs a rotation-to-translation a clutch component that engages a single
components can be used to build full conversion to factor in the vehicle mass/ gear, depending on the gear number
powertrain system models. At present, inertia and compute the road speed. The supplied by an external signal (in this
we provide: vehicle speed is fed into a simple driver case, coming from the drive cycle lookup
• 5-speed manual transmission model – essentially a PID controller – to table), and disengaging the others. The
• ZF 4HP22 automatic transmission compute the required throttle angle for GearSelector subsystem is a simple logic
• 4-speed Ravigneaux the engine model. system that takes in the gear number and
• 6-speed dual clutch transmission sets the required clutch signal to “high”
Since the engine model simulates the gas
flow through the throttle, and the air/flow and the others to “low”.
5-speed Manual Transmission
ratio is known, it is possible to calculate This particular example implements a
This example uses the mean-value
the fuel consumption throughout the
engine model to drive a manual 5-speed box, but it is very easy to add
drive cycle.
transmission, coupled by a manual more gears by adding more SelectedGear
clutch. The powertrain is connected to a The manual transmission is made with subsystems and the necessary logic in the
dynamometer model that not individually selected gears at the required GearSelector subsystem.

Air-resistance force

Mean-value Manual 5-speed manual

engine clutch gearbox

Dynamometer model
with conversion to
Fuel road-speed

Driver simple drive cycle

Figure 20

Increase the # of gears by

adding more SelectedGear

Selection Logic

Gear number input

Figure 21
The loading model is in two parts: The results show the behavior of the model is based on a published gear
internal and external. The internal engine and vehicle during the drive schematic of the ZF 4HP22 that uses
loading system is in the “Load” subsystem, test. The engine revs up until the gear is three connected planetary gears to
and provides inertial and friction loads, changed and the revs drop. The revs then provide four gear ratios. Gear ratios are
as described earlier. The external loading increase to about the same maximum as selected by engaging and disengaging
can be provided as a signal into the Load before. The vehicle speed matches the clutches in a specific pattern, shown in
subsystem. In this example, the air drag is desired speed very closely. We can see that the clutch selection table below, and
calculated as a function of vehicle the fuel consumption starts quite high at provided with the model as a lookup file.
speed. Any loading, such as gravitation the initial startup, and then falls to settle
(uphill, downhill) effects, can be added The desired vehicle speeds and selected
at a steady consumption value of about
in this way. gear over time are provided by a
5 litres/100 km, which is in the expected
drive-cycle input file. This is a simple
The drive cycle is provided by an input range, but probably very optimistic.
run through the gears as the vehicle
file that provides the desired speed, accelerates from 0 to 120 km/h.
selected gear, and the state of the ZF 4HP22 4-speed Automatic
clutch during gear selection over time. The results from the simulation show the
Transmission behavior of the engine and vehicle are as
Essentially, this simulates what a driver
would do to change gear in a manual This example models a specific expected. The engine revs to a maximum
transmission vehicle. In this example, automatic transmission from German speed, and then drops as the gear is
the vehicle is accelerating up to 120 manufacturer, ZF, coupled to the simple changed. On the bottom plot we see that
km/h, moving through the gears at controlled torque engine model via a the vehicle speed closely tracks the speed
predetermined times. torque converter. This transmission set point from the drive cycle file.

Figure 22 Figure 23

Figure 24

Transmission Modeling and Simulation with MapleSim

Simple Engine Model
ZF 4HP22 4-speed automatic gearbox

Clutch selection table

Drive cycle
from file
Torque ZF 4HP22
converter Gearbox

engine model Dynamometer model
with conversion to

Figure 25

Figure 26 Figure 27
Ravigneaux 4-speed
This example models a Ravigneaux
automatic transmission coupled to the
simple controlled torque engine model
via a torque converter.
This transmission model is based on the
Ravigneaux gear configuratio, which
provides four gear ratios. Gear ratios are
selected by engaging and disengaging
clutches in a specific pattern, shown in
the clutch selection table, and provided in
a lookup file.

Figure 28

Clutch States zR=150

Gear Ratio Expression zLS=75
A B C D E zSS=50
R 0 0 1 1 0 - —— -2
1 0 1 0 1 0 —— 3
zR . (zSS + zLS)
2 0 1 0 0 1 —— ———— 1.67
zSS (zLS + ZR)
3 1 1 0 0 0 1 1
4 1 0 0 0 1 ————— 0.67
(zLS + zR)

Figure 29

Figure 30

Transmission Modeling and Simulation with MapleSim

Vehicle Power Train
Air-resistance force

Mean-value 6-speed dual-clutch

engine transmission

Dynamometer model
Fuel with conversion to
consumption road-speed

drive cycle

Figure 31

6-speed Dual-Clutch
Dual clutch transmissions are becoming
an increasingly popular, more efficient
alternative to planetary automatic
transmissions. It is based on the simpler
manual transmission concept but with
alternating gears arranged on two
shafts (odd numbers on one, even on
the other) that are attached to separate
clutches. Gear selection is effected
through a mechanical selector, similar
to the manual selector, applied while
the shaft is unloaded, then by engaging
the appropriate clutch. The result is an
almost seamless shift. Not only is the
mechanical system significantly simpler, it
does not require a hydraulic coupling to
the engine, and is therefore more

Figure 33
This example uses the mean-value engine
model to drive the transmission.
The model for this 6-speed configuration
is made of two manual transmissions
with three gears each, with a clutch
attached to each. The output from the
two transmissions is connected to the
same output shaft.
With this configuration, most of the
complexity is in the controller. In this
model, the selector logic for the manual
transmission is extended to engage and
disengage the required clutch, depending
on the selected gear being odd or even.
The results show the vehicle accelerating
through the 6 gears with very little
disturbance during gear shifting, as
expected. Figure 33

The driveline component library is not available in the library, building available, allowing you to mix the
described in this document is a very blocks are available which allow you to best of physical models and empirical
comprehensive collection that provides create your own with very little effort. data to maximize model fidelity, optimize
most of the fundamental components Furthermore, the open structure and your designs and improve overall vehicle
needed to build and test complex intuitive energy-loss components allow fuel-efficiency.
transmission models. The acausal model you to include power loss data as lookup
representation allows you to drag and tables, and configure them so that they
connect for rapid model development. best reflect the way in which the loss data
The open structure of the components was acquired.
To learn more about MapleSim,
makes it very easy to modify the shipped
MapleSim, with the addition of this visit To request a
components to suit your specific
library, provides the most flexible copy of the MapleSim driveline component
requirements to increase the model
transmission modeling environment library, contact Maplesoft.
fidelity. Even if a specific transmission

Transmission Modeling and Simulation with MapleSim

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SAE 2004-01-1058. | [email protected]
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