Clutch Systems: For Passenger Cars Up To 800 NM
Clutch Systems: For Passenger Cars Up To 800 NM
Clutch Systems: For Passenger Cars Up To 800 NM
Ernst-Sachs-Straße 62
D-97424 Schweinfurt
Phone: +49 9721 98-0
Fax: +49 9721 98-2290
Clutch Systems
for reduced fuel consumption, emissions, weight and installation space, along with
enhanced comfort, safety, and driving dynamics. To meet these goals, innovative Clutch Disc with Torsional Damper
solutions and new products are essential. Clutch discs are subject to immense loads during the have additional tasks such as damping torsional
vehicle’s life cycle, and are complex components with vibrations, ensuring good operating comfort, and
compact dimensions. Besides transmitting torque, they offering high thermal resistance.
ZF has taken responsibility here, demonstrating expertise in generating compre-
hensive solutions with its integrated powertrain systems. In doing so, it consistently
Clutch Actuation
pursues a systems approach in developing and manufacturing new products and
technologies that represent real advances. ZF provides overall solutions that meet The clutch actuation system transfers the pressure of out its entire service life. Actuation components include
the driver’s foot on the pedal to the clutch, in order to the hydraulic transmission line with the master and
the demands of overall systems.
disengage it. It has to ensure absolute reliability, ergo- slave cylinder as well as the mechanical element with
nomic operation, and a high level of comfort through- the release bearing and lever.
One example: As a powertrain specialist and manufacturer of electric drives,
ZF can also provide superior integration for the full spectrum of hybrid powertrain Multi-Disc Clutch
designs and thus offer production-ready solutions that are already reducing fuel
With powerful car engines, single-disc clutches often To bring high performance levels reliably onto the
consumption and emissions for the vehicles of tomorrow. reach their limits. roads, multi-disc clutches are used.
Hybrid Clutch
Many hybrid drives need an additional separable clutch This clutch takes on all conceivable hybrid functions,
Clutch System
to be integrated into the existing space in addition to the such as electrical driving, especially for electric motors
electric motor. of parallel hybrid drivelines in cars.
A complete clutch system generally consists of a fly- The greater the clamp load, the smaller the friction
wheel or dual mass flywheel, clutch disc, clutch cover, radius can be. The diameter should be as small as
releaser, and the clutch actuator. Among the numerous possible, because it greatly affects clutch weight and Automated Manual Transmission
criteria used to determine clutch size and clamp load cost. But the clutch disc also has to be large enough
configuration, maximum engine torque and the result- to handle thermal loads and facing wear. For automated manual transmissions, the clutch is mission actuator. These two actuators are controlled by
ing friction energy are especially significant. opened by an electromechanical clutch actuator. After an electronic control unit. ZF is a single-source supplier
the clutch is opened, the shift operations within the and integrator for all the components including the
gearbox are taken over by an electromechanical trans- transmission control unit and software.
Torque [Nm]
600 Dual Mass Flywheel DMF
400 ZF provides different dual mass flywheels to meet The single-row DMF contains a powerful external
300 the requirements of different powertrains. The entry spring set. In the double-row DMF this is comple-
200 level is the Mechanical Torsion Damper (MTD) for mented by an internal damper. For very demanding
100 lower and medium torque ranges. The DMF is made applications the DMF is equipped with an rpm-adapt-
160 180 190 200 215 228 240 250 265 280 for different power levels as required: able damper.
Clutch diameter [mm]
2 3
The Clutch System – Clutch Covers –
Cutting-Edge Power Transmission Reliable Torque Transfer
The task: ZF clutch systems for manual transmissions consist of components The technology: disc and the flywheel when the clutch is engaged. Its characteristic
The technical demands placed on modern that have proven themselves millions of times and that meet the The clutch cover transmits engine torque force curve determines the actuation forces needed to release the
clutch systems are many and varied. They highest standards in all categories. via the clutch disc to the transmission clutch. Vibrations, torque, and friction-induced heat – the clutch is
include rapid and reliable control of torque input shaft. The clutch cover is bolted subjected to some of the highest levels of stress in the powertrain.
transfer, ergonomic operation, maximum securely to the engine flywheel and con- The spring must perform reliably after many thousands of shifts,
service life with no loss in comfort, con- sists essentially of a metal housing and a even when the inevitable systems-based wear on the clutch facings
stant pedal forces, vibrational damping, diaphragm spring with integrated actuation in every vehicle alters the load/travel configuration.
and minimum installation size. levers. This spring presses the axially dis-
placeable pressure plate against the clutch
Plastic pedal
Master cylinder
Pressure plate
Pedal vabration
damping device Locating pin
Mechanical releaser
Slave cylinder
Diaphragm spring
Fulcrum ring
■■ High torque capacity,
compact dimensions Leaf spring
■■ Low release forces thanks
to high degree of efficiency
■■ Simple design
■■ Proven technology
■■ Long service life
■■ Low weight Pull-type clutch cover Push-type clutch cover
4 5
XTend® – Clutch Cover with Clutch in new condition Principle of wear compensation
1 Adjuster ring
Although clutch facings have undergone XTend®, the clutch cover with automatic wear compensation, Slide 6 Pressure plate
substantial improvement in terms of qual- decouples facing wear from the movement of the diaphragm Retainer spring 3
1 5
ity and service life, they are still subject to spring. The compensation mechanism constantly registers the
Facings 1 Adjuster ring
normal wear, even if the vehicle is oper- reduction in facing thickness, and securely offsets this distance 2 Toothed slide
ated with care. Reduced facing thickness by rotating an adjustment ring. This keeps the force ratios con- Clutch disc 3 Toothed disc
considerably influences the forces within stant, and extends the service life because the facings can ac- 4 Retainer spring
5 Stopper
the clutch system. Release and clamp loads commodate additional wear. Another advantage of XTend® lies 6 Pressure plate
rise, and thus the necessary pedal forces as in its design: It reduces the axial dimensions of the clutch system
well. XTend® is the ideal solution to coun- needed to accommodate normal facing wear.
ter wear and the associated negative effects
on the powertrain. XTend® clutch covers
are suitable for all vehicles with high mile-
age and clutch loads.
Kupplung im
Clearance adjustment during clutch action
1 2 3
4 5 6
in Clutch
in in WhenWhen
occurs, The The
the retainer
the retainer When WhentheWhen
the clutch
the clutch ... the
... adjuster
the ring
ring ring The The
has compensated
condition the clutch
the clutch
moves spring
the from
the adjuster
the rings,
rings,rings, is released
is released
is released
... ... ... compensates
for the
for wear.
the wear. for the
for wear
the system
the system
the flywheel.
the flywheel. the slide
the slide
fills slide
fills gap.
the gap. is reset
is reset
its initial
and and
6 7
Clutch Disc with Torsional Damper – Vibrational damping in a torsional damper – torque and angular travel
Friction torque
The task: The technology: Vibration input
Ignition-induced irregularities in rotational The torsional damper integrated in the clutch disc is the main Output vibration
speed and rapid load alterations generate element for adjusting torsional rotation properties throughout
vibrations in the powertrain, which in the powertrain, from the combustion engine to the wheels. This
turn cause disturbing noises in the vehicle effective vibrational damping system consists of a friction unit
body and unpleasant rattling in the trans- and spring sets for both driving and idling. Coil springs posi-
0 Nm
mission. Modern engines are featuring tioned in windows allow a limited degree of rotation between Angle
smaller displacements and super-charging the crankshaft and the transmission input shaft. Torsional
(down-sizing) in order to reduce fuel dampers are individually tuned because each engine/transmis- Idling
Driving damping damping Driving damping
consumption. These engines generate high sion aggregate has its own characteristics. The resulting supe-
levels of torque at low rpm levels (down- rior spring and damping characteristics generate outstanding
Close-up view:
speeding). This constellation of engine decoupling qualities.
Torsional damping
characteristics leads to an increase in at constant vehicle
torsional vibrations. Yet drivers continue speed
■■ Complex individual
Clutch facings: Long-lasting and environmentally friendly
■■ Compact construction
By enabling carefully calibrated slippage in the launch under tough conditions, but also under normal driving
■■ Low inertia
■■ Modular design phase, the friction facings and cushion springs allow operations, the facings are subjected to high fric-
precision torque calibration and are therefore respon- tion speeds, strong clamp loads, and extremely high
sible for the gentle clutch engagement needed to start temperatures. During all these types of conditions,
vehicles smoothly. Clutch facings are made of a number drivers still expect full performance. Clutch facings
of carefully matched materials: glass or aramide fiber to- from ZF contain no lead and are manufactured via
gether with copper or brass wire, embedded in a mixture environmentally friendly processes and comply with
Clutch disc with torsional damper of resin, rubber, and fillers. Especially when launching EU vehicle recycling regulations.
The torsional dampers are tuned for the char-
acteristics of each vehicle model. Thanks to
multistage main dampers and extra preliminary
dampers, engine vibrations are effectively mini-
mized both when idling and driving.
The thin facings on the clutch disc Facing
feature very high burst resistance,
constant engagement performance
over the entire service life, higher
wear volume, better heat storage Facing spring
capacity, and lower space require-
ments. Torsion spring
Carrier panel
8 9
Clutch Actuation –
Pressure Under Control
The task: It is important for the driver to get a good, subjective “feeling” The technology: When the driver pushes down on the clutch pedal, the stroke is
The hydraulic clutch actuation system for the pressure point. ZF offers the entire system from a single The hydraulic clutch actuation system transferred to the clutch via the hydraulic subsystem with the help
transfers the force exerted by the driver’s source. Thanks to comprehensive expertise in this system and its consists of a hydraulic and a mechani- of the release lever. An improved over-center spring system in the
foot on the pedal to the clutch, in order interfaces, the individual actuation components can be ideally cal subsystem. The hydraulic subsystem pedal mechanism can reduce pedal forces and thus relieve stress
to disengage it. It has to ensure absolute adjusted to the vehicle design. comprises the master cylinder and its on the clutch actuation. Additional components such as the pedal
reliability, ergonomic operation, and a connection to the brake fluid reservoir, vibration damping device and the peak torque limiter can be integ-
high level of comfort throughout its entire the pressure line, and the slave cylinder rated to enhance comfort and functional properties. Together with
service life. mounted to the transmission housing. The an electromechanical parking brake, an integrated sensor system
mechanical subsystem is located inside prevents vehicles from rolling backwards even when the clutch is
the clutch housing. not engaged.
10 11
Multi-Disc Clutches – Hybrid Clutch –
Handling Extreme Loads Integration Expertise
The task: The technology: The task: The technology:
Powerful car engines and sports-oriented Multiplying the number of friction surfaces increases the torque For many hybrid drives it is necessary to As a systems provider, ZF can supply hybrid modules which have
driving styles place high demands on trans- and thermal capacity while making the best use of installation install an additional separable clutch in the clutch completely integrated into the electric motor. For these
mission reliability and thermal capacities. volume. Thus, minimizing the inertia for clutch disks preserves addition to the electric motor in the exist- systems, the electric motor components perform additional clutch
the transmission synchronization and makes shifting more ing installation space. This clutch enables functions, and vice versa, in order to meet installation space
dynamic. In its regulation of torque flow, the intermediate plate all conceivable hybrid functions such as requirements. Hybrid clutches are adapted in the best possible
control provides a reassuring level of comfort. electric driving, especially for electric way to meet concrete requirements. They build on standard-series
motors of parallel hybrid drivelines in production of manual transmissions, but also provide additional
cars. Hybrid clutches have to be adapted functions.
to typical hybrid requirements.
12 13
Automated Manual Transmission – MT/AMT comparison
Fuel consumption
+ /-
14 15
Dual Mass Flywheel DMF –
Multi-Stage Vibrational Damping
The task: The technology: All DMFs from ZF have multi-stage torsion- decreases the DMF’s torsional rigidity. The inner damper’s com-
Passenger car engines with optimized fuel- The dual mass flywheel is installed between the engine and al characteristic curves. This is achieved by pression springs operate with low friction at both high engine
consumption levels are becoming ever more the transmission along with the clutch cover and clutch disc. combining different quantities of compres- rpm and torque levels. A DMF with an rpm-adaptable damper
powerful despite smaller displacements The DMF and the MTD both consist of a primary and a second- sion springs with different rigidities. The provides excellent torsional vibration decoupling. The rpm-
and fewer cylinders. To drive on less fuel, ary mass, which are connected by a lubricated spring set. The soft initial stage ensures excellent engine adaptable damper operates on the DMF’s secondary mass and is
the engine’s useable rpm range has been primary mass is bolted to the crankshaft and carries the starter starting and stopping behavior. Subsequent located within the outer spring set. The rpm-adaptable damper
shifted toward the idling range. This has led ring gear. The primary and secondary masses are mounted such harder stages provide effective torsional vi- vibrates inversely to the rotational irregularity remaining from
to a marked rise in rotational irregularities that they can rotate independently. The spring set has a modular bration decoupling and sufficient overload the DMF spring set, which nearly eliminates residual rotary vi-
in the combustion engine. To continue to design, which allows characteristic curves to be varied and opti- protection at normal driving speeds. bration amplitudes. This additional vibrational damping enables
provide rumble-free driving and to protect mized. It consists of compression springs as well as compression vehicles to be driven at high loads without annoying noises from
the powertrain from harmful vibrations, ef- spring guide elements which are made of high-strength plastic. A further improvement in torsional vibra- idling speeds on up.
fective vibrational damping is needed. The properties of the polyamide plastics are selected by applica- tion damping is achieved by a DMF with a
tion-specific compounding. double-row spring set. The second spring
The highly effective DMF models from ZF set is located radially within and down-
provide optimum torsional damping. stream from the first, which substantially
with direct output.
Application for CVT,
dual clutch, and hybrid
16 17
DMF at a Glance
■■ Less noise
■■ Easier to shift gears
■■ Outstanding vibration damping
throughout the entire rpm range
■■ Easily adjusted to vehicle designs
■■ Smooth start/stop performance
■■ Long service life
■■ Smaller dimensions
■■ Pull and push-type clutches possible
■■ Reduced fuel consumption because
vehicles can be operated at lower
rpm levels
Comparison of clutch disc vs. DMF Two and three-stage DMF characteristic curves
Driving range
Transmission input vibrations
For a torsional damper in the clutch disc, the resonance rpm A typical DMF characteristic curve. It starts with a soft initial
lies in the lower engine speed range, but for a dual mass fly- stage, followed by considerably harder stages. The first stage
wheel it lies well below the engine idling speed. features a minimum degree of stiffness in order to keep the
DMF natural frequency low.
of vibration
vibration damping
Clutch discClutch
with torsional
disc withdamper
torsional damper Dual massDual
mass flywheel
0 0 0 0
0 0 2000 2000 0 0 2000 2000
1 2 1 2 1750 1750 1 2 1 2 1750 1750
3 4 3 4 1500 1500 3 4 3 4 0 1500 0 1500
5 5 6 1250 1250 5 5 6 0 12
5 12 5
6 7 580 10 0 0 0 0 0 6 7 580 100 000
7 8 9 0 1 7 8 9 0 1
7 9 500 75 500
7 9 500 75
18 19