Deep Sea Creatures of New Zealand

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At a glance
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The key takeaways are that this guide provides identification information for 236 deepsea invertebrate taxa found in New Zealand waters, with the goal of helping fisheries managers and researchers identify species caught during fishing.

The purpose of this guide is to enable fishers, observers and researchers to more readily recognize New Zealand's marine species and to improve the quality of catch records of these species, particularly those caught incidentally during commercial fishing.

The guide includes identification sheets for 236 invertebrate taxa from major phyla such as Porifera, Cnidaria, Annelida, Mollusca, Arthropoda, Bryozoa, Echinodermata and Tunicata.

A guide to common

deepsea invertebrates
in New Zealand waters
Third edition

New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 86

ISSN 1176-9440
A guide to common deepsea invertebrates
in New Zealand waters
Third edition

Compiled by
D. M. Tracey
O. F. Anderson
J. R. Naylor

Private Bag 14901

New Zealand Aquatic Environment

and Biodiversity Report No. 86
Published by Ministry of Fisheries

ISSN 1176-9440

Ministry of Fisheries

Tracey, D.M.; Anderson, O.F.; Naylor, J. R. (Comps.)
A guide to common deepsea invertebrates in New Zealand waters.
New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 86. 317 p.

Design by Erika Mackay

Preface 4
Purpose of the guide 5
Structure of the guide 5
Instructions for collection at sea 5
Acknowledgments 6

Phyla at a glance and group codes 7
Table 1: Full list of taxa in guide 19
Individual guide sheets
Porifera Sponges 29
Cnidaria Anemones, corals, jellyfish, hydroids 55
Annelida Bristle worms, leeches 97
Mollusca Chitons, bivalves, sea snails, sea slugs, 107
octopus, squid, tusk shells

Arthropoda Isopods, amphipods, mysids, 159

prawns, lobsters, crabs, barnacles, sea spiders

Bryozoa Bryozoans, moss animals, lace-corals, sea mats 223

Echinodermata Sea-stars, brittle stars, sea urchins, 229
sea cucumbers, feather stars, sea lilies

Tunicata Sea squirts, salps 297

Index 1 (taxon list ordered alphabetically by common name) 303
Index 2 (taxon list ordered alphabetically by scientific name) 308
Index 3 (taxon list ordered alphabetically by MFish code) 313
A Worldwide, fisheries managers are addressing concerns about the
effects of fishing, not only on fish stocks, but also on other species caught
incidentally during fishing, particularly those that live on the sea floor.
Although these organisms are not part of New Zealand’s Quota Management
System, catch records of all species are recorded whenever possible by
Ministry of Fisheries observers and scientists during commercial fishing trips
and research surveys. Since 2004, the Ministry of Fisheries has published
pictorial field identification guides for deepsea invertebrates, offshore crabs,
and bryozoans. In addition three guides to fishes have been produced for

common species caught by surface fishing, common species caught by

bottom and midwater fishing, and less common species caught by bottom
and midwater fishing1. The guides enable fishers, observers and researchers
to recognise our marine species more readily, and to improve the quality of
catch records of these species.

We are pleased to announce the publication of the third edition of the Guide
to Common Deepsea Invertebrates, which updates and expands the 2007
guide (which in turn amalgamated and updated the original (2004) deepsea
invertebrate and offshore crab guides). The Guide to Common Deepsea
Invertebrates in New Zealand Waters (Third Edition) updates identification
information for over 35 taxa (the term taxa includes both species and
organisms identified to a higher taxonomic level) and incorporates a further
33 taxa. Identification sheets are provided for 236 invertebrate taxa, each with
a colour image and a description of the key diagnostic features. Taxonomic
experts have had direct input to each section to provide up-to-date
knowledge. Most of the taxa in the guide are commonly encountered when
trawling in water depths of more than 200 m.

The updated guide continues to build on the knowledge and expertise

gained by marine scientists during the last 30 years of research in New
Zealand waters. With more accurate identification, trends in the capture and
distribution of incidental bycatch can be better monitored.

The recently completed ten year global research programme Census of

Marine Life found that “The number of [ID] guides was significantly and
positively correlated with the state of knowledge and species richness in
a given country” (Costello et al 2010)2 . Thus, the ongoing development of
accessible identification guides is an important step towards the goal of a
maintaining a healthy aquatic environment.

Pamela Mace
Chief Scientist
Ministry of Fisheries, October 2011

The Department of Conservation has also commissioned a Deepwater Coral Guide that is available at:

4 2
Costello MJ, Coll M, Danovaro R, Halpin P, Ojaveer H, et al. (2010) A Census of Marine Biodiversity Knowledge, Resources, and Future
Challenges. PLoS ONE 5(8): e12110. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0012110
In New Zealand, invertebrates caught on or close The intention of the guide is to assist in the
to the seabed (termed ‘benthic’ in this guide) are identification of the common deepsea benthic
identified and weighed by observers or researchers fauna in the New Zealand region. If you are not
on board commercial and research trawlers. confident that you can identify the organism
Because identification can be difficult, recording of to species, genus, or family level, (i.e.
the invertebrate catch while at sea has been variable, guide sheet level), then we encourage the
and specimens of many species have had to be use of the codes provided in the Phyla At A
retained for later examination by experts ashore. Glance section (pages 9–18), and retain the
This guide will enable observers and researchers to specimen for identification ashore.
more readily identify the more common organisms Specimens should be retained under the following
while at sea, thereby streamlining the process circumstances:
of recording bycatch species. Over 180 benthic • identification beyond phylum level is uncertain
invertebrate taxa caught in New Zealand waters are • the specimen has been caught outside the given
included in the guide (Table 1). The guide provides depth range or distribution
images of each taxon, written descriptions of the • they have been specifically requested by the
main diagnostic features and details that will assist Ministry of Fisheries
users to distinguish specimens from similar or If samples or subsamples are retained, they
closely related organisms. Although the descriptions should be preserved according to the facilities and
provided have been checked by taxonomic experts, materials available, and the following instructions
the guide does not replace formal taxonomic texts. should be followed.

STRUCTURE OF THE GUIDE Handling instructions: observers

The first section ‘Phyla at a glance and group • Place the benthic sample or a representative
codes’ provides a general anatomical description sub-sample of the organism in a plastic bag,
of each phylum and provides representative images separating the groups/species (particularly the
of typical phylum species (pages 9–18). This will sponges).
assist users to distinguish the phyla, as well as their • On a waterproof label write in pencil: Area, trip
classes and orders, and to place organisms in the number, station number or tow/set, Observer
correct higher taxon. The phyla description section Benthic Materials MFish Sample ID (to match the
is followed by a reference table (Table 1) which lists ID on the form), and MFish Species Code and
all taxa included in the guide. The group codes put inside the bag. If a sub-sample is being
are used when identification to a low level is not collected please write subsample on the Benthic
possible. Materials Form and provide the estimated total
Phyla in Table 1 and the identification sheets are weight of the organism(s)
arranged in conventional phylogenetic order, from • Freeze immediately. If the organism is fragile
structurally and anatomically less advanced groups (e.g., a coral, crab or prawn), freeze animal in
(sponges), to the more advanced (echinoderms and bag with enough seawater that the animal is
tunicates). Each phylum is colour coded. covered. Dead shells are not to be recorded on
The identification sheets assume some prior catch forms, but specimens can be retained for
biological knowledge. General notes on some taxonomists if requested.
morphological components used for identifying Please follow the Transport Instructions in the MFish
species within a taxon are provided where Observer Manual, and send by frozen freight to:
necessary. Each sheet contains the following Collections Manager, NIWA, 301 Evans Bay Pde,
information: Greta Pt, Kilbirnie, Wellington.
• Standard taxonomic hierarchy of the organism Note: Check the Observer Manual for instructions
• Scientific and common name regarding specific project requests for samples by
DOC or MFish. In some projects, the destination of
• 3-letter Ministry of Fisheries code samples may be different from the address given
• Illustration (line drawing or photograph) above.

• Distinguishing features
• Colour
• Size
• Distribution
• Depth
• Similar species
• References
Handling instructions: researchers • Annelida
Freeze benthic organisms (as above), or, if chemicals Bristle worms, sea worms – fix in 10% formalin
are available, carry out instructions for the relevant and store in 75% ethanol
animal groups as described below. Use plastic • Mollusca
containers large enough to avoid crowding the Shelled forms, including chitons – freeze
specimen, at least 5:1 volume of liquid. If large Sea slugs – fix in 10% formalin and store in 5%
numbers of an organism are requested, freeze in ethanol
bulk. Octopus and squid – fix in 10% formalin
Different fixation and preservation methods are (essential to inject body cavity!) and store in
used depending on the purpose, e.g., samples 75% ethanol
for DNA analysis must be frozen or preserved in • Arthropoda
ethanol. For taxonomic work, initially use 5-10% Prawns, lobsters, barnacles, isopods,
buffered formalin as a fixative (10% formalin = 4% amphipods, sea spiders – fix and store in 75%
formaldehyde solution) or 95+ % ethanol (EtOH) ethanol (replace after a couple of days)
as a direct preservative. Use a liquid volume at
least 5-10 times that of the animal because water • Echinodermata
released from the body and tissues of the animal Sea-stars, brittle stars, sea urchins, sea
will dilute the fixative or preservative. For large cucumbers, feather stars, sea lilies – preserve in
specimens, use a syringe or knife to help fixative or 75% ethanol
preservative penetrate the tissue. Material for DNA • Tunicata
studies should be frozen or preserved and stored Ascidians or sea squirts – Colonial: relax in
in 95+ % ethanol. Specimens fixed in formalin are seawater with a pinch of menthol crystals, then fix
mostly unusable for DNA studies. in 10% formalin, – Solitary: fix in 10% formalin
• Cnidaria
Scleractinians, seafans, black corals,
hydrocorals, sea pens, soft corals – fix and This project was funded by the Ministry of Fisheries
preserve in 75% ethanol. For large amounts, (ENV2005/20 and ZBD2010/39). Taxonomic
freeze all and/or a sub-sample, e.g., if there information, general advice, images, and help in
are 30 kg of stony branching corals (CBR) keep preparing the documents were provided by NIWA
one carton. If organism appears dead still personnel: N. Bagley, D. Bowden, N. Bruce, M. Clark,
record code and weight on catch forms; dead M. Consalvey, N. Davey, D. Gordon, J. Grieve, M.
specimens can be retained for taxonomists. Kelly, A-N. Lörz, E. Mackay, P. McMillan, P. Marriott,
Coral that appears rubble like but comprises S. Mills, K. Neill, M. Page, G. Read, A. Rowden,
both dead and alive pieces would ideally be K. Schnabel, D. Stevens, R. Stewart, Contributions
recorded using the most appropriate code (by were also received from experts S. Ahyong
species if possible, otherwise using an MFish (Australian Museum, Sydney), N. Bax (University of
group code such as SIA, CBR or CUP). Tasmania), S.D. Cairns (Natural History Museum,
Anemones – place anemone in a bucket of Washington DC, USA), D.G. Fautin (University of
seawater, add 2-3 menthol crystals. Keep in Kansas, Lawrence, USA). B. Horvath (Westmont
bucket for 24 hrs. Once anemone is relaxed, College Santa Barbara, USA), D. M. Opresko (Oak
remove from seawater and fix in 10% formalin Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee, USA), J.A.
(it is essential to inject the body cavity) and Sanchez (Universidad de los Andes, Santafé de
store in 75% ethanol or 10% formalin. More Bogotá D.C., Colombia), M. Smith (University of
than one specimen can go in a bucket, keeping Otago, New Zealand), F. Sinniger (University of the
each specimen in a separate bag with holes to Ryukyus Okinawa, Japan), R. C. Willan (Northern
enable fixing. Museum and Art Gallery, Northern Territory, Darwin,
Australia). D.G. McKnight, J. Booth, M. Oliver, H. Sui
(on behalf of NIWA), B. Marshall and W.R. Webber
(Te Papa Tongarewa, Museum of New Zealand,
Wellington), S. O’Shea and K. Bolstad (Auckland
University of Technology), D. Fisher (NIWA) and S.
Woolston, Data Management Group (Ministry of
Fisheries) allocated the new Ministry of Fisheries
species codes required. The “species” database
used to produce the guide sheets was funded
independently of this project by NIWA (NSOF project
NNRC043 “Species ID tools”). We also thank the
Ministry of Fisheries, particularly M. Livingston and
R. Ford, for supporting the work on this expanded
publication, Richard Ford and Marianne Vignaux
for editorial comments. All images other than those
named images, are NIWA copyright.
Phyla at a glance
and group codes

Phyla at a glance and group codes
PHYLUM Porifera


CLASSES Demospongiae (DSO),

Hexactinellida (GLS), Calcareous

Sessile (attached) growth forms spongy or stony

to the touch, some with obvious glass splinter-like
spicules. Can be encrusting, tubular, trumpet- or
fan-shaped, massive mounds, spherical, stalked,
or branching, ranging in size from tiny (5–10 cm)
to huge (several metres long). Many are like fibre-
glass strands. The sponge body has no obvious
animal features and is often mistaken for a plant.
It is typically composed of a skeleton of siliceous
(occasionally calcareous) spicules (glass-like
fragments) that may be embedded in hard collagen
(spongin) fibres.

1 2
PHYLUM Cnidaria


anemones (ANT)

CLASS Anthozoa

Large solitary polyps, and almost always attached.

Soft forms include anemones ANT (1). Corals are
a very diverse group. Stony corals (2) (SIA) have a
3 4 calcareous skeleton that has radii (vertical plates
radiating from the center); there are solitary and
colonial species. Octocorals have polyps with 8
pinnate (feathery) tentacles. Some species are
encrusting (stoloniferous), soft (SOC) (3) and
mounded (e.g., Alcyoniidae), others are quill-like
and embedded in sand or mud as a feathery stem
(sea pens PTU), or erect and branching and very
hard (gorgonians GOC) (4).

COMMON NAME Hydroids (HDF) &

Hydrocorals (COR)

CLASS Hydrozoa

Small to moderate-sized coral-like forms, mostly

colonial and generally attached, consisting of
runners (attached to shells and rocks) with erect
single or branching stems bearing tiny polyps.
Some calcified hydroids e.g. hydrocorals of the
family Stylasteridae, with microscopic polyps (right
hand photo) resemble stony corals.


CLASS Scyphozoa

Large medusae, comprising a jelly-like disk

(umbrella) with the mouth and tentacles
underneath. Most are free-swimming.

PHYLUM Annelida

COMMON NAME Bristle worms, sea worms (POL)

CLASS Polychaeta

The body is segmented and each segment bears a

pair of paddle-like appendages with bristles, hence
polychaeta (many bristles). At the head end there
may be tiny eyes, sensory antennae, and tentacles
that can be short and stubby or very long or fan-
like. May live in burrows or tubes, or be free-living.

PHYLUM Mollusca

COMMON NAME Snails, sea slugs (GAS)

CLASS Gastropoda

Soft-bodied creatures with a broad, flat creeping

sole or foot, generally protected with a well
developed shell of one piece (often coiled, top &
left image). The shell may be completely lacking
or small and concealed within the body (sea slugs,


CLASS Polyplacophora

Characteristically the shell is divided into 8

overlapping plates. Bilaterally symmetrical with an
ovoid body with no eyes or tentacles on the tiny

COMMON NAME Mussels, clams, oysters (BIV)

CLASS Bivalvia

Laterally compressed with two shells, hinged

dorsally, that completely enclose the body in most
species. Burrowing bivalve species have a tongue-
like foot and long muscular suction tubes or

COMMON NAME Tusk shells (SPH)

CLASS Scaphopoda

Deepwater molluscs with a distinctive tapering shell

that has a hole at each end. The shell is cylindrical
and shaped like an elephant’s tusk. Some species
grow up to 60 mm in length.

COMMON NAME Squid (SQX), octopus (OCP)

CLASS Cephalopoda

Squids (top) have an elongate, torpedo-like body

with, 8 arms and 2 tentacles. Arms have 2 or more
rows of stalked suckers with rings and/or hooks
running the entire length; tentacles have 2 or more
rows of suckers and/or hooks at the distal end.
Octopuses (bottom) have a short globular sac-
like body and 8 arms (no tentacles) with unstalked
suckers along their length.

PHYLUM Arthropoda

COMMON NAME Sea spiders (PYC)

CLASS Pycnogonida

Pycnogonids resemble spiders. The body is much

reduced with 8–12 legs. The head has an obvious
proboscis (feeding tube) with adjacent appendages,
a pair of which is used by males to carry egg


CLASS Malacostraca

ORDER Euphausiacea

Shrimp-like plankton about 3 cm long. A shell-like

carapace extends behind the head and forward
as a rostrum, below which is a pair of stalked
compound eyes. Unlike true shrimps, the sides of
the carapace do not tightly enclose the gills.

COMMON NAME Sea slaters (ISO)

CLASS Malacostraca

ORDER Isopoda

Flattened body with a shield-shaped head and no

carapace. Most legs appear similar in shape and
size. There are many parasitic forms (e.g., fish lice).
Small to 2–5 cm long, although a few species are
much larger.

COMMON NAME Sand hoppers (APH)

CLASS Malacostraca

ORDER Amphipoda

Body laterally compressed (compared with isopods)

and antennae often relatively long, giving a shrimp-
like appearance. There is no carapace. Generally 1
cm long or less (a few species are larger).

COMMON NAME Shrimps, prawns (NAT)

CLASS Malacostraca

ORDER Decapoda

Carapace well developed, often with a long

rostrum. Five pairs of legs, of which any of the first
2 or 3 pairs may be large and chelate (clawed).
Shrimps and prawns are often called natant
decapods, (i.e. able to swim).

COMMON NAME Deep-sea blind lobsters (PLY)

CLASS Malacostraca

ORDER Decapoda

All legs, or the first four pairs, have pincers;

these are long and slender on the first pair and
small and short on the rest. Elongate, flat-topped
cephalothorax (fused head and thorax), bordered
with sharp spines. Rostrum (projection, often
spinelike, at front of head) small, often with two
spines. Eyes represented by pigment-free points at
the front of carapace.

COMMON NAME Rock lobster (CRA),

Packhorse rock lobster (PHC)

CLASS Malacostraca

ORDER Decapoda

Rostrum small. Frontal horns over eyes. Large

spiny antennae (sensory organs at front of head)
and spiny carapace (hard covering over head and
thorax). Pincers on females only — small and on
last pair of legs. Photo is of packhorse lobster.

COMMON NAME Slipper (shovel-nosed)

lobsters (SLL)

CLASS Malacostraca

ORDER Decapoda

Rostrum very reduced. Second antennae modified

to a hinged series of five, flat plates. Pincers on
females only — small and on last pair of legs.
Carapace flattened and often with strong spines on
margins. Eyes are small.

COMMON NAME Clawed lobsters, scampi (SCI)

CLASS Malacostraca

ORDER Decapoda

Cylindrical carapace with well developed rostrum.

First 3 pairs of legs clawed; first pair in the form of
heavy chelipeds (legs with chelae or pincers).

(true crabs) (CRB)

CLASS Malacostraca

ORDER Decapoda

Abdomen (segment behind or under thorax)

reduced and tightly flexed beneath thorax (middle
part of body behind head). First legs in form of
heavy chelipeds (having large claws); third legs
never chelate. Eyes on the outside of second


(lithodid crabs) (KIC)

CLASS Malacostraca

ORDER Decapoda

Abdomen asymmetrical (in females only) and

flexed under thorax. First legs in the form of heavy
chelipeds (claws); third legs never chelate. Appear
to have only four pairs of legs because the fifth legs
are much reduced and turned under the body. Eyes
between antennae.

COMMON NAME Hermit crab

(hermit crabs) (PAG)

CLASS Malacostraca

ORDER Decapoda

Abdomen asymmetrical and housed within a

gastropod shell or anemone or folded beneath the
carapace. First pair of legs are chelipeds.


CLASS Maxillopoda

ORDER Thoracica

There are stalked (goose barnacles), left photo,

and non-stalked (acorn barnacles), right photo.
The mantle surface (soft outer wall) of any barnacle
bears at least 5 major plates, which are pulled
together for protection.

PHYLUM Sipuncula

COMMON NAME Peanut worms (SIP)

Unsegmented and rigid worm-like body divided

into a narrow anterior section containing the
mouth, surrounded by a fringe of tentacles, and
a large posterior trunk. Gut is U-shaped, and the
anus opens as a tiny pore in the anterior part of
the body.

PHYLUM Echiura

COMMON NAME Spoon worms (EHI)

Unsegmented and soft, sausage-shaped body, with

a scoop-like process (proboscis) at the head end;
proboscis may be rather flattened and cannot be
retracted into the trunk. The anus is at the posterior
end of the body.

PHYLUM Priapulida

COMMON NAME Penis worms (PDL)

Elongate, with a retractable proboscis and

extended trunk region. The proboscis is wider
and ornamented with rib-like papillae (small
protuberances) and minute thorn-like spines. The
trunk is covered with small spines or tubercles and
is externally (not internally) segmented. There are 1
or 2 branched tail-like processes.

PHYLUM Bryozoa

COMMON NAME Moss animals, sea mats,

lace corals (COZ)

A very diverse group, forming colonies of tiny box-

or tube-like individual zooids. Colonies may be a
few centimetres in height or diameter, being erect
and bushy, flat and encrusting, large and lacy, or
coral-like. Individual zooids rarely exceed 1 mm
in length.

PHYLUM Brachiopoda

COMMON NAME Lamp shells (BPD)

Resemble bivalve molluscs, but the valves enclose

the body dorsally and ventrally rather than laterally
(from the side). Ventral valve typically larger than
the dorsal, unlike most clams which have two
equal valves. Each valve is bilaterally symmetrical
and may be ornamented with concentric (with
a common center) growth lines and a fluted or
spiny surface. Attached species have a short stalk
emerging from the hinge area of
the valves.

PHYLUM Echinodermata


CLASS Asteroidea

Star-shaped, free-moving echinoderms with

prominent rays or arms projecting from a central
area and usually covered with calcareous plates
and spines. Arm usually wider at the base, merges
into the disc (in contrast to ophiuroids). At least 5,
and often many more, arms and in some species
these may be so short that the body appears

COMMON NAME Brittle stars, basket stars (OPH)

CLASS Euryalida

Extremely long, slender flexible arms, clearly

differentiated from the central disc. The arms are
much branched in basket stars.

COMMON NAME Sea urchins (ECN)

CLASS Echinoidea

Body called a test, covered with spines and without

arms. Circular or oval and the test often spherical.
Irregular echinoids, such as the sand dollars and
heart urchins, are flattened and have much smaller
and far more numerous spines.

COMMON NAME Sea cucumbers (HTH)

CLASS Holothuroidea

Elongated cylindrical body with a circle of tentacles

around the mouth. There is no obvious calcareous
skeleton (unlike sea urchins). Instead, microscopic
calcareous elements called spicules are embedded
in the skin; a few species have spicules in dense
numbers and can be very firm.

COMMON NAME Feather stars and sea lilies


CLASS Crinoidea

Free-living or attached by a stalk with root-like

processes to the substratum. Arms are pinnately
branched (feather-like). In contrast to other
echinoderms, the mouth faces upwards.

PHYLUM Tunicata

COMMON NAME Tunicates, sea squirts (ASC)

CLASS Ascidiacea

Attached, colonial or solitary. One end is attached

to the substratum and the other contains two
openings that may be extended as separate
siphons. Body feels gelatinous or leathery and
has a basket shape. Colonial forms can resemble
sponges (or even encrusting bryozoans); tunicate
individuals can be recognised by their small
siphonal openings.


CLASS Thaliacea

Salps may be solitary or colonial, are gelatinous,

transparent, free-swimming and planktonic.
Siphons are at opposite ends of body (cf.

Table 1: Full list of
taxa in guide

Table 1: Summary of the 204 taxa included in this guide. Phyla are arranged in conventional
phylogenetic order and then within phyla, the table is sorted alphabetically by class/order (suborder
for natant decapods), then family, then species name.
s, species; g, genus; f, family; f+, several families; c, class; o, order; n, natant decapods.

Class or Order Family Common Name Scientific name Mfish Page

Demospongiae (c) Ancorinidae Knobbly sandpaper sponge (s) Ecionemia novaezelandiae ANZ 32
Demospongiae (c) Ancorinidae Golden brown crater sponge (s) Penares sp. PNR 33
Demospongiae (c) Ancorinidae Pink ice egg sponge (s) Rhabdastrella sp. RHA 34
Demospongiae (c) Ancorinidae Orange fat finger sponge (s) Stelletta sp. SLT 35
Demospongiae (c) Geodiidae Curling stone sponge (s) Geodia regina GRE 36
Demospongiae (c) Geodiidae Ostrich egg sponge (s) Geodia vestigifera GVE 37
Demospongiae (c) Geodiidae Rocky dumpling sponge (s) Pachymatisma sp. PAZ 38

Demospongiae (c) Pachastrellidae Fibreglass cup sponge (s) Poecillastra laminaris PLN 39
Demospongiae (c) Pachastrellidae Yoyo sponge (s) Thenea novaezelandiae THN 40
Demospongiae (c) Irciniidae Rubber sponge (s) Psammocinia sp. PHW 41
Demospongiae (c) Suberitidae Fleshy club sponge (s) Suberites affinis SUA 42

Demospongiae (c) Callyspongiidae Airy finger sponge (s) Callyspongia sp. CRM 43
Demospongiae (c) Corallistidae Smooth white cup sponge (s) Corallistes fulvodesmus CFU 44
Demospongiae (c) Scleritodermiidae Pimpled ear sponge (s) Aciculites pulchra APU 45
Demospongiae (c) Coelosphaeridae Floppy chocolate plate sponge (s) Lissodendoryx bifacialis LBI 46
Demospongiae (c) Crellidae Orange frond sponge (s) Crella incrustans CIC 47
Demospongiae (c) Hymedesmiidae Grey fibrous massive sponge (s) Phorbas sp. PHB 48
Demospongiae (c) Tetillidae Bristle ball sponge (s) Tetilla australe TTL 49
Demospongiae (c) Tetillidae Furry oval sponge (s) Tetilla leptoderma TLD 50
Hexactinellida (c) Glass sponges (c) Hexactinellida GLS 51
Hexactinellida (c) Farreidae Lacey honeycomb sponges (g) Farrea spp. FAR 52
Hexactinellida (c) Euplectellidae Basket-weave horn sponge (s) Euplectella regalis ERE 53
Hexactinellida (c) Rossellidae Floppy tubular sponge (s) Hyalascus sp. HYA 54

Actiniaria (o) Actiniidae Deepsea anemones (g+) Bolocera spp. BOC 59

Actiniaria (o) Actinostolidae Smooth deepsea anemones (f) Actinostolidae ACS 60
Actiniaria (o) Hormathiidae Warty deepsea anemones (f) Hormathiidae HMT 61
Actiniaria (o) Liponematidae Deepsea anemones (g) Liponema spp. LIP 62
Alcyonacea (o) Alcyoniidae Gigantic coral (s) Anthomastus (Bathyalcyon) ARO 63

(anemones, corals, jellyfish, hydroids)

Alcyonacea (o) Clavulariidae Long polyp soft corals (g) Telesto spp. TLO 64
Antipatharia (o) Black corals (o) Antipatharia COB 65
Antipatharia (o) Leiopathidae Black coral (g) Leiopathes secunda LSE 66
Corallimorpharia (o) Corallimorphidae Coral-like anemones (f) Corallimorphidae CLM 67
Gorgonacea (o) Coralliidae Precious corals (g+) Corallium spp. CLL 68
Gorgonacea/ Chrysogorgiidae Golden corals (g+) Chrysogorgia spp. CHR 69
Calcaxonia (o)
Gorgonacea/ Isididae Bamboo corals (f) Isididae ISI 70
Calcaxonia (o)
Gorgonacea/ Isididae Bushy bamboo coral (g) Acanella spp. ACN 71
Calcaxonia (o)
Gorgonacea/ Isididae Branching bamboo coral (g) Keratoisis spp. BOO 72
Calcaxonia (o)
Gorgonacea/ Isididae Bamboo coral (g+) Lepidisis spp. LLE 73
Calcaxonia (o)

Gorgonacea/ Isididae Worm-commensal bamboo Minuisis spp. MIN 74
Calcaxonia (o) coral (g)
Gorgonacea (o) Paragorgiidae Bubblegum coral (s) Paragorgia arborea PAB 75
Gorgonacea (o) Plexauridae Plexaurid sea fans (f) Plexauridae PLE 76
Gorgonacea (o) Primnoidae Primnoid sea fans (f) Primnoidae PRI 77
Gorgonacea (o) Primnoidae Primnoa sea fans (g) Primnoa spp. PMN 78
Gorgonacea (o) Primnoidae Bottlebrush coral (g) Thouarella spp. THO 79
Hydroida (o) Stylasteridae White hydrocoral (s) Calyptopora reticulata CRE 80
Hydroida (o) Stylasteridae Red hydrocorals (g) Errina spp. ERR 81
Hydroida (o) Stylasteridae Spiny white hydrocorals (g) Lepidotheca spp. LPT 82
Pennatulacea (o) Pteroeididae Siboga sea pen (s) Gyrophyllum sibogae GYS 83
Pennatulacea (o) Pennatulidae Purple sea pen (g) Pennatula spp. PNN 84
Scleractinia (o) Caryophylliidae Carnation cup coral (g) Caryophyllia spp. CAY 85
Scleractinia (o) Caryophylliidae Crested cup coral (s) Desmophyllum dianthus DDI 86
Scleractinia (o) Caryophylliidae Bushy hard coral (s) Goniocorella dumosa GDU 87
Scleractinia (o) Caryophylliidae Deepwater branching coral (g+) Solenosmilia variabilis SVA 88
Scleractinia (o) Caryophyliidae Solitary bowl coral (s) Stephanocyathus platypus STP 89
Scleractinia (o) Dendrophylliidae Deepwater branching coral (g+) Enallopsammia rostrata ERO 90
Scleractinia (o) Flabellidae Flabellum cup corals (g) Flabellum spp. COF 91
Scleractinia (o) Oculinidae Madrepora coral (g) Madrepora oculata MOC 92
Scleractinia (o) Oculinidae Deepwater branching coral (g+) Oculina virgosa OVI 93
Zoantharia (o) Zoanthids (f+) Zoantharia ZAH 94
Zoantharia (o) Epizoanthidae Zoanthid anemone (o) Epizoanthus spp. EPZ 95

(bristle worms, leeches)

Amphinomida (o) Amphinomidae Fire worm (s) Chloeia inermis CIM 101

Eunicida (o) Eunicidae Eunice sea-worm (s) Eunice (undescribed) EUN 102
Eunicida (o) Onuphidae Quill worm (g) Hyalinoecia tubicola HTU 103
Phyllodocida (o) Aphroditidae Sea mice (f) Aphrodita spp. ADT 104
Phyllodocida (o) Polynoidae Thermiphione scale-worm (g) Thermiphione THE 105

Bivalvia (c) Limidae Giant file shell (s) Acesta maui AMA 111
Bivalvia (c) Limidae Acesta (g) Acesta saginata ASG 112
Bivalvia (c) Pectinidae Queen scallop (s) Zygochlamys delicatula QSC 113

(snails, sea slugs, chitons, bivalves, octopus, squid, tusk shells)

Bivalvia (c) Pectinidae Scallop (f) Delectopecten fosterianus DFO 114
Bivalvia (c) Pectinidae Scallop (f) Veprichlamys kiwaensis VKI 115
Bivalvia (c) Euciroidae Euciroa (g) Euciroa galatheae EGA 116
Cephalopoda (c) Octopodidae Deepwater octopii (f) Benthoctopus spp. BNO 117
Cephalopoda (c) Octopodidae Yellow octopus (s) Enteroctopus zealandicus EZE 118
Cephalopoda (c) Octopodidae Deepwater octopus (s+) Graneledone spp. DWO 119
Cephalopoda (c) Octopodidae Octopus (g) Octopus spp. OCO 120
Cephalopoda (c) Octopodidae Common octopus (s) Pinnoctopus cordiformis OCT 121
Cephalopoda (c) Opisthoteuthididae Umbrella octopus (s) Opisthoteuthis spp. OPI 122
Cephalopoda (c) Architeuthidae Giant squid (g) Architeuthis spp. GSQ 124
Cephalopoda (c) Chiroteuthidae Chiroteuthid squid (f) Chiroteuthis veryani CVE 125
Cephalopoda (c) Cranchiidae Glass squid (f) Cranchiidae CHQ 126
Cephalopoda (c) Histioteuthidae Violet squid (g) Histioteuthis spp. VSQ 127
Cephalopoda (c) Lepidoteuthidae Scaled squid (s) Lepidoteuthis grimaldii LGR 128
Cephalopoda (c) Loliginidae Broad squid (s) Sepioteuthis australis BSQ 129
Cephalopoda (c) Lycoteuthidae Crowned firefly squid (s) Lycoteuthis lorigera LSQ 130

Cephalopoda (c) Mastigoteuthidae Whip-lash squids (g) Mastigoteuthis spp. MSQ 131
Cephalopoda (c) Octopoteuthidae Octopoteuthis squid (g) Octopoteuthis spp. OPO 132
Cephalopoda (c) Octopoteuthidae Dana octopus squid (s) Taningia danae TDQ 133
Cephalopoda (c) Ommastrephidae Gould's arrow squid (s) Nototodarus gouldi NOG 134
Cephalopoda (c) Ommastrephidae Sloan's arrow squid (s) Nototodarus sloanii NOS 135
Cephalopoda (c) Ommastrephidae Ommastrephid squid (g) Ommastrephes spp. OMM 136
Cephalopoda (c) Ommastrephidae Todarodes squid (g) Todarodes filippovae TSQ 137
Cephalopoda (c) Onychoteuthidae Warty squid (g) Onykia (formerly MIQ 138
(snails, sea slugs, chitons, bivalves, octopus, squid, tusk shells)

Moroteuthis) ingens

Cephalopoda (c) Onychoteuthidae Warty squid (g) Onykia (formerly MRQ 139
Moroteuthis) robsoni
Cephalopoda (c) Pholidoteuthidae Large red scaly squid (s) Pholidoteuthis massyae PSQ 140
Cephalopoda (c) Sepiadariidae Bobtail squids (o) Sepioloidea spp. SSQ 141
Cephalopoda (c) Sepiolidae Bobtail squids (o) Heteroteuthis dagamensis HES 142
Cephalopoda (c) Sepiolidae Bobtail squids (o) Stoloteuthis (sometimes IRM 143
Iridoteuthis) maoria
Gastropoda (c) Capulidae Cap limpet (s) Malluvium calcareum MCC 144
Gastropoda (c) Ranellidae Tritons (f) Fusitriton magellanicus FMA 145
Gastropoda (c) Buccinidae Whelk (f+) Aeneator recens AER 146
Gastropoda (c) Buccinidae Knobbed whelk (s) Austrofusus glans KWH 147
Gastropoda (c) Buccinidae Whelk (f+) Penion chathamensis PCH 148
Gastropoda (c) Turbinellidae Pagoda shell (s) Coluzea mariae CMR 149
Gastropoda (c) Turridae Turrid (f) Comitas onokeana vivens COV 150
Gastropoda (c) Volutidae Volute (f) Alcithoe larochei ALL 151
Gastropoda (c) Volutidae Volute (f) Alcithoe wilsonae AWI 152
Gastropoda (c) Volutidae Golden volute (s) Provocator mirabilis GVO 153
Gastropoda (c) Nudibranchia (o) Sea slug, Nudibranch (o) Nudibranchia NUD 154
Gastropoda (c) Calliostomatidae Maurea (s) Calliostoma selectum CSS 155
Gastropoda (c) Calliostomatidae Top shell (f+) Calliostoma turnerarum CTN 156
Polyplacophora (c) Polyplacophora (c) Chiton (c) Amphineura CHT 157

Amphipoda (o) Eurytheneidae Amphipod (o) Eurythenes gryllus EUG 165

(Isopods, amphipods, mysids, prawns, lobsters, crabs, barnacles, sea spiders)

Decapoda (o) Atelecyclidae Pteropeltarion crab (s) Pteropeltarion PNO 166

Decapoda (o) Atelecyclidae Frilled crab (s) Trichopeltarion fantasticum TFA 167

Decapoda (o) Chirostylidae Squat lobsters (f+) Gastroptychus spp. GAT 168
Decapoda (o) Chirostylidae Squat lobsters (f+) Uroptychus spp. URP 169
Decapoda (o) Galatheidae Squat lobsters (g) Munida spp. MNI 170
Decapoda (o) Geryonidae Red crab (s) Chaceon bicolor CHC 171
Decapoda (o) Goneplacidae Two-spined crab (s) Pycnooplax victoriensis CVI 172
Decapoda (o) Goneplacidae Policeman crab (s) Neommatocarcinus huttoni NHU 173
Decapoda (o) Homolidae Antlered crab (s) Dagnaudus petterdi DAP 174
Decapoda (o) Homolidae Carrier crab (s) Homola orientalis HOO 175
Decapoda (o) Homolidae Yaldwyn’s crab (s) Yaldwynopsis spinimana YSP 176
Decapoda (o) Inachindae Dell’s spider crab (s) Platymaia maoria PTM 177
Decapoda (o) Inachindae Deep-sea spider crab (s) Vitjazmaia latidactyla VIT 178
Decapoda (o) Lithodidae New Zealand king crab (s) Lithodes aotearoa LAO 179
Decapoda (o) Lithodidae Robertson's king crab (s) Lithodes robertsoni LRO 180
Decapoda (o) Lithodidae Brodie’s king crab (s) Neolithodes brodiei NEB 181
Decapoda (o) Lithodidae Warty king crab (s) Paralomis dawsoni PDA 182
Decapoda (o) Lithodidae Prickly king crab (s) Paralomis zealandica PZE 183

Decapoda (o) Majidae Giant spider crab (s) Jacquinotia edwardsii GSC 184
Decapoda (o) Majidae Giant masking crab (s) Leptomithrax australis SSC 185
Decapoda (o) Majidae Garrick’s masking crab (s) Leptomithrax garricki GMC 186
Decapoda (o) Majidae Long-handed masking crab (s) Leptomithrax longimanus LHC 187
Decapoda (o) Majidae Long-legged masking crab (s) Leptomithrax longipes LLC 188
Decapoda (o) Majidae Spiny masking crab (s) Teratomaia richardsoni SMK 189
Decapoda (o) Nephropidae Scampi (f) Metanephrops challengeri SCI 190
Decapoda (o) Paguridae Hermit crab (f+) Diacanthurus rubricatus DIR 191
Decapoda (o) Palinuridae Deepwater rock lobster (s) Projasus parkeri PPA 192
Decapoda (o) Parapaguridae Hermit crab (f+) Sympagurus dimorphus SDM 193
Decapoda (o) Polychelidae Deepsea blind lobster (s) Polycheles spp. PLY 194
Decapoda (o) Portunidae Dwarf swimming crab (s) Liocarcinus corrugatus LCO 195
Decapoda (o) Portunidae Hairy red swimming crab (s) Nectocarcinus antarcticus NCA 196
Decapoda (o) Portunidae Smooth red swimming crab (s) Nectocarcinus bennetti NCB 197
Decapoda (o) Portunidae Paddle crab (s+) Ovalipes catharus PAD 198
Decapoda (o) Portunidae Swimming crab (f) Ovalipes molleri OVM 199
Decapoda (o) Scyllaridae Prawn killer (s+) Ibacus alticrenatus PRK 200
Isopoda (o) Aegidae Fish biter (s) Aega monophthalma AMO 201
Isopoda (o) Cymothoidae Gill biter or tongue biter (f) Elthusa neocytta ENE 202
Isopoda (o) Cymothoidae Gill biter (s) Elthusa propinqua ELP 203
Isopoda (o) Serolidae Spiny serolid isopod (s) Brucerolis spp. ACU 204
Lophogastrida (o) Gnathophausiidae Giant red mysid (s) Neognathophausia ingens NEI 205
Decapoda (o) Aristaeidae Royal red prawn (s) Aristaeomorpha foliacea AFO 206
Decapoda (o) Aristaeidae Scarlet prawn (s) Aristaeopsis edwardsiana PED 207
Decapoda (o) Aristaeidae Gamba prawns (f) Austropenaeus nitidus ANI 208
Decapoda (o) Campylonotidae Sabre prawn (s) Campylonotus rathbunae CAM 209
Decapoda (o) Glyphocrangonidae Goblin prawn (g) Glyphocrangon spp. GLO 210
Decapoda (o) Nematocarcinidae Omega prawn (s) Lipkius holthuisi LHO 211
Decapoda (o) Nematocarcinidae Spider prawn (f) Nematocarcinus spp. NEC 212
Decapoda (o) Oplophoridae Subantarctic ruby prawn (s) Acanthephyra spp. ACA 213
Decapoda (o) Oplophoridae Scarlet prawn (s) Notostomus auriculatus NAU 214
Decapoda (o) Oplophoridae Deepwater prawns (s+) Oplophorus spp. OPP 215
Decapoda (o) Pandalidae Golden prawn (s) Plesionika martia PLM 216
Decapoda (o) Pasiphaeidae Deepwater prawn (s+) Pasiphaea aff. tarda PTA 217
Decapoda (o) Penaeidae Funchalia prawn (g) Funchalia spp. FUN 218
Decapoda (o) Sergestidae Sergestid prawn (f) Sergestes spp. SER 219
Decapoda (o) Solenoceridae Jack-knife prawn (s) Haliporoides sibogae HSI 220
Pantopoda (o) Colossendeidae Giant sea spiders (g) Colossendeis spp. PYC 221
Thoracica (o) Scalpellidae Stalked barnacle (f+) Scalpellidae SBN 222

Cheilostomata (o) Phidoloporidae Erect cheilostome bryozoan (s) Hippellozoon HNO 227
Cyclostomata (o) Erect cyclostome bryozoans (s+) Cyclostomata ECB 228

Asteroidea (c) Brisingidae, Armless stars (f+) Brisingidae, BRG 233

Hymenodiscidae, Hymenodiscidae,
Novodiniidae, Novodiniidae, Freyellidae
Asteroidea (c) Asteriidae Three-and-three stars (g) Allostichaster spp. ALH 234
Asteroidea (c) Asteriidae Cat's-foot star (s) Cosmasterias dyscrita CDY 235
Asteroidea (c) Asteriidae Sea-star (c) Pseudechinaster rubens PRU 236

Asteroidea (c) Asteriidae Cross-fish (s) Sclerasterias mollis SMO 237
Asteroidea (c) Zoroasteridae Rat-tail stars (g) Zoroaster spp. ZOR 238
Asteroidea (c) Benthopectinidae Sea-star (c) Benthopecten spp BES 239
Asteroidea (c) Benthopectinidae Sea-star (c) Cheiraster CMP 240
Asteroidea (c) Astropectinidae Sea-star (c) Astromesites primigenius APM 241
Asteroidea (c) Astropectinidae Magnificent sea-star (s) Dipsacaster magnificus DMG 242
Asteroidea (c) Astropectinidae Abyssal star (s) Plutonaster knoxi PKN 243
Asteroidea (c) Astropectinidae Sea-star (c) Proserpinaster PNE 244
Asteroidea (c) Astropectinidae Geometric star (s) Psilaster acuminatus PSI 245
Asteroidea (c) Radiasteridae Sea-star (c) Radiaster gracilis RGR 246
Asteroidea (c) Echinasteridae Sea-star (c) Henricia compacta HEC 247
Asteroidea (c) Goniasteridae Pentagon star (s+) Ceramaster patagonicus CPA 248
Asteroidea (c) Goniasteridae Trojan star (s+) Hippasteria phrygiana HTR 249
Asteroidea (c) Goniasteridae Rock star (s) Lithosoma novaezelandiae LNV 250
Asteroidea (c) Goniasteridae Sladen's star (s) Mediaster sladeni MSL 251
(sea stars, brittle stars, sea urchins, sea cucumbers, feather stars and sea lilies)

Asteroidea (c) Goniasteridae Sea-star (c) Pillsburiaster aoteanus PAO 252

Asteroidea (c) Odontasteridae Pentagonal tooth-star (s) Odontaster benhami ODT 253
Asteroidea (c) Pterasteridae Sea-star (c) Diplopteraster sp. DPP 254
Asteroidea (c) Pterasteridae Sea-star (c) Hymenaster carnosus HYC 255
Asteroidea (c) Solasteridae Sun-star (f) Crossaster multispinus CJA 256
Asteroidea (c) Solasteridae Chubby sun-star (s) Solaster torulatus SOT 257
Crinoidea (c) Feather stars (o) Comatulida CMT 258
Crinoidea (c) Sea lilies with cirri (o) Isocrinida CRN 259
Crinoidea (c) Sea lilies without cirri (o+) Millericrinida, Cyrtocrinida CRN 260
Echinoidea (c) Cidaridae Parasol urchin (s) Goniocidaris parasol GPA 261
Echinoidea (c) Cidaridae Umbrella urchin (s) Goniocidaris umbraculum GOU 262
Echinoidea (c) Cidaridae Cidaroid urchin (o) Ogmocidaris benhami OBE 263
Echinoidea (c) Cidaridae Cidaroid urchin (o) Stereocidaris spp. STC 264
Echinoidea (c) Histocidaridae Cidaroid urchin (o) Histocidaris spp. HIS 265
Echinoidea (c) Histocidaridae Cidaroid urchin (o) Poriocidaris purpurata PCD 266
Echinoidea (c) Laganidae Sand dollar (o) Peronella hinemoae PHI 267
Echinoidea (c) Echinidae Deepsea urchin (s) Dermechinus horridus DHO 268
Echinoidea (c) Echinidae Deepsea kina (s) Gracilechinus multiden- GRM 269
Echinoidea (c) Echinothuriidae, Tam O'Shanters (o) Echinothurioida TAM 270
Echinoidea (c) Echinothuriidae Tam O'Shanters (o) Echinothuriidae ECT 271
Echinoidea (c) Phormosomatidae Tam O'Shanters (o) Phormosoma spp. PHM 272
Echinoidea (c) Pedinidae Banded-spine urchin (s) Caenopedina CNO 273
Echinoidea (c) Pedinidae Sea urchin (c) Caenopedina otagoensis CAO 274
Echinoidea (c) Pedinidae Giant purple pedinid (s) Caenopedina CAL 275
Echinoidea (c) Pedinidae Sea urchin (c) Caenopedina pulchella CPU 276
Echinoidea (c) Brissidae Heart urchin (o) Brissopsis oldhami BRO 277
Echinoidea (c) Spatangidae Microsoft mouse (s) Paramaretia peloria PMU 278
Echinoidea (c) Spatangidae Matheson's heart urchin (s) Spatangus mathesoni SMT 279
Echinoidea (c) Spatangidae Purple-heart urchin (s) Spatangus multispinus SPT 280
Echinoidea (c) Temnopleuridae Fleming's urchin (s) Pseudechinus flemingi PFL 281
Holothuroidea (c) Sea cucumbers (c) Holothuroidea HTH 282

Holothuroidea (c) Synallactidae Sea cucumbers (c) Bathyplotes sp. BAM 283
Holothuroidea (c) Synallactidae Sea cucumbers (c) Pseudostichopus mollis PMO 284
Holothuroidea (c) Laetmogonidae Sea cucumbers (c) Laetmogone spp. LAG 285
Holothuroidea (c) Laetmogonidae Sea cucumbers (c) Pannychia moseleyi PAM 286
Holothuroidea (c) Pelagothuridae Sea cucumbers (c) Enypniastes eximia EEX 287
Holothuroidea (c) Psychropotidae Sea cucumbers (c) Benthodytes spp. BTD 288
Holothuroidea (c) Molpadiidae Molpadia sea cucumber (g) Molpadia musculus MOM 289
Ophiuroidea (c) Asteroschematidae Brittle star (c) Ophiocreas sibogae OSI 290
Ophiuroidea (c) Gorgonocephalidae Waite's snake-star (s) Astrothorax waitei AWA 291
Ophiuroidea (c) Gorgonocephalidae Gorgon's head basket-stars (g) Gorgonocephalus spp. GOR 292
Ophiuroidea (c) Ophiodermatidae Deepsea brittle star (s+) Bathypectinura heros BHE 293
Ophiuroidea (c) Ophiuridae Brittle star (c) Ophiomusium lymani OLY 294
Ophiuroidea (c) Ophiacanthidae Deepsea brittle star (s+) Ophiophthalmus relictus ORE 295

(sea squirts
and salps)
Ascidacea (c) Sea squirt or Ascidian (c) Ascidacea ASC 301
Thaliacea (c) Pyrosomatidae Salp (c) Pyrosoma atlanticum PYR 302

ID Sheets

Michelle Kelly
with input from Di Tracey

There is a general perception that sponges Class Demospongiae
are primitive animals because of their ‘simple’ Sponges in the largest class, the Demospongiae,
body plan; they are multicellular, with specialised have a skeletal network of opaline (siliceous)
cells doing the job of tissues and organs in ‘higher’ spicules, frequently supplemented or entirely
animals. With the discovery of an immune system replaced by spongin protein fibres. These sponges
in sponges (the ability to recognise and differentiate are extremely diverse, ranging from tiny delicate
‘self’ from ‘non-self’) in the early 1900s, and the hydroid-like feathers to large round solid ball-
discovery of biologically active chemicals in sponges shaped masses, with textures that range from
in the 1950s, a greater understanding of the cellular stony (lithistid sponges) to woody (hadromerid
processes in higher organisms has emerged, and and astrophorid sponges) to fleshy (poecilosclerid
confirmation that sponges are ‘smart’ not simple! and dictyoceratid sponges) to fibrous and airy
Sponges also frequently dominate shallow and deep (haplosclerid sponges). The dominant colours are
sea environments (down to abyssal and hadal depths variations of carotinoid pigments (brown, orange,
of several kilometres!), from the tropics to the poles, yellow, mustard, red, and black), but may also be
and they were dominant reef organisms in the past; green, blue and purple.
their fossil record dates back to about 600 million
years ago. Class Hexactinellida
As the name Porifera implies, sponges are The Hexactinellida (glass sponges) are uniquely
‘pore-bearers.’ With the exception of glass sponges, constructed of six-rayed opaline (siliceous) spicules
most sponges are composed of three major cellular and a non-cellular (syncytial) organisation, with
layers. The pinacoderm lines all external surfaces extensive regions of multinucleate cytoplasm.
of the sponge body. The choanoderm, or feeding These unusual sponges are characterised by their
layer, is dominated by choanocytes (collared cells) siliceous rather than fleshy nature; they often look
that draw water, and hence nutrition, into the sponge and feel like baskets of woven strands of glass,
via the aquiferous canal system. The pores (ostia) mushy sacking, or gorgonian corals, and are
on the external surface of the sponge lead to the rarely coloured, being typically whitish grey with
feeding chambers in the middle of the sponge, occasionally a faint pink or beige tinge. They are
which then lead to one or two large exit pores most common in the deep sea attached by their
(oscules) usually on the apex or sides of the sponge. hard stony base to hard substrate on seamounts, or
The feeding cells have tail-like flagellae that whip rooted in fine mud with a basal mass of very hair-
in unison to draw a water current in through the like spicules.
aquiferous system. Any food particles that come in
Class Calcarea
on the current are trapped by the feeding cells and
then passed back to the mesohyl that lies between Calcareous sponges have calcitic (calcareous)
the pinacoderm and choanoderm and performs spicules and are usually quite small and fragile.
the various other functions of sponge life, including They are most obvious in relatively shallow
reproduction, nutrition, respiration, storage, and tropical waters, and shallow protected temperate
provision of skeletal support. Sponges reproduce by environments. Several distinctive species occur on
the sequential or synchronous production of eggs coastal rocky reefs and harbours in New Zealand
and sperm. The sperm arise from the feeding cells waters. They will not be considered further within
(which already have ‘tails’ for motility) and the eggs this guide.
come from archaeocyte cells in the sponge mesohyl.
Sponges can also bud and fragment to produce
genetically identical ‘clones’.
There are three major types of sponges: the
demosponges (Class Demospongiae), the glass
sponges (Class Hexactinellida), and the calcareous
sponges (Class Calcarea). These groups are
differentiated firstly on the mineral composition
of the inorganic skeletal components and cellular
organisation of the sponge body. Despite recent
advances in the use of biochemical and molecular
data, sponge classification is still very much in a
state of flux, and the taxonomic relationships of
sponges remain somewhat controversial, especially
at the higher levels of Class and Order.

Phylum Porifera
Class Demospongiae (siliceous sponges)
Order Astrophorida (sandpaper sponges)
Family Ancorinidae

Ecionemia novaezelandiae (Knobbly sandpaper sponge) (ANZ)


2.5 cm

A Distinguishing features: Roughly spherical sponge with a restricted base

and slightly flattened, frequently depressed top where the oscules sit, covered in
large irregular flat-topped nodules; the texture is solid, heavy, firm and barely
compressible; the surface feels like sandpaper to the touch.
Colour: Beige to peachy tan.
Size: Diameter from 7 to 10 cm.
Distribution: Chatham Rise, Gisborne Canyon, Bay of Plenty, southern
Hikurangi Margin, Three Kings Islands.
Depth: 55 to 850 m.
Similar species: Stelletta sp., which has long nodules resembling fat fingers.
References: Dendy, A. (1924). Porifera. Part I. Non-antarctic sponges. Natural History Report.
British Antarctic (“Terra Nova”) Expedition, 1910, Zoology 6(3): 269–392, pls 1–15.

Phylum Porifera
Class Demospongiae (siliceous sponges)
Order Astrophorida (sandpaper sponges)
Family Ancorinidae

Penares sp. (Golden brown crater sponge) (PNR)

5 cm

Distinguishing features: Spherical to football-shaped sponge with a smooth,

waxy surface indented all over with groups of oscules; texture compressible;
often free-living.
Colour: Golden to mustard brown.
Size: Diameter up to 15 cm.
Distribution: Chatham Rise.
Depth: 245 to 356 m.
Similar species: Pachymatisma sp . (rocky dumpling sponge), but this species
has a stony outer rind, and the oscule depressions are larger, knobbled, and
on the apex of the sponge. Ecionemia novaezelandiae in which some specimens
have a broad oscular depression on the top of the sponge.
References: Bergquist, P.R. (1968). The Marine Fauna of New Zealand: Porifera, Demospongiae,
Part 1 (Tetractinomorpha and Lithistida). New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir 37: 1–98.

Phylum Porifera
Class Demospongiae (siliceous sponges)
Order Astrophorida (sandpaper sponges)
Family Ancorinidae

Rhabdastrella sp. (Pink ice egg sponge) (RHA)


25 cm

A Distinguishing features: Large potato-like mass, tough, almost stony, crunchy

texture; surface smooth and undulating.
Colour: Creamy pink.
Size: Diameter from 3 to 30 cm.
Distribution: Southern Plateau (Stewart-Snares).
Depth: 300 to 600 m.
Similar species: None.
References: Bergquist, P.R. (1968). The Marine Fauna of New Zealand: Porifera, Demospongiae,
Part 1 (Tetractinomorpha and Lithistida). New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir 37: 1–98.

Phylum Porifera
Class Demospongiae (siliceous sponges)
Order Astrophorida (sandpaper sponges)
Family Ancorinidae

Stelletta sp. (Orange fat finger sponge) (SLT)

5 cm

Distinguishing features: Fat-fingered bulbous sponge with oscules at the tip

of each finger; surface smooth and slightly sandpapery to the touch.
Colour: Pale orange. As the sponge dies and pigments oxidise patches of
blackish purple appear on the tips of branches. The sponge eventually becomes
fully liquorice brown-black on exposure to air.
Size: Total height up to 15 cm.
Distribution: Chatham Rise, Kermadec Ridge, Challenger Plateau.
Depth: 316 to 526 m.
Similar species: None
References: Bergquist, P.R. (1968). The Marine Fauna of New Zealand: Porifera, Demospongiae,
Part 1 (Tetractinomorpha and Lithistida). New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir 37: 1–98.

Phylum Porifera
Class Demospongiae (siliceous sponges)
Order Astrophorida (sandpaper sponges)
Family Geodiidae

Geodia regina (Curling stone sponge) (GRE)


A Distinguishing features: Spherical to curling stone-shaped sponge, with a

slightly dished apex and gradually narrowing base. Sponge has a tough outer
‘shell’ that when cracked reveals the softer, seemingly detached interior pulp.
Surface smooth and featureless, slightly sandpapery to the touch.
Colour: Cream outer shell, orange tan interior.
Size: Diameter up to 20 cm.
Distribution: Stewart Is. region, outer Hauraki Gulf, Three Kings Islands,
southern Hikurangi Margin, Pandora Bank, Bay of Plenty, Pukaki Rise, Chatham
Rise, Macquarie Ridge.
Depth: 198 to 680 m.
Similar species: Geodia vestigifera, but this species is convoluted and tuberose.
Pachymatisma sp. (rocky dumpling sponge), but this species has a distinctive
knobbly depression on top of the sponge, and the sides are also quite knobbly.
References: Dendy, A. (1924). Porifera. Part I. Non-antarctic sponges. Natural History Report.
British Antarctic (“Terra Nova”) Expedition, 1910, Zoology 6(3): 269–392, pls 1–15.

Phylum Porifera
Class Demospongiae (siliceous sponges)
Order Astrophorida (sandpaper sponges)
Family Geodiidae

Geodia vestigifera (Ostrich egg sponge) (GVE)

2 cm

Distinguishing features: Convoluted mass with hard outer shell and softer
inside; groups of exhalant oscules on surface; sometimes like a tuber, or stick-
Colour: Tan with mottled patches of pink or brown.
Size: Diameter from 1 to 20 cm. 1-5 cm (stick morphology), 20 cm (massive
Distribution: Northeastern New Zealand seamounts and coastal waters,
Chatham Rise, Challenger Plateau, Kermadec Ridge, Bay of Plenty.
Depth: 10 to 1090 m.
Similar species: Geodia regina, but this species resembles a smooth, solid,
flattened ball.
References: Dendy, A. (1924). Porifera. Part I. Non-antarctic sponges. Natural History Report.
British Antarctic (“Terra Nova”) Expedition, 1910, Zoology 6(3): 269–392, pls 1–15.

Phylum Porifera
Class Demospongiae (siliceous sponges)
Order Astrophorida (sandpaper sponges)
Family Geodiidae

Pachymatisma sp. (Rocky dumpling sponge) (PAZ)


A Distinguishing features: Bulbous dumpling or pudding-shaped sponge,

with a tough outer rind and softer interior. Oscules gathered in a characteristic
knobbly honeycomb-like sieve-pore area on the apex of the sponge, sections of
the flanks of the sponge are also honeycombed; often free-living.
Colour: Pale gold to mustard.
Size: Diameter up to 15 cm.
Distribution: Chatham Rise, Auckland Island, Puysegur Trench.
Depth: 357 to 831 m.
Similar species: Penares sp. (golden brown crater sponge), but this species
is softer and has a waxy surface. Geodia regina, but this species is completely
smooth. Ecionemia novaezelandiae, in which some specimens have a broad
oscular depression on the top of the sponge.
References: Uriz, M. J. (2002). Family Geodiidae Gray, 1867. In: Hooper, J. N. A.; Soest, R. W.
M. van ed. Systema Porifera: a guide to the classification of sponges New York. Kluwer Academic/
Plenum Publishers, Pp. 134–140.

Phylum Porifera
Class Demospongiae (siliceous sponges)
Order Astrophorida (sandpaper sponges)
Family Pachastrellidae

Poecillastra laminaris (Fibreglass cup sponge) (PLN)

1 cm

Distinguishing features: Shallow cup-like sponge, or large ragged fan with

rippled edges, siliceous, non-elastic, but relatively flexible, very hairy.
Colour: Cream to white, tinged with brown.
Size: Diameter from 5 to 10 cm.
Distribution: Christable Seamount, Cavalli Seamounts, Chatham Rise, Pukaki
Rise, Macquarie Ridge, Challenger Plateau, Three Kings Islands, Bay of Plenty.
Depth: 119 to 1123 m.
Similar species: None.
References: Lévi, C.; Lévi, P. (1983). Eponges Tetractinellides et Lithistides bathyales de Nouvelle
Calédonie. Bulletin Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris (4)5 (A,1): 101–168.

Phylum Porifera
Class Demospongiae (siliceous sponges)
Order Astrophorida (sandpaper sponges)
Family Pachastrellidae

Thenea novaezelandiae (Yoyo sponge) (THN)


.7 cm .56 cm

A Distinguishing features: Semispherical sponge with a distinctive thick yoyo

or mushroom shape, with a rounded summit and base separated by a transverse
recess running around the mid section of the sponge body (the recess is a
specialised aquiferous system); small root-like structures project from the ventral
surface of the sponge; body compact, spongy, and siliceous.
Colour: Grey to off-white.
Size: Diameter from 3 to 5 cm.
Distribution: Northwest Chatham Rise, Stewart Island region, Bay of Plenty,
southern Hikurangi Margin, Campbell Plateau.
Depth: 612 to 1000 m.
Similar species: None.
References: Bergquist, P. R. (1961). Demospongiae (Porifera) of the Chatham Islands and
Chatham Rise, collected by the Chatham Islands 1954 Expedition. New Zealand Department
of Scientific and Industrial Research Bulletin 139, Biological Results of the Chatham Islands 1954
Expedition, 1961, Part 5: 169–206.

Phylum Porifera
Class Demospongiae (siliceous sponges)
Order Dictyoceratida (rubber sponges)
Family Irciniidae

Psammocinia sp. (Rubber sponge) (PHW)

2 cm

Distinguishing features: Club-shaped with expanded lobes, slightly flat on

top; top (illuminated) surfaces tinged with maroon; compressible; fine conules
on surface.
Colour: Dark tan with maroon tinges on upper surfaces.
Size: Typical diameter 30 cm.
Distribution: Southeastern Subantarctic region.
Depth: 300 to 600 m.
Similar species: Psammocinia hawere Cook & Bergquist, 1998; Psammocinia
charadrodes Cook & Bergquist, 1998; Ircinia akaroa Cook & Bergquist, 1999.
References: Cook, S. de C.; Bergquist, P.R. (1998). Revision of the genus Psammocinia (Porifera:
Demospongiae: Dictyoceratida), with six new species from New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of
Marine and Freshwater Research 32: 399–426.

Phylum Porifera
Class Demospongiae (siliceous sponges)
Order Hadromerida (woody sponges)
Family Suberitidae

Suberites affinis (Fleshy club sponge) (SUA)


2.5 cm
2 cm

A Distinguishing features: Very smooth club-shaped sponge with a large

circular opening on the apex; soft, fleshy, slippery to the touch; often attached
to the Golden Volutes Provocator mirabilis and Alcithoe larochei, or the base is
anchored in sediment.
Colour: Cream to pale yellow, mottled with brown.
Size: Length up to 20 cm.
Distribution: Southern Plateau (Campbell Plateau, Pukaki Rise)
and Chatham Rise; west coast of South Island.
Depth: 317 to 676 m.
Similar species: Suberites australiensis Bergquist, 1968.
References: Brøndsted, H. V. (1924). Papers from Dr Th. Mortensen’s Pacific Expedition 1914–
16. XV. Sponges from the Auckland and Campbell Islands. Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk
Naturhistorisk Forening I Kjobenhaven 75: 117–167.

Phylum Porifera
Class Demospongiae (siliceous sponges)
Order Haplosclerida (air sponges)
Family Callyspongiidae

Callyspongia sp. (Airy finger sponge) (CRM)

2 cm

Distinguishing features: Flattened fingers of thick, golden fibres; looks dead

(not fleshy); elastic and flexible when wet; airy, compressible.
Colour: Golden yellow-brown.
Size: Typical diameter 30 cm.
Distribution: Southern New Zealand region.
Depth: 300 to 600 m.
Similar species: Callyspongia ramosa (Gray, 1843) sensu Bergquist & Warne
References: Bergquist, P.R.; Warne, K.P. (1980). The marine fauna of New Zealand: Porifera,
Demospongiae, Part 3 (Haplosclerida and Nepheliospongida). New Zealand Oceanographic
Institute Memoir 87. 77 p.

Phylum Porifera
Class Demospongiae (siliceous sponges)
Order ‘Lithistid‘ Demospongiae (rock sponges)
Family Corallistidae

Corallistes fulvodesmus (Smooth white cup sponge) (CFU)


A Distinguishing features: Shallow smooth cup with a narrow short stalk for
attachment, stony texture, inflexible, surface like sandpaper.
Colour: Creamy white to tan occasionally.
Size: Typical diameter 30 cm.
Distribution: New Caledonia, Norfolk Ridge Seamounts, northeastern
New Zealand seamounts.
Depth: 400 to 1700 m.
Similar species: Aciculites pulchra Dendy, 1924 is similar but is ear-shaped
when young and a convoluted cup as an adult. The surface of A. pulchra has tiny
pimples and is usually maroon red.
References: Lévi, C.; Lévi, P. (1983). Eponges Tetractinellides et Lithistides bathyales de Nouvelle
Calédonie. Bulletin Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris (4)5 (A,1): 101–168.

Phylum Porifera
Class Demospongiae (siliceous sponges)
Order ‘Lithistid ‘ Demospongiae (rock sponges)
Family Scleritodermiidae

Aciculites pulchra (Pimpled ear sponge) (APU)

2.2 cm

Distinguishing features: Ear-shaped plate with a curved edge as a juvenile,

forming a large convoluted bowl-like structure as an adult; concave surface
covered in regularly spaced “pimples”; texture stony and rigid.
Colour: Cream to tan throughout, but may be deep maroon on the upper or
illuminated surfaces.
Size: Typical diameter 40 cm.
Distribution: New Caledonia, Norfolk Ridge seamounts, northeastern New
Zealand seamounts.
Depth: 100 to 1100 m.
Similar species: Neoschrammeniella fulvodesmus (Lévi and Lévi, 1983), Pleroma
turbinatum Sollas, 1888.
References: Dendy, A. (1924). Porifera. Part I. Non-Antarctic sponges. Natural History Report.
British Antarctic (“Terra Nova”) Expedition, 1910, Zoology 6(3): 269–392, pls 1–15.

Kelly, M. (2007). The Marine Fauna of New Zealand: Porifera: ‘Lithistid’ Demospongiae (Rock
sponges). NIWA Biodiversity Memoir 121. 100 p.

Phylum Porifera
Class Demospongiae (siliceous sponges)
Order Poecilosclerida (Bright sponges)
Family Coelosphaeridae

Lissodendoryx bifacialis (Floppy chocolate plate sponge) (LBI)


A Distinguishing features: Medium-sized, thick, relatively soft, fibrous chocolate

brown plate; one side with an undulating shiny surface, the other side perforated
with holes about 1-3 mm diameter. Large, thick, floppy, fibrous plate or fan, one
side with a shiny undulating surface (inhalent), the other perforated with oscules
(exhalent) 1-3 mm in diameter and up to 10 mm deep. Frequently fragmented
and easily tearable.
Colour: Deep chocolate brown to liquorice.
Size: Diameter up to 30 cm.
Distribution: Chatham Rise, Macquarie Ridge.
Depth: 317 to 827 m.
Similar species: None.
References: Lévi, C., Lévi, P. (1983). Démosponges bathyales récoltées par le N/O ‘Vauban’
au sud de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. Bulletin Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris (4)5 (A,4):

Bergquist, P.R.; Fromont, P.J. (1988). The Marine Fauna of New Zealand: Porifera, Demospongiae,
Part 4 (Poecilosclerida). New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir 96: 1–197.

Phylum Porifera
Class Demospongiae (siliceous sponges)
Order Poecilosclerida (bright sponges)
Family Crellidae

Crella incrustans (Orange frond sponge) (CIC)

5 cm

Distinguishing features: Mass of flattened fronds or finger-like branches;

rubbery, fibrous, flexible; slightly translucent.
Colour: Bright orange.
Size: Typical diameter 30 cm.
Distribution: New Zealand region.
Depth: 300 to 600 m.
Similar species: None.
References: Bergquist, P.R.; Fromont, P.J. (1988). The marine fauna of New Zealand: Porifera,
Demospongiae, Part 4 (Poecilosclerida). New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir 96. 197 p.

Phylum Porifera
Class Demospongiae (siliceous sponges)
Order Poecilosclerida (bright sponges)
Family Hymedesmiidae

Phorbas sp. (Grey fibrous massive sponge) (PHB)


5 cm

A Distinguishing features: Bulky fibrous mass with flattened lateral planes;

surface relatively smooth and featureless, but with characteristic opaque whitish
sections into which sand has been incorporated; texture soft, cotton-like.
Colour: Grey to off-white with opaque whitish fibres.
Size: Diameter from 10 to 15 cm.
Distribution: Chatham Rise, Pukaki Rise, Campbell Plateau.
Depth: 400 to 522 m.
Similar species: None.
References: Bergquist, P.R.; Fromont, P.J. (1988). The Marine Fauna of New Zealand: Porifera,
Demospongiae, Part 4 (Poecilosclerida). New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir 96: 1–197.

Phylum Porifera
Class Demospongiae (siliceous sponges)
Order Poecilosclerida (bright sponges)
Family Tetillidae

Tetilla australe (Bristle ball sponge) (TTL)

2 cm

Distinguishing features: Spherical to slightly oval sponge with sharp hollow

bristles on the surface; texture firm and cartilaginous.
Colour: Greyish cream to pale peach.
Size: Diameter from 2 to 5 cm.
Distribution: Campbell Plateau, Spirits Bay, Northland, Bay of Islands.
Depth: 25 to 676 m.
Similar species: Tetilla leptoderma which is egg-shaped, and more furry in
References: Bergquist, P.R. (1968). The Marine Fauna of New Zealand: Porifera, Demospongiae,
Part 1 (Tetractinomorpha and Lithistida). New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir 37: 1–98.

Phylum Porifera
Class Demospongiae (siliceous sponges)
Order Spirophorida (spiral sponges)
Family Tetillidae

Tetilla leptoderma (Furry oval sponge) (TLD)


1 cm

A Distinguishing features: Elongated egg shaped sponge with no visible point

of attachment, surface furrowed and furry, somewhat shaggy, soft to the touch;
several openings are located at the top of the sponge between bristles and furry
protrusions; texture firm but compressible.
Colour: Cream to pale tan.
Size: Length from 5 to 10 cm.
Distribution: Chatham Rise, Stewart Island region
Depth: 576 to 919 m.
Similar species: Tetilla australe Bergquist, 1968 which is spherical with a bristly,
not shaggy surface.
References: Sollas, W. J. (1886). Preliminary account of the tetraxinellid sponges dredged by H.
M. S. ‘Challenger’, 1872–1876. Part I. The Choristida. Scientific Proceedings of the Royal Dublin
Society (new series) 5: 177–199.

Phylum Porifera
Class Hexactinellida (glass sponges)

(Glass sponges) (GLS)

1 cm 10 cm

Distinguishing features: Glass sponges are extremely diverse in shape and

size, but all have a non-fleshy, fibreglass or fibrous, sacking-like texture. The most
common specimens sampled are delicate lacy honeycombs, broken solid or hollow
stems, mushy sacking, matts of glass hair and sediment. The surfaces are usually
shaggy and fibrous (sack-like), or sometimes spiny with tough fibreglass-like strands
poking through the surface. Glass sponges show a very diverse range, including:
• hollow glass tubes with feathery extensions • ropey strands of glass topped with
mushy fibrous sack-like body • rigid lacy honeycombs • long solid coral-like rigid
stems topped with a delicate fibrous tulip-like body • stringy horns and frilly tubes
made of woven glass fibres • rigid pitted coral-like plates • long solid rods of tubes
and honeycomb • soft mushy sacking trumpets • solid polystyrene-like balls with tufts
of fine glass hair. Hexactinellid sponges are often fragmented on collection and are
difficult to identify as a result. Spicule analysis is essential for species determination.
Colour: Typically icy white, creamy white, pale peach, pale blue. Also grey, beige.
Size: Standard length up to 60 cm.
Distribution: Widely distributed in the New Zealand deepsea region on hard
and soft seafloor.
Depth: 60 to >1000 m.
Similar species: Some rock sponges such as Corallistes fulvodesmus and
Aciculites pulchra
References: Reiswig, H. M.; Kelly, M. (2011). The Marine Fauna of New Zealand:
Hexasterophoran Glass Sponges of New Zealand (Porifera: Hexactinellida: Hexasterophora):
Orders Hexactinosida, Aulocalycoida and Lychniscosida NIWA Biodiversity Memoir 124. 176 p.

Reiswig, H. M. (2002). Class Hexactinellida Schmidt, 1870. In: Hooper, J. N. A.; Soest, R. W. M.
van ed. Systema Porifera: a guide to the classification of sponges New York. Kluwer Academic/
Plenum Publishers, Pp. 1201–1202.
Phylum Porifera
Class Hexactinellida (glass sponges)
Order Hexactinosida (lacey honeycomb sponges)
Family Farreidae

Farrea sp. (Lacey honeycomb sponge) (FAR)


1.8 cm .5 cm

A Distinguishing features: Very brittle lace-like honeycombs of white tubes with

elevated openings along the side of the tube; can be very delicate, some quite
Colour: White to cream; dark brown if dead for a while.
Size: Diameter from 1 to 5 cm. Typical diameter 5 cm, but one species up to 50 cm.
Distribution: Northeastern New Zealand seamounts, Kermadec Ridge,
Chatham Rise, Bollons Seamount, around New Zealand.
Depth: 770 to 1070 m.
Similar species:
References: Reiswig, H. M. (2002). Family Farreidae Gray, 1872 Zittel, 1877. In: Hooper, J. N.
A.; Soest, R. W. M. van ed. Systema Porifera: a guide to the classification of sponges. New York.
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, Pp. 1332–1340.

Reiswig, H.M., Kelly, M. (2011). The Marine Fauna of New Zealand (Porifera: Hexactinellida:
Hexasterophora): Orders Hexactinosida, Aulocalycoida and Lychniscosida. NIWA Biodiversity
Memoir 124: 176 p.

Phylum Porifera
Class Hexactinellida (glass sponges)
Order Lyssacinosida (glass horn sponges)
Family Euplectellidae

Euplectella regalis (Basket-weave horn sponge) (ERE)

6 cm

Distinguishing features: Horn-like tubular body, circular in cross-section,

broadest at the upper end, gradually narrowing towards a slightly bulbous basal
tuft of fine hair-like spicules; wall resembles a basket-weave of hair-like spicules
and is beset with frilled irregular ridges that run obliquely around the tubular
body. The apex of the sponge is a lattice-like sieve-plate surrounded by an
undulating cuff.
Colour: Creamy white.
Size: Length up to 50 cm.
Distribution: Northwest and northeast Chatham Rise.
Depth: 885 to 1116 m.
Similar species: Euplectella imperialis Ijima, 1894
References: Schulze, F. E. (1900). Hexactinelliden des Indischen Oceanes. III Theil.
Abhandlungen der Preussischen Akademie de Wissenschaften . Berlin 1900: 46 pp., + Pls I-VII.

Tabachnick, K. R. (2002). Family Euplectellidae Gray, 1867. In: Hooper, J. N. A.; Soest, R. W. M.
van ed. Systema Porifera: a guide to the classification of sponges. New York. Kluwer Academic/
Plenum Publishers, Pp. 1388–1434.

Phylum Porifera
Class Hexactinellida (glass sponges)
Order Lyssacinosida (tubular sponges)
Family Rossellidae

Hyalascus sp. (Floppy tubular sponge) (HYA)


10 cm

A Distinguishing features: Soft, floppy, collapsible sponge. Tubular to trumpet-

shaped with a thin wrinkled irregular wall. Texture in life like that of thick soggy
paper, close-up looks like fibreglass matt; tears easily.
Colour: Tan to cream.
Size: Length up to 1500 cm. Diameter up to 30 cm at broadest.
Distribution: Northeastern New Zealand seamounts, Chatham Rise,
Campbell Plateau (North of Campbell Island).
Depth: 300 to 600 m.
Similar species: None.
References: Tabachnick, K. R. (2002). Family Rossellidae Schulze, 1885. In: Hooper, J.N.A.;
Soest, R.W.M. van (eds). Systema Porifera: a guide to the classification of sponges. New York.
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, Pp. 1441–1505.

Anemones, corals, jellyfish,
Steve Cairns, Daphne Fautin, Dennis Gordon,
Beth Horvath, Dennis Opresko, Juan Sanchez,
Frederic Sinniger, Di Tracey
Phylum by impregnation of calcium carbonate, but there
are no sclerites in the axis. In bamboo corals (family

CNIDARIA Isididae) the axis is conspicuously jointed, with solid

calcium carbonate between the joints. In isidids as
well as in other highly calcified gorgonians such
Anemones, corals, jellyfish, as Primnoidae and Chrysogorgiidae, the axes
may give evidence of distinct growth rings in cross
and hydroids section.

Class Anthozoa — Corals, anemones, and kin Subclass Hexacorallia

Anthozoans are the largest group of Cnidaria, Hexacorals may be solitary or colonial, soft or
with about 6000 living species worldwide. All are hard, the latter having rigid calcified skeletons.
marine, and there is no medusa phase. The mouth Soft hexacorals make up the orders Ceriantharia
opens into a stomach cavity that is partitioned by (tube anemones), Actiniaria (sea anemones),
mesenteries (membranes) that expand the inner Corallimorpharia (coral-like anemones), and
absorptive surface. There are two subclasses: Zoanthidea (zoanthid anemones). Hard hexacorals
the Octocorallia (Alcyonaria), which have eight make up the orders Scleractinia (stony corals) and
mesenteries and tentacles, and the Hexacorallia Antipatharia (black corals). In the stony (or true)
(Zoantharia) with tentacles and mesenteries in corals, calcification extends into the mesenteries,
multiples of six. creating rigid septa that remain in the dead coral
Corals are distinguished from their soft-bodied
relatives like sea anemones, jellyfish, and hydroids Order Ceriantharia
by being calcified, i.e., incorporating calcium Tube anemones are solitary tube-dwelling
carbonate (lime) into their bodies to create a hexacorals living in muddy bottoms. They are not
skeleton. Several kinds of cnidarians do this, and a diverse group and the sole New Zealand species
they can superficially resemble each other if they has not been characterised taxonomically.
have a similar shape. The main kinds of calcified Order Actiniaria (sea anemones)
cnidarians in New Zealand waters are hydrocorals,
New Zealand has a high diversity of soft hexacorals,
gorgonians (octocorals), and stony corals.
especially of sea anemones (actinians). The deep-
Subclass Octocorallia sea anemone fauna is widely distributed but poorly
described. Sea anemones have 6 tentacles or
This subclass used to be divided into a number of
multiples of 6 with nettle cells that sting and capture
orders, all but one colonial, in which the polyps are
small or large prey. Some species are anchored in
united by cords or sheets of tissue (coenenchyme).
soft sediment, attached to rocks by their base, or
Octocorals, so-called because polyps have an
can move slowly over the seabed. Many habitually
8-fold symmetry (8 tentacles and internal body
grow on other creatures, including sponges,
partitions), can be relatively soft (sea pens and soft
corals, and shells. Many species are distinguished
corals like dead-men’s fingers) or, as in gorgonians,
by attributes of the nematocysts and muscles, so
have an erect axis of calcareous spicules or of
if there is more than one species of a genus in
hardened protein impregnated with lime. In
an area, the genus name is often the only name
bamboo corals and some other gorgonians the axis
may be jointed. Octocorals also lack the distinctive
vertical radial partitions that characterise stony Order Zoantharia (Zoanthidea)
corals. Order Zoantharia (Zoanthidea) Twelve species are
In the New Zealand EEZ, 243 octocoral species listed for the New Zealand region. Zoanthids are
(187 undescribed) are known, divided among 103 anemone-like hexacorals with a colonial lifestyle.
genera in 28 families. These include 45 species of One of them is Epizoanthus, which settles on shells
order Alcyonacea (spreading runnerlike corals and occupied by hermit crabs. As it grows it envelopes
soft octocorals), 167 species of order Gorgonacea the shell. Zoanthids are often found associated
(now known as order Alcyonacea) (gorgonians with several species of sponges, hydroids,
including the bubblegum corals), and 31 species of octocorals, and molluscs. A striking yellow species
sea pens, order Pennatulacea. The diversity of three of Parazoanthus (Epizoanthus karenae) is frequently
families of deepwater calcified gorgonians (Isididae encountered on Fiordland black coral. Some
– bamboo corals, Primnoidae – bottlebrush corals, zoanthids are able to generate their own skeleton.
and Chrysogorgiidae – golden corals) is probably Order Antipatharia (black corals)
the highest in the world for a single country. About 58 black coral species are known in
The stature of large gorgonian colonies is made New Zealand waters. Black corals are distinguished
possible by the enhanced development of skeletal by their erect, often bushy, habit of growth and
material. In holaxonians, the axis is horny or hard proteinaceous skeleton that bears tiny polyps.
woodlike, owing to the presence of a scleroprotein Although the depth and geographic distribution of
called gorgonin, and may be further strengthened the Antipatharia have not been analysed in detail, it
appears that most species live in the deep sea and intertidal to at least benthopelagic depths. There
on seamounts at between 200 and 1000 metres are three orders — Coronatae, easily distinguished
depth. All New Zealand black coral species are by the presence of a coronal groove on the outer
strictly protected, (see box). umbrella surface; Semaeostomae, typically with
Order Corallimorpharia long, flowing oral arms and marginal tentacles; and
Rhizostomeae, which lack true marginal tentacles as
Some seven species and subspecies are known
well as a central mouth, instead having numerous
in the New Zealand EEZ. The commonest is the
tiny mouths on the edges of the oral arms. Stalked
colourful jewel anemone, Corynactis australis,
jellyfish (upside-down jellyfish) and box jellies are
found in low-tidal rock pools and shallow
now regarded as separate classes (Staurozoa and
depths. The species looks like a spreading
colonial sea anemone. Each tentacle is tipped
with a characteristic white knob that is densely Class Hydrozoa — hydroids and their medusae
and minutely studded with nettle cells. Other
Hydrocorals (stylasterids) all belong to the
corallimorpharian species occur in deep water.
order Hydroida family Stylasteridae. Hydroids are
Order Scleractinia (stony corals) generally small and non-calcified, so hydrocorals
New Zealand has a diverse fauna of 127 stony are unusual in this respect. Like other hydroids,
coral species, 110 of which are azooxanthellate, hydrocorals have tiny polyps. Some of these
(i.e., lacking symbiotic algae) comprising function like stomachs (gastrozooids) while the
over 16% of known azooxanthellate species. non-feeding polyps are tentacle-like and used for
Azooxanthellates/ahermatypes are sometimes food-capture (dactylozooids) or for reproducing
called ‘deepwater corals’ or ‘solitary corals’ and are (gonozooids). New Zealand hydrocorals are erect
usually small and slower growing, and do not form and branching, and may be white or red.
reefs like their zooxanthellate reef counterparts. Their skeletons are distinguished from those
Stony corals are calcified hexacorals, i.e., having of stony corals by being generally much smaller
body parts in multiples of 6. Coral polyps may be and less robust, and minutely porous and pitted
thought of as skeleton-forming anemones. with small holes for the various polyps. These
The internal membranes (mesenteries) that partition holes (openings) lack the distinctive vertical radial
the bodies of sea anemones are calcified in corals partitions that characterise stony corals.
so that, when all soft tissues are removed, the polyp Hydrozoans are remarkably varied. They may be
skeleton is seen to have distinctive vertical radii solitary or colonial, with polyp and medusa phases,
(septa), often divided into cycles of major and or either phase may be lacking altogether.
minor ones.
An entire coral, called a corallum, may consist of a
single individual or a colony of many individuals. PROTECTED SPECIES
The skeleton (corallite) of an individual polyp has a Previously the protected coral species listed in the
cup-shaped opening (calyce) that is typically round Wildlife Act (1953) included all black corals (Order
or oval as in New Zealand’s cold-water corals, but Antipatharia) and the red hydrocoral Errina spp.
in tropical corals neighbouring corallites can be (which belongs to the Family Stylasteridae). During
fused and conjoined, resulting in large compound 2010, an amendment of Schedule 7A of the
calyces. Wildlife Act widened the range of corals afforded
protection to include “all deepwater hard corals (all
Class Scyphozoa — jellyfish
species in the orders Antipatharia, Gorgonacea,
The Scyphozoa is a small group of cnidarians Scleractinia, and Family Stylasteridae)”.
numbering only about 250 living species worldwide.
Note: While order Gorgonacea is now known as
Notwithstanding the low species diversity, this
order Alcyonacea and our guide sheets reflect this
minor group has caused some major problems
revision, the Wildlife Act 2010 amendment uses the
recently around the world and in New Zealand.
former name Gorgonacea for gorgonian corals,
Understanding of jellyfish bloom dynamics remains
(Author Di Tracey pers comm).
incomplete, but large financial losses resulting from
jellyfish invasions continue to be reported.
Scyphozoans are entirely marine, with a reduced
or absent polyp phase and generally a large
and conspicuous medusa phase. Unlike those of
hydrozoans and anthozoans, scyphozoan polyps
are more or less unattached to one another and
do not share nutrients with other colony members.
Medusa formation is by a form of budding, called
strobilation, with the polyp typically remaining to
continue budding and even to strobilate again.
Scyphozoans are present from the shallowest

Phylum Cnidaria
Class Anthozoa
Order Actiniaria (anemones)
Family Actiniidae

Bolocera spp. (Deepsea anemones) (BOC)

5 cm

Distinguishing features: A flat spherical body form with several tentacles

visible around edge. Currently identified to genus level only.
Colour: Red, brown.
Size: Up to 20 cm.
Distribution: This genus is widely distributed around the world, but poorly
Depth: 200 to 1500 m.
Similar species: Liponema spp.
References: Dunn, D. F. (1983). Some Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic sea anemones.
(Coelenterata: Ptychodactiaria and Actiniaria). Biology of the Antarctic Seas XIV Antarctic Research
Series 39(1): 1–67.
Fautin, D. G. (1984). More Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic sea anemones. (Coelenterata:
Corallimorpharia and Actiniaria). Biology of the Antarctic Seas XVI Antarctic Research Series 41(1):

Phylum Cnidaria
Class Anthozoa
Order Actiniaria (anemones)
Family Actinostolidae (smooth deepsea anemones)

(Smooth deepsea anemones) (ACS)


5 cm 5 cm

A Distinguishing features: A smooth, cylindrical body form, with thickened walls

and often with a reddish brown base. Tentacles mostly or completely hidden.
Currently identified to family level only.
Colour: White, creamy white, or brown.
Size: Up to 20 cm.
Distribution: The family has worldwide distribution, but is poorly described.
Depth: 200 to 1500 m.
Similar species: Members of the family Actinostolidae
(smooth deepsea anemones).
References: Dunn, D. F. (1983). Some Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic sea anemones.
(Coelenterata: Ptychodactiaria and Actiniaria). Biology of the Antarctic Seas XIV Antarctic Research
Series 39(1). 67 p.
Fautin, D. G. (1984). More Antarctic and Subantarctic sea anemones.
(Coelenterata: Corallimorpharia and Actiniaria). Biology of the Antarctic Seas XVI Antarctic
Research Series 41(1): 1–42.
Cairns, S. D. et al. (2009). Phylum Cnidaria-corals, medusae, and hydroids. In: Gordon, D. P.
(ed.), The inventory of biodiversity. Volume 1. Kingdom Animalia - Radiata, Lophotrochozoa, and
Deuterostomia. Canterbury University Press.

Phylum Cnidaria
Class Anthozoa
Order Actiniaria (anemones)
Family Hormathiidae

(Warty deepsea anemone) (HMT)

5 cm

Distinguishing features: An irregularly shaped body made up of longitudinal

and circumferential furrows which give a warty appearance. Tentacles mostly or
completely hidden. Currently identified to family level only.
Colour: White, creamy white, or brown.
Size: Up to 20 cm.
Distribution: The family has worldwide distribution, but is poorly described.
Depth: 200 to 1500 m.
Similar species: Members of the family Actinostolidae
(smooth deepsea anemones).
References: Dunn, D. F. (1983). Some Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic sea anemones.
(Coelenterata: Ptychodactiaria and Actiniaria). Biology of the Antarctic Seas XIV Antarctic Research
Series 39(1): 1–67.
Fautin, D. G. (1984). More Antarctic and Subantarctic sea anemones. (Coelenterata:
Corallimorpharia and Actiniaria). Biology of the Antarctic Seas XVI Antarctic Research Series 41(1):

Phylum Cnidaria
Class Anthozoa
Order Actiniaria (anemones)
Family Liponematidae

Liponema spp. (Deepsea anemones) (LIP)


5 cm

A Distinguishing features: A firm, squat spherical body form. Several short, white
and rust coloured radially arranged tentacles visible. Currently identified to genus
level only.
Colour: Cream and rust red.
Size: Up to 20 cm.
Distribution: This genus is widely distributed around the world, but poorly
Depth: 200 to 1500 m.
Similar species: Bolocera spp.
References: Dunn, D. F. (1983). Some Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic sea anemones. (Coelenterata:
Ptychodactiaria and Actiniaria). Biology of the Antarctic Seas XIV Antarctic Research Series 39(1): 1–67.
Fautin, D. G. (1984.) More Antarctic and Subantarctic sea anemones. (Coelenterata: Corallimorpharia
and Actiniaria). Biology of the Antarctic Seas XVI Antarctic Research Series 41(1): 1–42.

Phylum Cnidaria
Class Anthozoa
Order Alcyonacea (soft corals)
Family Alcyoniidae

Anthomastus (Bathyalcyon) robustus (Gigantic coral) (ARO)

2 cm

Distinguishing features: Comprises a single very large and fleshy polyp

(autozooid) positioned on a conic semi hard-calyx with numerous apertures for
the tiny reproductive polyps (siphonozooids). Elliptical encrusting base usually
strongly attached to hard substrate or debris.
Colour: Bright red.
Size: Up to 15 cm.
Distribution: Uncommon, located on Bay of Plenty seamounts.
Depth: 200 m.
Similar species: Other Anthomastus species have smaller multiple feeding
polyps and a mushroom-like shape.
References: Bayer, F.M. (1993). Taxonomic status of the octocoral genus Bathyalcyon
(Alcyoniidae: Anthomastinae) with descriptions of a new subspecies from the Gulf of Mexico and a
new species of Anthomastus from Antarctic waters. Precious Corals & Octocorals Research
1: 3–13.

Phylum Cnidaria
Class Anthozoa
Order Alcyonacea (soft corals)
Family Clavulariidae

Telesto spp. (Long polyp soft corals) (TLO)

10 cm

A Distinguishing features: Semi rigid, long axial polyps with shorter lateral
polyps, occasional branching and budding giving rise to several axial polyps.
Polyp wall exhibiting longitudinal branching rows.
Colour: Red, pink, or beige.
Size: Up to 20 cm.
Distribution: Widely distributed both in the New Zealand region and
Depth: 5 to 1000 m.
Similar species: Coelogorgia spp. and Telestula spp. Microscopic examination
of sclerites is required for a reliable identification.
References: Bayer, F.M. (1981). On some genera of stoloniferous octocorals (Coelenterata:
Anthozoa) with descriptions of new taxa. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 94(3):
Tracey, D.; Mackay, E.; Gordon, D.; Sanchez, J.; Opresko, D. (2008). A Guide to Deepsea Coral.
Report prepared for CSP Unit, Department of Conservation, DOC08309 Project (Objective 3). 15 p.

Phylum Cnidaria

Class Anthozoa

Order Antipatharia (black corals)
Family Antipathidae, Myriopathidae, Aphanipathidae, Stylopathidae,
Schizopathidae, Cladopathidae

(Black corals) (COB)

Distinguishing features: Erect, unbranched, bushy, fan-shaped, bottle brush,
or pinnulate habit of growth, with a hardened proteinaceous and spiny skeleton
that bears tiny polyps usually not more that 6 mm wide and having only six
simple tentacles. The skeleton can be naturally lustrous, or rendered so after
Colour: In life, generally white owing to the external layer of “skin” and polyps
although the living material in some species can be yellow or green, orange and
red. The skeleton may be brown or black.
Size: Up to 5 m.
Distribution: Antipatharia are found in deep water throughout the EEZ.
Antipathella fiordensis, previously known as Antipathes fiordensis, is endemic to
New Zealand’s fiords.
Depth: 200 to 1000 m. In New Zealand fiords found in very shallow waters
(<10 m).
Similar species: There are numerous genera among the 58 species. Some
gorgonians are similar, but these tend to lack the fine spines of black corals.
References: Grange, K.R. (1985). Distribution, standing crop, population structure, and growth
rates of black coral in the southern fiords of New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Marine and
Freshwater Research 19: 467–475.
Grange, K.R. (1990). Antipathes fiordensis, a new species of black coral (Coelenterata:
Antipatharia) from New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 17: 279–282.
Opresko, D.M. (2001). Revision of the Antipatharia (Cnidaria: Anthozoa). Part 1. Establishment of
a new family, Myriopathidae. Zoologische Mededelingen Leiden 75: 343–370.

Phylum Cnidaria

Class Anthozoa
Order Antipatharia
Family Leiopathidae

Leiopathes secunda (Leiopathes black coral) (LSE)


A Distinguishing features: Large, mostly fan-shaped colony; main branches

usually appearing somewhat crooked in shape; small branchlets curved and
often arising on the outer convex side of the next lower order branchlet. End
branchlets short and thin. Thickest branches appearing polished and smooth.
Colour: Orange when alive; whitish after preservation in alcohol. Underlining
skeleton black, sometimes visible on living colonies in places where the soft tissue
has been lost.
Size: Up to 2 m or more.
Distribution: In New Zealand waters known primarily from off the east and
west coasts of the North Island.
Depth: Primarily from depths of 600 to 1000m.
Similar species: Two other species of Leiopathes are known from the area;
Leiopathes acanthophora, and Leiopathes bullosa. In L. acanthophora the smallest
branchlets are generally straighter, longer and not as regularly arranged as those
in L. secunda. Leiopathes bullosa has a branching pattern somewhat intermediate
between that of L. secunda and L. acanthophora; however, it differs from the
other two species primarily in the shape of the skeletal spines, which are
more spherical.
References: Opresko, D.M. (1998). Three new species of Leiopathes (Cnidaria: Anthozoa:
Antipatharia) from Southern Australia. Records South Australian Museum 31:99–111.

Phylum Cnidaria
Class Anthozoa
Order Corallimorpharia (coral-like anemones)
Family Corallimorphidae

(Coral-like anemones) (CLM)


Distinguishing features: Corallimorpharians are solitary animals
morphologically intermediate between members of hexacorallian orders
Actiniaria (sea anemones) and Scleractinia (stony corals). The consistency of
the animal can be stiff and cartilaginous (A) or soft with copious mucus (B). The
mouth is central and slit-like, tentacles are simple, and may be arrayed radially
and in cycles. In members of family Corallimorphidae, each tentacle typically
terminates in a bulbous sphere in which nematocysts are dense. The oral and
pedal discs are circular and roughly similar in diameter; the oral disc can be flat
to strongly domed; the column more or less cylindrical. There are 3 species of
Corallimorphus in the New Zealand region, including the new species C. niwa
(A). C. profundus commonly occur in the Ross Sea region and are often in poor
condition when sampled by longlines. (see Figure B, pedal view of a frozen then
thawed Corallimorphus species).
Colour: Pink, cream, yellowish, some brownish and rust red in animals that
retain pigmentation.
Size: Diameter 30 to 125 mm.
Distribution: New Zealand deepsea region and Ross Sea.
Depth: 947 to 1773 m in New Zealand waters. Globally 30 to 4429 m.
Similar species: Could be confused with sea anemones such as Liponema and
References: Fautin D.G. (2011) Corallimorphus niwa new species (Cnidaria: Anthozoa), New
Zealand members of Corallimorphus, and redefinition of Corallimorphidae and its members.
Zootaxa 2775: 37–49.

Phylum Cnidaria

Class Anthozoa
Order Alcyonacea (formerly Gorgonacea (gorgonian corals))
Family Coralliidae

Corallium spp. (Precious corals) (CLL)


10 cm

A Distinguishing features: Densely branched coral, usually flattened, with

a solid calcareous supporting axis and slender, short, terminal branches. Tiny
polyps fully retractile in conical apertures sometimes forming bulb-like clusters.
The branching is very like hydrocorals but the precious corals are very hard, and
have a thin layer of tissue, usually of a different color than the hard part of the
colony and no pores on their skeleton.
Colour: Pale yellow, pink, or red.
Size: Up to 50 cm.
Distribution: Worldwide (deepwater).
Depth: 100 to 1000 m.
Similar species: Species of Paracorallium are indistinguishable from Corallium
spp. Microscopic examination of sclerites is required for a reliable identification.
Can be confused with hydrocorals but hydrocorals have pore-like apertures and
no thin layer of tissue that can be scraped off the branch.
References: Bayer, F.M. (1996). Three new species of precious coral (Anthozoa: Gorgonacea,
genus Corallium) from Pacific waters. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 109:
Tracey, D.; Mackay, E.; Gordon, D.; Sanchez, J.; Opresko, D. (2008). A Guide to Deepsea Coral.
Report prepared for CSP Unit, Department of Conservation, DOC08309 Project (Objective 3). 15 p.

Phylum Cnidaria

Class Anthozoa

Order Alcyonacea (formerly Gorgonacea (gorgonian corals))
Family Chrysogorgiidae

Chrysogorgia spp. (Golden corals) (CHR)

1.9 cm

Distinguishing features: Dark, highly calcified colonies with bottlebrush
branching arising from a regular single and ascending spiral around the main
branch. Polyps large, relative to branch width, soft, few in number and well
spaced from each other.
Colour: Black axis with brilliant metallic lustre, branchlets from amber to golden
Size: Up to 1 m.
Distribution: Found worldwide. Widely distributed in New Zealand deepsea
Depth: 80 to 2000 m.
Similar species: There are several Chrysogorgia species in New Zealand waters
ranging in appearance from bottlebrush to sea fan colonies. Fan shape colonies
could resemble the apical part of Metallogorgia spp.
References: Cairns, S.D. (2001). Studies on western Atlantic Octocorallia (Coelenterata:
Anthozoa). Part 1: The genus Chrysogorgia Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864. Proceedings of the
Biological Society of Washington 114: 746–787.
Tracey, D.; Mackay, E.; Gordon, D.; Sanchez, J.; Opresko, D. (2008). A Guide to Deepsea Coral.
Report prepared for CSP Unit, Department of Conservation, DOC08309 Project (Objective 3). 15 p.

Phylum Cnidaria

Class Anthozoa
Order Alcyonacea (formerly Gorgonacea (gorgonian corals))
Family Isididae

(Bamboo corals) (ISI)


10 cm

A Distinguishing features: Bamboo-like coral, with a conspicuously jointed

skeleton comprising white calcareous internodes alternating with horny dark
gorgonin (hardened protein) nodes.
Colour: White with dark nodes, living tissue pale yellow to brown.
Size: Up to 3 m.
Distribution: Widely distributed in the New Zealand deepsea region on hard
seafloor e.g. deep-sea seamounts and ridges.
Depth: 200 to 2000 m.
Similar species: The bamboo coral species can be difficult to identify. The
genera Keratoisis, Acanella, and Lepidisis are very similar.
References: Grant, R. (1976). The marine fauna of New Zealand: Isididae (Octocorallia:
Gorgonacea) from New Zealand and the Antarctic. New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir
66: 1–56.
Tracey, D.; Mackay, E.; Gordon, D.; Sanchez, J.; Opresko, D. (2008). A Guide to Deepsea Coral.
Report prepared for CSP Unit, Department of Conservation, DOC08309 Project (Objective 3). 15 p.

Phylum Cnidaria

Class Anthozoa

Order Alcyonacea (formerly Gorgonacea (gorgonian corals))
Family Isididae

Acanella spp. (Bushy bamboo coral) (ACN)

19 mm

Distinguishing features: Bushy bamboo-like coral, white calcareous nodes

with horny (hardened protein) internodes, branching from the horny internodes
usually two or three branches. Colony base branches as a root.
Colour: White with dark nodes, living tissue white to pale yellow.
Size: Up to 1 m.
Distribution: Widely distributed in New Zealand deep-sea region, on hard
Depth: 200 to 2000 m.
Similar species: Other branching genera of Isididae have similar branching
set-points in the nodes but they differ in other microscopic characters.
References: Grant, R. (1976). The marine fauna of New Zealand: Isididae (Octocorallia:
Gorgonacea) from New Zealand and the Antarctic. New Zealand Oceanographic Memoir 66:
Tracey, D.; Mackay, E.; Gordon, D.; Sanchez, J.; Opresko, D. (2008). A Guide to Deepsea Coral.
Report prepared for CSP Unit, Department of Conservation, DOC08309 Project (Objective 3). 15 p.

Phylum Cnidaria

Class Anthozoa
Order Alcyonacea (formerly Gorgonacea (gorgonian corals))
Family Isididae

Keratoisis spp. (Branching bamboo coral) (BOO)


10 cm 10 cm

A Distinguishing features: Bamboo-like coral, with a conspicuously jointed

skeleton comprising white calcareous internodes alternating with horny dark
gorgonin (hardened protein) nodes. Branching from the calcareous nodes only.
Bioluminescent on contact.
Colour: White with dark nodes, living tissue pale yellow to brown.
Size: Up to 3 m.
Distribution: Widely distributed in the New Zealand deep-sea region, on hard
seafloor e.g. deep-sea seamounts and ridges.
Depth: Over 200 m.
Similar species: The whip-like bamboo coral Lepidisis sp. is very similar in
appearance but does not branch.
References: Grant, R. (1976). The marine fauna of New Zealand: Isididae (Octocorallia:
Gorgonacea) from New Zealand and the Antarctic. New Zealand Oceanographic Memoir 66:
Tracey, D.; Mackay, E.; Gordon, D.; Sanchez, J.; Opresko, D. (2008). A Guide to Deepsea Coral.
Report prepared for CSP Unit, Department of Conservation, DOC08309 Project (Objective 3). 15 p.

Phylum Cnidaria

Class Anthozoa

Order Alcyonacea (formerly Gorgonacea (gorgonian corals))
Family Isididae

Lepidisis spp. (Bamboo coral) (LLE)

10 cm

Distinguishing features: Whip-like, bamboo-like coral, spiral growth. Has a

conspicuously jointed skeleton comprising white calcareous internodes alternating
with horny dark gorgonin (hardened protein) nodes. Bioluminescent on contact.
The genus is under revision.
Colour: White with dark nodes, living tissue pale yellow.
Size: Up to 4 m.
Distribution: Widely distributed in the New Zealand deep-sea region, on hard
seafloor e.g. deep-sea seamounts and ridges.
Depth: Over 200 m.
Similar species: Single and long branches of the branching bamboo coral
Keratoisis spp. are similar in appearance to Lepidisis spp.
References: Tracey, D.; Mackay, E.; Gordon, D.; Sanchez, J.; Opresko, D. (2008). A Guide to
Deepsea Coral. Report prepared for CSP Unit, Department of Conservation, DOC08309 Project
(Objective 3). 15 p.
Muzik, K. (1978). A bioluminescent gorgonian, Lepidisis olapa , new species (Coelenterata:
Octocorallia) from Hawaii. Bulletin of Marine Science 28: 735–741.

Phylum Cnidaria

Class Anthozoa
Order Alcyonacea (formerly Gorgonacea (gorgonian corals))
Family Isididae

Minuisis spp. (Worm-commensal bamboo coral) (MIN)

10 cm

A Distinguishing features: Small bushy colonies of bamboo-like coral, with

white nodes and tiny horny dark internodes, severely modified by commensal
scale worms. Dense, long, dark, and granular polyps throughout the colonies.
Colour: White with dark polyps.
Size: Up to 15 m.
Distribution: New Zealand and the Norfolk ridge.
Depth: 200 to 2000 m.
Similar species: Primnoisis spp., Sclerisis spp., and Echinisis spp. form very
similar colonies. Microscopic examination of sclerites is required for a reliable
References: Grant, R. (1976). The marine fauna of New Zealand: Isididae (Octocorallia:
Gorgonacea) from New Zealand and the Antarctic. New Zealand Oceanographic Memoir 66:
Alderslade, P. (1998) Revisionary systematics in the gorgonian family Isididae, with descriptions of
numerous new taxa (Coelenterata: Octocorallia). Records of the Western Australian Museum 55:
Tracey, D.; Mackay, E.; Gordon, D.; Sanchez, J.; Opresko, D. (2008). A Guide to Deepsea Coral.
Report prepared for CSP Unit, Department of Conservation, DOC08309 Project (Objective 3). 15 p.

Phylum Cnidaria

Class Anthozoa

Order Alcyonacea (formerly Gorgonacea (gorgonian corals))
Family Paragorgiidae

Paragorgia arborea (Bubblegum coral) (PAB)

10 cm

Distinguishing features: Robust tree-like colonies with bubble-like

concentrations (bulbs) of polyps placed throughout the branches. Colonies up
to several metres high (trunk ~ 20–30 cm in diameter). This could be the tallest
sessile invertebrate ever found in deepwater. See page 58 for clarification of
protected species status.
Colour: Reddish orange.
Size: Up to 5 m.
Distribution: Worldwide. Widely distributed in New Zealand
deepsea region.
Depth: 200 to 800 m.
Similar species: There are six more species of Paragorgia in New Zealand
(e.g., Paragorgia wahine) none of them attaining more than 50 cm height.
References: Grasshoff, M. (1979). Zur bipolaren Verbreitung der Oktokoralle Paragorgia
arborea (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Scleraxonia). Senckenbergiana Maritima 11: 115–137.
Sanchez, J. A. (2005). Systematics of the bubblegum corals (Cnidaria : Octocorallia :
Paragorgiidae) with description of new species from New Zealand and the Eastern Pacific.
Zootaxa 1014: 3–72.

Phylum Cnidaria

Class Anthozoa
Order Alcyonacea (formerly Gorgonacea (gorgonian corals))
Family Plexauridae

(Plexaurid sea fans) (PLE)


A Distinguishing features: Plexauridae are a poorly described group. They

often form fan-like and flattened, simple branching colonies, with a definite
stem or main branch that has a tubular chambered core and is characterised by
having cups or calyces but no external calcareous scales. They are flexible and
bend easily. Calyces are distributed on all sides of the branches and are fully
retractile in an elevated conical aperture. Some calyces are small and dot-like
e.g., Scleracis, others have calyces which are pronounced and cylindical with
a distinct inflated appearance at the tips e.g., Swiftia. Other genera include
Trachymuricea, Placogorgia, Plexaurella, Villogorgia, and Muriceides.
Colour: Red, purple, brown.
Size: Up to 1 m.
Distribution: Widely distributed in the New Zealand region.
Depth: 47 to 2120 m.
Similar species: Primnoids are similar but their main branch is usually solid all
the way through and is composed of concentric layers of calcium carbonate and
References: Bayer, F.M. (1956). Octocorallia. In: Moore, R.C. (ed.) Treatise of Invertebrate
Paleontology. Part F Coelenterata. Pp. F166–F231. University of Kansas Press, Lawrence.

Phylum Cnidaria

Class Anthozoa

Order Alcyonacea (formerly Gorgonacea (gorgonian corals))
Family Primnoidae

(Primnoid sea fans) (PRI)

Distinguishing features: Primnoidae often form tree-like colonies, have
a definite stem and solid axis, and the base is always attached. Branches are
flexible and often heavily armoured with overlapping scales, e.g., Primnoa.
Other branching modes include bottlebrush Thouarella, unbranched flagelliform
Primnoella, and pinnate (feather-like) and often uni-planar forms. Branches of
the pinnate form often alternating. A variety of polyp and calyx (cup) shapes and
arrangements occur including irregular and individual, clustering in whorls, and
upward or downward (e.g., rasta coral Narella) facing, that can be perpendicular
to the branch, or slightly inclined distally. Some calyces bend and almost touch
the branch in an appressed state, or lie flat and can be strongly wedded to the
branch (adnate state).
Colour: White, yellow, pink, orange, grey, brown.
Size: Up to 2 m.
Distribution: Widely distributed in the New Zealand region.
Depth: 37 to 2407 m.
Similar species: Chrysogorgids, but they lack the external protective armoured
scales. Unbranched Primnoids could be confused with the uni-linear golden coral
Radicipes but Radicipes whirls and twists, does not branch, and polyps are on
one side. Isidids (bamboo corals) covered in live polyps e.g., Keratoisis, but their
calcareous nodes and gorgonian inter-nodes are distinctive. Small branchlets of
both black corals and gorgonian corals can be confused (e.g., see gorgonian
branch in top right image).
References: Cairns, S.D.; Bayer, F.M. (2009). A Generic Revision and Phylogenetic Analysis of
the Primnoidae (Cnidaria: Octocorallia). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology 629: 1–79.

Phylum Cnidaria

Class Anthozoa
Order Alcyonacea (formerly Gorgonacea (gorgonian corals))
Family Primnoidae

Primnoa spp. (Primnoa sea fans) (PMN)


A Distinguishing features: Branching mode dichotomous (repeated bifurcation

or a dividing in two of the branches), and usually bushy. Polyps closely spaced,
densely packed and thorny and randomly arranged (not in pairs or whorls),
but usually facing downward. Polyps lobe-like and fleshy, each covered with 6
longitudinal rows of scales. The adaxial side is largely naked, the side on the face
away from the branch, has well developed scales on the polyps (abaxial). Often
samples are collected where the branches are naked.
Colour: Vivid orange, axis golden.
Size: Up to 2 m.
Distribution: Widely distributed in the New Zealand region.
Depth: 86 to 1680 m.
Similar species: Could be confused with branches of Paragorgidae bubblegum
corals (Paragorgiidae).
References: Cairns, S.D.; Bayer, F.M. (2009). A Generic Revision and Phylogenetic Analysis of
the Primnoidae (Cnidaria: Octocorallia). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, 629: 1–79.
Bayer, F.M. (1952). Two new species of Arthrogorgia (Gorgonacea: Primnoidae) from the Aleutian
Islands region. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 65: 63–70.
Bayer, F.M. (1996). New Primnoidae gorgonians (Coelenterata: Octocorallia) from Antarctic
waters. Bulletin of Marine Science 58: 511–530.
Tracey, D.; Mackay, E.; Gordon D.; Sanchez, J.; Opresko, D. (2008). A Guide to Deepsea Coral.
Report prepared for CSP Unit, Department of Conservation, DOC08309 Project (Objective 3). 15 p.

Phylum Cnidaria

Class Anthozoa

Order Alcyonacea (formerly Gorgonacea (gorgonian corals))
Family Primnoidae

Thouarella spp. (Bottlebrush coral) (THO)

1.9 cm

Distinguishing features: An abundantly branched bottlebrush form that
has pinnately or feathery-like branched colonies in which numerous, crowded
short slender branchlets arise all around the main stem, sometimes in an
irregular fashion, or as spirals. Polyps and branches covered with tiny scales. In
some species there can be relatively few main branches, from which branchlets
originate in an irregular pinnate fashion. Polyps isolated, occurring on all sides
of branchlets with a random or isolated arrangements, can appear crowded on
main stems and on all sides of branchlets or arranged in pairs, or whorls on
branchlets pointing upward.
Colour: Colony pink, yellow, pale yellow to cream, or light orange. Axis pale
yellow to brown-black.
Size: Up to 50 cm.
Distribution: Found worldwide. Widely distributed in the New Zealand deep-
sea region.
Depth: 100 to 1400 m.
Similar species: There are numerous species of Thouarella all with bottlebrush
appearance, the size of the polyps is highly variable. Can be confused with
Tokoprymno spp. but this genus has calyces arranged biserially, projecting
perpendicularly from opposite edges of each branch.
References: Bayer, F.M. (1956). Octocorallia. In: Moore, R.C. (ed.) Treatise of Invertebrate
Paleontology. Part F Coelenterata. Pp. F166–F231. University of Kansas Press, Lawrence.
Tracey, D.; Mackay, E.; Gordon, D.; Sanchez, J.; Opresko, D. (2008). A Guide to Deepsea Coral.
Report prepared for CSP Unit, Department of Conservation, DOC08309 Project (Objective 3). 15 p.

Phylum Cnidaria

Class Hydrozoa
Order Anthoathecata (hydroids)
Family Stylasteridae

Calyptopora reticulata (White hydrocoral) (CRE)


20 mm

A Distinguishing features: Forms hard calcium carbonate skeletons with

sinuous and robust main branches and many thin and intricate side branches.
Branching occurs in one plane. Branches bear circular structures (termed
ciclosystems) which are oriented towards only one side of the colony. Commensal
polychaete worms are common on the hydrocoral surface, creating canals and
branch deformities.
Colour: Bright white, pink or beige.
Size: Up to 60 mm.
Distribution: Widely distributed in the New Zealand region.
Depth: 600 to 1400 m.
Similar species: Most stylasterids other than some such as Errina spp., are
very similar and difficult to tell apart with the naked eye. C. reticulata is very
similar to Stylaster spp., the latter, however, have visible bump-like reproductive
ampullae towards one side of the colony that are not present in Calyptopora spp.
Some large white colonies of the precious coral Corallium spp. can be confused
with stylasterids. However, Corallium spp. have a distinctive thin, almost loose,
layer of tissue that can be easily removed by scraping the branches, and are
harder than stylasterids. Corallium spp. do not have the small side branches of C.
reticulata. Some branching bryozoans can have similar shapes but are somewhat
crystalline, have thinner branches, and are without robust main branches.
References: Cairns. S.D. (1991). The marine fauna of New Zealand: Stylasteridae (Cnidaria:
Hydroida). New Zealand Oceanographic Institute. Memoir 103: 1–179.
Tracey, D.; Mackay, E.; Gordon, D.; Sanchez, J.; Opresko, D. (2008). A Guide to Deepsea Coral.
Report prepared for CSP Unit, Department of Conservation, DOC08309 Project (Objective 3). 15 p.

Phylum Cnidaria

Class Hydrozoa

Order Anthoathecata (hydroids)
Family Stylasteridae

Errina spp. (Red hydrocorals) (ERR)

Desmophyllum on Errina specimen

3 cm

Distinguishing features: Branching form, often large with polyps contained in

visible pores usually adjacent to spine-like processes.
Colour: Pink to red, some species can be white.
Size: Up to 300 mm.
Distribution: The genus is found worldwide. There are many species endemic
to New Zealand. Commonly found on the Subantarctic slope in the Campbell
Plateau region, in Fiordland and in Antarctica (see bottom right image of Errina
Depth: 10 to 1800 m.
Similar species: Most members of Errina appear similar to the naked eye.
Microscopic examination is required for reliable identification. Note that some
large white colonies of the precious coral Corallium spp. can be confused with
stylasterids, including Errina. However, Corallium spp. have a distinctive thin,
almost loose, layer of tissue that can be easily removed by scraping the branches,
and are harder than stylasterids. Some branching bryozoans can have similar
shapes but are somewhat crystalline, have thinner branches, and are without
robust main branches.
References: Cairns, S.D. (1991). The marine fauna of New Zealand: Stylasteridae (Cnidaria:
Hydroida). New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir 98: 1–179.
Tracey, D.; Mackay, E.; Gordon, D.;Sanchez, J.; Opresko, D. (2008). A Guide to Deepsea Coral.
Report prepared for CSP Unit, Department of Conservation, DOC08309 Project (Objective 3). 15 p.

Phylum Cnidaria

Class Hydrozoa
Order Anthoathecata (hydroids)
Family Stylasteridae

Lepidotheca spp. (Spiny white hydrocorals) (LPT)


3 cm

A Distinguishing features: Robust branching hydrocorals comprising a skeleton

of calcium carbonate with tiny feeding polyps and stinging polyps. Colony
surface has a series of long spines.
Colour: White.
Size: Up to 60 mm.
Distribution: The genus is found worldwide. There are many species endemic
to New Zealand.
Depth: 80 to 2010 m.
Similar species: Most members of the Family Stylasteridae appear similar
to the naked eye (and can resemble some bryozoans and white colonies of
Corallium). However, Corallium spp. have a distinctive thin, almost loose, layer of
tissue that can be easily removed by scraping the branches, and are harder than
stylasterids. Microscopic examination is required for reliable identification.
References: Cairns, S.D. (1991). The marine fauna of New Zealand: Stylasteridae (Cnidaria:
Hydroida). New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir 98: 1–179.
Tracey, D.; Mackay, E.; Gordon, D.; Sanchez, J.; Opresko, D. (2008). A Guide to Deepsea Coral.
Report prepared for CSP Unit, Department of Conservation, DOC08309 Project (Objective 3). 15 p.

Phylum Cnidaria
Class Anthozoa
Order Pennatulacea (sea pens)
Family Pteroeididae

Gyrophyllum sibogae (Siboga sea pen) (GYS)

2 cm

Distinguishing features: This unusual sea pen is relatively short and robust
with highly modified and very fleshy polyp leaves arranged on both sides of the
colony axis.
Colour: Ochre to brown.
Size: Up to 15 cm.
Distribution: Widespread in New Zealand waters, where they are found erect
on soft and muddy bottoms.
Depth: 500 to 1200 m.
Similar species: Other sea pens such as Pennatula, can also have short and
robust colonies but they are never as fleshy and thick as G. sibogae.
References: Williams, G.C. (1995). Living genera of sea pens (Coelenterata: Octocorallia:
Pennatulacea): illustrated key and synopses. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 113:
Williams, G.C. (1995). The enigmatic sea pen genus Gyrophyllum – a phylogenetic reassessment
and description of G. sibogae from Tasmanian waters (Coelenterata: Octocorallia). Proceedings of
the California Academy of Sciences 48 (15): 1–13.
Reyes F.; Arda A., Martin R., Fernandez R., Rueda A., Montalvo D., Gomez C., Jimenez
C., Rodriguez J., Sanchez-Puelles J.M. (2004). New cytotoxic cembranes from the sea pen
Gyrophyllum sibogae. Journal of Natural Products 67(7): 1190–1192.

Phylum Cnidaria
Class Anthozoa
Order Pennatulacea (sea pens)
Family Pennatulidae

Pennatula spp. (Purple sea pen) (PNN)


2 cm

A Distinguishing features: Short sea pen with red to purple fan-like leaves of
polyps. The polyps have needle-like ends. Sea pens are adapted to soft and
muddy bottom, where they are found standing erect.
Colour: Beige to white stalk with red to purple polyp leaves.
Size: Up to 20 cm.
Distribution: Widespread in New Zealand waters, found erect on soft and
muddy bottom.
Depth: 500 to 1200 m.
Similar species: Among the short sea pens, Pennatula is the only genus with
complex and sharp leaves of polyps. Other sea pens are usually thick and fleshy
(e.g., Gyrophyllum).
References: Williams, G.C. (1995). Living genera of sea pens (Coelenterata: Octocorallia:
Pennatulacea): illustrated key and synopses. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society
113: 93–140.

Phylum Cnidaria

Class Anthozoa

Order Scleractinia (stony corals)
Family Caryophylliidae

Caryophyllia spp. (Carnation cup coral) (CAY)

Distinguishing features: Small solitary cup coral with two unique
characteristics: a twisted conical base that ends with a cylinder-like flat top and
septa arranged as concentric radial structures in the centre of the oral cavity. A
spongy structure (the columella) forms a circle of twisted filaments.
Colour: White with slightly coloured (pink to orange) base.
Size: From 10 to 40 mm wide, up to 5 cm high.
Distribution: Cosmopolitan.
Depth: 700 to 900 m.
Similar species: The twisted conical base and the flat top with centered rings
of radial septae make Caryophyllia spp. different to other cup corals such as
Desmophyllum, Flabellum and Stephanocyathus that all have septa that extend
from the coral edge to the center of the cup where a small oral cavity is present.
References: Cairns, S.D. (1995). The Marine fauna of New Zealand: Scleractinia (Cnidaria:
Anthozoa). New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir 103: 1–210.
Tracey, D.; Mackay, E.; Gordon, D.; Sanchez, J.; Opresko, D. (2008). A Guide to Deepsea Coral.
Report prepared for CSP Unit, Department of Conservation, DOC08309 Project (Objective 3). 15 p.

Phylum Cnidaria

Class Anthozoa
Order Scleractinia (stony corals)
Family Caryophylliidae

Desmophyllum dianthus (Crested cup coral) (DDI)

Septa Desmophyllum on

A Distinguishing features: Solitary coral. Highly variable forms from cylindrical

and serpentine to robust and massive. Radial structures (septa) are oriented from
the centre of the cup to edge. Usually fixed to other corals or gorgonian bases
and clumped with other individuals.
Colour: White, pale ochre tissue (if present).
Size: Up to 100 mm.
Distribution: Worldwide, except off continental Antarctica and the northern
Depth: 35 to 2460 m.
Similar species: Desmophyllum striatum is the other valid species of the genus,
but this species is only found in the western Atlantic.
References: Cairns, S.D. (1995). The marine fauna of New Zealand: Scleractinia (Cnidaria:
Anthozoa). New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir 103: 1–210.
Tracey, D.; Mackay, E.; Gordon, D.; Sanchez, J.; Opresko, D. (2008). A Guide to Deepsea Coral.
Report prepared for CSP Unit, Department of Conservation, DOC08309 Project (Objective 3). 15 p.

Phylum Cnidaria

Class Anthozoa

Order Scleractinia (stony corals)
Family Caryophylliidae

Goniocorella dumosa (Bushy hard coral) (GDU)

Tubular bridges

Distinguishing features: Forms large bushy colonies with complex branching.
Each branch bearing a terminal coral polyp. Most of the branches bud at right-
angles with branching occurring from the stem in an intricate way. A key feature
is that the branches are reinforced by slender and smooth tubular bridges
intersecting the branches. The bridges are long, circular in cross section, and are
Colour: Brown to ochre (when alive) with orange polyps.
Size: Up to 400 mm.
Distribution: Widely distributed in the New Zealand deepsea region and Indo-
Depth: 300 to 1500 m.
Similar species: Similar to other colonial corals particularly Solenosmilia
variabilis, but bridges are rare in S. variabilis. Also similar to Enallopsamia rostrata
which can also form bushy colonies, but branches in a particular uniplanar way
and it lacks the tubular bridges distinctive in G. dumosa.
References: Cairns, S.D. (1995). The marine fauna of New Zealand: Scleractinia (Cnidaria:
Anthozoa). New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir 103: 1–210.
Tracey, D.; Mackay, E.; Gordon, D.; Sanchez, J.; Opresko, D. (2008). A Guide to Deepsea Coral.
Report prepared for CSP Unit, Department of Conservation, DOC08309 Project (Objective 3). 15 p.
Tracey, D.; Rowden, A.; Mackay, K.; Compton, T. (2011). Habitat-forming coldwater corals show
affinity for seamounts in the New Zealand region. Marine Ecology Progress Series 430: 1–22.

Phylum Cnidaria

Class Anthozoa
Order Scleractinia (stony corals)
Family Caryophylliidae

Solenosmilia variabilis (Deepwater branching coral) (SVA)



A Distinguishing features: S. variabilis form large bushy colonies with equal,

three-dimensional branching. A key identification feature is that dichotomous
(divides in two or bifurcates) branching occurs from the calyces or polyps in
multiple directions and in a “v” shape. May have coenemchymal adhesions or
bridges prior to anastomosis (division), but the bridges are rare, solid, and usually
elongate (not circular in cross-section).
Colour: Pink (when alive).
Size: Forms large reef-like structures. Colony fragments, fist size pieces, or large
sections up to a metre or more taken in trawl.
Distribution: Cosmopolitan and widely distributed in the New Zealand deepsea
Depth: 265 to 1700 m.
Similar species: Similar to Goniocorella but S. variabilis is thicker with branches
developing from the calyces and has no tubular bridges. Although also similar to
Madrepora oculata the equal, intratentacular branching is very distinctive in
S. variabilis.
References: Cairns, S.D. (1995). The marine fauna of New Zealand: Scleractinia (Cnidaria:
Anthozoa). New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir 103: 1–210.
Tracey, D.; Mackay, E.; Gordon, D.; Sanchez, J.; Opresko, D. (2008). A Guide to Deepsea Coral.
Report prepared for CSP Unit, Department of Conservation, DOC08309 Project (Objective 3).
15 p.
Tracey, D.; Rowden, A.; Mackay, K.; Compton, T. (2011). Habitat-forming coldwater corals show
affinity for seamounts in the New Zealand region. Marine Ecology Progress Series 430: 1–22.

Phylum Cnidaria

Class Anthozoa

Order Scleractinia (stony corals)
Family Caryophylliidae

Stephanocyathus platypus (Solitary bowl coral) (STP)

2 cm

Distinguishing features: Circular to elliptical bowl-shaped solitary coral, star-

like with 12 pointy and prominent septa. Very fleshy when specimen is alive. This
genus is the largest circular solitary coral found in New Zealand waters.
Colour: Brown purplish when alive. Visible parts of the skeleton are bright white.
Size: Up to 9 cm in diameter.
Distribution: Widespread on Lord Howe Rise, eastern Chatham Rise, and
Bounty Plateau.
Depth: 700 to 900 m.
Similar species: Desmophyllum dianthus, however, S. platypus is clearly star-like
with pointy and prominent septa. The cup corals Caryophyllia spp. are smaller,
more robust, and their oral cavity not concave as in S. platypus. There are
other Stephanocyathus spp. in New Zealand waters but these not as large or as
abundant as S. platypus.
References: Cairns, S. D. (1995). The marine fauna of New Zealand: Scleractinia (Cnidaria:
Anthozoa). New Zealand Oceanographic Institute. Memoir 103: 1–139.
Tracey, D.; Mackay, E.; Gordon, D.; Sanchez, J.; Opresko, D. (2008). A Guide to Deepsea Coral.
Report prepared for CSP Unit, Department of Conservation, DOC08309 Project (Objective 3). 15 p.

Phylum Cnidaria

Class Anthozoa
Order Scleractinia (stony corals)
Family Dendrophylliidae

Enallopsammia rostrata (Deepwater branching coral) (ERO)

Desmophyllum on

2 cm 2 cm

A Distinguishing features: Forms large uniplanar colonies with occasional

branch anastomosis (i.e., branch fusion). Polyp calyces (opening of corallite in
which polyp is situated) are visible, circular to elliptical, and confined to only one
plane of the coral. Of the four branching corals described, E. rostrata has the
largest polyps. The image to the right shows the crested cup coral Desmophyllum
colonising Enallopsammia.
Colour: Red brown to ochre (when alive).
Size: Forms large reef-like structures. Colony fragments, fist size pieces, or large
sections up to a metre or more taken in trawl.
Distribution: Found throughout the New Zealand region as well as worldwide.
Depth: 200 to 2150 m.
Similar species: Similar to other branching stony coral species particularly
Goniocorella dumosa, but E. rostrata has uniplanar branching and no bridges
among branches. Solenosmilia variabilis is similar but the branching pattern for
this species is dichotomous (divides in two or bifurcates).
References: Cairns, S.D. (1995). The marine fauna of New Zealand: Scleractinia (Cnidaria:
Anthozoa). New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir 103: 1–210.
Tracey, D.; Mackay, E.; Gordon, D.; Sanchez, J.; Opresko, D. (2008). A Guide to Deepsea Coral.
Report prepared for CSP Unit, Department of Conservation, DOC08309 Project (Objective 3). 15 p.
Tracey, D.; Rowden, A.; Mackay, K.; Compton, T. (2011). Habitat-forming coldwater corals show
affinity for seamounts in the New Zealand region. Marine Ecology Progress Series 430: 1–22.

Phylum Cnidaria

Class Anthozoa

Order Scleractinia (stony corals)
Family Flabellidae

Flabellum spp. (Flabellum cup corals) (COF)

2 cm

Distinguishing features: Solitary corals, fixed or free, with bell-like or

compressed form. Growth ridges evident along the external wall. Coral edges
can be either continuous or jagged.
Colour: White, tissue pale ochre.
Size: Up to 50 mm.
Distribution: Worldwide. New Zealand has several endemic species.
Depth: 250 to 1500 m.
Similar species: Rhizotrochus spp. Microscopic examination is required for
reliable identification to species level.
References: Cairns, S.D. (1995). The marine fauna of New Zealand: Scleractinia (Cnidaria:
Anthozoa). New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir 103: 1–210.
Tracey, D.; Mackay, E.; Gordon, D.; Sanchez, J.; Opresko, D. (2008). A Guide to Deepsea Coral.
Report prepared for CSP Unit, Department of Conservation, DOC08309 Project (Objective 3). 15 p.

Phylum Cnidaria

Class Anthozoa
Order Scleractinia (stony corals)
Family Oculinidae

Madrepora oculata (Madrepora coral) (MOC)


A Distinguishing features: Branching coral, has many forms, is usually bushy

and is distinguished from other branching corals by having multiple small circular
coral calyces (cups) or polyps. Branching occurs just below the calyx. There are
3 different morphs or shapes in New Zealand waters. One morph has calyces
that alternate sympodially on each side of thick branches in a flute-like regular
orientation. Diameter of polyps ranges from 1.9 to 2.2. mm. Often associated
with commensal polychaetes.
Colour: White, with light brown living tissue.
Size: Forms large reef-like structures. Colony fragments, fist size pieces, or large
sections up to a metre or more taken in trawl.
Distribution: Worldwide, except Antarctica. Widely distrubuted within New
Zealand waters, commonly found on the Chatham Rise.
Depth: 90 to 2850 m.
Similar species: Oculina virgosa is a similar but more sparsely and irregularly
branched species with larger cup diameter (2.5 to 4.5 mm), and found in
northern parts of New Zealand only. Microscopic examination is required for
reliable identification to species level.
References: Cairns, S.D. (1995). The marine fauna of New Zealand: Scleractinia (Cnidaria:
Anthozoa). New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir 103: 1–210.
Tracey, D.; Mackay, E.; Gordon, D.; Sanchez, J.; Opresko, D. (2008). A Guide to Deepsea Coral.
Report prepared for CSP Unit, Department of Conservation, DOC08309 Project (Objective 3). 15 p.
Tracey, D.; Rowden, A.; Mackay, K.; Compton, T. (2011). Habitat-forming coldwater corals show
affinity for seamounts in the New Zealand region. Marine Ecology Progress Series 430: 1–22.

Phylum Cnidaria

Class Anthozoa

Order Scleractinia (stony corals)
Family Oculinidae

Oculina virgosa (Deepwater branching coral) (OVI)

Distinguishing features: Sparsely irregularly branched with terminal branches
sympodially (in a regular fashion) arranged circular calyces. The branches are
thin, calyx (cup) diameter large (2.5 to 4.5 mm).
Colour: Red when alive.
Size: Pinkish red with white skeleton when alive.
Distribution: Forms large reef-like structures. Colony fragments, fist size pieces,
or large sections taken in trawl.
Depth: 30 to 800 m.
Similar species: Madrepora oculata is similar to O. virgosa , but M. oculata
has thicker branches with alternate and well separated calyces. Microscopic
examination is required for reliable identification to species level.
References: Cairns, S.D. (1995). The marine fauna of New Zealand: Scleractinia (Cnidaria:
Anthozoa). New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir 103: 1–210.
Tracey, D.; Mackay, E.; Gordon, D.; Sanchez, J.; Opresko, D. (2008). A Guide to Deepsea Coral.
Report prepared for CSP Unit, Department of Conservation, DOC08309 Project (Objective 3). 15 p.
Tracey, D.; Rowden, A.; Mackay, K.; Compton, T. (2011). Habitat-forming coldwater corals show
affinity for seamounts in the New Zealand region. Marine Ecology Progress Series 430: 1–22.

Phylum Cnidaria
Class Anthozoa (subclass Hexacorallia)
Order Zoantharia (Zoanthidea)
Family Epizoanthidae, Parazoanthidae, Zoanthidae, Sphenopidae

(Zoanthids) (ZAH)
Gold coral

A Distinguishing features: This anemone-like order is taxonomically

problematic. Zoanthids can be found on rocks and rubble, or growing attached to
living coral branches, hermit crab shells (see Epizoanthus spp. EPZ), and on glass
sponge stalks (top right image). Zoanthids are mostly colonial, with polyps linked
either by a continuous coenenchyme or by stolons. They are often small and erect,
sausage or knob-like in shape, with a central aperture (often looking like a simple
depression). With the exception of Savalia and the undescribed gold parazoanthid
(referred to as gold coral), they do not secrete a skeleton. Gold coral is usually
gorgonian associated, and as its name applies, secretes a very hard scleroproteic
golden skeleton. Savalia secretes a dark brown to black skeleton.
Colour: Whitish beige to orange, gold and brown. Colour in the deeper species
is often influenced by sediment incrustations.
Size: 1 to 6 mm for the small anemone-like animals and up to 2 m for gold
coral colonies.
Distribution: Widely distributed in the New Zealand region. The gold coral
found in the New Zealand region may be the same morphologically as the
Hawaiian gold coral.
Depth: 0 to 2250 m.
Similar species: Colonial zoanthids can be confused with small sea squirts,
branching soft corals, or with large brooding polyps of certain gorgonian corals,
e.g., the sea fans Thouarella or Tokoprymno. Gold corals with little live tissue can
be confused with dead branches of gorgonian or black corals.
References: Cairns, S.D.; et al. (2009). Phylum Cnidaria – corals, medusae, and hydroids. In:
Gordon, D.P. (ed.), The New Zealand Inventory of Biodiversity. Volume 1, Kingdom Animalia:
Radiata, Lophotrochozoa, and Deuterostomia. Canterbury University Press, Christchurch.
Sinniger, F.; Reimer, J. D.; Pawlowski, J. (2008). Potential of DNA Sequences to Identify Zoanthids
(Cnidaria: Zoantharia). Zoological Science 25: 1253–1260.
Phylum Cnidaria
Class Hexacorallia
Order Zoantharia (Zoanthidea) (zoanthid anemones)
Family Epizoanthidae

Epizoanthus spp. (Zoanthid anemone) (EPZ)

2 cm

Distinguishing features: A relative of anemones and corals, this leathery

anemone-like zoanthid hexacoral settles on shells occupied by hermit crabs. As
it grows it envelopes the shell. The budding polyps radiate outwards, giving the
colony a cog-like appearance. Tentacles and mesenteries are in multiples of six.
Colour: Purple to pink or brown
Size: 6 to 10 cm.
Distribution: Widely distributed in the New Zealand region.
Depth: 500 to 2000 m. Wide depth range.
Similar species: Twelve species of Zoanthids are described for the New
Zealand region. The species shown in the image is most likely Epizoanthus
References: Cairns, S.D.; Gershwin, L.; Brook, F.J.; Pugh, P.; Dawson, E.W.; Ocaña, O.;
Vervoort, W.; Williams, G.; Watson, J.E.; Opresko, D.M.; Schuchert, P.; Campbell, H.J.; Wright,
A.J.; Sánchez, J.A. (2009). Phylum Cnidaria – corals, medusae, and hydroids. In: Gordon,
D.P. (ed.), The New Zealand Inventory of Biodiversity. Volume 1, Kingdom Animalia: Radiata,
Lophotrochozoa, and Deuterostomia. Canterbury University Press, Christchurch.

Bristle worms, leeches
Geoff Read

Phylum deepsea food chain and their soft bodies provide
nutritious food for fish and many other predators.

ANNELIDA Class Clitellata

Clitellata is the current class name for leeches and
Bristle worms and leeches oligochaetes as a group, formerly treated separately
within Annelida as Classes Hirudinea (comprising
Class Polychaeta all leech families) and Oligochaeta (comprising
Polychaetes are segmented marine worms that have aquatic oligochaete families plus earthworms). No
evolved a wide variety of forms in adaptation to marine oligochaetes are large enough to be noticed
many different lifestyles. They can occur in great in trawl bycatch, but ectoparasitic fish leeches
abundance and are usually a major component of up to a few centimetres long may occasionally
the deep sea benthos. Polychaetes are particularly be seen, either detached from their hosts or still
common crawling and burrowing on or in bottom affixed. Marine fish leeches belong to the family
sediments, but also live in tubes attached to rock Piscicolidae; chaetae and lack the cutting jaws
surfaces or within growths of sponges, corals, and of terrestrial leeches, have anterior and posterior
hydroids. However, polychaetes are relatively small suckers and a fixed number of segments, and all
animals that are good at hiding themselves, and are hermaphroditic. There are six species currently
thus, with some exceptions, epifaunal worms caught reported for New Zealand, but little is known
up in trawl bycatch are mostly not easily seen unless about their ecology or preferred hosts. Additional
carefully looked for. undescribed species are likely to occur.
Class Polychaeta also includes hydrothermal vent
and cold seep tube-dwelling worms nourished solely
by symbiotic bacteria, apparently unsegmented,
and until recently regarded as part of a separate
phylum called Pogonophora. Some species of this
group occur in New Zealand waters. At least 800
polychaete species in 68 families occur in the
New Zealand area, with about 50% of the formally
described species endemic. Altogether worldwide
there are about 13000 polychaetes known in
83 families.
Typically each polychaete worm segment has
many chaetae (bristles)—hence the class name.
The chaetae erupt in upper and lower groups
from variably developed fleshy lateral lobes or
‘feet’ called parapodia. It is important to study
chaetae when identifying worms as each family
has characteristic types, with many of the chaetae
intricately and distinctively sculptured. The
polychaete head region in wandering agile species
often bears eyes, unique chemosensory structures
called nuchal organs, and pairs of antennae, palps,
and cirri. These may also be present in related tube-
dwelling forms, but typically the permanent tube-
dwellers have additional feeding and respiratory
appendages, such as the tentacular crowns of
Sabellidae, whereas sediment-eating burrowing
forms generally have much reduced head
appendages. Food in many polychaetes is ingested
with the aid of an eversible mouth bulb called the
proboscis, and this may be armed with pincer-like
jaws, particularly in predatory forms.
Polychaetes filter-feed, graze on organic debris,
bulk-ingest sediment, or prey on other small
animals. They are short-lived, mostly having
annual or shorter life spans; their reproductive
strategies include free spawning by separate sexes,
hermaphroditism, and various degrees of brood
care, and polychaete larvae are common in the
plankton. Polychaetes are an important part of the
Phylum Annelida
Class Polychaeta (bristle worm)
Order Amphinomida
Family Amphinomidae

Chloeia inermis (Fire worm) (CIM)

Distinguishing features: Spindle-shaped with profuse, siliceous, spicule-like
chaetae (body lateral view left inset). Head small, sunken, with a cockscomb-like
pleated caruncle (right inset). Whip-like dorsal cirri from segment one. Dorsal
stalked branched gill pairs from segment 5.
Colour: Believed to be pale. Dorsal cirri ends are a conspicuous purple in
preserved specimens.
Size: Total length up to 90 mm.
Distribution: New Zealand wide, especially Chatham Rise and offshore
northwest of the South Island.
Depth: 70 to 1050 m. Shelf and slope.
Similar species: Unique. Other bottom-dwelling amphinomids are much
smaller and in different genera. Large amphinomids also may occur on floating
objects colonised by goose barnacles.
References: Kudenov, J.D. (1993). Amphinomidae and Euphrosinidae (Annelida: Polychaeta)
principally from Antarctica, the southern ocean, and subantarctic regions. Antarctic Research
Series 58: 93–150.

Phylum Annelida
Class Polychaeta (bristle worm)
Order Eunicida
Family Eunicidae

Eunice (undescribed) (Eunice sea-worm) (EUN)


A Distinguishing features: Head with 2 cushion-like palps, 5 head antennae,

followed by another pair of antennae. Mouth with white plate-like mandibles
below a series of toothed jaw plates. Small comb-like pink gills above each
lateral ‘foot’ from 8th segment to end of body.
Colour: Light chocolate brown with paler underside.
Size: Total length up to 220 mm.
Distribution: Chatham Rise and Bay of Plenty region.
Depth: 200 to 250 m.
Similar species: There are a number of described and undescribed Eunice in
New Zealand waters of various sizes, all superficially rather similar, but varying
in body colour, gill development, and morphology of jaw elements and chaetae
(bristles erupting on each segment).
References: Fauchald, K. (1992). A review of the genus Eunice (Polychaeta: Eunicidae) based
upon type material. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology 523. 422 p.

Phylum Annelida
Class Polychaeta (bristle worm)
Order Eunicida
Family Onuphidae

Hyalinoecia tubicola (Quill worm) (HTU)

Distinguishing features: Onuphid worms occupy a tapering quill-like horny
tube with protective internal valves at either end (see mid left specimen inside
tube). Tube is translucent and circular in cross-section. Worm is an active crawler,
dragging tube “house” along.
Colour: Light brown tube and body.
Size: Total length up to 300 mm (tube length).
Distribution: Common on the surface of sediments of New Zealand
continental slope.
Depth: 50 to 2800 m. 80% of records occur in the depth zone 100 to 600 m.
Similar species: Hyalinoecia incubans, a smaller species, is very similar.
Leptoecia oxyrhincha is also smaller and occupies a similar, although flattened,
“quill” tube. H. tubicola is “cosmopolitan,” with the New Zealand form a treated
as subspecies, H. tubicola longibranchiata, although further evaluation of its
status is needed.
References: McIntosh, W.C. (1885). Report on the Annelida Polychaeta collected by H.M.S.
‘Challenger’ during the years 1873–76. Report of the Scientific Results of the Exploring Voyage of
H.M.S. Challenger 1873–76 12. 554 p.
Read, G.B. ; Clark, H.E.S. (1999). Ingestion of quill-worms by the astropectinid sea-star
Proserpinaster neozelanicus (Mortensen). New Zealand Journal of Zoology 26: 49–54.

Phylum Annelida
Class Polychaeta (bristle worm)
Order Phyllodocida
Family Aphroditidae

Aphrodita spp. (Sea mouse) (ADT)


A Distinguishing features: Body oval in outline, dorsally covered by a matted

felt of fine hair, and with intermingled bronze chaetae, as well as 15 pairs of
elytra (scales). Ventrally without felt, with finely papillated surface. Facial tubercle
present between paired palps on head. Thin median antenna present or absent.
Colour: Grey or brown.
Size: Up to 120 mm. About twice as long as wide.
Distribution: Widely distributed on the continental shelf, including the Chatham
Rise, with some deep water records to the east of Mahia Peninsula.
Depth: 20 to 2700 m.
Similar species: There may be four or more Aphrodita species in New Zealand
waters. Also there are several similar genera differing mainly in details of chaetal
morphology and arrangement.
References: Hutchings, P.A.; McRae, J. (1993). The Aphroditidae (Polychaeta) from Australia,
together with a redescription of the Aphroditidae collected during the Siboga expedition. Records
of the Australian Museum 45: 279–363.

Phylum Annelida
Class Polychaeta (bristle worm)
Order Phyllodocida
Family Polynoidae

Thermiphione (undescribed) (Thermiphione scale-worm) (THE)

Distinguishing features: Scale-worm with thirteen pairs of overlapping tough
dorsal scales, each with a polygonal surface pattern (inset top right). Dorsal
surface under scales (absent in left lower specimen and head-closeup, right
image) with near-midline papillae. Head without eyes or antennae, with pair
of palps.
Colour: Golden dorsal scales. Body reportedly green in life.
Size: Total length up to 30 mm. About twice as long as wide.
Distribution: Eastern New Zealand on actively volcanic seamounts.
Depth: 230 to 730 m.
Similar species: No other member of genus recorded in New Zealand.
However, many Polynoidae look superficially the same if dorsal scales are intact.
If unsure use Polynoidae code PYN.
References: Hartmann–Schröder, G. (1992). Zur Polychaetenfauna in rezenten hydrothermalen
Komplexmassivsulfiderzen (‘Schwarze Raucher’) am Ostpazifischen Rucken bei 21° 30’ S.
Helgoländer Meeresuntersuchungen 46: 389–403.
Miura, T. (1994). Two new scale-worms (Polynoidae, Polychaeta) from the Lau Back-Arc and
North Fiji Basins, south Pacific Ocean. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 107:

Chitons, bivalves, sea snails, sea
slugs, octopus, squid, tusk shell
Bruce Marshall, Steve O’Shea, Darren Stevens
with additional input for squid from Neil Bagley,
Peter McMillan, Reyn Naylor, Di Tracey, Kathrin Bolstad
Phylum Aplacophora
In New Zealand, these are worm-like molluscs

MOLLUSCA found in sandy mud. There is no shell. The tiny

solenogasters have bristle-like spicules over
Chitons, bivalves, sea snails, sea almost the whole body, a groove on the underside
of the body, and no gills. The more worm-like
slugs, octopus, squid, tusk shells caudofoveates have a groove and fewer spicules
but have gills. There are 10 species, 8 undescribed.

The mollusca is the second most speciose animal Bivalvia

phylum in the sea after Arthropoda. The phylum Clams, mussels, oysters, scallops, etc. The shell is
name is taken from the Latin (molluscus, soft), in two halves (valves) connected by a ligament and
referring to the soft bodies of these creatures, but hinge and anterior and posterior adductor muscles.
most species have some kind of protective shell Gills are well-developed and there is no radula.
and hence are called shellfish. Some, like sea There are 680 species, 231 undescribed.
slugs, have no shell at all. Most molluscs also
have a strap-like ribbon of minute teeth — the Scaphopoda
radula — inside the mouth, but this characteristic Tusk shells. The body and head are reduced but
Molluscan feature is lacking in clams (bivalves) and there is a foot that is used for burrowing in soft
some deep-sea finned octopuses. A significant part sediments. The shell is open at both ends, with
of the body is muscular, like the adductor muscles the narrow tip just above the sediment surface for
and foot of clams and scallops, the head-foot of respiration. There are 47 species, 36 undescribed.
abalone, and the mantle and arms of squid and
octopus, which makes molluscs an important food Gastropoda
source. Sea snails and sea slugs. The shell is typically coiled
New Zealand has 3666 marine molluscan but both coiling and a shell may be lacking in
species, of which more than a thousand await some species. The head-foot is well developed and
formal description. Most of these are minute muscular and the radula is mostly well developed
“micromolluscs”, however. but can be greatly modified in ways that are
The majority of species are endemic to New peculiar to particular genera and families. There
Zealand, being found nowhere else in the world. are 2738 species, 1017 undescribed.
The uniqueness of the New Zealand Mollusca Cephalopoda
is also exemplified by certain kinds that are
biologically or ecologically remarkable. The chiton Squid and octopus. Unlike tropical nautilus, with
Cryptoconchus porosus has its shell plates wholly its well-developed external shell, squid have an
internal, a character displayed by only one other internal shell or support (pen) that is horny, whereas
species in the world, and Pseudotonicia cuneata octopods generally lack any internal support. The
lives permanently within soft sediments — rare for a only real difference between an octopus and a
chiton. New Zealand’s largest mesodesmatid clam, squid is that squid have cuticular rings or hooks
Paphies ventricosa (toheroa) is one of the largest arming their suckers, whereas an octopus has
in its family worldwide. The patellid limpet Patella suckers that are simple suction discs. Squids have
kermadecensis, which can reach 150 millimetres 8 arms and usually 2 tentacles; octopods have 8
or more in length and is endemic to the Kermadec arms. In addition to a radula, there are beak-like
Islands, is the only living representative of its family jaws. The key diagnostic feature for squids are the
in the EEZ. New Zealand’s calliostomatid snails arms and tentacles but often these can be missing
include several that are larger than any others in the in trawl-caught specimens, particularly from squids
world. More than 8.5% of the world’s estimated 750 with tentacular clubs (hooks). There are 123
chitons occur within the EEZ. species, 23 undescribed, or for which the systematic
status has yet to be confirmed.
All seven classes of living Mollusca are found in
New Zealand’s marine environment, including the
deep sea. They are:

This “living-fossil” group comprises tiny limpet-like
species found on seamounts. There are 6 species, 0

Chitons have 8 shell plates, rarely concealed, and
a scaly “girdle” around the perimeter of the body in
most species. There are 65 species, 10 undescribed.

Phylum Mollusca
Class Bivalvia
Order Limoida
Family Limidae

Acesta maui (Giant file shell) (AMA)

Distinguishing features: Thin, rather fragile shell, externally with very fine
longitudinal ridges near sides. Darker markings are due to the presence of a
thin external skin, which is much softer than the shell and erodes away easily,
especially in more dynamic environments. The external skin is typically best
preserved in small to medium-sized specimens.
Colour: Shell white, typically with a patchy, dull brownish external skin.
Size: Total height up to 185 mm.
Distribution: Cook Strait, eastern South Island, Fiordland, Chatham Rise, and
Auckland and Campbell Islands.
Depth: 270 to 1170 m.
Similar species: Acesta saginata Marshall, 2001 (next page).
References: Marshall, B.A. (2001). The genus Acesta H. & A. Adams, 1858 in the southwest
Pacific (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Limidae). In, Bouchet, P.; Marshall, B.A. (eds), Tropical deep-sea
benthos 22. Memoires de la Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle 185: 97–109.

Phylum Mollusca
Class Bivalvia
Order Limoidea
Family Limidae

Acesta saginata (Lesser giant file shell) (ASG)


A Distinguishing features: Large, thin, rather fragile shell, externally covered

with fine longitudinal grooves.
Colour: White.
Size: Total height up to 116 mm.
Distribution: Seamounts off northern North Island, off Chatham Islands, and
Macquarie Ridge.
Depth: 1031 to 1650 m.
Similar species: Acesta maui.
References: Marshall, B.A. (2001). The genus Acesta H. & A. Adams, 1858 in the southwest
Pacific (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Limidae). In Bouchet, P. and Marshall, B.A. (eds), Tropical deep-sea
Benthos 22. Memoires de la Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle 185: 97–109 (p. 103).

Phylum Mollusca
Class Bivalvia
Order Pectinoida
Family Pectinidae (scallops)

Zygochlamys delicatula (Queen scallop) (QSC)

Distinguishing features: Scallop or fan-shaped shell covered with longitudinal
riblets, both valves (halves) inflated; ears on each valve of unequal size.
Colour: Yellow or red.
Size: Total height up to 97 mm.
Distribution: Eastern South Island, western Chatham Rise, Auckland, Bounty,
and Campbell Islands, and Macquarie Island.
Depth: 60 to 549 m.
Similar species: Veprichlamys kiwaensis, Talochlamys dichroa, T. zelandiae,
Mesopeplum convexum.
References: Beu, A. G. (1985). Pleistocene Chlamys patagonica delicatula (Bivalvia: Pectinidae)
off southeastern Tasmania, and history of its species group in the Southern Ocean. In. Lindsay,
J.M. (ed.). Stratigraphy, palaeontology, malacology. Papers in honour of Dr Nell Ludbrook.
Department of Mines and Energy, South Australia, Special Publication 5. 1–11.
Jonkers, H.A. (2003). Late Cenozoic–Recent Pectinidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia) of the Southern Ocean
and neighbouring regions. Monographs of Marine Mollusca 5. 91 p.

Phylum Mollusca
Class Bivalvia
Order Pectinoida
Family Pectinidae (scallops)

Delectopecten fosterianus (DFO)


A Distinguishing features: Shell subcircular, fan-shaped, very thin, fragile and

transparent, both valves (halves) inflated, ears on each valve of unequal size.
Externally covered with thin, widely spaced, scaly, concentric threads (additional,
much finer, more crowded radial threads can be clearly seen only under
Colour: Colourless and transparent.
Size: Total height up to 24 mm.
Distribution: Throughout the New Zealand EEZ living attached by threads to
rocks, corals and glass sponges or hard substrata.
Depth: 376 to 1568 m.
Similar species:
References: Powell, A.W.B. (1979) New Zealand Mollusca. Marine, land and freshwater shells.
Collins, Auckland p. 379.

Phylum Mollusca
Class Bivalvia
Order Pectinoida
Family Pectinidae (scallops)

Veprichlamys kiwaensis (VKI)

Distinguishing features: Scallop or fan-shaped shell covered with fine
longitudinal riblets, both valves (halves) inflated; ears on each valve of unequal
size. Longitudinal riblets smooth near eared-end of shell; roughened with small,
sharp scales near opposite end when shell is more than about 15 mm high
(additional, much finer, more crowded radial threads between main riblets can
be seen only under magnification).
Colour: White or pinkish white, longitudinal riblets pink.
Size: Total height up to 31 mm.
Distribution: Through the New Zealand EEZ, living attached by threads to
corals and glass sponges on hard ground.
Depth: 263 to 1130 m.
Similar species: Zygochlamys delicatula, Talochlamys dichroa, T. gemmulata,
T. zelandiae.
References: Powell, A.W.B. (1979) New Zealand Mollusca. Marine, land and freshwater shells.
Collins, Auckland p. 378.

Phylum Mollusca
Class Bivalvia
Order Pholadomyoida
Family Euciroidae

Euciroa galatheae (Euciroa bivalve) (EGA)


A Distinguishing features: Shell more or less oval, swollen, sculptured with very
fine radial ribs. Fresh uneroded specimens covered with a rough surface caused
by densely crowded, minute granules.
Colour: Shell white or pale pink.
Size: Total height up to 63 mm.
Distribution: Eastern North and South Islands, Chatham Rise,
and Auckland Islands.
Depth: 400 to 620 m.
Similar species: Hitherto unrecorded species with heavier, more circular shell,
occurs on Challenger Plateau and northern seamounts.
References: Powell, A.W.B. (1979). New Zealand Mollusca. Marine, land and freshwater shells.
Collins, Auckland.

Phylum Mollusca
Class Cephalopoda
Order Octopoda (Octopods)
Family Octopodidae

Benthoctopus spp. (Deepwater octopus) (BNO)

10 cm

10 cm

Distinguishing features: Stocky-bodied octopus, with a large head and

mantle, short arms, smooth skin, and suckers in two rows.
Colour: Dark red on undersurface of mantle, head, arms, and web, and light
red on other surfaces.
Size: To about 50 cm total length.
Distribution: Challenger Plateau, Bay of Plenty, Wairarapa coast, south to
Chatham Rise and Campbell Plateau.
Depth: 500 to 1750 m.
Similar species: Three Benthoctopus species occur in New Zealand waters: B.
clyderoperi, B. tangaroa, and B. tegginmathae.
References: O’Shea, S. (1999). The marine fauna of New Zealand: Octopoda (Mollusca:
Cephalopoda). NIWA Biodiversity Memoir 112. 280 p.
Spencer, H.G.; Willan, R.C.; Marshall, B.A.; Murray, T.J. (2011). Checklist of the Recent Mollusca
described from the New Zealand Exclusive Economic Zone.

Phylum Mollusca
Class Cephalopoda
Order Octopoda (Octopods)
Family Octopodidae

Enteroctopus zealandicus (Yellow octopus) (EZE)


10 cm

A Distinguishing features: Large smooth-bodied octopus with broad, ovoid

mantle, and arms subequal in length. All arm pairs have two series of suckers of
similar, large size.
Colour: Yellow to orange.
Size: To about 140 cm total length.
Distribution: East coast South Island, Chatham Rise, Southern Plateau.
Depth: 50 to 600 m. Deep in northern; littoral in southern extent of range.
Similar species: The common octopus Pinnoctopus cordiformis is dark brown
to red and has larger suckers on the dorsal arms progressively decreasing in
diameter to ventral arms.
References: O’Shea, S. (1999). The marine fauna of New Zealand: Octopoda (Mollusca:
Cephalopoda). NIWA Biodiversity Memoir 112. 280 p.
Spencer, H.G.; Willan, R.C.; Marshall, B.A.; Murray, T.J. (2011). Checklist of the Recent Mollusca
described from the New Zealand Exclusive Economic Zone.

Phylum Mollusca
Class Cephalopoda
Order Octopoda (Octopods)
Family Octopodidae

Graneledone spp. (Deepwater warty octopus) (DWO)

Distinguishing features: Clusters of cartilage-like tubercles/warts on the
head, mantle, and arms; single series of suckers down each arm. Ink sac absent.
Colour: Red, variable; maroon to dark red.
Size: To about 68 cm total length.
Distribution: Primarily east coast North Island, East Cape to Chatham Rise.
Depth: 450 to 1500 m.
Similar species: Two species (one with two subspecies) of Graneledone are
known from the New Zealand EEZ:
– Graneledone challengeri (GCL): small cartilage-like tubercles on the dorsal
surface (20 to 30 between eyes), found from the Kermadec Islands to the
Chatham Rise.
– Graneledone taniwha taniwha (GTA): small to moderate-sized tubercles (12 to
15 between eyes) on the dorsal surface, found from off the Wairapa coast to the
Auckland and Campbell Islands.
– Graneledone taniwha kubodera (GTA): small tubercles on the dorsal surface (11
to 14 between eyes), found on the Campbell Rise and Bounty Plateau.
References: O’Shea, S. (1999). The marine fauna of New Zealand: Octopoda (Mollusca:
Cephalopoda). NIWA Biodiversity Memoir 112. 280 p.
Spencer, H.G.; Willan, R.C.; Marshall, B.A.; Murray, T.J. (2011). Checklist of the Recent Mollusca
described from the New Zealand Exclusive Economic Zone.

Phylum Mollusca
Class Cephalopoda
Order Octopoda (Octopods)
Family Octopodidae

Octopus spp. (OCO)


A Distinguishing features: Small to moderate sized with a small mantle and

head, arms of similar length, suckers in two rows and not modified in females.
Colour: Light to dark brown or red.
Size: To about 14 to 68 cm total length, depending on species.
Distribution: Widespread throughout New Zealand.
Depth: 0 to about 600 m, depending on species.
Similar species: There are about 7 true Octopus species in New Zealand
waters. The common octopus Pinnoctopus cordiformis (formerly O. maorum) is
large-bodied, with the largest suckers on the dorsal arms. The yellow octopus
Enteroctopus zealandicus is also large, yellow to orange, but the suckers on all
arms are a similar size.
References: O’Shea, S. (1999). The marine fauna of New Zealand: Octopoda (Mollusca:
Cephalopoda). NIWA Biodiversity Memoir 112. 280 p.

Phylum Mollusca
Class Cephalopoda
Order Octopoda (Octopods)
Family Octopodidae

Pinnoctopus cordiformis (Common octopus) (OCT)

10 cm

Distinguishing features: Animal attains massive size; arms slender, tapering

to delicate tips, each arm with two series of suckers. Suckers on dorsal arms
largest, progressively decreasing in diameter from dorsal to ventral arms, with
those of the ventral arm pair half the diameter of those on the dorsal arm pair.
Colour: Light to dark brown or red.
Size: To about 150 cm total length.
Distribution: North, South, Stewart, and Chatham Islands.
Depth: 5 to 400 m.
Similar species: Pinnoctopus kermadecensis is similar but usually only attains
a total length of ~45 cm and it is restricted to intertidal areas of the Kermadec
Islands. Enteroctopus zealandicus is yellow to orange and all arm pairs have
similar sized suckers.
References: O’Shea, S. (1999). The marine fauna of New Zealand: Octopoda (Mollusca:
Cephalopoda). NIWA Biodiversity Memoir 112. 280 p.
Spencer, H.G.; Willan, R.C.; Marshall, B.A.; Murray, T.J. (2011). Checklist of the Recent Mollusca
described from the New Zealand Exclusive Economic Zone.

Phylum Mollusca
Class Cephalopoda
Order Octopoda (Octopods)
Family Opisthoteuthididae

Opisthoteuthis spp. (Umbrella octopus) (OPI)


5 cm

5 cm

A Distinguishing features: Moderate-sized octopus with very compressed bell-

or disc-shaped body. Fins small and flap-like. Arms long and deeply embedded
in gelatinous web of the mantle tissue, with single series of suckers and long
threadlike cirri. Spots may be visible over mantle.
Colour: Purplish red to pink.
Size: To about 36 cm total length.
Distribution: North and South Island (both east and west coasts), Chatham
Rise, Campbell Plateau.
Depth: 360 to 1700 m.
Similar species: Three species recognised in New Zealand waters:
Opisthoteuthis chathamensis, O. mero, and O. robsoni.
References: O’Shea, S. (1999). The marine fauna of New Zealand: Octopoda (Mollusca:
Cephalopoda). NIWA Biodiversity Memoir 112. 280 p.
Spencer, H.G.; Willan, R.C.; Marshall, B.A.; Murray, T.J. (2011). Checklist of the Recent Mollusca
described from the New Zealand Exclusive Economic Zone.

Technical terms for squids (Teuthoidea)
Reproduced from Roper, C.F.E.; Sweeny, M.J.; Nauen C.E. (1984). FAO Species catalogue: 3 Cephalopods
of the world. 277p.

Phylum Mollusca
Class Cephalopoda
Order Teuthoidea (Squids)
Family Architeuthidae

Architeuthis spp. (Giant squid) (GSQ)


10 cm

A Distinguishing features: Very large (to 13 m overall length); 8 arms with 2

rows of small suckers, and 2 very long tentacles, expanded at their ends into
paddle-like clubs with enlarged suckers. Small terminal fins. No hooks on arms
or tentacles.
Colour: Light pink to red.
Size: To about 2.25 m mantle length. Overall length to about 13 m.
Distribution: Around New Zealand and worldwide.
Depth: About 200 to 1000 m; most frequently captured at about 500 m.
Similar species: Taningia danae is also very large but the arms and head
combined are shorter than the mantle, and it has large hooks on each arm.
Mastigoteuthis cordiformis is very large but it has very large ovoid fins down most
of mantle. Onykia (formerly Moroteuthis) sp. is large but has diamond-shaped
fins on top half of warty mantle, and hooks on the clubs of short tentacles.
References: Jereb, P.; Roper, C.F.E. (2010). (eds) Cephalopods of the world. An annotated and
illustrated catalogue of cephalopod species known to date. Volume 2. Myopsid and Oegopsid
Squids. FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes. No. 4, Vol. 2. Rome, FAO. 2010. 605p.
O’Shea, S. (1977). Giant squid in New Zealand waters. Seafood New Zealand. 5 (10): 32–34.
Forch, E.C. (1998). The marine fauna of New Zealand: Cephalopoda: Oegopsida: Architeuthidae
(giant squid). NIWA Biodiversity Memoir 110.

Phylum Mollusca
Class Cephalopoda
Order Teuthoidea (Squids)
Family Chiroteuthidae

Chiroteuthis veryani (CVE)

10 cm

Distinguishing features: Long slender body, gelatinous, fins circular, 4th

arms much longer and thicker than other arms with a row of photophores along
length. Tentacular club widened with suckers in 4 rows. Small photophores in
rows on ventral side of eyeball and 2 photophores on the ink sac.
Colour: Red-purple to crimson.
Size: To about 20 cm mantle length.
Distribution: Circumglobal in Tropical to sub-Antarctic waters.
Depth: Mesopelagic to bathypelagic over deepwater.
Similar species: Chiroteuthis mega is also reported from New Zealand waters
but lacks photophores on the ink sac. M astigoteuthis spp. (MSQ) are broader,
deep red (often appear black when trawl caught), have a larger fin (50-90%
mantle length), and the tentacular club is not widened and bears numerous rows
of tiny suckers.
References: Roper, C.F.E.; Young, R.E. (2011). Chiroteuthis veranyi (Ferussac, 1835). Version 22
November 2011 (under construction). in
The Tree of Life Web Project,
Jereb, P.; Roper, C.F.E. (2010). (eds) Cephalopods of the world. An annotated and illustrated
catalogue of cephalopod species known to date. Volume 2. Myopsid and Oegopsid Squids. FAO
Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes. No. 4, Vol. 2. Rome, FAO. 605p.

Phylum Mollusca
Class Cephalopoda
Order Teuthoidea (Squids)
Family Cranchiidae

Cranchiidae (Glass squids) (CHQ)


5 cm

5 cm 5 cm

A Distinguishing features: A diverse family distinguished by the mantle being

fused to the head at three points (dorsally in the neck region, and to each side of
the funnel). Mantle tissue usually thin, transparent in smaller species, sometimes
studded with small tubercles. Tentacle clubs usually with four series of suckers,
but occasionally two series of hooks.
Colour: Most species transparent (juveniles) to translucent or red (adults).
Size: Most species less than 40 cm mantle length. Colossal squid to 2.5 metres.
Distribution: Widely distributed in New Zealand waters. The largest species, the
colossal squid Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni, is circumpolar in Antarctic waters.
Depth: 200 to 1500 m.
Similar species: This is a diverse group of squid, and the systematics of most
species occuring in New Zealand waters has not been adequately resolved.
References: Jereb, P.; Roper, C.F.E. (2010). (eds). Cephalopods of the world. An annotated and
illustrated catalogue of cephalopod species known to date. Volume 2. Myopsid and Oegopsid
Squids. FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes. No. 4, Vol. 2. Rome, FAO. 605p.

Phylum Mollusca
Class Cephalopoda
Order Teuthoidea (Squids)
Family Histioteuthidae

Histioteuthis spp. (Violet squids) (VSQ)

5 cm

Distinguishing features: Mantle and arms with numerous photophores that

are usually large and distinct. Mantle very small relative to head. Left eye much
larger than right.
Colour: Mantle, head and arms coloured dark red to violet.
Size: To about 30 cm mantle length.
Distribution: Widely distributed in deepwater around New Zealand.
Depth: Adults recorded from 300 to 1400 m (juveniles in surface waters).
Similar species: 7 to 9 species of Histioteuthis in New Zealand waters.
Distinguished from other families by presence of photophores on mantle and
References: Voss, N.A.; Nesis, K.N.; Rodhouse, P.G. (1998). The cephalopod family
Histioteuthidae (Oegopsida): systematics, distribution, and biogeography. Smithsonian
Contributions to Zoology 586: 293–372.

Phylum Mollusca
Class Cephalopoda
Order Teuthoidea (Squids)
Family Lepidoteuthidae

Lepidoteuthis grimaldii (Scaled squid) (LGR)


10 cm

A Distinguishing features: Muscular with large diamond-shaped, scale-like

dermal cushions covering the mantle, and large oval fins not reaching the end
of the mantle. Arm suckers typically have 7 to 9 fang-like teeth on the distal half
of the inner ring. In mature males, the 8th sucker of arm 2 is very large and the
sucker ring extends to form a prominent hook. Tentacles absent in adults.
Colour: Reddish-brown.
Size: To about 100 cm mantle length.
Distribution: Very rare. Tropical and subtropical regions of the Atlantic, Indian
and Pacific Oceans.
Depth: Adults thought to be demersal in deepwater (to at least 1100 m).
Similar species: Pholidoteuthis massyae has small scale-like papillate tubercles
and a diamond-shaped fin. Onykia (formerly Moroteuthis) ingens and O. robsoni
have irregular fleshy warts on the mantle, hooks on the tentacle clubs, and sucker
rings without teeth.
References: Jackson, G.D.; O’Shea, S. (2003). Unique hooks in the male scaled squid
Lepidoteuthis grimaldii. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 83:
Jereb, P.; Roper, C.F.E. (2010). (eds) Cephalopods of the world. An annotated and illustrated
catalogue of cephalopod species known to date. Volume 2. Myopsid and Oegopsid Squids. FAO
Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes. No. 4, Vol. 2. Rome, FAO. 605p.
Young, R.E.; Vecchione, M. (2009). Lepidoteuthis grimaldii Joubin, 1895.(

Phylum Mollusca
Class Cephalopoda
Order Teuthoidea (Squids)
Family Loliginidae

Sepioteuthis australis (Broad squid) (BSQ)

5 cm

Distinguishing features: Eyes enclosed by protective membrane (nearly

unique among NZ squid). Fins broad and very long exceeding 90% of mantle
length; fin width less than 50% fin length, maximum fin width about midpoint,
fin margin weakly angular so that the outline of fins and mantle together is
approximately diamond-shaped.
Colour: Pink to reddish-brown.
Size: To about 39 cm mantle length.
Distribution: Coastal, North Island to northern South Island and Australia.
Depth: Coastal to about 100 metres.
Similar species: Sepioteuthis lessoniana has broader fins (width up to 75%
of fin length, maximum fin width posterior to midpoint), and the fin margin is
rounded, so that the outline of fins and mantle together is broadly oval.
References: Jereb, P.; Roper, C.F.E. (2010). (eds). Cephalopods of the world. An annotated and
illustrated catalogue of cephalopod species known to date. Volume 2. Myopsid and Oegopsid
Squids. FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes. No. 4, Vol. 2. Rome, FAO. 605p.

Phylum Mollusca
Class Cephalopoda
Order Teuthoidea (Squids)
Family Lycoteuthidae

Lycoteuthis lorigera (Crowned firefly squid) (LSQ)


A Distinguishing features: Cylindrical body, tapering towards wide diamond-

shaped fins. 2nd arms greatly elongated in males. Numerous photophores
including 5 below the eye, 3 near the end of the abdomen (posterior abdominal
- fused together in males), and 2 (more in males) on the tentacular stalk.
Colour: Reddish-brown.
Size: To about 19 cm mantle length (males are larger than females).
Distribution: Recorded southward from southern North Island, widespread
throughout the Southern Ocean.
Depth: Mesopelagic to demersal over seamounts and the continental slope.
Near surface at night to 600 m during daylight.
Similar species: Lampadioteuthis megaleia has 4 eye photophores and a
stalked photophore at the base of each tentacle. Nematolampus regalis is
known from only two males, taken from the Kermadec Islands, and has greatly
elongated third arms (this may apply only to males), and 2nd arms with a single
References: Vecchione, M.; Young, R.E. 1999. Lycoteuthis lorigera (Steenstrup 1875). Version 01
January 1999. in The Tree of Life Web
Jereb, P.; Roper, C.F.E. (2010). (eds) Cephalopods of the world. An annotated and illustrated
catalogue of cephalopod species known to date. Volume 2. Myopsid and Oegopsid Squids. FAO
Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes. No. 4, Vol. 2. Rome, FAO. 605 p.

Phylum Mollusca
Class Cephalopoda
Order Teuthoidea (Squids)
Family Mastigoteuthidae

Mastigoteuthis spp. (Whip-lash squids) (MSQ)

5 cm

Distinguishing features: Mantle weakly muscled; fins large to very large (50-
90% mantle length), circular to oval in outline; 4th arms much longer and thicker
than other arms. Tentacles long, whip-like, clubs not well differentiated; nearly
entire tentacle covered in small suckers. No obvious photophores on the arms or
Colour: Deep red (often appears black when trawl caught).
Size: To about 15-30 cm mantle length.
Distribution: Widespread in Tropical to Antarctic waters.
Depth: Mesopelagic to bathypelagic over deepwater.
Similar species: A taxonomically confused family. Three Mastigoteuthis species
reported from New Zealand waters: M. agassizii, M. cordiformis (which can grow
to > 100 cm mantle length, and is placed in Idioteuthis by some researchers),
and M. magna. A fourth species, M. psychrophila is Antarctic and may reach
north as far as NZ. Chiroteuthis species are more slender, red-purple to crimson,
have a smaller fin (usually less than 50% mantle length), numerous photophores,
and an expanded tentacular club with suckers in 4 rows.
References: Jereb, P.; Roper, C.F.E. (2010). (eds). Cephalopods of the world. An annotated and
illustrated catalogue of cephalopod species known to date. Volume 2. Myopsid and Oegopsid
Squids. FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes. No. 4, Vol. 2. Rome, FAO. 605 p.
Vecchione, M.; Young, R.E.; Lindgren, A. (2007). Mastigoteuthidae Verrill, 1881. Mastigoteuthis
Verrill, 1881. Whip-lash squid. Version 19 November 2007 (under construction).
Mastigoteuthis/19453/2007.11.19 in The Tree of Life Web Project,

Phylum Mollusca
Class Cephalopoda
Order Teuthoidea (Squids)
Family Octopoteuthidae

Octopoteuthis spp. (OPO)


10 cm

A Distinguishing features: Mantle broad and weakly muscled, fins large,

broad, and muscular, running most of the length of the mantle. No tentacles
(except in small juveniles). Arms short and thick with 2 rows of hooks, a small
dark tip photophore on the tips of all arms. 1 or 2 large tail photophores.
Colour: Deep red or crimson.
Size: To about 30 to 50 cm mantle length, but usually less than 20 cm.
Distribution: Widely distributed in deepwater around New Zealand, and
temparate and tropical waters of all oceans.
Depth: From near the surface to at least 2000 m. Juveniles are found near the
surface while adults are found in deepwater but they ascend at night to feed in
the upper layers.
Similar species: Two species of Octopoteuthis are known from New Zealand
waters: Octopoteuthis megaptera - pictured above (OCM), and a rare unnamed
species that grows much larger (use code OPO). Taningia danae (TDQ) has a
very large photophore on the tip of each 2nd arm and grows to 150 cm mantle
References: Nesis, K.N. (1982). Cephalopods of the World. T.F.H. Publications. 351 p.
Jereb, P.; Roper, C.F.E. (2010). (eds) Cephalopods of the world. An annotated and illustrated
catalogue of cephalopod species known to date. Volume 2. Myopsid and Oegopsid Squids. FAO
Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes. No. 4, Vol. 2. Rome, FAO. 605p.
Young, R.E.; Vecchione, M. (2009). Octopoteuthis Ruppell 1844. Version 29 December 2009. in The Tree of Life Web Project, http://tolweb.

Phylum Mollusca
Class Cephalopoda
Order Teuthoidea (Squids)
Family Octopoteuthidae

Taningia danae (Dana octopus squid) (TDQ)

10 cm

Distinguishing features: Mantle broad and weakly muscled, fins large,

broad, and muscular running most of the length of the mantle. No tentacles
(except in small juveniles). Arms short and thick with 2 rows of hooks, a large
broad creamy white photophore at the tip of each 2nd arm (may be covered
by eyelid-like muscular lids). Other arms with no tip photophore. No tail
Colour: Deep red or crimson.
Size: To about 170 cm mantle length.
Distribution: Widespread in deepwater around New Zealand, and temperate
and tropical waters of all oceans.
Depth: From near the surface to at least 1246 m. Juveniles are found near the
surface while adults are found in deepwater but they ascend at night to feed in
the upper layers.
Similar species: Octopoteuthis spp. have photophores on the tips of all arms
and 1 or 2 large tail photophores; most species do not exceed 20 cm in mantle
length, although one rare undescribed species can reach 50 cm mantle length.
References: Nesis, K.N. (1982). Cephalopods of the World. T.F.H. Publications. 351 p.
Jereb, P.; Roper, C.F.E. (2010). (eds) Cephalopods of the world. An annotated and illustrated
catalogue of cephalopod species known to date. Volume 2. Myopsid and Oegopsid Squids. FAO
Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes. No. 4, Vol. 2. Rome, FAO. 605p.
Vecchione, M.; Kubodera, T.; Young, R.E. (2010). Taningia Joubin 1931. Taningia danae Joubin
1931. Version 22 August 2010. in The Tree
of Life Web Project,

Phylum Mollusca
Class Cephalopoda
Order Teuthoidea (Squids)
Family Ommastrephidae

Nototodarus gouldi (Gould’s arrow squid) (NOG)

ventral 4th arm


N. sloanii

N. gouldi

A Distinguishing features: Cylindrical body, tapering towards arrow-head

shaped fins. 51 or fewer pairs of suckers on arm 1 (middle left arm in dorsal
view, looking towards tentacles). 14 to 16 regularly spaced teeth on largest
tentacular sucker ring. Has central pocket but lacks side pocket in funnel groove.
In males, both 4th (ventral) arms are hectocotylised. Hectocotylised arms with 4
to 6 enlarged proximal tubercles.
Colour: Reddish-brown.
Size: To about 40 cm mantle length.
Distribution: Temperate to subtropical Australian waters, around New Zealand,
north of the subtropical convergence.
Depth: Recorded from about 50 to 700 m, most commonly around 300 m.
Similar species: Nototodarus sloanii is similar, but has 11 to 13 regularly
spaced teeth on the largest tentacular sucker ring, 60 or more pairs of suckers
on arm 1, and is usually found south of the subtropical convergence. Note both
species can be found over Chatham Rise. Adult males can be distinguished by
the structure of their hectocotylus (see figure above). Juvenile or female squid are
difficult to separate to species. If uncertain use the code SQU.
References: Jereb, P.; Roper, C.F.E. (2010). (eds) Cephalopods of the world. An annotated and
illustrated catalogue of cephalopod species known to date. Volume 2. Myopsid and Oegopsid
Squids. FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes. No. 4, Vol. 2. Rome, FAO. 2010. 605p.

Smith, P.J.; Mattlin, R.H.; Roeleveld, M.A.; Okutani, T. (1987). Arrow squids of the genus
Nototodarus in New Zealand waters: systematics, biology, and fisheries. New Zealand Journal of
Marine and Freshwater Research 21(2): 315–326.

Phylum Mollusca
Class Cephalopoda
Order Teuthoidea (Squids)
Family Ommastrephidae

Nototodarus sloanii (Sloan’s arrow squid) (NOS)

ventral 4th arm

N. sloanii

N. gouldi

Distinguishing features: Cylindrical body, tapering towards arrow-head

shaped fins. 60 or more pairs of suckers on arm 1 (middle left arm in dorsal
view, looking towards tentacles). 11 to 13 regularly spaced teeth on largest
tentacular sucker ring. Has central pocket but lacks side pocket in funnel groove.
In males, both 4th (ventral) arms are hectocotylised. Hectocotylised arms with 9
to 11 enlarged proximal tubercles.
Colour: Reddish-brown.
Size: To about 40 cm mantle length.
Distribution: South of the subtropical convergence on the east coast of the
South Island, and east to the Chatham Islands.
Depth: 30 to 800 m. Most commonly around 300 m.
Similar species: Nototodarus gouldi is similar, but has 14 to 16 regularly
spaced teeth on the largest tentacular sucker ring, 51 or fewer pairs of suckers
on arm 1, and is usually found north of the subtropical convergence. Note both
species can be found over Chatham Rise. Adult males can be distinguished by
the structure of their hectocotylus (see figure above). Juvenile or female squid are
difficult to separate to species. If uncertain use the code SQU.
References: Jereb, P.; Roper, C.F.E. (2010). (eds) Cephalopods of the world. An annotated and
illustrated catalogue of cephalopod species known to date. Volume 2. Myopsid and Oegopsid
Squids. FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes. No. 4, Vol. 2. Rome, FAO. 2010. 605p.
Smith, P.J.; Mattlin, R.H.; Roeleveld, M.A.; Okutani, T. (1987). Arrow squids of the genus
Nototodarus in New Zealand waters: systematics, biology, and fisheries. New Zealand Journal of
Marine and Freshwater Research 21(2): 315–326.

Phylum Mollusca
Class Cephalopoda
Order Teuthoidea (Squids)
Family Ommastrephidae

Ommastrephes spp. (Ommastrephid squid) (OMM)


A Distinguishing features: Mantle robust and not drawn out into a pointed
tail. Has a central pocket and several side pockets in the funnel groove. One or
two small, round, light organs near ink sac in some species, but without pinkish
luminous stripe on ventral midline. Ommastrephes bartrami (RSQ) has a long
golden or silvery stripe along the ventral midline. Males with one 4th (ventral)
arm hectocotylised, but not both; hectocotylus with 4 pairs of proximal tubercles
(suckers), and distal tubercles are not pronounced.
Colour: Reddish-brown.
Size: To about 30 cm mantle length in males, 40 cm in females.
Distribution: Worldwide in subtropical and temperate oceanic waters except the
south-east Pacific, uncommon off the east coast of New Zealand.
Depth: From the surface to about 1400 m.
Similar species: Todarodes and large Nototodarus spp. are similar to
Ommastrephes spp. but lack photophores near the ink sac and a central pocket
in the funnel groove.
References: Dunning, M.; Brandt, S.B. (1985). Distribution and life history of deep-water squid
of commercial interest from Australia. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 36:

Jereb, P.; Roper, C.F.E. (2010). (eds) Cephalopods of the world. An annotated and illustrated
catalogue of cephalopod species known to date. Volume 2. Myopsid and Oegopsid Squids. FAO
Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes. No. 4, Vol. 2. Rome, FAO. 2010. 605p.

Phylum Mollusca
Class Cephalopoda
Order Teuthoidea (Squids)
Family Ommastrephidae

Todarodes filippovae (Todarodes squid) (TSQ)

10 cm

Distinguishing features: Long, narrow, muscular mantle. Tentacles very large

and robust, with expanded clubs over most of their length. 12 to 14 transverse
rows of four suckers on widest part of tentacle, each with 7 to 13 sharp teeth.
Short arms with 10 sharp teeth on sucker rings. Photophores not present. In
males, the 4th right arm is hectocotylised (modified).
Colour: Deep red or carmine.
Size: To about 50 cm mantle length, more commonly between 20 and 40 cm.
Distribution: Southern North Island south, circumpolar in the Southern Ocean.
Depth: About 300 to 1200 m.
Similar species: Todarodes angolensis is similar, but tentacles and clubs
narrower; tentacle club with 14 to 18 transverse rows of four suckers, with the
rings on suckers in the central portion of the club each having 13 to 16 sharp-
pointed teeth.
References: Dunning, M.C.; Wormuth, J.H. (1998). The ommastrephid squid genus Todarodes:
a review of systematics, distribution, and biology (Cephalopoda: Teuthoidea). Smithsonian
Contributions to Zoology 586: 385–391.

Phylum Mollusca
Class Cephalopoda
Order Teuthoidea (Squids)
Family Onychoteuthidae

Onykia (formerly Moroteuthis) ingens (Warty squid ) (MIQ)


10 cm

A Distinguishing features: Mantle and dorsal head surface covered with

irregular fleshy warts; strongly muscled. Fins diamond-shaped, broad, covering
around 45% of the mantle length; tail not drawn out beyond fins. Two series of
hooks on tentacle clubs; inner rings of arm suckers smooth (without teeth).
Colour: Light reddish-brown to pale orange.
Size: To about 55 cm mantle length.
Distribution: Widespread in New Zealand and sub-Antarctic waters.
Depth: Most commonly between 250 and 900 m.
Similar species: Can be confused with Onykia (formerly Moroteuthis) robsoni
but O. robsoni has arrowhead-shaped fins with a long tail, well-separated round
warts on the mantle, smooth skin on the dorsal head surface, and grows to a
larger size (to 90 cm ML). If unsure, use the generic code WSQ.
References: Bolstad, K.S.R. (2010). Systematics of the Onychoteuthidae Gray, 1847
(Cephalopoda: Oegopsida). Zootaxa 2696, 186 p.

Phylum Mollusca
Class Cephalopoda
Order Teuthoidea (Squids)
Family Onychoteuthidae

Onykia (formerly Moroteuthis) robsoni (Warty squid) (MRQ)

10 cm

Distinguishing features: Mantle surface covered with round, well-separated

fleshy warts; surface of head smooth. Fins arrowhead-shaped, drawn out
posteriorly into a long tail. Two series of hooks on tentacle clubs; inner rings of
arm suckers smooth (without teeth).
Colour: Light reddish-brown to pale orange.
Size: To about 90 cm mantle length.
Distribution: Widespread in New Zealand and sub-Antarctic waters.
Depth: Most commonly between 700 and 1100 m.
Similar species: Can be confused with Onykia (formerly Moroteuthis) ingens
but O. ingens has diamond-shaped fins (not drawn out into a tail), irregular
warts on the mantle and dorsal head surface, and grows to about 55 cm mantle
length. If unsure, use the generic code WSQ.
References: Bolstad, K.S.R. (2010). Systematics of the Onychoteuthidae Gray, 1847
(Cephalopoda: Oegopsida). Zootaxa 2696, 186 p.

Phylum Mollusca
Class Cephalopoda
Order Teuthoidea (Squids)
Family Pholidoteuthidae

Pholidoteuthis massyae (Large red scaly squid) (PSQ)


10 cm

A Distinguishing features: Mantle muscular, with small round or polygonal

scale-like papillae/warts covering the mantle in adults (papillae are star-shaped
in juveniles). Fin diamond-shaped, reaching the end of the mantle; outer skin
often abraded away, leaving striking white musculature. Arm suckers have 10 to
15 sharp teeth on the distal half of the inner ring. Tentacle club with suckers only
(no hooks).
Colour: Reddish-brown.
Size: To about 60 cm mantle length.
Distribution: Circumglobal in subtropical to cold temperate waters.
Depth: Recorded from about 50 to 450 m.
Similar species: Lepidoteuthis grimaldii has large diamond-shaped, scale-like
dermal cushions, a large oval fin with a distinct tail, and lacks tentacles in sub-adults
and adults. Onykia (formerly Moroteuthis) ingens and O. robsoni have irregular
fleshy warts on the mantle, arm sucker rings without teeth, and two rows of hooks on
the tentacle clubs.
References: O’Shea, S.; Jackson, G.; Bolstad, K.S. (2007). The nomenclatural status,
ontogeny and morphology of Pholidoteuthis massyae (Pfeffer, 1912) new comb (Cephalopoda:
Pholidoteuthidae). Reviews in Fish Biology & Fisheries 17: 425–435.
Vecchione, M.; Young, R.E. (2011). Pholidoteuthis massyae (Pfeffer, 1912). Version 20 March 2011
(under construction). in The Tree of
Life Web Project,

Phylum Mollusca
Class Cephalopoda
Order Sepiolida (Bobtail squids)
Family Sepiadariidae

Sepioloidea spp. (Bobtail squid) (SSQ)

1 cm

Distinguishing features: Mantle short, broad, rounded posteriorly, with large,

well separated, ear-like fins extending most of mantle length. Mantle fused to
head dorsally; no ventral shield or large photophore on ink sac.
Colour: Transparent, dorsal surface covered with numerous golden to red
Size: To about 7 cm mantle length.
Distribution: Widespread around New Zealand, and the South Pacific Ocean.
Depth: To about 500 m.
Similar species: There are 3 species of Sepiolidea in New Zealand waters.
All are benthic and only S. pacifica (SQP), a small inshore species, is described.
There are also 2 similar-looking pelagic bobtail squids, but both have a
prominent ventral shield and a large photophore on the ink sac. In Heteroteuthis
dagamensis (HES) the dorsal mantle is not fused to the head, while in Stoloteuthis
maoria (IRM) the dorsal mantle is fused to the head. If uncertain about the
identity of the pelagic species use the code SEQ (Sepiolid squid).
References: Young, R.E. (2010). Sepiadariidae Naef 1912. Version 15 August 2010 (under
construction). in The Tree of Life Web Project,

Phylum Mollusca
Class Cephalopoda
Order Sepiolida (Bobtail squids)
Family Sepiolidae

Heteroteuthis dagamensis (Bobtail squid) (HES)


1 cm

A Distinguishing features: Mantle short, broad, rounded posteriorly, with large,

well separated, ear-like fins extending most of mantle length. Mantle not fused
to head dorsally; ventral shield spans about 50% of ventral mantle surface; large
photophore on ink sac. Males with several enormously enlarged suckers on 3rd
Colour: Dorsal mantle and head golden to red, transparent or silvery ventrally,
photophore luminescent.
Size: To about 2 cm mantle length.
Distribution: Widespread over deepwater around New Zealand, and
throughout the Southern Ocean.
Depth: Pelagic over deepwater.
Similar species: In Stoloteuthis maoria the dorsal mantle is fused to the head.
If uncertain use the code SEQ (Sepiolid squid). Sepioloidea species (SSQ) are
benthic and lack a ventral shield and large photophore on ink sac.
References: Vecchione, M.; Young, R.E.; Roper, C.F.E. (2007). Heteroteuthis dagamensis
Robson 1924. Version 26 December 2007 (under construction).
dagamensis/20053/2007.12.26 in The Tree of Life Web Project,

Phylum Mollusca
Class Cephalopoda
Order Sepiolida (Bobtail squids)
Family Sepiolidae

Stoloteuthis (sometimes Iridoteuthis) maoria (Bobtail squid) (IRM)

1 cm

Distinguishing features: Mantle short, broad, rounded posteriorly, with large,

well separated, ear-like fins extending most of mantle length. Mantle fused to
head dorsally; ventral shield spans about 80% of ventral mantle surface, large
photophore on ink sac. Males with several enlarged suckers on 2nd arms.
Colour: A silver band around lateral and posterior mantle and dorsally from
eyes to tips of 2nd arms, prominent blue fringe on ventral shield, photophore
Size: To about 2 cm mantle length.
Distribution: Widespread over deepwater around New Zealand, and the
eastern Pacific.
Depth: Pelagic over deepwater.
Similar species: In Heteroteuthis dagamensis the dorsal mantle is not fused
to the head. If uncertain use the code SEQ (Sepiolid squid). Sepioloidea species
(SSQ) are benthic and lack a ventral shield or large photophore on ink sac.
References: Young, R.E.; Vecchione, M.; Roper, C.F.E. (2007). Stoloteuthis maoria (Dell
1959). Version 26 December 2007 (under construction).
maoria/27775/2007.12.26 in The Tree of Life Web Project,

Phylum Mollusca
Class Gastropoda
Order Littorinimorpha
Family Capulidae

Malluvium calcareum (Cap limpet) (MCC)


A Distinguishing features: Cap-shaped, hooked apex, no pronounced ledge

inside. Typically smaller individuals on or beside larger ones (smallest individuals
are males: sex changes to female with increasing size).
Colour: White.
Size: Total height up to 20 mm.
Distribution: Common throughout the New Zealand EEZ living clustered
around apertures on outsides of shells of gastropods occupied by hermit crabs.
Occasionally found attached to shells of living gastropods.
Depth: 110 to 1019 m, though rarely taken shallower than 200 m.
Similar species: Capulus neozelanicus (larger and lives exclusively on
Acesta species).
References: Powell, A.W.B. (1979) New Zealand Mollusca. Marine, land and freshwater shells.
Collins, Auckland p. 146.

Phylum Mollusca
Class Gastropoda
Order Littorinimorpha
Family Ranellidae (tritons)

Fusitriton magellanicus (FMA)

Distinguishing features: Shell sculptured with fine longitudinal and spiral ribs
bearing small, rounded nodules. Base of aperture extending as a twisted canal of
moderate length. Fresh specimens with a rather thick, yellowish brown, furry outer
skin (periostracum).
Colour: Shell whitish, typically with yellowish brown, furry outer periostracum
skin; aperture white or lavender within.
Size: Total height up to 120 mm.
Distribution: Throughout the New Zealand region.
Depth: 300 to 1000 m.
Similar species: This species is also known in the literature as Fusitriton laudandum
or F. retiolus.
References: Powell, A.W.B. (1979). New Zealand Mollusca. Marine, land and freshwater shells.
Collins, Auckland.
Beu, A.G. (1978). The marine fauna of New Zealand: the molluscan genera Cymatona and
Fusitriton (Gastropoda, Family Cymatiidae). New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir 65.

Phylum Mollusca
Class Gastropoda
Order Neogastropoda
Family Buccinidae (whelks)

Aeneator recens (AER)


A Distinguishing features: Shell covered with well developed, rather widely

spaced spiral cords, and with longitudinal ribs of variable devolopment; no
nodules where the ribs cross one another. Base of aperture extended as a rather
straight but oblique canal of moderate length.
Colour: Shell pinkish white.
Size: Total height up to 72 mm.
Distribution: Eastern North and South Islands, Stewart Island, and
Chatham Rise.
Depth: 300 to 700 m.
Similar species: Aeneator otagoensis. Note Aeneator benthicola is the
same species.
References: Powell, A.W.B. (1979). New Zealand Mollusca. Marine, land and freshwater shells.
Collins, Auckland.

Phylum Mollusca
Class Gastropoda
Order Neogastropoda
Family Buccinidae (whelks)

Austrofusus glans (Knobbed whelk) (KWH)

Distinguishing features: Shell sculptured with fine spiral ribs and rounded
longitudinal ribs, and 2 rows of rounded or conical nodules (1 on middle of
each turn on spire, 2 or 3 on last turn). Base of aperture extending as a short,
twisted canal. Fresh specimens with a thin, yellowish brown or blackish outer
periostracum skin (see image on right).
Colour: Shell whitish or yellowish brown beneath (fresh specimens) thin, outer
yellowish-brown or blackish periostracum skin.
Size: Total height up to 93 mm.
Distribution: North, South, Stewart, and Chatham Islands.
Depth: 0 to 420 m.
Similar species: None.
References: Powell, A.W.B. (1979). New Zealand Mollusca. Marine, land and freshwater shells.
Collins, Auckland.

Phylum Mollusca
Class Gastropoda
Order Neogastropoda
Family Buccinidae (whelks)

Penion chathamensis (PCH)


A Distinguishing features: Shell higher than wide, spire about as high as

aperture. Externally covered with numerous, fine, irregular spiral threads; early
whorls additionally with strong, rounded longitudinal ribs. Canal of moderate
length. Aperture smooth within.
Colour: Exterior dirty white or yellowish. Interior of aperture polished white, rim
sometimes yellowish.
Size: Total height up to 240 mm.
Distribution: North-eastern South Island and Chatham Rise.
Depth: 112 to 420 m.
Similar species: Penion benthicolus, P. cuvierianus, P. fairfieldae, P. jeakingsi,
P. ormesi, P. sulcatus.
References: Powell, A.W.B. (1979) New Zealand Mollusca. Marine, land and freshwater shells.
Collins, Auckland p. 201.

Phylum Mollusca
Class Gastropoda
Order Neogastropoda
Family Turbinellidae

Coluzea mariae (Pagoda shell) (CMR)

Distinguishing features: Conical spire sculptured with longitudinal and spiral
ribs, with small, sharp, conical nodules where the ribs cross. Base of aperture
extended as a very long, straight canal.
Colour: Shell typically whitish or greyish white.
Size: Total height up to 98 mm.
Distribution: Eastern South Island, Chatham Rise, and Auckland Islands.
Depth: 180 to 700 m.
Similar species: Coluzea spiralis, C. wormaldi, C. altocanalis,
Columbarium veridicum.
References: Powell, A.W.B. (1979). New Zealand Mollusca. Marine, land and freshwater shells.
Collins, Auckland.

Phylum Mollusca
Class Gastropoda
Order Neogastropoda
Family Turridae (turrids)

Comitas onokeana vivens (COV)


A Distinguishing features: Shell high and narrow, spire higher than aperture.
On spire, upper third of each whorl smooth and concave, lower third of each
whorl with oblique, rounded ribs. Upper part of aperture deeply notched.
Aperture smooth within. Canal short.
Colour: Chalky or greyish white.
Size: Total height up to 75 mm.
Distribution: Palliser slope, eastern South Island, Chatham Rise and
Campbell Plateau.
Depth: 420 to 1000 m. On soft bottoms.
Similar species: None in Guide.
References: Powell, A.W.B. (1979) New Zealand Mollusca. Marine, land and freshwater shells.
Collins, Auckland p. 229.

Phylum Mollusca
Class Gastropoda
Order Neogastropoda
Family Volutidae (volutes)

Alcithoe larochei (ALL)

Distinguishing features: Typically no nodules on the spire. Broad notch at
base of aperture; 5 or 6 rounded plaits on wall of left (inner) side of the aperture.
Colour: Whitish shell, typically more or less covered with blackish skin.
Size: Total height up to 165 mm.
Distribution: Eastern North Island and northeastern South Island.
Depth: 200 to 650 m.
Similar species: Alcithoe jaculoides, A. arabica, A. fissurata, A. benthicola,
A. fusus, A. wilsonae.
References: Powell, A.W.B. (1979). New Zealand Mollusca. Marine, land and freshwater shells.
Collins, Auckland.

Phylum Mollusca
Class Gastropoda
Order Neogastropoda
Family Volutidae (Volutes)

Alcithoe wilsonae (AWI)


A Distinguishing features: Shell narrowly elongate. Typically with elongate

nodules on the spire, though some specimens are completely smooth. Narrow
notch at base of the aperture; 5 or 6 rounded plaits on wall of left (inner) side of
the aperture.
Colour: Shell uniform cream or chalky white; or yellowish with dark, irregular
zigzag colour pattern.
Size: Total height up to 130 mm.
Distribution: Chatham Rise, eastern South Island, Snares Shelf and
Campbell Plateau.
Depth: 124 to 585 m. On soft bottoms.
Similar species: Alcithoe arabica, A. benthicola, A. fissurata, A. fusus,
A. larochei, A. lutea.
References: Bail, P.; Limpus, A. (2006). The recent volutes of New Zealand, with a revision of the
genus Alcithoe
Adams, H.; A. Adams, (1853). A conchological iconography. Conchbooks, Hackenheim (p. 55).
Powell, A.W.B. (1979) New Zealand Mollusca. Marine, land and freshwater shells. Collins,
Auckland p. 209.

Phylum Mollusca
Class Gastropoda
Order Neogastropoda
Family Volutidae (Volutes)

Provocator mirabilis (Golden volute) (GVO)

Distinguishing features: Highly polished and smooth. No nodules on the
spire. Small notch at base of aperture; no plaits on wall of left (inner) side of the
Colour: Typically orange, occasionally white.
Size: Total height up to 160 mm.
Distribution: Eastern North and South Islands, Chatham Rise, and Auckland
Depth: 250 to 790 m.
Similar species: Alcithoe spp.
References: Powell, A.W.B. (1979). New Zealand Mollusca. Marine, land and freshwater shells.
Collins, Auckland.

Phylum Mollusca
Class Gastropoda
Order Nudibranchia (nudibranchs)
Family Arminidae, Dendrodorididae, Dorididae, Facelinidae, etc

(Sea slug, Nudibranch) (NUD)


20 mm

Photo: R. Willan

A Distinguishing features: The soft fleshy body can be round or elongate and
lacks any protective shell. The deep sea species Heterodoris antipodes (see dorsal and
ventral views of holotype, left image) has a broad heart-shaped mantle, the mantle
skirt running from the outer base of each rhinophore (chemosensory tentacle) down
each side of the body to join at a point in the posterior midline. There are scattered
rounded tubercles over the mantle and a series of quite large tapering papillae.
?Doriopsilla sp. (middle image) and Dorididae have a dorsum covered with pustules,
Doris wellingtonensis (top right image), is the largest dorid found in shallow waters of
NZ. Feathery projections are gills. Some nudibranchs bear numerous smooth tapering
projections called cerata (see Jason mirabilis right image). This species is not usually
taken in trawls, but the image is included to highlight morphological differences.
Colour: Red, yellow, cream, pink, orange, green, blue, spotted, white, purple,
some brilliantly so, but lose colour when preserved.
Size: Total length. Total extended crawling length from 3 mm to 300 mm.
Distribution: Coastal regions of New Zealand. H. antipodes recorded on the
slope of the Tasman Basin, west coast South Island. ?Doriopsilla sp. found on the
Chatham Rise.
Depth: Intertidal to deepwater. H. antipodes found in 1760 to 1800 m.
Similar species: Could be mistaken for sea cucumbers, but can be
distinguished by their strong, muscular snail-like foot and feathery gills.
References: Willan, R. C. (1981) A new abyssal arminacean nudibranch from New Zealand. New
Zealand Journal of Zoology 8: 325–330.
Willan, R.C. (1983). New Zealand side-gilled sea slugs (Opisthobranchia: Notaspidea:
Pleurobranchidae). Malacologia 23: 221–270.
Willan, R. C. (2010). Sub-class Opisthobranchia. In: Cook, S de C. (ed.). New Zealand Coastal Marine
Invertebrates Volume One, p 422–462. Canterbury University Press, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Phylum Mollusca
Class Gastropoda
Order Vetigastropoda
Family Calliostomatidae (top shells)

Calliostoma selectum (Maurea) (CSS)

Distinguishing features: Shell top-shaped, edge angulate, sculptured with
narrow spiral threads covered with many small nodules.
Colour: Spire pinkish white or pale yellowish brown, with yellowish brown and
white spots and streaks on spiral threads. Base (aperture side) whitish. Aperture
pearly within.
Size: Diameter up to 70 mm.
Distribution: North, South, Stewart and Chatham Islands.
Depth: 27 to 274 m.
Similar species: Calliostoma waikanae, C. pellucidum, C. turnerarum
References: Marshall, B.A., (1995). A revision of the recent Calliostomatidae of New Zealand
(Mollusca: Gastropoda: Trochoidea). The Nautilus 108: 83–126 (p. 108).
Powell, A.W.B. (1979) New Zealand Mollusca. Marine, land and freshwater shells. Collins,
Auckland p. 61.

Phylum Mollusca
Class Gastropoda
Order Vetigastropoda
Family Calliostomatidae (top shells)

Calliostoma turnerarum (CTN)


A Distinguishing features: Shell top-shaped, edge angulate, sculptured with

narrow spiral threads covered with many small nodules.
Colour: Spire yellowish brown or light orange brown with reddish brown and
white spots and streaks. Base (aperture side) whitish with yellowish to reddish
brown streaks. Aperture pearly within.
Size: Diameter up to 85 mm.
Distribution: Three Kings Islands, northeastern North Island as far south as
Cape Runaway, and off Ninety Mile Beach.
Depth: 230 to 530 m.
Similar species: Calliostoma selectum, C. waikanae.
References: Marshall, B.A. (1995). A revision of the recent Calliostomatidae of New Zealand
(Mollusca: Gastropoda: Trochoidea). The Nautilus 108: 83–126.

Phylum Mollusca
Class Polyplacophora (chitons)

(Chiton) (CHT)

Distinguishing features: Symmetrical with an ovoid body and no eyes or
tentacles. The shell is divided into 8 overlapping plates. Will be attached to some
form of hard substrate.
Colour: Generally dull brown or greenish, but may be red or brighter colours.
Size: From 20 to 110 mm.
Distribution: Worldwide.
Depth: Intertidal to deepwater.
Similar species: A generic image of a chiton is shown. There are several
genera found in the New Zealand region.
References: Powell, A.W.B. (1979). New Zealand Mollusca. Marine, land and freshwater shells.
Collins, Auckland.

Isopods, amphipods, mysids,
prawns, lobsters, crabs, barnacles,
sea spiders
Shane Ahyong, John Booth, Niel Bruce,
Anne-Nina Loerz, Reyn Naylor,
Kareen Schnabel, Rick Webber
Isopods, amphipods, mysids,
prawns, lobsters, crabs,
barnacles, sea spiders

The Arthropoda (Greek arthron, joint, podos, Subphylum Chelicerata

foot) is the largest phylum of life. About 80% of
Class Pycnogonida
all described species of animal life are arthropods
— jointed-limb animals. On land, they are best These slender creatures are all legs, with a short,
represented by insects, arachnids (spiders, mites, thin body. Most have 8 legs; deep-sea species have
and their relatives), myriapods (centipedes and 10 (one New Zealand species) or 12 legs. There
millipedes), and some crustacean groups (woodlice are 83 species in the EEZ, associated with hydroids,
and soil hoppers). In the sea, the subphylum sea anemones, or bryozoans, from which they suck
Crustacea dominates, both on the seafloor and in body fluids using a tube-like proboscis.
the plankton. Marine insects are found intertidally
and in shallow coastal waters but not in the deep
sea. Sea spiders (Pycnogonida) are an ancient
group of marine creatures that are not closely
related to true spiders. Pycnogonids range from the
intertidal to the deep sea.
The basic body plan of head, thorax, and abdomen
is obvious in creatures like prawns and mantis
shrimps. Most body segments have jointed limbs.
These are primitively forked in many crustaceans
but some limbs are simple (like the walking legs of
crabs). Marine crustaceans vary enormously in size
from microscopic parasites a tenth of a millimeter in
size to giant crabs, lobsters, and sea lice (isopods)
up to half a metre in length or breadth and
weighing up to 20 kilograms, and the body regions
can be highly modified. Calculations of the number
of named living species of Crustacea range from
approximately 50,000 to 67,000. Estimates of the
potential number of species start from as many as
ten times to one hundred times that number.

Subphylum Crustacea
Classes Maxillopoda and Malacostraca
Five or six classes of the subphylum Crustacea are
recognised worldwide. Only the cave-dwelling
Remipedia have not been found in New Zealand
waters. The New Zealand fauna currently stands at
about 2,800 species, more than 500 of which have
not yet been formally identified or described. The
major classes likely to be represented in deep-sea
bycatch include the Maxillopoda (e.g., barnacles)
and Malacostraca. There are several major orders
of Malacostraca found in and on the deep seafloor,
including Isopoda (“same feet”, e.g., sea lice),
Amphipoda (“both feet”, e.g., hoppers), and
Decapoda (“ten feet”, e.g., crabs, shrimps, prawns).
Much rarer are large deep-sea species of mantis
shrimps (Stomatopoda). Cumacea (comma shrimps)
and Tanaidacea (tanaids), though sometimes
common, are quite small and likely to be overlooked.

Shrimp and prawn species
Natant decapods are similar in appearance to
crustaceans in two other orders; the Euphausiacea
(euphausids) and Mysidacea (mysids). The most
obvious characters unique to natant decapods, to
mysids, or to euphausids are labelled — bold labels
indicate the most distinctive character of each.
Reproduced from: Webber, W.R.; Fenaughty, C.M.; Clark, M.R.
(1990). A guide to some common offshore shrimp and prawn
species of New Zealand. New Zealand Fisheries Occasional
Publication 6. 42 p.

Generalised crab diagram and
terms used in this guide
Reproduced from: Naylor, J.R.; Webber, W.R.; Booth, J.D. (2005).
A guide to common offshore crabs in New Zealand waters. New
Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 2. 47 p.

Dorsal (top) view of

carapace and legs
walking leg Cheliped
Front region

groove Lateral

Posterior branchial
Last (4th) margin
walking leg
(greatly reduced
in king crabs)

Ventral (bottom) view

Fixed finger
Palm Movable finger


Third maxilliped

Abdomen (male)

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Crustacea
Order Amphipoda
Family Eurytheneidae

Eurythenes gryllus (Amphipod) (EUG)

Distinguishing features: Compact body, large size. Mouthparts form a
quadrate bundle. The first article of the second antenna is swollen. First side plate
(coxa 1) is strongly shortened and partly covered by the second side plate (coxa 2).
The first leg, gnathopod 1, is short and poorly subchelate. Telson is elongated
and deeply cleft.
Colour: Adults red, juveniles often white.
Size: Total length up to 100 mm.
Distribution: Widespread in New Zealand region.
Depth: 180 to 6500 m.
Similar species: Other species of Eurythenes.
References: Barnard, J.L; (1961). Gammaridean amphipoda from depths of 400–6000 meters.
Galathea Reports 5: 23–128.

Barnard, J.L., Karaman, G.S. (1991). The families and genera of marine gammaridean
amphipoda (except marine gammaroids) Part 2. Records of the Australian Museum, Supplement 13
(Part 2): 419–866.

Stoddart, H.; Lowry, J.K. (2004) The deep-sea lysianassoid genus Eurythenes (Crustacea,
Amphipoda, Eurytheneidae n.fam.) Zoosystema 26(3): 425–468.

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Atelecyclidae

Pteropeltarion novaezelandiae (Pteropeltarion crab) (PNO)

Long rostrum of 2 Stiff hairs pointing


large and 1 small forward from rostrum

(obscured) spine

Right cheliped often

larger than left

A Distinguishing features: Two long, sharp lateral spines on each side of

carapace. Carapace pentagonal; surface granular. Longish parallel-sided rostrum
of 2 larger lateral spines and 1 smaller middle spine.
Colour: Legs white, carapace and chelae white to greyish blue.
Size: Carapace width to about 25 mm including lateral spines, about 11 mm,
excluding spines.
Distribution: Around New Zealand and the Campbell Plateau.
Depth: About 500 to 900 m.
Similar species: The lack of a spiny margin to the carapace distinguish this
genus from Trichopeltarion.
References: Dell, R.K. (1972). A new genus and species of Atelecyclid crab from New Zealand.
Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand. 2: 55–59.

McLay, C.L. (1988). Brachyura and crab-like Anomura of New Zealand. Leigh Laboratory Bulletin
No. 22. 463 p.

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Atelecyclidae

Trichopeltarion fantasticum (Frilled crab) (TFA)

Very large chela
of adult male

Red eye

Frilled edge of

Distinguishing features: Carapace broadly oval, with a long lateral spine

(bearing smaller spines) on each lateral edge. Anterior edge of carapace frilled
with compound spines of 3 to 4 smaller spines. Widely spaced, rounded tubercles
on surface of carapace, and raised groups of tubercles near back. Eyes red,
chelae very large in adult males.
Colour: Legs white, carapace and chelae white to greyish blue.
Size: Carapace width to 60 mm (excluding spines).
Distribution: Around New Zealand and on the Chatham Rise.
Depth: Usually 70 to 730 m, occasionally as shallow as 15 m south of
Cook Strait.
Similar species: No similar species in New Zealand waters.
References: McLay, C.L. (1988). Brachyura and crab-like Anomura of New Zealand.
Leigh Laboratory Bulletin No. 22. 463 p.

Richardson, L.R.; Dell, R.K. (1964). A new crab of the genus Trichopeltarion from New Zealand.
Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand Zoology 4: 145–141.

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Chirostylidae

Gastroptychus spp. (Squat lobsters) (GAT)


20 mm

A Distinguishing features: Greatly elongate and slender limbs, spiny carapace

and limbs, very short, spiniform (not triangular) rostrum. Abdomen folded up
against itself and telson (middle appendage of tail) with transverse
groove (junction), see Uroptychus image, next page.
Colour: Of the two known species in New Zealand, G. rogeri (the ‘football
crab’), right image, is bright red with transverse white stripes on the carapace,
G. novaezelandiae, left image, is light pink with red bands on limbs.
Size: Carapace length from 15 to 50 mm. G. rogeri at the larger and
G. novaezelandiae at the smaller end of this range.
Distribution: Southwest Pacific.
Depth: 264 to 1200 m.
Similar species: Galatheids and other chirostylids.
References: O’Shea, S.; McKnight, D.; Clark, M. (1999). Bycatch – the common, unique and
bizarre. Seafood New Zealand 7(5): 45–51.

Poore, G.C.B. (2004). Marine decapod Crustacea of Southern Australia: a guide to identification.
CSIRO Publishing. 574p.

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Chirostylidae

Uroptychus spp. (Squat lobsters) (URP)

Transverse groove

Distinguishing features: Crab-like, chelipeds greatly elongate and slender,

abdomen folded up against itself. Telson (middle appendage of tail) with a
transverse groove.
Colour: Light pink to red.
Size: Carapace length up to 20 mm. Size varies between species.
Distribution: Worldwide.
Depth: 100 to 5000 m.
Similar species: Galatheids and other chirostylids.
References: O’Shea, S.; McKnight, D.; Clark, M. (1999). Bycatch - the common, unique and
bizarre. Seafood New Zealand 7 (5): 45–51.

Poore, G.C.B. (2004). Marine decapod Crustacea of Southern Australia: a guide to identification.
CSIRO Publishing. 574 p.

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Galatheidae

Munida spp. (Squat lobster) (MNI)


Scaly plates
20 mm
(no groove)

A Distinguishing features: Crab-like, chelipeds greatly elongate and slender,

abdomen folded up against itself. Telson (middle appendage of tail) without
transverse groove (squat lobsters have a transverse groove), without sutures i.e.
un-notched, and is made of multiple scaly plates. Image above of the endemic
Munida gracilis (MGA).
Colour: Red to brown. Also orange, pink, sometimes striped.
Size: Carapace length up to 50 mm depending on species.
Distribution: Worldwide. Munida gracilis around New Zealand,
Challenger Plateau and Chatham Rise.
Depth: 0 to 2000 m. Similar species: Chirostylids and other galatheid species.
References: O’Shea, S.; McKnight, D.; Clark, M. (1999). Bycatch – the common, unique and
bizarre. Seafood New Zealand 7(5): 45–51.

Poore, G.C.B. (2004). Marine decapod Crustacea of Southern Australia: a guide to identification.
CSIRO Publishing. 574 p.

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Geryonidae

Chaceon bicolor (Red crab) (CHC)

Branchial region
yellowy tan

Distinguishing features: Large. Distinctive carapace shape with 3 to 5 spines

on each lateral edge of carapace. Tips of walking legs laterally flattened.
Two-tone red-purple and tan colouring in most specimens.
Colour: Apart from the branchial regions which are yellowy tan, carapace red-
purple to yellowy tan. Legs coloured similarly to carapace.
Size: Carapace width in males up to 200 mm, 125 mm in females.
Distribution: Japan to Australia and New Zealand. Off northern North Island,
south to Chatham Rise.
Depth: 800 to 1100 m.
Similar species: Chaceon yaldwyni is almost indistinguishable, but is a
rarely caught species from the eastern Chatham Rise. If in doubt, call it
Chaceon sp., Carcinoplax species look similar, but much smaller
(< 40 mm carapace width), tips of palms are black.
References: Dawson, E.W.; Webber, W.R. (1991). Guide to information about the deep-sea red
crab Chaceon (“ Geryon ”), including a list of species of the family Geryonidae. National Museum
of New Zealand, Miscellaneous Series No 24. 83 p.

McLay, C.L. (1988). Brachyura and crab-like Anomura of New Zealand. Leigh Laboratory Bulletin
No. 22. 463 p.

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Goneplacidae

Pycnoplax victoriensis (Two-spined crab) (CVI)

Long, curved, crossed


fingers, dark brown inside

Short sharp spine on

each side of carapace

Smooth, polished

A Distinguishing features: Smooth polished carapace, wider than long. Front

of carapace between eyes flattish. Long, thin legs. Short, sharp lateral spines on
edge of carapace. Large inner and smaller outer spine on inflated carpus. Long,
curved, crossed fingers, dark brown inside. This species was previously known as
Carcinoplax victoriensis.
Colour: Carapace and chelipeds pale pinkish white with dark yellow edge on
front of carapace, and lighter yellow on anterior surface and carpi. Walking legs
pale pink with wide dark red bands near the middle.
Size: Carapace width to nearly 40 mm in males, nearly 30 mm in females.
Distribution: Around New Zealand and on the Chatham Rise.
Depth: 125 to 765 m.
Similar species: Pycnoplax meridionalis is similar but has two large spines
behind the eye on the edge of carapace, shorter, thinner, and black fingers, no
spines on edge of carpus, and shorter and thicker fingers.
References: McLay, C.L. (1988). Brachyura and crab-like Anomura of New Zealand. Leigh
Laboratory Bulletin No. 22. 463 p.

Rathbun, M.J. (1923). Report on the crabs obtained by the F.I.S. “Endeavour” on the coasts of
Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania. Biological results of the
fishing experiments carried out by the F.I.S. “Endeavour” 1909–14. 5 (3), 93–156.

Castro P. (2007). A reappraisal of the family Goneplacidae MacLeay, 1838 (Crustacea,

Decapoda, Brachyura) and revision of the subfamily Goneplacinae, with the description of 10
new genera and 18 new species. Zoosystema 29: 609–774.

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Goneplacidae

Neommatocarcinus huttoni (Policeman crab) (NHU)

20 mm

Distinguishing features: Very long eyestalks. Carapace wider at the front

than back, and wider than long. A strong lateral spine on each side at the front
of the carapace. Chelipeds long in mature specimens.
Colour: Carapace a yellowish reddish orange, gastric region darker. Chelipeds
and legs mainly creamy white, but red, orange, yellow, and purple in places.
Size: Carapace width to about 40 mm.
Distribution: Around New Zealand and the Chatham Islands.
Depth: As shallow as about 20 m, more commonly between about
300 and 600 m.
Similar species: No other species of this genus known from New Zealand
References: Bennett, E.W. (1964). The marine fauna of New Zealand: Crustacea Brachyura.
New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research Bulletin 153. (New Zealand
Oceanographic Institute Memoir 22). 120 p.

Dell, R.K. (1963). Nature in New Zealand: Native crabs. Reed, Wellington. 64 p.

McLay, C.L. (1988). Brachyura and crab-like Anomura of New Zealand. Leigh Laboratory Bulletin
No. 22. 463 p.

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Homolidae

Dagnaudus petterdi (Antlered crab) (DAP)


Antler-like horns

Hooks on
last leg

A Distinguishing features: Antler-like horns to either side above eyes. Sharp,

simple rostrum is a single spine. Fingers with black tips. Palms bulbous in adult
males. Long, thin walking legs. Last pair of legs with hooks, normally held above
Colour: Carapace and legs pale yellowish white, mottled with red. Red around
joints, and elsewhere on legs.
Size: Carapace width to 75 mm.
Distribution: East coast, Northland to Fiordland and Snares Islands. Locally
common (e.g., off Banks Peninsula); also Australia and New Caledonia.
Depth: 180 to 540 m.
Similar species: Homola orientalis and Yaldwynopsis spinimana are similar in
overall appearance, but lack antlers.
References: Bennett, E.W. (1964). The marine fauna of New Zealand: Crustacea Brachyura.
New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research Bulletin 153.
(New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir 22). 120 p.

McLay, C.L. (1988). Brachyura and crab-like Anomura of New Zealand. Leigh Laboratory Bulletin
No. 22. 463 p.

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Homolidae

Homola orientalis (Carrier crab) (HOO)

Two spined Eyes on long stalks

Photo: J. Poupin

Distinguishing features: Carapace rectangular. Eyes on long thin stalks.

Short rostrum of two spines. Long antennae. Long thin walking legs. Last pair of
legs with hooked pinchers.
Colour: Carapace and legs pale yellowish white, mottled with red.
Size: Carapace width to 30 mm.
Distribution: Indo-West Pacific. One specimen recorded from the Bay of Plenty.
Depth: About 40 to 550 m.
Similar species: Antlered crab (Dagnaudus petterdi) is similar, but has antler-
like horns to either side above eyes. Yaldwynopsis spinimana is similar, but has
rostrum of only 1 spine and sharp, coarse, conical spines at front and sides of
References: McLay, C.L. (1988). Brachyura and crab-like Anomura of New Zealand.
Leigh Laboratory Bulletin No. 22. 463 p.

Yaldwin, J.C.; Dawson, E.W. (1976). First records of the crab genera Homola, Randallia, and
Rochinia from New Zealand (crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura). National Museum of New Zealand
Records. 1 (6). 91–103.

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Homolidae

Yaldwynopsis spinimana (Yaldwyn’s crab) (YSP)


Single spine of
rostrum Black fingers
Sharp, coarse
conical spines

A Distinguishing features: Carapace urn shaped; sharp, coarse, conical spines

at front and sides.
Colour: Carapace and legs uniform bright orange, tips of chelipeds black.
(Specimen in photo preserved and faded.)
Size: Carapace width to about 40 mm.
Distribution: Off Three Kings Islands. Only two specimens caught in
New Zealand waters.
Depth: 90 to 100 m.
Similar species: Antlered crab (Dagnaudus petterdi) is similar, but has antler-
like horns to either side above the eyes. Homola orientalis is similar, but has a
two-spined rostrum lacks narrow sharp spines on chelipeds and front half of
References: Griffin, D.J.G. (1965). A new species of Paramola (Crustacea), Decapoda,
Thelxiopidae from New Zealand. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand 7: 85–91. (as
Paramola spinimana).

McLay, C.L. (1988). Brachyura and crab-like Anomura of New Zealand. Leigh Laboratory Bulletin
No. 22. 463 p. (as Paramola spinimana).

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Inachidae

Platymaia maoria (Dell’s spider crab) (PTM)

Red bands on legs

Short bulbous
pincher of adult


Distinguishing features: Carapace nearly round from above. Rostrum of 3

short, strong spines. A few stubby spines on carapace. Palms short and bulbous
in adult males. Walking legs flattened with rows of sharp spines along front
edges of front 3 pairs. Legs with red bands on peach-white.
Colour: Peach coloured, red bands on legs.
Size: Carapace width to 60 mm.
Distribution: North of Cape Brett to northeast of Poor Knights Islands;
Challenger Plateau; also eastern Australia.
Depth: 270 to 950 m.
Similar species: Vitjazmaia latidactyla is similar, but carapace more oval in
profile, 3 spines of rostrum and spine outside eye much longer, narrower, and
sharper. Carapace and legs with many tiny, sharp spines red-orange spines and
less colour on carapace and legs.
References: Dell, R.K. (1963). Nature in New Zealand: Native crabs. Reed, Wellington. 64 p.
McLay, C.L. (1988). Brachyura and crab-like Anomura of New Zealand. Leigh Laboratory Bulletin
No. 22.463 p.

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Inachidae

Vitjazmaia latidactyla (Deep-sea spider crab) (VIT)

Long, sharp spines


on first pair of
walking legs

Three spines of

Long, narrow
sharp spine
outside eye
20 mm

A Distinguishing features: Carapace nearly round from above, oval in profile.

Trident-like rostrum with strong, sharp middle spine (see below). A long, narrow,
sharp spine outside each eye. Walking legs very long and flat, covered with tiny,
sharp, curved spines. Long, sharp spines on second pair of legs. Numerous, small
sharp spines on carapace. Palms heavier and tapered in male.
Colour: Juveniles almost unpigmented. Spines on rostrum and carapace bright
red-orange. Abdomen and ends of palms light red-orange in males. Fresh
specimens often blue-grey due to fine deposits of bottom sediment on small setae
of carapace and legs.
Size: Carapace width to 80 mm in males, 75 mm in females.
Distribution: Western Indian Ocean to New Zealand. Wanganella Bank, east and
west of North Island, Challenger Plateau, Chatham Rise, and Chatham Islands.
Depth: 500 to 1300 m.
Similar species: Platymaia maoria is similar, but with red and white bands on
legs and eyes relatively larger. 3 spines of rostrum shorter and stouter and spine
outside eye stubby. Palms short and bulbous in adult males and carapace less oval
in profile without covering of tiny sharp spines on carapace and legs.
References: Webber, W.R.; Richer de Forges. (1995). Deep sea Majidae (Decapoda: Brachyura)
new to New Zealand with a description of Oxypleurodon wanganella sp. nov. Journal of the Royal
Society of New Zealand 25 (4): 501–516.

Phylum Arthropoda
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Lithodidae

Lithodes aotearoa (New Zealand king crab) (LAO)

Distinguishing features: Large. Distinctive rostrum, with 2 strong lateral
spines before the forked tip. Rostrum much more pronounced in juveniles.
Short, stubby spines on carapace and legs in adults, very long, sharp spines on
carapace and legs in juveniles and early adults. Marginal and central plates of
second abdominal somite fused (see similar species section). Last pair of legs
reduced and hidden. Adult L. aotearoa were previously referred to as L. murrayi
(LMU). Juvenile and early adult L. aotearoa were previously referred to as L. cf.
longispinus (LLT).
Colour: Juveniles uniformly deep red. Adults dark wine red to brick red with paler
Size: Carapace width to 20 cm+ in males, less in females.
Distribution: Southern Ocean, around New Zealand, more commonly off
Kaikoura Peninsula, East Cape, west coast of Stewart Island, Solander Island,
Wellington, on the Chatham Rise, the Bounty Plateau, the Challenger Plateau, and
in Foveaux Strait.
Depth: 250 to 1500 m.
Similar species: The king crab L. robertsoni is similar, but has 3 separate plates
in abdominal somite 2 (the 2nd segment on the abdomen). In L. aotearoa the 2
marginal plates on abdominal somite 2 are fused with the central plate. See sheet
for L. robertsoni. The second abdominal somite is the large plate visible below the
back of the carapace (the first somite is tucked under the carapace). L. robertsoni
also has 7 or 8 spines on the posterior branchial margin. L. aotearoa has 8 to
12 spines on the posterior branchial margin. The legs and rostrum are generally
more slender in L. robertsoni than in L. aotearoa.
References: Ahyong, S.T. (2010). King crabs of New Zealand, Australia, and the Ross Sea
(Crustacea: Decapoda: Lithodidae). NIWA Biodiversity Memoir 123. 196 p
Phylum Arthropoda
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Lithodidae

Lithodes robertsoni (Robertson’s king crab) (LRO)


A Distinguishing features: Large. Distinctive rostrum, with 2 strong lateral

spines before the forked tip. Carapace in adults with slender spines, sharp spines
on legs. Marginal and central plates of second abdominal somite separate (see
similar species section). Last pair of legs reduced and hidden.
Colour: Uniformly deep red.
Size: Carapace width to about 12 cm.
Distribution: Around New Zealand, found on the Challenger Plateau, the
Chatham Rise, the Bounty Trough, and near the Snares.
Depth: 900 to 1300 m.
Similar species: The king crab L. aotearoa is similar, but the 2 marginal
plates on abdominal somite 2 (the 2nd segment on the abdomen) are fused
with the central plate. L. robertsoni has 3 separate plates in abdominal somite
2. The second abdominal somite is the large plate visible below the back of the
carapace (the first segment is tucked under the carapace). L. aotearoa also has 8
to 12 spines on the posterior branchial margin. L. robertsoni has 7 or 8 spines on
the posterior branchial margin. The legs and rostrum are generally more slender
in L. robertsoni than in L. aotearoa.
References: Ahyong, S.T. (2010). King crabs of New Zealand, Australia, and the Ross Sea
(Crustacea: Decapoda: Lithodidae). NIWA Biodiversity Memoir 123. 196 p.

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Lithodidae

Neolithodes brodiei (Brodie’s king crab) (NEB)

Last pair of legs reduced Drawing by W. R. Webber

and hidden

Distinguishing features: Carapace pear-shaped. Front of carapace bearing

3 forward-pointed spines (above). Carapace and legs very spiny, spines much
longer in juveniles. Last pair of legs reduced and hidden.
Colour: Typically uniform brick to bright red.
Size: Carapace width to 180 mm.
Distribution: Widely distributed from north of Three Kings Islands to Campbell
Depth: 800 to 1100 m.
Similar species: The king crabs Lithodes aotearoa and L. robertsoni are similar,
but have
• single rostrum with forked tip
• 2 lateral spines on rostrum before tip.
References: Griffin, D.J.G. (1966). The marine fauna of New Zealand: spider crabs, family
Majidae (Crustacea, Brachyura). New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir No. 35. 112 p.

McLay, C.L. (1988). Brachyura and crab-like Anomura of New Zealand. Leigh Laboratory Bulletin
No. 22. 463 p.

Webber, W.R. (1997). The Royal Family–King crabs at home and abroad. Seafood New Zealand
5(4): 81–84.

Ahyong, S.T. (2010). King crabs of New Zealand, Australia, and the Ross Sea (Crustacea:
Decapoda: Lithodidae). NIWA Biodiversity Memoir 123. 196 p

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Lithodidae

Paralomis dawsoni (Warty king crab) (PDA)

Rostrum with 3


Warts on

Last pair of legs

reduced and
Photo: Te Papa

A Distinguishing features: Carapace broadly pear-shaped to hexagonal;

surface warty. Short rostrum of 3 spines. Last pair of legs reduced and hidden.
Colour: Pinky red.
Size: Carapace width to 140 mm.
Distribution: North, east, and west of North Island, particularly Bay of Plenty;
also New Caledonia.
Depth: About 1000 m.
Similar species: The king crab Paralomis zealandica is similar in shape, but has
uniform covering of short, strong, sharp spines, not warts.
References: MacPherson, E. (2001). New species and records of lithodid crabs (Crustacea,
Decapoda) from the southwestern and central Pacific Ocean. Zoosystema 24 (4): 797–805.

Webber, R.; Naylor, R. (2004). King crabs 2 – Paralomis warts and all. Seafood New Zealand 12
(10): 78–79.

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Lithodidae

Paralomis zealandica (Prickly king crab) (PZE)

Rostrum of 3 short sharp, Dense covering
strong spines of short spines

Last pair of
legs reduced
and hidden

Distinguishing features: Carapace pear-shaped. Rostrum of 3 short, strong,

sharp spines. Juveniles with longer curved spines; adult covered with short
upright, strong spines (including abdomen). Last of legs reduced and hidden.
Colour: Red on creamy white.
Size: Carapace width to 130 mm.
Distribution: Eastern central and southern New Zealand and Campbell Plateau.
Depth: 550 to 650 m.
Similar species: The king crab Paralomis dawsoni is similar, but has warts, not
spines on carapace.
References: McLay, C.L. (1988). Brachyura and crab-like Anomura of New Zealand.
Leigh Laboratory Bulletin No. 22. 463 p.

Webber, R.; Naylor, R. (2004). King crabs 2 – Paralomis warts and all. Seafood New Zealand 12
(10): 78–79.

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Majidae

Jacquinotia edwardsii (Giant spider crab) (GSC)

Red blotches

Rostrum blunt with on palm

small central ‘v’

A Distinguishing features: Large. Rostrum blunt with a small, central ‘v’. Long,
stout legs.
Colour: Carapace brick red to yellowish brown, often covered by white or
mauve-pink, paint-like coralline algae. Palms yellowish white with bright red
blotches. Colour lighter or darker depending on moult stage.
Size: Carapace width up to 200 mm in males, 140 mm in females.
Distribution: Offshore, southern coast of New Zealand as far north as
Kaikoura, around Chatham and Stewart Islands, and on the Pukaki Rise.
Shallower around Auckland, Campbell, Bounty, and Snares Islands.
Depth: Intertidal to 550 m.
Similar species: Long-legged masking crab (Leptomithrax longipes) is similar,
but adults smaller and have maxillipeds with porcelain-like knobs and
thinner legs.
References: Griffin, D.J.G. (1966). The marine fauna of New Zealand: spider crabs, family
Majidae (Crustacea, Brachyura). New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir No. 35. 112 p.

McLay, C.L. (1988). Brachyura and crab-like Anomura of New Zealand. Leigh Laboratory Bulletin
No. 22. 463 p.

Ritchie, L.D. (1970). Southern spider crab (Jacquinotia edwardsii (Jacquinot, 1853)) survey–
Auckland Islands and Campbell Island. Fisheries Technical Report No 52.

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Majidae

Leptomithrax australis (Giant masking crab) (SSC)

Very long chelipeds in

adult males

Conical spines on
edge of carapace

Shallow carapace
40 mm groove separating
regions of carapace

Distinguishing features: Large. Carapace pear-shaped. Shallow carapace

groove. Six equally spaced and prominent conical spines on lateral margins of
carapace. Numerous small, blunt spines/knobs on carapace. Very long chelipeds
in adult males with blunt spines on arms. Long, thin walking legs.
Colour: Carapace and legs orange-red to deep red. Teeth on fixed finger
of palm and tips of legs white. Shallow-water specimens often masked with
seaweed, deepwater specimens frequently covered with sessile animals
(e.g., anemones, sponges).
Size: Carapace width to 90 mm in males, 60 mm in females.
Distribution: Offshore from Cook Strait to Stewart Island, around the Chatham
Islands, and on the Pukaki Rise. Shallower around the Snares, Auckland, Bounty,
and Campbell Islands
Depth: Intertidal to about 100 m.
Similar species: Long-handed masking crab (Leptomithrax longimanus) very
similar, but more pear-shaped, less oval; carapace groove deeper, more obvious.
Palms longer and with tubercles. Legs thicker in adult males. Garrick’s masking
crab (L. garricki) very similar, but longer, sharper rostral spines and found in
deeper water (180 to 800 m). Long-legged masking crab (L. longipes) similar, but
has shiny porcelain-like knobs on third maxillipeds.
References: Griffin, D.J.G. (1966). The marine fauna of New Zealand: spider crabs, family
Majidae (Crustacea, Brachyura). New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir No. 35. 112 p.

McLay, C.L. (1988). Brachyura and crab-like Anomura of New Zealand. Leigh Laboratory Bulletin
No. 22. 463 p.

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Majidae

Leptomithrax garricki (Garrick’s masking crab) (GMC)


Two sharp spines of

Spines on margin
of carapace

Two blunt spines

50 mm

A Distinguishing features: Carapace pear-shaped. Deep groove

separating front and expanded branchial regions of carapace. Six equally spaced,
short conical spines on margin of each side of carapace. Very long chelipeds in
adult males. Tubercles, not spines, on arms of chelipeds. Long, thin walking legs.
Colour: Carapace and legs a dull yellowish brown. Chelipeds in adult males
dark brown with yellowish markings on inside of palm. Females lighter colour.
Often with encrusting polychaete worms and sponges on carapace and legs.
Size: Carapace width to 50 mm in males, 35 mm in females.
Distribution: Uncommon. From Three Kings Islands to Stewart Island.
Depth: Most often 20 to 220 m, rarely intertidal, and occasionally to 550 m.
Similar species: Giant masking crab (Leptomithrax australis) similar, but less
pear-shaped, more oval; carapace groove less obvious less expanded branchial
regions and shorter palms. Thinner legs in adult males.
Garrick’s masking crab (L. garricki) similar, but longer rostral spines; less pear-
shaped, more oval; carapace groove less obvious and less obvious branchial
regions. Small spines, not tubercles, on cheliped arms. Long-legged masking crab
(L. longipes) similar, but has shiny porcelain-like knob on third maxillipeds.
References: Bennett, E.W. (1964). The marine fauna of New Zealand: Crustacea Brachyura.
New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research Bulletin 153. (New Zealand
Oceanographic Institute Memoir 22). 120 p.

Griffin, D.J.G. (1966). The marine fauna of New Zealand: spider crabs, family Majidae (Crustacea,
Brachyura). New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir No. 35. 112 p.

McLay, C.L. (1988). Brachyura and crab-like Anomura of New Zealand. Leigh Laboratory Bulletin No.
22. 463 p.

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Majidae

Leptomithrax longimanus (Long-handed masking crab) (LHC)

Deep carapace

groove deparating
regions of carapace

Tubercles around
these two segments
of cheliped Expanded
branchial region

20 mm

Distinguishing features: Carapace pear-shaped. Deep groove separating front

and expanded branchial regions of carapace. Six equally spaced, short conical
spines on margin of each side of carapace. Very long chelipeds in adult males.
Tubercles, not spines, on arms of chelipeds. Long,thin walking legs.
Colour: Carapace and legs a dull yellowish brown. Chelipeds in adult males dark
brown with yellowish markings on inside of palm. Females lighter colour.
Often with encrusting polychaete worms and sponges on carapace and legs.
Size: Carapace width to 50 mm in males, 35 mm in females.
Distribution: Uncommon. From Three Kings Islands to Stewart Island.
Depth: Most often 20 to 220 m, rarely intertidal, and occasionally to 550 m.
Similar species: Giant masking crab (L. australis) similar, but less pear-shaped,
more oval; carapace groove less obvious; less expanded branchial regions and
shorter palms, thinner legs in adult males.
Garrick’s masking crab (L. garricki) similar, but longer rostral spines; less pear-
shaped, more oval; carapace groove less obvious and less obvious branchial
regions. Small spines, not tubercles, on cheliped arms.
Long-legged masking crab (L. longipes) similar, but has shiny porcelain-like knob
on third maxillipeds.
References: Bennett, E.W. (1964). The marine fauna of New Zealand: Crustacea Brachyura. New
Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research Bulletin 153. (New Zealand Oceanographic
Institute Memoir 22). 120 p.

Griffin, D.J.G. (1966). The marine fauna of New Zealand: spider crabs, family Majidae (Crustacea,
Brachyura). New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir No. 35. 112 p.

McLay, C.L. (1988). Brachyura and crab-like Anomura of New Zealand. Leigh Laboratory Bulletin No.
22. 463 p.

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Majidae

Leptomithrax longipes (Long-legged masking crab) (LLC)

Long thin legs


Rostrum with 2
flattened spines

50 mm
Blunt spine

A Distinguishing features: Shiny, porcelain-like knobs on third maxillipeds.

Long, thin walking legs. Rostrum of 2 short flattened spines. Short, blunt spine at
back of carapace.
Colour: Carapace pale yellowish white; red speckling and blotches on legs.
Often covered with invertebrates such as sponges and anemones.
Size: Carapace width to 70 mm in males, 30 mm in females.
Distribution: Cook Strait to Foveaux Strait, Chatham Islands, and Macquarie
Depth: 20 to 380 m.
Similar species: Giant spider crab (Jacquinotia edwardsii) similar, but lacks
shiny, porcelain-like knob on third maxillipeds (N.B., small Jaquinotia will be very
difficult to distinguish from L. longipes except for the porcelain knobs). Also has
stouter walking legs.
Giant (L. australis) and long-handed (L. longimanus) masking crabs similar, but
they lack shiny, porcelain-like knob on third maxillipeds.
References: Griffin, D.J.G. (1966). The marine fauna of New Zealand: spider crabs, family
Majidae (Crustacea, Brachyura). New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir No. 35. 112 p.

McLay, C.L. (1988). Brachyura and crab-like Anomura of New Zealand. Leigh Laboratory Bulletin
No. 22. 463 p.

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Majidae

Teratomaia richardsoni (Spiny masking crab) (SMK)

Two long, outward

pointing spines of
Distinct spine in
front of eye

25 mm Single spine at back

end of carapace

Distinguishing features: Distinct spine in front of eye. Rostrum of 2 long

divergent spines. Carapace pear-shaped. Single large, sharp spine at back of
carapace. Chelipeds long, especially in adult males.
Colour: Dull creamy white. Some red on carapace and legs.
Size: Carapace width to 50 mm in males, 40 mm in females.
Distribution: Kermadec Trench, Challenger Plateau, Chatham Rise,
Campbell Plateau, and Bounty Plateau.
Depth: 300 to 7000 m.
Similar species: Leptomithrax species are similar, but have no distinct spine in
front of eye and shorter, less divergent rostral spines.
References: Griffin, D.J.G. (1966). The marine fauna of New Zealand: spider crabs, family
Majidae (Crustacea, Brachyura). New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir No. 35. 112 p.

McLay, C.L. (1988). Brachyura and crab-like Anomura of New Zealand. Leigh Laboratory Bulletin
No. 22. 463 p.

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Nephropidae

Metanephrops challengeri (Scampi) (SCI)


A Distinguishing features: Lobster-like, with prominent, slightly uprising rostral

horn, and a pair of elongate pincers. Large eyes. Distinctive and spectacular.
Colour: Upper surfaces fawn or reddish brown; lateral surfaces white; carpus
of chelipeds conspicuously crimson, with transverse bands of crimson across
posterior margin of carapace and posterior margins of tail segments.
Size: Total length up to 250 mm. More commonly to 180 mm.
Distribution: Widespread in New Zealand waters in mud substrates, but most
abundant off the east coast of the North Island, the Chatham Rise, off the
northwest of the South Island, on the Challenger Plateau, and east and south of
Auckland Island.
Depth: 140 to 640 m. Most common 200 to 500 m.
Similar species: None in New Zealand waters, but resembles European
scampi, Nephrops norvegicus.
References: Holthuis, L.B. (1991). Marine lobsters of the world. FAO Species Catalogue 13. 292 p.

O’Driscoll, R.L. et al. (2003). Areas of importance for spawning, pupping or egg-laying, and
juveniles of New Zealand deepwater fish, pelagic fish, and invertebrates. NIWA Technical Report
119. 377 p.

Webber, W.R. (2002). All the pretty lobsters III. Seafood New Zealand 10(2): 48–52.

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Paguridae

Diacanthurus rubricatus (Hermit crab) (DIR)

Distinguishing features: Antennules white, eyestalks white with red
longitudinal stripes, antennae reddish-brown, chelae and legs yellow-brown with
bright red bands on distal ends.
Colour: Reddish-brown with pink and red markings.
Size: From 2 to 18 mm. Measurement is shield length (SL), measured from the
tip of the rostrum to the midpoint of the posterior margin of the shell.
Distribution: Apparently endemic to New Zealand. Three Kings Islands to
Stewart Island and east to the Chatham Islands.
Depth: 15 to 2200 m. Most collected between 180 and 300 m.
Similar species: Other pagurid species.
References: Forest, J.; de S. Laurent, M.; McLaughlin, P.A.; Lemaitre, R. (2000). The marine
fauna of New Zealand: Paguridea (Decapoda: Anomura) exclusive of the Lithodidae. NIWA
Biodiversity Memoir 114. 250 p.

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Palinuridae

Projasus parkeri (Deepwater rock lobster) (PPA)


30 mm

A Distinguishing features: Prominent supraorbital horns with row of 2 spines

behind each. A single median spine followed by 2 submedian rows of 8 spines.
Low median carina on first 5 segments of abdomen; 6th segment with 2 pairs of
submedian spines and others on posterior margin.
Colour: Light orange to straw brown.
Size: Carapace length up to 92 mm. Specimens available mainly 70 to 90 mm.
Distribution: South Africa, Southern Australia and New Zealand. Challenger
Plateau, Bay of Plenty to Castlepoint, Chatham Rise, Louisville Ridge.
Depth: 480 to 970 m. Species has been taken as shallow as 330 m in other
parts of the world.
Similar species: Rock lobsters with such carapace spination are unique in
New Zealand waters.
References: Booth, J.; Webber, R. (2001). All the pretty lobsters. I. Seafood New Zealand 9(11):

Holthuis, L.B. (1991). Marine lobsters of the world. FAO Fisheries Synopsis 125.

Webber, W.R.; Booth, J.D. (1988). Projasus parkeri (Stebbing, 1902) in New Zealand and
description of a Projasus puerulus from Australia. National Museum of New Zealand Records 3:

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Parapaguridae

Sympagurus dimorphus (Hermit crab) (SDM)

Distinguishing features: Large-bodied, chelipeds markedly dissimilar and
hairy. Right cheliped massive. Walking legs overreach extended right cheliped.
Tail fan (telson and uropods) markedly asymmetrical.
Colour: Overall body colour is cream.
Size: Carapace length up to 30 mm, most commonly up to 20 mm.
Distribution: Southern Australia and New Zealand. The most abundant
parapagurid in New Zealand waters, found on soft sediment and seamount
environments. Widespread in southern hemisphere.
Depth: 90 to 2000 m. New Zealand records 200 to 1000 m.
Similar species: At least 5 other parapagurid species.
References: Forest, J.; Laurent, M. de S.; McLaughlin, P.A.; Lemaitre, R. (2000). The marine
fauna of New Zealand: Paguridea (Decapoda: Anomura) exclusive of the Lithodidae. NIWA
Biodiversity Memoir 114. 250 p.

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Polychelidae

Polycheles spp. (Deepsea blind lobster) (PLY)


1st 4 abdominal segments

have forward pointing spines



A Distinguishing features: Lobster-like, but first 4 pairs of legs (all in females)

with pincers – long and slender on the first pair and small and short on the rest.
Elongate, flat-topped cephalothorax, bordered with sharp spines. Small rostrum
of 1 or 2 spines. Dorsal orbital notches triangular. First four abdominal segments
with forward pointing spines.
Colour: Generally pink with the carapace spines and abdominal terga a darker
rose pink.
Size: Carapace length up to 75 mm.
Distribution: Australia and New Zealand. Widespread in New Zealand waters,
at least from Bay of Plenty to Auckland Islands.
Depth: 290 to 2200 m.
Similar species: Several species in New Zealand waters. Image above is
P. enthrix the more common species in New Zealand. Other polychelids known
from New Zealand region that are also very similar are – Polycheles nanus,
P. surdus, P. scultpus, Pentachels laevis, Pentacheles validus, and Willemoesia
References: Ahyong, S.T.; Brown, D.E. (2002). New species and new records of Polychelidae
from Australia (Crustacea: Decapoda). Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 50: 53–79.

Bate, C.S. (1888). Report on the scientific results of the voyage of HMS Challenger during the
years 1873–76. Zoology 24: 1–942.

Galil, B.S. (2000). Crustacea Decapoda: review of the genera and species of family Polychelidae.
Memoires du Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle 184: 285–387.

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Portunidae

Liocarcinus corrugatus (Dwarf swimming crab) (LCO)

Five spines on edge of

Fine corrugations


Distinguishing features: Five spines of about the same size on edge of

carapace. Fine corrugations over much of the carapace. Last pair of legs
flattened into paddles.
Colour: Variable, white, grey to reddish brown.
Size: Carapace width up to 20 mm in males, 25 mm in females.
Distribution: Widely distributed around the world, in northern and central
New Zealand.
Depth: Intertidal to 140 m.
Similar species: The paddle crab (Ovalipes catharus) and the swimming crab
(O. molleri) are similar with five spines on lateral edges of carapace, but have no
corrugations on carapace and are much larger.
The smooth red swimming crab (Nectocarcinus bennetti) and the hairy red
swimming crab (N. antarcticus) are similar, but have 4 spines on each lateral
edge of carapace, no corrugations on carapace and are much larger.
References: McClay, C.L. (1988). Brachyura and crab-like Anomura of New Zealand.
Leigh Laboratory Bulletin No. 22. 463 p.

Morton, J.E.; Millar, M.C. (1968) The New Zealand Sea Shore. Collins, London, 653 pp.

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Portunidae

Nectocarcinus antarcticus (Hairy red swimming crab) (NCA)


Four spines on edge

of carapace


A Distinguishing features: Four spines on each lateral edge of carapace. Last

pair of legs flattened into paddles. Surface of carapace and legs with matted
woolly hairs.
Colour: Carapace and upper surface of legs speckled with dark red, and red
over pinkish red. Small white marks on ridges and spines. No iridescence.
Size: Carapace width to 90 mm in males, smaller in females.
Distribution: New Zealand mainland, Chatham, Stewart, Bounty, and Auckland
Islands, and possibly Campbell Island.
Depth: Intertidal to 550 m.
Similar species: The smooth red swimming crab (Nectocarcinus bennetti) is
similar, but may have iridescence on carapace, has no matted woolly hairs on
carapace or legs and has more prominent lateral spines at front of carapace.
The paddle crab (Ovalipes catharus) is similar, but has 5 spines on each lateral
edge of carapace and dark-brown speckling on carapace.
The swimming crab (Ovalipes molleri) is similar, but has 5 spines on each lateral
edge of carapace and iridescence on the carapace. Palms and legs are flattened,
spiny-edged area on palm.
References: Bennett, E.W. (1964). The marine fauna of New Zealand: Crustacea Brachyura.
New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research Bulletin 153. (New Zealand
Oceanographic Institute Memoir 22). 120 p.

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Portunidae

Nectocarcinus bennetti (Smooth red swimming crab) (NCB)

Four spines on
edge of carapace

Pinkish iridescence


Distinguishing features: Four spines on each lateral edge of carapace.

Carapace and legs smooth, except for small granular areas. Areas of pinkish
iridescence on carapace. Last pair of legs flattened into paddles.
Colour: Colour of carapace and top of chelipeds variable, from tan to purplish
red, areas of iridescence, especially in adults; some paler, regularly patterned
areas near back of carapace.
Size: Carapace width to 85 mm in males, 70 mm in females.
Distribution: Chatham Rise and Pukaki Rise, southern South Island, Stewart,
Snares, Auckland, and Campbell Islands.
Depth: 20 to 480 m, most common between 60 and 180 m.
Similar species: The hairy red swimming crab (Nectocarcinus antarcticus)
is similar, but has no pink iridescence on carapace, matted woolly hairs on
carapace and legs and spines on lateral edges of carapace are less prominent.
The paddle crab (Ovalipes catharus) is similar, but has 5 spines on each lateral
edge of carapace and dark-brown speckling on carapace.
The swimming crab (Ovalipes molleri) is similar, but has 5 spines on each lateral
edge of carapace, reddish iridescence on the carapace and a more flattened,
spiny edged area on palm.
References: Dell, R.K.; Griffin, D.J.G.; Yaldwyn, J.C. (1970). A new swimming crab from
the New Zealand subantarctic and a review of the genus Nectocarcinus A. Milne Edwards.
Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand 12 (7): 49–68.

McLay, C.L. (1988). Brachyura and crab-like Anomura of New Zealand. Leigh Laboratory Bulletin
No. 22. 463 p.

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Portunidae

Ovalipes catharus (Paddle crab) (PAD)


Five spines on
edge of carapace

Forward colour

Posterior colour spot


A Distinguishing features: Last pair of legs flattened into paddles. Carapace

smooth, speckled with red-brown spots. Five spines on each lateral edge of
Colour: Pale orange bluish, densely speckled with dark red-brown spots.
Colour spots concentrated into 2 forward and 2 larger posterior spots.
Size: Carapace width up to 150 mm in males, 115 mm in females.
Distribution: Southern Australia and New Zealand. Widely distributed
around New Zealand and at the Chatham Islands. On open sandy beaches, in
harbours and estuaries.
Depth: Intertidal to 100 m. Most common in upper 10 m.
Similar species: The swimming crab (Ovalipes molleri) is similar, but has
reddish iridescence on carapace and no dark brown speckling. Also flattened,
spiny edged area on palms and legs.
The dwarf swimming crab (Liocarcinus corrugatus) is broadly similar, but has a
series of corrugations over much of carapace and is much smaller.
The smooth red swimming crab (Nectocarcinus bennetti) is similar, but has
only 4 spines on each lateral edge of carapace, no dark-brown speckling on
carapace and may have pink iridescence on carapace.
The hairy red swimming crab (Nectocarcinus antarcticus) is similar, but has only
4 spines on each lateral edge of carapace, and the carapace is covered with
fine hair, no dark-brown speckling.
References: McLay, C.L. (1988). Brachyura and crab-like Anomura of New Zealand. Leigh Laboratory
Bulletin No. 22. 463 p.

Stevens, D.W. (1999). A summary of biology and commercial landings and a stock assessment of paddle
crabs Ovalipes catharus (White, 1843) (Crustacea, Portunidae), in New Zealand. New Zealand Fisheries
Assessment Research Document 99/18. 26p. (Unpublished report held in NIWA library, Wellington).

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Portunidae

Ovalipes molleri (Swimming crab) (OVM)

Dorsal spines

Flattened, spiny-
edged area on

Five spines
on edge of

60 mm

Distinguishing features: All upper surfaces highly iridescent. Sharp spines

on carapace between eyes. Five spines on each edge of carapace. Two semi-
transparent areas of shell near back of carapace in mature specimens. Flattened,
spiny-edged area on palm behind movable finger. Movable finger with dorsal
spines. Last pair of legs flattened into paddles.
Colour: Carapace iridescent red (fades quickly after death).
Size: Carapace width up to 120 mm. Less in females.
Distribution: Eastern Australia and New Zealand, Northern North Island, south
to the Chatham Rise.
Depth: 70 to 600 m.
Similar species: The paddle crab (Ovalipes catharus) is similar, but dark-brown
speckling on carapace, no iridescence on carapace or legs; flattened, spiny-
edged area on palm less pronounced and spines on movable finger.
The smooth red swimming crab (Nectocarcinus bennetti) is similar, but has
4 spines on each lateral edge of carapace, with spines on carapace between
eyes short and blunt.
The hairy red swimming crab (Nectocarcinus antarcticus) is similar, but has 4
short, blunt spines on each lateral edge of carapace and no iridescence on
The dwarf swimming crab (Liocarcinus corrugatus) is broadly similar, but is much
smaller and has a series of corrugations over much of carapace.
References: McLay, C.L. (1988). Brachyura and crab-like Anomura of New Zealand. Leigh
Laboratory Bulletin No. 22. 463 p.

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Scyllaridae

Ibacus alticrenatus (Prawn killer) (PRK)


20 mm

A Distinguishing features: Dorso-ventrally flattened. Second antenna

modified to a closely hinged series of 5 flat plates. Carapace covered by velvety
pubescence. Wide, deep notch in margin of carapace.
Colour: Dorsal surface of carapace and antennae red-orange to brown, with
darker red spots in the middle of the carapace. Lateral carapace spines and
pleural spines tipped with yellow brown. 6th abdominal segment and uropods
and telson yellow-brown.
Size: Carapace length up to 63 mm. More commonly less than 50 mm.
Distribution: Australia and New Zealand. North Island, northern South Island
as far south as Oamaru, and Chatham Islands. Possibly at Kermadec Islands and
on Campbell Plateau and Chatham Rise.
Depth: 20 to 700 m. Possibly deeper too, but mostly on shelf and upper slope.
Similar species: Ibacus brucei more flattened, and appears to lack ‘hair’ on the
carapace. Outer margin of distal antennal lamellae of Arctides antipodarum has
numerous insignificant teeth.
References: Dell, R.K. (1955). A record of Latreillopsis petterdi Grant from New Zealand, with
notes on some other species of Crustacea. Records of the Dominion Museum 2: 147–149.

Holthuis, L.B. (1985). A revision of the Family Scyllaridae 1. Subfamily Ibacinae. Zoologische
Verhandelingen 218 p.

O’Driscoll, R.L. et al. (2003). Areas of importance for spawning, pupping or egg-laying, and
juveniles of New Zealand deepwater fish, pelagic fish, and invertebrates. NIWA Technical Report
119. 377 p.

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Isopoda
Family Aegidae

Aega monophthalma (Fish biter) (AMO)

Distinguishing features: Huge eyes that meet in the middle. Antennule
flattened. Body heavily pitted on the posterior segments. Mouthparts form a
conical bundle under the head.
Colour: Pale yellow to brown, orange laterally, white below; eyes dark brown
to black.
Size: Total length from 40 to 63 mm. Size range is for adults; females are larger
than males.
Distribution: Widespread in the Atlantic, southwestern Pacific and Southern
Ocean; also eastern Australia.
Depth: 440 to 930 m.
Similar species: Several other similar species including Aega semicarinata.
Other species have separate eyes or a smooth body surface.
References: Bruce, N. L. (2002). Parasites or predators? New Zealand’s aegid isopod
crustaceans. Biodiversity Update 5: 8.

Bruce, N.L.; Lew Ton, H.M. ; Poore, G.C.B. (2002). Aegidae White, 1850. p. 159–163. In: Poore,
G.C.B. (ed.) Crustacea: Malacostraca: Syncarida and Peracarida: Isopoda, Tanaidacea, Mictacea,
Thermosbaenacea, Spelaeogriphacea. Melbourne. CSIRO Publishing. 433 p.

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Isopoda
Family Cymothoidae

Elthusa neocytta (Gill biter or Tongue biter) (ENE)


A Distinguishing features: A large cream or white isopod with obvious eyes.

Commonly found in mouths of oreos, left image. The body shape is more-or-less
straight, and the fifth abdominal segment is overlapped by the fourth segment.
The tips of all legs are clawed, and generally the body and appendages are
without setae.
Colour: White to cream in life.
Size: Total length from 26 to 60 mm. (Size refers to adults.)
Distribution: Southwestern Pacific, Tasman Sea and New Zealand EEZ.
Depth: 50 to 1000 m.
Similar species: The genus Elthusa is large (more than 25 species) but with low
diversity in cool and cold waters. Elthusa raynaudii (Milne Edwards, 1840) is also
known from New Zealand, and can be immediately identified by its assymetric
body shape and convex body outline.
References: Bruce, N.L. (1990). The genera Catoessa, Elthusa, Ichthyoxenus, Idusa, Livoneca
and Norileca n. gen. (Isopoda, Cymothoidae), crustacean parasites of marine fishes, with
descriptions of eastern Australian species. Records of the Australian Museum 42: 247–300.

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Isopoda
Family Cymothoidae

Elthusa propinqua (Gill biter) (ELP)

Distinguishing features: A medium-size isopod with a distinctly acute front
margin to the head and with prominent eyes. The body is wide, and usually
twisted to one side. All legs bear strongly recurved ‘claws’.
Colour: Cream coloured except for the eyes; entirely lacking chromatophores.
Size: Total length from 14 to 26 mm.
Distribution: Western Pacific from Japan and Philippines to eastern Australia
and New Zealand; also northern Indian Ocean.
Depth: 340 to 835 m.
Similar species: The genus Elthusa is large (more than 25 species) but with
low diversity in cool and cold waters. Elthusa raynaudii (Milne Edwards, 1840) is
also known from New Zealand, but is far larger, has a bluntly rounded head and
the uropods (tail appendages) are rounded rather than acute as in the present
References: Bruce, N.L. (1990). The genera Catoessa, Elthusa, Ichthyoxenus, Idusa, Livoneca and
Norileca n. gen. (Isopoda, Cymothoidae), crustacean parasites of marine fishes, with descriptions
of eastern Australian species. Records of the Australian Museum 42: 247–300.

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Isopoda
Family Serolidae

Acutiserolis spp. (Spiny serolid isopod) (ACU)


A Distinguishing features: Body strongly flattened, lateral margins with

conspicuous spines; eyes dorsal.
Colour: Varying from translucent, slate grey, or brown; eyes may be copper,
brown, black, or bright pink.
Size: Total length from 10 to 40 mm.
Distribution: Acutiserolis species are found throughout the New Zealand EEZ,
from the continental shelf to depths of about 3000 m.
Depth: 100 to 3000 m.
Similar species: The genus has 8 to 12 species in New Zealand waters,
none of which appear to have been named. Other serolid genera are similarly
flattened, but lack the lateral spines and some are without eyes.
References: Poore, G.C.B.; Brandt, A. (1997). Crustacea Isopoda Serolidae: Acutiserolis cidaris
and Caecoserolis novaecaledoniae, two new species from the Coral Sea. Résultats de Campagnes
MUSORSTOM, Vol. 18. Mémoires du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris 176: 151–168.

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Lophogastrida
Family Gnathophausiidae

Gnathophausia ingens (Giant red mysid) (NEI)

Distinguishing features: These mysids are prawn-like, fragile and soft, deep
to bright scarlet. Rostrum elongate (triangular in cross section). Antenna 2 scale,
outer margin serrated and without setae. Uropod exopod with distal articulation.
Colour: Bright scarlet.
Size: Total length up to 300 mm. More commonly much smaller – 30 mm.
Distribution: Widespread in tropical and temperate seas.
Depth: 50 to 900 m. Migrate vertically in water column diurnally, so depths
given are depth in water, not bottom depths.
Similar species: Mysids are distinguished from shrimps, prawns, and krill in
that the carapace is not attached to the last few segments at the posterior end
and so can be lifted.
References: Lowry, J.K.; Stoddart, H.E. (2003). Crustacea: Malacostraca: Peracarida:
Amphipoda, Cumacea, Mysidacea. Zoological Catalogue of Australia 19.2B.

Webber, R. (2002). Prawns coming in from the cold. Seafood New Zealand 10(9): 75–78.

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Aristaeidae

Aristaeomorpha foliacea (Royal red prawn) (AFO)


Male Female

Spine 1 overlaps 2

No teeth

A Distinguishing features: Rostrum is long and slender in females, with more

than 3 teeth on top and none on the bottom; males have a short rostrum. There
is one small hepatic spine on the side of the carapace; abdominal segment 1
overlaps segment 2; legs 1 to 3 have small chelae (pincers).
Colour: A fairly uniform red over the whole body.
Size: Total length up to 230 mm (includes rostrum).
Distribution: A worldwide species. In New Zealand waters it has occasionally
been caught on the Chatham Rise and Challenger Plateau, but typically occurs
north of Cook Strait, with frequent records in the Bay of Plenty.
Depth: 250 to 1400 m. Most common between 400 and 1100 m.
Similar species: Aristaeopsis edwardsiana (and Aristeus spp.) have only 3 teeth
on top of the rostrum, and do not have an hepatic spine. Nematocarcinus spp.
appear similar, but abdominal segment 2 overlaps segment 1, there are usually
a few small teeth spread along the bottom of the rostrum, only legs 1 and 2 have
chelae, legs 3 to 5 very long.
References: Webber, W.R. (2002). Prawns coming in from the cold (Pt 1). Seafood New Zealand
10(9): 75–78.

Webber, W.R.; Fenaughty, C.M.; Clark, M.R. (1990). A guide to some common offshore shrimp
and prawn species of New Zealand. New Zealand Fisheries Occasional Publication 6. 42 p.

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Aristaeidae

Aristaeopsis edwardsiana (Scarlet prawn) (PED)

3 teeth Keel from rostrum to

cervical groove

Distinguishing features: The base of the rostrum has 3 teeth on top, above
the eye. The sides of the carapace have several ridges, including one which runs
from the rostrum to the cervical groove.
Colour: Uniformly scarlet to bright red, to deep crimson.
Size: Total length up to 350 mm.
Distribution: Worldwide distribution. Occurs in deep water around much of
New Zealand. Distribution is continuous around the North Island and extends out
to the Chatham Rise and Challenger Plateau. Puysegur Bank is the most southern
Depth: 200 to 1800 m. Most common between 900 and 1100 m.
Similar species: Aristeus spp. are very similar in shape and features. They are
generally smaller bodied, and do not have the ridge on the carapace from the
rostrum to the cervical groove (ridge either absent or very short and not reaching
cervical groove).
References: Perez Farfantes, I.; Kensley, B. (1997). Penaeoid and sergestoid shrimps and prawns
of the world: keys and diagnostics for the families and genera. Memoires du Museum National
d’Histoire Naturelle 175. 233 p.

Webber, W.R.; Fenaughty, C.M.; Clark, M.R. (1990). A guide to some common offshore shrimp
and prawn species of New Zealand. New Zealand Fisheries Occasional Publication 6. 42 p.

Webber, W.R. (2002). Prawns coming in from the cold (Pt 2). Seafood New Zealand 10(10):

Phylum Arthropoda
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Aristeidae

Austropenaeus nitidus (ANI)


10 mm

20 mm

A Distinguishing features: The rostrum is long, slender and slightly to

moderately upturned. The base of the rostrum has 2 dorsal teeth on top, and
1 post-rostral tooth. The carapace is featureless with no obvious keels, hepatic
spine absent.
Colour: Pale pink.
Size: Total length up to 380 mm.
Distribution: Occurs in deep water around much of New Zealand, commonly
seen on the Chatham Rise. Also occurs off Australia, in the Indian Ocean, and
South Atlantic.
Depth: 400 to 1300 m.
Similar species: Could be confused with the other Aristeidae Aristaeopsis
edwardsiana and Aristaeomorpha foliacea, but these 2 prawns are bright red and
have either more teeth on their rostra and or prominant keels.
References: Barnard, K.H. (1947). Descriptions of new species of South African decapod
Crustacea, with notes on synonymy and new records. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 11
(13): 361–392.

Perez Farfantes, I.; Kensley, B. (1997). Penaeoid and sergestoid shrimps and prawns of the world:
keys and diagnostics for the families and genera. Memoires du Museum National d’Histoire
Naturelle 175. 233 p.

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Campylonotidae

Campylonotus rathbunae (Sabre prawn) (CAM)

Lateral spines

Distinguishing features: A distinctive heavy-bodied and well armed species.

It has a rigid carapace and blade-like rostrum. Two strong lateral spines on the
carapace. The 3rd abdominal segment has a pronounced tooth.
Colour: Body pink to yellow-orange. Tip of rostrum is orange to red.
Size: Total length up to 140 mm (includes rostrum).
Distribution: Endemic to Australasia, occurring off New Zealand and eastern
and southern Australia. Around New Zealand it has been recorded from
Northland south (especially in the Bay of Plenty), Chatham Rise to Campbell
Plateau. Not known from Challenger Plateau or Kermadec region.
Depth: 270 to 800 m. Most common at depths of 400 to 600 m.
Similar species: None. It is the only member of its family in New Zealand
References: Webber, W.R.; Fenaughty, C.M.; Clark, M.R. (1990). A guide to some common
offshore shrimp and prawn species of New Zealand. New Zealand Fisheries Occasional
Publication 6. 42 p.

Webber, W.R. (2002). Prawns coming in from the cold (Pt 1). Seafood New Zealand 10(9): 75–78.

Yaldwyn, J.C. (1960). Crustacea Decapoda Natantia from the Chatham Rise: a deep water
bottom fauna from New Zealand. New Zealand DSIR Bulletin 139: 13–53.

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Glyphocrangonidae

Glyphocrangon spp. (Goblin prawn) (GLO)


A Distinguishing features: Prominent rostral spine, about half carapace length,

with 2 pairs of lateral spines. Large lateral carapace flange just posterior to eye,
with smaller one half-way to posterior of carapace. Median carina on abdomen
segments, spine-like on first segment.
Colour: Carapace yellowish, otherwise the prominent colour is the scarlet of the
spine tips against a yellowish background.
Size: Carapace length up to 35 mm.
Distribution: Northern New Zealand continental slope and seamounts, and off
eastern Australia.
Depth: 720 to 980 m.
Similar species: Several species in New Zealand waters, many undescribed/
References: Kensley, B.; Tranter, H.A.; Griffin, D.J.G. (1987). Deepwater decapod Crustacea
from eastern Australia (Penaeidae and Caridae). Records of the Australian Museum 39: 263–331.

Takeda, M. (1990). Fishes collected by the R/V Shinkai Maru around New Zealand. Japan Marine
Fishery Resource Research Centre (JAMARC). 410 p.

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Nematocarcinidae

Lipkius holthuisi (Omega prawn) (LHO)

No teeth


Extra spine

50 mm

Distinguishing features: Second abdominal side plate overlaps the first,

long rostrum with teeth (>10) along the bottom spread out towards tip. Top of
rostrum has no teeth for most of its length. Carapace has small pit on side, 5th
abdominal segment has an extra spine, first and second legs have chelae (but
these features hard to see without magnifying glass).
Colour: Anterior half of body is red, with abdomen partly red, partly colourless.
Size: Total length up to 200 mm (includes rostrum).
Distribution: Australia and New Zealand. Around New Zealand it is distributed
south of 37° S. Found almost continuously along margin of continental slope
from East Cape southwards, along the Chatham Rise, around the Campbell
Plateau, out to Challenger Plateau.
Depth: 350 to 1700 m. Most common 800 to 1000 m.
Similar species: Nematocarcinus spp. in the same family, but have teeth on
top of rostrum out to tip. Plesionika martia has many small teeth on the bottom of
References: Webber, W.R. (2002). Prawns coming in from the cold (Pt 1). Seafood New Zealand
10(9): 75–78.

Webber, W.R.; Fenaughty, C.M.; Clark, M.R. (1990). A guide to some common offshore shrimp
and prawn species of New Zealand. New Zealand Fisheries Occasional Publication 6. 42 p.

Yaldwyn, J.C. (1960). Crustacea Decapoda Natantia from the Chatham Rise: a deep water
bottom fauna from New Zealand. New Zealand DSIR Bulletin 139: 13–53.

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Nematocarcinidae

Nematocarcinus spp. (Spider prawn) (NEC)


2 overlaps 1


A Distinguishing features: Teeth on top of rostrum extend right out to the tip;
bottom of rostrum with none or a few teeth; legs 3, 4,5 are very long (often
broken); legs 1 and 2 have chelae (pincers); abdominal segment 2 overlaps
segment 1.
Colour: Body red, orange to yellow area under carapace, abdomen partly red,
partly colourless.
Size: Total length up to 170 mm (includes rostrum).
Distribution: Worldwide. Around New Zealand they occur in small numbers
around the margins of the continental shelf off the Chatham Rise, Challenger
Plateau, and west coast of the South Island.
Depth: 800 to 1200 m. Mostly occurs 900 to 1100 m.
Similar species: There are five species in this genus known from the
New Zealand region. Lipkius holthuisi, Notopandalus magnoculus, and Plesionika
martia have a similar shape, but the teeth on top of the rostrum do not extend
out to the tip, and they have more than 10 teeth on the bottom of the rostrum.
References: Webber, W.R.; Fenaughty, C.M.; Clark, M.R. (1990). A guide to some common
offshore shrimp and prawn species of New Zealand. New Zealand Fisheries Occasional
Publication 6. 42 p.

Richardson, L.R.; Yaldwyn, J.C. (1958). A guide to the natant decapod crustacea (shrimps and
prawns) of New Zealand. Tuatara 7: 17–41.

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Oplophoridae

Acanthephyra spp. (Subantarctic ruby prawn) (ACA)

Similar tooth spacing

Telson with spines

Distinguishing features: Few species are as uniformly bright red as

Acanthephyra. Telson with 4 pairs of spines (A. quadrispinosa (AQU)) or 7 to 11
pairs (A. pelagica (APE)). Spacing of teeth on the rostrum is similar on both top
and bottom.
Colour: Uniformly bright red to scarlet.
Size: Total length up to 140 mm.
Distribution: Both species have been reported in all but the southern most
parts of the New Zealand EEZ, with Acanthephyra quadrispinosa more commonly
found in the north (north of Cook Strait) and A. pelagica in the south (Challenger
Plateau and Chatham Rise down to 50° S on the Campbell Plateau).
Depth: 400 to 2000 m. Most commonly recorded around 1000 m.
Similar species: Three other species of Acanthephyra are found in
New Zealand waters, but they are infrequently caught. Systellaspis debilis is
similar in shape, but body colour is partly red, partly translucent, or colourless;
and lower parts of the carapace have a line of photophores.
References: Webber, W.R. (2002). Prawns coming in from the cold (Pt 1). Seafood New Zealand
10(9): 75–78.

Webber, W.R.; Fenaughty, C.M.; Clark, M.R. (1990). A guide to some common offshore shrimp
and prawn species of New Zealand. New Zealand Fisheries Occasional Publication 6. 42 p.

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Oplophoridae

Notostomus auriculatus (Scarlet prawn) (NAU)


A Distinguishing features: Large uniformly scarlet/crimson species. Long

rostrum with teeth on top and bottom. Five lateral keels on each side of
carapace. Strong, blade-like, finely serrated ridge along top of carapace.
Two lateral keels at base of rostrum, upper keel longer, extending posteriorly
beyond eye.
Colour: Uniformly scarlet.
Size: Up to 180 mm (including rostrum).
Distribution: South Atlantic, NSW, Tasmania, southern Indo-West Pacific, and
around New Zealand.
Depth: From the surface to at least 1200 m.
Similar species: Other (uncommon) Notostomus species are similar, but have
only the upper 3 of the 5 lateral keels on the carapace, and the upper keel on the
rostrum does not extend back beyond the eye.
References: Poore, C.B. (2004). Marine decapod Crustacea of Southern Australia: a guide to
identification. CSIRO Publishing. 574 p.

Richardson, L.R.; Yaldwyn, J.C. (1958). A guide to the Natant Decapod Crustacea (shrimps and
prawns) of New Zealand. Tuatara 7: 17–41.

Webber, W.R.; Fenaughty, C.M.; Clark, M.R. (1990). A guide to some common offshore shrimp
and prawn species of New Zealand. New Zealand Fisheries Occasional Publication 6. 42 p.

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Oplophoridae

Oplophorus spp. (Deepwater prawn) (OPP)

Antennal scale

Distinguishing features: Refers to two similar species found in New Zealand

waters. Solid body, prominent and long spines on abdominal segments 3 to 5.
Oplophorus novaezeelandiae (ONO) has a smooth outer edge to the antennal
scale, but there are small spines on that of O. spinosus (OPS). Use code OPP
when unsure of species.
Colour: Anterior half of body red, abdomen red-striped, rostrum and large
spines transparent.
Size: Total length up to 100 mm (total length measurement includes rostrum).
Distribution: Widespread through the South Atlantic and southern Pacific
Oceans, western Australia, and New Zealand. Around New Zealand,
O. novaezeelandiae is recorded from the Kermadec Ridge to the southern margin
of the Campbell Plateau. O. spinosus has a more northern distribution than
O. novaezeelandiae, with the latter dominating south of East Cape.
Depth: 200 to 1100 m. Mainly taken from 800 to 950 m. Has also been
recorded at or near surface.
Similar species: None. The abdominal spines are very distinctive.
References: Webber, W.R.; Fenaughty, C.M.; Clark, M.R. (1990). A guide to some common
offshore shrimp and prawn species of New Zealand. New Zealand Fisheries Occasional Publication
6. 42 p.

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Pandalidae

Plesionika martia (Golden prawn) (PLM)

No teeth

A Distinguishing features: The bottom of the rostrum has many small and
close-set teeth right out to the tip; teeth are absent from the top of the rostrum
except above the eye; females with ming-blue eggs.
Colour: Most of body translucent to light pink, tip of rostrum red, small red areas
on abdomen and telson.
Size: Total length up to 170 mm (including long rostrum).
Distribution: Widely distributed; around New Zealand found from the
Kermadec Islands to Cook Strait, with records predominantly from the Bay of
Plenty and Challenger Plateau.
Depth: 180 to 2100 m. Most commonly caught from 400 to 600 m.
Similar species: Notopandalus magnoculus, teeth on bottom of rostrum are
spaced out more towards the tip; teeth above the eye are slender and moveable.
Lipkius holthuisi, teeth on bottom of rostrum also spaced out more towards the tip.
Nematocarcinus spp. teeth occur on the top of the rostrum, out to the tip.
References: Webber, W.R.; Fenaughty, C.M.; Clark, M.R. (1990). A guide to some common
offshore shrimp and prawn species of New Zealand. New Zealand Fisheries Occasional
Publication 6: 42 p.

Webber, W.R. (2002). Prawns coming in from the cold (Pt 2). Seafood New Zealand 10(10):

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Pasiphaeidae

Pasiphaea aff. tarda (Deepwater prawn) (PTA)

2 overlaps 1

Chelae comb-like

Distinguishing features: A large, noticeably flat-sided prawn with a very

small rostrum (largest of the genus Pasiphaea in New Zealand). Long fine chelae
(pincers) on legs 1 & 2, cutting edges of pincers with comb-like rows of fine teeth.
Abdominal segment 2 overlaps segment 1.
Colour: Red.
Size: Total length up to 160 mm including rostrum.
Distribution: Pasiphaea aff. tarda is commonly caught in trawls on the
Chatham Rise, Challenger Plateau, and around the South Island. Also
recorded off East Cape and in Bay of Plenty, but generally has a more southern
Depth: 750 to 1500 m. Most commonly reported from 800 to 1200 m.
Similar species: Small specimens of Pasiphaea aff. tarda very hard to
distinguish by eye from other species of the genus. Any large animal (longer than
100 mm) is almost certainly P. aff tarda. Sergia potens has abdominal segment 1
overlapping segment 2, and chelae on legs 2 and 3 which are are very small.
References: Webber, W.R.; Fenaughty, C.M.; Clark, M.R. (1990). A guide to some common
offshore shrimp and prawn species of New Zealand. New Zealand Fisheries Occasional
Publication 6. 42 p.

Webber, W.R. (2002). Prawns coming in from the cold (Pt 2). Seafood New Zealand 10(10): 70–71.

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Maxillipoda
Order Decapoda
Family Penaeidae

Funchalia spp. (Funchalia prawn) (FUN)


A Distinguishing features: Short rostrum (but longer than eye) with teeth on top
only. No teeth on side of carapace behind front edge. Small flat hairs on surface
of body. First three legs with chelae. First abdominal segment overlaps second.
Colour: Transparent with areas of pink-orange-yellow.
Size: Up to 160 mm long.
Distribution: Atlantic, Indian Ocean, West Pacific, Antarctic, Australia, and
New Zealand.
Depth: From near surface (at night) to more than 500 m.
Similar species: Haliporoides sibogae and Solenocera comata are similar, but
have no body hair, and have 2 and 3 spines respectively on side of carapace,
behind front edge. Chlorotocus novaezealandiae is similar, but the second
abdominal segment overlaps the first, and a chela is present on the second leg
References: Poore, C.B. (2004). Marine decapod Crustacea of Southern Australia: a guide to
identification. CSIRO Publishing. 574 p.

Webber, W.R.; Fenaughty, C.M.; Clark, M.R. (1990). A guide to some common offshore shrimp
and prawn species of New Zealand. New Zealand Fisheries Occasional Publication 6. 42 p.

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Sergestidae

Sergestes spp. (Sergestid prawn) (SER)

Distinguishing features: Small to medium size, soft, fragile, and transparent,
usually with red spots. Short rostrum (much shorter than eyestalks). Chelae (legs
2 and 3) microscopically small. Last two pairs of legs reduced or absent. First
abdominal segment overlaps second. Eyestalks often pointing outwards.
Colour: Transparent with red spots (chromatophores). Stomach and light
producing organs visible through carapace.
Size: Up to 70 mm.
Distribution: Worldwide including New Zealand.
Depth: 0 to 2000 m.
Similar species: Sergia species are similar but are usually scarlet to deep
crimson. Pasiphaea species are also similar, but have larger, visible, long slender
chelae with comb-like cutting edges, and the second abdominal segment
overlaps the first.
References: Poore, C.B. (2004). Marine decapod Crustacea of Southern Australia: a guide to
identification. CSIRO Publishing. 574 p.

Webber, W.R.; Fenaughty, C.M.; Clark, M.R. (1990). A guide to some common offshore shrimp
and prawn species of New Zealand. New Zealand Fisheries Occasional Publication 6. 42 p.

Webber, W.R. (2002). Prawns coming in from the cold (PT 2). Seafood New Zealand 10 (10):

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea)
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Solenoceridae

Haliporoides sibogae (Jack-knife prawn) (HSI)


A Distinguishing features: A single small tooth below the rostrum tip; rostrum
arched dorsally; rostrum longer than eye; 3 small spines on side of carapace;
antennular flagella round (not flat); first abdominal segment overlaps second;
legs 1 to 3 have small chelae (pincers).
Colour: Red-pink, with colourless to yellow-orange areas on abdomen.
Size: Total length up to 150 mm.
Distribution: Widely distributed. Around New Zealand, distributed primarily
between North Cape and the Chatham Rise, with a few occurrences on the
Campbell Plateau.
Depth: 100 to 1500 m. A wide range of depths, most frequently recorded from
350 to 600 m.
Similar species: Solenocera comata has no tooth below the rostral tip, rostrum
is shorter than eye, 2 (not 3) spines on side of carapace, flattened antennular
flagella. Funchalia spp. are ‘hairy’ on the body, no tooth below rostrum tip.
Chlorotocus novaezelandiae: abdominal segment 2 overlaps segment 1, and only
leg 2 has chelae.
References: Webber, W.R.; Fenaughty, C.M.; Clark, M.R. (1990). A guide to some common
offshore shrimp and prawn species of New Zealand. New Zealand Fisheries Occasional
Publication 6. 42 p.

Grey, D.L.; Dall, W.; Baker, A. (1983). A guide to the Australian penaeid prawns. Department of
Primary Production of the Northern Territory, Australia. 140 p.

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Chelicerata)
Class Pycnogonida
Order Pantopoda
Family Colossendeidae

Colossendeis spp. (Giant sea spiders) (PYC)

Distinguishing features: Eight legs or more, spider-like, large bodied, eyes
usually completely lacking.
Colour: Most dull white or brown, but some bright reddish orange.
Size: From 10 to 60 mm body length.
Distribution: Cosmopolitan deepsea genus often found in quite shallow
Antarctic waters.
Depth: 5 to 1000 m.
Similar species: Other members of Family Colossendeidae.
References: Allan-Child, C. (1998). The marine fauna of New Zealand: Pycnogonida
(sea spiders). NIWA Biodiversity Memoir 109. 71 p.

Fry, W.G.; Hedgpeth, J.L. (1969). The fauna of the Ross Sea. Part 7. Pycnogonida, 1. New Zealand
Oceanographic Institute Memoir 49. 139 p.

Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Maxillipoda)
Class Maxillipoda
Order Thoracica
Family Scalpellidae

(Stalked barnacles) (SBN)


A Distinguishing features: Large barnacle with 13 white calcereous plates

which make up the capitulum and are separated by brown chitinous material.
Stalked barnacles also known as goose barnacles.
Colour: Chocolate to dark straw-coloured stalk with fine white spines.
Size: Total length to 130 mm.
Distribution: Worldwide. Occurs on the flat slope, and on seamounts.
Depth: 120 to 1100 m.
Similar species: Other scalpellid barnacles.
References: Buckeridge, J. (1999). Barnacles, not just a fouling nuisance. Seafood New Zealand
7(2): 38–39.

Foster, B.A. (1978). The marine fauna of New Zealand: barnacles (Cirripedia: Thoracica).
New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir 69. 160 p.

Bryozoans, moss animals,
lace-corals, sea mats

Dennis Gordon
Bryozoans, moss animals,
lace-corals, sea mats
The Bryozoa (Greek bryon moss, zoon, animal) is a Order Cheilostomata
group of animals that can look like hydroids, turfing This is the geologically youngest bryozoan
seaweeds, or small corals, which means that they order, dating from the latest Jurassic. All marine
are frequently mistaken for other organisms and species are calcified and colonies range from
scarcely ever recognised for what they are. They are nearly microscopic to well over 30 cm high and
colonies of minute individuals (zooids), mostly less across, depending on the species. The zooids in
than 1 mm long, whose feeding tentacles strain the cheilostome colonies are somewhat box-like, with a
water for food particles. Colonies can be encrusting lid-like closing apparatus (operculum) at one end.
(sea mats), bushy (moss animals), or coral-like. There are 782 species in New Zealand waters
Some of them form hard mesh-like fronds and look (c. 4950 worldwide). Common in the deep sea.
like solid lace (lace corals). On the continental shelf,
bryozoans can dominate some parts of the seafloor,
as in Tasman Bay, Foveaux Strait, or off Otago
Peninsula, where they form habitat for Bluff oysters
or juveniles of commercial fish. Their fossil remains
are common in limestones at Waitomo, Punakaiki,
and Oamaru. There are about 950 species of
marine bryozoans in New Zealand waters (out of
nearly 6000 worldwide).
Two classes of Bryozoa, representing three orders,
are found in the sea.

Class Stenolaemata
Order Cyclostomata
This is an ancient group of bryozoans that survives
to the present day. Colonies are mostly small, but
endemic Cinctipora elegans in Foveaux strait and
on the Otago shelf forms twiggy coral-like colonies
up to 30 cm high. The zooids in cyclostome colonies
are somewhat tubular in shape and the anterior end
where the tentacles emerge is not closed (between
feeding sessions) by a lid-like operculum. When
reproducing, eggs and larvae are incubated in
one or a few brood chambers that serve the whole
colony. There are 120 species in New Zealand
waters (c. 740 worldwide). Fairly uncommon in the
deep sea.

Class Gymnolaemata
Order Ctenostomata
Another ancient order of bryozoans. Unlike other
marine bryozoans, all ctenostomes are uncalcified,
hence their colonies are soft. A few native species
are encrusting; most are bushy. Some shallow-
water species form large “fluffy” colonies of
abundant delicate branches. Their zooids are like
tiny transparent sausages disposed along hollow
stems that resemble thin noodles. As in cyclostomes,
individuals have no operculum. There are 48
species in New Zealand waters (c. 310 worldwide).
Rare and tiny in the deep sea.

Phylum Bryozoa
Class Gymnolaemata
Order Cheilostomata (lace corals)
Family Phidoloporidae

Hippellozoon novaezelandiae (Erect cheilostome bryozoan) (HNO)

Photo: A. Smith

Distinguishing features: Hard coral-like structures with tiny pores around

or along the branches. (The pores are the openings for microscopic feeding
tentacles to emerge.) Distinguishing features tend to be microscopic; in
lengthways sections of branches, the zooids appear as relatively short and
variably box-like.
Colour: Varies according to species.
Size: From 5 to 30 cm high depending on the species.
Distribution: Widespread in New Zealand waters.
Depth: 0 to 5000 m.
Similar species: None.
References: Gordon, D.P. (1986). The marine fauna of New Zealand: Bryozoa: Gymnolaemata
(Ctenostomata and Cheilostomata Anasca) from the western South Island continental shelf and
slope. New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir. 95: 1–121.

Gordon, D.P. (1987). The deep-sea Bryozoa of the New Zealand region. Pp 97-104 In: Ross, J.R.P.
(ed.) Bryozoa: Present and Past. Western Washington University, Bellingham. 333 p.

Phylum Bryozoa
Class Stenolaemata
Order Cyclostomata

(Erect cyclostome bryozoans) (ECB)


A Distinguishing features: Hard coral-like structures with tiny pores around

or along the branches. (The pores are the openings for microscopic feeding
tentacles to emerge.) Distinguishing features tend to be microscopic; in
lengthways sections of branches, the zooids appear as long narrow tubes.
Left image Tetrocycloecia neozelanica, right image Cinctipora elegans.
Colour: Varies according to species.
Size: From 5 to 30 cm. This is a height measurement, and size depends on
the species.
Distribution: Widespread in New Zealand region.
Depth: 12 to 1156 m for relatively large colonies. Records over 700 m may
represent dead colonies transported from shallower depths.
Similar species: Cheilostome bryozoans with a similar colony form.
References: Taylor, P.D.; Gordon, D.P.; Batson, P.B. (2004). Bathymetric distributions of modern
populations of some common Cenozoic Bryozoa from New Zealand, and paleodepth estimation.
New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 47: 57–69.

Sea-stars, brittle stars, sea urchins,
sea cucumbers, feather stars, sea lilies
Owen Anderson, Niki Davey, Don McKnight,
Sadie Mills, Kate Neill
Sea-stars, brittle stars,
sea urchins, sea cucumbers,
feather stars, sea lilies
The Echinodermata is a group of animals with the spherical and discoidal species a complex
spiny skins and tube-feet, showing a great variety jaw apparatus (Aristotle’s lantern) is present on
of shapes and sizes; members of the commoner the underside; this is absent in the heart-shaped
classes are generally recognisable as starfish or species.
sea-stars, brittle stars, or sea urchins. Less well
known are the feather stars, sea lilies, and sea Holothurians (sea cucumbers) generally have
cucumbers. All common extant forms have a basic a soft, usually cylindrical, body with microscopic
pentaradial symmetry with tube-feet present, and plates or ossicles embedded in the body wall,
an endoskeleton of calcitic plates or ossicles, though a few species are more or less rigid, with
these ranging from microscopic to conspicuous. small overlapping plates present. Five rows of tube-
Echinoderms have an extensive fossil history, feet are usually present, though they are absent
but only five classes are likely to be collected in in one order. Although most species are small to
commercial trawling operations. medium in size, some tropical and deepsea species
can be quite large. Identification of species usually
Asteroids (sea stars or starfish) are among the requires laboratory examination of the ossicles
most familiar echinoderms. The central disc merges embedded in the skin.
with the arms, and on the underside the tube-feet
are placed in a groove. Extensions of the gut extend Crinoids are stalked (sea lilies) or unstalked
into the arms, and in a few species the gonads (feather stars) with a small cup-like body, or calyx,
may similarly extend or are limited to the arms. composed of plates in cycles of five. This body is
Sea stars show a great variety of shapes, from roofed by a membrane that may have immersed
pentagonal to those with elongate arms and a small plates; moveable arms, usually branched, extend
disc. There are usually five arms but several species from the margin of the calyx, and are made up
have more. The more unusual types occur in the of small subcircular plates united by muscles. The
Order Brisingida, where the disc is small and the arms contain extensions of the viscera, gonads,
deciduous arms appear distinct from the disc. nerves, and water vascular systems. The tube-feet
are inconspicuous, and extend to the arm tips.
Ophiuroids (brittle stars) differ from sea stars in Sea lilies have a stem made up of discoidal plates,
lacking the distinct groove on the underside of the and attach to the seafloor by terminal roots, or
arms, with the tube-feet piercing the ventral arm a flattened basal piece; others have thin-jointed
plates. The arms are distinctly separated from the cirri along the stem, each with a terminal hook, to
disc. Most species have only five arms, though a few enable temporary attachment.
have six or more. Brittle-stars are generally small
Feather stars have the stem reduced to a plate at
and fragile, and the arms are often broken when
the base of the calyx, to which the cirri are attached.
captured. Most brittle-stars (Order Ophiurida) have
arms usually coiling horizontally (though in some Crinoids are generally fragile, and often only
they coil vertically) and the armspines are placed on fragments are found in samples. Entire specimens
the sides of the arms, either erect or pressed against will often fragment when exposed on deck.
the side. Brittle-stars of the Order Euryalinida,
known as basket-stars or snake-stars, differ from
the typical forms in having arms coiling vertically,
with the armspines pointing downward; the larger
basket-stars have the arms branching, usually from
close to the edge of the disc, while the snake-stars
have simple arms.

Echinoids (sea urchins or sea eggs) lack arms,

and have a variety of forms. The commoner type
is spherical or globose, but discoidal or heart-
shaped forms also occur. The body or test is
composed of distinct plates, in 20 columns, 10 of
which are pierced by the tube-feet. Conspicuous
spines, sometimes modified, are present, and in

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Asteroidea (sea-stars)
Order Brisingida
Family Brisingidae, Hymenodiscidae, Novodiniidae, Freyellidae

(Armless stars) (BRG)

50 mm

Distinguishing features: All species in this order have at least 6 arms, usually
over 10, with a small, rounded disc. The arms, constructed from tiny plates
immersed in skin, are long, often higher than wide, and are quite deciduous and
often all that is taken. Arms have transverse rows of plates the largest of which,
at the ventro-lateral margin, bearing one or more long spines. All spines have a
thick coating of skin. Tube feet in 2 rows, with sucking-discs.
Colour: Various.
Size: Total width up to 260 mm.
Distribution: Throughout New Zealand.
Depth: 150 to 6000 m.
Similar species: There are at least 14 local species in this order, all with a small
disc and at least 6 fragile arms. A detailed examination is necessary to accurately
identify them. Pictured is Brisinga chathamica.
References: McKnight, D.G. (2006). The marine fauna of New Zealand: Echinodermata:
Asteroidea (sea-stars). 3. Orders Velatida, Spinulosida, Forcipulatida, Brisinga with addenda to
Paxillosida, Valvatida. NIWA Biodiversity Memoir 120. 187 p.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Asteroidea (sea-stars)
Order Forcipulatida
Family Asteriidae

Allostichaster spp. (Three-and-three stars) (ALH)


10 mm

A Distinguishing features: Small starfish with 5-8 arms, often of unequal sizes.
Upper surface is covered with short, blunt spines, the tips of which are knob-like.
Colour: Cream.
Size: Total width up to 76 mm.
Distribution: Occasional North Island records, most common from southern
areas and often associated with small hills or seamounts.
Depth: 0 to 1162 m.
Similar species: Three species of Allostichaster have been reported from New
Zealand and detailed examination is required to separate them. They are similar
in appearance to another sea-star from the same family, Smilasterias, however
Smilasterias only has 5 arms that are similar in length.
References: McKnight, D.G. (2006). The marine fauna of New Zealand: Echinodermata:
Asteroidea (sea-stars). 3. Orders Velatida, Spinulosida, Forcipulatida, Brisinga with addenda to
Paxillosida, Valvatida. NIWA Biodiversity Memoir 120. 187 p.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Asteroidea (sea-stars)
Order Forcipulatida
Family Asteriidae

Cosmasterias dyscrita (Cat’s-foot star) (CDY)

20 mm

Distinguishing features: Disc small with 5 long rounded arms. Marginal

plates inconspicuous. Plates of upper surface in fairly regular longitudinal rows,
generally wider than long, each covered with short, blunt spines. Pedicellariae
scattered over surface of body. Tube-feet with sucking-discs, in 4 rows. Arms
often break from the disc.
Colour: Pale orange.
Size: Total width up to 260 mm.
Distribution: Widespread throughout the New Zealand region, also present in
Depth: 50 to 1200 m.
Similar species: Pseudechinaster rubens, which has a mainly transverse
arrangement of the plates on the upper surface.
References: McKnight, D.G. (2006). The marine fauna of New Zealand: Echinodermata:
Asteroidea (sea-stars). 3. Orders Velatida, Spinulosida, Forcipulatida, Brisinga with addenda to
Paxillosida, Valvatida. NIWA Biodiversity Memoir 120. 187 p.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Asteroidea (sea-stars)
Order Forcipulatida
Family Asteriidae

Pseudechinaster rubens (PRU)


20 mm

A Distinguishing features: Disc small, with 5 gently tapering arms, rounded

above. Plates on upper surface of arms form transverse arcs, and also
longitudinal series. Arms are often broken. Plates of upper and lower surfaces
with 1-2 short spines. Mouth sunken and inconspicuous.
Colour: Reddish.
Size: Total width up to 340 mm.
Distribution: East coast of New Zealand, more common on the Chatham Rise.
Depth: 75 to 400 m.
Similar species: Cosmasterias dyscrita is similar in appearance but lacks the
transverse arcs of plates on the upper surface.
References: McKnight, D.G. (2006). The marine fauna of New Zealand Echinodermata:
Asteroidea (Sea-stars). Orders Spinulosida, Forcipulatida and Brisingida. NIWA Biodiversity
Memoir 120. 187 p.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Asteroidea (sea-stars)
Order Forcipulatida
Family Asteriidae

Sclerasterias mollis (Cross-fish) (SMO)

200 mm

Distinguishing features: Disc small, with 5 rounded or 5-sided arms (rarely 6);
plates of upper surface in longitudinal rows, most with one spine, with a wreath of
tiny pedicellariae (jaw-like appendages) around the base which may appear as a
gelatinous sheath. Marginal plates inconspicuous. Tube feet in 4 rows, each with a
distinct sucking-disc.
Colour: Orange to brick-red, arms with spines in 5 rows of whitish, cream, or
Size: Total width up to 400 mm.
Distribution: Widespread throughout the New Zealand region, from the
Kermadec Islands to the Auckland Islands, including the Chatham Islands;
common south of Cook Strait.
Depth: 0 to 660 m.
Similar species: The wreaths around the spines of the upper surface
differentiate this species from Cosmasterias and Pseudechinaster. Two rarer species
in genera Perissasterias and Taranuiaster lack the orange mottling. One other
species, apparently new to New Zealand, is known only from active submarine
volcanoes north of the Bay of Plenty. It differs in being uniformly very dark red to
almost black.
References: McKnight, D.G. (2006). The marine fauna of New Zealand: Echinodermata:
Asteroidea (sea-stars). 3. Orders Velatida, Spinulosida, Forcipulatida, Brisinga with addenda to
Paxillosida, Valvatida. NIWA Biodiversity Memoir 120. 187 p.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Asteroidea (sea-stars)
Order Forcipulatida
Family Zoroasteridae

Zoroaster spp. (Rat-tail stars) (ZOR)


2 cm

A Distinguishing features: Five long, rounded, rigid, and slowly tapering arms
and a small disc; plates regularly arranged, marginal plates not conspicuous.
Upper surface with small spines, becoming larger down sides of rounded arms.
Tube-feet in 4 rows, sometimes 2 rows near arm tip.
Colour: Brownish, red / orange, or pale, usually a little lighter below.
Size: Total width up to 350 mm. Disc radius to a maximum of 30 mm.
Distribution: Throughout the New Zealand region.
Depth: 300 to 2500 m.
Similar species: Seven species of Zoroaster are known from New Zealand
waters, all similar in shape, and readily identified to genus; however a detailed
examination is necessary to accurately identify the species. Several species of
Zoroaster are illustrated here.
References: McKnight, D.G. (2006). The marine fauna of New Zealand: Echinodermata:
Asteroidea (sea-stars). 3. Orders Velatida, Spinulosida, Forcipulatida, Brisinga with addenda to
Paxillosida, Valvatida. NIWA Biodiversity Memoir 120. 187 p.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Asteroidea (sea-stars)
Order Notomyotida
Family Benthopectinidae

Benthopecten spp. (BES)

Large spine between arms

Distinguishing features: Disc small the 5 flat arms tapering, often coiled at
the tips; lower and upper surfaces flat. Upper surface with numerous small spines
and some larger; lower surface with larger spines. Plates at margins wider than
long, with conspicuous erect spines, and between arm bases is one enlarged
plate with 1 to 2 very large spines.
Colour: Upper surface often scarlet or reddish becoming pink distally; underside
pale pink then whitish towards tip; larger spines red or white.
Size: Total width up to 220 mm.
Distribution: Throughout New Zealand, as far south as the Campbell Plateau.
Depth: 200 to 620 m.
Similar species: Three species of Benthopecten have been reported from New
Zealand, and are difficult to separate without a detailed examination.
References: Clark, H.E.S.; McKnight, D.G. (2000). The marine fauna of New Zealand:
Echinodermata: Asteroidea. Orders Paxillosida and Notomyotida. NIWA Biodiversity Memoir 116.
196 p.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Asteroidea (sea-stars)
Order Notomyotida
Family Benthopectinidae

Cheiraster monopedicellaris (CMP)


A Distinguishing features: Disc and arms flat, upper and lower surfaces
with numerous short spines, plates at margin conspicuous and swollen, each with
1 to 3 larger stubby spines. On lower surface behind mouth are two opposing
combs of short curved spines which interlock, with one structure between each
pair of arms.
Colour: Pink or gray on upper surface, cream below.
Size: Total width up to 80 mm.
Distribution: East coast of northern and central New Zealand.
Depth: 600 to 900 m.
Similar species: There are six other species of Cheiraster recorded locally,
and a detailed examination is needed to separate them; however this is the only
species with the single comb-like structure behind the mouth.
References: Clark, H.E.S.; McKnight, D.G. (2000). The marine fauna of New Zealand:
Echinodermata: Asteroidea. Orders Paxillosida and Notomyotida. NIWA Biodiversity Memoir 116.
196 p.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Asteroidea (sea-stars)
Order Paxillosida
Family Astropectinidae

Astromesites primigenius (APM)

20 mm

Distinguishing features: Marginal plates large and conspicuous, forming

a regular broad, horizontal row around the margin of both surfaces. The
underside, including the lower marginal plates, is covered in enlarged spines
giving a bristly/shaggy appearance.
Colour: Orange to red.
Size: Total width up to 140 mm, average width about 70 mm.
Distribution: Occasional North Island records, most common from off Banks
Peninsula area and south to the Snares and Auckland Islands and east to the
Chatham Rise and Bounty Islands.
Depth: 55 to 690 m.
Similar species: Can be confused with both Psilaster acuminatus and
Proserpinaster neozelanicus. However it lacks enlarged spines on the upper
marginal plates (see Proserpinaster), and its marginal plates are very broad,
regular and horizontal, even between the arms, unlike Psilaster whose marginal
plates become more vertical between the arms.
References: Clark, H.E.S.; McKnight, D.G. (2000). The marine fauna of New Zealand:
Echinodermata: Asteroidea (sea-stars). Order Paxillosida. NIWA Biodiversity Memoir 116. 196 p.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Asteroidea (sea-stars)
Order Paxillosida
Family Astropectinidae

Dipsacaster magnificus (Magnificent sea-star) (DMG)


20 mm

A Distinguishing features: Large, with large, 5-armed flat disc. Arms broad
at the base, tapering rapidly and evenly to a sharp tip. Plates of upper surface
with clusters of short spinelets. Madreporite large, obscured by spinelets in a
slightly depressed area near the marginal plates. Lower marginal plates project
beyond upper plates to form a very distinct edge to disc and arms; both series of
marginal plates bearing spinelets. Tube-feet pointed, in 2 rows, the sucking disc
scarcely apparent.
Colour: Usually orange, but also recorded as light dirty grey with patches of
yellow and salmon pink above, cream below.
Size: Total width up to 360 mm.
Distribution: Widespread around New Zealand, from Lord Howe Rise in
the north to Campbell Plateau in the south, including the Chatham Rise and
Louisville Ridge. Also widespread in Australian waters.
Depth: 100 to 1100 m.
Similar species: The only member of this genus found in New Zealand, D.
magnificus is broadly similar to species of Plutonaster, Proserpinaster, and Psilaster
but is larger, with broader arms and more regular rows of plates on both upper
and lower surfaces, and lacks enlarged spines on the marginal plates.
References: Clark, H.E.S.; McKnight, D.G. (2000). The marine fauna of New Zealand:
Echinodermata: Asteroidea (sea-stars). Orders Paxillosida and Notomyotida. NIWA Biodiversity
Memoir 116. 196 p.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Asteroidea (sea-stars)
Order Paxillosida
Family Astropectinidae

Plutonaster knoxi (Abyssal star) (PKN)

Distinguishing features: Disc large and flat, or slightly raised centrally and
along midline of the 5, long, slender, arms. Plates of upper surface with short
spines. Marginal plates separated by grooves lined with small spinelets, plates
covered with granules, and usually each with an erect spine. Madreporite very
large, intricately patterned, and covered by bushy clumps of spines. Tube-feet
pointed, in 2 rows.
Colour: Generally orange, orange/red, with pale yellow. Often a paler orange/
yellow stripe along midline of arms.
Size: Total width up to 260 mm.
Distribution: Widespread around the New Zealand region, especially common
on the Chatham Rise.
Depth: 500 to 2000 m.
Similar species: Seven species of Plutonaster are recorded from the New
Zealand region, but P. knoxi is the most common; it also could be confused with
Dipsacaster, Psilaster, and Proserpinaster.
References: Clark, H.E.S.; McKnight, D.G. (2000). The marine fauna of New Zealand:
Echinodermata: Asteroidea (sea-stars). Orders Paxillosida and Notomyotida. NIWA Biodiversity
Memoir 116: 82–87.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Asteroidea (sea-stars)
Order Paxillosida
Family Astropectinidae

Proserpinaster neozelanicus (PNE)


20 mm

A Distinguishing features: Disc large and flat, with 5 tapering arms. Plates of
upper surface regularly arranged, covered with short spines; underside similar,
but plates less regular in arrangement and often also with a larger spine. The
upper plates of the marginal rows are broad, particularly on the arms, and both
rows bear 1 to several larger spines.
Colour: Reddish or salmon-pink above, cream below.
Size: Total width up to 260 mm.
Distribution: New Zealand, from near the Three Kings Islands to the southern
shelf; common on the Chatham Rise.
Depth: 90 to 1700 m.
Similar species: Psilaster acuminatus and Astromesites primigenius are similar
however P. acuminatus lacks rows of enlarged spines on the upper marginal
plates. A. primigenius lacks enlarged spines on the upper series of marginal plats
and the marginal plates are broad and horizontal on and between the arms.
References: Clark, H.E.S.; McKnight, D.G. (2000). The marine fauna of New Zealand:
Echinodermata: Asteroidea. Orders Paxillosida and Notomyotida. NIWA Biodiversity Memoir 116.
196 p.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Asteroidea (sea-stars)
Order Paxillosida
Family Astropectinidae

Psilaster acuminatus (Geometric star) (PSI)

Distinguishing features: Outline strongly star-shaped; disc and 5 arms
flat although slightly raised near arm bases and slightly depressed centrally.
Conspicuous madreporite located between arms and nearer to marginal plates
than disc centre. Plates of upper surface with short spines. Marginal plates
conspicuous, those of the upper series slightly raised and separated from each
other by deep grooves, forming a distinct edge to the disc and arms. Lower
marginal plates with some enlarged spines. Tube-feet pointed, in 2 rows.
Colour: Usually uniformly orange above, with much paler marginal plates.
Upper surface also described as dark-pink, orange-pink, and bright-salmon.
Creamy yellow below with delicate pink tube-feet.
Size: Total width up to 240 mm.
Distribution: Very common in the New Zealand region, from Lord Howe Island
in the north to Campbell Island in the south, including the Chatham Islands, but
no records from Foveaux Strait or Stewart Island. Also known from Australia and
South Africa.
Depth: 30 to 2500 m. Most common from 200 to 600 m.
Similar species: Could be confused with species of Astromesites, Dipsacaster,
and Proserpinaster, but can be distinguished by its distinctive marginal plates,
enlarged spines on the lower marginal plates and lack of enlarged spines on the
upper marginal plates.
References: Clark, H.E.S.; McKnight, D.G. (2000). The marine fauna of New Zealand:
Echinodermata: Asteroidea (sea-stars). Orders Paxillosida and Notomyotida. NIWA Biodiversity
Memoir 116: 99–104.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Asteroidea (sea-stars)
Order Paxillosida
Family Radiasteridae

Radiaster gracilis (RGR)


30 mm

A Distinguishing features: Disc flat with 5 tapering arms. Upper surface

covered with short spines; lower surface plates with a slight ridge covered with
small spines separated by narrow bare areas; plates at margin inconspicuous.
Colour: Bright orange.
Size: Total width up to 240 mm.
Distribution: Widespread throughout New Zealand, also south-eastern
Australia and Tasmania.
Depth: 30 to 2400 m.
Similar species: Psilaster acuminatus though similar has more prominent plates
at the margin.
References: Clark, H.E.S.; McKnight, D.G. (2000). The marine fauna of New Zealand:
Echinodermata: Asteroidea (sea-stars). Orders Paxillosida and Notomyotida. NIWA Biodiversity
Memoir 116: 92–96.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Asteroidea (sea-stars)
Order Spinulosida
Family Echinasteridae

Henricia compacta (HEC)

20 mm

Distinguishing features: Disc small with 5 tapering, rounded, rigid arms.

Entire surface densely covered with small erect spines, the underlying plates
rounded and irregularly arranged, with small skin-covered areas between; short
finger-like papillae project through the skin.
Colour: Usually cream or very light brown.
Size: Total width up to 140 mm. Generally small.
Distribution: Widespread throughout the New Zealand region, the Tasman Sea
and south-eastern Australia. In New Zealand common on seamounts.
Depth: 100 to 1500 m.
Similar species: There are several species of Henricia known locally as well as
a few in the related genera Odontohenricia and Echinaster. While none of these
are as densely spined as H. compacta, separation of species in this family usually
requires examination under a microscope.
References: McKnight, D.G. (2006). The marine fauna of New Zealand: Echinodermata:
Asteroidea (sea-stars). 3. Orders Velatida, Spinulosida, Forcipulatida, Brisinga with addenda to
Paxillosida, Valvatida. NIWA Biodiversity Memoir 120. 187 p.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Asteroidea (sea-stars)
Order Valvatida
Family Goniasteridae

Ceramaster patagonicus (Pentagon star) (CPA)

Dorsal view Madreporite


A Distinguishing features: Strongly and distinctively pentagonal and flat. Arms

very short, tips gently upturned. Upper surface with regularly arranged, 4 to 6
sided plates, covered in granules. Madreporite small, naked, 5-sided, slightly
raised, and near disc centre. Upper marginal plates form a definite, bevelled
edge to the disc and arms, and number 26 from arm tip to arm tip. Tube-feet
with sucking discs, in two rows.
Colour: Bright red or reddish-orange above, cream below.
Size: Total width up to 200 mm.
Distribution: Widespread in the Pacific, South Atlantic, and southern Indian
Ocean. Found throughout much of southern New Zealand, but more common
south of the Chatham Rise, including the Bounty Islands and Macquarie Island.
Not recorded north of the Bay of Plenty.
Depth: 200 to 1200 m.
Similar species: There are two subspecies. Ceramaster. p. australis (known only
from the Macquarie Ridge) lacks the pedicellariae (jaw-like appendages) present
on the upper marginal plates of Ceramaster. p. patagonicus. Small specimens
from seamounts may represent different species. Species of Pillsburiaster differ in
having rounded plates on the upper surface, and those of Sphaeriodiscus have
scattered granules over the marginal plates.
References: Clark, H.E.S.; McKnight, D.G. (2001). The marine fauna of New Zealand:
Echinodermata: Asteroidea (sea-stars). Order Valvatida. NIWA Biodiversity Memoir 117: 33–36.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Asteroidea (sea-stars)
Order Valvatida
Family Goniasteridae

Hippasteria phrygiana (Trojan star) (HTR)

Prominent spines Conical spines

Distinguishing features: Five short arms, disc large, near pentagonal, and
usually inflated. Sturdy, blunt, conical spines form 2 rows on marginal plates
(1 to 3 spines per plate). Large and small plates of the upper surface rounded,
both with granules, the larger often with an erect spine. Tube-feet with sucking
discs, in 2 rows.
Colour: Pale orange above, paler cream below.
Size: Total width up to 320 mm.
Distribution: Widely distributed in the northern hemisphere and in Australia
(New South Wales and Victoria). In New Zealand it occurs from the Bay of Plenty
south. Common on the Chatham Rise.
Depth: 20 to 1300 m. Most records from deeper than 500 m.
Similar species: The strong spines on the margins help to distinguish this
species from similar shaped goniasterids such as Mediaster spp. and Gilbertaster
anacanthus, which lack these spines, as does a rare species of Hippasteria from
south of Tasmania.
References: Clark, H.E.S.; McKnight, D.G. (2001). The marine fauna of New Zealand:
Echinodermata: Asteroidea (sea-stars). Order Valvatida. NIWA Biodiversity Memoir 117: 54–59.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Asteroidea (sea-stars)
Order Valvatida
Family Goniasteridae

Lithosoma novaezelandiae (Rock star) (LNV)


50 mm

A Distinguishing features: Disc pentagonal, bordered by conspicuous upper

marginal plates which completely encase the arms from base to tip. Plates of the
upper surface naked, ringed with small granules, close-fitting, mostly hexagonal,
and very regularly arranged into rows. Madreporite small, naked, between arms,
and nearer centre than edge of disc. Marginal plates relatively much larger in
juveniles. Tube-feet with terminal sucking discs, in 2 rows.
Colour: Pale brown-cream above, light fawn below.
Size: Total width up to 320 mm.
Distribution: Widespread around New Zealand from north of the North Island
to the Campbell Rise, but not known from the east coast between East Cape and
Christchurch or from the west coast between North Cape and Cape Farewell.
Depth: 120 to 1200 m. Most common at 600 to 800 m.
Similar species: Glyphodiscus mcknighti, from near Norfolk Island, is very
similar. Two species of Rosaster also have the upper surface of the arms
composed only of marginal plates, but plates of the upper surface are covered
with granules.
References: Clark, H.E.S.; McKnight, D.G. (2001). The marine fauna of New Zealand:
Echinodermata: Asteroidea (sea-stars). Order Valvatida. NIWA Biodiversity Memoir 117: 63–69.

McKnight, D.G. (1973). Additions to the asteroid fauna of New Zealand: Family Goniasteridae.
NZOI Records 1(13): 172–195.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Asteroidea (sea-stars)
Order Valvatida
Family Goniasteridae

Mediaster sladeni (Sladen’s star) (MSL)

Inflated disc
Terminal arm plate


Distinguishing features: Disc large, irregularly inflated centrally and at arm

bases. The 5 arms slender, evenly tapering to oval terminal plates. Plates on
upper surface are regular in shape (having an oval, enlarged, flattened head)
and form a close cover. Some plates bear in their centre relatively conspicuous
pedicellariae (jawlike appendages) with 2 to 3 jaws. Madreporite hexagonal,
between arms, and nearer to disc than to marginal plates.
Colour: Orange.
Size: Total width up to 230 mm. Average width about 120 mm.
Distribution: From Three Kings Islands in the north to south of The Snares.
Many records from the Chatham Rise.
Depth: 40 to 1000 m.
Similar species: Mediaster gartrelli, known from similar depths, but only
from off Taranaki and the Kermadec Islands, has shorter arms; M. arcuatus,
widespread at 600 to 1300 m, has shorter arms.
References: Clark, H.E.S.; McKnight, D.G. (2001). The marine fauna of New Zealand:
Echinodermata: Asteroidea (sea-stars). Order Valvatida. NIWA Biodiversity Memoir 117: pp.

McKnight, D.G. (1973). Additions to the asteroid fauna of New Zealand: Family Goniasteridae.
NZOI Records 1(13): 172–195.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Asteroidea (sea-stars)
Order Valvatida
Family Goniasteridae

Pillsburiaster aoteanus (PAO)


20 mm 50 mm

A Distinguishing features: Outline almost pentagonal, the sides slightly

concave. Upper surface covered with small granules, the plates round or ovoid
in outline, and not in regular rows. Lower surface covered with similar small
granules, plates at the margins often with a bare patch, which may become
larger towards the arm tip.
Colour: Yellow to light brown.
Size: Total width up to 250 mm.
Distribution: Widespread throughout New Zealand and moderately common
on seamounts.
Depth: 120 to 1600 m.
Similar species: It is similar to species of Ceramaster, but these can be
distinguished by their bright red colour and the plates of their upper surface
which are rectangular to hexagonal and arranged in regular rows.
References: Clark, H.E.S.; Mcknight, D.G. (2001). The marine fauna of New Zealand
Echinodermata: Asteroidea (Sea-stars). Order Valvatida. NIWA Biodiversity Memoir 117.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Asteroidea (sea-stars)
Order Valvatida
Family Odontasteridae

Odontaster benhami (Pentagonal tooth-star) (ODT)

Dorsal view

Distinguishing features: Outline roughly pentagonal, with a variable degree
of arc between arm tips. Marginal plates separated by shallow grooves and
slightly larger nearer the disc. On the underside, each of the oral plates (at the
side of the mouth) has a larger, usually visible, backward-curving, glassy spine;
tube-feet with sucking discs, in 2 rows.
Colour: Dull coloured, mostly light brown, reddish or orange, almost cream
Size: Total width up to 80 mm.
Distribution: The species has a generally southern distribution in the
New Zealand region, from Cook Strait to near The Snares.
Depth: 0 to 550 m.
Similar species: Two other species occur in the New Zealand region, both
superficially similar to Odontaster benhami. A lab examination may be necessary
to separate them; O. aucklandensis is mainly subantarctic, 55 to 350 m, and O.
rosagemmae occurs off the east coast of North Island and east of the Chatham
Islands, 450 to 1200 m. Species of Diplodontias (in the same family) are also
quite similar.
References: Clark, H.E.S.; McKnight, D.G. (2001). The marine fauna of New Zealand:
Echinodermata: Asteroidea (sea-stars). Order Valvatida. NIWA Biodiversity Memoir 117: 144–145.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Asteroidea (sea-stars)
Order Velatida
Family Pterasteridae

Diplopteraster sp. (DPP)


100 mm 100 mm

A Distinguishing features: Disc large, fleshy and inflated, with a cover of skin
supported by groups of spines. Plates at margin barely distinguishable. Tubefeet
in four rows, small spines form transverse rows from tube feet, are united by a
web of skin and alternate in number.
Colour: Grayish or cream.
Size: Total width up to 200 mm.
Distribution: East coast of New Zealand.
Depth: 800 to 1700 m.
Similar species: One other species of Diplopteraster is present and a detailed
examination is needed to separate them. Other species in this family appear
similar but differ in having the tube feet in 2 rows.
References: McKnight, D.G. (2006). The marine fauna of New Zealand: Echinodermata:
Asteroidea (sea-stars). 3. Orders Velatida, Spinulosida, Forcipulatida, Brisinga with addenda to
Paxillosida, Valvatida. NIWA Biodiversity Memoir 120. 187 p.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Asteroidea (sea-stars)
Order Velatida
Family Pterasteridae

Hymenaster carnosus (HYC)

Distinguishing features: Disc large, almost pentagonal. Upper surface
inflated and covered in skin with the underlying spinelets forming distinct figures
on the surface. Lower surface flat. Tubefeet in 2 rows, spines along furrow not
linked by skin, 2 spines to each pair of tube feet.
Colour: Light cream, sometimes with a slight purplish tinge.
Size: Total width up to 260 mm.
Distribution: Throughout New Zealand and also reported from off
South America.
Depth: 1000 to 2000 m.
Similar species: There are at least 6 other species of Hymenaster known from
local waters, though all are smaller with total diameter up to about 100 mm.
References: McKnight, D.G. (2006). The marine fauna of New Zealand: Echinodermata:
Asteroidea (sea-stars). 3. Orders Velatida, Spinulosida, Forcipulatida, Brisinga with addenda to
Paxillosida, Valvatida. NIWA Biodiversity Memoir 120. 187 p.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Asteroidea (sea-stars)
Order Velatida
Family Solasteridae

Crossaster multispinus (Sun-star) (CJA)


50 mm

A Distinguishing features: Wide, flattened disc, with 11 to 12 arms; plates of

upper surface spaced apart, each with a bundle of spinelets up to 5 to 10 mm
long. Only lower marginal plates apparent, with short spines and granules; tube-
feet with sucking discs, in 2 rows.
Colour: Orange-pink, whitish-pink, or mauve above.
Size: Total width up to 140 mm.
Distribution: Present throughout the New Zealand region, from the Kermadec
Islands to the Campbell Plateau.
Depth: 90 to 1200 m.
Similar species: One other species, with 10 arms, is known from central and
southern New Zealand, 200 to 400 m.
References: McKnight, D.G. (2006). The marine fauna of New Zealand: Echinodermata:
Asteroidea (sea-stars). 3. Orders Velatida, Spinulosida, Forcipulatida, Brisinga with addenda to
Paxillosida, Valvatida. NIWA Biodiversity Memoir 120. 187 p.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Asteroidea (sea-stars)
Order Velatida
Family Solasteridae

Solaster torulatus (Chubby sun-star) (SOT)

Tube feet

Distinguishing features: With 7 to 9 arms, usually 8. Disc near flat, arms

rounded, plump at the base. Upper marginal plates smaller than lower, which
bear spinelets in a transverse row. Groups of 1 to 5 spines present on each plate
of the upper surface. Tube-feet with sucking discs, in 2 rows.
Colour: Uniform orange (ranging to light brown) above, orange to light brown
with paler tube-feet below.
Size: Total width up to 300 mm.
Distribution: Widespread over the Chatham Rise and sub-Antarctic. Also
known from the Kermadec Islands and the east coast of the North Island,
Australia, and Japan.
Depth: 219 to 1550 m.
Similar species: Other sun-stars (family Solasteridae), such as Crossaster
japonicus, which is common. It differs from S. torulatus in having finer, longer,
and more numerous spines on the more closely spaced plates of the upper
References: McKnight, D.G. (2006). The marine fauna of New Zealand: Echinodermata:
Asteroidea (sea-stars). 3. Orders Velatida, Spinulosida, Forcipulatida, Brisinga with addenda to
Paxillosida, Valvatida. NIWA Biodiversity Memoir 120. 187 p.

McKnight, D.G. (1973). Additions to the asteroid fauna of New Zealand: Families Radiasteridae,
Solasteridae, Pterasteridae, Asterinidae, Ganeriidae and Echinasteridae. NZOI Records 2(1). 15 p.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Crinoidea (sea lilies and feather stars)
Order Comatulida (feather stars)

(Feather stars) (CMT)


Arms Pinnules


A Distinguishing features: Stalks are vestigial in this modern branch of the

crinoids although their cirri remain, encircling the base of the 5–40 arms.
The cirri are used for grasping the substrate when the animal is at rest, and are
long and slender in soft bottom forms and short and stout in forms that rest on
rocks, corals, etc. Each arm bears a row of pinnules producing a feather like
appearance. They are fragile, and often only fragments are present in a sample.
Colour: Various, often strikingly coloured, but deepwater species more likely to
be yellow or brown.
Size: From 100 to 350 mm (arm length).
Distribution: Widespread, but rare in the New Zealand region. They occur on
soft or hard substrates.
Depth: 50 to 2500 m. Range may be greater.
Similar species: At least 40 species of feather stars are present in the
New Zealand region, and a microscopic examination is needed for species
determination. Can be distinguished from sea lilies by the absence of a stalk.
The photo is of Oxycomanthus sp.
References: McKnight, D.G. (1977). Additions to the New Zealand crinoid fauna. NZOI Records
3 (11): 93–112.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Crinoidea (sea lilies and feather stars)
Order Isocrinida (sea lilies)

(Sea lilies with cirri) (CRN)




Distinguishing features: Sea lilies attach to the substrate with a stalk, up to

1 m long, topped with feathery arms arising from a small body (calyx). In this
order small, segmented, cirri are present on the stalks. There are 5 arms at the
base but they usually branch several times. A large specimen may have 40 or
more arms. Each arm bears a row of small branches (pinnules) which bear the
small tube-feet and produce a feather like appearance. Sea lilies are fragile, and
often only fragments are salvaged.
Colour: Various. Reported as emerald green, purplish, or grey.
Size: Total length up to 1000 mm.
Distribution: Sea lilies are mostly found in deep water, especially on seamounts
and, although rare in collections, are probably widespread in the New Zealand
Depth: 100 to 2000 m.
Similar species: Can be distinguished from feather stars (order Comatulida) by
the presence of a stalk, and from the other two orders of sea-lilies (Millericrinida
and Cyrtocrinida) by the presence of cirri on the stalk. The photo is of
Metacrinus sp.
References: McKnight, D.G. (1977). Additions to the New Zealand crinoid fauna. NZOI Records
3 (11): 93–112.

McKnight, D.G. (1973). Stalked crinoids from the New Zealand region. NZOI Records 1(14):

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Crinoidea (sea lilies and feather stars)
Order Millericrinida, Cyrtocrinida (sea lilies)

(Sea lilies without cirri) (CRN)


A Distinguishing features: Sea lilies attach to the substrate with a stalk, up to

1 m long, topped with feathery arms arising from a small body (calyx). No cirri
are present on the stalks in this order. Each arm bears a row of small branches
(pinnules) which bear the small tube-feet and produce a feather-like appearance.
Sea lilies are fragile, and often only fragments are salvaged.
Colour: Various.
Size: Total length up to 1000 mm.
Distribution: Recorded from seamounts and areas of steep rocky relief
throughout the New Zealand region.
Depth: 400 to 1500 m.
Similar species: The only species likely to be present in trawl samples is
Phrynocrinus nudus (pictured, note: arms missing). It is similar in size to the
isocrinid sea-lilies but, like all other members of these two orders, it lacks cirri on
the stalk, and the arms branch irregularly.
References: McKnight, D.G. (1977). Additions to the New Zealand crinoid fauna. NZOI Records
3 (11): 93–112.

McKnight, D.G. (1973). Stalked crinoids from the New Zealand region. NZOI Records 1(14):

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Echinoidea (sea urchins)
Order Cidaroida
Family Cidaridae

Goniocidaris parasol (Parasol urchin) (GPA)

Terminal disc

Basal flange

30 mm

Distinguishing features: Larger spines long and thick, often encrusted with
sponges, polyzoa, and hydroids. Spines on the upper surface terminating in a
large, umbrella-like disc and bearing a complete or partial disc or flange at their
base. Variable in form with some (possibly younger) individuals having longer
spines with smaller terminal disks.
Colour: Test and secondary spines pale brown/cream, primary spines cream.
Size: Diameter up to 30 mm (spines up to 50 mm).
Distribution: Common from the Chatham Rise to the Campbell Plateau,
including the Bounty Plateau.
Depth: 200 to 1000 m.
Similar species: May be confused with G. umbraculum, which also have (small)
umbrella-like discs on their large spines, but the spines themselves are shorter
and instead of a disc or flange bear spurs or thorns at the base. G. umbraculum
is also more common in shallower waters, 20 to 200 m.
References: Fell, H.B. (1958). Deep-sea echinoderms of New Zealand. Zoology Publications from
Victoria University of Wellington 24. 40 p.

Fell, H.B. (1960). Biological results of the Chatham Islands 1954 Expedition. Part 2. Archibenthal
and littoral echinoderms. NZOI Memoir 5. 98 p.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Echinoidea (sea urchins)
Order Cidaroida
Family Cidaridae

Goniocidaris umbraculum (Umbrella urchin) (GOU)



20 mm

A Distinguishing features: Primary spines short (generally less than the test
diameter), thick, pale coloured, and often encrusted with sponges, polyzoa, and
hydroids. Spines on upper surface bear small, umbrella-like discs at the outer
end and spurs or thorns at the inner end.
Colour: Test often distinctly greenish on the upper surface. Larger spines brown,
those at the circumference may be tinged with green near the base.
Size: Diameter up to 30 mm.
Distribution: Well known from Foveaux Strait where they were commonly
caught in oyster dredges. Also found off the east coast of South Island up to
Cook Strait and occasionally on the Chatham Rise.
Depth: 60 to 400 m.
Similar species: The larger spines of G. parasol are longer than those of
G. umbraculum and have larger terminal umbrellas and a complete or partial
disc or flange close to their base. G. parasol is more common over the Chatham
Rise and elsewhere south of Cook Strait, in deeper waters. Other species of
Goniocidaris and Ogmocidaris benhami, all found in northern waters, may also
have umbrella-like spines.
References: Fell, H.B. (1960). Biological results of the Chatham Islands 1954 Expedition. Part 2.
Archibenthal and littoral echinoderms. NZOI Memoir No. 5. 94 p.

Barker. M.F. (1984). Reproduction and development in Goniocidaris umbraculum, a brooding

echinoid. Proceedings of the 5th International Echinoderm Conference, Galway, 1984 : pp.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Echinoidea (sea urchins)
Order Cidaroida
Family Cidaridae

Ogmocidaris benhami (OBE)

25 mm

Distinguishing features: Test flattened. Peristome (bottom section) smaller

than apical system (round, upper section). Apical system about 50% of test
diameter. Larger spines with very short collar and neck (differentiated basal
sections); spine shafts ornamented with fine granules and dense hairs. Spines
around mouth flattened with serrated edges. Larger specimens may have small
umbrella-like disks on short spines on the upper surface (as in Goniocidaris spp.),
and longer spines may have a trumpet shaped tip.
Colour: Pale brown.
Size: Diameter up to 25 mm.
Distribution: Relatively common in northern New Zealand waters, also
recorded from the Chatham Rise.
Depth: 200 to 800 m.
Similar species: Similar to other species in the same sub-family
(Goniocidarinae), especially the 2 common Goniocidaris species, but the lack
of basal flanges on the primary spines readily distinguishes Ogmocidaris from
these. Could be confused with other small cidarid species, e.g., Austrocidaris
pawsoni (apical system < 50% of test diameter), Aporocidaris milleri (apical
system 56-75% of test diameter), Prionocidaris spp. (test hardly flattened), and
Rhopalocidaris spp. (smaller).
References: Mortensen, T. (1922). Papers from Dr. Th. Mortensen’s Pacific Expedition 1914–16.
VIII. Echinoderms of New Zealand and the Auckland-Campbell Islands. I. Echinoidea. Vid. Medd.
73. 139–198.

O’Shea, S.; McKnight, D.G.; Clark, M.R. (1999). Bycatch-the common, unique, and bizarre.
Seafood New Zealand, June 1999. pp 45–51.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Echinodea (sea urchins)
Order Cidaroida
Family Cidaridae

Stereocidaris spp. (STC)


20 mm

A Distinguishing features: These are typically large, robust urchins with sturdy
spines. All plates are densely covered in spines. The top one or two test plates in
each double series bears only a rudimentary tubercle, with no spine. The primary
spines are highly variable, often cylindrical, cigar, club, or even oar shaped and
often have thorny narrow ribs.
Colour: Test and spines generally pale yellowish to dull, light brown. Neck
(innermost section) of primary spines a bright shining pink in one species at least.
Size: Diameter up to 80 mm. Spines up to 100 mm.
Distribution: Records come mainly from Hawke Bay, the Bay of Plenty, the
southern Kermadec Ridge and Three Kings Ridge.
Depth: 400 to 1000 m.
Similar species: Includes S. sceptriferoides, S. microtuberculata, and possibly
one other species. The only other large deepwater cidarid sea urchins in New
Zealand waters that Stereocidaris could be confused with are Histocidaris spp.,
which have large naked areas on the genital plates and fully formed uppermost
primary spines.
References: Mortensen, T. (1928). Monograph of the echinoidea, I. Cidaroidea. Copenhagen.

Pawson, D.L. (1965). Some echinozoans from northern New Zealand. Transactions of the Royal
Society of New Zealand. 5(15). 198–224.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Echinoidea (sea urchins)
Order Cidaroida
Family Histocidaridae

Histocidaris spp. (HIS)

65 mm

Distinguishing features: The apical plates (central group of plates on upper

side) bear few spines, leaving large naked areas. Primary spines long and
cylindrical, and can be either smooth or thorny depending on species. Tubercles
(spine attachment points on the test) are crenulated (toothed) rather than smooth
as in most other cidarid species, but this feature is difficult to see without first
removing the spine and bleaching away the muscle tissue. The spines around the
mouth are short, curved and strongly serrated.
Colour: Spines mostly white or pale coloured, test brownish.
Size: Diameter up to 70 mm. Spines can be longer than 120 mm.
Distribution: Recorded from the Macquarie Ridge and Campbell Plateau in
the south, and widespread in areas of seamounts from Hawkes Bay north. Not
recorded from the Chatham Rise.
Depth: 150 to 2300 m.
Similar species: Five species are present in New Zealand. H. australiae
(pictured), H. elegans, H. variabilis, H. acutispinus, and H. recurvata. Large
specimens could be confused with Stereocidaris or Poriocidaris but the genital
plates on these species are densely spined. Without close inspection, smaller
specimens could also be confused with these, and other, genera.
References: Schultz, H. (2005). Sea urchins – a guide to worldwide shallow water species.
Scientific Publications, Germany. 484 p.

Mortensen, T. (1928). Monograph of the echinoidea, I. Cidaroidea. Copenhagen.

Miskelly, A. (2002). Sea urchins of Australia and the Indo-Pacific. Capricornica Publications,
Sydney. 180 p.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Echinoidea (sea urchins)
Order Cidaroida
Family Histocidaridae

Poriocidaris purpurata (PCD)


60 mm

A Distinguishing features: A large, robust, sea urchin with sturdy spines up

to 2.5 times the diameter of the test. The primary spines are either uniformly
pale and tapered with a long brown collar extending up from the base or, in
some individuals, the collar is a rich purple colour and swollen making the
spine fusiform (cigar) shaped. The pedicellariae (tiny pincers scattered over the
surface of the test) are unique among sea urchins in that they are large and of a
flattened, two-valved form.
Colour: Test and secondary spines, light brown; collar of primary spines brown
or purplish, shaft pale or white, or purplish near collar.
Size: Diameter from 10 to 65 mm excluding spines. Spines up to 100 mm.
Distribution: Known from the Bay of Plenty, Kermadec Ridge, Hawke Bay, and
north Chatham Rise. Mainly associated with seamounts.
Depth: 600 to 1800 m.
Similar species: The closest relatives to this (monospecific) genus are in the
genus Histocidaris, of which up to 5 species may be represented in the New
Zealand region. Histocidaris species differ in that they tend to have long, slender,
sometimes thorny, spines, and bear very large (up to 5 mm) three-valved
References: Mortensen, T. 1928. Monograph of the echinoidea, I. Cidaroidea. Copenhagen

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Echinoidea (sea urchins)
Order Clypeasteroida (sand dollars)
Family Laganidae

Peronella hinemoae (Sand dollar) (PHI)

10 mm 10 mm


Distinguishing features: Test flat, disc-like, more or less circular, with a

rounded edge. Anus on lower side, somewhat in from the test edge. Pores of the
madreporite (sieve plate) are scattered over the genital plates and are individually
visible. Spines of upper side short and dense. Spines of lower side longer and
more scattered.
Colour: Test and spines red, but turn green and fade on preservation. Dead test
white to straw coloured.
Size: Diameter up to 45 mm.
Distribution: Known from around North Island from Cape Egmont to the Bay
of Plenty and from seamounts further north, and also from Fiordland and the
Stewart-Snares shelf.
Depth: 17 to 775 m.
Similar species: There are six other species in this order known from New
Zealand. The three species of Clypeaster are oval to pentagonal in outline and
have the anus adjacent to the edge of the test. Fellaster zelandiae is also round
in outline, but has a sharp edge and the anus adjacent to it. Echinocyamus
polyporus is similar but very small (less than 10 mm), less flattened, and paler
than Peronella.
References: McKnight, D.G. (1969). An outline distribution of the New Zealand shelf fauna.
Benthos survey, station list, and distribution of the echinoidea. NZOI Memoir No. 47.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Echinoidea (sea urchins)
Order Echinoida
Family Echinidae

Dermechinus horridus (Deepsea urchin) (DHO)

Naked test Apical system



A Distinguishing features: Test height the largest of any sea urchin (to over
130 mm) and (in large specimens) usually greater than the test diameter. Apical
system and peristome very small and of similar size. Larger spines long and
slender, forming vertical series. Secondary spines very numerous, fine, bearing
thorns, and terminating in a hook.
Colour: Test dull to bright red/orange, primary spines orange, smaller spines
sometimes whitish.
Size: Diameter up to 110 mm. Test height 30 to 130 mm.
Distribution: Circumpolar (South Africa, South America, South Australia).
Widespread in New Zealand (Northland, Challenger Plateau, Bay of Plenty, west
coast South Island, Kaikoura, and the Chatham Rise).
Depth: 200 to 1200 m.
Similar species: The only other New Zealand species in this family,
Gracilechinus multidentatus, is unlikely to be confused with D. horridus due to
its much paler colour and more numerous and robust primary spines. Smaller
specimens, which have not yet become very tall, could be confused with
Pseudechinus flemingi, but the peristome and apical system of this species are
relatively large.
References: McKnight, D.G. (1974). Some echinoids new to New Zealand waters. New Zealand
Oceanographic Institute Records 2(3): 27–44.

Class Echinodermata
Class Echinoidea (sea urchins)
Order Echinoida
Family Echinidae

Gracilechinus multidentatus (Deepsea kina) (GRM)

Distinguishing features: Large test, variable in ratio of test diameter to height.
Larger spines 30 to 35 mm long and tapered. Probably the most common
species of sea urchin in trawl bycatch in the New Zealand region; often caught in
large numbers, especially on the south Chatham Rise. The roe are edible when
ripe (late August-early September on the Chatham Rise).
Colour: Test colour variable but always very pale, either pink, cream, or light
brown. Spines are pink/white and darker at the tips.
Size: Diameter up to 100 mm. Spines about equal in length to test diameter.
Distribution: Widespread around the New Zealand region, from the Lord Howe
Rise, Kermadec Ridge, and Bay of Plenty in the north, to the Auckland Islands in
the south. Particularly common on the south Chatham Rise.
Depth: 250 to 1400 m.
Similar species: The only other member of the family in New Zealand,
Dermechinus horridus, is bright orange.
References: McKnight, D.G. (1968). Additions to the echinoid fauna of New Zealand. New
Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 2 : 90–110.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Echinoidea (sea urchins)
Order Echinothurioida (Tam O’Shanters)
Family Echinothuriidae, Phormosomatidae

(Tam O’Shanters) (TAM)


50 mm

A Distinguishing features: Test flexible, usually compressed into a disc or

frisbee-like shape when captured. Larger spines usually more numerous on lower
surface than upper; larger spines terminate in a whitish hoof-like piece or a
glandular bag. In many species these large spines readily brush off with capture,
making identification difficult. Handle with care as some species deliver a painful
Colour: Purple, sometimes streaked with white, bright-reddish, or brown.
Size: Diameter up to 250 mm.
Distribution: Widespread throughout the New Zealand region.
Depth: 200 to 3000 m. Possibly deeper.
Similar species: At least 9 species are known from New Zealand waters, and
more may be expected, as this group of echinoderms is not well studied.
References: Baker, A.N. (1972). Araeosoma coriaceum (A. Agassiz) and Pseudoboletia indiana
(Michelin), new to New Zealand, with notes on other echinoids from the Bay of Plenty, New
Zealand. Records of the Dominion Museum 8(2): 9–19.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Echinoidea (sea urchins)
Order Echinothurioida (Tam O’Shanters)
Family Echinothuriidae

(Tam O’Shanters) (ECT)

200 mm

Distinguishing features: Test flexible, discus-shaped, usually compressed flat

in the trawl. Larger (primary) spines usually less numerous on upper surface than
lower, where they terminate in a whitish hoof which, along with the spines, readily
brush off on capture. Handle with care as some species deliver a painful sting.
Colour: Several species are dark purple, two are more or less bright red, and
one or two are brownish. Hoofs are always a shade of white.
Size: Diameter from 30 to 200 mm.
Distribution: Widespread locally, throughout the New Zealand region.
Depth: 200 to 3000 m. Possibly deeper.
Similar species: At least 7 species (in 5 genera) are known from New Zealand
waters, although the exact identity of three or more species is still uncertain.
Phormosoma spp. are similar, but can usually be distinguished by their light
brown colour, sharply pointed teeth, large sunken tubercles, and lack of terminal
glassy hoofs on the large spines of the lower surface.
References: Mortensen, T. (1935). Monograph of the echinoidea, II. Bothriocidaroidea,
Melonechinoida, Lepidocentroida, and Stirodonta. Copenhagen.

Baker, A.N. (1972). Araeosoma coriaceum (A. Agassiz) and Pseudoboletia indiana (Michelin), new
to New Zealand, with notes on other echinoids from the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand. Records of
the Dominion Museum 8(2): 9–19.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Echinoidea (sea urchins)
Order Echinothurioida (Tam O’Shanters)
Family Phormosomatidae

Phormosoma spp. (PHM)

25 mm

A Distinguishing features: Test flexible, discus-shaped, usually compressed

flat in the trawl. Larger (primary) spines usually less numerous on upper surface
than lower, where they terminate in a glandular sac. Spines readily brush off with
capture. Handle with care as some Tam O’Shanters deliver a painful sting.
Colour: Brownish or orange-yellow.
Size: Diameter from 40 to 120 mm.
Distribution: P. bursarium is widely distributed throughout the Indo-Pacific,
P. rigidum is known only from New Zealand, off the Bay of Plenty.
Depth: 170 to 2340 m. P. rigidum known only from 1260 m.
Similar species: Two species are recognised from New Zealand, with
microscopic differences. The tube feet on the upper side are arranged in distinct
arcs of three in P. bursarium whereas in P. rigidum the tube feet are less well
developed and formed into single columns. Phormosomas differ from other
Tam O’Shanters in that areoles of their tubercles (spine bases) are large and
deeply sunk into the test, the teeth are strongly pointed, and (although often lost
on capture) the primary spines of the lower surface terminate in a gelatinous sac
rather than a glassy hoof.
References: Mortensen, T. (1935). Monograph of the echinoidea, II. Bothriocidaroidea,
Melonechinoida, Lepidocentroida, and Stirodonta. Copenhagen

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Echinoidea (sea urchins)
Order Pedinoida
Family Pedinidae

Caenopedina novaezelandiae (Banded-spine urchin) (CNO)

Distinguishing features: Test height about half of the test diameter. Primary
spines up to 3 times test diameter with broad colour bands (up to about 5 mm
wide). Secondary spines long and generally white, sometimes with green-tinged
tips. All spines bear numerous spinelets.
Colour: Larger spine bands green (especially near base), white, and reddish
brown. Shorter spines generally white, sometimes with green-tinged tips.
Test white/brownish-green; apical system (centre of upper surface) green.
Size: Diameter up to 30 mm.
Distribution: Bay of Plenty north.
Depth: 300 to 500 m.
Similar species: Two other species of Caenopedina are known from the
New Zealand region, both are more or less uniform reddish-brown in colour.
One is known from near Norfolk Island, the other from off Dunedin.
References: Pawson, D.L. (1964). The genus Caenopedina in New Zealand. Transactions of the
Royal Society of New Zealand 5(5): 63–70.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Echinoidea (sea urchins)
Order Pedinoida
Family Pedinidae

Caenopedina otagoensis (CAO)


40 mm

A Distinguishing features: The primary spines are long (up to twice the
diameter of the test), slender, and tapering, with longitudinal striations and very
fine teeth. Internally, the supports for the jaw muscles which ring the opening on
the lower surface consist of 5 pairs of peglike “auricles” and are not joined at the
outer end as in most other species of sea urchins.
Colour: Test and spines reddish brown, apical system dark purplish, nearly
black. Spines may be lighter in colour towards the tip.
Size: Diameter from 15 to 40 mm.
Distribution: Known only from off the southeast coast of South Island, but likely
to be more widespread.
Depth: 1200 to 1300 m. Range likely to widen with more records.
Similar species: None of the three or four other Caenopedina species have the
reddish brown test and spines, along with the dark apical system (round set of
plates at centre top). Skeletal differences (mostly internal) separate this order from
other sea urchins.
References: McKnight, D.G. (1968). Additions to the echinoid fauna of New Zealand. N.Z.
Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 2 : 90–110.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Echinoidea (sea urchins)
Order Pedinoida
Family Pedinidae

Caenopedina porphyrogigas (Giant purple pedinid) (CAL)

Distinguishing features: Large and uniformly dark brown. The order
Pedinoida is differentiated from more modern sea urchins mostly by internal
skeletal structures, especially the primitive nature of the jaw parts (which are not
joined at the top), jaw muscle supports (pairs of unjoined peg-like structures), and
teeth (grooved rather than t-shaped). Spines long, in smaller specimens may be
twice the diameter of the test. The secondary (thinner) spines are hollow.
Colour: Spines and test rich, dark brown.
Size: Diameter from 20 to 100 mm.
Distribution: Found from the northern Macquarie Ridge in the south to the
West Norfolk Ridge in the North, and from the South Tasman Rise in the west to
the Louisville Ridge in the east.
Depth: 370 to 530 m. Range possibly wider.
Similar species: There are three other described species of Caenopedina
known from the New Zealand region, and one more awaiting description.
References: Anderson, O.F. (2009). The giant purple pedinid–a new species of Caenopedina
(Echinodermata: Echinoidea: Pedinidae) from New Zealand and Australia. Zootaxa 2007: 43–53.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Echinoidea (sea urchins)
Order Pedinoida
Family Pedinidae

Caenopedina pulchella (CPU)


A Distinguishing features: This species is readily distinguished from all other

New Zealand species of Caenopedina by its short and stout primary spines.
Colour: The spines are green basally and reddish distally, occasionally with white
tips. Other smaller spines are whitish.
Size: These are small urchins, mostly less than 30 mm test diameter. The primary
spines are usually shorter than the test diameter.
Distribution: Known only from northern New Zealand in the Bay of Plenty,
the Three Kings Ridge, and the Colville Ridge. Also known from off Hawaii and
Johnston Atoll in the northern Pacific.
Depth: 370 to 530 m.
Similar species: There are three other described species of Caenopedina
known from the New Zealand region, and one more awaiting description. C.
porphyrogigas is generally much larger and brown coloured. C. novaezelandiae
has similar coloured spines but they are more or less distinctly banded, and
comparatively slender. The spines of C. otagoensis are light reddish brown and
unbanded. The undescribed species has reddish brown spines with white, often
slightly flattened, tips.
References: Anderson, O.F. (2009). The giant purple pedinidùa new species of Caenopedina
(Echinodermata: Echinoidea: Pedinidae) from New Zealand and Australia. Zootaxa 2007: 43–53.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Echinoidea (sea urchins)
Order Spatangoida
Family Brissidae

Brissopsis oldhami (BRO)

Distinguishing features: Oval-shaped and very fragile (usually broken)
with short spines, many of which are spatulate to aid digging into the sediment,
forming a canopy over the test. The fasciole (dark ring of short spines)
surrounding the central ‘petal’ on the upper surface has distinctive lateral bulges.
If unsure use the code BSO for Brissopsis spp.
Colour: Yellowish-brown-pink, the fascioles wine or purplish-coloured.
Size: Up to about 80 mm long.
Distribution: Found in soft sediments mainly on the Chatham Rise and off
the east coast of New Zealand from Kaikoura to East Cape. There are also
several records from the southern Challenger Plateau. This species also occurs
throughout the Indo-west-Pacific and is therefore likely to be found north of New
Depth: Wide depth range, 75 to 2300 m.
Similar species: A second (undescribed) species of Brissopsis was discovered in
New Zealand recently, differing in the patterning of the subanal fasciole which,
unlike in B. oldhami, has extensions to the upper surface. The distribution of
another species of heart urchin, Hemiaster expergitus, overlaps with that of B.
oldhami and they are often collected together. It is similar in general appearance
and colour to B. oldhami but tends to be smaller and more spherical, with a
greenish and more oval peripetalous (upper) fasciole.
References: Fell, H.B. (1958). Deep-sea echinoderms of New Zealand. Zoology publications
from Victoria University of Wellington No. 24.

Pawson, D.L. (1965). Some Echinozoans from North of New Zealand. Transactions of the Royal
Society of New Zealand 5(15) 197–224.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Echinoidea (sea urchins)
Order Spatangoida (heart urchins)
Family Spatangidae

Paramaretia peloria (Microsoft mouse) (PMU)


A Distinguishing features: Test ovate and low, lower surface very flat to
concave and upper surface evenly rounded. Frontal notch absent. Edge of upper
surface sharp. Upper surface densely covered in tubercles, strongly sunken into
the test. Spines slightly curved but usually broken.
Colour: Test dull grey, spines reddish-brown above, paler on sides.
Size: Total length up to 90 mm.
Distribution: S.E. Australia (NSW, Victoria, Tasmania), widespread in
New Zealand from Stewart Island to Three Kings Islands, including the
Chatham Rise.
Depth: 50 to 700 m.
Similar species: Paramaretia tuberculata, although less common, has a similar
distribution in New Zealand. It can be distinguished from P. peloria by the much
fewer number of large tubercles on the upper surface and the more rounded test
References: Baker, A.N.; Rowe, F.W.E. (1990). Atelostomatid sea urchins from Australian and
New Zealand waters (Echinoidea: Cassiduloida, Holasteroida, Spatangoida, Neoplampadoida).
Invertebrate Taxonomy 4: 281–316.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Echinoidea (sea urchins)
Order Spatangoida (heart urchins)
Family Spatangidae

Spatangus mathesoni (Matheson’s heart urchin) (SMT)

Distinguishing features: Test large, heart-shaped in outline and tent-shaped
in profile with a deep frontal notch and shallow lateral notches. The upper
surface is not inflated (i.e., flat rather than convex). On upper surface large,
sunken, spine bearing tubercles are limited to the area between the petaloid
ambulacra. Upper surface also covered by a dense coat of small spines. On the
lower surface the spines are longer but less dense.
Colour: Deep reddish-brown, purple in preserved specimens.
Size: Diameter up to 110 mm.
Distribution: Challenger Plateau, east and west coasts of the North Island,
Chatham Rise.
Depth: 650 to 1050 m.
Similar species: Spatangus multispinus has numerous larger spines all over
the inflated upper surface; S. lutkeni has fewer spines but is also quite strongly
inflated on the upper surface.
References: Baker, A.N.; Rowe, F.W.E. (1990). Atelostomatid sea urchins from Australian and
New Zealand waters (Echinoidea: Cassiduloida, Holasteroida, Spatangoida, Neoplampadoida).
Invertebrate Taxonomy 4: 281–316.

McKnight, D.G. (1968). Additions to the echinoid fauna of New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of
Marine and Freshwater Research 2: 90–110.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Echinoidea (sea urchins)
Order Spatangoida (heart urchins)
Family Spatangidae

Spatangus multispinus (Purple-heart urchin) (SPT)


A Distinguishing features: Broadly oval-heart-shaped large test with a deep

frontal notch. The distinct, petaloid (petal-shaped) ambulacra lie close to flush
with the surface of the test. Primary spines long, erect, and fairly dense on upper
Colour: Test and spines a deep, rich violet fading to mauve after preservation.
Size: Diameter up to 100 mm.
Distribution: Found throughout New Zealand, especially off the east coasts of
the North and South Islands, the Chatham Rise, and Stewart Island.
Depth: 30 to 1000 m.
Similar species: Spatangus mathesoni tends to be larger and have a sharper
latero-ventral margin. Also S. lutkeni (very similar, but less common) and
S. capensis (rare). These species generally have fewer larger tubercles, limited on
the upper surface to the areas between the petaloid ambulacra.
References: Baker, A.N.; Rowe, F.W.E. (1990). Atelostomatid sea urchins from Australian and
New Zealand waters (Echinoidea: Cassiduloida, Holasteroida, Spatangoida, Neoplampadoida).
Invertebrate Taxonomy 4: 281–316.

McKnight, D.G. (1969). An outline of the New Zealand shelf fauna: benthos survey, station list,
and distribution of the Echinoidea. New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir 47. 86 p.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Echinoidea (sea urchins)
Order Temnopleuroida
Family Temnopleuridae

Pseudechinus flemingi (Fleming’s urchin) (PFL)

Distinguishing features: Long, fine, densely matted larger spines of length
up to equal the test diameter. Test slightly flattened, especially on lower surface.
Peristome (membranous area at centre of lower surface) is wider than the apical
system (area at centre of upper surface).
Colour: Spines a rich orange-red or deep salmon colour, test a rich rose red with
paler rose tubercles (spine supports).
Size: Diameter up to 50 mm.
Distribution: Found on the Chatham Rise, especially the south flanks and
around the Mernoo Bank, and off Otago.
Depth: 90 to 600 m.
Similar species: The 4 other species of Pseudechinus found in the New Zealand
region are of a similar size and shape, but are duller in colour, and generally
found in shallower water. Dermechinus horridus is a similar colour but has shorter
spines, a taller test (in large specimens), and smaller, even sized, apical systems
and peristomes.
References: Fell, H.B. (1958). Deep-sea echinoderms of New Zealand. Zoology Publications from
Victoria University of Wellington 24. 40 p.

McKnight, D.G. (1969). An outline distribution of the New Zealand shelf fauna. New Zealand
Oceanographic Institute Memoir 47. 91 p.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Holothuroidea (sea cucumbers)

(Sea cucumbers) (HTH)


100 mm
100 mm

50 mm

A Distinguishing features: Usually soft-bodied and cylindrical. Mouth and anus

at opposite ends, mouth surrounded by feeding tentacles, usually retracted on
capture. 5 rows of tube feet along body, absent in the order Apodida. The calcite
skeleton common to echinoderms reduced to microscopic plates in most species,
and embedded in body wall. As the plates are commonly used to differentiate
between species, identification usually requires laboratory examination.
Colour: A range of colours from browns, reds, purples, grey, white.
Size: Up to 300 mm.
Distribution: Throughout the New Zealand region, from the intertidal to abyssal
depths, where they may make up to 90% of the benthic biomass.
Depth: 0 to 5000 m.
Similar species: More than 100 species known in New Zealand, with
representatives of all 6 orders of holothurians having been recorded from New
Zealand region. Commonly known commercially as beche-de-mer.
References: McKnight, D.G.; Eagle, M.K.; Pawson, D.L.; Ameziane, N.; Vance, D.J.; Baker, A.N.;
Clark, H.E.S.; Alcock, N. (2009): Phylum Echinodermata – sea-stars, brittlestars, sea urchins, sea
cucumbers, sea lilies, and kin. In: Gordon, D.P. (ed.), The New Zealand inventory of biodiversity.
Volume 1. Kingdom Animalia – Radiata, Lophotrochozoa, and Deuterostomia. Canterbury
University Press.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Holothuroidea (sea cucumbers)
Order Aspidochirotida
Family Synallactidae

Bathyplotes spp. (BAM)

50 mm

Distinguishing features: Body wall fungiform (with low white wart-like

discs on the end of thin stalks) and with brown spots. Fragile (often collapses
on collection). Body wall may peel off and separate into 1-2 strips. Tentacles
(18-20) often damaged. This species has previously been called Bathyplotes
moseleyi Theel, 1886 but recent work (N. Davey pers comm.) has distinguished
the Antarctic species as the true B. moseleyi. The Antarctic species differs from the
New Zealand species description.
Colour: White with brown spotting. Tentacles orange with white stalks.
Size: Length up to 250 mm.
Distribution: New Zealand.
Depth: About 220 to 480 m around New Zealand, elsewhere to about 800 m.
Similar species: Fungiform warts and brown spots distinguish this species from
others of the genus.
References: Pawson, D. (1965). The Bathyal Holothurians of the New Zealand Region. Zoology
Publications from Victoria University of Wellington No. 39. 33 p.

Pawson, D. (1970). The Marine fauna of New Zealand: Sea Cucumbers (Echinodermata:
Holothuroidea). NZOI Memoir no.52. 69 p.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Holothuroidea (sea cucumbers)
Order Aspidochirotida
Family Synallactidae

Pseudostichopus mollis (PMO)


Pygal furrow

50 mm

A Distinguishing features: Distinctly cylindrical often holding its shape after

collection and preservation. Thick leathery body wall. Tube feet small and often
inconspicuous. Pygal furrow (5 lobes around anus) visible on some specimens.
Colour: Pale brown to creamy white body wall often covered with grit.
Size: Length up to 225 mm.
Distribution: North and South Pacific Ocean, southern Indian Ocean, eastern
Australian continental slope, Antarctic ocean, Western Antarctica, Weddell Sea.
Depth: Usually 200–500 m, 91–1587 m in Antarctic Ocean.
Similar species:
References: O’Loughlin, P.M., Ahearn, C. (2005). A review of pygal-furrowed Synallactidae
Echinodermata: Holothuroidea), with new species from the Antarctic, Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
Memoirs of Museum Victoria 62 (2): 147–179.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Holothuroidea (sea cucumbers)
Order Elasipodida
Family Laetmogonidae

Laetmogone spp. (LAG)

Dorsal view Ventral view

Bare midventrally

Dorso-lateral papillae Tentacle crown

50 mm
Triangular bulky tube feet

Distinguishing features: Short thick body with a gelatinous texture. Shape

holds well before and after preservation. Triangular bulky tube feet with a small
sucking end disc on ventro-lateral edge. No tube feet mid-ventrally and a distinct
tentacle crown at the anterior end with 15 tentacles. Dorso-lateral papillae in 1 or
2 rows.
Colour: Transparent, off white, shades of lavender. Dark red/violet dorsal
Size: Length up to 110 mm.
Distribution: Pacific, Atlantic, Antarctica (very cosmopolitan).
Depth: 250 to 1800 m.
Similar species: Only identified to genus, 9 species in genus, all similar in
external appearance. Species identification requires microscopic examination.
References: Hansen, B., (1975). Systematics and biology of the deep sea holothurians. Part 1.
Elasipoda. Galathea Report 13: 1–262, pls 1–14.

Pawson, D. (1970). The Marine fauna of New Zealand: Sea Cucumbers (Echinodermata:
Holothuroidea). NZOI Memoir no.52. 69 p.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Holothuroidea (sea cucumbers)
Order Elasipodida
Family Laetmogonidae

Pannychia moseleyi (PAM)


Dorsal view

Ventral view Tentacle crown

Smaller mid-ventral tubefeet 100 mm Ventro-lateral tube feet

A Distinguishing features: Body gelatinous and slimy. Can be quite long and
flimsy. Often in poor condition after collection. Ventral tentacle crown with 20
tentacles. Ventro-lateral tube feet more prominent and larger than the mid ventral
tube feet.
Colour: Greyish lavender with off-white tube feet.
Size: Length up to 250 to 300 mm.
Distribution: Pacific Ocean coasts and Tasman Sea. From Australia and
New Zealand to Peru, and off the Hawaiian and Galapagos Islands.
Depth: About 210 to 2600 m.
Similar species: Laetmogone sp. may be similar but lack mid-ventral tube feet.
Body of Pannychia moseleyi also longer and thinner, skin slimy and flimsy, and
tube feet less bulky.
References: Hansen, B. (1975). Systematics and biology of the deep sea holothurians. Part 1.
Elasipoda. Galathea Report 13: 1–262, pls 1–14.

Pawson, D. (1970). The Marine fauna of New Zealand: Sea Cucumbers (Echinodermata:
Holothuroidea). NZOI Memoir no.52. 69 p.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Holothuroidea (sea cucumbers)
Order Elasipodida
Family Pelagothuridae

Enypniastes eximia (EEX)

Distinguishing features: Transparent body with sediment filled intestine,
other internal organs readily visible. Jellyfish-like body form, fragile and usually
destroyed on removal from water. Anterior tentacles clearly visible in a circle
around the mouth. Transparent cape-like structure around the anterior.
Cape often destroyed or partially damaged in dead specimens.
Colour: Live specimens pale pink to brownish red, off white to pale pink in
alcohol preserved specimens.
Size: Length up to 250 mm.
Distribution: World wide in bathyal to abyssal depths.
Depth: About 500 to 5700 m. Usually near the bottom where they burrow and
eat in the sand/mud. Have been found several hundred feet off bottom.
Similar species: The only species in the family Pelagothuriidae known from
New Zealand waters.
References: Miller, J.E.; Pawson, D.L. (1990). Swimming Sea Cucumbers (Echinodermata:
Holothuroidea): a survey, with analysis of swimming behaviour in four bathyal species.
Smithsonian contributions to the Marine Sciences 35:17 p.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Holothuroidea (sea cucumbers)
Order Elasipodida
Family Psychropotidae

Benthodytes sp. (BTD)


Brim (tubefeet fused)

100 mm
Midventral tubefeet

A Distinguishing features: Species within these genera are large. Body wall
can be firm or thin and predominanlty appears flat on collection. Lateral tube
feet fused into a brim that surrounds the body. Also visible is a row of tubefeet
midventrally. Anus dorsal, a ring of papillae around the tentacles. Tentacles (15),
retractable and often not visible.
Colour: Frequently distinctive, from deep violet through to various shades of
lavender/grey. Tentacle crown and tube feet are often a deeper violet than rest of
Size: New Zealand specimens up to 300 mm length.
Distribution: Throughout New Zealand waters. Also Antarctic, Pacific, Indian,
and Atlantic waters.
Depth: Found deeper than 1000 m.
Similar species: The circum-oral papillae and dorsal anus are distinctive for
the genus. Identification to species level requires microscopic examination.
References: Hansen, B., (1975). Systematics and biology of the deep sea holothurians. Part 1.
Elasipoda. Galathea Report 13: 1–262, pls 1–14.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Holothuroidea (sea cucumbers)
Order Molpadiida
Family Molpadiidae

Molpadia musculus (Molpadia sea cucumber) (MOM)

50 mm

Distinguishing features: Mid body is sausage shaped with a distinctive

tapering tail. The body wall is leathery. Specimens are often full of mud as these
species are benthic and they burrow and feed on sediment. Tentacles are small
and almost always retracted on capture, however 15 small spots around the
mouth show where tentacles are present. There are no tube feet and the body
wall is smooth to touch.
Colour: Deep red through to grey with pink spots.
Size: Up to 200 mm.
Distribution: Cosmopolitian, but not above Arctic circle. Common in New
Zealand waters.
Depth: 30 to 5205 m.
Similar species: Heteromolpadia marenzelleri and H. pikei. Both these species
are found in New Zealand waters and have grey to red colouring. Found
shallower than 500 m and tend to be more speckled in colouration compared to
Molpadia musculus Risso, 1826.
References: Pawson, D. (1977). Molpadia sea cucumbers (Echinodermata:Holothuroidea) of the
Southern Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans. Biology of the Antarctic Seas VI, Antarctic Research
Series Volume 26. 123 p.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Ophiuroidea (brittle stars)
Order Euryalinida (basket stars)
Family Asteroschematidae

Ophiocreas sibogae (OSI)


Radial ribs

Genital clefts

A Distinguishing features: Disc moderately large, with 5 very long arms;

rounded above, flat or concave below and often coiled; disc and arms covered
by skin, with minute granules sometimes present. Conspicuous radial ribs extend
from either side of arm base to centre of disc. On the lower suface large genital
clefts are clearly visible. Two armspines over most of the arm, placed at lower
edges and pointing downwards; thickened towards tip.
Colour: Light brown, occasionally darker in patches, with the radial ribs usually
much lighter. Rarely part or all of a specimen is reddish.
Size: Diameter up to 15 mm. Arms up to 300 mm.
Distribution: Widespread in the New Zealand region, from the Three Kings
Rise to the Campbell Plateau, and often found coiled in branches of larger
Gorgonacean corals. It is also known from southern Australia and Indonesia.
Depth: 200 to 2000 m.
Similar species: There are 4 other species of Ophiocreas recorded locally, as
well as 2 in the somewhat similar genus Astrobrachion. They are all difficult to
determine at sea, and require microscopic examination.
References: McKnight, D.G. (2000). The marine fauna of New Zealand. Basket-stars and snake-
stars. (Echinodermata:Ophiuroidea: Euryalinida). NIWA Biodiversity memoir 115.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Ophiuroidea (brittle stars)
Order Euryalinida (basket stars, snake stars)
Family Gorgonocephalidae

Astrothorax waitei (Waite’s snake-star) (AWA)

Distinguishing features: Five unbranched arms. Disc inflated above, flat on
underside; upper surface completely covered with larger and smaller tubercles,
those on the underside with finer, uniform granulation. Arms with transverse
bands of granules, interspersed with narrow, smooth, depressed bands;
5 to 10 short, thorny, armspines at outer margins of underside of arms. Mouth
with distinct spines along margins; genital slits present at edge of disc, between
the arms.
Colour: Creamy white to pinkish-orange.
Size: Up to 20 mm (disc diameter). Arms up to 100 mm.
Distribution: Widespread throughout the New Zealand region, near Norfolk
Island to the Chatham Rise. Also known from Australia and South Africa.
Depth: 120 to 1200 m.
Similar species: At least 6 other snake-star species are recorded in this family.
References: McKnight, D.G. (2000). The marine fauna of New Zealand. Basket–stars and
snake–stars (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea: Euryalinida). NIWA Biodiversity Memoir 115: 61–63.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Ophiuroidea (brittle stars)
Order Euryalinida (basket stars, snake stars)
Family Gorgonocephalidae

Gorgonocephalus spp. (Gorgon’s head basket-stars) (GOR)


50 mm

A Distinguishing features: Five long arms, branching extensively (up to 10 or

more times) from near the disc or within the disc margin. The arms are deciduous
and a large tangled mass of arms may be the only sample taken. Upper side of
disc with 5 pairs of conspicuous radial ribs. Six species with branching arms are
recorded from the New Zealand region, and 4 of these (in 2 genera) may be
present in trawl catches. Laboratory examination is required to determine
the species.
Colour: Creamy white to dull or pale brown. Radial ribs on disc usually paler.
Size: Up to 70 mm (disc diameter).
Distribution: Gorgonocephalus chilensis, mainly Chatham Rise;
G. dolichodactylus mainly Bay of Plenty; G. pustulatum and G. sundanus rare
but widespread.
Depth: 70 to 1400 m.
Similar species: None.
References: McKnight, D.G. (2000). The marine fauna of New Zealand. Basket-stars and snake-
stars (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea: Euralyalinida). NIWA Biodiversity Memoir 115: 45–53.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Ophiuroidea (brittle stars)
Order Ophiurida
Family Ophiodermatidae

Bathypectinura heros (Deepsea brittle star) (BHE)

50 mm

Distinguishing features: Arms long sharply set off from disc, often intact or
only broken near tip. Upper side of disc covered with small granules, rarely with
a few plates exposed; lower side of disc also covered except around the mouth,
where plates are naked. Arms more or less smooth, with small armspines closely
pressed against the sides.
Colour: Reddish or brown.
Size: Up to 50 mm (disc diameter). Arms may be over 200 mm.
Distribution: Present in almost all oceans, and widespread around
New Zealand.
Depth: 200 to 2500 m.
Similar species: None in the deeper waters. Ophiopsammus maculata is similar
but is more or less confined to the continental shelf.
References: Paterson, G.L.J. (1985). The deep-sea Ophiuroidea of the North Atlantic Ocean.
Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) 49. 162 p.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Ophiuroidea (brittle stars)
Order Ophiurida
Family Ophiuridae

Ophiomusium lymani (Deepsea brittle star) (OLY)


10 mm

A Distinguishing features: Disc and arms rigid, arms almost always broken.
Dorsal side of disc with distinct plates and large radial shields sometimes with
a tubercular appearance to their surface. Ventral side of disc covered with a
few large distinct plates, sides of jaw with fused squarish papillae, two pairs of
tentacle pores covered by oval scales on armplates closest to disc centre. Lateral
arm plates bear numerous very small adpressed armspines.
Colour: Whitish, cream, or light brown.
Size: Up to 30 mm (disc diameter).
Distribution: Widespread throughout the New Zealand region, also known
from temperate regions of the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic Oceans.
Depth: 130 to 4000 m. This species is often very abundant on fine sediments in
depths of 900–1500 m.
Similar species: There are several similar species in this genus and in other
closely related genera present in New Zealand waters.
References: Baker, A.N. (1979). Some Ophiuroidea from the Tasman Sea and adjacent waters.
New Zealand Journal of Zoology 6: 21–51.

McKnight, D.G.; Probert, P.K. (1997). Epibenthic communities on the Chatham Rise, New Zealand.
New Zealand Journal of Marine & Freshwater Research 31: 505–513.

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Ophiuroidea (brittle stars)
Order Ophiurida
Family Ophiacanthidae

Ophiophthalmus relictus (Deepsea brittle star) (ORE)

Oral papillae


10 mm

Distinguishing features: Five robust spiny arms, which are usually curling (but
not coiling) under the disc. Lateral plate bearing 6 denticulate armspines which
do not meet on dorsal midline of arm. Separated oval or rounded radial shields
are visible on the disc. Disc surface covered with small imbricating scales, usually
obscured by numerous spiny granules. Granules also present in single fringing
row on distal edge of basal dorsal armplates. Seven oral papillae line each jaw
(3 along each side and one apical papilla). This species is commonly found
associated with bamboo corals, hard corals such as Solenosmilia variabilis and in
dead gastropod shells.
Colour: Reddish-pink disc, sometimes with a grey tinge, pink granules, creamy
white arms, sometimes orange-tinged arm spines.
Size: Up to 13 mm (disc diameter).
Distribution: Widely distributed in the New Zealand region, and also
widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.
Depth: 420 to 2194 m.
Similar species: This species could be confused with other spiny-armed species
of the family Ophiacanthidae, which have less-curling arms, or with the ophiactid
Ophiactis abyssicola, which is also often found with its arms curled in and around
hard corals and also has a spiny disc. Ophiactids have numerous, clearly visible
disc plates and a different arrangement of oral papillae.
References: Koehler, R. (1904). Ophiures de l’expédition du Siboga. Part 1. Ophiures de mer
profonde. Siboga Expedition 45a.

Sea squirts, salps

Mike Page
Sea squirts and salps
The Tunicata is very unusual phylum of animals.
Indeed, most tunicates scarcely resemble animals.
The best-known are solitary sea squirts. Stand on
a sea squirt at low tide, and a thin jet of water will
spurt from its sac-like body. In open water, divers
frequently see large numbers of small, transparent,
barrel-shaped creatures called salps, which don’t
look at all like sea squirts but are related to them.
Sea squirts and salps are strange creatures indeed
and most people would be surprised to learn that,
traditionally, they have been included in the same
animal phylum as ourselves, the Chordata. Like
chordates, tunicates (also called urochordates,
Greek, oura, tail; Latin, chorda, cord) have a
dorsal, hollow nerve cord and rod-like notochord
(at least for part of their lives), and pharyngeal gill
slits. The most unusual feature of tunicates is their
manufacture of a type of cellulose, called tunicin,
for their distinctive outer coverings, or tunics.
Tunicates, so-called because of the tunic, are
classified in three classes — Ascidiacea (sea squirts),
Thaliacea (salps), and Appendicularia (sometimes
called Larvacea), which have no common name.
The latter two groups are entirely planktonic and so
are not further considered here.

Sea squirts are solitary or colonial. The name
Ascidiacea comes from the Greek askidion, a
leather wine flask, named for the tough outer
tunicin coat, which in the solitary forms a leathery
consistency. In colonial forms the tunicin coating
(test) is gelatinous or thin and membranous.
Colonial ascidians are vegetatively produced
replicates (zooids) that are either covered in and
joined by a layer of test, or partially or entirely
embedded in thin sheets, cushions, slabs, cylinders,
spheres, cones, or massive blocks of test. They
have a tailed, tadpole-like larva and it is the larva
that has a nerve cord and notochord. When the
larva settles, and attaches itself to the substratum,
the tail is absorbed (together with the nerve cord
and notochord) and it changes (metamorphoses)
into the adult form, encased in its external coat of
tunicin. Cut open a large sea squirt and you will
see a sac like body inside the tunicate, often with
the digestive tract and gonads visible because of
their colour. At the anterior end and one side of the
body are two tube-like siphons, one for drawing
water into the large gill-like pharynx, the other for
expelling it. The pharynx strains incoming seawater,
removing minute planktonic organisms and organic
New Zealand has 166 species of ascidians in its
EEZ, of which a high proportion (73%) is endemic.

Phylum Tunicata
Class Ascidacea (sea squirts)

(Sea squirt or Ascidian) (ASC)

Distinguishing features: Have inhalent and exhalant apertures and if
squeezed should squirt out water from either or both siphons. Have tough
leathery test or “tunic” and are often attached basally to cobbles or rocks. May
be heavily encrusted with epibionts such as hydrozoans and bryozoans.
Colour: Highly variable – cream to reddish brown.
Size: Total height from 5 to 100 mm.
Distribution: Widely distributed throughout New Zealand.
Depth: 5 to 300 m. Intertidal, continental shelf slope, and abyssal depths.
Similar species: Several tunicate species are found in New Zealand waters.
References: Miller, R.H. (1982). The marine fauna of New Zealand. New Zealand Oceanographic
Institute Memoir 85. 114 p.

Stocker, L.J. (1985). An identification guide to some common New Zealand ascidians. University
of Auckland Leigh Marine Laboratory, Auckland. 74 p.

Phylum Tunicata
Class Thaliacea (salps)
Order Pyrosomida
Family Pyrosomatidae

Pyrosoma atlanticum (PYR)


200 mm

A Distinguishing features: Pyrosoma is a colonial thaliacean, with affinities to

ascidians. Pyrosoma are gelatinous, transparent/opaque, free-swimming, and
planktonic. They have oral siphons on the outside of the colony and an anal
siphon on the inside. A light organ is present on each side of the brachial sac of
each zooid and this gives the organism its name.
Colour: Pale translucent pink.
Size: Up to 20 m. Can grow to massive size.
Distribution: Very widespread – from tropical to temperate waters.
Depth: Throughout the water column.
Similar species: Several species of salps are found in the New Zealand region.
References: Van Soest, R.W.M. (1981). A monograph of the order Pyrosomatida (Tunicata,
Thaliacea). Journal of Plankton Research 3: 603–631.

Index 1: Common Names

Common Name Scientific name MFish code Page

Abyssal star Plutonaster knoxi PKN 243
Acesta Acesta saginata ASG 112
Airy finger sponge Callyspongia sp. CRM 43
Amphipod Eurythenes gryllus EUG 165
Antlered crab Dagnaudus petterdi DAP 174
Brisingidae, Hymenodiscidae,
Armless stars BRG 233
Novodiniidae, Freyellidae
Bamboo coral Lepidisis spp. LLE 73
Bamboo corals Isididae ISI 70
Banded-spine urchin Caenopedina novaezelandiae CNO 273
Basket-weave horn sponge Euplectella regalis ERE 53
Black coral Leiopathes secunda LSE 66
Black corals Antipatharia COB 65
Bobtail squids Sepioloidea spp. SSQ 141
Bobtail squids Heteroteuthis dagamensis HES 142
Stoloteuthis (sometimes Iridoteuthis)
Bobtail squids IRM 143
Bottlebrush coral Thouarella spp. THO 79
Branching bamboo coral Keratoisis spp. BOO 72
Bristle ball sponge Tetilla australe TTL 49
Brittle star Ophiocreas sibogae OSI 290
Brittle star Ophiomusium lymani OLY 294
Broad squid Sepioteuthis australis BSQ 129
Brodie’s king crab Neolithodes brodiei NEB 181
Bubblegum coral Paragorgia arborea PAB 75
Bushy bamboo coral Acanella spp. ACN 71
Bushy hard coral Goniocorella dumosa GDU 87
Cap limpet Malluvium calcareum MCC 144
Carnation cup coral Caryophyllia spp. CAY 85
Carrier crab Homola orientalis HOO 175
Cat's-foot star Cosmasterias dyscrita CDY 235
Chiroteuthid squid Chiroteuthis veryani CVE 125
Chiton Amphineura CHT 157
Chubby sun-star Solaster torulatus SOT 257
Cidaroid urchin Ogmocidaris benhami OBE 263
Cidaroid urchin Stereocidaris spp. STC 264
Cidaroid urchin Histocidaris spp. HIS 265
Cidaroid urchin Poriocidaris purpurata PCD 266
Common octopus Pinnoctopus cordiformis OCT 121
Coral-like anemones Corallimorphidae CLM 67
Crested cup coral Desmophyllum dianthus DDI 86
Cross-fish Sclerasterias mollis SMO 237
Crowned firefly squid Lycoteuthis lorigera LSQ 130
Curling stone sponge Geodia regina GRE 36
Dana octopus squid Taningia danae TDQ 133
Deepsea anemones Liponema spp. LIP 62
Deepsea anemones Bolocera spp. BOC 59
Deepsea blind lobster Polycheles spp. PLY 194
Deepsea brittle star Bathypectinura heros BHE 293
Deepsea brittle star Ophiophthalmus relictus ORE 295
Deepsea kina Gracilechinus multidentatus GRM 269
Deep-sea spider crab Vitjazmaia latidactyla VIT 178
Deepsea urchin Dermechinus horridus DHO 268

Index 1: Common Names
Common Name Scientific name MFish code Page
Deepwater branching coral Solenosmilia variabilis SVA 88
Deepwater branching coral Enallopsammia rostrata ERO 90
Deepwater branching coral Oculina virgosa OVI 93
Deepwater octopii Benthoctopus spp. BNO 117
Deepwater octopus Graneledone spp. DWO 119
Deepwater prawn Pasiphaea aff. tarda PTA 217
Deepwater prawns Oplophorus spp. OPP 215
Deepwater rock lobster Projasus parkeri PPA 192
Dell’s spider crab Platymaia maoria PTM 177
Dwarf swimming crab Liocarcinus corrugatus LCO 195
Erect cheilostome bryozoan Hippellozoon novaezelandiae HNO 227
Erect cyclostome bryozoans Stenolaemata Cyclostomata ECB 228
Euciroa Euciroa galatheae EGA 116
Eunice sea-worm Eunice (undescribed) EUN 102
Feather stars Comatulida CMT 258
Fibreglass cup sponge Poecillastra laminaris PLN 39
Fire worm Chloeia inermis CIM 101
Fish biter Aega monophthalma AMO 201
Flabellum cup corals Flabellum spp. COF 91
Fleming's urchin Pseudechinus flemingi PFL 281
Fleshy club sponge Suberites affinis SUA 42
Floppy chocolate plate sponge Lissodendoryx bifacialis LBI 46
Floppy tubular sponge Hyalascus sp. HYA 54
Frilled crab Trichopeltarion fantasticum TFA 167
Funchalia prawn Funchalia spp. FUN 218
Furry oval sponge Tetilla leptoderma TLD 50
Gamba prawns Austropenaeus nitidus ANI 208
Garrick’s masking crab Leptomithrax garricki GMC 186
Geometric star Psilaster acuminatus PSI 245
Giant file shell Acesta maui AMA 111
Giant masking crab Leptomithrax australis SSC 185
Giant purple pedinid Caenopedina porphyrogigas CAL 275
Giant red mysid Neognathophausia ingens NEI 205
Giant sea spiders Colossendeis spp. PYC 221
Giant spider crab Jacquinotia edwardsii GSC 184
Giant squid Architeuthis spp. GSQ 124
Gigantic coral Anthomastus (Bathyalcyon) robustus ARO 63
Gill biter Elthusa propinqua ELP 203
Gill biter or tongue biter Elthusa neocytta ENE 202
Glass sponges Hexactinellida GLS 51
Glass squid Cranchiidae CHQ 126
Goblin prawn Glyphocrangon spp. GLO 210
Golden brown crater sponge Penares sp. PNR 33
Golden corals Chrysogorgia spp. CHR 69
Golden prawn Plesionika martia PLM 216
Golden volute Provocator mirabilis GVO 153
Gorgon's head basket-stars Gorgonocephalus spp. GOR 292
Gould's arrow squid Nototodarus gouldi NOG 134
Grey fibrous massive sponge Phorbas sp. PHB 48
Hairy red swimming crab Nectocarcinus antarcticus NCA 196
Heart urchin Brissopsis oldhami BRO 277
Hermit crab Diacanthurus rubricatus DIR 191

Index 1: Common Names
Common Name Scientific name MFish code Page
Hermit crab Sympagurus dimorphus SDM 193
Jack-knife prawn Haliporoides sibogae HSI 220
Knobbed whelk Austrofusus glans KWH 147
Knobbly sandpaper sponge Ecionemia novaezelandiae ANZ 32
Lacey honeycomb sponges Farrea spp. FAR 52
Large red scaly squid Pholidoteuthis massyae PSQ 140
Long polyp soft corals Telesto spp. TLO 64
Long-handed masking crab Leptomithrax longimanus LHC 187
Long-legged masking crab Leptomithrax longipes LLC 188
Madrepora coral Madrepora oculata MOC 92
Magnificent sea-star Dipsacaster magnificus DMG 242
Matheson's heart urchin Spatangus mathesoni SMT 279
Maurea Calliostoma selectum CSS 155
Microsoft mouse Paramaretia peloria PMU 278
Molpadia sea cucumber Molpadia musculus MOM 289
New Zealand king crab Lithodes aotearoa LAO 179
Octopoteuthis squid Octopoteuthis spp. OPO 132
Octopus Octopus spp. OCO 120
Omega prawn Lipkius holthuisi LHO 211
Ommastrephid squid Ommastrephes spp. OMM 136
Orange fat finger sponge Stelletta sp. SLT 35
Orange frond sponge Crella incrustans CIC 47
Ostrich egg sponge Geodia vestigifera GVE 37
Paddle crab Ovalipes catharus PAD 198
Pagoda shell Coluzea mariae CMR 149
Parasol urchin Goniocidaris parasol GPA 261
Pentagon star Ceramaster patagonicus CPA 248
Pentagonal tooth-star Odontaster benhami ODT 253
Pimpled ear sponge Aciculites pulchra APU 45
Pink ice egg sponge Rhabdastrella sp. RHA 34
Plexaurid sea fans Plexauridae PLE 76
Policeman crab Neommatocarcinus huttoni NHU 173
Prawn killer Ibacus alticrenatus PRK 200
Precious corals Corallium spp. CLL 68
Prickly king crab Paralomis zealandica PZE 183
Primnoa sea fans Primnoa spp. PMN 78
Primnoid sea fans Primnoidae PRI 77
Pteropeltarion crab Pteropeltarion novaezelandiae PNO 166
Purple sea pen Pennatula spp. PNN 84
Purple-heart urchin Spatangus multispinus SPT 280
Queen scallop Zygochlamys delicatula QSC 113
Quill worm Hyalinoecia tubicola HTU 103
Rat-tail stars Zoroaster spp. ZOR 238
Red crab Chaceon bicolor CHC 171
Red hydrocorals Errina spp. ERR 81
Robertson's king crab Lithodes robertsoni LRO 180
Rock star Lithosoma novaezelandiae LNV 250
Rocky dumpling sponge Pachymatisma sp. PAZ 38
Royal red prawn Aristaeomorpha foliacea AFO 206
Rubber sponge Psammocinia sp. PHW 41
Sabre prawn Campylonotus rathbunae CAM 209
Salp Pyrosoma atlanticum PYR 302

Index 1: Common Names
Common Name Scientific name MFish code Page
Sand dollar Peronella hinemoae PHI 267
Scaled squid Lepidoteuthis grimaldii LGR 128
Scallop Delectopecten fosterianus DFO 114
Scallop Veprichlamys kiwaensis VKI 115
Scampi Metanephrops challengeri SCI 190
Scarlet prawn Aristaeopsis edwardsiana PED 207
Scarlet prawn Notostomus auriculatus NAU 214
Sea cucumbers Holothuroidea HTH 282
Sea cucumbers Bathyplotes sp. BAM 283
Sea cucumbers Pseudostichopus mollis PMO 284
Sea cucumbers Laetmogone spp. LAG 285
Sea cucumbers Pannychia moseleyi PAM 286
Sea cucumbers Enypniastes eximia EEX 287
Sea cucumbers Benthodytes spp. BTD 288
Sea lilies with cirri Isocrinida CRN 259
Sea lilies without cirri (o+) Millericrinida, Cyrtocrinida CRN 260
Sea mice Aphrodita spp. ADT 104
Sea slug, Nudibranch Nudibranchia NUD 154
Sea squirt or Ascidian Ascidacea ASC 301
Sea urchin Caenopedina otagoensis CAO 274
Sea urchin Caenopedina pulchella CPU 276
Sea-star Pseudechinaster rubens PRU 236
Sea-star Benthopecten spp. BES 239
Sea-star Cheiraster monopedicellaris CMP 240
Sea-star Astromesites primigenius APM 241
Sea-star Proserpinaster neozelanicus PNE 244
Sea-star Radiaster gracilis RGR 246
Sea-star Henricia compacta HEC 247
Sea-star Pillsburiaster aoteanus PAO 252
Sea-star Diplopteraster sp. DPP 254
Sea-star Hymenaster carnosus HYC 255
Sergestid prawn Sergestes spp. SER 219
Siboga sea pen Gyrophyllum sibogae GYS 83
Sladen's star Mediaster sladeni MSL 251
Sloan's arrow squid Nototodarus sloanii NOS 135
Smooth deepsea anemones Actinostolidae ACS 60
Smooth red swimming crab Nectocarcinus bennetti NCB 197
Smooth white cup sponge Corallistes fulvodesmus CFU 44
Solitary bowl coral Stephanocyathus platypus STP 89
Spider prawn Nematocarcinus spp. NEC 212
Spiny masking crab Teratomaia richardsoni SMK 189
Spiny serolid isopod Brucerolis spp. ACU 204
Spiny white hydrocorals Lepidotheca spp. LPT 82
Squat lobsters Gastroptychus spp. GAT 168
Squat lobsters Uroptychus spp. URP 169
Squat lobsters Munida spp. MNI 170
Stalked barnacle Scalpellidae SBN 222
Subantarctic ruby prawn Acanthephyra spp. ACA 213
Sun-star Crossaster multispinus CJA 256
Swimming crab Ovalipes molleri OVM 199
Tam O'Shanters Echinothurioida TAM 270
Tam O'Shanters Echinothuriidae ECT 271

Index 1: Common Names
Common Name Scientific name MFish code Page
Tam O'Shanters Phormosoma spp. PHM 272
Thermiphione scale-worm Thermiphione (undescribed) THE 105
Three-and-three stars Allostichaster spp. ALH 234
Todarodes squid Todarodes filippovae TSQ 137
Top shell Calliostoma turnerarum CTN 156
Tritons Fusitriton magellanicus FMA 145
Trojan star Hippasteria phrygiana HTR 249
Turrid Comitas onokeana vivens COV 150
Two-spined crab Pycnooplax victoriensis CVI 172
Umbrella octopus Opisthoteuthis spp. OPI 122
Umbrella urchin Goniocidaris umbraculum GOU 262
Violet squid Histioteuthis spp. VSQ 127
Volute Alcithoe larochei ALL 151
Volute Alcithoe wilsonae AWI 152
Waite's snake-star Astrothorax waitei AWA 291
Warty deepsea anemones Hormathiidae HMT 61
Warty king crab Paralomis dawsoni PDA 182
Warty squid Onykia (formerly Moroteuthis) ingens MIQ 138
Warty squid Onykia (formerly Moroteuthis) robsoni MRQ 139
Whelk Aeneator recens AER 146
Whelk Penion chathamensis PCH 148
Whip-lash squids Mastigoteuthis spp. MSQ 131
White hydrocoral Calyptopora reticulata CRE 80
Worm-commensal bamboo coral Minuisis spp. MIN 74
Yaldwyn’s crab Yaldwynopsis spinimana YSP 176
Yellow octopus Enteroctopus zealandicus EZE 118
Yoyo sponge Thenea novaezelandiae THN 40
Zoanthid anemone Epizoanthus spp. EPZ 95
Zoanthids Zoantharia ZAH 94

Index 2: Scientific Names
Scientific name Common Name MFish code Page
Acanella spp. Bushy bamboo coral ACN 71
Acanthephyra spp. Subantarctic ruby prawn ACA 213
Acesta maui Giant file shell AMA 111
Acesta saginata Acesta ASG 112
Aciculites pulchra Pimpled ear sponge APU 45
Actinostolidae Smooth deepsea anemones ACS 60
Aega monophthalma Fish biter AMO 201
Aeneator recens Whelk AER 146
Alcithoe larochei Volute ALL 151
Alcithoe wilsonae Volute AWI 152
Allostichaster spp. Three-and-three stars ALH 234
Amphineura Chiton CHT 157
Anthomastus (Bathyalcyon) robustus Gigantic coral ARO 63
Antipatharia Black corals COB 65
Aphrodita spp. Sea mice ADT 104
Architeuthis spp. Giant squid GSQ 124
Aristaeomorpha foliacea Royal red prawn AFO 206
Aristaeopsis edwardsiana Scarlet prawn PED 207
Ascidacea Sea squirt or Ascidian ASC 301
Astromesites primigenius Sea-star APM 241
Astrothorax waitei Waite's snake-star AWA 291
Austrofusus glans Knobbed whelk KWH 147
Austropenaeus nitidus Gamba prawns ANI 208
Bathypectinura heros Deepsea brittle star BHE 293
Bathyplotes sp. Sea cucumbers BAM 283
Benthoctopus spp. Deepwater octopii BNO 117
Benthodytes spp. Sea cucumbers BTD 288
Benthopecten spp. Sea-star BES 239
Bolocera spp. Deepsea anemones BOC 59
Brisingidae, Hymenodiscidae,
Armless stars BRG 233
Novodiniidae, Freyellidae
Brissopsis oldhami Heart urchin BRO 277
Brucerolis spp. Spiny serolid isopod ACU 204
Caenopedina novaezelandiae Banded-spine urchin CNO 273
Caenopedina otagoensis Sea urchin CAO 274
Caenopedina porphyrogigas Giant purple pedinid CAL 275
Caenopedina pulchella Sea urchin CPU 276
Calliostoma selectum Maurea CSS 155
Calliostoma turnerarum Top shell CTN 156
Callyspongia sp. Airy finger sponge CRM 43
Calyptopora reticulata White hydrocoral CRE 80
Campylonotus rathbunae Sabre prawn CAM 209
Caryophyllia spp. Carnation cup coral CAY 85
Ceramaster patagonicus Pentagon star CPA 248
Chaceon bicolor Red crab CHC 171
Cheiraster monopedicellaris Sea-star CMP 240
Chiroteuthis veryani Chiroteuthid squid CVE 125
Chloeia inermis Fire worm CIM 101
Chrysogorgia spp. Golden corals CHR 69
Colossendeis spp. Giant sea spiders PYC 221
Coluzea mariae Pagoda shell CMR 149
Comatulida Feather stars CMT 258

Index 2: Scientific Names
Scientific name Common Name MFish code Page
Comitas onokeana vivens Turrid COV 150
Corallimorphidae Coral-like anemones CLM 67
Corallistes fulvodesmus Smooth white cup sponge CFU 44
Corallium spp. Precious corals CLL 68
Cosmasterias dyscrita Cat's-foot star CDY 235
Cranchiidae Glass squid CHQ 126
Crella incrustans Orange frond sponge CIC 47
Crossaster multispinus Sun-star CJA 256
Dagnaudus petterdi Antlered crab DAP 174
Delectopecten fosterianus Scallop DFO 114
Dermechinus horridus Deepsea urchin DHO 268
Desmophyllum dianthus Crested cup coral DDI 86
Diacanthurus rubricatus Hermit crab DIR 191
Diplopteraster sp. Sea-star DPP 254
Dipsacaster magnificus Magnificent sea-star DMG 242
Echinothuriidae Tam O'Shanters ECT 271
Echinothurioida Tam O'Shanters TAM 270
Ecionemia novaezelandiae Knobbly sandpaper sponge ANZ 32
Elthusa neocytta Gill biter or tongue biter ENE 202
Elthusa propinqua Gill biter ELP 203
Enallopsammia rostrata Deepwater branching coral ERO 90
Enteroctopus zealandicus Yellow octopus EZE 118
Enypniastes eximia Sea cucumbers EEX 287
Epizoanthus spp. Zoanthid anemone EPZ 95
Errina spp. Red hydrocorals ERR 81
Euciroa galatheae Euciroa EGA 116
Eunice (undescribed) Eunice sea-worm EUN 102
Euplectella regalis Basket-weave horn sponge ERE 53
Eurythenes gryllus Amphipod EUG 165
Farrea spp. Lacey honeycomb sponges FAR 52
Flabellum spp. Flabellum cup corals COF 91
Funchalia spp. Funchalia prawn FUN 218
Fusitriton magellanicus Tritons FMA 145
Gastroptychus spp. Squat lobsters GAT 168
Geodia regina Curling stone sponge GRE 36
Geodia vestigifera Ostrich egg sponge GVE 37
Glyphocrangon spp. Goblin prawn GLO 210
Goniocidaris parasol Parasol urchin GPA 261
Goniocidaris umbraculum Umbrella urchin GOU 262
Goniocorella dumosa Bushy hard coral GDU 87
Gorgonocephalus spp. Gorgon's head basket-stars GOR 292
Gracilechinus multidentatus Deepsea kina GRM 269
Graneledone spp. Deepwater octopus DWO 119
Gyrophyllum sibogae Siboga sea pen GYS 83
Haliporoides sibogae Jack-knife prawn HSI 220
Henricia compacta Sea-star HEC 247
Heteroteuthis dagamensis Bobtail squids HES 142
Hexactinellida Glass sponges GLS 51
Hippasteria phrygiana Trojan star HTR 249
Hippellozoon novaezelandiae Erect cheilostome bryozoan HNO 227
Histioteuthis spp. Violet squid VSQ 127
Histocidaris spp. Cidaroid urchin HIS 265

Index 2: Scientific Names
Scientific name Common Name MFish code Page
Holothuroidea Sea cucumbers HTH 282
Homola orientalis Carrier crab HOO 175
Hormathiidae Warty deepsea anemones HMT 61
Hyalascus sp. Floppy tubular sponge HYA 54
Hyalinoecia tubicola Quill worm HTU 103
Hymenaster carnosus Sea-star HYC 255
Ibacus alticrenatus Prawn killer PRK 200
Isididae Bamboo corals ISI 70
Isocrinida Sea lilies with cirri CRN 259
Jacquinotia edwardsii Giant spider crab GSC 184
Keratoisis spp. Branching bamboo coral BOO 72
Laetmogone spp. Sea cucumbers LAG 285
Leiopathes secunda Black coral LSE 66
Lepidisis spp. Bamboo coral LLE 73
Lepidoteuthis grimaldii Scaled squid LGR 128
Lepidotheca spp. Spiny white hydrocorals LPT 82
Leptomithrax australis Giant masking crab SSC 185
Leptomithrax garricki Garrick’s masking crab GMC 186
Leptomithrax longimanus Long-handed masking crab LHC 187
Leptomithrax longipes Long-legged masking crab LLC 188
Liocarcinus corrugatus Dwarf swimming crab LCO 195
Lipkius holthuisi Omega prawn LHO 211
Liponema spp. Deepsea anemones LIP 62
Lissodendoryx bifacialis Floppy chocolate plate sponge LBI 46
Lithodes aotearoa New Zealand king crab LAO 179
Lithodes robertsoni Robertson's king crab LRO 180
Lithosoma novaezelandiae Rock star LNV 250
Lycoteuthis lorigera Crowned firefly squid LSQ 130
Madrepora oculata Madrepora coral MOC 92
Malluvium calcareum Cap limpet MCC 144
Mastigoteuthis spp. Whip-lash squids MSQ 131
Mediaster sladeni Sladen's star MSL 251
Metanephrops challengeri Scampi SCI 190
Millericrinida, Cyrtocrinida Sea lilies without cirri (o+) CRN 260
Minuisis spp. Worm-commensal bamboo coral MIN 74
Molpadia musculus Molpadia sea cucumber MOM 289
Munida spp. Squat lobsters MNI 170
Nectocarcinus antarcticus Hairy red swimming crab NCA 196
Nectocarcinus bennetti Smooth red swimming crab NCB 197
Nematocarcinus spp. Spider prawn NEC 212
Neognathophausia ingens Giant red mysid NEI 205
Neolithodes brodiei Brodie’s king crab NEB 181
Neommatocarcinus huttoni Policeman crab NHU 173
Notostomus auriculatus Scarlet prawn NAU 214
Nototodarus gouldi Gould's arrow squid NOG 134
Nototodarus sloanii Sloan's arrow squid NOS 135
Nudibranchia Sea slug, Nudibranch NUD 154
Octopoteuthis spp. Octopoteuthis squid OPO 132
Octopus spp. Octopus OCO 120
Oculina virgosa Deepwater branching coral OVI 93
Odontaster benhami Pentagonal tooth-star ODT 253
Ogmocidaris benhami Cidaroid urchin OBE 263

Index 2: Scientific Names
Scientific name Common Name MFish code Page
Ommastrephes spp. Ommastrephid squid OMM 136
Onykia (formerly Moroteuthis)
Warty squid MIQ 138
Onykia (formerly Moroteuthis)
Warty squid MRQ 139
Ophiocreas sibogae Brittle star OSI 290
Ophiomusium lymani Brittle star OLY 294
Ophiophthalmus relictus Deepsea brittle star ORE 295
Opisthoteuthis spp. Umbrella octopus OPI 122
Oplophorus spp. Deepwater prawns OPP 215
Ovalipes catharus Paddle crab PAD 198
Ovalipes molleri Swimming crab OVM 199
Pachymatisma sp. Rocky dumpling sponge PAZ 38
Pannychia moseleyi Sea cucumbers PAM 286
Paragorgia arborea Bubblegum coral PAB 75
Paralomis dawsoni Warty king crab PDA 182
Paralomis zealandica Prickly king crab PZE 183
Paramaretia peloria Microsoft mouse PMU 278
Pasiphaea aff. tarda Deepwater prawn PTA 217
Penares sp. Golden brown crater sponge PNR 33
Penion chathamensis Whelk PCH 148
Pennatula spp. Purple sea pen PNN 84
Peronella hinemoae Sand dollar PHI 267
Pholidoteuthis massyae Large red scaly squid PSQ 140
Phorbas sp. Grey fibrous massive sponge PHB 48
Phormosoma spp. Tam O'Shanters PHM 272
Pillsburiaster aoteanus Sea-star PAO 252
Pinnoctopus cordiformis Common octopus OCT 121
Platymaia maoria Dell’s spider crab PTM 177
Plesionika martia Golden prawn PLM 216
Plexauridae Plexaurid sea fans PLE 76
Plutonaster knoxi Abyssal star PKN 243
Poecillastra laminaris Fibreglass cup sponge PLN 39
Polycheles spp. Deepsea blind lobster PLY 194
Poriocidaris purpurata Cidaroid urchin PCD 266
Primnoa spp. Primnoa sea fans PMN 78
Primnoidae Primnoid sea fans PRI 77
Projasus parkeri Deepwater rock lobster PPA 192
Proserpinaster neozelanicus Sea-star PNE 244
Provocator mirabilis Golden volute GVO 153
Psammocinia sp. Rubber sponge PHW 41
Pseudechinaster rubens Sea-star PRU 236
Pseudechinus flemingi Fleming's urchin PFL 281
Pseudostichopus mollis Sea cucumbers PMO 284
Psilaster acuminatus Geometric star PSI 245
Pteropeltarion novaezelandiae Pteropeltarion crab PNO 166
Pycnooplax victoriensis Two-spined crab CVI 172
Pyrosoma atlanticum Salp PYR 302
Radiaster gracilis Sea-star RGR 246
Rhabdastrella sp. Pink ice egg sponge RHA 34
Scalpellidae Stalked barnacle SBN 222
Sclerasterias mollis Cross-fish SMO 237

Index 2: Scientific Names
Scientific name Common Name MFish code Page
Sepioloidea spp. Bobtail squids SSQ 141
Sepioteuthis australis Broad squid BSQ 129
Sergestes spp. Sergestid prawn SER 219
Solaster torulatus Chubby sun-star SOT 257
Solenosmilia variabilis Deepwater branching coral SVA 88
Spatangus mathesoni Matheson's heart urchin SMT 279
Spatangus multispinus Purple-heart urchin SPT 280
Stelletta sp. Orange fat finger sponge SLT 35
Stenolaemata Cyclostomata Erect cyclostome bryozoans ECB 228
Stephanocyathus platypus Solitary bowl coral STP 89
Stereocidaris spp. Cidaroid urchin STC 264
Stoloteuthis (sometimes Iridoteuthis)
Bobtail squids IRM 143
Suberites affinis Fleshy club sponge SUA 42
Sympagurus dimorphus Hermit crab SDM 193
Taningia danae Dana octopus squid TDQ 133
Telesto spp. Long polyp soft corals TLO 64
Teratomaia richardsoni Spiny masking crab SMK 189
Tetilla australe Bristle ball sponge TTL 49
Tetilla leptoderma Furry oval sponge TLD 50
Thenea novaezelandiae Yoyo sponge THN 40
Thermiphione (undescribed) Thermiphione scale-worm THE 105
Thouarella spp. Bottlebrush coral THO 79
Todarodes filippovae Todarodes squid TSQ 137
Trichopeltarion fantasticum Frilled crab TFA 167
Uroptychus spp. Squat lobsters URP 169
Veprichlamys kiwaensis Scallop VKI 115
Vitjazmaia latidactyla Deep-sea spider crab VIT 178
Yaldwynopsis spinimana Yaldwyn’s crab YSP 176
Zoantharia Zoanthids ZAH 94
Zoroaster spp. Rat-tail stars ZOR 238
Zygochlamys delicatula Queen scallop QSC 113

Index 3: MFish code
MFish code Common Name Scientific name Page
ACA Subantarctic ruby prawn Acanthephyra spp. 213
ACN Bushy bamboo coral Acanella spp. 71
ACS Smooth deepsea anemones Actinostolidae 60
ACU Spiny serolid isopod Brucerolis spp. 204
ADT Sea mice Aphrodita spp. 104
AER Whelk Aeneator recens 146
AFO Royal red prawn Aristaeomorpha foliacea 206
ALH Three-and-three stars Allostichaster spp. 234
ALL Volute Alcithoe larochei 151
AMA Giant file shell Acesta maui 111
AMO Fish biter Aega monophthalma 201
ANI Gamba prawns Austropenaeus nitidus 208
ANZ Knobbly sandpaper sponge Ecionemia novaezelandiae 32
APM Sea-star Astromesites primigenius 241
APU Pimpled ear sponge Aciculites pulchra 45
ARO Gigantic coral Anthomastus (Bathyalcyon) robustus 63
ASC Sea squirt or Ascidian Ascidacea 301
ASG Acesta Acesta saginata 112
AWA Waite's snake-star Astrothorax waitei 291
AWI Volute Alcithoe wilsonae 152
BAM Sea cucumbers Bathyplotes sp. 283
BES Sea-star Benthopecten spp. 239
BHE Deepsea brittle star Bathypectinura heros 293
BNO Deepwater octopii Benthoctopus spp. 117
BOC Deepsea anemones Bolocera spp. 59
BOO Branching bamboo coral Keratoisis spp. 72
Brisingidae, Hymenodiscidae,
BRG Armless stars 233
Novodiniidae, Freyellidae
BRO Heart urchin Brissopsis oldhami 277
BSQ Broad squid Sepioteuthis australis 129
BTD Sea cucumbers Benthodytes spp. 288
CAL Giant purple pedinid Caenopedina porphyrogigas 275
CAM Sabre prawn Campylonotus rathbunae 209
CAO Sea urchin Caenopedina otagoensis 274
CAY Carnation cup coral Caryophyllia spp. 85
CDY Cat's-foot star Cosmasterias dyscrita 235
CFU Smooth white cup sponge Corallistes fulvodesmus 44
CHC Red crab Chaceon bicolor 171
CHQ Glass squid Cranchiidae 126
CHR Golden corals Chrysogorgia spp. 69
CHT Chiton Amphineura 157
CIC Orange frond sponge Crella incrustans 47
CIM Fire worm Chloeia inermis 101
CJA Sun-star Crossaster multispinus 256
CLL Precious corals Corallium spp. 68
CLM Coral-like anemones Corallimorphidae 67
CMP Sea-star Cheiraster monopedicellaris 240
CMR Pagoda shell Coluzea mariae 149
CMT Feather stars Comatulida 258
CNO Banded-spine urchin Caenopedina novaezelandiae 273
COB Black corals Antipatharia 65
COF Flabellum cup corals Flabellum spp. 91

Index 3: MFish code
MFish code Common Name Scientific name Page
COV Turrid Comitas onokeana vivens 150
CPA Pentagon star Ceramaster patagonicus 248
CPU Sea urchin Caenopedina pulchella 276
CRE White hydrocoral Calyptopora reticulata 80
CRM Airy finger sponge Callyspongia sp. 43
CRN Sea lilies with cirri Isocrinida 259
CRN Sea lilies without cirri (o+) Millericrinida, Cyrtocrinida 260
CSS Maurea Calliostoma selectum 155
CTN Top shell Calliostoma turnerarum 156
CVE Chiroteuthid squid Chiroteuthis veryani 125
CVI Two-spined crab Pycnooplax victoriensis 172
DAP Antlered crab Dagnaudus petterdi 174
DDI Crested cup coral Desmophyllum dianthus 86
DFO Scallop Delectopecten fosterianus 114
DHO Deepsea urchin Dermechinus horridus 268
DIR Hermit crab Diacanthurus rubricatus 191
DMG Magnificent sea-star Dipsacaster magnificus 242
DPP Sea-star Diplopteraster sp. 254
DWO Deepwater octopus Graneledone spp. 119
ECB Erect cyclostome bryozoans Stenolaemata 228
ECT Tam O'Shanters Echinothuriidae 271
EEX Sea cucumbers Enypniastes eximia 287
EGA Euciroa Euciroa galatheae 116
ELP Gill biter Elthusa propinqua 203
ENE Gill biter or tongue biter Elthusa neocytta 202
EPZ Zoanthid anemone Epizoanthus spp. 95
ERE Basket-weave horn sponge Euplectella regalis 53
ERO Deepwater branching coral Enallopsammia rostrata 90
ERR Red hydrocorals Errina spp. 81
EUG Amphipod Eurythenes gryllus 165
EUN Eunice sea-worm Eunice (undescribed) 102
EZE Yellow octopus Enteroctopus zealandicus 118
FAR Lacey honeycomb sponges Farrea spp. 52
FMA Tritons Fusitriton magellanicus 145
FUN Funchalia prawn Funchalia spp. 218
GAT Squat lobsters Gastroptychus spp. 168
GDU Bushy hard coral Goniocorella dumosa 87
GLO Goblin prawn Glyphocrangon spp. 210
GLS Glass sponges Hexactinellida 51
GMC Garrick’s masking crab Leptomithrax garricki 186
GOR Gorgon's head basket-stars Gorgonocephalus spp. 292
GOU Umbrella urchin Goniocidaris umbraculum 262
GPA Parasol urchin Goniocidaris parasol 261
GRE Curling stone sponge Geodia regina 36
GRM Deepsea kina Gracilechinus multidentatus 269
GSC Giant spider crab Jacquinotia edwardsii 184
GSQ Giant squid Architeuthis spp. 124
GVE Ostrich egg sponge Geodia vestigifera 37
GVO Golden volute Provocator mirabilis 153
GYS Siboga sea pen Gyrophyllum sibogae 83
HEC Sea-star Henricia compacta 247
HES Bobtail squids Heteroteuthis dagamensis 142

Index 3: MFish code
MFish code Common Name Scientific name Page
HIS Cidaroid urchin Histocidaris spp. 265
HMT Warty deepsea anemones Hormathiidae 61
HNO Erect cheilostome bryozoan Hippellozoon novaezelandiae 227
HOO Carrier crab Homola orientalis 175
HSI Jack-knife prawn Haliporoides sibogae 220
HTH Sea cucumbers Holothuroidea 282
HTR Trojan star Hippasteria phrygiana 249
HTU Quill worm Hyalinoecia tubicola 103
HYA Floppy tubular sponge Hyalascus sp. 54
HYC Sea-star Hymenaster carnosus 255
Stoloteuthis (sometimes Iridoteuthis)
IRM Bobtail squids 143
ISI Bamboo corals Isididae 70
KWH Knobbed whelk Austrofusus glans 147
LAG Sea cucumbers Laetmogone spp. 285
LAO New Zealand king crab Lithodes aotearoa 179
LBI Floppy chocolate plate sponge Lissodendoryx bifacialis 46
LCO Dwarf swimming crab Liocarcinus corrugatus 195
LGR Scaled squid Lepidoteuthis grimaldii 128
LHC Long-handed masking crab Leptomithrax longimanus 187
LHO Omega prawn Lipkius holthuisi 211
LIP Deepsea anemones Liponema spp. 62
LLC Long-legged masking crab Leptomithrax longipes 188
LLE Bamboo coral Lepidisis spp. 73
LNV Rock star Lithosoma novaezelandiae 250
LPT Spiny white hydrocorals Lepidotheca spp. 82
LRO Robertson's king crab Lithodes robertsoni 180
LSE Black coral Leiopathes secunda 66
LSQ Crowned firefly squid Lycoteuthis lorigera 130
MCC Cap limpet Malluvium calcareum 144
MIN Worm-commensal bamboo coral Minuisis spp. 74
MIQ Warty squid Onykia (formerly Moroteuthis) ingens 138
MNI Squat lobsters Munida spp. 170
MOC Madrepora coral Madrepora oculata 92
MOM Molpadia sea cucumber Molpadia musculus 289
Onykia (formerly Moroteuthis)
MRQ Warty squid 139
MSL Sladen's star Mediaster sladeni 251
MSQ Whip-lash squids Mastigoteuthis spp. 131
NAU Scarlet prawn Notostomus auriculatus 214
NCA Hairy red swimming crab Nectocarcinus antarcticus 196
NCB Smooth red swimming crab Nectocarcinus bennetti 197
NEB Brodie’s king crab Neolithodes brodiei 181
NEC Spider prawn Nematocarcinus spp. 212
NEI Giant red mysid Neognathophausia ingens 205
NHU Policeman crab Neommatocarcinus huttoni 173
NOG Gould's arrow squid Nototodarus gouldi 134
NOS Sloan's arrow squid Nototodarus sloanii 135
NUD Sea slug, Nudibranch Nudibranchia 154
OBE Cidaroid urchin Ogmocidaris benhami 263
OCO Octopus Octopus spp. 120
OCT Common octopus Pinnoctopus cordiformis 121
ODT Pentagonal tooth-star Odontaster benhami 253

Index 3: MFish code
MFish code Common Name Scientific name Page
OLY Brittle star Ophiomusium lymani 294
OMM Ommastrephid squid Ommastrephes spp. 136
OPI Umbrella octopus Opisthoteuthis spp. 122
OPO Octopoteuthis squid Octopoteuthis spp. 132
OPP Deepwater prawns Oplophorus spp. 215
ORE Deepsea brittle star Ophiophthalmus relictus 295
OSI Brittle star Ophiocreas sibogae 290
OVI Deepwater branching coral Oculina virgosa 93
OVM Swimming crab Ovalipes molleri 199
PAB Bubblegum coral Paragorgia arborea 75
PAD Paddle crab Ovalipes catharus 198
PAM Sea cucumbers Pannychia moseleyi 286
PAO Sea-star Pillsburiaster aoteanus 252
PAZ Rocky dumpling sponge Pachymatisma sp. 38
PCD Cidaroid urchin Poriocidaris purpurata 266
PCH Whelk Penion chathamensis 148
PDA Warty king crab Paralomis dawsoni 182
PED Scarlet prawn Aristaeopsis edwardsiana 207
PFL Fleming's urchin Pseudechinus flemingi 281
PHB Grey fibrous massive sponge Phorbas sp. 48
PHI Sand dollar Peronella hinemoae 267
PHM Tam O'Shanters Phormosoma spp. 272
PHW Rubber sponge Psammocinia sp. 41
PKN Abyssal star Plutonaster knoxi 243
PLE Plexaurid sea fans Plexauridae 76
PLM Golden prawn Plesionika martia 216
PLN Fibreglass cup sponge Poecillastra laminaris 39
PLY Deepsea blind lobster Polycheles spp. 194
PMN Primnoa sea fans Primnoa spp. 78
PMO Sea cucumbers Pseudostichopus mollis 284
PMU Microsoft mouse Paramaretia peloria 278
PNE Sea-star Proserpinaster neozelanicus 244
PNN Purple sea pen Pennatula spp. 84
PNO Pteropeltarion crab Pteropeltarion novaezelandiae 166
PNR Golden brown crater sponge Penares sp. 33
PPA Deepwater rock lobster Projasus parkeri 192
PRI Primnoid sea fans Primnoidae 77
PRK Prawn killer Ibacus alticrenatus 200
PRU Sea-star Pseudechinaster rubens 236
PSI Geometric star Psilaster acuminatus 245
PSQ Large red scaly squid Pholidoteuthis massyae 140
PTA Deepwater prawn Pasiphaea aff. tarda 217
PTM Dell’s spider crab Platymaia maoria 177
PYC Giant sea spiders Colossendeis spp. 221
PYR Salp Pyrosoma atlanticum 302
PZE Prickly king crab Paralomis zealandica 183
QSC Queen scallop Zygochlamys delicatula 113
RGR Sea-star Radiaster gracilis 246
RHA Pink ice egg sponge Rhabdastrella sp. 34
SBN Stalked barnacle Scalpellidae 222
SCI Scampi Metanephrops challengeri 190
SDM Hermit crab Sympagurus dimorphus 193

Index 3: MFish code
MFish code Common Name Scientific name Page
SER Sergestid prawn Sergestes spp. 219
SLT Orange fat finger sponge Stelletta sp. 35
SMK Spiny masking crab Teratomaia richardsoni 189
SMO Cross-fish Sclerasterias mollis 237
SMT Matheson's heart urchin Spatangus mathesoni 279
SOT Chubby sun-star Solaster torulatus 257
SPT Purple-heart urchin Spatangus multispinus 280
SSC Giant masking crab Leptomithrax australis 185
SSQ Bobtail squids Sepioloidea spp. 141
STC Cidaroid urchin Stereocidaris spp. 264
STP Solitary bowl coral Stephanocyathus platypus 89
SUA Fleshy club sponge Suberites affinis 42
SVA Deepwater branching coral Solenosmilia variabilis 88
TAM Tam O'Shanters Echinothurioida 270
TDQ Dana octopus squid Taningia danae 133
TFA Frilled crab Trichopeltarion fantasticum 167
THE Thermiphione scale-worm Thermiphione (undescribed) 105
THN Yoyo sponge Thenea novaezelandiae 40
THO Bottlebrush coral Thouarella spp. 79
TLD Furry oval sponge Tetilla leptoderma 50
TLO Long polyp soft corals Telesto spp. 64
TSQ Todarodes squid Todarodes filippovae 137
TTL Bristle ball sponge Tetilla australe 49
URP Squat lobsters Uroptychus spp. 169
VIT Deep-sea spider crab Vitjazmaia latidactyla 178
VKI Scallop Veprichlamys kiwaensis 115
VSQ Violet squid Histioteuthis spp. 127
YSP Yaldwyn’s crab Yaldwynopsis spinimana 176
ZAH Zoanthids Zoantharia 94
ZOR Rat-tail stars Zoroaster spp. 238


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