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aa school of architecture

SI T E ANALYSIS fengselstomta


complex.building.program exercise 1 - analysis
site analysis fengselstomta

main characteristics

park road and tree rows flat surface and old buildings
complex.building.program exercise 1 - analysis

complex.building.program exercise 1 - analysis
site analysis fengselstomta


green area 1:2000

complex.building.program exercise 1 - analysis
site analysis fengselstomta

the site “tells” us that there has been an old axis

through the park and fengselstomta.

we found old rows of trees

an old photo of the site shows the tree rows

complex.building.program exercise 1 - analysis
site analysis fengselstomta

Antiquarian value of buildings - Samfundet

is highest rated.

The main character of area has not

changed much the last 50 years.

Does this mean that the area is vulnerable

to change?

Or ready to change?

Very high antiquarian value

High antiquarian value

Antiquarian value 1:2000

complex.building.program exercise 1 - analysis
site analysis fengselstomta

Main infrastructure paths

By adding a campus building, we will affect

the infrastructure in some way. Maybe there
is a way to change the area so that Feng-
selstomta, the park and the opposite side of
Elgsetergate is better connected.



pedestrian 1:2000
complex.building.program exercise 1 - analysis
site analysis fengselstomta

Is it possible to use leftover space or empty

lots outside the original boundary?

Should the campus be more integrated in

the city, fill up spaces left behind?

leftover space and potenial space 1:2000

complex.building.program exercise 1 - analysis
site analysis fengselstomta

What issues do we face at the site?

First, the road is a barrier between the park

and fengselstomta.

Then there is an intention that places the

program between Gløshaugen and the
hospital. Should this be articulated more
than just beeing inbetween? That there is a
connection to the various campuses?

barrier 1:2000

connection line 1:2000

complex.building.program exercise 1 - analysis
site analysis fengselstomta

What is 5 square meters at the site?

Since the program is so huge, it is important

to find sizes and relations that we can relate
to and understand in the context. Therefore
we placed the 5 square meters at various
locations to get a feeling of a students
CASE ST UDY aa school of architecture

SI T E ANALYSIS fengselstomta


complex.building.program exercise 1 - analysis

program analysis kam

Comparsion with the AA campus. The site is approximatly

four times bigger than AA Bedford Square.
complex.building.program exercise 1 - analysis

program analysis kam

q u e s t i o n i n g t h e p rog ram

What does the student need?

How can the student/professor-relation be articulated in the architecture?

How can architecture, music and art benefit from urban context?

How similar or how different should the faculties be?

How can the different faculties and Samfundet share their spaces?
complex.building.program exercise 1 - analysis

program analysis kam

What does the student need?


work table pin-up wall storage computer scanner/printer bed discussion table


work table pin-up wall storage inspiration scanner/printer sink material


rehersal room instrument locker music stand headphones stereo mirror stage computer
complex.building.program exercise 1 - analysis

program analysis kam

How can the student/professor-relation be articulated in the architecture?

office/ professor

office/ professor

office/ professor

NTNU today Tokyo lab model


professor professor

student student

equal professor/student boxes, meet inbetween professor/student as equal professor in center

complex.building.program exercise 1 - analysis

program analysis kam

How can architecture, music and art benefit from an urban context?


Public scene Workshop pavillion Cafe Kam Visible from the street
Architecture Architecture Architecture Architecture
Art Art Art Art
Music Music Music Music
Samfundet Samfundet Samfundet Samfundet
complex.building.program exercise 1 - analysis

How can architecture, music and art benefit from an urban context?

sho bo
p ok

Open exhibition space Sale of products/services Bookstore Incubator office/atelier

Architecture Architecture Architecture Architecture
Art Art Art Art
Music Music Music Music
Samfundet Samfundet Samfundet Samfundet
complex.building.program exercise 1 - analysis

program analysis kam

How similar or how different should the faculties be?

equal separeted and unique mixed and uniqe

equal gradient unique

complex.building.program exercise 1 - analysis

program analysis kam

How can the different faculties and Samfundet share their spaces?




rehersal room

refresh room


technical staff

complex.building.program exercise 1 - analysis

program analysis kam

sharing kitchen and refreshrooms between the

studios. Making small corridors and spaces where
people can meet.
complex.building.program exercise 1 - analysis

program analysis kam

a canteen can also be an auditorium for

guestlectures, concerts or performances,
aswell as a collective gathering area for
various events
complex.building.program exercise 1 - analysis

program analysis kam

library for music, art and architecture, with

a focus on a creative use of the material
complex.building.program exercise 1 - analysis

program analysis kam

how to apprach the square meters?

library 575 m2

Deans office & gallery 320 m2

administration 597 m2 auditorium 500 m2

canteen & coffe shop

project & groupspaces 1867 m2 535 m2

labs & workshop 2419 m2

studiospace 4585 m2

academic staff 1820 m2

Technical staff 693 m2

welfare space 110 m2

AB Faculty: 15141 m2 netto

complex.building.program exercise 1 - analysis

program analysis kam

it is probably possible to combine and make

flexible use of studios and groupspaces. maybe
more like an office, since working and presenting
are closly linked together
library 575 m2

Deans office & gallery 320 m2

administration 597 m2 auditorium 500 m2

canteen & coffe shop

project & groupspaces 1867 m2 535 m2

labs & workshop 2419 m2

studiospace 4585 m2

academic staff 1820 m2

Technical staff 693 m2

welfare space 110 m2

AB Faculty: 15141 m2 netto

complex.building.program exercise 1 - analysis

program analysis kam

the exhibition space can maybe be a part of the

hallways and therefore redused as netto area,
as it is today at Stripa.

library 575 m2

Deans office & gallery 320 m2

administration 597 m2 auditorium 500 m2

canteen & coffe shop

project & groupspaces 1867 m2 535 m2

labs & workshop 2419 m2

studiospace 4585 m2

academic staff 1820 m2

Technical staff 693 m2

welfare space 110 m2

AB Faculty: 15141 m2 netto

complex.building.program exercise 1 - analysis

program analysis kam

the program of the music faculty is still quite

unknown to us. they are only precise in the
expansion that they need.

music science 1480 m2

dance science 777 m2

performing music 1067 m2

band room 86 m2

kjøpmannsgata 538 m2
performing music 2860 m2

music technology 970 m2

additional and expansion

program 2378 m2

MusicFaculty: 10159 m2 netto

complex.building.program exercise 1 - analysis

program analysis kam

studentersamfundet’s expansion is quite small

compared to the rest, which is good since they
want to be independent from NTNU.

media stud 180 m2

ISFIT/UKA 186 m2
meeting/rehersal 230 m2
maintenance 130 m2

technical storage 220 m2

studentersamfundet: 946 m2 netto

complex.building.program exercise 1 - analysis

program analysis kam

Faculty of Architecture and Fine Art_ 15 141 m2 netto

1 floor_ 125 m x 125 m 2 floors_ 125 m x 62,5 m 3 floors_ 125 m x 31 m

brutto factor 1,5

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