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Engineering Geology 83 (2006) 161 – 182

Large rock slope failures in the Highlands of Scotland:

Characterisation, causes and spatial distribution
David Jarman
Mountain Landform Research, Findon Cottage, Ross-shire, IV7 8JJ, Scotland
Accepted 24 June 2005
Available online 23 November 2005


A comprehensive database of larger Rock Slope Failures (RSFs) has been compiled and characterised for a whole mountain
range, possibly for the first time apart from Iceland. Most RSFs in the Scottish Highlands occurred soon after deglaciation. A
threshold size of 0.25 km2 focuses on RSFs which contribute significantly to gross erosion in the glacial–paraglacial cycle, and
on the spatial concentration of this poorly recognised process. Database verification indicates that at least 90% of the total extant
population in the Highlands is covered. Standard mass movement typologies are broadly applicable, but require some refinement
to characterise RSFs in a passive-margin glaciated mountain range comprised mainly of ancient metasediments. Most larger RSFs
here are complex and difficult to categorise. A continuum from dcataclasmicT failures (including rock avalanches) through
arrested translational slides to almost in situ slope deformations is identified. The prevailing modes of large RSF are arrested
(short-travel) translational sliding and gravitational sagging. Cataclasmic failure is rare, and sub-cataclasmic outcomes are more
evident. A significant class of deformations exhibits compressional rather than extensional features, and may be responding to
localised glacio-isostatic rebound stresses. The large RSF population is widely but very unevenly distributed across the main
mountain areas: 65% are in seven main clusters, with the rest non-randomly scattered. Previous glaciological, lithological, and
seismotectonic explanations are insufficient to explain this spatial pattern, and overlook the basic engineering geology
prerequisites for failure. Massifs of similar relief and lithology can display intense or sparse RSF incidence. Geomorphological
appraisal suggests an association with recently active glacial breaches of main and secondary watersheds, with RSF being scarce
or absent in valleys inherited from Tertiary uplift, and in mountain groups away from the main watersheds. Valleys which adapted
early to ice discharge are seen as dstress-hardenedT, with their slopes unlikely to reach critical thresholds for failure after
subsequent reoccupations by ice. Concentrated erosion in the last glaciations is most likely to be found close to where breaches
are actively forming or enlarging. Such erosion in the slope foot and valley floor may have daylighted failure planes or generated
rebound stresses augmenting those from other endemic sources sufficiently to provoke widespread paraglacial RSF. Slope stress
models for deglaciated valleys and comparative studies in other glaciated mountain ranges are required to test this concept, and
may assist in geohazard assessments.
D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Rock slope failures; Slope deformations; Scottish Highlands; Landslide typologies; RSF clusters; Glacial breaches; Preglacial

1. Introduction

The call for papers for this volume observes that

E-mail address: [email protected]. dSome major aspects of large slope instabilities are still
0013-7952/$ - see front matter D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
162 D. Jarman / Engineering Geology 83 (2006) 161–182

insufficiently studied and debated, including their re- any range in the British Isles or Scandes (Jarman,
gional distribution and relevance and their style of past 2002). In the European Alps, both the pioneering
activityT. Indeed, there is a surprising dearth of system- works of Heim (1932) and Abele (1974) and fully
atic studies of the spatial incidence and character of comprehensive regional inventories such as that for
rock slope failure (RSF) over whole mountain ranges. Lombardy (Frattini et al., 2003) stop short of interpret-
For example, there is no integrated overview of RSF for ing the spatial distribution. A rare exception is available

Fig. 1. Spatial distribution and character of large RSFs in the mainland Scottish Highlands. Nearly all are within the main mountain areas
with steep relief from glacial dissection (shown generalised). For RSF size, see Fig. 8. RSF is less common in granite, Torridonian sandstone,
and Lewisian gneiss mountain areas. It is also sparse in some mountain areas of metasedimentary lithology. Numbers indicate sites named
in text.
D. Jarman / Engineering Geology 83 (2006) 161–182 163

for Iceland (Whalley et al., 1983), but this is not a (Hall, 1991). They are a fragment of the Caledonides
typical orogenic belt. which extend into Scandinavia, Greenland and NE
In response to the call for a multi-disciplinary ap- America, and which were all extensively glaciated in
proach, this paper offers a geomorphological perspec- the Quaternary (Gordon and Sutherland, 1993; Gillen,
tive. RSF has been largely overlooked as a major 2003; Trewin, 2002).
landshaping factor in the mountain ranges of Britain A database of RSFs N 0.02 km2 in the Scottish High-
because it falls between the interests of engineering lands was generated from 1:16,000 air photos by
geology and geomorphology. Holmes (1984), and with additional records from Brit-
The benefits to be sought from whole-range RSF ish Geological Survey and other sources, the spatial
mapping and interpretation include: distribution of 500 sites has been published in dot-map
form (Ballantyne, 1986). Field investigations have
! identifying the overall incidence of different types of identified many additional sites, some very large; a
RSF; few entries have proved erroneous, including several
! validating standard RSF typologies and refining large ones (Jarman, 2003a,c).
them to differentiate regional varieties; However, this volume focuses on dlarge slope
! relating RSF incidence and type to geological struc- instabilitiesT for which a minimum size of 1 km2
tures and lithologies, to available relief, and to geo- has been suggested (Dramis et al., 1995). There are
morphological zones; only 17 such sites in the Scottish mountains, exclud-
! identifying underlying causes and triggering factors ing the extensive plateau rim collapses where Devo-
which may have varied spatially and temporally; nian and Tertiary lavas overlie incompetent strata. A
! assessing the gross contribution of extant and earlier lower size limit of 0.25 km2 is adopted here, which
RSF to erosion and landscape development; includes almost all of the more problematic, often
! analysing RSF patterns as a possible proxy for shifts poorly demarcated dslope instabilitiesT or deforma-
of zones of tectonic strain or of icecap centres (and tions. The database currently comprises a population
hence climatic changes); of 140 significant sites. Of these, 102 have been
! comparing results between glaciated (and non-glaci- verified in the field, and only 8 rely on a single
ated) mountain ranges, particularly as a guide to uncorroborated source. The large-RSF database is
geohazard risk appraisal. therefore considered to be substantially accurate, and
to cover at least 90% of the total extant population in
Definition: rock slope failure (RSF) is an umbrella the mountain areas of the mainland Scottish High-
term applied to a significant bedrock mass potentially lands (Table 1; Fig. 1). Technical data is available for
exposed to downslope gravitational movement which 26 sites (Appendix A).
has lost its structural integrity as a result of slope
stresses exceeding its rock mass strength (including
its pre-existing discontinuities), regardless of degree Table 1
Characteristic types of large RSFs in the Scottish Highlands
of dislocation or distance travelled. A pragmatic
lower-end cut-off size is 0.01 km2. RSF size 0.25–0.49 km2 64
0.5–0.99 km2 59
1.0–1.99 km2 14
2. The Scottish Highlands large RSF database 2.0–3.0 km2 3
all larger RSFs 0.25–3.0 km2 140
The mainland Scottish Highlands provide a rela-
tively compact (300  150 km) but geomorphologically RSF predominant mode
rockslides (all degrees of arrestment/disintegration) 51
diverse laboratory for comparative RSF research. They of which cataclasmic 2
are entirely comprised of dold hard rocksT, predomi- sub-cataclasmic 14
nantly Precambrian–Cambrian metasediments, with arrested short-medium travel 35
Devonian granites emplaced during the Caledonian slope deformations 89
of which extensional (sag and creep) 66
orogeny of 400 Ma BP which created all these moun-
compressional (rebound) incl. Cluanie hybrids 23
tains, except for those in ancient Lewisian gneiss and
Torridonian sandstone in the far NW beyond the Moine Association with glacial breaches (including tributary troughs)
Thrust (Fig. 1). They are an enduring tectonic dhighT, main watersheds 52
last uplifted in the early Tertiary to initiate down-wear- secondary watersheds 53
ing to their present summit elevations of 700–1300 m no close association 35
164 D. Jarman / Engineering Geology 83 (2006) 161–182

3. RSF characterisation in the Scottish Highlands slides in various degrees of disintegration and shorter
or longer travel, to dsub-cataclasmicT failures which
3.1. RSF typologies have neared the slope foot but retain considerable
latent energy.
Holmes (1984) identified three broad types of RSF In characterising the population of larger Scottish
in the Scottish Highlands: RSFs (Fig. 1), the aim is to draw out some distinc-
tive patterns which may shed light on their origins,
! translational modes (plane and wedge sliding), while recognising that each site is at its own unique
! toppling and complex modes (the toppling/sliding point in the matrix. The five categories proposed
mode of Watters, 1972), (Table 1; Fig. 2) are variants of the five cited from
! large-scale slope deformation (with antiscarp Hutchinson (1988), and emphasise morphology rather
development). than process, given the lack of evidence and analysis
for deformation processes in particular. They avoid
However neither he nor others have attempted to the terms dsturzstromT and dsackungT which have
classify more than a small random sample of sites become over-extended. They are presented as over-
until Jarman (2003a,c) characterised two major con- lapping rather than mutually exclusive.
centrations. The toppling mode does not apply to
larger failures, at least in the sense of a toe-slide 3.2. Cataclasmic and sub-cataclasmic RSFs
triggering domino-toppling as was implausibly sug-
gested by de Freitas and Watters (1973) in respect At the extreme end of the spectrum, dcataclasmicT
of Glen Pean [13], and by Holmes and Jarvis RSFs have substantially evacuated source cavities,
(1985) at Beinn Fhada [4] (Jarman and Ballantyne, and most of the failed material has reached the
2002) (note—sites in square brackets are located on slope foot or beyond with minimal potential for re-
Fig. 1). activation. This term is preferred to dcatastrophicT
In the classification of Hutchinson (1988), the cate- since such usage should only apply where serious
gories which apply to the population of larger Scottish damage to life or property has occurred (Blikra,
Highland RSFs are personal communication; Jarman, 2002). It defines
location rather than failure mode, and is thus comple-
! rock debris flows (sturzstroms), mentary to drock avalancheT or ddebris flowT, where
! translational slides (planar slides, block slides, travel could be part way down the slope or well
wedge failures), beyond it.
! sagging (sackung), It is remarkable that only two large Scottish High-
! creep (deep-seated, mass creep, pre-failure creep, land cases are definable as dcataclasmicT: the classic
progressive creep), Beinn Alligin rock avalanche [3] (Gordon and
! rebound (movements associated with naturally erod- Sutherland, 1993; Ballantyne, 2003), although even
ed valleys). this may not truly qualify as a sturzstrom (Davies,
Hutchinson, pers.comms.); and the sui generis 2 km
Unfortunately, trying to assign the 140 RSFs to long debris pile in the floor of Strath Nethy [18]
these categories is frustrating, even with adaptations (Hall, 2003). About 10% are broadly dsub-cat-
for Scottish conditions. Each rechecking leads to aclasmicT, that is disintegrated translational slides
numerous reassignments and revisions of criteria, where the toe has reached the slope foot but with
and any attempt to be definitive is ultimately futile. debris backed well up above, including Mullach
Some sites have several distinct components, but Fraoch-choire [21] (Fig. 3; Holmes, 1984), Mam na
many blend the characteristics of several catego- Cloiche Airde [15] (Watters, 1972), and Ciste Dhubh
ries—as in the compound and complex types of [9] (Jarman, 2003c).
Dikau et al. (1996). In many ways, the simple divi-
sion of Evans and Clague (1994) is refreshing—either 3.3. Arrested slides versus slope deformations
a site has failed completely (rock avalanche) or it is a
deep-seated slope deformation. All incompletely evac- Over the whole size range, the prevalent mode of
uated large failures in the Highlands are at some RSF in the Scottish Highlands is the semi-intact or
point on a continuum from incipient with minimal coherent, short-travel arrested translational slide (Jar-
loss of integrity, through deformations and arrested man, 1999). Amongst larger RSFs, however, this mode
D. Jarman / Engineering Geology 83 (2006) 161–182 165

Fig. 2. Characteristic types of larger RSF identified in the Scottish Highlands. The plateau rim location is typical of less intensely dissected terrain.
In more acute relief, headscarps may daylight below or behind the crest, or split the ridge.

shrinks to about a quarter, e.g. Tullich Hill [20] (Jar- going slightly wider than the ddeep-seated gravitation-
man, 2003b) and An Sornach [2] (Fig. 4; Jarman, al slope deformationsT of Crosta (1996). They are less
2003d). Translational rockslides are typically described amenable to analysis than slides, but documented
as having disintegrated and travelled well down the examples include:
slope (e.g. Dikau, 2004), but in Scotland they tend to
have restabilised before gaining enough momentum to – Druim Shionnach (Fig. 5; Jarman, 2003c),
do this. – Beinn Fhada [3] (Watters, 1972; Holmes and Jarvis,
The majority of larger RSFs are better considered 1985; Jarman and Ballantyne, 2002),
as slope deformations, embracing the sagging, creep – the Fannich sackungen [12] (Holmes, 1984),
and rebound categories of Hutchinson (1988) and – A’Chaoirnich [1] (Jarman, 2004a).
166 D. Jarman / Engineering Geology 83 (2006) 161–182

Given that all these RSFs are now effectively

dfossilisedT, it is unclear whether slides are simply
deformations that had evolved further before consoli-
dating, or whether they reflect essentially different
causes or triggers.
Within the category of deformations, a distinction
may be made between extensional and compressional
types, while noting that all slopes combine both tensile
and compressive stresses:

! extensional deformations have distinct headscarps,

whereas compressional deformations have weak or
no headscarps;
! extensional deformations often have holes, fissures,
or grabens in the upper area, whereas compressional
are tight throughout;
! extensional antiscarps suggest relaxation in a des-
cending, forward-tilting mass, whereas compres-
sional antiscarps have up-thrusting dreverse-faultT
character, sometimes dissecting the slope in a
platy or lattice manner;
! extensional failed masses have irregular gravitational
sagging character, whereas compressional areas ap-
pear substantially coherent and often difficult to
distinguish from surrounding slopes, with any bulg-
ing rather smooth.

Fig. 3. Mullach Fraoch-choire, a sub-cataclasmic RSF in Precambrian Benvane is a typical extensional deformation with
Moine schists. The debris lobe has reached the floor of a side trough
(450 m ASL) but has not interfered with the stream course. It extends
a spreading ridge (Fig. 6). Beinn Fhada (Fig. 7) is
back up to the cavity mouth, with large levées. The cavity bites into predominantly compressional (Fenton, 1991), but dis-
the 830 m ridge. The sub-cataclasmic element of 0.20 km2 is within a plays a few local extensional features.
1.1 km2 extensional slope deformation. The factor most likely to control these differences
of expression is the extent to which a sliding surface
Carn na Con Dhu [8] is interpreted by Holmes (1984) has developed (or conversely, the strength with which
as a sag, but by Fenton (1991) as a dsliding slumpT, the base of the failed area is supported). With clear-
illustrating the problems inherent in categorisation. cut translational slides, such surfaces will readily be
The main characteristics differentiating slides from available from suitably orientated pre-existing joint
deformations are: sets and schistosity planes. With slide/deformation
hybrids, the failed mass is assumed to move on a
! slides have distinct source configurations with a crush zone (Mahr, 1977), or possibly a rather sticky
headscarp and one or two flank scarps, whereas dslide planeT can invent itself from a staircase of joint
deformations have diffuse margins merging into facets (cf. Watters, 1972; Holmes, 1984; Jarman,
the surrounding slopes on some or all sides; 2003d,e; Fig. 12 below). Both Watters (1972) and
! slides have debris lobes or pronounced toe bulges Holmes (1984) found that some larger RSFs lacked
with evident dislocation, whereas deformations lack identifiable surfaces conducive to sliding, and in
extensively disintegrated debris, and any bulges re- nearly all cases, self-weight gravitational sliding
tain coherence; could not have occurred. Some force(s) augmenting
! slides have few if any antiscarps (uphill-facing coun- gravity are therefore required to trigger sliding, but in
terscarps), and these are usually short and dislocated, the Scottish Highlands these are severely inhibited by
whereas deformations typically have antiscarps or factors arresting sliding, or preventing it evolving
tension furrows, which are longer and relatively from the creep stage in the first place. These factors
unbroken. may include inherent high rock-mass strength, widely
D. Jarman / Engineering Geology 83 (2006) 161–182 167

Fig. 4. An Sornach, an arrested translational slide RSF of darmchairT shape affecting 0.75 km2, unusually in a valley of preglacial origin. Darker
vegetation indicates slope disruption. Head and flank scarps (highlighted by snow patches) reach 40 m in height. The diagonal antiscarp 1–5 m
high may be of neotectonic origin. Below it there is progressive disintegration, while to the right slope deformation fades out with no clear
margin. Sub-vertical Moine schists strike parallel to the flank scarps, facilitating detachment. Incipient failure dislocates the 780 m crest, and the
toe is at 400 m ASL.

spaced joint sets tending to lock the slope up, lack of failed mass, merely an area within which deformation
extensive smooth planar discontinuities, or lack of features occur, and any slight downslope creep seems
deep fissures to allow lubricating water penetration a secondary consequence of the stress release adjust-
and chemical weathering. ments within the slope. Of course many such stress-
All the sagging model cross-sections of Hutchin- release events will have progressed to sagging or
son (1988) show a ddotted-lineT curved movement sliding, as evident at An Sornach (Fig. 4; Jarman,
surface or zone, but it is debatable whether this 2003d).
actually exists in every case. Some models of
quasi-in situ slope deformation simply show re- 3.4. Gravitational sagging versus rebound
verse-fault antiscarps fading out at depth (Patton
and Hendron, 1974; Radbruch-Hall et al., 1976; Mol- This extensional/compressional dichotomy equates
lard, 1977; Muir Wood, 1989). This may account for to gravitational versus rebound slope deformation
the essential difference in character between the modes. The gravitational mode has affinities with
dextensionalT and dcompressionalT variants. In the the dsackungenT of Zischinsky (1966) and dsaggingT
extensional variant, there is a failed mass, however of Hutchinson (1988); see Crosta (1996) for a full
weakly bounded and laterally restrained, with a ver- discussion. The dreboundT mode of Hutchinson
ifiable transition to intact bedrock. The failed mass (1988) invokes an initial upward force in the valley
has moved downslope, and even though the toe is in floor and lower part of the slope due to the isostatic
compression, its antiscarps and surface ruckles are differential, which re-equilibrates by rupturing the
deceleration products of an extensional event. In the slope. In the deglaciated Highlands, gravitational sag-
compressional variant, there is simply no definable ging reflects debuttressing or decompression, while
168 D. Jarman / Engineering Geology 83 (2006) 161–182

Fig. 5. Druim Shionnach RSF, a slope deformation of dCluanie hybridT type. The source is extensional, with a 25-m headscarp facing an exceptional
14 m antiscarp, with lesser antiscarps below (thin snow patches). However the failed mass shows no signs of disaggregation or downslope
movement, with a broad smooth bulge reaching 458, and a diffuse lateral margin on the left side. High-angle Moine schists strike parallel to the
trough-corrie side, facilitating constrained response to decompression in a side valley above a major breach of the main watershed. Failure affects
0.55 km2, encroaching onto an ~850 m shoulder and extending down to the slope foot springline at 500 m ASL.

rebound responds to glacio-isostatic differentials in incidence of inferred glacio-isostatic rebound RSF in

ice thickness and depth of erosion between valley the Scottish Highlands is relatively limited, but the
floor and summit ridge (Fenton, 1991; Stewart et 23 cases inventorised here include some of the larg-
al., 2000; Jarman and Ballantyne, 2002). These forces est RSFs in Britain, with Beinn Fhada at 3.0 km2
will of course interact and be augmented by other being significant in global comparisons [4] (Fig. 7;
slope stresses and factors triggering failure. They may Jarman and Ballantyne, 2002). They also display the
be exacerbated when the mountain is bulky (Gerber boldest antiscarps, up to 700 m in length and 5–10 m
and Scheidegger, 1969) leading to the dpagoda-ridgeT high (Appendix A); Druim Shionnach [11] is excep-
antiscarp effects of Beck (1968) (Fig. 12 below), tional with a 14 m antiscarp at its head, and typifies the
though not to his oft-cited ridge foundering, which dCluanie hybridT variant of deformation which has de-
is implausible in competent Highland lithologies at veloped a tensional source but only a smooth over-
least. steepened bulge (Fig. 5; Jarman, 2003c).
Debuttressing is essentially a gravitational effect This dlocalised glacial reboundT mode of RSF
leading to extensional types of deformation and to (Firth and Stewart, 2000) is not listed by Dikau et
slope-parallel ruptures at depth which are conducive al. (1996), while Crosta (1996) treats gravity tecton-
to creep or slip. By contrast, glacio-isostatic recovery ics as distinct from slope deformation, in Alpine
of overloaded/overdeepened valley floors is essential- contexts of continuing uplift. Indeed neotectonic
ly a counter-gravitational effect leading to compres- fault scarps (Dehls et al., 2000) and the isolated
sional types of deformation and slope-normal ruptures dfracturesT mapped by British Geological Survey
unconducive to creep or slip (eg. Fig. 12 below). The might be a limiting case of RSF. But where extensive
D. Jarman / Engineering Geology 83 (2006) 161–182 169

Fig. 6. Benvane RSF, an extensional slope deformation, the near side of which has progressed to a translational slide. A headscarp up to 7 m high
runs ~120 m behind the broad ridge crest, which has spread to the left creating a graben. The valley side displays slight bulging with a lattice of b3
m high antiscarps on three orientations, but with no clear lower or far-side boundaries. Dalradian schists dip into the slope. Failure affects 1.25 km2
and extends from 745 m down to 330 m ASL, below a mid-level breach of the Forth-Tay secondary watershed.

antiscarp arrays, often intersecting, occur across a tyne, 1986). The proportion NW of the Great Glen
slope then this may be seen as the earliest stage in remains identical at 40%. One dense group of mainly
a progression of failure modes from deep destructur- small RSFs disappears, around Loch Arkaig, and
ing through gravitational deformation to actual slid- another in Cowal-Ardgoil is much thinned. There
ing. The least developed case of deformation are two main and five lesser clusters of large RSFs,
admitted to the large RSF database is at Stob Coire each having a distinct topographical and geological
aV Chairn [17], where a triangle of intersecting frac- identity (Fig. 8):
tures and antiscarps surrounds a splitting summit
ridge. The inclusion of such sites also validates the Cluster 1. Affric-Kintail-Glen Shiel 29 sites
use of the umbrella term dRock Slope FailureT rather Cluster 2. Knoydart 8 sites
Cluster 3. Glen Roy-Loch Lochy 7 sites
than dmass movementT or similar, as this is able to Cluster 4. Glencoe-Mamores-Grey Corries 13 sites
include quasi-in situ manifestations. Cluster 5. Arrochar Alps-Cowal-Luss Hills 20 sites
Cluster 6. Loch Ericht-Gaick 7 sites
4. The uneven spatial distribution of large Cluster 7. Trossachs-Lochearnhead 9 sites
RSFs—previous explanations
TOTAL—seven clusters with 5 sites or more 93 sites

4.1. Clustered and scattered RSF

The remaining 47 sites are widely but not random-
Large-scale RSF is widely but irregularly distrib- ly scattered, with many small groups. There is no
uted across the Highlands of Scotland (Fig. 1). The discernible regional pattern in RSF size or mode
pattern essentially mimics that for all RSF (Ballan- (Figs. 1 and 8), although almost all the high-antiscarp
170 D. Jarman / Engineering Geology 83 (2006) 161–182

Fig. 7. Beinn Fhada RSF, a predominantly compressional slope deformation, seen from the west across Gleann Lichd (floor 50 m ASL). Unbroken
antiscarps reach 700 m long on the 30–358 glacial trough side. Deformation extends for 3 km along the valley and onto the preglacial upland
surface, reaching the South Top (1000 m) in the background, and affecting 3.0 km2. Precambrian Moine schists dip into the slope.

(5 m+) cases are NW of the Great Glen (Jarman, Lomond Stadial was more of a valley-full glaciation
2003e). than an icecap, it is not surprising that most RSFs are
found on the steep valley sides which its upper limits
4.2. Deglaciation meltwater explanation follow.

In the only detailed attempt to explain the spatial 4.3. Lithological and structural explanations
distribution of all RSFs, Holmes (1984) suggested a
correlation with the upper limits of the Loch Lomond As Ballantyne (1986) shows, almost all Scottish
Stadial (Younger Dryas) glaciers, proposing that ele- Highland RSFs occur in metamorphic lithologies.
vated cleft-water pressures were generated at deglaci- This is unsurprising since these underlie the greatest
ation. Ballantyne (1997) reproduces his table showing part of the mountain ranges (Fig. 1). But large RSFs
80% of a sample of 137 RSFs occurring within 600 m also occur in Precambrian Torridonian sandstone (e.g.
of these limits. However, for both methodological and Beinn Alligin—Ballantyne, 2003), and in granite (e.g.
geotechnical reasons, this explanation must be dis- Strath Nethy [18]—Hall, 2003). Certainly RSF is
missed as insufficient and essentially self-correlating scarce in the main granite massifs (Fig. 1), reflecting
(Jarman, 2003a). In short, while water is undoubtedly their high rock mass strength and lack of tectonisation,
a key factor augmenting gravity in triggering sliding but where stresses are high, rebound fracturing (e.g. on
failure, there is no reason to associate it exclusively the Cluanie granite boss near Carn Ghluasaid [7]) and
with deglaciating valley sides, nor why it should have sheet delayering (e.g. Etive in Cruachan-Blackmount)
been more abundant then than in periods of heavy can occur.
rain or rapid snowmelt now. The few RSFs to have Within the metasediments, RSF occurs freely across
been dated show a significant time delay from degla- the weakest phyllites and the most indurated high-
ciation (e.g. Ballantyne, 2003). Given that the Loch grade schists, and across both pelites and psammites
D. Jarman / Engineering Geology 83 (2006) 161–182 171

Fig. 8. Spatial distribution and size of large RSFs in the mainland Scottish Highlands. RSF is clustered on main watersheds which have been
breached and displaced during the Pleistocene. It is scarce in ranges away from the watersheds, in the far north where ice cover was thinner, and in
the Eastern Grampians where glacial dissection is less intense.

(arenites). It also occurs equally freely where the dip both where the dip is low-angle, as in the Arrochar
of the schistosity surface is favourably inclined at 20– Alps, and where it is near-vertical, as in the Glen
408 out of slope, and where it is in-dipping; it occurs Shiel-Affric area. It occurs both in regular planar
172 D. Jarman / Engineering Geology 83 (2006) 161–182

schists and in strongly folded and contorted schists. reactivation in the mountain area, at Kinloch Hourn,
The Mamores (Cluster 4) are in a zone of interlayered has been discredited (Firth and Stewart, 2000). Given
quartzites and schists, and RSF is found across both. the density of major faults in the Highlands, most RSF
The geomechanical analyses of Watters (1972) and locations are within a few kilometres of one, and
Holmes (1984) find failure occurring in the most and conversely many RSFs are at maximum distances
least favourable structural contexts, on the schistosity from one (Fig. 1). The self-correlation between steep-
surface or joint sets if conducive, but across them if sided fault-controlled valleys and RSF will also be
not (Appendix A). apparent.
It is possible that some RSFs have been prepared
4.4. Seismotectonic explanation or triggered by seismic shaking, for example the Glen
Ample group of platy quasi-in situ deformations
RSF clusters have been taken as indicators of high- along the Loch Tay Fault in Cluster 7. Direct evi-
magnitude (5–7 M) paleoseismic events (Ballantyne, dence is lacking, and in a passive-margin context
1997). This was first proposed for the special case of (Muir Wood, 1989), a scatter of moderate seismic
catastrophic ice-dammed lake drainage at Glen Roy events may have triggered some failures on slopes
(Cluster 3, Fig. 8) by Sissons and Cornish (1982), already close to critical limits. However the main
although since these RSFs variously cut and are cut clusters identified are diverse in geomorphic character,
by different Parallel Roads they cannot be the result of and are unlikely to be directly attributable to a few
a single event. Fenton (1991, 1992) applied the mag- high-magnitude events (Jarman and Stewart, 2004).
nitude-incidence model of Keefer (1984) to RSFs in
the NW Highlands, arguing that they were triggered by 4.5. RSF clustering and sparsity in similar terrain
basement faults reactivated during recovery from de-
glaciation. To adduce seismic magnitudes from an Large-scale RSF can only occur where there is
inherited and undated RSF distribution is obviously a sufficient available relief for deep-seated stresses to
fallacy of reverse induction (Jarman, 2003c), and Kee- be generated. However, RSF is not prevalent in all the
fer (personal communication) agrees that caution mountainous terrain where steep slopes abound. Leav-
should be applied in attributing past RSF to seismic ing aside the granite massifs, large-scale RSF is
triggers. The principal claimed case of neotectonic fault sparse in many metasedimentary ranges such as Ben

Fig. 9. (A) The inferred association of RSF with breach cutting and enlargement over repeated glacial/paraglacial cycles. (B) Typical locations for
RSF responding to exceptional deglaciation stresses directly and indirectly associated with glacial breaching.
D. Jarman / Engineering Geology 83 (2006) 161–182 173

Alder and Ardgour (Fig. 1). Reference to the Indeed, available relief is not a strong precondi-
1:250,000 topographical and geological maps reveals tion. Although a few cases in Kintail occur on the
no obvious differences of available relief, steep-sided highest slopes in Britain, notably Sgurr na Ciste
trough incidence, structure, or lithology between these Duibhe at 50–1027 m ASL [16] (Jarman, 2003c),
areas of sparsity and the areas of clustering. most large RSFs are on lesser mountains or in

Fig. 10. The SW Highlands, an area of intense RSF activity, including Clusters 5 and 7 (all RSF sizes shown). RSF is scarce or absent in main
preglacial valleys and some breaches of the main watershed, despite their slopes and geology being susceptible to it. Its paucity along the deep
breach trench of Loch Lomond is surprising. Note mini-clusters top centre and top right, where locally intense breaching occurs across main and
secondary watersheds (adapted and revised from Jarman, 2003a).
174 D. Jarman / Engineering Geology 83 (2006) 161–182

upper valleys, with effective relief only in the order mum (LGM—peak ca. 20 000 ka BP), whether or not
of 400–700 m. Even the cataclasmic/sub-cataclasmic sites fall within the limits of the brief Loch Lomond
cases have mainly below 600 m effective relief. Stadial (Younger Dryas—ca. 11 000 ka BP) valley
Some further explanation must therefore be sought glaciation, which mainly affected the core western
to account for the perplexing spatial distribution of mountain areas. Since the LGM icecap covered all
RSF. the mountain area save for some nunataks in the NW
(Ballantyne et al., 1998), the routine effects of glacial
5. Association of paraglacial RSF with watershed loading and unloading on typical valley slopes are
breaches insufficient to account for the present spatial inci-
dence of RSF.
5.1. Concentrated glacial erosion and stress release In seeking factors which might generate excep-
tional rock mass stresses after the last main degla-
All these larger RSFs occur on glacially modified ciation, one possibility is where glacial erosion has
slopes, except for two in the east at Glen Tilt [14] and been unusually concentrated in recent glacial cycles.
Craig Maskeldie [10], which are undercut by fluvial This would augment the endemic glacio-isostatic
canyons of adjustment into glacial troughs; a few rebound stresses with localised rock-removal effects,
reach down to or below sea level but are not regarded as observed in quarry-bursting (Hoek and Bray,
as coastal RSFs. This is therefore a population of 1981). It would also daylight additional slide planes
paraglacial events generated by stress release as or creep zones near the slope foot. Concentrated
slopes re-equilibrate after deglaciation (Ballantyne, glacial erosion might result from shifts in ice cen-
2002). These stresses are presumably attributable pri- tres or dispersal routes, especially if these involve
marily to the main icecap of the Last Glacial Maxi- transfluence across preglacial watersheds (Fig. 9A).

Fig. 11. Locational context of Beinn Fhada RSF, the largest in the Highlands (3.0 km2), at a major breach of the preglacial watershed, ~4 km west of
the current divide. The compressional deformation is on the flank of a glacial trough-head 800 m+ deep. Antiscarps continue across 3 out of 4
anomalously dry gullies. All RSFs shown true to scale (adapted from Jarman, 2003e).
D. Jarman / Engineering Geology 83 (2006) 161–182 175

All but one of the clusters and many smaller activity), and are now dstress-hardenedT. The more
groups of RSFs are close to the main watersheds recently cut breaches and troughs will have experi-
(Figs. 8 and 10). Glacial breaching of these water- enced the most severe re-equilibration stresses after
sheds has been very extensive (Linton, 1949), and deglaciation. For example, the very large Beinn Fhada
some breaches appear relatively immature, for ex- RSF [4] (Fig. 7) is located just west of a breached
ample Strath Nethy (Hall, 2003) and Glen Shiel watershed, at the inferred locus of the preglacial
(Jarman, 2003c). divide (Godard, 1965), and at a point where the
dpagoda effectT of Beck (1968) is maximised above
5.2. Fresh and stress-hardened slopes a deep trough (Jarman, 2003e; Figs. 11 and 12).
Indeed all but one of the main RSF clusters are at
Detailed studies in the two largest clusters (Jarman, points where the reconstructed preglacial watershed
2003a,c) show that RSF is sparse or absent in main has been displaced by 5–20 km as a result of breach-
valleys of preglacial origin, and in the more mature ing (Linton and Moisley, 1960; Godard, 1965; Fig. 8).
breaches. It is concentrated in or below dfresherT They are also in mountain nexuses where domes with-
breaches of main or secondary watersheds, and in in the ice cap would be likely to have oscillated in
side troughs which are adjusting to new local base relation to the watershed, thus amplifying the breach-
levels set by these and earlier breaches (Figs. 9b and ing process. The exception is Cluster 7 which is
10). The preglacial river valleys will have adjusted to however in an area of increasing dissection as N–S
their function of efficient ice discharge during earlier transfluence breaches and displaces E–W secondary
glacial cycles (aided no doubt by extensive RSF divides (Jarman, 2003a). Conversely, many of the

Fig. 12. Beinn Fhada slope deformation in cross-section through main antiscarps: note absence of true headscarp, and continuous antiscarp array to
summit in nested section (A). Antiscarps are sub-parallel to main joint set, other discontinuities are not conducive to translational sliding. Any
failure boundary at depth is more likely to be an irregular fracture zone. Rebound is suggested in a primarily compressive context, with deep
fractures feeding slope-foot springs. This is a rare example of dpagoda ridgeT with the Plaide Mhor being the largest surviving preglacial surface
remnant in the W Highlands (adapted from Jarman, 2003e).
176 D. Jarman / Engineering Geology 83 (2006) 161–182

mountain groups lacking in RSF are well away from of larger RSFs associated with them. Within Cluster
the main watersheds, and will thus have undergone 6, at the transition between dissected ranges and
repeated unidirectional glacial grooming, rather than plateaux, RSF is completely absent from preglacial
fluctuating erosive pressures. This could account for valleys and plateau rims, and from the weak corries.
the lower RSF frequency on some granite massifs (e.g. Its concentration in the major transectional breaches
Cruachan) and on the peripheral Lewisian and Torri- offers an interesting pointer to where that process
donian lithologies (Fig. 1). may still be most active (Fig. 13; Hall and Jarman,
In the northernmost ranges, RSF sparsity may 2004).
reflect thinning out of the ice cap (Godard, 1965;
Ballantyne et al., 1998) and lower precipitation; al- 5.3. Nature of the breaching–RSF association
though breaching is still evident, more recent cases
appear rather localised, e.g. around Ben Hee [6]. In This glacial breaching–paraglacial RSF interaction
the eastern Grampians (Fig. 1), the situation was has not previously been identified, and is no more
more continental, with extensive high plateaux sup- than a partial association (Fig. 14). About 75% of
porting thinner cold-based icecaps, and troughs de- larger RSFs are within ~ 2 km of a breach (Table 1);
veloping slowly by selective linear erosion. Here, half of these are breaches of secondary watersheds,
breaches are widely spaced, but many appear rela- which are equally significant as indicators of the
tively recent or even incipient, and have small groups progressive dissection and isolation of mountain

Fig. 13. The Central Grampian Highlands, including Cluster 6 (all RSFs shown true to scale). RSF only occurs in or down-valley from breaches,
and is entirely absent from other valley sides and plateau rims. RSF concentrations in the Loch Ericht and Gaick Pass breaches may point to their
recent origin or enlargement; RSF absence from Drumochter Pass (main road/rail corridor) may indicate its earlier development (adapted and
revised from Hall and Jarman, 2004).
D. Jarman / Engineering Geology 83 (2006) 161–182 177

Fig. 14. The nature of the association between paraglacial RSF and glacial breaching, suggesting why many breaches may lack RSF, and
acknowledging that not all RSFs can be attributed to breaching.

masses. Conversely, many breaches lack RSF, but 6. Geohazard implications and European
this may indicate that they developed earlier in the comparators
Quaternary and have themselves become stress-hard-
ened. Indeed logically RSF would have been most There have been no truly dcatastrophicT RSF events
active during early cycles, as fluvial valleys adapted in recorded history in the mountain areas of Scotland:
to ice discharge, and also after the most powerful Ballantyne (1986) lists some minor incidents. Fresh
mid-Quaternary glaciations (notably the Anglian/ signs of incipient failure such as torn turf and roots
Elsterian ca. 500 ka BP). The extant spatial distribu- are not uncommon but rarely progress; after slope-foot
tion of RSF may thus be merely a pointer to its spring outbursts in 1989 which triggered a large slump
earlier impact, as well as a valuable indicator of the in superficial deposits (Jarman and Ballantyne, 2002)
most recent shifts and ramifications of glacial dissec- the lower antiscarps of Beinn Fhada showed no more
tion of the mountain area. than decimetric fissuring (MacKenna, personal commu-
So far, this breaching association is only a broad nication). Some RSFs may be of concern to the grow-
geomorphological interpretation of RSF spatial inci- ing array of renewable energy installations, but the
dence. To test it, a geotechnical model of all the prevalence of deformations and arrested slides over
stresses acting on mountainous relief through the gla- the postglacial period suggests that new or reactivated
cial/deglacial cycle requires to be developed. This mass movements are more likely to be of nuisance
needs to be at the scale of the individual ridge and value.
trough, building on work such as the whole-range In the cognate ranges of Scandinavia, RSF clustering
conceptual model of Muir Wood (1989) as refined is also evident, notably in the gneiss of Sunnmøre
by Firth and Stewart (2000), and on mountain rock (Blikra and Anda, 1997), with catastrophic conse-
mass analyses (e.g. Gerber and Scheidegger, 1969). If quences in the fiord communities (Bjerrum and Jørstad,
the generic stresses applying to every deglaciated 1968), and extensively in the schists of northern Troms
slope are extracted, the key additional stress in con- (Kverndal and Sollid, 1993). Here, despite the schists
texts of recent breach incision and enlargement being flat-lying and less tectonised than in Scotland,
appears to be isostatic rebound from bulk erosion of greater available relief has promoted numerous cata-
the trough and lower slopes, augmented by enhanced clasmic failures, as well as incipient deformations;
differential glacio-isostatic recovery between valley glacial breaching is in its earlier stages of dissection
and ridge/plateau. Daylighting of failure planes at (Jarman, 2002).
the excavated slope foot is not sufficient explanation, In the Alps, creep and sagging modes of RSF are
witness the numerous postglacial fluvial gorges that strongly associated with the metamorphics, while
have not induced RSF. slides and collapses are prevalent on limestone and
178 D. Jarman / Engineering Geology 83 (2006) 161–182

weaker sediments (Eisbacher and Clague, 1984; Wil- account for the specific incidence of RSF. There is
son et al., 2003). Clusters of large deformations in a marked clustering of RSF along the main water-
the schists of the central Italian Alps (Forcella et al., sheds (present and especially preglacial). Many cases
1982; Crosta and Zanchi, 2000) are also in areas of are associated directly or indirectly with glacial
glacial breaching and of the most intense ice dispers- breaches of these watersheds, often of apparently
al by glacial streaming (Haeberli and Penz, 1985). recent origin or enlargement. Major inputs of trans-
While catastrophic failures are common in the Alps, fluent ice through these breaches may have locally
the occurrence of arrested slides and deformations intensified glacial erosion and ice loadings. These in
both here and in Scandinavia suggests that available turn may have generated exceptional rebound stres-
relief is not the determining factor in style or fre- ses on deglaciation, sufficient to overcome the gen-
quency of RSF, although clearly it influences its scale eral stability of stress-hardened valley slopes and to
and propagation. induce large-scale deformation and sliding. Testing
of this proposition will involve geotechnical investi-
7. Conclusions gations, slope stress modelling, glaciological inputs,
and comparative geomorphological studies in other
For a small and relatively low mountain range, the ranges.
Scottish Highlands has a sizeable population of at least Although paraglacial RSF has been a significant
140 large RSFs N 0.25 km2. Their prevalent character is (if under-recognised) contributor to gross erosion and
of slope deformations, but with considerable overlap mountain shaping over the Quaternary as a whole, in
into short-travel translational slides. Cataclasmic and the Scottish Highlands it appears to be essentially
sub-cataclasmic behaviour is much less common. This exhausted. By contrast with the Alps and Scandinavia,
tendency may reflect weak triggers (including seismic it has little geohazard significance under current condi-
shaking) and strong arresting factors (including high tions. It is unclear what changes might reactivate the
rock mass strength). European comparisons indicate numerous RSFs which have undergone only limited
that low available relief is not the main reason for progression, and occupy metastable positions on valley
most RSFs not progressing far. A distinctive category sides.
of virtually in situ compressional deformations is noted,
with marked antiscarp arrays but minimal downslope Acknowledgements
movement. This suggests that the contribution of iso-
static rebound to RSF may be significant, and merits Giovanni Crosta encouraged me to persevere. John
further research. Hutchinson kindly looked over a draft and did not
The partly-clustered, partly-scattered spatial distri- discourage submission. Andrea Zanchi and another
bution of large RSFs cannot adequately be explained referee made numerous valuable suggestions for
by hydrological, lithological, structural, seismotec- improvements both small and large, although the result
tonic, or physiographic variables, although RSF is still falls well short of their expectations. Susan Graham
scarce on granite. Recent thinking attributes RSF to Design worked wonders with the figures, as ever. This
stress release as valley walls are debuttressed on deg- research owes much to the database created by Graham
laciation, but this is a generic effect that does not Holmes.
D. Jarman / Engineering Geology 83 (2006) 161–182 179

Appendix A. Large RSFs in the Scottish Highlands for which data is available

(Sites are listed from the north, with the Great Glen separating the NW Highlands from the Grampians)
RSF Ref Mode Area, Vol, Depth, H/S, A/S, Slide Comments
km2 M m3 m m m plane
Loch Vaich, 2 ext 0.5 N50 ? 2 J low Short-travel
Ross-shire def angle (50 m) slip,
toppling on
60 8F.
Sgurr Bhreac, 2,3 ext 0.82 36 ? ? 30 sm ? Sackung with
Fannich def lattice of
Beinn Alligin, 1,2 cata 0.52 3.5 200 60 – 428 Acute faulted
Torridon 20 #1 wedge in
Glenuaig, 2 ext 0.7 ? b5 b2 F 158+ Short-travel
Strathcarron def sliding slump
Sgurr na 2,6 sub-cata 0.35 150 2 F 30–408 Long-travel
Conbhaire, (150 m) slump
Monar onto lower slope.
Sgurr na 2 ext def 0.9 100 ? 2 yes F Short-travel block
Feartaig, slide.
An Socach, 2 comp def 1.0 – 20 ? nil sm – 500 m long linear
Monar A/SS diffuse
Carn na 2,3 slide 1.46 61 ? 120 ? 12 2 not on Short-travel slide/
Con Dhu, 35 ? F/J slump, A/SS
Mullardoch b200 m long on
strike of J1 + J2.
An Sornach 2,3,4 ext def 0.75 13 ? 30 ? 42 3 not F/J Slip with A/S
Affric latticeN bulge
N collapse. rebound
5 m A/S.
Mullach 3 sub-cata 0.2 0.73 20 10 – J2,3 298 Slide tongue
Fraoch-choire, within 1.1 km2
Affric slope deformation.
Sgurr na Lapaich, 2,3 comp 0.3 7? 100 ? 10 – – Ridge crest failure,
Affric def poss. seismic/
rebound faulting.
Beinn Fhada, 2,3,4,6 comp 3.0 112 100 ? none 10 – ~8 sub-horiz
Kintail def #2 A/SS b700 m
long, main are
5–8 m high.
Sgurr na Ciste 5 ext 1.25 5–10 80 15 5 (11) not F/J Summit lowered
Duibhe, def #3 ~10 m N long-travel
Glenshiel slide in
Sgurr aV 2 comp 0.7 100 ? 6 – Bulging slide,
Bhealaich def rebound A/SS
Dheirg, b200 m long.
Ciste Dhubh, 5 sub-cata 0.46 7 80 30 2 ? Corrie floor source,
Affric toe reaches river
in breach glen.

(continued on next page)

180 D. Jarman / Engineering Geology 83 (2006) 161–182

Appendix A (continued)
RSF Ref Mode Area, Vol, Depth, H/S, A/S, Slide Comments
km2 M m3 m m m plane
Druim Shionnach, 5 comp 0.55 – 150 ? 25 (14) 3 – Top A/S is outer
Cluanie def half of graben
N Cluanie bulge.
Meall Buidhe, 6 ext def 0.5 40 ? 30 7? J1,2 Broad slump
Knoydart b448 zone.
Mam na Cloiche 6 sub-cata 0.26 40 20 – 358 Semi-intact masses
Airde, Knoydart N slope debris N 58
flow slide.
Glen Pean, 6 comp 2.5 – 60 ? J1 28–488 A/S array on strike
Knoydart def of F/J2, cataclasmic
slide to W.
Streap, 6 slide 0.25 25 75 (10) J1 368 Long-travel arrested
Glenfinnan sub-cat, summit
has lost top ~15 m,
seismic trigger?
Beinn an 6 ext 0.34 15 ? b5 b2 F 20–308 Thin undeveloped
Lochain W, def slide, upper tier
Arrochar beside.
The Cobbler SW, 4 slide 0.62 8–10 30 28 (10) 6 not F Four-panel
Arrochar short-travel
disintegrated slip.
Hell’s Glen, 3,6 ext 0.52 1.75 (+) 60 15 (15) 5 J2 40–508 Topple block
Cowal def slips and
collapses in
broad slump.
Mullach Coire aV 3 slide 0.57 9.6 ? 20 50 (12) 2 F + J2 Part-collapsed
Chuir, Cowal sliding topple on
stepped surface.
Meallan Sidhein, 6 slide 0.75 70 40 F 25–328 Slip in phyllite,
Loch Striven effective F dip
208, equals RFA.
Tullich Hill 4 slide 1.25 40 8 not F Short-travel
W+E multi-phase
slump complex.
Ref: sources are (1) Ballantyne, 2003; (2) Fenton, 1991; (3) Holmes, 1984; (4) Jarman, 2003b,d,e, 2004b; (5) Jarman, 2003c; (6) Watters, 1972.
Mode: cata = cataclasmic; sub-cata = sub-cataclasmic; ext def = extensional deformation (sag, creep); comp def = compressional deformation (re-
Area: RSF size is here taken as the gross area including source cavity, since most cases are incompletely evacuated. British Geological Survey
mapping of RSF is variable and incomplete, but recent sheets only map as dlandslipsT disturbed ground, thus excluding both source areas and semi-
intact slope deformations. The gross area best indicates the geomorphic impact of RSF, but clearly requires adjustment when volumetric calculations
are made.
Volume and maximum depth should be seen as broad estimates, and are marked b?Q where the depth cannot readily be assessed.
#1 depth figures are for cavity (ref. 2) and debris tongue (ref. 1).
#2 volume (ref. 3) assumes there is a failed mass with a boundary at ~ 100 m, no volume can be calculated if the failure partly dissipates at depth.
#3 volume and depth are for main cavity within larger deformation.
H/S = headscarp (rear scarp, source scarp) maximum height.
A/S = antiscarp (obsequent scarp, counterscarp, uphill-facing scarp) maximum height—figures in brackets are graben trenches or uphill faces of
large slipped masses.
Slide plane: F = foliation or schistosity surface, J = joint sets (in order of significance), RFA= residual friction angle.
Note the disproportionate number of large RSFs studied:
(a) NW of the Great Glen, where F is rarely as conducive to sliding as in the S Highlands.
(b) which are either (sub)cataclasmic or slope deformations, rather than conventional arrested slides.
D. Jarman / Engineering Geology 83 (2006) 161–182 181

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