Asc May
Asc May
Asc May
Publisher / Editor
Mike Strong
Table of Contents
LA FAMILY FESTIVAL ............... 4
Sales Manager
Dottie Godberry
Staff Photographer SWEET EYES W/ TANYA...........12
Contributing Writers
Bill Delaune
Linda Melancon
Calvin Bessonett
Bully SNO’S RECIPE........................... 45
Goosie Guice
Orhan McMillan
Kellie Seymour
Tanya Stilley
Jimmy Dunkley
For Advertising
Information Please call:
E-Mail Comments
to [email protected]
Baton Rouge 225-343-4806
Hammond Gonzales
985-429-9549 225-673-6536
Vicksburg, MS Vidalia
601-636-4840 318-442-2200
Race Results
First place owners: Charlotte Borne • Deanna Miles
Lynette Mire • Lynne Pennison
Second place owners: Avis Bozeman • Deanna Miles
Lynne Pennison • Debbie Dooley
Third place owners: Charlotte and A.P. Borne
Nag Owners: Terri Hooper and Norman Miller, Jr.
Kenny Melancon
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We appreciate DEMCO’s
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Gonzales Garden Club Hosts Plant Sale
L to R: Conchita Richey, Mabel Savoy, Lorraine Gautreau, Mary Jo The GGC is proud to welcome three new mem- The 2018 Gonzales Garden Club Flower Show winners
Pohlig, Gwen Heck, Jamis D’Benedetto and Barbara McCormick bers. L to R: Dale Bowman, Pam Fiegel and are third place Janis D’Benedetto, second place Mary Jo
received certificates for perfect attendance. Sandy Stewart.. Pohlig and first place Patti Mouton.
Attendees at the May GGC meeting were L to R front): Dana Teepell, Mary Jo Pohlig (squatting), Janis Poche,
Twenty-year GGC Member Ellen Richmond Posey (center) receives a pink
Cynthia Cagnolatti, Weezie Cashat, Myra Mire, Loretta Ramirez, Loretta Speligene, Mabel Savoy, Lorraine
rose presented by Chairman Priscilla Monson (left) and Co-Chairman
Gautreau, Patti Mouton, and back row: Marilyn Rice, Gail Lonibos, Conchita Richey, Ellen Posey, Gwen Heck,
Marilyn Rice (right) as a symbol of the club’s recognition of her nomination
Janis D’Benedetto, Priscilla Monson, Jamie Trisler, Sandy Stewart, Cathy Venable, Rita Bourque, Barbara
into the LGCF Circle of Roses.
McCormick, Pam Fiegel and Dale Bowman.
N. O. Spring Garden Show
Members of the Gonzales Garden Club attended
the Spring Garden Show at the New Orleans
Botanical Garden in City Park on Sunday, April 8.
The group browsed a wide selection of plants,
garden products, art, and specialty items. Each
member filled out a botanical passport as she
made her way through the various horticultural
stations to receive a free super plant at the end of
the visit. This annual event was sponsored by
the LSU AgCenter.
Gonzales Garden Club Members breaking for lunch at the New Orleans
Spring Garden Show are (seated from left) Mary Jo Pohlig, Cynthia
Cagnolatti, Dale Bowman, Patti Mouton, Weezie Cashat, and Barbara Mc-
Cormick, with Conchita Richey standing.
Commercial Residential
The Commercial Landscape of the Month is Ascension Credit Union on S. Burnside near Hwy 30.
The newly landscaped entrance boasts the colors of nandina, miniature knockout roses and
miniature day lilies with small ornamental trees. Pictured in the center of the photo are the The Gonzales Garden Club chose Yards of the Month for May. The residential winner is Mrs. Shirley
business administrators: (L to R) Marketing/Business Development Officer Rebecca Law, Warner on East Great Haven Avenue off S. Burnside Avenue. Azalea shrubbery in her beds are
Administrator/Project Manager Sharlene Begnaud, Chief Operating Officer Susan Curtis and generously bordered by red, pink and white begonias and white petunias. Her accent crape myrtle
CEO/President Lloyd Cockerham. is also circled by the flowering annuals, and the thick lawn is uniformly green and perfectly edged.
Also, thinking of others shifts the
focus from your problems to
others and how you might be a
blessing to them. Ask God to use
you to be a blessing to someone
each and every day. It doesn’t
have to be anything big - a smile,
a kind text or compliment. Those
things bless the receiver, but it
blesses the giver even more.
Declaring Good
Things over
Yourself and Your
Circumstances –
It’s one thing to think a good
thought, but it’s altogether differ-
ent to actually say them to yourself
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but I promise you as you make this
a habit of your life, it will get
easier, and not only that, you’ll
feel your heart and spirit start to
lift, reprogram and most
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speaking or moving the likely cause, your dentist may factors.
Oral Cancer - A change in the way the teeth fit
jaw or tongue. treat it and ask you to return
for re-examination.
• There has been a nearly five-fold increase in inci-
dence in oral cancer patients
The Importance of together under age 40, many with no known risk factors.
• Oral Cancer most often occurs in Dentists often will notice a spot or • The incidence of oral cancer in women has in-
Early Detection those who use tobacco in any sore that looks harmless and does
creased significantly, largely due to
form. not have a clear cause. To ensure
• Alcohol use combined with that a spot or sore is not dangerous, an increase in women smoking. In 1950 the male
By Calvin Bessonet, DDS,FAGD
smoking greatly increases risk. your dentist may choose to perform to female ratio was 6:1; by 2002, it was 2:1.
Ascension Premier Dental
• Prolonged exposure to the sun a simple test, such as a brush test. A
Your dentist has recent good news increases the risk of lip cancer. brush test collects cells from a Prevention and Detection
about progress against cancer. It is • Oral cancers can occur in people suspicious lesion in the mouth.
now easier than ever to detect oral who do not smoke and have no The cells are sent to a laboratory for • The best way to prevent oral cancer is to avoid
cancer early, when the opportunity other known risk factors. analysis. If precancerous cells tobacco and alcohol use.
for a cure is great. Only half of all • Oral Cancer is more likely to are found, the lesion can be • Regular dental check-ups, including an examina-
patients diagnosed with oral cancer strike after age 40. surgically removed if necessary tion of the entire mouth, are
survive more than five years. • Studies suggest that a diet high in during a separate procedure. It’s im- essential in the early detection of cancerous and
Your dentist has the skills and tools fruits and vegetables may prevent portant to know that all atypical and
pre-cancerous conditions.
to ensure that early signs of cancer the hdevelopment of potentially positive results from a brush test
cancerous lesions. must be confirmed by incisional • Many types of abnormal cells can develop in the
and pre- cancerous conditions are oral cavity in the form of red or
identified. You and your dentist can biopsy and histology.
Regular Dental Check-ups white spots. Some are harmless and benign, some
fight and win the battle against oral
cancer. Know the early signs and see Important Facts About Oral Cancer are cancerous and others are pre-cancerous, mean-
your dentist regularly. ing they can develop into cancer if not detected
Oral cancer screening is a routine Incidence and Mortality early and removed. (American Cancer Society)
You Should Know part of a dental examination. Regu- • Finding and removing epithelial dysplasias before
lar check-ups, including an examina- • Oral cancer strikes an estimated 34,360 Ameri- they become cancer can be one of the most effec-
• Oral Cancer often starts as a tiny, tion of the entire mouth, are cans each year. An estimated 7,550 people (5,180 tive methods for reducing the incidence of cancer.
unnoticed white or red spot or sore essential in the early detection of men and 2,370 women) will die of these cancers in • Knowing the risk factors and seeing your dentist
anywhere in the mouth. cancerous and pre-cancerous condi- 2007. for oral cancer screenings can help prevent this
• It can affect any area of the oral tions. You may have a very small, but • More than 25% of the 30,000 Americans who get deadly disease. Routine use of the Pap smear since
cavity including the lips, gum tissue, dangerous, oral spot or sore and not
oral cancer will die of the disease. 1955, for example, dramatically reduced the inci-
check lining, tongue and the hard or be aware of it.
• On average, only half of those diagnosed with dence and mortality rates for cervical cancer in the
soft palate. the disease will survive more than five years. United States.
- A sore that bleeds easily or does
• Other signs include: Your dentist will carefully examine
the inside of your mouth and tongue • African-Americans are especially vulnerable; the • Oral cancer is often preceded by the presence of
• IV Sedation
• Invisalign Certified
• Laser-Assisted Decay Detection
• Porcelain Veneers
• Implants
• Wisdom Teeth
Calvin G. Bessonet, DDS, FAGD
13053 Hwy 73, Ste A Geismar, La 70734 • Call: 225.217.2688 • www.
have unintended consequences. Just To get more information about elder
one action in regard to a single matter law or to find an attorney who can
can affect eligibility to other programs help you, check out a few of our most
and services, potentially disqualifying trusted resources. The first is The
Academy of Elder Law Attorneys someone from receiving benefits they Louisiana Aging and Disability
(NAELA) supports this annual are entitled to. It is incredibly Resource Center. They provide a
proclamation by upholding May as important that your elder law toll-free number to “assist older
National Elder Law Month. attorney has a broad understanding of adults and persons with disabilities in
these complexities to ensure that you locating supportive services and
During this month, we recognize all avoid problems in the future. eldercare resources in order to
that this profession encompasses and continue living as they choose in their
the wide variety of ways that elder law It is also crucial to check with your community.” Their toll-free number
attorneys help their clients. Elder law elder law attorney about what areas of is 1-877-340-9100 and their website
attorneys are unique, serving a law they specialize in. Because elder is The
specific type of client, as opposed to law meets such a wide variety of second resource is The Advocacy
practicing a specific type of law. In needs, it would be nearly impossible Center, a non-profit organization
fact, most elder law attorneys will be for one person to be a pro in all areas. based in New Orleans, but with
qualified to give advice about wills, Once you find out what specific offices in Baton Rouge, Lafayette and
By Linda Melancon trusts, and powers of attorney; concerns you want to address, speak
with your attorney to make sure they
Shreveport. They publish an excellent
guide about interdiction and powers
guardianships (known as interdictions
in Louisiana); financing long-term are more than familiar with what ac- of attorney specifically related to
ENJOY SPRING care (including Medicaid and VA tions need to be taken, and are skilled Louisiana. That document can be
AND NATIONAL benefits); and, special needs planning.
Some elder law attorneys give advice
in your particular needs. downloaded at
And finally, for a wider geographical
ELDER LAW about social security benefits, elder A good elder law attorney will not range, is the
abuse and disability law as well. And only bring knowledge of the law to website for The National Academy
MONTH some may even go so far as to assist in the table, but also an understanding of Elder Law Attorneys.
locating the appropriate type of care, of the elderly and the sometimes very
It’s that time of year again - Spring coordinating private and public real physical and mental difficulties of Happy Elder Law Month!
has sprung, the flowers are blooming, resources to finance the cost of care, the aging process that allows them to
and Elder Law attorneys across the and working to ensure the client's address a client in a compassionate The information provided is not intended to
US are celebrating National Elder be legal advice and does not constitute an
right to quality care. way. Whether it’s a parent who is not attorney/client relationship. You should consult
Law Month. If you’re unfamiliar with ready to acknowledge that they need with an attorney for individual advice regarding
the celebration, here’s a primer. With laws and regulations becoming day-to-day help, or the spouse of your own situation.
more complex, the number of legal someone with rapidly declining
Since 1963, the month of May has problems that affect the elderly are health, an elder law attorney will find Ms. Melancon is an attorney with Legacy Estate &
been used to celebrate our nation’s Elder Law of Louisiana, LLC, with offices in
growing - especially when you take a way to work with the client and Baton Rouge, LA and Prairieville, LA. The
elderly. President Kennedy called it into consideration the complexity of their family to find the right solution, primary focus of her practice is estate planning,
Senior Citizens Month, while Medicaid and other government and the one that is in the best probate, special needs planning and elder law. For
President Carter called it Older benefit programs, and how trying to interest of the client. more information or to attend an upcoming
Americans Month. The National estate planning seminar, call her office at
navigate the systems alone can often (225) 744-0027
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Tournaments, Festivals and Other
Things in the Spring by Bill Delaune
Reminding my fading, feeble colt that can run the first half selecting “Calling Baton position. Pause here for
brain of some memorable mile in a speedy 45 seconds in a Rouge” (Garth Brooks) and hilarious laughter at the
spring events with notes on an quagmire and still finish that far University High grad Patrick thought of yours truly in a
extremely thick Fair Grounds ahead of the field after 1 and ¼ Reed going with “Eye of the professional golf tournament.
Betting Guide while a 3-inch miles has Triple Crown stamped Tiger” (Survivor). But in my fantasy event, I
rain in Louisville washes away all over his forehead. Others took on a more chose “Little Bit Crazy” by
all my Kentucky Derby angles… The wise guys will concede national theme from the Cajun country artist Eddy
I don’t know what happened the Preakness to Justify with moving bagpipe version of Raven. For one thing, Raven is
to the old Daily Racing Form those tight turns and a shorter “Flower of Scotland” for the from Lafayette so we’d have the
which you could fold up and distance at Pimlico playing right Scottish pairing of Martin Laird South Louisiana thing going
put in your back pocket but into his running style. But as and Russell Knox to “Down there. Secondly, I think those
this new Brisnet Biblical size they also say at the track, Under” (Men at Work) for who know me would agree that
book is more than the average “Never was there a man alive Aussies Jason Day and the title is somewhat descriptive
handicapper can handle. I was could make any money at 3-5.” Ryan Ruffles. of my sophomoric behavior at
reminded of one of my old Wait until the mile and ½ Some of the crowd favorites times. And since you only get a
college coach’s comments Belmont and try to beat him were “Ebony and Ivory” few lines of the song played
about the 400 plus page with Audible or My Boy Jack… (McCartney and Wonder) for (The only complaint from the
NCAA manual. The Zurich Classic is rapidly African-American Harold crowd was they wanted longer
“No wonder nobody knows becoming a favorite of the PGA Varner III and his Caucasian versions.), I’ll go with the
the regulations anymore,” he pros with its 2-man format and partner Robert Garrigus and a opening lines of Raven’s hit…
reasoned. “The Lord only gave the New Orleans flavored food head banging performance by “Got bayou water running
us Ten Commandments and and rules-one of which allowed Alex Cejka and Ben Crane through my veins, I don’t back
look what we do with those.” players to choose “walk-up to Whitesnake’s “Here I off and I don’t complain.
Anyway, it didn’t take a music” (like a baseball player Go Again”. That’s the way I am-a little
scholar with the Biblical wisdom stepping into the batter’s box) Of course, that brought up a bit crazy…”
of Solomon to pick Bob as they strode to the first tee. lively discussion in the gallery as While I’m in Never-Never
Baffert’s latest monster Justify Some were predictable like to what song we would each Land, I also want that rune
to win the Kentucky Derby. A former LSU golfer Sam Burns choose if we were ever in that played when I come out of the
Yankee bullpen to save the
pennant against the evil
Red Sox.
Hey, so it’s not Metallica’s
“Enter Sandman” that Mariano
Rivera would enter to when he
put teams to sleep in the last
inning. But it’s my dream-I
can play whatever I want.
Another cool part of the
Zurich format is that the players
are far more relaxed than on the
weekly grind of individual tour
events. Most of them are
playing with their buddies and
there is more interaction with
the crowd and even some
betting updates from
their caddies.
When I commented to the kidding? Not when there’s still creating a real “street dance” Cade (age 10)-An inside-the-
bagman of a former LSU golfer another soiree to attend-this atmosphere. park homer at Cypress Mounds.
(who shall remain nameless) one being the NFL Draft party 2. Wading through a sea of Reece (age 7)-I hit a foul ball
after a nice birdie, he replied, hosted by Gator defensive beer cans to get from one booth into the crowd and one lady had
“Yeah, but we’re still 50 bucks coordinator Duane Thomassee. or band to another. to cover her head and another
down to those dogs,” pointing It’s a good thing the Saints 3. Walking to the Festival site one fell out of her chair trying
to another ex-Tiger in the traded up from 27th to the 14th from pre-game activities at local to get out of the way (followed
group. pick to take UTSA defensive hangout Fish-N-Pic (located by demonic laughter)!
Oh-little side action between end Marcus Davenport or I where the old Dalton’s Oh well, whatever tickles your
old friends, eh? Think I’ve been might not have seen it. But Restaurant used to be) and fancy. Vive la difference!
down that road once or twice when I called him “Willie hiking to post-Festival dances The moral to this rambling
before. Davenport”, Tommy wisely at Bobby’s Lounge. essay is-to paraphrase Jimmy
The relaxed atmosphere decided to take me home. 4. Swimming in the pits of Buffet-that there’s “so many
carried over to the Acme Oyster “Bill, Willie Davenport the then under-construction nice things happening out
tent when my coaching cohort was a hurdler from Southern Highway 30. At least the traffic there…” get out and
Dennis Lorio and I took a lunch University who won a gold was certainly lighter back then. experience a few.
break leaving the third member medal in the 1968 Olympics,” 5. Boone’s Farm wine in Turn off Fox News and CNN
of our coaching triumvirate he calmly explained on the way. easily accessible leather pouches. and get outside and play golf or
Tommy Douglas relaxing on his “Oh, so I guess we didn’t I’m sure you have your own watch a local tournament. Go
own under a tree near the draft Lindsay Davenport memories-no matter how foggy- see a youth baseball game-just
8th green. either,” I surmised. but these days I sometime do watch the foul balls. Throw a
Now we didn’t make a lot But speaking of 1968… better with events of long ago crawfish boil for your favorite
of money in the coaching When you’re talking to a then where I was yesterday… graduate. Make a round by the
profession but every now and group of people who claimed to Having two sons (who grew 51st Jambalaya Festival on
then there are some interesting be at one of the first Jambalaya up in a dugout) and five May 25-27 and do a little
perks-as in, “Hey, Coach, I Festivals 50 years ago and one grandsons, baseball has always Cajun dance.
didn’t use all my drink tickets- of the first comments is, “I’ve been a huge part of our And just for Schlittz and
you need a couple?” had amnesia for as long as I can springtime activities. And as Giggles, put a couple of bucks
Needless to say, we acquired remember…”-you know it’s hard as I try, I have not on a longshot named Quip to
quite a stash before leaving our going to be a fun discussion. perfected the quantum leap upset Justify in the Preakness
viewpoint overlooking the 13th But since memories are short technique of being in two or Stakes and watch it on your
green to go meet Tommy, the and this story’s too long, here is even three places at once. So at outdoor TV.
most important person on the a brief list of some of the things family gatherings, I try to get And no complaints about the
grounds-our designated driver. recalled at the 1968 Festival. updates from the boys about heat until summer officially
Thanks to a golden parking pass And remember how many brain games I might have missed. gets here.
provided by maintenance cells that a collection of my A recent conversation went
director Jamie Worsham, we friends (the ones who aren’t something like this…
didn’t have far to stagg…I dead or in jail) and I have Me- What’s the best hit
mean walk. destroyed… you’ve got this season?
We made it back to St. 1. Burnside Street being Will (age 14)-I hit a 330 foot
Amant, dropped off Dennis blocked off in front of what’s home run out of the park in
now Gonzales Primary Hammond!
and headed…home? Are you
memories came to mind. The dec-
oration of the studio in which so
many young girls and boys enjoyed
for so long really caught my atten-
tion. The background sported an
old rifle, a buck mount, a couple
animal skins, some steel traps and
an American flag. I wonder how
this setting would be accepted by
some of our society at this day and
time. The influence that the experi-
ence had on us as young kids was a
good one. We were brought up to
enjoy, use and respect these gifts of
life to the fullest. The skins on the ham quoted on the broadcast in
wall didn't reflect that the setting memory of our gentle giant "The
was against animals. As many peo- world suffers greatly for the loss of
ple recall, Buckskin Bill was a such a person", is such a true state-
How Times Have Changed major force in the development of
the Baton Rouge Zoo. He also en-
ment. Buckskin will be missed
along with his attitude and values
The Baton Rouge area lost one couraged Baton Rouge area chil- of life....
of its most famous people of all dren to help save money for the
times this past winter. Bill Black, zoo's first two elephants, Penny Till Next Time,
known by most of us as Buckskin and Penny Too by saving pennies.
Bill passed away at 88 years of age. This world wasn't perfect then,
Most of us in my age group grew it ain't now, and it most likely "Thanks Buckskin Bill",
up enjoying the kindness and char- never will be. But I do believe my James "Goosie" Guice
acter of this gentle giant. After his generation (who by the way could
passing, WBRZ aired a thirty play Cowboys and Indians with cap
minute special on the life and times guns) came away with better values
of the Buckskin Bill broadcast. As I of life than what's being accepted
viewed the program, so many great today. As weatherman Mike Gra-
with Kellie
Useless Random Facts
The oldest known goldfish lived to 41 years of age.
Its name was Fred.
1,200 college students streaked at the same t
ime in Boulder, CO in 1974.
Research indicates that mosquitoes are attracted to people
who have recently eaten bananas.
The most extras ever used in a movie was 300,000,
for the film Gandhi in 1981.
When Bugs Bunny first appeared in 1935,
he was called Happy Rabbit.
Only 55% of all Americans know that the sun is a star.
Even if you cut off a cockroach's head, it can
live for several weeks.
In Kentucky, 50% of the people who get married
for the first time are teenagers.
The number of possible ways of playing the first four moves
per side in a game of chess is 318,979,564,000.
The phrase 'Rule of thumb'* is derived from an old English
law which stated that you couldn't beat your wife
with anything wider than your thumb.
On average people fear spiders more than they do death. Every Sunday
• DJ MUSIC & KARAOKE ... $2.50 Domestics!!
In ancient Egypt, priests plucked EVERY hair from their
to the Fred Couples painting, parties and is an announcement
with the sheriff bailiff one said, way, David did not crack under
“No need to wait. Take the questioning on the practice tee
photo.” Bailiff two mentioned about who took the left over
writing up bailiff one but bailiff shrimp stew. It remained a
one has seniority. Actually I mystery but the stew stealer did
heard this 2nd and 3rd hand clean the pot and left it behind.
from gossip so I don’t really I learned that my golfing
know the story but I reported it buddies were really appreciative
anyway. The major networks do when their wives sent them a
it, so I did it too. sweet hugs imogi in the
morning and other husbands
were wishing their wives were
sending sweet hugs imogi’s in
the morning. So ladies get your
phones out. I also heard sheriff
responded, “I purchased irons had trick golf shots that he tried
that were not shankable. in a sand trap. However this
Anyone want to buy a new set shot richochet’d off of the step
of irons? They had been used an flew backwards in the water.
for only one round of golf. Good try Sheriff.
cornbread so I should get him I learned not get my hopes up
It was rumored that Cub said a cornbread colored shirt.
he wasn’t worried about Pete. when playing with people
I learned that Peg can get you’ve never played with before.
Matter-of-fact he communicated Malcolm to leave by playing
he was cutting Pete next year. I hadn’t hit my first tee shot yet
Sioux City Sue on his blue when I was told to get my skirt
I learn something new each tooth speaker and is now tech
time I am on this trip. This trip if I was hitting from the number
savvy enough to stream ACHS 3 tees. Fortunately I had the
It was reported that Frankie baseball games while they are in perfect comeback. During my
hit a ball so far off the course he the state playoffs. first round on the trip I played
hollered fore! One of his I learned playing golf with with Hubbie who was also my
partners mentioned you need to Mike Lee is lots of fun and he team opponent that we would
go knock on the door on the cared less if my shirt tail was pay at the end of the trip. He
3rd floor of that condo complex pulled out. told me he was playing the 3
and holler in the door for Let it be known that some of tees all 4 days so I should do the
anyone to hear you. the photos in the article are a same. So to the skirt commen-
Mike Wag walked up with a tribute our nations national tor I explained Hubbie told me
new set of irons and was looking to hit from here and what
for the cart with a golf bag with Hubbie says goes. Hubbie rules
only woods in the bag. When and you can that to the bank.
asked what’s the deal he I learned that 4 days of golf
back to back to back to back
I confirmed it takes 10 minutes will make my back out wack.
for 6 golfers to consume a full The highlight of the trip was
pack of lemon cookies. I learned winning $5 from Boozie in a
that 50 lbs. of cracklin fat makes bet that shouldn’t have
15 gallon zip lock bags full and happened. I wasn’t sure he was
takes 3 days for 32 golfers to going to pay me but gave it to
crunch and munch all of them. Dane to give to me. Once I
I mentioned that I might give received it I felt a little bad and
media and these photos are didn’t want to keep it. I said to
Hubbie a new Ascension completely fake news. There is
Magazine golf shirt so I asked myself WWCD. What would
no way Doyle, who did a Cliff do? So I donated to the
what is his favorite color? fantastic job cooking for us,
Someone spoke up and said campaign to Re-Elect Donald
would let David or Jeff be in Trump and Make America
cornbread. I didn’t know that charge of cooking our meals.
was a color. They Greater.
Those photos are staged and
continued,”Hubbie loves not meant to mis-lead. By the
anything that looks like
Acadian Ambulance Johnny Berthelot
Ascension Golf Cart Joie De Vie Beauty Salon
Ascension Paper Kevin’s Cajun Seafood
Ascension Parish Livingston Parish Sheriff’s Office
Ascension Parish Sheriff’s Office Local Musicians
Aces Manny’s Bar
Backstreet Lounge Marlin’s Pizza
Bayou Bar Mary Lee Donuts Hwy 44
Bo’s Propeller Mert Smiley
Brian’s Supermarket Moonlight Inn
Cajun Daiquiri Murry’s Market
Campers to Go Popeye’s
Clay Schexnayder Port Vincent Dist 4 Fire Dept.
Corner Bar Red Barn Bar
Cottage Inn Roys Ice
Delaunes Supermarket Saritas
Eatel St. Amant Pharmacy
Fred’s Amusement State Farm David Wilcox
Fred’s on the River Swamp Chicken
Furniture & Mattress Depot Sysco
Galvez Hardware Tags & Titles LLC
Galvez Lake Fire Dept. The Old Beer Box
Gonzales Boat Club Tureau’s Grocery
Gonzales Furniture The Hangout
Greg Gibbs/Bunny Bread Templet & Templet Welding
Hill Top Triple S
Hole n Wall Seafood Whiskey River
Jambalaya Association
Rolling on the
Front End
Cooking Gourmet at Home
8 ounces fresh Jumbo Lump crabmeat
1 small loaf French bread
1 Granny Smith apple
A lite and fresh dish for the summer 4 ounces Smoked Gouda (whatever cheese you like)
8 cherry tomatoes
1 ounce fresh basil
2 ounces extra virgin olive oil
2 lemons
Kosher salt & fresh ground black pepper to taste
First thing you want to do is get those toast points cooked. Set your oven on
375 and allow it to preheat. Take your French bread and cut it into ½ inch slices then lay them out on a
sheet pan/cookie sheet. Drizzle them with olive oil and bake for 5 minutes or until lightly browned.
Remove them from the oven and allow them to cool and get nice and crispy.
Next, grab your crabmeat and put it into a small mixing bowl. Drizzle the crabmeat with a little olive oil, the
juice of the lemon (no seeds), and salt & pepper to taste.
Crab & Apple Bruschetta Now get your cheese. Here we are using Smoked Gouda, but you can use any of your favorite cheeses. Shred
the cheese and set aside until it’s time to use.
Take out your cherry tomatoes and cut them in ½ and add them to the bowl of crabmeat