Budget Lines and Indifference Curves
Budget Lines and Indifference Curves
Budget Lines and Indifference Curves
Note that an indifference curve shows various To see the diminishing marginal rate of
combinations of goods that yield the same substitution, start with consuming 8 units of
utility, but different indifference curves show good Y and 3 units of good X. To increase
different levels of utility. For instance, the consumption of good X by one unit, this
HSC Upper Six Lesson 2
consumer is willing to trade-off (decrease) Example: Jane, a consumer has $100 to spend.
consumption of good Y by 3 units (8 – 5) in Good X costs $5 per unit. Good Y costs $10
order to maintain a constant level of utility. But per unit. If Jan spent all of her income on X,
notice what happens when more of good X is she could purchase 20 units (100 / 5) of X. If
consumed, say increasing consumption of good she spent all of her income on Y, she could
X from 6 to 7. Now this consumer is only purchase 10 units (100 / 10) of Y. She could
willing to sacrifice one unit of good Y to get also afford to buy different combinations of the
one more unit of good X (remaining at the two goods. For example, she could buy 6 units
same level of satisfaction). The rate at which of X and 7 units of Y, or 10 units of X and 5
people are willing to trade-off good Y for X units of Y, or 14 units of X and 3 units of Y.
diminishes as additional units of X is The budget line shows all combinations of the
consumed (The good Y is becoming more dear goods that Jan can afford. The slope of Jan’s
as we consumer more and more of good X). budget line is 0.5 ( Px / Py = 5/10 ).
Consumer Choice
MRS is the slope of the indifference curve, and Equilibrium is determined by combining the
can be measured as the ratio of marginal consumer’s preferences with the consumer’s
utilities of the two goods. budget line.To maximize utility, the consumer
tries to achieve the highest indifference curve
MRSx,y = MUx / MUy (highest utility), given the budget constraint.
Therefore, the consumer should maximize
The Budget Constraint utility subject to the budget constraint, or
Slope = (I / Py) / (I / Px) = (Px / Py) At the point of utility maximization, the
marginal utility per dollar spent on each good
is equal.
HSC Upper Six Lesson 2
MUx / Px = MUy / Py
Income and substitution effects. budget line (DG) passing through shifts
outward to budget line RT. The consumer
Substitution and income effects for a normal chooses market basket B instead of market
goods work in the same direction (positive) basket Con indifference curve U2 [increase in
income] leading to a decline in food
For inferior goods the income and substitution consumption. (The move from OF2 to OE).
effects move in opposite direction
The income effect is represented by EF2 that is
The income and substitution effects move from B to C. In this case food is inferior
for Inferior good. Þ income effect is negative because when
income rises consumption falls.