Simulated No.1 General Rule:: Except
Simulated No.1 General Rule:: Except
Simulated No.1 General Rule:: Except
Staphylococcus Neiserria Bacillus Acinetobater
Streptococcus Branhamella Corynebacterium Aeromonas
Micrococcus Erysipelothrix Alcaligenes
Lactobacillus Bordetella
Listeria Brucella
Mycobacterium Enterobacteriacea
Nocardia Francisella
Peptococcus Veillonella Actinomyces Bacteroides
Peptostreptococcus Clostridium Fusobactrium
Sarcina Propionobacterium
Nonmotile, nonsporefoming
Facultative anaerobe
Most are oxidase and catalase positive
Preferred incubation at 35-37ᵒ C
Six serotypes (a,b,c,d,e and f); most frequently encountered serotype in infection is b
Encapsulated strain are pathogenic
Main cause of meningitis in children <years old
Associated with respiratory condition including epiglottitis
H. ducreyi
Infective agent of chancoid/soft chancre, venereal disease characterized by painful ulcers in the genitalia
Direct examination short bacilli in a school of fish arrangement.
Smallest pathogenic bacilli (largest B.anthracis)
hormone (TSH)
Follicle-stimulating Beginning at puberty, Sterility in both male
hormone (FSH) stimulates follicle and female
development and estrogen
production by female
ovaries; promotes sperm
production in males
Luteinizing Beginning at puberty, Sterility in both male
hormones (LH) stimulates ovulation, and female
converts the ruptured ovarian
follicle to a corpus luteum to
produce progesterone;
stimulates male testes to
produce testosterone
Posterior Pituitary Oxytocin Stimulates powerful uterine
Gland Released in contractions and causes milk
(neurohypophysis) significant amount ejection in nursing women
only during
childbirth and in
nursing women
Antidiuretic hormone Causes kidney tubule to Diabetes insipidus
(ADH) reabsorb and conserve body
water and increases blood
Vasopressin pressure by constricting
Thyroid gland Thyroxine (T4) Body’s metabolic hormone. Hyposecretion of Hypersecretion results in
It increases the rate at which thyroxine results in Grave’s disease and other
Triiodothyronine cells oxidize glucose and is cretinism (children) forms of hyperthyroidism
(T3) necessary for normal growth
and development
Calcitonin Causes calcium to be
deposited in long bones
Parathyroid Gland Parathyroid Causes bone calcium to be result to tetany leads to exteme bone
hormone (PTH) liberated to the blood wasting and fractures
Adrenal Cortex Mineralocorticoids Regulate sodium and A generalized Hypersecretion of
potassium ion reabsorption hypoactivity of adrenal cortex
mainly aldosterone by the kidneys. Their adrenal cortex leads to hormones can result in
release is primarily Addison’s disease Hyperaldosteronism,
(outermost – zona stimulated by low Na+/high Cushing’s disease and/or
glomerulosa) K+ levels in the blood masculinization
(innermost – zona
Adrenal Medulla Catecholamines : Hypersecretion leads to
Epinephrines symptoms typical of
(adrenaline) sympathetic nervous
Islets of Langerhans Insulin Increase the rate of glucose Diabetes mellitus
of pancreas uptake and metabolism by
By beta cells body cells
Glucagon Stimulates the liver to release
glucose to blood, thus
By alpha cells increasing blood glucose
Ovaries Estrogen Stimulates the maturation of Hyposecretion hampers
the female reproductive the ability of a woman
organs and development of to conceive and bear
secondary sex characteristics children
of the female; in cooperation
with progesterone, it causes
menstrual cycle
Progesterone It works with estrogen in Hyposecretion hampers
establishing the menstrual the ability of a woman
cycle to conceive and bear
Testes Testosterone Promotes maturation of the In cases of
male reproductive organs, hyposecretion, the man
male secondary sex becomes sterile
characteristics and (sterility)
production of sperm by testes
Pineal gland Melatonin Affects biological rhythms
and reproductive behavior
Thymus gland Thymosin Cause the maturation of T
Cardioactive Lidocaine
Glucose decreased in rheumatoid inflammation
decreased in purulent infection
Lactate Elevated in bacterial infection
Triglycerides Elevated in chylous effusions
pH Decreased in pneumonia not responding to antibiotics
Markedly decreased with esophageal rupture
ADA Elevated in tuberculosis and malignancy
Amylase Elevated in pancreatitis, esophageal rupture, and malignancy
Myasthenia gravis Acetylcholine receptor blocking antibody
Multiple sclerosis Anti-myelin antibody
Pernicious anemia Anti-intrinsic factor antibody
Anti-parietal cell antibody
Goodpasture’s syndrome Anti-glomerular basement membrane antibody
Primary biliary cirrhosis Anti-mitochondrial antibody
Chronic active hepatitis Anti-smooth muscle antibody
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis Anti-microsomal antibody
Anti-thyroglobulin anibody
Grave’s disease Anti-TSH receptor
Bright-field microscopy Used for routine urinalysis
Phase-contrast microscopy Enhances visualization of elements with low refractive indices, such as hyalaine
casts, mucous threads and Trichomonas
Polarizing microscopy Aids in identification of cholesterol in oval fat bodies, fatty casts, and crystals
Dark-field microscopy Aids in identification of Treponema pallidum
Fluorescence microscopy Allows visualization of naturally fluorescent microorganisms or those stained by
fluorescent dye
Interference-contrast Produce a three-dimensional microscopy-image and layer –by-layer imaging of a
Cells Antigen presenting cells, basophils, eosinophils, mast cells, natural killer cells, phagocytes
Humoral Factor Complement proteins, lactoferrin, lysozyme, pepsin, stomach acidity
Anatomical Barriers Cilia, mucous, skin
Resident flora Mainly non-pathogenic bacteria
Appearance Clear Cloudy
Fluid:serum protein ratio <0.5 >0.5
Fluid:serum LD ratio <0.6 >0.6
WBC count <1000/uL >1000/uL
Spontaneous clotting No Possible
Pleural cholesterol <45-60mg/dL 46-60 mg/dL>
Pleural fluid:serum cholesterol ratio <0.3 >0.3
Plerural fluid:bilirubin ratio <0.6 >0.6
Serum-ascites albumin gradient >1.1 <1.1
1798 Edward Jenner, an English countryside physician demonstrated that protection from cowpox could be generated
by the transfer of postural material from a cowpox lesion instead of the more hazardous smallpox lesion
1880 Louis Pasteur demonstrated that injection of killed microbes provided protection upon subsequent exposure to
live counterpart
1888 Elie Metchnikoff demonstrated that certain blood cells ingest foreign material
1894 Jules Bordet discovered complement
1897 Robert Kaus discovered precipitins
1901 Emil von Behring had the distinction of being awarded as the first immunology-related Nobel Prize for his
works on serum therapy
1984 Discovery of the T cell receptor gene
1987 Susumu Tonegawa was awarded the Nobel Prize for his 1978 discovery of the genetic principles underlying the
generation of antibodies with different specificities
JCAHO (Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organization) requires ALL healthcare institution post
evacuation routes and detailed plans to follow in case of a fire
Intracellular shift True Hyperkalemia
Alkalosis, periodic paralysis, Beta-2- Due to extracelluar shift
agonists, Barium poisoning, Insulin - Acute acidosis (especially inorganic
overdose, Nutritional recovery state acidosis)
Poor intake - Catabolic states, periodic paralysis,
Vomiting, Diarrhea, intestinal drainage/ succinylcholine, muscle or cellular
tumor, gastric suction,laxative abuse, injury
malabsorption, cancer thereapy – - Chemotheraphy, leukemia
chemotherapy, radiation therapy - Cationic amino acids
Excessive renal loss - Exercise while using a beta-blocker
Primary aldosteronism (adrenal adenoma or - Digitalis intoxication
hyperplasia); plasma renin activity is Due to excessive ingestion: rare if renal
suppressed excretion of K+ is normal; oral or IV
Secondary aldosteronism (the increase in potassium replacement therapy
aldosterone is secondary to increase in Decreased renal excretion:
renin) - Hypoaldosteronism: Addison’s disease;
Malignant Hypertension, renal artery selective hypoaldosteronism
stenosis, reninoma (hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism,
Diuretics heparin, congenital adrenal enzyme
Nephritis deficiencies, angiotensin-converting
Bartter’s syndrome, Gitelman’s syndrome enzyme inhibitors)
Excess mineralocorticoids other than - Tubular unresponsiveness to
aldosterone, e.g. Cushing’s syndrome, aldosterone (pseudohypoaldosteronism
ACTH-producing tumor, licorice type I and type II): congenital, salt-
Chronic meteabolic acidosis, renal tubular losing nephropathy
acidosis -
Acute or chronic renal failure
Delivery of poorly reabsorbed anions to the -
Potassium-sparing diuretics
diatal tubule, e.g. bicarbonate ketone, -
Antirejection mdeications: ciclosporin,
anions, carbenicillin tacrolimus
Miscellaneous causes: Magnesium - Severe dehydration
deficiency, acute leukemia, Liddle’s Pseudohyperkalemia
syndrome Thrombocytosis, severe leukocytosis, use of
tourniquet with fist exercise, in vitro
Horizontal/swinging bucket centrifuge Allow the tubes to attain a horizontal position in the centrifuge when spinning and
a vertical position when the head is not moving.
The specimen cups in the horizontal centrifuge heads are in a vertical
postion when the centrifuge is at rest. During centrifugation, the cups
move to a horizontal position. As the specimen is centrifuged, the particles
being sedimented travel down through the liquid to the bottom of the tube.
When the centrifuge stops and the tubes swing to a vertical position there
may be remixing of the sediment with the supernatant liquid. These
centrifuges are capable of speeds up to about 3000 RPM. Higher speeds
that this will generally cause excessive heat buildup as a result of air
Fixed-angle/angle head centrifuge Have angled compartments for the tubes and allow small particles to sediment
more rapidly.
Angle centrifuge heads are capable of higher speed and contain drilled
holes that hold the tubes at a fixed angle (approximately 52 degree angle
with the center shaft around which they rotate). There is much less heat
developed during centrifugation because of very low air friction. During
centrifugation, the particles travel across the column of the liquid to the
side of the tube where they clump together and then rapidly move to the
bottom of the tube.
Ultracentrifugation High-speed centrifuges used to separate layers of different specific gravities. They
are commonly used to separate lipoproteins. The chamber is usually refrigerated to
counter heat produced through friction.
NONINFLAMMATORY Immunologic origin Crystal-induced SEPTIC HEMORRHAGIC
Clear, yellow fluid Cloudy, yellow fluid Cloudy or milky fluid Cloudy, yellow-green Cloudy, red fluid
Good viscosity Poor viscosity Low viscosity Variable viscosity Low viscosity
WBC <1000 uL WBC 2000-75,000 uL WBC up to 100,000 WBC 50,000-100,000 WBC equal to blood
uL uL
Neutrophil <30% Neutrophil >50% Neutrophil <70% Neutrophil >75% Neutrophil equal to
Normal glucose Decreased glucose Decreased glucose Decreased glucose Normal glucose
(similar to blood glucose) level level level (similar to blood
Possible Crystal present Positive culture and glucose)
autoantibodies gram stain
Stool cultures Microscopic fecal fat
Ova and parasite examination Muscle fiber detection
Rotavirus immunoassay Qualitative and Qualitative fecal fats
Fecal leukocyte Trypsin screening
D-xylose tolerance test
Lactose tolerance test
Fecal electrolytes
Stool pH
Fecal osmolality
Due to Na+ loss Reduced water intake
Thiazide diuretics in the presence of ADH Defective thirst due to altered mental state
Saline infusion in the presence of ADH or thirst center defect
Due to water retention Inability to drink water
Excessive water intake: primary polydipsia Lack of access to water
Advance renal failure Increase water loss (water intake must be impaired)
Appropriate ADH secretion: edema-forming Gastrointestinal loss: vomiting, osmostic
states (CHF, nephritic syndrome, ascites). diarrhea
Salt depletion states (GI loss, diuretic Cutaneous loss: sweating and fever
therapy, aldosterone deficiency, Respiratory loss: hyperventilation and fever
hypothyroidism) Renal loss: diabetes insipidus, osmotic
Inappropriate ADH secretion diuresis
Tumors: cancers of the lung, pancreas, Increased sodium content of the body (water intake
duodenum, ureter, bladder, prostrate, must be impaired)
lymphoma, thymoma, mesothelioma, Increased intake
Ewing’s Sarcoma Hypertonic saline or sodium bicarbonate
Intrathoracic causes: bacterial and viral infusion
pneumonia, tuberculosis, lung abscess, Ingestion of sea water
aspergillosis, asthma, positive pressure Renal salt retention; usually in response to
breathing, pneumothorax, cystic fibrosis primary water deficit
CNS abnormalities: encephalitis meningitis,
brain tumors and abscess, head trauma,
subdural hematoma, cerebrovascular
accidents, Guillen-Barré syndrome, acute
intermittent porphyria, brain atrophy,
schizophrenia, hydrocephalus, acurte
psychosis, multiple scheloris, cavernous vein
thrombosis, lupus cerebritis
Shy-Drager syndrome, Rocky Mountain
spotted fever, delirium tremens, seizure
Drugs: arginine vasopressin and its analogs,
sulfonylureas, tricyclic antidepressants,
clofribate, carbamazepine, vinca alkaloids,
cyclophosphamide, selective serotonine
reuptake inhibitors, opiates, phenothiazines,
Surgical and emotional stress, emesis
Endocrine causes: glucocorticoid deficiency
and myxedema
1. Newborn
2. Elderly patient
3. Patient with leukemia demonstrating hypogammaglobulinemia
4. Patient with lymphomas demonstrating hypogammaglobulinemia
5. Patients using immunosuppressive drugs that yield hypogammaglobulinemia
6. Patients with congenital agammaglobulinemia
7. Patients with immunodeficiency diseases
8. Patients with bone marrow transplantation (develop hypogammaglobulinemia)
1. Subgroup of A and or B
2. Leukemias (weakened A or B antigen)
3. Hodgkin’s disease
4. Excess amount of blood group-specific soluble subsntances (BGSS) present in the plasma in association with
certain diseases such as carcinoma of the stomach and pancreas
5. Acquired B phenomenon
6. Antibodies to low incidence antigens
1. Elevated levels of globulin from certain disease states : MM, waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia, other plasma
cell dyscarias, advanced hodgkin’s lymphoma
2. Elevated levels of fibrinogen
3. Plasma expanders such as dextran and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)
4. Wharton’s jelly
1. Polyagglutination
2. Cold reactive antibodies
3. Unexpected ABO isoagglutinins
4. Antibodies other than anti-A and anti-B may react to form antigen-antibody complexes that may then absorb into
patient red cells
5. RBCs with the cis AB phenotype.
Prealbumin (transthyretin) Indicator of malnutrition: binds thyroid hormone and retinol-binding protein.
α1-antitrypsin Acute-phase reactant; protease inhibitor
α1- fetoprotein Principal fetal protein
α1- acid glycoprotein Acute-phase reactant
α1- lipoprotein Transposrts lipid
α1-antichymotrypsin Inhibits serine proteinases (ie, chymotrypsin)
Inter-α-trypsin Inhibits proteinases (ie, trypsin)
Gc-globulin Binds vitamin D and actin
Haptoglobins Acute-phase reactant; binds hemoglobin
Ceruloplasmin Peroxidase activity; contains copper
α2- Macroglobulins Inhibits thrombin, trypsin, pepsin
Pre-β-Lipoproteins Transports lipids (primarily triglycerides)
Transferrin Transposrts Iron
Hemopexin Binds Heme
β-Lipoproteins(LDL) Transposrts lipid (primarily cholesterol)
β2- Component of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) molecules class 1
Complement Immune response
Fibrinogen Precursor of Fibrin clot
C-reactive Protein Acute-phase reactant; motivates phagocytosis in inflammatory disease (Bishop) (Henry-γ)
Immunogloblulin G Antibodies
Immunoglobulin A Antibodies (in secretions)
Immunoglobulin M Antibodies (early reponse)
Immunoglobulin D Antibodies
Immunoglobulin E Antibodies (allergy)
ALKALINE: Alcaligenes faecalis
ACID: Enterococcus faecium
PEPTONIZATION: Burkholderia cepacia
The microdase test is a rapid Development of No color change Micrococcus Staphylococcus
method to differentiate blue to purple- luteus aureus
Staphylococcus from blue color
Micrococcus by detection of
the enzyme oxidase. In the
presence of atmospheric
oxygen, the oxidase enzyme
reacts with the oxidase reagent
and cytochrome C to form the
colored compound,
Motility These tests are used to In true motility, In Brownian Escherichia coli Klebsiella
Testing: determine if an organism is the organisms movement, the pneumonia
Hanging drop motile. An organism must change in organisms
possess flagella to be motile. position with appear quite
respect to each active remain in
other often the same
darting across relative position
the field to other
organisms or
debris in the
Motility These tests are used to Motile Nonmotile Escherichia coli Klebsiella
Testing: determine if an organism is organisms will organisms pneumonia
Semisolid motile. An organism must spread out into remain at the
agar deep possess flagella to be motile. the medium site of
from the site of inoculation
MRS Broth This test is used to determine Gas production No gas Leuconostoc Pediococcus sp.
whether an organism forms indicated by a production spp.
gas during glucose bubble in the
fermentation. Gas is produced Durnham tube
by some Lactobacillus spp.
and Leuconostoc spp.
MUG Test Escherichia coli produces the Electric blue Lack of Escherichia coli Pseudomonas
enzyme beta D-glucorinidase, fluorescence fluorescence aeruginosa
which hydrolyzes beta-D-
derivatives to aglycons and D-
glucuronic acid. The substrate
4-methylumbelliferyl moiety,
which fluoresces blue under
long wavelength ultraviolet
Nitrate This test is used to determine EXPECTED RESULTS NO3+, no gas: Acinitobacter spp.
Reduction the ability of an organism to The nitrate reduction test is read for Escherichia coli
reduce nitrate. The reduction the presence or absence of three NO3+, gas:
of nitrate to nitrite is metabolic products: gas, nitrate Pseudomons
determined by adding (NO3), and nitrite (NO2) aerugenosa
sulfanillic acid and alpha-
naphthylamine. The sulfanillic
acid and nitrite react to form a
diazonium salt the couples
with alpha-naphthylamine to
produce a red, water soluble
azo dye.
Nitrite This test is used to determine No color change The broth Alcaligenes Alcaligenes
Reduction whether an organism can to red 2 minutes becomes red faecalis piechaudii
reduce nitrites to gaseous after the after the
nitrogen or to ther compounds addition of addition of the
containing nitrogen. reagents and gas reagents. No gas
production production is
observed in the observed.
Durham tube.
ONPG This test is used to determine Yellow Clear Escherichia coli Salmonella
the ability of an organism to typhimurium
produce β-galactosidase, an
enzyme that hydrolyzes the
substrate ONPG to form a
visible (yellow) product,
Optochin This test is used to determine Zone of No zone of Streptococcus Streptococcus
the effect of optochin inhibition is inhibition pneumonia mitis
(ethylyhydrocupreine 14mm or greater
hydrochloride) on an in diameter,
organism, Optochin lyses with 6-mm disk
pneumococci (positive test),
but alpha-streptococci are
resistant (negative test).
Oxidase Test To determine the presence of Development of Absence of Neisseria Escherchia coli
(Kovac’s bacterial cytochrome oxidase a dark purple color gonorrhea
method) using the oxidation of the color within 10
substrate tetramethyl-p- seconds
dihydrochloride to indophenol,
a dark purple-colored end
product. A positive test
(presence of oxidase) is
indicated by the development
indicates a negative test and
the absence of the enzyme.
Phenylalanine This test is used to determine Green color Slant remains Proteus vulgaris Escherichia coli
Deaminase the ability of an organism to develops on original color
oxidatively deaminate salnt after ferric after the
phenylalanine to chloride is addition of
phenylpyruvic acid. The added. ferric chloride.
phenylpyruvic acid is detected
by adding a few drops of 10%
ferric chloride; a green-colored
complex is formed between
these two compounds.
PYR Test The PYR test is predominately Bright red color No color change Enterococcus Streptococcus
used in the identification within 5 minutes or an orange faelcalis mitis
schemes for gram-positive color
cocci. Presence of the enzyme
that hydrolyzes the L-
(PYR) substrate to produce a
β-naphthylamine. The β-
naphthylamine is detected in
the presence of N, N-
reagent by the production of a
bright-red colored product
Pyruvate This test is used to determine Indicator No color Enterococcus Enterococcus
Broth the ability of an organism to changes from change; yellow- faecalis faecium
utilize pyruvate. This test aids green to yellow green indicates a
in the differentiation between weak reaction.
Enterococcus faecalis
(positive) and Enterococcus
faecium (negative)
Salt Tolerance This test is used to determine Vivible turbidity No turbidity and Enterococcus Streptococcus
the ability of an organism to in broth with or no color change faecalis mitis
grow in high concentration of without color
salt. It is used to differentiate change from
enterococci (positive) from purple to yellow
non-enterococci (negative).
A heart infusion broth
containing 6.5 % Na Cl is used
as the test medium. This broth
also contains a small amount
of glucose and bromcresol
purple as the indicator for acid
Spot Indole This test is used to determine Development of No color Escherichia coli Enterobacter
Test the presence of the enzyme a blue color development or cloacae
tryptohanase. Tryptophanase within 20 slightly pink
breaks down tryptophan to seconds color
release indole, which is
detected by it’s ability to
combine with certain
aldehydes to form a colored
compound. For indole-positive
bacteria, the blue-green
compound formed by the
reaction if indole
cinnamaldehyde is easily
visualized. The absence of
enzyme results in no color
production (indole negative).
Urea The test is used to determine Change in color No color change Proteus vulgaris Escherichia coli
Hydrolysis the ability of an organism to of slant from the ( agar slant and
Christensen’s produce the enzyme urease, light orange to butt remain light
Method which hydrolyzes urea. magenta orange )
Hydrolysis of urea produces
ammonia and CO2. The
formation of ammonia
alkalinizes the medium, and
the pH shits is detected by the
color change of phenol form
light orange at pH 6.8 to
magenta pH 8.1
X and V Members of the genus Growth around Growth over the H. infuenzae H. aphrophilus
Factor Test Haemophilus require XV disks only entire surface of will show a halo will grow over the
necessary growth factors in shows the agar growth around entire surface of
vitro. Some Haemophilus spp. requirement for indicates no XV disk; the rest the plate. Neither
require X factor (hemin) alone, both factors. requirement for of the agar X nor V nor XV
V factor (NAD, nicotinamide- Growth around either X or V surface will factors are
adenine dinucleotide) alone, or V disk, no factor. show no growth. necessary for
a combination of both growth around H. growth.
the X disk, and parainfluenzae
light growth will show a halo
around the XV growth around
disk shows a V the XV and V
factor disks.
1. DEFINITIVE HOST – the host in which the sexual reproduction of the parasite takes place or in which the most
highly developed form of a parasite occurs.
2. INTERMEDIATE HOST – host in which alternates with the definitive host & in which larval/asexual stages of a
parasite are found.
3. PARATENIC HOST – host in which larval stage of a parasite survives but does not develop further
4. RESERVOIR HOST – host which harbors the parasite and serves as an important source of infection to the other
susceptible host.
intake congestive heart acute and chronic urinary tract
Severe liver disease failure renal failure obstruction (via renal
Severe vomiting and shock, hemorrhage glomerular nephritis calculi, tumors of the
diarrhea dehydration tubular necrosis prostate or bladder)
pregnancy increased protein
Cushing’s syndrome: increase in cortisol production as a result of tumors which produce either excessive ACTH or cortisol