The Great Cholesterol Myth, Revised and Expanded
The Great Cholesterol Myth, Revised and Expanded
The Great Cholesterol Myth, Revised and Expanded
“This book reveals the true dietary villain when it “Thanks to the extensive scientific evidence provided
comes to heart disease and it’s not saturated fat! by Bowden and Sinatra, the truth about cholesterol
Backed by scientific research from peer reviewed will hopefully end the utter madness that has plagued
journals, this is an excellent read with potentially our society for far too long. Don’t even think about
life-saving information.” taking another statin drug, cutting your fat and
—NINA TEICHOLZ, New York Times best-selling cholesterol intake, or other ‘heart-healthy’ measures
author of The Big Fat Surprise and executive until you read The Great Cholesterol Myth.”
director of The Nutrition Coalition —JIMMY MOORE, host of Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb, and
co-author of Keto Clarity, Cholesterol Clarity, and The
“Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., and Stephen Sinatra, M.D., Complete Guide to Fasting
have brought the science of cholesterol into the
21st century. This book significantly moves the needle “The Great Cholesterol Myth shows that the primary
on our understanding of health and disease.“ cause of heart attacks is not cholesterol but insulin
—SHAWN BAKER, M.D., author of The Carnivore Diet resistance. Timely and important—it will show you what
steps to take to prevent and reverse heart disease”
“If you want to know the truth about cholesterol, and —STEVEN MASLEY, M.D., FAHA, FACN, C.N.S.,
what you absolutely must do to improve your heart best-selling author of The 30-Day Heart Tune-Up
health, this is the book for you. Jonny Bowden and Dr.
Stephen Sinatra reveal the facts in a compelling and “A must-read for anyone interested in learning how
insightful way. This invaluable book belongs on the deception and financial gain have dominated current
bookshelf of anyone who cares about the truth in diet and cholesterol treatment recommendations, with
medicine and healing.” evidence-based advice on which foods and behavioral
—DANIEL AMEN, M.D., CEO, Amen Clinics, Inc., author of strategies can optimize your health.”
The Daniel Plan, Change Your Brain Change Your Life, —DAVID DIAMOND, PH.D., Professor, Departments
and The End of Mental Illness of Psychology, Molecular Pharmacology
and Physiology, University of South Florida
“There’s a persistent myth in our current culture:
cholesterol and saturated fat are the enemy, leading “Education is the key to health for both the patient
to heart disease and a short life. Jonny Bowden and and the health care provider. The updated ‘Cholesterol
Steven Sinatra break that antiquated paradigm with Myth’ is there for everyone’s education. It is a sign
a hammer of balanced truth! Highly recommended!” of maturity for all to admit when you do not know
—DR. WILL COLE, best-selling author of something and here’s a great introduction to your
The Inflammation Spectrum and Ketotarian learning.”
—GARY FETTKE, once sanctioned Australian
“If you have any lingering fears about cholesterol and orthopedic surgeon and real-food advocate
what it means for your health, read this book! When
you’re done with it, pass it on to your physician!”
—JENNIFER ISENHART, writer/director, Fat Fiction
© 2020 Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc.
Text © 2012, 2020 Jonny Bowden and Stephen Sinatra
Second edition published in 2020
First Published in 2012 by Fair Winds Press, an imprint of The Quarto Group,
100 Cummings Center, Suite 265-D, Beverly, MA 01915, USA.
T (978) 282-9590 F (978) 283-2742 , F.A.C.
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24 23 22 21 20 12345
ISBN: 978-1-59233-933-4
Digital ISBN: 978-1-63159-838-8
Graphs shown on pages 120 and 122 are courtesy of David Diamond, Ph.D. Use with permission. AND THE STATIN-FREE PLAN THAT WILL
Page Layout: Claire MacMaster, barefoot art graphic design
Printed in China
The information in this book is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace the advice of a physician or
medical practitioner. Please see your health-care provider before beginning any new health program.
© 2020 Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc.
Text © 2012, 2020 Jonny Bowden and Stephen Sinatra
Second edition published in 2020
First Published in 2012 by Fair Winds Press, an imprint of The Quarto Group,
100 Cummings Center, Suite 265-D, Beverly, MA 01915, USA.
T (978) 282-9590 F (978) 283-2742 , F.A.C.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission of the copyright owners.
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Attn: Special Sales Manager, 100 Cummings Center, Suite 265-D, Beverly, MA 01915, USA.
24 23 22 21 20 12345
ISBN: 978-1-59233-933-4
Digital edition published in 2020
Originally found under the following Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Bowden, Jonny.
The great cholesterol myth : why lowering your cholesterol won’t prevent heart
disease—and the statin-free plan that will / Jonny Bowden and Stephen Sinatra.
p . cm.
ISBN 978-1-59233-521-3
1. Heart--Diseases--Etiology--Popular works. 2. Heart--Diseases--Prevention--Popular
works. 3. Cholesterol--Physiological aspects--Popular works. 4. Cholesterol--Health
Revised and Expanded
aspects--Popular works. I. Sinatra, Stephen T. II. Title.
RC682.B68 2012
2 012023479
Graphs shown on pages 120 and 122 are courtesy of David Diamond, Ph.D. Use with permission.
Page Layout: Claire MacMaster, barefoot art graphic design
Printed in China
The information in this book is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace the advice of a physician or medical
practitioner. Please see your health-care provider before beginning any new health program.
Chapter 12: The Science of Healthy Living: Eat, Laugh, Play, Love 182
TWO HUNDRED YEARS AGO physicians routinely bled, actually works. But the fact that the “scientific” basis
APPENDIX A 190 purged, and plastered their patients. Bloodletting was for bloodletting was nonexistent didn’t give pause to
the standard treatment for a host of diseases and had physicians 200 years ago, some of whom applied as
APPENDIX B Beyond Cholesterol Testing: been so since the time of the philosopher-physician many as fifty leeches to a single patient and, in the
What Tests Should I Get? 197
Galen almost 2,000 years before. The theory was that case of George Washington, relieved him of almost
there were four humors: blood, phlegm, black bile, and two quarts of blood in an effort to treat the throat
yellow bile. Blood was dominant, requiring the most infection that, coupled with the physician-caused
balancing for returning an ill patient to health. anemia, ultimately killed him.
Every doctor’s kit was equipped with a variety We look back today and can only shake our
of lancets, brutal–looking scarificators, and, starting heads. And be thankful we, ourselves, don’t have to
in the early nineteenth century, leeches. In fact, the worry about getting bled by lancet or leech or that
latter were used so often that physicians were them- with today’s modern, truly science-based medicine,
selves commonly referred to as leeches. Learned we would ever be exposed to such nebulously
physicians conferred on the best veins to tap for grounded treatments. Surely with all the scientific
given diseases and the optimal placement of leeches studies performed in great institutions the world
for the most therapeutic value, and countless protocols over, today’s doctors would never ignore the actual
“The mind is like a parachute—it only works if it’s open.” dictated the proper amount of blood to be let or num-
ber of leeches to be applied. Doctors wrote lengthy
evidence and pursue unnecessary and possibly
even harmful treatments. Would they?
—Anthony J. D’Angelo papers describing their own bleeding techniques and Sadly, many doctors today have the same herd
presented them at august medical conferences. mentality as those doctors of yore. By the tens of
The whole idea was nonsense, of course, and has thousands, they treat a nonexistent disease with
been shown to be so in the early 1600s by William drugs that are far from benign. And they do so based
Harvey, the discoverer of how the circulatory system not on any hard scientific data, but because they, like
Chapter 10: Beyond the Mediterranean Diet: What Do I Eat? 143
Chapter 12: The Science of Healthy Living: Eat, Laugh, Play, Love 182
TWO HUNDRED YEARS AGO physicians routinely bled, actually works. But the fact that the “scientific” basis
APPENDIX A 190 purged, and plastered their patients. Bloodletting was for bloodletting was nonexistent didn’t give pause to
the standard treatment for a host of diseases and had physicians 200 years ago, some of whom applied as
APPENDIX B Beyond Cholesterol Testing: been so since the time of the philosopher-physician many as fifty leeches to a single patient and, in the
What Tests Should I Get? 197
Galen almost 2,000 years before. The theory was that case of George Washington, relieved him of almost
there were four humors: blood, phlegm, black bile, and two quarts of blood in an effort to treat the throat
yellow bile. Blood was dominant, requiring the most infection that, coupled with the physician-caused
balancing for returning an ill patient to health. anemia, ultimately killed him.
Every doctor’s kit was equipped with a variety We look back today and can only shake our
of lancets, brutal–looking scarificators, and, starting heads. And be thankful we, ourselves, don’t have to
in the early nineteenth century, leeches. In fact, the worry about getting bled by lancet or leech or that
latter were used so often that physicians were them- with today’s modern, truly science-based medicine,
selves commonly referred to as leeches. Learned we would ever be exposed to such nebulously
physicians conferred on the best veins to tap for grounded treatments. Surely with all the scientific
given diseases and the optimal placement of leeches studies performed in great institutions the world
for the most therapeutic value, and countless protocols over, today’s doctors would never ignore the actual
“The mind is like a parachute—it only works if it’s open.” dictated the proper amount of blood to be let or num-
ber of leeches to be applied. Doctors wrote lengthy
evidence and pursue unnecessary and possibly
even harmful treatments. Would they?
—Anthony J. D’Angelo papers describing their own bleeding techniques and Sadly, many doctors today have the same herd
presented them at august medical conferences. mentality as those doctors of yore. By the tens of
The whole idea was nonsense, of course, and has thousands, they treat a nonexistent disease with
been shown to be so in the early 1600s by William drugs that are far from benign. And they do so based
Harvey, the discoverer of how the circulatory system not on any hard scientific data, but because they, like
the world over, desperate to find enough actual proof study showed that of almost 140,000 patients admitted
to convert the lipid hypothesis into the lipid fact. But to the hospital for heart disease, almost half of them
Cholesterol is an essential molecule without which so far, they’ve fallen way short. In the process, however, had LDL levels under 100 mg/dL (100 mg/dL has been
there would be no life, so important that virtually they have vastly expanded our knowledge of the bio-
chemistry and physiology of the cholesterol molecule.
the therapeutic target for LDL for the past few years).
Instead of stepping back, scratching their heads, and
every cell in the body is capable of synthesizing it. Thanks to their efforts, we now know that cholesterol thinking, Hmmm, maybe we’re on the wrong track here,
is transported in the blood attached to carrier proteins, the authors of this study concluded that maybe a
and that these protein-cholesterol complexes are called therapeutic level of 100 mg/dL for LDL is still too high
lipoproteins. Their densities now describe these lipo- and needs to be even lower. Such is their lipo-phobic
proteins: HDL (high-density lipoprotein), LDL (low- herd mentality.
their colleagues of 200 years ago, are firmly in the extend their lives by taking these drugs is lost on the density lipoprotein), VLDL (very-low-density lipoprotein), Nutritionist Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., and cardiologist
grip of group think. What is the nonexistent disease? multitude prescribing them, but not, of course, on the and a number of others. Some of these lipoproteins are Stephen Sinatra, M.D., have teamed up in this book
Elevated cholesterol. pharmaceutical industry making and selling them. considered good (HDL) and others bad (LDL). And, of to slash through the tall thicket of misinformation
The vast majority of laypeople have been bombarded How did we come to this sorry state? course, the drug companies have developed medica- surrounding cholesterol, lipoproteins, and the lipid
with so much misinformation about cholesterol that most Sixty years ago a researcher, little known outside tions purported to increase the former while decreasing hypothesis. They wrote their fact-based book using
take it as a given that cholesterol is a bad thing and that of academic circles, singlehandedly set us on this path the latter. easy-to-understand terminology, and present a much
the less they have the better. The reality is that nothing of cholesterol paranoia: Ancel Keys, Ph.D., a proponent But they jumped the gun. Researchers have more valid hypothesis of what really causes heart disease
could be further from the truth. of what has become known as the lipid hypothesis, discovered a type of lipoprotein called small, dense and a host of other diseases such as diabetes, high
Cholesterol is an essential molecule without which concluded that excess cholesterol caused heart disease. (or type B) LDL that may actually end up being a true blood pressure, and obesity, which will open your eyes
there would be no life, so important that virtually every He started out thinking that dietary fat in general drove risk factor for heart disease. Problem is, this small, to the emperor’s state of undress. If you are worried
cell in the body is capable of synthesizing it. Among its cholesterol levels up, but as the years went by, he came dense type B LDL is worsened by the very diet those about your cholesterol level or contemplating taking a
other duties, cholesterol is a major structural molecule, to believe that saturated fat was the true cholesterol- promoting the lipid hypothesis have hailed for decades cholesterol-lowering drug, we urge you to read this
a framework on which other critical substances are raising villain. (This idea of saturated fat as villain is so as the best diet to prevent heart disease: the low-fat, book! This book will put the facts in your hands to make
made. Were we able to somehow remove all its choles- ingrained in the minds of health writers that the words high-carbohydrate diet. Turns out that fat, especially a more informed decision. And we’re confident you will
terol, the body, would, in the words of Shakespeare, “saturated fat” are almost never written alone but saturated fat, decreases the amount of these small, enjoy their book as much as we did.
“melt, thaw and resolve itself into a dew.” And that’s always as “artery-clogging saturated fat.”) Which is dense LDL particles while the widely recommended
not to mention that we wouldn’t have bile acids, vita- more or less the basis for the lipid hypothesis: Saturated low-fat diet increases their number. The opposite of the Michael R. Eades, M.D.
min D, or steroid hormones (including sex hormones), fat runs up cholesterol levels, and elevated cholesterol small dense LDL are large fluffy LDL particles, which Mary Dan Eades, M.D.
all of which are cholesterol-based. leads to heart disease. Nice and simple, but not true. It are not only not harmful but are actually healthful. May 2012
Despite the essential nature of cholesterol, has never been proven, which is why it is still called the But the LDL–lowering drugs lower those, too. Incline Village, Nevada
doctors the world over administer billions of dollars’ lipid hypothesis. Cracks should have appeared in the firm entrench-
worth of drugs to try to prevent its natural synthesis. Because of Keys’s influence, researchers for the ment of the lipid hypothesis (that now basically posits
The fact that only a tiny minority of patients actually past five decades have been beavering away in labs that elevated LDL causes heart disease) when a recent
there would be no life, so important that virtually they have vastly expanded our knowledge of the bio-
chemistry and physiology of the cholesterol molecule.
the therapeutic target for LDL for the past few years).
Instead of stepping back, scratching their heads, and
every cell in the body is capable of synthesizing it. Thanks to their efforts, we now know that cholesterol thinking, Hmmm, maybe we’re on the wrong track here,
is transported in the blood attached to carrier proteins, the authors of this study concluded that maybe a
and that these protein-cholesterol complexes are called therapeutic level of 100 mg/dL for LDL is still too high
lipoproteins. Their densities now describe these lipo- and needs to be even lower. Such is their lipo-phobic
proteins: HDL (high-density lipoprotein), LDL (low- herd mentality.
their colleagues of 200 years ago, are firmly in the extend their lives by taking these drugs is lost on the density lipoprotein), VLDL (very-low-density lipoprotein), Nutritionist Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., and cardiologist
grip of group think. What is the nonexistent disease? multitude prescribing them, but not, of course, on the and a number of others. Some of these lipoproteins are Stephen Sinatra, M.D., have teamed up in this book
Elevated cholesterol. pharmaceutical industry making and selling them. considered good (HDL) and others bad (LDL). And, of to slash through the tall thicket of misinformation
The vast majority of laypeople have been bombarded How did we come to this sorry state? course, the drug companies have developed medica- surrounding cholesterol, lipoproteins, and the lipid
with so much misinformation about cholesterol that most Sixty years ago a researcher, little known outside tions purported to increase the former while decreasing hypothesis. They wrote their fact-based book using
take it as a given that cholesterol is a bad thing and that of academic circles, singlehandedly set us on this path the latter. easy-to-understand terminology, and present a much
the less they have the better. The reality is that nothing of cholesterol paranoia: Ancel Keys, Ph.D., a proponent But they jumped the gun. Researchers have more valid hypothesis of what really causes heart disease
could be further from the truth. of what has become known as the lipid hypothesis, discovered a type of lipoprotein called small, dense and a host of other diseases such as diabetes, high
Cholesterol is an essential molecule without which concluded that excess cholesterol caused heart disease. (or type B) LDL that may actually end up being a true blood pressure, and obesity, which will open your eyes
there would be no life, so important that virtually every He started out thinking that dietary fat in general drove risk factor for heart disease. Problem is, this small, to the emperor’s state of undress. If you are worried
cell in the body is capable of synthesizing it. Among its cholesterol levels up, but as the years went by, he came dense type B LDL is worsened by the very diet those about your cholesterol level or contemplating taking a
other duties, cholesterol is a major structural molecule, to believe that saturated fat was the true cholesterol- promoting the lipid hypothesis have hailed for decades cholesterol-lowering drug, we urge you to read this
a framework on which other critical substances are raising villain. (This idea of saturated fat as villain is so as the best diet to prevent heart disease: the low-fat, book! This book will put the facts in your hands to make
made. Were we able to somehow remove all its choles- ingrained in the minds of health writers that the words high-carbohydrate diet. Turns out that fat, especially a more informed decision. And we’re confident you will
terol, the body, would, in the words of Shakespeare, “saturated fat” are almost never written alone but saturated fat, decreases the amount of these small, enjoy their book as much as we did.
“melt, thaw and resolve itself into a dew.” And that’s always as “artery-clogging saturated fat.”) Which is dense LDL particles while the widely recommended
not to mention that we wouldn’t have bile acids, vita- more or less the basis for the lipid hypothesis: Saturated low-fat diet increases their number. The opposite of the Michael R. Eades, M.D.
min D, or steroid hormones (including sex hormones), fat runs up cholesterol levels, and elevated cholesterol small dense LDL are large fluffy LDL particles, which Mary Dan Eades, M.D.
all of which are cholesterol-based. leads to heart disease. Nice and simple, but not true. It are not only not harmful but are actually healthful. May 2012
Despite the essential nature of cholesterol, has never been proven, which is why it is still called the But the LDL–lowering drugs lower those, too. Incline Village, Nevada
doctors the world over administer billions of dollars’ lipid hypothesis. Cracks should have appeared in the firm entrench-
worth of drugs to try to prevent its natural synthesis. Because of Keys’s influence, researchers for the ment of the lipid hypothesis (that now basically posits
The fact that only a tiny minority of patients actually past five decades have been beavering away in labs that elevated LDL causes heart disease) when a recent
WHY A NEW EDITION profoundly affects so many areas of our health. Even
genetic testing, still in its infancy, is nonetheless light-
ful drugs for a condition known as “high cholesterol”
that is a lab test, not a disease, and—to add insult to
So the good news is that we have all kinds of cool tes. We will argue that if you catch the signs of diabe-
ways of measuring sophisticated risk factors that tes early enough, you can prevent heart disease—for
CHAPTER 1 most people never heard of a decade or two ago. Ten many, if not most, people. By the end of chapter 12 we
years ago, for example, few people even knew about hope you will agree with us.
(much less understood) the microbiome—a whole eco- And now for the bad news. Most doctors don’t
logical system of microbes that lives in our gut and know this. Even worse, most are still prescribing power-
WHY A NEW EDITION profoundly affects so many areas of our health. Even
genetic testing, still in its infancy, is nonetheless light-
ful drugs for a condition known as “high cholesterol”
that is a lab test, not a disease, and—to add insult to
going to win over a few converts. Like politics, • Lowering cholesterol does not save lives—and this If this book has one single, actionable takeaway, case heart disease. And if the HDL-LDL cholesterol
nutrition and medicine are very polarized. But unlike has been shown in study after study. it’s this: Get tested for insulin resistance. There are test did in fact predict whether a given patient is
politics, there is a large group of “independent • Problematic blood measurements, such as high many ways to test for insulin resistance—we’ll discuss likely to get heart disease, there’d be no reason for
voters” in the fields of nutrition and medicine, doctors blood sugar, are actually markers of dysfunction them all in chapter 9—but test for it you must. It can this discussion.
and patients alike, who look for the truth wherever that show up fairly late in the game. By the time reveal problems years, or even decades, before you But it doesn’t.
it’s to be found and don’t cling stubbornly to official these traditional red flags show up on your get a diagnosis of either diabetes or cardiovascular Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the test—
talking points. It’s those independents that we hope annual blood test, you could already be well on disease. which, back in the 1960s, was considered state-of-the-
we can win over with our message that it’s time to the road to pre-diabetes. And remember, The best news is that you can stop insulin resis- art—has become obsolete. Given the far more accu-
move beyond—way beyond—conventional cholesterol pre-diabetes is diabetes; it’s just not official yet. tance—and most often reverse it—with diet. Really. rate measures we now have at our disposal, the old-
testing and conventional dietary prescriptions for And diabetes is pre-heart disease. You cannot You won’t need a single pharmaceutical drug to fashioned HDL-LDL test is long past its expiration
heart disease. ignore the early warning signs of diabetes, and reverse insulin resistance if you get it early enough date. The prescription you got from your doctor to
Which, if you haven’t already noticed, don’t work unfortunately, most doctors only look for the and make the right dietary changes. And if you do prevent heart disease was very likely based on a test
very well. ones that show up after the damage has already identify insulin resistance early, you can probably that’s just about as useful as a horoscope from
We feel the message of this book is so impor- started. prevent it from morphing into a heart attack down People magazine.
tant—and so potentially life-saving—we want you to the road. Researchers writing in the medical journal How do we know this? Because when you plug in
hear it right now, on the first few pages. Maybe it will Fully one-third of those with full-blown diabetes Diabetes Care said it eloquently: “Insulin resistance is the other, far more accurate predictors of heart dis-
prompt a conversation with your doctor, or even moti- don’t know they have it, and the vast majority of likely the most important single cause of coronary ease—which we’ll talk about throughout this book—it
vate you to consider a different approach to the pre- those with early signs of diabetes are utterly clueless artery disease,” adding that in young adults prevent- turns out many people with “high LDL” actually have
vention of your own heart disease. If our book has about their condition and the disaster that may await ing insulin resistance would prevent approximately 42 very low risk for heart disease. Conversely, many
some small part in accomplishing that, we will con- them further down the path. We’ll explain the rela- percent of heart attacks! people with “low LDL” can have a very high risk for
sider our mission accomplished. Here’s what you need tionship between diabetes and heart disease through- a cardiovascular event. (This was true for one of
to know: out the book, but for now just keep in mind that more NOW LET’S TALK ABOUT STATINS the authors.)
• Cholesterol does not cause heart disease. than 80 percent of diabetics die of cardiovascular Are you on a statin drug? The danger of continuing to rely on this obsolete
Cholesterol is involved in heart disease, but not disease. Do the math. If you are, it’s almost certainly because your doc- test cuts both ways—many people who have “high
in the way most people think it is. Cholesterol Insulin resistance is diabetes’ first metabolic foot- tor was worried about your LDL cholesterol number LDL” but are actually at low risk are being over-
levels—as currently measured—do not even predict print, the clue that shows up well before things go being too high. And if you aren’t on a statin drug, it’s treated with powerful medications that come with a
heart disease (let alone cause it). deeply south. Insulin resistance syndrome more than probably because your doctor thought your LDL cho- long list of side effects (see chapter 8). Meanwhile,
• The cholesterol test your doctor currently gives doubles the risk of diabetes, which in turn more than lesterol number was just fine, hence no need for pre- many people who have “low LDL,” but actually have a
you— the one for “good” and “bad” cholesterol”— doubles the risk of dying of heart disease or stroke. ventive treatment. high risk for an event, are walking around untreated,
is obsolete. There are at least thirteen identified The good news: Insulin resistance itself can be In both cases, there’s an excellent chance that your thinking everything’s just fine. And that’s tragic.
subtypes of cholesterol—not two—making it all the detected many years before an official diagnosis of doctor was dead wrong. This book will explain why. Think of it this way: Knowing someone’s HDL and
more mystifying that doctors continue to stick to diabetes or heart disease, which means you can inter- Remember, the only real importance of the HDL- LDL is like knowing their political party. But political
measuring two. rupt the path of heart disease for a double-digit LDL cholesterol test is to predict an outcome—in this party does not always predict the way someone is
percentage of the population.
going to win over a few converts. Like politics, • Lowering cholesterol does not save lives—and this If this book has one single, actionable takeaway, case heart disease. And if the HDL-LDL cholesterol
nutrition and medicine are very polarized. But unlike has been shown in study after study. it’s this: Get tested for insulin resistance. There are test did in fact predict whether a given patient is
politics, there is a large group of “independent • Problematic blood measurements, such as high many ways to test for insulin resistance—we’ll discuss likely to get heart disease, there’d be no reason for
voters” in the fields of nutrition and medicine, doctors blood sugar, are actually markers of dysfunction them all in chapter 9—but test for it you must. It can this discussion.
and patients alike, who look for the truth wherever that show up fairly late in the game. By the time reveal problems years, or even decades, before you But it doesn’t.
it’s to be found and don’t cling stubbornly to official these traditional red flags show up on your get a diagnosis of either diabetes or cardiovascular Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the test—
talking points. It’s those independents that we hope annual blood test, you could already be well on disease. which, back in the 1960s, was considered state-of-the-
we can win over with our message that it’s time to the road to pre-diabetes. And remember, The best news is that you can stop insulin resis- art—has become obsolete. Given the far more accu-
move beyond—way beyond—conventional cholesterol pre-diabetes is diabetes; it’s just not official yet. tance—and most often reverse it—with diet. Really. rate measures we now have at our disposal, the old-
testing and conventional dietary prescriptions for And diabetes is pre-heart disease. You cannot You won’t need a single pharmaceutical drug to fashioned HDL-LDL test is long past its expiration
heart disease. ignore the early warning signs of diabetes, and reverse insulin resistance if you get it early enough date. The prescription you got from your doctor to
Which, if you haven’t already noticed, don’t work unfortunately, most doctors only look for the and make the right dietary changes. And if you do prevent heart disease was very likely based on a test
very well. ones that show up after the damage has already identify insulin resistance early, you can probably that’s just about as useful as a horoscope from
We feel the message of this book is so impor- started. prevent it from morphing into a heart attack down People magazine.
tant—and so potentially life-saving—we want you to the road. Researchers writing in the medical journal How do we know this? Because when you plug in
hear it right now, on the first few pages. Maybe it will Fully one-third of those with full-blown diabetes Diabetes Care said it eloquently: “Insulin resistance is the other, far more accurate predictors of heart dis-
prompt a conversation with your doctor, or even moti- don’t know they have it, and the vast majority of likely the most important single cause of coronary ease—which we’ll talk about throughout this book—it
vate you to consider a different approach to the pre- those with early signs of diabetes are utterly clueless artery disease,” adding that in young adults prevent- turns out many people with “high LDL” actually have
vention of your own heart disease. If our book has about their condition and the disaster that may await ing insulin resistance would prevent approximately 42 very low risk for heart disease. Conversely, many
some small part in accomplishing that, we will con- them further down the path. We’ll explain the rela- percent of heart attacks! people with “low LDL” can have a very high risk for
sider our mission accomplished. Here’s what you need tionship between diabetes and heart disease through- a cardiovascular event. (This was true for one of
to know: out the book, but for now just keep in mind that more NOW LET’S TALK ABOUT STATINS the authors.)
• Cholesterol does not cause heart disease. than 80 percent of diabetics die of cardiovascular Are you on a statin drug? The danger of continuing to rely on this obsolete
Cholesterol is involved in heart disease, but not disease. Do the math. If you are, it’s almost certainly because your doc- test cuts both ways—many people who have “high
in the way most people think it is. Cholesterol Insulin resistance is diabetes’ first metabolic foot- tor was worried about your LDL cholesterol number LDL” but are actually at low risk are being over-
levels—as currently measured—do not even predict print, the clue that shows up well before things go being too high. And if you aren’t on a statin drug, it’s treated with powerful medications that come with a
heart disease (let alone cause it). deeply south. Insulin resistance syndrome more than probably because your doctor thought your LDL cho- long list of side effects (see chapter 8). Meanwhile,
• The cholesterol test your doctor currently gives doubles the risk of diabetes, which in turn more than lesterol number was just fine, hence no need for pre- many people who have “low LDL,” but actually have a
you— the one for “good” and “bad” cholesterol”— doubles the risk of dying of heart disease or stroke. ventive treatment. high risk for an event, are walking around untreated,
is obsolete. There are at least thirteen identified The good news: Insulin resistance itself can be In both cases, there’s an excellent chance that your thinking everything’s just fine. And that’s tragic.
subtypes of cholesterol—not two—making it all the detected many years before an official diagnosis of doctor was dead wrong. This book will explain why. Think of it this way: Knowing someone’s HDL and
more mystifying that doctors continue to stick to diabetes or heart disease, which means you can inter- Remember, the only real importance of the HDL- LDL is like knowing their political party. But political
measuring two. rupt the path of heart disease for a double-digit LDL cholesterol test is to predict an outcome—in this party does not always predict the way someone is
percentage of the population.
going to vote. In fact, on many important issues, if cholesterol” test replaced by measures that do a far
you want to make an accurate prediction on how better job of accurately predicting cardiovascular dis-
someone is going to vote, it’s far more important to ease than “LDL cholesterol.”
Dr. Jonny: A friend of mine recently brought me his cholesterol test. He showed me four
know their age, sex, and whether or not they’re mar-
measurements: total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, and triglycerides. He asked me, based on these
ried than it is to know whether they’re a Republican A GUIDE TO USING THIS BOOK
numbers, to tell him whether or not I thought he was at a risk for an “event.”
or a Democrat. In this first part of the book, you’ll learn exactly what
I explained that, based on these numbers, there was no way to tell.
And it’s the same thing with heart disease. Except cholesterol is, and what it isn’t, and how it really
Let me explain.
it’s far more serious that your predictions be accu- works in the body. (Be prepared to be surprised.) In
Let’s say you’re playing poker against someone who has two deuces showing. What can you
rate. Make a mistake predicting how someone’s going clear understandable terms you’ll learn how
positively say about that hand? Not much, really. You can say for sure that he doesn’t have a
to vote and it’s not really a big deal. Make a mistake atherosclerosis actually develops, and you’ll
royal flush or a straight. But without knowing the other three cards, there’s no way you can
about whether someone is at risk for heart disease understand the critical role of chronic inflammation
predict whether he has a winning (or losing) hand. You have to decide to bet (or not bet) based
and, well, it’s a very big deal—especially if that some- and oxidative damage.
on incomplete evidence, which is why poker is ultimately a game of “chance.”
one is you or a member of your family. Then in part two, we’ll introduce the real villain of
But you don’t want guessing about heart disease to be a game of chance. And you don’t
That is exactly why we want to see the “HDL-LDL” the heart disease story: sugar. You’ll see why sugar
want it to be based on incomplete evidence. HDL and LDL are like the visible two cards in a
test retired forever, replaced by the far more sophisti- got a free pass all these past few decades while fat
poker hand. Your doctor is “betting” on whether or not you’re going to get heart disease
cated and accurate measures of cardiovascular risk was blamed for our health woes, and you’ll come to
based on this woefully incomplete information.
that we now have available. These measures include see what a huge mistake that was. (And it’s still going
This is a tragedy for two reasons. One, because whether or not you’re at risk for a heart
ApoB, total particle number, and insulin resistance, all on.) You’ll see the clear lines from sugar and starch
attack is way more consequential than whether or not you have a winning poker hand. And
of which we will go over during the course of this book. intake to diabetes, and the frighteningly short line
two, because your doctor now has an easily accessible way to check the other three cards so
If you are one of the millions of people who got a from diabetes to heart disease. You’ll also come to
she doesn’t have to guess!
clean bill of health because of low LDL, but your total understand the very insignificant role dietary fat plays
particle number was actually very high, you are at in all of this. Finally, you’ll learn a lot about the real
great risk and are going untreated. (This was exactly effects of statin drugs and how clever and insidious
the case with Jonny.) Similarly, if you’re one of the marketing has made them into the blockbuster drugs
millions of people on a statin because of high LDL but they are today.
your total particle number is actually very low, you’re In part three, we’ll tell you the way to combat the years of combined experience in the health field—have you play.
probably on a medication you don’t need and putting real promoters of heart disease—inflammation and firmly and independently concluded that it’s not just They are all related. They all matter. And every
up with side effects that you don’t have to endure. insulin resistance. We’ll talk about the things you can what you eat and how you exercise that determines one of them has an impact on the health of your
Study after study shows us that relying on LDL do to build and maintain a healthy heart for decades your health, though those things certainly matter. But heart. A lot more than your cholesterol level does.
alone misses an awful lot of heart disease. That’s a lot and decades: food, supplements, activity, relation- it’s also how you love, how you think, how you feel, Enjoy the journey of discovery that awaits you.
of people dying because they were diagnosed using ships, community. We kiddingly referred to this last how you digest, how you manage stress, how you con-
an obsolete test. Our hope is that this book will section of the book as our “Eat-Play-Love” section, tribute, how you sleep, how you kick back and relax,
change that. It’s our mission to see the “good and bad but only half in jest. Both of us—with more than eighty how you meditate, how you contemplate, and how
going to vote. In fact, on many important issues, if cholesterol” test replaced by measures that do a far
you want to make an accurate prediction on how better job of accurately predicting cardiovascular dis-
someone is going to vote, it’s far more important to ease than “LDL cholesterol.”
Dr. Jonny: A friend of mine recently brought me his cholesterol test. He showed me four
know their age, sex, and whether or not they’re mar-
measurements: total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, and triglycerides. He asked me, based on these
ried than it is to know whether they’re a Republican A GUIDE TO USING THIS BOOK
numbers, to tell him whether or not I thought he was at a risk for an “event.”
or a Democrat. In this first part of the book, you’ll learn exactly what
I explained that, based on these numbers, there was no way to tell.
And it’s the same thing with heart disease. Except cholesterol is, and what it isn’t, and how it really
Let me explain.
it’s far more serious that your predictions be accu- works in the body. (Be prepared to be surprised.) In
Let’s say you’re playing poker against someone who has two deuces showing. What can you
rate. Make a mistake predicting how someone’s going clear understandable terms you’ll learn how
positively say about that hand? Not much, really. You can say for sure that he doesn’t have a
to vote and it’s not really a big deal. Make a mistake atherosclerosis actually develops, and you’ll
royal flush or a straight. But without knowing the other three cards, there’s no way you can
about whether someone is at risk for heart disease understand the critical role of chronic inflammation
predict whether he has a winning (or losing) hand. You have to decide to bet (or not bet) based
and, well, it’s a very big deal—especially if that some- and oxidative damage.
on incomplete evidence, which is why poker is ultimately a game of “chance.”
one is you or a member of your family. Then in part two, we’ll introduce the real villain of
But you don’t want guessing about heart disease to be a game of chance. And you don’t
That is exactly why we want to see the “HDL-LDL” the heart disease story: sugar. You’ll see why sugar
want it to be based on incomplete evidence. HDL and LDL are like the visible two cards in a
test retired forever, replaced by the far more sophisti- got a free pass all these past few decades while fat
poker hand. Your doctor is “betting” on whether or not you’re going to get heart disease
cated and accurate measures of cardiovascular risk was blamed for our health woes, and you’ll come to
based on this woefully incomplete information.
that we now have available. These measures include see what a huge mistake that was. (And it’s still going
This is a tragedy for two reasons. One, because whether or not you’re at risk for a heart
ApoB, total particle number, and insulin resistance, all on.) You’ll see the clear lines from sugar and starch
attack is way more consequential than whether or not you have a winning poker hand. And
of which we will go over during the course of this book. intake to diabetes, and the frighteningly short line
two, because your doctor now has an easily accessible way to check the other three cards so
If you are one of the millions of people who got a from diabetes to heart disease. You’ll also come to
she doesn’t have to guess!
clean bill of health because of low LDL, but your total understand the very insignificant role dietary fat plays
particle number was actually very high, you are at in all of this. Finally, you’ll learn a lot about the real
great risk and are going untreated. (This was exactly effects of statin drugs and how clever and insidious
the case with Jonny.) Similarly, if you’re one of the marketing has made them into the blockbuster drugs
millions of people on a statin because of high LDL but they are today.
your total particle number is actually very low, you’re In part three, we’ll tell you the way to combat the years of combined experience in the health field—have you play.
probably on a medication you don’t need and putting real promoters of heart disease—inflammation and firmly and independently concluded that it’s not just They are all related. They all matter. And every
up with side effects that you don’t have to endure. insulin resistance. We’ll talk about the things you can what you eat and how you exercise that determines one of them has an impact on the health of your
Study after study shows us that relying on LDL do to build and maintain a healthy heart for decades your health, though those things certainly matter. But heart. A lot more than your cholesterol level does.
alone misses an awful lot of heart disease. That’s a lot and decades: food, supplements, activity, relation- it’s also how you love, how you think, how you feel, Enjoy the journey of discovery that awaits you.
of people dying because they were diagnosed using ships, community. We kiddingly referred to this last how you digest, how you manage stress, how you con-
an obsolete test. Our hope is that this book will section of the book as our “Eat-Play-Love” section, tribute, how you sleep, how you kick back and relax,
change that. It’s our mission to see the “good and bad but only half in jest. Both of us—with more than eighty how you meditate, how you contemplate, and how
In part one, we tell you how we came together to write the original edition
of The Great Cholesterol Myth. We’ll take you on our own personal journeys
of discovery, when our suspicions were (independently) raised about
whether we had been told the whole story about fat and cholesterol.
You’ll see how we went from being true believers in the low-fat diet and
in the cholesterol hypothesis, to disrupters and challengers of conventional
thinking about heart disease, cholesterol, and statin drugs.
In part one, we tell you how we came together to write the original edition
of The Great Cholesterol Myth. We’ll take you on our own personal journeys
of discovery, when our suspicions were (independently) raised about
whether we had been told the whole story about fat and cholesterol.
You’ll see how we went from being true believers in the low-fat diet and
in the cholesterol hypothesis, to disrupters and challengers of conventional
thinking about heart disease, cholesterol, and statin drugs.
Many of the general dietary guidelines accepted DR. JONNY
and promoted by the government and by major Before I became a nutritionist and ultimately an
CHAPTER 2 health organizations such as the American Heart author, I was a personal trainer. I worked at Equinox
Association are either directly or indirectly related to Fitness Clubs in New York City, and the vast majority
cholesterol phobia. These standard guidelines warn us of my clients were there for one thing: weight loss. It
to limit the amount of cholesterol we eat, despite the was 1990. Fat was considered dietary enemy number
WHY YOU SHOULD BE fact that for at least 95 percent of the population,
cholesterol in the diet has virtually no effect on cho-
one, and saturated fat was considered especially bad
because we all “knew” it clogged your arteries, raised
lesterol in the blood. your cholesterol, and led to heart disease. So, like
These guidelines warn us of the dangers of satu- most trainers, I put my clients on low-fat diets and
rated fat, despite the fact that the relationship encouraged them to do a ton of aerobics plus a little
between saturated fat in the diet and heart disease bit of weight training.
has never been convincingly demonstrated, and Which worked.
OF HEART DISEASE despite the fact that research shows that replacing
saturated fat in the diet with carbohydrates actually
More often than not, the strategy bombed.
increases the risk for heart disease. Take Al, for example. Al was an incredibly suc-
THE TWO OF US CAME TOGETHER TO WRITE THIS BOOK because we believe that you have Both of us became skeptical of the cholesterol cessful, powerful businessman in his early sixties with
been completely misled, misinformed, and in some cases, directly lied to about cholesterol. theory at different points in our careers, traveling a huge belly he just couldn’t get rid of. He was eating
We believe that misinformation, scientifically questionable studies, and corporate greed have different pathways to arrive at the same conclusion: a very low-fat diet, doing a ton of aerobics on the
created one of the most indestructible and damaging myths in medical history: that cholesterol Cholesterol does not cause heart disease. treadmill in his house, and yet his weight was hardly
causes heart disease and that statins are the answer. We also believe that, unlike trans fat, for example, budging. If everything I had been taught as a personal
The millions of marketing dollars spent on perpetuating this myth have successfully kept saturated fat is not the dietary equivalent of Satan’s trainer was right, that shouldn’t have been happening.
us focused on a relatively minor character in the heart disease story—and created a market for spawn (and we’ll show you why). Finally, and most But it was.
cholesterol-lowering drugs worth more than $30 billion a year. The real tragedy is that by putting important, we strongly believe that our national Then Al decided to do something I didn’t approve
all of our attention on cholesterol, we’ve virtually ignored the real causes of heart disease: obsession with lowering cholesterol has come at a of. He went on the Atkins diet.
inflammation, oxidation, sugar, and stress. considerable price. Cholesterolmania has caused us to Remember, those were the days when all of us
In fact, as you’ll learn in this book, cholesterol numbers as they are now tested—i.e. “HDL” focus all our energy around a fairly innocuous mole- were taught that fat, especially saturated fat, was
and “LDL”—are a pretty poor predictor of heart disease; up to 70 percent of people hospitalized with cule with a marginal relationship to heart disease, pure evil. We had been taught that we “need” carbo-
heart attacks have perfectly normal cholesterol levels, and about half the people with elevated choles- while ignoring the real causes of heart disease. hydrates for energy and survival. We had been taught
terol levels have perfectly normal, healthy tickers. (Those numbers might change if doctors used the We’re each going to tell you in our own words that diets such as the Atkins diet were dangerous and
much more modernized version of cholesterol tests, which we’ll talk about throughout the book—but how we became cholesterol skeptics and why we fer- damaging, largely because all that saturated fat would
they continue to use the old-fashioned “good” and “bad” test that predicts about as accurately as vently believe the information contained in this book clog your arteries, raise your cholesterol, and lead to
flipping a coin.) could save your life. a heart attack.
Many of the general dietary guidelines accepted DR. JONNY
and promoted by the government and by major Before I became a nutritionist and ultimately an
CHAPTER 2 health organizations such as the American Heart author, I was a personal trainer. I worked at Equinox
Association are either directly or indirectly related to Fitness Clubs in New York City, and the vast majority
cholesterol phobia. These standard guidelines warn us of my clients were there for one thing: weight loss. It
to limit the amount of cholesterol we eat, despite the was 1990. Fat was considered dietary enemy number
WHY YOU SHOULD BE fact that for at least 95 percent of the population,
cholesterol in the diet has virtually no effect on cho-
one, and saturated fat was considered especially bad
because we all “knew” it clogged your arteries, raised
lesterol in the blood. your cholesterol, and led to heart disease. So, like
These guidelines warn us of the dangers of satu- most trainers, I put my clients on low-fat diets and
rated fat, despite the fact that the relationship encouraged them to do a ton of aerobics plus a little
between saturated fat in the diet and heart disease bit of weight training.
has never been convincingly demonstrated, and Which worked.
OF HEART DISEASE despite the fact that research shows that replacing
saturated fat in the diet with carbohydrates actually
More often than not, the strategy bombed.
increases the risk for heart disease. Take Al, for example. Al was an incredibly suc-
THE TWO OF US CAME TOGETHER TO WRITE THIS BOOK because we believe that you have Both of us became skeptical of the cholesterol cessful, powerful businessman in his early sixties with
been completely misled, misinformed, and in some cases, directly lied to about cholesterol. theory at different points in our careers, traveling a huge belly he just couldn’t get rid of. He was eating
We believe that misinformation, scientifically questionable studies, and corporate greed have different pathways to arrive at the same conclusion: a very low-fat diet, doing a ton of aerobics on the
created one of the most indestructible and damaging myths in medical history: that cholesterol Cholesterol does not cause heart disease. treadmill in his house, and yet his weight was hardly
causes heart disease and that statins are the answer. We also believe that, unlike trans fat, for example, budging. If everything I had been taught as a personal
The millions of marketing dollars spent on perpetuating this myth have successfully kept saturated fat is not the dietary equivalent of Satan’s trainer was right, that shouldn’t have been happening.
us focused on a relatively minor character in the heart disease story—and created a market for spawn (and we’ll show you why). Finally, and most But it was.
cholesterol-lowering drugs worth more than $30 billion a year. The real tragedy is that by putting important, we strongly believe that our national Then Al decided to do something I didn’t approve
all of our attention on cholesterol, we’ve virtually ignored the real causes of heart disease: obsession with lowering cholesterol has come at a of. He went on the Atkins diet.
inflammation, oxidation, sugar, and stress. considerable price. Cholesterolmania has caused us to Remember, those were the days when all of us
In fact, as you’ll learn in this book, cholesterol numbers as they are now tested—i.e. “HDL” focus all our energy around a fairly innocuous mole- were taught that fat, especially saturated fat, was
and “LDL”—are a pretty poor predictor of heart disease; up to 70 percent of people hospitalized with cule with a marginal relationship to heart disease, pure evil. We had been taught that we “need” carbo-
heart attacks have perfectly normal cholesterol levels, and about half the people with elevated choles- while ignoring the real causes of heart disease. hydrates for energy and survival. We had been taught
terol levels have perfectly normal, healthy tickers. (Those numbers might change if doctors used the We’re each going to tell you in our own words that diets such as the Atkins diet were dangerous and
much more modernized version of cholesterol tests, which we’ll talk about throughout the book—but how we became cholesterol skeptics and why we fer- damaging, largely because all that saturated fat would
they continue to use the old-fashioned “good” and “bad” test that predicts about as accurately as vently believe the information contained in this book clog your arteries, raise your cholesterol, and lead to
flipping a coin.) could save your life. a heart attack.
So I was pretty sure Al was headed for disaster. my client Al was on would produce disastrous results. more saturated fat—but nothing bad was happening at by an even more impressive 76 percent, all without
Except he wasn’t. Right around this time, a biochemist named Barry all, unless, of course, you count feeling better and making as much as a dent in cholesterol levels. The
Not only did he start shedding weight and losing Sears came to New York City to give a workshop at getting slimmer as nothing. Nurses’ Health Study3 found that 82 percent of coro-
his substantial “apple-shaped” belly, but he also had Equinox, which, of course, I eagerly attended. Sears, Which got me thinking. nary events were attributable to five factors, none of
more energy and was feeling better than he had in whose Zone diet books have sold millions, had a novel Why weren’t we seeing consistent results with our which had anything to do with lowering cholesterol.
decades. I, meanwhile, was impressed with Al’s results, approach that can be summed up in four words: eat clients who were faithfully following low-fat diets and And that was just the tip of the ever-growing iceberg.
but I was convinced he was paying a huge price and fat, lose weight. If Sears had been anything but an getting plenty of aerobic exercise? Conversely, why Study after study on high-protein, low-carb diets—
that once he got the blood test results from his MIT-trained biochemist, he probably would have been were our clients who were going on low-carb diets including those rich in saturated fat—showed that the
annual physical, I would be vindicated. laughed out of the room. But given his credentials getting such high marks on their blood tests and blood tests of people on these diets were similar to
I wasn’t. and remarkable knowledge of the human body, he astonishing their doctors? What if everything we’d Al’s. Their health actually improved on these diets.
Al’s triglycerides—a type of fat found in the blood- was pretty hard to dismiss. been told about the danger of saturated fat wasn’t Triglycerides went down. Other measures that indi-
stream and elsewhere—had dropped, his blood pres- Now Sears wasn’t the first one to embrace fat exactly correct? And—if what we’d been taught about cated heart disease risk also improved.
sure had gone down, and his cholesterol had risen and protein in the diet and recommend that we eat saturated fat wasn’t the complete truth—what about In the mid-90s I went back to school for nutrition,
slightly, but his “good” cholesterol (HDL) had gone up fewer carbs. Atkins, whose original diet was the one this relationship between fat and cholesterol? Was it ultimately earning a Ph.D. in what was then called
more than his “bad” cholesterol (LDL), so overall his Al had tried so successfully, had been saying similar really all as simple as I’d been taught? “holistic” (integrative) nutrition and a C.N.S. (certified
doc was pretty happy. things since 1972. But the whole rap against Atkins After all, even back in the early 1990s when peo- nutrition specialist) certification from the Certification
Right around this time, Dr. Barry Sears—the MIT- was that his diet was high in saturated fat and would ple only talked about “good” and “bad” cholesterol, Board for Nutrition Specialists, which is associated
trained biochemist and creator of the Zone diet—came therefore likely cause heart disease. So even though it was still obvious that, overall, saturated fat had a with the American College of Nutrition. During my
to give a workshop at Equinox. It was there, thirty many people grudgingly admitted that you could lose positive effect on Al’s cholesterol, as it did on the studies, I talked to many other health professionals
years ago, that I first learned this critical lesson: Food weight easily following his program, everyone (includ- cholesterol levels of so many of my other clients. who shared my concerns, including one of the top
has a hormonal effect. ing me) believed that the cost would include a hugely Saturated fat raised folks HDL much more than it did lipid biochemists in the country, the late Mary Enig,
When it comes to gaining and losing weight, it’s increased risk for heart disease. their LDL, which, by the standard of the day, was a Ph.D. She did some of the early research on trans fats
hormones—even more than calories—that control good thing. Could this whole cholesterol issue be a and fervently believed that it is trans fats, not satu-
the show. What If the Whole Theory That little more complicated than I and everyone else had rated fats, that are the real villains in the American
And hormones are controlled by food. Cholesterol Causes Heart Disease previously believed? diet; I wholeheartedly agree.
For example: Carbs in general stimulate hor- Was Wrong in the First Place? Eventually, I thought—going way out on a limb Enig was hardly alone in thinking that we have
mones that promote weight gain; fat does not. Ergo, Meanwhile, my eyes were telling me something very here—what if the whole theory that cholesterol causes been collectively brainwashed on the subject of satu-
up the fat in the diet a bit and reduce the carbs a bit. different, and it wasn’t just because of what I had heart disease was wrong in the first place? If that rated fat and cholesterol. When Americans were con-
It’s a way better approach to hormone management. seen happen with Al. It was happening with other were the case, the effect of saturated fat on choles- suming whole, full-fat foods such as cream, butter,
But conventional medicine argued that fat would clients as well. Sick of not getting results on low-fat, terol would be pretty much irrelevant, wouldn’t it? pasture-raised meats, raw milk, and other traditional
raise your cholesterol, which, of course, would eventu- high-carb diets, they threw caution to the wind and Then I began reading the studies. foods, the rate of heart disease was a fraction of what
ally kill you. In the end, the argument against high-fat embraced the Atkins diet and the Protein Power diet The Lyon Diet Heart Study found that certain it is now. Many of us began to wonder whether it was
diets always hinged on cholesterol. Conventional medi- and other diets that had in common that they limited dietary and lifestyle changes were able to reduce a coincidence that the twin global pandemics of obe-
cine collectively thought that a high-fat diet like the one carbohydrate intake. They were eating more fat—even deaths by 70 percent and reduce cardiovascular deaths sity and diabetes just happened to occur around the
So I was pretty sure Al was headed for disaster. my client Al was on would produce disastrous results. more saturated fat—but nothing bad was happening at by an even more impressive 76 percent, all without
Except he wasn’t. Right around this time, a biochemist named Barry all, unless, of course, you count feeling better and making as much as a dent in cholesterol levels. The
Not only did he start shedding weight and losing Sears came to New York City to give a workshop at getting slimmer as nothing. Nurses’ Health Study3 found that 82 percent of coro-
his substantial “apple-shaped” belly, but he also had Equinox, which, of course, I eagerly attended. Sears, Which got me thinking. nary events were attributable to five factors, none of
more energy and was feeling better than he had in whose Zone diet books have sold millions, had a novel Why weren’t we seeing consistent results with our which had anything to do with lowering cholesterol.
decades. I, meanwhile, was impressed with Al’s results, approach that can be summed up in four words: eat clients who were faithfully following low-fat diets and And that was just the tip of the ever-growing iceberg.
but I was convinced he was paying a huge price and fat, lose weight. If Sears had been anything but an getting plenty of aerobic exercise? Conversely, why Study after study on high-protein, low-carb diets—
that once he got the blood test results from his MIT-trained biochemist, he probably would have been were our clients who were going on low-carb diets including those rich in saturated fat—showed that the
annual physical, I would be vindicated. laughed out of the room. But given his credentials getting such high marks on their blood tests and blood tests of people on these diets were similar to
I wasn’t. and remarkable knowledge of the human body, he astonishing their doctors? What if everything we’d Al’s. Their health actually improved on these diets.
Al’s triglycerides—a type of fat found in the blood- was pretty hard to dismiss. been told about the danger of saturated fat wasn’t Triglycerides went down. Other measures that indi-
stream and elsewhere—had dropped, his blood pres- Now Sears wasn’t the first one to embrace fat exactly correct? And—if what we’d been taught about cated heart disease risk also improved.
sure had gone down, and his cholesterol had risen and protein in the diet and recommend that we eat saturated fat wasn’t the complete truth—what about In the mid-90s I went back to school for nutrition,
slightly, but his “good” cholesterol (HDL) had gone up fewer carbs. Atkins, whose original diet was the one this relationship between fat and cholesterol? Was it ultimately earning a Ph.D. in what was then called
more than his “bad” cholesterol (LDL), so overall his Al had tried so successfully, had been saying similar really all as simple as I’d been taught? “holistic” (integrative) nutrition and a C.N.S. (certified
doc was pretty happy. things since 1972. But the whole rap against Atkins After all, even back in the early 1990s when peo- nutrition specialist) certification from the Certification
Right around this time, Dr. Barry Sears—the MIT- was that his diet was high in saturated fat and would ple only talked about “good” and “bad” cholesterol, Board for Nutrition Specialists, which is associated
trained biochemist and creator of the Zone diet—came therefore likely cause heart disease. So even though it was still obvious that, overall, saturated fat had a with the American College of Nutrition. During my
to give a workshop at Equinox. It was there, thirty many people grudgingly admitted that you could lose positive effect on Al’s cholesterol, as it did on the studies, I talked to many other health professionals
years ago, that I first learned this critical lesson: Food weight easily following his program, everyone (includ- cholesterol levels of so many of my other clients. who shared my concerns, including one of the top
has a hormonal effect. ing me) believed that the cost would include a hugely Saturated fat raised folks HDL much more than it did lipid biochemists in the country, the late Mary Enig,
When it comes to gaining and losing weight, it’s increased risk for heart disease. their LDL, which, by the standard of the day, was a Ph.D. She did some of the early research on trans fats
hormones—even more than calories—that control good thing. Could this whole cholesterol issue be a and fervently believed that it is trans fats, not satu-
the show. What If the Whole Theory That little more complicated than I and everyone else had rated fats, that are the real villains in the American
And hormones are controlled by food. Cholesterol Causes Heart Disease previously believed? diet; I wholeheartedly agree.
For example: Carbs in general stimulate hor- Was Wrong in the First Place? Eventually, I thought—going way out on a limb Enig was hardly alone in thinking that we have
mones that promote weight gain; fat does not. Ergo, Meanwhile, my eyes were telling me something very here—what if the whole theory that cholesterol causes been collectively brainwashed on the subject of satu-
up the fat in the diet a bit and reduce the carbs a bit. different, and it wasn’t just because of what I had heart disease was wrong in the first place? If that rated fat and cholesterol. When Americans were con-
It’s a way better approach to hormone management. seen happen with Al. It was happening with other were the case, the effect of saturated fat on choles- suming whole, full-fat foods such as cream, butter,
But conventional medicine argued that fat would clients as well. Sick of not getting results on low-fat, terol would be pretty much irrelevant, wouldn’t it? pasture-raised meats, raw milk, and other traditional
raise your cholesterol, which, of course, would eventu- high-carb diets, they threw caution to the wind and Then I began reading the studies. foods, the rate of heart disease was a fraction of what
ally kill you. In the end, the argument against high-fat embraced the Atkins diet and the Protein Power diet The Lyon Diet Heart Study found that certain it is now. Many of us began to wonder whether it was
diets always hinged on cholesterol. Conventional medi- and other diets that had in common that they limited dietary and lifestyle changes were able to reduce a coincidence that the twin global pandemics of obe-
cine collectively thought that a high-fat diet like the one carbohydrate intake. They were eating more fat—even deaths by 70 percent and reduce cardiovascular deaths sity and diabetes just happened to occur around the
time we collectively banished these foods because of ters very much.” low as 150 mg/dL!—develop heart disease. terol. I stopped believing. Here’s why:
the phobia about cholesterol and saturated fat in the As you can imagine, that was met with a collec- In those days we pushed patients to undergo I found that life can’t go on without cholesterol, a
diet and began to replace them with vegetable oils, tive startle. My publishers were more than a little angiograms (invasive arterial catheterization imaging) basic raw material made by your liver, brain, and almost
processed carbs, and, ultimately, trans fats. curious. “How can lowering cholesterol not be impor- if they had sufficient symptoms of chest pain, border- every cell in your body. Enzymes convert it into vitamin
Study after study has shown that lowering the tant?” they wanted to know. “Don’t doctors believe line exercise tests, and especially cholesterol readings D, steroid hormones (such as our sex hormones—estro-
risk for heart disease has very little to do with lower- high cholesterol is the cause of heart disease? Don’t of greater than 280 mg/dL. We did this because our gen, progesterone, and testosterone—and stress hor-
ing cholesterol. And more and more studies reports they believe that lowering it is the most important profession believed that all people with high choles- mones), and bile salts for digesting and absorbing fats.
were coming out demonstrating that the real initia- thing you can do when it comes to preventing heart terol were in danger of having a heart attack. It makes up a major part of the membranes surround-
tors of damage in the arteries were oxidation and attacks?” We did the imaging to see how bad their arteries ing cells and the structures within them.
inflammation. These factors, along with sugar and, “They do indeed,” I replied, “and they’re wrong.” were. And, indeed, sometimes we found diseased The brain is particularly rich in cholesterol and
were clearly what aged the human body the most. The book I wanted to write reveals the truth arteries. But just as often we didn’t. Many arteries accounts for about a quarter of all the cholesterol we
These were the culprits we should be focused on. about cholesterol and heart disease. To do it, I joined were perfectly healthy. These results were telling me have in our bodies. The fatty myelin sheath that coats
In my career, I have examined the strategies that forces with my friend Steve Sinatra, a board-certified something different than the establishment message— every nerve cell and fiber is about one-fifth choles-
seemed to work for the healthiest, longest-living peo- cardiologist, trained psychotherapist, and nutritionist. that it wasn’t just a simple cholesterol story. terol. Neuronal communication depends on choles-
ple on earth and found that lowering cholesterol has Faced with these discrepancies I began question- terol. It is not surprising that a connection has been
almost nothing to do with reducing heart disease, and DR. SINATRA ing and investigating conventional thinking about cho- found between naturally occurring cholesterol and
definitely nothing to do with extending life. One of the Most doctors today will recommend that you take a lesterol and looking at the cholesterol research more mental function. Lower levels are linked to poorer
greatest frustrations I experienced was trying to reas- statin drug—they might even nag you to do so—if your closely. I found other doctors who had made similar cognitive performance.
sure my clients that with a higher-protein, higher-fat cholesterol numbers are high. They will do so whether discoveries on their own and heard about how study I remember one patient—a federal judge I’ll call
diet they’d see significant improvements in their or not you have evidence of arterial disease and are a findings were being manipulated. For example, bio- Silvio—who came to see me. He was taking a statin
weights and the health of their hearts. I was con- man or woman, and despite your age. In their minds, chemist George Mann, M.D., of Vanderbilt University, drug and complained that his memory had gone to
stantly butting heads with my clients’ doctors, who you prevent heart disease by lowering cholesterol. who participated in the development of the world- pot, so much so that he voluntarily took himself off
completely bought into the myth that saturated fat Once upon a time I used to believe that, too. It famous Framingham Heart Study, later described the the bench. His LDL level was down to 65 mg/dL. I
will kill you by clogging your arteries, raising your made sense, based on the research and information cholesterol-as-an-indicator-of-heart-disease hypothe- took him off the statin, told him to eat a lot of
cholesterol, and ultimately leading to heart disease. that was promoted to doctors. I believed it to the sis as “the greatest scam ever perpetrated on the organic, cholesterol-rich eggs, and within a month got
And that anyone who thought otherwise was clearly a extent that I even lectured on behalf of drug makers. I American public.” his LDL level up above 100 mg/dL. His memory came
whack job or at the very least “anti-science.” was a paid consultant to some of the biggest manufac- These and other dissenting voices were drowned roaring back. (Memory loss is one potential side effect
Fast-forward to 2010. Fair Winds Press—my pub- turers of statin drugs, lecturing for hefty honorariums. out by the cholesterol chorus. To this day, practically of cholesterol-lowering drugs.)
lisher for thirteen books over the course of seven I became a cholesterol choirboy, singing the refrain of all of what has been published—and receives media Some researchers suggest that doctors should be
years—came to me with an idea. “How about a book high cholesterol as the big, bad villain of heart disease. attention—supports the cholesterol paradigm and extremely cautious about prescribing statin drugs to
on how to lower cholesterol with food and supple- Beat it down with a drug, and you cut your risks. My appears to have the backing of the pharmaceutical the elderly, particularly those who are frail. I totally
ments?” they asked. thinking changed years ago when I began seeing con- and low-fat industries along with leading regulatory agree. I have seen frail individuals become even
To which I replied, “I’m probably not the guy to flicting evidence among my own patients. I saw, for agencies and medical organizations. frailer and much more prone to infections. Though
write that one. I don’t think lowering cholesterol mat- instance, many patients with low total cholesterol—as However, I stopped being a choirboy for choles- that surprised me at the time, it no longer does.
time we collectively banished these foods because of ters very much.” low as 150 mg/dL!—develop heart disease. terol. I stopped believing. Here’s why:
the phobia about cholesterol and saturated fat in the As you can imagine, that was met with a collec- In those days we pushed patients to undergo I found that life can’t go on without cholesterol, a
diet and began to replace them with vegetable oils, tive startle. My publishers were more than a little angiograms (invasive arterial catheterization imaging) basic raw material made by your liver, brain, and almost
processed carbs, and, ultimately, trans fats. curious. “How can lowering cholesterol not be impor- if they had sufficient symptoms of chest pain, border- every cell in your body. Enzymes convert it into vitamin
Study after study has shown that lowering the tant?” they wanted to know. “Don’t doctors believe line exercise tests, and especially cholesterol readings D, steroid hormones (such as our sex hormones—estro-
risk for heart disease has very little to do with lower- high cholesterol is the cause of heart disease? Don’t of greater than 280 mg/dL. We did this because our gen, progesterone, and testosterone—and stress hor-
ing cholesterol. And more and more studies reports they believe that lowering it is the most important profession believed that all people with high choles- mones), and bile salts for digesting and absorbing fats.
were coming out demonstrating that the real initia- thing you can do when it comes to preventing heart terol were in danger of having a heart attack. It makes up a major part of the membranes surround-
tors of damage in the arteries were oxidation and attacks?” We did the imaging to see how bad their arteries ing cells and the structures within them.
inflammation. These factors, along with sugar and, “They do indeed,” I replied, “and they’re wrong.” were. And, indeed, sometimes we found diseased The brain is particularly rich in cholesterol and
were clearly what aged the human body the most. The book I wanted to write reveals the truth arteries. But just as often we didn’t. Many arteries accounts for about a quarter of all the cholesterol we
These were the culprits we should be focused on. about cholesterol and heart disease. To do it, I joined were perfectly healthy. These results were telling me have in our bodies. The fatty myelin sheath that coats
In my career, I have examined the strategies that forces with my friend Steve Sinatra, a board-certified something different than the establishment message— every nerve cell and fiber is about one-fifth choles-
seemed to work for the healthiest, longest-living peo- cardiologist, trained psychotherapist, and nutritionist. that it wasn’t just a simple cholesterol story. terol. Neuronal communication depends on choles-
ple on earth and found that lowering cholesterol has Faced with these discrepancies I began question- terol. It is not surprising that a connection has been
almost nothing to do with reducing heart disease, and DR. SINATRA ing and investigating conventional thinking about cho- found between naturally occurring cholesterol and
definitely nothing to do with extending life. One of the Most doctors today will recommend that you take a lesterol and looking at the cholesterol research more mental function. Lower levels are linked to poorer
greatest frustrations I experienced was trying to reas- statin drug—they might even nag you to do so—if your closely. I found other doctors who had made similar cognitive performance.
sure my clients that with a higher-protein, higher-fat cholesterol numbers are high. They will do so whether discoveries on their own and heard about how study I remember one patient—a federal judge I’ll call
diet they’d see significant improvements in their or not you have evidence of arterial disease and are a findings were being manipulated. For example, bio- Silvio—who came to see me. He was taking a statin
weights and the health of their hearts. I was con- man or woman, and despite your age. In their minds, chemist George Mann, M.D., of Vanderbilt University, drug and complained that his memory had gone to
stantly butting heads with my clients’ doctors, who you prevent heart disease by lowering cholesterol. who participated in the development of the world- pot, so much so that he voluntarily took himself off
completely bought into the myth that saturated fat Once upon a time I used to believe that, too. It famous Framingham Heart Study, later described the the bench. His LDL level was down to 65 mg/dL. I
will kill you by clogging your arteries, raising your made sense, based on the research and information cholesterol-as-an-indicator-of-heart-disease hypothe- took him off the statin, told him to eat a lot of
cholesterol, and ultimately leading to heart disease. that was promoted to doctors. I believed it to the sis as “the greatest scam ever perpetrated on the organic, cholesterol-rich eggs, and within a month got
And that anyone who thought otherwise was clearly a extent that I even lectured on behalf of drug makers. I American public.” his LDL level up above 100 mg/dL. His memory came
whack job or at the very least “anti-science.” was a paid consultant to some of the biggest manufac- These and other dissenting voices were drowned roaring back. (Memory loss is one potential side effect
Fast-forward to 2010. Fair Winds Press—my pub- turers of statin drugs, lecturing for hefty honorariums. out by the cholesterol chorus. To this day, practically of cholesterol-lowering drugs.)
lisher for thirteen books over the course of seven I became a cholesterol choirboy, singing the refrain of all of what has been published—and receives media Some researchers suggest that doctors should be
years—came to me with an idea. “How about a book high cholesterol as the big, bad villain of heart disease. attention—supports the cholesterol paradigm and extremely cautious about prescribing statin drugs to
on how to lower cholesterol with food and supple- Beat it down with a drug, and you cut your risks. My appears to have the backing of the pharmaceutical the elderly, particularly those who are frail. I totally
ments?” they asked. thinking changed years ago when I began seeing con- and low-fat industries along with leading regulatory agree. I have seen frail individuals become even
To which I replied, “I’m probably not the guy to flicting evidence among my own patients. I saw, for agencies and medical organizations. frailer and much more prone to infections. Though
write that one. I don’t think lowering cholesterol mat- instance, many patients with low total cholesterol—as However, I stopped being a choirboy for choles- that surprised me at the time, it no longer does.
Cholesterol plays a big role in helping fight bacteria wonder fatigue, low energy, and muscle pain are such By now my conversion from cholesterol true earlier—the Lyon Diet Heart Study.
and infections. A study that included 100,000 healthy frequent accompaniments to statin drug use. believer to cholesterol skeptic is complete. I still pre- In the early 1990s, French researchers decided to
participants in San Francisco over a fifteen-year It wasn’t until the mid-1990s that statin drugs scribe statins—but only on occasion, and almost exclu- run an experiment—known as the Lyon Diet Heart
period found that those with low cholesterol values really took off, but before then physicians had other sively to middle-aged men who’ve already had a first Study—to test the effect of different diets on heart
were much more likely to be admitted to hospitals go-to drugs for lowering cholesterol. Many research heart attack, coronary intervention (e.g., bypass, disease.5
with infectious diseases.4 studies were conducted using these drugs, and in stent, angioplasty), or coronary artery disease. They took 605 men and women who were prime
Life can’t go on without cholesterol, a basic raw 1996 the U.S. Government Accountability Office eval- I’ve come to believe that cholesterol is a minor candidates for heart attacks. These folks had every risk
material made by your liver, brain, and almost every uated these trials in a publication titled Cholesterol player in the development of heart disease and that factor imaginable. All of them had already survived a
cell in your body. Many such patients told me after- Treatment: A Review of the Clinical Trials Evidence. whatever good statin drugs accomplish has very little first heart attack. Their cholesterol levels were through
ward that their strength, energy, appetite, and vitality The report explained that though some trials showed to do with their cholesterol-lowering ability. (We dis- the roof, they smoked, they ate junk food, they didn’t
returned after going off statin drugs. They obviously a reduction in cardiovascular-related deaths (primar- cuss this at great length in chapter 8.) Statin drugs exercise, and they had high levels of stress. People like
needed their cholesterol. ily among those who entered the studies with exist- are anti-inflammatory, and their power to reduce this give insurance underwriters nightmares. To be
In addition to being a board-certified cardiologist, ing heart disease), there was a corresponding inflammation is much more important than their abil- frank, these folks were “dead men walking.”
I’ve had a lifelong interest in nutrition. I’d been using increase in non-cardiovascular-related deaths across ity to lower cholesterol. But we can lower inflamma- The researchers divided the participants into two
nutritional supplements in my practice since the early the trials. “This finding, that cholesterol treatment tion (and the risk for heart disease) with natural sup- groups. The first group was counseled (by the
1980s, particularly coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), an abso- has not lowered the number of deaths overall, has plements, a better diet, and lifestyle changes such as research cardiologist and the dietician during a one-
lutely vital nutrient that is made in every cell in the been worrisome to many researchers and is at the managing stress. Best of all, none of these come with hour session) to eat a Mediterranean-type diet that
body and is a major chemical participant in the pro- core of much of the controversy on cholesterol pol- the growing laundry list of troubling symptoms and emphasizes fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains,
duction of cellular energy. CoQ10 is critically important icy,” the authors wrote. side effects associated with statin drugs and choles- legumes, nuts, healthy fats such as olive oil, and sea-
for the strong pumping action of the heart, which It was also quite clear from the report that those terol lowering. food. The second group was the control group and
gobbles the stuff up. And in the early 1990s I discov- who benefited the most from lowering their choles- received no dietary advice from the investigators but
ered something that shook my belief in statin drugs terol levels were middle-aged men who already had LIKE DEAD MEN WALKING was advised, nonetheless, to follow a prudent diet by
to the core—they depleted the body of CoQ10. heart disease. “The trials focused predominantly on So there you have it. Two individuals with very their attending physicians.
That fact is widely known now, but it wasn’t then. middle-aged white men considered to be at high risk different journeys arriving at the same conclusion. What was this prudent diet, you ask? Pretty much
And it certainly gave me pause. How could these of coronary heart disease,” the report stated. “They And because that conclusion may be pretty hard to the standard (and, as we shall see, useless) diet that
miracle drugs that were believed to be the answer provide very little information on women, minority swallow if you’ve been brainwashed by the cholesterol doctors have been recommending for decades: Eat no
to heart disease be good for you in the long run if men and women, and elderly men and women.” establishment—and who hasn’t?—it might be helpful to more than 30 percent of your calories from fat, no
they depleted the very nutrient upon which the It’s been more than a decade since that report take a moment and talk about a study we alluded to more than 10 percent from saturated fat, and no more
heart depends? was written, but it remains true that lowering choles-
Even today, many doctors aren’t aware of the terol has a very limited benefit in populations other
effect that statin drugs have on CoQ10 levels. How than middle-aged men with a history of heart disease.
Lowering cholesterol has a very limited benefit in populations
ironic that the very drug they prescribe to reduce Yet doctors continue to prescribe statin drugs for
the likelihood of a heart attack actually deprives the women and the elderly, and, shockingly, many are other than middle-aged men with a history of heart disease.
heart of the fuel it needs to perform properly? No arguing for treating children with statins as well.
Cholesterol plays a big role in helping fight bacteria wonder fatigue, low energy, and muscle pain are such By now my conversion from cholesterol true earlier—the Lyon Diet Heart Study.
and infections. A study that included 100,000 healthy frequent accompaniments to statin drug use. believer to cholesterol skeptic is complete. I still pre- In the early 1990s, French researchers decided to
participants in San Francisco over a fifteen-year It wasn’t until the mid-1990s that statin drugs scribe statins—but only on occasion, and almost exclu- run an experiment—known as the Lyon Diet Heart
period found that those with low cholesterol values really took off, but before then physicians had other sively to middle-aged men who’ve already had a first Study—to test the effect of different diets on heart
were much more likely to be admitted to hospitals go-to drugs for lowering cholesterol. Many research heart attack, coronary intervention (e.g., bypass, disease.5
with infectious diseases.4 studies were conducted using these drugs, and in stent, angioplasty), or coronary artery disease. They took 605 men and women who were prime
Life can’t go on without cholesterol, a basic raw 1996 the U.S. Government Accountability Office eval- I’ve come to believe that cholesterol is a minor candidates for heart attacks. These folks had every risk
material made by your liver, brain, and almost every uated these trials in a publication titled Cholesterol player in the development of heart disease and that factor imaginable. All of them had already survived a
cell in your body. Many such patients told me after- Treatment: A Review of the Clinical Trials Evidence. whatever good statin drugs accomplish has very little first heart attack. Their cholesterol levels were through
ward that their strength, energy, appetite, and vitality The report explained that though some trials showed to do with their cholesterol-lowering ability. (We dis- the roof, they smoked, they ate junk food, they didn’t
returned after going off statin drugs. They obviously a reduction in cardiovascular-related deaths (primar- cuss this at great length in chapter 8.) Statin drugs exercise, and they had high levels of stress. People like
needed their cholesterol. ily among those who entered the studies with exist- are anti-inflammatory, and their power to reduce this give insurance underwriters nightmares. To be
In addition to being a board-certified cardiologist, ing heart disease), there was a corresponding inflammation is much more important than their abil- frank, these folks were “dead men walking.”
I’ve had a lifelong interest in nutrition. I’d been using increase in non-cardiovascular-related deaths across ity to lower cholesterol. But we can lower inflamma- The researchers divided the participants into two
nutritional supplements in my practice since the early the trials. “This finding, that cholesterol treatment tion (and the risk for heart disease) with natural sup- groups. The first group was counseled (by the
1980s, particularly coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), an abso- has not lowered the number of deaths overall, has plements, a better diet, and lifestyle changes such as research cardiologist and the dietician during a one-
lutely vital nutrient that is made in every cell in the been worrisome to many researchers and is at the managing stress. Best of all, none of these come with hour session) to eat a Mediterranean-type diet that
body and is a major chemical participant in the pro- core of much of the controversy on cholesterol pol- the growing laundry list of troubling symptoms and emphasizes fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains,
duction of cellular energy. CoQ10 is critically important icy,” the authors wrote. side effects associated with statin drugs and choles- legumes, nuts, healthy fats such as olive oil, and sea-
for the strong pumping action of the heart, which It was also quite clear from the report that those terol lowering. food. The second group was the control group and
gobbles the stuff up. And in the early 1990s I discov- who benefited the most from lowering their choles- received no dietary advice from the investigators but
ered something that shook my belief in statin drugs terol levels were middle-aged men who already had LIKE DEAD MEN WALKING was advised, nonetheless, to follow a prudent diet by
to the core—they depleted the body of CoQ10. heart disease. “The trials focused predominantly on So there you have it. Two individuals with very their attending physicians.
That fact is widely known now, but it wasn’t then. middle-aged white men considered to be at high risk different journeys arriving at the same conclusion. What was this prudent diet, you ask? Pretty much
And it certainly gave me pause. How could these of coronary heart disease,” the report stated. “They And because that conclusion may be pretty hard to the standard (and, as we shall see, useless) diet that
miracle drugs that were believed to be the answer provide very little information on women, minority swallow if you’ve been brainwashed by the cholesterol doctors have been recommending for decades: Eat no
to heart disease be good for you in the long run if men and women, and elderly men and women.” establishment—and who hasn’t?—it might be helpful to more than 30 percent of your calories from fat, no
they depleted the very nutrient upon which the It’s been more than a decade since that report take a moment and talk about a study we alluded to more than 10 percent from saturated fat, and no more
heart depends? was written, but it remains true that lowering choles-
Even today, many doctors aren’t aware of the terol has a very limited benefit in populations other
effect that statin drugs have on CoQ10 levels. How than middle-aged men with a history of heart disease.
Lowering cholesterol has a very limited benefit in populations
ironic that the very drug they prescribe to reduce Yet doctors continue to prescribe statin drugs for
the likelihood of a heart attack actually deprives the women and the elderly, and, shockingly, many are other than middle-aged men with a history of heart disease.
heart of the fuel it needs to perform properly? No arguing for treating children with statins as well.
than 300 mg of cholesterol a day (about the amount and there is a massive amount of it, as you will soon had more plaque growth than the people taking the Wait, didn’t they miss something? Where’s the
in two eggs). So what happened with the study? find out—has to be ignored or explained away. standard cholesterol drug. The patients on Vytorin part about lowering cholesterol?
Actually, it was stopped. Lower heart disease rates? And no movement in had almost twice as great an increase in the thickness It’s not there. Lowering cholesterol didn’t even
Why? Because the reduction in heart attacks in cholesterol numbers? of their arterial walls, a result you definitely don’t make the list of the five most important things you
the Mediterranean diet group was so pronounced that Something has to be wrong! want to see if you’re trying to prevent heart disease. can do to prevent heart attacks.
the researchers decided it was unethical to continue. Actually something was wrong, but not with the So their cholesterol was wonderfully lowered and Of course, there’s not roughly $30 billion plus a
To be precise, the Mediterranean diet group had a study. What was—and is—wrong is the blind belief that their risk for heart disease went up—shades of “the year to be made peddling that advice (a number that
whopping 70 percent reduction in deaths and an even cholesterol simply makes a huge difference. operation was a success but the patient died.” the gross revenue from statin drugs alone), and pop-
more impressive 76 percent reduction in cardiovascular There are countless other examples, many of ping a pill is a lot easier than changing your lifestyle,
deaths. What’s more, angina, pulmonary embolism, AN INCONVENIENT FACT which we’ll discuss later on, but let’s just mention one but there it is. The inconvenient fact that lowering
heart failure, and stroke were also much lower in the Not convinced? Fast-forward to a drug study of them right now. It’s known as the Nurses’ Health cholesterol has almost no effect on extending life is
intervention group. A huge victory for the Mediter- completed in 2006, the widely publicized ENHANCE Study, and it’s one of the longest-running studies of simply ignored by the special interests that profit
ranean diet and a big dunkin’ for the prudent diet. trial. If you were following the news in 2008 you diet and disease ever undertaken. Conducted by enormously from keeping you in the dark.
So what happened to these folks’ cholesterol couldn’t have missed this one, because it made the Harvard University, the study has followed more than As the writer Upton Sinclair said, “It is very diffi-
levels? Gosh, you’d imagine they dropped like crazy, front pages of the newspapers and all of the 120,000 females since the mid-1970s to determine cult to get a man to understand something, when his
because so few of them were dying of heart disease. television news shows. Here’s what happened. risk factors for cancer and heart disease. In an salary depends upon his not understanding it.”
Um, not so much. Their levels didn’t budge. A combination cholesterol-lowering medication exhaustive analysis of 84,129 of these women, pub-
Let’s repeat that one more time: a 76 percent called Vytorin had been the subject of a huge lished in the New England Journal of Medicine,8 five
reduction in deaths from heart disease but not a whit research project, the results of which were finally factors were identified that significantly lowered the
of change in cholesterol levels. Neither in their total coming to light and receiving an enormous amount of risk for heart disease. In fact, wrote the authors,
cholesterol levels nor in their levels of LDL (the so- negative attention. One of the many reasons for this “Eighty-two percent of coronary events in the
called “bad” cholesterol). You’d think this would shake negative attention was the fact that the companies study . . . could be attributed to lack of adherence to
up the cholesterol establishment a bit, wouldn’t you? jointly making the drug (Merck and Schering-Plough, (these five factors).”
Think again. The prestigious New England Journal who’ve since merged) waited almost two years before • Cholesterol levels are a very poor
of Medicine refused to publish the study. (It was even- releasing it. Are You Ready for the Five Factors? predictor of heart attacks.
tually published in another highly regarded journal, No wonder. The results stunk. Which was the 1. Don’t smoke. • More than half the people admitted to
The Lancet.) We have a hunch that the reason the New other reason this drug test made the front pages. 2. Drink alcohol in moderation. hospitals for cardiovascular disease
England Journal of Medicine didn’t publish the study The new “wonder” drug lowered cholesterol just 3. Engage in moderate-to-vigorous exercise for at have normal cholesterol as it’s
was precisely because there was no difference in cho- fine. In fact, it lowered it better than a standard statin least half an hour a day on average. conventionally measured.
lesterol levels between the two groups of people, the drug. So you’d think everyone would be jumping for 4. Maintain a healthy weight (BMI under 25). • Lowering cholesterol has extremely
ones who did so well and the ones who did not. The joy, right? Lower cholesterol, lower heart disease, let’s 5. Eat a wholesome, low-glycemic (low-sugar) diet limited benefits, does not save lives,
American medical establishment is so firmly locked have a party for the shareholders. with plenty of omega-3 fats and fiber. and should no longer be the focus of
into the notion that cholesterol and fat cause heart dis- Um, not quite. Although the people taking Vytorin our efforts to prevent heart disease.
ease that any inconvenient evidence to the contrary— saw their cholesterol levels plummet, they actually
than 300 mg of cholesterol a day (about the amount and there is a massive amount of it, as you will soon had more plaque growth than the people taking the Wait, didn’t they miss something? Where’s the
in two eggs). So what happened with the study? find out—has to be ignored or explained away. standard cholesterol drug. The patients on Vytorin part about lowering cholesterol?
Actually, it was stopped. Lower heart disease rates? And no movement in had almost twice as great an increase in the thickness It’s not there. Lowering cholesterol didn’t even
Why? Because the reduction in heart attacks in cholesterol numbers? of their arterial walls, a result you definitely don’t make the list of the five most important things you
the Mediterranean diet group was so pronounced that Something has to be wrong! want to see if you’re trying to prevent heart disease. can do to prevent heart attacks.
the researchers decided it was unethical to continue. Actually something was wrong, but not with the So their cholesterol was wonderfully lowered and Of course, there’s not roughly $30 billion plus a
To be precise, the Mediterranean diet group had a study. What was—and is—wrong is the blind belief that their risk for heart disease went up—shades of “the year to be made peddling that advice (a number that
whopping 70 percent reduction in deaths and an even cholesterol simply makes a huge difference. operation was a success but the patient died.” the gross revenue from statin drugs alone), and pop-
more impressive 76 percent reduction in cardiovascular There are countless other examples, many of ping a pill is a lot easier than changing your lifestyle,
deaths. What’s more, angina, pulmonary embolism, AN INCONVENIENT FACT which we’ll discuss later on, but let’s just mention one but there it is. The inconvenient fact that lowering
heart failure, and stroke were also much lower in the Not convinced? Fast-forward to a drug study of them right now. It’s known as the Nurses’ Health cholesterol has almost no effect on extending life is
intervention group. A huge victory for the Mediter- completed in 2006, the widely publicized ENHANCE Study, and it’s one of the longest-running studies of simply ignored by the special interests that profit
ranean diet and a big dunkin’ for the prudent diet. trial. If you were following the news in 2008 you diet and disease ever undertaken. Conducted by enormously from keeping you in the dark.
So what happened to these folks’ cholesterol couldn’t have missed this one, because it made the Harvard University, the study has followed more than As the writer Upton Sinclair said, “It is very diffi-
levels? Gosh, you’d imagine they dropped like crazy, front pages of the newspapers and all of the 120,000 females since the mid-1970s to determine cult to get a man to understand something, when his
because so few of them were dying of heart disease. television news shows. Here’s what happened. risk factors for cancer and heart disease. In an salary depends upon his not understanding it.”
Um, not so much. Their levels didn’t budge. A combination cholesterol-lowering medication exhaustive analysis of 84,129 of these women, pub-
Let’s repeat that one more time: a 76 percent called Vytorin had been the subject of a huge lished in the New England Journal of Medicine,8 five
reduction in deaths from heart disease but not a whit research project, the results of which were finally factors were identified that significantly lowered the
of change in cholesterol levels. Neither in their total coming to light and receiving an enormous amount of risk for heart disease. In fact, wrote the authors,
cholesterol levels nor in their levels of LDL (the so- negative attention. One of the many reasons for this “Eighty-two percent of coronary events in the
called “bad” cholesterol). You’d think this would shake negative attention was the fact that the companies study . . . could be attributed to lack of adherence to
up the cholesterol establishment a bit, wouldn’t you? jointly making the drug (Merck and Schering-Plough, (these five factors).”
Think again. The prestigious New England Journal who’ve since merged) waited almost two years before • Cholesterol levels are a very poor
of Medicine refused to publish the study. (It was even- releasing it. Are You Ready for the Five Factors? predictor of heart attacks.
tually published in another highly regarded journal, No wonder. The results stunk. Which was the 1. Don’t smoke. • More than half the people admitted to
The Lancet.) We have a hunch that the reason the New other reason this drug test made the front pages. 2. Drink alcohol in moderation. hospitals for cardiovascular disease
England Journal of Medicine didn’t publish the study The new “wonder” drug lowered cholesterol just 3. Engage in moderate-to-vigorous exercise for at have normal cholesterol as it’s
was precisely because there was no difference in cho- fine. In fact, it lowered it better than a standard statin least half an hour a day on average. conventionally measured.
lesterol levels between the two groups of people, the drug. So you’d think everyone would be jumping for 4. Maintain a healthy weight (BMI under 25). • Lowering cholesterol has extremely
ones who did so well and the ones who did not. The joy, right? Lower cholesterol, lower heart disease, let’s 5. Eat a wholesome, low-glycemic (low-sugar) diet limited benefits, does not save lives,
American medical establishment is so firmly locked have a party for the shareholders. with plenty of omega-3 fats and fiber. and should no longer be the focus of
into the notion that cholesterol and fat cause heart dis- Um, not quite. Although the people taking Vytorin our efforts to prevent heart disease.
ease that any inconvenient evidence to the contrary— saw their cholesterol levels plummet, they actually
To understand the cholesterol myth—and to fully But how, exactly, did cholesterol and saturated fat
appreciate how the related health advice is obsolete— come to be branded as the twin demons of heart
CHAPTER 3 you’ll need to know a lot more about cholesterol than disease in the first place? To answer that question, we
the average person knows. Understanding the full need to go back to 1953. And if every story needs a
story of cholesterol touches on medicine and villain, one person in particular has been christened
research, as well as politics, economics, psychology, the arch-dietary nemesis of the twentieth century:
ing and misguided. sidered the granddaddy of the low-fat movement. He is
Sadly, much to the story has little to do with saving best remembered for launching the Seven Countries
lives, though it may have started out that way. Instead, Study—the first major international study investigating
it involves staggering amounts of money, the politics of links between diet, lifestyle factors, and heart disease.
publication, and the sociology of belief—i.e., why bad The massive study seemed to confirm a link between
ideas continue to survive past their expiration dates. saturated fat consumption and cardiovascular disease,
NOW LET’S TALK ABOUT YOU We’ll also shine a light on the revolving door that and Keys spent the latter part of his career pushing
Unless you’re an information junkie, there’s a good chance that you’re reading this book because you exists between government advisory committees and the newfangled (at the time) idea that too much satu-
have something at stake here. Let us guess: You’re concerned about your cholesterol. the industries they’re supposed to police. For example, rated fat in the diet was harming our tickers.
Maybe you’re a woman whose doctor has read you the riot act because your cholesterol is when the National Cholesterol Education Program Highly successful by any metric we could imagine,
approaching 300 mg/dL, and your doc has convinced you that you’ll drop dead of a heart attack if lowered the “optimal” cholesterol levels in 2004, Keys managed to spread his ideas to the public and
you don’t go on medication right away. eight out of nine people on the panel had financial steer scientific consensus toward saturated fat pho-
Maybe you’re a middle-aged man who has already had a heart attack, and your doctor is adamant ties to the pharmaceutical industry, most of them to bia. But Keys has also been the butt of some serious
about putting you on a cholesterol-lowering drug. the manufacturers of cholesterol-lowering drugs who allegations. Depending on who you ask, the whole
Or maybe you’re a fit guy in your sixties whose cholesterol is 240 mg/dL and whose doctor is would subsequently reap immediate benefits from Seven Countries Study was a sham because he chose
“worried” about that number. these same recommendations. only countries he knew would confirm his hypothesis.
Only one of the three hypothetical cases listed above has any business being on a cholesterol- Or that he made a famous graph by cherry-picking six
lowering drug. Can you guess which one? Don’t worry: By the time you finish this book, you’ll know THE BIRTH OF THE DIET-HEART countries out of twenty-two countries that had avail-
the answer. And you’ll also know a heck of a lot more about cholesterol than most doctors in the HYPOTHESIS able diet and mortality data, making it look like there
United States. And, no, we don’t make that statement lightly. Neither of us buys into the myth that cholesterol is was a near-perfect correlation between national fat
Okay, so you’re concerned about your cholesterol—but you don’t want to blindly follow recommen- the proper target for the prevention of heart disease. consumption and heart disease. Or, even better, that
dations without doing your own research. If you did, you’d simply follow your doctor’s orders and have
no interest in reading this book. When the National Cholesterol Education Program lowered the
“optimal” cholesterol levels in 2004, eight out of nine people
on the panel had financial ties to the pharmaceutical industry.
To understand the cholesterol myth—and to fully But how, exactly, did cholesterol and saturated fat
appreciate how the related health advice is obsolete— come to be branded as the twin demons of heart
CHAPTER 3 you’ll need to know a lot more about cholesterol than disease in the first place? To answer that question, we
the average person knows. Understanding the full need to go back to 1953. And if every story needs a
story of cholesterol touches on medicine and villain, one person in particular has been christened
research, as well as politics, economics, psychology, the arch-dietary nemesis of the twentieth century:
ing and misguided. sidered the granddaddy of the low-fat movement. He is
Sadly, much to the story has little to do with saving best remembered for launching the Seven Countries
lives, though it may have started out that way. Instead, Study—the first major international study investigating
it involves staggering amounts of money, the politics of links between diet, lifestyle factors, and heart disease.
publication, and the sociology of belief—i.e., why bad The massive study seemed to confirm a link between
ideas continue to survive past their expiration dates. saturated fat consumption and cardiovascular disease,
NOW LET’S TALK ABOUT YOU We’ll also shine a light on the revolving door that and Keys spent the latter part of his career pushing
Unless you’re an information junkie, there’s a good chance that you’re reading this book because you exists between government advisory committees and the newfangled (at the time) idea that too much satu-
have something at stake here. Let us guess: You’re concerned about your cholesterol. the industries they’re supposed to police. For example, rated fat in the diet was harming our tickers.
Maybe you’re a woman whose doctor has read you the riot act because your cholesterol is when the National Cholesterol Education Program Highly successful by any metric we could imagine,
approaching 300 mg/dL, and your doc has convinced you that you’ll drop dead of a heart attack if lowered the “optimal” cholesterol levels in 2004, Keys managed to spread his ideas to the public and
you don’t go on medication right away. eight out of nine people on the panel had financial steer scientific consensus toward saturated fat pho-
Maybe you’re a middle-aged man who has already had a heart attack, and your doctor is adamant ties to the pharmaceutical industry, most of them to bia. But Keys has also been the butt of some serious
about putting you on a cholesterol-lowering drug. the manufacturers of cholesterol-lowering drugs who allegations. Depending on who you ask, the whole
Or maybe you’re a fit guy in your sixties whose cholesterol is 240 mg/dL and whose doctor is would subsequently reap immediate benefits from Seven Countries Study was a sham because he chose
“worried” about that number. these same recommendations. only countries he knew would confirm his hypothesis.
Only one of the three hypothetical cases listed above has any business being on a cholesterol- Or that he made a famous graph by cherry-picking six
lowering drug. Can you guess which one? Don’t worry: By the time you finish this book, you’ll know THE BIRTH OF THE DIET-HEART countries out of twenty-two countries that had avail-
the answer. And you’ll also know a heck of a lot more about cholesterol than most doctors in the HYPOTHESIS able diet and mortality data, making it look like there
United States. And, no, we don’t make that statement lightly. Neither of us buys into the myth that cholesterol is was a near-perfect correlation between national fat
Okay, so you’re concerned about your cholesterol—but you don’t want to blindly follow recommen- the proper target for the prevention of heart disease. consumption and heart disease. Or, even better, that
dations without doing your own research. If you did, you’d simply follow your doctor’s orders and have
no interest in reading this book. When the National Cholesterol Education Program lowered the
“optimal” cholesterol levels in 2004, eight out of nine people
on the panel had financial ties to the pharmaceutical industry.
his Seven Countries Study data actually showed that So, where do we go next?
sugar, not saturated fat, was the real heart-killer—and First, it’s important to understand how nutritional
he simply ignored those findings and drowned out dis- research is actually done—then you will have a far
Low-fat had become the new mantra of the times, something we like to call the “Snackwell
senting voices, like that of his rival nutritionist John greater understanding of how all the diet “experts”
Phenomenon.” Food companies rushed to create low-fat versions of every food imaginable, all
Yudkin, in order to preserve his ideology. come to their conclusions. And be forewarned:
marketed as “heart-healthy,” with no cholesterol. (No one seemed to notice that manufacturers
Full disclosure: We have been among the Keys- Understanding the studies on which most nutritional
replaced the missing fat with tons of sugar and processed carbs, both of which are far more
bashers. We’ve leveled some of these very charges advice is based will be like watching sausage made.
dangerous to our hearts than fat ever was.)
against the guy. We’ve given him a whole lot of credit And we can promise you this: You’ll never feel the
Butter was demonized and replaced with margarine, one of the most supremely stupid
for fostering the biggest nutritional experiment in his- same way about eating sausage again.
nutritional swap-outs in recent memory. Only much later did we discover that the supposedly
tory—the low-fat high-carb diet—and being single-
healthier margarine was laden with trans fats, a really bad kind of fat created by using a kind
handedly responsible for the epidemics of obesity, MYTHS AND TRUTHS ABOUT DIET
of turkey baster to inject hydrogen atoms into a liquid (unsaturated) fat, making it more solid
diabetes, and heart disease that followed in the wake RESEARCH
and giving it a longer shelf life. (Any time you read “partially hydrogenated oil” or
of the very recommendations he tirelessly promoted. First things first: Most diet research stinks.
“hydrogenated oil” in a list of ingredients, that means the food in question contains trans fats.)
Today, We’re Doing Things A Little Differently. There, we’ve said it. Now we’ll show you why
Unlike saturated fats from whole foods such as butter, trans fats (at least the man-made kind)
See, history is rarely as black and white as we’d much of the nutrition research you hear about in the
actually do increase the risk for heart disease and strokes!
like to believe—and the Keys debacle is no exception. news is so misleading, inadequate, often irrelevant,
About 80 percent of trans fats in the American diet come from factory-produced partially
Many of the claims slung against him, it turns out, and sometimes truly dangerous.11 This includes—most
hydrogenated vegetable oil.1 Yet vegetable oils were (and are!) aggressively promoted as the
are a mix of myth and fact. But, when it comes to especially—the research that claims to show that satu-
healthy alternative to saturated fats, even though most of these oils are highly processed, pro-
getting out of our current health crisis, none of that rated fat will kill you and that cholesterol categori-
inflammatory, and easily damaged when reheated over and over again, which is standard
really matters. cally causes heart disease.
procedure in many restaurants.
That’s right. No matter which part of the “villain”
Think it’s a coincidence that the obesity and diabetes epidemics went into overdrive around
narrative is true or false—the fact remains that we got How to Do a Randomized,
the same time that we started pushing low-fat, high-carb diets as an alternative to those
to where we are somehow. When all is said and done, Controlled Study
containing more fat and protein? We don’t.
the dietary recommendations are the dietary recom- Let’s say I’m a drug company, and I want to find out if
But by now, fat—and, by extension, cholesterol— had become the new bogeyman of the
mendations and the widespread cultural bias against the new blood pressure drug my company has come
American diet, defended only by people who clearly had a horse in the race (e.g., the dairy and
dietary fat is not disappearing anytime soon. That’s up with actually works in humans.
meat industries). Meanwhile, low-fat had become the new religion of the masses. Now it was
what we need to live with. That’s what we need to So, I design a study: I take a group of people. I
left for the science to catch up. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded half a dozen
combat. What matters is not how we got into this pre- make sure they’re as “identical” as people can be—i.e.,
studies that were published between 1980 and 1984, hoping it would find persuasive evidence
dicament, but that we’re in it. And now that we’re here, “30-year-old nonsmoking men from the Northeast
that low-fat diets prolonged lives.
it’s time to roll up our sleeves and undo the damage. with no previous health issues, but moderately high
Did they?
You want to understand the widespread fear of blood pressure.”
cholesterol, and you want to make intelligent, science- In other words, I match the subjects for age, sex,
based, rational choices about diet and lifestyle. You medical history, and so on—all the things that could
want to know what to eat to prevent heart disease. possibly skew the results make it hard to determine
29. How often did you eat RAW greens (such as or frozen)? And this, dear reader, is the very method that significant positive correlation between a noticeable
spinach, turnip, collard, mustard, chard, or kale)? nutritional epidemiology hangs its hat on. See the yellowing on the fingertips and lung cancer. For years,
(We’ll ask about lettuce later.) c 1–6 times per year c 2 times per week problem? those with a strange yellowing on their fingertips
c 7–11 times per year c 3–4 times per week Here’s what happens when epidemiology is used developed lung cancer at a much higher rate than
c 1 time per month c 5–6 times per week for studying diet. Data will show that, for example, those who did not have yellowish fingertips. Beginning
c 1–6 times per year c 2 times per week
c 2–3 times per month c 1 time per day over a period of twenty-five years, saturated fat con- statistics students were taught this association to
c 7–11 times per year c 3–4 times per week
c 1 time per week c 2 or more times per day
c 1 time per month c 5–6 times per week sumption went up in a population, and so did choles- illustrate the concept of a confounding variable. The
c 2–3 times per month c 1 time per day terol. Now that should generate a hypothesis—i.e., that confounding variable in this case is smoking. Smoking
c 1 time per week c 2 or more times per day saturated fat consumption causes cholesterol to rise. causes both lung cancer and yellow fingers. Yellow
29. How often did you eat RAW greens (such as or frozen)? And this, dear reader, is the very method that significant positive correlation between a noticeable
spinach, turnip, collard, mustard, chard, or kale)? nutritional epidemiology hangs its hat on. See the yellowing on the fingertips and lung cancer. For years,
(We’ll ask about lettuce later.) c 1–6 times per year c 2 times per week problem? those with a strange yellowing on their fingertips
c 7–11 times per year c 3–4 times per week Here’s what happens when epidemiology is used developed lung cancer at a much higher rate than
c 1 time per month c 5–6 times per week for studying diet. Data will show that, for example, those who did not have yellowish fingertips. Beginning
c 1–6 times per year c 2 times per week
c 2–3 times per month c 1 time per day over a period of twenty-five years, saturated fat con- statistics students were taught this association to
c 7–11 times per year c 3–4 times per week
c 1 time per week c 2 or more times per day
c 1 time per month c 5–6 times per week sumption went up in a population, and so did choles- illustrate the concept of a confounding variable. The
c 2–3 times per month c 1 time per day terol. Now that should generate a hypothesis—i.e., that confounding variable in this case is smoking. Smoking
c 1 time per week c 2 or more times per day saturated fat consumption causes cholesterol to rise. causes both lung cancer and yellow fingers. Yellow
any correlations that support their hypothesis and fect evidence that Justin Bieber has been really good
throwing out the many that don’t. for cholesterol levels, but Facebook cancelled out his 5,0 - Justin Bieber born
magical statin-like properties. And because we already
THE FABULOUS PUNCH LINE “know” cholesterol causes heart disease, it seems an 4,5 -
YOU’VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR open-and-shut prescription:
So, what does all this have to do with the great Wanna wipe out heart disease? Shut down
4,0 -
cholesterol myth? Simple. An observational study—like Facebook. men
the Seven Countries Study—notes an association women
between saturated fat consumption and heart disease. The Fascinating (and Relatively 0,0 -
The relationship is assumed to be causal—that is, Unknown) Story of Dr. Ivan Frantz 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 000 02 004 006 008 10
19 19 19 19 19 19 19 2 20 2 2 2 20
eating saturated fat causes heart disease. This I can think of no better illustration of the difference YEAR
ultimately results in a massive public health effort to between associational studies and honest-to-goodness
get everyone to eschew saturated fat-rich foods and scientifically sound clinical studies than the following oil”—was indeed “associated” with a 14 percent reduc- named Ivan Frantz. Frantz was a meticulous
replace them with seed oils (i.e., “vegetable” oil), story, uncovered by the writer and podcaster Malcolm tion in coronary artery disease when compared with a researcher and scientist, a medical doctor who was
which is assumed to be far better for us and will Gladwell, who generously allowed us to retell it in our standard diet with higher amounts of saturated fat. firmly in the camp that believed “it’s all about the
result in improved health and longer lifetimes. own words. The stockholders in the vegetable oil companies broke saturated fat!” This was a man who tested his kids’
At the end of the day, we’ve made massive, Around the same time that the Seven Countries out the bubbly. If there had been any lingering doubt blood regularly to make sure their cholesterol wasn’t
sweeping changes to the American diet (and beyond) Study was on its way to becoming the most referenced about the evils of saturated fat and the superiority of too high. In the Frantz household, butter and fatty
based on little more than two variables that happen and revered study in nutritional history, another big vegetable oil, this study erased them. Canola oil for meat were blacklisted. Frantz, a friend of Keys, was a
to show up alongside each other. And as it turns out, observational study was commencing. It was called the everyone! true believer.
some of those changes have made the problem National Diet Heart Study, and it involved research But he was also a serious scientist, and he recog-
worse, not better. 14
teams in six major cities. Ancel Keys himself super- Malcolm Gladwell Dug into This Story nized the second-class citizenship of epidemiology in
There are very few writers in the health-and-well- vised the Minneapolis arm of the study. and Here’s What He Found15 the scientific world. So, he wanted to do the Faribault,
ness space that are better than Denise Minger, whom The study concluded that a diet lower in saturated The researcher in charge of the Faribault, Minnesota, Minnesota, arm of the Diet Heart study differently. He
we were delighted to be able to work with on this book. fat and higher in polyunsaturated fat—i.e. “vegetable arm of the National Diet Heart Study was a guy wanted to do a real, clinical study, not a mere obser-
any correlations that support their hypothesis and fect evidence that Justin Bieber has been really good
throwing out the many that don’t. for cholesterol levels, but Facebook cancelled out his 5,0 - Justin Bieber born
magical statin-like properties. And because we already
THE FABULOUS PUNCH LINE “know” cholesterol causes heart disease, it seems an 4,5 -
YOU’VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR open-and-shut prescription:
So, what does all this have to do with the great Wanna wipe out heart disease? Shut down
4,0 -
cholesterol myth? Simple. An observational study—like Facebook. men
the Seven Countries Study—notes an association women
between saturated fat consumption and heart disease. The Fascinating (and Relatively 0,0 -
The relationship is assumed to be causal—that is, Unknown) Story of Dr. Ivan Frantz 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 000 02 004 006 008 10
19 19 19 19 19 19 19 2 20 2 2 2 20
eating saturated fat causes heart disease. This I can think of no better illustration of the difference YEAR
ultimately results in a massive public health effort to between associational studies and honest-to-goodness
get everyone to eschew saturated fat-rich foods and scientifically sound clinical studies than the following oil”—was indeed “associated” with a 14 percent reduc- named Ivan Frantz. Frantz was a meticulous
replace them with seed oils (i.e., “vegetable” oil), story, uncovered by the writer and podcaster Malcolm tion in coronary artery disease when compared with a researcher and scientist, a medical doctor who was
which is assumed to be far better for us and will Gladwell, who generously allowed us to retell it in our standard diet with higher amounts of saturated fat. firmly in the camp that believed “it’s all about the
result in improved health and longer lifetimes. own words. The stockholders in the vegetable oil companies broke saturated fat!” This was a man who tested his kids’
At the end of the day, we’ve made massive, Around the same time that the Seven Countries out the bubbly. If there had been any lingering doubt blood regularly to make sure their cholesterol wasn’t
sweeping changes to the American diet (and beyond) Study was on its way to becoming the most referenced about the evils of saturated fat and the superiority of too high. In the Frantz household, butter and fatty
based on little more than two variables that happen and revered study in nutritional history, another big vegetable oil, this study erased them. Canola oil for meat were blacklisted. Frantz, a friend of Keys, was a
to show up alongside each other. And as it turns out, observational study was commencing. It was called the everyone! true believer.
some of those changes have made the problem National Diet Heart Study, and it involved research But he was also a serious scientist, and he recog-
worse, not better. 14
teams in six major cities. Ancel Keys himself super- Malcolm Gladwell Dug into This Story nized the second-class citizenship of epidemiology in
There are very few writers in the health-and-well- vised the Minneapolis arm of the study. and Here’s What He Found15 the scientific world. So, he wanted to do the Faribault,
ness space that are better than Denise Minger, whom The study concluded that a diet lower in saturated The researcher in charge of the Faribault, Minnesota, Minnesota, arm of the Diet Heart study differently. He
we were delighted to be able to work with on this book. fat and higher in polyunsaturated fat—i.e. “vegetable arm of the National Diet Heart Study was a guy wanted to do a real, clinical study, not a mere obser-
They drop like a rock on low-carb diets. number of boats in the water, which is where the real
action is.
arteries.” It’s the process by which an artery goes from
being compliant—able to freely expand and contract to
HDL ratio have a 16x greater risk of heart disease. accommodate blood flow—to being firm and stiff.
Now we should point out that both of us think 1
That’s a 1600 percent increase! You want your Enter Modern Cholesterol Testing Atherosclerosis involves the development of plaque
these test results are problematic, even though con- triglycerides to HDL ratio to be around 2 or less (i.e., So the standard, old-fashioned “good” and “bad” (discussed below) and is the most common cause of
ventional docs don’t. For one thing, a total cholesterol 100 triglycerides, 50 HDL). A ratio of 5 (example: 200: cholesterol test isn’t going to give you much good arteriosclerosis. It’s also the most likely to kill you.
level of 137 is just too darn low—and low cholesterol is 40) increases your risk for cardiovascular events information and, as we saw above, may conceal some And it all starts with an irritant.
associated with a higher risk of death from non-heart significantly. A ratio of 2 (or less) is wonderful. In important facts. And that’s when a more modern Now, this irritant could be a toxin from the air. Or
related issues (like accidents and suicides). And if other words, if your triglycerides were 100 and your cholesterol panel comes in. it could be—and often is—cigarette smoke. It could be a
you’re wondering why the heck low cholesterol might HDL was 50, you’d have the lowest statistical risk for The state-of-the-art test for cholesterol, as of this stray LDL particle (more on that in a moment). Or it
be associated with such random things as accidents a heart attack. writing, is the NMR particle test, also known as the could be the stress of high blood pressure, banging up
and suicides, maybe it’s because cholesterol is needed The triglyceride to HDL ratio in the above test is NMR Lipo-Profile. This test doesn’t just tell you how against the inner walls of the arteries and causing
for proper brain functioning. found by dividing the triglycerides (146) by the HDL much “HDL” and “LDL” you have, it tells you what distress among the layer of cells that lines them, the
Another thing about those “terrific” cholesterol (42) which yields a ratio of 3.47—not terrible, but cer- kind of LDL you have, and, most importantly, how endothelium.
test numbers above: Most functional medicine and tainly not great. But if this person’s triglycerides many boats are in the water carrying around choles- Endothelial cells are the one-celled line of
functional nutrition practitioners (like us) think an dropped to 100, the ratio would go immediately down terol cargo. These boats—the lipoproteins—are techni- defense between what’s floating around in the blood-
optimal triglyceride level is under 100, not under 150. to 2.38 (100:42). That’s a huge improvement in risk, cally called particles, and the NMR test tells you your stream and the actual artery wall—and when those
We would not be overjoyed with a triglyceride level of and one you could make just by dropping your triglyc- total number of them. Now that’s important. endothelial cells become damaged and dysfunctional,
146 even though it’s within the “normal” range for erides even if your HDL cholesterol remained exactly The total number of particles predicts heart dis- the condition is called endothelial dysfunction. (It’s
most labs. the same. ease many times better than simply knowing how like the artery’s version of “leaky gut.”) Many modern
But your doc isn’t looking at any of this; he or much LDL you have. (Remember—the more boats in physicians see endothelial dysfunction as one of the
Triglycerides to HDL Ratio: A Hidden she is looking at a cholesterol test in which all the the water, the more chance of an accident.) The NMR root causes of modern illness. When there’s a break in
Clue to the State of Your Health numbers are “in range” so no problems are assumed. test also identifies how many of those particles are the security of the artery wall—that is, when the endo-
The ratio of triglycerides to HDL is one of the best Your doctor is very happy; you have a very low total small and dense and atherogenic, and how many are thelial layer is damaged—the stage is set for the heart
predictors of both heart disease and insulin resistance cholesterol, and a low LDL, everything else (like tri- big and fluffy and far less damaging. disease version of the Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
(see chapter 9). People with a high triglyceride to glycerides) is “in range” so you’re sent home with a The point is that—given the extraordinary range First, a rogue molecule—most often a rogue LDL—
of measurement tools we now have at our disposal to breaks through the broken and dysfunctional barrier
Cholesterol is an essential molecule without which measure the intricacies of blood lipid levels—it is and parks where it doesn’t belong. Once that LDL par-
there would be no life, so important that virtually head-shakingly baffling that doctors continue to hold
on to a test invented in the 1960s that’s about as
ticle gets into that sub-endothelial space, others fol-
low, like cockroaches in a New York apartment. They
every cell in the body is capable of synthesizing it. accurate as a tongue depressor. become like “squatters,” taking up “illegal residence”
They drop like a rock on low-carb diets. number of boats in the water, which is where the real
action is.
arteries.” It’s the process by which an artery goes from
being compliant—able to freely expand and contract to
HDL ratio have a 16x greater risk of heart disease. accommodate blood flow—to being firm and stiff.
Now we should point out that both of us think 1
That’s a 1600 percent increase! You want your Enter Modern Cholesterol Testing Atherosclerosis involves the development of plaque
these test results are problematic, even though con- triglycerides to HDL ratio to be around 2 or less (i.e., So the standard, old-fashioned “good” and “bad” (discussed below) and is the most common cause of
ventional docs don’t. For one thing, a total cholesterol 100 triglycerides, 50 HDL). A ratio of 5 (example: 200: cholesterol test isn’t going to give you much good arteriosclerosis. It’s also the most likely to kill you.
level of 137 is just too darn low—and low cholesterol is 40) increases your risk for cardiovascular events information and, as we saw above, may conceal some And it all starts with an irritant.
associated with a higher risk of death from non-heart significantly. A ratio of 2 (or less) is wonderful. In important facts. And that’s when a more modern Now, this irritant could be a toxin from the air. Or
related issues (like accidents and suicides). And if other words, if your triglycerides were 100 and your cholesterol panel comes in. it could be—and often is—cigarette smoke. It could be a
you’re wondering why the heck low cholesterol might HDL was 50, you’d have the lowest statistical risk for The state-of-the-art test for cholesterol, as of this stray LDL particle (more on that in a moment). Or it
be associated with such random things as accidents a heart attack. writing, is the NMR particle test, also known as the could be the stress of high blood pressure, banging up
and suicides, maybe it’s because cholesterol is needed The triglyceride to HDL ratio in the above test is NMR Lipo-Profile. This test doesn’t just tell you how against the inner walls of the arteries and causing
for proper brain functioning. found by dividing the triglycerides (146) by the HDL much “HDL” and “LDL” you have, it tells you what distress among the layer of cells that lines them, the
Another thing about those “terrific” cholesterol (42) which yields a ratio of 3.47—not terrible, but cer- kind of LDL you have, and, most importantly, how endothelium.
test numbers above: Most functional medicine and tainly not great. But if this person’s triglycerides many boats are in the water carrying around choles- Endothelial cells are the one-celled line of
functional nutrition practitioners (like us) think an dropped to 100, the ratio would go immediately down terol cargo. These boats—the lipoproteins—are techni- defense between what’s floating around in the blood-
optimal triglyceride level is under 100, not under 150. to 2.38 (100:42). That’s a huge improvement in risk, cally called particles, and the NMR test tells you your stream and the actual artery wall—and when those
We would not be overjoyed with a triglyceride level of and one you could make just by dropping your triglyc- total number of them. Now that’s important. endothelial cells become damaged and dysfunctional,
146 even though it’s within the “normal” range for erides even if your HDL cholesterol remained exactly The total number of particles predicts heart dis- the condition is called endothelial dysfunction. (It’s
most labs. the same. ease many times better than simply knowing how like the artery’s version of “leaky gut.”) Many modern
But your doc isn’t looking at any of this; he or much LDL you have. (Remember—the more boats in physicians see endothelial dysfunction as one of the
Triglycerides to HDL Ratio: A Hidden she is looking at a cholesterol test in which all the the water, the more chance of an accident.) The NMR root causes of modern illness. When there’s a break in
Clue to the State of Your Health numbers are “in range” so no problems are assumed. test also identifies how many of those particles are the security of the artery wall—that is, when the endo-
The ratio of triglycerides to HDL is one of the best Your doctor is very happy; you have a very low total small and dense and atherogenic, and how many are thelial layer is damaged—the stage is set for the heart
predictors of both heart disease and insulin resistance cholesterol, and a low LDL, everything else (like tri- big and fluffy and far less damaging. disease version of the Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
(see chapter 9). People with a high triglyceride to glycerides) is “in range” so you’re sent home with a The point is that—given the extraordinary range First, a rogue molecule—most often a rogue LDL—
of measurement tools we now have at our disposal to breaks through the broken and dysfunctional barrier
Cholesterol is an essential molecule without which measure the intricacies of blood lipid levels—it is and parks where it doesn’t belong. Once that LDL par-
there would be no life, so important that virtually head-shakingly baffling that doctors continue to hold
on to a test invented in the 1960s that’s about as
ticle gets into that sub-endothelial space, others fol-
low, like cockroaches in a New York apartment. They
every cell in the body is capable of synthesizing it. accurate as a tongue depressor. become like “squatters,” taking up “illegal residence”
arthritis, cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, chronic Every so often one of those electrons gets “loose,”
lower respiratory disease, influenza and pneumonia, and pandemonium ensues. The atom with the
chronic liver and kidney diseases, and, most unpaired electron—known as a free radical—starts run-
especially, heart disease. ning around like a headless chicken trying to find its
When chronic inflammation exists unchecked in head. Free radicals are like college sophomores on
the cardiovascular system, it almost always spells big spring break—temporarily free from the constraints of
INFLAMMATION AND OXIDATION are two of the most vicious processes in the human body. This trouble for the heart. dormitory living, they basically go nuts and will
chapter explains why they are so destructive and what we can do to minimize their damage. And inflammation is rarely a local phenomenon. “bond” with anyone! Free radicals “hit” on existing,
Let’s begin with inflammation, which comes in two flavors. We all have experience with acute For instance, women with rheumatoid arthritis, a highly stable pairs of electrons thousands of times a day,
inflammation. It happens every time you stub your toe, bang your knee, or get a splinter in your finger. inflammatory condition that primarily affects the joints, trying to find an electron they can pair-bond with,
When you complain about your aching back, an abscess in your mouth, or a rash on your skin, that’s wind up having double the risk of a heart attack when and meanwhile inflicting enormous damage upon your
acute inflammation. It’s visible and uncomfortable, if not downright painful. compared to women without it. Microbes that cause cells and DNA.
The redness on your skin is a result of blood that’s rushed to the affected area. The swelling you problems in one part of the body can easily migrate to The free radicals that come from oxygen (known,
experience is the result of an army of specialized cells dispatched by the immune system to mend the other areas and cause inflammatory damage there. An not surprisingly, as oxygen free radicals) are the most
injured area. The job of these immune system cells is to surround the site of the injury and neutralize infection that starts in the gums, for example, can eas- deadly and damaging kind. Antioxidants are a class of
nasty invaders such as microbes, preventing the spread of potential infection. The swelling, redness, ily leak bacteria into the bloodstream; bacteria that substances, including certain vitamins, minerals, and
and soreness you experience as a result of acute inflammation are natural accompaniments to the may then find fertile ground in a weakened arterial many plant chemicals, that helps neutralize free radi-
healing process. wall and fan the fires of inflammation there. cals, soaking them up like little sponges, thus limiting
It’s the inflammation you’re less familiar with that’s at the core of heart disease. Acute inflamma- So how exactly does inflammation happen, and, the damage they can do to your body. The reason cut
tion hurts, but chronic inflammation kills. more importantly, what can we do about it? apple slices don’t turn brown so quickly when you
Let us explain. squirt lemon juice on them is because lemon juice
OXIDATION: THE FREQUENT contains vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant.
INITIATOR OF INFLAMMATION Free radicals are so important that in the mid-
One of the prime initiators of inflammation is 1950s a scientist named Denham Harman, M.D., Ph.D.,
oxidation. If you’ve ever seen rust on metal, you’re put forth a theory called the Free Radical Theory of
familiar with oxidation (also known as oxidative Aging that remains popular to this day.1 In it he basi-
arthritis, cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, chronic Every so often one of those electrons gets “loose,”
lower respiratory disease, influenza and pneumonia, and pandemonium ensues. The atom with the
chronic liver and kidney diseases, and, most unpaired electron—known as a free radical—starts run-
especially, heart disease. ning around like a headless chicken trying to find its
When chronic inflammation exists unchecked in head. Free radicals are like college sophomores on
the cardiovascular system, it almost always spells big spring break—temporarily free from the constraints of
INFLAMMATION AND OXIDATION are two of the most vicious processes in the human body. This trouble for the heart. dormitory living, they basically go nuts and will
chapter explains why they are so destructive and what we can do to minimize their damage. And inflammation is rarely a local phenomenon. “bond” with anyone! Free radicals “hit” on existing,
Let’s begin with inflammation, which comes in two flavors. We all have experience with acute For instance, women with rheumatoid arthritis, a highly stable pairs of electrons thousands of times a day,
inflammation. It happens every time you stub your toe, bang your knee, or get a splinter in your finger. inflammatory condition that primarily affects the joints, trying to find an electron they can pair-bond with,
When you complain about your aching back, an abscess in your mouth, or a rash on your skin, that’s wind up having double the risk of a heart attack when and meanwhile inflicting enormous damage upon your
acute inflammation. It’s visible and uncomfortable, if not downright painful. compared to women without it. Microbes that cause cells and DNA.
The redness on your skin is a result of blood that’s rushed to the affected area. The swelling you problems in one part of the body can easily migrate to The free radicals that come from oxygen (known,
experience is the result of an army of specialized cells dispatched by the immune system to mend the other areas and cause inflammatory damage there. An not surprisingly, as oxygen free radicals) are the most
injured area. The job of these immune system cells is to surround the site of the injury and neutralize infection that starts in the gums, for example, can eas- deadly and damaging kind. Antioxidants are a class of
nasty invaders such as microbes, preventing the spread of potential infection. The swelling, redness, ily leak bacteria into the bloodstream; bacteria that substances, including certain vitamins, minerals, and
and soreness you experience as a result of acute inflammation are natural accompaniments to the may then find fertile ground in a weakened arterial many plant chemicals, that helps neutralize free radi-
healing process. wall and fan the fires of inflammation there. cals, soaking them up like little sponges, thus limiting
It’s the inflammation you’re less familiar with that’s at the core of heart disease. Acute inflamma- So how exactly does inflammation happen, and, the damage they can do to your body. The reason cut
tion hurts, but chronic inflammation kills. more importantly, what can we do about it? apple slices don’t turn brown so quickly when you
Let us explain. squirt lemon juice on them is because lemon juice
OXIDATION: THE FREQUENT contains vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant.
INITIATOR OF INFLAMMATION Free radicals are so important that in the mid-
One of the prime initiators of inflammation is 1950s a scientist named Denham Harman, M.D., Ph.D.,
oxidation. If you’ve ever seen rust on metal, you’re put forth a theory called the Free Radical Theory of
familiar with oxidation (also known as oxidative Aging that remains popular to this day.1 In it he basi-
SUGAR: THE REAL of your behavior. (And almost 100 percent of your
Insulin, a hormone first discovered in 1921, is the star
actor in our little hormonal play. It is an anabolic
But you don’t have to be a slave to those hor- storing hormone also has some serious consequences
mones; you just have to understand them. Because for the heart.
CHAPTER 6 your lifestyle choices have a profound effect on the The name of that fat-storing hormone? Insulin.
secretion of important hormones, and lifestyle choices
are under your control (see chapter 12). Nonetheless, INSULIN: WHAT IT IS AND WHY IT
at the end of the day, your hormones drive a big part MATTERS
SUGAR: THE REAL of your behavior. (And almost 100 percent of your
Insulin, a hormone first discovered in 1921, is the star
actor in our little hormonal play. It is an anabolic
and death. But there’s an even more insidious way in which manufacturing machinery in your body. This enzyme— on the body, such as being anti-inflammatory,” says
So the body knows what it’s doing. This little insulin raises blood pressure. with the unwieldy name of HMG-CoA reductase—is the Jeff Volek, Ph.D., R.D., one of the top researchers in
dance between the force that keeps blood sugar from It talks to the kidneys. very same enzyme that’s shut down by cholesterol- the field of diet and health.5 “But if you’re insulin
soaring too high (insulin) and the forces that prevent Insulin’s message to the kidneys is this: Hold on lowering drugs! You could probably lower your resistant, chronically high insulin levels have the
it from going too low (glucagon, for one) is essential to salt. Insulin makes the kidneys do this even if the cholesterol—if you still care about that—by simply opposite effect. They actually promote inflammation
for survival. It’s interesting to note that although insu- kidneys would much prefer not to. Because the body lowering your insulin levels. And doing so would have and cardiovascular problems. That’s not generally
lin is the only hormone responsible for preventing controls sodium within a tight range, as it does sugar, none of the side effects of cholesterol-lowering appreciated yet; what is well accepted is that high
blood sugar from rising too high, there are several the kidneys figure, “Listen, if we have to hold on to all medication, unless you call a longer life span and glucose (blood sugar) will cause problems over time.”6
other hormones besides glucagon—cortisol, adrena- this salt, we’d better bring on more water to dilute it better health side effects! So insulin is anti-inflammatory in people with nor-
line, noradrenaline, and human growth hormone—that so that it stays in the safe range.” And that’s exactly By the way, we’re not kidding about the “longer mal insulin sensitivity, but it is highly inflammatory in
prevent it from going too low. You could say that insu- what they do. Increased sodium retention results in life span and better health” part. A classic 1992 study those with insulin resistance. Which is more than 50
lin is such a powerful hormone that it needs five increased water retention. More water means more examined the blood work of healthy centenarians in percent of the population, and that’s a conservative
other hormones just to counterbalance its effects! blood volume, and more blood volume means higher an effort to find out whether there were any com- estimate based on crude measurements. We suspect
In fact, as you’ll see a bit later on in the book, blood pressure. Fully 70 percent of people with hyper- monalities among the members of this unusually that if insulin resistance was measured in a state-of-
when insulin metabolism is off the rails—a condition tension (high blood pressure) have insulin resistance. long-lived demographic. It found three: low triglycer- the-art way, such as with LabCorp’s LP-IR test, the
known as insulin resistance—it’s an early warning sign And this is not just theoretical. Research from ides, high HDL cholesterol, and—wait for it—low fasting number would be significantly higher.
2 4
that something is going very, very wrong. In chapter Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center demonstrates insulin. Your diet affects two of these blood mea-
9, we’ll explore in great detail the relationship of insu- that insulin resistance is directly related to high blood sures—triglycerides and fasting insulin—and both mea- Insulin Resistance and Heart Disease
lin resistance to heart disease. Spoiler alert: We’re pressure. “We found you can predict who’s at higher sures will fall like a rock when you reduce or eliminate Having insulin resistance is a tsunami when it comes
going to make the case that insulin resistance is one risk for developing high blood pressure based on their sugar and processed carbs in your diet. to developing heart disease. Insulin resistance makes
of the most important—and earliest—signs of coming insulin resistance,” said lead researcher David Goff Jr., Remember—the body makes triglycerides out of it more likely you’ll have hypertension, puts you at
heart disease. Ph.D., M.D. “The one-third of participants [in our excess calories from carbohydrates. It’s not important significantly greater risk for diabetes, is almost
Let’s begin by looking at the stunning example of study] with the highest levels of insulin resistance had to know how the biochemistry of this works; it’s just certainly correlated with elevated triglycerides, and is
how insulin influences the cardiovascular system: rates of hypertension that were 35 percent higher important to know that too much sugar equals high heavily correlated with obesity—all major risk factors
blood pressure. than the one-third with the least resistance. These triglycerides (not to mention high fasting insulin). for cardiovascular disease. But to add insult to injury,
findings point out that reducing the body’s resistance It’s hard to change your HDL, but you can signifi- that excess insulin has an inflammatory effect on
Insulin Resistance and High Blood to insulin may help prevent hypertension and cardio- cantly improve two out of three measures of longev- your system as well. As we’ve seen, inflammation is a
Pressure 3
vascular disease” (emphasis ours). ity—triglycerides and insulin—just by reducing carbs! major player in the development of plaque, and a far
High levels of insulin will increase your blood pressure In our opinion, lowering triglycerides is one of the more important risk factor for heart disease than
in a couple of ways. For one thing, insulin can narrow The Insulin–Cholesterol Connection major health benefits of a diet lower in sugar, as high cholesterol is.
the artery walls. Narrower walls translate into higher Interesting factoid: Insulin has a profound effect on triglycerides are far more of a danger sign for heart If you have any degree of insulin resistance, con-
blood pressure because a harder pumping action is cholesterol as well. It turns up the cholesterol-making disease than high cholesterol is. trolling your insulin by dietary means may be one of
required to get the blood through the narrower machinery by turbocharging the activity of the Beginning to connect the dots? the most effective strategies for reducing the risk of
passageways. enzyme that actually controls the cholesterol- “Normally, insulin has some fairly positive effects coronary disease. It certainly beats the fairly irrele-
and death. But there’s an even more insidious way in which manufacturing machinery in your body. This enzyme— on the body, such as being anti-inflammatory,” says
So the body knows what it’s doing. This little insulin raises blood pressure. with the unwieldy name of HMG-CoA reductase—is the Jeff Volek, Ph.D., R.D., one of the top researchers in
dance between the force that keeps blood sugar from It talks to the kidneys. very same enzyme that’s shut down by cholesterol- the field of diet and health.5 “But if you’re insulin
soaring too high (insulin) and the forces that prevent Insulin’s message to the kidneys is this: Hold on lowering drugs! You could probably lower your resistant, chronically high insulin levels have the
it from going too low (glucagon, for one) is essential to salt. Insulin makes the kidneys do this even if the cholesterol—if you still care about that—by simply opposite effect. They actually promote inflammation
for survival. It’s interesting to note that although insu- kidneys would much prefer not to. Because the body lowering your insulin levels. And doing so would have and cardiovascular problems. That’s not generally
lin is the only hormone responsible for preventing controls sodium within a tight range, as it does sugar, none of the side effects of cholesterol-lowering appreciated yet; what is well accepted is that high
blood sugar from rising too high, there are several the kidneys figure, “Listen, if we have to hold on to all medication, unless you call a longer life span and glucose (blood sugar) will cause problems over time.”6
other hormones besides glucagon—cortisol, adrena- this salt, we’d better bring on more water to dilute it better health side effects! So insulin is anti-inflammatory in people with nor-
line, noradrenaline, and human growth hormone—that so that it stays in the safe range.” And that’s exactly By the way, we’re not kidding about the “longer mal insulin sensitivity, but it is highly inflammatory in
prevent it from going too low. You could say that insu- what they do. Increased sodium retention results in life span and better health” part. A classic 1992 study those with insulin resistance. Which is more than 50
lin is such a powerful hormone that it needs five increased water retention. More water means more examined the blood work of healthy centenarians in percent of the population, and that’s a conservative
other hormones just to counterbalance its effects! blood volume, and more blood volume means higher an effort to find out whether there were any com- estimate based on crude measurements. We suspect
In fact, as you’ll see a bit later on in the book, blood pressure. Fully 70 percent of people with hyper- monalities among the members of this unusually that if insulin resistance was measured in a state-of-
when insulin metabolism is off the rails—a condition tension (high blood pressure) have insulin resistance. long-lived demographic. It found three: low triglycer- the-art way, such as with LabCorp’s LP-IR test, the
known as insulin resistance—it’s an early warning sign And this is not just theoretical. Research from ides, high HDL cholesterol, and—wait for it—low fasting number would be significantly higher.
2 4
that something is going very, very wrong. In chapter Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center demonstrates insulin. Your diet affects two of these blood mea-
9, we’ll explore in great detail the relationship of insu- that insulin resistance is directly related to high blood sures—triglycerides and fasting insulin—and both mea- Insulin Resistance and Heart Disease
lin resistance to heart disease. Spoiler alert: We’re pressure. “We found you can predict who’s at higher sures will fall like a rock when you reduce or eliminate Having insulin resistance is a tsunami when it comes
going to make the case that insulin resistance is one risk for developing high blood pressure based on their sugar and processed carbs in your diet. to developing heart disease. Insulin resistance makes
of the most important—and earliest—signs of coming insulin resistance,” said lead researcher David Goff Jr., Remember—the body makes triglycerides out of it more likely you’ll have hypertension, puts you at
heart disease. Ph.D., M.D. “The one-third of participants [in our excess calories from carbohydrates. It’s not important significantly greater risk for diabetes, is almost
Let’s begin by looking at the stunning example of study] with the highest levels of insulin resistance had to know how the biochemistry of this works; it’s just certainly correlated with elevated triglycerides, and is
how insulin influences the cardiovascular system: rates of hypertension that were 35 percent higher important to know that too much sugar equals high heavily correlated with obesity—all major risk factors
blood pressure. than the one-third with the least resistance. These triglycerides (not to mention high fasting insulin). for cardiovascular disease. But to add insult to injury,
findings point out that reducing the body’s resistance It’s hard to change your HDL, but you can signifi- that excess insulin has an inflammatory effect on
Insulin Resistance and High Blood to insulin may help prevent hypertension and cardio- cantly improve two out of three measures of longev- your system as well. As we’ve seen, inflammation is a
Pressure 3
vascular disease” (emphasis ours). ity—triglycerides and insulin—just by reducing carbs! major player in the development of plaque, and a far
High levels of insulin will increase your blood pressure In our opinion, lowering triglycerides is one of the more important risk factor for heart disease than
in a couple of ways. For one thing, insulin can narrow The Insulin–Cholesterol Connection major health benefits of a diet lower in sugar, as high cholesterol is.
the artery walls. Narrower walls translate into higher Interesting factoid: Insulin has a profound effect on triglycerides are far more of a danger sign for heart If you have any degree of insulin resistance, con-
blood pressure because a harder pumping action is cholesterol as well. It turns up the cholesterol-making disease than high cholesterol is. trolling your insulin by dietary means may be one of
required to get the blood through the narrower machinery by turbocharging the activity of the Beginning to connect the dots? the most effective strategies for reducing the risk of
passageways. enzyme that actually controls the cholesterol- “Normally, insulin has some fairly positive effects coronary disease. It certainly beats the fairly irrele-
The collection of diseases strongly influenced by insulin resistance
has been given the acronym CHAOS: coronary disease, Stand in front of a wall and walk toward it.
hypertension, adult onset diabetes, obesity, and stroke. They’re all If your belly touches the wall before the rest of your body,
related, and what they have in common is insulin resistance. there’s an excellent chance that you’re insulin resistant.
vant strategy of lowering cholesterol! tance has skyrocketed 61 percent in the past decade cent of the population had flawless glucose metabo- The higher your triglycerides, the greater the
“[H]aving chronically elevated insulin levels has alone, according to Daniel Einhorn, M.D., medical lism, the rest of us—up to 75 percent of the popula- chance that you’re insulin resistant. This in turn
harmful effects of its own—heart disease for one,” director of the Scripps Whittier Diabetes Institute in tion—had some degree of insulin resistance! Also, means that insulin is contributing mightily to the very
7 8
Gary Taubes wrote in the New York Times. Elevated California. The prevalence of insulin resistance has Reaven used young, healthy adults as subjects, and inflammation that damages LDL cholesterol in the
insulin increases triglycerides, raises blood pressure, probably been underestimated from the beginning. their numbers were definitely not representative of first place and starts the whole cycle of plaque forma-
and lowers HDL cholesterol—all making insulin resis- The late great scientist Gerald Reaven of Stanford the population as a whole—the fact is, sensitivity to tion. The take-home point: Reduce your triglycerides
tance even worse and substantially upping the risk for University—whom you’ll be learning more about in insulin actually decreases (and insulin resistance (and raise your HDL), and you reduce your risk of
heart disease. chapter 9—did the original work on insulin resistance increases) as you get older. heart disease.
At this point you may be wondering, “How do I in the 1980s. Here’s how he approximated the number The take-home point: Insulin resistance isn’t just Lowering your sugar intake probably won’t affect
know if I have insulin resistance?” An excellent ques- of people who were insulin resistant. He divided his something that happens to other people. The your HDL level, but it will dramatically affect triglycer-
tion. Though there are blood measures to determine test population—nondiabetic, healthy adults—into quar- American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists has ides and fasting insulin. And both of these will cer-
this—and we’ll discuss those later on—there’s also a tiles and tested their ability to metabolize sugar and estimated that one in three Americans is insulin resis- tainly drop when you lower the amount of sugar and
nice, simple, low-tech way to do it. Stand in front of a carbohydrates. He found that while the top 25 per- tant, and a fair amount of emerging research indi- processed carbs you’re eating (or drinking).
wall and walk toward it. If your belly touches the wall cent of the population could handle sugar just fine, cates that the number is quite a bit higher, as you’ll The bottom line here is that changing your diet
before the rest of your body, there’s an excellent the bottom 25 percent could not—they had insulin see later in the book. can really change your life. No kidding. This is not just
chance that you’re insulin resistant. Men with waist resistance (or, in the parlance of researchers, impaired Back in chapter 4 we mentioned that calculating theoretical or pie-in-the-sky. A change in diet and a
sizes of 40 inches or more are almost certainly insu- glucose metabolism). So for a long time, it was your ratio of triglycerides to HDL cholesterol is a much few important lifestyle changes—as outlined in part
lin resistant, as are women with waist sizes of 35 thought that the number of people with insulin resis- better way to predict heart disease than by assessing three of this book—can make the difference between a
inches or more. tance was one in four (25 percent). cholesterol levels. (Just so you don’t have to go back life of energy, vigor, and health, and a life of constant
Although there are, indeed, people with insulin But there’s a problem. and look it up: You calculate your ratio by simply look- doctor appointments, weight problems, and diabetes
resistance who are rail thin, the vast majority of people What happened to the 50 percent of people ing at two line items on your blood test—triglycerides medications.
with insulin resistance are not. We’ll talk about other between those two extremes? It turns out they had and HDL cholesterol. If, for example, your triglycerides
ways to measure insulin resistance through scientifi- neither the terrific glucose metabolism of the top 25 are 150 mg/dL and your HDL cholesterol is 30 mg/dL, THE TWINKIE PARADOX
cally validated blood tests later on in this book, but the percent nor the full-blown insulin resistance of the your ratio is 150 divided by 30, or five.) As it turns out, In 2010, Mark Haub—a nutrition professor from Kansas
“walk-into-the-wall” way is a good stand-in for now. bottom 25 percent; instead, they fell somewhere in this same ratio is an excellent predictor of insulin resis- State University—made headlines with what seemed
Insulin resistance is reversible. And it’s hardly a between. tance. In one study, a ratio of three or greater was a like a kamikaze diet experiment: He spent ten weeks
rare phenomenon. The prevalence of insulin resis- One could easily argue that because only 25 per- reliable predictor of insulin resistance. eating a steady stream of Twinkies—one every three
The collection of diseases strongly influenced by insulin resistance
has been given the acronym CHAOS: coronary disease, Stand in front of a wall and walk toward it.
hypertension, adult onset diabetes, obesity, and stroke. They’re all If your belly touches the wall before the rest of your body,
related, and what they have in common is insulin resistance. there’s an excellent chance that you’re insulin resistant.
vant strategy of lowering cholesterol! tance has skyrocketed 61 percent in the past decade cent of the population had flawless glucose metabo- The higher your triglycerides, the greater the
“[H]aving chronically elevated insulin levels has alone, according to Daniel Einhorn, M.D., medical lism, the rest of us—up to 75 percent of the popula- chance that you’re insulin resistant. This in turn
harmful effects of its own—heart disease for one,” director of the Scripps Whittier Diabetes Institute in tion—had some degree of insulin resistance! Also, means that insulin is contributing mightily to the very
7 8
Gary Taubes wrote in the New York Times. Elevated California. The prevalence of insulin resistance has Reaven used young, healthy adults as subjects, and inflammation that damages LDL cholesterol in the
insulin increases triglycerides, raises blood pressure, probably been underestimated from the beginning. their numbers were definitely not representative of first place and starts the whole cycle of plaque forma-
and lowers HDL cholesterol—all making insulin resis- The late great scientist Gerald Reaven of Stanford the population as a whole—the fact is, sensitivity to tion. The take-home point: Reduce your triglycerides
tance even worse and substantially upping the risk for University—whom you’ll be learning more about in insulin actually decreases (and insulin resistance (and raise your HDL), and you reduce your risk of
heart disease. chapter 9—did the original work on insulin resistance increases) as you get older. heart disease.
At this point you may be wondering, “How do I in the 1980s. Here’s how he approximated the number The take-home point: Insulin resistance isn’t just Lowering your sugar intake probably won’t affect
know if I have insulin resistance?” An excellent ques- of people who were insulin resistant. He divided his something that happens to other people. The your HDL level, but it will dramatically affect triglycer-
tion. Though there are blood measures to determine test population—nondiabetic, healthy adults—into quar- American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists has ides and fasting insulin. And both of these will cer-
this—and we’ll discuss those later on—there’s also a tiles and tested their ability to metabolize sugar and estimated that one in three Americans is insulin resis- tainly drop when you lower the amount of sugar and
nice, simple, low-tech way to do it. Stand in front of a carbohydrates. He found that while the top 25 per- tant, and a fair amount of emerging research indi- processed carbs you’re eating (or drinking).
wall and walk toward it. If your belly touches the wall cent of the population could handle sugar just fine, cates that the number is quite a bit higher, as you’ll The bottom line here is that changing your diet
before the rest of your body, there’s an excellent the bottom 25 percent could not—they had insulin see later in the book. can really change your life. No kidding. This is not just
chance that you’re insulin resistant. Men with waist resistance (or, in the parlance of researchers, impaired Back in chapter 4 we mentioned that calculating theoretical or pie-in-the-sky. A change in diet and a
sizes of 40 inches or more are almost certainly insu- glucose metabolism). So for a long time, it was your ratio of triglycerides to HDL cholesterol is a much few important lifestyle changes—as outlined in part
lin resistant, as are women with waist sizes of 35 thought that the number of people with insulin resis- better way to predict heart disease than by assessing three of this book—can make the difference between a
inches or more. tance was one in four (25 percent). cholesterol levels. (Just so you don’t have to go back life of energy, vigor, and health, and a life of constant
Although there are, indeed, people with insulin But there’s a problem. and look it up: You calculate your ratio by simply look- doctor appointments, weight problems, and diabetes
resistance who are rail thin, the vast majority of people What happened to the 50 percent of people ing at two line items on your blood test—triglycerides medications.
with insulin resistance are not. We’ll talk about other between those two extremes? It turns out they had and HDL cholesterol. If, for example, your triglycerides
ways to measure insulin resistance through scientifi- neither the terrific glucose metabolism of the top 25 are 150 mg/dL and your HDL cholesterol is 30 mg/dL, THE TWINKIE PARADOX
cally validated blood tests later on in this book, but the percent nor the full-blown insulin resistance of the your ratio is 150 divided by 30, or five.) As it turns out, In 2010, Mark Haub—a nutrition professor from Kansas
“walk-into-the-wall” way is a good stand-in for now. bottom 25 percent; instead, they fell somewhere in this same ratio is an excellent predictor of insulin resis- State University—made headlines with what seemed
Insulin resistance is reversible. And it’s hardly a between. tance. In one study, a ratio of three or greater was a like a kamikaze diet experiment: He spent ten weeks
rare phenomenon. The prevalence of insulin resis- One could easily argue that because only 25 per- reliable predictor of insulin resistance. eating a steady stream of Twinkies—one every three
hours, to be exact—along with Oreos, Doritos, sugary cates of the “energy balance” theory. regardless of what we’re eating. (and better yet, are losing weight at the same time),
cereals, and a variety of Little Debbie’s snack cakes. But is that really the case? And that means we can’t trust weight-loss studies but sugar also makes it just about impossible to actu-
To make the diet somewhat less death defying, he This brings us to one of the biggest problems to tell us about the effects of sugar during non- ally do that. And the reason has to do with what’s
also threw in a multivitamin supplement, a daily with weight-loss studies of any sort—especially ones weight-loss situations. Indeed, the real issue is what going on in your noggin.
protein shake, and the odd can of green beans or that simultaneously try to assess the effects of sugar. happens when we stop dropping pounds and try to
celery stalks. For most people, shedding pounds alone is enough to maintain what we’ve got. If Haub kept up his Twinkie MEANWHILE, UP IN THE BRAIN . . .
The only stipulation was a cap on his calorie improve their blood lipids. And the reasons for that diet after he was done losing weight, the results, most We’ve covered plenty on the endocrinology front so
intake—1800 a day. are plentiful. For one, losing weight inevitably causes assuredly, would have been much different. far. (Hopefully we kept our promise and your eyes
Given what you’ve learned in this book so far, some fat loss from the organs—and once enough fat An aside: One of us—Jonny—was a personal didn’t glaze over.) But sugar’s effects don’t end with
you might suspect the results were disastrous. Surely slurps out of the pancreas and liver, insulin sensitivity trainer on staff at Equinox Fitness Clubs for many its effect on hormones. The flip side of sugar’s impact
his triglycerides shot through the stratosphere. And improves and a whole host of benefits quickly follow. years during the 1990s. During that time, he saw a lot on our hormones is its impact on our brain.
if he somehow didn’t gain weight, he certainly didn’t A fascinating study from 2015 found that losing of people lose weight successfully on what trainers If you’ll recall, our bodies come equipped with a
lose any. That tidal wave of sugar probably exhausted less than one gram of fat from the pancreas was then privately referred to as “the model’s diet: reward system—a feedback network that tells us what
his pancreas and turned him insulin resistant in enough to reverse type 2 diabetes. On top of that, cocaine, coffee, and an occasional salad.” Weight loss we do or don’t like. As far as survival is concerned,
record speed! staying in a negative energy balance—that is, consum- in the short term is not a good measure of overall this reward system does us all sorts of favors: It tells
But that’s not what happened. ing fewer calories than you burn each day—ensures health, and certainly isn’t a good predictor of long- us to seek out food (because eating feels good), to
In what came to be known as the “Twinkie diet,” liver and glycogen stores get a chance to empty out, term success, or else everyone would just eat reproduce (because sex feels good), to form connec-
Haub dropped 27 pounds, raised his HDL by 20 per- which also boosts insulin sensitivity. Twinkies for a month like Haub did and be just fine. tions in our community (because socializing feels
cent, slashed his LDL by 20 percent, lowered his tri- If you’re starting to sense a theme here, you’re Jonny had an exercise physiology professor in gradu- good), and so on.
glycerides by 39 percent, and reduced his body fat right. Spoiler alert: Notice that just about everything ate school who used to say: “Losing weight by itself is The problem is that our modern environment—
from over 33 percent to just shy of 25 percent. that reduces risk for cardiovascular events also reduces easy. I can take any client in the world and put them especially our modern food environment—exposes us
In other words, he seemed—on paper—to have got- insulin resistance, and anything that increases risk for in a closet for a month with just a tube for water. I to all sorts of stuff our delicate reward centers aren’t
ten healthier. cardiovascular events also seems to increase insulin guarantee they’ll lose weight. But so what?” equipped to handle. This includes many substances
Eating a diet literally made of sugary junk food. resistance. We’ll look at this connection—possibly the That said, some folks—especially those in the unanimously deemed addictive—tobacco and opiates,
The very stuff we’ve been telling you to avoid like most important take-home point in the book—in much “everything in moderation” camp—have argued that if for example—but research is increasingly showing that
the plague. greater detail when we get to chapter 9. we just keep a tight lockdown on our calories, then it also includes certain foods. And guess what? Of all
In attempt to explain these shocking results, dieti- Researchers have also discovered that weight sugary foods can be a harmless addition to a “well- the “foods” with addictive potential, sugar is number
cians near and far chimed in. “A calorie is a calorie!” loss significantly raises our circulating levels of adipo- balanced diet.” Such proponents often point to exam- one with a bullet.
roared the conventional wisdom devotees. The take- nectin—a protein hormone that helps regulate our ples like Mr. Haub and his Twinkies as evidence that
home message, many believed, was that it’s all about blood sugar and improves lipid metabolism, which can all calories are more or less equal; we can just count Hyperpalatability: When Food
calories in versus calories out. Whether your calories improve the numbers on our blood test and our abil- them and be on our merry way. Becomes a Drug
come from a grilled chicken salad or a cream-filled ity to handle high-carb foods. But there’s a problem here. You see, the whole You’ve probably heard the phrase “let food be thy
pastry doesn’t matter, as long as you’re burning off In other words, weight loss—when we have some thing’s a perverse Catch-22: Sugar might be some- medicine,” credited to our ancient Greek friend
more than you eat each day, or so claim the advo- to lose—can improve a number of health markers, what less harmful if we strictly moderate our intake Hippocrates—but what about “let food be thy
hours, to be exact—along with Oreos, Doritos, sugary cates of the “energy balance” theory. regardless of what we’re eating. (and better yet, are losing weight at the same time),
cereals, and a variety of Little Debbie’s snack cakes. But is that really the case? And that means we can’t trust weight-loss studies but sugar also makes it just about impossible to actu-
To make the diet somewhat less death defying, he This brings us to one of the biggest problems to tell us about the effects of sugar during non- ally do that. And the reason has to do with what’s
also threw in a multivitamin supplement, a daily with weight-loss studies of any sort—especially ones weight-loss situations. Indeed, the real issue is what going on in your noggin.
protein shake, and the odd can of green beans or that simultaneously try to assess the effects of sugar. happens when we stop dropping pounds and try to
celery stalks. For most people, shedding pounds alone is enough to maintain what we’ve got. If Haub kept up his Twinkie MEANWHILE, UP IN THE BRAIN . . .
The only stipulation was a cap on his calorie improve their blood lipids. And the reasons for that diet after he was done losing weight, the results, most We’ve covered plenty on the endocrinology front so
intake—1800 a day. are plentiful. For one, losing weight inevitably causes assuredly, would have been much different. far. (Hopefully we kept our promise and your eyes
Given what you’ve learned in this book so far, some fat loss from the organs—and once enough fat An aside: One of us—Jonny—was a personal didn’t glaze over.) But sugar’s effects don’t end with
you might suspect the results were disastrous. Surely slurps out of the pancreas and liver, insulin sensitivity trainer on staff at Equinox Fitness Clubs for many its effect on hormones. The flip side of sugar’s impact
his triglycerides shot through the stratosphere. And improves and a whole host of benefits quickly follow. years during the 1990s. During that time, he saw a lot on our hormones is its impact on our brain.
if he somehow didn’t gain weight, he certainly didn’t A fascinating study from 2015 found that losing of people lose weight successfully on what trainers If you’ll recall, our bodies come equipped with a
lose any. That tidal wave of sugar probably exhausted less than one gram of fat from the pancreas was then privately referred to as “the model’s diet: reward system—a feedback network that tells us what
his pancreas and turned him insulin resistant in enough to reverse type 2 diabetes. On top of that, cocaine, coffee, and an occasional salad.” Weight loss we do or don’t like. As far as survival is concerned,
record speed! staying in a negative energy balance—that is, consum- in the short term is not a good measure of overall this reward system does us all sorts of favors: It tells
But that’s not what happened. ing fewer calories than you burn each day—ensures health, and certainly isn’t a good predictor of long- us to seek out food (because eating feels good), to
In what came to be known as the “Twinkie diet,” liver and glycogen stores get a chance to empty out, term success, or else everyone would just eat reproduce (because sex feels good), to form connec-
Haub dropped 27 pounds, raised his HDL by 20 per- which also boosts insulin sensitivity. Twinkies for a month like Haub did and be just fine. tions in our community (because socializing feels
cent, slashed his LDL by 20 percent, lowered his tri- If you’re starting to sense a theme here, you’re Jonny had an exercise physiology professor in gradu- good), and so on.
glycerides by 39 percent, and reduced his body fat right. Spoiler alert: Notice that just about everything ate school who used to say: “Losing weight by itself is The problem is that our modern environment—
from over 33 percent to just shy of 25 percent. that reduces risk for cardiovascular events also reduces easy. I can take any client in the world and put them especially our modern food environment—exposes us
In other words, he seemed—on paper—to have got- insulin resistance, and anything that increases risk for in a closet for a month with just a tube for water. I to all sorts of stuff our delicate reward centers aren’t
ten healthier. cardiovascular events also seems to increase insulin guarantee they’ll lose weight. But so what?” equipped to handle. This includes many substances
Eating a diet literally made of sugary junk food. resistance. We’ll look at this connection—possibly the That said, some folks—especially those in the unanimously deemed addictive—tobacco and opiates,
The very stuff we’ve been telling you to avoid like most important take-home point in the book—in much “everything in moderation” camp—have argued that if for example—but research is increasingly showing that
the plague. greater detail when we get to chapter 9. we just keep a tight lockdown on our calories, then it also includes certain foods. And guess what? Of all
In attempt to explain these shocking results, dieti- Researchers have also discovered that weight sugary foods can be a harmless addition to a “well- the “foods” with addictive potential, sugar is number
cians near and far chimed in. “A calorie is a calorie!” loss significantly raises our circulating levels of adipo- balanced diet.” Such proponents often point to exam- one with a bullet.
roared the conventional wisdom devotees. The take- nectin—a protein hormone that helps regulate our ples like Mr. Haub and his Twinkies as evidence that
home message, many believed, was that it’s all about blood sugar and improves lipid metabolism, which can all calories are more or less equal; we can just count Hyperpalatability: When Food
calories in versus calories out. Whether your calories improve the numbers on our blood test and our abil- them and be on our merry way. Becomes a Drug
come from a grilled chicken salad or a cream-filled ity to handle high-carb foods. But there’s a problem here. You see, the whole You’ve probably heard the phrase “let food be thy
pastry doesn’t matter, as long as you’re burning off In other words, weight loss—when we have some thing’s a perverse Catch-22: Sugar might be some- medicine,” credited to our ancient Greek friend
more than you eat each day, or so claim the advo- to lose—can improve a number of health markers, what less harmful if we strictly moderate our intake Hippocrates—but what about “let food be thy
hopelessly addictive drug”? mixtures results in behaviors resembling that of drug Glycated proteins are too big and sticky to get
It turns out, that second phrase isn’t far from the addiction—binging, withdrawal (including anxiety and SUGAR: CAUGHT AT THE SCENE OF through small blood vessels and capillaries, including
truth. At least when it comes to stuff chemically depression), and cravings. 12
THE CRIME the small vessels in the kidneys, eyes, and feet, which
designed to get us hooked. For decades, food industry Recently, scientists have discovered that our We’re pretty sure that if you asked a random sampling is why so many diabetics are at risk for kidney dis-
scientists have been engineering foods to be “hyper- reward systems contain glucose-sensing neurons that of ordinary people what part of their diet is most ease, vision problems, and amputations of toes, feet,
palatable”—that is, they’ve been purposefully designed respond to sugar intake. While a naturally sweet food, dangerous to their heart, the majority of them would and even legs. The sugar-coated proteins become
to trigger your brain’s reward centers in ways that like an apple or melon, creates a healthy level of say “fat.” toxic and make the cell machinery run less efficiently.
surpass anything a peach, an egg, or chuck roast “reward” stimulation, foods with hyper-condensed They’d be wrong. They damage the body and exhaust the immune sys-
could ever accomplish. (For a superb and detailed sweetness—say, a piece of candy—send our reward path- A far more powerful contributor to heart disease is tem. Scientists have given these sticky proteins the
explanation of how the food industry accomplishes ways into a tizzy, triggering biological compensations sugar. (And, of course, the insulin resistance that can acronym AGEs—which stands for advanced glycation
this, read Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Michael that, over time, result in tolerance. Eventually, we need results from eating too much of it!) Diets that are lower end products—partially because these proteins are so
Moss’s excellent book, Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food to eat more just to feel the same level of pleasure. in sugar and processed carbs will reduce inflammation, involved in aging the body.
Giants Hooked Us.) Here’s where it gets even more fascinating. On its blood sugar, insulin, insulin resistance, and triglycerides. What does this have to do with cholesterol and
By mixing together more salt, more fat, more fla- own, sugar isn’t a particularly “rewarding” food. Think And lowering triglycerides automatically improves that heart disease? Actually, everything. Remember LDL
vorings, and—importantly—more sugar than any food about it: When was the last time you ripped opened a all-important ratio of triglycerides to HDL. (If your tri- cholesterol is a far greater problem once it becomes
in nature could possibly produce, they’ve created bag of pure sugar and went to town with nothing glycerides were 150 mg/dL and your HDL was 50 mg/ damaged. And one primary way in which LDL choles-
products that virtually light up the dopamine and opi- other than a spoon and your appetite? Unless you dL, you’d have a ratio of three, but if you brought your terol gets damaged is through oxidative stress gener-
oid pathways in our brain. Those are the very same lost a bet, you’ve probably never even been tempted. triglycerides down to 100 mg/dL, the ratio would auto- ated by free radicals.
pathways activated by recreational drugs. Indeed, Part of the confusion surrounding sugar’s addictive matically drop to two, or 100:50. Neat, huh?) Can you guess the other way it gets damaged?
some research has shown that sugary foods have an properties is the fact that it’s a much different animal Sugar is directly responsible for one of the most Glycation.
even more intense effect on the brain’s reward path- when it’s flying solo than it is when it’s hanging out damaging processes in the body, something called So now you have sugar at the scene of several
ways than cocaine. with the wrong crowd. Straight out of the bag—sans glycation. Here’s how it works. Glycation is what hap- crimes, all related to heart disease. “High blood sugar
Certain combinations of ingredients signal our flavorings, fat, starches, or salt—sugar doesn’t trip our pens when sticky sugar molecules glom onto struc- causes the lining cells of the arteries to be inflamed,
brains to eat, and eat, and eat some more. This isn’t reward pathways as intensely as when we add it to tures and get stuck where they don’t belong, essen- changes LDL cholesterol, and causes sugar to be
the same as a food being delicious and flavorful, by something else. But once we mix it with other tasty tially gumming up the works. attached to a variety of proteins, which changes their
the way: you can feel compelled to overeat on foods items—fat and salt, for example—all bets are off. You see, sugar is sticky—think cotton candy and normal function,” says Dwight Lundell, M.D., author of
you don’t even like all that much, but be perfectly As a result, sugar has long been the food indus- maple syrup. Proteins, on the other hand, are smooth The Cure for Heart Disease. High sugar intake, as we
content in moderating foods you love. That’s why you try’s secret weapon for getting us hooked. and slippery—think egg whites, which are pure protein. saw, also trains our brain’s reward centers to make us
can relish a perfectly seasoned salmon filet and stop Bottom line? Don’t let anyone trick you into think- The slippery nature of proteins lets them slide around eat more and more of it—leading to a buildup of fat
when you’re full, but might find yourself unwrapping ing sugar is fine as long as you don’t eat too much. easily in the cells and do their jobs effectively. But around the pancreas and subsequently insulin resis-
bar after bar of cheap Halloween candy until you “Just a little sugar” might not do as much damage as when you’ve got a lot of excess sugar in your system, tance, the central player in every condition we’ve
have a stomachache. eating a ton of it—but the caveat is, most of us can’t it keeps bumping into proteins, ultimately getting examined that is intimately connected to heart dis-
Reams of studies have confirmed the addictive ever stop at “just a little.” And for that, we have our stuck onto the protein molecules. Such proteins are ease: diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, and met-
nature of sugar. In animals, sporadic access to sugary brains to thank. now said to have become glycated. abolic syndrome.
hopelessly addictive drug”? mixtures results in behaviors resembling that of drug Glycated proteins are too big and sticky to get
It turns out, that second phrase isn’t far from the addiction—binging, withdrawal (including anxiety and SUGAR: CAUGHT AT THE SCENE OF through small blood vessels and capillaries, including
truth. At least when it comes to stuff chemically depression), and cravings. 12
THE CRIME the small vessels in the kidneys, eyes, and feet, which
designed to get us hooked. For decades, food industry Recently, scientists have discovered that our We’re pretty sure that if you asked a random sampling is why so many diabetics are at risk for kidney dis-
scientists have been engineering foods to be “hyper- reward systems contain glucose-sensing neurons that of ordinary people what part of their diet is most ease, vision problems, and amputations of toes, feet,
palatable”—that is, they’ve been purposefully designed respond to sugar intake. While a naturally sweet food, dangerous to their heart, the majority of them would and even legs. The sugar-coated proteins become
to trigger your brain’s reward centers in ways that like an apple or melon, creates a healthy level of say “fat.” toxic and make the cell machinery run less efficiently.
surpass anything a peach, an egg, or chuck roast “reward” stimulation, foods with hyper-condensed They’d be wrong. They damage the body and exhaust the immune sys-
could ever accomplish. (For a superb and detailed sweetness—say, a piece of candy—send our reward path- A far more powerful contributor to heart disease is tem. Scientists have given these sticky proteins the
explanation of how the food industry accomplishes ways into a tizzy, triggering biological compensations sugar. (And, of course, the insulin resistance that can acronym AGEs—which stands for advanced glycation
this, read Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Michael that, over time, result in tolerance. Eventually, we need results from eating too much of it!) Diets that are lower end products—partially because these proteins are so
Moss’s excellent book, Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food to eat more just to feel the same level of pleasure. in sugar and processed carbs will reduce inflammation, involved in aging the body.
Giants Hooked Us.) Here’s where it gets even more fascinating. On its blood sugar, insulin, insulin resistance, and triglycerides. What does this have to do with cholesterol and
By mixing together more salt, more fat, more fla- own, sugar isn’t a particularly “rewarding” food. Think And lowering triglycerides automatically improves that heart disease? Actually, everything. Remember LDL
vorings, and—importantly—more sugar than any food about it: When was the last time you ripped opened a all-important ratio of triglycerides to HDL. (If your tri- cholesterol is a far greater problem once it becomes
in nature could possibly produce, they’ve created bag of pure sugar and went to town with nothing glycerides were 150 mg/dL and your HDL was 50 mg/ damaged. And one primary way in which LDL choles-
products that virtually light up the dopamine and opi- other than a spoon and your appetite? Unless you dL, you’d have a ratio of three, but if you brought your terol gets damaged is through oxidative stress gener-
oid pathways in our brain. Those are the very same lost a bet, you’ve probably never even been tempted. triglycerides down to 100 mg/dL, the ratio would auto- ated by free radicals.
pathways activated by recreational drugs. Indeed, Part of the confusion surrounding sugar’s addictive matically drop to two, or 100:50. Neat, huh?) Can you guess the other way it gets damaged?
some research has shown that sugary foods have an properties is the fact that it’s a much different animal Sugar is directly responsible for one of the most Glycation.
even more intense effect on the brain’s reward path- when it’s flying solo than it is when it’s hanging out damaging processes in the body, something called So now you have sugar at the scene of several
ways than cocaine. with the wrong crowd. Straight out of the bag—sans glycation. Here’s how it works. Glycation is what hap- crimes, all related to heart disease. “High blood sugar
Certain combinations of ingredients signal our flavorings, fat, starches, or salt—sugar doesn’t trip our pens when sticky sugar molecules glom onto struc- causes the lining cells of the arteries to be inflamed,
brains to eat, and eat, and eat some more. This isn’t reward pathways as intensely as when we add it to tures and get stuck where they don’t belong, essen- changes LDL cholesterol, and causes sugar to be
the same as a food being delicious and flavorful, by something else. But once we mix it with other tasty tially gumming up the works. attached to a variety of proteins, which changes their
the way: you can feel compelled to overeat on foods items—fat and salt, for example—all bets are off. You see, sugar is sticky—think cotton candy and normal function,” says Dwight Lundell, M.D., author of
you don’t even like all that much, but be perfectly As a result, sugar has long been the food indus- maple syrup. Proteins, on the other hand, are smooth The Cure for Heart Disease. High sugar intake, as we
content in moderating foods you love. That’s why you try’s secret weapon for getting us hooked. and slippery—think egg whites, which are pure protein. saw, also trains our brain’s reward centers to make us
can relish a perfectly seasoned salmon filet and stop Bottom line? Don’t let anyone trick you into think- The slippery nature of proteins lets them slide around eat more and more of it—leading to a buildup of fat
when you’re full, but might find yourself unwrapping ing sugar is fine as long as you don’t eat too much. easily in the cells and do their jobs effectively. But around the pancreas and subsequently insulin resis-
bar after bar of cheap Halloween candy until you “Just a little sugar” might not do as much damage as when you’ve got a lot of excess sugar in your system, tance, the central player in every condition we’ve
have a stomachache. eating a ton of it—but the caveat is, most of us can’t it keeps bumping into proteins, ultimately getting examined that is intimately connected to heart dis-
Reams of studies have confirmed the addictive ever stop at “just a little.” And for that, we have our stuck onto the protein molecules. Such proteins are ease: diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, and met-
nature of sugar. In animals, sporadic access to sugary brains to thank. now said to have become glycated. abolic syndrome.
Is it any surprise that we think reducing sugar is Journal of Clinical Nutrition, and Nature. of scientists and doctors to study the evidence that fat dietary fat caused heart disease actually support the
far more important than reducing fat or cholesterol? Yudkin was typically portrayed by his detractors as and cholesterol cause heart disease, a concept he later sugar theory as well,” Taubes wrote. “During the
And by the way, we’re hardly the first people to say so. a wild-eyed fanatic who blamed sugar as the cause of called “the greatest health scam of the century.” Korean War, pathologists doing autopsies on American
heart disease, but in fact he was nothing of the sort. In Though Yudkin did not write a low-carb diet book soldiers killed in battle noticed that many had signifi-
The Voice of Dissent: Introducing his 1972 book, Sweet and Dangerous, he was the per se, he was one of the most influential voices of cant plaques in their arteries, even those who were
John Yudkin embodiment of reason when he called for a reexamina- the time to put forth the position that sugar was still teenagers, while the Koreans killed in battle did
By 1970, Ancel Keys’s research indicting saturated fat tion of the data—which he considered highly flawed— responsible for far more health problems than fat not. The atherosclerotic plaques in the Americans
in heart disease had been published and was being that led to the hypothesis that fat causes heart dis- was. His book called attention to countries in which were attributed to the fact that they ate high-fat diets
picked up by the media; the low- or no-cholesterol ease. (He’s since been proven right—many times!) the correlation between heart disease and sugar and the Koreans ate low-fat. But the Americans were
brigade was gearing up for an assault on the In the 1960s, Yudkin did a series of animal experi- intake was far more striking than the correlation also eating high-sugar diets, while the Koreans, like
consciousness of the American public. Then in 1972, ments in which he fed sugar and starch to a variety of between heart disease and fat. And he pointed to a the Japanese, were not.”
Robert Atkins published Diet Revolution, which became critters, including chickens, rabbits, pigs, and college number of studies—most dramatically of the Masai in As Yudkin put it, “It may turn out that [many fac-
the de facto poster child for the low-carb movement students. Invariably he found that the levels of triglyc- Kenya and Tanzania—in which people consumed copi- tors, including sugar] ultimately have the same effect
two decades later. Atkins advocated an approach erides in all these subjects were raised. (Remember, ous amounts of milk and fat and yet had virtually no on metabolism and so produce coronary disease by
completely opposite to the one promoted by Keys: He high triglycerides are a major risk factor for heart dis- heart disease. Interestingly, these people also con- the same mechanism.” What is that mechanism?
said that insulin and carbohydrates, not fat and ease, and triglycerides rise like an air balloon when sumed almost no sugar. Fingers are beginning to point suspiciously to an
cholesterol, were the problem in the American diet. you eat a lot of sugar and starch.) In Yudkin’s experi- overload of insulin as a common culprit at the root of
Because his high-fat, high-protein, low-carb diet ments, sugar also raised insulin, linking sugar to type The Sweetening of America at least some of these metabolic and negative health
went so dramatically against the conventional wisdom 2 diabetes, which, as you now know, is intimately To be clear, Yudkin never said that sugar causes the effects, such as heart disease.
of the times, Atkins was attacked mercilessly in the related to heart disease as well. diseases of modern civilization, just that a case could As you will soon see, there are now compelling
press and vilified by the medical mainstream, which Yudkin was one of the many who pointed out that easily be made that it deserved attention and study, reasons to believe that there is a causal relationship
turned him into a pariah in the medical community. statistics for heart disease and fat consumption certainly as much as, if not more than, fat between insulin resistance and heart disease, and,
But in the same year that Atkins published his book, existed for many more countries than those referred consumption. Heart disease is associated with a since insulin resistance is eminently treatable, that
an English doctor named John Yudkin was making to by Keys, and that these other figures didn’t fit into number of indicators, including fat consumption, early testing for insulin resistance could prevent a
waves by politely and reasonably suggesting to the the “more fat, more heart disease” relationship that being overweight, cigarette smoking, a sedentary significant number of heart attacks from ever hap-
medical establishment that perhaps its emperor, while was evident when only the seven selected countries lifestyle, television viewing, and a high intake of sugar. pening in the first place. We’ll outline that case in
indeed cholesterol-free and low-fat, was nonetheless were considered. He pointed out that there was a bet- Yudkin himself did several interesting studies on chapter 9.
naked as a jaybird. ter and truer relationship between sugar consumption sugar consumption and coronary heart disease. In Controlling insulin was the main purpose of the
A professor of nutrition at Queen Elizabeth and heart disease, and he said that “there is a sizable one he found that the median sugar intake of a group original Atkins diet and has become the raison d’être
College, University of London, Yudkin was a highly minority—of which I am one—that believes that coro- of coronary patients was 147 g, twice as much as it of the low-carb approach to living. Though the Atkins
respected scientist and nutritionist who had dozens of nary disease is not largely due to fat in the diet.” was in two different groups of control subjects that diet is certainly not the only way to control insulin,
published papers in such renowned peer-reviewed Three decades later, Dr. George Mann, an associate didn’t have coronary disease; these groups consumed Atkins—who was after all a cardiologist—is to be com-
journals as The Lancet, the British Medical Journal, director of the Framingham Heart Study, arrived at the only 67 g and 74 g, respectively. mended for being prescient when it comes to identify-
the Archives of Internal Medicine, the American same conclusion and assembled a distinguished group “Many of the key observations cited to argue that ing carbohydrates and insulin resistance as causative
Is it any surprise that we think reducing sugar is Journal of Clinical Nutrition, and Nature. of scientists and doctors to study the evidence that fat dietary fat caused heart disease actually support the
far more important than reducing fat or cholesterol? Yudkin was typically portrayed by his detractors as and cholesterol cause heart disease, a concept he later sugar theory as well,” Taubes wrote. “During the
And by the way, we’re hardly the first people to say so. a wild-eyed fanatic who blamed sugar as the cause of called “the greatest health scam of the century.” Korean War, pathologists doing autopsies on American
heart disease, but in fact he was nothing of the sort. In Though Yudkin did not write a low-carb diet book soldiers killed in battle noticed that many had signifi-
The Voice of Dissent: Introducing his 1972 book, Sweet and Dangerous, he was the per se, he was one of the most influential voices of cant plaques in their arteries, even those who were
John Yudkin embodiment of reason when he called for a reexamina- the time to put forth the position that sugar was still teenagers, while the Koreans killed in battle did
By 1970, Ancel Keys’s research indicting saturated fat tion of the data—which he considered highly flawed— responsible for far more health problems than fat not. The atherosclerotic plaques in the Americans
in heart disease had been published and was being that led to the hypothesis that fat causes heart dis- was. His book called attention to countries in which were attributed to the fact that they ate high-fat diets
picked up by the media; the low- or no-cholesterol ease. (He’s since been proven right—many times!) the correlation between heart disease and sugar and the Koreans ate low-fat. But the Americans were
brigade was gearing up for an assault on the In the 1960s, Yudkin did a series of animal experi- intake was far more striking than the correlation also eating high-sugar diets, while the Koreans, like
consciousness of the American public. Then in 1972, ments in which he fed sugar and starch to a variety of between heart disease and fat. And he pointed to a the Japanese, were not.”
Robert Atkins published Diet Revolution, which became critters, including chickens, rabbits, pigs, and college number of studies—most dramatically of the Masai in As Yudkin put it, “It may turn out that [many fac-
the de facto poster child for the low-carb movement students. Invariably he found that the levels of triglyc- Kenya and Tanzania—in which people consumed copi- tors, including sugar] ultimately have the same effect
two decades later. Atkins advocated an approach erides in all these subjects were raised. (Remember, ous amounts of milk and fat and yet had virtually no on metabolism and so produce coronary disease by
completely opposite to the one promoted by Keys: He high triglycerides are a major risk factor for heart dis- heart disease. Interestingly, these people also con- the same mechanism.” What is that mechanism?
said that insulin and carbohydrates, not fat and ease, and triglycerides rise like an air balloon when sumed almost no sugar. Fingers are beginning to point suspiciously to an
cholesterol, were the problem in the American diet. you eat a lot of sugar and starch.) In Yudkin’s experi- overload of insulin as a common culprit at the root of
Because his high-fat, high-protein, low-carb diet ments, sugar also raised insulin, linking sugar to type The Sweetening of America at least some of these metabolic and negative health
went so dramatically against the conventional wisdom 2 diabetes, which, as you now know, is intimately To be clear, Yudkin never said that sugar causes the effects, such as heart disease.
of the times, Atkins was attacked mercilessly in the related to heart disease as well. diseases of modern civilization, just that a case could As you will soon see, there are now compelling
press and vilified by the medical mainstream, which Yudkin was one of the many who pointed out that easily be made that it deserved attention and study, reasons to believe that there is a causal relationship
turned him into a pariah in the medical community. statistics for heart disease and fat consumption certainly as much as, if not more than, fat between insulin resistance and heart disease, and,
But in the same year that Atkins published his book, existed for many more countries than those referred consumption. Heart disease is associated with a since insulin resistance is eminently treatable, that
an English doctor named John Yudkin was making to by Keys, and that these other figures didn’t fit into number of indicators, including fat consumption, early testing for insulin resistance could prevent a
waves by politely and reasonably suggesting to the the “more fat, more heart disease” relationship that being overweight, cigarette smoking, a sedentary significant number of heart attacks from ever hap-
medical establishment that perhaps its emperor, while was evident when only the seven selected countries lifestyle, television viewing, and a high intake of sugar. pening in the first place. We’ll outline that case in
indeed cholesterol-free and low-fat, was nonetheless were considered. He pointed out that there was a bet- Yudkin himself did several interesting studies on chapter 9.
naked as a jaybird. ter and truer relationship between sugar consumption sugar consumption and coronary heart disease. In Controlling insulin was the main purpose of the
A professor of nutrition at Queen Elizabeth and heart disease, and he said that “there is a sizable one he found that the median sugar intake of a group original Atkins diet and has become the raison d’être
College, University of London, Yudkin was a highly minority—of which I am one—that believes that coro- of coronary patients was 147 g, twice as much as it of the low-carb approach to living. Though the Atkins
respected scientist and nutritionist who had dozens of nary disease is not largely due to fat in the diet.” was in two different groups of control subjects that diet is certainly not the only way to control insulin,
published papers in such renowned peer-reviewed Three decades later, Dr. George Mann, an associate didn’t have coronary disease; these groups consumed Atkins—who was after all a cardiologist—is to be com-
journals as The Lancet, the British Medical Journal, director of the Framingham Heart Study, arrived at the only 67 g and 74 g, respectively. mended for being prescient when it comes to identify-
the Archives of Internal Medicine, the American same conclusion and assembled a distinguished group “Many of the key observations cited to argue that ing carbohydrates and insulin resistance as causative
factors in diabetes, obesity, hypertension, and, you vegetarian, high-fiber diet with 10 percent of the supposedly heart-healthy low-fat diet. Not only do you the WHO,” reported Juliet Eilperin in the Washington
guessed it, heart disease. calories coming from fat. raise one important independent risk factor for heart Post.21 The Post quoted an April 14, 2003, letter from
When Ornish’s study showed some reversal of disease (triglycerides) while at the same time lower- the Sugar Association’s president, Andrew Briscoe, to
Cholesterol Insanity atherosclerosis and fewer cardiac events in the ing one protective measure (HDL cholesterol), but you the general director of WHO in which he stated, “We
Yudkin’s warnings against sugar and Atkins’s early twenty men who completed the five-year study, the also change the all-important ratio of triglycerides to will exercise every avenue available to expose the
low-carb approach to weight loss were mere whispers public perception—reinforced by Ornish himself—was HDL cholesterol in the worst way possible. A higher dubious nature of the Diet, Nutrition and the
lost in the roar of anti-fat mania. By the mid-1980s, that the results largely stemmed from the low-fat triglycerides number and a lower HDL cholesterol Prevention of Chronic Diseases report.”
fat had been utterly and completely demonized, and diet. This conclusion is an incredible leap that is in no number mean a much higher ratio of triglycerides to Two senators wrote a letter to then Health and
fat phobia was in full bloom, with hundreds of way supported by his research. The fact is that there’s HDL. As we’ve seen, you want your ratio to be low, Human Services Secretary Tommy G. Thompson, urg-
cholesterol-free foods being foisted on a gullible no way to know whether the results were because of not high; low-fat, high-carbohydrate diets make the ing him to squelch the report. Soon afterward, the
public. In November 1985, the National Heart, Lung, the low-fat diet portion of the experiment (highly ratio higher. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services sub-
and Blood Institute launched the National Cholesterol unlikely in our view), the high fiber, the whole foods, mitted comments on the report, stating that “evi-
Education Program with the stated goal of “reducing the lack of sugar, or some combination of the inter- THE SUGAR LOBBY IN ACTION dence that soft drinks are associated with obesity is
illness and death from coronary heart disease in the ventions. It is entirely possible that Ornish would have So how did fat get demonized while sugar got a “get not compelling.”
United States by reducing the percent of Americans gotten the same or better results with a program of out of jail free” card? Oh, really? Shades of the tobacco industry’s
with high blood cholesterol [italics ours].” exercise, stress management, smoking cessation, and Well, there’s no political lobby for “fat,” but defense of cigarettes.
In 1976, Nathan Pritikin opened his Pritikin group therapy plus a whole foods diet high in protein there’s a powerful one for sugar. But our story doesn’t end there. In fact, the sugar
Longevity Center in Santa Barbara, California, and for and fiber and low in sugar. In 2003, the World Health Organization (WHO)— industry’s backlash against the 2003 WHO report was
the next decade preached the super-low-fat dogma to Yet low-fat eating managed to remain the dietary not exactly a bunch of wide-eyed radicals—published a far from its first rodeo, as far as manipulating public
all who would listen, which included most of the coun- prescription of every major mainstream health organi- conservative, eminently reasonable report called Diet, perception goes. In fact, it’s been playing that game
try. Pritikin died in 1985, but his mantle was quickly zation. This recommendation was built on a founda- Nutrition and the Prevention of Chronic Diseases. In for longer than some readers have been alive.
taken up by Dr. Dean Ornish. Ornish’s reputation—and tion of two basic beliefs: that low-fat diets will reduce it, the WHO made the unremarkable statement that it Want proof of the fix? In 2016, the smoking gun
much of the public’s faith in the low-fat diet cholesterol, and that reducing cholesterol will actually would be a good idea for people to derive no more we’d all been waiting for fell from the sky and landed in
approach—was fueled by his famous five-year inter- reduce heart disease and extend life. than 10 percent of their daily calories from added the pages of JAMA Internal Medicine.22 No, it wasn’t a
vention study, the Lifestyle Heart Trial, which demon- Although some studies have shown that low-fat sugars. The report suggested that people could lower brand new study. In fact, the fuss was over a very old
strated that intensive lifestyle changes may lead to diets do reduce overall cholesterol, many—most, in their risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease sim- one. Back in 1967, Harvard scientists had conducted a
regression of coronary heart disease. Ornish took fact—have shown nothing of the sort. When you ply by curbing some of the sugar they were consum- massive review of all the sugar and heart disease stud-
forty-eight middle-aged white men with moderate-to- replace fat in the diet with carbohydrates, which is ing. A completely mainstream, noncontroversial, ies available at the time. (One of those researchers was
severe coronary heart disease and assigned them to exactly what low-fat diets do, you wind up with higher “vanilla” recommendation if ever there was one. Who none other than Mark Hegsted, better known for his
two groups. One group received “usual care,” and the triglycerides and lower HDL cholesterol. could possibly object, you might think? role in drafting the 1977 Dietary Goals for the United
other group received a special, intensive, five-part Bad news indeed. Higher triglycerides are an Well, the U.S. sugar industry, for one. States—the committee report that helped shape
lifestyle intervention consisting of (1) aerobic exercise, independent risk factor for heart disease—and raising “Hoping to block the report . . . the Sugar America’s catastrophic nutritional guidelines.)
(2) stress-management training, (3) smoking cessa- them while lowering HDL cholesterol at the same time Association threatened to lobby Congress to cut off After assessing study after study in humans and
tion, (4) group psychological support, and (5) a strict is a double whammy, a really bad “side effect” of the the $406 million the United States gives annually to animals alike, Hegsted et al. published a paper in the
factors in diabetes, obesity, hypertension, and, you vegetarian, high-fiber diet with 10 percent of the supposedly heart-healthy low-fat diet. Not only do you the WHO,” reported Juliet Eilperin in the Washington
guessed it, heart disease. calories coming from fat. raise one important independent risk factor for heart Post.21 The Post quoted an April 14, 2003, letter from
When Ornish’s study showed some reversal of disease (triglycerides) while at the same time lower- the Sugar Association’s president, Andrew Briscoe, to
Cholesterol Insanity atherosclerosis and fewer cardiac events in the ing one protective measure (HDL cholesterol), but you the general director of WHO in which he stated, “We
Yudkin’s warnings against sugar and Atkins’s early twenty men who completed the five-year study, the also change the all-important ratio of triglycerides to will exercise every avenue available to expose the
low-carb approach to weight loss were mere whispers public perception—reinforced by Ornish himself—was HDL cholesterol in the worst way possible. A higher dubious nature of the Diet, Nutrition and the
lost in the roar of anti-fat mania. By the mid-1980s, that the results largely stemmed from the low-fat triglycerides number and a lower HDL cholesterol Prevention of Chronic Diseases report.”
fat had been utterly and completely demonized, and diet. This conclusion is an incredible leap that is in no number mean a much higher ratio of triglycerides to Two senators wrote a letter to then Health and
fat phobia was in full bloom, with hundreds of way supported by his research. The fact is that there’s HDL. As we’ve seen, you want your ratio to be low, Human Services Secretary Tommy G. Thompson, urg-
cholesterol-free foods being foisted on a gullible no way to know whether the results were because of not high; low-fat, high-carbohydrate diets make the ing him to squelch the report. Soon afterward, the
public. In November 1985, the National Heart, Lung, the low-fat diet portion of the experiment (highly ratio higher. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services sub-
and Blood Institute launched the National Cholesterol unlikely in our view), the high fiber, the whole foods, mitted comments on the report, stating that “evi-
Education Program with the stated goal of “reducing the lack of sugar, or some combination of the inter- THE SUGAR LOBBY IN ACTION dence that soft drinks are associated with obesity is
illness and death from coronary heart disease in the ventions. It is entirely possible that Ornish would have So how did fat get demonized while sugar got a “get not compelling.”
United States by reducing the percent of Americans gotten the same or better results with a program of out of jail free” card? Oh, really? Shades of the tobacco industry’s
with high blood cholesterol [italics ours].” exercise, stress management, smoking cessation, and Well, there’s no political lobby for “fat,” but defense of cigarettes.
In 1976, Nathan Pritikin opened his Pritikin group therapy plus a whole foods diet high in protein there’s a powerful one for sugar. But our story doesn’t end there. In fact, the sugar
Longevity Center in Santa Barbara, California, and for and fiber and low in sugar. In 2003, the World Health Organization (WHO)— industry’s backlash against the 2003 WHO report was
the next decade preached the super-low-fat dogma to Yet low-fat eating managed to remain the dietary not exactly a bunch of wide-eyed radicals—published a far from its first rodeo, as far as manipulating public
all who would listen, which included most of the coun- prescription of every major mainstream health organi- conservative, eminently reasonable report called Diet, perception goes. In fact, it’s been playing that game
try. Pritikin died in 1985, but his mantle was quickly zation. This recommendation was built on a founda- Nutrition and the Prevention of Chronic Diseases. In for longer than some readers have been alive.
taken up by Dr. Dean Ornish. Ornish’s reputation—and tion of two basic beliefs: that low-fat diets will reduce it, the WHO made the unremarkable statement that it Want proof of the fix? In 2016, the smoking gun
much of the public’s faith in the low-fat diet cholesterol, and that reducing cholesterol will actually would be a good idea for people to derive no more we’d all been waiting for fell from the sky and landed in
approach—was fueled by his famous five-year inter- reduce heart disease and extend life. than 10 percent of their daily calories from added the pages of JAMA Internal Medicine.22 No, it wasn’t a
vention study, the Lifestyle Heart Trial, which demon- Although some studies have shown that low-fat sugars. The report suggested that people could lower brand new study. In fact, the fuss was over a very old
strated that intensive lifestyle changes may lead to diets do reduce overall cholesterol, many—most, in their risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease sim- one. Back in 1967, Harvard scientists had conducted a
regression of coronary heart disease. Ornish took fact—have shown nothing of the sort. When you ply by curbing some of the sugar they were consum- massive review of all the sugar and heart disease stud-
forty-eight middle-aged white men with moderate-to- replace fat in the diet with carbohydrates, which is ing. A completely mainstream, noncontroversial, ies available at the time. (One of those researchers was
severe coronary heart disease and assigned them to exactly what low-fat diets do, you wind up with higher “vanilla” recommendation if ever there was one. Who none other than Mark Hegsted, better known for his
two groups. One group received “usual care,” and the triglycerides and lower HDL cholesterol. could possibly object, you might think? role in drafting the 1977 Dietary Goals for the United
other group received a special, intensive, five-part Bad news indeed. Higher triglycerides are an Well, the U.S. sugar industry, for one. States—the committee report that helped shape
lifestyle intervention consisting of (1) aerobic exercise, independent risk factor for heart disease—and raising “Hoping to block the report . . . the Sugar America’s catastrophic nutritional guidelines.)
(2) stress-management training, (3) smoking cessa- them while lowering HDL cholesterol at the same time Association threatened to lobby Congress to cut off After assessing study after study in humans and
tion, (4) group psychological support, and (5) a strict is a double whammy, a really bad “side effect” of the the $406 million the United States gives annually to animals alike, Hegsted et al. published a paper in the
prestigious New England Journal of Medicine claiming who’d served on the Sugar Research Foundation’s sci- play a “slightly significant role” in regulating blood lip- of Medicine, the authors acknowledged that there was
that sugar didn’t play any convincing role in heart dis- entific advisory board. Those papers encompassed ids, and that “these effects are somewhat more pro- a ton of evidence suggesting that sugar consumption
ease. The evidence, the paper claimed, showed there over a decade of correspondence—spanning 1959 to nounced when diets low in fat are consumed.” But the could increase the risk of heart disease and diabetes—
was “only one avenue” by which diet could influence 1971—between Adams and the foundation, totaling a researchers then threw us a logical curve ball: “Since and that it could even raise LDL (“bad”) cholesterol.
heart disease: that avenue was blood lipids, and the whopping 1551 pages from 319 different documents. diets low in fat and high in sugar are rarely taken, we The problem was they couldn’t say that the research
only dietary players of import were fat and choles- What Kearns found in that treasure trove was conclude that the practical significance of differences was definitive. “There was enough ambiguity, they con-
terol. Any benefits of reducing sugar, the research- shocking. For one, it turned out that in 1965—right after in dietary carbohydrate is minimal in comparison to cluded, that they couldn’t even set an upper limit on
ers concluded, were so puny compared to those of the Annals of Internal Medicine had published some those related to dietary fat and cholesterol.” how much sugar constitutes too much,” Taubes wrote.
reducing fat that “in our opinion they have no practi- articles linking sugar to heart disease—the Sugar Did you hear that noise? That was the sound of a This dovetailed nicely with the last assessment of
cal importance.” Research Foundation had struck a deal with Harvard thousand “someone’s pulling a fast one on us” alarm sugar by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
At a time when diet and heart disease research researchers Mark Hegsted and Robert McGandy, paying bells going off. Even in a review paper designed to back in 1986 that basically said “no conclusive evi-
was in its fledgling stage, a single well-respected them $6,500 (the equivalent of over $50,000 today) pardon sugar, researchers couldn’t get around the dence on sugars demonstrates a hazard to the gen-
review could shape consensus and steer the direction to do some damage control: The foundation asked fact that sugar behaved especially bad when it came eral public when sugars are consumed at the levels
of future research. And that’s exactly what this paper them to write a review article of “several papers which to low-fat diets. And tragically, the “low in fat, high in that are now current.”
did. With sugar declared innocent (by fancy Harvard find some special metabolic peril in sucrose,” with the sugar” diet the researchers cited as problematic was “This is another way of saying that the evidence
scientists, no less), anti-fat-and-cholesterol research implication that sugar needed to look good—or at least, the very one they helped steer Americans toward. by no means refuted the [charges against sugar], just
took center stage, dominating the scientific discourse not look bad. Those internal documents showed ongo- How’s that for a cruel twist of fate? that it wasn’t definitive or unambiguous,” Taubes said.
for decades to come. Meanwhile, sugar research dwin- ing back-and-forths between Hegsted and the founda- The implications of Kearns’s sugar industry find- It’s also worth noting that at the time, we were con-
dled to near oblivion. Why would anyone waste grant tion’s vice president throughout the whole review pro- ings can’t be overstated. Not only did Big Sugar try to suming approximately 40 pounds per year of “added
money chasing a sugar and heart disease hypothesis cess, concluding with a word of praise from the VP that control the public and scientific narrative about its sugars,” meaning sugar beyond what we might natu-
that had been confirmed DOA? the article—with its anti-fat, sugar-neutral conclusion— product, but it actually succeeded. Scientists stopped rally obtain from fruits and vegetables. (That comes
There was just one problem. was up to snuff: “Let me assure you this is quite what pouring their time and brainpower into potentially to about two hundred extra sugar calories a day,
Unbeknownst to anyone other than industry we had in mind and we look forward to its appearance life-saving sugar research, instead turning their focus about a can and a half of Coke.)
insiders, the review had been secretly funded, in print,” he wrote to Hegsted. squarely on fat and cholesterol. As Kearns wrote in a That doesn’t sound so bad, really, and if that were
designed, and directed by the Sugar Research When the review was finally published, there 2012 Mother Jones article she co-authored with Gary all the sugar we were consuming, most nutritionists in
Foundation—a Washington, D.C.-based trade group wasn’t a peep about the Sugar Research Foundation’s Taubes, “Research on the suspected links between America would be pretty happy. The problem was it
dedicated to defending sugar’s honor. And no one involvement—despite declarations of other industry sugar and chronic disease largely ground to a halt by wasn’t 40 pounds a year. Even back then the
would’ve been the wiser if not for the sleuthing work funding. the late 1980s, and scientists came to view such pur- Department of Agriculture said we were consuming
of Cristin Kearns, a former dentist from Colorado who Now, let’s jump back to what that 1967 New suits as a career dead end.” 75 pounds a year, and by the early 2000s it was up to
cracked the case herself. England Journal of Medicine review actually found. If What’s more, Kearns and Taubes continued, “So 90 pounds. As of late 2011, we were up to 156 pounds
Years earlier, Kearns had stumbled upon what we look closely, we can see how painstakingly the effective were the Sugar Association’s efforts that, to a year. That’s the equivalent of thirty-one 5-pound
turned out to be the find of a lifetime. Tucked away in researchers tried to downplay sugar’s harmful effects, this day, no consensus exists about sugar’s potential bags for every man, woman, and child in America.26
the University of Illinois archives were reams of papers which were hard to ignore even then. For example, the dangers.” Now, back to our story. It turned out there was
from Roger Adams—an organic chemistry professor paper conceded that sugar versus complex carbs could And it was true. In a 2005 report by the Institute more—much more—in Kearns’s food industry exposé.
prestigious New England Journal of Medicine claiming who’d served on the Sugar Research Foundation’s sci- play a “slightly significant role” in regulating blood lip- of Medicine, the authors acknowledged that there was
that sugar didn’t play any convincing role in heart dis- entific advisory board. Those papers encompassed ids, and that “these effects are somewhat more pro- a ton of evidence suggesting that sugar consumption
ease. The evidence, the paper claimed, showed there over a decade of correspondence—spanning 1959 to nounced when diets low in fat are consumed.” But the could increase the risk of heart disease and diabetes—
was “only one avenue” by which diet could influence 1971—between Adams and the foundation, totaling a researchers then threw us a logical curve ball: “Since and that it could even raise LDL (“bad”) cholesterol.
heart disease: that avenue was blood lipids, and the whopping 1551 pages from 319 different documents. diets low in fat and high in sugar are rarely taken, we The problem was they couldn’t say that the research
only dietary players of import were fat and choles- What Kearns found in that treasure trove was conclude that the practical significance of differences was definitive. “There was enough ambiguity, they con-
terol. Any benefits of reducing sugar, the research- shocking. For one, it turned out that in 1965—right after in dietary carbohydrate is minimal in comparison to cluded, that they couldn’t even set an upper limit on
ers concluded, were so puny compared to those of the Annals of Internal Medicine had published some those related to dietary fat and cholesterol.” how much sugar constitutes too much,” Taubes wrote.
reducing fat that “in our opinion they have no practi- articles linking sugar to heart disease—the Sugar Did you hear that noise? That was the sound of a This dovetailed nicely with the last assessment of
cal importance.” Research Foundation had struck a deal with Harvard thousand “someone’s pulling a fast one on us” alarm sugar by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
At a time when diet and heart disease research researchers Mark Hegsted and Robert McGandy, paying bells going off. Even in a review paper designed to back in 1986 that basically said “no conclusive evi-
was in its fledgling stage, a single well-respected them $6,500 (the equivalent of over $50,000 today) pardon sugar, researchers couldn’t get around the dence on sugars demonstrates a hazard to the gen-
review could shape consensus and steer the direction to do some damage control: The foundation asked fact that sugar behaved especially bad when it came eral public when sugars are consumed at the levels
of future research. And that’s exactly what this paper them to write a review article of “several papers which to low-fat diets. And tragically, the “low in fat, high in that are now current.”
did. With sugar declared innocent (by fancy Harvard find some special metabolic peril in sucrose,” with the sugar” diet the researchers cited as problematic was “This is another way of saying that the evidence
scientists, no less), anti-fat-and-cholesterol research implication that sugar needed to look good—or at least, the very one they helped steer Americans toward. by no means refuted the [charges against sugar], just
took center stage, dominating the scientific discourse not look bad. Those internal documents showed ongo- How’s that for a cruel twist of fate? that it wasn’t definitive or unambiguous,” Taubes said.
for decades to come. Meanwhile, sugar research dwin- ing back-and-forths between Hegsted and the founda- The implications of Kearns’s sugar industry find- It’s also worth noting that at the time, we were con-
dled to near oblivion. Why would anyone waste grant tion’s vice president throughout the whole review pro- ings can’t be overstated. Not only did Big Sugar try to suming approximately 40 pounds per year of “added
money chasing a sugar and heart disease hypothesis cess, concluding with a word of praise from the VP that control the public and scientific narrative about its sugars,” meaning sugar beyond what we might natu-
that had been confirmed DOA? the article—with its anti-fat, sugar-neutral conclusion— product, but it actually succeeded. Scientists stopped rally obtain from fruits and vegetables. (That comes
There was just one problem. was up to snuff: “Let me assure you this is quite what pouring their time and brainpower into potentially to about two hundred extra sugar calories a day,
Unbeknownst to anyone other than industry we had in mind and we look forward to its appearance life-saving sugar research, instead turning their focus about a can and a half of Coke.)
insiders, the review had been secretly funded, in print,” he wrote to Hegsted. squarely on fat and cholesterol. As Kearns wrote in a That doesn’t sound so bad, really, and if that were
designed, and directed by the Sugar Research When the review was finally published, there 2012 Mother Jones article she co-authored with Gary all the sugar we were consuming, most nutritionists in
Foundation—a Washington, D.C.-based trade group wasn’t a peep about the Sugar Research Foundation’s Taubes, “Research on the suspected links between America would be pretty happy. The problem was it
dedicated to defending sugar’s honor. And no one involvement—despite declarations of other industry sugar and chronic disease largely ground to a halt by wasn’t 40 pounds a year. Even back then the
would’ve been the wiser if not for the sleuthing work funding. the late 1980s, and scientists came to view such pur- Department of Agriculture said we were consuming
of Cristin Kearns, a former dentist from Colorado who Now, let’s jump back to what that 1967 New suits as a career dead end.” 75 pounds a year, and by the early 2000s it was up to
cracked the case herself. England Journal of Medicine review actually found. If What’s more, Kearns and Taubes continued, “So 90 pounds. As of late 2011, we were up to 156 pounds
Years earlier, Kearns had stumbled upon what we look closely, we can see how painstakingly the effective were the Sugar Association’s efforts that, to a year. That’s the equivalent of thirty-one 5-pound
turned out to be the find of a lifetime. Tucked away in researchers tried to downplay sugar’s harmful effects, this day, no consensus exists about sugar’s potential bags for every man, woman, and child in America.26
the University of Illinois archives were reams of papers which were hard to ignore even then. For example, the dangers.” Now, back to our story. It turned out there was
from Roger Adams—an organic chemistry professor paper conceded that sugar versus complex carbs could And it was true. In a 2005 report by the Institute more—much more—in Kearns’s food industry exposé.
From 1967 to 1971, the Sugar Research Foundation the National Institute of Dental Research, and devel- In fact, in terms of metabolic and heart health, • High-fructose corn syrup is 55 percent fructose
funded a series of animal experiments—officially titled oping questionable vaccines against tooth decay (we the notion that “a calorie is just a calorie” is . . . well, and 45 percent glucose, a difference that just
“Project 259: Dietary Carbohydrate and Blood Lipids in couldn’t make this stuff up if we tried). fake news. But it’s a wonderful cover story for the doesn’t matter very much.
Germ-Free Rats”—designed to evaluate the effects of And the list goes on. Buried amidst those industry sugar-soaked industry known as processed food. So sugar and high-fructose corn syrup are essen-
sugar on heart disease risk. The results were both fas- documents was a copy of a 1954 speech from the In case there was any doubt that the sugar indus- tially the same thing.
cinating and disturbing: There was evidence that gut Sugar Research Foundation’s president, discussing a try not only knew about the perils of sugar, but Because high-fructose corn syrup has gotten so
bacteria could influence how sugar affected triglycer- strategic opportunity to get Americans to eat more actively tried to suppress that knowledge from public much heat in the press, some food manufacturers
ides. Not only that, but compared to starch, sugar sugar by pushing a low-fat diet—thanks to preliminary awareness, this should kick that to the curb. The now proudly advertise that their products contain
seemed to promote high levels of beta-glucuronidase— research at the time linking fat and cholesterol to Sugar Research Foundation papers not only con- none of it and are instead sweetened with “natural”
an enzyme known, even back then, to be associated heart problems. Another document, an internal memo firmed what we’ve all suspected, but made it clear sugar (meaning ordinary sucrose). Meanwhile, the
with bladder cancer and potentially atherosclerosis. from the group’s vice president in 1964, proposed that that the rabbit hole went much deeper than anyone Corn Refiners Association has claimed that high-
That’s right: A study from half a century ago was the foundation should start funding research to “refute could’ve guessed. fructose corn syrup is being unjustly targeted and
already incriminating sugar as a heart-harmer and our detractors,” as well as embark on a deliberate pro- And now, with that depressing history in mind, is no worse than “regular” sugar.
potential carcinogen. gram to counteract “negative attitudes toward sugar”— let’s return to our chapter’s science lesson: the nitty Sadly, the association is technically right. Fructose
If you’re wondering why you haven’t heard about including the ideas presented by John Yudkin. gritty of sugar’s effects on our bodies. is the damaging part of sugar, and whether you get
this before, the reason is simple: Project 259 never saw And if you’re tempted to think, “but all that hap- that fructose from regular sugar or from HFCS doesn’t
the peer-reviewed light of day. The Sugar Research pened a million years ago,” please don’t. It was pre- What’s So Bad about a Little Sugar? make a whit of difference. That doesn’t absolve HFCS
Foundation made sure of it. Instead of publishing what cisely this subterranean effort—funded by deep-pock- The way in which sugar damages the heart is directly at all; it just means that “regular” sugar is virtually just
would have been game-changing information for the eted lobbyist groups. Aided and abetted by sympa- related to insulin resistance. Ordinary table sugar, as bad as HFCS. It’s the fructose in each of them that’s
nutrition field (and human health at large), the founda- thetic researchers who, for a price, were willing to known technically as sucrose, is actually composed causing the damage, and here’s why.
tion axed the project and buried its findings deep produce scientific cover for the sugar industry and of equal parts glucose and fructose, two mono- Fructose and glucose are metabolized in the body
underground—quietly letting the scientific community “manufacture doubt”—they produced the food envi- saccharides (simple sugars) that are anything but in completely different ways. They are not identical.
continue its misguided witch-hunt against fat. ronment in which we live today. (For a fascinating metabolically equal. Glucose can be used by any cell Glucose goes right into the bloodstream and then into
The sugar industry, it turned out, also tried to account of how industry “buys” science to create a in the body. Fructose, on the other hand, is metabolic the cells, but fructose goes right to the liver. Research
distract the public from sugar’s link with tooth decay. narrative that supports their financial interests, read poison—at least at the levels in which it’s currently has shown that fructose is seven times more likely to
An analysis of the Roger Adams papers showed that Merchants of Doubt by historians Naomi Oreskes and consumed. It’s the fructose in our sweetened foods— form the previously mentioned artery-damaging AGEs
the sugar industry was well aware that sugar caused Erik Conway, or watch the 2014 film based on it.) usually in the form of high-fructose corn syrup—that (advanced glycation end products). Fructose is metab-
cavities—the scientific evidence, even then, was over- The narrative set in motion by the sugar industry we should fear the most. olized by the body like fat, and it turns into fat (tri-
whelming. But instead of informing the public they back in the day continues to this very day. Fat and But before you point the finger of blame exclu- glycerides) almost immediately. “When you consume
should eat less sugar, the Sugar Research Foundation cholesterol are demonized in mainstream medicine sively at high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), an additive fructose, you’re not consuming carbs,” says Robert
decided to spend its dollars promoting health inter- while sugar gets a handy-dandy "get out of jail" card. that’s made it into virtually every processed food on Lustig, M.D., professor of pediatrics at the University
ventions that would reduce sugar’s harmful effects— That narrative fits well with the philosophy “a calorie the market, consider the following: of California, San Francisco. “You’re consuming fat.”
including funding research on enzymes to break up is just a calorie,” implying that the only problem with • Regular sugar (sucrose) is 50 percent glucose Fructose is the major cause of fat accumulation
dental plaque, getting chummy with scientists from sugar is empty calories. and 50 percent fructose. in the liver, a condition known technically as hepatic
From 1967 to 1971, the Sugar Research Foundation the National Institute of Dental Research, and devel- In fact, in terms of metabolic and heart health, • High-fructose corn syrup is 55 percent fructose
funded a series of animal experiments—officially titled oping questionable vaccines against tooth decay (we the notion that “a calorie is just a calorie” is . . . well, and 45 percent glucose, a difference that just
“Project 259: Dietary Carbohydrate and Blood Lipids in couldn’t make this stuff up if we tried). fake news. But it’s a wonderful cover story for the doesn’t matter very much.
Germ-Free Rats”—designed to evaluate the effects of And the list goes on. Buried amidst those industry sugar-soaked industry known as processed food. So sugar and high-fructose corn syrup are essen-
sugar on heart disease risk. The results were both fas- documents was a copy of a 1954 speech from the In case there was any doubt that the sugar indus- tially the same thing.
cinating and disturbing: There was evidence that gut Sugar Research Foundation’s president, discussing a try not only knew about the perils of sugar, but Because high-fructose corn syrup has gotten so
bacteria could influence how sugar affected triglycer- strategic opportunity to get Americans to eat more actively tried to suppress that knowledge from public much heat in the press, some food manufacturers
ides. Not only that, but compared to starch, sugar sugar by pushing a low-fat diet—thanks to preliminary awareness, this should kick that to the curb. The now proudly advertise that their products contain
seemed to promote high levels of beta-glucuronidase— research at the time linking fat and cholesterol to Sugar Research Foundation papers not only con- none of it and are instead sweetened with “natural”
an enzyme known, even back then, to be associated heart problems. Another document, an internal memo firmed what we’ve all suspected, but made it clear sugar (meaning ordinary sucrose). Meanwhile, the
with bladder cancer and potentially atherosclerosis. from the group’s vice president in 1964, proposed that that the rabbit hole went much deeper than anyone Corn Refiners Association has claimed that high-
That’s right: A study from half a century ago was the foundation should start funding research to “refute could’ve guessed. fructose corn syrup is being unjustly targeted and
already incriminating sugar as a heart-harmer and our detractors,” as well as embark on a deliberate pro- And now, with that depressing history in mind, is no worse than “regular” sugar.
potential carcinogen. gram to counteract “negative attitudes toward sugar”— let’s return to our chapter’s science lesson: the nitty Sadly, the association is technically right. Fructose
If you’re wondering why you haven’t heard about including the ideas presented by John Yudkin. gritty of sugar’s effects on our bodies. is the damaging part of sugar, and whether you get
this before, the reason is simple: Project 259 never saw And if you’re tempted to think, “but all that hap- that fructose from regular sugar or from HFCS doesn’t
the peer-reviewed light of day. The Sugar Research pened a million years ago,” please don’t. It was pre- What’s So Bad about a Little Sugar? make a whit of difference. That doesn’t absolve HFCS
Foundation made sure of it. Instead of publishing what cisely this subterranean effort—funded by deep-pock- The way in which sugar damages the heart is directly at all; it just means that “regular” sugar is virtually just
would have been game-changing information for the eted lobbyist groups. Aided and abetted by sympa- related to insulin resistance. Ordinary table sugar, as bad as HFCS. It’s the fructose in each of them that’s
nutrition field (and human health at large), the founda- thetic researchers who, for a price, were willing to known technically as sucrose, is actually composed causing the damage, and here’s why.
tion axed the project and buried its findings deep produce scientific cover for the sugar industry and of equal parts glucose and fructose, two mono- Fructose and glucose are metabolized in the body
underground—quietly letting the scientific community “manufacture doubt”—they produced the food envi- saccharides (simple sugars) that are anything but in completely different ways. They are not identical.
continue its misguided witch-hunt against fat. ronment in which we live today. (For a fascinating metabolically equal. Glucose can be used by any cell Glucose goes right into the bloodstream and then into
The sugar industry, it turned out, also tried to account of how industry “buys” science to create a in the body. Fructose, on the other hand, is metabolic the cells, but fructose goes right to the liver. Research
distract the public from sugar’s link with tooth decay. narrative that supports their financial interests, read poison—at least at the levels in which it’s currently has shown that fructose is seven times more likely to
An analysis of the Roger Adams papers showed that Merchants of Doubt by historians Naomi Oreskes and consumed. It’s the fructose in our sweetened foods— form the previously mentioned artery-damaging AGEs
the sugar industry was well aware that sugar caused Erik Conway, or watch the 2014 film based on it.) usually in the form of high-fructose corn syrup—that (advanced glycation end products). Fructose is metab-
cavities—the scientific evidence, even then, was over- The narrative set in motion by the sugar industry we should fear the most. olized by the body like fat, and it turns into fat (tri-
whelming. But instead of informing the public they back in the day continues to this very day. Fat and But before you point the finger of blame exclu- glycerides) almost immediately. “When you consume
should eat less sugar, the Sugar Research Foundation cholesterol are demonized in mainstream medicine sively at high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), an additive fructose, you’re not consuming carbs,” says Robert
decided to spend its dollars promoting health inter- while sugar gets a handy-dandy "get out of jail" card. that’s made it into virtually every processed food on Lustig, M.D., professor of pediatrics at the University
ventions that would reduce sugar’s harmful effects— That narrative fits well with the philosophy “a calorie the market, consider the following: of California, San Francisco. “You’re consuming fat.”
including funding research on enzymes to break up is just a calorie,” implying that the only problem with • Regular sugar (sucrose) is 50 percent glucose Fructose is the major cause of fat accumulation
dental plaque, getting chummy with scientists from sugar is empty calories. and 50 percent fructose. in the liver, a condition known technically as hepatic
steatosis but which most of us know as fatty liver. High-fructose corn syrup was first invented in know that it also predicts future obesity and high a high level of consumption of soft drinks.”34
And there is a direct link between fatty liver and our Japan in the 1960s and made it into the American blood pressure? All told, the case for fructose being a major con-
old friend, insulin resistance. food supply around the mid-1970s. It had two advan- Fructose and glucose behave very differently in tributor to heart disease is way stronger than the
A top researcher in the field of insulin resistance, tages over regular sugar, from the point of view of the brain as well, as research from Johns Hopkins has case against fat. In fact, it’s not even close. It’s also
Varman Samuel of the Yale School of Medicine, told food manufacturers. Number one, it was sweeter, so suggested. Glucose decreases food intake while fruc- worth pointing out that every single bad thing that
the New York Times that the correlation between fat theoretically you could use less of it. Number two, it tose increases it. If your appetite increases, you eat fructose does to increase our risk for heart disease—
in the liver (fatty liver) and insulin resistance is was much cheaper than sugar. Low-fat products could more, thus making obesity, and an increased risk for and it does a lot—has virtually nothing to do with ele-
remarkably strong. “When you deposit fat in the liver, be made “palatable” by the addition of HFCS, and heart disease, far more likely. “Take a kid to vated cholesterol.
that’s when you become insulin resistant,” he said. before long, manufacturers were adding the stuff to McDonald’s and give him a Coke,” Lustig said. “Does The fact is that sugar is far more damaging to
And all together now, class: What causes fat to everything. (Doubt us? Take a field trip to your local he eat less? Or does he eat more?” the heart than either fat or cholesterol. But that has
accumulate in the liver? Fructose. supermarket and start reading labels. See if you can M. Daniel Lane, Ph.D., of the Johns Hopkins never stopped the diet establishment from continuing
If you want to watch a bunch of lab animals find any processed foods that don’t contain it.) University School of Medicine stated, “We feel that [the to stick to its number one talking point: Fat and cho-
become insulin resistant, all you have to do is feed The result is that our fructose consumption has findings on fructose and appetite] may have particular lesterol are what we ought to be worried about.
them fructose. Feed them enough fructose and, sure skyrocketed. Twenty-five percent of adolescents today relevance to the massive increase in the use of high- As the old journalistic maxim goes, “Never let the
enough, the liver converts it to fat, which then accu- consume 15 percent of their calories from fructose fructose sweeteners (both high-fructose corn syrup facts get in the way of a good story.” Unfortunately,
mulates in the liver—with insulin resistance right alone! As Robert Lustig points out in a brilliant lecture, and table sugar) in virtually all sweetened foods, most this story is long past its expiration date. Sticking to it
behind it. This can take place in as little as a week if “Sugar: The Bitter Truth” (available on YouTube), the notably soft drinks. The per capita consumption of in the face of all evidence continues to make many
the animals are fed enough fructose, whereas it might percentage of calories from fat in the American diet these sweeteners in the USA is about 145 lbs./year and people very sick indeed.
take a few months at the levels we humans normally has gone down at the same time that fructose con- is probably much higher in teenagers/youth that have
consume. Studies conducted by Luc Tappy, M.D., in sumption has skyrocketed, along with heart disease,
Switzerland revealed that feeding human subjects a diabetes, obesity, and hypertension. Coincidence?
daily dose of fructose equal to the amount found in Lustig doesn’t think so, and neither do we.
eight to ten cans of soda produced insulin resistance Remember our mention of metabolic syndrome? WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW
and elevated triglycerides within a few days.31 It’s a collection of symptoms—high triglycerides, • Sugar is the missing link among diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. It overrides our body’s
Fructose found in whole foods such as fruits, abdominal fat, hypertension, and insulin resistance— natural hunger regulation, making it very easy to overeat. It is also a major contributor to
however, is a different story. There’s not all that much that seriously increases the risk for heart disease. inflammation in the artery walls.
fructose in, for example, an apple, and the apple Well, rodents consuming large amounts of fructose • Hypertension, high triglycerides, and a high ratio of triglycerides to HDL are all better
comes with a hefty dose of fiber, which slows the rate rapidly develop it. In humans, a high-fructose diet predictors of heart disease than cholesterol. Sugar, or more specifically fructose, raises every
of carbohydrate absorption and reduces insulin raises triglycerides almost instantly; the rest of the single one them.
response. But fructose extracted from fruit, concen- symptoms associated with metabolic syndrome take • High levels of both sugar and insulin damage LDL particles in the blood, making them far
trated into a syrup, and then inserted into practically a little longer to develop in humans than they do in more likely to end up incorporated into arterial plaque.
every food we buy at the supermarket—from bread rats, but develop they do. Fructose also raises uric • When sugar in the bloodstream sticks to proteins, it creates damaging and toxic molecules
and hamburger buns to pretzels and cereals—well, acid levels in the bloodstream. Excess uric acid is well called advanced glycation end products, or AGEs.
that’s a whole different animal. known as the defining feature of gout, but did you
steatosis but which most of us know as fatty liver. High-fructose corn syrup was first invented in know that it also predicts future obesity and high a high level of consumption of soft drinks.”34
And there is a direct link between fatty liver and our Japan in the 1960s and made it into the American blood pressure? All told, the case for fructose being a major con-
old friend, insulin resistance. food supply around the mid-1970s. It had two advan- Fructose and glucose behave very differently in tributor to heart disease is way stronger than the
A top researcher in the field of insulin resistance, tages over regular sugar, from the point of view of the brain as well, as research from Johns Hopkins has case against fat. In fact, it’s not even close. It’s also
Varman Samuel of the Yale School of Medicine, told food manufacturers. Number one, it was sweeter, so suggested. Glucose decreases food intake while fruc- worth pointing out that every single bad thing that
the New York Times that the correlation between fat theoretically you could use less of it. Number two, it tose increases it. If your appetite increases, you eat fructose does to increase our risk for heart disease—
in the liver (fatty liver) and insulin resistance is was much cheaper than sugar. Low-fat products could more, thus making obesity, and an increased risk for and it does a lot—has virtually nothing to do with ele-
remarkably strong. “When you deposit fat in the liver, be made “palatable” by the addition of HFCS, and heart disease, far more likely. “Take a kid to vated cholesterol.
that’s when you become insulin resistant,” he said. before long, manufacturers were adding the stuff to McDonald’s and give him a Coke,” Lustig said. “Does The fact is that sugar is far more damaging to
And all together now, class: What causes fat to everything. (Doubt us? Take a field trip to your local he eat less? Or does he eat more?” the heart than either fat or cholesterol. But that has
accumulate in the liver? Fructose. supermarket and start reading labels. See if you can M. Daniel Lane, Ph.D., of the Johns Hopkins never stopped the diet establishment from continuing
If you want to watch a bunch of lab animals find any processed foods that don’t contain it.) University School of Medicine stated, “We feel that [the to stick to its number one talking point: Fat and cho-
become insulin resistant, all you have to do is feed The result is that our fructose consumption has findings on fructose and appetite] may have particular lesterol are what we ought to be worried about.
them fructose. Feed them enough fructose and, sure skyrocketed. Twenty-five percent of adolescents today relevance to the massive increase in the use of high- As the old journalistic maxim goes, “Never let the
enough, the liver converts it to fat, which then accu- consume 15 percent of their calories from fructose fructose sweeteners (both high-fructose corn syrup facts get in the way of a good story.” Unfortunately,
mulates in the liver—with insulin resistance right alone! As Robert Lustig points out in a brilliant lecture, and table sugar) in virtually all sweetened foods, most this story is long past its expiration date. Sticking to it
behind it. This can take place in as little as a week if “Sugar: The Bitter Truth” (available on YouTube), the notably soft drinks. The per capita consumption of in the face of all evidence continues to make many
the animals are fed enough fructose, whereas it might percentage of calories from fat in the American diet these sweeteners in the USA is about 145 lbs./year and people very sick indeed.
take a few months at the levels we humans normally has gone down at the same time that fructose con- is probably much higher in teenagers/youth that have
consume. Studies conducted by Luc Tappy, M.D., in sumption has skyrocketed, along with heart disease,
Switzerland revealed that feeding human subjects a diabetes, obesity, and hypertension. Coincidence?
daily dose of fructose equal to the amount found in Lustig doesn’t think so, and neither do we.
eight to ten cans of soda produced insulin resistance Remember our mention of metabolic syndrome? WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW
and elevated triglycerides within a few days.31 It’s a collection of symptoms—high triglycerides, • Sugar is the missing link among diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. It overrides our body’s
Fructose found in whole foods such as fruits, abdominal fat, hypertension, and insulin resistance— natural hunger regulation, making it very easy to overeat. It is also a major contributor to
however, is a different story. There’s not all that much that seriously increases the risk for heart disease. inflammation in the artery walls.
fructose in, for example, an apple, and the apple Well, rodents consuming large amounts of fructose • Hypertension, high triglycerides, and a high ratio of triglycerides to HDL are all better
comes with a hefty dose of fiber, which slows the rate rapidly develop it. In humans, a high-fructose diet predictors of heart disease than cholesterol. Sugar, or more specifically fructose, raises every
of carbohydrate absorption and reduces insulin raises triglycerides almost instantly; the rest of the single one them.
response. But fructose extracted from fruit, concen- symptoms associated with metabolic syndrome take • High levels of both sugar and insulin damage LDL particles in the blood, making them far
trated into a syrup, and then inserted into practically a little longer to develop in humans than they do in more likely to end up incorporated into arterial plaque.
every food we buy at the supermarket—from bread rats, but develop they do. Fructose also raises uric • When sugar in the bloodstream sticks to proteins, it creates damaging and toxic molecules
and hamburger buns to pretzels and cereals—well, acid levels in the bloodstream. Excess uric acid is well called advanced glycation end products, or AGEs.
that’s a whole different animal. known as the defining feature of gout, but did you
WHAT EXACTLY IS FAT, ANYWAY? omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids. They’re
Fat is the collective shorthand name given to any big of special importance, and we’ll be talking about them
CHAPTER 7 collection of smaller units called fatty acids. You can in depth later on.
think of “fat” and “fatty acids” as analogous to paper Now a word of complete candor from your
money and a bunch of coins. The dollar bill is the authors. We wrote this book for our families. We
“fat” and the coins are the “fatty acids.” Just as a wanted the average intelligent person who didn’t have
THE TRUTH ABOUT FAT: dollar can comprise different combinations of coins—
one hundred pennies, four quarters, ten dimes, twenty
a background in science to be able to follow the basic
arguments and have a clear sense of the takeaway
There are more fatty acids in a stick of butter by nonmedical people. And, frankly, fat is complicated.
than there are in a spoonful of butter, just as there So this is the part of the book where we could
are more coins in $5 than there are in $1. But whether easily slip into a short course on the biochemistry of
you’re dealing with a splash of olive oil, a tub of lard, fats. It’s interesting to write about, it fills a lot of
YOU CAN’T TALK ABOUT CHOLESTEROL WITHOUT ALSO TALKING ABOUT FAT, which is conve- or a tablespoon of fish oil, all fat on earth is com- pages—and it’s deadly dull for readers. Don’t worry,
nient, because it’s exactly what we’re going to discuss in this chapter. posed of fatty acids. The only difference between the we’re not going to write sprawling essays about the
When you’re done reading it, you may have an entirely different perspective on fat and a much fat in olive oil and the fat in lard is that if you looked chemical structure of fat and give you a pop quiz at
more accurate notion of what the terms “good fat” and “bad fat” mean. And no, we’re not just going at them under a microscope, you’d see that each is the end. And as much as we enjoy talking about this
to tell you the stuff you’ve heard a million times, such as “fat from fish is good” (completely true) and made up of a different mix of fatty acids (i.e., nickels, stuff and would be happy to chat about it if you met
“saturated fat is bad” (very far from always true). dimes, quarters, etc.). us at a cocktail party, the truth is it causes many peo-
But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. There are three families of fatty acids: saturated ple’s eyes to glaze over pretty quickly.
According to conventional wisdom, fat and cholesterol are the twin demons of heart disease, fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids, and polyun- So if you’re interested in reading the Full Monty
linked together in our minds as firmly as Hell and Damnation or Bonnie and Clyde. We’ve been admon- saturated fatty acids. (There’s actually a fourth class about how double bonds, saturation, chain length, and
ished to lower our cholesterol and stop eating saturated fat. These two mandates are the basis of the of fatty acids called trans fats, a kind of “Franken-fat,” other cool biochemical stuff affects us at a molecular
diet-heart hypothesis, which has guided national health policy on healthy eating for decades and basi- but we’ll address that later.) The difference between level, please, by all means, be our guest! That infor-
cally holds that fat and cholesterol in the diet are a direct and significant cause of heart disease. all these fat types has to do with the number of mation is widely available. It’s not controversial, it’s
Okay, so fat and cholesterol (whether they show up in your diet or in your bloodstream) are pretty chemical double bonds that exist in the fatty acid’s not debated, and it’s not really germane to our story.
much kissing cousins. molecular chain. Monounsaturated fats have one dou- So, mercifully, we’ve decided to minimize the “in the
We’ve discussed cholesterol in the previous chapters, so let’s clear up some misconceptions about ble bond, polyunsaturated fats have more than one, weeds” lectures here and instead give you the essen-
fat—what it is, what it does, what it doesn’t do—and why all this matters in the first place. Once we’ve and saturated fats have none. tials—what you really need to know about saturated,
done that, we’ll be able to look at the relationship among heart disease, fat in the diet, and cholesterol In this section we’ll concentrate primarily on satu- polyunsaturated, and monounsaturated fats. The tech-
in the blood with completely new eyes. rated fat, but keep a place on your dance card for two nical bits we’ll cover are only there because they’re
Let’s get to work! members of the polyunsaturated family called really, really important.
WHAT EXACTLY IS FAT, ANYWAY? omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids. They’re
Fat is the collective shorthand name given to any big of special importance, and we’ll be talking about them
CHAPTER 7 collection of smaller units called fatty acids. You can in depth later on.
think of “fat” and “fatty acids” as analogous to paper Now a word of complete candor from your
money and a bunch of coins. The dollar bill is the authors. We wrote this book for our families. We
“fat” and the coins are the “fatty acids.” Just as a wanted the average intelligent person who didn’t have
THE TRUTH ABOUT FAT: dollar can comprise different combinations of coins—
one hundred pennies, four quarters, ten dimes, twenty
a background in science to be able to follow the basic
arguments and have a clear sense of the takeaway
There are more fatty acids in a stick of butter by nonmedical people. And, frankly, fat is complicated.
than there are in a spoonful of butter, just as there So this is the part of the book where we could
are more coins in $5 than there are in $1. But whether easily slip into a short course on the biochemistry of
you’re dealing with a splash of olive oil, a tub of lard, fats. It’s interesting to write about, it fills a lot of
YOU CAN’T TALK ABOUT CHOLESTEROL WITHOUT ALSO TALKING ABOUT FAT, which is conve- or a tablespoon of fish oil, all fat on earth is com- pages—and it’s deadly dull for readers. Don’t worry,
nient, because it’s exactly what we’re going to discuss in this chapter. posed of fatty acids. The only difference between the we’re not going to write sprawling essays about the
When you’re done reading it, you may have an entirely different perspective on fat and a much fat in olive oil and the fat in lard is that if you looked chemical structure of fat and give you a pop quiz at
more accurate notion of what the terms “good fat” and “bad fat” mean. And no, we’re not just going at them under a microscope, you’d see that each is the end. And as much as we enjoy talking about this
to tell you the stuff you’ve heard a million times, such as “fat from fish is good” (completely true) and made up of a different mix of fatty acids (i.e., nickels, stuff and would be happy to chat about it if you met
“saturated fat is bad” (very far from always true). dimes, quarters, etc.). us at a cocktail party, the truth is it causes many peo-
But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. There are three families of fatty acids: saturated ple’s eyes to glaze over pretty quickly.
According to conventional wisdom, fat and cholesterol are the twin demons of heart disease, fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids, and polyun- So if you’re interested in reading the Full Monty
linked together in our minds as firmly as Hell and Damnation or Bonnie and Clyde. We’ve been admon- saturated fatty acids. (There’s actually a fourth class about how double bonds, saturation, chain length, and
ished to lower our cholesterol and stop eating saturated fat. These two mandates are the basis of the of fatty acids called trans fats, a kind of “Franken-fat,” other cool biochemical stuff affects us at a molecular
diet-heart hypothesis, which has guided national health policy on healthy eating for decades and basi- but we’ll address that later.) The difference between level, please, by all means, be our guest! That infor-
cally holds that fat and cholesterol in the diet are a direct and significant cause of heart disease. all these fat types has to do with the number of mation is widely available. It’s not controversial, it’s
Okay, so fat and cholesterol (whether they show up in your diet or in your bloodstream) are pretty chemical double bonds that exist in the fatty acid’s not debated, and it’s not really germane to our story.
much kissing cousins. molecular chain. Monounsaturated fats have one dou- So, mercifully, we’ve decided to minimize the “in the
We’ve discussed cholesterol in the previous chapters, so let’s clear up some misconceptions about ble bond, polyunsaturated fats have more than one, weeds” lectures here and instead give you the essen-
fat—what it is, what it does, what it doesn’t do—and why all this matters in the first place. Once we’ve and saturated fats have none. tials—what you really need to know about saturated,
done that, we’ll be able to look at the relationship among heart disease, fat in the diet, and cholesterol In this section we’ll concentrate primarily on satu- polyunsaturated, and monounsaturated fats. The tech-
in the blood with completely new eyes. rated fat, but keep a place on your dance card for two nical bits we’ll cover are only there because they’re
Let’s get to work! members of the polyunsaturated family called really, really important.
Saturated Fat 101: Everything We centration of saturated fatty acids) is actually a better
Learned Was Wrong! choice for frying than the cheap, processed, polyun-
Saturated fats are primarily found in animal foods saturated vegetable oils that gradually replaced it as
When I was in fifth grade back in Queens, New York, there was a kid named A.J. who was always,
(meat, cheese, butter, eggs) and, less often, in certain restaurants tried to be more “health” conscious.
and I mean always, getting in trouble. But it was for the most minor stuff: coming in a couple of
plant foods, such as coconut, coconut oil, cocoa The problem with vegetable oils is that they’re
minutes late from recess, whispering in class, or, worst case scenario, throwing a spitball. There
butter, and palm oil. They tend to be solid at room nowhere near as resistant to damage as saturated
could be five other kids doing the same thing, but A.J. would always be the one to get caught.
temperature (think butter) and soften when warm. fats are. When you heat and reheat them for frying,
Singled out, reprimanded, parents called in to school, the whole humiliating deal.
Here’s the part they don’t tell you. Just as poly- as virtually every restaurant in America does, it
But there were a couple of other kids in the class who were real pieces of work. One kid,
unsaturated fats aren’t a singular entity—they include causes the formation of all sorts of noxious com-
Gilbert, compulsively lit firecrackers, scaring everyone to death, and then disappeared before
both omega-3 and omega-6 fats, which have wildly pounds, including carcinogens. Those multiple double
he could be caught at the scene of the crime. Another kid named Howie took delight in
different health effects—saturated fat, too, is actually bonds we mentioned earlier? They’re woefully vulner-
breaking people’s windows with rocks. A third one, Corky, was a bully. And yet none of them
a collection of different fatty acids. And those differ- able to chemical attack. Compared to saturated fat,
ever managed to get caught. Rarely did any of these kids even get a stern talking–to. The role
ent saturated fatty acids have diverse effects on your the unsaturated fatty acids in vegetable oils are much
of the “bad kid” in the class was played by A.J., who would have to serve detention, sit in the
cholesterol levels, metabolism, and overall health. more easily damaged by high heat and more suscepti-
corner, and be yelled at in front of the class, all for fairly meaningless infractions, while the
That’s why, when we talk about “saturated fat,” ble to oxidation and the production of free radicals.
kids who were doing all the really bad stuff got off scot-free.
we also have to ask: Which saturated fat? And it’s also Those vegetable oils transform into all sorts of
Now it’s not that old A.J. didn’t do anything wrong. But unlike the other kids, he never beat
why we can’t use a study on coconut oil to tell us mutant molecules under the stress of high heat and
anyone up, he never did anything mean, he never destroyed anyone’s property—and yet
about the health effects of cheese, or a study on egg reheating, but when high heat is applied to saturated
whenever there was trouble, he was always the scapegoat.
yolks to tell us about the health effects of steak—even fat, it behaves like the strong, silent uncle at the fam-
I think saturated fat is like that kid A.J. It’s not that it’s perfect. It’s just that it’s far less
when scientists wave their magical statistical wands ily gathering; everyone else is going nuts, but he’s
important than the stuff we ignore—such as high intakes of omega-6 fatty acids, low intakes of
trying to predict such things. Saturated fat isn’t a sin- calm and serene!
omega-3s, and obscene intakes of sugar and processed carbs.
gular entity, and neither are the foods that contain it. Even when heat isn’t in the picture, polyunsatu-
Is saturated fat so wonderful that we should all resolve to melt a ton of butter and add it to
Importantly, no matter which saturated fat we’re rated fats are fragile flowers, so to speak. Mere expo-
our smoothies right this minute? No, of course not. Saturated fat has some negatives. It is
talking about, the news is not as bad as we’ve been sure to oxygen and sunlight will cause an open bottle
mildly inflammatory. It may contribute to insulin resistance.
told—full stop. What’s more, certain saturated fats are of soybean oil to go rancid on the counter, while an
If the dietary dictocrats are going to warn us against inflammatory food components, why
uniquely beneficial, as has been born out in study open jar of coconut oil will sit there for eons without
choose saturated fat, a relatively minor factor in inflammation compared to the omega-6 to
after study. How’s that for some juicy fine print to the oxidizing. (We’ll talk about some of the other prob-
omega-3 ratio? If they’re going to warn us about saturated fat because of its purported
“saturated fat is bad” hoo-ha? lems with the overuse of vegetable oils in our diet
connection to insulin resistance, why do they continue to promote ridiculously high
They also have a few other characteristics worth later on.)
carbohydrate intakes, which are demonstrably worse?
mentioning. Saturated fats are very stable. They’re Now let us ask you a question, and please answer
Saturated fat is a lot like A.J. Not perfect, but it doesn’t deserve to get beat up. And the
tough—when exposed to high heat they don’t honestly: Did you shudder in horror when we implied a
irony is that while everyone’s pushing him around and blaming him for everything bad that
“mutate” or “damage” as easily as their more delicate few sentences ago that using lard for cooking might
happens, the real culprits are getting away.
cousins, the unsaturated (especially polyunsaturated) actually be a good idea? You probably thought to your-
fats do. That’s one reason why lard (with its high con- self, “Now they’ve gone too far. Did they really say lard
Saturated Fat 101: Everything We centration of saturated fatty acids) is actually a better
Learned Was Wrong! choice for frying than the cheap, processed, polyun-
Saturated fats are primarily found in animal foods saturated vegetable oils that gradually replaced it as
When I was in fifth grade back in Queens, New York, there was a kid named A.J. who was always,
(meat, cheese, butter, eggs) and, less often, in certain restaurants tried to be more “health” conscious.
and I mean always, getting in trouble. But it was for the most minor stuff: coming in a couple of
plant foods, such as coconut, coconut oil, cocoa The problem with vegetable oils is that they’re
minutes late from recess, whispering in class, or, worst case scenario, throwing a spitball. There
butter, and palm oil. They tend to be solid at room nowhere near as resistant to damage as saturated
could be five other kids doing the same thing, but A.J. would always be the one to get caught.
temperature (think butter) and soften when warm. fats are. When you heat and reheat them for frying,
Singled out, reprimanded, parents called in to school, the whole humiliating deal.
Here’s the part they don’t tell you. Just as poly- as virtually every restaurant in America does, it
But there were a couple of other kids in the class who were real pieces of work. One kid,
unsaturated fats aren’t a singular entity—they include causes the formation of all sorts of noxious com-
Gilbert, compulsively lit firecrackers, scaring everyone to death, and then disappeared before
both omega-3 and omega-6 fats, which have wildly pounds, including carcinogens. Those multiple double
he could be caught at the scene of the crime. Another kid named Howie took delight in
different health effects—saturated fat, too, is actually bonds we mentioned earlier? They’re woefully vulner-
breaking people’s windows with rocks. A third one, Corky, was a bully. And yet none of them
a collection of different fatty acids. And those differ- able to chemical attack. Compared to saturated fat,
ever managed to get caught. Rarely did any of these kids even get a stern talking–to. The role
ent saturated fatty acids have diverse effects on your the unsaturated fatty acids in vegetable oils are much
of the “bad kid” in the class was played by A.J., who would have to serve detention, sit in the
cholesterol levels, metabolism, and overall health. more easily damaged by high heat and more suscepti-
corner, and be yelled at in front of the class, all for fairly meaningless infractions, while the
That’s why, when we talk about “saturated fat,” ble to oxidation and the production of free radicals.
kids who were doing all the really bad stuff got off scot-free.
we also have to ask: Which saturated fat? And it’s also Those vegetable oils transform into all sorts of
Now it’s not that old A.J. didn’t do anything wrong. But unlike the other kids, he never beat
why we can’t use a study on coconut oil to tell us mutant molecules under the stress of high heat and
anyone up, he never did anything mean, he never destroyed anyone’s property—and yet
about the health effects of cheese, or a study on egg reheating, but when high heat is applied to saturated
whenever there was trouble, he was always the scapegoat.
yolks to tell us about the health effects of steak—even fat, it behaves like the strong, silent uncle at the fam-
I think saturated fat is like that kid A.J. It’s not that it’s perfect. It’s just that it’s far less
when scientists wave their magical statistical wands ily gathering; everyone else is going nuts, but he’s
important than the stuff we ignore—such as high intakes of omega-6 fatty acids, low intakes of
trying to predict such things. Saturated fat isn’t a sin- calm and serene!
omega-3s, and obscene intakes of sugar and processed carbs.
gular entity, and neither are the foods that contain it. Even when heat isn’t in the picture, polyunsatu-
Is saturated fat so wonderful that we should all resolve to melt a ton of butter and add it to
Importantly, no matter which saturated fat we’re rated fats are fragile flowers, so to speak. Mere expo-
our smoothies right this minute? No, of course not. Saturated fat has some negatives. It is
talking about, the news is not as bad as we’ve been sure to oxygen and sunlight will cause an open bottle
mildly inflammatory. It may contribute to insulin resistance.
told—full stop. What’s more, certain saturated fats are of soybean oil to go rancid on the counter, while an
If the dietary dictocrats are going to warn us against inflammatory food components, why
uniquely beneficial, as has been born out in study open jar of coconut oil will sit there for eons without
choose saturated fat, a relatively minor factor in inflammation compared to the omega-6 to
after study. How’s that for some juicy fine print to the oxidizing. (We’ll talk about some of the other prob-
omega-3 ratio? If they’re going to warn us about saturated fat because of its purported
“saturated fat is bad” hoo-ha? lems with the overuse of vegetable oils in our diet
connection to insulin resistance, why do they continue to promote ridiculously high
They also have a few other characteristics worth later on.)
carbohydrate intakes, which are demonstrably worse?
mentioning. Saturated fats are very stable. They’re Now let us ask you a question, and please answer
Saturated fat is a lot like A.J. Not perfect, but it doesn’t deserve to get beat up. And the
tough—when exposed to high heat they don’t honestly: Did you shudder in horror when we implied a
irony is that while everyone’s pushing him around and blaming him for everything bad that
“mutate” or “damage” as easily as their more delicate few sentences ago that using lard for cooking might
happens, the real culprits are getting away.
cousins, the unsaturated (especially polyunsaturated) actually be a good idea? You probably thought to your-
fats do. That’s one reason why lard (with its high con- self, “Now they’ve gone too far. Did they really say lard
is better to fry with than canola oil? That’s nuts!” has been the prevailing dogma about saturated fat, sionals, researchers, scientists, doctors, and nutrition- SATURATED FAT AND HEART
We’d be surprised if you didn’t recoil in horror. cholesterol, and heart disease for decades. By now ists are beginning to reexamine the case against satu- DISEASE: WHERE’S THE EVIDENCE?
Most people would do just that—and it’s because most you’re more than familiar with this notion, known as rated fat, and they’re finding that it’s based on very Look, there is no shortage of studies pointing to an
people have totally bought into the idea that satu- the diet-heart hypothesis—it’s the mantra that has little solid evidence (and a lot of guilt by association). association between increased saturated fat intake
rated fat is the worst thing on the planet. guided public policy on diet and heart disease for vir- Not only that, but different types of saturated fat— and cardiovascular risk, but there are a few things to
The idea that lard—with its high content of satu- tually every major governmental and mainstream from different dietary sources—have such diverse know about those studies.
rated fat—could ever be a better choice than those health organization, such as the American Heart impacts on our health, it’s hard to make blanket state- Number one, the associations are far weaker than
high omega-6 vegetable oils that are continually Association. ments about saturated fat on the whole. As we’ll see, one might suspect, given how entrenched the belief is
pushed on us is in direct opposition to fat theology, There’s only one problem. It isn’t true. some saturated fatty acids are not only non-harmful, that saturated fat clogs your arteries. In many of
the deeply held belief that saturated fat and choles- Despite its horrible reputation, saturated fat is far but we might be better off eating more of them these studies, the major “risk” examined was choles-
terol are the root of all heart disease evil. That notion from a dietary demon. More and more health profes- rather than less. terol, so we wind up with a circular argument in which
A WORD ABOUT META-ANALYSES AND WHY THEY’RE IMPORTANT measures used, the populations studied, and even the definition of terms. (Is a “smoker”
A little backstory about meta-analyses and why people do them. Say you want to learn about defined as anyone who has even one cigarette a week? Or is a “smoker” defined as someone
the sex habits of college students. There are probably a couple dozen relevant studies you who smokes at least half a pack a day?)
could look at, but as with any other area of research, there’s no guarantee that all the studies Which brings us, finally, back to meta-analysis.
will reach the same conclusions. In fact, it’s almost certain that they won’t. One study might Sometimes researchers gather up a whole bunch of these individual studies whose results
find, for example, that college kids are having more sex, while another study might find that are clustered all over the place like pins on CNN’s election maps. Then they’ll ask, “What do
they’re actually having less. (A critical look at these two studies might uncover the fact that these studies, taken together as a whole, really tell us about what’s going on?” They’ll gather
researchers in the two studies used slightly different definitions of the term “sex” when they up all the studies on, say, smoking and cancer, college students and sex, or saturated fat and
surveyed the students, something that might account for the difference in results.) heart disease. They’ll examine them scrupulously, tossing out any studies whose methods,
Sometimes researchers overlook an obvious variable that could skew the results. designs, or data don’t meet the highest standards of research excellence. (Meta-analyses
Although researchers always try to control for these variables (such as age, sex, and typically exclude small pilot studies, unblinded studies, studies with too few participants, or
smoking) and generally “match” subjects by the most important criteria, they don’t—they studies that do not collect data on something the researchers consider important.)
can’t—always control for every variable that might make a difference (and this is particularly Once the “best-of-the-best” studies are selected for inclusion (and lesser studies are
true in diet research). The point is, if you look at anything worth studying you’re going to eliminated), the researchers go to work and apply every statistical manipulation you can
find a whole bunch of research on it, and among those research studies you’re almost imagine to tease out the real relationships from the mass of accumulated data. They look at
guaranteed to encounter conflicting findings and areas of disagreement about how to the findings of the individual studies and compare them. They pool the subjects from all the
interpret those findings. studies. They look for trends, directions, statistical significance, and hidden relationships. And
Even something that now seems as clearly connected as the link between smoking and though meta-analyses themselves are not infallible, they’re a great way to look at the big
cancer started out as a hypothesis and had to be tested in all sorts of populations under all picture to gauge what’s really going on.
sorts of conditions. Studies can and do reach different conclusions depending on the statistical
is better to fry with than canola oil? That’s nuts!” has been the prevailing dogma about saturated fat, sionals, researchers, scientists, doctors, and nutrition- SATURATED FAT AND HEART
We’d be surprised if you didn’t recoil in horror. cholesterol, and heart disease for decades. By now ists are beginning to reexamine the case against satu- DISEASE: WHERE’S THE EVIDENCE?
Most people would do just that—and it’s because most you’re more than familiar with this notion, known as rated fat, and they’re finding that it’s based on very Look, there is no shortage of studies pointing to an
people have totally bought into the idea that satu- the diet-heart hypothesis—it’s the mantra that has little solid evidence (and a lot of guilt by association). association between increased saturated fat intake
rated fat is the worst thing on the planet. guided public policy on diet and heart disease for vir- Not only that, but different types of saturated fat— and cardiovascular risk, but there are a few things to
The idea that lard—with its high content of satu- tually every major governmental and mainstream from different dietary sources—have such diverse know about those studies.
rated fat—could ever be a better choice than those health organization, such as the American Heart impacts on our health, it’s hard to make blanket state- Number one, the associations are far weaker than
high omega-6 vegetable oils that are continually Association. ments about saturated fat on the whole. As we’ll see, one might suspect, given how entrenched the belief is
pushed on us is in direct opposition to fat theology, There’s only one problem. It isn’t true. some saturated fatty acids are not only non-harmful, that saturated fat clogs your arteries. In many of
the deeply held belief that saturated fat and choles- Despite its horrible reputation, saturated fat is far but we might be better off eating more of them these studies, the major “risk” examined was choles-
terol are the root of all heart disease evil. That notion from a dietary demon. More and more health profes- rather than less. terol, so we wind up with a circular argument in which
A WORD ABOUT META-ANALYSES AND WHY THEY’RE IMPORTANT measures used, the populations studied, and even the definition of terms. (Is a “smoker”
A little backstory about meta-analyses and why people do them. Say you want to learn about defined as anyone who has even one cigarette a week? Or is a “smoker” defined as someone
the sex habits of college students. There are probably a couple dozen relevant studies you who smokes at least half a pack a day?)
could look at, but as with any other area of research, there’s no guarantee that all the studies Which brings us, finally, back to meta-analysis.
will reach the same conclusions. In fact, it’s almost certain that they won’t. One study might Sometimes researchers gather up a whole bunch of these individual studies whose results
find, for example, that college kids are having more sex, while another study might find that are clustered all over the place like pins on CNN’s election maps. Then they’ll ask, “What do
they’re actually having less. (A critical look at these two studies might uncover the fact that these studies, taken together as a whole, really tell us about what’s going on?” They’ll gather
researchers in the two studies used slightly different definitions of the term “sex” when they up all the studies on, say, smoking and cancer, college students and sex, or saturated fat and
surveyed the students, something that might account for the difference in results.) heart disease. They’ll examine them scrupulously, tossing out any studies whose methods,
Sometimes researchers overlook an obvious variable that could skew the results. designs, or data don’t meet the highest standards of research excellence. (Meta-analyses
Although researchers always try to control for these variables (such as age, sex, and typically exclude small pilot studies, unblinded studies, studies with too few participants, or
smoking) and generally “match” subjects by the most important criteria, they don’t—they studies that do not collect data on something the researchers consider important.)
can’t—always control for every variable that might make a difference (and this is particularly Once the “best-of-the-best” studies are selected for inclusion (and lesser studies are
true in diet research). The point is, if you look at anything worth studying you’re going to eliminated), the researchers go to work and apply every statistical manipulation you can
find a whole bunch of research on it, and among those research studies you’re almost imagine to tease out the real relationships from the mass of accumulated data. They look at
guaranteed to encounter conflicting findings and areas of disagreement about how to the findings of the individual studies and compare them. They pool the subjects from all the
interpret those findings. studies. They look for trends, directions, statistical significance, and hidden relationships. And
Even something that now seems as clearly connected as the link between smoking and though meta-analyses themselves are not infallible, they’re a great way to look at the big
cancer started out as a hypothesis and had to be tested in all sorts of populations under all picture to gauge what’s really going on.
sorts of conditions. Studies can and do reach different conclusions depending on the statistical
higher saturated fat intake increases the risk for saturated fat increases the risk of heart disease. In stroke, or CVD. Even when the researchers factored in intake of saturated fatty acids is associated with a
heart disease, but only if you accept the use of cho- the scientific literature, this issue is as far from being age, sex, and study quality, it didn’t change the modest increase in serum total cholesterol, but not
lesterol levels as a stand-in for heart disease. Studies settled as you might think from listening to CNN. In results. Saturated fat did bupkis—it didn’t increase or associated with cardiovascular disease [italics ours].”2
that measure the effect of saturated fat on heart dis- 2012, Patty Siri-Tarino, Ph.D., and Ronald Krauss, M.D., decrease risk in any meaningful way. Period. And it doesn’t end there. In 2014, another wave-
ease and mortality directly—rather than indirectly by of the Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute “There is no significant evidence for concluding making study was published in the Annals of Internal
measuring its effect on cholesterol—are few and far together with Frank B. Hu, M.D., Ph.D., of Harvard, that dietary saturated fat is associated with an Medicine examining the associations between various
between. But there are some important ones, which decided to do a meta-analysis—a study of studies. In increased risk of CHD or CVD,” the researchers dietary, circulating, and supplementary fatty acids and
we’ll discuss in a moment. this case, they looked at all previously published stud- concluded. subsequent heart disease risk.3 This meta-analysis
Number two, as scientists have looked more care- ies whose purpose was to investigate the relationship Now—and this is a very important point—it’s not included thirty-two studies of fatty acid intake from
fully at the association between saturated fat in the of saturated fat to coronary heart disease (CHD), that there’s no evidence that saturated fat doesn’t people’s diets, seventeen studies of fatty acid level
diet and levels of cholesterol in the blood, they are stroke, or cardiovascular disease (CVD). Note that this raise cholesterol. There is, and we’ll examine that biomarkers (standing in as indicators of dietary
beginning to see that even here the relationship is is one of those hard-to-find studies we mentioned more in a moment. But the above meta-analysis didn’t intake), and twenty-seven randomized, controlled tri-
murky. As we’ll explain shortly, not all saturated fatty earlier: a study of the direct effect of saturated fat on just look at cholesterol levels; it looked at what we als of fatty acids consumed as supplements. In con-
acids have the same impact on your cholesterol health. The researchers weren’t just interested in the really care about—heart disease and dying. So never trast to the entrenched “saturated fat causes heart
levels—making it hard to make any single, overarching effect saturated fat had on cholesterol—they wanted mind whether saturated fat raises my cholesterol disease” dogma, the results showed no increased risk
blanket statements about saturated fat as a whole. to know the effect saturated fat had on heart disease. level. What I really want to know is, does eating satu- of heart disease from eating saturated fat—as well as
What’s more, the stuff saturated fat seems to do (Remember, they are not the same thing!) rated fat increase my chances of getting a heart no association with saturated fat biomarkers. (What’s
depends a whole lot on what we’re comparing it to Twenty-one studies qualified for inclusion in their attack or not? The meta-analysis looked at exactly more, increasing polyunsaturated fat intake, the long-
(unsaturated fats? Carbs? Protein?), who’s eating it meta-analysis, meaning these studies met the criteria that real-life endpoint we truly care about, and on standing battle cry of mainstream nutrition, didn’t
(a lean twenty-something, or an obese middle-ager for being well designed and reliable. All in all, the that all-important metric, the verdict was clear. show any clear benefit for heart health.)
with diabetes?), the overall dietary context (an energy- twenty-one studies included 347,747 subjects who Saturated fat in the diet has virtually no effect on In the researchers’ own words: “Current evidence
surplus Standard Western Diet, or a ketogenic weight- were followed for between five and twenty-three your risk of dying from a heart attack. does not clearly support cardiovascular guidelines that
loss diet?), among plenty of other factors that add years. Over this period of time, 11,006 of the subjects That meta-analysis is hardly the only study that encourage high consumption of polyunsaturated fatty
nuance and caveats to the saturated fat story. developed coronary heart disease (CHD) or stroke. has found saturated fat innocent of any direct acids and low consumption of total saturated fats.”
And the kicker: Even when all saturated fats are Ready for the findings? How much saturated fat involvement in cardiovascular disease. In the fall of Still not convinced? A 2015 meta-analysis pub-
lumped together in studies (which is most of the time), people ate predicted absolutely nothing about their 2011, a new study came out in the Netherlands lished in the British Medical Journal found that
the collective effect is still more positive than negative. risk for cardiovascular disease. In the researchers’ Journal of Medicine titled “Saturated Fat, “Saturated fats are not associated with all-cause
Even those who still believe in the conventional division own words, “Intake of saturated fat was not associ- Carbohydrates, and Cardiovascular Disease.” Like the mortality CVD, CHD, ischemic stroke, or type 2 dia-
of cholesterol into “good and bad” cholesterol division ated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease above-discussed meta-analysis, its purpose was to betes.” All-cause mortality means dying from any-
have to face the (well-documented) fact that saturated (CHD) or stroke, nor was it associated with an examine the current scientific data on the effects of thing—accidents to cancer. Another way to say it
fat usually causes HDL (“good” cholesterol) to go up increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD).” Those saturated fat, looking at all the controversies as well is “total deaths from anything you can think of.”4
more than LDL (“bad” cholesterol). Even by conven- folks consuming the highest amount of saturated fat as the potential mechanisms for the role of saturated A 2016 re-evaluation of Minnesota Coronary
tional standards that’s a net gain. were statistically identical to those consuming the fat in cardiovascular disease. Experiment data found that “replacement of
One of the basic tenets of fat theology is that least amount when it came to the probability of CHD, Here’s what the researchers wrote: “The dietary saturated fat in the diet with linoleic acid effectively
higher saturated fat intake increases the risk for saturated fat increases the risk of heart disease. In stroke, or CVD. Even when the researchers factored in intake of saturated fatty acids is associated with a
heart disease, but only if you accept the use of cho- the scientific literature, this issue is as far from being age, sex, and study quality, it didn’t change the modest increase in serum total cholesterol, but not
lesterol levels as a stand-in for heart disease. Studies settled as you might think from listening to CNN. In results. Saturated fat did bupkis—it didn’t increase or associated with cardiovascular disease [italics ours].”2
that measure the effect of saturated fat on heart dis- 2012, Patty Siri-Tarino, Ph.D., and Ronald Krauss, M.D., decrease risk in any meaningful way. Period. And it doesn’t end there. In 2014, another wave-
ease and mortality directly—rather than indirectly by of the Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute “There is no significant evidence for concluding making study was published in the Annals of Internal
measuring its effect on cholesterol—are few and far together with Frank B. Hu, M.D., Ph.D., of Harvard, that dietary saturated fat is associated with an Medicine examining the associations between various
between. But there are some important ones, which decided to do a meta-analysis—a study of studies. In increased risk of CHD or CVD,” the researchers dietary, circulating, and supplementary fatty acids and
we’ll discuss in a moment. this case, they looked at all previously published stud- concluded. subsequent heart disease risk.3 This meta-analysis
Number two, as scientists have looked more care- ies whose purpose was to investigate the relationship Now—and this is a very important point—it’s not included thirty-two studies of fatty acid intake from
fully at the association between saturated fat in the of saturated fat to coronary heart disease (CHD), that there’s no evidence that saturated fat doesn’t people’s diets, seventeen studies of fatty acid level
diet and levels of cholesterol in the blood, they are stroke, or cardiovascular disease (CVD). Note that this raise cholesterol. There is, and we’ll examine that biomarkers (standing in as indicators of dietary
beginning to see that even here the relationship is is one of those hard-to-find studies we mentioned more in a moment. But the above meta-analysis didn’t intake), and twenty-seven randomized, controlled tri-
murky. As we’ll explain shortly, not all saturated fatty earlier: a study of the direct effect of saturated fat on just look at cholesterol levels; it looked at what we als of fatty acids consumed as supplements. In con-
acids have the same impact on your cholesterol health. The researchers weren’t just interested in the really care about—heart disease and dying. So never trast to the entrenched “saturated fat causes heart
levels—making it hard to make any single, overarching effect saturated fat had on cholesterol—they wanted mind whether saturated fat raises my cholesterol disease” dogma, the results showed no increased risk
blanket statements about saturated fat as a whole. to know the effect saturated fat had on heart disease. level. What I really want to know is, does eating satu- of heart disease from eating saturated fat—as well as
What’s more, the stuff saturated fat seems to do (Remember, they are not the same thing!) rated fat increase my chances of getting a heart no association with saturated fat biomarkers. (What’s
depends a whole lot on what we’re comparing it to Twenty-one studies qualified for inclusion in their attack or not? The meta-analysis looked at exactly more, increasing polyunsaturated fat intake, the long-
(unsaturated fats? Carbs? Protein?), who’s eating it meta-analysis, meaning these studies met the criteria that real-life endpoint we truly care about, and on standing battle cry of mainstream nutrition, didn’t
(a lean twenty-something, or an obese middle-ager for being well designed and reliable. All in all, the that all-important metric, the verdict was clear. show any clear benefit for heart health.)
with diabetes?), the overall dietary context (an energy- twenty-one studies included 347,747 subjects who Saturated fat in the diet has virtually no effect on In the researchers’ own words: “Current evidence
surplus Standard Western Diet, or a ketogenic weight- were followed for between five and twenty-three your risk of dying from a heart attack. does not clearly support cardiovascular guidelines that
loss diet?), among plenty of other factors that add years. Over this period of time, 11,006 of the subjects That meta-analysis is hardly the only study that encourage high consumption of polyunsaturated fatty
nuance and caveats to the saturated fat story. developed coronary heart disease (CHD) or stroke. has found saturated fat innocent of any direct acids and low consumption of total saturated fats.”
And the kicker: Even when all saturated fats are Ready for the findings? How much saturated fat involvement in cardiovascular disease. In the fall of Still not convinced? A 2015 meta-analysis pub-
lumped together in studies (which is most of the time), people ate predicted absolutely nothing about their 2011, a new study came out in the Netherlands lished in the British Medical Journal found that
the collective effect is still more positive than negative. risk for cardiovascular disease. In the researchers’ Journal of Medicine titled “Saturated Fat, “Saturated fats are not associated with all-cause
Even those who still believe in the conventional division own words, “Intake of saturated fat was not associ- Carbohydrates, and Cardiovascular Disease.” Like the mortality CVD, CHD, ischemic stroke, or type 2 dia-
of cholesterol into “good and bad” cholesterol division ated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease above-discussed meta-analysis, its purpose was to betes.” All-cause mortality means dying from any-
have to face the (well-documented) fact that saturated (CHD) or stroke, nor was it associated with an examine the current scientific data on the effects of thing—accidents to cancer. Another way to say it
fat usually causes HDL (“good” cholesterol) to go up increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD).” Those saturated fat, looking at all the controversies as well is “total deaths from anything you can think of.”4
more than LDL (“bad” cholesterol). Even by conven- folks consuming the highest amount of saturated fat as the potential mechanisms for the role of saturated A 2016 re-evaluation of Minnesota Coronary
tional standards that’s a net gain. were statistically identical to those consuming the fat in cardiovascular disease. Experiment data found that “replacement of
One of the basic tenets of fat theology is that least amount when it came to the probability of CHD, Here’s what the researchers wrote: “The dietary saturated fat in the diet with linoleic acid effectively
lowers serum cholesterol,” but that evidence from FAT THEOLOGY: TWO MAIN TENETS In fact, the group with the lowest cholesterol lev- called the Isehara Study.9 The Isehara Study was based
available trials “does not support the hypothesis DEBUNKED els died at the highest rate. on data collected from annual checkups of residents in
that this translates to a lower risk of death from cor- Researchers in Japan examined the first of those In scientific terms, the risk for dying from any Isehara, a smallish city (population: 100,000) located in
onary heart disease or all causes.” And a 2017 beliefs—that cholesterol is a good predictor of heart cause whatsoever (called “all-cause mortality”) was the central Kanagawa Prefecture in Japan. A database
meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials deter- disease—with another meta-analysis. They searched highest in the group with low cholesterol. Compared of 8,340 men (average age sixty-four) and 13,591
mined that “Available evidence from adequately con- for all studies that had examined the relationship of with the reference group (160 to 199 mg/dL), the risk women (average age sixty-one) was mined for choles-
trolled randomized controlled trials suggest replac- cholesterol to mortality, excluding any done before of dying from any cause whatsoever was significantly terol readings, and the 21,931 people were divided into
ing SFA with mostly n-6 PUFA is unlikely to reduce 1995 and any that had fewer than five thousand decreased in the group having “borderline high” cho- seven groups ranked from lowest to highest LDL cho-
CHD events, CHD mortality or total mortality”—and subjects. Nine studies met the criteria, but four had lesterol of 200 to 239 mg/dL and even further lesterol levels (in mg/dL): <80, 80 to 99, 100 to 119, 120
what’s more, the whole reason very early meta-anal- incomplete data and so were excluded. The decreased in the group having “high” (greater than to 139 (reference group), 140 to 159, 160 to 179, and
yses seemed to incriminate saturated fat was researchers then performed a meta-analysis on the 240 mg/dL) cholesterol. In contrast, your risk of dying >180. In both men and women, overall mortality was
because they included poorly controlled trials. And remaining five studies, which together involved more from any cause was the highest of all if your choles- significantly higher in the group with the lowest LDL
most recently, a meta-analysis of cohort studies, than 150,000 people followed for approximately five terol was under 160 mg/dL! cholesterol levels (under 80 mg/dL).
conducted by researchers in China, found that—when years. So high cholesterol is associated with a reduced Although it’s true that in this study mortality
comparing the lowest levels intake to the highest The researchers placed everyone into one of four risk of death? Not exactly what you might expect but from heart disease was greater in the group with the
ones—there was no increased risk of cardiovascular groups depending on their cholesterol levels: less exactly what the study found. Total cholesterol is so highest LDL levels (over 180 mg/dL), this was only
disease from eating saturated fat. than 160 mg/dL, 160 to 199 mg/dL, 200 to 239 mg/dL, irrelevant as a metric that in 2007 the Japan true in men. In women the opposite was so—fewer
The picture should be pretty clear by now. and higher than 240 mg/dL. (These categories mirror Atherosclerosis Society stopped using it in any tables women died of heart disease in the group with the
As we’ve been saying throughout this book, cho- the American Heart Association guidelines, which related to the diagnosis or treatment criteria in its highest LDL levels. In any case, this increase in heart
lesterol is only used as a marker. (In other words, it’s state that 200 mg/dL or lower is “desirable,” 200 to guidelines. It’s not that the society abandoned the disease in the high LDL group of men was apparently
a stand-in answer for what we really want to know— 239 mg/dL is “borderline high,” and higher than cholesterol theory, mind you. It just now relies more than offset by the increase in deaths from other
namely, what is the likelihood of developing heart dis- 240 mg/dL is bad news indeed.) entirely on LDL levels to determine who should be causes.
ease?) But if you’re looking for a metric to predict Which group do you think would have the worst classified as having “high cholesterol,” reasoning that Okay, hopefully this information will get you, and
who is and isn’t going to get heart disease, choles- possible outcomes? According to everything we’ve if total cholesterol is high simply because you’ve got a your doctor, to at least question the notion that cho-
terol—as we’ve seen in this book—is a lousy choice for heard from the cholesterol zealots, the answer is sim- terrifically high HDL level, that shouldn’t be counted lesterol is an important marker or predictor of heart
a marker. If cholesterol really predicted heart disease ple: Those whose cholesterol readings were the high- as a bad thing. Many American doctors—even the disease. But let’s say for the sake of argument that
(wrong belief number one), and if saturated fat really est (240 mg/dL and over), and even those with cho- most conservative ones—would probably agree that you, or your doctor, is not quite willing to throw out
did terrible things to your cholesterol (wrong belief lesterol readings in the “borderline” category (200 to the LDL number is the important one, even if they the cholesterol theory. Fine, no problem. After all,
number two), then that might be reason to eliminate 239 mg/dL), should be expected to die at a higher don’t fully embrace the notion that it is the type of you, like most of us, have been indoctrinated with the
saturated fat from your diet. rate than those with a cholesterol level of 160 to LDL—not the LDL number—that matters the most. idea that anything that raises your cholesterol is bad
But it turns out neither of those two things is 199 mg/dL. And those in the under 160 mg/dL cate- But is the LDL level a better predicator of heart news, and that’s a hard thing to let go of, especially
true. Let’s take those two notions one by one, gory should live longest of all! disease or mortality than the total cholesterol level? when you’ve been hearing it for your entire adult life.
because they are the bedrock beliefs of fat theology. That is precisely and exactly what did not happen. Once again, let’s go to the video. Researchers in But before you go back to demonizing saturated
Japan set out to answer this question in something fat, let’s examine the second belief that constitutes
lowers serum cholesterol,” but that evidence from FAT THEOLOGY: TWO MAIN TENETS In fact, the group with the lowest cholesterol lev- called the Isehara Study.9 The Isehara Study was based
available trials “does not support the hypothesis DEBUNKED els died at the highest rate. on data collected from annual checkups of residents in
that this translates to a lower risk of death from cor- Researchers in Japan examined the first of those In scientific terms, the risk for dying from any Isehara, a smallish city (population: 100,000) located in
onary heart disease or all causes.” And a 2017 beliefs—that cholesterol is a good predictor of heart cause whatsoever (called “all-cause mortality”) was the central Kanagawa Prefecture in Japan. A database
meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials deter- disease—with another meta-analysis. They searched highest in the group with low cholesterol. Compared of 8,340 men (average age sixty-four) and 13,591
mined that “Available evidence from adequately con- for all studies that had examined the relationship of with the reference group (160 to 199 mg/dL), the risk women (average age sixty-one) was mined for choles-
trolled randomized controlled trials suggest replac- cholesterol to mortality, excluding any done before of dying from any cause whatsoever was significantly terol readings, and the 21,931 people were divided into
ing SFA with mostly n-6 PUFA is unlikely to reduce 1995 and any that had fewer than five thousand decreased in the group having “borderline high” cho- seven groups ranked from lowest to highest LDL cho-
CHD events, CHD mortality or total mortality”—and subjects. Nine studies met the criteria, but four had lesterol of 200 to 239 mg/dL and even further lesterol levels (in mg/dL): <80, 80 to 99, 100 to 119, 120
what’s more, the whole reason very early meta-anal- incomplete data and so were excluded. The decreased in the group having “high” (greater than to 139 (reference group), 140 to 159, 160 to 179, and
yses seemed to incriminate saturated fat was researchers then performed a meta-analysis on the 240 mg/dL) cholesterol. In contrast, your risk of dying >180. In both men and women, overall mortality was
because they included poorly controlled trials. And remaining five studies, which together involved more from any cause was the highest of all if your choles- significantly higher in the group with the lowest LDL
most recently, a meta-analysis of cohort studies, than 150,000 people followed for approximately five terol was under 160 mg/dL! cholesterol levels (under 80 mg/dL).
conducted by researchers in China, found that—when years. So high cholesterol is associated with a reduced Although it’s true that in this study mortality
comparing the lowest levels intake to the highest The researchers placed everyone into one of four risk of death? Not exactly what you might expect but from heart disease was greater in the group with the
ones—there was no increased risk of cardiovascular groups depending on their cholesterol levels: less exactly what the study found. Total cholesterol is so highest LDL levels (over 180 mg/dL), this was only
disease from eating saturated fat. than 160 mg/dL, 160 to 199 mg/dL, 200 to 239 mg/dL, irrelevant as a metric that in 2007 the Japan true in men. In women the opposite was so—fewer
The picture should be pretty clear by now. and higher than 240 mg/dL. (These categories mirror Atherosclerosis Society stopped using it in any tables women died of heart disease in the group with the
As we’ve been saying throughout this book, cho- the American Heart Association guidelines, which related to the diagnosis or treatment criteria in its highest LDL levels. In any case, this increase in heart
lesterol is only used as a marker. (In other words, it’s state that 200 mg/dL or lower is “desirable,” 200 to guidelines. It’s not that the society abandoned the disease in the high LDL group of men was apparently
a stand-in answer for what we really want to know— 239 mg/dL is “borderline high,” and higher than cholesterol theory, mind you. It just now relies more than offset by the increase in deaths from other
namely, what is the likelihood of developing heart dis- 240 mg/dL is bad news indeed.) entirely on LDL levels to determine who should be causes.
ease?) But if you’re looking for a metric to predict Which group do you think would have the worst classified as having “high cholesterol,” reasoning that Okay, hopefully this information will get you, and
who is and isn’t going to get heart disease, choles- possible outcomes? According to everything we’ve if total cholesterol is high simply because you’ve got a your doctor, to at least question the notion that cho-
terol—as we’ve seen in this book—is a lousy choice for heard from the cholesterol zealots, the answer is sim- terrifically high HDL level, that shouldn’t be counted lesterol is an important marker or predictor of heart
a marker. If cholesterol really predicted heart disease ple: Those whose cholesterol readings were the high- as a bad thing. Many American doctors—even the disease. But let’s say for the sake of argument that
(wrong belief number one), and if saturated fat really est (240 mg/dL and over), and even those with cho- most conservative ones—would probably agree that you, or your doctor, is not quite willing to throw out
did terrible things to your cholesterol (wrong belief lesterol readings in the “borderline” category (200 to the LDL number is the important one, even if they the cholesterol theory. Fine, no problem. After all,
number two), then that might be reason to eliminate 239 mg/dL), should be expected to die at a higher don’t fully embrace the notion that it is the type of you, like most of us, have been indoctrinated with the
saturated fat from your diet. rate than those with a cholesterol level of 160 to LDL—not the LDL number—that matters the most. idea that anything that raises your cholesterol is bad
But it turns out neither of those two things is 199 mg/dL. And those in the under 160 mg/dL cate- But is the LDL level a better predicator of heart news, and that’s a hard thing to let go of, especially
true. Let’s take those two notions one by one, gory should live longest of all! disease or mortality than the total cholesterol level? when you’ve been hearing it for your entire adult life.
because they are the bedrock beliefs of fat theology. That is precisely and exactly what did not happen. Once again, let’s go to the video. Researchers in But before you go back to demonizing saturated
Japan set out to answer this question in something fat, let’s examine the second belief that constitutes
the bedrock of fat theology, the idea that saturated acids have less than six carbon atoms. though long-chain saturated fats were (bearing in colon cells, helps protect against colon cancer, fights
fat does really bad things to your cholesterol. That wasn’t too painful, right? mind, yet again, that correlation isn’t causation). oxidative stress, and reduces inflammation.
When cholesterol was assessed in the old-fashioned As few studies as there are looking directly at the Medium-chain saturated fats deserve some spe- In sum, although the research isn’t totally consis-
way—“total,” “good,” and “bad”—this idea might have effects of saturated on heart disease, even fewer cial mention here. Although mainstream nutrition still tent—and it rarely is in the field of nutrition—here’s
made sense, because a number of studies show that break down those effects by saturated fat subtype. gives it the side-eye, coconut oil rose to superfood what the science typically shows when it comes to
saturated fat does raise total cholesterol and LDL So, until the research world conspires in our favor to status due to its high concentration of these special individual saturated fatty acids:
cholesterol. And if you bought into the theory that answer our most pressing questions (hint: they’re not fats—in particular, lauric acid, a twelve-carbon fatty • Stearic acid (long-chain): Mainly found in beef,
cholesterol is a big cause of heart disease, this would usually the same questions grant money goes to acid—which have benefits far beyond the realm of butter, lard, mutton, coconut, palm kernel oil, and
be a good enough reason to give up the butter. fund), here’s what we have to work with: a bunch of heart health. Their shorter length allows them to cocoa butter. It has a neutral effect on LDL in
But this where it stops being so simple. You see, studies looking at individual saturated fatty acids and head straight to the liver for energy, reducing the general, and compared to other saturated fats,
saturated fat isn’t one single nutrient. Literally dozens blood cholesterol. It’s not perfect, but the findings—as potential for fat storage. Possibly even more exciting, slightly lowers LDL. Your body can also convert a
of unique saturated fatty acids exist—and, the kicker, we’ll see next—are enough to make it abundantly clear these fats have been shown to benefit a number of small amount of stearic acid into oleic acid—the
they all have different effects on your cholesterol and that talking about “saturated fat” as a single nutrient neurological conditions, including epilepsy, Alz- same monounsaturated fat abundant in olive oil.
health. Some raise LDL; some don’t. Some raise HDL; is like talking about “Africa” as a travel destination. heimer’s disease, and autism, while also having anti- • Palmitic acid (long-chain): The most common
some don’t. Some are associated with heart disease Just as Cape Town is a far cry from the Sahara microbial properties. And while coconut oil alone sup- form of saturated fat in most people’s diets. It’s
in observational studies; some are statistically inno- Desert, short- and medium-chain saturated fats are a plies plenty of medium-chain fats, an even more con- extremely abundant in palm oil, but is also found
cent. Given all the fuss made—and rightfully so—about whole different beast than their long-chain brethren. centrated source—MCT oil—has recently hit the scene in red meat, dairy, salmon, and egg yolks. It can
the differences between omega-3 and omega-6 poly- In a 2018 systematic review and meta-analysis, as a popular supplement. MCT oil is typically significantly raise LDL levels without impacting
unsaturated fats, it’s curious the Dietary Powers That Australian researchers set out to investigate how extracted from coconut oil, and may have an even HDL.
Be are so tight-lipped when it comes to differentiating medium-chain saturated fats versus long-chain satu- greater capacity than its parent oil to raise HDL with- • Myristic acid (long-chain): Found in coconut oil,
between various saturated fats. It’s kind of a big deal. rated fats affected people’s cholesterol levels. (For out impacting (or even lowering) LDL. dairy products, palm oil, and palm kernel oil. This
Let’s look at why. reference: Medium-chain fats—also known as medium- In one 16-week trial comparing high intakes of form of saturated fat has the greatest LDL-
chain triglycerides or MCTs—are, as of this writing, MCT oil to olive oil, MCT oil-consuming participants raising effect out of all the saturated fats, with-
THE DEVIL’S IN THE DETAILS: wildly popular as a supplement. MCTs are abundant in actually saw a significant drop in their LDL levels. 12
out raising HDL.
THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF coconut oil, while long-chain saturated fats are abun- Short-chain saturated fats have also been studied • Lauric acid (medium-chain): Highest in coconut oil
SATURATED FAT dant in dairy fat, tallow, and lard.) After identifying a for their unusual health benefits. This group of fats— and palm kernel oil, making up almost half the fat
Here’s the stuff you won’t read in media headlines. Far dozen eligible trials in humans, the researchers found the tiniest of the bunch—are produced when bacteria in each of those oils. It has a small LDL-raising
from being one “thing,” saturated fatty acids can be that diets enriched with medium-chain fatty acids sig- in your colon ferment certain fibers, and that’s where effect, but raises HDL significantly—in fact, it’s the
grouped into three categories, all based on the number nificantly raised HDL levels, without impacting LDL. we get the majority of them. But here’s where dairy most powerful HDL-raiser out of any saturated fat!
of carbon atoms in their chain (don’t worry—this is as But while medium-chain saturated fats raised HDL, earns its stripes: Butter, especially the grass-fed vari- • Capric acid, caprylic acid, and caproic acid (all
technical as we’ll get!). Long-chain saturated fats are, long-chain saturated fats had almost no effect on ety, is one of our few dietary sources of butyric acid— medium-chain): Found in coconut oil, palm kernel
no surprise, long: They have fourteen to twenty carbon HDL. Even the famed Nurses’ Health Study found that one of the most beneficial short-chain saturated fats oil, and the now-popular MCT oil. Due to their
atoms. Medium-chain saturated fats have between six medium-chain or short-chain saturated fats were not out there. Butyric acid not only independently short length, they’re rapidly broken down and
and thirteen carbon atoms. Short-chain saturated fatty associated with increased heart disease risk, even reduces cholesterol levels, it also serves as food for absorbed rapidly, getting directly transported to
the bedrock of fat theology, the idea that saturated acids have less than six carbon atoms. though long-chain saturated fats were (bearing in colon cells, helps protect against colon cancer, fights
fat does really bad things to your cholesterol. That wasn’t too painful, right? mind, yet again, that correlation isn’t causation). oxidative stress, and reduces inflammation.
When cholesterol was assessed in the old-fashioned As few studies as there are looking directly at the Medium-chain saturated fats deserve some spe- In sum, although the research isn’t totally consis-
way—“total,” “good,” and “bad”—this idea might have effects of saturated on heart disease, even fewer cial mention here. Although mainstream nutrition still tent—and it rarely is in the field of nutrition—here’s
made sense, because a number of studies show that break down those effects by saturated fat subtype. gives it the side-eye, coconut oil rose to superfood what the science typically shows when it comes to
saturated fat does raise total cholesterol and LDL So, until the research world conspires in our favor to status due to its high concentration of these special individual saturated fatty acids:
cholesterol. And if you bought into the theory that answer our most pressing questions (hint: they’re not fats—in particular, lauric acid, a twelve-carbon fatty • Stearic acid (long-chain): Mainly found in beef,
cholesterol is a big cause of heart disease, this would usually the same questions grant money goes to acid—which have benefits far beyond the realm of butter, lard, mutton, coconut, palm kernel oil, and
be a good enough reason to give up the butter. fund), here’s what we have to work with: a bunch of heart health. Their shorter length allows them to cocoa butter. It has a neutral effect on LDL in
But this where it stops being so simple. You see, studies looking at individual saturated fatty acids and head straight to the liver for energy, reducing the general, and compared to other saturated fats,
saturated fat isn’t one single nutrient. Literally dozens blood cholesterol. It’s not perfect, but the findings—as potential for fat storage. Possibly even more exciting, slightly lowers LDL. Your body can also convert a
of unique saturated fatty acids exist—and, the kicker, we’ll see next—are enough to make it abundantly clear these fats have been shown to benefit a number of small amount of stearic acid into oleic acid—the
they all have different effects on your cholesterol and that talking about “saturated fat” as a single nutrient neurological conditions, including epilepsy, Alz- same monounsaturated fat abundant in olive oil.
health. Some raise LDL; some don’t. Some raise HDL; is like talking about “Africa” as a travel destination. heimer’s disease, and autism, while also having anti- • Palmitic acid (long-chain): The most common
some don’t. Some are associated with heart disease Just as Cape Town is a far cry from the Sahara microbial properties. And while coconut oil alone sup- form of saturated fat in most people’s diets. It’s
in observational studies; some are statistically inno- Desert, short- and medium-chain saturated fats are a plies plenty of medium-chain fats, an even more con- extremely abundant in palm oil, but is also found
cent. Given all the fuss made—and rightfully so—about whole different beast than their long-chain brethren. centrated source—MCT oil—has recently hit the scene in red meat, dairy, salmon, and egg yolks. It can
the differences between omega-3 and omega-6 poly- In a 2018 systematic review and meta-analysis, as a popular supplement. MCT oil is typically significantly raise LDL levels without impacting
unsaturated fats, it’s curious the Dietary Powers That Australian researchers set out to investigate how extracted from coconut oil, and may have an even HDL.
Be are so tight-lipped when it comes to differentiating medium-chain saturated fats versus long-chain satu- greater capacity than its parent oil to raise HDL with- • Myristic acid (long-chain): Found in coconut oil,
between various saturated fats. It’s kind of a big deal. rated fats affected people’s cholesterol levels. (For out impacting (or even lowering) LDL. dairy products, palm oil, and palm kernel oil. This
Let’s look at why. reference: Medium-chain fats—also known as medium- In one 16-week trial comparing high intakes of form of saturated fat has the greatest LDL-
chain triglycerides or MCTs—are, as of this writing, MCT oil to olive oil, MCT oil-consuming participants raising effect out of all the saturated fats, with-
THE DEVIL’S IN THE DETAILS: wildly popular as a supplement. MCTs are abundant in actually saw a significant drop in their LDL levels. 12
out raising HDL.
THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF coconut oil, while long-chain saturated fats are abun- Short-chain saturated fats have also been studied • Lauric acid (medium-chain): Highest in coconut oil
SATURATED FAT dant in dairy fat, tallow, and lard.) After identifying a for their unusual health benefits. This group of fats— and palm kernel oil, making up almost half the fat
Here’s the stuff you won’t read in media headlines. Far dozen eligible trials in humans, the researchers found the tiniest of the bunch—are produced when bacteria in each of those oils. It has a small LDL-raising
from being one “thing,” saturated fatty acids can be that diets enriched with medium-chain fatty acids sig- in your colon ferment certain fibers, and that’s where effect, but raises HDL significantly—in fact, it’s the
grouped into three categories, all based on the number nificantly raised HDL levels, without impacting LDL. we get the majority of them. But here’s where dairy most powerful HDL-raiser out of any saturated fat!
of carbon atoms in their chain (don’t worry—this is as But while medium-chain saturated fats raised HDL, earns its stripes: Butter, especially the grass-fed vari- • Capric acid, caprylic acid, and caproic acid (all
technical as we’ll get!). Long-chain saturated fats are, long-chain saturated fats had almost no effect on ety, is one of our few dietary sources of butyric acid— medium-chain): Found in coconut oil, palm kernel
no surprise, long: They have fourteen to twenty carbon HDL. Even the famed Nurses’ Health Study found that one of the most beneficial short-chain saturated fats oil, and the now-popular MCT oil. Due to their
atoms. Medium-chain saturated fats have between six medium-chain or short-chain saturated fats were not out there. Butyric acid not only independently short length, they’re rapidly broken down and
and thirteen carbon atoms. Short-chain saturated fatty associated with increased heart disease risk, even reduces cholesterol levels, it also serves as food for absorbed rapidly, getting directly transported to
the liver for energy. They tend to raise HDL cho- didn’t touch their LDL. Meanwhile, butter had a small globule membrane. Most milk fat comes in the form of milk fat, the two diets produced wildly different
lesterol and lower triglycerides. HDL-raising effect while dramatically raising LDL. (In tiny droplets surrounded by a thin membrane made results. Whereas the diet with butter oil increased
• Butyric acid (short-chain): Highest in butter, and case you’re wondering, the olive oil raised HDL about of lipids, proteins, and enzymes, and that membrane total and LDL cholesterol, the diet containing milk fat
also produced in the colon when bacteria ferment as much as butter and didn’t impact LDL one way or happens to be chock-full of compounds that affect globule membrane didn’t alter the participants’ lipid
certain fibers. Butyrate can help suppress choles- the other.) everything from brain function to gut health to profiles. The researchers suspected this was due to
terol synthesis in the body and lower LDL levels— Amusingly, the researchers called the results immune defense, and even gene expression. milk fat globule protein suppressing the expression of
on top of improving insulin sensitivity and blood “somewhat surprising,” due to coconut oil’s high con- In dairy products made from less processed milk— certain genes related to cholesterol metabolism.
sugar control, which (as you’ll see in chapter 9 or tent of saturated fat—which, in their words, “is gener- think cream and cheese—milk fat globule membrane When it comes to dairy, of course, the important
as you saw in chapter6), may be one of the most ally held to have an adverse effect on blood lipids by remains intact. During processing methods like homog- question isn’t how it impacts cholesterol levels, but
important factors in the development of heart increasing blood LDL-C concentrations.” The different enization, though, fat globules get broken down and how it impacts actual disease and mortality outcomes.
disease. composition of these fats—rather than their overall the structure of their membrane gets altered, losing its Even here, the scientific literature isn’t totally clear. A
Looking at this list, you might notice a bit of a saturated fat content—was responsible for their spe- bioactive properties. This could be why studies tend to review of eighteen observational studies found that
problem. Most of the foods here contain more than cific effects on blood cholesterol. be inconsistent when looking at high-fat dairy prod- milk, cheese, and yogurt tended to be negatively
one type of saturated fat. And sometimes—like in the Does this mean we should swap out butter for ucts: Less refined, fat globule membrane-containing associated with cardiovascular disease, whereas but-
case of coconut oil, those different saturated fats coconut oil to fill our culinary needs? Not so fast! Even items like cheese, cream, and yogurt tend to have a ter had mixed results—raising the risk in some studies,
have seemingly opposite effects on cholesterol. In if we go out on that long, ever-weakening limb that negligible impact on LDL, while butter—which has much and having a neutral effect in others.15
coconut oil, for example, one of the fats—lauric acid— asserts our blood cholesterol directly and significantly lower levels of milk fat globule membrane, as a result
raises HDL cholesterol. Another—stearic acid—has no raises heart disease risk, recall that butter is one of of the churning process transferring the membrane to THE CARBOHYDRATE SWAP
impact at all on cholesterol. What happens when both our only dietary sources of butyric acid—that special lit- the buttermilk fraction—tends to raise LDL significantly. For decades, most health professionals have told us
of those saturated fatty acids join forces within one tle fat with a whole slew of health benefits. Butter Studying high-fat dairy products as a whole misses this that we’d be doing ourselves a huge favor if we just
food? Does one clearly dominate? Do their effects might raise LDL more so than it does HDL, but it does important nuance! cut out saturated fat and replaced it with carbo-
cancel out? Do they play “rock, paper, scissors” to fig- so alongside some pretty impressive health perks. In 2015, a fascinating randomized trial was pub- hydrates. And that’s exactly what most people did.
ure out a winner? Can you see why trying to study the effects of lished in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition After all, this idea fit nicely with the prevailing ethos:
Often, the only way to tell is by studying each saturated fat as a single, all-encompassing category is looking at the impact of milk fat globule membrane Saturated fat is bad, and “complex” carbohydrates are
food directly. For an example of how this pans out in an exercise in futility? on blood lipids and cholesterol metabolism. In it, good. If we just swap ’em, everyone will go home
the real world, we can look at a recent randomized Swedish researchers placed fifty-seven overweight happy, and all will be right with the world.
trial testing the blood lipid effects of eating different A Word on Dairy adults on one of two diets, each with the same num- So, as our old friend Dr. Phil might’ve said, “How’s
fats—two saturated, and one monounsaturated. In this Dairy: Is it good for your bones? Bad for your heart? ber of calories, for eight weeks total: one diet contain- that working for you?”
study, ninety-four healthy men and women were Is butter an artery-clogging killer, or falsely accused? ing 40 g per day of milk fat as whipping cream (con- The answer is, “Not so well.”
assigned to consume 50 grams daily of extra-virgin And what about the French—with their historically low taining milk fat globule membrane), and the other One important study shed light on the whole
coconut oil, butter, or extra-virgin olive oil for a total heart disease rates and famously cheese-rich cuisine? containing the same amount of milk fat, but in the “carbs for saturated fat” swap but raised a lot of
of four weeks. It turns out, there’s a reason the science is so form of butter oil (without intact milk fat globule eyebrows because of its unexpected results. The
The results? Compared to baseline, the coconut confusing (and often contradictory) when it comes to membrane). study, titled “Dietary Fats, Carbohydrate, and
oil significantly raised participants’ HDL levels, but dairy—and it has to do with something called milk fat Despite containing the exact same amount of the Progression of Coronary Atherosclerosis in
the liver for energy. They tend to raise HDL cho- didn’t touch their LDL. Meanwhile, butter had a small globule membrane. Most milk fat comes in the form of milk fat, the two diets produced wildly different
lesterol and lower triglycerides. HDL-raising effect while dramatically raising LDL. (In tiny droplets surrounded by a thin membrane made results. Whereas the diet with butter oil increased
• Butyric acid (short-chain): Highest in butter, and case you’re wondering, the olive oil raised HDL about of lipids, proteins, and enzymes, and that membrane total and LDL cholesterol, the diet containing milk fat
also produced in the colon when bacteria ferment as much as butter and didn’t impact LDL one way or happens to be chock-full of compounds that affect globule membrane didn’t alter the participants’ lipid
certain fibers. Butyrate can help suppress choles- the other.) everything from brain function to gut health to profiles. The researchers suspected this was due to
terol synthesis in the body and lower LDL levels— Amusingly, the researchers called the results immune defense, and even gene expression. milk fat globule protein suppressing the expression of
on top of improving insulin sensitivity and blood “somewhat surprising,” due to coconut oil’s high con- In dairy products made from less processed milk— certain genes related to cholesterol metabolism.
sugar control, which (as you’ll see in chapter 9 or tent of saturated fat—which, in their words, “is gener- think cream and cheese—milk fat globule membrane When it comes to dairy, of course, the important
as you saw in chapter6), may be one of the most ally held to have an adverse effect on blood lipids by remains intact. During processing methods like homog- question isn’t how it impacts cholesterol levels, but
important factors in the development of heart increasing blood LDL-C concentrations.” The different enization, though, fat globules get broken down and how it impacts actual disease and mortality outcomes.
disease. composition of these fats—rather than their overall the structure of their membrane gets altered, losing its Even here, the scientific literature isn’t totally clear. A
Looking at this list, you might notice a bit of a saturated fat content—was responsible for their spe- bioactive properties. This could be why studies tend to review of eighteen observational studies found that
problem. Most of the foods here contain more than cific effects on blood cholesterol. be inconsistent when looking at high-fat dairy prod- milk, cheese, and yogurt tended to be negatively
one type of saturated fat. And sometimes—like in the Does this mean we should swap out butter for ucts: Less refined, fat globule membrane-containing associated with cardiovascular disease, whereas but-
case of coconut oil, those different saturated fats coconut oil to fill our culinary needs? Not so fast! Even items like cheese, cream, and yogurt tend to have a ter had mixed results—raising the risk in some studies,
have seemingly opposite effects on cholesterol. In if we go out on that long, ever-weakening limb that negligible impact on LDL, while butter—which has much and having a neutral effect in others.15
coconut oil, for example, one of the fats—lauric acid— asserts our blood cholesterol directly and significantly lower levels of milk fat globule membrane, as a result
raises HDL cholesterol. Another—stearic acid—has no raises heart disease risk, recall that butter is one of of the churning process transferring the membrane to THE CARBOHYDRATE SWAP
impact at all on cholesterol. What happens when both our only dietary sources of butyric acid—that special lit- the buttermilk fraction—tends to raise LDL significantly. For decades, most health professionals have told us
of those saturated fatty acids join forces within one tle fat with a whole slew of health benefits. Butter Studying high-fat dairy products as a whole misses this that we’d be doing ourselves a huge favor if we just
food? Does one clearly dominate? Do their effects might raise LDL more so than it does HDL, but it does important nuance! cut out saturated fat and replaced it with carbo-
cancel out? Do they play “rock, paper, scissors” to fig- so alongside some pretty impressive health perks. In 2015, a fascinating randomized trial was pub- hydrates. And that’s exactly what most people did.
ure out a winner? Can you see why trying to study the effects of lished in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition After all, this idea fit nicely with the prevailing ethos:
Often, the only way to tell is by studying each saturated fat as a single, all-encompassing category is looking at the impact of milk fat globule membrane Saturated fat is bad, and “complex” carbohydrates are
food directly. For an example of how this pans out in an exercise in futility? on blood lipids and cholesterol metabolism. In it, good. If we just swap ’em, everyone will go home
the real world, we can look at a recent randomized Swedish researchers placed fifty-seven overweight happy, and all will be right with the world.
trial testing the blood lipid effects of eating different A Word on Dairy adults on one of two diets, each with the same num- So, as our old friend Dr. Phil might’ve said, “How’s
fats—two saturated, and one monounsaturated. In this Dairy: Is it good for your bones? Bad for your heart? ber of calories, for eight weeks total: one diet contain- that working for you?”
study, ninety-four healthy men and women were Is butter an artery-clogging killer, or falsely accused? ing 40 g per day of milk fat as whipping cream (con- The answer is, “Not so well.”
assigned to consume 50 grams daily of extra-virgin And what about the French—with their historically low taining milk fat globule membrane), and the other One important study shed light on the whole
coconut oil, butter, or extra-virgin olive oil for a total heart disease rates and famously cheese-rich cuisine? containing the same amount of milk fat, but in the “carbs for saturated fat” swap but raised a lot of
of four weeks. It turns out, there’s a reason the science is so form of butter oil (without intact milk fat globule eyebrows because of its unexpected results. The
The results? Compared to baseline, the coconut confusing (and often contradictory) when it comes to membrane). study, titled “Dietary Fats, Carbohydrate, and
oil significantly raised participants’ HDL levels, but dairy—and it has to do with something called milk fat Despite containing the exact same amount of the Progression of Coronary Atherosclerosis in
Back in 1997, I wrote an article for Connecticut Medicine about oxidized LDL and free radicals. Whenever I give a talk about healthy eating and I mention that a diet very high in carbohydrates
I was very gung ho about canola oil at the time—as were most of my colleagues—and I was is problematic for most people, I’m very careful to add the caveat: “I’m not talking about fruits
emphatic in my recommendation of it. and vegetables!” So here’s a quick cheat sheet on “good” versus “bad” carbs.
But the paper was rejected. Good carbs include the following foods:
A Yale professor of medicine who was on the peer-review board—a biochemist, in fact— • Fruits
reviewed the paper and nixed it for publication. But he was kind enough to suggest some • Vegetables
review articles on canola oil in the literature. • Beans and legumes
I read them. Bad carbs, which cover almost all carbs that come in a box with a bar code*, include:
My reaction: “What have I been smoking all these years?” • Cereals • Pastries
The success of canola oil and its reputation as the healthiest of oils is a triumph of • White rice • Snack foods
marketing over science. It’s a terrible oil. It’s typically extracted and refined using very high • Pasta • Sodas
heat and petroleum solvents (such as hexane). Then it undergoes a process of refining, • Breads • Juice drinks
degumming, bleaching, and—because it stinks—deodorization using even more chemicals. The • Cookies • Crackers
only kind of canola oil that could possibly be okay is organic, cold-pressed, unrefined canola
* There are exceptions in the categories of cereal and bread, but they are few and far between.
oil, and hardly anyone is using that.
Oatmeal is one example (but not the instant kind). Ezekiel 4:9 bread is another. But by and
Our friend Fred Pescatore, M.D., best-selling author of The Hamptons Diet and former
large if you stay away from most of the foods on the above list—or keep them to an absolute
medical director of the Atkins Center, is something of a cooking oil expert. Here’s what he had
minimum—you’ll be much better off.
to say about canola oil: “I would never use this stuff!”
If you’d like to read more about the dark side of canola oil, check out the definitive paper
by lipid biochemist Mary Enig and Weston A. Price Foundation president Sally Fallon. Widely
should substantially reduce your risk for heart disease. hardly the dietary demon it’s been made out to be.
available online, it’s called, tellingly, “The Great Con-Ola.”
Except that it didn’t. “Greater saturated fat intake And if this were not a knockout punch by itself,
As for my 1997 paper, I revised it, removing the recommendation to use canola oil.
is associated with less progression of coronary ath- consider what was associated with a greater progres-
The paper was accepted and published.
erosclerosis, whereas carbohydrate intake is associ- sion of coronary atherosclerosis.
ated with a greater progression [italics ours],” the Are you sitting down? Carbohydrates.
Post-menopausal Women,” was conducted by the dis- ate a relatively low-fat diet. Noting that standard authors concluded. “Women with higher saturated fat Especially the high-glycemic, processed variety of
tinguished researcher Dariush Mozaffarian and his dietary advice has always been to eat less saturated intakes had less progression of coronary carbohydrates, which is exactly what we tend to eat
associates from Harvard Medical School. fat, the researchers wondered exactly what terrific atherosclerosis.” when we replace saturated fat in the diet with so-
As the study title suggests, Mozaffarian set out to things would happen if you replaced terrible saturated Greater saturated fat intake was also associated called “complex” carbs such as breads, pasta, rice,
investigate how various fats—saturated, polyunsatu- fat with other food substances. According to the stan- with higher HDL levels, higher HDL-2 cholesterol levels, and cereal.
rated, and monounsaturated—influenced the progres- dard advice, replacing saturated fat with good stuff lower triglycerides, and an improved total cholesterol “The findings also suggest,” wrote the re-
sion of heart disease in postmenopausal women who (e.g., carbs or “good fats” such as vegetable oils) to HDL ratio. Saturated fat, at least in this study, was searchers, “that carbohydrate intake may increase
Back in 1997, I wrote an article for Connecticut Medicine about oxidized LDL and free radicals. Whenever I give a talk about healthy eating and I mention that a diet very high in carbohydrates
I was very gung ho about canola oil at the time—as were most of my colleagues—and I was is problematic for most people, I’m very careful to add the caveat: “I’m not talking about fruits
emphatic in my recommendation of it. and vegetables!” So here’s a quick cheat sheet on “good” versus “bad” carbs.
But the paper was rejected. Good carbs include the following foods:
A Yale professor of medicine who was on the peer-review board—a biochemist, in fact— • Fruits
reviewed the paper and nixed it for publication. But he was kind enough to suggest some • Vegetables
review articles on canola oil in the literature. • Beans and legumes
I read them. Bad carbs, which cover almost all carbs that come in a box with a bar code*, include:
My reaction: “What have I been smoking all these years?” • Cereals • Pastries
The success of canola oil and its reputation as the healthiest of oils is a triumph of • White rice • Snack foods
marketing over science. It’s a terrible oil. It’s typically extracted and refined using very high • Pasta • Sodas
heat and petroleum solvents (such as hexane). Then it undergoes a process of refining, • Breads • Juice drinks
degumming, bleaching, and—because it stinks—deodorization using even more chemicals. The • Cookies • Crackers
only kind of canola oil that could possibly be okay is organic, cold-pressed, unrefined canola
* There are exceptions in the categories of cereal and bread, but they are few and far between.
oil, and hardly anyone is using that.
Oatmeal is one example (but not the instant kind). Ezekiel 4:9 bread is another. But by and
Our friend Fred Pescatore, M.D., best-selling author of The Hamptons Diet and former
large if you stay away from most of the foods on the above list—or keep them to an absolute
medical director of the Atkins Center, is something of a cooking oil expert. Here’s what he had
minimum—you’ll be much better off.
to say about canola oil: “I would never use this stuff!”
If you’d like to read more about the dark side of canola oil, check out the definitive paper
by lipid biochemist Mary Enig and Weston A. Price Foundation president Sally Fallon. Widely
should substantially reduce your risk for heart disease. hardly the dietary demon it’s been made out to be.
available online, it’s called, tellingly, “The Great Con-Ola.”
Except that it didn’t. “Greater saturated fat intake And if this were not a knockout punch by itself,
As for my 1997 paper, I revised it, removing the recommendation to use canola oil.
is associated with less progression of coronary ath- consider what was associated with a greater progres-
The paper was accepted and published.
erosclerosis, whereas carbohydrate intake is associ- sion of coronary atherosclerosis.
ated with a greater progression [italics ours],” the Are you sitting down? Carbohydrates.
Post-menopausal Women,” was conducted by the dis- ate a relatively low-fat diet. Noting that standard authors concluded. “Women with higher saturated fat Especially the high-glycemic, processed variety of
tinguished researcher Dariush Mozaffarian and his dietary advice has always been to eat less saturated intakes had less progression of coronary carbohydrates, which is exactly what we tend to eat
associates from Harvard Medical School. fat, the researchers wondered exactly what terrific atherosclerosis.” when we replace saturated fat in the diet with so-
As the study title suggests, Mozaffarian set out to things would happen if you replaced terrible saturated Greater saturated fat intake was also associated called “complex” carbs such as breads, pasta, rice,
investigate how various fats—saturated, polyunsatu- fat with other food substances. According to the stan- with higher HDL levels, higher HDL-2 cholesterol levels, and cereal.
rated, and monounsaturated—influenced the progres- dard advice, replacing saturated fat with good stuff lower triglycerides, and an improved total cholesterol “The findings also suggest,” wrote the re-
sion of heart disease in postmenopausal women who (e.g., carbs or “good fats” such as vegetable oils) to HDL ratio. Saturated fat, at least in this study, was searchers, “that carbohydrate intake may increase
atherosclerotic progression, especially when refined replaced with polyunsaturated fat there was no drates, such as Brussels sprouts or kale, no one would
carbohydrates replace saturated or monounsaturated change in atherosclerotic progression—in terms of complain. Substituting saturated fat with low-glycemic
fats.” heart disease risk, it was a wash. But when saturated carbs such as vegetables doesn’t increase the risk of
“Wait a minute,” you might well say. “When I take fat was replaced with polyunsaturated fat, there was a heart attacks at all, but substitution of saturated fat
Glycemic index is a measure of how
the saturated fat out of my diet and replace it with big change—but not in the expected direction. with high-glycemic carbs does—by a fair amount, actu-
quickly a given amount of food raises
high-glycemic carbohydrates I’m actually increasing Replacing saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat actu- ally. A study in the American Journal of Clinical
your blood sugar (and keeps it elevated).
my risk for heart disease?” ally led to an increase in the progression of coronary Nutrition found that replacing saturated fats with
Glycemic load is a related (and more
Um, yes. atherosclerosis!17 high-glycemic index carbs was associated with a 33
accurate) measure of the same thing.
By the way, Mozaffarian and his research team (This seemingly crazy finding will make a lot more percent increase in heart attack risk.21 Because most
High-glycemic foods—such as most white
didn’t just look at cholesterol. They looked at actual sense when we discuss those special classes of poly- people replace saturated fat with exactly these kinds
breads, white rice, and cereals—are
clinical events, such as heart attacks and deaths, from unsaturated fat mentioned earlier in the chapter, of processed, high-glycemic (high-sugar) carbs (e.g.,
simply those that send your blood sugar
any type of cardiovascular disease. They also looked omega-3s and omega-6s. Stay tuned.) breads, cereals, and pasta), the conventional wisdom
on a roller–coaster ride. Low-glycemic
at lesser known metrics that only your doctor will If you’re confused by these findings, you’re hardly to cut out saturated fat and consume lots of carbs
foods include most fruits and vegetables
appreciate (such as coronary revascularization and alone. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition instead is starting to look like an increasingly bone-
as well as beans and legumes.
unstable angina). devoted an entire editorial to the findings titled headed notion.
Bottom line: Greater saturated fat intake didn’t “Saturated Fat Prevents Coronary Artery Disease? An Although it’s not perfect, saturated fat does a
increase the risk for any of them. American Paradox.” But it’s only a paradox if we number of good things in the body. Its wholesale
refuse to question the bedrock belief of fat theology replacement by the worst kind of carbohydrates is the ones you’re eating, and your liver is creating even
VEGETABLE OILS: MYTHS AND that saturated fat consumption increases the risk for turning out to be a cure far worse than the disease. 22
more of them, fueled by the carbs you’re consuming.
MYTH-CONCEPTIONS heart disease. The research is showing that it does not. A recent Dutch study added to the list of accumulat- Because large amounts of saturated fat can lessen
The researchers also tested what happens when you We worry deeply about the wholesale, unqualified ing research showing that when you substitute high- the anti-inflammatory actions of HDL cholesterol,24
replace saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat (such recommendation to reduce saturated fat at all costs, glycemic carbohydrates for saturated fat you actually this isn’t a good situation.
as vegetable oils), the conventional dietary advice because it invariably means that people will replace it increase cardiovascular risk. But the Dutch research- However, the Dutch researchers correctly noted
given by just about every major health organization. with processed carbohydrates. That switcheroo is just ers had an interesting take on this, one that appreci- that cutting saturated fat out of the diet is not the
Maybe high-sugar carbs aren’t so good for us after about guaranteed to both reduce HDLs and increase ates that an accumulation of saturated fat in the body most effective way to combat the accumulation of
all, but what about the much-touted vegetable oils, triglycerides, and if you’re trying to prevent heart dis- is not necessarily the best thing in the world. saturated fatty acids in the body. It’s far better, they
which contain the “healthy fat” our doctors keep ease, those are very bad outcomes indeed. In the They pointed out that eating a high amount of suggested, to reduce dietary carbohydrates. This way,
telling us about? Swapping saturated fat for a nice Nurses’ Health Study, for example, refined carbohy- carbs causes your body to hold on to the saturated your body makes fewer saturated fatty acids, and its
helping of healthy vegetable fat has got to be just the drates and their high glycemic load were indepen- fatty acids that you’re also consuming—and those sat- tendency to hold on to those you do eat is reduced.
ticket to heart health, right? dently shown to be associated with an increased risk urated fats get preserved, stored in your body rather “Attention should be shifted from the harmful effects
So the researchers looked at the effect of replac- for coronary heart disease. than burned for energy. Meanwhile, all those extra of dietary saturated fat per se to the prevention of
ing saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat. Just for Now don’t misunderstand us. If you wanted to carbs you’re eating get converted into more saturated the accumulation of saturated fatty acids (in the
fun, they also took a look at what happens when you swap some saturated fat out of your diet and trade it fatty acids in the liver. Now you’ve got a serious body),” the authors wrote. “This shift would empha-
swap carbs for polyunsaturated fat. When carbs were for some low-sugar, high-fiber, nutrient-rich carbohy- excess of saturated fatty acids—you’re holding on to size the importance of reducing dietary carbs, espe-
atherosclerotic progression, especially when refined replaced with polyunsaturated fat there was no drates, such as Brussels sprouts or kale, no one would
carbohydrates replace saturated or monounsaturated change in atherosclerotic progression—in terms of complain. Substituting saturated fat with low-glycemic
fats.” heart disease risk, it was a wash. But when saturated carbs such as vegetables doesn’t increase the risk of
“Wait a minute,” you might well say. “When I take fat was replaced with polyunsaturated fat, there was a heart attacks at all, but substitution of saturated fat
Glycemic index is a measure of how
the saturated fat out of my diet and replace it with big change—but not in the expected direction. with high-glycemic carbs does—by a fair amount, actu-
quickly a given amount of food raises
high-glycemic carbohydrates I’m actually increasing Replacing saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat actu- ally. A study in the American Journal of Clinical
your blood sugar (and keeps it elevated).
my risk for heart disease?” ally led to an increase in the progression of coronary Nutrition found that replacing saturated fats with
Glycemic load is a related (and more
Um, yes. atherosclerosis!17 high-glycemic index carbs was associated with a 33
accurate) measure of the same thing.
By the way, Mozaffarian and his research team (This seemingly crazy finding will make a lot more percent increase in heart attack risk.21 Because most
High-glycemic foods—such as most white
didn’t just look at cholesterol. They looked at actual sense when we discuss those special classes of poly- people replace saturated fat with exactly these kinds
breads, white rice, and cereals—are
clinical events, such as heart attacks and deaths, from unsaturated fat mentioned earlier in the chapter, of processed, high-glycemic (high-sugar) carbs (e.g.,
simply those that send your blood sugar
any type of cardiovascular disease. They also looked omega-3s and omega-6s. Stay tuned.) breads, cereals, and pasta), the conventional wisdom
on a roller–coaster ride. Low-glycemic
at lesser known metrics that only your doctor will If you’re confused by these findings, you’re hardly to cut out saturated fat and consume lots of carbs
foods include most fruits and vegetables
appreciate (such as coronary revascularization and alone. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition instead is starting to look like an increasingly bone-
as well as beans and legumes.
unstable angina). devoted an entire editorial to the findings titled headed notion.
Bottom line: Greater saturated fat intake didn’t “Saturated Fat Prevents Coronary Artery Disease? An Although it’s not perfect, saturated fat does a
increase the risk for any of them. American Paradox.” But it’s only a paradox if we number of good things in the body. Its wholesale
refuse to question the bedrock belief of fat theology replacement by the worst kind of carbohydrates is the ones you’re eating, and your liver is creating even
VEGETABLE OILS: MYTHS AND that saturated fat consumption increases the risk for turning out to be a cure far worse than the disease. 22
more of them, fueled by the carbs you’re consuming.
MYTH-CONCEPTIONS heart disease. The research is showing that it does not. A recent Dutch study added to the list of accumulat- Because large amounts of saturated fat can lessen
The researchers also tested what happens when you We worry deeply about the wholesale, unqualified ing research showing that when you substitute high- the anti-inflammatory actions of HDL cholesterol,24
replace saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat (such recommendation to reduce saturated fat at all costs, glycemic carbohydrates for saturated fat you actually this isn’t a good situation.
as vegetable oils), the conventional dietary advice because it invariably means that people will replace it increase cardiovascular risk. But the Dutch research- However, the Dutch researchers correctly noted
given by just about every major health organization. with processed carbohydrates. That switcheroo is just ers had an interesting take on this, one that appreci- that cutting saturated fat out of the diet is not the
Maybe high-sugar carbs aren’t so good for us after about guaranteed to both reduce HDLs and increase ates that an accumulation of saturated fat in the body most effective way to combat the accumulation of
all, but what about the much-touted vegetable oils, triglycerides, and if you’re trying to prevent heart dis- is not necessarily the best thing in the world. saturated fatty acids in the body. It’s far better, they
which contain the “healthy fat” our doctors keep ease, those are very bad outcomes indeed. In the They pointed out that eating a high amount of suggested, to reduce dietary carbohydrates. This way,
telling us about? Swapping saturated fat for a nice Nurses’ Health Study, for example, refined carbohy- carbs causes your body to hold on to the saturated your body makes fewer saturated fatty acids, and its
helping of healthy vegetable fat has got to be just the drates and their high glycemic load were indepen- fatty acids that you’re also consuming—and those sat- tendency to hold on to those you do eat is reduced.
ticket to heart health, right? dently shown to be associated with an increased risk urated fats get preserved, stored in your body rather “Attention should be shifted from the harmful effects
So the researchers looked at the effect of replac- for coronary heart disease. than burned for energy. Meanwhile, all those extra of dietary saturated fat per se to the prevention of
ing saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat. Just for Now don’t misunderstand us. If you wanted to carbs you’re eating get converted into more saturated the accumulation of saturated fatty acids (in the
fun, they also took a look at what happens when you swap some saturated fat out of your diet and trade it fatty acids in the liver. Now you’ve got a serious body),” the authors wrote. “This shift would empha-
swap carbs for polyunsaturated fat. When carbs were for some low-sugar, high-fiber, nutrient-rich carbohy- excess of saturated fatty acids—you’re holding on to size the importance of reducing dietary carbs, espe-
cially carbs with a high glycemic index, rather than trans fat–laden Crisco, the most popular vegetable Omega-6s are the precursors to the inflammatory is ALA, which is found in green, leafy vegetables and
reducing dietary saturated fat.” shortening of its time.) Even now, most people believe compounds in our body—they’re the building blocks in flaxseeds, chia seeds, perilla seeds, and walnuts.
that substituting vegetable oil for animal fats is uni- the body uses to make these inflammatory hormones That doesn’t mean the other two aren’t important. In
FAT IN THE DIET: OUR PERSPECTIVE versally a good thing. (specifically series 2 prostaglandins). And omega-3s terms of their overall effects on human health, the
We want to propose a different way of looking at fat But is it always? have the opposite function: The body uses omega-3s other two are probably more important than ALA. The
intake. We think what we are about to suggest goes a Let’s, as they say, go to the video. as building blocks for the anti-inflammatory com- reason the other two—EPA and DHA—aren’t considered
long way toward explaining the contradictory findings, Polyunsaturated fats as a whole are divided into two pounds (known as series 1 prostaglandins and series 3 “essential” is that scientists use the word essential in
or apparently contradictory findings, on saturated fat, subcategories: omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty prostaglandins). a different way than regular people use it in ordinary
diet, fat reduction, and cardiovascular disease. acids. (For those who’ve always wondered what the A ton of research has established that the ideal conversation. In this context, essential simply means
To do this, we have to briefly introduce the other heck an “omega” is anyway, you can think of the ratio of omega-6s to omega-3s in the human diet is that it’s something the body can’t make, so you have
two categories of fats besides saturated: monounsatu- terms omega-6 and omega-3 as real estate terms; somewhere between 1:1 and 4:1. This seems to be the to get it from your diet. Your body can make EPA and
rated fats and polyunsaturated fats. (Remember, all they’re simply descriptions of the location of certain best balance to keep inflammation in check and DHA, so technically they’re not classed as “essential.”
fatty acids fall into one of these three broad chemical structures—called double bonds—within the everything running smoothly. It’s the ratio found in Because the body can’t make ALA, however, it’s con-
categories.)* fatty acid. An omega-3 has its first double bond at the the diets of both hunter-gatherers and healthy indige- sidered an “essential” omega-3.
Monounsaturated fat is the fat that’s predominant third carbon atom in the chain, while omega-6 has its nous societies where heart disease is rare. But the fact that the body can make EPA and
in olive oil (as well as in nuts, avocados, and nut oils, first double bond at the sixth carbon atom in the But the ratio of omega-6s to omega-3s in Western DHA from ALA doesn’t mean it does a particularly
such as macadamia nut oil). Its health benefits have chain. Now, for our purposes, you can promptly forget diets is anywhere from an astonishing 15:1 to an even good job of it. It converts the ALA from the diet into
been well documented and are noncontroversial. all that and just concentrate on what these two types more astonishing 20:1 in favor of omega-6s. If you EPA and DHA using enzymes and a complicated series
Monounsaturated fat is the primary fat consumed in of fatty acids—omega-3s and omega-6s—actually do in think of the inflammatory and anti-inflammatory hor- of operations known as elongation and desaturation,
the highly touted Mediterranean diet, and it’s gener- the body.) mones as two armies that work together to create bal- the success of which is influenced by many different
ally accepted that this kind of fat is perfectly healthy. Omega-6s, as mentioned, are found primarily in ance in the body, that means we’re overfunding the factors, including the amount of inflammatory
For that reason, we won’t spend much time on it, vegetable oils and some plant foods. Omega-3s are inflammation army by 1,500 to 2,000 percent! omega-6’s in the diet. Even under the best of circum-
because it is pretty irrelevant at this point to the case found primarily in fish, such as salmon, and certain stances, only a small amount of ALA successfully gets
we’re about to make. animal foods, such as grass-fed beef, as well as in THE LAW OF UNINTENDED converted into the very critical EPA and DHA.
The real action is with polyunsaturated fats. some plant foods, such as flax and flaxseed oil. So far, CONSEQUENCES Omega-6s and omega-3s compete for the same
Remember, polyunsaturated fats, which are primarily so good. Our extraordinarily high intake of vegetable oil has enzymes, and when omega-6 intake is very high, it
found in vegetable oils, are the very ones we’ve been Here’s where it gets tricky. another unintended consequence, and one that may wins the competition by default. A high intake of
admonished to include more of in our diets. When Both inflammatory and anti-inflammatory hor- have a profound effect on cardiovascular health. To omega-6 reduces the conversion of ALA into EPA and
lard was slammed back in the early part of the twenti- mones, known as eicosanoids, are made in the body understand it, though, you have to take a short excur- DHA, which might be another reason why high
eth century, the health dictocrats started their cheer- from polyunsaturated fats. (And to answer the inevi- sion into the world of omega-3 fatty acids. (Trust us, omega-6 diets contribute to heart disease.28 So not
leading effort for vegetable fats. (The first major ben- table question, yes, we actually need both. Inflam- it’s a short and easy trip.) You see, there are actually only are those omega-6 fatty acids pro-inflammatory
eficiary of this all-out campaign to make vegetable matory compounds are a necessary part of the three omega-3 fatty acids—ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), on their own, but they also reduce the body’s ability
fats synonymous with “healthy” fat was actually the immune system and play a big part in the healing pro- EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), and DHA (docosahexae- to produce two of the most anti-inflammatory sub-
* Trans fats are a special category. cess when you have a wound or other type of injury.) noic acid). The only one that is “essential” in the diet stances on the planet: the omega-3s EPA and DHA.
cially carbs with a high glycemic index, rather than trans fat–laden Crisco, the most popular vegetable Omega-6s are the precursors to the inflammatory is ALA, which is found in green, leafy vegetables and
reducing dietary saturated fat.” shortening of its time.) Even now, most people believe compounds in our body—they’re the building blocks in flaxseeds, chia seeds, perilla seeds, and walnuts.
that substituting vegetable oil for animal fats is uni- the body uses to make these inflammatory hormones That doesn’t mean the other two aren’t important. In
FAT IN THE DIET: OUR PERSPECTIVE versally a good thing. (specifically series 2 prostaglandins). And omega-3s terms of their overall effects on human health, the
We want to propose a different way of looking at fat But is it always? have the opposite function: The body uses omega-3s other two are probably more important than ALA. The
intake. We think what we are about to suggest goes a Let’s, as they say, go to the video. as building blocks for the anti-inflammatory com- reason the other two—EPA and DHA—aren’t considered
long way toward explaining the contradictory findings, Polyunsaturated fats as a whole are divided into two pounds (known as series 1 prostaglandins and series 3 “essential” is that scientists use the word essential in
or apparently contradictory findings, on saturated fat, subcategories: omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty prostaglandins). a different way than regular people use it in ordinary
diet, fat reduction, and cardiovascular disease. acids. (For those who’ve always wondered what the A ton of research has established that the ideal conversation. In this context, essential simply means
To do this, we have to briefly introduce the other heck an “omega” is anyway, you can think of the ratio of omega-6s to omega-3s in the human diet is that it’s something the body can’t make, so you have
two categories of fats besides saturated: monounsatu- terms omega-6 and omega-3 as real estate terms; somewhere between 1:1 and 4:1. This seems to be the to get it from your diet. Your body can make EPA and
rated fats and polyunsaturated fats. (Remember, all they’re simply descriptions of the location of certain best balance to keep inflammation in check and DHA, so technically they’re not classed as “essential.”
fatty acids fall into one of these three broad chemical structures—called double bonds—within the everything running smoothly. It’s the ratio found in Because the body can’t make ALA, however, it’s con-
categories.)* fatty acid. An omega-3 has its first double bond at the the diets of both hunter-gatherers and healthy indige- sidered an “essential” omega-3.
Monounsaturated fat is the fat that’s predominant third carbon atom in the chain, while omega-6 has its nous societies where heart disease is rare. But the fact that the body can make EPA and
in olive oil (as well as in nuts, avocados, and nut oils, first double bond at the sixth carbon atom in the But the ratio of omega-6s to omega-3s in Western DHA from ALA doesn’t mean it does a particularly
such as macadamia nut oil). Its health benefits have chain. Now, for our purposes, you can promptly forget diets is anywhere from an astonishing 15:1 to an even good job of it. It converts the ALA from the diet into
been well documented and are noncontroversial. all that and just concentrate on what these two types more astonishing 20:1 in favor of omega-6s. If you EPA and DHA using enzymes and a complicated series
Monounsaturated fat is the primary fat consumed in of fatty acids—omega-3s and omega-6s—actually do in think of the inflammatory and anti-inflammatory hor- of operations known as elongation and desaturation,
the highly touted Mediterranean diet, and it’s gener- the body.) mones as two armies that work together to create bal- the success of which is influenced by many different
ally accepted that this kind of fat is perfectly healthy. Omega-6s, as mentioned, are found primarily in ance in the body, that means we’re overfunding the factors, including the amount of inflammatory
For that reason, we won’t spend much time on it, vegetable oils and some plant foods. Omega-3s are inflammation army by 1,500 to 2,000 percent! omega-6’s in the diet. Even under the best of circum-
because it is pretty irrelevant at this point to the case found primarily in fish, such as salmon, and certain stances, only a small amount of ALA successfully gets
we’re about to make. animal foods, such as grass-fed beef, as well as in THE LAW OF UNINTENDED converted into the very critical EPA and DHA.
The real action is with polyunsaturated fats. some plant foods, such as flax and flaxseed oil. So far, CONSEQUENCES Omega-6s and omega-3s compete for the same
Remember, polyunsaturated fats, which are primarily so good. Our extraordinarily high intake of vegetable oil has enzymes, and when omega-6 intake is very high, it
found in vegetable oils, are the very ones we’ve been Here’s where it gets tricky. another unintended consequence, and one that may wins the competition by default. A high intake of
admonished to include more of in our diets. When Both inflammatory and anti-inflammatory hor- have a profound effect on cardiovascular health. To omega-6 reduces the conversion of ALA into EPA and
lard was slammed back in the early part of the twenti- mones, known as eicosanoids, are made in the body understand it, though, you have to take a short excur- DHA, which might be another reason why high
eth century, the health dictocrats started their cheer- from polyunsaturated fats. (And to answer the inevi- sion into the world of omega-3 fatty acids. (Trust us, omega-6 diets contribute to heart disease.28 So not
leading effort for vegetable fats. (The first major ben- table question, yes, we actually need both. Inflam- it’s a short and easy trip.) You see, there are actually only are those omega-6 fatty acids pro-inflammatory
eficiary of this all-out campaign to make vegetable matory compounds are a necessary part of the three omega-3 fatty acids—ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), on their own, but they also reduce the body’s ability
fats synonymous with “healthy” fat was actually the immune system and play a big part in the healing pro- EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), and DHA (docosahexae- to produce two of the most anti-inflammatory sub-
* Trans fats are a special category. cess when you have a wound or other type of injury.) noic acid). The only one that is “essential” in the diet stances on the planet: the omega-3s EPA and DHA.
It’s a double whammy, and your heart is the loser. THE PARADOX OF THE We suspect that when very low-fat, high-carb with 231 scientific references) that was published in
No, the omega-6s that have been the darling of ULTRA-LOW-FAT DIET diets work at all—and they frequently don’t—they work the scientific journal Progress in Lipid Research.
the high-carb, low-fat movement, the vegetable oils At this point you may well be wondering why low-fat, because of these four dietary factors: fewer inflamma- Here’s what Lands had to say about saturated fat
we’ve been told to use instead of animal fats—the very high-carb diets work at all when they do work. If tory omega-6s, fewer high-glycemic carbs, more and heart disease:
vegetable oils that “saturate” (no pun intended) our saturated fat is not the bad guy we thought it was, dietary fiber, and much less fructose or sugar. We “Advice to replace saturated fat with unsaturated
diet through their incorporation into virtually every and if carbohydrates aren’t always the good guys, why believe that whatever benefits might sometimes fat stimulated my early experiments in lipid research.
baked, fried, and processed food available in the is it that some of these high-carb, super-low-fat accrue from extremely low-fat, high-carb diets could It made me ask by what mechanisms could saturated
supermarket, the very vegetable oils that restaurants programs seem to work sometimes? be easily achieved by simply reducing sugar and pro- fats be ‘bad’ and unsaturated fats ‘good’ . . . Fifty
proudly boast of using because they’re so “healthy”— Glad you asked, because we have a theory about cessed carbs, eliminating trans fats, increasing years later, I still cannot cite a definite mechanism or
are actually turning out to be as bad as, or worse that. omega-3s, and decreasing omega-6s. Reducing satu- mediator by which saturated fat is shown to kill peo-
than, the original saturated fats (such as lard) that Although many people may believe that rated fat and dietary cholesterol intakes has virtually ple . . . The current advice to the public needs to iden-
they replaced, just as margarine turned out to be far extremely low-fat diets work because they cut out nothing to do with it. tify logical causal mechanisms and mediators so we
worse than butter. saturated fat, we suspect a bigger benefit comes from Besides, what is the mechanism by which satu- can focus logically on what food choices to avoid.”34
For example, the primary omega-6 fatty acid— reducing omega-6s. Omega-6 is the predominant fat rated fat could cause heart disease? In 2008, the dis- When it comes to the theory that saturated fat
linoleic acid—has been shown to increase the oxida- we consume, and as we’ve seen, we consume way too tinguished biochemist Bill Lands attempted to answer kills people, Lands was essentially challenging his
tion of LDL cholesterol, thus increasing the severity much of it. When we follow a very low-fat diet we con- this and other related questions about conventional researcher colleagues to “prove it.”
of coronary atherosclerosis. One research study sume less of it, which automatically lowers the pro- dietary advice in a closely argued review (complete And they haven’t.
showed that a diet enriched with linoleic acid inflammatory to anti-inflammatory ratio. The fact that
increased the oxidation of the small, nasty LDL parti- saturated fat is lowered is actually incidental.
cles, precisely the cholesterol particles that are most In addition, those famous low-fat, high-carb diets,
dangerous and most involved in the formation of such as those promoted by McDougall, Ornish, and
arterial plaque.30 Omega-6s even inhibit your body’s Esselstyn, are remarkably low in sugar. The carb con- • “Saturated fat” actually refers to a family of fatty acids, each with different health effects—
ability to fully incorporate the EPA you get from fish tent may be high, but they’re not the carbs most peo- some good, some bad, some neutral. It isn’t a single nutrient—it’s a family containing many
or fish oil supplements into the cell membranes, ple are gorging on. The carbs in these high-carb diets different fatty acids, each with different health effects.
which is meaningful because EPA is the omega-3 that tend to be vegetables, fruits, and minimally processed • Saturated fat has been wrongfully demonized. Several recent studies have shown that
has the most profound effect on the heart.31 starches, such as beans and brown rice. And although saturated fat is not associated with a greater risk of heart disease.35
Published values for omega-6 intake closely track some of the starches may be high-glycemic (such as • The balance between dietary intake of omega-6 and omega-3 is far more important than
observed coronary heart disease death rates for all potatoes), they’re high in fiber (a boon for gut health dietary intake of saturated fat.
sorts of populations worldwide.32 And in the famous and short-chain fatty acid production in the colon)
MRFIT study, subjects with the lowest ratio of and they don’t contain a ton of fructose (as do most
omega-6 to omega-3 (i.e., those with the lowest processed carbs and virtually all packaged goods).
intakes of omega-6 relative to their omega-3 intakes) Fructose is the most metabolically dangerous of the
had the lowest death rate. sugars, and it is a very minor player in any of the low-
fat, high-carb diets that are successful.
It’s a double whammy, and your heart is the loser. THE PARADOX OF THE We suspect that when very low-fat, high-carb with 231 scientific references) that was published in
No, the omega-6s that have been the darling of ULTRA-LOW-FAT DIET diets work at all—and they frequently don’t—they work the scientific journal Progress in Lipid Research.
the high-carb, low-fat movement, the vegetable oils At this point you may well be wondering why low-fat, because of these four dietary factors: fewer inflamma- Here’s what Lands had to say about saturated fat
we’ve been told to use instead of animal fats—the very high-carb diets work at all when they do work. If tory omega-6s, fewer high-glycemic carbs, more and heart disease:
vegetable oils that “saturate” (no pun intended) our saturated fat is not the bad guy we thought it was, dietary fiber, and much less fructose or sugar. We “Advice to replace saturated fat with unsaturated
diet through their incorporation into virtually every and if carbohydrates aren’t always the good guys, why believe that whatever benefits might sometimes fat stimulated my early experiments in lipid research.
baked, fried, and processed food available in the is it that some of these high-carb, super-low-fat accrue from extremely low-fat, high-carb diets could It made me ask by what mechanisms could saturated
supermarket, the very vegetable oils that restaurants programs seem to work sometimes? be easily achieved by simply reducing sugar and pro- fats be ‘bad’ and unsaturated fats ‘good’ . . . Fifty
proudly boast of using because they’re so “healthy”— Glad you asked, because we have a theory about cessed carbs, eliminating trans fats, increasing years later, I still cannot cite a definite mechanism or
are actually turning out to be as bad as, or worse that. omega-3s, and decreasing omega-6s. Reducing satu- mediator by which saturated fat is shown to kill peo-
than, the original saturated fats (such as lard) that Although many people may believe that rated fat and dietary cholesterol intakes has virtually ple . . . The current advice to the public needs to iden-
they replaced, just as margarine turned out to be far extremely low-fat diets work because they cut out nothing to do with it. tify logical causal mechanisms and mediators so we
worse than butter. saturated fat, we suspect a bigger benefit comes from Besides, what is the mechanism by which satu- can focus logically on what food choices to avoid.”34
For example, the primary omega-6 fatty acid— reducing omega-6s. Omega-6 is the predominant fat rated fat could cause heart disease? In 2008, the dis- When it comes to the theory that saturated fat
linoleic acid—has been shown to increase the oxida- we consume, and as we’ve seen, we consume way too tinguished biochemist Bill Lands attempted to answer kills people, Lands was essentially challenging his
tion of LDL cholesterol, thus increasing the severity much of it. When we follow a very low-fat diet we con- this and other related questions about conventional researcher colleagues to “prove it.”
of coronary atherosclerosis. One research study sume less of it, which automatically lowers the pro- dietary advice in a closely argued review (complete And they haven’t.
showed that a diet enriched with linoleic acid inflammatory to anti-inflammatory ratio. The fact that
increased the oxidation of the small, nasty LDL parti- saturated fat is lowered is actually incidental.
cles, precisely the cholesterol particles that are most In addition, those famous low-fat, high-carb diets,
dangerous and most involved in the formation of such as those promoted by McDougall, Ornish, and
arterial plaque.30 Omega-6s even inhibit your body’s Esselstyn, are remarkably low in sugar. The carb con- • “Saturated fat” actually refers to a family of fatty acids, each with different health effects—
ability to fully incorporate the EPA you get from fish tent may be high, but they’re not the carbs most peo- some good, some bad, some neutral. It isn’t a single nutrient—it’s a family containing many
or fish oil supplements into the cell membranes, ple are gorging on. The carbs in these high-carb diets different fatty acids, each with different health effects.
which is meaningful because EPA is the omega-3 that tend to be vegetables, fruits, and minimally processed • Saturated fat has been wrongfully demonized. Several recent studies have shown that
has the most profound effect on the heart.31 starches, such as beans and brown rice. And although saturated fat is not associated with a greater risk of heart disease.35
Published values for omega-6 intake closely track some of the starches may be high-glycemic (such as • The balance between dietary intake of omega-6 and omega-3 is far more important than
observed coronary heart disease death rates for all potatoes), they’re high in fiber (a boon for gut health dietary intake of saturated fat.
sorts of populations worldwide.32 And in the famous and short-chain fatty acid production in the colon)
MRFIT study, subjects with the lowest ratio of and they don’t contain a ton of fructose (as do most
omega-6 to omega-3 (i.e., those with the lowest processed carbs and virtually all packaged goods).
intakes of omega-6 relative to their omega-3 intakes) Fructose is the most metabolically dangerous of the
had the lowest death rate. sugars, and it is a very minor player in any of the low-
fat, high-carb diets that are successful.
But she didn’t quit MIT. “In those days,” she told methodologically precise skills as a researcher to the
us, “you could get a job as a programmer with no task at hand and proceeded to try to learn everything
CHAPTER 8 prior experience. I got a job at MIT Lincoln there was to learn about cholesterol, heart disease,
Laboratory, where I lucked into a group of pioneers in and statin drugs. Understand, now, that she had not
the fledging field of computer speech processing.” spent four years in medical school being subtly influ-
Voilà. Seneff found a home, a perfect blend of enced by the drug companies, had not been a consul-
cal engineering from MIT, ultimately publishing more spinning industry-funded studies touting the benefits
than 170 papers and becoming one of the world’s of their products. And she had not been paid hefty
leading experts in blending biological systems with fees by those same pharmaceutical companies (the
computer intelligence. (It was her pioneering work in way Dr. Sinatra had been) to give “educational” lec-
the field of voice recognition and computer systems tures on behalf of their products (lectures that are lit-
that led to commercial applications such as SIRI, the tle more than marketing tools disguised as
STEPHANIE SENEFF ALWAYS WANTED TO BE A BIOLOGIST. virtual assistant built into the iPhone.) scholarship).
For as long as she can remember, she has been fascinated by how things work, particularly Then something happened: Seneff’s husband was She had no agenda—other than to help her hus-
how living things work. She wanted to know how frogs jump, how grasshoppers breathe, how cells diagnosed with heart disease. band get well. Basically, she wasn’t bought or influ-
communicate, how the heart talks to the brain, all of which scientists study in detail, frequently by His doctor put him on a high-dose statin—four enced by or beholden to anyone in the heart disease–
spending hours a day peering into a microscope. She was interested in systems, and to her the human times the usual dose—and told him it was imperative cholesterol–statin drug establishment. She had no
body was the most fascinating system of all. So she was more than a little delighted when, after high that he stay on it. “If you go off this, or even reduce preconceived ideas, either positive or negative, about
school, she was accepted into the biology program at MIT. the dosage, I can no longer be your doctor,” his physi- what she’d find. Her research was motivated only by a
After completing her B.S. in biophysics, she entered the MIT Ph.D. program and spent a year cian told him. desire to get her husband well, and by her lifelong
working under Professor Harvey Lodish in the laboratory headed by future Nobel Prize winner David Almost immediately, the side effects started. He interest in biology and nutrition.
Baltimore. developed debilitating shoulder problems; muscle And let’s remember that we’re talking about
But there was a problem. After a year in Baltimore’s lab, Seneff realized two things. One, she aches and weakness (he could no longer open drawers someone who has a world-class ability to understand
wasn’t really cut out for the isolation required by a life in the lab, and two, she wanted to start a or jars); cognitive and memory problems; and depres- systems, theory, statistics, interpretation, experimen-
family. So she quit the Ph.D. program. sion, something he had never experienced before. tal bias, confounding variables, and all the rest of the
We all know what we do when we first get a diag- esoterica associated with evaluating studies.
nosis, or are prescribed a medication we’re not famil- Here’s what Seneff told us about statin drugs
iar with, or begin having a bunch of unexplained when we contacted her for this book: “Statin drugs
symptoms or side effects: We ask Dr. Google, which is are toxic. I liken them to arsenic, which will slowly poi-
exactly what Seneff did. son you over time.” (P.S.: Seneff’s husband terminated
Except Seneff, as you can probably imagine, is no his statin therapy, and all of his symptoms disap-
ordinary Googler. She applied her not inconsiderable, peared. Needless to say, he also changed doctors.)
cal engineering from MIT, ultimately publishing more spinning industry-funded studies touting the benefits
than 170 papers and becoming one of the world’s of their products. And she had not been paid hefty
leading experts in blending biological systems with fees by those same pharmaceutical companies (the
computer intelligence. (It was her pioneering work in way Dr. Sinatra had been) to give “educational” lec-
the field of voice recognition and computer systems tures on behalf of their products (lectures that are lit-
that led to commercial applications such as SIRI, the tle more than marketing tools disguised as
STEPHANIE SENEFF ALWAYS WANTED TO BE A BIOLOGIST. virtual assistant built into the iPhone.) scholarship).
For as long as she can remember, she has been fascinated by how things work, particularly Then something happened: Seneff’s husband was She had no agenda—other than to help her hus-
how living things work. She wanted to know how frogs jump, how grasshoppers breathe, how cells diagnosed with heart disease. band get well. Basically, she wasn’t bought or influ-
communicate, how the heart talks to the brain, all of which scientists study in detail, frequently by His doctor put him on a high-dose statin—four enced by or beholden to anyone in the heart disease–
spending hours a day peering into a microscope. She was interested in systems, and to her the human times the usual dose—and told him it was imperative cholesterol–statin drug establishment. She had no
body was the most fascinating system of all. So she was more than a little delighted when, after high that he stay on it. “If you go off this, or even reduce preconceived ideas, either positive or negative, about
school, she was accepted into the biology program at MIT. the dosage, I can no longer be your doctor,” his physi- what she’d find. Her research was motivated only by a
After completing her B.S. in biophysics, she entered the MIT Ph.D. program and spent a year cian told him. desire to get her husband well, and by her lifelong
working under Professor Harvey Lodish in the laboratory headed by future Nobel Prize winner David Almost immediately, the side effects started. He interest in biology and nutrition.
Baltimore. developed debilitating shoulder problems; muscle And let’s remember that we’re talking about
But there was a problem. After a year in Baltimore’s lab, Seneff realized two things. One, she aches and weakness (he could no longer open drawers someone who has a world-class ability to understand
wasn’t really cut out for the isolation required by a life in the lab, and two, she wanted to start a or jars); cognitive and memory problems; and depres- systems, theory, statistics, interpretation, experimen-
family. So she quit the Ph.D. program. sion, something he had never experienced before. tal bias, confounding variables, and all the rest of the
We all know what we do when we first get a diag- esoterica associated with evaluating studies.
nosis, or are prescribed a medication we’re not famil- Here’s what Seneff told us about statin drugs
iar with, or begin having a bunch of unexplained when we contacted her for this book: “Statin drugs
symptoms or side effects: We ask Dr. Google, which is are toxic. I liken them to arsenic, which will slowly poi-
exactly what Seneff did. son you over time.” (P.S.: Seneff’s husband terminated
Except Seneff, as you can probably imagine, is no his statin therapy, and all of his symptoms disap-
ordinary Googler. She applied her not inconsiderable, peared. Needless to say, he also changed doctors.)
mild anti-inflammatory effect that you could probably bacterial products.11 Not only is this a common side effect of choles- We’ve already seen how lowering cholesterol can have
easily achieve by other methods (like taking fish oil, terol lowering, but it’s also vastly underreported. And serious consequences for memory, thinking, and
for example). STATIN DRUGS AND YOUR SEX LIFE worst of all, many people who experience sexual dys- mood. Just as the brain needs cholesterol for neu-
And the impact of dramatically lowering choles- And now for the part that no one is talking about. The function, especially men, have no idea that it might rotransmitters to properly function, the gonads need
terol on the immune system is hardly limited to dirty little secret about statin drugs. Please don’t very well be related to the drug they’re taking to it to produce the hormonal fuel to keep our sex lives
NF-kB. Research has shown that human LDL itself shoot the messengers. Ready? lower their cholesterol. humming. All the major sex hormones—testosterone,
(the so-called “bad” cholesterol) is able to inactivate Statin drugs have an uncanny ability to com- Erectile dysfunction affects more than half of all progesterone, and estrogen—come from cholesterol.
more than 90 percent of the worst and most toxic pletely mess up your sex life. No kidding. men between the ages of forty and seventy years. It’s utterly preposterous to assume that lowering cho-
mild anti-inflammatory effect that you could probably bacterial products.11 Not only is this a common side effect of choles- We’ve already seen how lowering cholesterol can have
easily achieve by other methods (like taking fish oil, terol lowering, but it’s also vastly underreported. And serious consequences for memory, thinking, and
for example). STATIN DRUGS AND YOUR SEX LIFE worst of all, many people who experience sexual dys- mood. Just as the brain needs cholesterol for neu-
And the impact of dramatically lowering choles- And now for the part that no one is talking about. The function, especially men, have no idea that it might rotransmitters to properly function, the gonads need
terol on the immune system is hardly limited to dirty little secret about statin drugs. Please don’t very well be related to the drug they’re taking to it to produce the hormonal fuel to keep our sex lives
NF-kB. Research has shown that human LDL itself shoot the messengers. Ready? lower their cholesterol. humming. All the major sex hormones—testosterone,
(the so-called “bad” cholesterol) is able to inactivate Statin drugs have an uncanny ability to com- Erectile dysfunction affects more than half of all progesterone, and estrogen—come from cholesterol.
more than 90 percent of the worst and most toxic pletely mess up your sex life. No kidding. men between the ages of forty and seventy years. It’s utterly preposterous to assume that lowering cho-
Relationship Between Serum Cholesterol and Risk of Premature American Heart Association’s journal Circulation—this resulting in the “36 percent” claim, but for purposes
Death from Coronary Heart Disease Continuous and Graded? time following more than 1,250,00 statins-free veter- of clarity, let’s just round it out to 33 percent.)
Findings in 354.22 Primary Screenees of the Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial (MRFIT) ans between the years 2002 and 2007—successfully Now, if you had put those same men on Lipitor
Jeremiah Stamler, MD; Deborah Wentworth, MPH, James D. Neaton, PhD called MRFIT’s bluff. While folks with the highest cho- over the course of the same five years, it turns out
99.7% JAMA 1986 98.7% lesterol levels still had a higher risk for heart disease, that instead of three men having a heart attack, only
did not did not
this study found that folks with low cholesterol were two would (2 percent of the total number of men). A
die of die of
CHD CHD in trouble, too: Those with cholesterol under 180 mg/ reduction from three heart attacks to two heart
4.5 - - 100 dL had more deaths from heart disease than those attacks is in fact a 331⁄3 percent reduction in relative
4.0 - with cholesterol all the way up to 240 mg/dL. risk—“1” is obviously 1⁄3 of the number 3—but so what?,
3.5 - - 80 Imagine if, way back in the 1980s, we’d been told The real, absolute number of heart attacks prevented
3.0 - that low cholesterol was just as bad as high choles- is only one. One heart attack among a hundred men
- 60 terol. And that having “normal” cholesterol of, say, over the course of five years. The real absolute reduc-
2.5 -
175 mg/dL actually put you at a greater heart disease tion in risk is 1 percent (the difference between the 3
2.0 -
- 40 risk than having a “high” cholesterol of 235 mg/dL. percent in the no-drug group who would have had a
1.5 -
Unfortunately, that’s not what happened. heart attack and the 2 percent in the Lipitor group).
1.0 - - 20 The “33 percent reduction” figure is, again, a relative
0.5 - FUZZY MATH, ANYONE? number, and because it’s way more impressive than
0.0 - -0 Now let’s see how the drug companies use the same the much more truthful “1 percent” (the absolute
150 175 187 198 208 215 226 238 243 > 290
deceptive “relative” numbers (percentages rather number), researchers frequently choose to use rela-
Serum Cholesterol (mg/dl) than patients) to mislead you about the effects of tive risk instead of absolute risk when they report
Relationship Between Serum Cholesterol and Risk of Premature American Heart Association’s journal Circulation—this resulting in the “36 percent” claim, but for purposes
Death from Coronary Heart Disease Continuous and Graded? time following more than 1,250,00 statins-free veter- of clarity, let’s just round it out to 33 percent.)
Findings in 354.22 Primary Screenees of the Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial (MRFIT) ans between the years 2002 and 2007—successfully Now, if you had put those same men on Lipitor
Jeremiah Stamler, MD; Deborah Wentworth, MPH, James D. Neaton, PhD called MRFIT’s bluff. While folks with the highest cho- over the course of the same five years, it turns out
99.7% JAMA 1986 98.7% lesterol levels still had a higher risk for heart disease, that instead of three men having a heart attack, only
did not did not
this study found that folks with low cholesterol were two would (2 percent of the total number of men). A
die of die of
CHD CHD in trouble, too: Those with cholesterol under 180 mg/ reduction from three heart attacks to two heart
4.5 - - 100 dL had more deaths from heart disease than those attacks is in fact a 331⁄3 percent reduction in relative
4.0 - with cholesterol all the way up to 240 mg/dL. risk—“1” is obviously 1⁄3 of the number 3—but so what?,
3.5 - - 80 Imagine if, way back in the 1980s, we’d been told The real, absolute number of heart attacks prevented
3.0 - that low cholesterol was just as bad as high choles- is only one. One heart attack among a hundred men
- 60 terol. And that having “normal” cholesterol of, say, over the course of five years. The real absolute reduc-
2.5 -
175 mg/dL actually put you at a greater heart disease tion in risk is 1 percent (the difference between the 3
2.0 -
- 40 risk than having a “high” cholesterol of 235 mg/dL. percent in the no-drug group who would have had a
1.5 -
Unfortunately, that’s not what happened. heart attack and the 2 percent in the Lipitor group).
1.0 - - 20 The “33 percent reduction” figure is, again, a relative
0.5 - FUZZY MATH, ANYONE? number, and because it’s way more impressive than
0.0 - -0 Now let’s see how the drug companies use the same the much more truthful “1 percent” (the absolute
150 175 187 198 208 215 226 238 243 > 290
deceptive “relative” numbers (percentages rather number), researchers frequently choose to use rela-
Serum Cholesterol (mg/dl) than patients) to mislead you about the effects of tive risk instead of absolute risk when they report
Get to know insulin—it’s more important to your health and
Insulin resistance is to heart disease
your heart than you can imagine, and way more important
what smoking is to lung disease.
than your doctor has probably told you.
Insulin resistance doesn’t account for 100 percent vided by the apple. And that’s just dandy—he goes The pancreas says, “Code Red! Send out the big like it or not. Indeed, they welcome in all that excess
of heart disease any more than smoking accounts for home, his blood sugar is slightly lower than normal guns! This dude just ate the equivalent of ten packs of sugar, and for a while your blood sugar levels may
100 percent of lung cancer. But it tracks with and pre- because all the sugar has gone to powering his mus- Ding Dongs!” The pancreas produces a bucketful of even be in the normal range, as the pancreas valiantly
dicts cardiovascular disease better than any other cles. Now he’s hungry, he eats a healthy dinner, and insulin in a desperate attempt to get all that sugar tries to pump out enough insulin to keep up with the
variable yet studied. We’ll show you the proof a little all is right with the world. out of the bloodstream and deliver it to the muscles. sugar influx.
later on—and don’t worry, there’s quite a bit of it. But That’s how insulin—and metabolism—is supposed Problem is the muscle cells aren’t having it. But don’t be fooled. If insulin is frequently ele-
first we have to explain exactly what insulin resis- to work. In theory. In fact, it does not work that way “What do we need all this sugar for?” they seem vated beyond what it should be, that’s a good clue
tance is, and why it’s so critically important to your in at least 50 percent—or more—of the population. A to be asking. “The only ‘exercise’ this guy’s gonna get that it’s having to work awfully hard to keep sugar at
health. 2015 study showed that when you combine patients all day is pushing a computer mouse, and when he manageable levels. Your blood sugar may still be
with “pre-diabetes” with patients who have already goes home, he’s going to sit on the couch and play hanging on in the “normal” range, but the high levels
INSULIN RESISTANCE IS been diagnosed with diabetes, and, just for good mea- with the TV clicker. The last thing we need here is of insulin—which your doc may not be testing for—are
ESSENTIALLY AN ERROR OF sure, throw in historically-based estimates of the large more fuel.” a clue that the whole thing is about to come tumbling
METABOLISM number of people who are walking around with undi- So the muscle cells begin to resist the effects of down. You can think of chronically elevated insulin as
To understand how a healthy metabolism is supposed agnosed diabetes, you’re left with the disturbing con- insulin. Like residents of New York apartments, they the pancreas’s way of shouting “Help!”
to work, imagine an eight-year-old kid back in the clusion that between 49 to 52 percent of the popula- get so used to the “noise” that they barely notice it. Eventually, insulin will no longer be able to keep
days before the internet and play dates. He has a tion has some form of diabetes. And that figure is They say to insulin, “Thank you but no thank you. blood sugar in the “normal” range, and blood sugar
healthy, undamaged metabolism. The kid comes home probably a low estimate. We’ll get into all that in a Don’t need it. Go somewhere else. We gave at the will start to rise past “normal.” Now your blood
from third grade and eats a small snack—say an apple. moment. office. Buh-bye.” And insulin has no choice but to take sugar is high—as it’s got nowhere left to go! Your
His blood sugar goes up a little—it always goes up Now back to our story about the kid with a its sugar payload to another location, and guess insulin is high, and you’re thisclose to a diagnosis of
when you eat food—and so his pancreas releases a healthy metabolism. Let’s fast-forward thirty years or where that is? full-blown diabetes.
little shot of a hormone called insulin. so. That same “kid”—now thirty-eight—wakes up late, The fat cells. Which happily welcome the sugar in.
One of insulin’s main jobs is to round up that stress hormones coursing through his body. Stress And that’s not a good thing for all sorts of reasons, CAUTION: HEART DISEASE AHEAD!
sugar in the bloodstream and deliver it into the mus- hormones send a message to his brain to fuel up for starting with the fact that fat cells don’t just sit there “Emerging evidence shows that insulin resistance is
cle cells where it can be “burned” for energy. This is an anticipated emergency (read: stock up on sugar!). on your waist, butt, and thighs—they are actually the most important predictor of cardiovascular
just fine for our eight-year-old kid, because he’s going He runs out the door and stop at the local coffee endocrine organs, and they secrete a ton of inflam- disease and type 2 diabetes,” says Robert Lustig,
to be climbing on the monkey bars, riding his bike, emporium for a pumpkin spice latte (380 calories, 49 matory chemicals. And inflammation is one of the M.D., the pediatric endocrinologist and professor in
and playing tag. Eventually, his blood sugar goes grams of sugar) and a nice, “low-fat” blueberry muffin major causes and promoters of heart disease. Making the Department of Endocrinology at University of
down, and even drops a little from baseline because (350 calories, 55 grams of carbs, 29 grams of sugar). your fat cells bigger only creates more inflammation. Southern California, San Francisco.4
his muscles have eagerly used up all the sugar pro- His blood sugar takes off like the Challenger. But the fat cells get bigger anyway, whether you The fact that insulin resistance is the most impor-
THE ENGINEER AND THE EMPEROR’S NEW CLOTHES: allowed to take that product to market.”
THE STRANGE CASE OF IVOR CUMMINS He took the knowledge he had gained from his rigorous systems-analysis of metabolism and
Many folks—including both of us—would never have heard of Dr. Joseph R. Kraft (see page 134) began giving seminars to other engineers.
had it not been for an Irish engineer named Ivor Cummins. In 2013, Ivor Cummins got some Eventually those seminars—many of them as complex and detailed as any medical school
problematic blood tests back from his doctor, and wanted to figure out exactly what they lecture—wound up on YouTube. Where they created quite a sensation and remain wildly
meant in terms of risk. He had five kids and was a relatively young guy. What did these tests popular (and highly recommended: Start with “Wanna Know How To Collapse Your Heart
mean in terms of mortality? It was an odd assortment of out-of-range tests and Cummins Disease Risk? Well, then.”).5
wanted to know their significance. People started sending him their blood work and asking for advice. Doctors—notably
The problem was that his doctor didn’t really know. It was, after all, a strange trio of functional medicine doctor Jeffrey Gerber, M.D.—reached out to collaborate. (Gerber and
seemingly unrelated anomalies. Two doctors Cummins consulted for second and third opinions Cummins eventually wrote a terrific—and heavily referenced—book called Eat Rich Live Long—
weren’t much help either. highly recommended.) Cummins became the director of the Irish Heart Disease Association.
Since nothing looked particularly life threatening, many folks might have been tempted to Andreas Eenfelt, M.D., the highly regarded low-carbohydrate advocate, posted a video interview
just forget about it and see if anything weird showed up on the blood test next time around. with Cummings titled, “The engineer who knows more than your doctor.”6
But Cummins wasn’t—isn’t—an “ordinary folks” type of guy. Cummins made his living as a Cummins now blogs and tweets @thefatemperor. The name derives from the Hans Christian
master strategist, a problem-solver who led teams of other brainiac engineers in problem- Anderson fable, and suggests an outsider telling truth to power, particularly on the subject of
solving for complex, multifactorial systems. Not content with an “I don’t know” answer, he fat and cholesterol, and what Cummins calls “the bad science we’ve had on this for the last
began to apply his considerable abilities in systems-analysis to metabolism and the human body. fifty years.” He considers the cholesterol focus in heart disease “a farce” and—like Kraft,
It didn’t take him long to get at what he thought was the root of his problem. In all cases, Reaven, and so many since—sees insulin resistance as what his engineering team would call a
his elevated readings could be linked back to a high intake of carbohydrates. “root cause.”7
A liver enzyme that was elevated turned out to be a marker for fatty liver, which is linked to Is he right? Is insulin resistance a “root cause” of chronic disease? Many researchers are
diabetes. A high level of serum ferritin turned out to be a sixth marker for metabolic syndrome coming to that conclusion. The title of one study recently published captures a growing
(“pre-diabetes”). What did they have in common? “They all tracked back to the metabolic sentiment: Hyperinsulinemia: A unifying theory of chronic disease?8 As this book was being
syndrome and insulin resistance,” says Cummins.5 written, a new study was published in the journal Aging Cell.9 It said that a combination drug
Cummins changed his diet—not based on any diet book he read but based on the published cocktail that included a drug called Metformin had, in a small pilot study, been found to
peer-review research he carefully reviewed—and within a short time lost 30 pounds. All his reverse biological aging by 1.5 years. Not stop aging—reverse it.
weird blood tests returned to normal. Including the troublesome cholesterol numbers. Metformin has also undergone studies at the National Institutes of Health10 for its anti-aging
He started to research cholesterol—and fairly quickly arrived at the conclusion that the effects, and was the subject of a 60 Minutes piece.
research supporting the cholesterol-causes-heart disease hypothesis, when examined Metformin is a drug used to fight diabetes and insulin resistance.
rigorously from a systems biology point of view, turned out to be . . . extremely thin. (In one of Let that sink in for a minute. As Bob Dylan said, many, many moons ago, “You don’t have to
his many lectures available on YouTube he said, and we’re paraphrasing, “If my safety data on be a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.”
a product was as weak as the data on cholesterol causing heart disease, I wouldn’t even be
THE ENGINEER AND THE EMPEROR’S NEW CLOTHES: allowed to take that product to market.”
THE STRANGE CASE OF IVOR CUMMINS He took the knowledge he had gained from his rigorous systems-analysis of metabolism and
Many folks—including both of us—would never have heard of Dr. Joseph R. Kraft (see page 134) began giving seminars to other engineers.
had it not been for an Irish engineer named Ivor Cummins. In 2013, Ivor Cummins got some Eventually those seminars—many of them as complex and detailed as any medical school
problematic blood tests back from his doctor, and wanted to figure out exactly what they lecture—wound up on YouTube. Where they created quite a sensation and remain wildly
meant in terms of risk. He had five kids and was a relatively young guy. What did these tests popular (and highly recommended: Start with “Wanna Know How To Collapse Your Heart
mean in terms of mortality? It was an odd assortment of out-of-range tests and Cummins Disease Risk? Well, then.”).5
wanted to know their significance. People started sending him their blood work and asking for advice. Doctors—notably
The problem was that his doctor didn’t really know. It was, after all, a strange trio of functional medicine doctor Jeffrey Gerber, M.D.—reached out to collaborate. (Gerber and
seemingly unrelated anomalies. Two doctors Cummins consulted for second and third opinions Cummins eventually wrote a terrific—and heavily referenced—book called Eat Rich Live Long—
weren’t much help either. highly recommended.) Cummins became the director of the Irish Heart Disease Association.
Since nothing looked particularly life threatening, many folks might have been tempted to Andreas Eenfelt, M.D., the highly regarded low-carbohydrate advocate, posted a video interview
just forget about it and see if anything weird showed up on the blood test next time around. with Cummings titled, “The engineer who knows more than your doctor.”6
But Cummins wasn’t—isn’t—an “ordinary folks” type of guy. Cummins made his living as a Cummins now blogs and tweets @thefatemperor. The name derives from the Hans Christian
master strategist, a problem-solver who led teams of other brainiac engineers in problem- Anderson fable, and suggests an outsider telling truth to power, particularly on the subject of
solving for complex, multifactorial systems. Not content with an “I don’t know” answer, he fat and cholesterol, and what Cummins calls “the bad science we’ve had on this for the last
began to apply his considerable abilities in systems-analysis to metabolism and the human body. fifty years.” He considers the cholesterol focus in heart disease “a farce” and—like Kraft,
It didn’t take him long to get at what he thought was the root of his problem. In all cases, Reaven, and so many since—sees insulin resistance as what his engineering team would call a
his elevated readings could be linked back to a high intake of carbohydrates. “root cause.”7
A liver enzyme that was elevated turned out to be a marker for fatty liver, which is linked to Is he right? Is insulin resistance a “root cause” of chronic disease? Many researchers are
diabetes. A high level of serum ferritin turned out to be a sixth marker for metabolic syndrome coming to that conclusion. The title of one study recently published captures a growing
(“pre-diabetes”). What did they have in common? “They all tracked back to the metabolic sentiment: Hyperinsulinemia: A unifying theory of chronic disease?8 As this book was being
syndrome and insulin resistance,” says Cummins.5 written, a new study was published in the journal Aging Cell.9 It said that a combination drug
Cummins changed his diet—not based on any diet book he read but based on the published cocktail that included a drug called Metformin had, in a small pilot study, been found to
peer-review research he carefully reviewed—and within a short time lost 30 pounds. All his reverse biological aging by 1.5 years. Not stop aging—reverse it.
weird blood tests returned to normal. Including the troublesome cholesterol numbers. Metformin has also undergone studies at the National Institutes of Health10 for its anti-aging
He started to research cholesterol—and fairly quickly arrived at the conclusion that the effects, and was the subject of a 60 Minutes piece.
research supporting the cholesterol-causes-heart disease hypothesis, when examined Metformin is a drug used to fight diabetes and insulin resistance.
rigorously from a systems biology point of view, turned out to be . . . extremely thin. (In one of Let that sink in for a minute. As Bob Dylan said, many, many moons ago, “You don’t have to
his many lectures available on YouTube he said, and we’re paraphrasing, “If my safety data on be a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.”
a product was as weak as the data on cholesterol causing heart disease, I wouldn’t even be
tant predictor of diabetes might not surprise you. But what happened to them, this is what he concluded: triglycerides. Any of those conditions alone is a risk During follow-up, Reaven’s team observed forty
the fact that it’s the single most important predictor “Those with cardiovascular disease not identified (as factor for heart disease, but together—with insulin “clinical events” (i.e., the appearance of hypertension,
of cardiovascular disease may come as a shock. Let diabetics) . . . are simply undiagnosed.” resistance at the core—they were even more ominous. coronary heart disease, stroke, cancer, and type 2 dia-
us show you why that’s true, and why diabetic The insulin assay is in use to this day, albeit mod- Reaven named this dangerous collection of symp- betes) in thirty-seven people. Several people in the
dysfunction (aka insulin resistance syndrome) is ified a bit with modern technology. Labs like Meridian toms Syndrome X, but not long afterwards it became study had multiple “events.” Twenty-five of the thirty-
indeed the most potent risk factor and the best pre- Valley now offer what they call the Kraft Prediabetes known as metabolic syndrome, and later, as pre-diabe- seven who experienced events had scored “high” on
dictor of heart disease on the planet. Profile, based on Kraft’s seminal work. In 2013, tes. Many researchers are now calling this syndrome— insulin resistance syndrome. The other twelve had
researchers found that the Kraft patterns predicted correctly in our view—insulin resistance syndrome. scored “moderate.”
Introducing the Insulin Assay the risk of type 2 diabetes in Japanese Americans. 13
Over half of U.S. adults have it. And yes, you should No one in the insulin sensitive group got sick.
A good place to start is with Dr. Joseph R. Kraft, one Then, in 2015, researchers led by Catherine Crofts be worried. To be crystal clear, the subjects with a healthy
of the most important researchers that almost no one published an important paper whose title says it all: “During insulin resistance, several metabolic alter- insulin response (i.e., those who had no measurable
had ever heard of, at least until fairly recently. Dr. Hyperinsulinemia: A Unified Field Theory of Chronic ations induce the development of cardiovascular dis- level of insulin resistance) suffered zero deaths or
Kraft was Chairman of the Department of Clinical Disease? ease,” said a 2018 article in the journal Cardiovascular “events” of any kind over the next seven years of fol-
Pathology and Nuclear Medicine at St. Joseph In 2017, Crofts team published another paper Diabetology. The authors point to many of the down- low-up. And that’s pretty unusual for a large sample
Hospital in Chicago for thirty-five years and, upon citing research showing that high levels of insulin stream by-products of insulin resistance—oxidative of sixty-one-year-olds. The odds of getting those
retirement, was appointed Chairman Emeritus. (hyperinsulinemia) had been shown to be causal in stress, inflammatory responses, endothelial dysfunc- results by chance are about .00001.
Dr. Kraft invented something called the insulin hypertension, obesity, atherosclerosis, microvascular tion, hyperglycemia, and cell damage. They noted that It’s important to know that Reaven’s tests for
assay, a then state-of-the-art test requiring glucose disease, neurodegenerative disorders, idiopathic insulin resistance leads to the well-known lipid triad: insulin resistance were phenomenally sophisticated—
and insulin monitoring over anywhere from three to peripheral neuropathy, and certain cancers. They (1) high levels of triglycerides, (2) low levels of HDL far more than just measuring blood glucose, and even
five hours. It goes far beyond the “fasting blood titled their paper, “Postprandial insulin assay as the and (3) small, dense LDL particles. more accurate than fasting insulin. Reaven’s results
sugar” test and, by monitoring insulin levels, looks at earliest biomarker for diagnosing pre-diabetes, type Reaven himself already knew that insulin resis- were no accident. And the fact that both Kraft’s tests
how the body handles a given load of sugar over sev- 2 diabetes, and increased cardiovascular risk” tance put you on the fast track to diabetes. Next, he and Reaven’s show almost the exact same thing
eral hours. It was the most accurate test for insulin (emphasis ours). wanted to find out if it put you on the fast track to should give us pause.
resistance ever devised. anything else. The truth is insulin resistance is a bear of a pre-
In virtually every study Kraft did, very few folks Insulin Resistance Syndrome It did. dictor. Reaven’s studies demonstrated that if a person
with healthy insulin response got sick, while a disturb- Kraft may have been the first to actually demonstrate Reaven and his team performed sophisticated has a high degree of insulin resistance then he or she
ingly high percentage of those with insulin resistance the connection of insulin resistance to heart disease, statistical tests to answer the question, “Does insulin has a 40x increase in his risk for heart disease (and,
did. Kraft wrote a book—still in print—summarizing all but he was hardly the last. In 1988, a brilliant resistance predict bad stuff happening?” They took frankly, other chronic diseases as well). But not just
of the studies he did over the course of his career, all Stanford University medical professor and researcher 208 apparently healthy and non-obese individuals, an “increase in risk” that’s a doggone force multiplier.
pointing to the same conclusion. named Gerald Reaven noticed that insulin resistance average age sixty-one, and measured their insulin To make matters worse, insulin resistance is also
Kraft summed up his life’s work succinctly and was almost always at the center of a cluster of resistance and related variables. He followed them up linked to obesity, which, in turn, is associated with a
beautifully. After rigorously testing more than 14,000 conditions that, together, greatly increased the risk for a period of four to eleven years, looking for inci- higher risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD).17
people for insulin resistance over his 30-something for cardiovascular disease: high blood pressure, dence of hypertension, coronary heart disease, stroke, Insulin resistance doesn’t just put its thumb on
year career, and following them up for years to track abdominal obesity, low HDL cholesterol, and high type 2 diabetes, and—just for good measure—cancer. the scale that measures your heart disease risk, it
tant predictor of diabetes might not surprise you. But what happened to them, this is what he concluded: triglycerides. Any of those conditions alone is a risk During follow-up, Reaven’s team observed forty
the fact that it’s the single most important predictor “Those with cardiovascular disease not identified (as factor for heart disease, but together—with insulin “clinical events” (i.e., the appearance of hypertension,
of cardiovascular disease may come as a shock. Let diabetics) . . . are simply undiagnosed.” resistance at the core—they were even more ominous. coronary heart disease, stroke, cancer, and type 2 dia-
us show you why that’s true, and why diabetic The insulin assay is in use to this day, albeit mod- Reaven named this dangerous collection of symp- betes) in thirty-seven people. Several people in the
dysfunction (aka insulin resistance syndrome) is ified a bit with modern technology. Labs like Meridian toms Syndrome X, but not long afterwards it became study had multiple “events.” Twenty-five of the thirty-
indeed the most potent risk factor and the best pre- Valley now offer what they call the Kraft Prediabetes known as metabolic syndrome, and later, as pre-diabe- seven who experienced events had scored “high” on
dictor of heart disease on the planet. Profile, based on Kraft’s seminal work. In 2013, tes. Many researchers are now calling this syndrome— insulin resistance syndrome. The other twelve had
researchers found that the Kraft patterns predicted correctly in our view—insulin resistance syndrome. scored “moderate.”
Introducing the Insulin Assay the risk of type 2 diabetes in Japanese Americans. 13
Over half of U.S. adults have it. And yes, you should No one in the insulin sensitive group got sick.
A good place to start is with Dr. Joseph R. Kraft, one Then, in 2015, researchers led by Catherine Crofts be worried. To be crystal clear, the subjects with a healthy
of the most important researchers that almost no one published an important paper whose title says it all: “During insulin resistance, several metabolic alter- insulin response (i.e., those who had no measurable
had ever heard of, at least until fairly recently. Dr. Hyperinsulinemia: A Unified Field Theory of Chronic ations induce the development of cardiovascular dis- level of insulin resistance) suffered zero deaths or
Kraft was Chairman of the Department of Clinical Disease? ease,” said a 2018 article in the journal Cardiovascular “events” of any kind over the next seven years of fol-
Pathology and Nuclear Medicine at St. Joseph In 2017, Crofts team published another paper Diabetology. The authors point to many of the down- low-up. And that’s pretty unusual for a large sample
Hospital in Chicago for thirty-five years and, upon citing research showing that high levels of insulin stream by-products of insulin resistance—oxidative of sixty-one-year-olds. The odds of getting those
retirement, was appointed Chairman Emeritus. (hyperinsulinemia) had been shown to be causal in stress, inflammatory responses, endothelial dysfunc- results by chance are about .00001.
Dr. Kraft invented something called the insulin hypertension, obesity, atherosclerosis, microvascular tion, hyperglycemia, and cell damage. They noted that It’s important to know that Reaven’s tests for
assay, a then state-of-the-art test requiring glucose disease, neurodegenerative disorders, idiopathic insulin resistance leads to the well-known lipid triad: insulin resistance were phenomenally sophisticated—
and insulin monitoring over anywhere from three to peripheral neuropathy, and certain cancers. They (1) high levels of triglycerides, (2) low levels of HDL far more than just measuring blood glucose, and even
five hours. It goes far beyond the “fasting blood titled their paper, “Postprandial insulin assay as the and (3) small, dense LDL particles. more accurate than fasting insulin. Reaven’s results
sugar” test and, by monitoring insulin levels, looks at earliest biomarker for diagnosing pre-diabetes, type Reaven himself already knew that insulin resis- were no accident. And the fact that both Kraft’s tests
how the body handles a given load of sugar over sev- 2 diabetes, and increased cardiovascular risk” tance put you on the fast track to diabetes. Next, he and Reaven’s show almost the exact same thing
eral hours. It was the most accurate test for insulin (emphasis ours). wanted to find out if it put you on the fast track to should give us pause.
resistance ever devised. anything else. The truth is insulin resistance is a bear of a pre-
In virtually every study Kraft did, very few folks Insulin Resistance Syndrome It did. dictor. Reaven’s studies demonstrated that if a person
with healthy insulin response got sick, while a disturb- Kraft may have been the first to actually demonstrate Reaven and his team performed sophisticated has a high degree of insulin resistance then he or she
ingly high percentage of those with insulin resistance the connection of insulin resistance to heart disease, statistical tests to answer the question, “Does insulin has a 40x increase in his risk for heart disease (and,
did. Kraft wrote a book—still in print—summarizing all but he was hardly the last. In 1988, a brilliant resistance predict bad stuff happening?” They took frankly, other chronic diseases as well). But not just
of the studies he did over the course of his career, all Stanford University medical professor and researcher 208 apparently healthy and non-obese individuals, an “increase in risk” that’s a doggone force multiplier.
pointing to the same conclusion. named Gerald Reaven noticed that insulin resistance average age sixty-one, and measured their insulin To make matters worse, insulin resistance is also
Kraft summed up his life’s work succinctly and was almost always at the center of a cluster of resistance and related variables. He followed them up linked to obesity, which, in turn, is associated with a
beautifully. After rigorously testing more than 14,000 conditions that, together, greatly increased the risk for a period of four to eleven years, looking for inci- higher risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD).17
people for insulin resistance over his 30-something for cardiovascular disease: high blood pressure, dence of hypertension, coronary heart disease, stroke, Insulin resistance doesn’t just put its thumb on
year career, and following them up for years to track abdominal obesity, low HDL cholesterol, and high type 2 diabetes, and—just for good measure—cancer. the scale that measures your heart disease risk, it
puts its whole hand on it. Researchers in the famed the raw data to figure out what factors were real and goes, there were a total of twelve studies included in had survived a heart attack, so the study aimed to
Insulin Resistance Atherosclerosis Study (IRAS) what factors were spurious. They did the standard the review, four studies on atherosclerosis, and eight follow up with these patients for many years and to
showed a direct relation between insulin resistance multivariate analysis—which simply tells you what more for cardiovascular disease in general. One hun- discover which risk factors were the most powerful
and atherosclerosis. And subsequent studies have factors are dependent on what other factors, what dred percent of the studies on people with cardiovas- predictors of a second event.20
consistently found insulin resistance to be an impor- factors are “noise,” and what factors are “signal.” cular disease reported significant elevation in insulin The researchers initially separated the patient
tant risk factor and an excellent predictor for CVD. (For example, sometimes “low education” shows up levels. That’s an astonishing twelve out of twelve population into two groups—those with cardiovascular
A mathematical analysis of the relationship of as a risk factor for heart disease, but it’s really a studies on heart disease showing significant hyperin- disease and diabetes, and those with cardiovascular
insulin resistance (and other measures of diabetic stand-in for “low income,” which is itself is a stand-in sulinemia in heart disease patients. disease without diabetes. One third of the initial
physiology) to coronary artery disease in young non- for a diet of cheap, processed food.) This kind of patient population were full-blown, diagnosed diabet-
diabetic adults concluded that preventing insulin analysis teases out what factors are really responsible HIDDEN DIABETES AND THE ics. The other two thirds were classified as having
resistance could avoid approximately 42 percent of for the observed results. HIDDEN RISK OF HEART DISEASE “cardiovascular disease without diabetes.” And here’s
myocardial infarctions in the next sixty years. When all the analysis was done, only one factor According to the data about 65 percent of U.S. where it got interesting—and scary.
Think about that for a minute—over 40 percent of remained standing as a “significant predictor for new adults over forty-five are pre-diabetic or diabetic— On closer examination, a third of the “non-diabet-
heart attacks could be prevented just by reversing or cardiovascular events”—insulin. The authors concluded and many suspect that’s an understatement. After ics” in EUROASPIRE were anything but. They were
preventing insulin resistance! that high levels of insulin were by far the most impor- all, those conclusions are based on blood sugar actually full-blown diabetics, which when you think
Here’s another great example of careful research tant factor related to the occurrence of new cardio- readings, not direct measures of insulin, nor of about it is not all that surprising, because in the U.S.
that clearly exposed the central role of insulin resis- vascular disease. Insulin was a jaw-dropping 6.7x mul- insulin resistance. Unfortunately, high blood sugar is alone, about one third of full-blown diabetics are
tance in heart attacks. And it was research done for a tiplier of risk. By contrast, the association between a late sign of problems. The pancreas can be walking around undiagnosed and as of 2015, more
very practical reason. You see, in Columbia—as in LDL and a second heart attack was non-significant, so furiously producing a truckload of insulin in a gallant than 81 million adults in the U.S. had pre-diabetes.21
many parts of the world—heart attacks are the num- LDL was essentially a “zero multiplier” of risk. attempt to keep blood sugar “normal,” which it may We can be pretty sure that the percentage of
ber one cause of mortality and disability. So Now to be fair, there are studies that show a well be for a while, leading your conventional doc to those “non-diabetics” that were actually diabetic
Columbian researchers set out to discover what they slightly higher than zero correlation between LDL and say “everything’s fine.” would have been considerably higher if measure-
could do to prevent second heart attacks in their peo- second heart attacks, but even the most touted stud- But it isn’t. ments of insulin were available on the patient popula-
ple who had already had one attack, a question that ies don’t show much better than a 1.5x correlation. Like a volcano on an island that looks peaceful to tion. Even using the imperfect measurement of blood
probably has great relevance to more than a few peo- And in many cases, a “bad” cholesterol test may only a tourist, your metabolism has hidden signs of a sugar, we’re still left with the conclusion that practi-
ple reading this book. be a symptom of the real problem: insulin resistance. forthcoming eruption, and in the case of heart dis- cally three quarters of heart disease patients studied
The researchers gathered up 295 Columbians One group of researchers reviewed seventy stud- ease, the most important “hidden” sign is insulin are actually, to some important degree, diabetic.
who had survived a first heart attack. The initial anal- ies that had accurately documented the insulin levels resistance. And it’s actually not hidden at all—you just Here’s a good time to make mention of what’s
ysis found that there were eleven factors (including of patients in the studies. The jaw-dropping results have to know how to look for it. called diabetes in situ—which basically means hidden
age, low income, lack of education, hypertension, and showed that out of 7seventy studies on patients with And often, as we said earlier, the overwhelming diabetes. Because that is exactly what these folks—
insulin over 10 IU/ml) that were initially associated chronic disease, sixty-seven of the studies showed importance of insulin resistance is hiding in plain and so many others reading this book—are walking
with new cardiovascular events. All of those would be that subjects in the “sick” categories had significantly sight. Take, for example, the famous EUROASPIRE around with.
considered “risk factors.” elevated levels of insulin compared to subjects in the study, which identified risk factors in patients with See, we’re all familiar with the metabolically
But then they did what all researchers do—look at “healthy” categories. As far as heart disease itself cardiovascular disease. All the patients in the study obese unhealthy person with the collection of risk
puts its whole hand on it. Researchers in the famed the raw data to figure out what factors were real and goes, there were a total of twelve studies included in had survived a heart attack, so the study aimed to
Insulin Resistance Atherosclerosis Study (IRAS) what factors were spurious. They did the standard the review, four studies on atherosclerosis, and eight follow up with these patients for many years and to
showed a direct relation between insulin resistance multivariate analysis—which simply tells you what more for cardiovascular disease in general. One hun- discover which risk factors were the most powerful
and atherosclerosis. And subsequent studies have factors are dependent on what other factors, what dred percent of the studies on people with cardiovas- predictors of a second event.20
consistently found insulin resistance to be an impor- factors are “noise,” and what factors are “signal.” cular disease reported significant elevation in insulin The researchers initially separated the patient
tant risk factor and an excellent predictor for CVD. (For example, sometimes “low education” shows up levels. That’s an astonishing twelve out of twelve population into two groups—those with cardiovascular
A mathematical analysis of the relationship of as a risk factor for heart disease, but it’s really a studies on heart disease showing significant hyperin- disease and diabetes, and those with cardiovascular
insulin resistance (and other measures of diabetic stand-in for “low income,” which is itself is a stand-in sulinemia in heart disease patients. disease without diabetes. One third of the initial
physiology) to coronary artery disease in young non- for a diet of cheap, processed food.) This kind of patient population were full-blown, diagnosed diabet-
diabetic adults concluded that preventing insulin analysis teases out what factors are really responsible HIDDEN DIABETES AND THE ics. The other two thirds were classified as having
resistance could avoid approximately 42 percent of for the observed results. HIDDEN RISK OF HEART DISEASE “cardiovascular disease without diabetes.” And here’s
myocardial infarctions in the next sixty years. When all the analysis was done, only one factor According to the data about 65 percent of U.S. where it got interesting—and scary.
Think about that for a minute—over 40 percent of remained standing as a “significant predictor for new adults over forty-five are pre-diabetic or diabetic— On closer examination, a third of the “non-diabet-
heart attacks could be prevented just by reversing or cardiovascular events”—insulin. The authors concluded and many suspect that’s an understatement. After ics” in EUROASPIRE were anything but. They were
preventing insulin resistance! that high levels of insulin were by far the most impor- all, those conclusions are based on blood sugar actually full-blown diabetics, which when you think
Here’s another great example of careful research tant factor related to the occurrence of new cardio- readings, not direct measures of insulin, nor of about it is not all that surprising, because in the U.S.
that clearly exposed the central role of insulin resis- vascular disease. Insulin was a jaw-dropping 6.7x mul- insulin resistance. Unfortunately, high blood sugar is alone, about one third of full-blown diabetics are
tance in heart attacks. And it was research done for a tiplier of risk. By contrast, the association between a late sign of problems. The pancreas can be walking around undiagnosed and as of 2015, more
very practical reason. You see, in Columbia—as in LDL and a second heart attack was non-significant, so furiously producing a truckload of insulin in a gallant than 81 million adults in the U.S. had pre-diabetes.21
many parts of the world—heart attacks are the num- LDL was essentially a “zero multiplier” of risk. attempt to keep blood sugar “normal,” which it may We can be pretty sure that the percentage of
ber one cause of mortality and disability. So Now to be fair, there are studies that show a well be for a while, leading your conventional doc to those “non-diabetics” that were actually diabetic
Columbian researchers set out to discover what they slightly higher than zero correlation between LDL and say “everything’s fine.” would have been considerably higher if measure-
could do to prevent second heart attacks in their peo- second heart attacks, but even the most touted stud- But it isn’t. ments of insulin were available on the patient popula-
ple who had already had one attack, a question that ies don’t show much better than a 1.5x correlation. Like a volcano on an island that looks peaceful to tion. Even using the imperfect measurement of blood
probably has great relevance to more than a few peo- And in many cases, a “bad” cholesterol test may only a tourist, your metabolism has hidden signs of a sugar, we’re still left with the conclusion that practi-
ple reading this book. be a symptom of the real problem: insulin resistance. forthcoming eruption, and in the case of heart dis- cally three quarters of heart disease patients studied
The researchers gathered up 295 Columbians One group of researchers reviewed seventy stud- ease, the most important “hidden” sign is insulin are actually, to some important degree, diabetic.
who had survived a first heart attack. The initial anal- ies that had accurately documented the insulin levels resistance. And it’s actually not hidden at all—you just Here’s a good time to make mention of what’s
ysis found that there were eleven factors (including of patients in the studies. The jaw-dropping results have to know how to look for it. called diabetes in situ—which basically means hidden
age, low income, lack of education, hypertension, and showed that out of 7seventy studies on patients with And often, as we said earlier, the overwhelming diabetes. Because that is exactly what these folks—
insulin over 10 IU/ml) that were initially associated chronic disease, sixty-seven of the studies showed importance of insulin resistance is hiding in plain and so many others reading this book—are walking
with new cardiovascular events. All of those would be that subjects in the “sick” categories had significantly sight. Take, for example, the famous EUROASPIRE around with.
considered “risk factors.” elevated levels of insulin compared to subjects in the study, which identified risk factors in patients with See, we’re all familiar with the metabolically
But then they did what all researchers do—look at “healthy” categories. As far as heart disease itself cardiovascular disease. All the patients in the study obese unhealthy person with the collection of risk
factors—including, of course, insulin resistance and
hyperinsulinemia. There’s nothing hidden about their
sage to your brain that you’re full. Processed carbs do
the opposite, and often create cravings for more.
Stop worrying so much about LDL cholesterol and start
health problems, whether diabetes, obesity, or heart Never was there a truer marketing saying than, looking at where you are on the insulin resistance scale.
disease. We’re sad when folks like this get heart dis- “Betcha can’t eat just one!”
ease, but we’re not really surprised. They’re over- And this isn’t just theoretical. Studies have dem- times more omega-6 than omega-3 and some Take those two numbers—fasting insulin and blood
weight, they have high blood pressure, they eat a bad onstrated that Paleo-type diets constructed from pro- researchers think that estimate is conservative. glucose—then go online and look for a HOMA-2 calcu-
diet, and they don’t exercise. We almost expect they tein and plenty of fibrous vegetables send satiety hor- Inflammation is a key—if not the key—factor in the lator, such as the Blood Code Insulin Resistance calcu-
will get heart disease at some point in their lives. mones sailing upward, while conventional “food pyra- development of heart disease. lator. HOMA stands for homeostatic model of insulin
But what we’re always surprised by is heart dis- mid” diets drive up the very hormones that raise insu- resistance. HOMA-2 is a very good surrogate for insu-
ease in a person of normal weight who seems to be 22
lin and fat storage. SO WHY AREN’T WE TALKING lin resistance and incredibly easy to obtain. Plug
doing everything right. He’s not overweight, he doesn’t And remember, it’s not just the food itself—it’s ABOUT THIS? those two numbers into the calculator, just as you
smoke, he’s not downing a dozen cans of sweetened how it’s processed. Brown rice and white rice produce Conventional medicine continues to focus on LDL plug your weight and height into an online body mass
sodas . . . but yet under the hood, he’s aging rapidly slightly different insulin response curves, neither of cholesterol—but the correlations between insulin index (BMI) calculator. If you have healthy insulin sen-
due, largely, to undiagnosed insulin resistance and the them great, but the brown rice is slightly better. Grind resistance and heart disease had been known since sitivity, your HOMA number will be between .5 and 1.4.
metabolic damage it leaves in its wake. them up and the difference disappears. The insulin the 1970s. What gives? If it’s more than 1.9, you have early insulin resistance.
response curve for both forms of rice goes through Well, for one thing, insulin resistance remains a Over 2.9 and it’s significant insulin resistance. In
How Does Insulin Resistance Happen the roof—the brown/white distinction goes away. 23
much more complicated thing to measure properly either case, it’s time to change your diet.
in a Person of Normal Weight? Processing matters! than LDL. When LDL measurement became accepted If you’d like something even more accurate, and
Let’s start with refined carbohydrates. Remember the as the gold standard of heart disease prevention, it your doctor is open-minded to the information in this
gut is the largest endocrine organ in your body—it’s LET’S ALL SWITCH TO was a very different time. And if there is one message book, consider the LP-IR test, available through
one of the immune system organs, like your skin, that VEGETABLE OIL! NOT. from this book that you take home with you it should LabCorp.26 This is the most accurate test currently
helps protect you from the outside world. This gut Coming up right behind refined carbs as a culprit in be this: Stop worrying so much about LDL cholesterol available and is actually based upon data from the
talks to practically everything in your body: your this insulin resistance syndrome mess is the entire and start looking at where you are on the insulin NMR particle test, which itself is a test we have long
brain, your pancreas, your liver, your fat tissue. That’s category of refined vegetable oils, or more properly, resistance scale. And if your doctor balks at ordering recommended as the gold standard for cholesterol
what Dr. Barry Sears means when he says, “food is refined seed oils (e.g., corn, soybean, sunflower, an insulin resistance test, you have options. testing. The LP-IR (the IR stands for insulin resis-
information.” rapeseed, safflower, and other highly processed tance) test takes the data from the NMR particle test,
Carbs—most especially processed carbs—drive up petrochemical-extracted oils). These oils are all very How to Test for Insulin Resistance adds extremely sensitive inflammatory marker tests
insulin. And anything filled with refined carbs doesn’t high in omega-6 fats, which, while necessary for The easiest option is to get yourself a fasting insulin like GlycA—an excellent measure of systemic inflam-
provide that feeling of fullness that comes with the human health, are very much pro-inflammatory. test. These tests are now available online for as little mation—and uses a sophisticated and validated algo-
release of satiety hormones. That’s precisely why it’s For optimal health, they need to be consumed in as $28 and they don’t always require an outside rithm to calculate an IR score.
so easy to eat six bowls of sugared cereal while balance with their anti-inflammatory relatives, the doctor’s prescription. Once you have your fasting
you’re watching reruns of Seinfeld, and why it’s omega-3 fats. insulin level, go to any recent blood test you’ve had Critically Important: Your Triglyceride
almost impossible to eat six servings of buttered But nothing of the sort is happening in the with your doctor, and note the number next to to HDL Ratio
broccoli and steak. Broccoli and steak get the mes- Western diet. We currently consume about sixteen “fasting glucose” (blood sugar). There are two numbers already available on just
factors—including, of course, insulin resistance and
hyperinsulinemia. There’s nothing hidden about their
sage to your brain that you’re full. Processed carbs do
the opposite, and often create cravings for more.
Stop worrying so much about LDL cholesterol and start
health problems, whether diabetes, obesity, or heart Never was there a truer marketing saying than, looking at where you are on the insulin resistance scale.
disease. We’re sad when folks like this get heart dis- “Betcha can’t eat just one!”
ease, but we’re not really surprised. They’re over- And this isn’t just theoretical. Studies have dem- times more omega-6 than omega-3 and some Take those two numbers—fasting insulin and blood
weight, they have high blood pressure, they eat a bad onstrated that Paleo-type diets constructed from pro- researchers think that estimate is conservative. glucose—then go online and look for a HOMA-2 calcu-
diet, and they don’t exercise. We almost expect they tein and plenty of fibrous vegetables send satiety hor- Inflammation is a key—if not the key—factor in the lator, such as the Blood Code Insulin Resistance calcu-
will get heart disease at some point in their lives. mones sailing upward, while conventional “food pyra- development of heart disease. lator. HOMA stands for homeostatic model of insulin
But what we’re always surprised by is heart dis- mid” diets drive up the very hormones that raise insu- resistance. HOMA-2 is a very good surrogate for insu-
ease in a person of normal weight who seems to be 22
lin and fat storage. SO WHY AREN’T WE TALKING lin resistance and incredibly easy to obtain. Plug
doing everything right. He’s not overweight, he doesn’t And remember, it’s not just the food itself—it’s ABOUT THIS? those two numbers into the calculator, just as you
smoke, he’s not downing a dozen cans of sweetened how it’s processed. Brown rice and white rice produce Conventional medicine continues to focus on LDL plug your weight and height into an online body mass
sodas . . . but yet under the hood, he’s aging rapidly slightly different insulin response curves, neither of cholesterol—but the correlations between insulin index (BMI) calculator. If you have healthy insulin sen-
due, largely, to undiagnosed insulin resistance and the them great, but the brown rice is slightly better. Grind resistance and heart disease had been known since sitivity, your HOMA number will be between .5 and 1.4.
metabolic damage it leaves in its wake. them up and the difference disappears. The insulin the 1970s. What gives? If it’s more than 1.9, you have early insulin resistance.
response curve for both forms of rice goes through Well, for one thing, insulin resistance remains a Over 2.9 and it’s significant insulin resistance. In
How Does Insulin Resistance Happen the roof—the brown/white distinction goes away. 23
much more complicated thing to measure properly either case, it’s time to change your diet.
in a Person of Normal Weight? Processing matters! than LDL. When LDL measurement became accepted If you’d like something even more accurate, and
Let’s start with refined carbohydrates. Remember the as the gold standard of heart disease prevention, it your doctor is open-minded to the information in this
gut is the largest endocrine organ in your body—it’s LET’S ALL SWITCH TO was a very different time. And if there is one message book, consider the LP-IR test, available through
one of the immune system organs, like your skin, that VEGETABLE OIL! NOT. from this book that you take home with you it should LabCorp.26 This is the most accurate test currently
helps protect you from the outside world. This gut Coming up right behind refined carbs as a culprit in be this: Stop worrying so much about LDL cholesterol available and is actually based upon data from the
talks to practically everything in your body: your this insulin resistance syndrome mess is the entire and start looking at where you are on the insulin NMR particle test, which itself is a test we have long
brain, your pancreas, your liver, your fat tissue. That’s category of refined vegetable oils, or more properly, resistance scale. And if your doctor balks at ordering recommended as the gold standard for cholesterol
what Dr. Barry Sears means when he says, “food is refined seed oils (e.g., corn, soybean, sunflower, an insulin resistance test, you have options. testing. The LP-IR (the IR stands for insulin resis-
information.” rapeseed, safflower, and other highly processed tance) test takes the data from the NMR particle test,
Carbs—most especially processed carbs—drive up petrochemical-extracted oils). These oils are all very How to Test for Insulin Resistance adds extremely sensitive inflammatory marker tests
insulin. And anything filled with refined carbs doesn’t high in omega-6 fats, which, while necessary for The easiest option is to get yourself a fasting insulin like GlycA—an excellent measure of systemic inflam-
provide that feeling of fullness that comes with the human health, are very much pro-inflammatory. test. These tests are now available online for as little mation—and uses a sophisticated and validated algo-
release of satiety hormones. That’s precisely why it’s For optimal health, they need to be consumed in as $28 and they don’t always require an outside rithm to calculate an IR score.
so easy to eat six bowls of sugared cereal while balance with their anti-inflammatory relatives, the doctor’s prescription. Once you have your fasting
you’re watching reruns of Seinfeld, and why it’s omega-3 fats. insulin level, go to any recent blood test you’ve had Critically Important: Your Triglyceride
almost impossible to eat six servings of buttered But nothing of the sort is happening in the with your doctor, and note the number next to to HDL Ratio
broccoli and steak. Broccoli and steak get the mes- Western diet. We currently consume about sixteen “fasting glucose” (blood sugar). There are two numbers already available on just
about any blood test you’ve ever taken that can tell ratio will be less than 1.0!)
you a lot about your risk for both insulin resistance We can’t overemphasize how important the tri-
and heart disease: your triglycerides and your HDL. glyceride to HDL ratio is.
(Interestingly, these are the same two numbers that It’s a good surrogate for an insulin resistance
both Kraft and Reaven identified as red flags for test. If your ratio is more than 2, pay attention, and if
cardiometabolic problems.) In the vast majority of it’s over 5 change your diet immediately.
cases, your triglycerides will be the larger number of It’s hard to improve your ratio by raising your
the two. Divide your triglycerides by your HDL and HDL since changing your HDL levels isn’t easy.,
the result is your triglycerides to HDL ratio. The ideal Lowering your triglycerides, however, is the easiest
ratio—the one associated with the least risk for heart thing in the world to do, and will have the same effect
disease—is two or under. on your ratio as bringing your HDL up. How do you
Both of us cut our teeth in the era when something known as “functional
Let’s say, for example, that your triglycerides are lower triglycerides? Simple. With a low-carb diet.
medicine” was just beginning to gain traction among integrative medicine
100 and your HDL is 50. You take 100 and divide by Triglycerides drop like a rock 99 percent of the time
practitioners. (It is now a fully recognized way of practicing medicine,
50 giving you a ratio of 2, which is excellent. (If you on a low-carb diet, such as the higher-fat version of
complete with its own conferences and certifications.) Functional medicine
are an outlier, and your HDL is higher than your tri- the Mediterranean diet we talk about in chapter 10.
approaches the body as a working group of components in which every
glycerides, you’re in even better shape because your
part influences the performance of the whole. It is essentially “root cause
medicine.” Functional medicine practitioners understand that what affects
the heart affects the brain (and vice versa), what affects the adrenals
WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW affects the thyroid (ditto), and what affects the gut affects . . . well, just
about everything. The motto of functional medicine might as well be
• Insulin resistance—pre-diabetes—is one of the strongest and most consistent predictors of
“it’s all connected.”
heart disease.
• Insulin resistance happens when the body is no longer able to effectively manage your
intake of sugar and starch.
• Studies going back to the 1970s show clearly that insulin resistance substantially increases
the risk for many degenerative diseases and is an early warning sign for heart disease.
• You can have insulin resistance as much as a decade before the other, more “conventional”
signs of heart disease show up, making it all the more important to test for insulin
• Preventing, reversing, or treating insulin resistance may be one of the most effective ways
yet discovered to prevent heart disease.
both Kraft and Reaven identified as red flags for test. If your ratio is more than 2, pay attention, and if
cardiometabolic problems.) In the vast majority of it’s over 5 change your diet immediately.
cases, your triglycerides will be the larger number of It’s hard to improve your ratio by raising your
the two. Divide your triglycerides by your HDL and HDL since changing your HDL levels isn’t easy.,
the result is your triglycerides to HDL ratio. The ideal Lowering your triglycerides, however, is the easiest
ratio—the one associated with the least risk for heart thing in the world to do, and will have the same effect
disease—is two or under. on your ratio as bringing your HDL up. How do you
Both of us cut our teeth in the era when something known as “functional
Let’s say, for example, that your triglycerides are lower triglycerides? Simple. With a low-carb diet.
medicine” was just beginning to gain traction among integrative medicine
100 and your HDL is 50. You take 100 and divide by Triglycerides drop like a rock 99 percent of the time
practitioners. (It is now a fully recognized way of practicing medicine,
50 giving you a ratio of 2, which is excellent. (If you on a low-carb diet, such as the higher-fat version of
complete with its own conferences and certifications.) Functional medicine
are an outlier, and your HDL is higher than your tri- the Mediterranean diet we talk about in chapter 10.
approaches the body as a working group of components in which every
glycerides, you’re in even better shape because your
part influences the performance of the whole. It is essentially “root cause
medicine.” Functional medicine practitioners understand that what affects
the heart affects the brain (and vice versa), what affects the adrenals
WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW affects the thyroid (ditto), and what affects the gut affects . . . well, just
about everything. The motto of functional medicine might as well be
• Insulin resistance—pre-diabetes—is one of the strongest and most consistent predictors of
“it’s all connected.”
heart disease.
• Insulin resistance happens when the body is no longer able to effectively manage your
intake of sugar and starch.
• Studies going back to the 1970s show clearly that insulin resistance substantially increases
the risk for many degenerative diseases and is an early warning sign for heart disease.
• You can have insulin resistance as much as a decade before the other, more “conventional”
signs of heart disease show up, making it all the more important to test for insulin
• Preventing, reversing, or treating insulin resistance may be one of the most effective ways
yet discovered to prevent heart disease.
Sardinia is a perfect example. Not only is it in benefits to the meat-supplemented diet when com- suggest that no more than 25 percent of your Internal Medicine demonstrated that women who ate
Italy—the virtual birthplace of the concept of pared to the “traditional” Mediterranean diet. calories should come from added sugars, but we think the highest amount of carbohydrates had a
“Mediterranean Diet”—but it’s also one of the “Blue The point, we feel, is not to be slavish to a diet, that’s a ridiculously high amount. (The American significantly greater risk of coronary heart disease
Zones,” those five areas around the world that have but rather to be conscious about what foods you eat Heart Association recommends no more than 5 than those who ate the lowest amount, and that
the greatest number of healthy centenarians and are in general. Which is what this section is about. percent.) Research by Kimber Stanhope, Ph.D., at the carbohydrates from high-glycemic carbs were
constantly touted as having the healthiest lifestyles University of California, Davis, has shown that when particularly associated with significantly greater risk
on the planet. So Sardinia is kind of the poster-child BEYOND DIET—WAY BEYOND people consume 25 percent of their calories from for heart disease.7 (This association was not
example of a country with a much-envied diet. And But food is not the only thing experts mean when fructose or high-fructose corn syrup, several factors confirmed for men in this particular study, but we
that diet is hardly meat-free. they say “Mediterranean Diet.” With that diet— associated with an increased risk for heart disease— suspect that future studies will discover that it’s true
On the “Sardinia Unlimited” website, the third however ill-defined it is—goes an entire lifestyle that including triglycerides and a nasty little substance for both sexes.)
most popular traditional Sardinian dish is roast suck- is, frankly, quite different than ours, in ways it would called apolipoprotein-B—escalate. There’s no two ways about it—high-glycemic car-
ling pig. And a look at the Italian cookbooks of famed benefit us to understand. Remember, it’s the fructose in sugar that’s the bohydrates are inflammatory. As researchers from
food writer Elizabeth David or at the menu of any Men share their emotional lives much more freely problem. High-fructose corn syrup is 55 percent fruc- Harvard Medical School and the Harvard School of
fine Sardinian restaurant will reveal—along with the there than they do here. There is much activity in the tose, and regular sugar is 50 percent fructose, so for Public Health noted, quickly digested and absorbed
vegetables—plenty of bacon, pork, chops, veal, and public square. People take naps. They have their big all intents and purposes, they have the same bad carbs (i.e., those with a high glycemic load) are asso-
ribs. So rather than echoing the standard fare about meal during the day. They spend time in the sun. If effect on your heart and your health. ciated with an increased risk of heart disease.8
following the ill-defined “Mediterranean Diet” we’d we should be talking about anything Mediterranean, it Fast Action Plan: Cut out soda. Soda is probably Full disclosure: We don’t much buy into the argu-
rather talk about the best things in the Mediterranean should be the Mediterranean Lifestyle—at least as the worst offender in this category, but not by much. ment that “whole grains” eliminate all the problems
pattern of eating and about the best things in the much as the food itself. Fruit juices are loaded with sugar and only marginally associated with processed carbs, and here’s why:
Mediterranean pattern of living. But now it’s time to focus on food. The rest of better than soda. “Energy drinks” aren’t any better. Number one, most commercial products that are
Great foods that are part of a “Mediterranean this section is divided into two parts—what to eat and Most are loaded with sugar, and the sugar-free ver- made with whole grains don’t contain all that much of
Diet”—such as walnuts and olive oil and fish—can be what not to eat for optimal heart health. Fortunately, sions are loaded with chemicals. Many processed them. Number two, whole grains raise blood sugar
beneficial to anyone, following any eating plan. Many the list of what not to eat is fairly short, so let’s get carbs (see below) are also full of sugar, and virtually almost as much as processed grains do. Number
of the things we like about the Mediterranean diet that one out of the way first. We call it the “Dump It!” all cakes, candies, pastries, doughnuts, and other three, whole grains still contain gluten, which can be
can actually be compatible with any number of list and provide you with specific “fast action plans” sources of empty calories are also sugar very inflammatory for people who are gluten-sensi-
healthy diets. (You could even do a keto diet using to help you remove these nutritionally empty, heart- heavyweights. tive. That said, real whole-grain products (Ezekiel 4:9
primarily extra-virgin olive oil as your fat, or a low- unfriendly foods from your diet. The second part of breads, for example) are way better than their pro-
carb diet using traditional Mediterranean foods with- this section is called “Eat This!” and reveals some of Dump It: Processed Carbohydrates cessed counterparts. But be a careful consumer—just
out the grains. And even keto diets can incorporate the healthiest foods on the planet. Processed carbs include almost any carbohydrate because a label says “wheat” instead of “white,” don’t
nuts and green vegetables!) food that comes in a package: cereals, pasta, bread, assume it’s good for you.
Researchers writing in the American Journal of Dump It: Sugar minute rice, you name it. These foods are almost Fast Action Plan: Reduce (or eliminate) con-
Clinical Nutrition recently tested a “Mediterranean- As we’ve said throughout this book (see chapter 6), always high-glycemic, meaning they quickly and sumption of processed carbohydrates. At the same
type” diet supplemented with unprocessed red meat sugar is a far worse threat to your heart than fat ever dramatically raise your blood sugar, which is exactly time, increase non-processed carbohydrates such as
on overweight or obese adults. They found significant was. The 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans what you do not want. A study in the Archives of vegetables and low-sugar fruits. Replace your bagel
CORNFLAKES A GREAT BREAKFAST? THINK AGAIN! statistically significant positive association between dietary glycemic load and [blood levels of]
If any of you out there still think cornflakes are a great, wholesome breakfast, read on. A CRP.”10 And that’s putting it mildly.
landmark research study conducted by Michael Shechter, M.D., of Tel Aviv University’s Sackler Women whose diets were highest in glycemic load had almost twice the amount of CRP in
School of Medicine and the Heart Institute of Sheba Medical Center, with collaboration from their blood as women whose diets were lowest in glycemic load (3.7 for high-glycemic load
the Endocrinology Institute, shows exactly how high-carbohydrate foods increase the risk for ladies, 1.9 for low-glycemic load ladies). The difference in inflammation levels was even more
heart problems. 9 pronounced for overweight women. Among women with a body mass index (BMI) greater than
Researchers looked at four groups of volunteers who were given different breakfasts. The 25, those whose diets were lowest in glycemic load, had an average CRP reading of 1.6, but
first group was given a cornflake mush mixed with milk, not unlike the typical American those whose diets were highest in glycemic load had a CRP reading more than three times
breakfast. The second group was given a pure sugar mixture. The third group was given bran that amount (average measurement: 5.0 mg/L).11
flakes. And the fourth group was given a placebo (water).
Over four weeks, Shechter applied a test that allows researchers to visualize how the
arteries are functioning. It’s called brachial reactive testing, and it uses a cuff on the arm
and orange juice with some eggs, veggies, and a slice cups, virtually all packaged baked goods (e.g.,
(similar to those used for measuring blood pressure) that can visualize arterial function in
of avocado. Have berries for dessert. When eating Twinkies, chips, and crackers), doughnuts, many
real time.
out, say “no” to the breadbasket. breakfast cereals, “energy” bars, cookies, and defi-
The results were dramatic. Before any of the patients ate, their arterial function was
nitely fast food. (Just for example, a medium order of
basically the same. After eating, all had reduced functioning except for the patients in the
Dump It: Trans Fats fries contains an incredible 14.5 g of trans fat, and a
water-drinking placebo group. Enormous peaks indicating arterial stress were found in the high
According to findings presented at the annual Kentucky Fried Chicken Original Recipe chicken dinner
GI groups: the cornflakes and sugar groups.
meeting of the American Heart Association in 2006, has 7 g. The ideal intake for humans is 0 g.)
“We knew high glycemic foods were bad for the heart. Now we have a mechanism that
women who ate the most trans fats were more than Worth knowing: There is one exception to the
shows how,” Shechter wrote. “Foods like cornflakes, white bread, French fries, and sweetened
three times as likely to develop heart disease as don’t-eat-trans-fats rule, and that’s something called
soda all put undue stress on our arteries. We’ve explained for the first time how high-glycemic 12
women who ate the least. Harvard researcher conjugated linoleic acid, or CLA. CLA is a trans fat
carbs can affect the progression of heart disease.” During the consumption of foods high in
Charlene Hu examined data from the long-running that’s not man-made; rather, it’s made naturally in the
sugar, there appears to be a temporary and sudden dysfunction in the endothelial walls of the
Nurses’ Health Study, which has followed 120,000 bodies of ruminants (cows). Factory-farmed meat
arteries. Endothelial health can be traced back to almost every disorder and disease in the
female nurses for more than thirty years. His research doesn’t have any, but grass-fed meat—and products
body. According to Shechter, it is the “riskiest of the risk factors.”
shows that for each 2 percent increase in trans fat that come from pasture-raised animals—do. CLA has
Shechter recommended sticking to foods such as oatmeal, fruits and vegetables, and
calories consumed, the risk for coronary heart both anticancer and antiobesity properties. CLA is
legumes and nuts, which all have a low glycemic index. Exercising every day for at least thirty 13
disease roughly doubles! Trans fats raise LDL good for you, unlike man-made trans fats —which are
minutes, he added, is an extra heart-smart action to take.
cholesterol levels, which doesn’t mean very much by definitely not good for you.
These same researchers examined the diets of 244 apparently healthy women to evaluate
itself, but at high intakes they also reduce HDL levels, Fast Action Plan: Stop eating fast food. On all
the association between glycemic load and blood levels of CRP (C-reactive protein, the 14
which definitely isn’t good. packaged foods from the supermarket, check the
systemic measure of inflammation discussed earlier in this chapter). They found “a strong and
The worst offenders include nondairy “creamers,” ingredients list for “partially hydrogenated” oils. If
most margarines, cake mixes, ramen noodles, soup you see it in the ingredients list, don’t eat it. Look in
CORNFLAKES A GREAT BREAKFAST? THINK AGAIN! statistically significant positive association between dietary glycemic load and [blood levels of]
If any of you out there still think cornflakes are a great, wholesome breakfast, read on. A CRP.”10 And that’s putting it mildly.
landmark research study conducted by Michael Shechter, M.D., of Tel Aviv University’s Sackler Women whose diets were highest in glycemic load had almost twice the amount of CRP in
School of Medicine and the Heart Institute of Sheba Medical Center, with collaboration from their blood as women whose diets were lowest in glycemic load (3.7 for high-glycemic load
the Endocrinology Institute, shows exactly how high-carbohydrate foods increase the risk for ladies, 1.9 for low-glycemic load ladies). The difference in inflammation levels was even more
heart problems. 9 pronounced for overweight women. Among women with a body mass index (BMI) greater than
Researchers looked at four groups of volunteers who were given different breakfasts. The 25, those whose diets were lowest in glycemic load, had an average CRP reading of 1.6, but
first group was given a cornflake mush mixed with milk, not unlike the typical American those whose diets were highest in glycemic load had a CRP reading more than three times
breakfast. The second group was given a pure sugar mixture. The third group was given bran that amount (average measurement: 5.0 mg/L).11
flakes. And the fourth group was given a placebo (water).
Over four weeks, Shechter applied a test that allows researchers to visualize how the
arteries are functioning. It’s called brachial reactive testing, and it uses a cuff on the arm
and orange juice with some eggs, veggies, and a slice cups, virtually all packaged baked goods (e.g.,
(similar to those used for measuring blood pressure) that can visualize arterial function in
of avocado. Have berries for dessert. When eating Twinkies, chips, and crackers), doughnuts, many
real time.
out, say “no” to the breadbasket. breakfast cereals, “energy” bars, cookies, and defi-
The results were dramatic. Before any of the patients ate, their arterial function was
nitely fast food. (Just for example, a medium order of
basically the same. After eating, all had reduced functioning except for the patients in the
Dump It: Trans Fats fries contains an incredible 14.5 g of trans fat, and a
water-drinking placebo group. Enormous peaks indicating arterial stress were found in the high
According to findings presented at the annual Kentucky Fried Chicken Original Recipe chicken dinner
GI groups: the cornflakes and sugar groups.
meeting of the American Heart Association in 2006, has 7 g. The ideal intake for humans is 0 g.)
“We knew high glycemic foods were bad for the heart. Now we have a mechanism that
women who ate the most trans fats were more than Worth knowing: There is one exception to the
shows how,” Shechter wrote. “Foods like cornflakes, white bread, French fries, and sweetened
three times as likely to develop heart disease as don’t-eat-trans-fats rule, and that’s something called
soda all put undue stress on our arteries. We’ve explained for the first time how high-glycemic 12
women who ate the least. Harvard researcher conjugated linoleic acid, or CLA. CLA is a trans fat
carbs can affect the progression of heart disease.” During the consumption of foods high in
Charlene Hu examined data from the long-running that’s not man-made; rather, it’s made naturally in the
sugar, there appears to be a temporary and sudden dysfunction in the endothelial walls of the
Nurses’ Health Study, which has followed 120,000 bodies of ruminants (cows). Factory-farmed meat
arteries. Endothelial health can be traced back to almost every disorder and disease in the
female nurses for more than thirty years. His research doesn’t have any, but grass-fed meat—and products
body. According to Shechter, it is the “riskiest of the risk factors.”
shows that for each 2 percent increase in trans fat that come from pasture-raised animals—do. CLA has
Shechter recommended sticking to foods such as oatmeal, fruits and vegetables, and
calories consumed, the risk for coronary heart both anticancer and antiobesity properties. CLA is
legumes and nuts, which all have a low glycemic index. Exercising every day for at least thirty 13
disease roughly doubles! Trans fats raise LDL good for you, unlike man-made trans fats —which are
minutes, he added, is an extra heart-smart action to take.
cholesterol levels, which doesn’t mean very much by definitely not good for you.
These same researchers examined the diets of 244 apparently healthy women to evaluate
itself, but at high intakes they also reduce HDL levels, Fast Action Plan: Stop eating fast food. On all
the association between glycemic load and blood levels of CRP (C-reactive protein, the 14
which definitely isn’t good. packaged foods from the supermarket, check the
systemic measure of inflammation discussed earlier in this chapter). They found “a strong and
The worst offenders include nondairy “creamers,” ingredients list for “partially hydrogenated” oils. If
most margarines, cake mixes, ramen noodles, soup you see it in the ingredients list, don’t eat it. Look in
Although the study didn’t identify which specific higher than 4:1, and many believe the ideal ratio is 1:1.
ingredients in processed meat could be responsible In the average Westernized diet, the ratio is anywhere
for the association, many health professionals believe between 15:1 and 25:1, which creates a highly inflam-
When the government mandated that trans fats be listed on the nutrition facts label of food,
that the high levels of sodium and nitrates might be matory state in the body. Because heart disease is
big food lobbyists sprang into action. They somehow created a loophole that lets
responsible. “When we looked at average nutrients in primarily a disease of inflammation, such a state
manufacturers use trans fats while legally claiming “no trans fats!” on their packaging.
unprocessed red and processed meats eaten in the should be avoided as much as humanly possible.
Here’s how:
United States, we found that they contained similar And by the way, it’s not just the oils you use for
Manufacturers can claim “no trans fats” as long as there is less than half a gram of the
average amounts of saturated fat and cholesterol. In cooking that tip the scales into inflammation land.
stuff per serving. Sounds reasonable, until you remember how clever and ruthless Big Food
contrast, processed meats contained, on average, four Omega-6 fats are everywhere in the food supply—you
can be. By making “serving sizes” ridiculously small, and by keeping trans fats to just under
times more sodium and 50 percent more nitrate pre- can’t swing a rope without hitting a food product
half a gram per “serving,” they were able to technically comply with the rules. But the end
servatives,” said Renata Micha, a research fellow in loaded with omega-6s. Nearly all processed foods
result is that if each artificially small “serving” contains, say 0.4 g of trans fats, you could
the department of epidemiology at the Harvard contain them. They’re used almost exclusively in res-
quite easily consume a gram or two of the stuff just by eating what most people would
School of Public Health and lead author of the study. taurants, for frying, sautéing, and baking, so virtually
consider a “normal” serving size. Do that a few times a day and before you know it you’ve
“This suggests that differences in salt and preserva- anything you order from the menu has got a ton of
raised your heart disease risk by quite a few percentage points.
tives, rather than fats, might explain the higher risk of omega-6 fats.
What to do? Simple. Ignore the “no trans fats!” legend on the front of the package and read
heart disease and diabetes seen with processed So choose your omega-6 fats carefully and use
the ingredients list instead. No matter what the label says, if the list of ingredients contains 16
meats, but not with unprocessed red meats.” them sparingly. (The best choices are cold-pressed,
partially hydrogenated oil or hydrogenated oil, the product has trans fats. Period. (Typically,
Fast Action Plan: Cut out processed (e.g., deli) unrefined oils—sesame oil is a particularly good
you’ll see partially hydrogenated soybean oil in the ingredients list, but it could be any type of
meats. choice.) Use highly processed supermarket oils (such
oil at all. What you’re looking for are the keywords hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated.)
as corn oil) infrequently or not at all. When you
Dump It: Excessive Omega-6 Fats sauté food, try substituting monounsaturated fats
Vegetable oils (corn, canola, and soybean) are mostly such as olive oil and macadamia nut oil for high
particular at margarines, cookies, cakes, pastries, (Previous studies had rarely separated processed made up of pro-inflammatory omega-6 fats, and you omega-6 oils such as canola or soybean. And, above
doughnuts, and, as mentioned, fast food. meat from unprocessed meat when investigating the should reduce (not necessarily eliminate) your all, increase your intake of omega-3 fats to help bal-
relationship between disease and meat eating.) The consumption of them while increasing your ance your intake of omega-6s (see the “Eat This!”
Dump It: Processed Meats researchers analyzed twenty studies that included a consumption of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats. section on page 150).
Processed meats contribute to both inflammation in total of 1,218,380 people from ten countries on four This is the one recommendation that comes with Fast Action Plan: Never use generic processed
general and heart disease specifically. Harvard continents (North America, Europe, Asia, and an asterisk. Omega-6 fats, the ones that are most oils such as Wesson or Crisco. Cut down on corn oil,
researchers investigated the effect of eating Australia). They found that each 1.8-ounce daily prevalent in vegetable oils, are not in and of them- safflower oil, soybean oil, and canola oil (see Dr.
processed meat versus unprocessed meat. Processed serving of processed meat (about one hot dog or a selves “bad.” But they are pro-inflammatory, and they Sinatra’s personal story on canola oil in chapter 7).
meat was defined as any meat preserved by curing, couple slices of deli meat) was associated with a 42 need to be balanced by an equal (or near-equal) Whenever possible, use olive oil, sesame oil, or maca-
salting, smoking, or with the addition of chemical percent higher risk of developing heart disease. (In intake of anti-inflammatory omega-3s. (You can damia oil. And pay attention to the “Eat This!” section
preservatives, such as those found in salami, contrast, no relationship was found between heart review this information in chapter 7.) The optimal in this chapter on omega-3s.
sausages, hot dogs, luncheon meats, and bacon. disease and nonprocessed red meat.) ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 in the human diet is no
Although the study didn’t identify which specific higher than 4:1, and many believe the ideal ratio is 1:1.
ingredients in processed meat could be responsible In the average Westernized diet, the ratio is anywhere
for the association, many health professionals believe between 15:1 and 25:1, which creates a highly inflam-
When the government mandated that trans fats be listed on the nutrition facts label of food,
that the high levels of sodium and nitrates might be matory state in the body. Because heart disease is
big food lobbyists sprang into action. They somehow created a loophole that lets
responsible. “When we looked at average nutrients in primarily a disease of inflammation, such a state
manufacturers use trans fats while legally claiming “no trans fats!” on their packaging.
unprocessed red and processed meats eaten in the should be avoided as much as humanly possible.
Here’s how:
United States, we found that they contained similar And by the way, it’s not just the oils you use for
Manufacturers can claim “no trans fats” as long as there is less than half a gram of the
average amounts of saturated fat and cholesterol. In cooking that tip the scales into inflammation land.
stuff per serving. Sounds reasonable, until you remember how clever and ruthless Big Food
contrast, processed meats contained, on average, four Omega-6 fats are everywhere in the food supply—you
can be. By making “serving sizes” ridiculously small, and by keeping trans fats to just under
times more sodium and 50 percent more nitrate pre- can’t swing a rope without hitting a food product
half a gram per “serving,” they were able to technically comply with the rules. But the end
servatives,” said Renata Micha, a research fellow in loaded with omega-6s. Nearly all processed foods
result is that if each artificially small “serving” contains, say 0.4 g of trans fats, you could
the department of epidemiology at the Harvard contain them. They’re used almost exclusively in res-
quite easily consume a gram or two of the stuff just by eating what most people would
School of Public Health and lead author of the study. taurants, for frying, sautéing, and baking, so virtually
consider a “normal” serving size. Do that a few times a day and before you know it you’ve
“This suggests that differences in salt and preserva- anything you order from the menu has got a ton of
raised your heart disease risk by quite a few percentage points.
tives, rather than fats, might explain the higher risk of omega-6 fats.
What to do? Simple. Ignore the “no trans fats!” legend on the front of the package and read
heart disease and diabetes seen with processed So choose your omega-6 fats carefully and use
the ingredients list instead. No matter what the label says, if the list of ingredients contains 16
meats, but not with unprocessed red meats.” them sparingly. (The best choices are cold-pressed,
partially hydrogenated oil or hydrogenated oil, the product has trans fats. Period. (Typically,
Fast Action Plan: Cut out processed (e.g., deli) unrefined oils—sesame oil is a particularly good
you’ll see partially hydrogenated soybean oil in the ingredients list, but it could be any type of
meats. choice.) Use highly processed supermarket oils (such
oil at all. What you’re looking for are the keywords hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated.)
as corn oil) infrequently or not at all. When you
Dump It: Excessive Omega-6 Fats sauté food, try substituting monounsaturated fats
Vegetable oils (corn, canola, and soybean) are mostly such as olive oil and macadamia nut oil for high
particular at margarines, cookies, cakes, pastries, (Previous studies had rarely separated processed made up of pro-inflammatory omega-6 fats, and you omega-6 oils such as canola or soybean. And, above
doughnuts, and, as mentioned, fast food. meat from unprocessed meat when investigating the should reduce (not necessarily eliminate) your all, increase your intake of omega-3 fats to help bal-
relationship between disease and meat eating.) The consumption of them while increasing your ance your intake of omega-6s (see the “Eat This!”
Dump It: Processed Meats researchers analyzed twenty studies that included a consumption of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats. section on page 150).
Processed meats contribute to both inflammation in total of 1,218,380 people from ten countries on four This is the one recommendation that comes with Fast Action Plan: Never use generic processed
general and heart disease specifically. Harvard continents (North America, Europe, Asia, and an asterisk. Omega-6 fats, the ones that are most oils such as Wesson or Crisco. Cut down on corn oil,
researchers investigated the effect of eating Australia). They found that each 1.8-ounce daily prevalent in vegetable oils, are not in and of them- safflower oil, soybean oil, and canola oil (see Dr.
processed meat versus unprocessed meat. Processed serving of processed meat (about one hot dog or a selves “bad.” But they are pro-inflammatory, and they Sinatra’s personal story on canola oil in chapter 7).
meat was defined as any meat preserved by curing, couple slices of deli meat) was associated with a 42 need to be balanced by an equal (or near-equal) Whenever possible, use olive oil, sesame oil, or maca-
salting, smoking, or with the addition of chemical percent higher risk of developing heart disease. (In intake of anti-inflammatory omega-3s. (You can damia oil. And pay attention to the “Eat This!” section
preservatives, such as those found in salami, contrast, no relationship was found between heart review this information in chapter 7.) The optimal in this chapter on omega-3s.
sausages, hot dogs, luncheon meats, and bacon. disease and nonprocessed red meat.) ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 in the human diet is no
THE “EAT THIS!” LIST able fishing and equally scrupulous about testing while leaving the non-inflammatory COX-1 alone. Eat This: Vegetables (and Some Fruit)
Both of us are frequently interviewed about the best their fish thoroughly for contaminants and metals. Unfortunately, there were some really unpleasant side No matter what kind of diet you’re on—from vegan to
foods for health. Virtually every reporter either of us They ship in dry ice, and they have the best fish we’ve effects associated with Vioxx, and it was taken off the Atkins—you can probably benefit from eating more
has ever spoken with winds up asking, “How much of ever tasted. market. But anthocyanins produce a similar effect vegetables than you already do. The entire vegetable
this food do you need to eat to get its benefits?” It’s Fast Action Plan: Eat wild salmon twice a week. with none of the problems of such drugs. Cherries kingdom is loaded with natural anti-inflammatories,
a reasonable question, but there’s almost never a (along with raspberries) have the highest yields of antioxidants, and other plant compounds, such as
perfect answer. We know of no study, for example, Eat This: Berries pure anthocyanins. In one study, the COX inhibitory flavonoids, that are good for your heart.
that has systematically tested the effects of eating All berries are loaded with natural anti-inflammatory activity of anthocyanins from cherries was compara- In two long-running Harvard-based research proj-
five portions of blueberries a week as opposed to properties and natural antioxidants. They’re also very ble to that of ibuprofen and naproxen. Researchers ects, the Nurses’ Health Study and the Health
three, or compared eating two portions of salmon per low in sugar. Blueberries contain a beneficial feel that in addition to helping with pain and inflam- Professionals Follow-up Study, the higher the average
week with eating it daily. Our recommendation is to compound called pterostilbene, which helps prevent mation, consuming anthocyanins on a regular basis daily consumption of vegetables and fruits, the lower
put these foods in heavy rotation in your diet, the deposit of plaque in the arteries and also helps may help lower heart attack and stroke risk. the chances of developing cardiovascular disease.
enjoying them as frequently as you like. prevent some of the damage caused by oxidized Fast Action Plan: Eat cherries two (or more) Compared with those in the lowest category of fruit
Here are the foods you want to include in your cholesterol. Raspberries and strawberries contain times a week. and vegetable intake (fewer than one and a half serv-
diet on a regular basis. another substance, ellagic acid, which offers similar ings daily), those averaging eight or more servings
protection against oxidized LDL. And all berries— Eat This: Grass-Fed Beef per day were a whopping 30 percent less likely to
Eat This: Wild Alaskan Salmon blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and others— We’re not anti-meat guys, but we are very much have had a heart attack or stroke.20
Salmon is one of the best sources of anti- contain anthocyanins, plant compounds that help against factory-farmed meat. The majority of the Although all vegetables and fruits probably con-
inflammatory omega-3s. But not all salmon is created lower inflammation (see “Cherries” below). meat we consume, unfortunately, is feedlot-raised tributed to this stunning effect, the researchers felt
equal. Wild Alaskan salmon is far superior to the Fast Action Plan: Eat berries three (or more) meat from factory farms. It’s loaded with antibiotics, that the most outstanding contributors were the
farm-raised variety. (According to independent lab times a week. steroids, and hormones; it’s very high in inflammatory green, leafy veggies (such as spinach and Swiss
tests by the Environmental Working Group, seven out omega-6 fats; and it contains virtually no anti- chard) and the cruciferous ones (broccoli, Brussels
of ten farmed salmon purchased at grocery stores Eat This: Cherries inflammatory omega-3s. sprouts, kale, cabbage, and cauliflower). (In the fruit
were contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls Cherries and cherry juice have long been known to be Grass-fed meat is a whole different “animal.” department, citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons,
[PCBs] at levels high enough to raise health effective against the pain of gout, and scientists (Okay, bad pun, sorry, we couldn’t resist.) Raised on limes, and grapefruit were particularly protective.21)
concerns.) Wild salmon is far cleaner, and it has the believe that the compounds in cherries responsible pasture, it contains less omega-6s plus a fair amount When researchers took the Harvard studies men-
added benefit of containing one of the most powerful for this are anthocyanins. Anthocyanins act like of omega-3s, resulting in a much better omega- tioned above and combined them with several other
antioxidants on the planet, astaxanthin. A 4-ounce natural COX-2 inhibitors. “COX” stands for 6:omega-3 ratio. Grass-fed meat is almost always long-term studies both in Europe and the United
serving also contains 462 mg of heart-healthy cyclooxygenase, which is produced in the body in two raised organically, and, in any case, it never has hor- States, they found a similar protective effect.
potassium, the same amount in a medium banana. forms called COX-1 and COX-2. COX-2 is used for mones, steroids, or antibiotics. If you eat meat, grass- Individuals who ate more than five servings a day of
Both of us have been buying our salmon from a signaling pain and inflammation. fed is the only way to go. vegetables and fruits had a roughly 20 percent lower
wonderful company called Vital Choice for many The popularity of arthritis drugs such as Vioxx Fast Action Plan: Eat only grass-fed meat when risk of coronary heart disease,22 and a similar reduc-
years. Vital Choice is run by third-generation Alaskan and Celebrex was based on their unique ability to you eat meat. tion in the risk of stroke.23
fishermen who are scrupulous about using sustain- block the pain and inflammation messages of COX-2
THE “EAT THIS!” LIST able fishing and equally scrupulous about testing while leaving the non-inflammatory COX-1 alone. Eat This: Vegetables (and Some Fruit)
Both of us are frequently interviewed about the best their fish thoroughly for contaminants and metals. Unfortunately, there were some really unpleasant side No matter what kind of diet you’re on—from vegan to
foods for health. Virtually every reporter either of us They ship in dry ice, and they have the best fish we’ve effects associated with Vioxx, and it was taken off the Atkins—you can probably benefit from eating more
has ever spoken with winds up asking, “How much of ever tasted. market. But anthocyanins produce a similar effect vegetables than you already do. The entire vegetable
this food do you need to eat to get its benefits?” It’s Fast Action Plan: Eat wild salmon twice a week. with none of the problems of such drugs. Cherries kingdom is loaded with natural anti-inflammatories,
a reasonable question, but there’s almost never a (along with raspberries) have the highest yields of antioxidants, and other plant compounds, such as
perfect answer. We know of no study, for example, Eat This: Berries pure anthocyanins. In one study, the COX inhibitory flavonoids, that are good for your heart.
that has systematically tested the effects of eating All berries are loaded with natural anti-inflammatory activity of anthocyanins from cherries was compara- In two long-running Harvard-based research proj-
five portions of blueberries a week as opposed to properties and natural antioxidants. They’re also very ble to that of ibuprofen and naproxen. Researchers ects, the Nurses’ Health Study and the Health
three, or compared eating two portions of salmon per low in sugar. Blueberries contain a beneficial feel that in addition to helping with pain and inflam- Professionals Follow-up Study, the higher the average
week with eating it daily. Our recommendation is to compound called pterostilbene, which helps prevent mation, consuming anthocyanins on a regular basis daily consumption of vegetables and fruits, the lower
put these foods in heavy rotation in your diet, the deposit of plaque in the arteries and also helps may help lower heart attack and stroke risk. the chances of developing cardiovascular disease.
enjoying them as frequently as you like. prevent some of the damage caused by oxidized Fast Action Plan: Eat cherries two (or more) Compared with those in the lowest category of fruit
Here are the foods you want to include in your cholesterol. Raspberries and strawberries contain times a week. and vegetable intake (fewer than one and a half serv-
diet on a regular basis. another substance, ellagic acid, which offers similar ings daily), those averaging eight or more servings
protection against oxidized LDL. And all berries— Eat This: Grass-Fed Beef per day were a whopping 30 percent less likely to
Eat This: Wild Alaskan Salmon blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and others— We’re not anti-meat guys, but we are very much have had a heart attack or stroke.20
Salmon is one of the best sources of anti- contain anthocyanins, plant compounds that help against factory-farmed meat. The majority of the Although all vegetables and fruits probably con-
inflammatory omega-3s. But not all salmon is created lower inflammation (see “Cherries” below). meat we consume, unfortunately, is feedlot-raised tributed to this stunning effect, the researchers felt
equal. Wild Alaskan salmon is far superior to the Fast Action Plan: Eat berries three (or more) meat from factory farms. It’s loaded with antibiotics, that the most outstanding contributors were the
farm-raised variety. (According to independent lab times a week. steroids, and hormones; it’s very high in inflammatory green, leafy veggies (such as spinach and Swiss
tests by the Environmental Working Group, seven out omega-6 fats; and it contains virtually no anti- chard) and the cruciferous ones (broccoli, Brussels
of ten farmed salmon purchased at grocery stores Eat This: Cherries inflammatory omega-3s. sprouts, kale, cabbage, and cauliflower). (In the fruit
were contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls Cherries and cherry juice have long been known to be Grass-fed meat is a whole different “animal.” department, citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons,
[PCBs] at levels high enough to raise health effective against the pain of gout, and scientists (Okay, bad pun, sorry, we couldn’t resist.) Raised on limes, and grapefruit were particularly protective.21)
concerns.) Wild salmon is far cleaner, and it has the believe that the compounds in cherries responsible pasture, it contains less omega-6s plus a fair amount When researchers took the Harvard studies men-
added benefit of containing one of the most powerful for this are anthocyanins. Anthocyanins act like of omega-3s, resulting in a much better omega- tioned above and combined them with several other
antioxidants on the planet, astaxanthin. A 4-ounce natural COX-2 inhibitors. “COX” stands for 6:omega-3 ratio. Grass-fed meat is almost always long-term studies both in Europe and the United
serving also contains 462 mg of heart-healthy cyclooxygenase, which is produced in the body in two raised organically, and, in any case, it never has hor- States, they found a similar protective effect.
potassium, the same amount in a medium banana. forms called COX-1 and COX-2. COX-2 is used for mones, steroids, or antibiotics. If you eat meat, grass- Individuals who ate more than five servings a day of
Both of us have been buying our salmon from a signaling pain and inflammation. fed is the only way to go. vegetables and fruits had a roughly 20 percent lower
wonderful company called Vital Choice for many The popularity of arthritis drugs such as Vioxx Fast Action Plan: Eat only grass-fed meat when risk of coronary heart disease,22 and a similar reduc-
years. Vital Choice is run by third-generation Alaskan and Celebrex was based on their unique ability to you eat meat. tion in the risk of stroke.23
fishermen who are scrupulous about using sustain- block the pain and inflammation messages of COX-2
Study (22,000 men) and the Adventist Health Study beans as having the highest antioxidant capacity per
(more than 40,000 people), have demonstrated a link serving size of any food tested. In fact, of the four
between nut eating and a reduction in heart disease. top-scoring foods, three were beans (red beans, red
In a fascinating and much-discussed article that appeared in the December 16, 2004, issue of
Just keep portions reasonable—an ounce or so a day kidney beans, and pinto beans). Many bean varieties
the British Medical Journal, researchers put forth an idea called the polymeal. They examined
is great. have a lot of folic acid (especially adzuki beans, len-
all of the research on foods and health to see whether they could put together the ideal meal
Fast Action Plan: Eat 1 ounce of nuts five times tils, black-eyed peas, and pinto beans). Folic acid is
(the polymeal) that, if you ate it every day, would significantly reduce your risk for
a week. one of the key players in bringing down the inflamma-
cardiovascular disease. They came up with a theoretical meal that, eaten daily, would reduce
tory compound homocysteine, itself a risk factor for
cardiovascular risk by a staggering 75 percent (there’s not a pill in the world that can do that!).
Eat This: Beans heart disease.
The ingredients of the polymeal? Wine, fish, almonds, garlic, fruits, vegetables, and dark
Fact number one: Fiber is good. (High-fiber diets have Fast Action Plan: Eat a serving of beans or len-
been associated with lower rates of a host of tils at least four times a week. (One serving is 1⁄2 cup
One of the many reasons for the protective effect of nuts may be an amino acid named
diseases, including heart disease.) Fact number two: to 1 cup cooked beans.)
arginine. Remember our earlier discussion about the endothelium (the inner lining of the
We don’t get enough of it. (Most health organizations
arterial walls)? Arginine has a role in protecting this inner lining, making the arterial walls
recommend a daily intake of 25 to 38 g daily; the Eat This: Dark Chocolate
more pliable and less susceptible to atherogenesis. Arginine is needed to make an important
average American gets 11 g.) Fact number three: Study after study is confirming that plant chemicals
molecule called nitric oxide, which helps relax constricted blood vessels and ease blood flow.25
Beans are a fiber heavyweight. Case closed. in cocoa-rich dark chocolate called flavanols can lower
Regarding heart disease, the big selling point of blood pressure and reduce inflammation. A 2011 study
beans used to be that they lowered cholesterol. in the British Medical Journal found that high levels
The reason we’re not as over-the-top enthusiastic heart attacks or die from heart disease than those That’s definitely true, but, as you’ve learned, it’s not of chocolate consumption are associated with a one-
about fruit is that despite its terrific benefits, it still who don’t. Five large studies—the Adventist Health nearly as important as whether they actually lower third reduction in the risk of developing heart disease.
contains sugar, which can be a problem for many Study, the Iowa Women’s Health Study, the Nurses’ heart disease. And they do. One study found that one The highest levels of chocolate consumption were
folks. For the large number of people whose blood Health Study, the Physicians’ Health Study, and the serving of beans on a daily basis lowered the risk of a associated with a 37 percent reduction in
sugar rises when they merely look at a candy bar, CARE Study—have all found a consistent 30 to 50 heart attack by an eyebrow-raising 38 percent! cardiovascular disease and a 29 percent reduction in
unlimited fruit is a bad idea. Low-sugar fruits (such as percent lower risk of heart attacks or heart disease Another study found that individuals eating beans stroke when compared to the lowest levels.31
apples, grapefruit, cherries, berries, and oranges) are associated with eating nuts several times a week.24 and legumes at least four times a week had a 22 per- Flavanol-rich cocoa lowers blood pressure.32 And
fine in moderation. Vegetables, on the other hand, In addition, nuts are a great source of numerous cent lower risk of heart disease than individuals con- the Zutphen Elderly Study of 470 elderly men found
can be virtually unlimited. phytonutrients—bioactive chemicals found in plants. suming beans/legumes less than once a week. that those who ate the most cocoa had literally half
Fast Action Plan: Eat five to nine half-cup serv- These compounds have powerful health benefits, not One study found that one serving of beans on the risk of dying from heart disease than men who
ings of vegetables and fruit a day. the least of which is their antioxidant activity, which a daily basis lowered the risk of a heart attack by ate the least.33
is linked to the prevention of coronary heart disease. 38 percent. Now the thing about chocolate is that all the
Eat This: Nuts And if you’re worried about calories, consider this: In Their high fiber content alone would make beans good stuff is found in the cocoa that it’s made from,
Although an apple a day may indeed keep the doctor the Nurses’ Health Study out of Harvard, nut con- a top food for the heart, but beans offer a lot more so you really want high-cocoa chocolate. We’re not
away, the same can also be said of a handful of nuts. sumption was inversely related to weight gain. than fiber. The U.S. Department of Agriculture ranking talking about the candy bars you get at the 7-Eleven
People who eat nuts regularly are less likely to have Several large studies, including the Physicians’ Health of foods by antioxidant capacity lists small red dried here; we’re talking about a cocoa-rich chocolate that
Study (22,000 men) and the Adventist Health Study beans as having the highest antioxidant capacity per
(more than 40,000 people), have demonstrated a link serving size of any food tested. In fact, of the four
between nut eating and a reduction in heart disease. top-scoring foods, three were beans (red beans, red
In a fascinating and much-discussed article that appeared in the December 16, 2004, issue of
Just keep portions reasonable—an ounce or so a day kidney beans, and pinto beans). Many bean varieties
the British Medical Journal, researchers put forth an idea called the polymeal. They examined
is great. have a lot of folic acid (especially adzuki beans, len-
all of the research on foods and health to see whether they could put together the ideal meal
Fast Action Plan: Eat 1 ounce of nuts five times tils, black-eyed peas, and pinto beans). Folic acid is
(the polymeal) that, if you ate it every day, would significantly reduce your risk for
a week. one of the key players in bringing down the inflamma-
cardiovascular disease. They came up with a theoretical meal that, eaten daily, would reduce
tory compound homocysteine, itself a risk factor for
cardiovascular risk by a staggering 75 percent (there’s not a pill in the world that can do that!).
Eat This: Beans heart disease.
The ingredients of the polymeal? Wine, fish, almonds, garlic, fruits, vegetables, and dark
Fact number one: Fiber is good. (High-fiber diets have Fast Action Plan: Eat a serving of beans or len-
been associated with lower rates of a host of tils at least four times a week. (One serving is 1⁄2 cup
One of the many reasons for the protective effect of nuts may be an amino acid named
diseases, including heart disease.) Fact number two: to 1 cup cooked beans.)
arginine. Remember our earlier discussion about the endothelium (the inner lining of the
We don’t get enough of it. (Most health organizations
arterial walls)? Arginine has a role in protecting this inner lining, making the arterial walls
recommend a daily intake of 25 to 38 g daily; the Eat This: Dark Chocolate
more pliable and less susceptible to atherogenesis. Arginine is needed to make an important
average American gets 11 g.) Fact number three: Study after study is confirming that plant chemicals
molecule called nitric oxide, which helps relax constricted blood vessels and ease blood flow.25
Beans are a fiber heavyweight. Case closed. in cocoa-rich dark chocolate called flavanols can lower
Regarding heart disease, the big selling point of blood pressure and reduce inflammation. A 2011 study
beans used to be that they lowered cholesterol. in the British Medical Journal found that high levels
The reason we’re not as over-the-top enthusiastic heart attacks or die from heart disease than those That’s definitely true, but, as you’ve learned, it’s not of chocolate consumption are associated with a one-
about fruit is that despite its terrific benefits, it still who don’t. Five large studies—the Adventist Health nearly as important as whether they actually lower third reduction in the risk of developing heart disease.
contains sugar, which can be a problem for many Study, the Iowa Women’s Health Study, the Nurses’ heart disease. And they do. One study found that one The highest levels of chocolate consumption were
folks. For the large number of people whose blood Health Study, the Physicians’ Health Study, and the serving of beans on a daily basis lowered the risk of a associated with a 37 percent reduction in
sugar rises when they merely look at a candy bar, CARE Study—have all found a consistent 30 to 50 heart attack by an eyebrow-raising 38 percent! cardiovascular disease and a 29 percent reduction in
unlimited fruit is a bad idea. Low-sugar fruits (such as percent lower risk of heart attacks or heart disease Another study found that individuals eating beans stroke when compared to the lowest levels.31
apples, grapefruit, cherries, berries, and oranges) are associated with eating nuts several times a week.24 and legumes at least four times a week had a 22 per- Flavanol-rich cocoa lowers blood pressure.32 And
fine in moderation. Vegetables, on the other hand, In addition, nuts are a great source of numerous cent lower risk of heart disease than individuals con- the Zutphen Elderly Study of 470 elderly men found
can be virtually unlimited. phytonutrients—bioactive chemicals found in plants. suming beans/legumes less than once a week. that those who ate the most cocoa had literally half
Fast Action Plan: Eat five to nine half-cup serv- These compounds have powerful health benefits, not One study found that one serving of beans on the risk of dying from heart disease than men who
ings of vegetables and fruit a day. the least of which is their antioxidant activity, which a daily basis lowered the risk of a heart attack by ate the least.33
is linked to the prevention of coronary heart disease. 38 percent. Now the thing about chocolate is that all the
Eat This: Nuts And if you’re worried about calories, consider this: In Their high fiber content alone would make beans good stuff is found in the cocoa that it’s made from,
Although an apple a day may indeed keep the doctor the Nurses’ Health Study out of Harvard, nut con- a top food for the heart, but beans offer a lot more so you really want high-cocoa chocolate. We’re not
away, the same can also be said of a handful of nuts. sumption was inversely related to weight gain. than fiber. The U.S. Department of Agriculture ranking talking about the candy bars you get at the 7-Eleven
People who eat nuts regularly are less likely to have Several large studies, including the Physicians’ Health of foods by antioxidant capacity lists small red dried here; we’re talking about a cocoa-rich chocolate that
contains all the flavanols that have been found to be Eat This: Pomegranate Juice Eat This: Red Wine quently forgotten that they also have the highest
so healthy. White chocolate and milk chocolate have Pomegranate juice is one of the few “trendy” health For years, it was believed that the reason the French rates of liver cirrhosis!) The key to enjoying wine’s
hardly any flavanols to speak of, so it’s got to be dark. foods that actually lives up to its hype. Researchers at could “get away” with eating high-fat foods—while beneficial effects is moderate consumption, defined
Many dark chocolate bars will now tell you their cocoa the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa still having remarkably lower rates of heart disease as about two glasses a day for men and about one a
content in percentage form—look for at least 60 per- suggest that long-term consumption of pomegranate than Americans—was because of their regular day for women, about three to four times a week.
cent cocoa. (The higher the cocoa content, the less juice may help slow aging and protect against heart consumption of red wine, which contains numerous Also worth mentioning is that alcohol increases the
sweet the bar.) disease. compounds that protect the heart. Chief among risk for breast cancer in women who aren’t consum-
You’ll also find that this kind of chocolate is easy In a study published in the American Journal of these is resveratrol, a polyphenol (plant compound) ing enough folic acid, so make sure you’re getting at
to eat in small quantities—it’s not so sweet that it Cardiology, forty-five patients with heart disease that’s found in the skins of dark grapes and is highly least 400 mg of folic acid a day through food or
causes you to crave more and more of it, and it’s easy drank either 8 ounces of pomegranate juice or 8 concentrated in red wine. Resveratrol is a potent supplementation.
to be satisfied with just a square or two, which is all ounces of a placebo drink for three months. The antioxidant that can prevent harmful elements in the Fast Action Plan: If you are a drinker, have a
you need for the health benefits. pomegranate juice drinkers had significantly less oxy- body from attacking healthy cells. Red wine has glass of red wine with dinner. (If you’re not, don’t
Fast Action Plan: Eat one to two squares of dark gen deficiency to the heart during exercise, suggest- been shown to be cardio-protective in quite a start!)
chocolate four to six days a week. ing that they had increased blood flow to the heart. number of studies.
Pomegranate juice has the ability to inhibit the And resveratrol isn’t the only reason. Other com- Eat This: Green Tea
Eat This: Turmeric oxidation of LDL cholesterol. 34
(Remember that LDL pounds in red wine such as flavonoids inhibit the oxi- Apart from water, tea is probably the most consumed
Turmeric is the spice that makes curries yellow. It cholesterol is only a problem when it’s oxidized!) And dation of LDL cholesterol, which is pretty darn beverage in the world, and it’s also one of the
occupies a place of distinction in both Ayurvedic and an impressive number of studies have demonstrated a important because oxidized LDL cholesterol initiates healthiest. That’s because it’s absolutely loaded with
Chinese medicine, largely because of its phenomenal beneficial effect of pomegranate juice on cardiovascu- and intensifies the inflammatory process. Red wine protective plant-based chemicals known as
anti-inflammatory properties. (It also has anticancer lar health, including one that showed 30 percent also limits the tendency of compounds in the blood polyphenols. Green tea in particular has gotten a ton
35 39
activity and is very helpful for the liver.) The active reduced arterial plaque. Pomegranate juice also to clot and increases HDL cholesterol to boot. of attention in the media, largely for the anticancer
ingredients in turmeric are a group of plant enhances the activity of nitric oxide, a molecule Interestingly, in one study, moderate consumption of action of one of its compounds, epigallocatechin
compounds called curcuminoids (collectively known as essential for cardiovascular health. red wine was associated with lower levels of three gallate (EGCG).
curcumin). In addition to being anti-inflammatory, One caution: Avoid “juice blends” and “juice cock- markers we told you about earlier: CRP, fibrinogen, But green tea also contributes to cardiovascular
curcumin is a powerful antioxidant. Because oxidized tails,” because these have much less pomegranate and interleukin-6.50 It’s hard to think of a more health. Although much has been written about its
LDL is a big player in the cascade that leads to juice in them and much more sugar. We like pure heart-healthy drink. cholesterol-lowering effect, we find it much more
inflammation and heart disease, turmeric’s pomegranate juices such as Just Pomegranate, which Worth noting: The dark side of alcohol is well interesting that green tea lowers fibrinogen, a sub-
antioxidant properties are a big benefit. are admittedly expensive but contain absolutely noth- known, and we don’t have to recount it here. If you’re stance in the body that can cause clots and strokes.
Fast Action Plan: Put turmeric at the front of ing but pure pomegranate juice. Another popular not a drinker, please don’t start because of the bene- In an article in the journal Circulation titled “Effects
your spice cabinet and use it often. It goes well on brand we like a lot is Pom Wonderful. fits of red wine. Not everyone can handle alcohol, and of Green Tea Intake on the Development of Coronary
veggies, eggs, sautéed dishes, meats, fish, and Fast Action Plan: Put pomegranate juice in if you suspect you’re someone who doesn’t do well Artery Disease,” researchers from the department of
poultry. “heavy rotation” on your menu: 4 to 8 ounces a day, with it, for goodness’ sake, don’t drink it! (With all the medicine at Chiba Hokusoh Hospital, Nippon Medical
or as often as you like. talk about how the wine-drinking French have the low- School, Chiba, Japan, concluded that “the more green
est rates of heart disease in Western Europe, it’s fre- tea patients consume, the less likely they are to have
contains all the flavanols that have been found to be Eat This: Pomegranate Juice Eat This: Red Wine quently forgotten that they also have the highest
so healthy. White chocolate and milk chocolate have Pomegranate juice is one of the few “trendy” health For years, it was believed that the reason the French rates of liver cirrhosis!) The key to enjoying wine’s
hardly any flavanols to speak of, so it’s got to be dark. foods that actually lives up to its hype. Researchers at could “get away” with eating high-fat foods—while beneficial effects is moderate consumption, defined
Many dark chocolate bars will now tell you their cocoa the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa still having remarkably lower rates of heart disease as about two glasses a day for men and about one a
content in percentage form—look for at least 60 per- suggest that long-term consumption of pomegranate than Americans—was because of their regular day for women, about three to four times a week.
cent cocoa. (The higher the cocoa content, the less juice may help slow aging and protect against heart consumption of red wine, which contains numerous Also worth mentioning is that alcohol increases the
sweet the bar.) disease. compounds that protect the heart. Chief among risk for breast cancer in women who aren’t consum-
You’ll also find that this kind of chocolate is easy In a study published in the American Journal of these is resveratrol, a polyphenol (plant compound) ing enough folic acid, so make sure you’re getting at
to eat in small quantities—it’s not so sweet that it Cardiology, forty-five patients with heart disease that’s found in the skins of dark grapes and is highly least 400 mg of folic acid a day through food or
causes you to crave more and more of it, and it’s easy drank either 8 ounces of pomegranate juice or 8 concentrated in red wine. Resveratrol is a potent supplementation.
to be satisfied with just a square or two, which is all ounces of a placebo drink for three months. The antioxidant that can prevent harmful elements in the Fast Action Plan: If you are a drinker, have a
you need for the health benefits. pomegranate juice drinkers had significantly less oxy- body from attacking healthy cells. Red wine has glass of red wine with dinner. (If you’re not, don’t
Fast Action Plan: Eat one to two squares of dark gen deficiency to the heart during exercise, suggest- been shown to be cardio-protective in quite a start!)
chocolate four to six days a week. ing that they had increased blood flow to the heart. number of studies.
Pomegranate juice has the ability to inhibit the And resveratrol isn’t the only reason. Other com- Eat This: Green Tea
Eat This: Turmeric oxidation of LDL cholesterol. 34
(Remember that LDL pounds in red wine such as flavonoids inhibit the oxi- Apart from water, tea is probably the most consumed
Turmeric is the spice that makes curries yellow. It cholesterol is only a problem when it’s oxidized!) And dation of LDL cholesterol, which is pretty darn beverage in the world, and it’s also one of the
occupies a place of distinction in both Ayurvedic and an impressive number of studies have demonstrated a important because oxidized LDL cholesterol initiates healthiest. That’s because it’s absolutely loaded with
Chinese medicine, largely because of its phenomenal beneficial effect of pomegranate juice on cardiovascu- and intensifies the inflammatory process. Red wine protective plant-based chemicals known as
anti-inflammatory properties. (It also has anticancer lar health, including one that showed 30 percent also limits the tendency of compounds in the blood polyphenols. Green tea in particular has gotten a ton
35 39
activity and is very helpful for the liver.) The active reduced arterial plaque. Pomegranate juice also to clot and increases HDL cholesterol to boot. of attention in the media, largely for the anticancer
ingredients in turmeric are a group of plant enhances the activity of nitric oxide, a molecule Interestingly, in one study, moderate consumption of action of one of its compounds, epigallocatechin
compounds called curcuminoids (collectively known as essential for cardiovascular health. red wine was associated with lower levels of three gallate (EGCG).
curcumin). In addition to being anti-inflammatory, One caution: Avoid “juice blends” and “juice cock- markers we told you about earlier: CRP, fibrinogen, But green tea also contributes to cardiovascular
curcumin is a powerful antioxidant. Because oxidized tails,” because these have much less pomegranate and interleukin-6.50 It’s hard to think of a more health. Although much has been written about its
LDL is a big player in the cascade that leads to juice in them and much more sugar. We like pure heart-healthy drink. cholesterol-lowering effect, we find it much more
inflammation and heart disease, turmeric’s pomegranate juices such as Just Pomegranate, which Worth noting: The dark side of alcohol is well interesting that green tea lowers fibrinogen, a sub-
antioxidant properties are a big benefit. are admittedly expensive but contain absolutely noth- known, and we don’t have to recount it here. If you’re stance in the body that can cause clots and strokes.
Fast Action Plan: Put turmeric at the front of ing but pure pomegranate juice. Another popular not a drinker, please don’t start because of the bene- In an article in the journal Circulation titled “Effects
your spice cabinet and use it often. It goes well on brand we like a lot is Pom Wonderful. fits of red wine. Not everyone can handle alcohol, and of Green Tea Intake on the Development of Coronary
veggies, eggs, sautéed dishes, meats, fish, and Fast Action Plan: Put pomegranate juice in if you suspect you’re someone who doesn’t do well Artery Disease,” researchers from the department of
poultry. “heavy rotation” on your menu: 4 to 8 ounces a day, with it, for goodness’ sake, don’t drink it! (With all the medicine at Chiba Hokusoh Hospital, Nippon Medical
or as often as you like. talk about how the wine-drinking French have the low- School, Chiba, Japan, concluded that “the more green
est rates of heart disease in Western Europe, it’s fre- tea patients consume, the less likely they are to have
coronary artery disease.”40 as one of the healthiest fats for the heart. refined and have questionable benefits. That’s why antimicrobial, and antiviral properties. Garlic has
Worth knowing: Just because green tea gets the Research in the Archives of Internal Medicine you want “extra-virgin” olive oil, which is the least been shown to lower triglyceride levels. It can also
lion’s share of attention from health writers doesn’t concluded that greater adherence to the traditional processed, the most like what you’d get if you walked reduce plaque, making it a powerful agent for
mean there’s not great stuff in other teas, such as Mediterranean Diet (including plenty of olive oil and around barefoot in barrels of olives. It’s made without cardiovascular health.
black, oolong, white, and yerba matte. At Boston other monounsaturated fats such as nuts and avoca- the use of heat, hot water, or solvents, and it is left In one study, subjects receiving 900 mg of garlic
University’s School of Medicine, Joseph Vita, M.D., dos) was associated with significant reduction in mor- unfiltered. The first pressing produces the best stuff, powder for four years in a randomized, double-
conducted a study in which sixty-six men either drank tality among people who had been diagnosed with known as “extra-virgin," but virgin isn’t bad either. blinded, placebo-controlled study had a regression in
four cups of black tea a day or took a placebo. The heart disease. Once you begin machine harvesting and process- their plaque volume of 2.6 percent; meanwhile, a
researchers showed that drinking black tea can help Another study in the same journal compared two ing with very high heat, you start damaging the deli- matched group of subjects given a placebo (an inert
reverse an abnormal functioning of blood vessels that groups of people with high blood pressure. One cate compounds in olive oil responsible for all those substance) saw their plaque increase over the same
can contribute to stroke or heart attack. Best of all, group was given sunflower oil, a typical high omega-6 great health benefits. The antioxidant and anti-inflam- time period by 15.6 percent!46
improvement in the functioning of the blood vessels oil used in Western diets, and one group was given matory polyphenols are water soluble and can be One of the active ingredients in garlic—allicin—also
was visible within two hours of drinking just one cup the good stuff: extra-virgin olive oil. The olive oil washed away with factory processing. That’s one rea- has significant antiplatelet activity. That means it
of black tea! decreased the second group’s blood pressure by a sig- son that factory-produced olive oil has a shorter shelf helps prevent platelets in the blood from sticking
“What we found was that if you take a group of nificant amount; it also decreased their need for life—no antioxidants to protect it. Real olive oil—the together. To understand just how important that is,
people with heart disease who have abnormal blood blood pressure meds by a whopping 48 percent. As extra-virgin kind, made with care and love and the consider that many heart attacks and strokes are
vessel function to begin with and asked them to drink the English might say, “Not too shabby.” absence of high heat and harsh chemicals—lasts for caused by spontaneous clots in the blood vessels.
tea, their blood vessels improved,” said Vita. Like red wine and green tea, olive oil contains years. Dr. Sinatra feels so strongly about the healing The anticoagulant effect of garlic is an important
Fast Action Plan: Remember, any form of tea polyphenols that are anti-inflammatory and act as powers of olive oil that he invested in a company that health benefit.
contains caffeine, so drink in moderation. Make a big powerful antioxidants. (Researchers have isolated one makes superb, authentic (and delicious) extra-virgin Worth knowing: The preparation of garlic is criti-
pitcher of green tea and keep it in the fridge. Drink it in particular, oleocanthal, which acts similarly to ibu- olive oil. It’s called Vervana. Vervana is true extra- cal for it to release its health-providing benefits. If for
in the earlier part of the day, up to two glasses. profen. ) Because so many of these polyphenols have virgin olive oil—not a blend, like many imposters—and is any reason you had the impulse to swallow a garlic
significant health benefits, some people believe that one of the finest (and best-tasting) olive oils either of clove whole, not much would happen. The garlic clove
Eat This: Olive Oil the fat in olive oil may not be the only reason olive oil us has ever had! You can find links to the company on has to be crushed or chopped—the more finely the
Olive oil is the primary fat used in the Mediterranean is so darn healthy. They think that the main health both our websites. And it’s reasonably priced to boot! better—for the compounds in it to mix together to cre-
area and the one most associated with what’s been benefits of olive oil come from the fact that it is a Fast Action Plan: Switch to extra-virgin olive oil. ate allicin, the active ingredient responsible for the
called the Mediterranean Diet. (As we said earlier, delivery system for these powerful polyphenols. Use it for salad dressing, low-heat stir-fries, and sautées. health benefits. Allicin starts degrading immediately
there’s no single “Mediterranean Diet,” but all Either way, the stuff is great, and you should make it after it’s produced, so the fresher it is when you use
variations of it contain high amounts of fish, fruits, a part of your heart-healthy diet. Eat This: Garlic it, the better. (Microwaving destroys it completely.)
vegetables, nuts, wine, and olive oil.) There are Worth knowing: All olive oil is not created equal. Garlic is a global remedy. More than 1,200 (and Garlic experts advise crushing a little raw garlic and
countless studies on the Mediterranean Diet and Unfortunately, commercial manufacturers, trying to counting) pharmacological studies have been done combining it with cooked food. If you add it to food
heart health and virtually all of them show enormous ride the health hype on olive oil, have rushed to mar- on garlic, and the findings are pretty impressive. In you’re sautéing, do it toward the end so the allicin
benefits for the heart and the brain. These studies ket all kinds of imitation and inferior products that addition to lowering lipids and preventing blood is freshest.
have left olive oil with an unimpeachable reputation say “olive oil” on them but are highly processed and coagulation, it has antihypertensive, antioxidant, Fast Action Plan: Start cooking with garlic.
coronary artery disease.”40 as one of the healthiest fats for the heart. refined and have questionable benefits. That’s why antimicrobial, and antiviral properties. Garlic has
Worth knowing: Just because green tea gets the Research in the Archives of Internal Medicine you want “extra-virgin” olive oil, which is the least been shown to lower triglyceride levels. It can also
lion’s share of attention from health writers doesn’t concluded that greater adherence to the traditional processed, the most like what you’d get if you walked reduce plaque, making it a powerful agent for
mean there’s not great stuff in other teas, such as Mediterranean Diet (including plenty of olive oil and around barefoot in barrels of olives. It’s made without cardiovascular health.
black, oolong, white, and yerba matte. At Boston other monounsaturated fats such as nuts and avoca- the use of heat, hot water, or solvents, and it is left In one study, subjects receiving 900 mg of garlic
University’s School of Medicine, Joseph Vita, M.D., dos) was associated with significant reduction in mor- unfiltered. The first pressing produces the best stuff, powder for four years in a randomized, double-
conducted a study in which sixty-six men either drank tality among people who had been diagnosed with known as “extra-virgin," but virgin isn’t bad either. blinded, placebo-controlled study had a regression in
four cups of black tea a day or took a placebo. The heart disease. Once you begin machine harvesting and process- their plaque volume of 2.6 percent; meanwhile, a
researchers showed that drinking black tea can help Another study in the same journal compared two ing with very high heat, you start damaging the deli- matched group of subjects given a placebo (an inert
reverse an abnormal functioning of blood vessels that groups of people with high blood pressure. One cate compounds in olive oil responsible for all those substance) saw their plaque increase over the same
can contribute to stroke or heart attack. Best of all, group was given sunflower oil, a typical high omega-6 great health benefits. The antioxidant and anti-inflam- time period by 15.6 percent!46
improvement in the functioning of the blood vessels oil used in Western diets, and one group was given matory polyphenols are water soluble and can be One of the active ingredients in garlic—allicin—also
was visible within two hours of drinking just one cup the good stuff: extra-virgin olive oil. The olive oil washed away with factory processing. That’s one rea- has significant antiplatelet activity. That means it
of black tea! decreased the second group’s blood pressure by a sig- son that factory-produced olive oil has a shorter shelf helps prevent platelets in the blood from sticking
“What we found was that if you take a group of nificant amount; it also decreased their need for life—no antioxidants to protect it. Real olive oil—the together. To understand just how important that is,
people with heart disease who have abnormal blood blood pressure meds by a whopping 48 percent. As extra-virgin kind, made with care and love and the consider that many heart attacks and strokes are
vessel function to begin with and asked them to drink the English might say, “Not too shabby.” absence of high heat and harsh chemicals—lasts for caused by spontaneous clots in the blood vessels.
tea, their blood vessels improved,” said Vita. Like red wine and green tea, olive oil contains years. Dr. Sinatra feels so strongly about the healing The anticoagulant effect of garlic is an important
Fast Action Plan: Remember, any form of tea polyphenols that are anti-inflammatory and act as powers of olive oil that he invested in a company that health benefit.
contains caffeine, so drink in moderation. Make a big powerful antioxidants. (Researchers have isolated one makes superb, authentic (and delicious) extra-virgin Worth knowing: The preparation of garlic is criti-
pitcher of green tea and keep it in the fridge. Drink it in particular, oleocanthal, which acts similarly to ibu- olive oil. It’s called Vervana. Vervana is true extra- cal for it to release its health-providing benefits. If for
in the earlier part of the day, up to two glasses. profen. ) Because so many of these polyphenols have virgin olive oil—not a blend, like many imposters—and is any reason you had the impulse to swallow a garlic
significant health benefits, some people believe that one of the finest (and best-tasting) olive oils either of clove whole, not much would happen. The garlic clove
Eat This: Olive Oil the fat in olive oil may not be the only reason olive oil us has ever had! You can find links to the company on has to be crushed or chopped—the more finely the
Olive oil is the primary fat used in the Mediterranean is so darn healthy. They think that the main health both our websites. And it’s reasonably priced to boot! better—for the compounds in it to mix together to cre-
area and the one most associated with what’s been benefits of olive oil come from the fact that it is a Fast Action Plan: Switch to extra-virgin olive oil. ate allicin, the active ingredient responsible for the
called the Mediterranean Diet. (As we said earlier, delivery system for these powerful polyphenols. Use it for salad dressing, low-heat stir-fries, and sautées. health benefits. Allicin starts degrading immediately
there’s no single “Mediterranean Diet,” but all Either way, the stuff is great, and you should make it after it’s produced, so the fresher it is when you use
variations of it contain high amounts of fish, fruits, a part of your heart-healthy diet. Eat This: Garlic it, the better. (Microwaving destroys it completely.)
vegetables, nuts, wine, and olive oil.) There are Worth knowing: All olive oil is not created equal. Garlic is a global remedy. More than 1,200 (and Garlic experts advise crushing a little raw garlic and
countless studies on the Mediterranean Diet and Unfortunately, commercial manufacturers, trying to counting) pharmacological studies have been done combining it with cooked food. If you add it to food
heart health and virtually all of them show enormous ride the health hype on olive oil, have rushed to mar- on garlic, and the findings are pretty impressive. In you’re sautéing, do it toward the end so the allicin
benefits for the heart and the brain. These studies ket all kinds of imitation and inferior products that addition to lowering lipids and preventing blood is freshest.
have left olive oil with an unimpeachable reputation say “olive oil” on them but are highly processed and coagulation, it has antihypertensive, antioxidant, Fast Action Plan: Start cooking with garlic.
Eat Less of These
• Sugar
• Soda
The second part of the problem is that much of The study concluded that they did not. The study was The supplements listed in this chapter are some COENZYME Q10: THE SPARK OF LIFE
the research on vitamins flies beneath the radar. Your widely reported, and the notion that omega-3s were of the superstars for heart health that Dr. Sinatra Coenzyme Q10 is a vitamin-like substance found
overworked doctor barely has time to scan the helpful for heart disease even wound up on the New uses in his practice (as he has for decades) and that throughout the body and made in every cell. Among
abstracts of the New England Journal of Medicine York Times list of “medical myths.” Dr. Jonny has recommended to clients and written the many important things it does, CoQ10 helps create
every month, let alone dig deeply into the hundreds But the study tested extremely sick people with about extensively in his books and columns. Neither energy from fuel (food) in the human body, just as a
of studies that are published every year on vitamins multiple risk factors for heart disease, and they used of us is saying you should just throw out your pre- spark plug creates energy from fuel (gasoline) in a car.
and nutrients in journals like the American Journal of a dose of omega-3 that no functional medicine doctor scriptions and start randomly taking vitamins. But we A CoQ10 deficiency affects your heart as pro-
Clinical Nutrition. The vast majority of doctors in this on earth would expect to do a damn thing for any but are saying that natural substances such as vitamins, foundly as a calcium deficiency would affect your
country get no training whatsoever in nutrition, and the healthiest people in the world. They used 1000 antioxidants, omega-3 fats, and many of the thou- bones. We create less of it as we age, making it all
those who do receive only the most rudimentary and mg of “fish oil” and didn’t specify how much of that sands of compounds found in foods may affect the the more important to supplement with CoQ10 as we
superficial introduction to the subject. Put this oil was EPA and DHA, the two omega-3s that you take health of the heart in an even more profound way grow older.
together with the built-in medical school bias in favor fish oil for in the first place. So the subjects likely got than many of the medicines routinely prescribed as Here’s how it works: Your body uses a molecule
of patent medicines, and it’s easy to see why doctors less than a gram of combined EPA and DHA, which is the first order of business. called adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, as a source of
often fail to think of natural substances as legitimate about ⁄3– ⁄2 the recommended dose. And the “pla-
1 1
Even if you’re already on medication, nutritional energy (which is why ATP is nicknamed “the energy
tools that can help keep people healthy. cebo” was olive oil, which has anti-inflammatory prop- supplements can still improve your health. In the case molecule”). Much like gasoline is the fuel that allows
The third part of the problem is that the proto- erties of its own and is hardly an inert substance—just of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), for example, supplementa- you to actually drive a car to any of a million destina-
cols that are suitable for testing pharmaceuticals are ask the PREDIMED investigators who reported that tion is an absolute must if you’re on a statin drug tions, ATP is the fuel that allows your body to per-
not always suited for vitamins and nutraceuticals. olive oil had remarkable medicinal and therapeutic (more on that in a moment). Magnesium is often used form any of a million activities, ranging from cellular
Many compounds—like flavonoids in apples—work syn- effects. (To our way of thinking, olive oil is the secret in conjunction with blood sugar drugs such as metabolism to doing bench presses to dancing the
ergistically and support and augment the impact of sauce in Mediterranean-type diets—it’s anything but a Metformin (Glucophage) or blood pressure medica- tango. The body makes ATP by stripping electrons—
the vitamins found in that food (like vitamin C in the “placebo.”) tions such as beta blockers. And virtually everyone tiny subatomic particles that carry a negative electri-
apple). An isolated nutrient rarely shows up in the Let’s be clear. Conventional medicine is simply needs a little help in reducing oxidation and inflam- cal charge—from food and then delivering those elec-
natural world, so testing isolated nutrients—separated terrific at keeping people alive in emergencies. Both mation, two of the most important drivers in the trons to oxygen, which is an electron receptor. CoQ10
from the nutrients they are normally found with in of us know that if we were to be in a car accident, we development of heart disease. Omega-3 fatty acids, is one of the carriers of these electrons, so it essen-
nature—may not reveal what these nutrients actually wouldn’t want the ambulance rushing us to the near- for example, can be used by just about anyone, tially helps the cells use oxygen and create more
can accomplish. est herbalist’s office. We’d want to go to the emer- whether he or she is on medication or not (check with energy. Bottom line: CoQ10 has the ability to increase
And the fourth problem is that medical research- gency room of the best hospital we could find. But as your doctor for any possible contraindications, such the body’s production of the energy molecule ATP,
ers are often so removed from the world of nutrition, good as conventional medicine is at treating people in as right before going into surgery). and this is a very good thing indeed.
or so biased against it, that they test nutrients in acute situations, it’s astonishingly bad at overall pre- The following list is far from exhaustive, but it will Just as a gasoline engine can’t work without
doses that no nutritionist would expect to “work.” In ventive care. It’s great at keeping your heart beating give you a good idea of how you can use supplements spark plugs, the human body can’t work without
the period between editions of this book, a highly if you’ve just had a heart attack. It’s not nearly as to keep your heart healthy, either alone or, in some CoQ10. It’s an essential component of the mitochon-
publicized randomized placebo-control trial was pub- good at keeping your heart healthy for the long run cases, as an adjunct to conventional therapy. dria, which is command central for the production of
lished in a reputable medical journal that purportedly and keeping you, the heart’s owner, out of the hospi- cellular energy (ATP). Not coincidentally, the heart is
“tested” the effect of omega-3s on heart disease. tal in the first place. one of the major organs where the most CoQ10 is
concentrated (the others, being the liver and kidney). CoQ10 has been approved in Japan as a prescrip- erance. “CoQ10 is safe and effective long-term therapy thus damaged and sticky in the first place than to use
The heart never sleeps, and it never takes a vacation. tion drug for congestive heart failure since 1974. And for cardiomyopathy,” the study authors concluded. a sledgehammer pharmaceutical to reduce LDL as
It beats more than one hundred thousand times a even in the United States, the benefits of CoQ10 for CoQ10 also has the ability to reduce blood pres- much as possible!
day, making it one of the most metabolically active the heart have been well known since at least the sure. A recent meta-analysis of CoQ10 in the treatment Coenzyme Q10 and vitamin E have a strange,
tissues in the body, so it’s very dependent on the mid-1980s. A study published in the Proceedings of of high blood pressure reviewed twelve different clini- almost symbiotic relationship. In rats given supple-
energy-generating power of CoQ10. the National Academy of Sciences of the United States cal trials and found that across the board, patients mental vitamin E, increases in blood levels of CoQ10
A CoQ10 deficiency affects your heart as pro- of America in 1985 gave either CoQ10 or a placebo to who received CoQ10 supplementation had significant were observed; in baboons given supplemental CoQ10,
foundly as a calcium deficiency would affect your two groups of patients having class III or class IV car- reductions in blood pressure compared to control sub- the anti-inflammatory effects of vitamin E were
bones. We create less of it as we age, making it all the diomyopathy according to the definitions put forth by jects who didn’t receive supplemention. It’s no won- increased; and in one study, CoQ10 plus vitamin E
more important to supplement with CoQ10 as we grow the New York Heart Association (NYHA). These are der that several studies have demonstrated a strong actually lowered C-reactive protein (CRP), a systemic
older. Although it’s present in food, the only foods seriously ill folks. Class III patients have marked limi- correlation between severity of heart disease and measure of inflammation. We think it’s wise to make
that have any CoQ10 to speak of are organ meats such tation in activity because of symptoms and can basi- severity of CoQ10 deficiency. sure you’re getting about 100 to 200 IUs or so of vita-
as heart and liver. Beef has some carnitine but—other cally only be comfortable at rest or with minimal Since the publication of the first edition of this min E a day (from mixed tocopherols) in addition to
than organ meats—the best source of carnitine in the activity; class IV patients have severe limitations and book, there has been an explosion in the medical liter- your CoQ10 supplement. (But read the section on vita-
entire animal kingdom is young lamb. Note: CoQ10 is experience symptoms even while resting. (Most class ature on the cardiovascular merits of CoQ10. We now min E, “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly,” on page 171
easily destroyed by too much heat or overcooking. IV patients are bedbound.) know that CoQ10 reduces Lp(a) (see page 170), first!)
As we’ve said, one of the biggest problems with So what happened when these very sick patients improves endothelial function, decreases cholesterol/
statin drugs is that they significantly deplete CoQ10 were given CoQ10? Here’s how the researchers them- triglyceride levels, increases HDL, decreases fasting D-RIBOSE: THE MISSING LINK
levels. You may recall from the previous chapter on selves summarized the results: “These patients, blood sugar, decreases Hba1c, and—just for good mea- D-ribose, a five-carbon sugar, is one of the
statins that the same pathway that produces choles- steadily worsening and expected to die within two sure—reduces LDL oxidation. components of ATP, the energy molecule the body
terol (the mevalonate pathway) also produces CoQ10, years under conventional therapy, generally showed You might recall that oxidative damage (oxida- uses to power all activities. Without D-ribose, there
so when you block that pathway at its virtual starting an extraordinary clinical improvement, indicating that tion) is one of the four major culprits in heart disease, would be no ATP; without ATP, there would be no
gate (as statin drugs do), you not only reduce the CoQ10 therapy might extend the lives of such patients. and you might also remember that cholesterol in the energy.
body’s ability to make cholesterol but you also inter- This improvement could be due to correction of a body is never a problem until it becomes oxidized. It’s Both CoQ10 and the nutritional supplement
fere with its ability to make CoQ10. myocardial deficiency of CoQ10 and to enhanced syn- only this oxidized cholesterol—specifically, pattern B L-carnitine help facilitate the process by which the
We’ve said this before, but in case you missed it thesis of CoQ10-requiring enzymes.” LDL cholesterol—that is a problem, because pattern B body manufactures ATP. Metaphorically speaking,
the first time, it’s important enough to repeat: If you Another study that lasted six years and was pub- LDL molecules are the ones that adhere to the cell they act like little elves, shuttling the material needed
are on a statin drug you must, repeat must, supple- lished in 1990 looked at 143 patients, 98 percent of walls and initiate or accelerate the process of to make ATP to the factories where it’s made, result-
ment with CoQ10. We recommend at least 100 mg whom were in the same two classes as the patients in inflammation. ing in more efficient production of this important
twice a day. the 1985 study. The participants were given 100 mg Why do we mention that here? Simple. CoQ10 is a energy molecule. CoQ10 and L-carnitine can be said to
But CoQ10 isn’t just essential for those on statin of CoQ10 (orally), in addition to being treated in their powerful antioxidant, inhibiting oxidative damage to function like very efficient trucks transporting build-
drugs. We believe it’s essential for everyone else as conventional medical program. Eighty-five percent of LDL cholesterol and thus helping to prevent choles- ing materials to the factories where stuff actually
well, and especially for anyone at risk for heart the patients improved by one or two NYHA classes, terol from becoming a “problem” in the first place. It’s gets built, but D-ribose is one of the actual building
disease. and there was no positive evidence of toxicity or intol- far smarter to prevent LDL from getting oxidized and materials. A shortage of D-ribose means a shortage
concentrated (the others, being the liver and kidney). CoQ10 has been approved in Japan as a prescrip- erance. “CoQ10 is safe and effective long-term therapy thus damaged and sticky in the first place than to use
The heart never sleeps, and it never takes a vacation. tion drug for congestive heart failure since 1974. And for cardiomyopathy,” the study authors concluded. a sledgehammer pharmaceutical to reduce LDL as
It beats more than one hundred thousand times a even in the United States, the benefits of CoQ10 for CoQ10 also has the ability to reduce blood pres- much as possible!
day, making it one of the most metabolically active the heart have been well known since at least the sure. A recent meta-analysis of CoQ10 in the treatment Coenzyme Q10 and vitamin E have a strange,
tissues in the body, so it’s very dependent on the mid-1980s. A study published in the Proceedings of of high blood pressure reviewed twelve different clini- almost symbiotic relationship. In rats given supple-
energy-generating power of CoQ10. the National Academy of Sciences of the United States cal trials and found that across the board, patients mental vitamin E, increases in blood levels of CoQ10
A CoQ10 deficiency affects your heart as pro- of America in 1985 gave either CoQ10 or a placebo to who received CoQ10 supplementation had significant were observed; in baboons given supplemental CoQ10,
foundly as a calcium deficiency would affect your two groups of patients having class III or class IV car- reductions in blood pressure compared to control sub- the anti-inflammatory effects of vitamin E were
bones. We create less of it as we age, making it all the diomyopathy according to the definitions put forth by jects who didn’t receive supplemention. It’s no won- increased; and in one study, CoQ10 plus vitamin E
more important to supplement with CoQ10 as we grow the New York Heart Association (NYHA). These are der that several studies have demonstrated a strong actually lowered C-reactive protein (CRP), a systemic
older. Although it’s present in food, the only foods seriously ill folks. Class III patients have marked limi- correlation between severity of heart disease and measure of inflammation. We think it’s wise to make
that have any CoQ10 to speak of are organ meats such tation in activity because of symptoms and can basi- severity of CoQ10 deficiency. sure you’re getting about 100 to 200 IUs or so of vita-
as heart and liver. Beef has some carnitine but—other cally only be comfortable at rest or with minimal Since the publication of the first edition of this min E a day (from mixed tocopherols) in addition to
than organ meats—the best source of carnitine in the activity; class IV patients have severe limitations and book, there has been an explosion in the medical liter- your CoQ10 supplement. (But read the section on vita-
entire animal kingdom is young lamb. Note: CoQ10 is experience symptoms even while resting. (Most class ature on the cardiovascular merits of CoQ10. We now min E, “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly,” on page 171
easily destroyed by too much heat or overcooking. IV patients are bedbound.) know that CoQ10 reduces Lp(a) (see page 170), first!)
As we’ve said, one of the biggest problems with So what happened when these very sick patients improves endothelial function, decreases cholesterol/
statin drugs is that they significantly deplete CoQ10 were given CoQ10? Here’s how the researchers them- triglyceride levels, increases HDL, decreases fasting D-RIBOSE: THE MISSING LINK
levels. You may recall from the previous chapter on selves summarized the results: “These patients, blood sugar, decreases Hba1c, and—just for good mea- D-ribose, a five-carbon sugar, is one of the
statins that the same pathway that produces choles- steadily worsening and expected to die within two sure—reduces LDL oxidation. components of ATP, the energy molecule the body
terol (the mevalonate pathway) also produces CoQ10, years under conventional therapy, generally showed You might recall that oxidative damage (oxida- uses to power all activities. Without D-ribose, there
so when you block that pathway at its virtual starting an extraordinary clinical improvement, indicating that tion) is one of the four major culprits in heart disease, would be no ATP; without ATP, there would be no
gate (as statin drugs do), you not only reduce the CoQ10 therapy might extend the lives of such patients. and you might also remember that cholesterol in the energy.
body’s ability to make cholesterol but you also inter- This improvement could be due to correction of a body is never a problem until it becomes oxidized. It’s Both CoQ10 and the nutritional supplement
fere with its ability to make CoQ10. myocardial deficiency of CoQ10 and to enhanced syn- only this oxidized cholesterol—specifically, pattern B L-carnitine help facilitate the process by which the
We’ve said this before, but in case you missed it thesis of CoQ10-requiring enzymes.” LDL cholesterol—that is a problem, because pattern B body manufactures ATP. Metaphorically speaking,
the first time, it’s important enough to repeat: If you Another study that lasted six years and was pub- LDL molecules are the ones that adhere to the cell they act like little elves, shuttling the material needed
are on a statin drug you must, repeat must, supple- lished in 1990 looked at 143 patients, 98 percent of walls and initiate or accelerate the process of to make ATP to the factories where it’s made, result-
ment with CoQ10. We recommend at least 100 mg whom were in the same two classes as the patients in inflammation. ing in more efficient production of this important
twice a day. the 1985 study. The participants were given 100 mg Why do we mention that here? Simple. CoQ10 is a energy molecule. CoQ10 and L-carnitine can be said to
But CoQ10 isn’t just essential for those on statin of CoQ10 (orally), in addition to being treated in their powerful antioxidant, inhibiting oxidative damage to function like very efficient trucks transporting build-
drugs. We believe it’s essential for everyone else as conventional medical program. Eighty-five percent of LDL cholesterol and thus helping to prevent choles- ing materials to the factories where stuff actually
well, and especially for anyone at risk for heart the patients improved by one or two NYHA classes, terol from becoming a “problem” in the first place. It’s gets built, but D-ribose is one of the actual building
disease. and there was no positive evidence of toxicity or intol- far smarter to prevent LDL from getting oxidized and materials. A shortage of D-ribose means a shortage
of ATP, and a shortage of ATP, especially in the heart, nary artery disease increased their ability to do exer- L-carnitine and CoQ10. In just a few short days, Louis angina; for individuals awaiting heart transplant;
is bad news indeed. cise and delayed the onset of moderate angina (chest showed remarkable improvement. His son-in-law, a and for individuals with severe fibromyalgia,
D-ribose is synthesized in every cell in the body, pain). Since then, the benefits of D-ribose have been dentist, called me a few days later and reported, “You muscle cramps, or neuromuscular disease
but only slowly and to varying degrees depending on reported for heart failure, cardiac surgery recovery, fixed Louis!” Reported side effects are minimal and infrequent,
the tissue. Tissues such as the liver, adrenal cortex, restoration of energy to stressed skeletal muscles, An adequate dose of D-ribose usually results in and there are no known adverse drug or nutritional
and adipose tissue make plenty of D-ribose because and control of free radical formation in tissues that symptom improvement very quickly, sometimes within interactions associated with D-ribose use. The toxicol-
they produce chemical compounds used to synthesize have been deprived of oxygen. days, as in Louis’s case. If initial response is poor, the ogy and safety of D-ribose have been exhaustively
fatty acids and steroids, which are in turn used to Here’s one dramatic story from Dr. Sinatra’s prac- dose should be increased to 5 g (1 teaspoon) three studied, and the supplement is 100 percent safe when
make hormones. tice that illustrates the almost miraculous power of times a day. Logically, those who are the sickest and taken as directed. (Thousands of patients have taken
But molecules of D-ribose made by these tissues D-ribose supplementation to improve the quality of the most energy depleted will notice the most D-ribose with minimal, if any, side effects.)
have to be used right then and there and can’t be life of cardiac patients: improvement in the quickest time. However, even though there are no known contra-
“transferred” to other tissues that might need them, Despite accumulating scientific evidence of the indications for supplementation with D-ribose, we rec-
such as the heart. The heart, as well as the skeletal Dr. Sinatra: The Case of Louis and benefit of D-ribose, very few physicians in the United ommend that pregnant women, nursing mothers, and
muscles and brain, can only make enough ribose for D-Ribose States have even heard of it outside of their first-year very young children refrain from taking D-ribose in
their day-to-day needs. They have no D-ribose saving Louis came to my office suffering from severe med school biochemistry class. Fewer still recommend the absence of congestive heart failure simply
account. When the cells of the heart, for example, coronary artery disease. He had been previously it to their patients. Those who are familiar with it because there is not enough research in these
encounter a stressor such as oxygen deprivation, they treated by having a stent placed in a major coronary have the wonderful gratification of seeing it help populations.
lack the metabolic machinery needed to quickly whip artery, but he still had severe blockage in a small patients on a regular basis.
up some badly needed D-ribose. Tissues that are arterial branch that was difficult to dilate with a stent Although the optimal level of D-ribose supple- L-CARNITINE: THE SHUTTLE BUS
stressed because they don’t get enough blood flow or and next to impossible to bypass with surgery. He had mentation will differ depending on the person and the FOR FATTY ACIDS
oxygen can’t make enough D-ribose to replace lost what’s called refractory angina, which means he particular condition, here are some good recom- As previously stated, the best way to conceptualize
energy quickly. And when oxygen or blood flow defi- experienced chest pain even with normal activities mended starting points for supplementation: L-carnitine is to think of it as a transportation system.
cits are chronic—as in heart disease—tissues can never such as walking across a room. He’d also feel chest • 5 g daily for cardiovascular prevention, for ath- It acts as a kind of shuttle bus, loading up fatty acids
make enough D-ribose, and cellular energy levels are pain anytime he had even mild emotional stress. Louis letes on maintenance, and for healthy people who and transporting them into tiny structures within
constantly depleted. had visited a number of cardiologists for his heart engage in strenuous activities or hard-core each cell called mitochondria, where they can be
The D-ribose connection to cardiac function was problem and had been placed on a number of workouts burned for energy. Because the heart gets 60 percent
first discovered by the physiologist Heinz-Gerd common heart drugs, but his problems persisted. • 10 to 15 g daily for most patients with heart fail- of its energy from fat, it’s very important that the
Zimmer at the University of Munich. Zimmer’s When Louis came to my office I noticed high lev- ure, ischemic cardiovascular disease, or periph- body has enough L-carnitine to shuttle the fatty acids
research found that D-ribose plays an enormous part els of uric acid in his blood, indicating faulty ATP eral vascular disease; for individuals recovering into the heart’s muscle cells.
in both energy restoration and the return of normal metabolism. At the time, he was already taking from heart attacks or heart surgery; for treat- Studies of patients being treated for various
diastolic cardiac function. (Diastolic dysfunction is L-carnitine and CoQ10 at “maintenance doses.” ment of stable angina; and for athletes who forms of cardiovascular disease provide the strongest
basically a kind of heart failure.) One 1992 clinical Realizing that it would help him enormously if he engage in chronic bouts of high-intensity exercise evidence for the benefit of L-carnitine supplementa-
study from Zimmer’s group showed that administer- could build up his ATP stores, I immediately recom- • 15 to 20 g daily for patients with advanced heart tion. One study showed that people who took
ing D-ribose to patients with severe but stable coro- mended D-ribose as well as increased doses of failure, dilated cardiomyopathy, or frequent L-carnitine supplements after suffering heart attacks
of ATP, and a shortage of ATP, especially in the heart, nary artery disease increased their ability to do exer- L-carnitine and CoQ10. In just a few short days, Louis angina; for individuals awaiting heart transplant;
is bad news indeed. cise and delayed the onset of moderate angina (chest showed remarkable improvement. His son-in-law, a and for individuals with severe fibromyalgia,
D-ribose is synthesized in every cell in the body, pain). Since then, the benefits of D-ribose have been dentist, called me a few days later and reported, “You muscle cramps, or neuromuscular disease
but only slowly and to varying degrees depending on reported for heart failure, cardiac surgery recovery, fixed Louis!” Reported side effects are minimal and infrequent,
the tissue. Tissues such as the liver, adrenal cortex, restoration of energy to stressed skeletal muscles, An adequate dose of D-ribose usually results in and there are no known adverse drug or nutritional
and adipose tissue make plenty of D-ribose because and control of free radical formation in tissues that symptom improvement very quickly, sometimes within interactions associated with D-ribose use. The toxicol-
they produce chemical compounds used to synthesize have been deprived of oxygen. days, as in Louis’s case. If initial response is poor, the ogy and safety of D-ribose have been exhaustively
fatty acids and steroids, which are in turn used to Here’s one dramatic story from Dr. Sinatra’s prac- dose should be increased to 5 g (1 teaspoon) three studied, and the supplement is 100 percent safe when
make hormones. tice that illustrates the almost miraculous power of times a day. Logically, those who are the sickest and taken as directed. (Thousands of patients have taken
But molecules of D-ribose made by these tissues D-ribose supplementation to improve the quality of the most energy depleted will notice the most D-ribose with minimal, if any, side effects.)
have to be used right then and there and can’t be life of cardiac patients: improvement in the quickest time. However, even though there are no known contra-
“transferred” to other tissues that might need them, Despite accumulating scientific evidence of the indications for supplementation with D-ribose, we rec-
such as the heart. The heart, as well as the skeletal Dr. Sinatra: The Case of Louis and benefit of D-ribose, very few physicians in the United ommend that pregnant women, nursing mothers, and
muscles and brain, can only make enough ribose for D-Ribose States have even heard of it outside of their first-year very young children refrain from taking D-ribose in
their day-to-day needs. They have no D-ribose saving Louis came to my office suffering from severe med school biochemistry class. Fewer still recommend the absence of congestive heart failure simply
account. When the cells of the heart, for example, coronary artery disease. He had been previously it to their patients. Those who are familiar with it because there is not enough research in these
encounter a stressor such as oxygen deprivation, they treated by having a stent placed in a major coronary have the wonderful gratification of seeing it help populations.
lack the metabolic machinery needed to quickly whip artery, but he still had severe blockage in a small patients on a regular basis.
up some badly needed D-ribose. Tissues that are arterial branch that was difficult to dilate with a stent Although the optimal level of D-ribose supple- L-CARNITINE: THE SHUTTLE BUS
stressed because they don’t get enough blood flow or and next to impossible to bypass with surgery. He had mentation will differ depending on the person and the FOR FATTY ACIDS
oxygen can’t make enough D-ribose to replace lost what’s called refractory angina, which means he particular condition, here are some good recom- As previously stated, the best way to conceptualize
energy quickly. And when oxygen or blood flow defi- experienced chest pain even with normal activities mended starting points for supplementation: L-carnitine is to think of it as a transportation system.
cits are chronic—as in heart disease—tissues can never such as walking across a room. He’d also feel chest • 5 g daily for cardiovascular prevention, for ath- It acts as a kind of shuttle bus, loading up fatty acids
make enough D-ribose, and cellular energy levels are pain anytime he had even mild emotional stress. Louis letes on maintenance, and for healthy people who and transporting them into tiny structures within
constantly depleted. had visited a number of cardiologists for his heart engage in strenuous activities or hard-core each cell called mitochondria, where they can be
The D-ribose connection to cardiac function was problem and had been placed on a number of workouts burned for energy. Because the heart gets 60 percent
first discovered by the physiologist Heinz-Gerd common heart drugs, but his problems persisted. • 10 to 15 g daily for most patients with heart fail- of its energy from fat, it’s very important that the
Zimmer at the University of Munich. Zimmer’s When Louis came to my office I noticed high lev- ure, ischemic cardiovascular disease, or periph- body has enough L-carnitine to shuttle the fatty acids
research found that D-ribose plays an enormous part els of uric acid in his blood, indicating faulty ATP eral vascular disease; for individuals recovering into the heart’s muscle cells.
in both energy restoration and the return of normal metabolism. At the time, he was already taking from heart attacks or heart surgery; for treat- Studies of patients being treated for various
diastolic cardiac function. (Diastolic dysfunction is L-carnitine and CoQ10 at “maintenance doses.” ment of stable angina; and for athletes who forms of cardiovascular disease provide the strongest
basically a kind of heart failure.) One 1992 clinical Realizing that it would help him enormously if he engage in chronic bouts of high-intensity exercise evidence for the benefit of L-carnitine supplementa-
study from Zimmer’s group showed that administer- could build up his ATP stores, I immediately recom- • 15 to 20 g daily for patients with advanced heart tion. One study showed that people who took
ing D-ribose to patients with severe but stable coro- mended D-ribose as well as increased doses of failure, dilated cardiomyopathy, or frequent L-carnitine supplements after suffering heart attacks
had significantly lower mortality rates compared to that this action of L-carnitine “would be expected to ized. There were improvements in cellular energy significant increase in the risk of cardiovascular dis-
those of a control group (1.2 percent of the L-carnitine protect from oxidative stress related to cardiovascular metabolism and stabilization of heart cell membranes, ease—an increase, they noted, that might well trans-
takers died versus 12.5 percent of the subjects in the and myocardial damage.” which resulted in not only the reduction of ventricular late into “a large burden of disease in the population.”
control group). One randomized, placebo-controlled arrhythmias and angina symptoms but a significant The authors called for a reassessment of the role of
study divided eighty heart failure patients into two Dr. Sinatra: L-Carnitine and CoQ10 reduction in death as well. calcium supplements in the management of
groups. One group received 2 g of L-carnitine a day, Eighty-five percent of my patients with congestive The bottom line is that the heart is the most met- osteoporosis.13
and the other group received a placebo. There was a heart failure have improved significantly on CoQ10. But abolically active tissue in the body, and thus it A second study had a different purpose, one par-
significantly higher three-year survival rate in the I was concerned about the 15 percent who, despite requires a huge and constant amount of energy mole- ticularly relevant to our story.14 The researchers began
group receiving L-carnitine.10 supplementation with CoQ10, still had symptoms that cules, or ATPs. with the premise that statins reduce cardiovascular
L-carnitine improves the ability of those with severely compromised their quality Remember, the heart has to pump sixty to one risk and slow the progression of coronary artery cal-
angina to exercise without chest pain. In one study, of life. hundred times a minute, twenty-four hours a day, for cium. The purpose of the study, then, was to deter-
the walking capacity of patients with intermittent These folks were supplementing with CoQ10 and years and years with no time off for good behavior! mine whether lowering LDL cholesterol (as statins do)
claudication—a painful cramping sensation in the mus- had excellent blood levels to show for it, typically Cardiac muscle cells burn fats for fuel, so the heart is is in some way complementary to slowing the pro-
cles of the legs because of a decreased oxygen sup- 3.5 ug/mL or higher (the normal level of CoQ10 is 0.5 especially vulnerable to even subtle deficiencies in gression of coronary artery calcium. The researchers
ply—improved significantly when they were given oral to 1.5 ug/mL.) Nonetheless, these folks seemed to be the factors contributing to ATP supply: coenzyme Q10, basically wanted to illuminate the relationship of
L-carnitine. In another study, patients with peripheral unable to utilize what was in their own bodies. D-ribose, and L-carnitine. these two phenomena as they relate to heart disease.
arterial disease of the legs were able to increase their As I read more about L-carnitine, I came to see These nutrients make up three of what I call the Here’s what they did. They measured the change
walking distance by 98 meters when they supple- that it might work in synergy with coenzyme Q10, stok- “Awesome Foursome” in metabolic cardiology. Now in coronary artery calcium in 495 patients who were
mented with L-carnitine; they were able to walk ing the fire in the ATP production phase of the Krebs let’s introduce the fourth. basically symptom-free at the beginning of the study.
almost twice as far as those who were given a pla- cycle (a sequence of reactions by which living cells They did this by using a method known as electron
cebo. Further, congestive heart failure patients have generate energy). I finally got comfortable enough to MAGNESIUM: THE GREAT RELAXER beam tomography scanning. Right after their first
experienced an increase in exercise endurance on recommend to some of my worrisome patients that Dr. Robert Atkins once referred to magnesium as a scan, the patients were started on statin drugs, and
only 900 mg of L-carnitine a day. they give it a try in combination with CoQ10, and wow, “natural calcium channel blocker,” and he was 100 they were followed for an average of 3.2 years, during
And if that were not enough to establish what a difference! percent correct. A few paragraphs from now, you’ll which time their cholesterol was checked and they
L-carnitine’s bona fides, it has been shown to be a These treatment-resistant folks came in with bet- understand just why magnesium’s ability to block the were scanned on a regular basis. Over the course of
powerful cardio-protective antioxidant. One paper ter color, breathed easier, and walked around the channels by which calcium gets into the cells is so the 3.2-year follow-up period, forty-one of the
published in the International Journal of Cardiology office with minimal difficulty. I was genuinely amazed. important for the health of your heart. patients had heart attacks.
found that L-carnitine had a direct stimulatory effect It was as if the L-carnitine provided a battery, working Recent research strongly suggests that calcium in On average, the 454 patients who did not suffer
on two important oxidative stress–related compounds perfectly with the coenzyme Q10. The medical litera- the heart can be a huge problem. One meta-analysis heart attacks saw their arterial calcium go up by
(HO-1 and ecNOS). Both of these markers have antiox- ture is also a testimony on carnitine’s benefits. In the examined fifteen eligible trials with the objective of approximately 17 percent every year. But the forty-
idant, antiproliferative (meaning they have an inhibi- Mayo Clinic Proceedings, a meta-analysis of thirteen investigating the relationship between calcium supple- one patients who did experience heart attacks saw a
tory effect on tumor cells), and anti-inflammatory clinical studies on L-carnitine was published in 2013. In ments and cardiovascular disease. The researchers whopping 42 percent increase per year in their arte-
properties, so ratcheting up their activity a notch is a a review of 3,629 patients with heart attack, the sur- concluded that calcium supplements (administered rial calcium. According to the researchers, having a
very good thing indeed. The researchers concluded vival benefits of those taking L-carnitine were real- without vitamin D) were associated with a modest but faster progression of coronary artery calcium gives
had significantly lower mortality rates compared to that this action of L-carnitine “would be expected to ized. There were improvements in cellular energy significant increase in the risk of cardiovascular dis-
those of a control group (1.2 percent of the L-carnitine protect from oxidative stress related to cardiovascular metabolism and stabilization of heart cell membranes, ease—an increase, they noted, that might well trans-
takers died versus 12.5 percent of the subjects in the and myocardial damage.” which resulted in not only the reduction of ventricular late into “a large burden of disease in the population.”
control group). One randomized, placebo-controlled arrhythmias and angina symptoms but a significant The authors called for a reassessment of the role of
study divided eighty heart failure patients into two Dr. Sinatra: L-Carnitine and CoQ10 reduction in death as well. calcium supplements in the management of
groups. One group received 2 g of L-carnitine a day, Eighty-five percent of my patients with congestive The bottom line is that the heart is the most met- osteoporosis.13
and the other group received a placebo. There was a heart failure have improved significantly on CoQ10. But abolically active tissue in the body, and thus it A second study had a different purpose, one par-
significantly higher three-year survival rate in the I was concerned about the 15 percent who, despite requires a huge and constant amount of energy mole- ticularly relevant to our story.14 The researchers began
group receiving L-carnitine.10 supplementation with CoQ10, still had symptoms that cules, or ATPs. with the premise that statins reduce cardiovascular
L-carnitine improves the ability of those with severely compromised their quality Remember, the heart has to pump sixty to one risk and slow the progression of coronary artery cal-
angina to exercise without chest pain. In one study, of life. hundred times a minute, twenty-four hours a day, for cium. The purpose of the study, then, was to deter-
the walking capacity of patients with intermittent These folks were supplementing with CoQ10 and years and years with no time off for good behavior! mine whether lowering LDL cholesterol (as statins do)
claudication—a painful cramping sensation in the mus- had excellent blood levels to show for it, typically Cardiac muscle cells burn fats for fuel, so the heart is is in some way complementary to slowing the pro-
cles of the legs because of a decreased oxygen sup- 3.5 ug/mL or higher (the normal level of CoQ10 is 0.5 especially vulnerable to even subtle deficiencies in gression of coronary artery calcium. The researchers
ply—improved significantly when they were given oral to 1.5 ug/mL.) Nonetheless, these folks seemed to be the factors contributing to ATP supply: coenzyme Q10, basically wanted to illuminate the relationship of
L-carnitine. In another study, patients with peripheral unable to utilize what was in their own bodies. D-ribose, and L-carnitine. these two phenomena as they relate to heart disease.
arterial disease of the legs were able to increase their As I read more about L-carnitine, I came to see These nutrients make up three of what I call the Here’s what they did. They measured the change
walking distance by 98 meters when they supple- that it might work in synergy with coenzyme Q10, stok- “Awesome Foursome” in metabolic cardiology. Now in coronary artery calcium in 495 patients who were
mented with L-carnitine; they were able to walk ing the fire in the ATP production phase of the Krebs let’s introduce the fourth. basically symptom-free at the beginning of the study.
almost twice as far as those who were given a pla- cycle (a sequence of reactions by which living cells They did this by using a method known as electron
cebo. Further, congestive heart failure patients have generate energy). I finally got comfortable enough to MAGNESIUM: THE GREAT RELAXER beam tomography scanning. Right after their first
experienced an increase in exercise endurance on recommend to some of my worrisome patients that Dr. Robert Atkins once referred to magnesium as a scan, the patients were started on statin drugs, and
only 900 mg of L-carnitine a day. they give it a try in combination with CoQ10, and wow, “natural calcium channel blocker,” and he was 100 they were followed for an average of 3.2 years, during
And if that were not enough to establish what a difference! percent correct. A few paragraphs from now, you’ll which time their cholesterol was checked and they
L-carnitine’s bona fides, it has been shown to be a These treatment-resistant folks came in with bet- understand just why magnesium’s ability to block the were scanned on a regular basis. Over the course of
powerful cardio-protective antioxidant. One paper ter color, breathed easier, and walked around the channels by which calcium gets into the cells is so the 3.2-year follow-up period, forty-one of the
published in the International Journal of Cardiology office with minimal difficulty. I was genuinely amazed. important for the health of your heart. patients had heart attacks.
found that L-carnitine had a direct stimulatory effect It was as if the L-carnitine provided a battery, working Recent research strongly suggests that calcium in On average, the 454 patients who did not suffer
on two important oxidative stress–related compounds perfectly with the coenzyme Q10. The medical litera- the heart can be a huge problem. One meta-analysis heart attacks saw their arterial calcium go up by
(HO-1 and ecNOS). Both of these markers have antiox- ture is also a testimony on carnitine’s benefits. In the examined fifteen eligible trials with the objective of approximately 17 percent every year. But the forty-
idant, antiproliferative (meaning they have an inhibi- Mayo Clinic Proceedings, a meta-analysis of thirteen investigating the relationship between calcium supple- one patients who did experience heart attacks saw a
tory effect on tumor cells), and anti-inflammatory clinical studies on L-carnitine was published in 2013. In ments and cardiovascular disease. The researchers whopping 42 percent increase per year in their arte-
properties, so ratcheting up their activity a notch is a a review of 3,629 patients with heart attack, the sur- concluded that calcium supplements (administered rial calcium. According to the researchers, having a
very good thing indeed. The researchers concluded vival benefits of those taking L-carnitine were real- without vitamin D) were associated with a modest but faster progression of coronary artery calcium gives
you an astonishing 17.2-fold increase in your heart Enter magnesium. has a relaxing effect on your arteries. And that’s a with insulin resistance, as opposed to only 5 percent
attack risk. Magnesium and calcium have an interesting, sym- very good thing from the perspective of the heart, of those in a control group21
And get this: LDL cholesterol did not differ biotic relationship. When magnesium is depleted, which instead of having to push blood through a nar- Clearly, there’s a strong association between
between the two groups. Ironically, the LDL levels of intracellular calcium rises. Magnesium also inhibits row or constricted vessel (dangerously raising blood magnesium deficiency and insulin resistance. You’ll
the folks who did not suffer heart attacks were slightly platelet aggregation, an important step in the devel- pressure) now has the much easier task of pumping it recall that people with insulin resistance are at great
higher (though not significantly so) than the average opment of clots. Calcium channel blockers widen and through a relaxed, widened vessel that doesn’t put up risk for diabetes, which in turn puts them at great risk
LDL levels of the folks who did suffer heart attacks. relax the blood vessels by affecting the muscle cells so much resistance. Your heart doesn’t have to work for heart disease. Helping to control blood sugar and
So let’s summarize the results. Both groups—the found in the arterial walls, which is exactly what mag- as hard, your blood pressure goes down, and all is insulin is just one more important way in which mag-
forty-one folks who had heart attacks and the 454 nesium does—splendidly, we might add. Magnesium well with the world. nesium is critical for heart health.
folks who didn’t—essentially had the same LDL levels. dilates the arteries, thus reducing blood pressure and There’s another interesting connection between Magnesium is necessary for more than three hun-
(So if you were using patients’ LDL levels to predict making it far easier for the heart to pump blood and magnesium and the heart, and if you’ve followed our dred biochemical reactions in the body, and many of
heart attacks, you’d get no better accuracy than you for the blood to flow freely. argument so far, you’ll love the elegance of how it all these are enzymatic reactions, essential for heart
would by reading their horoscopes!) But if instead of In most of the epidemiologic and clinical trials, a comes full circle. The connection? Sugar. health (or what scientists call myocardial metabo-
LDL levels you looked at the levels of calcium in the high dietary intake of magnesium (at least 500 to You’ll recall from chapter 6 that sugar is one of lism).22 Even borderline deficiencies of magnesium can
arteries, it would be a whole different story. Those 1,000 mg a day) resulted in reduced blood pressure.17 the worst things you can eat if you want to have a negatively affect the heart, and not surprisingly, there
who suffered myocardial infarctions were the most These studies showed an inverse relationship healthy heart. Here’s why: Sugar is highly inflamma- is a considerable amount of evidence associating low
likely to have higher calcium levels in their arteries, between magnesium intake and blood pressure; peo- tory. It also creates dangerous compounds known as levels of magnesium with cardiovascular disease.23
especially when the arteries became totally blocked. ple who consumed more magnesium had lower blood advanced glycation end products, or AGEs, which play Bottom line: Magnesium supplements are a must
Coronary artery calcification has long been rec- pressure. One study of sixty hypertensive subjects a pivotal role in atherosclerosis. AGEs play a role of for those who want to protect their hearts. Magne-
ognized as a big risk factor for heart disease, but for who were given magnesium supplementation showed particular importance in type 2 diabetes, which, as sium lowers blood pressure, helps control blood sugar,
some reason we continue to obsessively focus on cho- a significant reduction in blood pressure over an you know, is a condition in which blood sugar and and relaxes the lining of the blood vessels. And
lesterol, while few people have heard much about the eight-week period. insulin are essentially at unhealthy levels and have to almost all dietary surveys show that Americans aren’t
calcium connection. So basically, you can think of magnesium as a be brought under control. And diabetes is one way to getting nearly enough.24 We recommend supplement-
Arthur Agatston, M.D., a Florida cardiologist best “relaxer.” One of the most relaxing things you can do fast-track your path to heart disease. ing with at least 400 mg per day.
known as the author of The South Beach Diet, actu- is to bathe in Epsom salts, which is basically a com- One of the very best things magnesium does is NOTE: Magnesium supplementation is not recom-
ally invented a scoring method to determine the pound of magnesium with a little bit of sulfur and help manage blood sugar. In several studies of dia- mended for anyone with renal insufficiency (kidney
severity of calcification in the arteries—it’s known as oxygen. If you’ve ever worked with an integrative betic patients, magnesium supplements of 400 to disease).
the Agatston score. (Research shows that people with medicine practitioner who happens to use vitamin 1,000 mg per day, given for anywhere from three
Agatston scores higher than 400 are at a significantly drips, you might have found that the most amazing weeks to three months, improved a number of mea- NIACIN AND ITS EFFECT ON
increased risk for coronary “events”—myocardial and restful sleep you’ve ever had occurred after get- sures of glycemic (blood sugar) control, including the CHOLESTEROL
infarctions—as well as for most coronary artery proce- ting a magnesium-heavy vitamin push.* Just as requirement for insulin.20 One study measured serum Even if your doctor hasn’t studied nutrition and is
dures [bypasses, angioplasty, etc.]. ) magnesium has a relaxing effect on your body, it also concentrations of magnesium in 192 people with insu- skeptical (or worse) when it comes to supplements,
Calcium in the bones? Very good. Calcium in the * A form of vitamin injection administered slowly over lin resistance and found that the prevalence of a low chances are he or she will be familiar with the
arteries? Not so good. the course of ten to fifteen minutes. magnesium level was about 65 percent among those benefits of niacin. It’s been known since 1955 that
you an astonishing 17.2-fold increase in your heart Enter magnesium. has a relaxing effect on your arteries. And that’s a with insulin resistance, as opposed to only 5 percent
attack risk. Magnesium and calcium have an interesting, sym- very good thing from the perspective of the heart, of those in a control group21
And get this: LDL cholesterol did not differ biotic relationship. When magnesium is depleted, which instead of having to push blood through a nar- Clearly, there’s a strong association between
between the two groups. Ironically, the LDL levels of intracellular calcium rises. Magnesium also inhibits row or constricted vessel (dangerously raising blood magnesium deficiency and insulin resistance. You’ll
the folks who did not suffer heart attacks were slightly platelet aggregation, an important step in the devel- pressure) now has the much easier task of pumping it recall that people with insulin resistance are at great
higher (though not significantly so) than the average opment of clots. Calcium channel blockers widen and through a relaxed, widened vessel that doesn’t put up risk for diabetes, which in turn puts them at great risk
LDL levels of the folks who did suffer heart attacks. relax the blood vessels by affecting the muscle cells so much resistance. Your heart doesn’t have to work for heart disease. Helping to control blood sugar and
So let’s summarize the results. Both groups—the found in the arterial walls, which is exactly what mag- as hard, your blood pressure goes down, and all is insulin is just one more important way in which mag-
forty-one folks who had heart attacks and the 454 nesium does—splendidly, we might add. Magnesium well with the world. nesium is critical for heart health.
folks who didn’t—essentially had the same LDL levels. dilates the arteries, thus reducing blood pressure and There’s another interesting connection between Magnesium is necessary for more than three hun-
(So if you were using patients’ LDL levels to predict making it far easier for the heart to pump blood and magnesium and the heart, and if you’ve followed our dred biochemical reactions in the body, and many of
heart attacks, you’d get no better accuracy than you for the blood to flow freely. argument so far, you’ll love the elegance of how it all these are enzymatic reactions, essential for heart
would by reading their horoscopes!) But if instead of In most of the epidemiologic and clinical trials, a comes full circle. The connection? Sugar. health (or what scientists call myocardial metabo-
LDL levels you looked at the levels of calcium in the high dietary intake of magnesium (at least 500 to You’ll recall from chapter 6 that sugar is one of lism).22 Even borderline deficiencies of magnesium can
arteries, it would be a whole different story. Those 1,000 mg a day) resulted in reduced blood pressure.17 the worst things you can eat if you want to have a negatively affect the heart, and not surprisingly, there
who suffered myocardial infarctions were the most These studies showed an inverse relationship healthy heart. Here’s why: Sugar is highly inflamma- is a considerable amount of evidence associating low
likely to have higher calcium levels in their arteries, between magnesium intake and blood pressure; peo- tory. It also creates dangerous compounds known as levels of magnesium with cardiovascular disease.23
especially when the arteries became totally blocked. ple who consumed more magnesium had lower blood advanced glycation end products, or AGEs, which play Bottom line: Magnesium supplements are a must
Coronary artery calcification has long been rec- pressure. One study of sixty hypertensive subjects a pivotal role in atherosclerosis. AGEs play a role of for those who want to protect their hearts. Magne-
ognized as a big risk factor for heart disease, but for who were given magnesium supplementation showed particular importance in type 2 diabetes, which, as sium lowers blood pressure, helps control blood sugar,
some reason we continue to obsessively focus on cho- a significant reduction in blood pressure over an you know, is a condition in which blood sugar and and relaxes the lining of the blood vessels. And
lesterol, while few people have heard much about the eight-week period. insulin are essentially at unhealthy levels and have to almost all dietary surveys show that Americans aren’t
calcium connection. So basically, you can think of magnesium as a be brought under control. And diabetes is one way to getting nearly enough.24 We recommend supplement-
Arthur Agatston, M.D., a Florida cardiologist best “relaxer.” One of the most relaxing things you can do fast-track your path to heart disease. ing with at least 400 mg per day.
known as the author of The South Beach Diet, actu- is to bathe in Epsom salts, which is basically a com- One of the very best things magnesium does is NOTE: Magnesium supplementation is not recom-
ally invented a scoring method to determine the pound of magnesium with a little bit of sulfur and help manage blood sugar. In several studies of dia- mended for anyone with renal insufficiency (kidney
severity of calcification in the arteries—it’s known as oxygen. If you’ve ever worked with an integrative betic patients, magnesium supplements of 400 to disease).
the Agatston score. (Research shows that people with medicine practitioner who happens to use vitamin 1,000 mg per day, given for anywhere from three
Agatston scores higher than 400 are at a significantly drips, you might have found that the most amazing weeks to three months, improved a number of mea- NIACIN AND ITS EFFECT ON
increased risk for coronary “events”—myocardial and restful sleep you’ve ever had occurred after get- sures of glycemic (blood sugar) control, including the CHOLESTEROL
infarctions—as well as for most coronary artery proce- ting a magnesium-heavy vitamin push.* Just as requirement for insulin.20 One study measured serum Even if your doctor hasn’t studied nutrition and is
dures [bypasses, angioplasty, etc.]. ) magnesium has a relaxing effect on your body, it also concentrations of magnesium in 192 people with insu- skeptical (or worse) when it comes to supplements,
Calcium in the bones? Very good. Calcium in the * A form of vitamin injection administered slowly over lin resistance and found that the prevalence of a low chances are he or she will be familiar with the
arteries? Not so good. the course of ten to fifteen minutes. magnesium level was about 65 percent among those benefits of niacin. It’s been known since 1955 that
cholesterol can be effectively lowered with doses of called “good” cholesterol family—HDL—once again vitamins, and then, a very short time later while ally to a higher level, in divided doses.
1,000 to 4,000 mg of niacin daily. Subsequent demonstrating how obsolete and ridiculous the classi- getting dressed, having the distinct feeling that I was • If the flush is too uncomfortable, take a baby
studies have shown that niacin will lower triglycerides fication of cholesterol into just “good” and “bad” going to die. My skin was flushed, warm to the touch, aspirin before the first meal of the day and then
by 20 to 50 percent and LDL cholesterol by 10 to really is!) and my cheeks (and arms) were pinkish red. It wasn’t take the niacin after the meal. Use the aspirin
25 percent. The most clinically important side effect of too painful, but it was deeply unpleasant. only as long as you experience the flush and
Niacin is one of two major forms of vitamin B3— much niacin is that it can be very taxing on the liver My 6 a.m. client happened to be the president of whenever you increase your niacin dosage, which
the other is nicotinamide. Although both forms can be (a condition known as hepatotoxicity), although as Dr. a high-end makeup company whose husband was an will trigger a flush.
used for different things in the body, only the niacin Alan Gaby points out in his exhaustive review of nutri- equally well-known Manhattan dermatologist (as well • You can also try taking an apple pectin supple-
form has an effect on your cholesterol, triglycerides, tional supplements and disease, this is almost never as the only doctor I knew who was likely to be awake ment with the niacin to reduce a flush.
and related compounds. And the effect is not just on seen in patients taking 3 g or less per day. at this ungodly hour). I called my client, and she • Niacin may increase the enzyme levels in liver
overall cholesterol. Studies have shown that when Abram Hoffer, M.D., the great pioneer of nutri- immediately put her husband on the line. I described function tests. This does not necessarily mean
LDL cholesterol is reduced with niacin, there is a pref- tional and integrative medicine, stated that his thirty my symptoms, and he asked me if I’d taken or eaten that niacin is causing a liver problem, but have
erential reduction of the really nasty LDL molecules, years of experience with niacin therapy (usually 3 g a anything unusual. “Just my vitamins,” I said, to which your doctor keep an eye on it. He or she may
the hard, small, BB gun pellet–type particles that stick day or more) showed that one out of every two thou- he replied without hesitation, “Oh, it’s just the niacin. suggest stopping the niacin for five days before
to the artery walls, get oxidized, and cause damage. sand patients will develop hepatitis from large doses Nothing to worry about, it’ll pass in a few. I’m going your next liver test to avoid possible confusion.
Niacin also reduces lipoprotein(a), or Lp(a). of this vitamin. However, Hoffer also pointed out that back to bed now.” Be aware, though, that when you resume the nia-
Lipoprotein(a) is basically a special kind of LDL, and in all of his patients who developed hepatotoxicity, So that was my first encounter with the infamous cin you will develop a flush.
it’s a really bad one. This, folks, is the real cholesterol liver function returned to normal after treatment was “niacin flush.” It’s basically a temporary flushing of
story! Lp(a) is an independent risk factor for heart discontinued. 31
the skin, not at all dangerous (especially if you know VITAMIN E: THE GOOD, THE BAD,
disease and for heart attacks, yet it doesn’t get as Sustained-release niacin is actually more hepato- it’s coming!), and it’s actually a result of the dilation AND THE UGLY
much attention as cholesterol does because there toxic than regular niacin, and liver problems may of the blood vessels in the skin (which is why my skin For decades, the nutritional world revered vitamin E
aren’t effective drug treatments for lowering it, and occur at lower doses. Nausea may be an early warn- turned pink). Some people experience itching as well as something of a heart savior, a major antioxidant
no one really knows what to do about it. Niacin lowers ing sign of niacin-induced hepatotoxicity; if nausea or even a mild burning sensation. It typically goes that defended against lipid peroxidation, which was
Lp(a) levels by a remarkable 10 to 30 percent. occurs, the dose should be reduced, or treatment away within a couple of weeks and can usually be thought to be the cause of cardiovascular disease.
Equally terrific, if not more so, is the fact that should be stopped. For folks taking therapeutic counteracted with a baby aspirin taken beforehand. (Lipid simply means fat, and peroxidation is a fancy
niacin raises HDL cholesterol. That alone would be doses of niacin, it’s a good idea to have your doctor NOTE: If you are diabetic or have a liver ailment, way of saying oxidative damage from free radicals.)
worth shouting from the rooftops, because we con- check your liver enzymes periodically using a stan- be sure to check with your doctor before supplement- During the 1990s the adulation for vitamin E even
sider HDL cholesterol to be a much undervalued dard liver function test. ing with niacin. extended to mainstream medicine, going as far as the
player in the heart disease story. (We’ll delve into this American Heart Association. In 1996, for instance,
topic later on in the book.) Niacin raises HDL levels by Dr. Jonny: Niacin Flush Dr. Sinatra’s Niacin Know-How vitamin E was celebrated in a well-publicized study for
10 to 30 percent. But even better is the fact that it The first time I experienced the “niacin flush” I was • Look for straight, non-time-release niacin (also significantly reducing cardiovascular events over the
preferentially increases HDL-2, which is the most ben- working as a personal trainer. It was five o’clock in the known as nicotinic acid). Take after meals at dos- course of one year among some 2,000 patients with
eficial of the HDL subclasses. (HDL-3 is actually pro- morning, and I was getting ready for my 6 a.m. client. ages of 500 mg to 3 g daily. documented heart disease.
inflammatory, even though it’s a member of the so- I remember drinking my protein shake, swallowing my • Start slowly at 100 mg. Work your way up gradu- The successes and reputation of vitamin E
cholesterol can be effectively lowered with doses of called “good” cholesterol family—HDL—once again vitamins, and then, a very short time later while ally to a higher level, in divided doses.
1,000 to 4,000 mg of niacin daily. Subsequent demonstrating how obsolete and ridiculous the classi- getting dressed, having the distinct feeling that I was • If the flush is too uncomfortable, take a baby
studies have shown that niacin will lower triglycerides fication of cholesterol into just “good” and “bad” going to die. My skin was flushed, warm to the touch, aspirin before the first meal of the day and then
by 20 to 50 percent and LDL cholesterol by 10 to really is!) and my cheeks (and arms) were pinkish red. It wasn’t take the niacin after the meal. Use the aspirin
25 percent. The most clinically important side effect of too painful, but it was deeply unpleasant. only as long as you experience the flush and
Niacin is one of two major forms of vitamin B3— much niacin is that it can be very taxing on the liver My 6 a.m. client happened to be the president of whenever you increase your niacin dosage, which
the other is nicotinamide. Although both forms can be (a condition known as hepatotoxicity), although as Dr. a high-end makeup company whose husband was an will trigger a flush.
used for different things in the body, only the niacin Alan Gaby points out in his exhaustive review of nutri- equally well-known Manhattan dermatologist (as well • You can also try taking an apple pectin supple-
form has an effect on your cholesterol, triglycerides, tional supplements and disease, this is almost never as the only doctor I knew who was likely to be awake ment with the niacin to reduce a flush.
and related compounds. And the effect is not just on seen in patients taking 3 g or less per day. at this ungodly hour). I called my client, and she • Niacin may increase the enzyme levels in liver
overall cholesterol. Studies have shown that when Abram Hoffer, M.D., the great pioneer of nutri- immediately put her husband on the line. I described function tests. This does not necessarily mean
LDL cholesterol is reduced with niacin, there is a pref- tional and integrative medicine, stated that his thirty my symptoms, and he asked me if I’d taken or eaten that niacin is causing a liver problem, but have
erential reduction of the really nasty LDL molecules, years of experience with niacin therapy (usually 3 g a anything unusual. “Just my vitamins,” I said, to which your doctor keep an eye on it. He or she may
the hard, small, BB gun pellet–type particles that stick day or more) showed that one out of every two thou- he replied without hesitation, “Oh, it’s just the niacin. suggest stopping the niacin for five days before
to the artery walls, get oxidized, and cause damage. sand patients will develop hepatitis from large doses Nothing to worry about, it’ll pass in a few. I’m going your next liver test to avoid possible confusion.
Niacin also reduces lipoprotein(a), or Lp(a). of this vitamin. However, Hoffer also pointed out that back to bed now.” Be aware, though, that when you resume the nia-
Lipoprotein(a) is basically a special kind of LDL, and in all of his patients who developed hepatotoxicity, So that was my first encounter with the infamous cin you will develop a flush.
it’s a really bad one. This, folks, is the real cholesterol liver function returned to normal after treatment was “niacin flush.” It’s basically a temporary flushing of
story! Lp(a) is an independent risk factor for heart discontinued. 31
the skin, not at all dangerous (especially if you know VITAMIN E: THE GOOD, THE BAD,
disease and for heart attacks, yet it doesn’t get as Sustained-release niacin is actually more hepato- it’s coming!), and it’s actually a result of the dilation AND THE UGLY
much attention as cholesterol does because there toxic than regular niacin, and liver problems may of the blood vessels in the skin (which is why my skin For decades, the nutritional world revered vitamin E
aren’t effective drug treatments for lowering it, and occur at lower doses. Nausea may be an early warn- turned pink). Some people experience itching as well as something of a heart savior, a major antioxidant
no one really knows what to do about it. Niacin lowers ing sign of niacin-induced hepatotoxicity; if nausea or even a mild burning sensation. It typically goes that defended against lipid peroxidation, which was
Lp(a) levels by a remarkable 10 to 30 percent. occurs, the dose should be reduced, or treatment away within a couple of weeks and can usually be thought to be the cause of cardiovascular disease.
Equally terrific, if not more so, is the fact that should be stopped. For folks taking therapeutic counteracted with a baby aspirin taken beforehand. (Lipid simply means fat, and peroxidation is a fancy
niacin raises HDL cholesterol. That alone would be doses of niacin, it’s a good idea to have your doctor NOTE: If you are diabetic or have a liver ailment, way of saying oxidative damage from free radicals.)
worth shouting from the rooftops, because we con- check your liver enzymes periodically using a stan- be sure to check with your doctor before supplement- During the 1990s the adulation for vitamin E even
sider HDL cholesterol to be a much undervalued dard liver function test. ing with niacin. extended to mainstream medicine, going as far as the
player in the heart disease story. (We’ll delve into this American Heart Association. In 1996, for instance,
topic later on in the book.) Niacin raises HDL levels by Dr. Jonny: Niacin Flush Dr. Sinatra’s Niacin Know-How vitamin E was celebrated in a well-publicized study for
10 to 30 percent. But even better is the fact that it The first time I experienced the “niacin flush” I was • Look for straight, non-time-release niacin (also significantly reducing cardiovascular events over the
preferentially increases HDL-2, which is the most ben- working as a personal trainer. It was five o’clock in the known as nicotinic acid). Take after meals at dos- course of one year among some 2,000 patients with
eficial of the HDL subclasses. (HDL-3 is actually pro- morning, and I was getting ready for my 6 a.m. client. ages of 500 mg to 3 g daily. documented heart disease.
inflammatory, even though it’s a member of the so- I remember drinking my protein shake, swallowing my • Start slowly at 100 mg. Work your way up gradu- The successes and reputation of vitamin E
prompted many to believe that if a little vitamin E was erol alone and not getting enough gamma-tocopherol with LDL removal.35 Tocotrienols provide significant More than thirty years ago, scientists began to
good, then more would be even better! Critical studies in their diets, or in their supplements, could run the lipid-lowering effects in experimental animals, and notice very low rates of cardiovascular disease among
that followed, however, began demonstrating that risk of experiencing a pro-oxidant effect from vitamin most prospective studies have demonstrated the Greenland Eskimos compared to age- and sex-
daily doses of vitamin E at 400 IUs and above didn’t E. Moreover, large doses of alpha-tocopherol could same thing in humans. matched Danish control subjects. Shortly afterward,
necessarily generate beneficial results, and, in fact, also deplete the body’s existing gamma-tocopherol If you take vitamin E, we recommend that you they were able to link these low rates of heart disease
might be detrimental to health. (As early as 2003, Dr. stores. always get it from a supplement labeled “mixed to high consumption of omega-3s in the Greenland
Sinatra wrote in his newsletter about his own reluc- A 2011 study provided an even sharper image of tocopherols” in order to avoid the problems that can diet.38 This discovery triggered an enormous amount
tance to back high-dose vitamin E because the emerg- the two faces of vitamin E. In laboratory experiments, occur with pure alpha-tocopherol supplementation. of research on the role of fish oil in preventing heart
ing research indicated possible pro-oxidant effects.) researchers in Belfast found that vitamin E (alpha- A vitamin E supplement that is 100 percent alpha- disease. (As of this writing—January 2020—a National
That said, both of us found ourselves puzzled by and gamma-tocopherol) protects very low-density tocopherol is less effective and may even be prob- Library Medicine [] search for “omega-3
the negative study results that have popped up since lipoprotein (VLDL) and LDL cholesterol against oxida- lematic in high doses. Virtually all the studies show- cardiovascular benefit” produced 378 peer-review
then. Sure, problems could come from using the syn- tion. That’s a good thing! Yet they found a “surpris- ing negative results used the alpha-tocopherol form journal articles.)
thetic form of vitamin E (designated dl-alpha-tocoph- ing” pro-oxidant effect on HDL (high-density lipopro- or, worse, the synthetic dl-alpha-tocopherol form. One recent review of omega-3s and cardiovascu-
erol) instead of the “natural” form (designatedd- tein), the cholesterol particle that acts like a garbage (The dl-alpha-tocopherol form should be left on the lar disease by Dariush Mozaffarian, M.D., of the
alpha-tocopherol). But a pro-oxidant effect from natu- truck, picking up harmful oxidized LDL and transport- shelf to rot!) Harvard School of Public Health, concluded that
ral vitamin E, considered one of the powerhouses in ing it back to the liver for removal. Anything that can If you add 100 to 200 IUs of mixed tocopherols omega-3 consumption “lowers plasma triglycerides,
the antioxidant armamentarium? How could that be? hinder HDL is of real concern. and gamma vitamin E to a regimen that also includes resting heart rate, and blood pressure and might also
Sharp-eyed readers may have noticed that we put Worth noting is that the researchers referenced a vitamin C and CoQ10, you should be fine! We also like improve myocardial filling and efficiency, lower inflam-
quotation marks around the word natural when refer- previous study in which taking a small amount of vita- the tocotrienols and especially delta tocotrienol as mation, and improve vascular function.”39 Mozaffarian
ring to natural vitamin E in the above paragraph. min C along with your alpha-tocopherol helped pre- the research clearly demonstrates the remarkable also noted that the benefits of omega-3s seem most
That’s because d-alpha-tocopherol by itself is only one vent the negative, pro-oxidant effect of vitamin E on benefits of these compounds. consistent for coronary heart disease mortality and
part of natural vitamin E. Vitamin E is actually a col- HDL. That wouldn’t be the first time one nutrient sudden cardiac death.
lection of eight related compounds that are divided helped another one out. We already know that CoQ10 OMEGA-3: THE ULTIMATE WELLNESS In case your eyes were beginning to glaze over
into two classes: tocopherols and tocotrienols. The helps protect vitamin E in the body and gives it a MOLECULE from all the medical journal speak, let’s sum it up in
tocopherols come in four forms: alpha, delta, beta, hand by recycling it back to an active form after it’s If you’ve read this book sequentially, you’re already plain English: There is reliable and consistent research
and gamma. Of these four forms, the best known is been oxidized in biochemical reactions. (We are big familiar with omega-3 fatty acids from our extensive evidence demonstrating that omega-3 fats, mainly
alpha. When you purchase a “natural” vitamin E sup- fans of the synergistic effects of nutrients.) discussion of them in chapter 10, so here we’ll from fish, lower the death rate from heart disease
plement, most of the time it is 100 percent The other half of the vitamin E story concerns highlight just a few of the many studies and lower the risk of sudden cardiac death. This is
alpha-tocopherol. the four components known as the tocotrienols. demonstrating the value of omega-3 fats for the hard-core evidence that fish oil saves lives.
And therein lies the problem. Tocotrienols are turning out to be the real heavy lift- heart. (We should also point out that there is equally One of the landmark clinical studies of omega-3
Gamma-tocopherol is turning out to be the most ers in the vitamin E family, at least when it comes to compelling research documenting the positive effect supplementation in a high-risk population was pub-
potent of the four tocopherols, and the one most benefits for the heart. They have more potent antioxi- of omega-3s on the brain as well, but because this is lished in 1999 and was known as the GISSI-
responsible for vitamin E’s positive effects as an anti- dant activity than tocopherols do. They also a book on cholesterol and cardiovascular disease, Prevenzione trial.40 More than 11,000 patients who
oxidant. Thus, people taking high-dose alpha-tocoph- increase the number of LDL receptors, which helps we’ll focus on the heart.) had suffered a heart attack within the past three
prompted many to believe that if a little vitamin E was erol alone and not getting enough gamma-tocopherol with LDL removal.35 Tocotrienols provide significant More than thirty years ago, scientists began to
good, then more would be even better! Critical studies in their diets, or in their supplements, could run the lipid-lowering effects in experimental animals, and notice very low rates of cardiovascular disease among
that followed, however, began demonstrating that risk of experiencing a pro-oxidant effect from vitamin most prospective studies have demonstrated the Greenland Eskimos compared to age- and sex-
daily doses of vitamin E at 400 IUs and above didn’t E. Moreover, large doses of alpha-tocopherol could same thing in humans. matched Danish control subjects. Shortly afterward,
necessarily generate beneficial results, and, in fact, also deplete the body’s existing gamma-tocopherol If you take vitamin E, we recommend that you they were able to link these low rates of heart disease
might be detrimental to health. (As early as 2003, Dr. stores. always get it from a supplement labeled “mixed to high consumption of omega-3s in the Greenland
Sinatra wrote in his newsletter about his own reluc- A 2011 study provided an even sharper image of tocopherols” in order to avoid the problems that can diet.38 This discovery triggered an enormous amount
tance to back high-dose vitamin E because the emerg- the two faces of vitamin E. In laboratory experiments, occur with pure alpha-tocopherol supplementation. of research on the role of fish oil in preventing heart
ing research indicated possible pro-oxidant effects.) researchers in Belfast found that vitamin E (alpha- A vitamin E supplement that is 100 percent alpha- disease. (As of this writing—January 2020—a National
That said, both of us found ourselves puzzled by and gamma-tocopherol) protects very low-density tocopherol is less effective and may even be prob- Library Medicine [] search for “omega-3
the negative study results that have popped up since lipoprotein (VLDL) and LDL cholesterol against oxida- lematic in high doses. Virtually all the studies show- cardiovascular benefit” produced 378 peer-review
then. Sure, problems could come from using the syn- tion. That’s a good thing! Yet they found a “surpris- ing negative results used the alpha-tocopherol form journal articles.)
thetic form of vitamin E (designated dl-alpha-tocoph- ing” pro-oxidant effect on HDL (high-density lipopro- or, worse, the synthetic dl-alpha-tocopherol form. One recent review of omega-3s and cardiovascu-
erol) instead of the “natural” form (designatedd- tein), the cholesterol particle that acts like a garbage (The dl-alpha-tocopherol form should be left on the lar disease by Dariush Mozaffarian, M.D., of the
alpha-tocopherol). But a pro-oxidant effect from natu- truck, picking up harmful oxidized LDL and transport- shelf to rot!) Harvard School of Public Health, concluded that
ral vitamin E, considered one of the powerhouses in ing it back to the liver for removal. Anything that can If you add 100 to 200 IUs of mixed tocopherols omega-3 consumption “lowers plasma triglycerides,
the antioxidant armamentarium? How could that be? hinder HDL is of real concern. and gamma vitamin E to a regimen that also includes resting heart rate, and blood pressure and might also
Sharp-eyed readers may have noticed that we put Worth noting is that the researchers referenced a vitamin C and CoQ10, you should be fine! We also like improve myocardial filling and efficiency, lower inflam-
quotation marks around the word natural when refer- previous study in which taking a small amount of vita- the tocotrienols and especially delta tocotrienol as mation, and improve vascular function.”39 Mozaffarian
ring to natural vitamin E in the above paragraph. min C along with your alpha-tocopherol helped pre- the research clearly demonstrates the remarkable also noted that the benefits of omega-3s seem most
That’s because d-alpha-tocopherol by itself is only one vent the negative, pro-oxidant effect of vitamin E on benefits of these compounds. consistent for coronary heart disease mortality and
part of natural vitamin E. Vitamin E is actually a col- HDL. That wouldn’t be the first time one nutrient sudden cardiac death.
lection of eight related compounds that are divided helped another one out. We already know that CoQ10 OMEGA-3: THE ULTIMATE WELLNESS In case your eyes were beginning to glaze over
into two classes: tocopherols and tocotrienols. The helps protect vitamin E in the body and gives it a MOLECULE from all the medical journal speak, let’s sum it up in
tocopherols come in four forms: alpha, delta, beta, hand by recycling it back to an active form after it’s If you’ve read this book sequentially, you’re already plain English: There is reliable and consistent research
and gamma. Of these four forms, the best known is been oxidized in biochemical reactions. (We are big familiar with omega-3 fatty acids from our extensive evidence demonstrating that omega-3 fats, mainly
alpha. When you purchase a “natural” vitamin E sup- fans of the synergistic effects of nutrients.) discussion of them in chapter 10, so here we’ll from fish, lower the death rate from heart disease
plement, most of the time it is 100 percent The other half of the vitamin E story concerns highlight just a few of the many studies and lower the risk of sudden cardiac death. This is
alpha-tocopherol. the four components known as the tocotrienols. demonstrating the value of omega-3 fats for the hard-core evidence that fish oil saves lives.
And therein lies the problem. Tocotrienols are turning out to be the real heavy lift- heart. (We should also point out that there is equally One of the landmark clinical studies of omega-3
Gamma-tocopherol is turning out to be the most ers in the vitamin E family, at least when it comes to compelling research documenting the positive effect supplementation in a high-risk population was pub-
potent of the four tocopherols, and the one most benefits for the heart. They have more potent antioxi- of omega-3s on the brain as well, but because this is lished in 1999 and was known as the GISSI-
responsible for vitamin E’s positive effects as an anti- dant activity than tocopherols do. They also a book on cholesterol and cardiovascular disease, Prevenzione trial.40 More than 11,000 patients who
oxidant. Thus, people taking high-dose alpha-tocoph- increase the number of LDL receptors, which helps we’ll focus on the heart.) had suffered a heart attack within the past three
months were randomly assigned to receive either 1 g tistically significant 19 percent reduction in major coro- at least 2 g daily of combined EPA and DHA. (Jonny is 900 mg of pantethine divided into three daily doses
a day of omega-3s, 300 mg of vitamin E, both, or nei- nary events compared to the control group. a fan of even higher doses—3 to 4 g a day of com- of 300 mg each.
ther, in addition to whatever standard therapy they Omega-3 fats, particularly from healthy, wild fish, bined EPA and DHA.
were receiving. Vitamin E had no effect, but omega-3s are your heart’s best friend, whether you’re recover- GLUCOSAMINE SULFATE
were associated with a 20 percent reduction in mor- ing from a heart attack or hoping to prevent one. PANTETHINE: YOUR SECRET If you’re familiar with glucosamine sulfate, you might
tality and a whopping 45 percent reduction in the risk They lower triglycerides. And they lower blood pres- WEAPON be surprised to find it listed here as a potential
of sudden death. These effects were apparent within sure. And best of all, omega-3s are among the most Pantethine is a metabolically active (and somewhat supplement for heart health. Actually, we were also
a mere three months of therapy. anti-inflammatory compounds on the planet, meaning more expensive) form of vitamin B5 (pantothenic surprised. For decades, glucosamine—together with a
International guidelines recommend 1 g of they have a beneficial effect on the root causes of acid). The blood tests of patients with dyslipidemia—a synergistic nutrient called chondrotrin sulfate—have
omega-3 fats daily for all people who’ve already had a heart disease. fancy way of saying that their blood levels of been known as supplements for joint health.
heart attack or for patients with elevated triglycer- We recommend that you take 2 to 3 g of fish oil cholesterol are too high—significantly improve with Indeed, almost all the research on glucosamine—a
ides. Experts believe these guidelines will soon be daily. Since the publication of the first edition, recom- pantethine supplementation. And although this can’t natural component of cartilage—has been done on
extended to patients with heart failure as well. mendations by functional medicine doctors in the be seen on a blood test, pantethine also reduces the arthritis patients. And the results, though generally
It’s worth mentioning that the overwhelming know tend to run closer to 3 to 4 g a day, and that’s oxidation of LDL. positive, have not always been conclusive. Sometimes
majority of research on omega-3s and heart disease of combined EPA and DHA (see below for explana- No fewer than twenty-eight clinical trials in it works for knee arthritis, but not for hip arthritis.
was done using the two omega-3s that are found in tion), We also recommend that you eat cold water fish humans have shown that pantethine produces signifi- (Why? Who knows?) Sometimes it works for people
fish, EPA and DHA. But other studies have also found (such as wild salmon) as often as you can. We both cant positive changes in triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, with moderate-to-severe arthritic pain, but not for
that ALA—the omega-3 found in plant foods such as recommend Vital Choice, an impeccable source of wild and VLDL, along with increases in HDL cholesterol. mild pain. But overall, it’s a very researched supple-
flax and flaxseed oil—has benefits for the heart as salmon from pristine Alaskan waters that is reason- In all of these trials, virtually no adverse effects were ment that has generally helped people with pain
well. One review of the literature pointed out that ably priced and shipped in dry ice directly to your noted. The mean dose of pantethine in these studies related to joints, and those who use it swear by it.
both in vitro (test-tube) studies and animal studies door. Like many health professionals, we buy nearly was 900 mg per day given as 300 mg three times (Full disclosure: One of us—Jonny—has severe
have shown that ALA can prevent ventricular fibrilla- all of our fish—and 100 percent of our salmon—from daily. This appears to be the optimal dosage, and it is arthritis of the shoulder and is a competitive tennis
tion, the chief mechanism of cardiac death, and that Vital Choice. You can find links to this terrific com- the one we recommend. player. Jonny takes a daily dose of 1500 mg of glucos-
it might be even more efficient at preventing this pany on our websites. According to a review of the literature on pante- amine sulfate—together with 1250 mg of chondroitin—
than EPA and DHA are. The review also noted that When you supplement with fish oil, remember thine published in Progress in Cardiovascular as part of his joint supplement routine, and has found
ALA was effective at lowering platelet aggregation, that the total amount of omega-3s is not what’s Diseases, Mark Houston, M.D., noted that in most it. together with CBD, fish oil, and a few other things,
which is an important step in thrombosis (a stroke or important. Bargain-basement omega-3 supplements studies, at the end of four months pantethine reduced to be extremely helpful.)
nonfatal heart attack). often tout on their labels how much omega-3 they total cholesterol by 15.1 percent, LDL by 20.1 percent, So why is glucosamine making a surprise appear-
Even if you’re already on a statin drug and have contain. This number by itself is meaningless. You and triglycerides by 32.9 percent, with an increase in ance in the heart supplement section of this book?
decided to remain on one, fish oil can still help you. want to know specifically how much EPA and DHA are HDL of 8.4 percent. Houston also noted that in stud- Well, one thing we know about glucosamine is
One study found that among more than 3,600 people contained within each capsule. These are the gold ies of longer duration, there appeared to be continued that it’s anti-inflammatory. Another thing we know is
with a history of cardiovascular disease—many of whom nuggets in the prospector’s tin—you don’t care about improvement. (The only adverse reactions were mild that glucosamine works even better when it’s com-
were on antiplatelet drugs, antihypertensive agents, the total amount of stones in that pan, you care gastrointestinal side effects in less than 4 percent of bined with fish oil, the combo providing a double
and nitrates—daily fish oil supplementation led to a sta- about the gold. EPA and DHA are the gold. Try to get the subjects.) As previously stated, we recommend whammy of anti-inflammatory power.49
months were randomly assigned to receive either 1 g tistically significant 19 percent reduction in major coro- at least 2 g daily of combined EPA and DHA. (Jonny is 900 mg of pantethine divided into three daily doses
a day of omega-3s, 300 mg of vitamin E, both, or nei- nary events compared to the control group. a fan of even higher doses—3 to 4 g a day of com- of 300 mg each.
ther, in addition to whatever standard therapy they Omega-3 fats, particularly from healthy, wild fish, bined EPA and DHA.
were receiving. Vitamin E had no effect, but omega-3s are your heart’s best friend, whether you’re recover- GLUCOSAMINE SULFATE
were associated with a 20 percent reduction in mor- ing from a heart attack or hoping to prevent one. PANTETHINE: YOUR SECRET If you’re familiar with glucosamine sulfate, you might
tality and a whopping 45 percent reduction in the risk They lower triglycerides. And they lower blood pres- WEAPON be surprised to find it listed here as a potential
of sudden death. These effects were apparent within sure. And best of all, omega-3s are among the most Pantethine is a metabolically active (and somewhat supplement for heart health. Actually, we were also
a mere three months of therapy. anti-inflammatory compounds on the planet, meaning more expensive) form of vitamin B5 (pantothenic surprised. For decades, glucosamine—together with a
International guidelines recommend 1 g of they have a beneficial effect on the root causes of acid). The blood tests of patients with dyslipidemia—a synergistic nutrient called chondrotrin sulfate—have
omega-3 fats daily for all people who’ve already had a heart disease. fancy way of saying that their blood levels of been known as supplements for joint health.
heart attack or for patients with elevated triglycer- We recommend that you take 2 to 3 g of fish oil cholesterol are too high—significantly improve with Indeed, almost all the research on glucosamine—a
ides. Experts believe these guidelines will soon be daily. Since the publication of the first edition, recom- pantethine supplementation. And although this can’t natural component of cartilage—has been done on
extended to patients with heart failure as well. mendations by functional medicine doctors in the be seen on a blood test, pantethine also reduces the arthritis patients. And the results, though generally
It’s worth mentioning that the overwhelming know tend to run closer to 3 to 4 g a day, and that’s oxidation of LDL. positive, have not always been conclusive. Sometimes
majority of research on omega-3s and heart disease of combined EPA and DHA (see below for explana- No fewer than twenty-eight clinical trials in it works for knee arthritis, but not for hip arthritis.
was done using the two omega-3s that are found in tion), We also recommend that you eat cold water fish humans have shown that pantethine produces signifi- (Why? Who knows?) Sometimes it works for people
fish, EPA and DHA. But other studies have also found (such as wild salmon) as often as you can. We both cant positive changes in triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, with moderate-to-severe arthritic pain, but not for
that ALA—the omega-3 found in plant foods such as recommend Vital Choice, an impeccable source of wild and VLDL, along with increases in HDL cholesterol. mild pain. But overall, it’s a very researched supple-
flax and flaxseed oil—has benefits for the heart as salmon from pristine Alaskan waters that is reason- In all of these trials, virtually no adverse effects were ment that has generally helped people with pain
well. One review of the literature pointed out that ably priced and shipped in dry ice directly to your noted. The mean dose of pantethine in these studies related to joints, and those who use it swear by it.
both in vitro (test-tube) studies and animal studies door. Like many health professionals, we buy nearly was 900 mg per day given as 300 mg three times (Full disclosure: One of us—Jonny—has severe
have shown that ALA can prevent ventricular fibrilla- all of our fish—and 100 percent of our salmon—from daily. This appears to be the optimal dosage, and it is arthritis of the shoulder and is a competitive tennis
tion, the chief mechanism of cardiac death, and that Vital Choice. You can find links to this terrific com- the one we recommend. player. Jonny takes a daily dose of 1500 mg of glucos-
it might be even more efficient at preventing this pany on our websites. According to a review of the literature on pante- amine sulfate—together with 1250 mg of chondroitin—
than EPA and DHA are. The review also noted that When you supplement with fish oil, remember thine published in Progress in Cardiovascular as part of his joint supplement routine, and has found
ALA was effective at lowering platelet aggregation, that the total amount of omega-3s is not what’s Diseases, Mark Houston, M.D., noted that in most it. together with CBD, fish oil, and a few other things,
which is an important step in thrombosis (a stroke or important. Bargain-basement omega-3 supplements studies, at the end of four months pantethine reduced to be extremely helpful.)
nonfatal heart attack). often tout on their labels how much omega-3 they total cholesterol by 15.1 percent, LDL by 20.1 percent, So why is glucosamine making a surprise appear-
Even if you’re already on a statin drug and have contain. This number by itself is meaningless. You and triglycerides by 32.9 percent, with an increase in ance in the heart supplement section of this book?
decided to remain on one, fish oil can still help you. want to know specifically how much EPA and DHA are HDL of 8.4 percent. Houston also noted that in stud- Well, one thing we know about glucosamine is
One study found that among more than 3,600 people contained within each capsule. These are the gold ies of longer duration, there appeared to be continued that it’s anti-inflammatory. Another thing we know is
with a history of cardiovascular disease—many of whom nuggets in the prospector’s tin—you don’t care about improvement. (The only adverse reactions were mild that glucosamine works even better when it’s com-
were on antiplatelet drugs, antihypertensive agents, the total amount of stones in that pan, you care gastrointestinal side effects in less than 4 percent of bined with fish oil, the combo providing a double
and nitrates—daily fish oil supplementation led to a sta- about the gold. EPA and DHA are the gold. Try to get the subjects.) As previously stated, we recommend whammy of anti-inflammatory power.49
Given its anti-inflammatory actions, it really dent—it was not a huge effect. Glucosamine use was lin resistance, it’s not entirely surprising that omega- ideal, is well within the “average risk” range for
shouldn’t be all that remarkable that glucosamine associated with a 15 percent lower risk of total CVD 7s also helps with breaking down fat and increasing inflammation-induced cardiovascular disease.
might have a place in a supplement program designed (cardiovascular disease) events, 22 percent lower risk the enzymes that are needed for fat burning in the This study—having been done at one of the most
to protect the heart. And in fact, that’s exactly what a of CVD death, 18 percent lower risk of coronary heart first place. prestigious medical centers in the world, and produc-
recent study in the British Medical Journal found. disease (slightly different from cardiovascular dis- Fat cells produce inflammatory cytokines, as well ing such a significant result—is why we think omega-7
Researchers led by Dr. Lu Qi at the Tulane ease), and a 9 percent lower risk for stroke. as other bad actors. They release molecules called may well have a place in the treatment and preven-
University Obesity Research Center in New Orleans Still. That’s not nothing. adipokines that can change the metabolic activity of tion of cardiometabolic disease. One company—
did a lifestyle survey involving more than 466,000 Glucosamine sulfate wouldn’t be our first choice tissues and ultimately produce higher levels of Barlean’s—makes a product with the exact dose used
men and women, none of whom had been diagnosed for a heart supplement. But it definitely is one you inflammation. That’s why reducing excess body fat in the study, 210 mg. It’s called Heart Remedy. (Full
with heart disease when survey polling began. They should consider adding to your heart supplement is always a good idea if you’re trying to prevent heart disclosure: Barlean’s also makes a 440 mg dose of
were tracked for an average of seven years. Those routine. disease. Remember, heart disease is in large measure the same omega-7 in a product called Joint Relief. We
taking the supplement had a 15 percent lower risk for an inflammatory disease, and anything that reduces see no reason not to take the higher dose, but either
heart disease. Glucosamine was also associated with a OMEGA-7 inflammation—like losing weight—is a net gain for will provide high quality omega-7.)
significant drop in the experience of coronary heart By now you’ve heard us talk about inflammation quite your heart.
disease, stroke, or death from heart-disease related a bit. That’s because there is no disease either of us Which brings us to the remarkable study on OTHER SUPPLEMENTATION YOU
issues. can think of that doesn’t involve inflammation, and omega-7 performed at the Cleveland Clinic. 55
Dr. Qi, commenting on his own findings, said, “I that’s especially true with heart disease. Therefore, The first randomized control trial of omega-7 sup- Picking the “top” supplements for treating any health
am a bit surprised but not very much, because previ- anything that can be demonstrated to reduce plements in humans was done at the Cleveland Clinic issue is always difficult. In trying to keep the list from
ous studies from humans or animals have shown that systemic inflammation gets our attention. Wellness Institute. Overweight or obese adults with being too overwhelming, you’re always going to leave
glucosamine may have protective effects on inflam- Enter Omega-7. evidence of inflammation—defined as CRP levels a few good things out. There’s also the very real issue
mation, which is a risk factor for cardiovascular dis- Most people have never heard of omega-7, but it’s between 2 mg/L and 5 mg/L—were randomly assigned of compliance. Most people don’t like to take a lot of
ease.” Dr. Qi added. “In addition, glucosamine use may proving to be incredibly important. The main omega-7 to two groups. One group got 220 mg of purified pills, even if the pills in question are natural sub-
mimic effects of a low-carbohydrate diet, which has fat in the body is called palmitoleic acid, and it’s been omega-7 supplementation, one group got a placebo. stances that will boost or protect their health. We
been also related to lower CVD risk.” shown to work on the cycle of events we refer to as The “outcome” measure was CRP score (see page consider the following supplements important, and
Now let’s be clear about two things. One, this is “diabetic physiology” (see chapter 9)—high blood 198), which, you may remember stands for C-reactive we suggest that you read about what they do and
an observational/association study. Association does sugar, elevated lipids (fats), excessive body fat, and, protein and is a blood measure for systemic consider using them in addition to the key
not prove causality; it simply shows that two things inevitably, insulin resistance. It’s this cycle—nearly inflammation. supplements discussed above.
are consistently found together, more so than they always triggered by too much sugar and starch—that The average baseline C-reactive protein (CRP) Vitamin C. Vitamin C is one of the most powerful
would be by chance. So while there’s now evidence we believe is the number one set of risk factors for level for all subjects in the study was 4.3 ml/DL, con- antioxidants in the world, and because heart disease
that taking glucosamine is related to a reduction in heart disease. (You’ll see why in Chapter 12.) sidered “high risk” for cardiovascular disease. But is initiated by oxidative damage (damage caused by
the risk for heart disease, we don’t know for sure that Omega-7 actually enhances insulin sensitivity (the after only thirty days, there was a 44 percent reduc- free radicals), any help you can get in the antioxidant
one caused the other. exact opposite of the dreaded insulin resistance!). tion in CRP levels in the omega-7 group compared to department is a good thing. And the evidence is not
Two, the effect was small. Though it was statisti- Since insulin resistance and fat accumulation tend to the placebo group. Those who took the supplement just theoretical: A large 2011 study published in the
cally significant—unlikely to have been found by acci- go hand in hand, and since omega-7 helps fight insu- wound up with an average CRP of 2.1, which, while not American Heart Journal found that the lower the
Given its anti-inflammatory actions, it really dent—it was not a huge effect. Glucosamine use was lin resistance, it’s not entirely surprising that omega- ideal, is well within the “average risk” range for
shouldn’t be all that remarkable that glucosamine associated with a 15 percent lower risk of total CVD 7s also helps with breaking down fat and increasing inflammation-induced cardiovascular disease.
might have a place in a supplement program designed (cardiovascular disease) events, 22 percent lower risk the enzymes that are needed for fat burning in the This study—having been done at one of the most
to protect the heart. And in fact, that’s exactly what a of CVD death, 18 percent lower risk of coronary heart first place. prestigious medical centers in the world, and produc-
recent study in the British Medical Journal found. disease (slightly different from cardiovascular dis- Fat cells produce inflammatory cytokines, as well ing such a significant result—is why we think omega-7
Researchers led by Dr. Lu Qi at the Tulane ease), and a 9 percent lower risk for stroke. as other bad actors. They release molecules called may well have a place in the treatment and preven-
University Obesity Research Center in New Orleans Still. That’s not nothing. adipokines that can change the metabolic activity of tion of cardiometabolic disease. One company—
did a lifestyle survey involving more than 466,000 Glucosamine sulfate wouldn’t be our first choice tissues and ultimately produce higher levels of Barlean’s—makes a product with the exact dose used
men and women, none of whom had been diagnosed for a heart supplement. But it definitely is one you inflammation. That’s why reducing excess body fat in the study, 210 mg. It’s called Heart Remedy. (Full
with heart disease when survey polling began. They should consider adding to your heart supplement is always a good idea if you’re trying to prevent heart disclosure: Barlean’s also makes a 440 mg dose of
were tracked for an average of seven years. Those routine. disease. Remember, heart disease is in large measure the same omega-7 in a product called Joint Relief. We
taking the supplement had a 15 percent lower risk for an inflammatory disease, and anything that reduces see no reason not to take the higher dose, but either
heart disease. Glucosamine was also associated with a OMEGA-7 inflammation—like losing weight—is a net gain for will provide high quality omega-7.)
significant drop in the experience of coronary heart By now you’ve heard us talk about inflammation quite your heart.
disease, stroke, or death from heart-disease related a bit. That’s because there is no disease either of us Which brings us to the remarkable study on OTHER SUPPLEMENTATION YOU
issues. can think of that doesn’t involve inflammation, and omega-7 performed at the Cleveland Clinic. 55
Dr. Qi, commenting on his own findings, said, “I that’s especially true with heart disease. Therefore, The first randomized control trial of omega-7 sup- Picking the “top” supplements for treating any health
am a bit surprised but not very much, because previ- anything that can be demonstrated to reduce plements in humans was done at the Cleveland Clinic issue is always difficult. In trying to keep the list from
ous studies from humans or animals have shown that systemic inflammation gets our attention. Wellness Institute. Overweight or obese adults with being too overwhelming, you’re always going to leave
glucosamine may have protective effects on inflam- Enter Omega-7. evidence of inflammation—defined as CRP levels a few good things out. There’s also the very real issue
mation, which is a risk factor for cardiovascular dis- Most people have never heard of omega-7, but it’s between 2 mg/L and 5 mg/L—were randomly assigned of compliance. Most people don’t like to take a lot of
ease.” Dr. Qi added. “In addition, glucosamine use may proving to be incredibly important. The main omega-7 to two groups. One group got 220 mg of purified pills, even if the pills in question are natural sub-
mimic effects of a low-carbohydrate diet, which has fat in the body is called palmitoleic acid, and it’s been omega-7 supplementation, one group got a placebo. stances that will boost or protect their health. We
been also related to lower CVD risk.” shown to work on the cycle of events we refer to as The “outcome” measure was CRP score (see page consider the following supplements important, and
Now let’s be clear about two things. One, this is “diabetic physiology” (see chapter 9)—high blood 198), which, you may remember stands for C-reactive we suggest that you read about what they do and
an observational/association study. Association does sugar, elevated lipids (fats), excessive body fat, and, protein and is a blood measure for systemic consider using them in addition to the key
not prove causality; it simply shows that two things inevitably, insulin resistance. It’s this cycle—nearly inflammation. supplements discussed above.
are consistently found together, more so than they always triggered by too much sugar and starch—that The average baseline C-reactive protein (CRP) Vitamin C. Vitamin C is one of the most powerful
would be by chance. So while there’s now evidence we believe is the number one set of risk factors for level for all subjects in the study was 4.3 ml/DL, con- antioxidants in the world, and because heart disease
that taking glucosamine is related to a reduction in heart disease. (You’ll see why in Chapter 12.) sidered “high risk” for cardiovascular disease. But is initiated by oxidative damage (damage caused by
the risk for heart disease, we don’t know for sure that Omega-7 actually enhances insulin sensitivity (the after only thirty days, there was a 44 percent reduc- free radicals), any help you can get in the antioxidant
one caused the other. exact opposite of the dreaded insulin resistance!). tion in CRP levels in the omega-7 group compared to department is a good thing. And the evidence is not
Two, the effect was small. Though it was statisti- Since insulin resistance and fat accumulation tend to the placebo group. Those who took the supplement just theoretical: A large 2011 study published in the
cally significant—unlikely to have been found by acci- go hand in hand, and since omega-7 helps fight insu- wound up with an average CRP of 2.1, which, while not American Heart Journal found that the lower the
level of vitamin C in the blood, the higher the risk for nent of resveratrol. Read labels carefully to see what
heart failure. Take 1,000 to 2,000 mg a day. percentage of the capsule is actually the “trans” vari-
Worth knowing: Vitamin C is extremely safe, and ety, because that’s the only kind that counts.
Hyperviscosity refers to sticky, or sludgy, blood. When blood thickens, it bogs down as it moves
side effects are rare because the body can’t store the Citrus Bergamot. Citrus bergamot is a fruit
through the blood vessels, causing platelets to stick together and clump. Blood vessels become
vitamin. (In some cases, doses exceeding 2,000 mg a that’s endemic to the Calabrian region in Southern
more rigid, less elastic, and frequently calcified. The danger lies in the tendency to form clots
day can lead to a little harmless stomach upset and Italy and if it lives up to its promise—which it seems to
that can block vessels leading to vital organs.
diarrhea.) The bigger danger is the fact that vitamin be doing—it may turn out to be one of the most
Nattokinase is extracted from the traditional fermented soy food natto, believed by many
C increases the amount of iron absorbed from foods. important supplements for the prevention of meta-
researchers to contribute to the low incidence of coronary heart disease in Japan. It provides
People with hemochromatosis, an inherited condition bolic syndrome (aka insulin resistance syndrome or
a unique, powerful, and safe way to eliminate clots, or reduce the tendency to form clots, and
in which too much iron builds up in the bloodstream, pre-diabetes). Metabolic syndrome, you’ll remember, is
thus decrease the risk of heart attack and stroke.64
should not take more than 100 mg of supplemental a collection of symptoms (high blood sugar, high tri-
Lumbrokinase, developed in both Japan and China, comes from an extract of earthworm, a
vitamin C. glycerides, high blood pressure, abdominal fat, etc.)
traditional source of healing in Asian medicine. These two separate products of dynamic Asian
Curcumin. This extract from the Indian spice tur- that greatly increases the risk for heart disease.
research share a powerful and common property of great interest to anyone who wants to
meric has multiple benefits, not the least of which is Citrus bergamot lowers blood sugar. It lowers tri-
protect their cardiovascular system: They are natural clot eaters.
that it’s highly anti-inflammatory. Scientific research glycerides. And it lowers blood pressure. Dr. Sinatra
Here’s how it works: Your body naturally produces fibrin, a fibrous protein formed from
has demonstrated its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, calls this, “ a trifecta of cardiovascular health.”
fibrinogen. (A fibrinogen test is one of the blood tests we recommend—see appendix B—
anti-thrombotic, and cardiovascular protective As with all of the other supplements, but espe-
because it is a good marker of how much fibrin you’re making.) Fibrin is both good and bad. Its 57
effects. Curcumin also reduces oxidized LDL choles- cially with resveratrol, curcumin, and fish oil, you
clot-forming action is immediately activated when bleeding occurs, so that’s a good thing. But 58
terol. In animal studies, it was shown to protect the need to pay attention to the label and the amount of
excess fibrin activity can produce consistently thick blood, and that’s a big problem.
lining of the artery walls from damage caused by active ingredients. Look for bergamot products with
To offset the danger—and to create thinner blood—the body produces another substance 59
homocysteine. The synergistic relationship of cur- a high percentage of polyphenols (at least 30 per-
called plasmin, an enzyme whose job is to break down excess fibrin. A nice system of checks
cumin with resveratrol is especially important. cent if not more). Citrus bergamot extract of 38
and balances. But if plasmin, the natural anticlotting agent, becomes overwhelmed and can’t
Resveratrol. Resveratrol is the ingredient in red percent polyphenols has been demonstrated to sup-
keep up with the job, there’s trouble in River City. And that’s where nattokinase and
wine that’s best known for its “anti-aging” activity. It press inflammation, inhibit plaque formation, and
lumbrokinase come in. If blood clots in an already narrowed blood vessel, you’re basically
helps protect the arteries by improving their elastic- improve arterial responsiveness, thus contributing
screwed. So if you can dissolve the clotted material, you can open arteries and improve blood
ity, inhibits blood clots, and lowers both oxidized LDL mightily to cardiovascular health.62
flow. If you reduce the clot even just a tiny bit, you get a significant blood flow boost.
and blood pressure.60 Not a bad resume! It’s both a Berberine. Berberine is an active biological com-
Nattokinase and lumbrokinase are natural blood thinners. They can literally turn your blood
strong antioxidant and a strong anti-inflammatory, pound that can be extracted from a number of plants,
from the consistency of ketchup to the consistency of red wine! Best of all, they work pretty
inhibiting a number of inflammatory enzymes that notably shrubs. Although it has a long history of use
quickly, within minutes to hours.
can contribute to heart disease. It also inhibits the in traditional Chinese medicine, it’s now earning a
If you take these supplements preventively, you may not form clots in the first place.
ability of certain molecules to stick to the arterial reputation among modern day health practitioners in
walls, where they can take up residence and contrib- the west as an effective adjunct treatment for a num-
ute to inflammation. The recommended daily dose is ber of cardiometabolic issues.
30 to 200 mg of trans-resveratrol, the active compo- It is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
level of vitamin C in the blood, the higher the risk for nent of resveratrol. Read labels carefully to see what
heart failure. Take 1,000 to 2,000 mg a day. percentage of the capsule is actually the “trans” vari-
Worth knowing: Vitamin C is extremely safe, and ety, because that’s the only kind that counts.
Hyperviscosity refers to sticky, or sludgy, blood. When blood thickens, it bogs down as it moves
side effects are rare because the body can’t store the Citrus Bergamot. Citrus bergamot is a fruit
through the blood vessels, causing platelets to stick together and clump. Blood vessels become
vitamin. (In some cases, doses exceeding 2,000 mg a that’s endemic to the Calabrian region in Southern
more rigid, less elastic, and frequently calcified. The danger lies in the tendency to form clots
day can lead to a little harmless stomach upset and Italy and if it lives up to its promise—which it seems to
that can block vessels leading to vital organs.
diarrhea.) The bigger danger is the fact that vitamin be doing—it may turn out to be one of the most
Nattokinase is extracted from the traditional fermented soy food natto, believed by many
C increases the amount of iron absorbed from foods. important supplements for the prevention of meta-
researchers to contribute to the low incidence of coronary heart disease in Japan. It provides
People with hemochromatosis, an inherited condition bolic syndrome (aka insulin resistance syndrome or
a unique, powerful, and safe way to eliminate clots, or reduce the tendency to form clots, and
in which too much iron builds up in the bloodstream, pre-diabetes). Metabolic syndrome, you’ll remember, is
thus decrease the risk of heart attack and stroke.64
should not take more than 100 mg of supplemental a collection of symptoms (high blood sugar, high tri-
Lumbrokinase, developed in both Japan and China, comes from an extract of earthworm, a
vitamin C. glycerides, high blood pressure, abdominal fat, etc.)
traditional source of healing in Asian medicine. These two separate products of dynamic Asian
Curcumin. This extract from the Indian spice tur- that greatly increases the risk for heart disease.
research share a powerful and common property of great interest to anyone who wants to
meric has multiple benefits, not the least of which is Citrus bergamot lowers blood sugar. It lowers tri-
protect their cardiovascular system: They are natural clot eaters.
that it’s highly anti-inflammatory. Scientific research glycerides. And it lowers blood pressure. Dr. Sinatra
Here’s how it works: Your body naturally produces fibrin, a fibrous protein formed from
has demonstrated its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, calls this, “ a trifecta of cardiovascular health.”
fibrinogen. (A fibrinogen test is one of the blood tests we recommend—see appendix B—
anti-thrombotic, and cardiovascular protective As with all of the other supplements, but espe-
because it is a good marker of how much fibrin you’re making.) Fibrin is both good and bad. Its 57
effects. Curcumin also reduces oxidized LDL choles- cially with resveratrol, curcumin, and fish oil, you
clot-forming action is immediately activated when bleeding occurs, so that’s a good thing. But 58
terol. In animal studies, it was shown to protect the need to pay attention to the label and the amount of
excess fibrin activity can produce consistently thick blood, and that’s a big problem.
lining of the artery walls from damage caused by active ingredients. Look for bergamot products with
To offset the danger—and to create thinner blood—the body produces another substance 59
homocysteine. The synergistic relationship of cur- a high percentage of polyphenols (at least 30 per-
called plasmin, an enzyme whose job is to break down excess fibrin. A nice system of checks
cumin with resveratrol is especially important. cent if not more). Citrus bergamot extract of 38
and balances. But if plasmin, the natural anticlotting agent, becomes overwhelmed and can’t
Resveratrol. Resveratrol is the ingredient in red percent polyphenols has been demonstrated to sup-
keep up with the job, there’s trouble in River City. And that’s where nattokinase and
wine that’s best known for its “anti-aging” activity. It press inflammation, inhibit plaque formation, and
lumbrokinase come in. If blood clots in an already narrowed blood vessel, you’re basically
helps protect the arteries by improving their elastic- improve arterial responsiveness, thus contributing
screwed. So if you can dissolve the clotted material, you can open arteries and improve blood
ity, inhibits blood clots, and lowers both oxidized LDL mightily to cardiovascular health.62
flow. If you reduce the clot even just a tiny bit, you get a significant blood flow boost.
and blood pressure.60 Not a bad resume! It’s both a Berberine. Berberine is an active biological com-
Nattokinase and lumbrokinase are natural blood thinners. They can literally turn your blood
strong antioxidant and a strong anti-inflammatory, pound that can be extracted from a number of plants,
from the consistency of ketchup to the consistency of red wine! Best of all, they work pretty
inhibiting a number of inflammatory enzymes that notably shrubs. Although it has a long history of use
quickly, within minutes to hours.
can contribute to heart disease. It also inhibits the in traditional Chinese medicine, it’s now earning a
If you take these supplements preventively, you may not form clots in the first place.
ability of certain molecules to stick to the arterial reputation among modern day health practitioners in
walls, where they can take up residence and contrib- the west as an effective adjunct treatment for a num-
ute to inflammation. The recommended daily dose is ber of cardiometabolic issues.
30 to 200 mg of trans-resveratrol, the active compo- It is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
that also decreases triglycerides and blood sugar. And color to salmon, shrimp, lobster, and crab to mention
some research shows it may increase insulin recep- a few. It has more antioxidant power than vitamin C
tors (which would increase insulin sensitivity and and even pycnogenol. He was so enthusiastic about WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW
reduce insulin resistance). It also increases nitrous what he heard that he started to incorporate astaxan- • Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a kind of “energy fuel” for the heart. Statins deplete CoQ10;
oxide. thin into his Omega Vitalisea product at Healthy supplementation is an absolute necessity if you’re on a statin drug, and it is a very good idea
A meta-analysis of sixteen berberine studies done Directions. even if you’re not.
in 2018 showed significant improvements in conven- Over the last few years, there have been more • L-carnitine supplementation after a heart attack increases survival rate and makes it less
tional measures of cardiovascular risk, including, by than 1,400 publications in the medical literature likely you’ll suffer a second heart attack.
the way, a reduction in triglycerides of 25 mg/dl. And regarding the powerful antioxidant and anti-aging • Magnesium relaxes the artery walls, reduces blood pressure, and makes it easier for the
another meta-analysis—this one looking at reductions aspects of astaxanthin. These improvements have not heart to pump blood and for the blood to flow freely.
in blood sugar—concluded that “(b)ased on the exist- only been seen in heart and brain function, but also • Niacin will lower both triglycerides and the “bad” kind of LDL cholesterol. It also reduces a
ing evidence reviewed, berberine has beneficial effects in eye and skin health as well. Astaxanthin from algae toxic substance called lipoprotein(a)—Lp(a) for short—and raises HDL. Don’t use the time-
on blood glucose control in the treatment of type 2 is a unique potent carotenoid that is a terrific free- release kind.
diabetic patients and exhibits efficacy comparable radical fighter supporting the brain, eye, heart, and • Omega-3s—especially from fish—lower the death rate from heart disease. They also lower
with that of conventional oral hypoglycaemics.” In skin. Both of us believe this powerful antioxidant triglycerides, resting heart rate, and blood pressure. Omega-3s are highly anti-inflammatory.
other words, berberine’s blood sugar lowering capac- should be incorporated in one’s supplemental pro- • Other supplements worth considering include vitamin C, curcumin, resveratrol, citrus
ity was found to be comparable to several well-estab- gram on a daily basis. (One very good food source bergamot, berberine, and cocoa flavanols.
lished pharmaceutical medicines.63 of astaxanthin is wild-caught salmon and krill!)
Cocoa flavanols. Plant chemicals in cocoa known
as flavanols help the body synthesize a compound CONVINCING YOUR DOCTOR
called nitric oxide, which is critical for healthy blood If you show this chapter to your doctor, and he or she
flow and healthy blood pressure. Nitric oxide also is still skeptical, we suggest you direct him or her to
improves platelet function, meaning it makes your the superb review paper on nonpharmacological
blood less sticky. It also makes the lining of the arter- treatment for dyslipidemia written by Mark Houston,
ies less attractive for white blood cells to attach to M.D., and published in Progress in Cardiovascular
and stick around. Researchers in Germany followed Diseases.66 This paper has 421 citations and should go
more than 19,000 people for a minimum of ten years a long way toward reassuring him or her that there is
and found that those who ate the most flavanol-rich plenty of research to support the use of these natural,
dark chocolate had lower blood pressure and a 39 non-toxic substances.
percent lower risk of having a heart attack or stroke
compared to those who ate almost no chocolate.65
Astaxanthin. Dr. Sinatra first got acquainted with
astaxanthin at a Japanese symposium on CoQ10 over a
decade ago. Astaxanthin is what gives the orange-red
that also decreases triglycerides and blood sugar. And color to salmon, shrimp, lobster, and crab to mention
some research shows it may increase insulin recep- a few. It has more antioxidant power than vitamin C
tors (which would increase insulin sensitivity and and even pycnogenol. He was so enthusiastic about WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW
reduce insulin resistance). It also increases nitrous what he heard that he started to incorporate astaxan- • Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a kind of “energy fuel” for the heart. Statins deplete CoQ10;
oxide. thin into his Omega Vitalisea product at Healthy supplementation is an absolute necessity if you’re on a statin drug, and it is a very good idea
A meta-analysis of sixteen berberine studies done Directions. even if you’re not.
in 2018 showed significant improvements in conven- Over the last few years, there have been more • L-carnitine supplementation after a heart attack increases survival rate and makes it less
tional measures of cardiovascular risk, including, by than 1,400 publications in the medical literature likely you’ll suffer a second heart attack.
the way, a reduction in triglycerides of 25 mg/dl. And regarding the powerful antioxidant and anti-aging • Magnesium relaxes the artery walls, reduces blood pressure, and makes it easier for the
another meta-analysis—this one looking at reductions aspects of astaxanthin. These improvements have not heart to pump blood and for the blood to flow freely.
in blood sugar—concluded that “(b)ased on the exist- only been seen in heart and brain function, but also • Niacin will lower both triglycerides and the “bad” kind of LDL cholesterol. It also reduces a
ing evidence reviewed, berberine has beneficial effects in eye and skin health as well. Astaxanthin from algae toxic substance called lipoprotein(a)—Lp(a) for short—and raises HDL. Don’t use the time-
on blood glucose control in the treatment of type 2 is a unique potent carotenoid that is a terrific free- release kind.
diabetic patients and exhibits efficacy comparable radical fighter supporting the brain, eye, heart, and • Omega-3s—especially from fish—lower the death rate from heart disease. They also lower
with that of conventional oral hypoglycaemics.” In skin. Both of us believe this powerful antioxidant triglycerides, resting heart rate, and blood pressure. Omega-3s are highly anti-inflammatory.
other words, berberine’s blood sugar lowering capac- should be incorporated in one’s supplemental pro- • Other supplements worth considering include vitamin C, curcumin, resveratrol, citrus
ity was found to be comparable to several well-estab- gram on a daily basis. (One very good food source bergamot, berberine, and cocoa flavanols.
lished pharmaceutical medicines.63 of astaxanthin is wild-caught salmon and krill!)
Cocoa flavanols. Plant chemicals in cocoa known
as flavanols help the body synthesize a compound CONVINCING YOUR DOCTOR
called nitric oxide, which is critical for healthy blood If you show this chapter to your doctor, and he or she
flow and healthy blood pressure. Nitric oxide also is still skeptical, we suggest you direct him or her to
improves platelet function, meaning it makes your the superb review paper on nonpharmacological
blood less sticky. It also makes the lining of the arter- treatment for dyslipidemia written by Mark Houston,
ies less attractive for white blood cells to attach to M.D., and published in Progress in Cardiovascular
and stick around. Researchers in Germany followed Diseases.66 This paper has 421 citations and should go
more than 19,000 people for a minimum of ten years a long way toward reassuring him or her that there is
and found that those who ate the most flavanol-rich plenty of research to support the use of these natural,
dark chocolate had lower blood pressure and a 39 non-toxic substances.
percent lower risk of having a heart attack or stroke
compared to those who ate almost no chocolate.65
Astaxanthin. Dr. Sinatra first got acquainted with
astaxanthin at a Japanese symposium on CoQ10 over a
decade ago. Astaxanthin is what gives the orange-red
Here’s a perfect example: stress. Now, textbooks And it can even bring on a heart attack.
have been written detailing exactly how excessive lev- Virtually every one of the recommended activi-
CHAPTER 12 els of stress hormones—known as chronic stress—do ties below lowers stress hormones. We can’t overstate
long-term metabolic damage. And as fascinating as the importance of this. You can test to your heart’s
that story is, it will take us way too far afield to detail content, eat all the right foods, and even exercise reg-
here. So we’re going to ask you, for the purposes of ularly, but if you’re not managing your stress hor-
stress is either a promoter, contributor, accompani- And this is not just speculation. Dozens of studies
ment, multiplier, or proximate cause of just about have now shown that what you think about pro-
every disease on the planet. foundly affects your physiology, your immune system,
EAT, LAUGH, PLAY, LOVE It’s also, by the way, a major instigator of inflam-
mation. And weight gain (particularly around the mid-
your blood pressure, your stress hormones, and
everything that’s affected by them. We can simply no
dle). And elevated blood pressure. longer treat “heart disease” like it’s a solely physical
BOTH OF US, DURING OUR GRADUATE SCHOOL YEARS, trained in psychology. Jonny earned a The term “chronic stress” has become an all too phenomenon.
master’s in psychology from the New School for Social Research, and Steve trained for two years in familiar accompaniment to daily life. And here’s what Opening your heart to your feelings and learning
gestalt therapy and then followed up with a six-year certification in bioenergetic psychotherapy. chronic stress does: It damages and weakens your how to express them in a healthy way will do far more
Perhaps that’s why both of us, throughout our careers, have been keenly aware of the role that heart (and your immune system). It weakens your for your heart and your overall health than you might
attitude, thought, feeling, emotion, and the subconscious play in our physical health. We have both resistance to bad stuff. It lowers your resilience. imagine. This final section offers some specific tech-
seen the collapse of the old-fashioned way of thinking about “mind” and “body” as two separate areas
of study. Today, every scientist worth his weight in Bunsen burners understands that “mind” and
“body” are not two discrete entities, but two completely entwined and interrelated parts of a whole Everyone reading this book needs to know this: Diet, exercise,
that operate together and are impossible to disentangle. and/or nutritional supplements are important tools that help
In fact there’s an entire field of legitimate scientific study that actually studies how mind and body
influence each other. It’s called psychoneuroimmunology, or sometimes psychoneuroendocrinology, prevent and even heal heart disease. But they are only a part
and it’s been around since 1975.1 It specifically studies how what we think about (psychoneuro) affects of the picture. The many hidden emotional and psychological
our immune system (immunology) or our hormones (endocrinology). The findings are profound and
incontrovertible—what we think about affects virtually all of our physiology, including (if not especially) risk factors that are hardly ever addressed by conventional
the cardiometabolic ones.2 medicine are equally important—and sometimes even
more so. They include suppressed anger, rage, the loss of love
(what Dr. Sinatra calls “heartbreak”), and the emotional
isolation that results from lack of intimacy with other people.
Here’s a perfect example: stress. Now, textbooks And it can even bring on a heart attack.
have been written detailing exactly how excessive lev- Virtually every one of the recommended activi-
CHAPTER 12 els of stress hormones—known as chronic stress—do ties below lowers stress hormones. We can’t overstate
long-term metabolic damage. And as fascinating as the importance of this. You can test to your heart’s
that story is, it will take us way too far afield to detail content, eat all the right foods, and even exercise reg-
here. So we’re going to ask you, for the purposes of ularly, but if you’re not managing your stress hor-
stress is either a promoter, contributor, accompani- And this is not just speculation. Dozens of studies
ment, multiplier, or proximate cause of just about have now shown that what you think about pro-
every disease on the planet. foundly affects your physiology, your immune system,
EAT, LAUGH, PLAY, LOVE It’s also, by the way, a major instigator of inflam-
mation. And weight gain (particularly around the mid-
your blood pressure, your stress hormones, and
everything that’s affected by them. We can simply no
dle). And elevated blood pressure. longer treat “heart disease” like it’s a solely physical
BOTH OF US, DURING OUR GRADUATE SCHOOL YEARS, trained in psychology. Jonny earned a The term “chronic stress” has become an all too phenomenon.
master’s in psychology from the New School for Social Research, and Steve trained for two years in familiar accompaniment to daily life. And here’s what Opening your heart to your feelings and learning
gestalt therapy and then followed up with a six-year certification in bioenergetic psychotherapy. chronic stress does: It damages and weakens your how to express them in a healthy way will do far more
Perhaps that’s why both of us, throughout our careers, have been keenly aware of the role that heart (and your immune system). It weakens your for your heart and your overall health than you might
attitude, thought, feeling, emotion, and the subconscious play in our physical health. We have both resistance to bad stuff. It lowers your resilience. imagine. This final section offers some specific tech-
seen the collapse of the old-fashioned way of thinking about “mind” and “body” as two separate areas
of study. Today, every scientist worth his weight in Bunsen burners understands that “mind” and
“body” are not two discrete entities, but two completely entwined and interrelated parts of a whole Everyone reading this book needs to know this: Diet, exercise,
that operate together and are impossible to disentangle. and/or nutritional supplements are important tools that help
In fact there’s an entire field of legitimate scientific study that actually studies how mind and body
influence each other. It’s called psychoneuroimmunology, or sometimes psychoneuroendocrinology, prevent and even heal heart disease. But they are only a part
and it’s been around since 1975.1 It specifically studies how what we think about (psychoneuro) affects of the picture. The many hidden emotional and psychological
our immune system (immunology) or our hormones (endocrinology). The findings are profound and
incontrovertible—what we think about affects virtually all of our physiology, including (if not especially) risk factors that are hardly ever addressed by conventional
the cardiometabolic ones.2 medicine are equally important—and sometimes even
more so. They include suppressed anger, rage, the loss of love
(what Dr. Sinatra calls “heartbreak”), and the emotional
isolation that results from lack of intimacy with other people.
niques you can use to accomplish this. relaxes the muscles. It also increases levels of nitric
oxide—a molecule that’s important for circulation and
BREATHE DEEPLY improved blood flow. Tai chi, meditation, yoga, and
Allow ten to twenty minutes to try this simple technique:
When people are subjected to chronic stress, they mindfulness are all able to elicit the relaxation
• Sit quietly in a comfortable position.
oftentimes become tense and rigid. They take shallow response.
• Close your eyes.
breaths. High chest breathing can, over the course of According to the Benson-Henry Institute, between
• Deeply relax all your muscles beginning at your feet and progressing up to your face. Keep
time, result in actual physical changes in the body, 60 and 90 percent of all doctor visits are for com-
them relaxed.
such as a more rigid upper body, including the chest plaints related to, or affected by, stress. “Scores of
• Breathe through your nose. Become aware of your breathing. As you breathe out, say the
and shoulders. Slow, rhythmic, deep abdominal diseases and conditions are either caused or made
word "one" silently to yourself. For example, breathe in…out, (“one”), in…out (“one”), etc.
breathing, however, is physiologically more suited to worse by stress,” Benson has said. “These include
Breathe easily and naturally.
the body and has the added benefit of allowing a anxiety, mild or moderate depression, anger, hostility,
• Continue for ten to twenty minutes.
greater intake of oxygen. hot flashes of menopause, infertility, PMS, high blood
• You may open your eyes to check the time, but don’t use an alarm. When you finish, sit
Proper breathing has been the subject of many pressure, and heart attacks. Every one can be caused
quietly for several minutes at first with your eyes closed and later with your eyes open. Don’t
stress-management programs. It’s the first place you by stress or exacerbated by it. And to the extent that
stand for a few minutes.
start when you learn to meditate, and it’s a principle that’s the case, the relaxation response is helpful.”3
focus of yoga. In Gestalt psychotherapy, deep breath-
“Don’t worry about whether you are successful in achieving a deep level of relaxation.
ing is used as a vehicle to loosen up the energy of the HOW CRYING AND LAUGHING
Maintain a passive attitude and permit relaxation to occur at its own pace. When distracting
chest and to free emotions. CAN HELP
thoughts occur, try to ignore them by not dwelling upon them and return to repeating one.”
A more prolonged form of deep breathing is med- Next to love, crying is perhaps the most healing
—From The Relaxation Response by Herbert Benson, M.D., used with permission
itation, which has an impressive amount of research activity for the heart. It frees the heart of muscular
showing that it lowers blood pressure effectively. tension and rigidity. Sobbing enhances oxygen
Cardiologist Herbert Benson, M.D., has been doing delivery. Man is the only primate able to weep for NOTE: Try not to do this within a couple hours of eating. According to Benson, the digestive process
pioneering research on meditation and deep breath- emotional reasons. Weeping is nature’s way of seems to interfere with eliciting the relaxation response.
ing for decades. An associate professor of medicine at releasing the pain of heartbreak and preventing
Harvard Medical School and founder of the Benson- death. Any expression of feeling will help to heal your
Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine at heart. Despite what we’re taught, it’s not weak to
Massachusetts General Hospital, he coined the term show your feelings. In fact, it’s far healthier than potential to be extremely therapeutic. chronic inflammation along the axial skeleton. At one
“the Relaxation Response” to refer to a physical state “stuffing” your feelings and seething silently. point, doctors gave him little hope of surviving. He
of deep rest that changes the physical and emotional Laughing is a way of experiencing strong feelings, Laughing Your Way to Health ignored their doomsaying and developed his own
responses to stress. And it’s all based on deep breath- just as crying is. (In fact, strenuous laughter often Over the course of his lifetime, Norman Cousins, the program for recovery that involved love, hope, faith,
ing and calming the mind. turns into tears.) When you laugh fully, breathing legendary journalist and editor of the Saturday and, courtesy of the Marx Brothers films he loved to
Benson was able to show time and again that the increases, freeing up the rigidity in the chest, dia- Evening Post, suffered from a number of serious watch, an awful lot of laughter.
relaxation response decreases the heart rate, lowers phragm, and even deep down in the psoas muscles. medical conditions, including heart disease and Although he eventually died of heart failure at
blood pressure, slows the rate of breathing, and As a spontaneous release of energy, laughter has the ankylosing spondylitis, a disease characterized by age seventy-five, Cousins lived far longer than his
niques you can use to accomplish this. relaxes the muscles. It also increases levels of nitric
oxide—a molecule that’s important for circulation and
BREATHE DEEPLY improved blood flow. Tai chi, meditation, yoga, and
Allow ten to twenty minutes to try this simple technique:
When people are subjected to chronic stress, they mindfulness are all able to elicit the relaxation
• Sit quietly in a comfortable position.
oftentimes become tense and rigid. They take shallow response.
• Close your eyes.
breaths. High chest breathing can, over the course of According to the Benson-Henry Institute, between
• Deeply relax all your muscles beginning at your feet and progressing up to your face. Keep
time, result in actual physical changes in the body, 60 and 90 percent of all doctor visits are for com-
them relaxed.
such as a more rigid upper body, including the chest plaints related to, or affected by, stress. “Scores of
• Breathe through your nose. Become aware of your breathing. As you breathe out, say the
and shoulders. Slow, rhythmic, deep abdominal diseases and conditions are either caused or made
word "one" silently to yourself. For example, breathe in…out, (“one”), in…out (“one”), etc.
breathing, however, is physiologically more suited to worse by stress,” Benson has said. “These include
Breathe easily and naturally.
the body and has the added benefit of allowing a anxiety, mild or moderate depression, anger, hostility,
• Continue for ten to twenty minutes.
greater intake of oxygen. hot flashes of menopause, infertility, PMS, high blood
• You may open your eyes to check the time, but don’t use an alarm. When you finish, sit
Proper breathing has been the subject of many pressure, and heart attacks. Every one can be caused
quietly for several minutes at first with your eyes closed and later with your eyes open. Don’t
stress-management programs. It’s the first place you by stress or exacerbated by it. And to the extent that
stand for a few minutes.
start when you learn to meditate, and it’s a principle that’s the case, the relaxation response is helpful.”3
focus of yoga. In Gestalt psychotherapy, deep breath-
“Don’t worry about whether you are successful in achieving a deep level of relaxation.
ing is used as a vehicle to loosen up the energy of the HOW CRYING AND LAUGHING
Maintain a passive attitude and permit relaxation to occur at its own pace. When distracting
chest and to free emotions. CAN HELP
thoughts occur, try to ignore them by not dwelling upon them and return to repeating one.”
A more prolonged form of deep breathing is med- Next to love, crying is perhaps the most healing
—From The Relaxation Response by Herbert Benson, M.D., used with permission
itation, which has an impressive amount of research activity for the heart. It frees the heart of muscular
showing that it lowers blood pressure effectively. tension and rigidity. Sobbing enhances oxygen
Cardiologist Herbert Benson, M.D., has been doing delivery. Man is the only primate able to weep for NOTE: Try not to do this within a couple hours of eating. According to Benson, the digestive process
pioneering research on meditation and deep breath- emotional reasons. Weeping is nature’s way of seems to interfere with eliciting the relaxation response.
ing for decades. An associate professor of medicine at releasing the pain of heartbreak and preventing
Harvard Medical School and founder of the Benson- death. Any expression of feeling will help to heal your
Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine at heart. Despite what we’re taught, it’s not weak to
Massachusetts General Hospital, he coined the term show your feelings. In fact, it’s far healthier than potential to be extremely therapeutic. chronic inflammation along the axial skeleton. At one
“the Relaxation Response” to refer to a physical state “stuffing” your feelings and seething silently. point, doctors gave him little hope of surviving. He
of deep rest that changes the physical and emotional Laughing is a way of experiencing strong feelings, Laughing Your Way to Health ignored their doomsaying and developed his own
responses to stress. And it’s all based on deep breath- just as crying is. (In fact, strenuous laughter often Over the course of his lifetime, Norman Cousins, the program for recovery that involved love, hope, faith,
ing and calming the mind. turns into tears.) When you laugh fully, breathing legendary journalist and editor of the Saturday and, courtesy of the Marx Brothers films he loved to
Benson was able to show time and again that the increases, freeing up the rigidity in the chest, dia- Evening Post, suffered from a number of serious watch, an awful lot of laughter.
relaxation response decreases the heart rate, lowers phragm, and even deep down in the psoas muscles. medical conditions, including heart disease and Although he eventually died of heart failure at
blood pressure, slows the rate of breathing, and As a spontaneous release of energy, laughter has the ankylosing spondylitis, a disease characterized by age seventy-five, Cousins lived far longer than his
doctors predicted, a full thirty-six years after first THE POWER OF TOUCH paint drips and blobs and runs, the way the colors
being diagnosed with heart disease. (Cousins also did AND MASSAGE mix, and how closely they can match the picture with
research on the biochemistry of human emotions at Touch therapy or massage appears to be associated the image in their minds. Being carried away by their
the School of Medicine at the University of California, with a decreased heart rate, decreased blood imaginations and getting their inspirations down on
Showing and expressing feelings can be a
Los Angeles, and wrote two important books on emo- pressure, and increased endorphin release, resulting paper is, for a short time, the single most important
huge challenge for some people,
tion, healing, and illness—Anatomy of an Illness and in an increased sense of relaxation and heightened thing in the world to them. Everything else falls
particularly men. But getting in touch
The Healing Heart.) well-being. In humans, massage can be considered a away—worries, fears, wants, needs, hunger—and is
with your feelings doesn’t have to be
tranquilizer with absolutely no side effects! replaced by a sense of total involvement, excitement,
embarrassing at all. You don’t have to get
SEX: THE ADVANTAGES OF Massage activates the parasympathetic system satisfaction, and gratification.
up in front of some encounter group and
INTIMACY and provides a nice, healing balance to the typical If you can play even partially this way, it can com-
spill your guts to strangers. All it may
Have you ever wondered why some elderly people sympathetic overdrive experienced by type-A, coro- pletely cut you free from stress and worry and help
take is a pencil and paper.
look much younger than their stated age while some nary-prone individuals. heal your mind and heart. Because of this nearly
A writing exercise developed by social
younger people look so much older? This observation miraculous benefit of play, we encourage you to play
psychologist James Pennebaker has been
was studied by a Russian gerontologist who examined PLAY like children. If, like most adults, you’ve forgotten how,
tested in dozens of studies in which
15,000 individuals over the age of eighty in provinces Play is one of the most healing things you can do for observe children and see what they do.
subjects were assigned to write about
of the former Soviet Union. He found several common your heart health and your emotional well-being. And Remember, play has no outcome, no goal. You
either mundane activities, such as
denominators or markers for longevity. People who most adults have no idea how to do it. Sure, we talk need to play for play’s sake alone, and, when you play,
running errands, or personal traumas. The
lived the longest reported working outdoors, high about “playing” tennis or golf, but sports are try to bring out the little child inside you. Once you
technique is pure simplicity. You write
levels of physical activity, and a diet high in different—though enjoyable, they’re not healing connect with your inner child—believe us, we all have
your deepest thoughts and emotions
vegetables, fruits, and fresh whole grains. But several because they involve performance, competition, and one—it will bring you to another level of healing.
about any event, situation, person, or
of the common denominators involved relationships, the need to win! (Just ask Dr. Jonny how he feels
even trauma for about fifteen minutes on
intimacy, and sexuality. after losing a tennis match!) HEARTMATH™
four consecutive nights. Pennebaker has
Many of these individuals continued to have an Play is totally different. True play is spontaneous And speaking of another level of healing . . . Bringing
found that people who do this simple,
active sex life well into their eighties and nineties. and has no agenda, rules, or regulations, or even a the heart and brain into balance—also called
private exercise show improvements in
And why not? Aging couples who are committed to desired outcome. When we play, we are totally free. coherence—is an effective way to reduce stress,
immune system functioning, are less likely
one another’s pleasure can adapt sexually to the That is, we do things solely for joy and pleasure. improve overall health (including heart health), and
to visit doctors, get better grades in
aging process. On an emotional level, sexuality pro- When we play, we become totally absorbed in what foster well-being. HeartMath offers an easy-to-do
school, and miss fewer days of work.4
vides a sense of security, connectedness, and emo- we are doing; we are taken out of our heads (and technique to accomplish this.
tional intimacy. When sexuality is an expression of down into our bodies). Coherence—a term used in fields as diverse as
love, the energies of the partners can fuse in har- Time stops for us. quantum physics and social science—always implies a
mony like two tuning forks vibrating with the same Think of how completely absorbed five- or six- harmonious relationship between part of a system.5
frequency. Feelings of warmth, connectedness, and year-olds become when they’re painting a picture. In the case of HeartMath, it refers to a harmonious
emotional intimacy can help open our hearts. Within minutes, nothing else matters to them but the relationship between the heart and the brain.
colors, the feel of the brush on the paper, the way the The Institute of HeartMath—a non-profit organiza-
doctors predicted, a full thirty-six years after first THE POWER OF TOUCH paint drips and blobs and runs, the way the colors
being diagnosed with heart disease. (Cousins also did AND MASSAGE mix, and how closely they can match the picture with
research on the biochemistry of human emotions at Touch therapy or massage appears to be associated the image in their minds. Being carried away by their
the School of Medicine at the University of California, with a decreased heart rate, decreased blood imaginations and getting their inspirations down on
Showing and expressing feelings can be a
Los Angeles, and wrote two important books on emo- pressure, and increased endorphin release, resulting paper is, for a short time, the single most important
huge challenge for some people,
tion, healing, and illness—Anatomy of an Illness and in an increased sense of relaxation and heightened thing in the world to them. Everything else falls
particularly men. But getting in touch
The Healing Heart.) well-being. In humans, massage can be considered a away—worries, fears, wants, needs, hunger—and is
with your feelings doesn’t have to be
tranquilizer with absolutely no side effects! replaced by a sense of total involvement, excitement,
embarrassing at all. You don’t have to get
SEX: THE ADVANTAGES OF Massage activates the parasympathetic system satisfaction, and gratification.
up in front of some encounter group and
INTIMACY and provides a nice, healing balance to the typical If you can play even partially this way, it can com-
spill your guts to strangers. All it may
Have you ever wondered why some elderly people sympathetic overdrive experienced by type-A, coro- pletely cut you free from stress and worry and help
take is a pencil and paper.
look much younger than their stated age while some nary-prone individuals. heal your mind and heart. Because of this nearly
A writing exercise developed by social
younger people look so much older? This observation miraculous benefit of play, we encourage you to play
psychologist James Pennebaker has been
was studied by a Russian gerontologist who examined PLAY like children. If, like most adults, you’ve forgotten how,
tested in dozens of studies in which
15,000 individuals over the age of eighty in provinces Play is one of the most healing things you can do for observe children and see what they do.
subjects were assigned to write about
of the former Soviet Union. He found several common your heart health and your emotional well-being. And Remember, play has no outcome, no goal. You
either mundane activities, such as
denominators or markers for longevity. People who most adults have no idea how to do it. Sure, we talk need to play for play’s sake alone, and, when you play,
running errands, or personal traumas. The
lived the longest reported working outdoors, high about “playing” tennis or golf, but sports are try to bring out the little child inside you. Once you
technique is pure simplicity. You write
levels of physical activity, and a diet high in different—though enjoyable, they’re not healing connect with your inner child—believe us, we all have
your deepest thoughts and emotions
vegetables, fruits, and fresh whole grains. But several because they involve performance, competition, and one—it will bring you to another level of healing.
about any event, situation, person, or
of the common denominators involved relationships, the need to win! (Just ask Dr. Jonny how he feels
even trauma for about fifteen minutes on
intimacy, and sexuality. after losing a tennis match!) HEARTMATH™
four consecutive nights. Pennebaker has
Many of these individuals continued to have an Play is totally different. True play is spontaneous And speaking of another level of healing . . . Bringing
found that people who do this simple,
active sex life well into their eighties and nineties. and has no agenda, rules, or regulations, or even a the heart and brain into balance—also called
private exercise show improvements in
And why not? Aging couples who are committed to desired outcome. When we play, we are totally free. coherence—is an effective way to reduce stress,
immune system functioning, are less likely
one another’s pleasure can adapt sexually to the That is, we do things solely for joy and pleasure. improve overall health (including heart health), and
to visit doctors, get better grades in
aging process. On an emotional level, sexuality pro- When we play, we become totally absorbed in what foster well-being. HeartMath offers an easy-to-do
school, and miss fewer days of work.4
vides a sense of security, connectedness, and emo- we are doing; we are taken out of our heads (and technique to accomplish this.
tional intimacy. When sexuality is an expression of down into our bodies). Coherence—a term used in fields as diverse as
love, the energies of the partners can fuse in har- Time stops for us. quantum physics and social science—always implies a
mony like two tuning forks vibrating with the same Think of how completely absorbed five- or six- harmonious relationship between part of a system.5
frequency. Feelings of warmth, connectedness, and year-olds become when they’re painting a picture. In the case of HeartMath, it refers to a harmonious
emotional intimacy can help open our hearts. Within minutes, nothing else matters to them but the relationship between the heart and the brain.
colors, the feel of the brush on the paper, the way the The Institute of HeartMath—a non-profit organiza-
tion dedicated to researching the principle that the According to Rollin McCraty, Ph.D., director of When you are in convergence—when the heart
heart and the brain are deeply connected—is where research at HeartMath Institute, the heart sends more and brain are on the same metaphorical page—good
much of the research on heart-brain coherence origi- information to the brain and the CNS than the other stuff happens. Remember that appreciation and grati-
6 7
nated. The Institute was founded on the premise that way around. The brain is always interpreting these tude are incompatible with anger and stress. (That’s
the heart has a natural intelligence of its own. signals from the heart to create how we feel. And the why people say to take a deep breath when you’re
Intuitively, we all understand this. Just consider how quality of the informational signals sent from the angry! Deep breathing and anger aren’t good bed-
we speak about the heart—“I knew it in my heart!” is heart to the brain have profound effects on brain mates!) One of the goals of a HeartMath practice is to
just one of countless examples. We seem to “know” function—mental clarity, emotional experience—as well be able to focus on things like gratitude, love, appreci-
that the heart has something to tell us, but as on physical health. The idea is that if you shift the ation, service, peace, and joy—and to know that your
HeartMath goes a bit further and puts that knowledge rhythms of the heart—which you can do using the heart will respond in kind, with all the health benefits
to practical use. Inner Balance app as a biofeedback tool—you can that accrue with that. Since both of us fully subscribe
You see, according to the founders of HeartMath, quickly improve brain function, not to mention overall to the notion that heart, brain, mind, spirit, and physi-
the heart isn’t just a detached organ whose job it is to physical health. cal health are all interconnected, we included
beat regularly like a metronome, passively responding The overall purpose of HeartMath technology is HeartMath as an option for accessing that intercon-
to signals from the central nervous system. It actually to bring the rhythms of the heart into balance with nectedness—and using it to improve your overall
has its own responses to events—which is what the what’s going on in your brain. Which goes a long way health. At the very least, the app helps you get in
HeartMath folks mean when they refer to the heart’s toward reducing stress and all the associated health touch with your own body and what it’s doing—and
native “intelligence.” The way the heart communi- problems that are aggravated or caused by it. that kind of mindfulness is always a positive thing.
cates those responses back out to the rest of the The Inner Balance app—available for both IOS and
body is by varying its rhythms. (Those rhythms— Android and downloadable wherever you get your FINAL WORDS
known as heart rate variability or HRV—can actually apps—works with a little device* that clips onto your Foods can fuel your heart, supplements can support
be measured. You can see the results on an app ear and lets you monitor your own heart rate variabil- it, and exercise can strengthen it. But never neglect
called Inner Balance—more on that in a minute.) The ity in real time, so you can see instantly what it’s the “hidden” emotional and psychological risk factors
variations in heart rhythm are the equivalent of a doing and whether or not it’s congruent with what that contribute to the development of heart disease
kind of Morse code for the rest of the body, and those you’re “thinking” or focused on. If, for example, you as surely as smoking, a high-sugar diet, stress, high
varying rhythms of the heart actually impact your focus on a word like appreciation or gratitude, but blood pressure, and lack of exercise do.
physiology, in a kind of endless feedback loop. your heart rate variability is in the red zone, your Building and maintaining strong emotional con-
Remember when we talked earlier about psycho- heart and brain are not “thinking” the same thing. On nections with other people is one of the best stress-
neuroimmunology, the study of how our thoughts the other hand, if you focus on appreciation or grati- management strategies on the planet. It’s also one of
affect the rest of our body? Well this is similar, only tude and your heart rate variability is in the green the best ways to keep your heart healthy and your
it’s the study of how the heart’s “thoughts”— zone, you are in convergence. Congrats! soul nourished. Next to exercise, it’s the closest thing
expressed through variable rhythms—also affect the * The app is free but there is a charge for the device. we have to a panacea. It also makes life a lot more
rest of our body! Full disclosure: Jonny is a regular user of the Inner rich, a lot more fun, and a lot more gratifying.
Balance app and personally thinks the cost is worth it. Enjoy the journey.
tion dedicated to researching the principle that the According to Rollin McCraty, Ph.D., director of When you are in convergence—when the heart
heart and the brain are deeply connected—is where research at HeartMath Institute, the heart sends more and brain are on the same metaphorical page—good
much of the research on heart-brain coherence origi- information to the brain and the CNS than the other stuff happens. Remember that appreciation and grati-
6 7
nated. The Institute was founded on the premise that way around. The brain is always interpreting these tude are incompatible with anger and stress. (That’s
the heart has a natural intelligence of its own. signals from the heart to create how we feel. And the why people say to take a deep breath when you’re
Intuitively, we all understand this. Just consider how quality of the informational signals sent from the angry! Deep breathing and anger aren’t good bed-
we speak about the heart—“I knew it in my heart!” is heart to the brain have profound effects on brain mates!) One of the goals of a HeartMath practice is to
just one of countless examples. We seem to “know” function—mental clarity, emotional experience—as well be able to focus on things like gratitude, love, appreci-
that the heart has something to tell us, but as on physical health. The idea is that if you shift the ation, service, peace, and joy—and to know that your
HeartMath goes a bit further and puts that knowledge rhythms of the heart—which you can do using the heart will respond in kind, with all the health benefits
to practical use. Inner Balance app as a biofeedback tool—you can that accrue with that. Since both of us fully subscribe
You see, according to the founders of HeartMath, quickly improve brain function, not to mention overall to the notion that heart, brain, mind, spirit, and physi-
the heart isn’t just a detached organ whose job it is to physical health. cal health are all interconnected, we included
beat regularly like a metronome, passively responding The overall purpose of HeartMath technology is HeartMath as an option for accessing that intercon-
to signals from the central nervous system. It actually to bring the rhythms of the heart into balance with nectedness—and using it to improve your overall
has its own responses to events—which is what the what’s going on in your brain. Which goes a long way health. At the very least, the app helps you get in
HeartMath folks mean when they refer to the heart’s toward reducing stress and all the associated health touch with your own body and what it’s doing—and
native “intelligence.” The way the heart communi- problems that are aggravated or caused by it. that kind of mindfulness is always a positive thing.
cates those responses back out to the rest of the The Inner Balance app—available for both IOS and
body is by varying its rhythms. (Those rhythms— Android and downloadable wherever you get your FINAL WORDS
known as heart rate variability or HRV—can actually apps—works with a little device* that clips onto your Foods can fuel your heart, supplements can support
be measured. You can see the results on an app ear and lets you monitor your own heart rate variabil- it, and exercise can strengthen it. But never neglect
called Inner Balance—more on that in a minute.) The ity in real time, so you can see instantly what it’s the “hidden” emotional and psychological risk factors
variations in heart rhythm are the equivalent of a doing and whether or not it’s congruent with what that contribute to the development of heart disease
kind of Morse code for the rest of the body, and those you’re “thinking” or focused on. If, for example, you as surely as smoking, a high-sugar diet, stress, high
varying rhythms of the heart actually impact your focus on a word like appreciation or gratitude, but blood pressure, and lack of exercise do.
physiology, in a kind of endless feedback loop. your heart rate variability is in the red zone, your Building and maintaining strong emotional con-
Remember when we talked earlier about psycho- heart and brain are not “thinking” the same thing. On nections with other people is one of the best stress-
neuroimmunology, the study of how our thoughts the other hand, if you focus on appreciation or grati- management strategies on the planet. It’s also one of
affect the rest of our body? Well this is similar, only tude and your heart rate variability is in the green the best ways to keep your heart healthy and your
it’s the study of how the heart’s “thoughts”— zone, you are in convergence. Congrats! soul nourished. Next to exercise, it’s the closest thing
expressed through variable rhythms—also affect the * The app is free but there is a charge for the device. we have to a panacea. It also makes life a lot more
rest of our body! Full disclosure: Jonny is a regular user of the Inner rich, a lot more fun, and a lot more gratifying.
Balance app and personally thinks the cost is worth it. Enjoy the journey.
cebo group with such fanfare. marketing cholesterol-lowering drugs. That fact alone
Of course, as we’ve pointed out, all these results doesn’t make the results invalid, but it certainly plants
APPENDIX A may be because of the many other things statin drugs
do besides lower cholesterol. And the folks in this
a potential bias among the folks who ran the study.)
In response to the ASCOT-LLA paper, though, a
study certainly had risk factors (e.g., being overweight number of other researchers—especially ones who
and having high blood pressure), so any one of the weren’t on any statin company’s payroll—submitted
The ALLHAT Study: Not a Single The ASCOT-LLA Trial: Not Exactly positive effects of statin drugs—such as its antioxi- commentary that was far less flattering. In one
Life Was Saved a Slam Dunk for Lipitor dant, blood-thinning, or anti-inflammatory qualities— response published in the Lancet, Uffe Ravnskov
The Antihypertensive and Lipid-Lowering Treatment The Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial–Lipid could easily have made a difference. (This is particu- pointed out that in the Lipitor group, there was a
to Prevent Heart Attack Trial (ALLHAT), conducted Lowering Arm (ASCOT-LLA) was a multicenter larly likely given that the participants didn’t have any higher (albeit not quite statistically significant) rate of
between 1994 and 2002, was the largest North randomized controlled trial in which more than ten cholesterol-lowering needs to begin with!) heart failure, diabetes, and kidney impairment com-
American cholesterol study ever undertaken, and as thousand patients with high blood pressure and at Nonetheless, with all those cardiovascular disease pared to the placebo—and what’s more, that the
of 2002, it was the largest study ever done using the least three other cardiovascular risk factors were reductions, it sure looks like a slam dunk for Lipitor, study’s early termination made it hard to assess the
statin drug pravastatin (brand name Pravachol). Ten assigned to one of two groups. Half were given doesn’t it? possible effects of Lipitor on cancer rates.3 Dirk
thousand participants with high LDL cholesterol levels atorvastatin (aka Lipitor), and half were given a Not so fast. Here’s where the story takes a turn Devroey and Leslie Vander Ginst likewise wrote that
were divided into two groups. One group was treated placebo (an inactive substance in a pill form). for the ugly. they “dispute the conclusions” of the ASCOT-LLA’s
with pravastatin, and the other group was simply Remember, too, that all patients in this study were For one, the fine print: After three years, there authors, noting that the benefits of Lipitor weren’t
given the standard advice on “lifestyle changes.” hypertensive. Most were overweight (average BMI was no statistical difference in the number of deaths significant in patients aged sixty or younger, in those
Twenty-eight percent of the pravastatin takers did 28.6), 81 percent were male, and about a third were between the two groups. (In fact, there were actually with diabetes, in those with left-ventricular hypertro-
lower their cholesterol by a small but statistically sig- smokers. And importantly, because it makes this a few more deaths among the women taking Lipitor phy, in those with previous vascular disease, and in
nificant amount (compared to 11 percent who did so in study pretty unique for its time, all the participants than among the women taking the placebo.) So those without renal dysfunction. Likewise—and we
the “lifestyle change” group). This allowed the pravas- had either average or lower than average cholesterol— approximately $100 million was spent, and not a sin- quote—“Among women, placebo even had non-
tatin folks to trumpet a significant reduction in cho- in contrast to the vast majority of statin studies that gle life was saved. significantly better results than atorvastatin.”4
lesterol and declare the trial a success. test their drug on folks with high cholesterol.2 Secondly, a closer examination of the study’s In another reply, physician Peter Trewby high-
Not so fast. First, the good news—at least as far as Lipitor’s findings revealed some serious cracks in the “three lighted the low level of absolute benefit for Lipitor
When the death rates from heart attack were stockholders were concerned: After a mean follow-up cheers for Lipitor” story. Here’s why. When ASCOT- takers—stating “It is not the significance . . . of the
examined, there was no difference between the two time of 3.3 years, those taking Lipitor appeared to LLA’s findings were published in 2003 in the Lancet, reduction in relative risk that causes us concern, but
groups. The statin drug lowered cholesterol in 28 per- benefit. No doubt about it. Risk of heart disease its authors gave the drug an unsurprising thumbs up, whether the reduction in absolute risk with atorvas-
cent of the people taking it, but not a single life was dropped by 36 percent, and on the whole, fatal and stating that “The reductions in major cardiovascular tatin is sufficient for patients to take another drug for
saved. Pravastatin neither significantly reduced “all- nonfatal strokes, total cardiovascular events, and total events with atorvastatin are large, given the short the rest of their lives from which they have under 1%
cause” mortality (death from any reason whatsoever), coronary events were significantly lowered between follow-up time.” (We say “unsurprising,” because all chance per year of benefiting.”5
nor reduced fatal or nonfatal coronary heart disease 21 and 29 percent. Although the study was supposed fourteen of those authors served as consultants to— Speaking of relative versus absolute risk, let’s
in the patients who took it. to span five years, it was terminated early—ostensibly and received travel expenses, speaking fees, or dive in to our third and final point: that “36% reduc-
because the Lipitor group was outperforming the pla- research funding from—pharmaceutical companies tion in heart disease risk” wasn’t actually all that
Breger, Scott Ellis, Oliver Beaucamp, Chris Crabb, Jeannette Bessinger, Randy Graff, Mike Danielson, and OF THIS BOOK WAS NEEDED Heart Disease,” The Lancet, no. 143 (1994): 1454–59.
1. J. B. Meigs et al., “Impact of Insulin Resistance on 6. J. Kastelein et al., “Simvastatin with or without
Lauree Dash. You give my life meaning. Thank you.
Risk of Type 2 Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease in Ezetimibe in Familial Hypercholesterolemia,” New
My literary agent of over fifteen years, Coleen O’Shea, who has been a beacon of sanity and a great source
People with Metabolic Syndrome,” Diabetes Care 30, England Journal of Medicine 358, no. 14 (2008):
of guidance.
no.5 (2007): 1219–1225. 1431–43.
The team at Fairwinds Press, especially my publisher, Jill Alexander, who saw the need for a new edition
2. The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and 7. F. B. Hu et al., “Primary Prevention of Coronary Heart
and greenlighted the project, and to my brilliant editor, Jenna Nelson Patton. Disease in Women through Diet and Lifestyle,” New
Kidney Diseases Health Information Center, “Diabetes,
The writers who inspire me: William Goldman, Ed McBain, Nora Ephron, Robert Sapolsky. And the musi- Heart Disease, and Stroke,” England Journal of Medicine 343, no. 1 (2000): 16–12.
cians who do the same: Allen Stone, Laura Nyro, Miles Davis, and John Coltrane. health-information/diabetes/overview/preventing-prob- 8. Ibid.
Denise Minger, for her invaluable contributions to this book. We are enormously grateful for your insights, lems/heart-disease-stroke
humor, wisdom, and intelligence. 3. D. Eddy et al, “Relationship of Insulin Resistance and CHOLESTEROL IS HARMLESS!
Robert Crayhon whose influence and presence continues to be felt by all of us who studied with him. Related Metabolic Variables to Coronary Artery 1. University of Maryland, “Trans Fats 101,” University of
Disease: A Mathematical Analysis,” Diabetes Care 32, Maryland Medical Center, last modified November 3,
My beloved family: Cadence, Jared, Logan, Jeffrey, Nancy, and Pace.
no. 2 (2009): 361–6. 2010,
The island and the people of our “second home,” St. Martin, FWI.
2. G. V. Mann, “Coronary Heart Disease—’Doing the
The wonderful doctors, researchers, scholars, and advocates who shared their work with me for this book,
WHY YOU SHOULD BE SKEPTICAL Wrong Things,’” Nutrition Today 20, no. 4 (1985): 12–14.
especially David Diamond, Ph.D., Robert DuBroff, M.D., and Jim Greenfield, M.D. and his team at Specialty
Health in Nevada. And for all the giants—i.e., Uffe Ravnskov, M.D., Ph.D., Malcolm Kendrick, M.D., Anthony Colpo,
OF HEART DISEASE 4. M. F. Oliver, “Consensus or Nonsensus Conferences
and Michel de Lorgeril, M.D.,—on whose shoulders we stand. 1. D. Mozaffarian et al., “Dietary fats, carbohydrate, and on Coronary Heart Disease,” The Lancet 325, no. 8437
And to my beloved Mischa—the great love of my life. Eleven years going on forever. I love you. Progression of Coronary Atherosclerosis in (1985): 1087–89.
—Jonny Postmenopausal Women,” American Journal of Clinical 5. National Institutes of Health Consensus Development
Nutrition 80, no. 5 (2004): 1175–84. Conference Statement, December 10–12, 1984.
2. M. de Lorgeril et al. “Mediterranean Diet, Traditional 6. National Institutes of Health, “News from the
Risk Factors, and the Rate of Cardiovascular Women’s Health Initiative: Reducing Total Fat Intake
Complications after Myocardial Infarction: Final Report May Have Small Effect on Risk of Breast Cancer, No
of the Lyon Diet Heart Study,” Circulation 99, no. 6 Effect on Risk of Colorectal Cancer, Heart Disease, or
(1999): 779–85. Stroke,” NIH News, last modified February 7, 2006,
3. Channing Laboratory, “History,” The Nurses’ Health
Study, 7. A. Ottoboni and F. Ottoboni, “Low-Fat Diet and
4. Ibid. Chronic Disease Prevention: The Women’s Health
5. M. de Lorgeril et al., “Mediterranean Alpha-Linolenic Initiative and Its Reception,” Journal of American
Breger, Scott Ellis, Oliver Beaucamp, Chris Crabb, Jeannette Bessinger, Randy Graff, Mike Danielson, and OF THIS BOOK WAS NEEDED Heart Disease,” The Lancet, no. 143 (1994): 1454–59.
1. J. B. Meigs et al., “Impact of Insulin Resistance on 6. J. Kastelein et al., “Simvastatin with or without
Lauree Dash. You give my life meaning. Thank you.
Risk of Type 2 Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease in Ezetimibe in Familial Hypercholesterolemia,” New
My literary agent of over fifteen years, Coleen O’Shea, who has been a beacon of sanity and a great source
People with Metabolic Syndrome,” Diabetes Care 30, England Journal of Medicine 358, no. 14 (2008):
of guidance.
no.5 (2007): 1219–1225. 1431–43.
The team at Fairwinds Press, especially my publisher, Jill Alexander, who saw the need for a new edition
2. The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and 7. F. B. Hu et al., “Primary Prevention of Coronary Heart
and greenlighted the project, and to my brilliant editor, Jenna Nelson Patton. Disease in Women through Diet and Lifestyle,” New
Kidney Diseases Health Information Center, “Diabetes,
The writers who inspire me: William Goldman, Ed McBain, Nora Ephron, Robert Sapolsky. And the musi- Heart Disease, and Stroke,” England Journal of Medicine 343, no. 1 (2000): 16–12.
cians who do the same: Allen Stone, Laura Nyro, Miles Davis, and John Coltrane. health-information/diabetes/overview/preventing-prob- 8. Ibid.
Denise Minger, for her invaluable contributions to this book. We are enormously grateful for your insights, lems/heart-disease-stroke
humor, wisdom, and intelligence. 3. D. Eddy et al, “Relationship of Insulin Resistance and CHOLESTEROL IS HARMLESS!
Robert Crayhon whose influence and presence continues to be felt by all of us who studied with him. Related Metabolic Variables to Coronary Artery 1. University of Maryland, “Trans Fats 101,” University of
Disease: A Mathematical Analysis,” Diabetes Care 32, Maryland Medical Center, last modified November 3,
My beloved family: Cadence, Jared, Logan, Jeffrey, Nancy, and Pace.
no. 2 (2009): 361–6. 2010,
The island and the people of our “second home,” St. Martin, FWI.
2. G. V. Mann, “Coronary Heart Disease—’Doing the
The wonderful doctors, researchers, scholars, and advocates who shared their work with me for this book,
WHY YOU SHOULD BE SKEPTICAL Wrong Things,’” Nutrition Today 20, no. 4 (1985): 12–14.
especially David Diamond, Ph.D., Robert DuBroff, M.D., and Jim Greenfield, M.D. and his team at Specialty
Health in Nevada. And for all the giants—i.e., Uffe Ravnskov, M.D., Ph.D., Malcolm Kendrick, M.D., Anthony Colpo,
OF HEART DISEASE 4. M. F. Oliver, “Consensus or Nonsensus Conferences
and Michel de Lorgeril, M.D.,—on whose shoulders we stand. 1. D. Mozaffarian et al., “Dietary fats, carbohydrate, and on Coronary Heart Disease,” The Lancet 325, no. 8437
And to my beloved Mischa—the great love of my life. Eleven years going on forever. I love you. Progression of Coronary Atherosclerosis in (1985): 1087–89.
—Jonny Postmenopausal Women,” American Journal of Clinical 5. National Institutes of Health Consensus Development
Nutrition 80, no. 5 (2004): 1175–84. Conference Statement, December 10–12, 1984.
2. M. de Lorgeril et al. “Mediterranean Diet, Traditional 6. National Institutes of Health, “News from the
Risk Factors, and the Rate of Cardiovascular Women’s Health Initiative: Reducing Total Fat Intake
Complications after Myocardial Infarction: Final Report May Have Small Effect on Risk of Breast Cancer, No
of the Lyon Diet Heart Study,” Circulation 99, no. 6 Effect on Risk of Colorectal Cancer, Heart Disease, or
(1999): 779–85. Stroke,” NIH News, last modified February 7, 2006,
3. Channing Laboratory, “History,” The Nurses’ Health
Study, 7. A. Ottoboni and F. Ottoboni, “Low-Fat Diet and
4. Ibid. Chronic Disease Prevention: The Women’s Health
5. M. de Lorgeril et al., “Mediterranean Alpha-Linolenic Initiative and Its Reception,” Journal of American
Bile acids, 8, 111, 125 Caloric intake, weight loss and, 68, 69
Black tea, 156 Cancer(s), 35, 37–38, 53, 116–117, 123, 134, 135, 194
Blaine, David, 112 Candies and cakes, 145, 148
B (small, dense) LDL, 9 Canola oil, 39, 96, 149
Blood cholesterol. See also Cholesterol levels; HDL (high- Capric acid, 93–94
A vegetables, 151 density lipoprotein); LDL (low-density lipoprotein) Caproic acid, 93–94
Abdominal fat, 80, 134, 179 Antioxidants eating cholesterol having no impact on, 50–51 Caprylic acid, 93–94
Abramson, John, 108, 127 in beans, 153 heart disease risk and, 119 Carbohydrates. See also Processed carbohydrates
Acute inflammation, 52 in berries, 150 Blood clots, 57–58, 178, 199 diets limiting intake of, 20–21
Adams, Roger, 76, 78 L-carnitine, 166 Blood Code Insulin Resistance calculator, 139 foods with good vs. bad, 97
Adipokines, 177 neutralizing free radicals, 53 Bloodletting, 7 high-carb, low-fat diets, 9, 19, 30, 31–33, 72, 74–75, 77,
Adiponectin, 68 in olive oil, 156 Blood pressure 102–103
Adrenaline, 64 turmeric, 154 CoQ10 and, 163 hormones and, 20
Advanced glycation end products (AGEs), 71, 79, 169 in vegetables, 151 deep breathing and, 184 insulin resistance and, 61, 138
Adventist Health Study, 152, 153 vitamin C, 177 flavanols and, 153, 180 low-carb diets, 21, 72, 73, 74, 140
Advertisements, Lipitor, 121–122 Apolipoprotein(a), 199 insulin resistance and, 64, 66 lowering triglycerides and insulin by reducing, 65,
Agatston, Arthur, 168 Apolipoprotein-B-escalate, 145 magnesium and, 168, 169 140
Agatston score/test, 168, 201 Apple pectin supplement, 171 olive oil and, 156 study on high-glycemic, 146
AGEs (advanced glycation end products). See Advanced Archives of Internal Medicine, 156, 195 omega-3s and, 174 swapping for polyunsaturated fat, 98
glycation end products (AGEs) Arginine, 152 stress and, 183 swapping saturated fats for, 95–99
Aging Cell, 133 Arteriosclerosis, 47 Blood sugar. See also High blood sugar Carcinogens, 84
Agus, David, 114 Arthritis, chronic inflammation and, 53 elevated insulin and, 130–131 Cardiac markers, 201–204
ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), 101, 174 Arthritis drugs, 150–151 foods raising your, 145 Cardiovascular Diabetology, 135
ALLHAT study, 123, 124, 190 ASCOT-LLA trial, 123, 190–192 hidden diabetes and, 137 Cardiovascular disease. See Heart disease
Allicin, 157 Ashton, Jennifer, 117 insulin and glucagon’s role in, 63–64 Cardiovascular risk
Almonds, 152 Association studies, 37–38 magnesium and, 169 accurate measures of, 10–11, 14
Alpha-tocopherol Vitamin E supplements, 172, 173 Astaxanthin, 150, 180 Blueberries, 150 ideal meal for reducing, 152
Alzheimer’s disease, 53, 93, 108 Asthma, 200 Blue Zones, 144 misleading information on cholesterol levels and,
American College of Cardiology, 201, 203 AstraZeneca, 195 Bowden, Jonny, 19–22 119–124
American Heart Association, 19, 59, 86, 90, 117, 145, 171, Atherosclerosis, 47–50, 55, 74, 97–98, 136, 169, 200 Brachial reactive testing, 146 swapping saturated fats for carbs and, 98, 99
201, 203 Atkins diet, 19–20, 73 Brain tests measuring, 10–11, 14
American Journal of Cardiology, 125, 154 Atkins, Robert, 72, 73–74, 167 cholesterol and, 23, 109 Cavities, sugar and, 78
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 95, 98, 99, 144, 160 ATP (adenosine triphosphate), 161, 163–164, 165, 167 glucose vs. fructose’s behavior in, 81 Celebrex, 150–151
Amnesia, statin drugs and, 112, 113 Attia, Peter, 48 serotonin receptors in, 115–116 Cell membranes, cholesterol and, 125–126
Angina, 164, 165, 166 Autism, 93 statin drugs and, 108–109 Cenegenics Medical Institute, 115
Angiograms, 23, 48 sugar’s impact on the, 69–70 Centenarians, commonalties among, 65
Animal foods, 84, 100. See also Dairy; Meat(s) B Bread(s), 97, 99, 145 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 126
Annals of Internal Medicine, 76, 89 Baby aspirin, 171 Breathing deeply, 184 Cereals, 97, 99, 146–147
Anthocyanins, 150–151 Bacteria Briscoe, Andrew, 75 Cherries, 150–151
Antidepressants, 115–116 cholesterol’s role in fighting, 24, 112, 126 British Heart Foundation, 54 Chia seeds, 101
Anti-inflammatory sources inflammation and, 53 British Medical Journal, 72, 89, 152, 153, 176 Children, statin drugs for, 114
berberine, 179–180 statin drugs and gut, 111 Brown rice, 102, 138 China, 90, 178
berries, 150 “Bad” cholesterol. See LDL (low-density lipoprotein) Butter, 93, 94, 95 Cholesterol. See also Lipoproteins; Low cholesterol
curcumin, 179 Barlean’s, 177 Butyrate, 94, 111 anti-fat mania and, 74
glucosamine, 175–176 Beans, 97, 99, 102, 153 Butyric acid, 93, 94 authors’ personal stories related to, 19–25
insulin and, 65 Beef, 93, 100, 151, 162 the brain and, 23, 109
olive oil, 156 Benson-Henry Institute for Mind and Body, 184 C cannot travel unaccompanied in the bloodstream, 44
omega-3s, 101–102, 138, 149, 174 Benson, Herbert, 184 Calcium classifying into “good” or “bad,” 170
statin drugs and, 25, 111–112 Berberine, 179–180 coronary calcium scan, 201 content in lipoprotein classes, 45
turmeric, 154 Berries, 150 development of atherosclerosis and, 48 demonization of, 51, 82
Bile acids, 8, 111, 125 Caloric intake, weight loss and, 68, 69
Black tea, 156 Cancer(s), 35, 37–38, 53, 116–117, 123, 134, 135, 194
Blaine, David, 112 Candies and cakes, 145, 148
B (small, dense) LDL, 9 Canola oil, 39, 96, 149
Blood cholesterol. See also Cholesterol levels; HDL (high- Capric acid, 93–94
A vegetables, 151 density lipoprotein); LDL (low-density lipoprotein) Caproic acid, 93–94
Abdominal fat, 80, 134, 179 Antioxidants eating cholesterol having no impact on, 50–51 Caprylic acid, 93–94
Abramson, John, 108, 127 in beans, 153 heart disease risk and, 119 Carbohydrates. See also Processed carbohydrates
Acute inflammation, 52 in berries, 150 Blood clots, 57–58, 178, 199 diets limiting intake of, 20–21
Adams, Roger, 76, 78 L-carnitine, 166 Blood Code Insulin Resistance calculator, 139 foods with good vs. bad, 97
Adipokines, 177 neutralizing free radicals, 53 Bloodletting, 7 high-carb, low-fat diets, 9, 19, 30, 31–33, 72, 74–75, 77,
Adiponectin, 68 in olive oil, 156 Blood pressure 102–103
Adrenaline, 64 turmeric, 154 CoQ10 and, 163 hormones and, 20
Advanced glycation end products (AGEs), 71, 79, 169 in vegetables, 151 deep breathing and, 184 insulin resistance and, 61, 138
Adventist Health Study, 152, 153 vitamin C, 177 flavanols and, 153, 180 low-carb diets, 21, 72, 73, 74, 140
Advertisements, Lipitor, 121–122 Apolipoprotein(a), 199 insulin resistance and, 64, 66 lowering triglycerides and insulin by reducing, 65,
Agatston, Arthur, 168 Apolipoprotein-B-escalate, 145 magnesium and, 168, 169 140
Agatston score/test, 168, 201 Apple pectin supplement, 171 olive oil and, 156 study on high-glycemic, 146
AGEs (advanced glycation end products). See Advanced Archives of Internal Medicine, 156, 195 omega-3s and, 174 swapping for polyunsaturated fat, 98
glycation end products (AGEs) Arginine, 152 stress and, 183 swapping saturated fats for, 95–99
Aging Cell, 133 Arteriosclerosis, 47 Blood sugar. See also High blood sugar Carcinogens, 84
Agus, David, 114 Arthritis, chronic inflammation and, 53 elevated insulin and, 130–131 Cardiac markers, 201–204
ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), 101, 174 Arthritis drugs, 150–151 foods raising your, 145 Cardiovascular Diabetology, 135
ALLHAT study, 123, 124, 190 ASCOT-LLA trial, 123, 190–192 hidden diabetes and, 137 Cardiovascular disease. See Heart disease
Allicin, 157 Ashton, Jennifer, 117 insulin and glucagon’s role in, 63–64 Cardiovascular risk
Almonds, 152 Association studies, 37–38 magnesium and, 169 accurate measures of, 10–11, 14
Alpha-tocopherol Vitamin E supplements, 172, 173 Astaxanthin, 150, 180 Blueberries, 150 ideal meal for reducing, 152
Alzheimer’s disease, 53, 93, 108 Asthma, 200 Blue Zones, 144 misleading information on cholesterol levels and,
American College of Cardiology, 201, 203 AstraZeneca, 195 Bowden, Jonny, 19–22 119–124
American Heart Association, 19, 59, 86, 90, 117, 145, 171, Atherosclerosis, 47–50, 55, 74, 97–98, 136, 169, 200 Brachial reactive testing, 146 swapping saturated fats for carbs and, 98, 99
201, 203 Atkins diet, 19–20, 73 Brain tests measuring, 10–11, 14
American Journal of Cardiology, 125, 154 Atkins, Robert, 72, 73–74, 167 cholesterol and, 23, 109 Cavities, sugar and, 78
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 95, 98, 99, 144, 160 ATP (adenosine triphosphate), 161, 163–164, 165, 167 glucose vs. fructose’s behavior in, 81 Celebrex, 150–151
Amnesia, statin drugs and, 112, 113 Attia, Peter, 48 serotonin receptors in, 115–116 Cell membranes, cholesterol and, 125–126
Angina, 164, 165, 166 Autism, 93 statin drugs and, 108–109 Cenegenics Medical Institute, 115
Angiograms, 23, 48 sugar’s impact on the, 69–70 Centenarians, commonalties among, 65
Animal foods, 84, 100. See also Dairy; Meat(s) B Bread(s), 97, 99, 145 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 126
Annals of Internal Medicine, 76, 89 Baby aspirin, 171 Breathing deeply, 184 Cereals, 97, 99, 146–147
Anthocyanins, 150–151 Bacteria Briscoe, Andrew, 75 Cherries, 150–151
Antidepressants, 115–116 cholesterol’s role in fighting, 24, 112, 126 British Heart Foundation, 54 Chia seeds, 101
Anti-inflammatory sources inflammation and, 53 British Medical Journal, 72, 89, 152, 153, 176 Children, statin drugs for, 114
berberine, 179–180 statin drugs and gut, 111 Brown rice, 102, 138 China, 90, 178
berries, 150 “Bad” cholesterol. See LDL (low-density lipoprotein) Butter, 93, 94, 95 Cholesterol. See also Lipoproteins; Low cholesterol
curcumin, 179 Barlean’s, 177 Butyrate, 94, 111 anti-fat mania and, 74
glucosamine, 175–176 Beans, 97, 99, 102, 153 Butyric acid, 93, 94 authors’ personal stories related to, 19–25
insulin and, 65 Beef, 93, 100, 151, 162 the brain and, 23, 109
olive oil, 156 Benson-Henry Institute for Mind and Body, 184 C cannot travel unaccompanied in the bloodstream, 44
omega-3s, 101–102, 138, 149, 174 Benson, Herbert, 184 Calcium classifying into “good” or “bad,” 170
statin drugs and, 25, 111–112 Berberine, 179–180 coronary calcium scan, 201 content in lipoprotein classes, 45
turmeric, 154 Berries, 150 development of atherosclerosis and, 48 demonization of, 51, 82