Wayfinders Guide To Eberron
Wayfinders Guide To Eberron
Wayfinders Guide To Eberron
Coast in the USA and other countries.
This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used
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All other original material in this work is copyright © 2018 by Keith Baker, and published under the Community
Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
you can
BERRON WAS BORN IN 2002 WHEN build upon,
Wizards of the Coast launched not a codex of
a worldwide search for a new absolute law.
campaign setting. I imagined a Welcome
world of swashbuckling adventure to Eberron:
and dark fantasy, a place where magic formed let’s explore!
the foundation of civilization. Over the course of
the next year I worked with a team of amazing
that core idea, and the end result was the -JMZZWV
+IUXIQOV;M\\QVO In the years that followed, a
host of authors, designers, and dungeon masters
across the world have continued to expand and
explore this setting.
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, providing an overview
of the core themes of the setting and the rules to
connect them to current campaigns. It explores
the continent of Khorvaire and the great city of
Sharn. <PM ?IaÅVLMZ¼[/]QLM provides ideas and
HAT IS EBERRON? IT’S A WORLD shape your story?
bound by a golden ring • The Mourning. This mystical cataclysm
and surrounded by twelve destroyed an entire nation and created a
moons. It’s the intersection of deadly wasteland in the heart of Khorvaire.
thirteen planes of existence, The Mourning brought the war to an end,
which shift in and out of alignment. It’s a place but it is a mystery and a threat that looms
where magic has been harnessed as a tool—used large over Eberron.
to build cities, to sail ships through the skies, to • Ancient Mysteries. Powerful artifacts
create both wonders and weapons. are hidden in the ruined cities of giants.
Eberron embraces swashbuckling action and Dragons and demons scheme in the
pulp adventure and adds a layer of neo-noir shadows, unraveling a prophecy that could
intrigue. Stories don’t always end well and there shape the future. These ancient mysteries
isn’t a perfect answer to every problem. The can be a source of fantastic adventures and
Last War turned old allies into bitter enemies terrible danger.
and destroyed an entire nation, leaving terrible • If it exists in D&D, it has a place in
scars behind. Crime and corruption lurk in the Eberron… But it may not be the place
great cities of Khorvaire. Hidden dragons shape you’re used to.
\PMKW]Z[MWNPQ[\WZa;QVQ[\MZÅMVL[QVÆ]MVKM These elements are all part of Eberron, but
the dreams of the unwary. Human greed and you don’t have to use all of them in every story.
ambition may prove more dangerous than any As you go through this chapter, decide which
devil or demon. But through this darkness, there \PMUM[IXXMIT\WaW]IVLJM[\Å\\PM[\WZQM[aW]
are opportunities for a group of bold adventurers want to tell.
Last War. Feel free to change the suggested
backgrounds. While charlatan is an obvious
+HUH·VDIHZRIWKHPDMRUHIIHFWVRIWKH/DVW background for a spy, you could easily adapt
War. criminal or urchin to the same role.
Dragonmarked Power. The dragonmarked
houses sold their services to all sides and D®½®ãÙù»¦ÙÊçÄÝ
Five Nations are divided and dependent
RQWKHVHUYLFHVRIWKHKRXVHVDQGLW·V 1 You were a common soldier, facing
questionable if any one nation can impose its the enemy on the front lines of the
will upon them. interminable war. (Soldier)
Karrnathi Undead. When a series of 2 You served on the open seas, whether
famines and plagues crippled the nation of ĂƐĂŵĂƌŝŶĞ͕ĂŶĂǀĂůŽĸĐĞƌ͕ĂƉƌŝǀĂƚĞĞƌ
Karrnath, it embraced the Blood of Vol and
or a smuggler. (Sailor)
introduced undead into its armies. The religion
was largely abandoned towards the end of the 3 You commanded troops and led soldiers
crypts, but some are still in use. or are you haunted by your failures?
Magical Innovation. Over the course of a (Soldier or noble)
century of war, the nations and dragonmarked 4 You were a spy, gathering intelligence
houses developed new spells and tools for use ĨŽƌLJŽƵƌŶĂƟŽŶ͘ƌĞLJŽƵŽƵƚŽĨƚŚĞ
in the war. Airships and warforged are recent
developments, and the wandslinger tradition
emerged from the war. back in? (Charlatan)
The Mourning. This magical cataclysm 5 You were tasked with maintaining
destroyed Cyre and brought the war to an end. morale and raising the spirits of your
Cyre is a vast, unrecoverable wasteland and soldiers. (Entertainer)
those Cyrans who survived the disaster are 6 You provided spiritual support to your
scattered across Khorvaire.
troops. Were you always devout, or did
New Nations. Before the Last War, Galifar
laid claim to all of Khorvaire. A host of new
states emerged over the course of the war. (Acolyte)
These include the goblin nation of Darguun, 7 You used your remarkable knowledge as
the elf kingdom of Valenar, the druids of the part of a military think tank… or perhaps
Eldeen Reaches, the monsters of Droaam, you provided arcane support on the
and more. ďĂƩůĞĮĞůĚ͘;^ĂŐĞͿ
THERE’S A PLACE FOR IT IN these are all the kenku in the world. So just
because it’s possible to put anything you want in
EBERRON the world, don’t assume that the streets of Sharn
°*]\1\5Ia6W\*M\PM8TIKMAW]¼ZM=[ML<W ever been suggested.
Chapter 3 provides advice on adding new races
Eberron draws on the core elements of ,,. to Eberron. Here’s a few other ways that you
It’s a world of wizards and rogues, a setting can add something into Eberron with minimal
_Q\PPITÆQVO[IVLL_IZ^M[IVLMT^M[?IV\IV impact on the setting.
otyugh? Orcs? Goblins? Paladins? They’re all • It comes from the vast and largely
there. Eberron draws on the same basic elements unexplored continent of Xen’drik.
as other settings, but it often diverges from the
• It was created or caused by the
traditional archetypes assigned to those things. A
Mourning—the mystical cataclysm that
few factors here:
destroyed Cyre—and has only been around
6WÅ`MLITQOVUMV\[ Mortal creatures
for four years.
are shaped by their culture and personal
circumstances. An orc is just as likely to be lawful • It’s a product of the underworld of Khyber,
good as chaotic evil, depending on their personal the source of many aberrations and
you can’t make automatic assumptions about • It’s the result of recent experiments by
any of them. In part this is because of Eberron’s one of the dragonmarked houses or a mad
distant gods. Orcs aren’t driven by Gruumsh’s IZ\QÅKMZ
fury, and the gnolls aren’t tied to Yeenoghu.
• It comes from one of the planes and slipped
The exceptions to this rule are creatures whose
into the world during a recent convergence.
identities are shaped by magic. Fiends and
celestials embody pure ideals of good and evil; Not everything has to exist in Eberron.
lycanthropes are driven by a curse. AW]KIVÅVLIXTIKMQV-JMZZWVNWZIVa\PQVO
Monsters aren’t always villains, and But it’s also possible to say that something LWM[V¼\
the villains aren’t always monsters. Many exist in Eberron. For example, if you wanted to
of the gnolls of Droaam are more honorable use Gruumsh in Eberron, you could re-imagine
than the human mercenaries of House Deneith. PQUI[WVMWN\PMLMUWVW^MZTWZL[WN\PMÅZ[\
In Karrnath and Aerenal, undead are used as age. You could decide that he’s the classic
tools. You certainly KW]TLÅVLaW]Z[MTNÅOP\QVOI Gruumsh, who has recently found his way to
UMZKQTM[[UQVW\I]ZQV\PM[T]U[WN;PIZV°J]\ Eberron from the core cosmology. But the DM
you’re just as likely to cross swords with a cruel can always say ¹6W\PMZMQ[VW^MZ[QWVWN/Z]]U[PQV
There’s a place for everything in This comes to a critical point. Nothing is set
Eberron… but it may not be a prominent in stone. Like every sourcebook that’s come
place. Kenku aren’t mentioned in any of the before it, this book is intended to be a source of
canon sourcebooks of Eberron. There’s many inspiration: use what inspires you, but always feel
ways to add kenku into Eberron, but that doesn’t empowered to change the world to better suit the
mean that there needs to be a kenku nation story you want to tell. There’s a place in Eberron
to you whether to make use of it.
mysteries. The dragons of
Argonnessen have no love for
lesser creatures. The psychic
tyrants of Sarlona maintain strict
control over their borders and their people. So,
most player characters begin their adventures on
the continent of Khorvaire. While humans make
up the majority of the population in the civilized
nations of Khorvaire, the continent is home a
wide range of peoples and cultures. Once largely
Khorvaire is split into many nations—some old,
others newborn from the crucible of war.
This chapter provides an overview of the
nations of Khorvaire, along with a glimpse of
common life, magic, religion, and the world—
and planes—that lie beyond it.
CHAPTER 2 | 21
the Last War. The treaty recognized the following
This section provides an overview of the nations nations as sovereign states: Aundair, Breland,
of Khorvaire. The focus is on what you need to Darguun, the Eldeen Reaches, Karrnath, the
know to create characters and NPCs from these Lhazaar Principalities, the Mror Holds, Q’barra,
places. If you want more details on the culture, the Talenta Plains, Thrane, Valenar, and Zilargo.
history, and geography of the nations, you can These nations abide by a common set of laws
ÅVLILLQ\QWVITZM[W]ZKM[QVIXXMVLQ`))[aW]OW and maintain diplomatic relations. The Demon
forward, here’s a few useful things to bear in mind. Wastes and Shadow Marches are regions that
The Five Nations. Aundair, Breland, Cyre, PI^MVW]VQÅMLOW^MZVUMV\_PQTM,ZWIIUPI[
Karrnath and Thrane are collectively referred declared itself to be a nation but has yet to be
to as the Five Nations. These nations formed the recognized by the others.
heart of the Kingdom of Galifar, and while each Getting Around. The Five Nations are
has a unique cultural identity they are built on connected by an excellent system of roads, and
this shared foundation. Families are spread across travelers can always make their way by horse
the Five Nations; the rulers of the Five Nations or coach. Major cities are tied together by the
are tied to the Wynarns, the royal bloodline of lightning rail of House Orien, which allows you
/ITQNIZ,M[XQ\M\PMQZLQٺMZMVKM[IV)]VLIQZQIV to avoid the perils—and tedium—of the roads.
has more in common with a Thrane than they do If speed is an issue, you can book passage on a
with a Zil gnome or a Lhazaar pirate. Lyrandar airship. This is the fastest way to travel,
Aside from Cyre—which was destroyed in the but also the most expensive. Refer to the “Magic
Last War—the Five Nations remain the largest in Khorvaire” section for more travel options.
and most powerful countries in Khorvaire.
The Sovereign Host is the dominant faith of
Aundair, with a particular devotion to Aureon.
However, the Silver Flame also has a deeply Regardless of your Intelligence score, if you’re an
devoted following—some might say overzealous Aundairian you’re sure you’re the smartest person
or extreme. in the room. Consider the following things.
Aundair is ruled by Queen Aurala ir’Wynarn. Arcane Talent. If you’re not going to play
Aurala is a just ruler, but she has never a magical class, consider being a high elf or a
abandoned the dream of a Galifar reunited variant human with the Magic Initiate feat.
under her rule. While Aundair is a small nation, ?PM\PMZaW]TMIZVWٺMV[Q^MKIV\ZQX[IVLÅOP\
its arcane superiority allowed it to hold its own as a wandslinger or pick up a few practical
during the Last War. Many believe Aurala tools (XZM[\QLQOQ\I\QWVUMVLQVOUIOMPIVL), every
is pressing Arcanix to develop battle magic Aundairian should know a little magic.
that will ensure Aundair’s victory in whatever Magic Beats Mundane. Why use your hand
KWVÆQK\[TQMIPMIL when you could use UIOMPIVL? Who still uses a
bow when you could use a wand? “;W^MZMQOV[IJW^M
• <PMÆWI\QVO\W_MZ[WN)ZKIVQ`IZMIKMV\MZ Show Some Style. Don’t settle for common
for mystical research. Bear in mind that clothes and a squalid meal when you could wear
many of its sages specialize in ritual magic ÅVMOTIUMZ_MI^M and drink the best wine. If you’re
level wizards. of crude strength. And never miss an opportunity
• Arcane magic is tied into many aspects for a clever quip.
of Aundairian life—more so than other
ties to the Talenta Plains. Other notable
Capital: Wroat criminal organizations include the monsters
Noted for Industry, manufactured goods, of Daask and House Tarkanan, an alliance
metalwork, processed ore; organized crime, of assassins and thieves with aberrant
subterfuge dragonmarks.
• Breland’s major cities are especially
In the wake of the Last War, Breland is one cosmopolitan. Due to its proximity to
of the most powerful nations in Khorvaire. Droaam, its cities include more monsters—
Possessing a large population and abundant ogres, orcs, goblins, and even sahuagin,
resources, Breland leads the Five Nations in harpies, and gargoyles—then are seen
industry. elsewhere in the Five Nations.
The Brelish are known for their pragmatism • Breland has accepted more Cyran refugees
and independence. They lack the discipline of than any other nation. The largest refugee
Karrns or the faith of the Thranes, but they camp, New Cyre, has a population of over
M`KMTI\ÅVLQVOVM_IVLQVVW^I\Q^M[WT]\QWV[ four thousand and is being converted into
to problems. The Brelish also have a talent a town. Prince Oargev of Cyre considers
for intrigue and subterfuge. The King’s Dark PQU[MTNISQVOQVM`QTMJ]\MٺMK\Q^MTaPM¼[
4IV\MZV[IZMWVMWN\PMÅVM[\QV\MTTQOMVKM the mayor of this town.
agencies in Khorvaire, rivaled only by House
Phiarlan and the Trust of Zilargo. The dark side
of all of these things is a strong streak of cynicism,
_PQKPITTW_[KZQUMIVLKWZZ]X\QWV\WÆW]ZQ[P As you develop a Brelish character or NPC,
in Brelish cities and churches. The Sovereign consider the following.
Host is the dominant religion of Breland, but Slightly Shady. Many Brelish have a loose
in general the Brelish aren’t as devout as their relationship with the law. Even if you’re a hero,
cousins in other nations. you may have a few questionable connections
King Boranel ir’Wynarn of Breland rules in or friends in low places. Backgrounds such as
conjunction with an elected parliament. Boranel KZQUQVITWZKPIZTI\IV[XaIZMI_Ia\WZMÆMK\
is a popular leader celebrated for his exploits this, regardless of your class. You could also be a
during the Last War. But his children have yet folk hero who’s challenged the laws to protect the
to prove themselves, and there is a growing innocent, or an entertainer who’s played in every
movement that advocates abandoning royal rule dive in Sharn.
when Boranel passes. Innovative and Independent. Find your
own path in the world; don’t simply follow. As
INTERESTING THINGS ABOUT BRELAND a cleric you might challenge your church and
follow your own divine revelations. As an arcane
• The great city of Sharn is the largest caster you could search for new techniques or to
metropolis in Khorvaire. The City of unravel forgotten secrets.
Towers is almost a nation in its own right Practical. Whether it’s about fashion, food, or
and is a hub for commerce and intrigue. conversation, the Brelish tend to be practical and
Chapter 6 provides more information on pragmatic. Why spend a fortune on a fancy meal
Sharn. when a simple one will do? You’ll use whatever
• The Boromar Clan is the oldest and most tool gets the job done, and you don’t see a need
powerful criminal organization in Breland. NWZ]VVMKM[[IZaÆIQZ
• Cyre was the ancestral seat of the
Capital: Metrol (destroyed)
Noted for )Z\QÅKMIZ\RM_MTZaU][QKWZI\WZa dragonmarked House Cannith, the house
philosophy; creativity, versatility of Making. The house maintained arcane
workshops across Cyre. Who knows what
treasures wait in Cannith vaults for those
Destroyed at the end of the Last War, Cyre now who brave the dangers of the Mournland?
only exists in the hearts of the refugees scattered
across Khorvaire. • Stories say communities of warforged live
Before the war, Cyre was the seat of the kings in the Mournland, including the insurgent
and queens of Galifar. The wealth of the kingdom called the Lord of Blades.
commerce and culture. By tradition, Cyre’s Cyran fashions involved bright colors
Princess Mishann had the rightful claim to the and OTIUMZ_MI^M. Some have made a
throne of Galifar. While Cyrans take pride that point of continuing this custom. Others
they alone were in the right in the Last War, they wear clothing cut in the Cyran style, but
unquestionably lost more to the war than any entirely in black; this is generally known as
other nation. As a Cyran, you stand on the moral “Mourning wear.”
Cyrans like to say that their culture represents
to say, a little bit of everything. Cyrans value When creating a character from Cyre, consider
diversity and versatility, both in talents and the following.
thought. Cyre couldn’t match Karrnath in What Have You Lost? Did you lose wealth
martial discipline or Aundair in the arcane or status? Did you have family or loved ones lost
arts, but as a nation it was characterized by the in the Mourning? Did you lose something you
ÆM`QJQTQ\aWNQ\[NWZKM[ could one day recover from the Mournland—
While the Sovereign Host was the dominant arcane research, an heirloom artifact? Consider
NIQ\PWN+aZM\PM;QT^MZ.TIUMPILI[QOVQÅKIV\ the impact this has on your background. As a
following. Many survivors have questioned their Cyran noble or soldier, your estates have been
faith in the wake of the Mourning, but some lost and your army scattered; but you still have
believe that this is a divine trial and a time when the respect of your comrades or peers.
faith is needed more than ever. What Do You Hold Onto? Do you have a
Queen Dannel ir’Wynarn was in Metrol on trinket that embodies Cyre for you? Is your wand
the Day of Mourning and is presumed to be or weapon an heirloom of your family? As an
dead. Her son Prince Oargev ir’Wynarn holds entertainer or guild artisan, are you preserving a
court in New Cyre, a massive refugee camp set particular Cyran tradition?
up in Breland. Some refugees support Oargev What Drives You? Are you determined
and the dream of a restored Cyre, while others to solve the mystery of the Mourning? Do
prefer to focus on the future instead of trying to you want to help other refugees? Or are you
reclaim the past. As a Cyran you should decide only concerned with your personal survival? Is
whether you hold tight to your national identity, there something you want to recover from the
or whether consider yourself to be an adventurer Mournland, or would you prefer to never set foot
without a nation. in it again? Do you hold a grudge against the
nations that fought against Cyre in the war, or
are you only concerned with the future?
Capital: None
Noted for Fiends, pestilence, violence
• Stories tell of the lost city of Ashtakala, a
Rivers of lava cut across plains of black sand The libraries of Ashtakala contain arcane
and volcanic glass. The only vegetation you can secrets and details about the Draconic
see is blood-red moss and a thick layer of slime, Prophecy and its vaults hold untold
and that appears to be moving. A jagged rock treasures.
or perhaps that’s just your imagination. • The Demon Wastes contain portals to
This is the Demon Wastes. Tens of thousands 3PaJMZ¸[XMKQÅKITTa\WLMUQXTIVM[
WNaMIZ[IOWÅMVL[Z]TML3PWZ^IQZM<PQ[ZMOQWV within Khyber. These are similar to the
was the seat of power of some of the mightiest layers of the Abyss in the core cosmology,
IZKPÅMVL[PWTLQVOKQ\QM[WNZIS[PI[I[IVL unearthly realms populated by demons.
demons. These foul spirits were bound long ago, The Ghaash’kala raid these demiplanes to
but their power still lingers in this place. Vile get the supplies they need to survive.
creatures continue to crawl up from the depths of
Khyber. And there are a handful of primordial
[\QTTJMPWUM\WÅMVL[IVL\PMQZ\ZMI[]ZM[ If you’re from the Demon Wastes, you likely fall
A mountain range known as the Labyrinth into one of two categories.
separates the Demon Wastes from the Eldeen Ghaash’kala. You’ve been raised in one of
Reaches. Due to ancient warding magic, any the harshest lands in Eberron and spent your
foul thing that wishes to leave must pass through MV\QZMTQNMJI\\TQVOÅMVL[?PaPI^MaW]TMN\aW]Z
the Labyrinth. These passes are guarded by the post? Have you had a vision from Kalok Shash?
Ghaash’kala, tribes of orcs sworn to contain the Are you pursuing a rogue demon? Have you
evils of the Waste. The Ghaash’kala worship a been given a quest by the leader of your tribe?
version of the Silver Flame that they call 3ITWS Most of the Ghaash’kala are orcs or half-orcs.
;PI[P; they consider the people of the Five They’re deeply devoted to their faith and might
Nations to be soft and naive. be paladins (Vengeance or Devotion), clerics
The Carrion Tribes are savage barbarians (Life, Light, or War) or Zealot barbarians.
who dwell in the Wastes. Each tribe is devoted Hermit and outlander are logical backgrounds:
\WWVMWN\PMIZKPÅMVL[IVL\PMaMVOIOMQV you know little about the ways of civilization, but
endless battles against the Ghaash’kala and the you have have insights and the skills to survive in
other Carrion Tribes. These people are mostly the harshest environments.
humans, but there are corrupted orcs, half-orcs, Carrion Tribes. Why have you left the
IVL\QMÆQVO[UQ`MLQVITWVO_Q\PIPIVLN]TWN Wastes? Have you turned your back on the vile
other races represented. The Carrion Tribes are traditions of your demon-worshipping clan?
savage and cruel, and know almost nothing about 7ZIZMaW]\PMKPIUXQWVWNWVMWN\PMÅMVLQ[P
the world beyond the Labyrinth. Overlords—but sworn to hunt down and destroy
the servants of a LQٺMZMV\IZKPÅMVL_PWXW[M[
a more immediate threat to Khorvaire? Either
way, you are a stranger in a strange land: a
savage used to a constant battle for survival in a
world shaped by demons.
Daughters use an army of ogres and war trolls
to maintain order. To date, the other nations of 5QVW\I]Z[WZK[OVWTT[\QMÆQVO[KPIVOMTQVO[
Khorvaire have refused to recognize Droaam, and other monstrous species all have a place
and it was not part of the Treaty of Thronehold. in Droaam. Consider these when making a
Most people believe that it can’t last—that even Droaamite character.
the Daughters can’t hold this disparate alliance ?PI\5ISM[AW],QٺMZMV\'The people of
together—but currently it is stronger than ever. Droaam aren’t just humans with horns or green
Droaam works closely with House Tharashk, skin. Think about the strengths of your people
selling the services of monstrous soldiers and IVL_PI\UISM[aW]LQٺMZMV\NZWUP]UIVQ\a
laborers and bysehk ore, a form of metal with both physically and culturally.
magical properties. Beyond that, it is a frontier Are You Proud? Many citizens of Droaam
nation that is still expanding. As Droaam are proud of their nation. You know that the rest
isn’t bound by the Treaty of Thronehold, it’s of Khorvaire considers you to be a “monster”. In
become a haven for war criminals and deserters, Droaam, you are going to prove to them that you
along with other criminals and mages pursuing and your kind are capable of things humanity
forbidden paths of magic. can’t even imagine. Or you might ignore this big
Many of the monsters that make up Droaam picture and be driven solely by your personal
have their own unique subcultures. Most worship desires or the goals of your family or warlord.
the Dark Six, but there are other religious Backgrounds. The creatures of Droaam are
traditions as well. very diverse. A Droaamite kobold might be an
urchin rogue. A minotaur could be a outlander
barbarian with little knowledge of the outside
well versed in history and arcana.
• Varna is the largest city in the Reaches
and the seat of the dragonmarked House
Capital: The Greenheart Vadalis.
Noted for Agriculture, animal husbandry,
druidic magic
A stretch of fertile farmlands borders a vast, Druidic traditions are important to the people of
]V\IUMLNWZM[\.IZUMZ[\MVL\W\PMÅMTL[_PQTM the Eldeen Reaches. Even if you’re not a druid,
tribes of shifters and circles of druids and rangers aW]UIaNWTTW_WVMWN\PM[MÅ^MXI\P[)[I
roam the woods. These are the Eldeen Reaches. variant human, you could take the Magic Initiate
Druids and shifters have dwelt in the Towering feat to learn a little druidic magic.
Woods for thousands of years, but the eastern Most of these traditions work with the druidic
farmlands of the Reaches were part of Aundair Circles of Land, Moon and Shepherd; Beast
until the Last War. The lords of Aundair Totem barbarians; clerics with the Nature
NWK][ML\PMQZZM[W]ZKM[WV\PM_IZMٺWZ\ domain; or rangers with the Hunter or Beast
ignoring banditry and other problems faced Master archetypes. Other classes or archetypes
by the farmers of the east. The Wardens of the especially suited to a path are called out below.
Wood—largest of the druid sects—came to the The Wardens of the Wood seek to maintain
aid of these farmers. Fifty years ago, the people of the balance between nature and civilization,
eastern Aundair seceded and formed the Eldeen protecting each from the other.
Reaches. The Reaches were recognized as a The Greensingers see the magic of the fey
nation by the Treaty of Thronehold, but many as a part of nature. They honor the archfey that
fear Aundair will try to reclaim the region. PI^MQVÆ]MVKMQV\PMQZZMOQWV[IVL\Za\WTQ^MQV
Druidic magic is a central part of life in the harmony with other fey creatures. Bards and
Eldeen Reaches. Most of its people seek to archfey warlocks are often found among the
live in harmony with the natural world, and Greensingers, and the Circles of Dreams works
communities have a druidic advisor who helps well for Greensinger druids.
with planning and planting. The Towering The Gatekeepers protect the natural world
Woods are also home to tribes of shifters, who from unnatural threats, such as aberrations and
maintain a nomadic existence. The Wardens of ÅMVL[<PMaUIQV\IQVIVKQMV\_IZL[\PI\JQVL
the Wood maintain order and settle disputes, the daelkyr in Khyber. Horizon Walker rangers
greatpine—is the spiritual leader of the Reaches. The Ashbound are champions of the natural
of them consider arcane and even divine magic
to be such a threat. Ashbound sometimes attack
Tide, a domain founded by changelings.
However, changelings are found across the
Capital: Regalport Principalities and the Lhazaar are generally
Noted for ;PQX[Å[PUMZKMVIZQM[UMZKPIV\[ used to them.
pirates • The Wind Whisperer principality includes
a number of half-elves with the Mark of
This loose confederacy of pirate lords, merchant Storm—excoriates and foundlings with
princes, and sea barons holds the northeastern no tie to House Lyrandar. The Wind
coastline of Khorvaire and the many islands Whisperers want to obtain airships, by any
scattered across it. While they were recognized as means necessary.
an allied nation under the Treaty of Thronehold, • Dreadhold is an infamous island prison
the Principalities are a loose alliance. Each island maintained by House Kundarak. Said to
domain has its own traditions, values, and goals— be inescapable, Kundarak houses both
and each has a long list of vendettas and feuds infamous criminals and mystical threats.
with other princes. Beyond this, anyone who can
win the support of enough ships and people can
claim a principality; if you want to establish your
own tiny kingdom, this is the place to do it. As you develop a Lhazaar character or NPC,
<PM4PIbIIZIZM\PMÅVM[\[IQTWZ[QV3PWZ^IQZM consider the following.
During the Last War, they served all nations as Seafarers and Swashbucklers. Most
privateers and engaged in piracy on the side. Lhazaar spend more time at sea than they do
With the end of the Last War they’ve largely on land. Sailor is an appropriate background
returned to the merchant trade, but there are still for any Lhazaar, but you can also ask your DM
pirates on the open seas. QNaW]KIV[_Q\KPI\WWTXZWÅKQMVKaNWZ^MPQKTM[
The Lhazaars value their independence. This _I\MZXZWÅKQMVKa4PIbIIZIZMÆIUJWaIV\
is a place where anyone can rise to captain a people with little concern for the law, so
ship or even seize a principality. Leadership charlatan, criminal, entertainer, and folk hero
is something earned, not given. High Prince are all strong backgrounds.
Ryger ir’Wynarn of Regalport seeks to forge Local Customs. Each principality is unique.
\PM8ZQVKQXITQ\QM[QV\WI]VQÅMLNWZKM0MPI[ Each has its own martial traditions, fashions,
8ZQVKQXITQ\QM[ZMKWOVQbMLI\<PZWVMPWTL°NWZ your principality. Your dwarf barbarian could
which he gave himself the title of “High Prince.” be one of the savage Cloudreavers. Your dashing
But so far, the other princes have rejected his swashbuckler rogue could be a colorful Wind
proposals for a greater union. Whisperer. The Bloodsail elves have a strong
There are principalities devoted to the Blood \ZILQ\QWVWNVMKZWUIVKa°IVM`KMTTMV\UI\KPNWZ
of Vol and a few that favor the Sovereign Host. your elf wizard. There are many principalities,
Beyond this, the Lhazaar show little enthusiasm and you can always work with your DM to
for religion, though many will curse the Devourer LM^MTWXWVM\PI\Å\[aW]ZKPIZIK\MZ
when a storm comes. Big Dreams. Whatever their circumstances,
the people of the Principalities are always looking
forgotten treasure hoard? To command your
• The Lhazaar Principalities have the largest own ship? To take your place as a prince? Think
changeling population in Khorvaire. Many big, and chase your dreams.
of these are concentrated in the Gray
INTERESTING THINGS ABOUT THE important than appearance, and you are also
interested in the history of the things you carry;
the battles it has seen and the warriors who have
• The Mror Holds have deep reserves of wielded it before you.
gold, silver, and other rare and precious
metals, along with iron and other ores.
Noted for Eberron dragonshards, herbs
• The Gatekeepers are a druidic tradition
that began in the Shadow Marches. The
When most people think of the Shadow defeated the daelkyr in the past, and
Marches, they imagine a fetid backwater where they are sworn to protect Eberron from
illiterate humans mingle with orcs and other foul unnatural and extraplanar threats.
creatures, practicing strange rites by the light of
\PMUWWV[?PQTMÆI_ML\PQ[^Q[QWVQ[V¼\MV\QZMTa • The Cults of the Dragon Below are wildly
inaccurate. The Shadow Marches are a desolate diverse, and often driven by madness.
land of swamps and moors. The homeland of the Many worship daelkyr or have ties to
and aberrations in the swamps, and sowed seeds
of madness that linger to this day. There are MARCHER CHARACTERS
indeed moonlit rituals in the Marches: some to As a character from the Shadow Marches,
honor the daelkyr, others to maintain the wards you could choose to carry the Mark of Finding
that keep them trapped in Khyber. Humans regardless of whether you have ties to House
a war in the distant land of Sarlona. Over time As a Marcher, a critical question is whether
the two cultures merged, forming the Marches as you have ties to one of the orc tribes or the
they exist today. integrated clans.
The Marches had little contact with Galifar or The Clans blend the traditions of human and
the east until a few hundred years ago, when a orc, building towns and working with steel. They
House Sivis expedition made two discoveries: the still rely on skilled hunters, and they have their
region contained valuable dragonshards, and a own unique traditions of art and music. Rangers,
number of clans had manifested the Dragonmark rogues, and bards all have a place in the clans,
of Finding. This led to the foundation of House and there are gatekeeper druids among them.
Tharashk, as these clans joined together to Some in the clans worship a limited form of the
master the economic potential of their mark and Sovereign Host focused on Balinor, Boldrei, and
leverage their mineral wealth. Arawai; this is a sound path for a Nature cleric.
The Shadow Marches aren’t a nation. No one The Tribes maintain traditions that
voice speaks for the clans and tribes, and most predate humanity. They’re nomadic hunter-
of the tribes have no interest in dealing with gatherers, and don’t work metals; they make
outsiders. House Tharashk is the largest faction their tools from stone, hide, wood, and bone.
in the region, and their city of Zarash’ak is the Tribal Marchers are mostly orcs, but there
center for commerce. are a few humans and half-orcs among them.
House Tharashk is the main point of contact <ZQJIT5IZKPMZ[IZMÅMZKM_IZZQWZ[IVL[SQTTML
between the Shadow Marches and the outside hunters with a close bond to the natural world;
world. Tharashk aside, it remains a collection barbarians, druids, and rangers all have a place
of tribes and cultists following their ancient here. Outlander and hermit are both appropriate
traditions in the shadows of the swamps. backgrounds for a tribal Marcher.
• The dragonmarked House Lyrandar has
Capital: Taer Valaestas
Noted for Elves, mercenaries, horses helped the elves build the infrastructure
of their kingdom. The half-elves have no
homeland, and some believe that the half-
In the midst of the Last War, an army of warrior elves of Lyrandar hopes to make Valenar a
elves seized this region from Cyre, invoking a haven for their people.
claim to the land from long before humanity’s
arrival on the continent. The elves of Valenar are • The ancestors of the elves fought the
utterly devoted to the arts of war. Their cavalry ancient goblins for control of this region
has no equal in Khorvaire, and they combine a many thousands of years ago. Relics of
talent for magic with stealth and swordplay. Cyre that struggle can still be found scattered
employed the Valenar as mercenaries and was across Valenar and the Blade Desert: ruins,
entirely unprepared for betrayal. When Cyre was PI]V\MLNWZ\ZM[[M[JI\\TMÅMTL[\PI\PI^M
destroyed in the Mourning, no one wanted to slipped out of alignment with time.
challenge the Valenar; in the interests of peace,
this elf kingdom was recognized by the Treaty of
The elves are already pushing the limits of The elf section of chapter 3 provides additional
the treaty. The Valenar constantly search for information about creating Valenar elves.
worthy challenges. While some venture into the Whatever kind of character you’re creating,
Mournland or the untamed jungles of Q’barra, consider the following.
Valenar warbands have launched raids into Martial Role. Valenar has always been
Darguun and even Karrnath. While High King on a war footing. As an elf, consider your role
Shaeras Vadallia has promised to rein in his in a warband. Are you a simple soldier? An
warriors, some believe that the elves will continue outlander scout? An acolyte devoted to the elven
\PQ[XZW^WKI\QWV°\PI\\PMQZUIQVQV\MZM[\Q[ ancestors, or a sage familiar both with Valenar
KWVÆQK\_Q\PI_WZ\PaNWMIVL\PI\\PMa_IV\ history and the lore of potential enemies? As a
Darguun or Karrnath to declare war. half-elf you might be an entertainer, a sailor, or
Valenar is a feudal kingdom. The elves are IO]QTLIZ\Q[IV_WZSQVO\W[]XXWZ\\PMMTNIZUa°
warrior princes, but they spend little time at or a charlatan seeking seeking intrigue and
rest. They operate in small units called _IZJIVL[, opportunities. As one of the vassals, you could be
and those that aren’t patrolling the kingdom a guild artisan working for the elves, an urchin
are abroad seeking adventure. Most of the civic born in Taer Valaestas, or even a folk hero
administration is handled by half-elves. Some ÅOP\QVO\WXZW\MK\\PMKWUUWVNWTS
of these are the children of Valenar elves, but Dreams. What is it you hope to achieve as
most are immigrants who’ve come from the Five an adventurer? Have you left Valenar behind,
Nations in search of opportunity. Below this are or are your aspirations tied to the kingdom?
the natives. Once vassals of Cyre, now they’re As a half-elf with Valenar blood, do you want
vassals of Valenar. Some hated the Cyrans and to be recognized as a true Valenar—granted a
welcome the elves. Others despise their new bond to a patron ancestor, a place in a warband,
leaders and are plotting against them. But life and a chance at immortality? Or are you more
hasn’t changed much for the commoners, and interested in building a homeland for your own
most don’t actually care who wears the crown. people? As a native, do you want to work with
the elves or do you want to drive them out—and
if so, who do you want to replace them?
UM[[IOM—that’s what they’ll do. But the Trust
won’t hesitate to eliminate a threat, whether with
Capital: Korranberg poison, spell, or a blade. Typically, a target will
Noted for Gnomes, alchemy, education, never even see the agent that kills them.
elemental binding, entertainment, precious stones
Zilargo is the homeland of the gnomes, and • The Library of Korranberg is considered to
streets are bright and clean. The universities and of Khorvaire.
seems happy and helpful, and crime is all but • The Korranberg Chronicle is the leading
]VPMIZLWN*]\BQT[WKQM\aQ[ÅTTML_Q\PTIaMZ[ source of news in the Five Nations, and
of intrigue and blackmail that are often invisible gnome chroniclers travel across Khorvaire
to human eyes. And below that lies The Trust, in search of stories.
a ruthless secret police force that eliminates any • The major cities of Zilargo have temples
threat to society. and shrines dedicated to every religion.
Zilargo isn’t a tyranny. Each major city has a Most Zil explore a few faiths before settling
democratically elected ruling council and a seat on one; others practice multiple religions.
on the Triumvirate that governs the nation; the
Trust reports to the Triumvirate. The Zil gnomes
built this system, and they are quite happy with
it. Their streets are safe, and as long as you play As you develop a Zil character, consider the
by the rules of the game, the Trust won’t target following things, along with the suggestions in the
aW]7]\[QLMZ[ÅVL\PQ[KI[]ITIKKMX\IVKMWN Gnome section in chapter 3.
preemptive assassination to be terrifying, but the Family Ties. In a nation shaped by intrigue,
Zil actually trust the Trust. aW]PI^M\WPI^M[WUMWVMaW]KIVZMTaWV°
Every Zil gnome is in a web of intrigues. This and for the Zil, that’s family. Unless you’re an
is condoned by the Trust, as long as no laws are orphan, discuss your family with your DM.
broken and the state itself isn’t threatened. It’s What’s their business? Who’s your favorite
ÅVMNWZIOVWUMKPIZTI\IV\WKWVVQ^MIVW\PMZ relative? Are you currently involved in any family
gnome out of a jewel mine—as long as this is schemes? Family members may call on you for
accomplished through cunning, negotiation, or help over the course of your adventurers, but
deception rather than violence or outright theft, they can also be a resource for you.
and as long as the mine stays in Zil hands. The Knowledge and Power. The Zil prize
same applies to adventurers planning schemes knowledge above all else. Sage is a suitable
in Zilargo: violence will get one targeted by the background for any Zil; charlatan and spy are
Trust, but QV\ZQO]Mis perfectly acceptable. IT[WIXXZWXZQI\MZMÆMK\QVO\PMQZTW^MWNQV\ZQO]M
The Trust itself is a network of spies and Classes that specialize in melee combat are rare
assassins. Most agents of the Trust simply pass among the Zil. Rogues, bards, wizards, and
information through dead drops; some estimate IZ\QÅKMZ[IZM\PM[WTLQMZ[WNBQTIZOW
that a third of the nation works for the Trust One unusual option is to play a warlock whose
QV\PQ[KIXIKQ\a?PMV\PM<Z][\QLMV\QÅM[I pact is with the Trust itself. You receive your
threat, it acts preemptively. If a problem can be orders telepathically. Your class abilities can
solved without violence—by sharing a piece of ZMÆMK\[XMKQITQbML\ZIQVQVOWZOZIV\MLIJQTQ\QM[¸
information, or a whispered warning sent via the magical equivalent of super-spy gadgets!
Merchants and nobles often use letters of
There are details you don’t need to know, but
that you might _IV\to know. When something credit to handle large transactions, drawing on
costs 1 CP, you can just say “one copper piece” but the reserves of the dwarvish banks of the Mror
do the people of Khorvaire have a name for Holds. But most day-to-day transactions use
their coins? Is there a convention for naming coins of precious metal. With the collapse of the
characters? This ?IaÅVLMZ¼[/]QLMis an overview. Kingdom of Galifar, each of the Five Nations
If you want more information on a particular began to mint its own currency, along with
subject, refer to the sources in the Appendix. the Mror bankers. However, while the designs
But for now, here are a few useful facts about imprinted on these coins vary based on the
everyday life in Khorvaire. source, each of these forces has continued to use
the same metals, weights, and denominations set
The Last War saw a dramatic increase in the perform arcane magic could be considered a
][MWNUIOQKQVJI\\TM)]VLIQZ_I[\PMÅZ[\ wandslinger, and any character could acquire
the war continued cantrip specialists could be Initiate feat. As such, whether your character is
found in the armies of most nations. Due to the a wandslinger is really a question of style.
considerable training required to master magic, • Did you serve in the Last War? If so, who
this has remained an elite specialty. The common GLG\RXÀJKWIRU"'LG\RXOHDUQRUKRQH
soldier wields a spear or crossbow but it’s not your magical skills as part of your military
unusual to see a warrior with a sword on one hip training?
• Do you primarily view your magic as a
and a wand on the other. Within the army, such
weapon, or do you hate being forced into
a soldier is referred to as an arcaneer.
combat? Do you have a diverse range of
On the streets, they are called wandslingers. spells, or is your magic largely oriented
cast I\TMI[\\_Wcantripstypically drawn from • A player character is never required to
the sorcerer or wizard spell list. A common use an arcane focus when casting a spell.
wandslinger also knows a single 1st-level spell, %XWLI\RX·UHDZDQGVOLQJHU\RX·UHPRUH
which they can cast once per long rest. An comfortable with a focus in your hand.
exceptional wandslinger may know up up to Casting a spell without a focus takes
three spells of up to 3rd level. A wandslinger’s HIIRUW7KHUH·VQRPHFKDQLFDOSHQDOW\
spells and cantrips are almost always combat DVVRFLDWHGZLWKWKLVLW·VMXVWVRPHWKLQJWR
consider when describing your actions.
ZIaWNNZW[\J]ZVQVOPIVL[or [PQMTL As long as your DM approves, you could
The critical limitation of the wandslinger is a justify the abilities of an arcane class as
dependence on an arcane focus. A wandslinger being derived from wandslinger training as
must have an arcane focus—a wand, rod, RSSRVHGWRWKHXVXDOVRXUFH,I\RX·UHSOD\LQJ
a sorcerer or warlock, you could say that your
choice of Sorcerous Origin or Otherworldly
various cantrips, such as a wand for ÅZMJWT\and 7KLVGRHVQ·WFKDQJHWKHZD\WKHVHIHDWXUHV
a rod for J]ZVQVOPIVL[, but wandslingers can use function; it means that instead of making a pact
any arcane focus they get their hands on. As a ZLWKDÀHQG\RXUZDUORFNKDVDFRQQHFWLRQ
result, arcane focuses are regarded as weapons to an elite order of arcaniers that share these
throughout Khorvaire. abilities. Instead of dealing with the demands of
If you’ve got a wand tucked into your belt, a patron, you might receive requests from your
people may assume you know how to use it. former commander or your comrades from the
tell with your character. Are you an impetuous
provocation? A former soldier trained to use
magic as a weapon? Or an arcane scholar who
despises hotheaded wandslingers who know
nothing about the science of magic?
Identifying your character as a wandslinger
offers a wider selection of arcane focus items
that can add color to your character.
a boon for any actor. In general, think of ways
With this general understanding of the sort of \PI\[]KPTW_TM^MTMٺMK\[UQOP\JMQVKWZXWZI\ML
magic that’s found in the world, here’s a closer into a performance.
TWWSI\INM_XIZ\QK]TIZÅMTL[WNQVL][\Za The Dragonmarked Houses of Shadow
dominate the entertainment industry. House
Phiarlan operates west of the Mournland, while
House Thuranni is based in Karrnath and the
The Couriers’ Guild of House Orien runs a Lhazaar Principalities. Each house has its own
standard postal service, delivering messages by theatres, companies, and star performers, but
horse and lightning rail. Sending a letter to a you don’t need a dragonmark to get into show
central station in a major city costs a few copper business; the houses train and license all manner
pieces. A direct delivery within a city could run of artists and entertainers.
up to 5 sp. Sending a large or unusual package—
or a rushed delivery—costs considerably more.
Should you need to send a message more
quickly, you’ll turn to the message stations of When it comes to fashion, the most common
House Sivis. The basic tool is the [XMISQVO[\WVM, manifestation of magic is OTIUMZ_MI^M: clothing
which allows a dragonmarked operator to send a imbued with illusion. This can involve concrete
short message to any other [XMISQVO[\WVM. Sending images, such as a cloak lined with glittering stars
a message through the stones costs 1 gp for WZIOW_V_Q\PIXI\\MZVWNÆIUM[#\PM_MIZMZ
M^MZaÅ^M_WZL[QV\PMUM[[IOMIVL\ISM[WVM might even be able to adjust the intensity of
minute for every ten miles between the station \PM[MÆIUM[_Q\PI_WZL5WZMMTIJWZI\MIVL
and the destination. The gnomes at the receiving expensive) OTIUMZ_MI^M could even produce the
station will transcribe the message; for an extra MٺMK\WNJMQVO_ZMI\PMLQVÆIUM[0W_M^MZ
gold piece, they’ll have a courier deliver it to OTIUMZ_MI^MKIVIT[WPI^MUWZMIJ[\ZIK\MٺMK\["
the intended recipient. Most large communities slowly shifting colors or a shimmering glow,
will have a message station, but small villages or for example. /TIUMZ_MI^Mcan cost anywhere
frontier towns may not. NZWU\WOXLMXMVLQVOWV\PMMٺMK\#Q\¼[
The [XMISQVO[\WVMnetwork is the backbone of stylish, but certainly a sign of wealth. Zilargo and
communication, but if it’s not fast enough, there Aundair are the primary sources of OTIUMZ_MI^M,
is one more option. A Sivis enclave UQOP\have a and competition between designers has grown in
heir who can perform [MVLQVO, which can send a recent years.
message instantly to any Sivis station—and even
allow a response, if the recipient is present and
waiting at the target station. If available, this
service generally costs 200 gp.
dominated the business of healing. Most large
communities have a Jorasco healing house, and
ENTERTAINMENT even smaller communities often have a lone
While true bards are uncommon, magewright Jorasco healer. The basic services provided by
entertainers learn to weave magic into their Jorasco involve use of the Medicine skill and
performances. Illusion is a common tool, used herbal remedies. The next tier of treatment is
both to enhance a mundane performance or lesser restorationWٺMZQVOQUUMLQI\MZMKW^MZaNZWU
as an art form in its own right. A gymnastic disease for those willing to pay the price. /ZMI\MZ
performance might incorporate R]UXor NMI\PMZNITT. restoration is possible if the house has an heir with
<PMMٺMK\[WN\PM\PI]UI\]ZOacantrip—booming the Greater Mark of Healing, though this gift
• Consult an elven archmage who’s been
• There is a paradise within the world, a vale dead for twenty thousand years.
bathed in the light of the Inner Sun. Earn • Battle sinister forces that have crawled into
your passage with the blood of worthy foes. Eberron from a realm of eternal night.
• Our existence is a chrysalis state, preparing • Learn secrets of arcane magic unknown on
us for transcendent immortality within the Khorvaire.
bowels of the Gibbering Mouther.
The massive island of Aerenal is the ancient
• The Lord of Eyes sees all secrets. His kingdom of the elves. Its jungles are a source
gaze elevates the worthy and slays the of strange and valuable lumbers: the soarwood
unbeliever. Drive all doubt from your heart used for the hulls of airships, tough bronzewood,
and you will see reality through new eyes. even trees that remain alive after being felled.
The Cults of the Dragon Below are wildly Beyond this, the island is close to the planes of
diverse. The tenets above describe the beliefs 1ZQIVIVL5IJIZ°ITTW_QVO\PMTQVM[JM\_MMV
of three LQٺMZMV\cults, and the image of the holy life and death to become blurred. This can be
symbol is one common example—a piece of dangerous, with dark forces creeping in from the
volcanic glass—not something shared by all plane known as the Endless Night. But it’s also
cults. There are warlocks who draw power from allowed the elves to perform feats of necromancy
demon overlords and daelkyr cultists who serve unmatched in Eberron. Among the Aereni elves,
UQVLÆIaMZ[IVLJMPWTLMZ[7\PMZ[IZM[QUXTa the honored dead walk among the living. Heroes
driven by deep convictions that others see as who died in glorious battle return to serve the
madness. Outsiders use the term “Cult of the Sibling Kings. And in the depths of Shae Mordai,
Dragon Below” as a blanket term to describe the deathless lords of the Undying Court study
all of these things, but the cultists themselves the shifting balance of the planes and the path of
don’t use this name or see themselves as part the Draconic Prophecy.
of a greater whole. New cults can spring up While necromancy is a pillar of Aereni
anywhere at any time, as a seed of madness takes society, it isn’t the dark force you’re used to.
root and spreads. The deathless undead of Aerenal are sustained
If your character is part of a cult, work with the by XW[Q\Q^Menergy—the light of Irian and the
,5\WLMÅVMaW]ZXMZ[WVITJMTQMN[ITWVO_Q\P devotion freely given by their descendants. The
the size and scope of your cult. Does your faith elves of Aerenal despise necromancy that draws
have wide support across the Shadow Marches? on the negative energy of Mabar, and agents of
Or are you and your family the only people who the Undying Court are charged to seek out and
share your particular beliefs? destroy vampires, liches, and other such undead.
In Sarlona, you could...
psychic overlords.
• Defend an ancient mountain
• Disable a monolith used to control
the dreams of a city.
Tens of thousands of years ago, the
vast continent of Sarlona was the
cradle of human civilization. Three
colonists set forth from Sarlona,
setting in motion the events that
would shape modern-day Khorvaire.
Once Sarlona was home to over
a dozen distinct kingdoms, but
today only two established nations
• Shifters draw on their distant lycanthropic
BERRON CAN BE HOME TO ANY OF THE heritage to manifest bestial traits for short
creatures found across the multiverse periods of time. A diverse race shaped by
of DUNGEONS & DRAGONS. Humans, the beasts within them, shifters often prefer
gnomes, elves, and orcs have all the wilds to the civilized world.
made their marks on the continent
of Khorvaire. However, the creatures of Eberron
other worlds. The orcs of Eberron include druids
purpose beyond the war.
demons and aberrations. The Valenar elves are
RON 59
—Chance, changeling priest
Wherever humans can be found, there are
changelings; the question is whether their In their natural form changelings are slender and
presence is known. pale, with colorless eyes and silver-white hair.
Changelings are born to one of three paths. A changeling can alter its physical appearance
A few are raised in stable communities where with a thought. While this can be used to deceive
changelings are true to their nature and deal others, it is a natural form of expression for the
openly with the people around them. Some are changeling. A changeling shifts shapes the way
WZXPIV[ZIQ[MLJaW\PMZZIKM[_PWÅVL\PMQZ others might change clothes. A casual shape—one
way in the world without ever knowing another created on the spur of the moment, with no depth
like themselves. Others are part of nomadic or history—is called a UI[S. A mask can be used
changeling clans spread across the Five Nations \WM`XZM[[IUWWLWZ\W[MZ^MI[XMKQÅKX]ZXW[M
who keep their true nature hidden from the and then never used again. However, many
single-skins. Some clans maintain safe havens in changelings develop identities that have more
major cities and communities, but most prefer to depth. They build an identity over time, crafting
wander the unpredictable path of the Traveler. a persona with a history and beliefs. This focused
In creating a changeling adventurer, consider identity helps a changeling pinpoint a particular
the character’s relationships with people around skill or emotion. A changeling adventurer might
them. Does the character conceal their true have personas for many situations, including
changeling nature? Do they embrace it? Do they negotiation, investigation, and combat. Personas
have connections to other changelines or are they can be shared by multiple changelings; there
alone and in search of companions? might be three healers in a community, but
whoever is on duty will adopt the persona of Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Tek, the kindly old medic. Personas can even Change Appearance. As an action, you can
be passed down through a family, allowing a transform your appearance or revert to your
younger changeling to take advantage of contacts natural form. You can’t duplicate the appearance
established by previous users of the persona. of a creature you’ve never seen, and you revert to
your natural form if you die.
You decide what you look like, including your
CHANGELING NAMES height, weight, facial features, the sound of your
voice, coloration, hair length, sex, and any other
distinguishing characteristics. You can make
each mask and persona and adopt new names
yourself appear as a member of another race,
as easily as they develop new faces. The true
though none of your game statistics change. You
name of a changeling tends to be simple and
monosyllabic; however, there are often accents
than you, and your basic shape stays the same; if
to a changeling’s name that are expressed
you’re bipedal, you can’t use this trait to become
through shapeshifting, something single-skins
quadrupedal, for instance. Your clothing and
will likely miss. So, two changelings might have
other equipment don’t change in appearance,
the name Jin, but one is 2QV_Q\P^Q^QLJT]MMaM[
size, or shape to match your new form, requiring
and one is 2QV_Q\POWTLMVKPMMS[.
the most compelling disguise possible.
gender, seeing it as one characteristic to change
Even to the most astute observers, your ruse is
among many others.
usually indiscernible. If you rouse suspicion, or if
Changeling Names: Bin, Cas, Dox, Fie,
a wary creature suspects something is amiss, you
Hars, Jin, Lam, Mas, Nix, Ot, Paik, Ruz, Sim,
have advantage on any Charisma (Deception)
Toox, Vil, Yug.
check you make to avoid detection.
Changeling Instincts. AW]OIQVXZWÅKQMVKa
—Lakashtai, servant of the light
source of their psychic gifts.
The bond to the spirit can cause some kalashtar
to display unusual quirks of behavior. You can <PM^QZ\]W][[XQZQ\[\QML\W\PMSITI[P\IZÆMLNZWU
roll or select a trait from the following table. the dream-realm of Dal Quor to escape evil spirits
that dominate the realm. The rebel quori believe Age. Kalashtar develop physically at the same
that through meditation and devotion, they can rate as humans do and have similar lifespans.
change the fundamental nature of Dal Quor, Alignment. The noble spirit tied to a
shifting the balance from darkness to light. Most kalashtar drives it toward lawful and good
kalashtar communities focus on acts of devotion behavior. Most kalashtar combine strong self-
known as the Path of Light. But the dark powers discipline with compassion for all sentient beings,
of Dal Quor have their own plans on Eberron. J]\[WUMSITI[P\IZZM[Q[\\PM^QZ\]W][QVÆ]MVKMWN
Through the force known as the Dreaming Dark, their spirit.
these monsters manipulate the folk of Khorvaire to Size. Kalashtar are similar in build to humans,
eliminate kalashtar whenever possible. though they are typically a few inches taller.
Many kalashtar defend themselves from the Your size is Medium.
Dreaming Dark by focusing on devotion to the Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Path of Light but some among the kalashtar seek Dual Mind. When you make a Wisdom
out the agents of the Dreaming Dark and oppose saving throw, you can use your reaction to gain
their plans, or protect the innocent however advantage on the roll. You can use this trait
they can. Some kalashtar grow up isolated from immediately before or after you roll, but before
others, knowing nothing about Dal Quor or the IVaWN\PMZWTT¼[MٺMK\[WKK]Z
Dreaming Dark. Such orphans may use their Mental Discipline. You have resistance to
abilities for personal gain or otherwise act against psychic damage.
the virtuous instincts of their quori spirits; this can Mind Link. You can speak telepathically
KI][MQV\MZVITKWVÆQK\[IVL^QWTMV\UWWL[_QVO[ to any creature you can see within 60 feet
of you. You don’t need to share a language
KALASHTAR NAMES with the creature for it to understand your
telepathic messages, but the creature must be
)SITI[P\IZVIUMUQ`M[IXMZ[WVITXZMÅ`\W\PM able to understand at least one language or be
name of the quori spirit within the kalashtar. Each telepathic itself.
spirit has a gender identity, but this might not As a bonus action when you’re speaking
match the gender identity of the kalashtar host. telepathically to a creature, you can give that
A female kalashtar may have what others would creature the ability to speak telepathically to
consider a masculine name, because she’s tied to a you until the start of your next turn. To use this
spirit with a masculine identity. Kalashtar orphans ability, the creature must be within 60 feet of you
are unlikely to know the name of their spirit and and be able to see you.
take names from another source. Psychic Glamour. Choose one of
Male Quori Names: Hareth, Khad, Kosh, the following skills: Insight, Intimidation,
Melk, Tash, Ulad, Vash Performance, or Persuasion. You have advantage
Female Quori Names: Ashana, Ashtai, on all ability checks you make with that skill.
Ishara, Nari, Tana, Tari, Vakri Severed from Dreams. Kalashtar sleep,
Kalashtar Names: Coratash, Dalavash, but they don’t connect to the plane of dreams
Dolishara, Halakosh, Khoratari, Koratana, as other creatures do. Instead, their minds draw
Lanhareth, Molavakri, Nevitash, Sorashana, from the memories of their otherworldly spirit
Torashtai, Valakhad, Vishara while they sleep. As such, you are immune to
KALASHTAR TRAITS dream, like the LZMIUspell, but not to spells and
MٺMK\[\PI\X]\aW]\W[TMMXTQSM\PMsleep spell.
Your kalashtar character has the following traits. Languages. You can speak, read, and write
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom and Common, Quori, and one other language of
Charisma scores both increase by 1. In addition, your choice.
one ability score of your choice increases by 1.
—Don Bassingthwaite,
SIMILAR AND DIVERSE Shifter Names: Badger, Bear, Cat, Fang,
Grace, Grim, Moon, Rain, Red, Scar, Stripe,
Shifters are similar to humans in height and build Swift, Talon, Whiskers, Wolf.
facial features have a bestial cast, with large eyes,
have prominent canine teeth. They grow fur-like
Your shifter character has the following traits.
hair on nearly every part of their bodies.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity
score increases by 1.
appearance as well. A swiftstride shifter may
Age. Shifters are quick to mature both
have catlike eyes and delicate build, while a
physically and emotionally, reaching young
beasthide shifter might be a massive brute built
adulthood at age 10. They rarely live to be more
like a bear. While a shifter’s appearance might
than 70 years old.
remind an onlooker of an animal, they remain
Alignment. Shifters tend toward neutrality,
being more focused on survival than concepts of
most feral.
good and evil. A love of personal freedom can
drive shifters toward chaotic alignments.
THE JOURNEY YET TO COME Size. Shifters range from 5 to almost 7 feet
tall, depending on their subrace. Your size is
Shifters have a strong presence in the Eldeen Medium.
Reaches, and they often live among humans Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
and can be found in rural areas across Darkvision. You have superior vision in dark
Khorvaire. While they form powerful bonds and dim conditions. You can see in dim light
to friends and kin, shifters place great value on within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light,
self-reliance and freedom. It’s a shifter proverb and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t
to “always be prepared for the journey yet to discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
come,” and most shifters strive to be ready for Keen Senses. AW]PI^MXZWÅKQMVKa_Q\P\PM
change or opportunity. Perception skill
Shifters have a natural inclination toward Shifting. As a bonus action, you can assume
classes with a primal connection. A shifter a more bestial appearance. This transformation
barbarian draws their rage from the beast within. lasts for 1 minute, until you die, or until you
A shifter ranger indulges their urge to wander revert to your normal appearance as a bonus
and hunt. A shifter rogue harnesses their own action. When you shift, you gain temporary hit
predatory instincts. But shifters can pursue any points equal to your level + your Constitution
your shifter subrace, described below.
SHIFTER NAMES Once you shift, you can’t do so again until you
Shifters have no language of their own and
Languages. You can speak, read, and write
often live in blended communities. Their names
typically overlap with the names of other cultures
Subrace. The beast within shapes each shifter
in their region. Many shifters prefer to keep
physically and mentally. Four major subraces
their personal names for their friends and use
of shifter are found among the worlds of D&D:
“wandering names” with strangers. These are
Beasthide, Longtooth, Swiftstride, and Wildhunt.
usually tied to a physical or personality trait.
Choose one of these subraces.
BEASTHIDE Additionally, you can move up to 10 feet as a
reaction when an enemy ends its turn within
Stoic and solid, a beasthide shifter draws 5 feet of you. This movement doesn’t provoke
strength and stability from the beast within. opportunity attacks.
Beasthide shifters are typically tied to the bear
or the boar, but any creature known for its
toughness could apply. WILDHUNT
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution
Wildhunt shifters are sharp and insightful.
score increases by 2.
Some are constantly alert, ever wary for possible
threats. Others focus on their intuition, searching
Athletics skill.
within. Wildhunt shifters are excellent hunters,
Shifting Feature. Whenever you shift, you
and they also tend to become the spiritual leaders
gain 1d6 additional temporary hit points, and
of shifter communities.
while shifted, you have a +1 bonus to your AC.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score
increases by 2.
the Survival skill.
4WVO\WW\P[PQN\MZ[IZMÅMZKMIVLIOOZM[[Q^MJ]\ Mark the Scent. As a bonus action, you can
they form deep bonds with their friends. Many mark one creature you can see within 10 feet of
longtooth shifters have canine traits that become you. Until the end of your next long rest, your
more pronounced as they shift, but they might XZWÅKQMVKaJWV][Q[LW]JTMLNWZIVaIJQTQ\aKPMKS
instead draw on tigers, hyenas, or other predators. aW]UISM\WÅVL\PMUIZSMLKZMI\]ZMIVLaW]
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score always know the location of that creature if it
increases by 2. is within 60 feet of you. You can’t use this trait
Intimidation skill. Shifting Feature. While shifted,
Shifting Feature. While shifted, you can use you have advantage on
your elongated fangs to make an unarmed strike Wisdom checks.
as a bonus action. If you hit with your fangs, you
can deal piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your
damage normal for an unarmed strike.
Swiftstride shifters are graceful and quick.
Typically feline in nature, swiftstride
down physically or socially.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity and
Charisma scores increase by 1.
Acrobatics skill.
Swift Stride. Your walking speed increases by
5 feet.
Shifting Feature. While shifted, your
walking speed increases by an additional 5 feet.
—Keith Baker, <PM;PI\\MZML4IVL
automatons, but House Cannith devoted vast
resources to improving these steel soldiers.
An unexpected breakthrough produced fully
sentient soldiers, blending organic and inorganic
materials. Warforged are made from wood
and metal, but they can feel pain and emotion.
beyond the war. A warforged can be a steadfast
ally, a cold-hearted killing machine, or a
visionary in search of purpose and meaning.
LIVING STEEL AND STONE warforged that they do to other humanoids. A
warforged can focus its mind on its body as it
Warforged are formed from a blend of organic
rests, adjusting its shape and form to assume one
and inorganic materials. Root-like cords infused
of a few defensive postures. A warforged who
expects heavy combat might focus on durability,
wrapped around a framework of steel, darkwood
while during a time of peace they might be
or stone. Armored plates form a protective outer
content to adopt a lighter, less aggressive form.
shell and reinforce joints. All warforged share
a common facial design, with a hinged jaw and
crystal eyes embedded beneath a reinforced
brow ridge. A sigil is engraved into the center of WARFORGED PERSONALITY
the forehead; this is unique to each warforged. <PM_IZNWZOML_MZMJ]QT\\W[MZ^MIVL\WÅOP\
Beyond these common elements of warforged For most of their existence, warforged had a
design, the precise materials and build of a KTMIZTaLMÅVMLN]VK\QWVIVL_MZMMVKW]ZIOML
warforged vary based on the purpose for which it to focus purely on that role. The Treaty of
was designed. A juggernaut warrior is a massive Thronehold gave them freedom, but many
brute with a heavy steel frame, while a skirmisher _IZNWZOML[\Z]OOTMJW\P\WÅVLIXTIKMQV\PM
can be crafted from wood and light mithral to post-war world and to relate to the creatures that
grant it lithe and elegant movement. created them.
While they’re formed from stone and steel, The typical warforged shows little emotion.
warforged are living humanoids. Resting, healing Many warforged embrace a concrete purpose—
magic, and the Medicine skill all provide the protecting allies, completing a contract, or
other pursuits—and devote themselves to this
task as they once did to war. However, there WARFORGED NAMES
are warforged who delight in exploring their Warforged were assigned numerical designations
feelings and their freedom. Most warforged for use in military service. Many of them
have no interest in religion, but some embrace adopted nicknames, often given to them by their
faith and mysticism, seeking higher purpose and comrades. As free individuals, some have chosen
deeper meaning. new names as a way to express their path in life.
The typical warforged has a muscular, sexless A few take on human names, often the name of a
body shape. Some warforged ignore the concept fallen friend or mentor.
of gender entirely, while others adopt a gender Warforged Names: Anchor, Banner,
identity in emulation of creatures around them. Bastion, Blade, Blue, Bow, Church, Crunch,
Crystal, Dagger, Dent, Five, Glaive, Hammer,
Iron, Lucky, Mace, Pants, Pierce, Red, Rusty,
QUIRKS Scout, Seven, Shield, Slash, Smith, Spike, Stone,
Temple, Vault, Wall, Wood.
simple ignorance of how other creatures operate,
warforged often acquire an odd personality trait
or two. A warforged player can choose to roll or WARFORGED TRAITS
select a trait from the Warforged Quirks table. Your warforged character has the following traits.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution
tÙ¥ÊÙ¦Yç®Ù»Ý score increases by 1.
1d10 YƵŝƌŬ Age. A typical warforged is between two and
1 zŽƵĂŶĂůLJnjĞ;ŽƵƚůŽƵĚͿƚŚĞƉŽƚĞŶƟĂůƚŚƌĞĂƚ thirty years old. The maximum lifespan of the
posed by every creature you meet. warforged remains a mystery; so far, warforged
2 zŽƵĚŽŶ͛ƚƵŶĚĞƌƐƚĂŶĚĞŵŽƟŽŶƐĂŶĚŽŌĞŶ have shown no signs of deterioration due to age.
ŵŝƐƌĞĂĚĞŵŽƟŽŶĂůĐƵĞƐ͘ Alignment. Most warforged take comfort in
3 zŽƵĂƌĞĮĞƌĐĞůLJƉƌŽƚĞĐƟǀĞŽĨĂŶLJŽŶĞLJŽƵ order and discipline, tending toward law and
consider a friend. neutrality. But some have absorbed the morality
4 zŽƵŽŌĞŶƐĂLJƚŚĞƚŚŝŶŐƐLJŽƵĂƌĞƚŚŝŶŬŝŶŐ — or lack thereof — of the beings with which
aloud without realizing it. they served.
5 zŽƵƚƌLJƚŽĂƉƉůLJǁĂƌƟŵĞƚĂĐƟĐƐĂŶĚ Size. Your size is Medium. Most warforged
ĚŝƐĐŝƉůŝŶĞƚŽĞǀĞƌLJƐŝƚƵĂƟŽŶ͘ stand between 5 and 6 1/2 feet tall. Weight and
ĂŶĚĂƌĞƉƌŽŶĞƚŽĚƌĂŵĂƟĐĞŵŽƟŽŶĂů Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
outbursts. Warforged Resilience. You were created to
7 You don’t understand clothing beyond its have remarkable fortitude, represented by the
wears denotes its job and status. • You have advantage on saving throws
8 You are obsessed with your appearance, against being poisoned, and you have
ĂŶĚĐŽŶƐƚĂŶƚůLJƉŽůŝƐŚĂŶĚďƵīLJŽƵƌĂƌŵŽƌ͘ resistance to poison damage.
9 You are deeply concerned with following • You are immune to disease.
proper procedures and protocols.
• You don’t need to eat, drink, or breathe.
10 War is the only thing that makes sense to
magic can’t put you to sleep.
Integrated Protection. Your body has built-
in defensive layers, which determine your armor
but if you are using a shield, you apply its bonus
as normal.
rest, choose one mode to adopt from the
Integrated Protection table, provided you meet
the mode’s prerequisite.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write
Subrace. As a warforged, your body was
these subraces: envoy, juggernaut, or skirmisher.
As an envoy, you were designed with a certain
specialized function in mind. You might be an
assassin, a healer, or an entertainer, to name
a few possibilities. Envoys are the rarest of
the warforged subraces, and yours could be a
unique design.
Ability Score Increase. <_WLQٺMZMV\IJQTQ\a
scores of your choice increase by 1.
Specialized Design. You gain one skill
your choice.
Sentry’s Rest. When you take a long rest, Integrated Tool. Choose one tool you’re
you must spend at least six hours in an inactive, XZWÅKQMV\_Q\P<PQ[\WWTQ[QV\MOZI\MLQV\WaW]Z
motionless state, rather than sleeping. In this JWLaIVLaW]LW]JTMaW]ZXZWÅKQMVKaJWV][NWZ
state, you appear inert, but it doesn’t render you any ability checks you make with it. You must
unconscious, and you can see and hear as normal. have your hands free to use this integrated tool.
Darkwood Core (unarmored) None ϭϭнLJŽƵƌĞdžƚĞƌŝƚLJŵŽĚŝĮĞƌ;ĂĚĚƉƌŽĮĐŝĞŶĐLJ
ÄòÊùÝ͗^Ö®½®þÝ®¦Ä bludgeoning damage instead of the normal
As the name implies, most warforged were damage.
EXLOWWRÀJKWLQWKH/DVW:DU7KHYDVW Powerful Build. You count as one size larger
majority of warforged are juggernauts or when determining your carrying capacity and the
skirmishers—soldiers and scouts who fought weight you can push, drag, or lift.
under the banner of one of the Five Nations.
Warforged envoys, however, were designed
to perform other functions. As an envoy you SKIRMISHER
KDYHDVNLOODWRROSURÀFLHQF\DQGDWRRO You were built to scout the edges of battle and
outmaneuver your enemies. You are lean and
an envoy character, consider the following
designed for speed.
questions: what is your purpose? How does
What form does your integrated tool take? score increases by 2.
,I\RXKDYHHPEHGGHGWKLHYHV·WRROVIRU Swift. Your walking speed is increased by 5
or can you produce keys from various parts Light Step. When you are traveling alone
of your body? The following characters are for an extended period of time (one hour or
examples of warforged with integrated tools. more), you can move stealthily at a normal pace.
Lute is a bard with the entertainer (See chapter 8 of the 8TIaMZ¼[0IVLJWWSfor more
background; his namesake instrument folds information about travel pace.)
out of his left arm.
Compass Rose is a wizard with the
outlander background. A keen explorer,
records the paths she travels.
charlatan background and an integrated
disguise kit, she was built to blend in and
assassinate. Cannith built six warforged of
her design, and Masque has vowed to hunt
In developing your integrated tool,
remember that you must have your hands
changeling; she has to manually adjust her
You’re an imposing war machine built for close
combat and raw might. You tower over your
comrades; juggernaut warforged stand between
6 and 7 feet in height and can weigh up to 450
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score
increases by 2.
Iron Fists. When you make an unarmed
As a dwarf of the Five Nations, consider how
widespread your family is and where their roots
lie. Are they soldiers? Priests or politicians?
¹/WTLQ[\PMOQN\WN\PMUW]V\IQV[J]\QZWVKWUM[ Architects or stonemasons? Are you close to
NZWUJTWWLIVLJWVMº your relatives or have you had a falling out—
—Mror Proverb or potentially lost your kin in the Last War?
Likewise, consider what you did in the war and
The origin of the dwarves is shrouded in mystery.
you a soldier, and if so, how did that service end?
Their legends say that they came to Khorvaire
If not, did you serve your nation in another way,
from a land of endless ice; some believe this to
or did you turn your back on it?
mean the arctic Frostfell, while others assert that
of Risia itself. Wherever they began, the dwarves
established a mighty nation beneath the surface DWARVES OF THE MROR HOLDS
of Khorvaire. Tales speak of mighty artifacts and The Mror Holds are discussed in chapter 2.
vast treasures crafted in the deeps, and of wars One question to consider is _PaaW]¼^MTMN\\PM
fought against the goblin Empire of Dhakaan. 0WTL[. Whether you’re an heir of a noble clan
No one knows where the line lies between truth or a simple guild artisan, what has drawn you
and story. The ancestors of the modern dwarves away from your homeland? The Mror Past table
were exiles from this ancient kingdom, and the provides a few ideas.
realm below was destroyed by the daelkyr. Bold
adventurers can delve into the haunted darkness
legacy modern dwarves have of this age of glory.
House Kundarak carries the Mark of Warding.
In addition to providing all manner of security,
DWARVES OF THE FIVE NATIONS House Kundarak dominates the banking industry.
Aerenal is ruled by the Undying Court, a council
¹*]\NWZ\a_QTTº of undead elves sustained by positive energy.
Elven culture began on the distant continent of The Undying Court wields godlike power and
Xen’drik. Tens of thousands of years ago, the has protected your island home for thousands of
elves rose up against the giants who ruled that years. The greatest heroes of your people join the
TIVL=T\QUI\MTa\PMMT^M[ÆMLNZWU@MV¼LZQSIVL Undying Court after death; if you achieve great
settled the island nation of Aerenal. There they things in your life, you too could achieve this
split into two distinct cultures: the introspective immortality.
Aereni and the warlike Tairnadal. While The Aereni are isolationists who have little
neither of these cultures have much interest in interest in the world beyond their island. The
human activities, a small number of elves have Five Nations are a place of chaos and war. With
immigrated to Khorvaire over the years and have this in mind, what has caused you to leave your
integrated with the cultures of the Five Nations. island and wander the world? Are you in search
As a whole, elves are driven by tradition of a power that could earn you your place in the
and respect for the past. Where humans value Undying Court? Have you been given a quest by
innovation, elves strive to perfect the techniques one of your own deathless ancestors? Or are you
of their ancestors. With centuries to devote to an exile, banished from your homeland for some
their studies, the elves are masters of their chosen crime against the Undying Court?
crafts; at the same time, their society has changed As one of the Aereni, think about your history.
^MZaTQ\\TMW^MZ\PMTI[\Å^M\PW][IVLaMIZ[_PQTM What is your family known for, and how can you
Khorvaire is constantly evolving. As an elf, prove yourself to be a master of these skills? Do
consider your relationship with the past. Do you you have ancestors in the Undying Court, and if
value the traditions of your ancestors? Or do you so, what’s your relationship with them? Do you
fear that your people are too mired in the past, ÅVLLMITQVO_Q\P\PM[PWZ\TQ^MLZIKM[\WJMI
IVLVMML\WÅVLI_IaNWZ_IZL' challenge, or are you patient with them?
The Valenar and Aereni are physically similar
but culturally distinct. Aereni are typically
high elves, while Valenar are usually wood
elves; but both of these subraces are options
in these cultures. The Aereni place greater
importance on perfecting a single skill than
on training with weaponry, while the Valenar
take pride in their skill with scimitars. These
elves have a racial trait in place of the Elf
Weapon Training trait. If your DM allows
it, your elf character can forgo Elf Weapon
Training and instead take the elf trait based
on their culture:
• An Aereni elf can choose one skill or
is doubled for any ability check you
scimitar, double scimitar, longbow, and
who channels the same ancestor, or one who
Double-bladed Scimitar 100 gp 2d4 slashing 6lbs Special, two-handed
with two hands, the weapon has the ÅVM[[M
trait for your attacks with it, and you gain
+1 AC. Throughout history, elves have occasionally
• On your turn, when you use a bonus action immigrated to Khorvaire—some by choice,
to make a melee attack with the blade at the [WUM\PZW]OPM`QTM5IVaWN\PMÅVM[\_QbIZL[
opposite end of the weapon, the weapon’s in the Five Nations are high elves, along with
damage die for this attack increases to 2d4, renowned artisans. Wood elves are found among
instead of 1d4. the rangers and druids of the Eldeen Reaches,
though you could just as easily be a wood elf who
hunts in the darkest alleys of Sharn. Subrace is a
matter of aptitude as opposed to genetics, and the
people of Khorvaire will see you only as an elf.
As an elf in Khorvaire, you have grown up
among short-lived races. You may not be as
concerned with history and tradition as the
Aereni and Valenar; you could even live your
life entirely in the moment, with no care for your ÊÙ½½ÊÄÄ>ʽã«
family or your legacy. Nonetheless, you may 7KHHOYHVRI(EHUURQZHUHQ·WFUHDWHGE\WKH
have outlived many human friends; how does gods you may know from other settings. In
\PI\IٺMK\aW]',QLaW]SVW_\PMXIZMV\[WZ Eberron, the Sulat Giants created the drow
and if so, might you be trying to repay a debt to there is a lingering enmity between drow
that long-dead friend? Do you remember a time DQGHOIEXWLW·VQRWGULYHQE\WKHLQÁXHQFH
JMNWZM\PM4I[\?IZ',QLaW]ÅOP\QV\PM_IZ of Lolth. Meanwhile, the elves revere their
and if so, for which side? ancestors—many of whom still linger and
guide them—as opposed to distant gods.
This is an opportunity to explore these
in a few of them (consult the Zil Schemes table).
Even if you have a good heart and noble goals,
you may still prefer to use trickery and cunning
instead of relying on honesty or brute force.
—Zil proverb Zil gnomes typically use the forest gnome
subrace. The natural illusionist trait is a part of
Gnomes possess a love of knowledge that many daily life in Zilargo, used both for entertainment
would describe as lust. Most gnomes hate physical and for trickery. The <P]ZQUJIZZWLis a common
violence and prefer to solve their problems with UIOQKQ\MU\PI\IUXTQÅM[\PQ[VI\]ZITOQN\NWZ
words—whether that’s a wizard’s word of power purposes of creating music. The power to speak
or a rogue’s careful threat. The common view with small beasts is likewise something often
of the gnome is that of a friendly busybody, put to practical use, and the Zil often use small
always ready to lend a hand or share a story. But animals as messengers or guides. While Zil
in fact, that cheerful gnome is often gathering OVWUM[LWV¼\I]\WUI\QKITTaPI^MXZWÅKQMVKa
information that could one day be useful. with Deception or Persuasion, these skills are
common in Zil society; you could take the
charlatan or criminal background as a way of
As a player character, one question is why
It would be an exaggeration to say that every Zil you’ve left Zilargo and what ties you still have
gnome is a ruthless schemer. But intrigue is the to it. You could be a sage gathering information
favorite pastime of the Zil. As a Zil gnome, you’ve for the Library of Korranberg, or an investigator
been taught to manipulate and deceive since sending stories of your adventures back to the
childhood. You’ve been involved in dozens of Korranberg Chronicle. Family is very important
schemes and feuds, and you’re likely still tied up to the Zil, and you could be pursuing the interests
1d10 ^ĐŚĞŵĞ
1 Your family is working on a new form of elemental binding, but they need Khyber dragonshards—
lots of them.
2 You have a mysterious contact who sends you missions via sending; when you follow their
3 You’ve acquired a plot of land in Xen’drik. You’ve never been there, and if you don’t visit it within a
year, you’ll lose the claim.
4 Due to an unusual twist of Triumvirate law, you share the same name with a number of other Zil and
you’re all legally considered to be the same person.
7 You’ve been selling false treasure maps. But now you’ve found one that might be real.
8 You’ve acquired a controlling stake in a distant dragonshard mine, but the mine was abandoned
only pays out if you die under unusual circumstances, and they’re encouraging you to seek out ever
more dangerous adventures.
the plans of a rival family. You could even be avoiding the intrigues your cousins adore.
working for the mysterious Trust, the conspiracy
Zil society is divided into major houses, each of
which is composed of multiple families. Each
gnome has three names: their personal name,
their family name, and their house name. For
example, Alina Lorridan Lyrris and Tallian ;IZTWVI<PMMT^M[IZMNZWU)MZMVIT5M'1¼UI\Z]M
within House Lyrris. Gnomish names are long —Nandon Tam, Khoravar activist
and lyrical; a Zil proverb claims “the sweetest
song is the name of a friend.” Personal and clan
Half-elves are spread across Khorvaire, from
names average three syllables in length, and there the Towering Woods of the Eldeen Reaches
is a strong tradition of alliteration.
to the slums of Sharn. New half-elves are born
Male Names: Alian, Castar, Dorius, Elymar,
in every generation as a result of pairings
Haliar, Hasal, Illian, Jassian, Lassius, Sanadal,
between humans, elves, and half-elves, and these
Tallian, Torius
newborns typically cling to the cultures of their
Female Names: Alina, Cassia, Dalia, Jandia,
parents. However, over the course of centuries
Lysse, Myssia, Ranadala, Saralyssa, Talina,
half-elves have developed their own communities
Tandria, Tassi, Vassilia
and traditions; this sense of identity has been
Family Names: Alyre, Alysse, Canatar,
strengthened by the rise of House Lyrandar and
Del, Dorian, Hal, Josilyn, Kan, Lin, Lorridan,
House Medani.
Lyrriman, Sil, Suvius, Syrralan, Talius, Til,
In making a half-elf character, think about
whether you were born into a Khoravar
Clan Names: Adredar, Clebdecher, Dalian,
community, or if you were born to parents of
Davandi, Harlian, Hebberdesh, Korrian,
Lonadar, Lyrris, Nezzelech, Santiar, Tarliach WNXZQLMWZ[WUM\PQVO\PI\PI[JMMVLQٻK]T\NWZ
you? The elves of Aerenal have never allowed a
GNOMES OF THE FIVE NATIONS half-elf into the Undying Court, and the Valenar
elves don’t consider half-elves to be capable of
Gnomes are found across the Five Nations, and channeling a Valenar ancestral spirit.
most are well-integrated into the local cultures.
Gnomes are often encountered as merchants,
magewrights, chroniclers, scholars, and
scoundrels. While the gnomes of the Five Nations
aren’t as inherently devious as their Zil cousins, When two half-elves conceive, the child is always
family is usually important to them. You may a half-elf. Over the course of generations, families
have a network of old favors and connections to and communities of half-elves have developed
the community you grew up in. But you might their own cultural identity. Members of these
families generally dislike the term “half-elf;”
they call themselves Khoravar, an Elven term
meaning “children of Khorvaire.”
Khoravar culture places a strong emphasis on
generosity and hospitality toward other Khoravar. —Kalaash’arrna,
You aren’t expected to put yourself in danger for Tharashk Inquisitive
a stranger, but when possible, half-elves do what
they can to help other Khoravar and to share Half-orcs can be found anywhere orcs and
information. Khoravar communities have weekly humans meet. The Ghaash’kala orcs of the
unity dinners where local news and events are Demon Wastes are devout servants of the Silver
shared; if you’re playing a half-elf, a unity dinner Flame who devote their lives to containing
is a good opportunity for you to hear about local the evils of the Wastes; as a half-orc paladin,
events and rumors. Of course, this is a double- you might have been sent south on a divine
edged sword; should you gain a reputation as mission, hoping your human blood will help
a capable adventurer, Khoravar in need may you deal with these soft creatures. You could
approach you and ask for your assistance. be the orphan child of an unusual pairing,
Khoravar speak both Common and Elven, NWZKML\WÅVLaW]ZW_V_IaQV\PM_WZTL*]\
and among themselves they often blend these the greatest concentration of half-orcs is in the
two together. This pidgin makes perfect sense to Shadow Marches, where humans and orcs have
anyone who speaks both languages, but someone coexisted for centuries. With the rise of the
who only speaks one of the two languages could dragonmarked House Tharashk, orcs and half-
have to make an Intelligence check (DC 10) to orcs have spread out through the Five Nations
understand the full meaning of a statement. and beyond.
While some Khoravar prefer to follow their Overall, the people of the Five Nations know
own paths, many espouse the idea of “the bridge little about half-orcs. The archetype of the
between:” encouraging Khoravar to facilitate Tharashk half-orc is that of a bounty hunter
communication and cooperation between or inquisitive, though there’s also a touch of
UMUJMZ[WNLQٺMZMV\K]T\]ZM[WZ[XMKQM[;]KP “simpleton from the swamps.” People may be
Khoravar often become mediators, diplomats, uneasy around you or assume that you know little
translators, or bards. Others are fascinated by about the ways of civilization. With that said,
their distant connection to the Fey, becoming while orcs are typically seen as primitives who
Greensinger druids or warlocks bargaining with live on the fringes of civilization, in Eberron orcs
Archfey. As a Khoravar, do any of these paths aren’t inherently EVIL. People may be afraid
appeal to you? of you because they think you’re a dangerous
bounty hunter, but there’s no immediate
HALF-ELVES AND DRAGONMARKS assumption that you’re cruel or bloodthirsty...
Most of the time.
Half-elves families carry two dragonmarks.
House Medani holds the Mark of Detection,
threat assessment, and security. House Lyrandar
carries the Mark of Storms. Lyrandar has long Where the people of the Five Nations know
dominated the shipping industry, and the recent little of your kind, in the swamps of the Shadow
development of the airship has increased its Marches half-orcs are celebrated. Human
power and potential. House Lyrandar presents refugees settled in the Shadow Marches centuries
itself as a pillar for the Khoravar, and even if you IOWIVL\PMÅZ[\PITNWZK[PMTXML\WKMUMV\\PM
don’t have a dragonmark you could work for the bond between these outsiders and the native orcs.
house, whether as a sailor or a house agent. Many Marchers feel that the half-orc carries the
best traits of both races, with the strength of the
orc and the cunning of the human.
The rise of House Tharashk has brought
prosperity to the Marches. Many of the Marcher
clans work for the house in some capacity, and
you could be an agent of the house even if you KTI_NWW\ZIX\WZ'5W[\\MZZQNaQVO\PQVO1¼^MM^MZ[MMVº
don’t carry the Mark of Finding, working as a —Sir Danton ir’Lain,
bounty hunter or a clever investigator. But there Brelish knight
are other paths you could follow.
• The Gatekeeper druids of the Shadow <PMPITÆQVO[WN-JMZZWVJMOIVQV\PMMI[\WN
Marches have defended Eberron from Khorvaire, and nomadic tribes still wander
aberrations and the daelkyr for thousands \PM<ITMV\I8TIQV[0W_M^MZUIVaPITÆQVO[
of years. As a druid, ranger, or barbarian, followed their dragonmarked houses into the
you could be a Gatekeeper initiate pursuing lands to the west, and they’ve been a part of the
a quest in the wider world. Five Nations since before the rise of Galifar.
• The Cults of the Dragon Below also have
personal aptitude as opposed to genetics. Most
deep roots in Shadow Marches. While
cultists are often evil, the main thing about
the Cults is that their beliefs generally seem
like madness to others. You could be a half-
rare; in the Talenta Plains they are considered
orc barbarian who’s ventured beyond the
to be touched by the spirits and often become
respected druids, while in the Five Nations they
slaying powerful foes is the only way to earn
are generally seen as oddities.
your passage to the paradise that lies within
the heart of the hollow world. This is also a
logical path for a warlock using the Great
• You could be a simple hunter from the 0ITÆQVO[KIZZa\_WLZIOWVUIZS[0W][M2WZI[KW
Shadow Marches. You might have fought carries the Mark of Healing and dominates the
as a mercenary in the Last War, or you business of medicine. House Ghallanda holds the
could be seeking your fortune or a real Mark of Hospitality and runs inns, hostels, and
challenge in the world that lies beyond. taverns across Khorvaire.
any character with a criminal or charlatan
background—you should decide if you have a
connection to the Boromar Clan, and discuss
this with your DM. You could be a freelance
operative who occasionally gets jobs from a
Boromar underboss. You could have a cousin in The Talenta Plains and its people are described
the Boromar Clan, who occasionally pulls you QVKPIX\MZ)[I<ITMV\IPITÆQVOIKZQ\QKIT
into their problems. Or you could even be the question is _PaaW]¼^MTMN\\PM8TIQV[. Perhaps
reluctant heir of a powerful Boromar leader; you served as a mercenary scout in the Last
you’ve gone on the run rather than taking your War and you’ve remained with the comrades
place in this criminal empire, but someday your aW]UM\QV\PMKWVÆQK\5IaJMaW]Z\ZQJM_I[
past may catch up with you. wiped out by a foreign enemy—the Aurum, the
1d10 YƵŝƌŬ
5 You wear a mask that you believe holds the spirit of your former mount, and you talk to it when
you are troubled.
6 You don’t understand the concept of “truth.” To you, everything is a story and it’s all about how
you tell it.
8 You seek vengeance for a wrong done to your tribe or family.
9 You never forget an insult or injury.
10 You see the hand of the spirits in everything that occurs around you.
Emerald Claw—and you are traveling the wider CLAWFOOT RAPTOR
world in search of information and revenge. Medium Beast, Unaligned
Perhaps you’re guided by the spirits, who send
you whispers and visions driving you on your ƌŵŽƌůĂƐƐ: 14 (natural armor)
your tribe seeking allies in the world, or simply Speed: ϱϬŌ
sent to learn more about the lands beyond the
plains. Are you amazed by the wonders of the ^dZ DEX KE /Ed t/^ ,
Five Nations and their everyday magic, or do 17 (+3) 17(+3) 13 (+1) 2(-4) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
you take the world of the big folk in stride? The ^ŬŝůůƐƚŚůĞƟĐƐнϱ͕WĞƌĐĞƉƟŽŶнϱ͕^ƚĞĂůƚŚнϱ
Dinosaurs play an important role in Talentan >ĂŶŐƵĂŐĞƐ—
K]T\]ZM0W_LWM[\PQ[IٺMK\aW]',WaW]PI^MI ŚĂůůĞŶŐĞ 1/2 (100 XP)
clawfoot companion? As a druid you can assume Pounce. If the clawfoot moves at least 30 feet
LQVW[I]ZNWZU[#I[IUWVSaW]KW]TL][MÅOP\QVO straight toward a creature and then hits it with
in playing a Beast Totem barbarian or Circle succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or
of the Shepherd druid, consider replacing the be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the
traditional totems with the following. ĐůĂǁĨŽŽƚĐĂŶŵĂŬĞŽŶĞďŝƚĞĂƩĂĐŬĂŐĂŝŶƐƚŝƚĂƐĂ
Bear: Hammertail (ankylosaurus) ďŽŶƵƐĂĐƟŽŶ͘
Eagle: Glidewing (pteranodon)
Wolf: Clawfoot raptor
Claws. DĞůĞĞtĞĂƉŽŶƩĂĐŬ͗+5 to hit, reach 5
Ō͕͘ŽŶĞƚĂƌŐĞƚ͘,ŝƚ͗10 (2d6+3) slashing damage
one target. ,ŝƚ͗8 (2d4+3) piercing damage
Aundair is a logical origin for a wizard, but your
wizard could be a down-and-out arcanist from
the alleys of Sharn or a Lhazaar pirate with a
knack for the mystic arts.
The variant human presented in the 8TIaMZ¼[
UQVL[W\PMa\Za\WJMITTWN\PM[M\PQVO[I\WVKMº 0IVLJWWSprovides an additional opportunity to
Humans have dominated Khorvaire for culture you were raised in?
thousands of years. They founded the Five
from their duties, building an empire in western
Khorvaire and clashing with the Dhakaani
The races described so far are those commonly goblinoids. This came crashing down when one
found in the Five Nations. However, there are of the ancient Overlords stirred, unleashing
many other creatures in the world. Here’s a ÅMVL[IVLKWZZ]X\QVOUIVaWN\PMLZIOWVJWZV
brief overview of some of these other races and themselves. Their empire collapsed and the
what you might do with them. It’s always up dragonborn retreated to the darkness of Q’barra.
to the DM to decide if an unusual race is an <PMaPI^MZMUIQVML\PMQZM^MZ[QVKMÅOP\QVO\PM
option for player character; there’s a place for forces of the Poison Dusk and guarding against
dragonborn in Eberron, but if a DM doesn’t further corruption.
want to use them in a campaign, they remain To date the dragonborn have largely ignored
hidden and unknown. the humans of Q’barra, and the few humans
who’ve encountered dragonborn believe they’re
some exotic type of lizardfolk. If you’re a
AASIMAR dragonborn PC, what has caused you to emerge
from Q’barra? Are you on a quest to help your
In Eberron, aasimar aren’t a race as such. people or to oppose the Lords of Dust? Are you
Rather, each aasimar is a unique individual driven by wanderlust or curiosity? Did you serve
touched by a celestial power. An aasimar bound as a mercenary in the Last War?
to the Silver Flame has a couatl as an angelic
guide, driving it to protect the innocent from
supernatural evil. An archon from Shavarath
injustice in the name of Dol Arrah, while an The githyanki city of Tu’narath lies in the Astral
angel from Syrania might encourage its aasimar Plane, while the githzerai have established their
to seek out knowledge and uphold the law as a stronghold in the chaos of Kythri. If you wish
servant of Aureon. On the other side of things, \WPI^M\ZIٻKJM\_MMV-JMZZWVIVL\PM_QLMZ
a fallen aasimar could have a bond to a spirit multiverse, Tu’narath can lie between Eberron
WN5IJIZWZIKZ]MTÅMVLNZWU;PI^IZI\P)V and the planes that lie beyond; an incursion by
aasimar could even be an elf channeling the \PMOQ\PaIVSQKW]TLJM\PMÅZ[\[QOVWNKWV\IK\
power of the Undying Court, though they’d with the outer multiverse. On the other hand,
possess the standard aasimar traits in place of any it’s just as easy to say that the gith of Eberron are
The appearance of an aasimar will depend on broader multiverse.
the nature of their angelic guide. An aasimar The gith are a race enslaved by the mind
might appear to be a normal human or elf until ÆIaMZ[_PWW^MZ\PZM_\PM[MKZ]MTUI[\MZ[IVL
they unleash their celestial gifts. Most people raised fortresses in the planes. This story holds
have heard stories of aasimars, but have never true in Eberron, with one twist. It was the daelkyr
actually met one. who invaded the world of the gith. The daelkyr
and turned these monsters against their own
Tens of thousands of years ago the dragons of \PMU[MT^M[I\_Q[\MLZMÆMK\QWVWN\PMOQ\P
Argonnessen established a garrison of dragonborn To date, the githyanki and githzerai have
in what is now Q’barra. These warriors were XTIaMLVW[QOVQÅKIV\ZWTMQV\PMPQ[\WZaWN
I[[QOVML\WXZW\MK\\PMZMOQWVIOIQV[\\PMQVÆ]MVKM Eberron, and only the wisest sage would
of the Lords of Dust. Over time they drifted away recognize one. If you play a gith character,
possesses a dragonmark,
a symbol etched on the
skin in colors more vivid
than any tattoo. This
sigil is a source of mystical power. A
dragonmark enhances the user’s ability
to perform certain tasks. The Mark of
Making guides the hands of the smith,
while the Mark of Shadows helps its
bearer avoid enemies. The power of a
dragonmark can also manifest in more
dramatic ways. An heir with the Mark of
Storms can scatter enemies with a blast
of wind, while someone with the Mark
of Shadows can weave illusions. While
way as spells, the power is drawn and focused and clinics. Only House Lyrandar heirs with
through the dragonmark. the Mark of Storms can pilot airships. Control
You can’t buy a dragonmark, or simply over vital services—medicine, transportation,
choose to develop one. Each mark is tied to communication, manufacturing— gives the
around adolescence, but not every heir In the past, the dragonmarked houses were
manifests the mark. Long ago the families held in check by the united kingdom of Galifar.
that carry the marks joined together to form But in the wake of the Last War, people
the dragonmarked houses. Over the course of wonder if any one nation has the power to
centuries, the houses have used their gifts to enforce its wishes on the houses. Some say the
establish powerful economic monopolies. House dragonmarked barons wield more power than
Jorasco holds the Mark of Healing, and Jorasco kings and queens.
maintains the vast majority of healing houses
Dragonmarks are associated with race, depicted Dragonmarks are bound to certain bloodlines,
by a combination of variant races and subraces. and by choosing a mark you are establishing
• For humans and half-orcs, a dragonmark that your character has a blood connection to
is a variant race that replaces normal traits one of the families in the dragonmarked houses.
associated with those races. However, it’s up to you to decide on your
• For half-elves, a dragonmark is a variant relationship to the house. Were you brought up
race. You keep some of the standard half- in the house? Or are you completely independent
elf traits and replace others with the traits from it? This is best represented by your
associated with your mark. background. Consider the following options.
Agent. You have a close, ongoing relationship
• .WZL_IZ^M[MT^M[OVWUM[IVLPITÆQVO[ with your house. The house agent background
the dragonmark replaces your subrace. is a good choice if you are actively working for
So, if you’re making an elf character, you can the house. Alternately, you could take the noble
choose to take the Mark of Shadow instead of JIKSOZW]VL\WZMÆMK\IJTWWL\QM\W\PMTMILMZ[WN
being a wood elf or high elf. the house.
There are two additional options related to Independent Scion. You were raised or
dragonmarks. As your dragonmarked character trained by the house, but you’ve kept your
grows in level, you can take the Greater independence. This means you don’t have
,ZIOWVUIZSNMI\\WZMÆMK\\PMOZW_QVOXW_MZ many special privileges, but you also don’t have
of your dragonmark. Alternatively, the Aberrant responsibilities. Guild artisan is a good choice to
Dragonmark feat grants limited but dangerous ZMÆMK\JI[QKPW][M\ZIQVQVOJ]\aW]KW]TLKPWW[M
magical abilities. Aberrant dragonmarks aren’t entertainer for the Mark of Shadow, sailor for the
tied to the dragonmark houses and can be taken Mark of Storms, soldier for the Mark of Sentinel,
by any character. sage for the Mark of Scribing, and so on.
Finding Tharashk Human, Half-Orc ŽƵŶƚLJ,ƵŶƟŶŐ͕/ŶǀĞƐƟŐĂƟŽŶ͕WƌŽƐƉĞĐƟŶŐ
Handling Vadalis Human Animal Training and Breeding
Healing Jorasco ,ĂůŇŝŶŐ Healing
Hospitality Ghallanda ,ĂůŇŝŶŐ &ŽŽĚ͕>ŽĚŐŝŶŐ͕hƌďĂŶ/ŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ
Making Cannith Human Manufacturing
Passage Orien Human >ĂŶĚdƌĂŶƐƉŽƌƚĂƟŽŶ
Scribing Sivis Gnome ŽŵŵƵŶŝĐĂƟŽŶ͕dƌĂŶƐůĂƟŽŶ͕sĞƌŝĮĐĂƟŽŶ
^ĞŶƟŶĞů Deneith Human Bodyguards, Mercenaries
Shadow Phiarlan Elf Entertainment, Espionage
Thuranni Elf ŶƚĞƌƚĂŝŶŵĞŶƚ͕ƐƐĂƐƐŝŶĂƟŽŶ
Storm Lyrandar Half-Elf ŝƌĂŶĚ^ĞĂdƌĂŶƐƉŽƌƚĂƟŽŶ
Warding Kundarak Dwarf Banking, Storage, Prisons
to work your way into a position of power in the
house, despite being an outsider?
A dragonmark improves your ability to perform
1d6 YƵŝƌŬ
1 Your dragonmark is unusually small or
remarkably large.
2 Your dragonmark slowly moves
around your body.
when you use it.
near someone with the same mark.
use it.
6 Your dragonmark is an unusual color
but a normal shape.
You are always gathering information for your
Here is an important background for Eberron. house. But when the barons come to you with a
do? Choose your role or roll on the table below.
You have sworn fealty to a dragonmarked house,
one of the mighty mercantile guilds that shapes d8 ZŽůĞ
Khorvaire. If you possess a dragonmark, you’re 1 ĐƋƵŝƐŝƟŽŶ
within the house, otherwise you’re an outsider 3 Research & Development
who hopes to make your fortune by allying with 4 Security
this great power. Your primary task is to observe,
gathering useful information and serving as the 5 /ŶƟŵŝĚĂƟŽŶ
eyes of your house. But you could be called upon 6 džƉůŽƌĂƟŽŶ
at any time to act as a hand of the house. Such 7 EĞŐŽƟĂƟŽŶ
missions can be dangerous—but they’ll surely be 8 ŽǀĞƌƚKƉĞƌĂƟŽŶƐ
;SQTT8ZWÅKQMVKQM["Investigation, Persuasion
<WWT8ZWÅKQMVKa"Two tools by house:
• +IVVQ\P"alchemist’s supplies and tinker’s
• ,MVMQ\P"one gaming set and vehicles (land)
• /PITTIVLI"brewer’s supplies and cook’s
• 2WZI[KW"alchemist’s supplies and herbalism
• 3]VLIZIS"tinker’s tools and thieves’ tools
• 4aZIVLIZ"vehicles (sea/air) and navigator’s
• 5MLIVQ"thieves’ tools and disguise kit
• 7ZQMV"vehicles (land) and one gaming set
• 8PQIZTIV"disguise kit and one musical
• ;Q^Q["calligrapher’s tools and forgery kit
• <PIZI[PS"thieves’ tools and one gaming set
• <P]ZIVVQ: poisoner’s kit and one musical
• Vadalis: vehicles (land) and herbalism kit
Equipment: )[M\WNÅVMKTW\PM[PW][M[QOVM\
ring, ID papers, and a purse containing 20 gp.
1 ŽŵŵŽŶ'ŽŽĚ. My house serves a vital
As an agent of your house, you can always get
food and lodging for your friends at a house
everyone. (Good)
enclave. When the house assigns you a mission,
it will usually provide you with necessary supplies
and bring honor to my family. (Lawful)
and transportation. Beyond this, you have many
old friends, mentors, and rivals in your house
and you may encounter one of them when you
interact with a house business. As a Lyrandar 4 WŽǁĞƌ. I want to ensure the prosperity of
my house and wield its power myself. (Evil)
agent you may know the captain of an airship; as
a Ghallanda agent you know a lot of innkeepers 5 ŝƐĐŽǀĞƌLJ. I want to learn all I can, both for
my house and for my own curiosity. (Any)
and bartenders. The degree to which such
acquaintances will be willing to help you out will 6 ŽŵĨŽƌƚ. I want to ensure that me and
depend on your current standing in your house. mine enjoy the best things in life. (Any)
d6 ŽŶĚ
SUGGESTED CHARACTERISTICS 1 My house is my family, and I would do
House agents are a diverse lot. Consider the anything for my family.
house you serve and the type of work you do in 2 I love someone from another house, but
developing or selecting characteristics. ƐƵĐŚƌĞůĂƟŽŶƐŚŝƉƐĂƌĞĨŽƌďŝĚĚĞŶ͘
3 Someone I love was killed by a rival
4 I don’t care about the house as a whole,
but I would do anything for my old
3 I share trivia about my house’s business mentor.
(medicine, ships, warforged).
5 I believe my house needs to evolve to
4 I hold myself and anyone I work with to survive, and I need to lead that change.
6 I am determined to impress the leaders of
5 I never forget an insult made against my house, and to become a leader myself.
myself or my house.
everything my house does.
1 I’m overly concerned with following
7 /͛ŵƌĞƉƌĞƐĞŶƟŶŐŵLJŚŽƵƐĞĂŶĚƚĂŬĞŐƌĞĂƚ established procedures and protocols.
pride in my personal appearance.
2 I’m obsessed with conspiracy theories and
3 I believe that my house and bloodline
4 I’m concealing a secret that could get me
driven from my house.
5 I have strong religious beliefs that aren’t
shared by others in my house.
house that gives me secret assignments.
the eyes of the house, listening for rumors and
watching for dangerous cabals and conspiracies.
Along the way you do your best to mediate
“1NaW]_IV\I_ITTWNU][KTM\WOM\JM\_MMVaW] disputes and defuse dangerous situations.
IVLIJTILMOW\W0W][M,MVMQ\P1NaW]_IV\ Rogue Folk Hero. You’re an inquisitive
[WUMWVM\WIV\QKQXI\M\PM\PZMI\IVLUISM[]ZMaW] trained by your house. You grew up in a bad
IZMV¼\M^MVQV\PMZWWU_Q\P_PWM^MZ¼[PWTLQVO neighborhood, and while you could make more
\PI\JTILM°\PI\¼[_PI\_MLW” gold solving the problems of nobles, you’re more
interested in helping your community. You’ve
—Baron Trelib d’Medani had a few good cases and you’ve helped a lot of
people, and word has spread.
The Mark of Detection is an inquisitive’s dream. Sage Wizard. You’re a brilliant diviner and
It sharpens powers of observation and intuition, inquisitive, and your talents have gotten you
allowing the bearer to draw connections and into trouble. You have a knack for uncovering
interpret clues others might miss. By actively conspiracies, and you found one in House
drawing on its powers, the bearer can detect Medani. It might involve shape-changed
poisons and study the energies of magic. demons or dragons—or both. You don’t know
how deep it goes, but you’re certain that other
dragonmarked houses and noble families have
intense. Some say paranoid. But you’ll show
The Warning Guild of House Medani brokers
the services of bodyguards and inquisitives.
this draconic conspiracy!
Medani advisors specialize in risk assessment
and management, protecting clients from both
physical and social threats. While Medani
overlaps with the inquisitives of House Tharashk MARK OF DETECTION TRAITS
and the bodyguards of House Deneith, the The Mark of Detection manifests exclusively
Warning Guild specializes in subtle threats and on half-elves. If your character has the Mark of
complex mysteries. Detection, these traits replace the half-elf’s Ability
The members of House Medani are half-elves Score Increase, Skill Versatility, and Languages
with deep roots in Breland. Medani has little given in the 8TIaMZ¼[0IVLJWWS.
interest in the power struggles that sometimes Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence
break out between the other dragonmarked and Charisma scores both increase by 1. In
houses. Many Medani heirs are more interested addition, one ability score of your choice
and Medani heirs often work with local law Deductive Intuition. When you make an
MVNWZKMUMV\WZPMTX\PW[M_PWKIV¼\IٺWZL\PMQZ Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Insight)
services. check, you can roll one Intuition die, a d4, and
add the number rolled to the ability check.
Sense Threats. You can cast the LM\MK\UIOQK
DRAGONMARKED CHARACTERS and detect poison and disease spells, but only as
rituals. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for
Here are a few examples of characters with the
these spells.
Mark of Detection.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write
House Agent Bard. With the kind of threats
Common and Elvish.
your house deals with, words are often more
When tracking your quarry, double the result
of your Intuition die. When your quarry is within
Here are examples of characters with this mark. 60 feet of you, you have a sense of its location: it
Druid House Agent. House Tharashk is KIV¼\JMPQLLMVNZWUaW]OIQV[VWJMVMÅ\NZWU
home to an ancient order of druids who protect invisibility, and your attacks against it ignore half
the world from aberrant threats. Although you cover. Once you use this trait, you cannot use it
truly an agent of the Gatekeepers, and investigate Nature’s Voice. When you reach 3rd level
the activities of mad cultists and the Daelkyr. you gain the ability to cast TWKI\MIVQUITWZXTIV\
Criminal Rogue. You’re an inquisitive who but only as a ritual.
works the mean streets of Sharn. You’ve got Languages. You can speak, read, and write
Common and Goblin.
Outlander Druid. Your dragonmark gives
you a powerful connection to the natural world.
House Vadalis plays an important role in daily You hate what your house is doing with this
life. Vadalis ranches produce meat, mounts, and power—turning this gift into a J][QVM[[, exploiting
more. Vadalis isn’t one of the most powerful the creatures you’re connected to. You have
houses, but its barons are generally content; abandoned the house and loathe them all now.
they’re more interested in discovering new
Here are examples of characters who carry the
“?MOM\\PQVO[_PMZM\PMaVMML\WOW1\LWM[V¼\ Mark of Passage.
UI\\MZQNQ\¼[ITM\\MZIXMZ[WVWZIP]VLZML\WV[WN Outlander Ranger. You’re a courier who
[\MMT?PM\PMZ_MPI^M\WKZW[[UW]V\IQV[ZQ^MZ[ specializes in dangerous deliveries to exotic
WZ\PM5W]ZVTIVLQ\[MTN7ZQMVÅVL[I_Ia” locations. Your assignments take you into the
wilds, the Mournland, and worse. Hopefully you
— Bali d’Orien, veteran courier
have a team of capable friends!
Rogue Urchin. You grew up as a foundling
The Mark of Passage governs motion, allowing in the worst slums of Sharn. For you, the city
its bearer to move with uncanny speed and is a vast vertical jungle, and you love climbing
precision. Running, leaping, climbing—the Mark towers and leaping between bridges. You value
of Passage enhances every form of movement. friendship and freedom. You’re more interested
The bearer of the mark can even slip through in having fun and helping your companions than
space, leaping from point to point in the blink of QVRWQVQVO]X_Q\P[WUM[\]ٺaPW][M
an eye.
Here are examples of characters who carry the
— Lysse Lorridan d’Sivis, House Agent Bard. The Draconic Prophecy
House Matriarch is one of the greatest mysteries of all. You’re an
observer tasked to keep your eyes open for any
sort of manifestation of the Prophecy. You are
The Mark of Scribing deals with
part detective, part spy. Always keep your eyes
communication—both the written and spoken
open for leads and see where they take you.
word. A gnome who bears the mark can feel
Sage Wizard. You started out as a scribe
words as though they are living creatures,
and discovered a talent for arcane magic and a
struggling to make their meaning known. The
love of history. You’re eager to explore ancient
mark provides a range of gifts. It translates
ruins and lost civilizations, and you’re especially
languages, but it also allows its bearer to
interested in uncovering old records, spellbooks,
communicate with others at a distance.
and ancient lore.
Hermit Warlock (Great Old One). The
Some examples of characters with this mark:
“8ZW\MK\QWVQ[UaX]ZXW[M1LMNMVL\PMQVVWKMV\ Paladin Soldier. You’re a Sentinel Marshal,
NZWU\PW[M_PW_W]TLLW\PMUPIZU.WZUa and you feel a divine calling to the cause of
[QJTQVO[\PQ[Q[IRWJ#NWZUMQ\¼[IKITTQVO” justice. You may follow Dol Arrah or the Silver
the powers of your mark and your devotion
Sentinel Marshal
The Mark of Sentinel warns and protects. It and will be recognized by law enforcement as
to respond to threats with uncanny speed. It can Monk Entertainer. You love being in the
shield its bearer from harm. Whether on the thick of battle, but you’ve never had an interesting
JI\\TMÅMTLWZ\PMJITTZWWU[WUMWVM_PWKIZZQM[ in being a mercenary. Instead, you found your
the Mark of Sentinel is prepared for danger. path as a gladiator. You draw your Ki through
You love life in the arena and the fans love you,
House Deneith was born in Karrnath, and war
Here are a few examples of characters who carry
“<PMQTT][QWV[\PI\1_MI^MLIbbTMIVLLMKMQ^M the Mark of Shadow.
;WUM\QUM[\PI\LMKMX\QWVMI[M[aW]ZJ]ZLMV[ House Agent Rogue. You’re a young
TM\\QVOaW]NWZOM\aW]Z\ZW]JTM[NWZIUWUMV\*]\ agent in House Thuranni. You’ve studied the
1KIVIT[WMI[MaW]ZJ]ZLMV[JaMVLQVOaW]ZTQNM” performing arts, but you’re far more interested
in the darker side of the house. At the moment
— Lady Elara d’Thuranni,
you’re building your skills and reputation as an
shadow dancer observer and investigator, but once you prove
yourself you hope you’ll get to be a player in the
The Mark of Shadows lets an elf weave illusions shadow war.
from shadows, crafting sounds and images to Bard Entertainer. You’re a rising star. Your
distract or delight. The mark also allows its performances have already earned you a name
bearer to draw on the shadows, making it an across the Five Nations, and your fame will surely
easy matter to avoid detection or even disappear only increase as you develop your talents. The
while in plain sight. It is a valuable tool for an house has helped with your career, and they’ve
entertainer, a spy, or an assassin. dropped hints to see if you want to get involved
in the other side of the house, but at the moment
you’re just in this for the music.
The elves have carried the Mark of Shadow for
thousands of years. The families that carry the MARK OF SHADOW TRAITS
UIZSTMN\)MZMVITIN\MZ\PMKWVÆQK\\PI\_QXML The Mark of Shadow only manifests on elves. If
out the Mark of Death and established House your character has the Mark of Shadow, this is
entertainers in the land, giving them access to all Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma
manner of places and secrets. But the elves do score increases by 1.
more than entertain. There has always been an Natural Talent.AW]OIQVXZWÅKQMVKa_Q\P
elite force of spies and assassins within the house. one musical instrument or the Performance skill.
Common folk know nothing of this. Only special Gift of the Shadows. When you make a
clients—powerful nobles, merchant lords, and the Charisma (Performance) or Dexterity (Stealth)
like—have access to these shadow-marked spies. check, you can roll one Intuition die, a d4, and
Toward the end of the Last War, a bitter feud add the number rolled to the ability check.
broke out between the major families of the Shape Shadows. You know the UQVWZQTT][QWV
house. Known as the Shadow Schism, it resulted cantrip. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for
in a split withinin Phiarlan—and the foundation this trait.
of House Thuranni. House Phiarlan continues to Slip Into Shadow. You can use the Hide
WٺMZMV\MZ\IQVUMV\IVLM[XQWVIOMQV\PMTIVL[ action as a bonus action, even if you have no
west of the Mournland, while Thuranni operates cover or if you’re under observation. Regardless
in Karrnath, the Lhazaar Principalities, and the of whether you succeed or fail, once you use this
eastern lands. As a rule, Phiarlan elves are the IJQTQ\aaW]KIV¼\][MQ\IOIQV]V\QTaW]ÅVQ[PI
better spies and Thuranni agents are superior short or long rest.
assassins. On the surface Thuranni and Phiarlan
maintain a peaceful relationship, but rivalries
run deep.
Noble Sorcerer. You are heir to one of the
oldest families of Lyrandar, a direct descendant
of the Firstborn. You can draw on your mark and
“;W^MZMQOV[IVL.QZ[\JWZVOZIV\UM\PMNW]Z your bloodline to wield power beyond those of
JTM[[QVO[XZWUQ[ML\WW]ZXMWXTM"LWUQVQWVW^MZ other heirs. You’re a noble of the house: are you a
\PMIQZLWUQVQWVW^MZ\PM_I\MZNWZ\]VMNWZUa carefree celebrity, or are you driven by duty and a
NIUQTaIVLNWZ\]VMNWZUaN]\]ZM” deep desire to help your house and your people?
Sailor Fighter. AW][MZ^MLWV\PMÅZ[\
— From the Oath of Lyrandar
airship that went into service, and spent the Last
Wind and water welcome the half-elf who carries around the clouds and on the water, and you’re
the Mark of Storms. The wind catches them looking for adventurers that will take you back to
when they fall, and they swim with remarkable either of them.
speed. Those who possess the Greater Criminal Rogue. You’ve never been one to
Dragonmark and dragonshard focus items can play by the rules. You always dreamed of being a
call on even greater powers, shaping the weather smuggler or a sky pirate, and when you were old
and calling on the power of the storm. enough, you stole a small airship and headed to
Sharn. You and your DM will have to decide how
that worked out and if you still have the airship; it
turns out they’re hard to hide. Either way, you’ve
House Lyrandar has long ruled the seas. Their been kicked out of the house and you’re looking
galleons harness air and water elementals and are for jobs that cater to your sense of adventure.
faster than any mundane vessel. Control of the
ƌĂŐŽŶŵĂƌŬ ďŝůŝƚLJ ^ƉĞůůƐ ďŝůŝƚLJ ZĞƋƵŝƌĞĚ
ĞƚĞĐƟŽŶ Charisma or See Invisibility, True Seeing Intelligence Long
Finding ĞdžƚĞƌŝƚLJ͕ >ŽĐĂƚĞƌĞĂƚƵƌĞ͕&ŝŶĚdŚĞWĂƚŚ Wisdom Long
Strength, or
Handling ĞdžƚĞƌŝƚLJŽƌ Beast Sense, Dominate Beast Wisdom Long
Healing ĞdžƚĞƌŝƚLJŽƌ Mass Healing Word, Greater Wisdom Long
Hospitality Charisma or ^ĂŶĐƚƵĂƌLJ͕DŽƌĚĞŶŬĂŝŶĞŶ͛ƐDĂŐŶŝĮĐĞŶƚ Charisma Long
ĞdžƚĞƌŝƚLJ Mansion
Making ĞdžƚĞƌŝƚLJŽƌ &ĂďƌŝĐĂƚĞ͕ƌĞĂƟŽŶ Intelligence Long
Passage ĞdžƚĞƌŝƚLJŽƌ ůŝŶŬ͕dĞůĞƉŽƌƚĂƟŽŶŝƌĐůĞ ŽŶƐƟƚƵƟŽŶ Long
Scribing Intelligence Sending, Tongues Intelligence Long or Short
or Charisma
^ĞŶƟŶĞů Strength or ŽŵƉĞůůĞĚƵĞů͕tĂƌĚŝŶŐŽŶĚ Wisdom Long or Short
Shadow Charisma or EŽŶĚĞƚĞĐƟŽŶ͕DŝƐůĞĂĚ Charisma Long
Storm Charisma or ŽŶƚƌŽůtĂƚĞƌ͕ŽŶƚƌŽůtŝŶĚ Charisma Long
Warding ĞdžƚĞƌŝƚLJŽƌ <ŶŽĐŬ͕'ůLJƉŚŽĨtĂƌĚŝŶŐ͕>ĞŽŵƵŶĚ͛Ɛ Intelligence Long
Intelligence ^ĞĐƌĞƚŚĞƐƚΎ
RCANE MAGIC PLAYS A VITAL ROLE creation of magic items, and
in the Five Nations. Common many powerful tools—such
magic items are widespread in as the lightning rail and
the world. The crystals known as elemental airships—require
dragonshards serve as the fuel an ongoing expenditure of
of the magical economy and are used in focus Eberron dragonshards to
items that amplify the powers of dragonmarks. maintain their enchantments.
Khyber dragonshards are
found deep in the earth, often
DRAGONSHARDS near layers of magma. These living
crystals typically grow on cavern
Dragonshards are crystals imbued with raw
walls, and superstition says they
mystical energy. They are the fuel that drives
the magical economy, playing a vital role in the
activity. Khyber dragonshards are deep
creation of magic items and the performance of
blue or dark violet, laced with gleaming veins.
arcane rituals.
Dragonshards come in three distinct
binding magics. Elemental binding—which
is behind airships, the lightning rail, and
environments. Eberron dragonshards are
elemental galleons—requires a Khyber shard
found in shallow soil, and often encased in
to hold the elemental. Khyber shards are
geode-like stone shells. Eberron shards can be
used for phylacteries, planar binding, any
deposits have been discovered in jungle
Khyber dragonshards are also used for many
environments, notably Q’barra and the distant
necromantic rituals.
land of Xen’drik. In their raw form, Eberron
Siberys dragonshards fall from the Ring
shards are rosy crystals with crimson swirls
of Siberys, the ring of crystals that encircles
the world. While rare in Khorvaire, there
Eberron shards are the most common form of
dragonshard. They are primarily
Xen’drik, and this is a potential source of great
wealth for explorers. Siberys dragonshards are
powder. This dragonshard
amber in color, with swirling golding veins
dust can be used to fuel
gleaming within.
almost any act of magic.
Siberys dragonshards have a close
When casting a spell, you
can use dragonshard
and are a vital
dust in place of any
part of any
spell component
that has a cost,
focus item.
unless the DM
Larger shards
says otherwise.
may be required
Dragonshard dust
for eldritch
is used in the
machines or used in
the creation of legendary
items or artifacts.
If you possess the Mark of Scribing, you can
use this quill to write on any surface. This can
be visible—traced in glowing mystical lines—or
invisible to any creature without the Mark of
Scribing. Invisible writing will be revealed by
,M\MK\5IOQK, ;MM1V^Q[QJQTQ\a, or <Z]M;MMQVO. Any
creature with the Mark of Scribing can also
reveal your writing or make it invisible as an
action. If you mark a living creature, the mark
will fade within a week.
Mabar, infusing the dead with the malign
energies of the Endless Night. While it is
active, any creature that dies within two miles
of the resonator reanimates in one round as a
zombie under the control of creature attuned
to the device. At the DM’s discretion, more
powerful creatures can return as other forms
of undead.
?MIXWVIVaWVMPIVLMLUMTMM_MIXWVKWUUWV A docent is a small metal sphere, approximately 2
ZMY]QZM[I\\]VMUMV\ inches across, studded with dragonshards. Despite
An IZUJTILM is a weapon designed to integrate a strong magical aura, it has no obvious abilities.
with the forearm of a warforged. If you’re If you’re a warforged, you can attune to the docent,
a warforged, you can attach an IZUJTILM by at which point the sphere becomes embedded in
attuning to it. An attached IZUJTILM cannot be your chest and comes to life—literally.
There’s always work for a talented individual As a hermit, you spent a considerable time in
in Sharn. Masons work on the towers. Smiths seclusion before making a discovery that drew
hammer away in the cogs. Bakers and brewers you back to the world. Were you isolated in
tend to the endless appetites of the common folk. Sharn, or did you discover something that’s
The largest guilds are tied to the dragonmarked drawn you to the City of Towers?
houses. The Fabricator’s Guild of House Cannith
deals with manufacturing trades, while the
1d4 ,Ğƌŵŝƚ
Hosterler’s Guild of House Ghallanda covers
inns, taverns, and restaurants. Are you part of 1 zŽƵƐƉĞŶƚƚŚĞůĂƐƚƚĞŶLJĞĂƌƐŵĞĚŝƚĂƟŶŐ
one of these international guilds, or tied to a on a pillar on one of the highest points
smaller local organization? ŝŶ^ŚĂƌŶ͘ƌĞĐĞŶƚƌĞǀĞůĂƟŽŶŚĂƐ
brought you down from your perch;
what is your quest? Over the course of
1 You’re a young prodigy. You’ve just ŽĨĂƚŽƵƌŝƐƚĂƩƌĂĐƟŽŶ͖ĂŐŶŽŵĞ
joined the guild, but your comrades are merchant used to sell plaster statues
amazed at your early talent and push of you on your pillar.
LJŽƵƚŽĞdžĐĞů͘ 2 You spent your life in a hidden
2 tŚŝůĞLJŽƵ͛ǀĞƐƟůůŐŽƚLJŽƵƌŐƵŝůĚƟĞƐ͕ monastery in Sharn. Did the master of
LJŽƵƌĞƟƌĞĚĨƌŽŵƚŚĞďƵƐŝŶĞƐƐƐŽŵĞ your order send you out on a mission?
years ago. You hate the newfangled Or are you the lone survivor of an
techniques the kids are using today. ĂƩĂĐŬƚŚĂƚĚĞƐƚƌŽLJĞĚLJŽƵƌŵŽŶĂƐƚĞƌLJ͍
3 You’re a respected member of one 3 You were the lone survivor of an
of the dragonmarked guilds, but airship crash and spent years in a
you’re concerned about the policies ƌĞŵŽƚĞůŽĐĂƟŽŶƵŶƟůLJŽƵǁĞƌĞĨŽƵŶĚ͘
leadership. ƌĞŵĂƌŬĂďůĞƌĞǀĞůĂƟŽŶ͘ŝĚLJŽƵŚĂǀĞĂ
4 You’re a member of a small alliance of ƌĞůŝŐŝŽƵƐĞdžƉĞƌŝĞŶĐĞ͕ŽƌĚŝĚLJŽƵŚĂǀĞ
ŝŶĚĞƉĞŶĚĞŶƚĂƌƟƐĂŶƐ͘zŽƵ͛ƌĞĮŐŚƟŶŐ an arcane insight into the workings of
ƚŽŬĞĞƉLJŽƵƌĐŽůůĞĐƟǀĞĨƌŽŵďĞŝŶŐ the universe?
crushed by the dragonmarked houses. 4 You’re a librarian. You’ve spent your
below Morgrave University. A few
weeks ago you stumbled on a secret
buried in the vaults—something so big
that it’s driven you from your beloved
books and into a life of adventure. Is it
a fragment of the Draconic Prophecy?
dragonmarked barons, or the ambassadors of
other nations, Central Plateau is a place where
deals are made and gold changes hands. This district is peaceful and largely residential;
it’s the safest and most pleasant of the lower
wards. Services are largely comfortable in quality,
UPPER CENTRAL and the Sharn Watch is plentiful and well paid.
and many consider it to be a blight on the
City of Towers. There are cracks in the stones
and places where enchantments have failed The district of Precarious is the gateway to
and never been restored. Dura is riddled with +TQ[ٺQLMIVL\PMLWKS[WN;PIZV<PM;PIZV
poverty and crime, and overall, it’s the most Watch maintains an active presence in Precarious,
dangerous section of the city. But it also holds securing passage to the docks and watching the
WXXWZ\]VQ\QM[aW]KIV¼\ÅVLIVa_PMZMMT[M° many warehouses. The rest of Lower Dura has
and if you’re looking for smuggled goods or a been left to rot. Ignored by the Watch, it is the
place to lay low, head to Dura. domain of gangs and crimelords. The district
of Fallen is a haunted ruin; this temple district
UPPER DURA onto it. Malleon’s Gate is home to the goblins of
This ward is full of life, home to talented artisans Sharn, along with other monstrous immigrants
and successful merchants. There’s a seedy from Droaam and Darguun. Callestan is a center
edge to Upper Dura, and in general it has the for criminal activity.
qualities of a middle ward. But it’s a place that
is a home away from home for explorers and Talk About the Race. The inhabitants of Dura
mercenaries. The Sharn Watch maintains a are devoted to the Race of Eight Winds and are
fortress garrison in Daggerwatch. The Highhold always willing to discuss the latest news.
district is an upscale dwarven neighborhood; Gamble. Legal gambling is heavily taxed and
it’s said that the strongest spirits in Sharn are limited in its scope. Dura is home to a wide range
served at Morragin’s Tavern. Hope’s Peak is WN[PILQMZIVLUWZMXZWÅ\IJTMOIUM[
a temple district, notable for the Citadel of the Go Shopping. If you’re looking for expensive
Sun. Dedicated to Dol Arrah, this church is goods shop elsewhere. But the Bazaar of Middle
considered to be a true bastion of light. Finally, Dura is an excellent source for M`W\QKOWWL[°
the Overlook district is home to most of the TMOITWZW\PMZ_Q[M+TQ\ٺWXKI\MZ[\WIL^MV\]ZMZ[
kalashtar in Sharn. and has a reasonable selection of magical goods.
A Little Crime. Looking for a fence? Need
MIDDLE DURA to set up a meeting with a Boromar lieutenant?
Middle Dura caters to the working class of Sharn. Lower Dura is the nexus for criminal activities
It’s inns and taverns are modest in price, but in Sharn.
there’s gold among the dross. The Bazaar is the ;]ٺMZ)<MZZQJTM)KKQLMV\The Sharn
largest commercial district in Sharn, though it’s Watch ignores Lower Dura, and even in the
certainly shadier than the other major markets higher wards they’re spread thin. There are even
in the city. Middle Dura is home to a host of stories of dragonmarked houses and mad wizards
inns and taverns. The King of Fire is a popular conducting dangerous experiments in Lower
tavern and reputable gambling establishment. ,]ZI°_PW¼[OWQVO\W[\WX\PMU'
Ghallanda Hall has the only comfortable rooms
Sharn. Whether you’re looking for classical
ZQVO5MV\PQ[PI[[WUM\PQVO\WWٺMZ Providing cheap entertainment to the masses,
taverns and theaters ranging from the innocent to
UPPER MENTHIS the risque. There are gambling halls, brothels, and
Elegant and civilized, Upper Menthis is home spontaneous performances in the streets. Lower
cutting-edge Art Temple, colorful Khavish club where spectators bet on amateur gladiators.
Theater, traditional Grand Stage, and the open- Technically illegal, the Burning Ring moves
air Stargazer Theater, along with the Kavarrah around the ward. Competitors are armed but
Concert Hall. It’s the location of Morgrave unarmored; matches continue until a contestant
University. It includes upscale shops with a focus yields, but fatalities do happen.
Morgrave’s physical education classes cover
everything from acrobatics and athletics to
archery, dueling, and various other forms of
combat. The arcane studies program covers
the Arcana skill, as well as honing the abilities
of arcane casters. Divine magic can’t simply be
taught, but Morgrave has classes in theology and
religious history—essentially, the Religion skill.
While these classes may not make for
interesting adventures, Morgrave is famous for
its hands-on teaching style. This often involves
competitions against other students. It can also
involve a professor’s personal projects: ?PaLWV¼\
_QTTOW_ZWVOOnce students have proven their
competence, it can involve expeditions—trips
into the Depths of Sharn, or even to distant
countries or lands.
Although Morgrave professors are experts
the abilities of high level player characters! Just
because that conjuration professor can perform
a summoning ritual doesn’t mean he can cast
ÅZMJITT. Always remember that XTIaMZKPIZIK\MZ[IZM
M`KMX\QWVIT—and as that talent begins to show,
people are sure to take an interest in you.
d«,ÊÊ» d«s®½½®Ä
1d8 WůŽƚ,ŽŽŬ 1d12 sŝůůĂŝŶ
1 One of the PCs is nearly crushed when 1 A dragonmarked baron
a man falls from a high bridge, striking 2 An eccentric noble (Aurum)
the ground near them and dying 3 A local crimelord (Boromar Clan)
instantly. He’s carrying a sealed bag
4 A nefarious necromancer (Emerald Claw)
of holding and the badge of an agent
of the Argentum, a Thrane agency 5 ƐŝŶŝƐƚĞƌĐƵůƟƐƚ;ƌĂŐŽŶĞůŽǁͿ
dedicated to the retrieval of dangerous 6 A misguided paladin (Silver Flame)
ĂƌƟĨĂĐƚƐ͘ 7 A clever doppelganger (Tyrants)
2 The PCs are caught in the middle of a 8 A vengeful warforged (Lord of Blades)
ƉŝƚĐŚĞĚďĂƩůĞ͙ĂŶĚƚŚĞLJĚŽŶ͛ƚŬŶŽǁ 9 A possessed innocent (Dreaming Dark)
the people on either side.
10 An oni mastermind (Daask)
player characters. 12 A disguised dragon (The Chamber)
4 A former comrade in arms shows up. d«W½Êã
She’s badly injured, and her enemies
are right behind her. 1d10 WůŽƚ
5 A gargoyle courier delivers a 1 Arrange a dangerous alliance.
mysterious package. 2 ĐƋƵŝƌĞĂƉŽǁĞƌĨƵůĂƌƟĨĂĐƚ͘
6 A delirious street preacher has an 3 Assemble and use a magical weapon.
4 Defeat a rival.
the player characters.
5 Open a planar portal.
7 The PCs discover a bound-elemental
ŚĂǀĞƚŚƌĞĞƌŽƵŶĚƐƚŽŇĞĞŽƌĂƩĞŵƉƚƚŽ 7 Overthrow a peer or superior.
disarm the device. 8 Cause a riot in the Cogs.
8 A skycoach crashes through the wall. 9 Start a war between two allies.
/ƐƚŚŝƐĂŶĂƩĂĐŬ͕ŽƌƚŚĞƌĞƐƵůƚŽĨ 10 Collapse Skyway or one of the towers.
new adventure sites. This book also investigates
dragons on the continents of Khorvaire, Sarlona,
and Xen’Drik.
These resources are currently available as ebooks
Dragonmarked (3.5E): This supplement
via the Dungeon Master’s Guild at:
explores each of the thirteen dragonmarked
DMsGuild.com houses in detail and presents advice for playing
The -JMZZWV+IUXIQOV;M\\QVOand -JMZZWV+IUXIQOV dragonmarked characters within a house or guild.
/]QLMboth provide an overview of the world, It also introduces new options for dragonmarked
including advice on creating adventures and characters, including prestige classes, feats, and
a deeper look at the nations of Khorvaire and spells. Finally, it discusses aberrant dragonmarks
the lands beyond it. Either of these books can and their role in a campaign.
be useful for a Dungeon Master who wants Eberron Campaign Guide (4E): Designed for
further insight into the setting. The other books the fourth edition of the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS
IZMTIZOMTa\QML\W[XMKQÅK[]JRMK\[1NaW]_IV\ Roleplaying Game, this book presents a historical
to run a campaign in the mysterious lands of and geographical overview of the setting;
Xen’drik, ;MKZM\[WN@MV¼LZQS and +Q\aWN;\WZUZMIKP information on key locations, personalities, and
PI^MITW\\WWٺMZ1NaW]¼ZMOWQVO\W[\IaPWUM organizations; an introductory adventure; and a
.Q^M6I\QWV[reveals more information about bestiary of monsters and villains.
the nations at the heart of Khorvaire, while Eberron Campaign Setting (3.5E): The
,ZIOWVUIZSMLexpands on the dynasties that ÅZ[\[W]ZKMJWWSNWZ\PM[M\\QVO\PQ[XZW^QLM[I
dominate the magical economy. general overview of the world. This includes the
All of these books were written for the revised IZ\QÅKMZKTI[[IVL[\I\Q[\QK[NWZUWV[\MZ[]VQY]M
third edition (3.5E) or the fourth edition (4E) of to Eberron (deathless, daelkyr, quori), along with
the Dungeons & Dragons Roleplaying Game. a host of spells, feats, prestige classes, and other
The setting material in these books is suitable to game material.
any Eberron campaign but the monsters, spells, Eberron Player’s Guide (4E): This book
classes, feats, or other game material in these presents Eberron from the point of view of the
books require adaptation for use in modern adventurer exploring it. This includes everything
campaigns. a player needs to create Eberron characters in
the fourth edition of the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS
City of Stormreach (3.5E): Stormreach is an Roleplaying Game.
IL^MV\]ZMZ¼[ÅZ[\[\WX_PMVM`XTWZQVO\PMLQ[\IV\ Explorer’s Handbook (3.5E): This book
land of Xen’drik. This book describes the shadowy gives players everything they need to explore a
economy, as well as important locations,
communities, organizations, and NPCs.
Forge of War (3.5E): This comprehensive
There are dozens of novels that explore the world
overview of the Last War provides all you need to
of Eberron. Here are a few that are currently
available as ebooks or audiobooks:
themes of Eberron’s greatest clash of nations.
The Draconic Prophecy trilogy by James
Magic of Eberron (3.5E): In addition to
presenting new arcane and divine spells, feats,
half-elf seer with the Mark of Storms discovers
his role in the mysterious Draconic Prophecy—a
destiny that will take him from the dungeons of
dragon totem magic and the twisted experiments
Dreadhold to Aundair and Argonnessen.
of the daelkyr, sheds light on the process of
The Dragon Below trilogy by Don
elemental binding, and touches on other types of
Bassingthwaite: <PM*QVLQVO;\WVM<PM/ZQM^QVO
magic present in the world.
<ZMM<PM3QTTQVO;WVOBeginning in the gloom of
Player’s Guide to Eberron (3.5E): An
the Shadow Marches, this series draws in the
overview of important locations, events,
Gatekeeper druids, the daelkyr, the kalashtar,
organizations, races, and features of the Eberron
and the Cults of the Dragon Below.
campaign setting, this gives a sense of what a
The Dreaming Dark trilogy by Keith
player character might know about the world,
Baker: +Q\aWN<W_MZ[<PM;PI\\MZML4IVL/I\M[
while providing additional character options.
WN6QOP\. In the wake of the Mourning, a band
Races of Eberron (3.5E): This sourcebook
of Cyran soldiers travel to the city of Sharn.
delves deeply into changelings, kalashtar, shifters,
Trouble in the City of Towers leads them to the
and warforged. It provides detailed information
ruins of Xen’drik and the planes of Thelanis and
on the psychology, society, culture, behavior,
Dal Quor as they unravel the schemes of the
religion, folklore, and other aspects of these races,
Dreaming Dark.
as well as exploring the role of other core D&D
The Heirs of Ash trilogy by Rich Wulf:
races in the setting.
Secrets of Sarlona (3.5E): This sourcebook
:Q[MWN\PM;M^MV\P5WWVThis series follows the
explores the continent of Sarlona, home to the
crew of an airship on a journey across Eberron in
kalashtar and the villainous Inspired. It explores
pursuit of a mysterious superweapon.