Wayfinders Guide To Eberron

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Explore the world of Eberron in this campaign prototype

for the world’s greatest roleplaying game
Lead Designer: Keith Baker WůĂLJƚĞƐƚĞƌƐ͗ Teos Abadia, Kurt Caceres, Chelsea
Design: Ruty Rutenberg Caine, Cory Casoni, Wayne Chang, Charlie
ĚĚŝƟŽŶĂůĞƐŝŐŶ͗ Jeremy Crawford, Mike Chu, Kenna Conklin, Ryan Conklin, Jenny
Mearls, Kate Welch Conlee, Chris Funk, Dan Garrison, Hrishikesh
ƌƚŝƌĞĐƟŽŶΘ/ůůƵƐƚƌĂƟŽŶ͗ Lee Moyer Hirway, Jason Hobson, Noura Ibrahim, Kym
ŽŽŬĞƐŝŐŶ͗Will Hindmarch :ĂĐŬƐŽŶ͕dĂůŝĞƐŝŶ:ĂīĞ͕:ŽŶĂƚŚĂŶ<Ğůƚnj͕ĞƌĞŬ
ĚŝƚŽƌƐ͗ Kenna Conklin, Will Hindmarch, Ruty Mears, Jason Charles Miller, Marc Mohan,
ŽǀĞƌ/ůůƵƐƚƌĂƚŽƌ͗Chippy EĞƵƚƌŽŶ͕<ĂŝEŽƌŵĂŶ͕^ĂƟŶĞWŚŽĞŶŝdž͕DŝůLJŶŶ
Rich Ellis, Steve Ellis, Tomas Giorello, Howard Eugene Simon, Jimmy Tamborello, Shana
>LJŽŶ͕tŝůůŝĂŵK͛ŽŶŶŽƌ͕^ƚĞǀĞWƌĞƐĐŽƩ͕ Targosz, Ivan Van Norman, Kyle Vogt, B Dave
Wayne Reynolds, Anne Stokes, Mark Tedin, tĂůƚĞƌƐ͕^ĐŽƩtĞůŬĞƌ͕ŝŶŽƌĂtĂůĐŽƩ
Francis Tsai, Brian Valenzuela, Anthony S.
Waters, Charlie Wen, James Zhang ^ƉĞĐŝĂůƚŚĂŶŬƐ to the people who helped bring
Eberron to life, including Peter Archer, Mary
This book includes some rules and spells that <ŝƌĐŚŽī͕>ĞĞDŽLJĞƌ͕ŚƌŝƐƚŽƉŚĞƌWĞƌŬŝŶƐ͕
originally appeared in Xanathar’s Guide to ^ƚĞǀĞWƌĞƐĐŽƩ͕ZŽďĞƌƚZĂƉŝĞƌ͕>ŝnj^ĐŚƵŚ͕DĂƌŬ
Everything (2017). ^ĞŚĞƐƚĞĚƚ͕DĂƌŬdĞĚŝŶ͕ĂŶĚ:ĂŵĞƐtLJĂƩ͘

Coast in the USA and other countries.

This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used
with permission under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

All other original material in this work is copyright © 2018 by Keith Baker, and published under the Community
Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.


INTRODUCTION ..........................................................4 CHAPTER 4: DRAGONMARKS ..................................89
Creating a Dragonmarked Character .......................90

CHAPTER ONE: WHAT IS EBERRON? ............. 5 Dragonmarks and Backgrounds ................................90

The Powers of the Mark ............................................91
A Magical World .......................................................6 Dragonmark Appearance ..........................................92
Pulp Adventure..........................................................7 Background ...............................................................94
Neo-Noir Intrigue......................................................9 The Mark of Detection..............................................96
The Last War ............................................................12 The Mark of Finding .................................................97
The Mourning ...........................................................14 The Mark of Handling ..............................................98
Ancient Mysteries ......................................................17 The Mark of Healing.................................................99
If It Exists In D&D, The Mark of Hospitality ............................................100
There’s A Place for It in Eberron ............................19 The Mark of Making .................................................101
The Mark of Passage .................................................102
CHAPTER 2: WELCOME TO KHORVAIRE ..............21 The Mark of Scribing ................................................103
Nations of Eberron ....................................................22 The Mark of Sentinel ................................................104
Aundair .....................................................................23 The Mark of Shadow ................................................105
Breland .....................................................................24 The Mark of Storm ...................................................106
Cyre (The Mournland) .............................................25 The Mark of Warding ...............................................108
Darguun ...................................................................26 Greater Dragonmarks ...............................................109
The Demon Wastes ...................................................27 Aberrant Dragonmarks .............................................111
Droaam .....................................................................28
The Eldeen Reaches..................................................29 CHAPTER 5: MAGIC ITEMS .......................................113
Karrnath ....................................................................30 Magic Items ...............................................................114
The Lhazaar Principalities ........................................31
The Mror Holds ........................................................32 CHAPTER 6: SHARN, CITY OF TOWERS..................123
Q’barra ......................................................................33 Sharn Backgrounds .................................................124
The Shadow Marches ...............................................34 The Shape of Sharn ..................................................131
The Talenta Plains ....................................................35 Central Plateau Quarter ............................................134
Thrane .......................................................................36 Dura Quarter ............................................................135
Valenar ......................................................................37 Menthis Plateau Quarter ...........................................136
Zilargo .......................................................................38 Northedge Quarter....................................................137
Everyday Life.............................................................39 Tavick’s Landing Quarter .........................................138
MAGIC IN KHORVAIRE ......................................41 Sharn: Above and Below ..........................................140
Magewrights ..............................................................42 Things to Do in Sharn...............................................141
Wandslingers .............................................................43 Criminal Activities in Sharn ......................................144
The Magical Economy .............................................44 Starting Points ..........................................................147
Faiths of Khorvaire....................................................48 Starting Point: Callestan............................................148
Distant Lands ............................................................52 ;\IZ\QVO8WQV\"+TQ‫\ٺ‬WX ..............................................150
Eberron: Above and Beyond .....................................55 Starting Point: Morgrave University .........................152
A Quick Sharn Story .................................................155
CHAPTER 3: RACES OF EBERRON ...........................59 The Streets of Sharn..................................................157
Changelings ...............................................................60
Shifters .......................................................................64 APPENDIX A: FURTHER READING..........................134
Warforged..................................................................67 Eberron Sourcebooks ................................................134
Dwarves .....................................................................71 Eberron Novels ..........................................................135
Gnomes .....................................................................76
Half-Elves ..................................................................77
Half-Orcs ...................................................................78
APPENDIX B: GLOSSARY...........................................137
Humans .....................................................................82 APPENDIX C: DRAGONMARKED HOUSE CRESTS . 142
Other Races...............................................................83


)ZK[WNMTMK\ZQKQ\a[XIZSIVLÆIZMKIZZaQVO\PM hooks for compelling adventures, as well as an
TQOP\VQVOZIQT\W_IZL\PMJZQLOM1N;]VLZaQ[ appendix with a list of sources you can use to
learn more about the setting.
Bear in mind: this book presents Uavision
OWTL°INWZ\]VM\PI\ZQOP\N]TTaJMTWVO[\W\PM of Eberron. This is the world I run at my own
ZMN]OMM[[KI\\MZMLIKZW[[*ZMTIVL)VLQN;]VLZaQ[ table, and the way that I’ve converted its ideas
]VLMIL[WTLQMZ[\PMMTQ\M_IZZQWZ[WN3IZZVI\P is presented for playtesting and to spark your
imagination. The game mechanics are in draft
of Revenge8QMZKMQ[ITQ^QVO_MIXWVJ]QT\ D&D Adventurers League events. If Wizards of
appear in a D&D book. Beyond that: Eberron
I\WX\PMKWIKPIVLPI^MIKPIVKM\WZMKTIQU\PM is aW]Zworld as much as it is mine. I hope that
TW[\\ZMI[]ZM1NPM\QUM[Q\_ZWVOPM¼TTJM[UI[PML this book provides you with
\WXQMKM[I\\PMJW\\WUWN\PMKIVaWV inspiration, but don’t
be limited by my
ideas or decisions.
LWM[V¼\JZMI\PM0MR][\_IQ\[I[Revenge passes Think of this

you can
BERRON WAS BORN IN 2002 WHEN build upon,
Wizards of the Coast launched not a codex of
a worldwide search for a new absolute law.
campaign setting. I imagined a Welcome
world of swashbuckling adventure to Eberron:
and dark fantasy, a place where magic formed let’s explore!
the foundation of civilization. Over the course of
the next year I worked with a team of amazing
that core idea, and the end result was the -JMZZWV
+IUXIQOV;M\\QVO In the years that followed, a
host of authors, designers, and dungeon masters
across the world have continued to expand and
explore this setting.
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, providing an overview
of the core themes of the setting and the rules to
connect them to current campaigns. It explores
the continent of Khorvaire and the great city of
Sharn. <PM ?IaÅVLMZ¼[/]QLM provides ideas and


1VIVIVKQMV\Z]QVJMVMI\P\PM,MUWV?I[\M[I This chapter explores these core themes
characters you create in Eberron. Here’s a quick
overview of what lies ahead.
\PMa¼TT]VTMI[PIVIZUaWN\PMLMILIOIQV[\\PM • A Magical World. From warforged
XMWXTMWN3PWZ^IQZM and airships to the mighty dragonmarked
1V\PMKQ\aWN;PIZVIJZQTTQIV\\MIUWN[XQM[ houses, magic is a part of the world and its
• Pulp Adventure. Whether you’re
\PMQUXMVM\ZIJTM^I]T\[WN0W][M3]VLIZIS*]\ leaping from an airship or battling demons
QV[\MILWNOWTL\PMaÅVLI[MKZM\\PI\KW]TL[PI\\MZ in forgotten ruins, Eberron encourages
\PMNZIOQTMXMIKMJM\_MMV\PM.Q^M6I\QWV[° cinematic action and swashbuckling
• Neo-Noir Intrigue. Eberron is a world
ZMLLZIOWV1N\PM[IOMTW[M[\PMLMJI\M\PMLZIOWV and villain is easily blurred, and even the
_QTTLM[\ZWa\PMIQZ[PQXIVLM^MZaWVMWVQ\*]\QN champions of the light may have things
\WLQ[\IV\)ZOWVVM[[MV°IVLVWP]UIVPI[M^MZ • The Last War. Eberron has just emerged
from a century-long civil war, and the scars

HAT IS EBERRON? IT’S A WORLD shape your story?
bound by a golden ring • The Mourning. This mystical cataclysm
and surrounded by twelve destroyed an entire nation and created a
moons. It’s the intersection of deadly wasteland in the heart of Khorvaire.
thirteen planes of existence, The Mourning brought the war to an end,
which shift in and out of alignment. It’s a place but it is a mystery and a threat that looms
where magic has been harnessed as a tool—used large over Eberron.
to build cities, to sail ships through the skies, to • Ancient Mysteries. Powerful artifacts
create both wonders and weapons. are hidden in the ruined cities of giants.
Eberron embraces swashbuckling action and Dragons and demons scheme in the
pulp adventure and adds a layer of neo-noir shadows, unraveling a prophecy that could
intrigue. Stories don’t always end well and there shape the future. These ancient mysteries
isn’t a perfect answer to every problem. The can be a source of fantastic adventures and
Last War turned old allies into bitter enemies terrible danger.
and destroyed an entire nation, leaving terrible • If it exists in D&D, it has a place in
scars behind. Crime and corruption lurk in the Eberron… But it may not be the place
great cities of Khorvaire. Hidden dragons shape you’re used to.
\PMKW]Z[MWNPQ[\WZa;QVQ[\MZÅMVL[QVÆ]MVKM These elements are all part of Eberron, but
the dreams of the unwary. Human greed and you don’t have to use all of them in every story.
ambition may prove more dangerous than any As you go through this chapter, decide which
devil or demon. But through this darkness, there \PMUM[IXXMIT\WaW]IVLJM[\Å\\PM[\WZQM[aW]
are opportunities for a group of bold adventurers want to tell.


The creation myths say that magic is the
from the golden ring in the sky. Whether this
is truth or mere myth, magic pervades the
Magic as a Tool. In Eberron, arcane
magic is a form of science. The spells and
developed and honed over centuries, and
those principles have been incorporated into
daily life. Magic is used for entertainment,
transportation, communication, warfare, and
much more. While magic is widespread, there
are limits to is power. You can book passage
on an airship or get an illness cured by lesser ò›Ùù—ƒùDƒ¦®‘
restoration, but resurrection, teleportation, and Here are a few examples of how magic is
[QUQTIZM‫ٺ‬MK\[IZMPIZL\WKWUMJa<Z]M_QbIZL[ integrated into everyday life in Khorvaire.
are rare and remarkable; most common magic The lightning rail uses bound elementals
is performed by a working class of magewrights, to drive a train of carriages along a path of
professional spellcasters who master a small conductor stones. The rail links most major
handful of rituals or cantrips. The magical cities and is a simple way to travel long
services available in Khorvaire are discussed
An elemental airshipXVHVDÀUHRUDLU
in more detail in chapter 2, along with the
elemental, bound into a ring that holds
availability of magic items. the ship aloft and provides motive force.
Dragonmarked Dynasties. The magical The airship is a recent innovation that is
economy is dominated by a handful of powerful transforming the business of transportation.
families and the guilds they maintain. These are Everbright lanterns use FRQWLQXDOÁDPH
the dragonmarked houses, barons of industry WROLJKWWKHVWUHHWVRI.KRUYDLUH7KHÁDPH
_PW[MQVÆ]MVKMZQ^IT[\PI\WNSQVO[IVLY]MMV[ never goes out, but metal shutters allow a
These dynastic houses derive their power lantern to be dimmed or shut down.
from their dragonmarks: arcane sigils that Speaking stones allow communication
are passed down through their bloodlines. A between distant communities. A short
message can be sent from one stone to
dragonmark grants limited but useful magical
another, functionally similar to a telegraph.
abilities, and over the course of centuries the
Warforged are sentient humanoid
houses have used these powers to establish golems. Developed during the Last War,
powerful monopolies. House Jorasco dominates warforged were created as weapons. The
the medical trade with its Mark of Healing, Treaty of Thronehold forbid the creation of
while only someone with House Lyrandar’s new warforged, while granting freedom to
Mark of Storms can pilot an airship. Chapter 3 the golems that survived the war. Rules for
provides more details about dragonmarks and making warforged characters can be found in
the dragonmarked houses, along with rules for chapter 3.
creating dragonmarked characters.


your actions, you’re protecting your friends, your
house, or your nation. It could be about time: <PM
Eberron is a world of swashbuckling adventure ITIZU¼[JMMV\ZQOOMZMLIVLaW]WVTaPI^M[Q`ZW]VL[JMNWZM
IVL\_WÅ[\MLIK\QWV?PM\PMZaW]¼ZMI,5 [MK]ZQ\aIZZQ^M[ Such things can even be incidental.
developing an adventure in the world or a ,QLaW][\IZ\IÅOP\QVIVITTMaJMPQVLIJIZ'
player preparing to explore it, here are a few 6W_aW]VW\QKM\PMLZ]VSWOZM[TMMXQVOQV\PMKWZVMZ°QN
things to consider. PM_ISM[]X\PQ[KW]TLOM\]OTa
Exotic Locations. Lightning rails, airships, Player Characters Are Remarkable.
and other forms of transportation can facilitate Eberron is a world in need of heroes. Lingering
travel to exotic locations. Adventures could tensions of war remain. From the fanatics of
take you to the colossal ruins left behind by the the Emerald Claw and the mad cults of the
giants of Xen’drik, the warped landscape of the ,ZIOWV*MTW_\W\PMÆM[P_IZXQVOLIMTSaZ
Mournland, or the dark demiplanes within the IVLIVKQMV\IZKPÅMVL[-JMZZWVNIKM[UIVa
underworld of Khyber. Even if you prefer to stay \PZMI\[°IVL\PMZM¼[VWWVMW]\\PMZM\W[\WX
QVI\W_VaW]KW]TLÅVLaW]Z[MTNQV\PMUQTM them. In Eberron, the gods are distant and
PQOP\W_MZ[WN;PIZV°WZ\PMIVKQMV\OWJTQV don’t directly intervene. The Silver Flame is a
tunnels that lie beneath it. divine force of light, but it can only act through
What Are the Stakes? What’s better than mortal champions. The few powerful benevolent
a battle on the deck of an airship? A battle on NPCs have limitations: the Keeper of the Flame
the deck of an airship \PI\¼[IJW]\\WKZI[P Look loses her powers if she leaves her citadel. The
for ways to raise the stakes of a scene, so players UQOP\aOZMI\LZ]QLQ[°_MTT°I\ZMM5W[\WN
feel that every decision matters. This could be the powerful people in the setting are driven by
driven by the consequences of failure: through [MTÅ[POWIT[1N\PM<IZZI[Y]MKWUM[\W;PIZV


there’s no one else to deal with the problem: the
fate of the city is in your hands.
This is something to consider in developing
your character and choosing your background.
If you take the soldier background, you can be Äò®ÙÊÄÛÄヽ½›Ã›ÄãÝ
more than just a grunt. What did you do during )ÅOP\JZMIS[W]\QV<PM+I\*Q[K]Q\<PM
the Last War? What was your greatest triumph OVWUMZWO]MTMIX[NZWU\PMTIVLQVOIVL[_QVO[
or most tragic defeat? If you’re a spy, are you a IKZW[[\PMZWWUXI[[QVOW^MZ\PMPMIL[WN\PM
prized agent or did you break loose from your []ZXZQ[ML\P]O[\WTIVLQV\PMXMZNMK\XW[Q\QWV
organization after they pushed you too far? Don’t
just think of your character as a set of numbers:
even at 1st level, you’re remarkable. IUQOP\aJTW_\PI\SVWKS[PMZMVMUaQV\W\PM
Hero Points. The heroes of pulp adventure JTIbQVOPMIZ\P#\PMJIVLQ\[PZQMS[I[\PMÆIUM[
are often able to overcome seemingly impossible [XZMIL\WPQ[KTW\PM[
Combat can feel very mechanical. ,PRYH
optional hero points rule from chapter 9 of the
,]VOMWV5I[\MZ¼[/]QLM This is optional; hero points way for the DM to encourage more cinematic
change the balance of the game and give player action is to present a list of Environmental
characters an opportunity to turn certain failure Elements. In a tavern, this list could include
into success. It’s a way to make heroes feel Chandelier, Plate Glass Window, Roaring
largely than life, but it’s not a good match for Fireplace, Tray of Drinks, Drunk Patron. If
Remarkable Villains. One reason the world be Pile of Gold Coins, Scattered Bones,
needs heroes is because it already has villains. It Rotting Tapestry, Moss-Covered Statue.
may be a long time before you’re ready to face Each turn, a player can work one of these
the archlich Erandis Vol in battle. But part of elements into their description of their action.
The primary purpose of this is to give players
ideas; interesting details to use while describing
villains who are closely matched with the their actions. But if a player comes up with a
heroes—rivals who advance in power as you do. particularly clever way to use an element, the
One way to create a compelling villain is for the DM could grant advantage on a check or attack
DM and players develop the villain’s backstory UROORUVRPHRWKHUEHQHÀW7KHURJXHQHHGVWR
together. As a DM, you might ask a player: ?PMV cross a room full of enemies and wants to swing
]VQ\°]V\QTPMJM\ZIaMLaW]?PI\LQLPMLWM`IK\Ta' make a simple Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to
Likewise, even when a pulp villain appears to avoid opportunity attacks, essentially getting a
die, they can have their own remarkable escapes free Disengage action.
from death. Perhaps Halas had a ring that cast Environmental elements are always
optional and largely cosmetic. As a DM, you
an illusion of his death while actually stabilizing
him, or cast NMI\PMZNITTwhen he leapt from that element. But presenting a list can help players
tower in Sharn. Here as well, as a DM you could think of the location as more than just squares
engage the players: 1\¼[0ITI[5IZ\IQVITTZQOP\ on a map and challenge them to add more
This isn’t something every group will enjoy,
and you never want players to feel as though they
can’t succeed. But for some groups, this sort of
collaboration can produce a compelling story and
a sense of investment in the world.


There are ancient and primordial forces at
work in Eberron. But there are also misguided
While Eberron embraces the swashbuckling patriots, religious extremists, and dragonmarked
action of pulp adventure, it also draws inspiration houses looking to wring a few more pieces of
NZWUVMWVWQZIVLPIZLJWQTMLÅK\QWV1\¼[I gold out of Khorvaire. There are spies who
world where stories don’t always end well, where will do anything to protect their nations and
there isn’t a perfect solution for every problem. petty criminals trying to build empires. There’s
In developing characters or stories in Eberron, IXTIKMQV-JMZZWVNWZ[MTÆM[[PMZWM[IVL\Z]Ta
consider the following concepts. vile villains, but there’s a lot of middle ground in
Shades of Gray. In Eberron, it’s not always between.
easy to separate the heroes from the villains.
Good people can do terrible things, while cruel
or heartless people may be serving the greater
good. An inquisitor may torture
innocents in a quest to root out a cult
of the Dragon Below; but if she’s
stopped, the cult will survive and
a human settlement; but the settlers
have built their village on land sacred to the
orcs and may be disrupting wards that hold
weapon in an ancient tomb; but this artifact is
the sword of an ancient hobgoblin general, and
his descendants want it back. There are ways to
resolve these problems, but the answers aren’t
always simple or obvious.
There can certainly be times when decisions
are straightforward. If the Emerald Claw is about
to detonate a necrotic resonator that will kill half
of Sharn, they need to be stopped. But a good
Eberron story challenges you to think about your
actions, and the simplest solution may not be the
best one.
Human Motives. 6W\M^MZaKWVÆQK\Q[I
vast majority of people are driven by simple
motives: Greed. Fear. Pride. Ambition. One
person just wants to get some gold in their
pocket. Another wants to impress their
paramour. A leader forcing the Five
Nations into war is driven both
by fear of their neighbors and the
sincere belief that Khorvaire would


Everyone Has Regrets. Player characters
Z›¦Ù›ãÝdƒ½› are remarkable people, but that doesn’t mean
1d10 ZĞŐƌĞƚ they’re perfect. 5E already encourages you to
1 While you were serving in the Last XQKSIÆI_NWZaW]ZKPIZIK\MZ[WUM\PQVO\PI\
War, you were forced to abandon PMTX[LMÅVMaW]ZUW\Q^I\QWV[*]\QNaW]_IV\\W
an injured comrade. You don’t know ILLITQ\\TMPIZLJWQTMLÆI^WZ\WaW]ZKPIZIK\MZ
if they survived. you might consider a few additional aspects: Do
2 You placed your faith and your you have a debt you need to repay and, if so, do
fortune in the hands of a lover who you need to resolve this in a week or in a year?
betrayed you. You don’t know if you Did you make a tragic mistake, and if so, is it
can ever trust anyone again. something you can ever undo? The Regrets table
provides a few examples of missteps that might
haunt you.
The Balance of Pulp and Noir. As a
setting, Eberron works with both pulp and noir
4 Someone put their trust in you and themes. This is a spectrum: on one end you have
you betrayed them for personal over-the-top swashbuckling adventure—battling
gain. You may regret it now, but incarnations of evil on the deck of a burning
you can never repair the damage airship! On the other end you have gritty hard-
you’ve done. boiled action in the alleys of Sharn, a brutally
5 You squandered your family’s human scenario where there’s no easy choices.
fortune and brought shame and The most interesting path often lies between the
ruin to your household. two extremes, but don’t be afraid to focus on one
6 zŽƵĞŶŐĂŐĞĚŝŶĐŽǀĞƌƚŽƉĞƌĂƟŽŶƐ end of the spectrum if that’s what suits your story.
soldier). While you were serving
your country, you did unforgivable
7 You abandoned your family to
pursue a life of adventure. Your
village was destroyed in the war and
you don’t know if they survived.
8 You made a bargain with an
9 You made a promise to a child or a
lover that you failed to keep.
rage), but you don’t know if there



200 GOLD PIECES? 1d10

)ÆI_WZZMOZM\Q[[WUM\PQVO\PI\[PIXM[aW]Z Last War, and now you’re being
personality, something that plays an ongoing role blackmailed by someone who has
in your story. But perhaps you have a problem ƉƌŽŽĨ͘zŽƵƌĂĐƟŽŶƐŵĂLJŚĂǀĞďĞĞŶ
that needs to be resolvedZQOP\VW_ ũƵƐƟĮĞĚ͕ďƵƚƚŚĞůĂǁǁŽŶ͛ƚĐĂƌĞ͘
This is entirely optional: As a player, you 2 You’ve got a gambling problem. If you
could choose to roll or select an option from the can’t repay Daask (see chapter 6),
Debts table. you’re going to be playing tag with a
Why would you possibly want to take on a cockatrice.
debt? It’s a way to add depth to your character
3 You own an uncommon magic item,
and to provide a compelling, immediate motive
but you had to sell it to a pawn shop.
for adventuring—you’re not just out to get rich,
If you can’t reclaim it within the
you needOWTL\WOM\\PI\JW]V\aW‫ٺ‬aW]ZPMIL
It’s also an opportunity to establish something
that can be part of your character moving 4 You were making a delivery on behalf
forward. If you’re trying to reclaim a magic item of the Boromar Clan (see chapter 6)
from a pawn shop, it lets you establish that your and you lost the merchandise.
character PI[ that magic item—which could be 5 Someone knows the whereabouts of
an heirloom, something you created, a gift from a a sibling or loved one you thought lost
mentor—you’ve just temporarily lost it. If you’re ŝŶƚŚĞDŽƵƌŶŝŶŐ͕ďƵƚƚŚĂƚŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ
trying to raise money to join a secret society, is going to cost you.
it establishes that your membership in this 6 zŽƵŚĂǀĞĂĚĞŐĞŶĞƌĂƟǀĞĚŝƐĞĂƐĞƚŚĂƚ
organization may be a part of the story later on. can’t be cured by mundane means.
Establishing a debt requires collaboration and If you can’t get a ůĞƐƐĞƌƌĞƐƚŽƌĂƟŽŶ
approval by both player and DM. Work together soon, you’re going to start showing
to develop the details: who is blackmailing you? symptoms.
What’s this secret society? What’s the story 7 Your family lost everything in the Last
behind the magic item you’ve pawned, and what War. 200 gp would get them a stake in
sort of item is it? As a player, you present ideas a new (farm/inn/stagecoach).
J]\\PM,5PI[ÅVITIXXZW^IT 8 You’ve got a price on your head.
out for bounty hunters.
9 You’ve got an opportunity to join an
only got one month to raise the
membership dues.
10 Roll again. It’s not your debt: it’s
you’re lover’s problem. Can you solve
the problem before they have to face
the consequences?


THE LAST WAR negotiating table, and the Last War came to an
end in 996 YK with the Treaty of Thronehold.
For hundreds of years the continent of Khorvaire While many celebrated the end of the war,
was united under the Kingdom of Galifar. This W\PMZ[ZMUIQV]V[I\Q[ÅML_Q\PQ\[W]\KWUM
came to an end with the death of King Jarot in No one won the war, and deep scars remain.
!A3R][\W^MZIKMV\]ZaIOW+WVÆQK\W^MZ War-torn villages and towns are still rebuilding.
the succession spiraled into outright war between Once fertile farmlands are scorched and ruined.
the Five Nations. There are refugees in every major city. And
The Last War was a bitter struggle that forever even though people optimistically refer to it as
changed the shape of Khorvaire. It was a \PM4I[\?IZ, most believe that it’s only a matter
century marked by shifting alliances, with years of time until it begins anew. The mystery of
of stalemate interspersed with periods of intense the Mourning is the only thing holding the
KWVÆQK\<PQ[OZ]MTQVOKWVÆQK\TMN\LMMX[KIZ[WV warmongers at bay. If the secret of the Mourning
the land and the people, but there was worse can be uncovered—if it can be proven that the
to come. On Olarune 20, 994 YK the nation Mourning couldn’t happen again, or if its power
of Cyre was consumed in a magical cataclysm could be harnessed as a weapon—the Last War
now known as the Mourning. The cause of the could begin again. As such, the nations remain in
Mourning remains unknown, and many fear that a cold war as each makes preparations and seeks
it was a consequence of the extensive use of war IL^IV\IOM[QV\PMKWVÆQK\\PI\KW]TLTQMIPMIL
magic. Shock and fear brought the nations to the

Last War. Feel free to change the suggested
backgrounds. While charlatan is an obvious
+HUH·VDIHZRIWKHPDMRUHIIHFWVRIWKH/DVW background for a spy, you could easily adapt
War. criminal or urchin to the same role.
Dragonmarked Power. The dragonmarked
houses sold their services to all sides and D®½®ãƒÙùƒ‘»¦ÙÊçėÝ
Five Nations are divided and dependent
RQWKHVHUYLFHVRIWKHKRXVHVDQGLW·V 1 You were a common soldier, facing
questionable if any one nation can impose its the enemy on the front lines of the
will upon them. interminable war. (Soldier)
Karrnathi Undead. When a series of 2 You served on the open seas, whether
famines and plagues crippled the nation of ĂƐĂŵĂƌŝŶĞ͕ĂŶĂǀĂůŽĸĐĞƌ͕ĂƉƌŝǀĂƚĞĞƌ
Karrnath, it embraced the Blood of Vol and
or a smuggler. (Sailor)
introduced undead into its armies. The religion
was largely abandoned towards the end of the 3 You commanded troops and led soldiers
crypts, but some are still in use. or are you haunted by your failures?
Magical Innovation. Over the course of a (Soldier or noble)
century of war, the nations and dragonmarked 4 You were a spy, gathering intelligence
houses developed new spells and tools for use ĨŽƌLJŽƵƌŶĂƟŽŶ͘ƌĞLJŽƵŽƵƚŽĨƚŚĞ
in the war. Airships and warforged are recent
developments, and the wandslinger tradition
emerged from the war. back in? (Charlatan)
The Mourning. This magical cataclysm 5 You were tasked with maintaining
destroyed Cyre and brought the war to an end. morale and raising the spirits of your
Cyre is a vast, unrecoverable wasteland and soldiers. (Entertainer)
those Cyrans who survived the disaster are 6 You provided spiritual support to your
scattered across Khorvaire.
troops. Were you always devout, or did
New Nations. Before the Last War, Galifar
laid claim to all of Khorvaire. A host of new
states emerged over the course of the war. (Acolyte)
These include the goblin nation of Darguun, 7 You used your remarkable knowledge as
the elf kingdom of Valenar, the druids of the part of a military think tank… or perhaps
Eldeen Reaches, the monsters of Droaam, you provided arcane support on the
and more. ďĂƩůĞĮĞůĚ͘;^ĂŐĞͿ

MILITARY BACKGROUNDS taking advantage of the war to line your

pockets. (Criminal or charlatan)
The current year is 998 YK. The Last War lasted 9 zŽƵŽƉƉŽƐĞĚƚŚĞǁĂƌ͘dŚĞĂĐƟŽŶƐLJŽƵ
for over a century and only came to an end two took to protect the innocent have made
years ago. As a player character in Eberron, you you a local legend. (Folk hero)
possess remarkable skills. Did you take part in 10 zŽƵƵƐĞĚƚŚĞĐŽŶŶĞĐƟŽŶƐŽĨLJŽƵƌ
the Last War, and if so, in what capacity? If you ŝŶŇƵĞŶƟĂůĨĂŵŝůLJƚŽĂǀŽŝĚŵŝůŝƚĂƌLJ
fought, which nation did you serve? Were you service. Are you haunted by this, or do
honorably discharged, or did you abandon your LJŽƵƌĞŵĂŝŶŝŶĚŝīĞƌĞŶƚ͍;EŽďůĞͿ
cause? If you didn’t take part in the war, why
The following table provides ideas about how


A wall of dead-grey mist surrounds the remnants
The nation of Cyre was once the heart of the
united kingdom of Galifar. The Last War took of Cyre. Beyond the mists lies a land twisted
a heavy toll on Cyre and its citizens, serving as by magic, a wound that will not heal. The land
the battleground where all of the Five Nations is blasted and strangely transformed. In some
crossed swords. But no one was prepared for the places the ground has fused into jagged glass. In
disaster that struck in 994 YK. others, it is cracked and burned. Broken bodies of
Accounts of the Mourning vary. Some say that soldiers from various sides litter the landscape—
IJTQVLQVOTQOP\MVO]TNML\PMJI\\TMÅMTLVMIZ\PM soldiers whose dead bodies refuse to decompose.
Saerun Road. Others say that the dead-gray The Mournland is a vast open grave.
mists began in the capital city of Metrol and In the Mournland, the wounds of war never
spread out from there. What is known for certain PMIT^QTMUIOQKITM‫ٺ‬MK\[TQVOMZIVLUWV[\MZ[
is that within the space of one day the nation mutate into even more foul and horrible
of Cyre had been engulfed in a wall of mist, KZMI\]ZM[)ZKIVMM‫ٺ‬MK\[KWV\QV]M\WZIQV]XWV
and that anything caught within the mists was the land, magical storms that never dissipate.
PWZZQÅKITTa\ZIV[NWZUML7^MZIUQTTQWV+aZIV[ Stories speak of living spells—war magic that has
were killed on the day of Mourning. Those who \ISMVXPa[QKITNWZU[MV\QMV\ÅZMJITT[IVL^QTM
[]Z^Q^ML_MZM\PM[WTLQMZ[ÅOP\QVOQVMVMUa cloudkills that endlessly search for new victims.
territory, those living on the borders who were )VOZaOPW[\[KWV\QV]M\WÅOP\\PMQZÅVITJI\\TM[
IJTM\WÆMMNZWU\PMIL^IVKQVOUQ[\[\PW[MNM_ The only thing that’s predictable about the
who were able to escape the interior through Mournland is that nothing is predictable; any
magical means. On Olarune 20, 994 YK, the sort of monster or horror could be found within
nation of Cyre ceased to exist. its borders. And yet, it also holds the wealth
The Mourning threw Khorvaire into a state and treasures of an entire nation, along with
of shock. Who could unleash such power? Was the secrets of House Cannith and everything
this a weapon, and if so, when would those else that was left behind. It’s dangerous. It’s
responsible issues their demands? Were its mysterious. But it’s also a dungeon the size of
borders stable, or could they expand at any a nation, with opportunities for those brave
moment? What was to be done with the Cyran enough to enter the mists.
refugees surging into every adjacent nation?


Fear of the Mourning brought the Five Nations
to the negotiating table, and in 996 YK the
Treaty of Thronehold ended the Last War. But The Mourning transformed Khorvaire. Shock
all of those questions remain unanswered. No and fear brought an end to the Last War. In
one knows the cause of the Mourning or whether making an Eberron character, think about the
it could suddenly expand anew. Breland opened impact it had on you. If you’re from Cyre, what
its borders to refugees, and Prince Oargev serves did you lose in the Mourning? Family? Friends?
as de facto ruler in the territory now called New Are there heirlooms or treasures lost in the mists
Cyre. Despite its grand name, New Cyre is little that you’re determined to regain, or loved ones
more than a vast refugee camp. Other refugees you hope to someday see again? Do you feel
are scattered across Khorvaire; some are treated loyalty to your nation and hope to see it restored,
with pity, others with suspicion or anger. And or have you burned Cyre out of your heart?
fear of the Mourning hangs like a shadow across Even if you’re not from Cyre, the Mourning
Khorvaire. +W]TLQ\PIXXMVIOIQV'1[\PQ[PW_\PM may have had a profound impact on you. Are
_WZTLMVL[' you afraid that the Mourning could expand,
or do you prefer not to dwell on such things?


If you’re religious, did the shocking tragedy of of the Mourning? Are you comfortable
the Mourning cause you to question your faith, using your abilities, or are you afraid that
WZLQLQ\ZMQVNWZKMQ\'1NaW]¼ZMIVIZ\QÅKMZWZI you may be increasing the power of the
_QbIZLIZMaW]QV\MZM[\MLQV[\]LaQVOQ\[M‫ٺ‬MK\[ Mourning with each spell you cast?
UWZMKTW[MTa°UQOP\aW]M^MVPWXM\W]VZI^MT • As a warlock your patron could be
its mysteries yourself? Do you see it solely as a interested in the Mourning and drive you
tragedy, or do you hope that this awesome power to learn more about it. Your patron could
could somehow be harnessed and controlled? even be part of the Mourning—whether
Beyond this, player characters are remarkable a collective of spirits killed on the Day of
people. Perhaps you were caught in the Mourning, or even a dark and enigmatic
5W]ZVQVOIVL[]Z^Q^ML\PMM`XMZQMVKM°J]\Q\[ power that might have been responsible for
M‫ٺ‬MK\[ZMUIQV_Q\PaW]+WV[QLMZ\PM[MQLMI[ this tragedy. If you take the latter approach,
• As a barbarian you could have been a do you feel that by using your warlock
simple peasant caught in the Mourning. powers you are serving the Mourning?
Everyone else in your community was killed, Or could it be that you’re siphoning your
but their spirits were bound to you. Your powers from it and believe that you are
barbarian rage represents you channeling actually weakening it with your actions?
these vengeful ghosts. Is there a way to lay • As a member of an unusual race, you could
\PM[M[XQZQ\[\WZM[\',W\PMaPI^M]VÅVQ[PML say that you are actually a creation of the
business they want you to resolve? Mourning. Perhaps your tortle was IVIK\]IT
• As a sorcerer your arcane powers could be \]Z\TMtransformed on the day of Mourning.
the result of your exposure to the Mourning. 7ZUIaJMaW]Z\QMÆQVOQ[\W]KPMLJa\PM
Were you physically transformed as well, dark power of the Mourning instead of by
or are your powers the only manifestation an infernal power.


<PMZM_QTTVM^MZJMIVW‫ٻ‬KQITIV[_MZ\W\PM • The Mourning was triggered by the release
cause of the Mourning. As a DM in Eberron, we of an ancient demon overlord trapped
or if you prefer, to leave it as a mystery that lurking in the Mournland and building its
will never be solved. With that said, people in power, but soon it will be ready to act.
Eberron itself have many theories about the As a DM, the question you need to ask is
cause of the Mourning; it’s up to you to decide if whether you _IV\the mystery of the Mourning
any of them are correct. to be solved, and what the consequences would
• The Mourning was the result of a century be. Right now, fear of the Mourning holds war
of extensive use of war magic. If the nations I\JIa1NQ\¼[KWVÅZUML\PI\\PM5W]ZVQVOQ[VW
continue to use these magics, the Mourning longer a threat—or if one nation manages to
will expand. harness its power—the war could begin again.
• The dragonmarked House Cannith made
a fortune selling magical weapons to all
sides during the Last War. The Mourning
was the result of research gone horribly
awry. The secrets can be found in a
Cannith research facility within the
Mournland. If this knowledge could
produce a terrifying weapon.




A cult of the Dragon Below can spring up
Modern civilization is built on the bones of the anywhere, as a seed of madness takes root in a
past, and these ancient mysteries may have a KWUU]VQ\aWZKW]Z\°IVL[XZMIL[
dreadful impact on the future. Many of the As if dragons and demons aren’t trouble
modern cities of Khorvaire are built on the MVW]OP[\WZQM[[Ia\PMZMIZMÅMVL[T]ZSQVOQV
foundations of ancient goblin cities and fortresses, mortal dreams. According to these tales, the
and these may still hold aberrant threats from Dreaming Dark is an alliance of nightmare
the war that destroyed their civilization. Older [XQZQ\[NZWU\PMXTIVMWN,IT9]WZÅMVL[\PI\
still are the ruins once inhabited by rakshasa feed on mortal fear and manipulate through
IVLW\PMZÅMVL[IVL\PM[MUIaPWTLIZ\QNIK\[ dreams. Some stories say the Dreaming Dark can
and other treasures far beyond the capabilities possess people through their dreams, while others
WNIVaUWLMZVIZ\QÅKMZ*]\\PMZMQ[UWZM\W\PM claim they have psychic agents hidden across
past than treasures waiting to be found. Stories Khorvaire.
[Ia\PI\LMUWV[IVLLZIOWV[IZMÅOP\QVOITWVO Beyond the enigmatic daelkyr and the
cold war in the shadows. These tales speak of Dreaming Dark, other threats have arisen in
a Draconic Prophecy°PQLLMVZM^MTI\QWV[ the past century, spinning out of the strife of the
that grant the power to shape the future. Hidden Last War. The Lord of Blades is a warforged
UIaJMÅOP\QVO\WLM\MZUQVM\PMXI\PWN\PM seeks vengeance against the humans who
Prophecy, and player characters may be pawns created his people as weapons for their war. The
in this great game. As one of the heroes of the Aurum is a cabal drawn from the wealthy elite
age, you surely have a role in the Draconic who seek to turn gold into greater power. The
Prophecy. Will you be a tool of one of these Emerald Claw was an elite military unit that
ancient forces, or will you master the game and served Karrnath during the Last War. Disavowed
determine your own destiny? by their king, the Emerald Claw engages in
guerrilla strikes across Khorvaire, and includes
necromancers, vampires, and undead bound to
DARK FORCES their service. Some say the Emerald Claw serve
an ancient lich known as the Queen of Death,
Dragons and demons are just a few of the
that their true goal is to place her on the throne
dangerous forces at work in the world. The
of Karrnath and the Five Nations.
daelkyr came to Eberron from the Plane
These are just some of the dark forces working
of Madness. They came with armies of
in the shadows of Eberron. There are hungry
lycanthropes, clever doppelgangers, and cults
and bolstered by beholders. They shattered
devoted to the Dark Six. There are stories of a
civilizations and spread horrors across Khorvaire.
cabal of assassins with aberrant dragonmarks
The daelkyr were ultimately bound in Khyber
and elves twisted into creatures of nightmare.
by druidic magic. They linger in the darkness—
And that’s not to mention the mundane crime
the Lord of Eyes, the Prince of Slime, Dyrrn
and corruption that can be found in any major
the Corruptor—creating new aberrations and
city. It’s a dangerous world—hopefully you can
waiting for the day they can unleash their full
handle it!
power on the world above.
While the daelkyr themselves can’t return to
the surface, their minions can. This leads to the
Cults of the Dragon Below, mad mortals who


in history; it may be that a dozen kenku were
thrown out of the Faerie Court of Thelanis and

THERE’S A PLACE FOR IT IN these are all the kenku in the world. So just
because it’s possible to put anything you want in
EBERRON the world, don’t assume that the streets of Sharn
°*]\1\5Ia6W\*M\PM8TIKMAW]¼ZM=[ML<W ever been suggested.
Chapter 3 provides advice on adding new races
Eberron draws on the core elements of ,,. to Eberron. Here’s a few other ways that you
It’s a world of wizards and rogues, a setting can add something into Eberron with minimal
_Q\PPITÆQVO[IVLL_IZ^M[IVLMT^M[?IV\IV impact on the setting.
otyugh? Orcs? Goblins? Paladins? They’re all • It comes from the vast and largely
there. Eberron draws on the same basic elements unexplored continent of Xen’drik.
as other settings, but it often diverges from the
• It was created or caused by the
traditional archetypes assigned to those things. A
Mourning—the mystical cataclysm that
few factors here:
destroyed Cyre—and has only been around
6WÅ`MLITQOVUMV\[ Mortal creatures
for four years.
are shaped by their culture and personal
circumstances. An orc is just as likely to be lawful • It’s a product of the underworld of Khyber,
good as chaotic evil, depending on their personal the source of many aberrations and
you can’t make automatic assumptions about • It’s the result of recent experiments by
any of them. In part this is because of Eberron’s one of the dragonmarked houses or a mad
distant gods. Orcs aren’t driven by Gruumsh’s IZ\QÅKMZ
fury, and the gnolls aren’t tied to Yeenoghu.
• It comes from one of the planes and slipped
The exceptions to this rule are creatures whose
into the world during a recent convergence.
identities are shaped by magic. Fiends and
celestials embody pure ideals of good and evil; Not everything has to exist in Eberron.
lycanthropes are driven by a curse. AW]KIVÅVLIXTIKMQV-JMZZWVNWZIVa\PQVO
Monsters aren’t always villains, and But it’s also possible to say that something LWM[V¼\
the villains aren’t always monsters. Many exist in Eberron. For example, if you wanted to
of the gnolls of Droaam are more honorable use Gruumsh in Eberron, you could re-imagine
than the human mercenaries of House Deneith. PQUI[WVMWN\PMLMUWVW^MZTWZL[WN\PMÅZ[\
In Karrnath and Aerenal, undead are used as age. You could decide that he’s the classic
tools. You certainly KW]TLÅVLaW]Z[MTNÅOP\QVOI Gruumsh, who has recently found his way to
UMZKQTM[[UQVW\I]ZQV\PM[T]U[WN;PIZV°J]\ Eberron from the core cosmology. But the DM
you’re just as likely to cross swords with a cruel can always say ¹6W\PMZMQ[VW^MZ[QWVWN/Z]]U[PQV
There’s a place for everything in This comes to a critical point. Nothing is set
Eberron… but it may not be a prominent in stone. Like every sourcebook that’s come
place. Kenku aren’t mentioned in any of the before it, this book is intended to be a source of
canon sourcebooks of Eberron. There’s many inspiration: use what inspires you, but always feel
ways to add kenku into Eberron, but that doesn’t empowered to change the world to better suit the
mean that there needs to be a kenku nation story you want to tell. There’s a place in Eberron
to you whether to make use of it.


EBERRON AND THE MULTIVERSE great deal of lore to be discovered. If Asmodeus
has just discovered Eberron, the sages know
Eberron has always been a part of the multiverse. nothing about him. He has no power base to
Eberron is surrounded by its thirteen planes. work with and will have to recruit new followers.
These planes play an important role in the And you might see unusual alliances forming
in and out of alignment with Eberron. But the join forces to drive out the outsider. As with
Astral and Ethereal Planes surround and enfold everything else, Eberron provides an opportunity
Eberron, and if someone ventures into the Deep to explore existing things in a new way.
Ethereal it’s possible to pass beyond Eberron’s
closed system and step into the Great Wheel or
the World Tree.
As a DM, it’s up to you to decide whether such A few things to bear in mind as you step into
whether threats from other settings will make Dragons have a civilization humanity
knows almost nothing about. Shapeshifted
their way into Eberron. Most people consider the
dragons may be secretly manipulating human
tale of the Progenitor Dragons to be a fable: a civilization.
myth to explain the underworld and the golden Elves are split into two cultures. The
ring in the sky. But what if it’s true? What if reclusive Aereni are gifted wizards ruled by
three divine beings joined together to build their undying ancestors. The Valenar elves
a new creation in the depths of the Ethereal? are ruthless warriors who strive to be avatars
Elves, orcs, dragons; all of these could have been of ancient heroes. Other elves live among
created in the image of the creatures of the Great humanity and have adopted its customs.
Wheel but given a chance to develop beyond Gnomes are schemers and scholars
the reach of Lolth and Gruumsh. The Ring of who maintain order through intrigue and
Siberys could in fact be a [PQMTL: a defense that has assassination.
Goblins once had a mighty empire, and
a tradition based on honor and martial
If you’re not interested in connecting Eberron discipline. Their civilization was crushed
to other settings, then that shield is still intact. by the daelkyr and their land was stolen by
But if you do want to incorporate elements from KXPDQLW\7KH\DUHQ·WLQKHUHQWO\HYLOEXWWKH\
other realms, this shield is starting to fail. Perhaps have good reason to loathe the people of the
House Cannith will build a planar gateway and Five Nations.
accidentally bring the Blood War into Eberron. +DOÁLQJVcan be found as merchants and
Maybe Tiamat has only just discovered Eberron LQQNHHSHUVEXWLQWKHLUKRPHODQGWKH\·UH
and is slowly corrupting its dragons. Ultimately, dinosaur-riding rangers and barbarians.
it’s up to you. You can avoid any contact between Orcs are a proud and primal people. While
Eberron and other settings. You can explore WKH\·YHQHYHUEXLOWJUHDWFLWLHVWKH\ZHUHWKH
the idea of that contact being recent and new
(perhaps linked to the Mourning, either as cause from aberrations… while others have fallen
WZM‫ٺ‬MK\7ZaW]KIVKPWW[M\W[Ia\PI\\PMZM prey to the madness of the daelkyr.
has always been travel between these realms,
adjusting things to incorporate these ideas.
If you choose to explore the idea that contact
between settings is recent and limited, consider
what that might mean for everyone involved. In
the Great Wheel Asmodeus is an ancient threat,


—Lyrian Das, Morgrave Historian

mysteries. The dragons of
Argonnessen have no love for
lesser creatures. The psychic
tyrants of Sarlona maintain strict
control over their borders and their people. So,
most player characters begin their adventures on
the continent of Khorvaire. While humans make
up the majority of the population in the civilized
nations of Khorvaire, the continent is home a
wide range of peoples and cultures. Once largely
Khorvaire is split into many nations—some old,
others newborn from the crucible of war.
This chapter provides an overview of the
nations of Khorvaire, along with a glimpse of
common life, magic, religion, and the world—
and planes—that lie beyond it.

CHAPTER 2 | 21
the Last War. The treaty recognized the following
This section provides an overview of the nations nations as sovereign states: Aundair, Breland,
of Khorvaire. The focus is on what you need to Darguun, the Eldeen Reaches, Karrnath, the
know to create characters and NPCs from these Lhazaar Principalities, the Mror Holds, Q’barra,
places. If you want more details on the culture, the Talenta Plains, Thrane, Valenar, and Zilargo.
history, and geography of the nations, you can These nations abide by a common set of laws
ÅVLILLQ\QWVITZM[W]ZKM[QVIXXMVLQ`))[aW]OW and maintain diplomatic relations. The Demon
forward, here’s a few useful things to bear in mind. Wastes and Shadow Marches are regions that
The Five Nations. Aundair, Breland, Cyre, PI^MVW]VQÅMLOW^MZVUMV\_PQTM,ZWIIUPI[
Karrnath and Thrane are collectively referred declared itself to be a nation but has yet to be
to as the Five Nations. These nations formed the recognized by the others.
heart of the Kingdom of Galifar, and while each Getting Around. The Five Nations are
has a unique cultural identity they are built on connected by an excellent system of roads, and
this shared foundation. Families are spread across travelers can always make their way by horse
the Five Nations; the rulers of the Five Nations or coach. Major cities are tied together by the
are tied to the Wynarns, the royal bloodline of lightning rail of House Orien, which allows you
/ITQNIZ,M[XQ\M\PMQZLQ‫ٺ‬MZMVKM[IV)]VLIQZQIV to avoid the perils—and tedium—of the roads.
has more in common with a Thrane than they do If speed is an issue, you can book passage on a
with a Zil gnome or a Lhazaar pirate. Lyrandar airship. This is the fastest way to travel,
Aside from Cyre—which was destroyed in the but also the most expensive. Refer to the “Magic
Last War—the Five Nations remain the largest in Khorvaire” section for more travel options.
and most powerful countries in Khorvaire.


nations. There’s a cleansing stone in
every village, and you might encounter
Noted for Arcane magic, cheese, education, The Knights Arcane are an elite unit
fashion, grains, wine of eldritch knights, and the Royal Eyes
of Aundair are spies that specialize in
divination magic.
Aundair is a realm of grand cities surrounded
by fertile farmlands. Its legendary founder was • House Lyrandar is based on the island
devoted to the acquisition of knowledge and of Stormhome, and House Orien has
\PM[\]LaWNUIOQKIVL\PMÆWI\QVO\W_MZ[ its ancestral seat in the city of Passage.
WN)ZKIVQ`IZM\PMÅVM[\QV[\Q\]\MNWZUa[\QKIT Aundair is also home to Baron Jorlanna
study in Khorvaire. Magic is a part of daily life d’Cannith of the House of Making.
throughout the Five Nations, but it is especially • Some Aundairian nobles are bound by
common in Aundair; the nation produces more arcane pacts handed down through the
magewrights and wandslingers than any other. generations. Only remarkable heirs—
From the nobles in the towers of Fairhaven to such as player characters—develop the
the common folk working the vast vineyards of full powers of a warlock. Most such lines
Bluevine, Aundairians value wit and wisdom. are tied to archfey, but you could explore

The Sovereign Host is the dominant faith of
Aundair, with a particular devotion to Aureon.
However, the Silver Flame also has a deeply Regardless of your Intelligence score, if you’re an
devoted following—some might say overzealous Aundairian you’re sure you’re the smartest person
or extreme. in the room. Consider the following things.
Aundair is ruled by Queen Aurala ir’Wynarn. Arcane Talent. If you’re not going to play
Aurala is a just ruler, but she has never a magical class, consider being a high elf or a
abandoned the dream of a Galifar reunited variant human with the Magic Initiate feat.
under her rule. While Aundair is a small nation, ?PM\PMZaW]TMIZVW‫ٺ‬MV[Q^MKIV\ZQX[IVLÅOP\
its arcane superiority allowed it to hold its own as a wandslinger or pick up a few practical
during the Last War. Many believe Aurala tools (XZM[\QLQOQ\I\QWVUMVLQVOUIOMPIVL), every
is pressing Arcanix to develop battle magic Aundairian should know a little magic.
that will ensure Aundair’s victory in whatever Magic Beats Mundane. Why use your hand
KWVÆQK\[TQMIPMIL when you could use UIOMPIVL? Who still uses a
bow when you could use a wand? “;W^MZMQOV[IJW^M
• <PMÆWI\QVO\W_MZ[WN)ZKIVQ`IZMIKMV\MZ Show Some Style. Don’t settle for common
for mystical research. Bear in mind that clothes and a squalid meal when you could wear
many of its sages specialize in ritual magic ÅVMOTIUMZ_MI^M and drink the best wine. If you’re
level wizards. of crude strength. And never miss an opportunity
• Arcane magic is tied into many aspects for a clever quip.
of Aundairian life—more so than other

ties to the Talenta Plains. Other notable
Capital: Wroat criminal organizations include the monsters
Noted for Industry, manufactured goods, of Daask and House Tarkanan, an alliance
metalwork, processed ore; organized crime, of assassins and thieves with aberrant
subterfuge dragonmarks.
• Breland’s major cities are especially
In the wake of the Last War, Breland is one cosmopolitan. Due to its proximity to
of the most powerful nations in Khorvaire. Droaam, its cities include more monsters—
Possessing a large population and abundant ogres, orcs, goblins, and even sahuagin,
resources, Breland leads the Five Nations in harpies, and gargoyles—then are seen
industry. elsewhere in the Five Nations.
The Brelish are known for their pragmatism • Breland has accepted more Cyran refugees
and independence. They lack the discipline of than any other nation. The largest refugee
Karrns or the faith of the Thranes, but they camp, New Cyre, has a population of over
M`KMTI\ÅVLQVOVM_IVLQVVW^I\Q^M[WT]\QWV[ four thousand and is being converted into
to problems. The Brelish also have a talent a town. Prince Oargev of Cyre considers
for intrigue and subterfuge. The King’s Dark PQU[MTNISQVOQVM`QTMJ]\M‫ٺ‬MK\Q^MTaPM¼[
4IV\MZV[IZMWVMWN\PMÅVM[\QV\MTTQOMVKM the mayor of this town.
agencies in Khorvaire, rivaled only by House

Phiarlan and the Trust of Zilargo. The dark side
of all of these things is a strong streak of cynicism,
_PQKPITTW_[KZQUMIVLKWZZ]X\QWV\WÆW]ZQ[P As you develop a Brelish character or NPC,
in Brelish cities and churches. The Sovereign consider the following.
Host is the dominant religion of Breland, but Slightly Shady. Many Brelish have a loose
in general the Brelish aren’t as devout as their relationship with the law. Even if you’re a hero,
cousins in other nations. you may have a few questionable connections
King Boranel ir’Wynarn of Breland rules in or friends in low places. Backgrounds such as
conjunction with an elected parliament. Boranel KZQUQVITWZKPIZTI\IV[XaIZMI_Ia\WZMÆMK\
is a popular leader celebrated for his exploits this, regardless of your class. You could also be a
during the Last War. But his children have yet folk hero who’s challenged the laws to protect the
to prove themselves, and there is a growing innocent, or an entertainer who’s played in every
movement that advocates abandoning royal rule dive in Sharn.
when Boranel passes. Innovative and Independent. Find your
own path in the world; don’t simply follow. As
INTERESTING THINGS ABOUT BRELAND a cleric you might challenge your church and
follow your own divine revelations. As an arcane
• The great city of Sharn is the largest caster you could search for new techniques or to
metropolis in Khorvaire. The City of unravel forgotten secrets.
Towers is almost a nation in its own right Practical. Whether it’s about fashion, food, or
and is a hub for commerce and intrigue. conversation, the Brelish tend to be practical and
Chapter 6 provides more information on pragmatic. Why spend a fortune on a fancy meal
Sharn. when a simple one will do? You’ll use whatever
• The Boromar Clan is the oldest and most tool gets the job done, and you don’t see a need
powerful criminal organization in Breland. NWZ]VVMKM[[IZaÆIQZ

• Cyre was the ancestral seat of the
Capital: Metrol (destroyed)
Noted for )Z\QÅKMIZ\RM_MTZaU][QKWZI\WZa dragonmarked House Cannith, the house
philosophy; creativity, versatility of Making. The house maintained arcane
workshops across Cyre. Who knows what
treasures wait in Cannith vaults for those
Destroyed at the end of the Last War, Cyre now who brave the dangers of the Mournland?
only exists in the hearts of the refugees scattered
across Khorvaire. • Stories say communities of warforged live
Before the war, Cyre was the seat of the kings in the Mournland, including the insurgent
and queens of Galifar. The wealth of the kingdom called the Lord of Blades.
commerce and culture. By tradition, Cyre’s Cyran fashions involved bright colors
Princess Mishann had the rightful claim to the and OTIUMZ_MI^M. Some have made a
throne of Galifar. While Cyrans take pride that point of continuing this custom. Others
they alone were in the right in the Last War, they wear clothing cut in the Cyran style, but
unquestionably lost more to the war than any entirely in black; this is generally known as
other nation. As a Cyran, you stand on the moral “Mourning wear.”

Cyrans like to say that their culture represents
to say, a little bit of everything. Cyrans value When creating a character from Cyre, consider
diversity and versatility, both in talents and the following.
thought. Cyre couldn’t match Karrnath in What Have You Lost? Did you lose wealth
martial discipline or Aundair in the arcane or status? Did you have family or loved ones lost
arts, but as a nation it was characterized by the in the Mourning? Did you lose something you
ÆM`QJQTQ\aWNQ\[NWZKM[ could one day recover from the Mournland—
While the Sovereign Host was the dominant arcane research, an heirloom artifact? Consider
NIQ\PWN+aZM\PM;QT^MZ.TIUMPILI[QOVQÅKIV\ the impact this has on your background. As a
following. Many survivors have questioned their Cyran noble or soldier, your estates have been
faith in the wake of the Mourning, but some lost and your army scattered; but you still have
believe that this is a divine trial and a time when the respect of your comrades or peers.
faith is needed more than ever. What Do You Hold Onto? Do you have a
Queen Dannel ir’Wynarn was in Metrol on trinket that embodies Cyre for you? Is your wand
the Day of Mourning and is presumed to be or weapon an heirloom of your family? As an
dead. Her son Prince Oargev ir’Wynarn holds entertainer or guild artisan, are you preserving a
court in New Cyre, a massive refugee camp set particular Cyran tradition?
up in Breland. Some refugees support Oargev What Drives You? Are you determined
and the dream of a restored Cyre, while others to solve the mystery of the Mourning? Do
prefer to focus on the future instead of trying to you want to help other refugees? Or are you
reclaim the past. As a Cyran you should decide only concerned with your personal survival? Is
whether you hold tight to your national identity, there something you want to recover from the
or whether consider yourself to be an adventurer Mournland, or would you prefer to never set foot
without a nation. in it again? Do you hold a grudge against the
nations that fought against Cyre in the war, or
are you only concerned with the future?


Traditionally, the Ghaal’dar worshipped a
form of the Dark Six. House Deneith introduced
Capital: Rhukaan Draal the Sovereign Host to the region, and some
Noted for Goblinoid mercenaries goblins have embraced this faith, especially Dol
Dorn, Dol Arrah, and Balinor.


Goblins and their kin have always been part
of Khorvaire. Their ancient empire spread
across the lands now held by the Five Nations, • Rhukaan Draal is the largest city in
and many human cities are built on goblin Darguun. As the goblins have little
foundations. This empire collapsed into savagery, interest in the laws of the Five Nations,
and when humanity arrived, goblins were driven Rhukaan Draal is a haven for fugitives and
from their ancestral lands or enslaved. Galifar smugglers.
ended the practice of slavery. But goblins have
long been a disenfranchised people, living in • House Deneith has a strong presence in
the shadows of the Five Nations or in wild lands Darguun. While no one will employ goblin
shunned by humans. armies in the wake of Haruuc’s betrayal,
The land that’s now Darguun was once part smaller units of goblin mercenaries are
of Cyre. The hobgoblin clans known as the valued for their ferocity and skills.
Ghaal’dar were based in the Seawall Mountains,
but during the Last War the demand for
mercenaries drew an ever-increasing number of
OWJTQV[W]\WN\PMUW]V\IQV[\WÅOP\NWZ+aZMIVL Darguun is a logical point of origin for goblin,
Breland. Late in the war a brilliant hobgoblin hobgoblin, or bugbear characters. When creating
named Haruuc recognized that the goblins a Ghaal’dar character from Darguun, consider
had become the dominant power in the region. the following.
Uniting the Ghaal’dar under his banner, Haruuc Constant Struggle. Among the Ghaal’dar,
seized the territory he was supposed to protect. you are constantly forced to prove your strength
The Five Nations were unprepared, and Breland and skill or to cede dominance to others.
quickly negotiated an alliance with Haruuc to Ghaal’dar rarely kill in a casual battle; you may
secure the border. Cyre fought the goblins until ÅOP\\WXZW^MIXWQV\J]\SQTTWVTa_PMVaW]U][\
the Day of Mourning, but when the Treaty of Loyal to Your Clan. While you may challenge
Thronehold was forged the majority of delegates your peers in times of peace, when blades are
chose to recognize the new nation of Darguun to drawn you stand by your clan—or those allies
ensure peace. you have bonded with—until death. Note that
Darguun is a young and volatile nation. the Ghaal’dar are an alliance of clans: this loyalty
It is ruled by the hobgoblin Lhesh Haruuc doesn’t extend to warriors of W\PMZ clans.
Sharaat’kor. Haruuc remains a brilliant Muut and Atcha. Your ancestors once forged
strategist and tactician, but many wonder if an empire even greater than Galifar. Perhaps
he can maintain the web of alliances that hold you believe that your people can reclaim this lost
the Ghaal’dar together, and whether he or his glory. The Dhakaani were renowned for their
people will be content to abide by the terms of the martial skill, but also for their discipline. 5]]\
treaty. And there are stories of other goblins still roughly translates to “duty”—your duty to your
hidden in the mountains—the enigmatic “Heirs empire, your clan, your commander. Muut is
of Dhakaan,” who could pose a threat both to the expected; if you have no muut, you have no place
goblins and Khorvaire itself. in battle. )\KPIis closer to “honor”; it is your
personal honor, gained by doing virtuous deeds
that go beyond the expectations of muut.

Capital: None
Noted for Fiends, pestilence, violence
• Stories tell of the lost city of Ashtakala, a
Rivers of lava cut across plains of black sand The libraries of Ashtakala contain arcane
and volcanic glass. The only vegetation you can secrets and details about the Draconic
see is blood-red moss and a thick layer of slime, Prophecy and its vaults hold untold
and that appears to be moving. A jagged rock treasures.
or perhaps that’s just your imagination. • The Demon Wastes contain portals to
This is the Demon Wastes. Tens of thousands 3PaJMZ¸[XMKQÅKITTa\WLMUQXTIVM[
WNaMIZ[IOWÅMVL[Z]TML3PWZ^IQZM<PQ[ZMOQWV within Khyber. These are similar to the
was the seat of power of some of the mightiest layers of the Abyss in the core cosmology,
IZKPÅMVL[PWTLQVOKQ\QM[WNZIS[PI[I[IVL unearthly realms populated by demons.
demons. These foul spirits were bound long ago, The Ghaash’kala raid these demiplanes to
but their power still lingers in this place. Vile get the supplies they need to survive.
creatures continue to crawl up from the depths of
Khyber. And there are a handful of primordial
[\QTTJMPWUM\WÅMVL[IVL\PMQZ\ZMI[]ZM[ If you’re from the Demon Wastes, you likely fall
A mountain range known as the Labyrinth into one of two categories.
separates the Demon Wastes from the Eldeen Ghaash’kala. You’ve been raised in one of
Reaches. Due to ancient warding magic, any the harshest lands in Eberron and spent your
foul thing that wishes to leave must pass through MV\QZMTQNMJI\\TQVOÅMVL[?PaPI^MaW]TMN\aW]Z
the Labyrinth. These passes are guarded by the post? Have you had a vision from Kalok Shash?
Ghaash’kala, tribes of orcs sworn to contain the Are you pursuing a rogue demon? Have you
evils of the Waste. The Ghaash’kala worship a been given a quest by the leader of your tribe?
version of the Silver Flame that they call 3ITWS Most of the Ghaash’kala are orcs or half-orcs.
;PI[P; they consider the people of the Five They’re deeply devoted to their faith and might
Nations to be soft and naive. be paladins (Vengeance or Devotion), clerics
The Carrion Tribes are savage barbarians (Life, Light, or War) or Zealot barbarians.
who dwell in the Wastes. Each tribe is devoted Hermit and outlander are logical backgrounds:
\WWVMWN\PMIZKPÅMVL[IVL\PMaMVOIOMQV you know little about the ways of civilization, but
endless battles against the Ghaash’kala and the you have have insights and the skills to survive in
other Carrion Tribes. These people are mostly the harshest environments.
humans, but there are corrupted orcs, half-orcs, Carrion Tribes. Why have you left the
IVL\QMÆQVO[UQ`MLQVITWVO_Q\PIPIVLN]TWN Wastes? Have you turned your back on the vile
other races represented. The Carrion Tribes are traditions of your demon-worshipping clan?
savage and cruel, and know almost nothing about 7ZIZMaW]\PMKPIUXQWVWNWVMWN\PMÅMVLQ[P
the world beyond the Labyrinth. Overlords—but sworn to hunt down and destroy
the servants of a LQ‫ٺ‬MZMV\IZKPÅMVL_PWXW[M[
a more immediate threat to Khorvaire? Either
way, you are a stranger in a strange land: a
savage used to a constant battle for survival in a
world shaped by demons.


• The city of Graywall lies on the border
Capital: The Great Crag
Noted for Monstrous mercenaries, byeshk between Droaam and Breland. The second-
largest city in Droaam, it is a center for
trade, a haven for Brelish criminals, and
Droaam is a nation of monsters. It is ruled by a place where monsters and humans can
the Daughters of Sora Kell. Each of these three meet on largely neutral ground.
hags is a legend in her own right, the subjects of
tales used to frighten children. Eleven years ago • <PM>MVWUW][,MUM[VMQ[KQ\aWN\QMÆQVO[
they laid claim to the lands west of the Graywall on the western shore of Droaam. It is the
Mountains and founded the nation of Droaam. TIZOM[\\QMÆQVOKWUU]VQ\aQV3PWZ^IQZM
While these barren lands were claimed by with arcane traditions developed over the
Breland, Galifar had never tamed this wild course of thousands of years.
region. It had long been a haven for host of • Droaam uses the supernatural abilities of
creatures. Gnolls, orcs, and goblins are the most its citizens as tools, just as the Five Nations
common, but ogres, trolls, harpies, minotaurs, use arcane magic. The Daughters of Sora
UML][I[\QMÆQVO[KPIVOMTQVO[TaKIV\PZWXM[ Kell keep their people fed with troll sausage
and many more dwell in this region. In the past and use harpy’s song to quell brawls. Think
these creatures fought one another more often about how a monster’s natural powers
than they raided human settlements. Under could be put to practical use.
the leadership of the Daughters of Sora Kell,

Daughters use an army of ogres and war trolls
to maintain order. To date, the other nations of 5QVW\I]Z[WZK[OVWTT[\QMÆQVO[KPIVOMTQVO[
Khorvaire have refused to recognize Droaam, and other monstrous species all have a place
and it was not part of the Treaty of Thronehold. in Droaam. Consider these when making a
Most people believe that it can’t last—that even Droaamite character.
the Daughters can’t hold this disparate alliance ?PI\5ISM[AW],Q‫ٺ‬MZMV\'The people of
together—but currently it is stronger than ever. Droaam aren’t just humans with horns or green
Droaam works closely with House Tharashk, skin. Think about the strengths of your people
selling the services of monstrous soldiers and IVL_PI\UISM[aW]LQ‫ٺ‬MZMV\NZWUP]UIVQ\a
laborers and bysehk ore, a form of metal with both physically and culturally.
magical properties. Beyond that, it is a frontier Are You Proud? Many citizens of Droaam
nation that is still expanding. As Droaam are proud of their nation. You know that the rest
isn’t bound by the Treaty of Thronehold, it’s of Khorvaire considers you to be a “monster”. In
become a haven for war criminals and deserters, Droaam, you are going to prove to them that you
along with other criminals and mages pursuing and your kind are capable of things humanity
forbidden paths of magic. can’t even imagine. Or you might ignore this big
Many of the monsters that make up Droaam picture and be driven solely by your personal
have their own unique subcultures. Most worship desires or the goals of your family or warlord.
the Dark Six, but there are other religious Backgrounds. The creatures of Droaam are
traditions as well. very diverse. A Droaamite kobold might be an
urchin rogue. A minotaur could be a outlander
barbarian with little knowledge of the outside
well versed in history and arcana.

• Varna is the largest city in the Reaches
and the seat of the dragonmarked House
Capital: The Greenheart Vadalis.
Noted for Agriculture, animal husbandry,
druidic magic
A stretch of fertile farmlands borders a vast, Druidic traditions are important to the people of
]V\IUMLNWZM[\.IZUMZ[\MVL\W\PMÅMTL[_PQTM the Eldeen Reaches. Even if you’re not a druid,
tribes of shifters and circles of druids and rangers aW]UIaNWTTW_WVMWN\PM[MÅ^MXI\P[)[I
roam the woods. These are the Eldeen Reaches. variant human, you could take the Magic Initiate
Druids and shifters have dwelt in the Towering feat to learn a little druidic magic.
Woods for thousands of years, but the eastern Most of these traditions work with the druidic
farmlands of the Reaches were part of Aundair Circles of Land, Moon and Shepherd; Beast
until the Last War. The lords of Aundair Totem barbarians; clerics with the Nature
NWK][ML\PMQZZM[W]ZKM[WV\PM_IZM‫ٺ‬WZ\ domain; or rangers with the Hunter or Beast
ignoring banditry and other problems faced Master archetypes. Other classes or archetypes
by the farmers of the east. The Wardens of the especially suited to a path are called out below.
Wood—largest of the druid sects—came to the The Wardens of the Wood seek to maintain
aid of these farmers. Fifty years ago, the people of the balance between nature and civilization,
eastern Aundair seceded and formed the Eldeen protecting each from the other.
Reaches. The Reaches were recognized as a The Greensingers see the magic of the fey
nation by the Treaty of Thronehold, but many as a part of nature. They honor the archfey that
fear Aundair will try to reclaim the region. PI^MQVÆ]MVKMQV\PMQZZMOQWV[IVL\Za\WTQ^MQV
Druidic magic is a central part of life in the harmony with other fey creatures. Bards and
Eldeen Reaches. Most of its people seek to archfey warlocks are often found among the
live in harmony with the natural world, and Greensingers, and the Circles of Dreams works
communities have a druidic advisor who helps well for Greensinger druids.
with planning and planting. The Towering The Gatekeepers protect the natural world
Woods are also home to tribes of shifters, who from unnatural threats, such as aberrations and
maintain a nomadic existence. The Wardens of ÅMVL[<PMaUIQV\IQVIVKQMV\_IZL[\PI\JQVL
the Wood maintain order and settle disputes, the daelkyr in Khyber. Horizon Walker rangers
greatpine—is the spiritual leader of the Reaches. The Ashbound are champions of the natural

of them consider arcane and even divine magic
to be such a threat. Ashbound sometimes attack


the holdings of dragonmarked houses and seek to
release bound elementals. Barbarians are often
• The fey have a strong presence in the found among the Ashbound, and Berserker and
Towering Woods. The region with the Storm Herald are logical paths.
strongest ties to the Faerie Court is called The Children of Winter believe that death
The Twilight Demesne. is a natural part of life. This leads them to
• The Gloaming is a region with strong ties the weak and strengthen survivors. Extremists
to Mabar. It’s charged with negative energy have spread plagues, especially in large cities.
IVLÅTTML_Q\P[QVQ[\MZ\PQVO[ Warlocks and Gloom Stalker rangers can be a


there is still a strong following for the Blood
of Vol. Atur, the so-called “City of Night”,
Capital: Korth is the faith’s stronghold in Karrnath.
Noted for Ale, dairy, glass, livestock, lumber, • The Nightwood is a massive forest with a
paper, textiles; undead, martial discipline close tie to the Plane of Mabar. Monsters
and undead sometimes slip out of the
The people of Karrnath are stoic and grim. Nightwood to threaten the surrounding
Karrnath is a nation of storms and long winters, regions.
and Karrns are accustomed to enduring hardship • The laws of Karrnath are harsher than
without complaint. those of the other Five Nations, closer to a
First and foremost, Karnath is known for state of martial law.
its military tradition. Strength, strategy, and • King Kaius III is a strong proponent of
discipline are the core values of Karrnath. peace, but many of the local warlords are
?PQTM3IZZVI\P¼[[WTLQMZ[UIaJM\PMÅVM[\QV certain Karrnath could and should unite
the Five Nations, they lack the magical support Galifar, and there are whispers of a coup.
of Aundair or Thrane, which evened the odds
during the Last War. Nonetheless, Karrns are
proud of their martial history, and most are
convinced that they would have eventually won
Karrns are somber folk, and generally disapprove
the Last War.
of extravagance or excessive shows of emotion.
As you develop a Karrnathi character or NPC,
shortages and plagues early in the Last War. This
consider the following.
caused the king to embrace the Blood of Vol as
Military Service. Karrns have a strong
the national religion. The priests of this faith
tradition of military service, and soldier or sailor
bolstered Karrnath’s forces with undead. The
are appropriate backgrounds for any character.
current King, Kaius ir’Wynarn III, broke ties
The laws of Karrnath are harsh, and criminals
with the Blood of Vol and has stopped creating
Martial Adept feat is a way to give a character a
number of skeletons and zombies in service.
strong sense of military experience.
Many Karrns still follow the faith of the Blood of
Martial Tradition. Karrnathi tradition
Vol and approve of the use of undead, but just
emphasizes teamwork, focus, and force. Heavy
as many feel that this disgraces Karrnath’s proud
armor and weapons are prefered. Battlemasters
and Champions are both sound archetypes for
themselves might have been responsible for the
famines and plagues.
Evokers or Necromancers. Heavy Armor Master,
Sentinel, and Tough are all logical feats for
INTERESTING THINGS ABOUT Karrnathi warriors; Polearm Master or Shield
Master are also appropriate, depending on
KARRNATH personal preference.
• Rekkenmark Academy is the premier The Dead. Undead soldiers have served in
military institute in Khorvaire; prior to the Karrnath’s armies for decades. How do you feel
4I[\?IZITTWN/ITQNIZ¼[W‫ٻ‬KMZ[\ZIQVMLI\ about the undead? Are you a follower of the
Rekkenmark. Blood of Vol who considers the undead to be a
practical tool? Do you have a relative or friend
• The Sovereign Host has regained its place currently serving? Or do you despise the Blood of
as the dominant religion of Karrnath, but Vol and the use of necromancy?

Tide, a domain founded by changelings.
However, changelings are found across the
Capital: Regalport Principalities and the Lhazaar are generally
Noted for ;PQX[Å[PUMZKMVIZQM[UMZKPIV\[ used to them.
pirates • The Wind Whisperer principality includes
a number of half-elves with the Mark of
This loose confederacy of pirate lords, merchant Storm—excoriates and foundlings with
princes, and sea barons holds the northeastern no tie to House Lyrandar. The Wind
coastline of Khorvaire and the many islands Whisperers want to obtain airships, by any
scattered across it. While they were recognized as means necessary.
an allied nation under the Treaty of Thronehold, • Dreadhold is an infamous island prison
the Principalities are a loose alliance. Each island maintained by House Kundarak. Said to
domain has its own traditions, values, and goals— be inescapable, Kundarak houses both
and each has a long list of vendettas and feuds infamous criminals and mystical threats.
with other princes. Beyond this, anyone who can

win the support of enough ships and people can
claim a principality; if you want to establish your
own tiny kingdom, this is the place to do it. As you develop a Lhazaar character or NPC,
<PM4PIbIIZIZM\PMÅVM[\[IQTWZ[QV3PWZ^IQZM consider the following.
During the Last War, they served all nations as Seafarers and Swashbucklers. Most
privateers and engaged in piracy on the side. Lhazaar spend more time at sea than they do
With the end of the Last War they’ve largely on land. Sailor is an appropriate background
returned to the merchant trade, but there are still for any Lhazaar, but you can also ask your DM
pirates on the open seas. QNaW]KIV[_Q\KPI\WWTXZWÅKQMVKaNWZ^MPQKTM[
The Lhazaars value their independence. This _I\MZXZWÅKQMVKa4PIbIIZIZMÆIUJWaIV\
is a place where anyone can rise to captain a people with little concern for the law, so
ship or even seize a principality. Leadership charlatan, criminal, entertainer, and folk hero
is something earned, not given. High Prince are all strong backgrounds.
Ryger ir’Wynarn of Regalport seeks to forge Local Customs. Each principality is unique.
\PM8ZQVKQXITQ\QM[QV\WI]VQÅMLNWZKM0MPI[ Each has its own martial traditions, fashions,
8ZQVKQXITQ\QM[ZMKWOVQbMLI\<PZWVMPWTL°NWZ your principality. Your dwarf barbarian could
which he gave himself the title of “High Prince.” be one of the savage Cloudreavers. Your dashing
But so far, the other princes have rejected his swashbuckler rogue could be a colorful Wind
proposals for a greater union. Whisperer. The Bloodsail elves have a strong
There are principalities devoted to the Blood \ZILQ\QWVWNVMKZWUIVKa°IVM`KMTTMV\UI\KPNWZ
of Vol and a few that favor the Sovereign Host. your elf wizard. There are many principalities,
Beyond this, the Lhazaar show little enthusiasm and you can always work with your DM to
for religion, though many will curse the Devourer LM^MTWXWVM\PI\Å\[aW]ZKPIZIK\MZ
when a storm comes. Big Dreams. Whatever their circumstances,
the people of the Principalities are always looking
forgotten treasure hoard? To command your
• The Lhazaar Principalities have the largest own ship? To take your place as a prince? Think
changeling population in Khorvaire. Many big, and chase your dreams.
of these are concentrated in the Gray


• The Ironroot Mountains have long been
home to the Jhorash’tar, a clan of orcs.
Capital: Krona Peak The Jhorash’tar have been slowly driven
Noted for Dwarves, banking, mining (precious into the least hospitable regions of the
and nonprecious metals), metalwork mountains. A few of the clans are seeking
to incorporate the Jhorash’tar into Mror
society, while others wish to drive them out
Long ago, the Mror Lords were forced to swear once and for all.
fealty to Karrnath and Galifar. In the early days
of the Last War, they declared their independence • There used to be a thirteenth royal clan.
and the sovereignty of the Mror Holds. That Four hundred year ago, the dwarves of
declaration was less than a century ago and that Noldrunhold were wiped out; no one knows
makes it fresh in the mind of many dwarves. The if this was the work of the Jhorash’tar, a
Mror are proud of the wealth of their nation and rival clan, or some force from below the
the talents of their smiths, of the skills of their mountains. Other clans have tried to claim
warriors and the strength of their impregnable the Noldrun lands, but this has always met
fortresses. The Mror star is rising. with disaster.
dwarves were locked in endless feuds. Over
the centuries, they turned their energies to MROR CHARACTERS
harnessing the astonishing natural resources As you develop a Mror character or NPC,
of their mountain home. The dwarves were consider the following.
reborn as merchant princes. And along the way Clan Focus. Is your clan known for
they made a remarkable discovery: ruins of an mercantile power or martial skill? Are you a
ancient dwarven empire. This forgotten realm noble—even if you’re a few steps removed from
was destroyed by the daelkyr and its vast halls true power? Or are you a simple guild artisan
are held by aberrations and other dark things. or soldier? Most Mror have embraced modern
Nonetheless, these ruins are another source of martial techniques, but there are a few minor
pride for the Mror. They’re heirs of a mighty clans that still cling to the barbarian traditions of
empire that may one day rise again. the past.
The Mror Holds are a loose confederation. Holding onto the Past. Do you treasure the
Twelve noble clans each govern a hold and have legends of the ancient dwarf empire? As a Mror
a representative on the Iron Council, which IZ\QÅKMZaW]KW]TLJMI[IOMLM\MZUQVML\W
ZM[WT^M[LQ[X]\M[IVLQ[[]M[I‫ٺ‬MK\QVO\PMMV\QZM reclaim the lost techniques of the past. And how
nation. Each hold includes a number of lesser do you feel about the Five Nations? Do you still
clans, who owe fealty to the noble line. PWTLIOZ]LOMNWZ\PMQVLQOVQ\QM[[]‫ٺ‬MZMLJaaW]Z
The Sovereign Host is the dominant faith of ancestors, or do you feel pity for this broken
the Mror Holds. Kol Korran is the most beloved kingdom?
of the Sovereigns, but Onatar, Olladra, Boldrei, Pride in Possessions. From the wealthiest
and Dol Dorn are also revered. clan lord to the simplest miner, the Mror take
great pride in their possessions. Quality is more

INTERESTING THINGS ABOUT THE important than appearance, and you are also
interested in the history of the things you carry;

the battles it has seen and the warriors who have
• The Mror Holds have deep reserves of wielded it before you.
gold, silver, and other rare and precious
metals, along with iron and other ores.


• There are ruins in Q’barra tied to the Age
Capital: Newthrone
Noted for Eberron dragonshards, rare herbs of Demons. So far the settlers know little
of the history of this region, but the Poison
Q’barra is a young nation on the edge of
3PWZ^IQZMIV]V\IUMLNZWV\QMZÅTTML_Q\P • House Tharashk has a strong presence in
danger and opportunity. During the golden age both Hope and New Galifar. Tharashk
of Galifar, no human ever bothered to cross the is the primary buyer of Eberron
Endworld Mountains to explore the vast jungle dragonshards, and also runs its own large-
JMaWVL?PMV\PM4I[\?IZJZWSMW]\IÆMM\WN scale mining operations.
settlers came to Q’barra in search of a new home
far from the war. As this settlement expanded,
the settlers discovered massive deposits of Q’BARRAN CHARACTERS
Eberron dragonshards. Over the last decade, Q’barra is home to the settlers and prospectors
a wave of prospectors, wandslingers, refugees, from the west—mostly humans but including
and fortune-seekers have descended on Q’barra, members of all races found in the Five Nations.
along with brigands, deserters from the war, and It’s also a possible origin for dragonborn and
all manner of criminals and opportunists. lizardfolk characters.
There’s one small complication: Q’barra Settlers. Q’barra is an excellent place to
is home to a number of ancient civilizations explore some of the traditional archetypes of the
humans know nothing about: the lizardfolk of classic Western. As a paladin, you could be a
the Cold Sun Federation, the dragonborn of TWVM[PMZQ‫[ٺ‬MMSQVO\WXZW\MK\aW]ZVM_TaNWZUML
Ka’rhashan, and the confederacy of the Poison mining village. Your cleric could be the town
Dusk. Most settlers know very little about preacher. As a sorcerer or bard with a criminal
these cultures, and collectively refer to them as background, you could be a dashing wandslinger
“scales.” King Sebastes ir’Kesslan of Newthrone looking for trouble and gold. Q’barra can be a
has established a treaty with the Cold Sun land of opportunity for newly freed warforged
Federation, but communication has always been and Cyran refugees in search of a new home.
LQ‫ٻ‬K]T\<PMXZW[XMK\WZ[WN0WXMZMO]TIZTa Lizardfolk. The lizardfolk have a primitive
break the terms of the treaty. There have been a culture that blends druidic traditions with the
number of clashes with the scales and many here beliefs of the Silver Flame. You may have been
NMIZ\PI\IOZMI\MZKWVÆQK\Q[WV\PMPWZQbWV sent to study the softskins—to learn about
Q’barra is split into three main regions. New them and potentially serve as an envoy for your
Galifar is the original colony; it has a feudal people. Alternatively, you could be following a
structure and holds to the laws of the Five personal vision.
Nations. Its capital city of Newthrone is the Dragonborn. The dragonborn live amid the
largest city and port in Q’barra. To the north, remnants of ancient glory. They have a proud
Hope is a collection of small mining towns. In martial tradition, and a number of dragonborn
Hope, the law goes only as far as the people have ventured west in search of worthy
willing to enforce it. And beyond these human challenges. If you follow this path, you might
regions lie the unexplored lands of the scales. have served as a mercenary in the Last War.

Capital: BIZI[P¼IS]VW‫ٻ‬KQIT
Noted for Eberron dragonshards, herbs
• The Gatekeepers are a druidic tradition
that began in the Shadow Marches. The
When most people think of the Shadow defeated the daelkyr in the past, and
Marches, they imagine a fetid backwater where they are sworn to protect Eberron from
illiterate humans mingle with orcs and other foul unnatural and extraplanar threats.
creatures, practicing strange rites by the light of
\PMUWWV[?PQTMÆI_ML\PQ[^Q[QWVQ[V¼\MV\QZMTa • The Cults of the Dragon Below are wildly
inaccurate. The Shadow Marches are a desolate diverse, and often driven by madness.
land of swamps and moors. The homeland of the Many worship daelkyr or have ties to
and aberrations in the swamps, and sowed seeds
of madness that linger to this day. There are MARCHER CHARACTERS
indeed moonlit rituals in the Marches: some to As a character from the Shadow Marches,
honor the daelkyr, others to maintain the wards you could choose to carry the Mark of Finding
that keep them trapped in Khyber. Humans regardless of whether you have ties to House
a war in the distant land of Sarlona. Over time As a Marcher, a critical question is whether
the two cultures merged, forming the Marches as you have ties to one of the orc tribes or the
they exist today. integrated clans.
The Marches had little contact with Galifar or The Clans blend the traditions of human and
the east until a few hundred years ago, when a orc, building towns and working with steel. They
House Sivis expedition made two discoveries: the still rely on skilled hunters, and they have their
region contained valuable dragonshards, and a own unique traditions of art and music. Rangers,
number of clans had manifested the Dragonmark rogues, and bards all have a place in the clans,
of Finding. This led to the foundation of House and there are gatekeeper druids among them.
Tharashk, as these clans joined together to Some in the clans worship a limited form of the
master the economic potential of their mark and Sovereign Host focused on Balinor, Boldrei, and
leverage their mineral wealth. Arawai; this is a sound path for a Nature cleric.
The Shadow Marches aren’t a nation. No one The Tribes maintain traditions that
voice speaks for the clans and tribes, and most predate humanity. They’re nomadic hunter-
of the tribes have no interest in dealing with gatherers, and don’t work metals; they make
outsiders. House Tharashk is the largest faction their tools from stone, hide, wood, and bone.
in the region, and their city of Zarash’ak is the Tribal Marchers are mostly orcs, but there
center for commerce. are a few humans and half-orcs among them.
House Tharashk is the main point of contact <ZQJIT5IZKPMZ[IZMÅMZKM_IZZQWZ[IVL[SQTTML
between the Shadow Marches and the outside hunters with a close bond to the natural world;
world. Tharashk aside, it remains a collection barbarians, druids, and rangers all have a place
of tribes and cultists following their ancient here. Outlander and hermit are both appropriate
traditions in the shadows of the swamps. backgrounds for a tribal Marcher.


homeland. The dragonmarked bloodlines
are spread throughout the tribes, and you
Noted for 0ITÆQVO[TQ^M[\WKSLQVW[I]Z[ Plains who doesn’t work for the houses.
• Stories speak of ancient ruins that date back
life than the people of the Five Nations. They graveyard holding the bones of dragons.
have no cities, no industrialized magic. But
domesticated the dinosaurs of the plains, and use TALENTAN CHARACTERS
these creatures as mounts, livestock, and beasts of :M^QM_\PMPITÆQVO[MK\QWVQVKPIX\MZNWZ
burden. There is a sacred bond between a hunter quirks and other things relevant to characters
and their mount, and few people are prepared to from the Plains. Also consider the following.
clawfoot raptor. born in the wild, and your wits and your weapons
Talenta religion is based around reverence for helped you survive. Talenta warriors are often
spirits, both departed ancestors and the spirits barbarians or rangers, relying on speed and skill.
of the natural world. Each nomadic tribe has However, cunning and charisma are equally
a TI\P—a chieftain who guides and protects the important, and bards and rogues certainly have
tribe—but it is the shamans who consult the a place on the plains. Outlander is a logical
spirits and choose the paths of migration. background, but you could easily be a bold folk
In the past the tribes have stood alone, but hero, a dashing entertainer, or a clever charlatan.
L]ZQVO\PM4I[\?IZUIVaPITÆQVO[KIUM You could even be an urchin who was stranded
together under Lathon Halpum to defend their in a great city at a young age and adapted to
land, and it is Halpum who won recognition for hunting in this stone jungle.
the Plains as one of the Thronehold nations. The Surrounded by Spirits..MaÅMVL[\PM
Plains have only been considered a nation for ghosts of ancestors; these are all part of the
two years, and it’s still unclear what this means; spirit world, and they’re all around you. Do you
PW_M^MZQ\PI[ZM[]T\MLQVUWZM\ZI‫ٻ‬KJM\_MMV believe that the spirits guide your actions? Do
the Plains and the outside world. you show respect to the spirits of a location?
Talentan shamans tend to be Shepherd or Moon

INTERESTING THINGS druids, often assuming the form of dinosaurs.


ABOUT THE PLAINS spirits by playing an Archfey warlock, Nature

cleric, Oath of the Ancients paladin, or a Beast
• Gatherhold is one of the only cities in Totem or Ancestral Guardian barbarian. Hermit
the Talenta Plains. All tribes come to and Outlander are sound backgrounds, but
Gatherhold to trade, hold councils, and you could be an acolyte or a sage who consults
settle disputes. House Ghallanda maintains with spirits instead of reading books. Warriors
Gatherhold, but it is understood that and shamans alike often wear masks in order to
Gatherhold belongs to the people, not the present a particular face to the spirit world.
houses. Dinosaurs. <ITMV\IPITÆQVO[PI^MIKTW[M
• House Ghallanda and House Jorasco JWVL\W\PMQZLQVW[I]ZKWUXIVQWV[AW]KIVÅVL
both began in the Talenta Plains and still additional information on this—and statistics for
maintain connections to their ancestral a clawfoot raptor—in chapter 3.


• Faith is a part of daily life in Thrane, and
divine adepts provide many important
Capital: Flamekeep services. However, arcane magic is still a
Noted for ,Q^QVMUIOQK\PM;QT^MZ.TIUM#ÅVM part of life in Thrane. The streets are lit
crafts, wool, textiles, fruit, livestock with everbright lanterns, and there are
magewrights and even wizards, just not as
many as in other nations.
The modern Church of the Silver Flame was
founded in Thrane, and most of the people of the • The feudal system of nobility remains in
nation are devout followers of this faith. During place; it’s simply that ultimate authority
the Last War, the people of Thrane chose to set rests in the hands of the church. Queen
aside the rule of the monarch and to embrace Diani ir’Wynarn is the “blood regent,”
the leadership of the Church. For the last seventy serving as a symbolic advisor to the Keeper
years Thrane has been a theocracy. The head of of the Flame. There is a small fraction of
the state is 11-year-old Jaela Daeran, the divine the population who would like to see the
selected Keeper of the Flame; however, Jaela traditional monarchy restored to power.
looks to the Council of Cardinals to perform the
practical work of running the nation.
The primary purpose of the Silver Flame is THRANE CHARACTERS
to defend the innocent from supernatural evil. As you develop a Thrane character or NPC,
The faith has always had a militant aspect, consider the following.
with battalions of templars and peasant militias The Impact of Faith. Are you a follower of
prepared to face undead, lycanthropes, or other the Silver Flame? Faith doesn’t require divine
monstrous threats. But compassion and charity UIOQKJ]\QNaW]_IV\\WZMÆMK\IKTW[MJWVL
are core values of the church, and the templars to the Flame, you could gain a few divine spells
are tasked to defend all innocents. Even during by taking the Magic Initiate feat. Archery is a
\PM4I[\?IZQNIÅMVLQ[P\PZMI\_MZM\WIZQ[MQV devotional practice of the Silver Flame, so as
a Brelish village, Thrane templars would ally with a martial Thrane you might focus on archery-
the locals to bring an end to the threat. With that related combat styles and spells or take the
said, this is the ideal. There are zealous Thranes Sharpshooter feat. Any Thrane could take the
who believe the Church is destined to reunite IKWTa\MJIKSOZW]VL\WZMÆMK\I[\ZWVOKWVVMK\QWV
Galifar under the Silver Flame, and corrupt to the church, or the soldier background based
priests interested only in power and wealth. on service with the templars.
Not all priests are divine spellcasters, and the Church or Crown? Do you fully support the
typical templar is a mundane warrior; however, theocracy? Or would you like to see Queen Diani
due to the deep faith of its people, Thrane has restored to the throne? There are many people
more clerics, paladins, and divine spellcasters of faith who believe that miring the church in
than any other nation in Khorvaire. politics distracts it from its true mission and
invites corruption.

INTERESTING THINGS ABOUT THRANE Dealing with Darkness. The Shadow in

the Flame can tempt even the most virtuous
• Flamekeep is the capital of Thrane and the soul. How do you react when you encounter
seat of the Silver Flame. The Keeper of the corruption and greed? Are you a compassionate
Flame dwells in the great Cathedral of the person who seeks to lead people to the light, or
;QT^MZ.TIUM_PQKPPWTL[IXQTTIZWNÅZM a zealot determined to crush all darkness? How
JWZV_PMV<QZI5QZWV[IKZQÅKMLPMZ[MTN\W will you react when you encounter monsters—
bind the demon Bel Shalor. minotaurs, ogres, gnolls—in a civilized setting?

• The dragonmarked House Lyrandar has
Capital: Taer Valaestas
Noted for Elves, mercenaries, horses helped the elves build the infrastructure
of their kingdom. The half-elves have no
homeland, and some believe that the half-
In the midst of the Last War, an army of warrior elves of Lyrandar hopes to make Valenar a
elves seized this region from Cyre, invoking a haven for their people.
claim to the land from long before humanity’s
arrival on the continent. The elves of Valenar are • The ancestors of the elves fought the
utterly devoted to the arts of war. Their cavalry ancient goblins for control of this region
has no equal in Khorvaire, and they combine a many thousands of years ago. Relics of
talent for magic with stealth and swordplay. Cyre that struggle can still be found scattered
employed the Valenar as mercenaries and was across Valenar and the Blade Desert: ruins,
entirely unprepared for betrayal. When Cyre was PI]V\MLNWZ\ZM[[M[JI\\TMÅMTL[\PI\PI^M
destroyed in the Mourning, no one wanted to slipped out of alignment with time.
challenge the Valenar; in the interests of peace,
this elf kingdom was recognized by the Treaty of
The elves are already pushing the limits of The elf section of chapter 3 provides additional
the treaty. The Valenar constantly search for information about creating Valenar elves.
worthy challenges. While some venture into the Whatever kind of character you’re creating,
Mournland or the untamed jungles of Q’barra, consider the following.
Valenar warbands have launched raids into Martial Role. Valenar has always been
Darguun and even Karrnath. While High King on a war footing. As an elf, consider your role
Shaeras Vadallia has promised to rein in his in a warband. Are you a simple soldier? An
warriors, some believe that the elves will continue outlander scout? An acolyte devoted to the elven
\PQ[XZW^WKI\QWV°\PI\\PMQZUIQVQV\MZM[\Q[ ancestors, or a sage familiar both with Valenar
KWVÆQK\_Q\PI_WZ\PaNWMIVL\PI\\PMa_IV\ history and the lore of potential enemies? As a
Darguun or Karrnath to declare war. half-elf you might be an entertainer, a sailor, or
Valenar is a feudal kingdom. The elves are IO]QTLIZ\Q[IV_WZSQVO\W[]XXWZ\\PMMTNIZUa°
warrior princes, but they spend little time at or a charlatan seeking seeking intrigue and
rest. They operate in small units called _IZJIVL[, opportunities. As one of the vassals, you could be
and those that aren’t patrolling the kingdom a guild artisan working for the elves, an urchin
are abroad seeking adventure. Most of the civic born in Taer Valaestas, or even a folk hero
administration is handled by half-elves. Some ÅOP\QVO\WXZW\MK\\PMKWUUWVNWTS
of these are the children of Valenar elves, but Dreams. What is it you hope to achieve as
most are immigrants who’ve come from the Five an adventurer? Have you left Valenar behind,
Nations in search of opportunity. Below this are or are your aspirations tied to the kingdom?
the natives. Once vassals of Cyre, now they’re As a half-elf with Valenar blood, do you want
vassals of Valenar. Some hated the Cyrans and to be recognized as a true Valenar—granted a
welcome the elves. Others despise their new bond to a patron ancestor, a place in a warband,
leaders and are plotting against them. But life and a chance at immortality? Or are you more
hasn’t changed much for the commoners, and interested in building a homeland for your own
most don’t actually care who wears the crown. people? As a native, do you want to work with
the elves or do you want to drive them out—and
if so, who do you want to replace them?

UM[[IOM—that’s what they’ll do. But the Trust
won’t hesitate to eliminate a threat, whether with
Capital: Korranberg poison, spell, or a blade. Typically, a target will
Noted for Gnomes, alchemy, education, never even see the agent that kills them.
elemental binding, entertainment, precious stones
Zilargo is the homeland of the gnomes, and • The Library of Korranberg is considered to
streets are bright and clean. The universities and of Khorvaire.
seems happy and helpful, and crime is all but • The Korranberg Chronicle is the leading
]VPMIZLWN*]\BQT[WKQM\aQ[ÅTTML_Q\PTIaMZ[ source of news in the Five Nations, and
of intrigue and blackmail that are often invisible gnome chroniclers travel across Khorvaire
to human eyes. And below that lies The Trust, in search of stories.
a ruthless secret police force that eliminates any • The major cities of Zilargo have temples
threat to society. and shrines dedicated to every religion.
Zilargo isn’t a tyranny. Each major city has a Most Zil explore a few faiths before settling
democratically elected ruling council and a seat on one; others practice multiple religions.
on the Triumvirate that governs the nation; the

Trust reports to the Triumvirate. The Zil gnomes
built this system, and they are quite happy with
it. Their streets are safe, and as long as you play As you develop a Zil character, consider the
by the rules of the game, the Trust won’t target following things, along with the suggestions in the
aW]7]\[QLMZ[ÅVL\PQ[KI[]ITIKKMX\IVKMWN Gnome section in chapter 3.
preemptive assassination to be terrifying, but the Family Ties. In a nation shaped by intrigue,
Zil actually trust the Trust. aW]PI^M\WPI^M[WUMWVMaW]KIVZMTaWV°
Every Zil gnome is in a web of intrigues. This and for the Zil, that’s family. Unless you’re an
is condoned by the Trust, as long as no laws are orphan, discuss your family with your DM.
broken and the state itself isn’t threatened. It’s What’s their business? Who’s your favorite
ÅVMNWZIOVWUMKPIZTI\IV\WKWVVQ^MIVW\PMZ relative? Are you currently involved in any family
gnome out of a jewel mine—as long as this is schemes? Family members may call on you for
accomplished through cunning, negotiation, or help over the course of your adventurers, but
deception rather than violence or outright theft, they can also be a resource for you.
and as long as the mine stays in Zil hands. The Knowledge and Power. The Zil prize
same applies to adventurers planning schemes knowledge above all else. Sage is a suitable
in Zilargo: violence will get one targeted by the background for any Zil; charlatan and spy are
Trust, but QV\ZQO]Mis perfectly acceptable. IT[WIXXZWXZQI\MZMÆMK\QVO\PMQZTW^MWNQV\ZQO]M
The Trust itself is a network of spies and Classes that specialize in melee combat are rare
assassins. Most agents of the Trust simply pass among the Zil. Rogues, bards, wizards, and
information through dead drops; some estimate IZ\QÅKMZ[IZM\PM[WTLQMZ[WNBQTIZOW
that a third of the nation works for the Trust One unusual option is to play a warlock whose
QV\PQ[KIXIKQ\a?PMV\PM<Z][\QLMV\QÅM[I pact is with the Trust itself. You receive your
threat, it acts preemptively. If a problem can be orders telepathically. Your class abilities can
solved without violence—by sharing a piece of ZMÆMK\[XMKQITQbML\ZIQVQVOWZOZIV\MLIJQTQ\QM[¸
information, or a whispered warning sent via the magical equivalent of super-spy gadgets!

Merchants and nobles often use letters of
There are details you don’t need to know, but
that you might _IV\to know. When something credit to handle large transactions, drawing on
costs 1 CP, you can just say “one copper piece” but the reserves of the dwarvish banks of the Mror
do the people of Khorvaire have a name for Holds. But most day-to-day transactions use
their coins? Is there a convention for naming coins of precious metal. With the collapse of the
characters? This ?IaÅVLMZ¼[/]QLMis an overview. Kingdom of Galifar, each of the Five Nations
If you want more information on a particular began to mint its own currency, along with
subject, refer to the sources in the Appendix. the Mror bankers. However, while the designs
But for now, here are a few useful facts about imprinted on these coins vary based on the
everyday life in Khorvaire. source, each of these forces has continued to use
the same metals, weights, and denominations set


forth in the days of Galifar, maintaining a simple
standard for commerce across Khorvaire.
The Galifar calendar tracks the years since the
Kingdom of Galifar was founded, using the • The crown (CP) is made from copper and
abbreviation YK. The week is divided into seven traditionally depicts the crown of Galifar
days, with four weeks to a month and twelve on one face. The crown is the lowest
months to a year. Despite the fall of Galifar, the denomination of coin minted under the rule
nations of Khorvaire still use this calendar. of Galifar, which spawned the saying “In
The seven days of the week, in order, are Sul, Galifar, even the beggars have crowns.”
Mol, Zol, Wir, Zor, Far, Sar. • The sovereign (SP) is made from silver,
The twelve months are named after the twelve and bears the face of a living or recent
moons that orbit the world: ruler. An unskilled laborer can expect to
1. Zarantyr (mid-winter) earn a sovereign for a day’s work.
2. Olarune (late winter) • The galifar (GP) is made from gold. It
3. Therendor (early spring) bears the image of Galifar I, the founder of
4. Eyre (mid-spring) the old kingdom.

5. Dravago (late spring) • The platinum dragon (PP) bears the

image of one of the dragons of legend.
6. Nymm (early summer) With a value of one hundred sovereigns,
7. Lharvion (mid-summer) these coins are used only by the wealthiest
8. Barrakas (late summer) citizens of Khorvaire, and the average
peasant may never see such a coin.
9. Rhaan (early autumn)
There are a number of other coins in circulation,
10. Sypheros (mid-autumn) such as the double crown of Breland or the
11. Aryth (late autumn) [QT^MZ\PZWVMWN+aZM_PQKPPI[I^IT]MWNÅ^M
12. Vult (early winter) sovereigns. Still, all of the major nations make
use of the four basic coins described above.
King Jarot ir’Wyrnarn died on Therendor 12,
894 YK. The Day of Mourning occurred almost
exactly a century later, on Olarune 20 994 YK.
By default, a new Eberron campaign begins on
Zarantyr 1, 998 YK.


In Eberron, languages are tied to culture and This optional rule allows you to exchange a
geography as opposed to biology. A dwarf raised TIVO]IOMOZIV\MLJaaW]ZZIKMNWZILQ‫ٺ‬MZMV\
in Breland might not actually know Dwarvish, standard language. Your DM must approve the
while the language of the giants is closely tied TIVO]IOMaW][MTMK\<PQ[Q[I_Ia\WZMÆMK\I
to the distant land of Xen’drik. The following character with no ties to the culture of their race.
optional rules are a way to explore this aspect of 0ITÆQVOQ[\PMTIVO]IOMWN\PM<ITMV\I8TIQV[#QNI


Common is the language of the Five Nations.
Naming conventions vary by nation. The Zil
The Mror dwarves speak Dwarvish and the
gnomes always use three names—a given name,
Aereni elves speak Elvish, but they know
a family name, and a clan name. Warforged
Common as the language of trade.
often use a single name. Within the Five Nations,
In Eberron, there are a number of other
most citizens have a given name followed by a
surname. This surname is either a family name
or cultures. The DM may change the languages
or related to an occupation or region of origin.
Giant is the common tongue of Xen’drik. It
is rarely encountered on Khorvaire. Monsters in
the common folk of the Five Nations.
Khorvaire usually speak Goblin.
The noble families of Galifar—along with
Goblin is the common tongue of Darguun,
those granted land and titles by one of the
Droaam, and the Shadow Marches, along with
most “monstrous” creatures in Khorvaire. It was
ir’ to their surname. So the name ,IZZWQZ¼4IQV
the language of the goblin empire that dominated
tells you that this individual is a landed noble.
the continent before humanity arrived. Orcish is a
The Wynarns were the royal line of Galifar,
dead language; it may be encountered in ancient
and the current rulers of Aundair, Breland, and
inscriptions, but modern orcs speak Goblin.
Karrnath are all heirs of the Wynarn bloodline.
Infernal is spoken by spirits that embody
Thus, Queen Aurala of Aundair is )]ZITI
common language. Infernal is sometimes called
“Khyber’s speech,” while Celestial is “the tongue
any heir of a dragonmarked house who has
of Siberys.”
manifested a dragonmark. So 5MZZQ`L¼+IVVQ\P
Riedran is the common tongue of the
is a member of House Cannith who has
continent of Sarlona. Quori is spoken by the
manifested the Mark of Making.
kalashtar, spirits native to Dal Quor, and the
Inspired lords of Riedra.


with arcane locks on their doors, but that’s a sign of
Your airship soars through the skies, a wealthy owner. The same is true of uncommon
approaching the mile-high towers of Sharn. You magic items. It’s possible to purchase these in
disembark, walking down a street lit by M^MZJZQOP\ a major city, but selection and quantity will be
lanterns, and make your way to your favorite limited; in a smaller town, they’ll be more limited
/PITTIVLI\I^MZV1V[QLM\PMPITÆQVOJIZ\MVLMZ still. Uncommon magic items typically cost
uses XZM[\QLQOQ\I\QWV\WKPQTTIVLÆI^WZIVIZZIa between 100–500 gp, though costs can be higher
of exotic beverages. A Phiarlan bard entertains based on scarcity.
the crowd with song and a dazzling display of Rare magic. Spells of 4th through 5th level
illusions. An argument between two veterans are beyond the reach of most people. People are
escalates into violence: the Brelish tough familiar with the concept of spells like teleportation
produces a knife, but the Aundairian duelist or raise dead, but few people have ever seen either
already has a wand in her hand. of these things actually performed. Only the
Magic is a part of life in Khorvaire. Arcane most remarkable magewrights have access to
magic is a form of science, and the Five Nations such magic, so these services usually come from
are built on this foundation. Magewrights are \PMLZIOWVUIZSMLPW][M[¸[XMKQÅKITTaPMQZ[
professional spellcasters who use rituals and with Greater Dragonmarks and dragonshard
cantrips to provide a host of services. The focus items.
dragonmarked houses provide magical services In theory, rare magic items can be purchased,
that are beyond the powers of a common with prices ranging anywhere from 2,000 gp–
magewright. And manifest zones IZM[XMKQÅK 20,000 gp. In practice, these things are rare. A
locations where the energies of the planes bleed rare magic item might be the prize of a collection
QV\W-JMZZWV#\PM[MITTW_LZIUI\QKM‫ٺ‬MK\[\PI\ in a Sharn emporium, or the showpiece of
can’t be replicated elsewhere, such as the colossal a House Cannith forgehold. It’s more likely
towers of Sharn. that such items will be acquired as rewards for
working with a powerful organization than


simply found for purchase in a store. Of course,
should you have a ridiculous sum of gold burning
While magic is widespread, the scope of magic is a hole in your purse, you might be able to
limited Low-level spells are a part of everyday commission House Cannith to create a rare item
life, but high-level magic remains remarkable. NWZaW]°\PW]OP\PQ[_W]TL\ISM\QUM
Common Magic. Cantrips and 1st Very Rare and Legendary Magic. Spells
level spells are commonplace. Magewrights, WN\PTM^MTIVLIJW^MIZMTIZOMTa\PM[\]‫ٺ‬WN
wandslingers, and dragonmarked heirs can all legends and folktales. The few people known to
XZWL]KM\PM[M[WZ\[WNM‫ٺ‬MK\[IVLaW]¼TT[MM wield this sort of power are themselves legends:
the impact of this magic as part of everyday Mordain the Fleshweaver, the Keeper of the
life. Common magic items can be found in any Silver Flame, the Daughters of Sora Kell. If
community and purchased in any major city, encountered in the Five Nations, such magic
enclave that deals in what you’re looking for. manifest zone.
Common magic items generally range in price Legendary magic items are generally the work
from 50–100 gp. of dragons or demons, or relics found in the ruins
Uncommon Magic. There are magewrights of Xen’drik. Very rare magic items could be tied
and dragonmarked heirs who can cast 2nd to similar sources, or they might be masterworks
and 3rd level spells, and such services can be of the elves of Aerenal or Valenar heirlooms. It’s
unlikely that such a treasure would ever be sold.


In dealing with a magewright, think about the
form their magic takes. A locksmith can perform
In Khorvaire, magic is a tool that’s incorporated knock as a ritual. But they don’t just snap their
into many jobs. There are entirely magical ÅVOMZ[<PMaUIa][MTMVO\P[WN_QZMWZQZWVZWL[
careers, such as the medium or the oracle. But tracing patterns around the lock they’re dealing
much of the time, mundane skill and magic are with while murmuring incantations. An oracle
combined together. A lamplighter can work with might work with cards or dice, or study charts of
mundane lanterns, but also learns KWV\QV]ITÆIUM planar conjunctions. The magewright performs
to create and maintain the M^MZJZQOP\TIV\MZV[that magic as both a job and a science.
TQOP\\PM[\ZMM\[)KPMNKIVPMI\IVLÆI^WZNWWL Here are some examples of magewrights and
with a cantrip. the services they provide. Not every healer can
A magewright knows one to four cantrips or cast TM[[MZZM[\WZI\QWVand not every oracle can cast
spells. Magewrights don’t use spell slots. Cantrips LQ^QVI\QWV—these are general guidelines.
can be used casually, but their spells are usually • Chef. 8ZM[\QLQOQ\I\QWV(food only), X]ZQNaNWWL
cast as rituals—even if the spell doesn’t normally drink (ritual), OMV\TMZMXW[M(ritual, food only).
have the ritual tag. When converting a spell Familiar with cook’s tools.
to a magewright ritual, it can have a casting • Healer. 8ZWÅKQMV\_Q\P5MLQKQVMIVL
time of up to one hour. It’s also common for herbalism kits. ;XIZM\PMLaQVOLM\MK\XWQ[WV
a magewright’s ritual to have an additional disease (ritual), lesser restoration (1-hour ritual,
component cost in dragonshards, the fuel of 50 gp component cost).
the magical economy. A typical cost would be • Launderer. 5MVLQVOXZM[\QLQOQ\I\QWV; both
25 gp for a 1st level ritual, 50 gp for a 2nd level WVTaI‫ٺ‬MK\NIJZQK
ritual, doubled for each subsequent level; but this
• Lamplighter. 4QOP\KWV\QV]ITÆIUM(1-hour
is only a basic guideline. The point is that the
ritual, 50 gp component cost); uses tinker’s
limitations on a magewright are time and money.
tools to create and repair lanterns.
A locksmith can cast more than one arcane lock
in a day; but it takes an hour and 50 gp for each • Locksmith. Arcane lock (1-hour ritual, 50
lock they want to create. gp component cost)SVWKS(ritual, 50 gp
While the common spell list is a starting point KWUXWVMV\KW[\#XZWÅKQMV\_Q\P\PQM^M[¼
for magewright spells, you can modify these spells tools and tinker’s tools.
\WÅ\\PMRWJ;XMTT[][MLJaIL^MV\]ZMZ[IZMWN\MV • Medium. ;XMIS_Q\PLMIL (ritual, 100 gp
quite versatile. 8ZM[\QLQOQ\I\QWVcan heat or chill component cost). Some mediums use a
IVWJRMK\TQOP\WZM`\QVO]Q[PIÆIUM*W\P\PM form of UQVWZQTT][QWV to conjure an image
lamplighter and the chef may know XZM[\QLQOQ\I\QWV, of the deceased. A medium might be
but the chef’s version may only work on XZWÅKQMV\QV1V[QOP\\WPMTXUW]ZVMZ[LMIT
food, while the lamplighter can only light or with grief—or in Deception.
• Oracle. )]O]Za(ritual, 50 gp cost); LQ^QVI\QWV
of \PI]UI\]ZOathat helps project their voice but
(1-hour ritual, 200 gp cost).
often know a version of O]QLIVKMthat only helps The term UIOM_ZQOP\[XMKQÅKITTaZMNMZ[\WIV
with their particular art. This could also result arcane spellcaster. In religious communities (such
in a magewright having a spell that’s superior to I[\PW[MQV<PZIVMIL^MV\]ZMZ[UIaÅVLLQ^QVM
\PM][]IT^MZ[QWVWNI[XMTTZMÆMK\QVO\PMQZ\QOP\ casters performing these same functions. Such a
focus. An oracle’s version of I]O]Zamight be able divine caster is called an adept. Divine magic is
to predict outcomes up to a week in advance, a gift instead of a science, and adepts typically
as it’s hard to make a business out of predicting work on behalf of their faith rather than selling
events that occur in the next 30 minutes. their services.

The Last War saw a dramatic increase in the perform arcane magic could be considered a
][MWNUIOQKQVJI\\TM)]VLIQZ_I[\PMÅZ[\ wandslinger, and any character could acquire
the war continued cantrip specialists could be Initiate feat. As such, whether your character is
found in the armies of most nations. Due to the a wandslinger is really a question of style.
considerable training required to master magic, • Did you serve in the Last War? If so, who
this has remained an elite specialty. The common GLG\RXÀJKWIRU"'LG\RXOHDUQRUKRQH
soldier wields a spear or crossbow but it’s not your magical skills as part of your military
unusual to see a warrior with a sword on one hip training?
• Do you primarily view your magic as a
and a wand on the other. Within the army, such
weapon, or do you hate being forced into
a soldier is referred to as an arcaneer.
combat? Do you have a diverse range of
On the streets, they are called wandslingers. spells, or is your magic largely oriented
cast I\TMI[\\_Wcantripstypically drawn from • A player character is never required to
the sorcerer or wizard spell list. A common use an arcane focus when casting a spell.
wandslinger also knows a single 1st-level spell, %XWLI\RX·UHDZDQGVOLQJHU\RX·UHPRUH
which they can cast once per long rest. An comfortable with a focus in your hand.
exceptional wandslinger may know up up to Casting a spell without a focus takes
three spells of up to 3rd level. A wandslinger’s HIIRUW7KHUH·VQRPHFKDQLFDOSHQDOW\
spells and cantrips are almost always combat DVVRFLDWHGZLWKWKLVLW·VMXVWVRPHWKLQJWR
consider when describing your actions.
ZIaWNNZW[\J]ZVQVOPIVL[or [PQMTL As long as your DM approves, you could
The critical limitation of the wandslinger is a justify the abilities of an arcane class as
dependence on an arcane focus. A wandslinger being derived from wandslinger training as
must have an arcane focus—a wand, rod, RSSRVHGWRWKHXVXDOVRXUFH,I\RX·UHSOD\LQJ
a sorcerer or warlock, you could say that your
choice of Sorcerous Origin or Otherworldly
various cantrips, such as a wand for ÅZMJWT\and 7KLVGRHVQ·WFKDQJHWKHZD\WKHVHIHDWXUHV
a rod for J]ZVQVOPIVL[, but wandslingers can use function; it means that instead of making a pact
any arcane focus they get their hands on. As a ZLWKDÀHQG\RXUZDUORFNKDVDFRQQHFWLRQ
result, arcane focuses are regarded as weapons to an elite order of arcaniers that share these
throughout Khorvaire. abilities. Instead of dealing with the demands of
If you’ve got a wand tucked into your belt, a patron, you might receive requests from your
people may assume you know how to use it. former commander or your comrades from the
tell with your character. Are you an impetuous
provocation? A former soldier trained to use
magic as a weapon? Or an arcane scholar who
despises hotheaded wandslingers who know
nothing about the science of magic?
Identifying your character as a wandslinger
offers a wider selection of arcane focus items
that can add color to your character.

a boon for any actor. In general, think of ways
With this general understanding of the sort of \PI\[]KPTW_TM^MTM‫ٺ‬MK\[UQOP\JMQVKWZXWZI\ML
magic that’s found in the world, here’s a closer into a performance.
TWWSI\INM_XIZ\QK]TIZÅMTL[WNQVL][\Za The Dragonmarked Houses of Shadow
dominate the entertainment industry. House

Phiarlan operates west of the Mournland, while
House Thuranni is based in Karrnath and the
The Couriers’ Guild of House Orien runs a Lhazaar Principalities. Each house has its own
standard postal service, delivering messages by theatres, companies, and star performers, but
horse and lightning rail. Sending a letter to a you don’t need a dragonmark to get into show
central station in a major city costs a few copper business; the houses train and license all manner
pieces. A direct delivery within a city could run of artists and entertainers.
up to 5 sp. Sending a large or unusual package—
or a rushed delivery—costs considerably more.
Should you need to send a message more
quickly, you’ll turn to the message stations of When it comes to fashion, the most common
House Sivis. The basic tool is the [XMISQVO[\WVM, manifestation of magic is OTIUMZ_MI^M: clothing
which allows a dragonmarked operator to send a imbued with illusion. This can involve concrete
short message to any other [XMISQVO[\WVM. Sending images, such as a cloak lined with glittering stars
a message through the stones costs 1 gp for WZIOW_V_Q\PIXI\\MZVWNÆIUM[#\PM_MIZMZ
M^MZaÅ^M_WZL[QV\PMUM[[IOMIVL\ISM[WVM might even be able to adjust the intensity of
minute for every ten miles between the station \PM[MÆIUM[_Q\PI_WZL5WZMMTIJWZI\MIVL
and the destination. The gnomes at the receiving expensive) OTIUMZ_MI^M could even produce the
station will transcribe the message; for an extra M‫ٺ‬MK\WNJMQVO_ZMI\PMLQVÆIUM[0W_M^MZ
gold piece, they’ll have a courier deliver it to OTIUMZ_MI^MKIVIT[WPI^MUWZMIJ[\ZIK\M‫ٺ‬MK\["
the intended recipient. Most large communities slowly shifting colors or a shimmering glow,
will have a message station, but small villages or for example. /TIUMZ_MI^Mcan cost anywhere
frontier towns may not. NZWU\WOXLMXMVLQVOWV\PMM‫ٺ‬MK\#Q\¼[
The [XMISQVO[\WVMnetwork is the backbone of stylish, but certainly a sign of wealth. Zilargo and
communication, but if it’s not fast enough, there Aundair are the primary sources of OTIUMZ_MI^M,
is one more option. A Sivis enclave UQOP\have a and competition between designers has grown in
heir who can perform [MVLQVO, which can send a recent years.
message instantly to any Sivis station—and even
allow a response, if the recipient is present and
waiting at the target station. If available, this
service generally costs 200 gp.
dominated the business of healing. Most large
communities have a Jorasco healing house, and
ENTERTAINMENT even smaller communities often have a lone
While true bards are uncommon, magewright Jorasco healer. The basic services provided by
entertainers learn to weave magic into their Jorasco involve use of the Medicine skill and
performances. Illusion is a common tool, used herbal remedies. The next tier of treatment is
both to enhance a mundane performance or lesser restorationW‫ٺ‬MZQVOQUUMLQI\MZMKW^MZaNZWU
as an art form in its own right. A gymnastic disease for those willing to pay the price. /ZMI\MZ
performance might incorporate R]UXor NMI\PMZNITT. restoration is possible if the house has an heir with
<PMM‫ٺ‬MK\[WN\PM\PI]UI\]ZOacantrip—booming the Greater Mark of Healing, though this gift


can only be used once per day. House Jorasco is in a general release of hostile ghosts; or even a
also the primary source of healing potions; the marut inevitable manifesting and attacking the
quantity and quality available will depend on the spellcaster. All of which means that resurrection
size of the healing house. is possible for player characters and exceptional
House Jorasco demands payment before it NPCs, but it’s not a reliable service for the
renders any service. The Church of the Silver general public. Most of the time, when someone
Flame and priests of Boldrei often maintain dies, they stay dead.
charitable clinics, but most of these facilities only
provide mundane healing.
Resurrection is possible in Eberron, but it’s TRANSPORTATION
rare. House Jorasco has a handful of altars All the standard modes of transportation can be
WNZM[]ZZMK\QWV, and someone with the Greater found in Khorvaire. People use boats, barges,
Dragonmark of Healing and 5,000 gp worth horses, coaches, and more. If something moves
of dragonshards can use one of these altars to over land it’s likely run or licensed by House
perform raise dead. Beyond this, there’s a few Orien. If it moves along the water or through
divine healers with the power to raise the dead. the air, it’s likely connected to House Lyrandar.
But no one uses this power lightly. Regardless Both houses license independent agents, so the
of the method used, it’s hard to pull someone captain of a mundane galleon won’t necessarily
JIKSNZWU,WT]ZZPIVLQ\OZW_[UWZMLQ‫ٻ‬K]T\ be a Lyrandar heir, but the Lyrandar seal on
with each day that passes after death. Opening a licensed ship assures you of the quality of the
a channel to Dolurrh can potentially result in a vessel and its crew. Eberron also features some
malevolent spirit taking possession of the body; unique modes of transport.


Elemental galleons use bound water airships, or the Mark of Passage for the lightning
elementals to increase the speed of the vessel. rail—to control the vessel. While it may be
These have long been the mainstay of House possible to develop an airship that doesn’t require
Lyrandar; an elemental galleon can maintain a Lyrandar pilot, the Dragonmarked Houses are
a speed of 20 miles per hour, more than twice quite protective of their monopolies.
the speed of a mundane ship of similar size. The
cost of such travel is likewise twice the cost of a
normal journey. WARFARE
The lightning rail of House Orien is the 5IOQKXTIa[IVQUXWZ\IV\ZWTMWV\PMJI\\TMÅMTL
gold standard for overland travel within the Five House Cannith produces a wide range of siege
Nations. An elemental engine pulls a train of equipment and mystical weapons and made
linked coaches over a path of conductor stones, a number of breakthroughs during the Last
maintaining a speed of 30 miles per hour. The War. Massive [QMOM[\I‫[ٺ‬ÅTT\PMZWTMWNIZ\QTTMZa
rail links most of the major cities of the Five Semi-sentient warforged titans scatter squads
Nations, though the destruction of Cyre has made of infantry. Kundarak sappers spread OTaXP[WN
travel between eastern and western Khorvaire _IZLQVOto deny a region to an enemy. Wands and
more challenging. A journey on the lightning rail rods haven’t replaced the swords or bows, but
generally costs twice as much as an inn stay of the elite arcaneers are becoming more common.
same duration, with quality ranging between the The armies of Aundair specialize in the use
modest coaches shared by most travelers (1 gp/ of magic and have the greatest numbers of
day) and the wealthy luxury coaches (4 gp/day). wandslingers. Karrnath has long been known
8MWXTM[I\Q[ÅML_Q\P[Y]ITQLIKKWUWLI\QWV[KIV for its military discipline, but also became
try to stow away on a cargo car, but Orien guards infamous for its widespread use of undead
discourage such behavior. soldiers. Thrane is renowned for its peasant
Elemental airships are the pride of House archers and use of divine magic, thanks to its
propel a vessel through the sky. Airships travel Flame. Cyre relied heavily on mercenary
between 20 to 40 miles per hour and have the services—including the Valenar elves and the
advantage of being able to cross any terrain. OWJTQV[WN,IZO]]V¸IVLÅMTLML\PMOZMI\M[\
Airships have only been in service for eight years, number of warforged troops. Finally, Breland
and as a result many cities don’t yet have the had the best intelligence and industry of the
facilities required for docking or maintaining an nations; it was also noted for the use of Zil
airship. However, airships are quickly becoming elemental weapons and for its ÆWI\QVONWZ\ZM[[M[.
the prefered method of travel for those who can
times as much as an inn stay of the same quality
and duration. House Cannith has an enclave devoted solely
Teleportation is the swiftest form of travel, to wand production. This facility is equipped
but also the most limited. An Orien heir with with tools that amplify the Mark of Making
the Greater Mark of Passage can cast teleportation and channel planar energies; the artisans also
circle once per day; most major Orien enclaves have access to a vast array of exotic woods and
have permanent circles and can be used as materials. You can also create a wand, but you’re
destinations. When this service is available, it starting from scratch and creating the tools you
generally costs 1,000 gp. need. Essentially, when House Cannith creates
All of these forms of advanced travel require magic items, it’s using factories; while your
someone with the appropriate dragonmark— IZ\QÅKMZQ[\PMMY]Q^ITMV\WN\PM\QVSMZMZ_WZSQVO
the Mark of Storm for elemental galleons and in the garage. You can create magic items, and


you can potentially create items that House requires rarer components that can’t simply
more time and gold than it takes for them. Here’s Thelanis, a feather from a couatl, or the scale
an overview of the process. of a dragon. More often than not, such this will
The Schema. <PMÅZ[\[\MXQVKZMI\QVOI require an adventure. You may not have to kill
magic item is to acquire a [KPMUIfor it. This is the something to obtain what you need, but you’ll
equivalent of a recipe or a blueprint; it explains surely have to overcome a challenge. The Magic
the process and components required to create 1\MU1VOZMLQMV\[\IJTM[]OOM[\[PW_LQ‫ٻ‬K]T\\PI\
the item. If you can obtain a schema—from challenge could be.
House Cannith, the mystical library of Arcanix,
you’re ready to move on. Otherwise, you can /ƚĞŵZĂƌŝƚLJ ZZĂŶŐĞ
create a schema, but this takes time and skill. Common 1–3
An arcane spellcaster uses Arcana to create Uncommon 4–8
schema. A divine caster uses Religion, while
Rare 9–12
a druid or ranger relies on Nature. You must
bonus plus your ability score bonus—in order Legendary 19+
to develop a schema. You must maintain the
minimum skill bonus for the duration of your 1\¼[XW[[QJTM\WÅVLIZIZMKWUXWVMV\M^MV
_WZS[WIVM‫ٺ‬MK\\PI\QVKZMI[M[IVIJQTQ\a[KWZM when you’re not looking for one. You could
for a few minutes won’t help you. discover an exotic Khyber crystal in the ruins of
^‘«›Ãƒٛƒã®ÊÄZ›Øç®Ù›Ã›ÄãÝ yield suggestions as to what items could be made
/ƚĞŵZĂƌŝƚLJ tŽƌŬǁĞĞŬƐ DŝŶŝŵƵŵ^Ŭŝůů with the component; for example, that Khyber
Common 3 days +2 shard could be used to create an QZWVÆI[S or
Uncommon 1 +4
Creation. Once you have your schema and
Rare 3 +6 any rare components, you’re ready to begin. The
Very Rare 8 +8 DM can assign skills or tools that are required
Legendary 16 +10 for this act of creation, so that it requires both
This ability to develop a schema represents pay the basic costs of materials and services
remarkable talent. It could take House Cannith required to make the item. And you must spend a
years or decades to develop a particular schema; [QOVQÅKIV\IUW]V\WN\QUM_WZSQVOWVQ\#KZMI\QVO
the fact that you can accomplish this in weeks ITMOMVLIZaQ\MUKIV\ISMIaMIZWNM‫ٺ‬WZ\ 
innovators. However, it is always up to the Dƒ¦®‘/ã›Ãك¥ã®Ä¦d®Ã›ƒÄ—ÊÝã
DM to decide if you can create a particular /ƚĞŵZĂƌŝƚLJ tŽƌŬǁĞĞŬƐΎ ŽƐƚΎ
schema. The DM can always choose to exclude a Common 1 50 gp
particular magic item from a campaign. Uncommon 2 200 gp
Rare Components. Any magic item requires
Rare 10 2,000 gp
specialized materials—Eberron dragonshards,
rare woods or metals, exotic herbs or other Very Rare 25 20,000 gp
substances. While exotic, these things can Legendary 20 100,000 gp
be purchased or obtained in any major city.
But creating a magic item from scratch often * Halved for a consumable item


The Magic Item Crafting Time and Cost table
provides a basic framework, but various factors
could reduce time or cost. Eberron dragonshards Religion plays an important role in Eberron.
IZMI[QOVQÅKIV\IUW]V\WN\PMKW[\WNUI\MZQIT[ While gods don’t physically manifest as they
A remarkable dragonshard could reduce the do in other settings, people of faith believe that
cost of creating an item by 10 percent. A planar divine forces play a role in everyday life. Beyond
convergence could reduce the time or cost this, shared beliefs help to unite communities and
that plane. Ultimately, this is a story, and there Appendix B of the 8TIaMZ¼[0IVLJWWSprovides
are exceptions to every rule. concrete details about the primary religions of
Complications. These rules for magic item Eberron, including holy symbols and domains.
creation are derived from the system presented This section provides a more direct look at what
the idea that the creation of a magic item is a devotion through your actions.
complex procedure and that complications can In creating a devout character, it can be
arise. If you use this rule, there’s a 10 percent useful to think about the source of your faith.
chance of a complication arising for every Were you brought up in your religion, or did
Å^M_WZS_MMS[[XMV\WVKZIN\QVO\PMQ\MU you come to it later in life? Are you primarily
@IVI\PIZ¼[/]QLMpresents a number of possible devoted to the principles of your religion,
complications. Here are few tied to Eberron. or have you had a personal, transcendental
experience? Do you believe that you have a
d6 ŽŵƉůŝĐĂƟŽŶ for your purpose to be revealed?
1 A Dragonmarked House takes an
interest in your work. Do they «ÊÊݮĦّ«›ãù֛Ý
view you as a threat, or are they While the 3OD\HU·V+DQGERRNprovides a
they want to buy the item, and what paladin oaths or archetypes from other
will happen if you refuse? sources. As new options are always
2 A mishap creates a temporary HPHUJLQJWKHUH·VQRZD\WRFUHDWHDQ
manifest zone. absolute list, and beyond that this is
3 zŽƵŶĞĞĚƚŽĂĐƋƵŝƌĞĂŶĂĚĚŝƟŽŶĂů Oath of Devotion is a logical archetype for
rare component. a paladin of the Silver Flame, but a zealous
interferes with your work; you must could easily take an Oath of Vengeance.
wait for the current planar alignment Likewise, the Forge domain should be an
to change. option for priests of Onatar or the Traveler.
Consider your beliefs and your story and
5 zŽƵƌĞīŽƌƚƐĚƌĂǁƚŚĞĂƩĞŶƟŽŶŽĨ choose an archetype that works with both.
one of the conspiracies of Eberron—
such as the Chamber, the Aurum, the
Emerald Claw, or the Lords of Dust.


• The Silver Flame is force of light holding • The Sovereigns are with us at all times.
foul demons at bay. Those who seek to Onatar stands at every forge and Dol Dorn
defend the innocent from evil may draw on is with you whenever blades are drawn.
the power of the Flame. • The Sovereigns shape the world. They
magic. Every mortal soul can be guided learn to listen.
to the light. Inspire and guide others to • Honor each Sovereign in its place and time.
virtuous behavior; force is a last resort. If you hear one voice clearly, embrace their
• Listen to the Voice of the Flame but path and embody their values.
beware the deceiving whispers of the As a follower of the Sovereign Host, you believe
Shadow in the Flame. that the hand of the Sovereigns can be seen in
The Church of the Silver Flame has a disciplined all things. What others take to be intuition or
hierarchy with a martial aspect. Friars and instinct, you see as the voice of the Sovereigns
ministers seek to guide people to the light, while W‫ٺ‬MZQVOO]QLIVKMAW]LWV¼\VMMLIJ[WT]\M
templars defend them from evil. proof: the fact that there is a bountiful harvest is
Eberron is a place where supernatural evil is a proof enough of Arawai’s benevolence.
very real threat. Demons possess the innocent. The Sovereign Host has a looser structure than
Vampires lurk in the shadows. Aberrations can the Church of the Silver Flame. Many variations
emerge from Khyber at any time. Zealots may and subsects of the faith exist. Many temples are
go too far in the pursuit of evil and priests may only loosely aligned—in a small village, a skilled
be more concerned with mundane power than smith might double as the priest because people
faith. But the majority of those who follow the believe he’s close to Onatar. A midwife might be
Silver Flame stay true to its principles. They seek seen as speaking for Arawai and Boldrei.
to lead virtuous lives, to protect the weak, and to You may feel a particular connection to one
guide the wicked to the light. Sovereign and, as a divine spellcaster, this could
The Church is based in Thrane but its drive your choice of domain or oath. But as a
followers are spread across Eberron. vassal (the common term for a follower of the
It’s up to you whether you support Host), you are expected to
the theocracy of Thrane or respect and honor all of
whether you feel that it’s a the Sovereigns.
mistake to draw the Church
into politics. A number of
variant sects worship the
Silver Flame; you can always
Archery is a devotional
practice of the Silver
Flame, used both as a
means of meditation and
a martial art.


• Each one of us has a spark of divinity
within our blood and our spirit. Find that
power within.
• Death is the end, Dolurrh is oblivion, and
if the gods exist they are cruel. Stand with
those you care for; all we have is this life
and each other.
Because of its association with necromancy and
the undead, many people believe that the Blood
of Vol embraces death and that its followers


wish to become undead. Neither of these things
are true. The Seekers of the Divinity Within
The Dark Six and the Sovereign Host are (as the faithful call themselves) don’t ZM^MZMthe
opposite sides of the same coin. If you believe it undead; they believe that once someone has
one you inherently believe in the other; the only died you might as well put the corpse to use.
question is whether you fear or revere the Dark But the spark of divinity is tied to both blood
Six. The principles of the faith are the same: and soul, and the Seekers believe that the
just like the Sovereigns, the Six are with us at all undead can never fully harness its power. The
times. They shape the world and speak to those vampires and mummies of the Blood of Vol
In general, the Sovereigns represent values to guide and protect the living. They’re martyrs,
tied to civilization: Law, community, trade, not something to envy.
industry, agriculture, honor in war. The Dark Public opinion of the Blood of Vol is often
Six embody dangerous concepts: Death, chaos colored by the actions of the Order of the
and change, the destructive powers of nature, Emerald Claw. This extremist sect serves a lich
treachery in battle, dark magic and monsters, known as the Queen of Death, and employs
passion and madness. Those who worship the undead and necromancy in acts of terror. Most
Sovereigns fear these things; those who revere Seekers have no love for the Emerald Claw and
the Six embrace them and don’t consider them don’t support its actions.
to be evil. If you’re a barbarian, it’s the Fury
who unleashes your rage. If you’re an assassin,
you walk the path of the Mockery as opposed to
that of Dol Arrah.
The creatures of Droaam generally revere the
Dark Six. Humanity sees the Shadow as a villain
who gave the harpy her voice and the medusa
her gaze; to the harpy and the medusa, this
makes the Shadow a hero.


• ?MTQ^MQVIVIOMWNLIZSVM[[?MU][\ÅVL • Our greatest champions and sages will
the path that leads to the light. never be lost to us. Their wisdom guides us,
• Act with compassion and courage. Each and their power protects us all.
noble act is a step on the path. • Honor our past. Respect our traditions.
• Hone your body and your mind. You are Perfect your skills and you may earn your
the tool you will use to change reality. place among the Deathless.
The Path of Light is the faith of the kalashtar and • Destroy those foul creatures that channel
has few followers in Khorvaire. A Lightspeaker the power of Mabar, for they consume the
seeks to KPIVOMZMITQ\a—in the big picture by essence of our world.
ushering in an age of light, while on the small The elves of Aerenal refuse to allow their
[KITMJaM`KQ[QVOVMOI\Q^MQVÆ]MVKM[IVL greatest souls to be lost to Dolurrh. Using
performing good works. powerful magic, they raise these champions
While compassion is important, there are those as LMI\PTM[[, a form
among the followers of the Path of Light who of undead imbued
believe in taking surgical action to eliminate with positive energy.
sources of evil. Where followers of the Silver The Undying Court
Flame believe that all mortals can be brought to is a council of the
the Flame, some who follow the Path of Light deathless, ancient
believe that it’s more expedient to eliminate an elves who have guided
next incarnation. for twenty thousand
years. As individuals, a
deathless councilor is
no more powerful than
a traditional lich. But
working in concert, the Undying Court creates
a pool of energy that empowers their divine
Of all of these religions, the Undying Court
is the most grounded in reality. You can go to
Shae Mordai and seek an audience with the
Court. As a follower of the Undying Court,
consider why you are so far from home. Were
you sent from Aerenal with a mission? Is it for
the Court as a whole or are you acting as an
ancestor? Followers of the Undying Court despise
negatively charged undead, so without a concrete
mission, one should seek to destroy the undead
and the necromancers who rouse them.


This ?IaÅVLMZ¼[/]QLM focuses on the continent of
Khorvaire and the city of Sharn. But Khorvaire
is only one continent of many, and in time
adventurers may wish to explore distant lands.
Here is an overview of the other regions of
Eberron. If you wish to know more, refer to the
sources presented in the appendix.

• Consult an elven archmage who’s been
• There is a paradise within the world, a vale dead for twenty thousand years.
bathed in the light of the Inner Sun. Earn • Battle sinister forces that have crawled into
your passage with the blood of worthy foes. Eberron from a realm of eternal night.
• Our existence is a chrysalis state, preparing • Learn secrets of arcane magic unknown on
us for transcendent immortality within the Khorvaire.
bowels of the Gibbering Mouther.
The massive island of Aerenal is the ancient
• The Lord of Eyes sees all secrets. His kingdom of the elves. Its jungles are a source
gaze elevates the worthy and slays the of strange and valuable lumbers: the soarwood
unbeliever. Drive all doubt from your heart used for the hulls of airships, tough bronzewood,
and you will see reality through new eyes. even trees that remain alive after being felled.
The Cults of the Dragon Below are wildly Beyond this, the island is close to the planes of
diverse. The tenets above describe the beliefs 1ZQIVIVL5IJIZ°ITTW_QVO\PMTQVM[JM\_MMV
of three LQ‫ٺ‬MZMV\cults, and the image of the holy life and death to become blurred. This can be
symbol is one common example—a piece of dangerous, with dark forces creeping in from the
volcanic glass—not something shared by all plane known as the Endless Night. But it’s also
cults. There are warlocks who draw power from allowed the elves to perform feats of necromancy
demon overlords and daelkyr cultists who serve unmatched in Eberron. Among the Aereni elves,
UQVLÆIaMZ[IVLJMPWTLMZ[7\PMZ[IZM[QUXTa the honored dead walk among the living. Heroes
driven by deep convictions that others see as who died in glorious battle return to serve the
madness. Outsiders use the term “Cult of the Sibling Kings. And in the depths of Shae Mordai,
Dragon Below” as a blanket term to describe the deathless lords of the Undying Court study
all of these things, but the cultists themselves the shifting balance of the planes and the path of
don’t use this name or see themselves as part the Draconic Prophecy.
of a greater whole. New cults can spring up While necromancy is a pillar of Aereni
anywhere at any time, as a seed of madness takes society, it isn’t the dark force you’re used to.
root and spreads. The deathless undead of Aerenal are sustained
If your character is part of a cult, work with the by XW[Q\Q^Menergy—the light of Irian and the
,5\WLMÅVMaW]ZXMZ[WVITJMTQMN[ITWVO_Q\P devotion freely given by their descendants. The
the size and scope of your cult. Does your faith elves of Aerenal despise necromancy that draws
have wide support across the Shadow Marches? on the negative energy of Mabar, and agents of
Or are you and your family the only people who the Undying Court are charged to seek out and
share your particular beliefs? destroy vampires, liches, and other such undead.


Aereni civilization is over twenty thousand
years old. They’ve watched nations of goblins ARGONNESSEN
and humans rise and fall, secure in their island In Argonnessen, you could...
sanctuary. The Aereni possess many secrets and • Clash with tribes of dragon-worshipping
powers the Five Nations have yet to discover. barbarians.
But the elves are more interested in practicing • Explore an ancient city of dragons.
and perfecting these ancient traditions than in
innovation and discovery. An Aereni wizard • Discover mighty artifacts and epic spells.
UQOP\[XMVLILMKILMZMÅVQVO\PMXZWV]VKQI\QWV Argonnessen is home to the oldest civilization
of a single spell’s incantation. For now humanity on Eberron. The dragons wield epic magic, and
can’t match the power of the elves. If that balance their homeland is shielded against divination and
begins to change, will Aerenal take action? teleportation. Tribes of barbarians roam Seren
Islands and the coastlines of Argonnessen; these
include members of almost every humanoid
race, perhaps collected by dragons in ages past.
These Seren barbarians worship the dragons
and protect the coasts from invaders. To date,
no one from the Five Nations has ever ventured
into the interior of the continent and returned to
speak of it.


No one knows just how many dragons there remain: the mighty empire of Riedra and the
are in Argonnessen, but people tell stories of mountain sanctuary of Adar. Riedra is ruled by
^I[\KI^MZVKWUXTM`M[ÅTTML_Q\P\PM\ZMI[]ZM[ the Inspired, humans tied to extraplanar spirits
of fallen civilizations, of prisons holding bound and imbued with psychic powers. Adar is the
demons, of cities made from diamond and homeland of the Kalashtar. Riedra maintains an
adamantine. Is there any truth to these tales, or is endless siege of Adar, and both nations have little
it all myth? contact with Khorvaire.


In Everice or the Frostfell, you might... In Xen’drik, you could...
• Discover an ancient civilization hidden • Seek to destroy ancient mystical weapons
beneath the ice. before they fall into the hands of villains.
• Search for the survivors of a lost expedition. • Battle savage giants in the ruins of their
• Find the source of a mysterious mystical ancient cities.
signal. • Match wits with cunning drow in the
The poles of Eberron are almost as mysterious depths of a primordial jungle.
as Argonnessen. Some dwarves believe that
their ancestors originally came to Khorvaire
from the Frostfell, but there’s been no contact
with Frostfell dwarves in modern times. Legends
terrifying monsters in these arctic lands.

In Sarlona, you could...
psychic overlords.
• Defend an ancient mountain
• Disable a monolith used to control
the dreams of a city.
Tens of thousands of years ago, the
vast continent of Sarlona was the
cradle of human civilization. Three
colonists set forth from Sarlona,
setting in motion the events that
would shape modern-day Khorvaire.
Once Sarlona was home to over
a dozen distinct kingdoms, but
today only two established nations


In the distant past, Xen’drik was home to the
civilizations of the giants. Now it is a place of
mysteries and ruins. The giants were destroyed While planar travel is uncommon, it can help to
by the dragons of Argonnessen, and the epic have an understanding of Eberron’s cosmology
magics unleashed in that battle warped the land. IVLPW_\PMQVÆ]MVKMWN\PMXTIVM[KIVI‫ٺ‬MK\
Space and time are unreliable in Xen’drik. But your story.
it is a land that holds untold treasures, and the


richest source of rare Siberys dragonshards. In
addition to savage giants, Xen’drik is home to
the enigmatic drow and many other races and Eberron is the heart of the material plane. It
creatures never seen in Khorvaire. is surrounded by the Ring of Siberys, a band
The port city of Stormreach serves as the of golden dragonshards. Beyond this, twelve
OI\M_Ia\W@MV¼LZQS1\¼[XZW^MVLQ‫ٻ‬K]T\\W moons orbit the world. To date, no creature from
maintain colonies within Xen’drik, though the Eberron has ever explored the moons. None can
end of the Last War has created a new interest in say whether they are lifeless rocks or thriving
exploration. worlds in their own right. Some sages believe that
the moons are actually connected to the planes,
or that they might even be physical extensions of
øÊ㮑Dƒ¦®‘͍ the planes, but this remains a mystery.
One idea suggested in this chapter is that To date, no other planets have been discovered
explorers can discover mystical secrets in within Eberron’s material plane. However,
distant lands. But what does that PHDQ" the underworld of Khyber contains a host of
How do you give the Aereni elves or giants demiplanes: tiny pockets of reality that exist
RI;HQ·GULNVSHOOVQRRQHKDVVHHQEHIRUH" within the underworld. As such, venturing below
Spells and magic items are constantly the surface of Eberron can lead you to a network
being introduced in new sourcebooks and WNKI^MZV[IVLXI[[IOM[°J]\QNaW]ÅVL\PM
online content. One option is for a DM to limit right passage, it can take you to fantastic and
access to some or all of this new material. If LMILTa_WZTL[QVPIJQ\MLJaÅMVL[IJMZZI\QWV[
a player wants to use a spell from ;DQDWKDU·V
and other children of Khyber. This is one way
*XLGHWR(YHU\WKLQJ, they have to ÀQGit.
to adapt material from 7]\WN\PM)Ja[[and
When a character has an opportunity to learn
new magic—whether by studying with a 5WZLMVSIQVMV¼[<WUMWN.WM[ to Eberron. There
member of the Undying Court or reading the may be realms of demons and devils deep within
DM can allow them to exchange an existing Siberys and the Silver Flame.
spell for a new spell.
This applies to arcane magic as well as
divine. The Silver Flame is worshipped THE PLANES OF EBERRON
in many different ways around the world, The material plane is enfolded by thirteen
and the giants had their own form of the planes of existence. Many of these have aspects
Sovereign Host; while exploring an ancient of both outer and inner planes. All of the planes
temple, a cleric could learn new ways to
overlap with Eberron in some way, and they
invoke the power of the divine.
often depict the planes as orbiting Eberron,
though this purely a metaphor for their shifting


QVÆ]MVKM?PMV\PMQVÆ]MVKMWNIXTIVMQ[ Dal Quor: The Region of Dreams. With
especially strong it is said to be coterminous. a few exceptions (such as elves, kalashtar, and
?PMVQ\[QVÆ]MVKMQ[_MISIXTIVMQ[ZMUW\M warforged), mortal creatures touch Dal Quor
These states can be important for epic rituals, when they dream. The outer fringes of the plane
the creation of eldritch machines or interaction are morphic and shaped by the memories and
with extraplanar entities. There are also manifest experiences of dreamers. There is a dark core at
zones: places in the material plane where the the heart of the plane, shaped by the nightmare
barriers are thin and where some aspects of a force known as the Dreaming Dark. For reasons
plane can bleed through. Ghosts may linger in a unknown to the general populace, Dal Quor is
manifest zone to Dolurrh, while a manifest zone always remote and only touched in dreams.
tied to Lamannia might have wild vegetation Dolurrh: The Realm of the Dead. When
and enhance druidic magic. a mortal soul dies, it is drawn to Dolurrh. It is a
Daanvi: The Perfect Order. Daanvi XTIKMLMÅVMLJaLM[XIQZIVLIXI\Pa#W^MZ\QUM
embodies the ideas of law and order, civilization memories are leached out of the trapped spirits
IVLLQ[KQXTQVM1\Q[ÅTTML_Q\PXMZNMK\KQ\QM[IVL until only a husk remains. While this seems bleak,
KIZMN]TTaWZLMZMLÅMTL[_Q\PQUUWZ\ITKW]Z\[IVL most religions maintain that Dolurrh isn’t the
endless archives holding every law ever imagined. end; it is a gateway to whatever lies beyond. Such


faiths assert that what appears to be dissolution is Shavarath: The Battleground. This is the
the natural process of the soul moving to a higher XTIVMWN_IZIVLQ\Q[OZQXXMLJaIKWVÆQK\\PI\
plane of existence that mortals can never touch: _QTTVM^MZMVL)ZUQM[WNÅMVL[IVLKMTM[\QIT[
joining with the Sovereigns, merging with the have fought in Shavarath since the dawn of time,
Silver Flame, or simply rejoining the cycle of life I[[MZ\QVO\PI\\PMQZ[\Z]OOTM[IZMZMÆMK\MLQV\PM
in a new form. Nonetheless, Dolurrh is a gloomy balance of good and evil across all reality.
XTIVMÅTTML_Q\P\PMTQVOMZQVO\ZIKM[WN\PMLMIL Syrania: The Azure Sky. Crystal spires
When Dolurrh is remote it is impossible to ÆWI\QVIXMZNMK\JT]M[Sa.IZU[IVLKITU
resurrect the dead. When it’s coterminous ghosts communities stretch across clouds. This is
become more common. Resurrection spells are \PMXTIVMWNXMIKMIVLITT\PQVO[\PI\ÆW]ZQ[P
easier to perform, but carry the risk of bringing in times of peace. This includes commerce;
back unwanted spirits. the Immeasurable Market of Syrania draws
Fernia: The Sea of Fire. This plane merchants and travelers from across reality.
MVKWUXI[[M[JW\P\PMZI_MTMUMV\ITNWZKMWNÅZM Thelanis: The Faerie Court. Similar to
and the idea WNÅZM"ÆIUM][MLI[I_MIXWVI[I the Feywild of the core cosmology, Thelanis is
force that holds darkness at bay, as a destructive the plane of stories and the home of the fey. It
power and force for change. It is home to all is one of the easiest planes to reach, and many
UIVVMZWNÅZMMTMUMV\IT[IVLIT[W\WKMTM[\QIT[ tales begin with a hero unintentionally crossing
Irian: The Eternal Dawn. A plane of light Xoriat: The Realm of Madness. Xoriat is
and hope, Irian is the source of positive energy in alien, the plane of things that are fundamentally
Eberron. unnatural. It challenges ideas of what is possible.
Kythri: The Churning Chaos. The plane Some can look upon Xoriat and see it as a place
of chaos and change, Kythri is a morphic realm of revelations; but most mortals who come to
QVKWV[\IV\Æ]` close to Xoriat fall prey to madness. Xoriat is
Lamannia: The Twilight Forest. While the source of many aberrations, along with the
it is called a “Forest”, Lamannia embodies terrifying daelkyr.
primordial nature, and contains every possible
natural environment. It is home to massive
beasts, lycanthropes, elementals, and other things ASTRAL AND ETHEREAL
\PI\ZMÆMK\\PMXW_MZWNVI\]ZM The planes of Eberron are bound together in
Mabar: The Endless Night. Mabar is the their own cosmology. But the astral and ethereal
darkness that hungers to consume light and life. planes surround and enfold them, functioning
It is the source of negative energy in Eberron, exactly as they do in the core cosmology. If
and largely serves the same role as the Shadowfell you wish to facilitate contact between Eberron
in the core cosmology. and other settings, passage through the Deep
Risia: The Plain of Ice. The counterpart of Ethereal is the simplest way to accomplish it. The
Fernia, Risia embodies water, winter, and all the potential impact of contact between Eberron and
ideas that can be embodied by them. other realms is discussed in chapter 1.


CELESTIALS, GODS, AND FIENDS • Bel Shalor, the Shadow in the Flame.
A spirit of corruption, Bel Shalor is said
Eberron has no parallel to the gods of other to be bound in the temple-citadel of
settings. It’s possible that the Progenitor Flamekeep. It whispers to all those who
Dragons were such beings, but many assume follow the Silver Flame, trying to lead them
that the Progenitor Dragons are entirely astray.
metaphorical. As an Eberron DM, you decide • Rak Tulkhesh, the Rage of War. The
the truth of this. embodiment of aggression, Rak Tulkhesh
The people of Eberron believe their gods are feeds of hatred and drives mortals to battle.
omnipresent—not bound to a single coherent
form but rather present in all places at all times. • Sul Khatesh, the Keeper of Secrets. A
If you revere the Silver Flame, its power is spirit of forbidden knowledge, Sul Khatesh
always with you. The Sovereign Onatar guides possesses a wealth of arcane secrets and
the hand of every smith if they know how to PQLLMVSVW_TMLOM°J]\PMZ[MKZM\[
listen for his voice, and Dol Arrah and Dol inevitably lead to tragedy.
every soldier. Eberron, one option is to make them Overlords.
This means religion is driven by faith as For example, Tiamat could be an Overlord
opposed to the concrete actions of deities. The embodying the pride and potential for evil within
faithful JMTQM^M\PI\\PMQZ\ZQ]UXP[ZMÆMK\\PM dragons, while Lolth could be an Overlord who
hand of the divine. They don’t expect a god to preys on the elves.
physically show up and solve their problems. The rakshasa are the most common native
Fiends and celestials certainly exist, however. ÅMVL[<PMa[\QTT[KPMUMQV\PM[PILW_[[MMSQVO
Some have powers rivalling deities in other \WNZMM\PMQZ7^MZTWZL[0W_M^MZIVaÅMVL¸IVa
settings. Extraplanar immortals are generally devil, demon, or other evil immortal—could be
invested in the own planes and have little a spawned by Khyber if it suits your story. Such
interest in Eberron. There are demons and ÅMVL[UIaJMJW]VL\WIV7^MZTWZLWZ\PMaUIa
archons battling in Shavarath, but they’ve been be independent incarnations of evil unleashed on
existed and they can’t leave their posts to fool by the same powers that hold the Overlords at
around in Eberron. Rare exceptions occur, bay, and interacting with or summoning such a
such as the Daelkyr or the Dreaming Dark, but creature requires the use of magic.
extraplanar immortals are mostly concerned What about native celestials? The primary
with \PMQZplanes. celestials of Eberron are the couatl. However, in
As such, player characters are more likely to the dawn of time the vast majority of Eberron’s
encounter native immortals on Eberron: spirits KMTM[\QIT[[IKZQÅKML\PMU[MT^M[\WJQVL\PM
spawned by Khyber or Siberys. overlords. This is why Eberron needs heroes.
The Overlords are the most powerful native The Silver Flame holds the essence of this power,
ÅMVL[)NM_WN\PMJM[\SVW_V7^MZTWZL[" but it takes a mortal champion to wield it.


IVLK][\WUMZ[)V)MZMVQMTN[KW_T[JMPQVLIOWTLMV nomads who cross the plains on dinosaur mounts.
LMI\PUI[SI[[PMIZO]M[_Q\PIL_IZNUMZKPIV\ This chapter provides an overview of the
)[I<ITMV\IPITÆQVOUISM[PQ[_Ia\PZW]OP\PM common races and their role in the world. It
also presents four new races that were originally
developed for the Eberron campaign setting.
• Changelings are clever shapeshifters that
OZW]VL¸I\ITTÅO]ZMNWZUMLNZWU[\MMTIVLTMI\PMZ can disguise themselves as members of
_PWOTIZM[I\\PMPITÆQVO_Q\POTMIUQVOKZa[\ITMaM[ other races. Exceptional spies and rogues,
<PQ[_IZNWZOML[XMV\\_MV\aaMIZ[WV\PMJI\\TMÅMTL they live in the shadows of humanity.
• Kalashtar are humans bound to spirits
VW\QKML\PMKPIVOMTQVO_PW[\WTM\PMPITÆQVO[X]Z[M from the plane of dreams, imbued with
J]\[PMIT\MZ[PMZNMI\]ZM[IVa_Ia\ISQVO\PMNWZUWN wisdom and telepathic talent.

• Shifters draw on their distant lycanthropic
BERRON CAN BE HOME TO ANY OF THE heritage to manifest bestial traits for short
creatures found across the multiverse periods of time. A diverse race shaped by
of DUNGEONS & DRAGONS. Humans, the beasts within them, shifters often prefer
gnomes, elves, and orcs have all the wilds to the civilized world.
made their marks on the continent
of Khorvaire. However, the creatures of Eberron
other worlds. The orcs of Eberron include druids
purpose beyond the war.
demons and aberrations. The Valenar elves are

RON 59
—Chance, changeling priest

A changeling can shift its face and form with a

thought. Many changelings use this gift as a form
of artistic and emotional expression, but it’s an
invaluable tool for grifters, spies, and others who
wish to deceive. This leads many people to treat
known changelings with fear and suspicion.

Wherever humans can be found, there are
changelings; the question is whether their In their natural form changelings are slender and
presence is known. pale, with colorless eyes and silver-white hair.
Changelings are born to one of three paths. A changeling can alter its physical appearance
A few are raised in stable communities where with a thought. While this can be used to deceive
changelings are true to their nature and deal others, it is a natural form of expression for the
openly with the people around them. Some are changeling. A changeling shifts shapes the way
WZXPIV[ZIQ[MLJaW\PMZZIKM[_PWÅVL\PMQZ others might change clothes. A casual shape—one
way in the world without ever knowing another created on the spur of the moment, with no depth
like themselves. Others are part of nomadic or history—is called a UI[S. A mask can be used
changeling clans spread across the Five Nations \WM`XZM[[IUWWLWZ\W[MZ^MI[XMKQÅKX]ZXW[M
who keep their true nature hidden from the and then never used again. However, many
single-skins. Some clans maintain safe havens in changelings develop identities that have more
major cities and communities, but most prefer to depth. They build an identity over time, crafting
wander the unpredictable path of the Traveler. a persona with a history and beliefs. This focused
In creating a changeling adventurer, consider identity helps a changeling pinpoint a particular
the character’s relationships with people around skill or emotion. A changeling adventurer might
them. Does the character conceal their true have personas for many situations, including
changeling nature? Do they embrace it? Do they negotiation, investigation, and combat. Personas
have connections to other changelines or are they can be shared by multiple changelings; there
alone and in search of companions? might be three healers in a community, but

whoever is on duty will adopt the persona of Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Tek, the kindly old medic. Personas can even Change Appearance. As an action, you can
be passed down through a family, allowing a transform your appearance or revert to your
younger changeling to take advantage of contacts natural form. You can’t duplicate the appearance
established by previous users of the persona. of a creature you’ve never seen, and you revert to
your natural form if you die.
You decide what you look like, including your
CHANGELING NAMES height, weight, facial features, the sound of your
voice, coloration, hair length, sex, and any other
distinguishing characteristics. You can make
each mask and persona and adopt new names
yourself appear as a member of another race,
as easily as they develop new faces. The true
though none of your game statistics change. You
name of a changeling tends to be simple and
monosyllabic; however, there are often accents
than you, and your basic shape stays the same; if
to a changeling’s name that are expressed
you’re bipedal, you can’t use this trait to become
through shapeshifting, something single-skins
quadrupedal, for instance. Your clothing and
will likely miss. So, two changelings might have
other equipment don’t change in appearance,
the name Jin, but one is 2QV_Q\P^Q^QLJT]MMaM[
size, or shape to match your new form, requiring
and one is 2QV_Q\POWTLMVKPMMS[.
the most compelling disguise possible.
gender, seeing it as one characteristic to change
Even to the most astute observers, your ruse is
among many others.
usually indiscernible. If you rouse suspicion, or if
Changeling Names: Bin, Cas, Dox, Fie,
a wary creature suspects something is amiss, you
Hars, Jin, Lam, Mas, Nix, Ot, Paik, Ruz, Sim,
have advantage on any Charisma (Deception)
Toox, Vil, Yug.
check you make to avoid detection.
Changeling Instincts. AW]OIQVXZWÅKQMVKa

CHANGELING TRAITS with two of the following skills of your choice:

Deception, Intimidation, Insight, and Persuasion.
Your changeling character has the following traits. Unsettling Visage. When a creature you can
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma see makes an attack roll against you, you can
score increases by 2, and either your Dexterity or use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the
your Intelligence increases by 1 (your choice). roll. You must use this feature before knowing
Age. Changelings mature slightly faster than whether the attack hits or misses.
humans but share a similar lifespan—typically a Using this trait reveals your shapeshifting
century or less. While a changeling can shapeshift nature to any creature within 30 feet that can
\WKWVKMIT\PMQZIOM\PMM‫ٺ‬MK\[WNIOQVO[\QTTKI\KP see you. Once you use this trait, you can’t use it
Alignment. Changelings hate to be bound Divergent Persona. AW]OIQVXZWÅKQMVKa
in any way, and those who follow the path of _Q\PWVM\WWTWNaW]ZKPWQKM,MÅVMI]VQY]M
the Traveler believe that chaos and change QLMV\Q\aI[[WKQI\ML_Q\P\PI\XZWÅKQMVKa#M[\IJTQ[P
are important aspects of life. Most tend toward the name, race, gender, age, and other details.
pragmatic neutrality as opposed to being While you are in the form of this persona, the
concerned with lofty ideals. Despite common ZMTI\MLXZWÅKQMVKaJWV][Q[LW]JTMLNWZIVa
fears, few changelings embrace evil. IJQTQ\aKPMKSaW]UISM\PI\][M[\PI\XZWÅKQMVKa
Size. In their natural forms, changelings Languages. You can speak, read, and write
average between 5 to 6 feet in height, with a Common and two other languages of your choice.
slender build. Your size is Medium.

—Lakashtai, servant of the light

The kalashtar are a compound race created

from the union of humanity and renegade spirits
from the plane of dreams—spirits called quori.
Kalashtar are often seen as wise, spiritual people
with great compassion for others. But there is
an unmistakable alien quality to the kalashtar,
otherworldly spirits.
Every kalashtar has a connection to a spirit of feelings of your enemies.
light, shared by other members of their bloodline. 2 You prefer using telepathy over speaking
Kalashtar appear human, but the spiritual aloud.
3 You feel a strong drive to protect the
Kalashtar have symmetrical, slightly angular innocent.
features. The eyes of a kalashtar often glow when
4 You apply dream logic to mundane
it is focused on a task or feeling strong emotions. ƐŝƚƵĂƟŽŶƐ͘
The kalashtar can’t directly communicate
5 You discuss things out loud with your
with their quori spirits. A kalashtar might
quori spirit.
experience this relationship as a sense of instinct
and inspiration, drawing on the memories of
the spirit when they dream. This connection
grants kalashtar minor psionic abilities, as well
as protection from psychic attacks. All of these
dream-spirits are virtuous, but some are warriors 8 zŽƵƉƌĞĨĞƌƚŽĮŶĚŶŽŶǀŝŽůĞŶƚƐŽůƵƟŽŶƐƚŽ
problems whenever possible.
and others are more contemplative. Work
together with the DM to determine the nature of 9 You are driven by a warrior spirit and will
the linked spirit. Typically, a kalashtar knows the
name and nature of their spirit, but for some— 10 You are obsessed with Dreaming Dark
for instance, an orphan kalashtar raised among conspiracies.
outsiders—may know nothing of their spirit or the

source of their psychic gifts.
The bond to the spirit can cause some kalashtar
to display unusual quirks of behavior. You can <PM^QZ\]W][[XQZQ\[\QML\W\PMSITI[P\IZÆMLNZWU
roll or select a trait from the following table. the dream-realm of Dal Quor to escape evil spirits

that dominate the realm. The rebel quori believe Age. Kalashtar develop physically at the same
that through meditation and devotion, they can rate as humans do and have similar lifespans.
change the fundamental nature of Dal Quor, Alignment. The noble spirit tied to a
shifting the balance from darkness to light. Most kalashtar drives it toward lawful and good
kalashtar communities focus on acts of devotion behavior. Most kalashtar combine strong self-
known as the Path of Light. But the dark powers discipline with compassion for all sentient beings,
of Dal Quor have their own plans on Eberron. J]\[WUMSITI[P\IZZM[Q[\\PM^QZ\]W][QVÆ]MVKMWN
Through the force known as the Dreaming Dark, their spirit.
these monsters manipulate the folk of Khorvaire to Size. Kalashtar are similar in build to humans,
eliminate kalashtar whenever possible. though they are typically a few inches taller.
Many kalashtar defend themselves from the Your size is Medium.
Dreaming Dark by focusing on devotion to the Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Path of Light but some among the kalashtar seek Dual Mind. When you make a Wisdom
out the agents of the Dreaming Dark and oppose saving throw, you can use your reaction to gain
their plans, or protect the innocent however advantage on the roll. You can use this trait
they can. Some kalashtar grow up isolated from immediately before or after you roll, but before
others, knowing nothing about Dal Quor or the IVaWN\PMZWTT¼[M‫ٺ‬MK\[WKK]Z
Dreaming Dark. Such orphans may use their Mental Discipline. You have resistance to
abilities for personal gain or otherwise act against psychic damage.
the virtuous instincts of their quori spirits; this can Mind Link. You can speak telepathically
KI][MQV\MZVITKWVÆQK\[IVL^QWTMV\UWWL[_QVO[ to any creature you can see within 60 feet
of you. You don’t need to share a language
KALASHTAR NAMES with the creature for it to understand your
telepathic messages, but the creature must be
)SITI[P\IZVIUMUQ`M[IXMZ[WVITXZMÅ`\W\PM able to understand at least one language or be
name of the quori spirit within the kalashtar. Each telepathic itself.
spirit has a gender identity, but this might not As a bonus action when you’re speaking
match the gender identity of the kalashtar host. telepathically to a creature, you can give that
A female kalashtar may have what others would creature the ability to speak telepathically to
consider a masculine name, because she’s tied to a you until the start of your next turn. To use this
spirit with a masculine identity. Kalashtar orphans ability, the creature must be within 60 feet of you
are unlikely to know the name of their spirit and and be able to see you.
take names from another source. Psychic Glamour. Choose one of
Male Quori Names: Hareth, Khad, Kosh, the following skills: Insight, Intimidation,
Melk, Tash, Ulad, Vash Performance, or Persuasion. You have advantage
Female Quori Names: Ashana, Ashtai, on all ability checks you make with that skill.
Ishara, Nari, Tana, Tari, Vakri Severed from Dreams. Kalashtar sleep,
Kalashtar Names: Coratash, Dalavash, but they don’t connect to the plane of dreams
Dolishara, Halakosh, Khoratari, Koratana, as other creatures do. Instead, their minds draw
Lanhareth, Molavakri, Nevitash, Sorashana, from the memories of their otherworldly spirit
Torashtai, Valakhad, Vishara while they sleep. As such, you are immune to
KALASHTAR TRAITS dream, like the LZMIUspell, but not to spells and
M‫ٺ‬MK\[\PI\X]\aW]\W[TMMXTQSM\PMsleep spell.
Your kalashtar character has the following traits. Languages. You can speak, read, and write
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom and Common, Quori, and one other language of
Charisma scores both increase by 1. In addition, your choice.
one ability score of your choice increases by 1.

—Don Bassingthwaite,

Shifters are sometimes called the weretouched,

as many believe that they are the descendants of
humans and lycanthropes. They are humanoids
with a bestial aspect; while they cannot fully
change shape they can temporarily enhance their
animalistic features—a state they call shifting.
Whatever their origins, shifters have evolved into
a unique race. A shifter walks on the knife’s edge
between the wilds and the world around them. <PQ[JMI[\_Q\PQVQ[ZMÆMK\MLJa\PM[PQN\MZ¼[
Do they embrace their primal instincts or the subrace. Four subraces are especially common:
path of civilization?
stoic, stubborn and thick-skinned.
THE BEAST WITHIN • Longtooth shifters typically have lupine
traits and prefer to run with a pack.
Early in childhood, a shifter forms a bond with
a beast within: a totemic force that shapes their • Swiftstride are often predatory and feline,
body and mind. Some shifters believe that these but a swiftstride could also be a cunning rat
spirits are independent entities, and they may who darts through the shadows.
speak of Bear or Wolf as ancestors or guides. • Wildhunt shifters are born from any
Most just see the beast within as a formidable creature that tracks its prey.
expression of their inner nature, something that While the beast within certainly has a physical
emerges over time as the shifter’s personality impact on a shifter, it has a spiritual and
takes shape. The beast within is a pool of X[aKPWTWOQKITM‫ٺ‬MK\<_WJMI[\PQLM[PQN\MZ[[PIZM
XW_MZN]TQV[\QVK\[IVLQ\[QVÆ]MVKMQ[ZM^MITML the same special ability, but if one has the aspect
by a shifter’s personality: a feline shifter may be of the boar and the other is more like a bear,
cool and distant, driven by predatory instincts, \PMa¼TTJMY]Q\MLQ‫ٺ‬MZMV\QVXMZ[WVITQ\a?Q\PIVa
while a shifter with a lupine spirit is drawn to shifter, identifying the beast within is a crucial
ÅVLIVLXZW\MK\IXIKS?PMVI[PQN\MZN]TTa part of understanding the character.
embraces this beast within they physically
transform for a short time.

SIMILAR AND DIVERSE Shifter Names: Badger, Bear, Cat, Fang,
Grace, Grim, Moon, Rain, Red, Scar, Stripe,
Shifters are similar to humans in height and build Swift, Talon, Whiskers, Wolf.
facial features have a bestial cast, with large eyes,
have prominent canine teeth. They grow fur-like
Your shifter character has the following traits.
hair on nearly every part of their bodies.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity
score increases by 1.
appearance as well. A swiftstride shifter may
Age. Shifters are quick to mature both
have catlike eyes and delicate build, while a
physically and emotionally, reaching young
beasthide shifter might be a massive brute built
adulthood at age 10. They rarely live to be more
like a bear. While a shifter’s appearance might
than 70 years old.
remind an onlooker of an animal, they remain
Alignment. Shifters tend toward neutrality,
being more focused on survival than concepts of
most feral.
good and evil. A love of personal freedom can
drive shifters toward chaotic alignments.

THE JOURNEY YET TO COME Size. Shifters range from 5 to almost 7 feet
tall, depending on their subrace. Your size is
Shifters have a strong presence in the Eldeen Medium.
Reaches, and they often live among humans Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
and can be found in rural areas across Darkvision. You have superior vision in dark
Khorvaire. While they form powerful bonds and dim conditions. You can see in dim light
to friends and kin, shifters place great value on within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light,
self-reliance and freedom. It’s a shifter proverb and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t
to “always be prepared for the journey yet to discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
come,” and most shifters strive to be ready for Keen Senses. AW]PI^MXZWÅKQMVKa_Q\P\PM
change or opportunity. Perception skill
Shifters have a natural inclination toward Shifting. As a bonus action, you can assume
classes with a primal connection. A shifter a more bestial appearance. This transformation
barbarian draws their rage from the beast within. lasts for 1 minute, until you die, or until you
A shifter ranger indulges their urge to wander revert to your normal appearance as a bonus
and hunt. A shifter rogue harnesses their own action. When you shift, you gain temporary hit
predatory instincts. But shifters can pursue any points equal to your level + your Constitution
your shifter subrace, described below.
SHIFTER NAMES Once you shift, you can’t do so again until you
Shifters have no language of their own and
Languages. You can speak, read, and write
often live in blended communities. Their names
typically overlap with the names of other cultures
Subrace. The beast within shapes each shifter
in their region. Many shifters prefer to keep
physically and mentally. Four major subraces
their personal names for their friends and use
of shifter are found among the worlds of D&D:
“wandering names” with strangers. These are
Beasthide, Longtooth, Swiftstride, and Wildhunt.
usually tied to a physical or personality trait.
Choose one of these subraces.

BEASTHIDE Additionally, you can move up to 10 feet as a
reaction when an enemy ends its turn within
Stoic and solid, a beasthide shifter draws 5 feet of you. This movement doesn’t provoke
strength and stability from the beast within. opportunity attacks.
Beasthide shifters are typically tied to the bear
or the boar, but any creature known for its
toughness could apply. WILDHUNT
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution
Wildhunt shifters are sharp and insightful.
score increases by 2.
Some are constantly alert, ever wary for possible
threats. Others focus on their intuition, searching
Athletics skill.
within. Wildhunt shifters are excellent hunters,
Shifting Feature. Whenever you shift, you
and they also tend to become the spiritual leaders
gain 1d6 additional temporary hit points, and
of shifter communities.
while shifted, you have a +1 bonus to your AC.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score
increases by 2.
the Survival skill.
4WVO\WW\P[PQN\MZ[IZMÅMZKMIVLIOOZM[[Q^MJ]\ Mark the Scent. As a bonus action, you can
they form deep bonds with their friends. Many mark one creature you can see within 10 feet of
longtooth shifters have canine traits that become you. Until the end of your next long rest, your
more pronounced as they shift, but they might XZWÅKQMVKaJWV][Q[LW]JTMLNWZIVaIJQTQ\aKPMKS
instead draw on tigers, hyenas, or other predators. aW]UISM\WÅVL\PMUIZSMLKZMI\]ZMIVLaW]
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score always know the location of that creature if it
increases by 2. is within 60 feet of you. You can’t use this trait
Intimidation skill. Shifting Feature. While shifted,
Shifting Feature. While shifted, you can use you have advantage on
your elongated fangs to make an unarmed strike Wisdom checks.
as a bonus action. If you hit with your fangs, you
can deal piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your
damage normal for an unarmed strike.

Swiftstride shifters are graceful and quick.
Typically feline in nature, swiftstride
down physically or socially.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity and
Charisma scores increase by 1.
Acrobatics skill.
Swift Stride. Your walking speed increases by
5 feet.
Shifting Feature. While shifted, your
walking speed increases by an additional 5 feet.

—Keith Baker, <PM;PI\\MZML4IVL

automatons, but House Cannith devoted vast
resources to improving these steel soldiers.
An unexpected breakthrough produced fully
sentient soldiers, blending organic and inorganic
materials. Warforged are made from wood
and metal, but they can feel pain and emotion.
beyond the war. A warforged can be a steadfast
ally, a cold-hearted killing machine, or a
visionary in search of purpose and meaning.

LIVING STEEL AND STONE warforged that they do to other humanoids. A
warforged can focus its mind on its body as it
Warforged are formed from a blend of organic
rests, adjusting its shape and form to assume one
and inorganic materials. Root-like cords infused
of a few defensive postures. A warforged who
expects heavy combat might focus on durability,
wrapped around a framework of steel, darkwood
while during a time of peace they might be
or stone. Armored plates form a protective outer
content to adopt a lighter, less aggressive form.
shell and reinforce joints. All warforged share
a common facial design, with a hinged jaw and
crystal eyes embedded beneath a reinforced
brow ridge. A sigil is engraved into the center of WARFORGED PERSONALITY
the forehead; this is unique to each warforged. <PM_IZNWZOML_MZMJ]QT\\W[MZ^MIVL\WÅOP\
Beyond these common elements of warforged For most of their existence, warforged had a
design, the precise materials and build of a KTMIZTaLMÅVMLN]VK\QWVIVL_MZMMVKW]ZIOML
warforged vary based on the purpose for which it to focus purely on that role. The Treaty of
was designed. A juggernaut warrior is a massive Thronehold gave them freedom, but many
brute with a heavy steel frame, while a skirmisher _IZNWZOML[\Z]OOTMJW\P\WÅVLIXTIKMQV\PM
can be crafted from wood and light mithral to post-war world and to relate to the creatures that
grant it lithe and elegant movement. created them.
While they’re formed from stone and steel, The typical warforged shows little emotion.
warforged are living humanoids. Resting, healing Many warforged embrace a concrete purpose—
magic, and the Medicine skill all provide the protecting allies, completing a contract, or

other pursuits—and devote themselves to this
task as they once did to war. However, there WARFORGED NAMES
are warforged who delight in exploring their Warforged were assigned numerical designations
feelings and their freedom. Most warforged for use in military service. Many of them
have no interest in religion, but some embrace adopted nicknames, often given to them by their
faith and mysticism, seeking higher purpose and comrades. As free individuals, some have chosen
deeper meaning. new names as a way to express their path in life.
The typical warforged has a muscular, sexless A few take on human names, often the name of a
body shape. Some warforged ignore the concept fallen friend or mentor.
of gender entirely, while others adopt a gender Warforged Names: Anchor, Banner,
identity in emulation of creatures around them. Bastion, Blade, Blue, Bow, Church, Crunch,
Crystal, Dagger, Dent, Five, Glaive, Hammer,
Iron, Lucky, Mace, Pants, Pierce, Red, Rusty,
QUIRKS Scout, Seven, Shield, Slash, Smith, Spike, Stone,
Temple, Vault, Wall, Wood.
simple ignorance of how other creatures operate,
warforged often acquire an odd personality trait
or two. A warforged player can choose to roll or WARFORGED TRAITS
select a trait from the Warforged Quirks table. Your warforged character has the following traits.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution
tƒÙ¥ÊÙ¦›—Yç®Ù»Ý score increases by 1.
1d10 YƵŝƌŬ Age. A typical warforged is between two and
1 zŽƵĂŶĂůLJnjĞ;ŽƵƚůŽƵĚͿƚŚĞƉŽƚĞŶƟĂůƚŚƌĞĂƚ thirty years old. The maximum lifespan of the
posed by every creature you meet. warforged remains a mystery; so far, warforged
2 zŽƵĚŽŶ͛ƚƵŶĚĞƌƐƚĂŶĚĞŵŽƟŽŶƐĂŶĚŽŌĞŶ have shown no signs of deterioration due to age.
ŵŝƐƌĞĂĚĞŵŽƟŽŶĂůĐƵĞƐ͘ Alignment. Most warforged take comfort in
3 zŽƵĂƌĞĮĞƌĐĞůLJƉƌŽƚĞĐƟǀĞŽĨĂŶLJŽŶĞLJŽƵ order and discipline, tending toward law and
consider a friend. neutrality. But some have absorbed the morality
4 zŽƵŽŌĞŶƐĂLJƚŚĞƚŚŝŶŐƐLJŽƵĂƌĞƚŚŝŶŬŝŶŐ — or lack thereof — of the beings with which
aloud without realizing it. they served.
5 zŽƵƚƌLJƚŽĂƉƉůLJǁĂƌƟŵĞƚĂĐƟĐƐĂŶĚ Size. Your size is Medium. Most warforged
ĚŝƐĐŝƉůŝŶĞƚŽĞǀĞƌLJƐŝƚƵĂƟŽŶ͘ stand between 5 and 6 1/2 feet tall. Weight and
ĂŶĚĂƌĞƉƌŽŶĞƚŽĚƌĂŵĂƟĐĞŵŽƟŽŶĂů Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
outbursts. Warforged Resilience. You were created to
7 You don’t understand clothing beyond its have remarkable fortitude, represented by the
wears denotes its job and status. • You have advantage on saving throws
8 You are obsessed with your appearance, against being poisoned, and you have
ĂŶĚĐŽŶƐƚĂŶƚůLJƉŽůŝƐŚĂŶĚďƵīLJŽƵƌĂƌŵŽƌ͘ resistance to poison damage.
9 You are deeply concerned with following • You are immune to disease.
proper procedures and protocols.
• You don’t need to eat, drink, or breathe.
10 War is the only thing that makes sense to
magic can’t put you to sleep.

Integrated Protection. Your body has built-
in defensive layers, which determine your armor
but if you are using a shield, you apply its bonus
as normal.
rest, choose one mode to adopt from the
Integrated Protection table, provided you meet
the mode’s prerequisite.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write
Subrace. As a warforged, your body was
these subraces: envoy, juggernaut, or skirmisher.

As an envoy, you were designed with a certain
specialized function in mind. You might be an
assassin, a healer, or an entertainer, to name
a few possibilities. Envoys are the rarest of
the warforged subraces, and yours could be a
unique design.
Ability Score Increase. <_WLQ‫ٺ‬MZMV\IJQTQ\a
scores of your choice increase by 1.
Specialized Design. You gain one skill
your choice.
Sentry’s Rest. When you take a long rest, Integrated Tool. Choose one tool you’re
you must spend at least six hours in an inactive, XZWÅKQMV\_Q\P<PQ[\WWTQ[QV\MOZI\MLQV\WaW]Z
motionless state, rather than sleeping. In this JWLaIVLaW]LW]JTMaW]ZXZWÅKQMVKaJWV][NWZ
state, you appear inert, but it doesn’t render you any ability checks you make with it. You must
unconscious, and you can see and hear as normal. have your hands free to use this integrated tool.

Darkwood Core (unarmored) None ϭϭнLJŽƵƌĞdžƚĞƌŝƚLJŵŽĚŝĮĞƌ;ĂĚĚƉƌŽĮĐŝĞŶĐLJ

ÄòÊùÝ͗^֛‘®ƒ½®þ›—›Ý®¦Ä bludgeoning damage instead of the normal
As the name implies, most warforged were damage.
EXLOWWRÀJKWLQWKH/DVW:DU7KHYDVW Powerful Build. You count as one size larger
majority of warforged are juggernauts or when determining your carrying capacity and the
skirmishers—soldiers and scouts who fought weight you can push, drag, or lift.
under the banner of one of the Five Nations.
Warforged envoys, however, were designed
to perform other functions. As an envoy you SKIRMISHER
KDYHDVNLOODWRROSURÀFLHQF\DQGDWRRO You were built to scout the edges of battle and
outmaneuver your enemies. You are lean and
an envoy character, consider the following
designed for speed.
questions: what is your purpose? How does
What form does your integrated tool take? score increases by 2.
,I\RXKDYHHPEHGGHGWKLHYHV·WRROVIRU Swift. Your walking speed is increased by 5
or can you produce keys from various parts Light Step. When you are traveling alone
of your body? The following characters are for an extended period of time (one hour or
examples of warforged with integrated tools. more), you can move stealthily at a normal pace.
Lute is a bard with the entertainer (See chapter 8 of the 8TIaMZ¼[0IVLJWWSfor more
background; his namesake instrument folds information about travel pace.)
out of his left arm.
Compass Rose is a wizard with the
outlander background. A keen explorer,
records the paths she travels.
charlatan background and an integrated
disguise kit, she was built to blend in and
assassinate. Cannith built six warforged of
her design, and Masque has vowed to hunt
In developing your integrated tool,
remember that you must have your hands
changeling; she has to manually adjust her

You’re an imposing war machine built for close
combat and raw might. You tower over your
comrades; juggernaut warforged stand between
6 and 7 feet in height and can weigh up to 450
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score
increases by 2.
Iron Fists. When you make an unarmed

As a dwarf of the Five Nations, consider how
widespread your family is and where their roots
lie. Are they soldiers? Priests or politicians?
¹/WTLQ[\PMOQN\WN\PMUW]V\IQV[J]\QZWVKWUM[ Architects or stonemasons? Are you close to
NZWUJTWWLIVLJWVMº your relatives or have you had a falling out—
—Mror Proverb or potentially lost your kin in the Last War?
Likewise, consider what you did in the war and
The origin of the dwarves is shrouded in mystery.
you a soldier, and if so, how did that service end?
Their legends say that they came to Khorvaire
If not, did you serve your nation in another way,
from a land of endless ice; some believe this to
or did you turn your back on it?
mean the arctic Frostfell, while others assert that
of Risia itself. Wherever they began, the dwarves
established a mighty nation beneath the surface DWARVES OF THE MROR HOLDS
of Khorvaire. Tales speak of mighty artifacts and The Mror Holds are discussed in chapter 2.
vast treasures crafted in the deeps, and of wars One question to consider is _PaaW]¼^MTMN\\PM
fought against the goblin Empire of Dhakaan. 0WTL[. Whether you’re an heir of a noble clan
No one knows where the line lies between truth or a simple guild artisan, what has drawn you
and story. The ancestors of the modern dwarves away from your homeland? The Mror Past table
were exiles from this ancient kingdom, and the provides a few ideas.
realm below was destroyed by the daelkyr. Bold
adventurers can delve into the haunted darkness
legacy modern dwarves have of this age of glory.
House Kundarak carries the Mark of Warding.
In addition to providing all manner of security,
DWARVES OF THE FIVE NATIONS House Kundarak dominates the banking industry.

Dwarves are spread across Khorvaire. Dwarf DÙÊÙWƒÝã

soldiers and engineers were part of the armies 1d6 ZĞĂƐŽŶĨŽƌ>ĞĂǀŝŶŐ
that united the Five Nations, and dwarf masons 1 ĨĞƵĚǁŝƚŚĂƌŝǀĂůĐůĂŶŚĂƐŐŽƩĞŶŽƵƚŽĨ
laid the foundations of the greatest cities of hand, and it’s best that you leave the Holds
Galifar. While many of the dwarves of the Five for a few decades.
Nations still speak the language of their ancestors, 2 You’re in a large family and there’s no room
they feel a bond to the lands of their birth. A for you to shine in your hold; you hope to
Brelish dwarf feels a deep, personal connection to prove yourself in the wider world.
the towers of Sharn or the great walls of Wroat; 3 Your clan has arranged your marriage and
the typical dwarf is actually more patriotic than your future; you’ve decided to have a few
the average human of the Five Nations. This ĂĚǀĞŶƚƵƌĞƐďĞĨŽƌĞLJŽƵƐĞƩůĞĚŽǁŶ͘
passion caused most dwarves to serve their nation 4 zŽƵ͛ƌĞƉƵƌƐƵŝŶŐĂǀĞŶĚĞƩĂǁŝƚŚĂƉĞƌƐŽŶĂů
in the Last War, at least for a time; this is the rival. Are you seeking to defeat them in
general basis of dwarven weapon training. Most ďĂƩůĞŽƌŝŶďƵƐŝŶĞƐƐ͍
dwarves also have a strong bond to their families, 5 You’re searching for a legendary dwarven
so to a dwarf, family and nation are two edges of ĂƌƟĨĂĐƚ͕ƌĞŵŽǀĞĚĨƌŽŵƚŚĞDƌŽƌ,ŽůĚƐ
the same blade. centuries ago by a Karrnathi noble.
6 You want to assemble a band of champions
beneath your ancestral home.

Aerenal is ruled by the Undying Court, a council
¹*]\NWZ\a_QTTº of undead elves sustained by positive energy.
Elven culture began on the distant continent of The Undying Court wields godlike power and
Xen’drik. Tens of thousands of years ago, the has protected your island home for thousands of
elves rose up against the giants who ruled that years. The greatest heroes of your people join the
TIVL=T\QUI\MTa\PMMT^M[ÆMLNZWU@MV¼LZQSIVL Undying Court after death; if you achieve great
settled the island nation of Aerenal. There they things in your life, you too could achieve this
split into two distinct cultures: the introspective immortality.
Aereni and the warlike Tairnadal. While The Aereni are isolationists who have little
neither of these cultures have much interest in interest in the world beyond their island. The
human activities, a small number of elves have Five Nations are a place of chaos and war. With
immigrated to Khorvaire over the years and have this in mind, what has caused you to leave your
integrated with the cultures of the Five Nations. island and wander the world? Are you in search
As a whole, elves are driven by tradition of a power that could earn you your place in the
and respect for the past. Where humans value Undying Court? Have you been given a quest by
innovation, elves strive to perfect the techniques one of your own deathless ancestors? Or are you
of their ancestors. With centuries to devote to an exile, banished from your homeland for some
their studies, the elves are masters of their chosen crime against the Undying Court?
crafts; at the same time, their society has changed As one of the Aereni, think about your history.
^MZaTQ\\TMW^MZ\PMTI[\Å^M\PW][IVLaMIZ[_PQTM What is your family known for, and how can you
Khorvaire is constantly evolving. As an elf, prove yourself to be a master of these skills? Do
consider your relationship with the past. Do you you have ancestors in the Undying Court, and if
value the traditions of your ancestors? Or do you so, what’s your relationship with them? Do you
fear that your people are too mired in the past, ÅVLLMITQVO_Q\P\PM[PWZ\TQ^MLZIKM[\WJMI
IVLVMML\WÅVLI_IaNWZ_IZL' challenge, or are you patient with them?

The Valenar and Aereni are physically similar
but culturally distinct. Aereni are typically
high elves, while Valenar are usually wood
elves; but both of these subraces are options
in these cultures. The Aereni place greater
importance on perfecting a single skill than
on training with weaponry, while the Valenar
take pride in their skill with scimitars. These
elves have a racial trait in place of the Elf
Weapon Training trait. If your DM allows
it, your elf character can forgo Elf Weapon
Training and instead take the elf trait based
on their culture:
• An Aereni elf can choose one skill or
is doubled for any ability check you
scimitar, double scimitar, longbow, and
who channels the same ancestor, or one who

ELVES OF VALENAR channels a rival of your ancestor?

It’s also important to think about why you
Your people are dedicated to the arts of war. are traveling with a group of player characters
Millenia ago, your ancestors fought an epic instead of serving in a Valenar warband. Are
war against mighty giants. When they came to you driven by visions from your patron ancestor?
Khorvaire, they battled the champions of the Are you pursuing an epic quest that mirrors their
goblin empire. The greatest heroes of those legendary deeds? Do you seek vengeance for the
struggles live on after death, known as the patron death of a friend or ally? Or have you turned
ancestors. When you became an adult, one of the away from your people, either by choice or
patron ancestors formed a bond with you. Now because of the actions of a rival?
it is your duty to follow in the footsteps of your
patron, living your life as they lived theirs, allowing
this champion to live on through you. This is why VALENAR DOUBLE SCIMITAR
aW]ZXMWXTMKWV[\IV\Ta[MMSW]\KWVÆQK\#aW]VMML The double scimitar is the signature weapon of
In creating a Valenar, think about your patron long blade on either end. Forged with techniques
IVKM[\WZAW]ZKTI[[[PW]TLZMÆMK\\PMQZKTI[[# honed over tens of thousands of years, these
if you’re a wizard, your ancestor was likely a blades are strong, sharp, and remarkably light.
legendary archmage. If you’re a ranger, was Each scimitar is a masterpiece, and as a result
your ancestor a famous blademaster, or a the double scimitar is an expensive weapon, but
stealthy hunter? Was your ancestor chivalrous few people ever have an opportunity to purchase
or merciless? Bold or clever? Whatever their one. If you’re an elf, your blade could have a
nature, it’s your duty to follow their example. long and storied history. If you’re not an elf, you
Is this something you proudly embrace, or do might have stolen the weapon from a fallen foe
you resist it? Each patron ancestor is tied to or received it from a dying Valenar ally. If you
many Valenar: do you have a particular rival work with your DM to create the story behind

Double-bladed Scimitar 100 gp 2d4 slashing 6lbs Special, two-handed

your double scimitar, you can start with the

weapon at 1st level in place of a martial weapon
normally granted by your class. However, it can
be dangerous for a non-elf to carry a double
scimitar. Valenar may demand its return or
challenge you to prove that you’re worthy to
wield it.
Special. When you take the attack action and
make a two-handed attack with a double-bladed
scimitar, you can use a bonus action to make a
melee attack with the blade at the opposite end
of the weapon. This attack uses the same ability
damage die for this attack is a d4, and it deals
slashing damage.


You are descended from a master of the double
blade and their skills have passed on to you. You
• Increase your Dexterity or Strength score
by 1, to a maximum of 20.
• While wielding a double-bladed weapon

with two hands, the weapon has the ÅVM[[M
trait for your attacks with it, and you gain
+1 AC. Throughout history, elves have occasionally
• On your turn, when you use a bonus action immigrated to Khorvaire—some by choice,
to make a melee attack with the blade at the [WUM\PZW]OPM`QTM5IVaWN\PMÅVM[\_QbIZL[
opposite end of the weapon, the weapon’s in the Five Nations are high elves, along with
damage die for this attack increases to 2d4, renowned artisans. Wood elves are found among
instead of 1d4. the rangers and druids of the Eldeen Reaches,
though you could just as easily be a wood elf who
hunts in the darkest alleys of Sharn. Subrace is a
matter of aptitude as opposed to genetics, and the
people of Khorvaire will see you only as an elf.
As an elf in Khorvaire, you have grown up
among short-lived races. You may not be as
concerned with history and tradition as the
Aereni and Valenar; you could even live your

life entirely in the moment, with no care for your Êٛ½½Êăė>ʽã«
family or your legacy. Nonetheless, you may 7KHHOYHVRI(EHUURQZHUHQ·WFUHDWHGE\WKH
have outlived many human friends; how does gods you may know from other settings. In
\PI\I‫ٺ‬MK\aW]',QLaW]SVW_\PMXIZMV\[WZ Eberron, the Sulat Giants created the drow
and if so, might you be trying to repay a debt to there is a lingering enmity between drow
that long-dead friend? Do you remember a time DQGHOIEXWLW·VQRWGULYHQE\WKHLQÁXHQFH
JMNWZM\PM4I[\?IZ',QLaW]ÅOP\QV\PM_IZ of Lolth. Meanwhile, the elves revere their
and if so, for which side? ancestors—many of whom still linger and
guide them—as opposed to distant gods.
This is an opportunity to explore these

THE DROW OF EBERRON traditional races in a new light. However, if

you want to incorporate Corellon and Lolth,
During the ancient war between giants of WKHUH·VDIHZZD\VWRGRLW2QHSRVVLELOLW\
Xen’drik and their elf slaves, the magebreeders is that Eberron was created as a copy of
the distant realms of the multiverse, hidden
of the giants bound the essence of shadows into
it. As such, while the drow of Eberron have
JZML\WÅOP\XZMaWV\PMQZ[]VTQ\SQV<PMLZW_ no knowledge of Lolth, if she found her way
were made to kill elves, and while thousands through the Ring of Siberys and into Eberron,
of years have passed, a deep enmity remains she might be able to poison their hearts and
between them. turn them to her service.
The drow remained on Xen’drik and were Alternately, you could present both
caught in the collapse of its civilizations. Today Corellon and Lolth as legendary champions
they linger in the shadows of Xen’drik and from the past. Corellon could be one of the
are all but unknown on Khorvaire. There are great heroes and patron ancestors of the
three distinct drow cultures. The Vulkoori Valenar, or one of the leaders of the Undying
are tribal hunters who worship totem spirits,
commander of the drow, whose spirit lingers
especially the scorpion Vulkoor. They hunt
and hungers for revenge.
giants and may threaten anyone who travels in 8OWLPDWHO\LW·VDTXHVWLRQRIWKHVWRU\\RX
the shattered land. The Sulatar live in obsidian want to tell. Do you want to preserve the
KQ\QM[IVL_QMTLXW_MZN]TÅZMUIOQK#\PMa[MMS unique cultures of Eberron? Incorporate
\WWVMLIa]VTMI[PÅZMIKZW[[\PM_WZTL)VL Corellon and Lolth into those cultures
the Umbragen live in the underworld below organically? Or explore the idea of these
Xen’drik, wielding sophisticated shadow magics powers just discovering Eberron and
as they battle against aberrations and the daelkyr. awakening hidden memories in the blood of
Most of the people of Khorvaire have never elf and drow?
seen a drow, and you likely know little about the


Five Nations. As a drow PC, are you a Vulkoori
hunter who somehow made your way to
3PWZ^IQZM¸IXZQUQ\Q^M_IZZQWZÅVLQVOaW]Z_Ia The elven houses of Phiarlan and Thuranni carry
in this strange new world? Are you an Umbragen the Mark of Shadow. They control the business
shadow-wielder seeking powers that can help of espionage throughout Khorvaire, but they
your people in their endless war? Or a Sulatar also operate more legitimate businesses related to
ÅZMJQVLMZX]Z[]QVOIXMZ[WVITXI\P\WOTWZa' art and entertainment. Once they were a single
Do you despise elves you encounter and seek out house, but they split during the Last War; now
KWVÆQK\WZIZMaW]_QTTQVO\WNWZOM\\PMIVKQMV\ they are ruthless competitors in both espionage
war between your people? and entertainment.

in a few of them (consult the Zil Schemes table).
Even if you have a good heart and noble goals,
you may still prefer to use trickery and cunning
instead of relying on honesty or brute force.
—Zil proverb Zil gnomes typically use the forest gnome
subrace. The natural illusionist trait is a part of
Gnomes possess a love of knowledge that many daily life in Zilargo, used both for entertainment
would describe as lust. Most gnomes hate physical and for trickery. The <P]ZQUJIZZWLis a common
violence and prefer to solve their problems with UIOQKQ\MU\PI\IUXTQÅM[\PQ[VI\]ZITOQN\NWZ
words—whether that’s a wizard’s word of power purposes of creating music. The power to speak
or a rogue’s careful threat. The common view with small beasts is likewise something often
of the gnome is that of a friendly busybody, put to practical use, and the Zil often use small
always ready to lend a hand or share a story. But animals as messengers or guides. While Zil
in fact, that cheerful gnome is often gathering OVWUM[LWV¼\I]\WUI\QKITTaPI^MXZWÅKQMVKa
information that could one day be useful. with Deception or Persuasion, these skills are
common in Zil society; you could take the
charlatan or criminal background as a way of
As a player character, one question is why
It would be an exaggeration to say that every Zil you’ve left Zilargo and what ties you still have
gnome is a ruthless schemer. But intrigue is the to it. You could be a sage gathering information
favorite pastime of the Zil. As a Zil gnome, you’ve for the Library of Korranberg, or an investigator
been taught to manipulate and deceive since sending stories of your adventures back to the
childhood. You’ve been involved in dozens of Korranberg Chronicle. Family is very important
schemes and feuds, and you’re likely still tied up to the Zil, and you could be pursuing the interests
1d10 ^ĐŚĞŵĞ
1 Your family is working on a new form of elemental binding, but they need Khyber dragonshards—
lots of them.
2 You have a mysterious contact who sends you missions via sending; when you follow their
3 You’ve acquired a plot of land in Xen’drik. You’ve never been there, and if you don’t visit it within a
year, you’ll lose the claim.
4 Due to an unusual twist of Triumvirate law, you share the same name with a number of other Zil and
you’re all legally considered to be the same person.
7 You’ve been selling false treasure maps. But now you’ve found one that might be real.
8 You’ve acquired a controlling stake in a distant dragonshard mine, but the mine was abandoned
only pays out if you die under unusual circumstances, and they’re encouraging you to seek out ever
more dangerous adventures.

the plans of a rival family. You could even be avoiding the intrigues your cousins adore.
working for the mysterious Trust, the conspiracy


that maintains order in Zilargo. If you are
mission, but you could also be a sleeper agent— The gnomes of House Sivis carry the Mark
gathering information and allies and waiting for of Scribing. Members of the house are scribes
the day when your skills will be put to use. and notaries, but they also maintain the
sending stones that facilitate long-distance

ZIL NAMES communication in Khorvaire.

Zil society is divided into major houses, each of
which is composed of multiple families. Each
gnome has three names: their personal name,
their family name, and their house name. For
example, Alina Lorridan Lyrris and Tallian ;IZTWVI<PMMT^M[IZMNZWU)MZMVIT5M'1¼UI\Z]M
within House Lyrris. Gnomish names are long —Nandon Tam, Khoravar activist
and lyrical; a Zil proverb claims “the sweetest
song is the name of a friend.” Personal and clan
Half-elves are spread across Khorvaire, from
names average three syllables in length, and there the Towering Woods of the Eldeen Reaches
is a strong tradition of alliteration.
to the slums of Sharn. New half-elves are born
Male Names: Alian, Castar, Dorius, Elymar,
in every generation as a result of pairings
Haliar, Hasal, Illian, Jassian, Lassius, Sanadal,
between humans, elves, and half-elves, and these
Tallian, Torius
newborns typically cling to the cultures of their
Female Names: Alina, Cassia, Dalia, Jandia,
parents. However, over the course of centuries
Lysse, Myssia, Ranadala, Saralyssa, Talina,
half-elves have developed their own communities
Tandria, Tassi, Vassilia
and traditions; this sense of identity has been
Family Names: Alyre, Alysse, Canatar,
strengthened by the rise of House Lyrandar and
Del, Dorian, Hal, Josilyn, Kan, Lin, Lorridan,
House Medani.
Lyrriman, Sil, Suvius, Syrralan, Talius, Til,
In making a half-elf character, think about
whether you were born into a Khoravar
Clan Names: Adredar, Clebdecher, Dalian,
community, or if you were born to parents of
Davandi, Harlian, Hebberdesh, Korrian,
Lonadar, Lyrris, Nezzelech, Santiar, Tarliach WNXZQLMWZ[WUM\PQVO\PI\PI[JMMVLQ‫ٻ‬K]T\NWZ
you? The elves of Aerenal have never allowed a
GNOMES OF THE FIVE NATIONS half-elf into the Undying Court, and the Valenar
elves don’t consider half-elves to be capable of
Gnomes are found across the Five Nations, and channeling a Valenar ancestral spirit.
most are well-integrated into the local cultures.
Gnomes are often encountered as merchants,
magewrights, chroniclers, scholars, and
scoundrels. While the gnomes of the Five Nations
aren’t as inherently devious as their Zil cousins, When two half-elves conceive, the child is always
family is usually important to them. You may a half-elf. Over the course of generations, families
have a network of old favors and connections to and communities of half-elves have developed
the community you grew up in. But you might their own cultural identity. Members of these

families generally dislike the term “half-elf;”
they call themselves Khoravar, an Elven term
meaning “children of Khorvaire.”
Khoravar culture places a strong emphasis on
generosity and hospitality toward other Khoravar. —Kalaash’arrna,
You aren’t expected to put yourself in danger for Tharashk Inquisitive
a stranger, but when possible, half-elves do what
they can to help other Khoravar and to share Half-orcs can be found anywhere orcs and
information. Khoravar communities have weekly humans meet. The Ghaash’kala orcs of the
unity dinners where local news and events are Demon Wastes are devout servants of the Silver
shared; if you’re playing a half-elf, a unity dinner Flame who devote their lives to containing
is a good opportunity for you to hear about local the evils of the Wastes; as a half-orc paladin,
events and rumors. Of course, this is a double- you might have been sent south on a divine
edged sword; should you gain a reputation as mission, hoping your human blood will help
a capable adventurer, Khoravar in need may you deal with these soft creatures. You could
approach you and ask for your assistance. be the orphan child of an unusual pairing,
Khoravar speak both Common and Elven, NWZKML\WÅVLaW]ZW_V_IaQV\PM_WZTL*]\
and among themselves they often blend these the greatest concentration of half-orcs is in the
two together. This pidgin makes perfect sense to Shadow Marches, where humans and orcs have
anyone who speaks both languages, but someone coexisted for centuries. With the rise of the
who only speaks one of the two languages could dragonmarked House Tharashk, orcs and half-
have to make an Intelligence check (DC 10) to orcs have spread out through the Five Nations
understand the full meaning of a statement. and beyond.
While some Khoravar prefer to follow their Overall, the people of the Five Nations know
own paths, many espouse the idea of “the bridge little about half-orcs. The archetype of the
between:” encouraging Khoravar to facilitate Tharashk half-orc is that of a bounty hunter
communication and cooperation between or inquisitive, though there’s also a touch of
UMUJMZ[WNLQ‫ٺ‬MZMV\K]T\]ZM[WZ[XMKQM[;]KP “simpleton from the swamps.” People may be
Khoravar often become mediators, diplomats, uneasy around you or assume that you know little
translators, or bards. Others are fascinated by about the ways of civilization. With that said,
their distant connection to the Fey, becoming while orcs are typically seen as primitives who
Greensinger druids or warlocks bargaining with live on the fringes of civilization, in Eberron orcs
Archfey. As a Khoravar, do any of these paths aren’t inherently EVIL. People may be afraid
appeal to you? of you because they think you’re a dangerous
bounty hunter, but there’s no immediate
HALF-ELVES AND DRAGONMARKS assumption that you’re cruel or bloodthirsty...
Most of the time.
Half-elves families carry two dragonmarks.
House Medani holds the Mark of Detection,
threat assessment, and security. House Lyrandar
carries the Mark of Storms. Lyrandar has long Where the people of the Five Nations know
dominated the shipping industry, and the recent little of your kind, in the swamps of the Shadow
development of the airship has increased its Marches half-orcs are celebrated. Human
power and potential. House Lyrandar presents refugees settled in the Shadow Marches centuries
itself as a pillar for the Khoravar, and even if you IOWIVL\PMÅZ[\PITNWZK[PMTXML\WKMUMV\\PM
don’t have a dragonmark you could work for the bond between these outsiders and the native orcs.
house, whether as a sailor or a house agent. Many Marchers feel that the half-orc carries the

best traits of both races, with the strength of the
orc and the cunning of the human.
The rise of House Tharashk has brought
prosperity to the Marches. Many of the Marcher
clans work for the house in some capacity, and
you could be an agent of the house even if you KTI_NWW\ZIX\WZ'5W[\\MZZQNaQVO\PQVO1¼^MM^MZ[MMVº
don’t carry the Mark of Finding, working as a —Sir Danton ir’Lain,
bounty hunter or a clever investigator. But there Brelish knight
are other paths you could follow.
• The Gatekeeper druids of the Shadow <PMPITÆQVO[WN-JMZZWVJMOIVQV\PMMI[\WN
Marches have defended Eberron from Khorvaire, and nomadic tribes still wander
aberrations and the daelkyr for thousands \PM<ITMV\I8TIQV[0W_M^MZUIVaPITÆQVO[
of years. As a druid, ranger, or barbarian, followed their dragonmarked houses into the
you could be a Gatekeeper initiate pursuing lands to the west, and they’ve been a part of the
a quest in the wider world. Five Nations since before the rise of Galifar.
• The Cults of the Dragon Below also have
personal aptitude as opposed to genetics. Most
deep roots in Shadow Marches. While
cultists are often evil, the main thing about
the Cults is that their beliefs generally seem
like madness to others. You could be a half-
rare; in the Talenta Plains they are considered
orc barbarian who’s ventured beyond the
to be touched by the spirits and often become
respected druids, while in the Five Nations they
slaying powerful foes is the only way to earn
are generally seen as oddities.
your passage to the paradise that lies within
the heart of the hollow world. This is also a
logical path for a warlock using the Great
• You could be a simple hunter from the 0ITÆQVO[KIZZa\_WLZIOWVUIZS[0W][M2WZI[KW
Shadow Marches. You might have fought carries the Mark of Healing and dominates the
as a mercenary in the Last War, or you business of medicine. House Ghallanda holds the
could be seeking your fortune or a real Mark of Hospitality and runs inns, hostels, and
challenge in the world that lies beyond. taverns across Khorvaire.


The half-orcs of House Tharashk carry the Mark
of Finding. House Tharashk licenses bounty
merchants, politicians, barristers, and bards. Of
hunters, inquisitives, and prospectors; if you want
course, these same talents are useful for grifters
something found, turn to Tharashk.
and other criminals.
Clan are the most powerful criminal
organization in Breland. They are based in
nation and even in the distant city of Stormreach.

any character with a criminal or charlatan
background—you should decide if you have a
connection to the Boromar Clan, and discuss
this with your DM. You could be a freelance
operative who occasionally gets jobs from a
Boromar underboss. You could have a cousin in The Talenta Plains and its people are described
the Boromar Clan, who occasionally pulls you QVKPIX\MZ)[I<ITMV\IPITÆQVOIKZQ\QKIT
into their problems. Or you could even be the question is _PaaW]¼^MTMN\\PM8TIQV[. Perhaps
reluctant heir of a powerful Boromar leader; you served as a mercenary scout in the Last
you’ve gone on the run rather than taking your War and you’ve remained with the comrades
place in this criminal empire, but someday your aW]UM\QV\PMKWVÆQK\5IaJMaW]Z\ZQJM_I[
past may catch up with you. wiped out by a foreign enemy—the Aurum, the

1d10 YƵŝƌŬ
5 You wear a mask that you believe holds the spirit of your former mount, and you talk to it when
you are troubled.
6 You don’t understand the concept of “truth.” To you, everything is a story and it’s all about how
you tell it.
8 You seek vengeance for a wrong done to your tribe or family.
9 You never forget an insult or injury.
10 You see the hand of the spirits in everything that occurs around you.

Emerald Claw—and you are traveling the wider CLAWFOOT RAPTOR
world in search of information and revenge. Medium Beast, Unaligned
Perhaps you’re guided by the spirits, who send
you whispers and visions driving you on your ƌŵŽƌůĂƐƐ: 14 (natural armor)
your tribe seeking allies in the world, or simply Speed: ϱϬŌ
sent to learn more about the lands beyond the
plains. Are you amazed by the wonders of the ^dZ DEX KE /Ed t/^ ,
Five Nations and their everyday magic, or do 17 (+3) 17(+3) 13 (+1) 2(-4) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
you take the world of the big folk in stride? The ^ŬŝůůƐƚŚůĞƟĐƐнϱ͕WĞƌĐĞƉƟŽŶнϱ͕^ƚĞĂůƚŚнϱ
Dinosaurs play an important role in Talentan >ĂŶŐƵĂŐĞƐ—
K]T\]ZM0W_LWM[\PQ[I‫ٺ‬MK\aW]',WaW]PI^MI ŚĂůůĞŶŐĞ 1/2 (100 XP)
clawfoot companion? As a druid you can assume Pounce. If the clawfoot moves at least 30 feet
LQVW[I]ZNWZU[#I[IUWVSaW]KW]TL][MÅOP\QVO straight toward a creature and then hits it with
in playing a Beast Totem barbarian or Circle succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or
of the Shepherd druid, consider replacing the be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the
traditional totems with the following. ĐůĂǁĨŽŽƚĐĂŶŵĂŬĞŽŶĞďŝƚĞĂƩĂĐŬĂŐĂŝŶƐƚŝƚĂƐĂ
Bear: Hammertail (ankylosaurus) ďŽŶƵƐĂĐƟŽŶ͘
Eagle: Glidewing (pteranodon)
Wolf: Clawfoot raptor
Claws. DĞůĞĞtĞĂƉŽŶƩĂĐŬ͗+5 to hit, reach 5
Ō͕͘ŽŶĞƚĂƌŐĞƚ͘,ŝƚ͗10 (2d6+3) slashing damage
one target. ,ŝƚ͗8 (2d4+3) piercing damage

Aundair is a logical origin for a wizard, but your
wizard could be a down-and-out arcanist from
the alleys of Sharn or a Lhazaar pirate with a
knack for the mystic arts.
The variant human presented in the 8TIaMZ¼[
UQVL[W\PMa\Za\WJMITTWN\PM[M\PQVO[I\WVKMº 0IVLJWWSprovides an additional opportunity to
Humans have dominated Khorvaire for culture you were raised in?
thousands of years. They founded the Five


Nations and make up the majority of the
population in these countries. Despite their
relatively short lifespan—or perhaps because Humans possess a wide range of Dragonmarks,
of it—humans are innovative, adaptable, and and their houses are spread across Khorvaire.
aggressive, always pushing their limits and House Cannith is one of the most powerful
pursuing new ideas. houses, creating both magic and mundane
Humans are extremely diverse; a barbarian items with the Mark of Making. House Orien
from the Demon Wastes has little in common maintains the Lightning Rail and trade
with a Brelish rogue. When you’re creating a caravans that run across the continent. House
human character, consider where you’re from Deneith brokers the services of bodyguards
IVLPW_\PI\¼[ZMÆMK\MLQVaW]ZKTI[[ and mercenaries. House Vadalis uses the Mark
and background. Chapter 2 presents an WN0IVLTQVO\WJZMMLÅVMUW]V\[IVLW\PMZ
overview of the nations of Khorvaire and creatures. House Tharashk produces bounty
ideas for characters tied to those nations. hunters, prospectors, and
However, these are ideas— inquisitives.
not restrictions.

from their duties, building an empire in western
Khorvaire and clashing with the Dhakaani
The races described so far are those commonly goblinoids. This came crashing down when one
found in the Five Nations. However, there are of the ancient Overlords stirred, unleashing
many other creatures in the world. Here’s a ÅMVL[IVLKWZZ]X\QVOUIVaWN\PMLZIOWVJWZV
brief overview of some of these other races and themselves. Their empire collapsed and the
what you might do with them. It’s always up dragonborn retreated to the darkness of Q’barra.
to the DM to decide if an unusual race is an <PMaPI^MZMUIQVML\PMQZM^MZ[QVKMÅOP\QVO\PM
option for player character; there’s a place for forces of the Poison Dusk and guarding against
dragonborn in Eberron, but if a DM doesn’t further corruption.
want to use them in a campaign, they remain To date the dragonborn have largely ignored
hidden and unknown. the humans of Q’barra, and the few humans
who’ve encountered dragonborn believe they’re
some exotic type of lizardfolk. If you’re a
AASIMAR dragonborn PC, what has caused you to emerge
from Q’barra? Are you on a quest to help your
In Eberron, aasimar aren’t a race as such. people or to oppose the Lords of Dust? Are you
Rather, each aasimar is a unique individual driven by wanderlust or curiosity? Did you serve
touched by a celestial power. An aasimar bound as a mercenary in the Last War?
to the Silver Flame has a couatl as an angelic
guide, driving it to protect the innocent from
supernatural evil. An archon from Shavarath
injustice in the name of Dol Arrah, while an The githyanki city of Tu’narath lies in the Astral
angel from Syrania might encourage its aasimar Plane, while the githzerai have established their
to seek out knowledge and uphold the law as a stronghold in the chaos of Kythri. If you wish
servant of Aureon. On the other side of things, \WPI^M\ZI‫ٻ‬KJM\_MMV-JMZZWVIVL\PM_QLMZ
a fallen aasimar could have a bond to a spirit multiverse, Tu’narath can lie between Eberron
WN5IJIZWZIKZ]MTÅMVLNZWU;PI^IZI\P)V and the planes that lie beyond; an incursion by
aasimar could even be an elf channeling the \PMOQ\PaIVSQKW]TLJM\PMÅZ[\[QOVWNKWV\IK\
power of the Undying Court, though they’d with the outer multiverse. On the other hand,
possess the standard aasimar traits in place of any it’s just as easy to say that the gith of Eberron are
elf traits. \QML\W\PM[M\\QVOIVLPI^MVW\ZI‫ٻ‬K_Q\P\PM
The appearance of an aasimar will depend on broader multiverse.
the nature of their angelic guide. An aasimar The gith are a race enslaved by the mind
might appear to be a normal human or elf until ÆIaMZ[_PWW^MZ\PZM_\PM[MKZ]MTUI[\MZ[IVL
they unleash their celestial gifts. Most people raised fortresses in the planes. This story holds
have heard stories of aasimars, but have never true in Eberron, with one twist. It was the daelkyr
actually met one. who invaded the world of the gith. The daelkyr
and turned these monsters against their own
Tens of thousands of years ago the dragons of \PMU[MT^M[I\_Q[\MLZMÆMK\QWVWN\PMOQ\P
Argonnessen established a garrison of dragonborn To date, the githyanki and githzerai have
in what is now Q’barra. These warriors were XTIaMLVW[QOVQÅKIV\ZWTMQV\PMPQ[\WZaWN
I[[QOVML\WXZW\MK\\PMZMOQWVIOIQV[\\PMQVÆ]MVKM Eberron, and only the wisest sage would
of the Lords of Dust. Over time they drifted away recognize one. If you play a gith character,


consider what brings you to Eberron. Are you a were defeated, the seeds of madness took root in
githyanki scout gathering information for a future the empire and tore it apart. Today, there are
QVK]Z[QWV°WZIZMJMT_PW_IV\[\WXZW\MK\\PM four primary goblinoid cultures in Khorvaire.
world from such a fate? Are you here to hunt
daelkyr? Or are you just a curious explorer? CITY GOBLINS
Goblins are found in most of the major cities
GNOLLS to Khorvaire, they enslaved many goblins and
built their cities on the foundations of Dhakaani
In ancient times, the gnolls were servants of the
ruins. Galifar ended the practice of slavery, and
these goblins are technically citizens of the Five
that remain in the thrall of these demons. But
Nations, but most remain as an impoverished
the largest population of gnolls is the Znir Pact
underclass found in slums and ghettos. However,
of Droaam. Thousands of years ago, these gnolls
gifted goblins can be found in all walks of life,
and goblins served in the armies of the Five
swore to never allow any other creature to hold
Nations during the Last War.
dominion over them. The Znir Pact sell their
services as soldiers and trackers. Most of the
Pact currently serves the Daughters of Sora Kell THE GHAAL’DAR
in Droaam, but some fought in the Last War
The Ghaal’dar tribes arose from the remnants
as agents of House Tharashk, and Tharashk
of the Dhakaani Empire. Hobgoblins are the
continues to broker their services.
leaders of the Ghaal’dar, enforcing their will
As a gnoll, you could be a former mercenary
on the goblins and bugbears. The history of the
who’s chosen to stay with comrades you met
during your service; as a rule, Znir gnolls are
deeply loyal to those that they consider to be
turned on one another. This came to an end with
members of their pack. You might be driven
the Last War. House Deneith hired Ghaal’dar
by curiosity, eager to explore the world beyond
mercenaries, and this gave focus to the divided
Droaam. You could be driven by visions of a
tribes. A brilliant hobgoblin, Haruuc, united the
demonic power rising in the Five Nations or
Ghaal’dar and under his leadership they seized
working on behalf of the Daughters of Sora
control of what is now Darguun (see chapter 2).
Kell. Or you could be a mercenary still, insisting
The aging Lhesh Haruuc remains as the ruler
on regular payment for your ongoing services to
of Darguun, and many fear that his death could
the party.
throw the region into chaos.
Among the Ghaal’dar, you hold your place

GOBLINOIDS through cunning and strength. As a Ghaal’dar

goblinoid, you may have been a former
The goblinoid species—including goblins, mercenary now seeking adventure. You could be
hobgoblins, and bugbears—were once the working as an emissary for one of the Ghaal’dar
dominant civilization in Khorvaire. The tribes, or even Lhesh Haruuc himself. Or you
goblinoid Empire of Dhakaan ruled most of could have been driven from your tribe by the
Khorvaire for thousands of years. It was crippled actions of a rival; perhaps you’re seeking allies to
JaITWVOIVLJQ\\MZKWVÆQK\_Q\P\PMLIMTSaZIVL reclaim your birthright.
their aberrant armies; even though the daelkyr


THE MARGUUL The Heirs of Dhakaan are an agnostic society
and don’t have clerics, paladins, or druids. Their
<PM5IZO]]TJ]OJMIZ[\PZM_W‫\ٺ‬PMaWSMWN focus is on martial excellence, and their spiritual
the Ghaal’dar long ago, seizing territory in the leaders are bards, who inspire their warriors with
Seawall Mountains in the south of Darguun. tales of past glory.
They are infamous raiders, and while they have Among the Dhakaan, all goblinoids work
brokered a truce with the Ghaal’dar, anyone together, using their talents for the greater good.
venturing into the Seawall Mountains had best Hobgoblins are the strategists and commanders,
travel with a Marguul guide. \aXQKITTaPI^QVO\PM[SQTT[WNÅOP\MZ[JIZL[WZ
As a Marguul bugbear, you are savage and rangers. Bugbears cultivate a focused battle rage
proud of it. The Marguul worship the Mockery and are typically barbarians, serving as shock
and believe in victory by any means necessary: troops. Goblins are largely artisans and laborers,
\PMZMQ[VW[]KP\PQVOI[PWVWZWV\PMJI\\TMÅMTL but exceptional goblins join the SPM[P¼LIZ(“silent
It’s certainly an unusual choice for a player folk”), learning the skills of rogue, monk, or
character, but if you’ve taken a liking to a ranger. The khesh’dar are spreading agents across
particular group of the small folk, you could be a the Five Nations, and you never know when a city
powerful ally. goblin might turn out to be a deadly assassin.
As an adventurer from a Dhakaani clan, why
THE HEIRS OF DHAKAAN are you working with the other player characters?
Are you a scout gathering information? Are
Though the Dhakaani Empire defeated the alien you searching for allies to defeat a rival clan,
daelkyr, the war left seeds of madness strewn or to support your own unlikely bid for the
throughout the empire. As Dhakaan began 1UXMZQIT\PZWVM')ZMaW]IVM`QTM°IVLQN[W
to fall, a number of generals and governors do you hope to regain your position, or have you
gathered their forces and retreated into shelters abandoned your ties to the Dhakaani?
deep within the earth, determined to preserve
be restored. After thousands of years, their
competing among themselves to determine which Many kobolds live in simple tribes scattered
leader deserves the Imperial crown; once this is across Eberron. The Iredar kobolds claim
settled, they will turn to the conquest of Darguun to be descended from the Progenitor Dragon
and Khorvaire. Eberron herself, and generally live in mountain
The Dhakaani are far fewer in number than caverns. The Irvhir claim kinship with Khyber
the Ghaal’dar; they had to carefully limit their and live in deep caverns. While these claims are
population in their deep vaults. However, unlikely, many kobolds do develop some degree
they have held onto the martial discipline of sorcerous ability. In addition to these tribal
and techniques that allowed their ancestors to kobolds, there’s a large population of kobolds
dominate the continent. Their weaponsmiths in the nation of Droaam. Traditionally these
IZM[]XMZQWZM^MV\W\PMIZ\QÅKMZ[WN0W][M kobolds have been enslaved by more powerful
Cannith, and they are experts in the working of creatures; now the Daughters of Sora Kell have
adamantine and other exotic metals. Anyone granted them their own domain under their
who takes goblinoids for granted should be warlord Kethelrax the Cunning. Beyond this, a
surprised by the skills of the Dhakaani. handful of Kobolds can be found scattered across
Khorvaire, sometimes mingling with the city
goblins in the great cities.


The lizardfolk of Khorvaire dwell in the region The orcs are an ancient race. Their ancestors
known as Q’barra. Most are part of a tribal were scattered by the Dhakaani goblins, and
alliance known as the Cold Sun Federation. they largely live in harsh and unwanted lands:
Their civilization is ancient, but they are quite the swamps of the Shadow Marches, the Demon
primitive by the standards of the Five Nations Wastes, the depths of the Ironroot Mountains.
and they’ve never sought to expand beyond The orcs of Eberron weren’t formed by
Q’barra. Over the last thirty years humans have Gruumsh, and they aren’t inherently driven to
begun to settle Q’barra. Treaties have been evil. However, they are an extremely passionate
established with the Cold Sun Federation, but and primal race, given to powerful emotion and
KWUU]VQKI\QWVQ[LQ‫ٻ‬K]T\IVL\PMZMPI^MJMMV deep faith. The Ghaash’kala orcs of the Demon
clashes started by forces on both sides. Wastes are servants of the Silver Flame who
As a lizardfolk, you may be a scout sent out LM^W\M\PMQZTQ^M[\WJI\\TQVO\PMÅMVL[WN\PM
into the wider world to learn more about these Wastes. The Gatekeeper druids of the Shadow
mysterious soft-skinned creatures. You might be 5IZKPM[_MZM\PMÅZ[\LZ]QL[WV3PWZ^IQZM
driven by a mysterious dream. You could have The Gatekeepers played a crucial role in
been driven from your tribe for a crime; what defeating the alien daelkyr and binding this evil
was it, and are you actually guilty? in Khyber, and their descendants continue to
However, many orcs were corrupted by the
MINOTAURS daelkyr and embraced the madness of the Cults
of the Dragon Below. These cultists also live
In Eberron, minotaurs are found in the
in the Shadow Marches, and battles between
monstrous nation of Droaam. Most minotaurs
Gatekeepers and the servants of the Dragon
worship an entity commonly called the Horned
Below have diminished both sides.
Prince, but each clan has its own personal
Beyond the Gatekeepers and the cultists, the
interpretation and name for the Prince. Some
Shadow Marches are home to orcs who have
present the Horned Prince as a savage demon
joined with humans to create mixed clans. The
who must be satiated with the blood of enemies.
dragonmarked House Tharashk arose from this
Other clans see the prince as a noble war god—
union. While full orcs cannot carry the Mark of
analogous to Dol Dorn and Dol Arrah—who
Finding they are an important part of the house
demands that his children display both courage
and can be found across Khorvaire as part of
Tharashk operations.
minotaurs are primarily encountered as raiders
As an orc, you could be a Ghaash’kala paladin
on the borders of Droaam, honorable minotaurs
seeking to protect the innocent from evil. You
often work with House Tharashk and serve as
might be a Gatekeeper druid or ranger hunting
mercenaries in the Five Nations.
aberrations working to prevent the return of
As a minotaur character, decide on your version
the daelkyr. You could be a barbarian or a
warlock driven by the mad dreams of the Cults
you a former mercenary seeking adventure? Are
of the Dragon Below. Or you could just be an
you following a divine mission? Are you working
unmarked member of House Tharashk, seeking
for House Tharashk, a minotaur warlord, or the
your fortune in the wider world!
Daughters of Sora Kell?


<QMÆQVO[IZMZIZMTa[MMVQV-JMZZWVJ]\\PMZM isolated oddities, often seen as exotic and strange,
IZMINM_XI\P[NWZI\QMÆQVOKPIZIK\MZ[ but not necessarily evil.
the barbarians who live in the Demon Wastes. The Venomous Demesne, a city-state hidden
bound beneath the Wastes and are considered the Venomous Demesne are descended from
to be blessed by the tribes. If you’re playing Sarlonan mages who bargained with dark
[]KPI\QMÆQVO_PaPI^MaW]TMN\\PM?I[\M['1\ powers, and the lords of the Demesne are
could be that you were destined to serve an evil powerful warlocks and wizards. The Venomous
purpose—perhaps even serving as an avatar for ,MUM[VMPI[PILVW[QOVQÅKIV\KWV\IK\_Q\P\PM
an imprisoned demon Overlord—and you are Five Nations and few people know it exists; your
ÆMMQVONZWU\PI\LM[\QVa character could be an envoy, an exile, or simply
7\PMZ\QMÆQVO[IZM[PIXMLVW\JaLMUWVQK an adventurer driven by a desire to see what lies
XW_MZ[J]\Ja\PMQVÆ]MVKMWN\PMXTIVM[;]KP beyond your magical kingdom.


What about kenku in Eberron? How about
There’s a place for everything in Eberron, but it’s
that place is. If you want to play a member of a
race that hasn’t been addressed here, talk with
your DM and come up with an option. What
role do you want the race to play in the world?
Widespread. It’s always possible to change
the default assumptions of the setting. If both you
and your DM like the idea that the Dhakaani
Empire was a nation of goliaths rather than
goblinoids, you can make that change. So there’s
nothing wrong with adding a new race into the
common population of the Five Nations, as long
as everyone likes the idea of it.
Exotic. There are many places in Eberron
where a small population of unusual creatures
could exist. Perhaps there’s a lost city of tabaxi
in the jungles of Xen’drik, or a clan of Kenku
dwelling at the top of Sharn’s tallest tower. The
Mourning could have transformed a city of
humans into bee-people. As with dragonborn or
of culture to interact with but keeps them from
Unique. When introducing a character of an
unusual race, one option is to say that you’re
the only member of that race. Perhaps you
were created by the mysterious daelkyr
or the brilliant transmuter Mordain
the Fleshweaver. Maybe you’re
the result of magebreeding
experiments conducted by
House Vadalis and House Jorasco. Perhaps you
began life as a member of another race and were
transformed by the Mourning.
to whether to allow an unusual race into the
campaign, the important thing is to determine
the story you’re looking for!



possesses a dragonmark,
a symbol etched on the
skin in colors more vivid
than any tattoo. This
sigil is a source of mystical power. A
dragonmark enhances the user’s ability
to perform certain tasks. The Mark of
Making guides the hands of the smith,
while the Mark of Shadows helps its
bearer avoid enemies. The power of a
dragonmark can also manifest in more
dramatic ways. An heir with the Mark of
Storms can scatter enemies with a blast
of wind, while someone with the Mark
of Shadows can weave illusions. While
way as spells, the power is drawn and focused and clinics. Only House Lyrandar heirs with
through the dragonmark. the Mark of Storms can pilot airships. Control
You can’t buy a dragonmark, or simply over vital services—medicine, transportation,
choose to develop one. Each mark is tied to communication, manufacturing— gives the
around adolescence, but not every heir In the past, the dragonmarked houses were
manifests the mark. Long ago the families held in check by the united kingdom of Galifar.
that carry the marks joined together to form But in the wake of the Last War, people
the dragonmarked houses. Over the course of wonder if any one nation has the power to
centuries, the houses have used their gifts to enforce its wishes on the houses. Some say the
establish powerful economic monopolies. House dragonmarked barons wield more power than
Jorasco holds the Mark of Healing, and Jorasco kings and queens.
maintains the vast majority of healing houses

Dragonmarks are associated with race, depicted Dragonmarks are bound to certain bloodlines,
by a combination of variant races and subraces. and by choosing a mark you are establishing
• For humans and half-orcs, a dragonmark that your character has a blood connection to
is a variant race that replaces normal traits one of the families in the dragonmarked houses.
associated with those races. However, it’s up to you to decide on your
• For half-elves, a dragonmark is a variant relationship to the house. Were you brought up
race. You keep some of the standard half- in the house? Or are you completely independent
elf traits and replace others with the traits from it? This is best represented by your
associated with your mark. background. Consider the following options.
Agent. You have a close, ongoing relationship
• .WZL_IZ^M[MT^M[OVWUM[IVLPITÆQVO[ with your house. The house agent background
the dragonmark replaces your subrace. is a good choice if you are actively working for
So, if you’re making an elf character, you can the house. Alternately, you could take the noble
choose to take the Mark of Shadow instead of JIKSOZW]VL\WZMÆMK\IJTWWL\QM\W\PMTMILMZ[WN
being a wood elf or high elf. the house.
There are two additional options related to Independent Scion. You were raised or
dragonmarks. As your dragonmarked character trained by the house, but you’ve kept your
grows in level, you can take the Greater independence. This means you don’t have
,ZIOWVUIZSNMI\\WZMÆMK\\PMOZW_QVOXW_MZ many special privileges, but you also don’t have
of your dragonmark. Alternatively, the Aberrant responsibilities. Guild artisan is a good choice to
Dragonmark feat grants limited but dangerous ZMÆMK\JI[QKPW][M\ZIQVQVOJ]\aW]KW]TLKPWW[M
magical abilities. Aberrant dragonmarks aren’t entertainer for the Mark of Shadow, sailor for the
tied to the dragonmark houses and can be taken Mark of Storms, soldier for the Mark of Sentinel,
by any character. sage for the Mark of Scribing, and so on.
Finding Tharashk Human, Half-Orc ŽƵŶƚLJ,ƵŶƟŶŐ͕/ŶǀĞƐƟŐĂƟŽŶ͕WƌŽƐƉĞĐƟŶŐ
Handling Vadalis Human Animal Training and Breeding
Healing Jorasco ,ĂůŇŝŶŐ Healing
Hospitality Ghallanda ,ĂůŇŝŶŐ &ŽŽĚ͕>ŽĚŐŝŶŐ͕hƌďĂŶ/ŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ
Making Cannith Human Manufacturing
Passage Orien Human >ĂŶĚdƌĂŶƐƉŽƌƚĂƟŽŶ
Scribing Sivis Gnome ŽŵŵƵŶŝĐĂƟŽŶ͕dƌĂŶƐůĂƟŽŶ͕sĞƌŝĮĐĂƟŽŶ
^ĞŶƟŶĞů Deneith Human Bodyguards, Mercenaries
Shadow Phiarlan Elf Entertainment, Espionage
Thuranni Elf ŶƚĞƌƚĂŝŶŵĞŶƚ͕ƐƐĂƐƐŝŶĂƟŽŶ
Storm Lyrandar Half-Elf ŝƌĂŶĚ^ĞĂdƌĂŶƐƉŽƌƚĂƟŽŶ
Warding Kundarak Dwarf Banking, Storage, Prisons


Excoriate. ?PMVILZIOWVUIZSMLPMQZLMÅM[ • As a life cleric with the Mark of Healing,
\PMQZPW][M\PMaUIaJMK]\W‫ٺ‬NZWUQ\1V\PM you’re able to use your mark to channel
XI[\aW]ZUIZS_W]TLJMÆIaMLNZWUaW]ZJWLa positive energy and perform remarkable
Although this mutilation is no longer practiced, feats of healing. You could combine this with
such exiles are still called excoriates. If you’re an religious faith or you could say that the mark
excoriate, consider what you did to deserve this alone is the source of your divine magic.
punishment. Were you a criminal? A charlatan? • If you’re a warlock with an aberrant
Or perhaps a sage who engaged in forbidden dragonmark, you could say that the mark
Foundling. Your ancestors left the house of your arcane powers. You don’t fully
long ago. You have no ties to the house and may understand the nature of your mark, but
not have known you were connected by blood you know that it’s growing stronger and
before you manifested your dragonmark. As an you’re afraid you might lose control of it.
outlander or an urchin you might know nothing
about the houses. As an acolyte or hermit, you These descriptions don’t change your
could have put your faith ahead of worldly character’s abilities in any way. It’s simply a way
things, choosing not to pursue a connection \WILLÆI^WZIVL[\WZa\WaW]ZKPIZIK\MZ<PW]OP
with the houses. Whatever you decide, this is an if you’re channeling divine power through your
opportunity to talk with your DM about the role dragonmark, you might use a crystal (normally an
you’d like the house to play in a campaign. Do arcane focus) as your holy symbol, representing a
you want them to be your enemy? Would you makeshift dragonmark focus item.
prefer to avoid them completely? Or do you want

to work your way into a position of power in the
house, despite being an outsider?
A dragonmark improves your ability to perform


sharpens your senses and improves your
Each dragonmark grants a set of abilities that perception, while the Mark of Making guides
ZMÆMK\\PMQVPMZMV\XW_MZ[WN\PMUIZS.WZUW[\ your hands when you work with artisan’s tools.
marks this includes an Intuition die. This can Each dragonmark has a trait that allows you to
ZMÆMK\[]XMZVI\]ZITQV[\QVK\[WZO]QLIVKMNZWU roll an Intuition die, a d4, when you perform an
\PMUIZSWZW\PMZUQVWZUIOQKITM‫ٺ‬MK\[5IVa ability check with a particular skill or tool. You
dragonmarks grant limited magical abilities. add the number rolled to the ability check. You
Over the centuries the houses have developed LWV¼\PI^M\WJMXZWÅKQMV\_Q\P\PM[SQTTWZ\WWT\W
tools that enhance and channel the powers of a OIQV\PQ[JMVMÅ\
mark, and it’s these dragonmark focus items that Feats, magic items, and other features may
give the houses much of their power. improve your Intuition die. This increases the
)LZIOWVUIZSMLZIKMOQ^M[aW]I^MZa[XMKQÅK type of die you roll by one size (d6, d8, d10) to
set of traits. However, you can also explain your a maximum of a d10. You can only roll one
class abilities as being a result of your exceptional Intuition die for a check; if you receive Intuition
connection to your dragonmark: dice from multiple sources, increase one die by
• If you’re playing a bard with the Mark of one type and roll that one.
Shadow, you could say that your illusion For example, if a dragonmarked trait and feat
spells are drawn from your mark. If you’re both grant intuition with Dexterity (Stealth)
IPITÆQVOJIZL_Q\P\PM5IZSWN0MITQVO checks, you roll a d6, instead of a d4. Three
you could describe your mark as the source instances would increase your Intuition Die to a
of your healing magic. d8, and so on.


A dragonmark is a distinctive symbol that
appears on the skin. There are twelve known
dragonmarks, each unique in design and power.
A dragonmark can appear on any part of the
body. One half-elf could have the Mark of
Detection across an eye, while another has it
in the palm of their hand. Dragonmarks are
painted in vivid shades of blue and purple
and seem to shimmer or even move slightly.
When used, they grow warm to the touch and
may glow (though this doesn’t produce useful
illumination). A dragonmark can’t be removed—
even if a limb bearing a dragonmark is cut away,
the mark eventually manifests on another part
of the bearer’s body. All dragonmarks share the
same initial appearance but a dragonmark can
grow in size and complexity if a character takes
the /ZMI\MZ,ZIOWVUIZS feat or if the mark is tied to
class abilities.
While dragonmarks share the same general
appearance, your dragonmark could have a
unique quality. If you’d like to explore this, roll
on the Dragonmark Quirks table.

1d6 YƵŝƌŬ
1 Your dragonmark is unusually small or
remarkably large.
2 Your dragonmark slowly moves
around your body.
when you use it.
near someone with the same mark.
use it.
6 Your dragonmark is an unusual color
but a normal shape.


Every house has traditions, cabals, and
of the houses.
• Most Dragonmarked houses maintain
HQFODYHV in major cities. These serve
as hubs for house businesses and
strongholds for the house families.
A city may also have any number
of businesses tied to the house—a
Ghallanda inn, a Cannith smith, a Sivis
message station—but these are simply
direct connection to house leadership.
• Any heir of the house who develops
a dragonmark is allowed to add the
G·&DQQLWKRegional leaders within the
houses are called Barons. Most houses
are led by a matriarch or patriarch,
though some are led by councils.
• The Twelve is an organization
that facilitates communication
and cooperation between the
Dragonmarked houses. Excoriates are
dragonmarked heirs who have been cut
off from their houses. Foundlings are
people who develop a mark outside of
a house and have no connection to it.
• Dragonmarks manifest around
adolescence. Each house puts its
heirs through a trial called The Test
by house, but they place the heir in
circumstances where they are likely to
manifest the mark, if they have it. About
half of the members of a bloodline
manifest the mark.
• The Korth Edicts prevent the houses
from owning land, holding noble titles,
or maintaining military forces (with an
exception for Deneith). The Edicts were
established long ago when the Five
Nations were united. Today, many in
the houses feel the Korth Edicts have
become obsolete in the wake of the
Last War.

You are always gathering information for your
Here is an important background for Eberron. house. But when the barons come to you with a

do? Choose your role or roll on the table below.

You have sworn fealty to a dragonmarked house,
one of the mighty mercantile guilds that shapes d8 ZŽůĞ
Khorvaire. If you possess a dragonmark, you’re 1 ĐƋƵŝƐŝƟŽŶ
within the house, otherwise you’re an outsider 3 Research & Development
who hopes to make your fortune by allying with 4 Security
this great power. Your primary task is to observe,
gathering useful information and serving as the 5 /ŶƟŵŝĚĂƟŽŶ
eyes of your house. But you could be called upon 6 džƉůŽƌĂƟŽŶ
at any time to act as a hand of the house. Such 7 EĞŐŽƟĂƟŽŶ
missions can be dangerous—but they’ll surely be 8 ŽǀĞƌƚKƉĞƌĂƟŽŶƐ

;SQTT8ZWÅKQMVKQM["Investigation, Persuasion
<WWT8ZWÅKQMVKa"Two tools by house:
• +IVVQ\P"alchemist’s supplies and tinker’s
• ,MVMQ\P"one gaming set and vehicles (land)
• /PITTIVLI"brewer’s supplies and cook’s
• 2WZI[KW"alchemist’s supplies and herbalism
• 3]VLIZIS"tinker’s tools and thieves’ tools
• 4aZIVLIZ"vehicles (sea/air) and navigator’s
• 5MLIVQ"thieves’ tools and disguise kit
• 7ZQMV"vehicles (land) and one gaming set
• 8PQIZTIV"disguise kit and one musical
• ;Q^Q["calligrapher’s tools and forgery kit
• <PIZI[PS"thieves’ tools and one gaming set
• <P]ZIVVQ: poisoner’s kit and one musical
• Vadalis: vehicles (land) and herbalism kit
Equipment: )[M\WNÅVMKTW\PM[PW][M[QOVM\
ring, ID papers, and a purse containing 20 gp.

1 ŽŵŵŽŶ'ŽŽĚ. My house serves a vital
As an agent of your house, you can always get
food and lodging for your friends at a house
everyone. (Good)
enclave. When the house assigns you a mission,
it will usually provide you with necessary supplies
and bring honor to my family. (Lawful)
and transportation. Beyond this, you have many
old friends, mentors, and rivals in your house
and you may encounter one of them when you
interact with a house business. As a Lyrandar 4 WŽǁĞƌ. I want to ensure the prosperity of
my house and wield its power myself. (Evil)
agent you may know the captain of an airship; as
a Ghallanda agent you know a lot of innkeepers 5 ŝƐĐŽǀĞƌLJ. I want to learn all I can, both for
my house and for my own curiosity. (Any)
and bartenders. The degree to which such
acquaintances will be willing to help you out will 6 ŽŵĨŽƌƚ. I want to ensure that me and
depend on your current standing in your house. mine enjoy the best things in life. (Any)

d6 ŽŶĚ
SUGGESTED CHARACTERISTICS 1 My house is my family, and I would do
House agents are a diverse lot. Consider the anything for my family.
house you serve and the type of work you do in 2 I love someone from another house, but
developing or selecting characteristics. ƐƵĐŚƌĞůĂƟŽŶƐŚŝƉƐĂƌĞĨŽƌďŝĚĚĞŶ͘
3 Someone I love was killed by a rival
4 I don’t care about the house as a whole,
but I would do anything for my old
3 I share trivia about my house’s business mentor.
(medicine, ships, warforged).
5 I believe my house needs to evolve to
4 I hold myself and anyone I work with to survive, and I need to lead that change.
6 I am determined to impress the leaders of
5 I never forget an insult made against my house, and to become a leader myself.
myself or my house.
everything my house does.
1 I’m overly concerned with following
7 /͛ŵƌĞƉƌĞƐĞŶƟŶŐŵLJŚŽƵƐĞĂŶĚƚĂŬĞŐƌĞĂƚ established procedures and protocols.
pride in my personal appearance.
2 I’m obsessed with conspiracy theories and
3 I believe that my house and bloodline
4 I’m concealing a secret that could get me
driven from my house.
5 I have strong religious beliefs that aren’t
shared by others in my house.
house that gives me secret assignments.

the eyes of the house, listening for rumors and
watching for dangerous cabals and conspiracies.
Along the way you do your best to mediate
“1NaW]_IV\I_ITTWNU][KTM\WOM\JM\_MMVaW] disputes and defuse dangerous situations.
IVLIJTILMOW\W0W][M,MVMQ\P1NaW]_IV\ Rogue Folk Hero. You’re an inquisitive
[WUMWVM\WIV\QKQXI\M\PM\PZMI\IVLUISM[]ZMaW] trained by your house. You grew up in a bad
IZMV¼\M^MVQV\PMZWWU_Q\P_PWM^MZ¼[PWTLQVO neighborhood, and while you could make more
\PI\JTILM°\PI\¼[_PI\_MLW” gold solving the problems of nobles, you’re more
interested in helping your community. You’ve
—Baron Trelib d’Medani had a few good cases and you’ve helped a lot of
people, and word has spread.
The Mark of Detection is an inquisitive’s dream. Sage Wizard. You’re a brilliant diviner and
It sharpens powers of observation and intuition, inquisitive, and your talents have gotten you
allowing the bearer to draw connections and into trouble. You have a knack for uncovering
interpret clues others might miss. By actively conspiracies, and you found one in House
drawing on its powers, the bearer can detect Medani. It might involve shape-changed
poisons and study the energies of magic. demons or dragons—or both. You don’t know
how deep it goes, but you’re certain that other
dragonmarked houses and noble families have
intense. Some say paranoid. But you’ll show
The Warning Guild of House Medani brokers
the services of bodyguards and inquisitives.
this draconic conspiracy!
Medani advisors specialize in risk assessment
and management, protecting clients from both
physical and social threats. While Medani
overlaps with the inquisitives of House Tharashk MARK OF DETECTION TRAITS
and the bodyguards of House Deneith, the The Mark of Detection manifests exclusively
Warning Guild specializes in subtle threats and on half-elves. If your character has the Mark of
complex mysteries. Detection, these traits replace the half-elf’s Ability
The members of House Medani are half-elves Score Increase, Skill Versatility, and Languages
with deep roots in Breland. Medani has little given in the 8TIaMZ¼[0IVLJWWS.
interest in the power struggles that sometimes Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence
break out between the other dragonmarked and Charisma scores both increase by 1. In
houses. Many Medani heirs are more interested addition, one ability score of your choice
and Medani heirs often work with local law Deductive Intuition. When you make an
MVNWZKMUMV\WZPMTX\PW[M_PWKIV¼\I‫ٺ‬WZL\PMQZ Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Insight)
services. check, you can roll one Intuition die, a d4, and
add the number rolled to the ability check.
Sense Threats. You can cast the LM\MK\UIOQK
DRAGONMARKED CHARACTERS and detect poison and disease spells, but only as
rituals. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for
Here are a few examples of characters with the
these spells.
Mark of Detection.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write
House Agent Bard. With the kind of threats
Common and Elvish.
your house deals with, words are often more


friends on both sides of the law. Sometimes you
walk a crooked line to unravel a tough case.
The Mark of Finding can appear on either
—Hondar’Aashta, humans or half-orcs. If your character has the
Tharashk bounty hunter Mark of Finding, these traits replace all racial
traits given in the 8TIaMZ¼[0IVLJWWSaside from
The Mark of Finding sharpens the senses, Age, Size, and Speed. Your Ability Score
guiding the hunter to prey. Alone among the Increase depends on your race, while all other
dragonmarks, the Mark of Finding is carried by traits are shared by both humans and half-orcs.
\_WZIKM["P]UIV[IVLPITNWZK[1\ÅZ[\IXXMIZML Ability Score Increase (Human). As a
in the Shadow Marches, where clan hunters human, your Dexterity and Wisdom scores both
][MLQ\\WÅVL\PMQZXZMa<PMUIZSPMTXML]VQ\M increase by 1. In addition, one ability score of
humans and orcs in the Marches and brought your choice increases by 1.
House Tharashk to the Five Nations. Ability Score Increase (Half-Orc). As a
half-orc, your Strength and Wisdom scores both
increase by 1. In addition, one ability score of
HOUSE THARASHK your choice increases by 1.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within
House Tharashk traditionally licenses inquisitives 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in
and bounty hunters. Recently the Finder’s Guild darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern
has expanded into dragonshard prospecting. color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Dragonshards are the lifesblood of the magical Hunter’s Intuition. Your mark sharpens your
OQ^MV\PMPW][MVM__MIT\PIVLQVÆ]MVKM make a Wisdom (Perception) or Wisdom (Survival)
Tharashk is the youngest of the dragonmarked check, you can roll one Intuition die, a d4, and
houses and hasn’t embraced all of the customs add the number rolled to the ability check.
of the Twelve. Heirs often use family names Imprint Prey. As a bonus action, choose one
instead of the house surname and many hold on creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The
to beliefs and traditions carried from the Shadow target is imprinted in your mind until it dies or
Marches—like the druidic faith of the Gatekeepers you use this trait again. Alternatively, you can
or secretive cults of the Dragon Below. imprint a creature as your quarry whenever you
succeed on a Wisdom (Survival) check to track it.

When tracking your quarry, double the result
of your Intuition die. When your quarry is within
Here are examples of characters with this mark. 60 feet of you, you have a sense of its location: it
Druid House Agent. House Tharashk is KIV¼\JMPQLLMVNZWUaW]OIQV[VWJMVMÅ\NZWU
home to an ancient order of druids who protect invisibility, and your attacks against it ignore half
the world from aberrant threats. Although you cover. Once you use this trait, you cannot use it
truly an agent of the Gatekeepers, and investigate Nature’s Voice. When you reach 3rd level
the activities of mad cultists and the Daelkyr. you gain the ability to cast TWKI\MIVQUITWZXTIV\
Criminal Rogue. You’re an inquisitive who but only as a ritual.
works the mean streets of Sharn. You’ve got Languages. You can speak, read, and write
Common and Goblin.


Some characters with the Mark of Handling:
“,WV¼\OM\[MV\QUMV\IT)JMI[\Q[I\WWT7]ZZWTM Noble Druid. Your family is one of the most
Q[\WÅVL\PMZQOP\\WWTNWZ\PM\I[SIVL\WUISM powerful in the house, and they’ve learned to use
[]ZM\PMa¼ZMWN\PMÅVM[\Y]ITQ\a6I\]ZMQ[W]Z its power to do amazing things: shapeshifting,
SQVOLWU#VM^MZNWZOM\\PI\_M_MZMJWZV\WZ]TMQ\” manipulating animals and the world. While you’re
mechanically a druid, you don’t share any druidic
— Baron Hella d’Vadalis
beliefs; rather, you believe that your mark gives
you rightful dominion over the natural world.
The Mark of Handling gives its bearer a primal Ranger House Agent. You’ve been trained
connection to beasts and the natural world, to track and handle the wildest monstrosities.
granting the power to calm and coax. This extends You’re still mastering your skills, but you want
beyond purely natural animals; the mark allows its to get out into the world and discover new beasts
JMIZMZ\WO]QLMIPQXXWOZQ‫ٺ‬I[MI[QTaI[IPWZ[M that have never been harnessed—new creatures
that you can bring back to your house.

Outlander Druid. Your dragonmark gives
you a powerful connection to the natural world.
House Vadalis plays an important role in daily You hate what your house is doing with this
life. Vadalis ranches produce meat, mounts, and power—turning this gift into a J][QVM[[, exploiting
more. Vadalis isn’t one of the most powerful the creatures you’re connected to. You have
houses, but its barons are generally content; abandoned the house and loathe them all now.
they’re more interested in discovering new


monstrosities than engaging in the politics of the
dragonmarked houses.
House Vadalis breeds and trains beasts for a The Mark of Handling only manifests on
wide range of purposes. While they maintain humans. If your character has the Mark of
vast cattle ranches and train horses and hounds, Handing, these traits replace the human’s Ability
the Mark of Handling allows Vadalis to work Score Increase trait given in the 8TIaMZ¼[0IVLJWWS.
_Q\PUWZMM`W\QKKZMI\]ZM[I[_MTT/ZQ‫ٺ‬WV[ Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity and
PQXXWOZQ‫[ٺ‬IVLM^MVJ]TTM\\M[KIVJMJZMLIVL Wisdom scores both increase by 1. In addition,
trained. Vadalis also works with more intelligent one ability score of your choice increases by 1.
beasts, such as giant owls, displacers beasts, and Wild Intuition. When you make a Wisdom
pegasi. Even with the Mark of Handling, this is (Animal Handling) or Intelligence (Nature) check,
dangerous work; there’s a lot of turnover at the you can roll one Intuition die, a d4, and add the
bullette ranch. But these exotic creatures aren’t number rolled to the ability check.
enough to satisfy the most innovative members Expert Handling. You can use the Help
of the house, and this has led to the practice of action to aid an ally animal companion or mount
magebreeding. Using the Mark of Handling and within 30 feet of you, rather than 5 feet of you.
dragonshard focus items, Vadalis has found ways Primal Connection. You can cast IVQUIT
to create magical creatures. Typically, this results NZQMVL[PQXonce with this trait and regain the ability
in a superior version of a mundane creature—an \WLW[W_PMVaW]ÅVQ[PI[PWZ\WZTWVOZM[\
animal that is stronger, faster, and smarter. But Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell.
rumors claim that Vadalis has crafted monsters The Bigger They Are. When you cast a spell
of its own. Some rumors even insist that Vadalis \PI\I‫ٺ‬MK\[WVTaJMI[\[Q\IT[WI‫ٺ‬MK\[UWV[\ZW[Q\QM[
has been trying to magebreed better P]UIV[... with an Intelligence score of 3 or lower.


Here are a few examples of characters who carry
“?PI\¼[\PMXZQKMWNITQNM'?MTT1¼^MOW\IZI\M the Mark of Healing.
[PMM\ZQOP\W^MZPMZM1¼LJMPIXXa\WLQ[K][[Q\” Noble Cleric. You are one of the heirs of
— Bessi d’Jorasco, Fairhaven healer Baron Ulara, the matriarch of House Jorasco.
Your mark is remarkable (and the source of your
clerical abilities) and you feel that you’re just
beginning to unlock its power. Are you willing to
life with a touch, restoring vitality and the will to
devote your abilities to your house? Or do you
live. When dealing with mundane medicine, the
think that you may have a greater calling?
mark helps its bearer sense the nature of maladies
Folk Hero Bard. You served as a medic in
the Last War, using humor and stories to keep up
equipped with dragonshard focus items, the mark
the spirits of your patients. You’ve seen too much
can even draw the dead back from the depths of
You’ve broken away from the house and you’ve
been doing charitable work in your community.


Criminal Rogue. You grew up as an orphan
The Healer’s Guild provides a vital service in Sharn. One of your parents must have been
to Khorvaire, and the Last War ensured that \QML\W2WZI[KWJ]\aW]NW]VLILQ‫ٺ‬MZMV\NIUQTa"
there was great need for healers. The guild runs the Boromar Clan, a criminal guild run by
the schools that teach medicine and houses of PITÆQVO[AW]¼^MTMIZVMLPW_\WPMITIVLPW_\W
healing that provide both mundane and magical hurt people. Now you need to decide which path
services. If it could save a life, it’s probably tied you want to follow.
you have the gold, Jorasco healers can remove
a disease instantly with lesser restoration. If you
The Mark of Healing manifests exclusively on
with mundane techniques (the Medicine skill).
House Jorasco is also the source of potions of
PMITQVOWhile many criticize Jorasco’s demands
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score
for payment, the leaders of the house maintain
increases by 1.
that it’s not about greed; it’s about ensuring the
Medical Intuition. When you make a
survival and prosperity of the house, so they can
Wisdom (Medicine) check, you can roll one
continue to help future generations.
Intuition die, a d4, and add the number rolled to
While the public face of Jorasco is that of the
the ability check.
healer, there are rumors that the house engaged
Healing Touch. As an action, you can
in disturbing experiments during the Last War,
draw power from your dragonmark to spend
working with House Vadalis to develop biological
one of your Hit Dice and revitalize yourself or
weapons and strange new creatures. A Jorasco
a creature you touch. Roll the die, add your
heir will have to decide if they want to investigate
number of hit points equal to the total. Once
are true.
you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you


inns, and taverns that are licensed by Ghallanda.
The blink dog seal is an assurance that a locale
meets Ghallanda standards of health and
¸)TIZIL¼/PITTIVLIPITÆQVOJIZ\MVLMZ Here are some examples of characters who carry
the Mark of Hospitality.
<PMaUIaVW\IT_Ia[PI^MOWTLJ]\IPITÆQVO Noble Warlock (Archfey). Your parents
with the Mark of Hospitality is sure to be rich run a score of Gold Dragon Inns. You’ve never
in friends. The magic of the mark allows the gotten your hands dirty with the family business;
bearer to keep a place clean, and to heat, chill, you’ve been too busy doing important things,
and season food. But it also helps the bearer like going to all the best parties. Just the other
connect with others, setting troubled minds at day you were dancing with some Greensinger
ease—a powerful tool, though it can cause anger druids, and they summoned some sort of
if abused. Archfey from Thelanis. Honestly, you don’t
HOUSE GHALLANDA deal with this fey prince. You’re not sure exactly
what you agreed to; you’d better gather a few
The majority of inns, taverns, and restaurants NZQMVL[IVLÅO]ZMQ\W]\
in the Five Nations are either directly owned by Guild Artisan Bard. You used to run the
House Ghallanda or licensed by its Hosteler’s ÅVM[\JIZQV+aZM]V\QT\PM5W]ZVQVOLM[\ZWaML
Guild. Most people give little thought to House it. You know a group of adventurers—regulars
Ghallanda; when compared to the soldiers from your lost tavern—and you’re tagging along
of House Deneith and the factories of House _Q\P\PMU]V\QTaW]ÅO]ZMW]\aW]ZVM`\[\MX
Cannith, an alliance of innkeepers seems Perhaps you’ll earn enough gold to buy a new
harmless and inconsequential. But Ghallanda’s JIZ°WZXMZPIX[aW]¼TTÅVLILQ‫ٺ‬MZMV\XI\P
strength lies in charm and connections. A
Ghallanda innkeeper hears many things—if
you want to know what’s really going on in
The leaders of House Ghallanda don’t sell The Mark of Hospitality manifests exclusively
information; they prefer to build friendship and WVPITÆQVO[1NaW]ZKPIZIK\MZPI[\PM5IZSWN
deal in favors. But should a Ghallanda baron 0W[XQ\ITQ\a\PQ[Q[aW]ZPITÆQVO[]JZIKM
every truly need something, they likely have a Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma
favor they can call in. score increases by 1.
Ghallanda has a number of “bound Innkeeper’s Charms. You know the
businesses”—franchises run directly by the house. cantrips friends and XZM[\QLQOQ\I\QWVCharisma is
The Gold Dragon Inn is such a business, and your spellcasting ability for them.
Gold Dragon Inns can be found in every major Ever Hospitable. When you make a
city, each serving a familiar menu and providing Charisma (Persuasion) check or an ability check
similar services. But many Ghallanda heirs take involving brewer’s supplies or cook’s utensils,
pride in creating their own unique businesses. you can roll one Intuition die (a d4) and add the
There are also many independent restaurants, number rolled to the ability check.


Some characters with the Mark of Making:
“5aPW][MJ]QT\\PMUWLMZV_WZTL7ZQMVUIa Noble Wizard. Born to one of the most
LZQ^M\PMTQOP\VQVOZIQTJ]\Q\¼[+IVVQ\P_PW powerful families in House Cannith, you’re a
J]QTL[\PMKIZ[IVLTIa[\PM[\WVM[Q\\ZI^MT[WV diletante who has so far squandered your arcane
VQOP\I\JIa;UQ\PKIZXMV\MZITKPMUQ[\¸\PM adventurer? Or will the house demand that you
JM[\ITTKIZZaUa[MIT” live up to the duties of your rank?
+ZQUQVIT)Z\QÅKMZYour parents were
— Baron Merrix d’Cannith excoriated from House Cannith for engaging in
forbidden research. They died when you were
The Mark of Making guides its bearer through young. You’ve never learned what they were
any act of creation. The bearer of the mark can working on. But you inherited their talent for
mend broken things with a touch, and always IZ\QÅKMIVLaW]¼^MJMMVPQLQVOQV\PM[PILW_[WN
has a minor magic item they’ve been working Sharn. It’s time to pursue your parents’ legacy.
enchanted blade. MARK OF MAKING TRAITS
The Mark of Making only manifests on humans.

HOUSE CANNITH These traits replace the human Ability Score

Increase trait in the 8TIaMZ¼[0IVLJWWS.
House Cannith dominates all forms of Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence
manufacturing, both mystical and mundane. and Dexterity scores increase by 1. Increase either
Cannith forgeholds use streamlined forms of Intelligence or Dexterity by an additional 1 point.
production to quickly produce common goods. Artisan’s Intuition. When you make an
Even independent artisans often learn their trade ability check with artisan’s tools, roll 1d4 and add
at Cannith academies and adhere to Cannith it to the result.
standards. The House of Making builds the tools Maker’s Gift. You know the cantrip UMVLQVO
the other houses rely upon, and it has always IVLOIQVXZWÅKQMVKa_Q\PWVM\aXMWNIZ\Q[IV¼[
been the unspoken leader of the Twelve. tools.
The Last War was a time of great opportunity Magecraft. You can create a temporary magic
for Cannith. Every nation wanted weapons and item out of common materials. Choose a cantrip
warforged, along with mundane arms and armor. from the wizard spell list. Describe the item
The war raised the house up, and then tore it connected to it. As long as you possess the item,
down. House Cannith was based in Cyre, and you know that cantrip. At the end of a long rest,
the Mourning destroyed the house leadership you can replace it with a new item and select a
IVLSMaNIKQTQ\QM[6W_\PZMMJIZWV[RWKSMa\WÅTT new cantrip from the wizard spell list. Intelligence
the leadership vacuum: the alchemist Jorlanna of is your spellcasting ability for these cantrips.
Fairhaven, weaponsmith Zorlan of Korth, and Spellsmith. You can spend one minute
warforged innovator Merrix of Sharn. It remains to weave a temporary enchantment into a
to be seen whether one of these leaders will unite nonmagical suit of armor or weapon. For the
the house, or if it will shatter under the strain. next hour the object becomes a magic item,
If you’re an heir of House Cannith, you should gaining a +1 bonus to AC if it is armor or a +1
decide which of these barons you serve—or if you bonus to hit and damage if it is a weapon. Once
have other ideas about the future of the house. you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you


Here are examples of characters who carry the
“?MOM\\PQVO[_PMZM\PMaVMML\WOW1\LWM[V¼\ Mark of Passage.
UI\\MZQNQ\¼[ITM\\MZIXMZ[WVWZIP]VLZML\WV[WN Outlander Ranger. You’re a courier who
[\MMT?PM\PMZ_MPI^M\WKZW[[UW]V\IQV[ZQ^MZ[ specializes in dangerous deliveries to exotic
WZ\PM5W]ZVTIVLQ\[MTN7ZQMVÅVL[I_Ia” locations. Your assignments take you into the
wilds, the Mournland, and worse. Hopefully you
— Bali d’Orien, veteran courier
have a team of capable friends!
Rogue Urchin. You grew up as a foundling
The Mark of Passage governs motion, allowing in the worst slums of Sharn. For you, the city
its bearer to move with uncanny speed and is a vast vertical jungle, and you love climbing
precision. Running, leaping, climbing—the Mark towers and leaping between bridges. You value
of Passage enhances every form of movement. friendship and freedom. You’re more interested
The bearer of the mark can even slip through in having fun and helping your companions than
space, leaping from point to point in the blink of QVRWQVQVO]X_Q\P[WUM[\]‫ٺ‬aPW][M
an eye.


The Mark of Passage only manifests on humans.
The House of Passage manages land These traits replace the human Ability Score
transportation. The Lightning Rail is the house’s Increase trait given in the 8TIaMZ¼[0IVLJWWS.
most dramatic tool, but Orien runs caravans Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity
and coaches across the length of Khorvaire. score increases by 2 and one other ability score of
Dragonshard focus items ensure that the fastest your choice increases by 1.
vehicles are those driven by heirs with the Mark Courier’s Speed. Your base walking speed
of Passage, but the house also licenses unmarked increases to 40 ft.
teamsters. The Courier’s Guild of House Orien Intuitive Motion. When you make a
delivers mail and packages and has a branch that Strength (Athletics) check or any ability check
handles more covert and dangerous deliveries. to operate or maintain a land vehicle, you can
Orien has dominated transportation for roll one Intuition die, a d4, and add the number
centuries, but now the house is facing challenges. rolled to the ability check.
The Mournland is a dramatic obstacle for Determined Stride. When you use the Dash
ground transportation, and the expanding role IK\QWVLQ‫ٻ‬K]T\\MZZIQVLWM[V¼\KW[\aW]M`\ZI
of Lyrandar airships threatens Orien’s business. movement on that turn.
Long distance teleportation is a service only the Shared Passage. As a bonus action you can
strongest Orien heirs can provide. Now Orien, teleport a distance up to your walking speed,
seeking to expand its use of teleportation, is ending in an unoccupied space that you can
_WZSQVO_Q\P+IVVQ\P\WÅVL_Ia[\W]VTWKS see. You can bring one willing creature of your
and enhance this ultimate gift of the Mark size or smaller who is carrying gear up to its
of Making. Orien heirs may be caught up in carrying capacity. The creature must be within
these experiments or in the rivalry with House 5 feet of you when you use this trait. Once you
Lyrandar, or they may stay close to the ground use this trait, you can’t use it again until you
and just keep moving. ÅVQ[PITWVOZM[\


Here are examples of characters who carry the
— Lysse Lorridan d’Sivis, House Agent Bard. The Draconic Prophecy
House Matriarch is one of the greatest mysteries of all. You’re an
observer tasked to keep your eyes open for any
sort of manifestation of the Prophecy. You are
The Mark of Scribing deals with
part detective, part spy. Always keep your eyes
communication—both the written and spoken
open for leads and see where they take you.
word. A gnome who bears the mark can feel
Sage Wizard. You started out as a scribe
words as though they are living creatures,
and discovered a talent for arcane magic and a
struggling to make their meaning known. The
love of history. You’re eager to explore ancient
mark provides a range of gifts. It translates
ruins and lost civilizations, and you’re especially
languages, but it also allows its bearer to
interested in uncovering old records, spellbooks,
communicate with others at a distance.
and ancient lore.
Hermit Warlock (Great Old One). The

HOUSE SIVIS Mark of Making allows you to read the code of

reality itself, to understand voices no one else can
The gnomes of House Sivis facilitate hear. You have no interest in the business of your
communication. This is seen most literally in house; you are on a grander quest, unraveling a
[XMISQVO[\WVM[, magic items allowing a Sivis heir secret that lesser minds can’t comprehend. Your
to send a short message to another speaking patron could be a daelkyr or your mark may
stone; House Sivis’s network of message stations truly be connecting you to some primordial force.
is the backbone of long-distance communication.
But Sivis also trains and licenses scribes,
notaries, interpreters, cartographers, barristers,
heralds, bookbinders and more. House Sivis
The Mark of Scribing manifests exclusively
has an especially close relationship with House
on gnomes. If your character has the Mark of
Kundarak, as Kundarak letters of credit must be
Scribing, this is your gnome subrace.
notarized with a Sivis arcane mark.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma
House Sivis has taken great pains to maintain
score increases by 1.
the trust of its clients and takes a position of
Gifted Scribe. AW]IZMXZWÅKQMV\_Q\P
absolute neutrality in all disputes, whether
calligrapher’s supplies and forgery kits. When
between houses or nations. Gnomes have a
you make an ability check using either one of
these tools, you can roll one Intuition die, a d4,
within the house often engage in subtle schemes
and add the number rolled to the ability check.
and feuds, but these are never allowed to
Scribe’s Insight. You can cast KWUXZMPMVL
threaten the house as a whole. Sivis gnomes are
TIVO]IOM[once with this traitand you regain
typically friendly, curious, and engaging; but that
kindly exterior may conceal a scheming mind.
Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for it.
Whispering Wind. You know the cantrip
UM[[IOM. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability
when casting it.
Extra Language. You can speak, read, and
write one extra language of your choice.


Some examples of characters with this mark:
“8ZW\MK\QWVQ[UaX]ZXW[M1LMNMVL\PMQVVWKMV\ Paladin Soldier. You’re a Sentinel Marshal,
NZWU\PW[M_PW_W]TLLW\PMUPIZU.WZUa and you feel a divine calling to the cause of
[QJTQVO[\PQ[Q[IRWJ#NWZUMQ\¼[IKITTQVO” justice. You may follow Dol Arrah or the Silver
the powers of your mark and your devotion
Sentinel Marshal
The Mark of Sentinel warns and protects. It and will be recognized by law enforcement as
to respond to threats with uncanny speed. It can Monk Entertainer. You love being in the
shield its bearer from harm. Whether on the thick of battle, but you’ve never had an interesting
JI\\TMÅMTLWZ\PMJITTZWWU[WUMWVM_PWKIZZQM[ in being a mercenary. Instead, you found your
the Mark of Sentinel is prepared for danger. path as a gladiator. You draw your Ki through

You love life in the arena and the fans love you,
House Deneith was born in Karrnath, and war


Guild of House Deneith has governed the
mercenary trade. While warriors with the The Mark of Sentinel only manifests on humans.
Mark of Sentinel are among its most elite These traits replace the human Ability Score
forces, House Deneith brokers the services of Increase trait given in the 8TIaMZ¼[0IVLJWWS.
a wide range of soldiers, including Valenar Ability Score Increase. Your Strength and
warbands and the goblins of Droaam. Beyond Wisdom scores both increase by 1. In addition,
\PMJI\\TMÅMTL\PM,MNMVLMZ¼[/]QTLXZW^QLM[ one ability score of your choice increases by 1.
M`KMX\QWVITJWLaO]IZL[NWZ\PW[M_PWKIVI‫ٺ‬WZL Sentinel’s Intuition. When you roll for
their services. House Deneith is also renowned Initiative or make a Wisdom (Perception) check
for its Sentinel Marshals, agents that hold the to notice a threat, you can roll one Intuition die, a
authority to pursue criminals and enforce the d4, and add it to the ability check.
law across the length of Khorvaire. The Sentinel Sentinel’s Shield. You know the cantrip JTILM
Marshals hold the honor of the house in their _IZL You can cast [PQMTLonce with this trait and
hands. Being a Marshal is a privilege, and it ZMOIQV\PMIJQTQ\a\WLW[WIN\MZaW]ÅVQ[PI[PWZ\
comes with high expectations. or long rest.
The dragonmarked houses aren’t allowed to Vigilant Guardian. As an action, you can
own land or hold noble titles. House Deneith designate an ally you can see as your ward.
has always abided by these edicts, maintaining You have advantage on Wisdom (Insight) and
absolute neutrality and selling its services to all Wisdom (Perception) checks made to spot threats
[QLM[WNIKWVÆQK\0W_M^MZ\PMZM¼[INIK\QWV\PI\ to your ward. In addition, when you are within 5
feels that Deneith should use its power for its own feet of your ward, and that creature is the target
purposes, not just in the service of others. House of an attack that you can see, you can use your
Deneith is also caught in an escalating rivalry reaction to swap places with your ward. When
with House Tharashk, which is edging into the you do, you become the target of the attack.
mercenary trade.


Here are a few examples of characters who carry
“<PMQTT][QWV[\PI\1_MI^MLIbbTMIVLLMKMQ^M the Mark of Shadow.
;WUM\QUM[\PI\LMKMX\QWVMI[M[aW]ZJ]ZLMV[ House Agent Rogue. You’re a young
TM\\QVOaW]NWZOM\aW]Z\ZW]JTM[NWZIUWUMV\*]\ agent in House Thuranni. You’ve studied the
1KIVIT[WMI[MaW]ZJ]ZLMV[JaMVLQVOaW]ZTQNM” performing arts, but you’re far more interested
in the darker side of the house. At the moment
— Lady Elara d’Thuranni,
you’re building your skills and reputation as an
shadow dancer observer and investigator, but once you prove
yourself you hope you’ll get to be a player in the
The Mark of Shadows lets an elf weave illusions shadow war.
from shadows, crafting sounds and images to Bard Entertainer. You’re a rising star. Your
distract or delight. The mark also allows its performances have already earned you a name
bearer to draw on the shadows, making it an across the Five Nations, and your fame will surely
easy matter to avoid detection or even disappear only increase as you develop your talents. The
while in plain sight. It is a valuable tool for an house has helped with your career, and they’ve
entertainer, a spy, or an assassin. dropped hints to see if you want to get involved
in the other side of the house, but at the moment
you’re just in this for the music.
The elves have carried the Mark of Shadow for
thousands of years. The families that carry the MARK OF SHADOW TRAITS
UIZSTMN\)MZMVITIN\MZ\PMKWVÆQK\\PI\_QXML The Mark of Shadow only manifests on elves. If
out the Mark of Death and established House your character has the Mark of Shadow, this is
entertainers in the land, giving them access to all Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma
manner of places and secrets. But the elves do score increases by 1.
more than entertain. There has always been an Natural Talent.AW]OIQVXZWÅKQMVKa_Q\P
elite force of spies and assassins within the house. one musical instrument or the Performance skill.
Common folk know nothing of this. Only special Gift of the Shadows. When you make a
clients—powerful nobles, merchant lords, and the Charisma (Performance) or Dexterity (Stealth)
like—have access to these shadow-marked spies. check, you can roll one Intuition die, a d4, and
Toward the end of the Last War, a bitter feud add the number rolled to the ability check.
broke out between the major families of the Shape Shadows. You know the UQVWZQTT][QWV
house. Known as the Shadow Schism, it resulted cantrip. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for
in a split withinin Phiarlan—and the foundation this trait.
of House Thuranni. House Phiarlan continues to Slip Into Shadow. You can use the Hide
W‫ٺ‬MZMV\MZ\IQVUMV\IVLM[XQWVIOMQV\PMTIVL[ action as a bonus action, even if you have no
west of the Mournland, while Thuranni operates cover or if you’re under observation. Regardless
in Karrnath, the Lhazaar Principalities, and the of whether you succeed or fail, once you use this
eastern lands. As a rule, Phiarlan elves are the IJQTQ\aaW]KIV¼\][MQ\IOIQV]V\QTaW]ÅVQ[PI
better spies and Thuranni agents are superior short or long rest.
assassins. On the surface Thuranni and Phiarlan
maintain a peaceful relationship, but rivalries
run deep.


Noble Sorcerer. You are heir to one of the
oldest families of Lyrandar, a direct descendant
of the Firstborn. You can draw on your mark and
“;W^MZMQOV[IVL.QZ[\JWZVOZIV\UM\PMNW]Z your bloodline to wield power beyond those of
JTM[[QVO[XZWUQ[ML\WW]ZXMWXTM"LWUQVQWVW^MZ other heirs. You’re a noble of the house: are you a
\PMIQZLWUQVQWVW^MZ\PM_I\MZNWZ\]VMNWZUa carefree celebrity, or are you driven by duty and a
NIUQTaIVLNWZ\]VMNWZUaN]\]ZM” deep desire to help your house and your people?
Sailor Fighter. AW][MZ^MLWV\PMÅZ[\
— From the Oath of Lyrandar
airship that went into service, and spent the Last
Wind and water welcome the half-elf who carries around the clouds and on the water, and you’re
the Mark of Storms. The wind catches them looking for adventurers that will take you back to
when they fall, and they swim with remarkable either of them.
speed. Those who possess the Greater Criminal Rogue. You’ve never been one to
Dragonmark and dragonshard focus items can play by the rules. You always dreamed of being a
call on even greater powers, shaping the weather smuggler or a sky pirate, and when you were old
and calling on the power of the storm. enough, you stole a small airship and headed to
Sharn. You and your DM will have to decide how

that worked out and if you still have the airship; it
turns out they’re hard to hide. Either way, you’ve
House Lyrandar has long ruled the seas. Their been kicked out of the house and you’re looking
galleons harness air and water elementals and are for jobs that cater to your sense of adventure.
faster than any mundane vessel. Control of the


sea and river trade gave Lyrandar considerable
power. Now they reach out to the skies. Merely a
decade old, Lyrander airships are already shifting The Mark of Detection manifests exclusively on
the balance of power in overland travel, previously half-elves. These traits replace the half-elf Ability
dominated by House Orien’s lightning rail. Score Increase, Skill Versatility, and Languages
House Lyrandar also controls the air in a more traits given in the 8TIaMZ¼[0IVLJWWS.
literal way. The Raincallers’ Guild can use the Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity and
Mark of Storms to control the weather for its Charisma scores both increase by 1. In addition,
clients, but at a considerable price. one ability score of your choice increases by 1.
House Lyrandar is made up of half-elves. For Sea Monkey. Your base walking speed is 30
many of its members, it’s more than simply feet, and you have a swim speed of 30 feet.
family or business—it is the closest thing their Windwright’s Intuition. When you make a
people have to a homeland. House Lyrandar is Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or any ability check
ambitious and often acts in what it sees as the involving operating or maintaining a water or air
interests of all half-elves. Lyrandar heirs have vehicle, you can roll one Intuition die, a d4, and
been helping the Valenar elves run their young add the number rolled to the ability check.
kingdom, and some believe that Valenar could Storm’s Blessing. You have resistance to
become a true homeland for the Khoravar. lightning damage.
Headwinds. You know the O][\cantrip.
When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the O][\
DRAGONMARKED CHARACTERS WN_QVL spell once with this trait and regain the
Here are a few examples of characters who carry IJQTQ\a\WLW[W_PMVaW]ÅVQ[PITWVOZM[\
the Mark of Storms. Languages. You can speak, read, and write
Common and Elvish.


Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
You seize the air and compel it to create one
within range:
• One Medium or smaller creature that you
choose must succeed on a Strength saving
throw or be pushed up to 5 feet away from
• You create a small blast of air capable of
moving one object that is neither held nor
carried and that weighs no more than 5
pounds. This object is pushed up to 10
feet away from you. It isn’t pushed
with enough force to
cause damage.
• You create a
harmless sensory
causing leaves to rustle,
wind to slam shutters closed,
or your clothing to billow
impressively in a breeze.


its clients and to establish a reputation for
unshakeable integrity. The house has no love of
renegade dwarves using their marks to turn a
Kundarak excoriate Here are examples of characters with the Mark
of Warding.
The Mark of Warding helps its bearers protect )Z\QÅKMZ0W][M)OMV\Some people want
things of value. Using the mark, a dwarf can to build a better mousetrap. Better isn’t enough
weave wards and seal portals with mystic force. for you—you want to build the JM[\. Your basic
It also provides its bearer with an intuitive RWJ"OWW]\QV\PM_WZTLÅVL\PMÅVM[\IVLUW[\
understanding of locks and mechanisms used to unusual security systems, and see what you can
protect and seal. The decision each heir has to learn from them. When you go into an ancient
make is whether they’ll use this power to keep ruin, you’re PWXQVOthere are traps.
things safe, or whether they’re more interested in Criminal Rogue. It’s not that you’re a
opening locks and taking what’s inside. bad person. You’ve just never met a lock you
didn’t want to open. It’s like they speak to you,
whispering “Free me! Free me!” You’re not even
HOUSE KUNDARAK in it for the gold; you’ve just fallen in with a bad
crowd because most people who like opening
If you want to keep something safe —jewels, locks are criminals. Perhaps it’s time to make
secrets, prisoners—Kundarak is there to help. some new friends.
The Defenders Guild of House Kundarak trains
locksmiths, security specialists, and more. It
maintains the infamous prison of Dreadhold,
along with a number of smaller prisons. As
useful as these services are, it’s the Banking The Mark of Warding manifests exclusively
/]QTL\PI\\Z]TaLMÅVM[\PMPW][M3]VLIZIS¼[ on dwarves. If your character has the Mark of
lands in the Mror Holds include deep veins of Warding, this is their dwarf subrace.
precious metals and stones, and the dwarves Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity and
have used this wealth to establish the banking Intelligence scores increase by 1.
industry of Khorvaire. Anyone who makes a Master of Locks. When you make an
living from coin—from bankers to goldsmiths— Intelligence (History), Intelligence (Investigation),
likely learned their skills at House Kundarak. or Thieves’ Tools check involving lock and trap
The security of Kundarak banks is legendary. mechanisms, you can roll one Intuition die, a d4,
The house also provides a special service to those and add the number rolled to the ability check.
_PWKIVI‫ٺ‬WZLQ\"I[a[\MUWNM`\ZILQUMV[QWVIT Wards and Seals. You can use your mark to
vaults, allowing a client to store their goods in cast the ITIZUspell as a ritual. Starting at 3rd level
one location and retrieve them at any other you can cast arcane lock once with this trait and
Kundarak enclave. aW]ZMOIQV\PMIJQTQ\a\WLW[W_PMVaW]ÅVQ[PI
House Kundarak has a close alliance with long rest. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability
House Sivis. Like the House of Scribing, for these spells.
Kundarak has worked to earn the trust of


The Greater Dragonmark feat represents Having a Greater Dragonmark doesn’t
the evolution of a dragonmark—an exponential automatically give a character greater status
increase in the mark’s size and the powers it but it makes that character a valuable tool
carries and bestows. for the house. When you acquire a Greater
Only a fraction of dragonmarked heirs ever Dragonmark, talk with your DM and decide
develop a Greater Dragonmark. The powers if you want your relationship to your house to
they possess are more powerful than the change. Do you want to work more closely with
wide magic that serves as the foundation of them? Do you want to get involved with family
the magical economy. Teleportation, instant politics? Do you want to explore a story in which
communication across vast distances—these the house puts pressure on you, or would you
services are rare, remarkable features of the prefer to remain independent?
dragonmarked houses.


FEAT: GREATER DRAGONMARK you are based on your mark, as shown on
8ZMZMY]Q[Q\M" \PTM^MTKPIZIK\MZU][\XW[[M[[ILZIOWVUIZS • You learn a set of spells, each of which you
Your dragonmark has grown in size and power. can cast once without expending a spell slot
This enhances your existing dragonmark, and the or using a material component. The list of
JMVMÅ\[IZMJI[MLWV\PMUIZS\PI\aW]ITZMILa spells, the spellcasting ability for them, and
possess. A greater dragonmark provides the the type of rest you must complete to regain
NWTTW_QVOJMVMÅ\[" the use of these spells are shown on the
• The die type of your dragonmarked To cast 4MWU]VL¼[[MKZM\KPM[\ using this feat and
Intuition Die increases by one (for example, the Mark of Warding, you must have a Siberys
from a d4 to a d6). dragonshard with a value of at least 100 gp.
• Increase one ability score by 1, to a While you have this dragonshard in hand, it
maximum of 20. The abilities available to serves as the spell’s focus, and you can use it to
summon and dismiss the chest.

ƌĂŐŽŶŵĂƌŬ ďŝůŝƚLJ ^ƉĞůůƐ ďŝůŝƚLJ ZĞƋƵŝƌĞĚ
ĞƚĞĐƟŽŶ Charisma or See Invisibility, True Seeing Intelligence Long
Finding ĞdžƚĞƌŝƚLJ͕ >ŽĐĂƚĞƌĞĂƚƵƌĞ͕&ŝŶĚdŚĞWĂƚŚ Wisdom Long
Strength, or
Handling ĞdžƚĞƌŝƚLJŽƌ Beast Sense, Dominate Beast Wisdom Long
Healing ĞdžƚĞƌŝƚLJŽƌ Mass Healing Word, Greater Wisdom Long
Hospitality Charisma or ^ĂŶĐƚƵĂƌLJ͕DŽƌĚĞŶŬĂŝŶĞŶ͛ƐDĂŐŶŝĮĐĞŶƚ Charisma Long
ĞdžƚĞƌŝƚLJ Mansion
Making ĞdžƚĞƌŝƚLJŽƌ &ĂďƌŝĐĂƚĞ͕ƌĞĂƟŽŶ Intelligence Long
Passage ĞdžƚĞƌŝƚLJŽƌ ůŝŶŬ͕dĞůĞƉŽƌƚĂƟŽŶŝƌĐůĞ ŽŶƐƟƚƵƟŽŶ Long
Scribing Intelligence Sending, Tongues Intelligence Long or Short
or Charisma
^ĞŶƟŶĞů Strength or ŽŵƉĞůůĞĚƵĞů͕tĂƌĚŝŶŐŽŶĚ Wisdom Long or Short
Shadow Charisma or EŽŶĚĞƚĞĐƟŽŶ͕DŝƐůĞĂĚ Charisma Long
Storm Charisma or ŽŶƚƌŽůtĂƚĞƌ͕ŽŶƚƌŽůtŝŶĚ Charisma Long
Warding ĞdžƚĞƌŝƚLJŽƌ <ŶŽĐŬ͕'ůLJƉŚŽĨtĂƌĚŝŶŐ͕>ĞŽŵƵŶĚ͛Ɛ Intelligence Long
Intelligence ^ĞĐƌĞƚŚĞƐƚΎ


grant the same power, they may appear and
might grant ÅZMJWT\, one mark may be formed
¹AW]Z[QOQTKZMI\M[KPQTLWN+IVVQ\P5QVMPWTL[ from scar tissue while another is traced on the
—Rotting Bal, While aberrant dragonmarks can be disturbing,
Tarkanan Enforcer on the surface an aberrant mark seems no more
dangerous or threatening than the powers of a
bloodlines and passed down through families. may not actively hurt a character, but they are
They are reliable and predictable, and their always a burden in some way—a burden that
powers are constructive. They create; they heal; could drive a weak-willed person to madness.
they protect. It takes time for a character to learn to control
But there is another kind of dragonmark: their mark, and in time people may be hurt. If
marks that are unpredictable and dangerous to an aberrant mark grants ÅZMJWT\, the person who
both the bearer and the people around them. carries it might have severely burned or even
Someone with such a mark can kill with a killed a loved one. Imagine having the power
touch or control minds with a glance. Aberrant to cast KPIZUXMZ[WVbut being unable to control
UIZS[WN\MVIXXMIZ_PMVXMWXTMNZWULQ‫ٺ‬MZMV\ it and having people you care about suddenly
dragonmarked families produce a child, and for becoming slavishly devoted to you. All of these
this reason such unions are absolutely forbidden factors have led to the general superstition
by the Twelve. But aberrant dragonmarks that people with aberrant dragonmarks are
can appear on members of any race, at any dangerous, that their marks drive them crazy or
age, regardless of bloodline. No two aberrant turn them into sociopaths. These are things that
dragonmarks are exactly alike—even if they can happen; people have a right to be afraid.
But it is possible for an aberrant to
learn to control their mark and
Aberrant marks are
feared for another
reason, too. Long
ago aberrant marks
were more frequent
and some people
had aberrant
marks that held
greater powers.
Aberrant leader
Halas Tarkanan
could devastate
cities with powerful
earthquakes, while
the Dreambreaker
shattered minds.
The Lady of the
Plague wielded


disease and commanded hordes of
vermin. The dragonmarked houses
united in an inquisition called The
War of the Mark. Some say that
this was a persecution of innocents;
but most feared the aberrants and
stood by as the houses hunted them
down. Ever since the War of the
Mark, aberrant dragonmarks have
been few in number and relatively week.
But since the Mourning aberrant marks have
been appearing in greater numbers, and people
wonder if those who carry them could develop


greater power.
If you develop an aberrant mark, you can
You have manifested an aberrant dragonmark.
1 Your mark is a source of constant
physical pain. • Increase your Constitution score by 1, to a
maximum of 20.
2 Your mark whispers to you, though
you may not understand what it says. • You learn a cantrip from the sorcerer spell
list. In addition, choose a 1st-level spell
from the sorcerer spell list. You learn that
spell and can cast it at its lowest level. Once
4 The skin around your mark has an aW]KI[\Q\aW]U][\ÅVQ[PITWVOZM[\
unusual appearance: burned, scaly, before you can cast it again. Constitution is
withered, etc. your spellcasting ability for these spells.
5 Mundane animals become uneasy
• You can increase the power of your
around you.
aberrant spells at the risk of your own
6 zŽƵŚĂǀĞĚƌĂŵĂƟĐŵŽŽĚƐǁŝŶŐƐĂŶLJ vitality. When you cast a spell with your
ƟŵĞLJŽƵƵƐĞLJŽƵƌŵĂƌŬ͘ aberrant mark, you can use one of your
7 Your appearance changes in a minor Hit Dice to increase the spell’s level by 1.
ǁĂLJĞǀĞƌLJƟŵĞLJŽƵƵƐĞLJŽƵƌŵĂƌŬ͘ Immediately after you cast the spell, roll
8 zŽƵŚĂǀĞŚŽƌƌŝĮĐŶŝŐŚƚŵĂƌĞƐĂŌĞƌ the Hit Die. You take damage equal to the
you use your mark. number rolled.



RCANE MAGIC PLAYS A VITAL ROLE creation of magic items, and
in the Five Nations. Common many powerful tools—such
magic items are widespread in as the lightning rail and
the world. The crystals known as elemental airships—require
dragonshards serve as the fuel an ongoing expenditure of
of the magical economy and are used in focus Eberron dragonshards to
items that amplify the powers of dragonmarks. maintain their enchantments.
Khyber dragonshards are
found deep in the earth, often
DRAGONSHARDS near layers of magma. These living
crystals typically grow on cavern
Dragonshards are crystals imbued with raw
walls, and superstition says they
mystical energy. They are the fuel that drives
the magical economy, playing a vital role in the
activity. Khyber dragonshards are deep
creation of magic items and the performance of
blue or dark violet, laced with gleaming veins.
arcane rituals.
Dragonshards come in three distinct
binding magics. Elemental binding—which
is behind airships, the lightning rail, and
environments. Eberron dragonshards are
elemental galleons—requires a Khyber shard
found in shallow soil, and often encased in
to hold the elemental. Khyber shards are
geode-like stone shells. Eberron shards can be
used for phylacteries, planar binding, any
deposits have been discovered in jungle
Khyber dragonshards are also used for many
environments, notably Q’barra and the distant
necromantic rituals.
land of Xen’drik. In their raw form, Eberron
Siberys dragonshards fall from the Ring
shards are rosy crystals with crimson swirls
of Siberys, the ring of crystals that encircles
the world. While rare in Khorvaire, there
Eberron shards are the most common form of
dragonshard. They are primarily
Xen’drik, and this is a potential source of great
wealth for explorers. Siberys dragonshards are
powder. This dragonshard
amber in color, with swirling golding veins
dust can be used to fuel
gleaming within.
almost any act of magic.
Siberys dragonshards have a close
When casting a spell, you
can use dragonshard
and are a vital
dust in place of any
part of any
spell component
that has a cost,
focus item.
unless the DM
Larger shards
says otherwise.
may be required
Dragonshard dust
for eldritch
is used in the
machines or used in
the creation of legendary
items or artifacts.


Consider how these magic items from throughout
Khorvaire can add to your campaign. AnWZJWN[PQMTLQVO is made from crystal or stone
aligned to one of the planes. While you are
holding the WZJ, it shields you from a particular
ARCANE FOCUSES type of energy. Any time you take damage of that
type, reduce it by 1d4. The materials and their
Go to the Bazaar in Sharn or any enclave of associated damage types are listed below.
of arcane focuses to choose from. For a • .MZVQIVJI[IT\" Fire damage
wandslinger, the choice of an arcane focus carries • 1ZQIVY]IZ\b" Radiant damage
the same weight as a duelist deciding between a • 3a\PZQIV[SIZV" Acid or poison damage
rapier or a maul. Do you use a _IVLWN.MZVQIVI[P
to focus your ÅZMJWT\, or do you harness defensive • 4IUIVVQIVÆQV\" Lightning or thunder damage
energies with a :Q[QIVWZJ' • 5IJIZIVWJ[QLQIV" Necrotic damage
An arcane focus is a tool, and only provides its • 9]WZQKMTM[\QVM@WZQIVUIZJTM" Psychic damage
• :Q[QIV[PITM" Cold damage
[PQMTLQVOprovides no protection when it’s in your
pack; you must have it in your hand. • ;PI^IZIVKPMZ\" Force damage
In Khorvaire, arcane focus items are
recognized as weapons: if guards are securing
swords and bows, they’ll also require you to turn KÖã®Êă½Z罛͗
W^MZaW]Z[\I‫ٺ‬ dóÊͲ,ƒÄ—›—ّƒÄ›&ʑçݛÝ
In Eberron, an arcane focus is a weapon.
IMBUED WOOD As such, it can be interesting to give a focus
some of the same trade-offs as mundane
Powerful manifest zones can infuse local trees greater power?
_Q\PXTIVIZMVMZOQM[)OQN\MLIZ\QÅKMZKIV\IX If you use this optional rule, when a caster
uses a two-handed arcane focus to cast an
offensive cantrip (a cantrip requiring a saving
M[XMKQITTaM‫ٺ‬MK\Q^MI\KPIVVMTQVOIXIZ\QK]TIZ\aXM throw or an attack roll), the range of the
of energy. cantrip is increased by 50 percent.
An arcane focus provides a +1 bonus when you By this rule, a staff always requires two
ZWTTLIUIOMNWZI[XMTT\PI\QVÆQK\[I[XMKQÅK\aXM hands, while rods can be used with either
of damage, as shown below. one or two hands. Using a two-handed
requirement for a spell.
• 1ZQIV:W[M_WWL"Radiant damage.
• 3a\PZQIV5IVKPQVMMT"Acid or poison damage.
• 4IUIVVQIV7IS"Lightning or thunder
• 5IJIZIV-JWVa"Necrotic damage.
• 9]WZQ*MMKP@WZQIV?MVOM"Psychic damage.
• :Q[QIV8QVM"Cold damage.
• ;PI^IZZIV*QZKP"Force damage.


/TIUMZ_MI^M clothing is imbued with cosmetic
BAND OF LOYALTY illusions. Traditionally, these patterns are
:QVOKWUUWVZMY]QZM[I\\]VMUMV\ contained within the cloth, but higher-end
If you are reduced to zero hit points while
could have a gown that appears to be wreathed
attuned to a JIVLWNTWaIT\a, you instantly die.
to fall into enemy hands.


A KTMIV[QVO[\WVM is a stone sphere one foot in
Transmutation magic is woven into the fabric
diameter, engraved with mystic sigils. When
of [PQN\_MI^M clothing. When a suit of [PQN\_MI^M
touching the stone, you can use an action to
activate it and remove dirt and grime from your
embedded into the cloth. By taking an action
garments and your person. +TMIV[QVO[\WVM[ are
and uttering a command word, you can
often embedded into pedestals in public squares
transform your [PQN\_MI^MW]\Å\QV\WWVMWN\PM
in Aundair or found in high-end Ghallanda inns.
other designs contained within it. To determine
the price of a suit of [PQN\_MI^M, combine the value
that amount.
An M^MZJZQOP\TIV\MZV contains an Eberron
ÆIUMspell. This bright light is mounted inside a ?WVLZW][1\MUKWUUWV
normal bullseye lantern, allowing the light to be
A [XMTT[PIZLis a polished Eberron dragonshard,
[P]\\MZMLW‫)ٺ‬VM^MZJZQOP\TIV\MZV provides clear
illumination in a 60-foot cone and shadowy
imbued with a particular work of literature. By
illumination in a 120-foot cone, just like a
holding the shard and concentrating, you can
see its pages in your mind’s eye. Thinking of a
goes out.
particular phrase or topic will draw you to the
FEATHER TOKEN allows you to add content to the shard.
An arcane caster can use a [XMTT[PIZLinstead of
a spellbook; the [XMTT[PIZLcosts 1 gp per “page” in
This small metal disk is inscribed with the the shard, and otherwise functions as a mundane
image of a feather. While the token is in your spellbook. Spellshards can also be used as diaries
possession, you can cast NMI\PMZNITTas a bonus or journals. More advanced (and uncommon)
action. A NMI\PMZ\WSMVWVTaPWTL[[]‫ٻ‬KQMV\KPIZOM shards can require a particular mental passphrase
for a single use, after which it loses its power. to access the contents of the shard.
While it’s an expensive form of insurance,
frequent airship travelers and citizens of Sharn
often appreciate the security it provides.


These items harness and expand the powers of a Poor No roll required
dragonmark, allowing the dragonmarked houses
Modest 10
to provide a wide range of useful services. You
must possess a particular dragonmark in order to Comfortable 13
use or attune to a dragonmark focus item. Wealthy 15
Many dragonmark focus items have unique ƌŝƐƚŽĐƌĂƟĐ 18
section. Alternately, a dragonmark focus item can A JIOWNJW]V\acan be used up to three times over
duplicate the power of an existing magic item with the course of a day. After that, the bag can’t be
a power closely related to the mark. For example: used again until the next dawn.


that only function if the rider has the Mark ?WVLZW][1\MU]VKWUUWVZMY]QZM[I\\]VMUMV\
of Passage.
The lenses of these goggles are carved from
• A KTWISWNMT^MVSQVLor LMKSWNQTT][QWV[tied to Siberys dragonshards. While garish in
the Mark of Shadows. appearance, these goggles are a boon to any
• ,QUMV[QWVIT[PIKSTM[that can only be Tharashk inquisitive. To attune to the goggles,
activated by someone with the Mark of you must possess the Mark of Finding. As long
Warding. as this condition is met, you gain the following
• A OMUWN[MMQVOthat requires the Mark of
• You can add your Intuition die from the
1\¼[MI[QMZ\WXZWL]KMIVQ\MU\PI\IUXTQÅM[IV 0]V\MZ¼[1V\]Q\QWVtrait of the mark when you
existing power than one that generates it on its make Wisdom (Insight) checks.
own, and generally a focus item costs half as much
• When you examine an object, you can
as the standard version of that item. However, the
make a Wisdom (Perception) check to
Siberys shards required to make focus items are
identify the aura of the last living creature
rare, and it’s always up to the DM to decide what
to touch the object. The DC is 13 + the
focus items are available in the world.
number of days since the last contact
occurred. If the check is successful, you
BAG OF BOUNTY learn the species of the creature and you
can immediately use your 1UXZQV\8ZMaability
to target this creature.
This is a sturdy leather sack with tiny Siberys
shards embedded into the lining. If you have the
Mark of Hospitality you can use an action to cast KEYCHARM
KZMI\MNWWLIVL_I\MZdrawing a feast from within
the bag. You shape this meal with your thoughts.
You can create the standard bland fare without This simple object plays a vital role in the work
requiring any sort of check, but you can attempt of House Kundarak. If you possess the Mark of
bonus to this check. A failed check results in a \QM\PMM‫ٺ‬MK\\W\PMSMaKPIZU. Whoever holds
sour and squalid meal. the keycharm is considered to the owner of this


ITIZU, they can safely avoid a OTaXP, and they can
When mounted at the helm of an elemental
galleon or airship, this allows a character who
RINGS OF SHARED SUFFERING possesses the Mark of Storm to telepathically
:QVO]VKWUUWVZMY]QZM[I\\]VMUMV\ control the elemental bound into the vessel.
If a _PMMTWN_QVLIVL_I\MZis mounted on a
These rings come in linked pairs. It you possess
mundane sailing ship, a character with the Mark
the Mark of Sentinel, you can use a bonus
of Storm can create an area of ideal conditions
action to form a link to the creature attuned
around the vessel, increasing its speed by 5 miles
to the other ring; from then on, whenever that
per hour.
continues until you end it as a bonus action
or until you or the other creature removes
creature cannot be attuned to more than one

If you possess the Mark of Scribing, you can
use this quill to write on any surface. This can
be visible—traced in glowing mystical lines—or
invisible to any creature without the Mark of
Scribing. Invisible writing will be revealed by
,M\MK\5IOQK, ;MM1V^Q[QJQTQ\a, or <Z]M;MMQVO. Any
creature with the Mark of Scribing can also
reveal your writing or make it invisible as an
action. If you mark a living creature, the mark
will fade within a week.


ELDRITCH MACHINES Ultimately, MTLZQ\KPUIKPQVM[are plot devices.
Their powers are far beyond the standard level
1VI+IVVQ\PMVKTI^MI\MIUWNIZ\QÅKMZ[ of what is possible in Eberron, but such a device
warforged. In the Shadow Marches, druids guard plan or a last defense against evil that must be
the seals that hold the Daelkyr at bay. In the protected at all costs.
touches on a device that will turn the people of
the city into undead monstrosities. DIMENSIONAL SEAL
wondrous locations: magic items of immense A LQUMV[QWVIT[MITis a massive stone slab covered
power, but so large that they cannot be moved. with a complex pattern of runes and sigils.
-TLZQ\KPUIKPQVM[always require rare components The seal XZWRMK\[IVQV^Q[QJTMÅMTL_Q\PIZILQ][
but creating an MTLZQ\KPUIKPQVMcould require one WN\_WUQTM[<PQ[ÅMTLJTWKS[ITTNWZU[WN
or more planes to be coterminous or it might KWVR]ZI\QWVUIOQKIVLIVaW\PMZM‫ٺ‬MK\\PI\
only be possible to build it in a manifest zone. involves teleportation or planar travel. It also
,QUMV[QWVIT[MIT[are usually found in the
Eldeen Reaches and the Shadow Marches, as
druids and the daelkyr. The techniques used to
create these seals have been long lost. It’s said
that as a whole, the LQUMV[QWVIT[MIT[keep the
daelkyr bound in Khyber and prevent Xoriat
from becoming coterminous with Eberron.
If enough of these seals are destroyed, there
could be serious consequences for the world.

Mabar, infusing the dead with the malign
energies of the Endless Night. While it is
active, any creature that dies within two miles
of the resonator reanimates in one round as a
zombie under the control of creature attuned
to the device. At the DM’s discretion, more
powerful creatures can return as other forms
of undead.


dragonshards and exotic metals. It might be that
-TLZQ\KPUIKPQVMTMOMVLIZa the sole purpose of the device is to negate magic,
While this looks like a scrap heap assembled or it could be that it is absorbing all magical
from shattered constructs and wreckage from energies in the area and storing that power for a
the Mournland, this MTLZQ\KPUIKPQVMpossesses KI\IKTa[UQKM‫ٺ‬MK\
tremendous power. You gain the following
and within one mile of the device. STORM SPIRE
• You can sense the presence and location of
This MTLZQ\KPUIKPQVMis a form of dragonmark focus
all warforged within ten miles.
item; you must have the Greater Mark of Storms
• You have advantage on any Charisma- to attune to this device. ;\WZU[XQZM[allow House
based check made against a warforged. 4aZIVLIZ\WQVÆ]MVKM\PM_MI\PMZ_PQKPKIV
• While you are in contact with the UI[\MZ¼[ be a boon for the local population or a curse if
call, you can use an action to target a the Lyrandar baron chooses to demand payment
warforged within ten miles of the device. for desired conditions. You gain the following
You can send a telepathic message of up to JMVMÅ\[_PQTMaW]IZMI\\]VML\WI[\WZU[XQZM.
25 words to the target. They must make a
?Q[LWU[I^QVO\PZW__Q\PILQ‫ٻ‬K]T\aWN • You can sense weather patterns within a
aW]Z1V\MTTQOMVKMUWLQÅMZ7VINIQTML 100-mile radius of the spire and accurately
[I^M\PM\IZOM\Q[I‫ٺ‬MK\MLJaI[]OOM[\QWV predict the weather for up to 24 hours.
compelling them to follow your command. • While you are within 60 feet of the spire,
<PQ[M‫ٺ‬MK\LWM[V¼\ZMY]QZMKWVKMV\ZI\QWV#Q\ you can use an action to cast any of the
lasts for eight hours, until you choose to end following spells: KITTTQOP\VQVOO][\WN_QVL.
Q\WZ]V\QT\PM^QK\QU[]KKM[[N]TTaN]TÅT[\PM You cast these as 5th level spells, and
KWUUIVL_PQKPM^MZKWUM[ÅZ[\AW]KIV Intelligence is your spellcasting ability.
control up to eight warforged at once using
• While you are within 5 feet of the spire,
you can cast KWV\ZWT_MI\PMZas a ten-minute
ritual. This allows you to pick a point
SPELL SINK the weather within a 10-mile radius of
This device creates an IV\QUIOQKÅMTLthat covers concentration.
a three-mile radius around the spell sink. The • AW]KIVIT[W][MIVIK\QWV\WQVÆ]MVKM\PM
form that it takes will depend on the nature of its weather within a ten-mile radius of the spire
creator. The Ashbound druids despise unnatural itself; you don’t have to use concentration
magic, and if they create a spell sink it will be \WUIQV\IQV\PQ[M‫ٺ‬MK\IVLaW]KIV
a living artifact—a twisted tree that consumes sustain this at the same time that you’re
the mystical energies around it. Conversely, a manipulating distant weather.


WARFORGED COMPONENTS disarmed or removed from you against your
will, but while the weapon is attached you
The warforged are living constructs. House cannot use that hand for other actions. You can
Cannith has designed a number of magic items spend one minute to end the attunement and
that can interface directly with the body of a remove the IZUJTILM.
warforged. Once attached, a component cannot An IZUJTILM isn’t inherently considered to be
be removed unless the warforged allows it. a magic weapon for purposes of overcoming
The IZUJTILMis an example of an item created damage resistance. However, any sort of magical
by House Cannith. ,WKMV\[are mysterious melee weapon could be created as an IZUJTILM,
wondrous items discovered in Xen’drik. These so you could acquire a ^QKQW][IZUJTILM or a ^WZXIT
are just a few of the components that can be IZUJTILM.
encountered in the world.

?MIXWVIVaWVMPIVLMLUMTMM_MIXWVKWUUWV A docent is a small metal sphere, approximately 2
ZMY]QZM[I\\]VMUMV\ inches across, studded with dragonshards. Despite
An IZUJTILM is a weapon designed to integrate a strong magical aura, it has no obvious abilities.
with the forearm of a warforged. If you’re If you’re a warforged, you can attune to the docent,
a warforged, you can attach an IZUJTILM by at which point the sphere becomes embedded in
attuning to it. An attached IZUJTILM cannot be your chest and comes to life—literally.


A docent is an intelligent magic item designed to You can use a bonus action on your turn to
advise and assist the warforged it’s attached to. A request that the docent use one of its traits on your
typical docent has an Intelligence score of 16 and behalf. In the case of skills, this uses the docent’s
Wisdom and Charisma scores of 14. Once you’re JWV][#aW]ZIJQTQ\QM[IVLXZWÅKQMVKQM[PI^MVW
attuned to the docent, it can communicate with M‫ٺ‬MK\WV\PMW]\KWUM<PM[M\ZIQ\[IZM]VLMZ
you telepathically and can perceive the world the control of the docent, and if you have a bad
through your senses. One of the simple functions relationship with your docent it may refuse to assist
of a docent is to serve as a translator. All docents aW]°WZ[QUXTaTQMIJW]\QVNWZUI\QWV\PI\Q\
understand Common and Giant, but a docent obtains. However, if you treat your docent well it
knows up to four additional languages. Elven could serve as a useful ally.
and Draconic are common options. If a docent The origin of docents is a great mystery. House
knows less than six languages in total, it can add +IVVQ\PKZMI\ML\PMÅZ[\_IZNWZOML\PQZ\aaMIZ[
new languages to its repertoire after encountering ago. But the docents come from the distant land
them. So a docent found in Xen’drik may have of Xen’drik and appear to be thousands of years
VM^MZMVKW]V\MZMLIL_IZNJMNWZM°J]\IN\MZ old. Were they created to interface with some
spending some time in Khorvaire studying other form of construct? Or are the modern
dwarves, it could pick up the Dwarven language. warforged a new interpretation of an ancient
In addition, a docent possesses up to three of the design? The docents claim to have forgotten their
following traits. KZMI\WZ[°J]\\PQ[Q[IUa[\MZa_IQ\QVO\WJM
unraveled. While all docents come from Xen’drik,
• Can cast ,M\MK\UIOQKat will some have been brought to Khorvaire by
• Can cast ,M\MK\M^QTIVLOWWLat will explorers and it’s possible to encounter them in
the Five Nations.
• Can detect any form of divination or
scrying targeting the warforged host.
• Intelligence (Arcana) +7
• Intelligence (History) +7
• Intelligence (Investigation) +7
• Intelligence (Nature) +7
• Wisdom (Insight) +6
• Wisdom (Perception) +6
• The docent can make Wisdom (Medicine)
checks targeting its warforged host,
with a +7 bonus. If the host is rendered
unconscious, the docent will automatically
attempt to stabilize them once each turn.


WAND SHEATH • You can retract the wand into your forearm
or extend it from your forearm as a bonus
?WVLZW][1\MUKWUUWVZMY]QZM[I\\]VMUMV\ action. While it is retracted, it cannot be
An _IVL[PMI\P is designed to integrate with the damaged or removed.
forearm of a warforged. If you’re a warforged, • While the wand is extended, you can use
you can attach an _IVL[PMI\P by attuning to it. it as if you were holding it, but your hand
While the _IVL[PMI\P is attached, it cannot be remains free for other actions.
removed from you against your will. You can
spend one minute to end the attunement and • If the sheathed wand requires attunement,
remove the _IVL[PMI\P. you must attune to the wand before you
You can insert a wand into the sheath as an can use it. However, the _IVL[PMI\P and the
action. While the wand is sheathed, you gain the attached wand only count as a single item
NWTTW_QVOJMVMÅ\[ for purposes of the maximum number of
items you can be attuned to. If you remove
the wand from the sheath, you immediately
lose your attunement to the wand.




W^MZ_PMTUMLJa\PMKQ\a<PM\W_MZ[ZQ[M]X]V\QT are made manifest in the great

city of Sharn. It’s a place of
magic, with skycoaches circling
\PW][IVL_QVLW_[;SaKWIKPM[_WZS\PMQZ_Ia mile-high towers and mystic
\PZW]OP\PMUIbMWNJZQLOM[KWVVMK\QVO\PMUI[[Q^M forges toiling endlessly in the bowels. It’s a
\W_MZ[IVL]XIJW^M1KIV[MM\PMJ]ZVQVOZQVOWN place of adventure and intrigue. A fallen angel
IVMTMUMV\ITIQZ[PQX is gathering minions in the ruins below the
city. A gang war is unfolding in Callestan.
;\IZQVOQV\W\PM[Sa1VMIZTa_ITSQV\WIUI[[Q^M The corpse of a murdered nobleman has
_IZNWZOMLR]OOMZVI]\1\¼[UaÅZ[\\QUM[MMQVO just been discovered in his floating mansion.
WVM°J]\\PMZM¼[[WUIVa\PQVO[1¼^MVM^MZ[MMV A Cannith artificer is experimenting with a
QV\PQ[XTIKM)\I\\WWMLMTNPIOOTM[_Q\PIUI[SML planar gateway—and something is about to go
All of these adventures and a hundred more are
waiting in the City of Towers.
[MV[M[IVLSMMXUW^QVO This chapter provides an overview of Sharn,
1\¼[VW\]V\QT1ZMIKP\PMTQN\\PI\1ZMITQbM°\PI\ with a host of story hooks to help you get started.
_IZNWZOML[\WTMUaX]Z[M For more information about the city and its
inhabitants, refer to the sources in the Appendix.


Shrines and temples can be found across Sharn.
The City of Towers draws people from across the
world. What’s brought your character to Sharn? The Pavilion of the Host is Breland’s largest
Do you have deep roots in the city, or have you temple to the Sovereign Host, and the Cathedral
R][\[\MXXMLW‫\ٺ‬PMTQOP\VQVOZIQT' of the Cleansing Flame is the bastion of the Silver
Backgrounds provide a strong foundation Flame in Breland. Of course, Sharn’s churches
for building a story. If you’re a noble, are you are infamous for harboring corruption. Are you
tied to one of the founding families of Sharn, part of the local establishment, or have you come
or are you a scion of another nation visiting to Sharn from afar?
an entertainer, are loved in the upper wards or 1d4 ĐŽůLJƚĞ
a favorite in Sharn’s lowest dives? The tables 1 zŽƵ͛ǀĞĐŽŵĞƚŽ^ŚĂƌŶƚŽŝŶǀĞƐƟŐĂƚĞ
provide a range of ideas that can be used for PCs ĐŽƌƌƵƉƟŽŶŝŶLJŽƵƌĐŚƵƌĐŚ͘,ĂǀĞLJŽƵ
or NPCs with strong ties to Sharn; work out the ďĞĞŶƐĞŶƚďLJĂƵƚŚŽƌŝƟĞƐŝŶLJŽƵƌĨĂŝƚŚ͕
details with your DM. or are you driven by a divine vision?
the lower wards of Sharn. It’s poor and
your faith and doing good work for the
struggling people of the ward.
3 You’re here on a pilgrimage, seeking an
audience with the head of your faith
in Sharn… but the intermediaries have
demanded a small fortune to set up
4 You’re a minor acolyte at one of the
major temples. It’s a maze of intrigue,
game, working with a patron within the
church. Do you hope you can improve
things once you rise up in hierarchy? Or
are you only interested in power and


Whether you’re a grifter or a spy, there’s plenty Sharn is home to a number of powerful
of opportunities in Sharn. criminal organizations, and your background
gives a tie to one of them. Work with your DM
to decide which group you’re connected to, and
1d4 ŚĂƌůĂƚĂŶ
use this table to determine the nature of that
1 zŽƵ͛ƌĞĂĐŽŶĂƌƟƐƚĨƌŽŵƚŚĞůŽǁĞƌǁĂƌĚƐ͕ connection.
an upper ward noble.
driven by holy visions. If you are a 1 You have family or friends in the
divine spellcaster, your actual faith may ŽƌŐĂŶŝnjĂƟŽŶ͕ďƵƚLJŽƵ͛ǀĞƐƟůůŐŽƚƚŽ
ďĞĞŶƟƌĞůLJĚŝīĞƌĞŶƚĨƌŽŵƚŚĞŽŶĞLJŽƵ prove yourself to the gang.
profess. 2 zŽƵƌĞƟƌĞĚĨƌŽŵƚŚĞĐƌŝŵŝŶĂůůŝĨĞůŽŶŐ
from the war, but in fact you’re running ƚŚĞŽƌŐĂŶŝnjĂƟŽŶ͕ĂŶĚŶŽǁƚŚĞLJ͛ƌĞ
from an infamous past. Are you a war pulling you back in.
criminal? An agitator? A former spy 3 You’re secretly working for the City
hiding from your employers? Watch or a foreign crime agency, trying
4 zŽƵ͛ƌĞĂĐŽǀĞƌƚŽƉĞƌĂƟǀĞǁŽƌŬŝŶŐ to worm your way into the underworld
agency (a dragonmarked house, the 4 You’re an independent agent working
ŝƚLJtĂƚĐŚ͕ĂĐƌŝŵŝŶĂůŽƌŐĂŶŝnjĂƟŽŶͿ͘ƌĞ with more than one of Sharn’s gangs.
you carrying out missions, or are you a While you value your freedom, if you’re
sleeper agent building a deep cover? not careful you could make enemies on
all sides.


)[IVMV\MZ\IQVMZaW]KIVÅVLIXTIKM\W As folk hero, you have your roots among the
perform anywhere in Sharn. But where are you common people. Where are you from, and who
recognized? Another thing to consider: House LWaW]ÅOP\NWZ'
Phiarlan and House Thuranni train and license
entertainers. Do you have a license with one of
1d4 &ŽůŬ,ĞƌŽ
the houses, or are you entirely independent?
1 You grew up in the lower wards. You
1 You’re a favorite in the toughest the hands of the wealthy.
taverns of the lower wards. The darker 2 You’re working to improve the image of
ƚŚĞĚŝǀĞ͕ƚŚĞďĞƩĞƌ͘ a marginalized minority group (goblins,
2 You’re an understudy at one of the changelings, warforged) in Sharn.
grand theaters in Upper Menthis. 3 You’re a refugee driven from your
3 You specialize in religious music and home by the war. You want to protect
performance. You will usually be other refugees, but you’re also an
welcomed at any temple of your faith. opponent of the monarchies that drove
ƚƌĂĚŝƟŽŶƚŚƌŽƵŐŚLJŽƵƌǁŽƌŬ͘zŽƵŚĂǀĞ 4 You’re celebrated for an amazing
an eccentric patron who’s driving you feat of heroism, which may have
ƚŽĞdžƉůŽƌĞƚŚĞƌŽŽƚƐŽĨƚŚŝƐƚƌĂĚŝƟŽŶ͘ happened in Sharn or during the war.
The problem is that you didn’t actually
do it. Can you live up to everyone’s
they believe you to be?

There’s always work for a talented individual As a hermit, you spent a considerable time in
in Sharn. Masons work on the towers. Smiths seclusion before making a discovery that drew
hammer away in the cogs. Bakers and brewers you back to the world. Were you isolated in
tend to the endless appetites of the common folk. Sharn, or did you discover something that’s
The largest guilds are tied to the dragonmarked drawn you to the City of Towers?
houses. The Fabricator’s Guild of House Cannith
deals with manufacturing trades, while the
1d4 ,Ğƌŵŝƚ
Hosterler’s Guild of House Ghallanda covers
inns, taverns, and restaurants. Are you part of 1 zŽƵƐƉĞŶƚƚŚĞůĂƐƚƚĞŶLJĞĂƌƐŵĞĚŝƚĂƟŶŐ
one of these international guilds, or tied to a on a pillar on one of the highest points
smaller local organization? ŝŶ^ŚĂƌŶ͘ƌĞĐĞŶƚƌĞǀĞůĂƟŽŶŚĂƐ
brought you down from your perch;
what is your quest? Over the course of
1 You’re a young prodigy. You’ve just ŽĨĂƚŽƵƌŝƐƚĂƩƌĂĐƟŽŶ͖ĂŐŶŽŵĞ
joined the guild, but your comrades are merchant used to sell plaster statues
amazed at your early talent and push of you on your pillar.
LJŽƵƚŽĞdžĐĞů͘ 2 You spent your life in a hidden
2 tŚŝůĞLJŽƵ͛ǀĞƐƟůůŐŽƚLJŽƵƌŐƵŝůĚƟĞƐ͕ monastery in Sharn. Did the master of
LJŽƵƌĞƟƌĞĚĨƌŽŵƚŚĞďƵƐŝŶĞƐƐƐŽŵĞ your order send you out on a mission?
years ago. You hate the newfangled Or are you the lone survivor of an
techniques the kids are using today. ĂƩĂĐŬƚŚĂƚĚĞƐƚƌŽLJĞĚLJŽƵƌŵŽŶĂƐƚĞƌLJ͍
3 You’re a respected member of one 3 You were the lone survivor of an
of the dragonmarked guilds, but airship crash and spent years in a
you’re concerned about the policies ƌĞŵŽƚĞůŽĐĂƟŽŶƵŶƟůLJŽƵǁĞƌĞĨŽƵŶĚ͘
leadership. ƌĞŵĂƌŬĂďůĞƌĞǀĞůĂƟŽŶ͘ŝĚLJŽƵŚĂǀĞĂ
4 You’re a member of a small alliance of ƌĞůŝŐŝŽƵƐĞdžƉĞƌŝĞŶĐĞ͕ŽƌĚŝĚLJŽƵŚĂǀĞ
ŝŶĚĞƉĞŶĚĞŶƚĂƌƟƐĂŶƐ͘zŽƵ͛ƌĞĮŐŚƟŶŐ an arcane insight into the workings of
ƚŽŬĞĞƉLJŽƵƌĐŽůůĞĐƟǀĞĨƌŽŵďĞŝŶŐ the universe?
crushed by the dragonmarked houses. 4 You’re a librarian. You’ve spent your
below Morgrave University. A few
weeks ago you stumbled on a secret
buried in the vaults—something so big
that it’s driven you from your beloved
books and into a life of adventure. Is it
a fragment of the Draconic Prophecy?


Are you part of one of the noble families of You are unfamiliar with the ways of civilization.
Sharn, or you a scion of a distant line? If you So what’s drawn you to the greatest city in
have your roots in Sharn, you likely have a family Khorvaire? Are you dazzled by the wonders of
estate in an upper ward. However, being so close ;PIZVWZLWaW]ÅVL\PMKQ\a\WJMLQ[\]ZJQVO
to your family means that you’ll have to deal and unnatural?
actions could tarnish your family’s reputation.
1d4 KƵƚůĂŶĚĞƌ
1 You were born in the ruins of Fallen and
1 You’re ashamed of your family. Were ĐŽŐƐĂŶĚƐĞǁĞƌƐ͘tŚĂƚĮŶĂůůLJĚƌĞǁLJŽƵ
advantage of refugees? Whatever the 2 You served as a mercenary scout in the
cause, despite being an heir to wealth Last War and followed your comrades
and power, you’re currently keeping to Sharn in the wake of the war.
your lineage a secret. 3 You were brought to Sharn as a
2 You’re a local celebrity. You delight ĐƵƌŝŽƐŝƚLJ͘zŽƵǁĞƌĞĞdžŚŝďŝƚĞĚŝŶƚŚĞ
in slumming in the lower wards, but ƵƉƉĞƌǁĂƌĚƐĨŽƌĂƟŵĞƵŶƟůƉĞŽƉůĞ
wherever you go in Sharn, gossip is ŐƌĞǁƟƌĞĚŽĨLJŽƵ͘
sure to follow. 4 zŽƵĂƌĞĂŶĞdžŝůĞĨƌŽŵLJŽƵƌŚŽŵĞůĂŶĚ͘
3 Your family is involved in a long-term Did you commit a terrible crime? Was
plot to overthrow the monarch of your your tribe wiped out in a feud? Are you
ŚŽŵĞůĂŶĚ͘zŽƵƌũŽďŝƐƚŽĮŶĚĐĂƉĂďůĞ following a divine vision?
comrades to help you with your quest
and to gain the support of other
powerful people.
noble, your lands were lost in the war


You’re well versed in history and arcane Sharn is one of the most important ports in
lore, and you have a gift for uncovering the Eberron. It’s the gate to the Thunder Sea, and
information you need. What is it that drives your ships come in from across Eberron. Are you a
pursuit of knowledge? local, or did you come to Sharn on a Lhazaar
vessel or an Aereni galleon?
1d4 Sage
1 You’re an untenured researcher at 1d4 ^ĂŝůŽƌ
Morgrave University. You’re fascinated 1 zŽƵ͛ǀĞŐŽƚĚĞĞƉƟĞƐŝŶ^ŚĂƌŶ͘zŽƵƌ
by history, and you’re desperate to family owns a ship, and you’ve
delve into actual ruins. ƐƉĞŶƚĂƐŵƵĐŚƟŵĞŽŶƚŚĞǁĂƚĞƌĂƐ
2 People think you’re crazy. Yes, you you have on land. Are your people
You’re certain that hidden dragons 2 Your family works the docks in Sharn.
ĂŶĚĚŝƐŐƵŝƐĞĚĮĞŶĚƐĂƌĞŵĂŶŝƉƵůĂƟŶŐ You know everything there is to know
governments and that the Mourning about ships, and you know half of the
was an inside job. And sure, maybe captains who pass through the port,
LJŽƵƌ͞ůŝďƌĂƌLJ͟ŝƐĂĐŽůůĞĐƟŽŶŽĨƌŽƫŶŐ but you’ve never had the chance to
books and old issues of the Sharn take to the open sea.
/ŶƋƵŝƐŝƟǀĞƉĂƐƚĞĚŽŶƚŚĞǁĂůůƐŽĨĂ 3 When you were a child, you served as
burnt-out bookstore. But what if you’re ĂĚĞĐŬŚĂŶĚŽŶĂƐŚŝƉƚŚĂƚĞdžƉůŽƌĞĚ
right? Hmm? the coast of Xen’drik. You saw many
3 You’re with the press. You’re a wondrous things… including a secret
freelance chronicler for the Sharn ůŽĐĂƟŽŶLJŽƵ͛ǀĞŶĞǀĞƌĨŽƌŐŽƩĞŶ͘EŽǁ
/ŶƋƵŝƐŝƟǀĞ͕ĂůǁĂLJƐŽŶƚŚĞůŽŽŬŽƵƚĨŽƌ you’re a capable adventurer in your
breaking news. You know your history own right. Someday you’ll lead a ship
and you know how to research a story. ďĂĐŬƚŽƚŚĂƚĨŽƌŐŽƩĞŶĐŽǀĞ͊
But if you want to make headlines, you 4 You’re an infamous pirate. You never
need to be on the scene for something harmed a Brelish vessel, but you were
big. the terror of the Thunder Sea, raiding
4 zŽƵ͛ƌĞŽŶƚŚĞĐƵƫŶŐĞĚŐĞŽĨĂƌĐĂŶĞ merchants and smugglers alike. At
they’re all idiots. You’re on on the ŵƵƟŶŝĞĚ͕ůĞĂǀŝŶŐLJŽƵŚƵŵŝůŝĂƚĞĚĂŶĚ
verge of a major discovery (The stranded in Sharn. But you are sure
cause of the Mourning? The nature ŶĞǁĨŽƌƚƵŶĞůŝĞƐũƵƐƚĂŚĞĂĚ͊
of warforged souls? Establishing
are out there in the world.


The echoes of the Last War can still be heard The lower wards of Sharn are riddled with
across Khorvaire. Many player characters may XW^MZ\aAW]PIL\WÅVLaW]ZW_VXI\PQV
have served in the Last War, but your Military the harsh city. Are you an orphan, or were
Rank feature means that you still have clout from you scavenging to help ailing parents or needy
aW]Z[MZ^QKM,QLaW]ÅOP\NWZ*ZMTIVLWZLQL siblings? Are you still young, or is your time as an
you serve in a foreign army? urchin a thing of the past?
1d4 hƌĐŚŝŶ
1d4 ^ŽůĚŝĞƌ 1 You grew up on the streets of Lower
1 The war is never over. You know ƵƌĂ͘zŽƵŚĂĚƚŽĮŶĚŽƌƐƚĞĂůƚŚĞ
LJŽƵƌĞŶĞŵŝĞƐĂƌĞƐƟůůƉůŽƫŶŐ͕ĂŶĚ things you needed to survive. You
you’re going to do whatever it takes don’t trust anyone or anything…
from Breland, that means serving the over the years. You’d do anything
ŝŶƚĞƌĞƐƚƐŽĨLJŽƵƌŶĂƟŽŶŝŶ^ŚĂƌŶͶ for your friends—even become an
whatever those may be. adventurer.
2 You’re an old soldier: you served with 2 As an orphan, you were recruited by
ĚŝƐƟŶĐƟŽŶĂŶĚƌĞƟƌĞĚǁŝƚŚŚŽŶŽƌ a gang of thieves. The rest of your
decades ago. You’ve got an endless crew was wiped out in a brutal gang
supply of stories of your heroic deeds. war, and now you’re looking for a
/ƚ͛ƐďĞĞŶĂůŽŶŐƟŵĞƐŝŶĐĞLJŽƵ͛ǀĞ new team.
been in combat and your skills are a 3 You grew up crawling the walls,
pick up a sword, it will all come back anyone. The world’s a ugly place,
to you soon enough. but there’s a lot of wonders in these
3 zŽƵ͛ƌĞĂŶŽĸĐĞƌŽĨƚŚĞLJƌĂŶĂƌŵLJ͘ towers… and you’re happy to share
You once held a fairly high rank, but those secrets with your friends.
LJŽƵƌŶĂƟŽŶŝƐĚĞƐƚƌŽLJĞĚĂŶĚLJŽƵƌ 4 You’re a refugee. You were put in the
ƐŽůĚŝĞƌƐƐĐĂƩĞƌĞĚ͘ŽLJŽƵƐƟůůĨĞĞů camp in High Walls, but no walls can
bound to protect your people, are you hold you. Sharn itself is an adventure,
only looking out for yourself? and you’re dealing with the horrors
military; they’re to the Sharn Watch. home.
You were forced out of the Watch by a
friends among the guards, but there’s
a lot of bad apples in the barrel. Do
you want to clean up the Watch, or
your own?


Sharn stands above the Dagger River. It’s an
important port for anyone dealing with Aerenal,
Xen’drik, or Sarlona. Mountains line the shores
[]V8MWXTMPMIZ»\W_MZ[¼\PMa\PQVSWNOZIKMN]T instead it’s grown ever upward.
\PMKWZVMZWNaW]ZTWZL¼[SMMX?M¼^MOW\\PW[MIVL Plateau, Dura, Menthis Plateau, Northedge, and
TW\[WN»MU*]\\PMNW]VLI\QWVWN\PMKQ\aQ[\PM Tavick’s Landing. Each of these quarters is a hub
KWZM\W_MZ[<PM_ITT[WN\PM[M\W_MZ[IZM[W\PQKS of massive core towers. A web of bridges and
platforms connects these vast spires, and a host
aW]KW]TLÅ\aW]ZTWZL¼[MV\QZMKI[\TMQVWVM of smaller turrets sprout from the edges of the
AW]¼^MOW\aW]ZW]\[QLMLQ[\ZQK\[_PMZMaW]OM\\PM core towers. The district of Skyway ÆWI\[IJW^M
WXMVIQZJ]QT\WV\PMJZQLOM[IVLXTI\NWZU[\PI\ the highest towers, while the tunnels of the Cogs
KWVVMK\\PMKWZM\W_MZ[\WOM\PMZAW]¼^MOW\\PM stretch out below the lower city.
Sharn is a vertical city, and height is a simple
indicator of status and wealth. Each quarter
JZQLOM[JM\_MMVAW]¼^MOW\\PMNWTSQV\PMUQLLTM is roughly divided into three levels, and the
\PMVaW]¼^MOW\\PW[MWN][WV\PMQV[QLMW]Z ward. Thus, wards include Lower Dura, Upper
LQ[\ZQK\[MV\QZMTaKWV\IQVMLQV\PMPWTTW__MTTWN Central, and Middle Menthis. This distinction
IOZMI\\W_MZAW]TWWS]XQV+ITTM[\IVaW][MM gives a general sense of the tone of a ward.
• Upper wards are home to the wealthy
IVL\PI\Q[V¼\\PM[SaAW]¼ZMTWWSQVO]X\PZW]OP goods and the most expensive services. The
IUQTMWNJZQLOM[IVLXTI\NWZU[KZW[[QVO\PM_MTT typical quality of meals and inns is wealthy
TWWSQVO]XI\\PMLQ[\ZQK\[IJW^MaW] or aristocratic, and rough adventurers may
be treated with suspicion. Violence is rare;
the City Watch is active in these areas, and
UQLLTMaW]KIV[\QTT[MM\PM[]V,W_VWV\PM if they’re corrupt, they’re at least taking
QV[QLMTW_ITT_MPI^MQ[OTWWUIVL\PMKWV[\IV\ bribes from people richer than you.
LZQX_I\MZIVL_WZ[MÆW_QVONZWULW_VNZWU\PM • Middle wards are home to the middle
Sharn is the largest city in Khorvaire, with a and taverns, along with a wide range of
permanent population of approximately 210,000 entertainment and housing. Services range
people. Humans make up about a third of that from modest to comfortable, with a few
number, and dwarves are a sixth of it; the rest wealthy-grade options tucked away. The
is a blend of every race found across Khorvaire. City Watch has a presence, but not as
0ITÆQVO[MT^M[IVLOVWUM[PI^MI[QOVQÅKIV\ strong as in the upper districts.
presence in the city, but even kalashtar and • Lower wards house the hard-working
changelings have communities in Sharn. Beyond laborers, but they’re also home to the
the permanent population, tens of thousands of LM[\Q\]\MIVL\PMLM[XMZI\M°ZMN]OMM[
people pass through Sharn every day. Refugees who’ve lost everything in the war, orphans
NZWU\PM_IZ[\QTTÅVL\PMQZ_Ia\W;PIZVITWVO and urchins who never had anything to
with tourists, spies, merchants, and people begin with. Modest services can be found,
PWXQVO\WÅVL\PMQZNWZ\]VMQV\PMOZIVLM[\KQ\aQV but overall the lower districts are squalid
attract unwanted attention. The City


Watch pays little attention to the lower ^»ù‘ʃ‘«›Ý
districts, making them a haven for criminals 6N\FRDFKHVDUHVPDOOÁ\LQJYHVVHOV7KH\
and gangs. come in a wide range of shapes and sizes.
This is a broad stereotype that doesn’t apply to A typical air taxi might resemble a rowboat,
all wards. Dura is a particularly poor quarter, while a touring vessel could be the size of
IVL=XXMZ,]ZIQ[M‫ٺ‬MK\Q^MTaIUQLLTM_IZL# a longship and have an enclosed cabin for
meanwhile, Central is a center of wealth and
use of bound elementals. Sharn is located in
middle ward. a manifest zone that enhances magics tied
Each ward is further subdivided into districts, WRÁLJKWDQGOHYLWDWLRQDQGWKLVLVZKDWPDNHV
VMQOPJWZPWWL[LMÅVMLJaIVMKWVWUQKZWTMI both skycoaches and the towers themselves
[XMKQÅKKWUU]VQ\aWZJW\P4W_MZ6WZ\PMLOM possible. If a skycoach is taken more than a
includes the districts of Stonegard, Longstairs, mile away from Sharn, its enchantments will
and North Market. Lower Dura includes seven fail and it will crash.
distinct districts. This book doesn’t delve deeply House Lyrandar maintains and licenses
into unique features of each district; the broad most of the skycoaches in Sharn, but you
to pilot an skycoach. It does require
If you’d like to know more about the districts of
Sharn—along with more information about its
many factions, plots, and locations—refer to the DLUVKLS\RX·OOQHHGWRPDNHVXUH\RX·YHJRW
sources presented in the Appendix. someone who can pilot it.

GETTING AROUND Traveling from district to district involves

Sharn is an enormous city and traveling from lots of bridges and ramps, along with magic
one side to the other can be quite an ordeal. As a TQN\[¸^I[\ÆWI\QVOLQ[S[\PI\[TW_TaI[KMVLIVL
ZW]OPO]QLMTQVM° descend along threads of mystical energy. Lifts
• It takes up to 30 minutes to move around are designed to move cargo and can be up to 30
within a particular ward. feet in diameter. Most lifts have rails but aren’t
• If you’re traveling between wards, add 30 [WUMWVMW‫\ٺ‬PMMLOMQ[IT_Ia[IXW[[QJQTQ\a
minutes for each ward you pass through. Should this happen to you, the section on falling
• Dura and Tavick’s Landing are especially later in this chapter may prove useful!
large; double the time to move through one There are many ways to speed up travel
of these quarters. in Sharn. House Orien manages a system of
So traveling from Lower Menthis to Upper coaches; taking an Orien coach cuts travel
Central involves passing through three wards time in half and costs 2 CP per ward travelled.
(Lower Menthis to Lower Central, then Flight is the prefered way to get through Sharn,
ascending two levels) and can take up to 90 cutting travel down to a sixth of the usual time
minutes. If you want to add a little color to your (5 minutes per ward). It’s also more expensive:
travels, you can roll on the Street Encounters 2 SP per ward involved. The most common
tables when you pass through a district. The NWZUWNÆQOP\Q[\PM[SaKWIKPJ]\UIVaÆaQVO
Central quarter is only connected to Northedge mounts can also be encountered in Sharn:
and Menthis, and there’s no bridges between PQXXWOZQ‫[ٺ‬OZQ‫ٺ‬WV[OTQLM_QVO[I[UITT<ITMV\IV
Dura and Northedge. pteranodon), and giant owls can all be found
around the city.


houses. Rounding things out, the district of
Sovereign Towers is home to Sharn’s greatest
The power and wealth of Sharn are concentrated monuments of faith, including the Pavilion of
in the Central Plateau. It’s the safest place in the Host (Sovereign Host) and the Cathedral of
the city, combining the most capable units the Cleansing Flame (Silver Flame). While it’s a
of the City Watch with the headquarters of middle ward, services are comfortable to wealthy
Sharn’s elite forces. Whether you’re looking to in quality.
deal with powerful merchants, city councilors,

dragonmarked barons, or the ambassadors of
other nations, Central Plateau is a place where
deals are made and gold changes hands. This district is peaceful and largely residential;
it’s the safest and most pleasant of the lower
wards. Services are largely comfortable in quality,
UPPER CENTRAL and the Sharn Watch is plentiful and well paid.


Central. The Council Hall is the seat of city
government, while the Korranath—the grand
temple of Kol Korran—is the heart of Sharn’s Attend an Auction. The Aurora Gallery
3]VLIZIS¼[TIZOM[\JIVS°ITWVO_Q\P\PM Sharn and specializes in auctions of exotic magic
legendary Kundarak Vaults. Upper Central items and relics from Xen’drik. You never know
houses the mansions and estates of powerful what’s going to be available—or who will be
nobles, along with businesses that cater to them. bidding against you.
Between the Sharn Watch and private security Plan a Heist. Rob the Kundarak Bank of
forces, this is a bad place to start trouble, and Sharn (Upper Central) or the Brelish Museum of
player characters who appear suspicious may be Fine Art (Middle Central).
challenged by guards. Go to Jail. The Citadel in Middle Central is
also Sharn’s high-security prison.
Pray. The primary temples of the Sovereign
MIDDLE CENTRAL Host and the Silver Flame are located in Middle
A center for intrigue and espionage. The +MV\ZITITWVO_Q\PIPW[\WN[PZQVM[\W[XMKQÅK
district of Ambassador Towers includes Sovereigns and lesser faiths. Take part in a
embassies and consulates from the Thronehold festival or drop in for some spiritual guidance!
Nations, along with Aerenal and Sarlona. Espionage! Whether you work for your
Ambassador Towers is also home to the King’s nation or get entangled in the schemes of the
Citadel, headquarters of Brelish intelligence. dragonmarked houses, there’s a lot of powerful
Across the ward, the district of Dragon Towers people in Middle Central with a use for capable
holds the primary enclaves of the dragonmarked agents.


enclave in Sharn, and it also has modest and
Sharn began with Dura, but the city has left poor rooms for the common folk of Dura.
it behind. Dura is the oldest quarter of Sharn,

and many consider it to be a blight on the
City of Towers. There are cracks in the stones
and places where enchantments have failed The district of Precarious is the gateway to
and never been restored. Dura is riddled with +TQ‫[ٺ‬QLMIVL\PMLWKS[WN;PIZV<PM;PIZV
poverty and crime, and overall, it’s the most Watch maintains an active presence in Precarious,
dangerous section of the city. But it also holds securing passage to the docks and watching the
WXXWZ\]VQ\QM[aW]KIV¼\ÅVLIVa_PMZMMT[M° many warehouses. The rest of Lower Dura has
and if you’re looking for smuggled goods or a been left to rot. Ignored by the Watch, it is the
place to lay low, head to Dura. domain of gangs and crimelords. The district
of Fallen is a haunted ruin; this temple district
UPPER DURA onto it. Malleon’s Gate is home to the goblins of
This ward is full of life, home to talented artisans Sharn, along with other monstrous immigrants
and successful merchants. There’s a seedy from Droaam and Darguun. Callestan is a center
edge to Upper Dura, and in general it has the for criminal activity.
qualities of a middle ward. But it’s a place that

is a home away from home for explorers and Talk About the Race. The inhabitants of Dura
mercenaries. The Sharn Watch maintains a are devoted to the Race of Eight Winds and are
fortress garrison in Daggerwatch. The Highhold always willing to discuss the latest news.
district is an upscale dwarven neighborhood; Gamble. Legal gambling is heavily taxed and
it’s said that the strongest spirits in Sharn are limited in its scope. Dura is home to a wide range
served at Morragin’s Tavern. Hope’s Peak is WN[PILQMZIVLUWZMXZWÅ\IJTMOIUM[
a temple district, notable for the Citadel of the Go Shopping. If you’re looking for expensive
Sun. Dedicated to Dol Arrah, this church is goods shop elsewhere. But the Bazaar of Middle
considered to be a true bastion of light. Finally, Dura is an excellent source for M`W\QKOWWL[°
the Overlook district is home to most of the TMOITWZW\PMZ_Q[M+TQ‫\ٺ‬WXKI\MZ[\WIL^MV\]ZMZ[
kalashtar in Sharn. and has a reasonable selection of magical goods.
A Little Crime. Looking for a fence? Need
MIDDLE DURA to set up a meeting with a Boromar lieutenant?
Middle Dura caters to the working class of Sharn. Lower Dura is the nexus for criminal activities
It’s inns and taverns are modest in price, but in Sharn.
there’s gold among the dross. The Bazaar is the ;]‫ٺ‬MZ)<MZZQJTM)KKQLMV\The Sharn
largest commercial district in Sharn, though it’s Watch ignores Lower Dura, and even in the
certainly shadier than the other major markets higher wards they’re spread thin. There are even
in the city. Middle Dura is home to a host of stories of dragonmarked houses and mad wizards
inns and taverns. The King of Fire is a popular conducting dangerous experiments in Lower
tavern and reputable gambling establishment. ,]ZI°_PW¼[OWQVO\W[\WX\PMU'
Ghallanda Hall has the only comfortable rooms


that said, the people of Middle Menthis are
law-abiding folk; if you’re looking for spellcasters
The hub of Sharn’s entertainment industry and to help you with illegal activities or want to sell
home to Breland’s largest university, Menthis stolen artifacts, you should turn to Lower Dura.
Plateau is one of the most diverse quarters in

Sharn. Whether you’re looking for classical
ZQVO5MV\PQ[PI[[WUM\PQVO\WW‫ٺ‬MZ Providing cheap entertainment to the masses,
taverns and theaters ranging from the innocent to
UPPER MENTHIS the risque. There are gambling halls, brothels, and
Elegant and civilized, Upper Menthis is home spontaneous performances in the streets. Lower
cutting-edge Art Temple, colorful Khavish club where spectators bet on amateur gladiators.
Theater, traditional Grand Stage, and the open- Technically illegal, the Burning Ring moves
air Stargazer Theater, along with the Kavarrah around the ward. Competitors are armed but
Concert Hall. It’s the location of Morgrave unarmored; matches continue until a contestant
University. It includes upscale shops with a focus yields, but fatalities do happen.


OTIUMZ_MI^M in Sharn can be found in Den’iyas,
a gnome district known as “Little Zilargo.”
Adventurers who visit Den’iyas should be careful Consult a Sage. Morgrave University may not
not to get involved in the many intrigues and feuds JM\PMÅVM[\QV[\Q\]\MWNTMIZVQVOQV3PWZ^IQZMJ]\
that play out between the gnome residents. Q\¼[\PMJM[\;PIZVPI[\WW‫ٺ‬MZ?PM\PMZaW]_IV\
to conduct your own research in the library or to
MIDDLE MENTHIS manifest zones, Morgrave is your best option.
This ward is the most diverse in Sharn, and Show Business. Menthis has a host of
includes communities drawn from across performance venues, from the Grand Stage to the
Khorvaire. The Little Plains district draws many taverns of Lower Menthis. Spontaneous
PITÆQVOQUUQOZIV\[NZWU\PM<ITMV\I8TIQV[ street performances are common throughout the
Cassan Bridge PI[I[QOVQÅKIV\XWX]TI\QWVWN quarter. In addition to enjoying the entertainment,
orcs and half-orcs from the Shadow Marches. aW]KW]TLIT_Ia[\Za\WÅVL_WZS¸MQ\PMZ
Immigrants from the Lhazaar Principalities showcasing your artistic talents on stage or
have settled in Warden Towers. And Smoky displaying your prowess in the Burning Ring.
<W_MZ[PILI[QOVQÅKIV\+aZIVKWUU]VQ\aM^MV Join an Expedition. Scholars at Morgrave
before the Last War; this has become a haven often sponsor expeditions to Xen’drik and into
for Cyrans wealthy enough to avoid the refugee the ruins below Sharn. Cyran nobles in Smoky
camps of High Walls. This results in a diverse Towers look for brave souls to venture into the
array of cuisine, entertainment, and services Mournland to reclaim lost treasures.
drawing on the traditions of these places. Cultural Exchange. Den’iyas brings a touch
The Everbright district may be of particular WNBQTIZOW\W;PIZVAW]UQOP\ÅVLIKTI_NWW\
interest to adventurers. This is a hub for mystical raptor running down the streets in Little Plains,
goods and services. There’s a wide assortment of or a Gatekeeper druid casting bones on Cassan
magewrights, and the shops have a good selection Bridge.
of common and uncommon magic items. With


The residential area is the quietest quarter of
;PIZV)\ÅZ[\OTIVKM\PMZM¼[TQ\\TM\WI\\ZIK\ up from the slums of Lower Dura. The people
adventurers, unless you’re interested in quality of Lower Northedge don’t look for trouble, and
real estate. On the other hand, you never know they don’t like it coming to their doorstep. North
when this charming and innocuous quarter could Market is one of the largest markets in Sharn,
be hiding a nefarious cult or devilish plot! though it specializes in simple, everyday goods.
population; the Rat’s Nest is a tavern catering to
UPPER NORTHEDGE shifters, while the Bear’s Rest is a shifter inn.

This is the perfect place for the noble who can

the bustle of Upper Central. It’s also home to
most of the elves of Sharn. In particular, the Settle Down. If you’re looking for a place
district of Shae Lias is a bastion of Aereni culture to live in Sharn, Lower Northedge combines
and traditions. The heart of Shae Lias is Gates reasonable quality and price with more security
of Passage, which serves as the Aereni embassy than Lower Dura.
and a temple to the Undying Court. The Oaks is Die in Style. The elves of Shae Lias are
WVMWN\PMÅVM[\ZM[\I]ZIV\[Q[;PIZVIZQ[\WKZI\QK experts in funerary customs and embalming. In
Y]ITQ\a°I\IZQ[\WKZI\QKXZQKM[<PM>MQTWN addition, Mayne Jhaelian of the Gates of Passage
Flesh specializes in body art, both traditional is one of the few people in Sharn capable of
tattoos and temporary illusions woved directly raising the dead.
into the skin. Find a Patron. There are many eccentric
nobles in Upper Northedge. A patron of the arts
could take an interest in the career of a bard
MIDDLE NORTHEDGE or entertainer. A collector might keep capable
adventurers on retainer with the understanding
This ward caters to the middle class of Sharn, that they’ll deliver any Dhakaani artifacts they
with a wide range of comfortable housing. come across in their travels. You never know
Dwarves make up the majority of the population, _PI\JMVMÅ\[IXI\ZWV_QTTXZW^QLM#I\\PMTMI[\
especially in the district of Holdfast. In contrast they can give you an introduction to high society.
to Highhold in Upper Dura, the dwarves of
Holdfast have deep roots in Sharn and feel
no strong connection to the Mror Holds or its
traditions. High Hope is a temple district; while
the most impressive churches and shrines are
located in Upper Central, it’s commonly known
that if you’re looking for a truly devoted priest,
you should go to High Hope.


• Inhabitants must dress “in a manner
that upholds the solemn dignity of this
If you come to Sharn by land or air, you’ll enter XZW]L_IZLº*TILMUIZS[IVLW‫ٻ‬KMZ[WN
the city through Tavick’s Landing. The quarter the Watch can choose how to interpret
took on a martial aspect during the Last War, this. Typically, armor is considered
and this can still be felt today. On the positive inappropriate unless you’re tied to House
side, the Watch Commander Iyanna ir’Talan has Deneith, the Sharn Watch, or you’ve served
OWVM\WOZMI\M‫ٺ‬WZ\[\WX]ZOMKWZZ]X\QWVQV\PM with the Brelish military. Anyone held to be
local garrisons of the Sharn Watch; this is one of in contempt of this law is escorted out.
the few districts where the Watch is both helpful • )Va[WZ\WN]VZ]TaJMPI^QWZ¸ÅOP\QVO
and competent. On the downside, citizens of any [PW]\QVOQV\PM[\ZMM\[M\K¸MIZV[IÅVMWN
nation that fought against Breland during the up to 5 gp and temporary expulsion from
war may be greeted with suspicion or hostility. the ward.
For those willing to put up with these restrictions,
UPPER TAVICK’S LANDING Wyredd’s Spirits is the best source for wine in
<PQ[_IZLQ[M‫ٺ‬MK\Q^MTaI[MTNKWV\IQVMLKQ\a Sharn. The Crystals of Denion buys and sell rare
KI\MZQVO\W\PMVWJTM[\PI\TQ^M\PMZM1\PI[ÅVM magic items, though it only has a handful of such
housing, skilled services, a luxurious mercantile items at any given time; it also sells expensive
district, and even an entire district—Sunrise— magical works of art. Transmutation is the name
devoted to the [MZ^IV\[of the nobles. Services of a renowned beauty salon. House Deneith
and lodging in Sunrise are poor to modest, as UIQV\IQV[INWZ\QÅMLOIZZQ[WVIVL\ZIQVQVONIKQTQ\a
opposed to the wealthy to aristocratic goods in the Copper Arch district. To get licenses for
found elsewhere in the district. During the war, weapons or spellcasting, you’ll have to go to the
fears of attacks by foreign agents resulted in the courthouse in the Twelve Pillars district.


• The soldiers of House Deneith have full
authority to act as agents of the Sharn In contrast to the upper ward, Middle Tavick’s
Watch within Upper Tavick’s Landing, Landing welcomes travelers and tourists. There’s
and a hundred elite Blademark mercenaries a host of lively taverns and excellent inns.
maintain checkpoints at the district’s edges. The Cornerstone is a massive arena that hosts
• You need a license to carry a weapon in everything from circuses to aerial jousting. The
Upper Tavick’s Landing. This costs only 5 Deathsgate district caters to adventurers, much
gp, but you’ll have to plead your case to a TQSM\PM+TQ‫\ٺ‬WXLQ[\ZQK\WN=XXMZ,]ZI4QSM
clerk; it’s generally understood that this is +TQ‫\ٺ‬WXQ\PI[IVIL^MV\]ZMZ¼[O]QTL¸\PW]OP
a tool to keep undesirables out of the ward. the Deathsgate Guild has a dark reputation,
Any Blademark or member of the Watch IVLQ\[UMUJMZ[WN\MVXQKSÅOP\[_Q\P+TQ‫\ٺ‬WX
can demand to see your license and may adventurers. House Jorasco has a large house of
KWVÅ[KI\M]VI]\PWZQbML_MIXWV[ healing in the ward, and House Deneith has a
• You also need a license to cast spells in the recruiting station for would-be mercenaries. The
ward. This costs 10 gp and you must specify Graywall district has deep roots in Karrnathi
\PM[XMTT[aW]_Q[P\WKI[\)ÅVMKIVJM culture that predate the Last War, and Slogar’s
levied for any unauthorized use of magic. and The Bloody Mug are places where you
Tavick’s Market is one of Sharn’s main market


districts; it’s right above Terminus station and
is a source for produce and goods brought in by
local farmers.


Visitors arrive at Wroann’s Gate or Terminus,
but they leave through Black Arch, the gateway
garrison district, designed to withstand a full
siege. The ward includes other services catering
to travelers; the Dragoneyes district is a maze
of taverns, inns, brothels, and gambling halls.
Dragoneyes is also noteworthy for having one of
the few changeling communities in Breland.
These days, Lower Tavick’s Landing is best
known for High Walls—a former residential
district converted into a home for refugees from
mostly with Cyrans displaced by the Mourning.
Today, the gates are open; but High Walls is
designed to serve as a fortress prison if need be,
and the Sharn Watch keeps an eye out for any
signs of unrest.


to lose your wages, both in established halls and on
street corners. One especially noteworthy venue
is Chance. If you believe the rumors, Chance can
arrange and cover almost any sort of contest.
Hug a Shifter. Middle and Lower Tavick’s
Landing are home to much of Sharn’s shifter
population. Middle Tavick’s Landing has the
Find Refuge. While most of the refugees in
High Walls come from Cyre, the district is a
haven for anyone displaced in the war, including
Brelish victims of the war. It’s over-crowded and
resources are stretched thin. Tensions are high,
and there are feuds and power struggles among
the refugees. If you’re from Cyre, you might have
a cot in High Walls with your name on it; even if
you don’t, you could have friends or family living
in High Walls.


the elemental powers of the infamous Halas
Tarkanan and his consort, the Lady of the
<PMÅ^MY]IZ\MZ[WN;PIZVUISM]X\PMJ]TSWN Plague. It’s said that vile powers still linger in
the city, but here are additional regions that you these ruins, and for this reason King Galifar I
may wish to explore during your time in Sharn. had all passages to this undercity sealed with
gates of metal and magic. These portals remain
sealed today, and it’s illegal to tamper with them.
SKYWAY But it’s generally assumed that there may be
many treasures hidden in the ruins of Old Sharn,
<PMZMIZMIV]UJMZWNÆWI\QVO\W_MZ[WZJQ\QVO along with untold secrets of the past.
the upper wards of Sharn, but these are dwarfed
and between Central Plateau and Menthis
Skyway holds the estates of the wealthiest people The Cogs lie deep below Sharn, below
in Khorvaire—nobles whose feet need never the sewers and even beyond the Depths.
touch the ground. Skyway contains a host of Incorporating natural tunnels and ancient goblin
aristocratic boutiques and restaurants, along with Z]QV[;\ZMIU[WN.MZVQIVTI^IÆW_JMVMI\P
astonishing mansions. Chief among these is Tain Sharn, and over the centuries House Cannith
Manor, home to most powerful family in Sharn. has helped Breland establish vast foundries
Celyria ir’Tain is the queen of high society. She that tap this mystic resource. Ashblack and
holds a ball at the manor each month, and the Blackbones are industrial districts, largely
guest list at the Tain Gala LMÅVM[\PM[WKQITWZLMZ inhabited by warforged laborers and miserable
in the city. If you need to mingle with celebrities, workers of other races. It’s said that House
ÅVLI_Ia\W_ZIVOTMIVQV^Q\I\QWV\W\PM<IQV Cannith maintains a massive forgehold in the
/ITI)VLQNaW]¼ZMTWWSQVO\WX]TTW‫ٺ‬IPMQ[\WV depths, and that this is where Baron Merrix
some of the richest people in Eberron, Skyway is d’Cannith conducts his arcane experiments.
the place to start. In addition, The Red Hammer is Sharn’s only
Beyond Ashblack and Blackbones lies
CLIFFSIDE Khyber’s Gate, a maze of tunnels and
tenements carved into the stone. The Sharn
This small ward contains the docks of Sharn. Watch has no presence in Khyber’s Gate,
Cargo is hoisted up to the city with magical and the closest thing to an authority is the
cranes, and people take levitating lifts. All criminal organization known as Daask. Many
\ZI‫ٻ‬KQV\W;PIZVXI[[M[\PZW]OP\PMLQ[\ZQK\WN of the inhabitants of the Gate are goblins and
8ZMKIZQW][QV4W_MZ,]ZIIVL+TQ‫[ٺ‬QLMPI[ immigrants from Droaam, but it’s also home to
much in common with Lower Dura. It’s rough fugitives and other desperate people. You can
\PMW\PMZPIVL[WUMXMWXTM[_MIZ\PI\+TQ‫[ٺ‬QLM along with a handful of hermits and visionaries
PI[\PMÅVM[\\I^MZV[QV;PIZV seeking to escape the city above. Shamukaar is
the most successful tavern in Khyber’s Gate. This
bar is a safe haven for all within it, regardless of
THE DEPTHS species or politics; once you make it through the
door, you can breathe easy.
Sharn was built on the foundations of an older
city, which was itself built atop goblin ruins.
This old city was destroyed by dark magic—


The Day of Mourning (20 Olarune). The
nation of Cyre was destroyed four years ago
Sharn is the largest and most cosmopolitan city on the Day of Mourning. While the Mourning
in Khorvaire. Covering all the things that you had an impact on everyone in Khorvaire, this
KW]TLLWQV;PIZVKW]TLÅTTIVMV\QZMJWWSIVL day is especially important for Cyran survivors.
does, as covered in the Appendix!). But here’s It is a time when Cyrans come together to
a few things you might want to do during your remember their lost kingdom. Some tell stories
time in Sharn. or sing traditional songs, ensuring their culture
isn’t forgotten. Others seethe with anger at the
enemies who brought Cyre to this place, and it
CELEBRATE can be a time for riots or violence.
Fathen’s Fall (25 Barrakas) commemorates a
There’s always a celebration in Sharn, whether priest of the Silver Flame martyred while exposing
it’s a parade in a single district or a festival across hidden lycanthropes in Sharn. It is a time when
the entire city. Here’s a few to put on your followers of the Flame come together, but often
calendar. causes tensions with the shifter community.
The Ascension (1 Sypheros). A celebration of The Hunt (4 Barrakas). In honor of the
serve as the Voice of the Silver Flame. There are the city and released into an isolated section of
services at all Silver Flame churches and shrines, the Depths. Anyone can participate in the Hunt
IVL\PMNIQ\PN]TIZMMVKW]ZIOML\WÅVL[WUM_Ia by making a donation of 5 gp; the hunter (or
to help their communities. hunting party) who brings down the beast wins a
Aureon’s Crown (26 Dravago). A celebration purse of 500 gp and the blessing of Balinor. The
of knowledge. Elders share their knowledge Hunt can vary; some years multiple beasts are
with the young. Morgrave University holds its released and the hunter who catches the most of
graduate services on this day, and there are them is marked as the victor. Often, though, the
public lectures at the Great Hall of Aureon in other hunters are a greater threat than the beast!
Upper Menthis. Long Shadows (26-28 Vult). It’s said that the
Boldrei’s Feast (9 Rhaan) is a celebration of power of the Shadow—sinister deity of the Dark
community. There are gatherings across the city, Six—is at its height on these three nights. Wise
and the wealthy compete to throw the grandest people spend these nights indoors with friends,
parties. but those who celebrate the darkness may take to
Brightblade (12 Nymm). The festival of Dol the streets to prey on the weak and foolish.
,WZVKMTMJZI\MLIKZW[[\PMKQ\a_Q\PXZQbMÅOP\[ The Race of Eight Winds (23 Lharvion)
wrestling matches, archery contests, and other is an aerial race that takes place around Dura
tests of strength and skill. This culminates with a Quarter. See the sidebar for more information.
grand contest of champions at the Cornerstone in Sun’s Blessing (15 Therendor). The festival
Middle Tavick’s Landing. of Dol Arrah, this is a day of peace and a time
Crystalfall (9 Olarune). During the Last War, NWZMVMUQM[\WÅVLIXMIKMN]TZM[WT]\QWV\W\PMQZ
Lower Dura. This devastation can still be seen The Tain Gala (First Far of each month). The
today in the district now known as Fallen. On ir’Tains are the richest and most powerful family
9 Olarune, people gather to commemorate this in Sharn. Each month, Celyria ir’Tain holds a
tragedy. There’s a tradition of crafting elaborate JITTI\PMZ;Sa_IaUIV[QWV<PMO]M[\TQ[\LMÅVM[
ice sculptures and throwing them into the Dagger the social order of the city; those families with
River. permanent invitations—known as the Sixty—are


the royalty of Sharn. However, Celyria does
invite unusual guests each month, and an up- COMMUNICATE
and-coming entertainer or a renowned folk hero Need to get a message to someone? If you’re
might get the call! not in a hurry, the Orien post has boxes across
Thronehold (11 Aryth) is the day that the the city; you can mail a letter for 1 cp. Hiring
<ZMI\aWN<PZWVMPWTLW‫ٻ‬KQITTaMVLML\PM4I[\ a courier generally costs between 5 cp to 5 gp,
War. This year (998 YK) is only the third time depending on the size of the package and where
this event has been celebrated, and the Lord aW]VMMLQ\LMTQ^MZMLAW]KIVÅVL;Q^Q[UM[[IOM
Mayor of Sharn has promised a truly epic festival. stations in every upper and middle ward, and if
Wildnight (18-19 Sypheros). Supposedly the you absolutely have to get a message to someone
Fury—Sovereign of Passion and Madness— instantly, the Sivis enclave in Dragon Towers
reaches the height of her power on this night. (Middle Central) can perform [MVLQVOfor 200 gp.
Emotions run high and impulse control runs House Tharashk has brought a new innovation
low. Shy and superstitious folk stay indoors, to message delivery in Sharn: gargoyles.
while others see it as a time to cast aside all Tharashk has licensed a score of gargoyles, and
IVL_QTLKMTMJZI\QWV[[\ZM\KPQV\W\PMVQOP\° message across the city. If you spot a gargoyle
though riots, brawls, and other crimes are all aW]KIVÆIOQ\LW_VIVLQ\KW[\[OX\WLMTQ^MZI
too common on Wildnight. letter or small package.

d«›Zƒ‘›Ê¥®¦«ãt®Ä—Ý HAVE A GREAT FALL

Legends say King Galifar II used Dura as a
Sharn is the City of Towers, but it’s also a city
proving ground for aerial cavalry. Over the
centuries this evolved into the sporting event
of bridges and balconies. These can be extremely
known as the Race of Eight Winds. Dura narrow or remarkably wide. There are entire
is divided into eight regions for the race, districts largely spread across vast bridges. While
each of which is represented by a particular there are walls and rails on most bridges, there’s
creature. The beasts of Lower Dura include always the chance that your time in Sharn will
the Gargoyle, the Glidewing, and the Griffon. end with someone going over the edge. So, what
and the Eagle. Upper Dura supports the <PW[M_PWKIVI‫ٺ‬WZLQ\][]ITTaKIZZaINMI\PMZ
Hippogriff and the Pegasus. token (see chapter 5) as insurance. No token?
The race takes place on the 23rd day of Don’t panic! Because of the maze of bridges and
Lharvion, but the inhabitants of Dura are
spans connecting the towers, there’s an excellent
devoted to the event. Preparations and
debates are ongoing throughout the year,
chance that you won’t fall more than a hundred
and as the race grows closer there are feet before hitting a lower bridge. While this
feasts, parades, and ever more serious may seem like small comfort, the major bridges
arguments between the people of different in the upper and middle wards are enchanted
districts. The race is an easy topic of with NMI\PMZNITTenchantments that trigger
conversation with anyone from Dura, but I]\WUI\QKITTa°SMMXQVOaW]NZWUKZ][PQVOIV
professing support for the wrong beast can innocent passerby in your fall.
be a dangerous thing. Of course, there are many things that could
happen during a lengthy fall. It’s always up to
the DM to decide if you have a straight fall to the
bottom. But the Falling in Sharn table presents a
few of the many possibilities.


1d10 &ĂůůŝŶŐŝŶ^ŚĂƌŶ
1 You fall hundreds of feet before
striking the ground at the base of
the towers.
2 zŽƵĨĂůůϯĚϲdžϭϬĨĞĞƚďĞĨŽƌĞƐƚƌŝŬŝŶŐ
a bridge. A major bridge in an upper
or middle ward will have a feather
fall enchantment, otherwise it’s
going to be a hard landing.
passing skycoach. Do you crush an
innocent passenger?
stranded on the edge of a tower or
6 A giant owl catches you… and
threatens to drop you if it doesn’t
get a reward.
magewright cast ĨĞĂƚŚĞƌĨĂůů to save
you, but for a moment it feels like
8 You strike a small air elemental that
was drawn to the city. This cushions
your fall… but now you’re on top of
an air elemental.
9 A guardian angel manifests and
catches you. Is this sheer luck due
for you?
10 You slip through the manifest zone
in the plane of Syrania.


IN SHARN organization in Sharn.
Crime takes many forms. Any sort of theft is
smuggling, including the dreamlily trade.
illegal, including “UITQKQW][\PMN\WNQLMV\Q\a”—the
use of shapeshifting abilities or illusion magic to • °OW^MZV[I_QLMVM\_WZSWNTM[[MZOIVO[
impersonate someone with the intent to cause and crimelords reaching across Sharn.
harm. Assault, murder, and fraud will all land • °PI[PITÆQVO[QVUIVaTMILMZ[PQXZWTM[
you in hot water. Other crimes walk the edge but includes members of all races.
of legality. Both gambling and prostitution are • °Q[NIKQVOI[MZQW][KPITTMVOMNZWU,II[S
legal in Sharn, but these industries are heavily
\I`MLIVLZMO]TI\ML#\PMUW[\XZWÅ\IJTMOIUM[ The Boromar Clan began with a family of
books. Likewise, smuggled goods include strictly Today the Boromars are one of Sharn’s most
illegal things—illicit drugs, mystical explosives— QVÆ]MV\QITNIUQTQM[<PMZM¼[I*WZWUIZWV\PM
but also highly taxed goods from Xen’drik or City Council. The Boromars have close ties by
other nations. marriage to the local branch of House Jorasco.
While crime occurs throughout Sharn, it is Boromars can be seen at every Skyway gala. But
most visible in Lower Dura and the Cogs. The it’s an open secret that they’ve been running
Sharn Watch has a minimal presence in these KZQUMQV;PIZV[QVKM\PMÅZ[\LIa[WN\PMKQ\a
wards, and these are the easiest places to sell They’ve been bribing the Sharn Watch for so
stolen goods or to hire an assassin. Of course, TWVO\PI\QVUIVaLQ[\ZQK\[\PM?I\KPM‫ٺ‬MK\Q^MTa
they’re also good places to get robbed or caught works for the clan.
up in a street brawl. Having a connection to the Boromar Clan
Sharn is home to a host of minor gangs and makes you part of the established power in
independent criminals. However, most criminal Sharn. It’s an organization that values tradition
activities ultimately fall under one of four and prefers to avoid violence. However, you’ll be
criminal organizations; even independents will expected to respect the hierarchy and follow the
usually have an arrangement with one of these Z]TM[°IVLaW]UIaJM\IZOM\MLJa,II[S
major powers. If your character has the criminal
background, you should work with the DM to
determine which of these organizations you’re
connected to.


• °Q[JI[MLQV\PM+WO[J]\PI[JMMV and assassins.
recently expanding into the lower wards. • °Q[KWUXZQ[MLWNXMWXTM_Q\PIJMZZIV\
Formed by monstrous immigrants from Droaam, war.
Daask has been building its power for a decade The members of House Tarkanan all possess
and has recently begun an aggressive campaign aberrant dragonmarks. Rumors say that the gang
of expansion. Humans, shifters, goblins, and began as a secret Brelish black ops team. True
changelings are all found in Daask, but the or not, the members of this small gang are skilled
organization is built around a monstrous core: thieves and assassins whose natural talents are
gnolls, ogres, minotaurs, harpies, even a handful enhanced by their aberrant marks.
of trolls. The leaders of Daask include oni and The organization takes its name from Halas
medusas. Daask doesn’t have the connections or Tarkanan, an aberrant-marked leader who
infrastructure of the Boromar Clan, but the sheer fought against the dragonmarked houses
physical force it can bring to bear is impressive. centuries ago. In addition to its criminal
upper wards, but it is a powerful and dangerous shelter to people with aberrant dragonmarks, and
force below. It’s a simple organization with few protects persecuted aberrants.
traditions or layers of leadership. Having ties to While anyone can have a contact with the
Daask gives you allies in the undercity and few House, you must have an aberrant dragonmark
restrictions. But it sets you against the Boromar to join it. House Tarkanan remains neutral in the
Clan and makes you complicit in Daask’s KWVÆQK\JM\_MMV\PMKZQUMTWZL[IVL_WV¼\IKKMX\
increasing aggression. contracts against gang leaders.


• °QVKT]LMUMUJMZ[WNITTZIKM[J]\ The four organizations mentioned here are the
primarily changelings and doppelgangers. ones people have heard of. The Boromar Clan
is well known in Sharn. The Tyrants have been
• °[XMKQITQbMQVQVNWZUI\QWVNWZOMZa around for centuries and are often considered an
blackmail, and fraud. urban myth by people who haven’t encountered
• °ZMUIQVVM]\ZITQV\PM*WZWUIZ,II[S them. Daask and House Tarkanan have both
KWVÆQK\ appeared within the last decade, but both are
The Tyrants are forgers and grifters, specialists known to anyone who’s spent much time in the
in deception and the acquisition of information. lower wards.
The majority of the Tyrants are changelings, who These are the major players in Sharn’s
use their shapeshifting abilities to fool marks and underworld, but there’s a host of minor players.
acquire secrets. There are magewrights among Both the Boromar Clan and Daask support
the Tyrants who can permanently alter your a number of smaller gangs and criminal
appearance. So, the Tyrants can steal someone’s organizations, and it may not be immediately
identity, but they can also provide a fugitive with obvious who a gang is working with. And there’s
a new life. always new people looking for opportunities,
The Tyrants are an enigmatic organization. who haven’t yet been noticed by the Boromars.
They act to protect the changelings of Tavick’s So, this is a partial list. Don’t assume you know
Landing and they pursue schemes that generate everything about crime.
never use and, sometimes, even provide
it themselves. A psychoactive liquid that smells and tastes
They have an longstanding truce with the like your favorite beverage, essence of
Boromar Clan and remain neutral in the current dreamlily is a Sarlonan opiate. First imported
the most commonly abused illegal substance
Having a connection with the Tyrants gives in Sharn. Dreamlily dens can be found
you access to expert forgers—and could provide across the lower wards.
you with unexpected secrets. One of the tricky Dreamlily causes disorienting euphoria and
issues with the Tyrants is that many of its remarkable resistance to pain. While under
members maintain shared identities. A particular the effects of dreamlily you are poisoned;
take it on from day to day. So if you have a you drop to 0 hit points without being killed
contact in the Tyrants, the contact you meet outright, you drop to 1 hit point instead.
seems consistent, but you may actually be A dose of dreamlily typically costs 1 gp,
[XMISQVO\WILQ‫ٺ‬MZMV\KPIVOMTQVOMIKP\QUMaW] and the effects last for one hour. However,
there are many varieties, and this may affect
meet with the organization.
the duration or the price.


Friends and Rivals. Who do you know in
the district? The DM should work with each
Sharn holds the potential for endless adventures. XTIaMZ\WLM^MTWXINZQMVLWZZQ^ITQV\PMIZMI°
The City of Towers can serve as the foundation or both. A character’s background is always
of a single adventure or an entire campaign. a good place to start. If you’re a criminal, do
,MÅVQVOI[\IZ\QVOXWQV\Q[I_Ia\WOQ^MIVQVQ\QIT you have a friend in a local gang? If you’re an
focus to the campaign—setting a tone and giving entertainer, do you have a professional rival?
players an initial investment in the story. The If you’re a folk hero, did you deal with a thug
player characters may be meeting in a tavern— causing trouble in your favorite tavern—earning
but it’s their NI^WZQ\Mtavern. The bard performs you the gratitude of the owner and the enmity of
twice a week and the barbarian has a huge bar the villain?
tab to resolve. This is a collaborative process and the goal is
<PQ[[MK\QWVM`XTWZM[\PZMMLQ‫ٺ‬MZMV\[\IZ\QVO to enhance the story, not to spoil it. You may
points. be friends with a Morgrave professor, but that
• Callestan is in Lower Dura. It’s a doesn’t mean they’ll magically solve all your
dangerous district riddled with crime and problems; more likely, they might ask you to
OIVOKWVÆQK\)+ITTM[\IVKIUXIQOVQ[I help solve one of \PMQZproblems. If you’re having
dark neo-noir story. trouble coming up with ideas, the DM can
• +TQ‫\ٺ‬WXin Upper Dura is a district details: “AW]¼^MUILMIVMVMUaWNI,II[SWOZMVIUML
catering to established adventurers. This *ZWSMV\WW\P0W_¼L\PI\PIXXMV'º
is a place for pulp heroes, established You Meet at a Tavern … But Which
explorers whose services are in demand. Tavern? ?PMZMLWaW][XMVLaW]ZW‫ٺ‬PW]Z['
• Morgrave University is in Upper As a group, once you settle on a location, each
Menthis Plateau. This is a college for player can add one cosmetic detail about it. This
adventurers, and an opportunity to add a KW]TLQV^WT^MI[\I‫ٺ‬UMUJMZ¹<PMJIZ\MVLMZQ[IV
little levity to your story. WTLL_IZNVIUML+TIVSa#PM¼[OW\IXZW[\PM\QKIZUº).
Choosing and developing a starting point should It might be something about the food, or about
be a collaborative process between the players events hosted at the location (“7VKMI_MMS\PMTWKIT
and the DM. A starting point sets a tone; if UMLQ]U[PWTLIX]JTQK[MIVKMº). All of these ideas are
half of the players want a light-hearted romp, subject to DM approval.
Callestan is a poor choice. You don’t have to have a starting point, and
Once you’ve agreed on a starting point, the even if you pick one, you don’t have to answer
next step is to work together to develop the story. all of these questions. The goal of this is to set a
This section provides details about each district, tone—if this campaign is a movie, what kind of
including prominent NPCs and locations. Using movie is it?—and to give each player a personal
this as a foundation, each player should work investment in that story.
with the DM to answer the following questions.
Why Are You Here? What has drawn your
character to this place, and what keeps you here?
The idea of using a starting point is that it’s your
PWUM—what does it say about your character that
this place is your home?


towers. Daask might release a gorgon into the
streets. The necromancers of the Emerald Claw
The Sharn Watch won’t set foot in Callestan. could test a necrotic weapon or a new form of
Located at the base of Lower Dura, it’s been undead. A pack of wererats could take root,
abandoned by the city above. Colors are faded, unnoticed by the Church of the Silver Flame. It’s
stones are cracked, and half the buildings should IOZQU\Z]\P\PI\IVa\PQVOKIVPIXXMVPMZM°
be condemned. The closest thing this district has but it’s also a great source of adventure.
being challenged by the monsters of Daask.
Every day there’s the chance that a war will
break out on the streets. What brought you to Callestan, and should your
A Callestan campaign combines gritty dark fortunes change, why would you stay?
fantasy with the classic Western. Callestan You may have roots in the district. Perhaps
Q[M‫ٺ‬MK\Q^MTaINZWV\QMZ\W_VQV\PMUQLLTMWN your mother ran a small gang that was wiped out
Sharn. The law is what you make it and brigands when you were a child. Maybe your family still
_ITS\PM[\ZMM\[*]\Q\W‫ٺ‬MZ[NZMMLWU[IVL lives here, running a struggling business.
WXXWZ\]VQ\QM[aW]_WV¼\ÅVLQV\PM\W_MZ[IJW^M  For many people, the appeal of Callestan is
its freedom. If you’re a criminal or a charlatan,
you’re likely connected to one of the gangs and
SETTING THE TONE you appreciate the opportunity to ply your trade.
As a sage you could be engaging in research that
Callestan is a district shaped by poverty and your compatriots feel is dangerous. As an acolyte
neglect. People come to Callestan to engage you might harbor heretical beliefs.
in criminal activities: visiting dreamlily dens, A variation of this is that you’re hiding.
buying or selling stolen goods, negotiating with As a devout cleric or paladin, you may have
a Boromar lieutenant or hiring a Tarkanan made enemies of the corrupt authorities in
assassin. The thing that holds the district together the local churches. If you use the haunted one
on a daily basis is personal reputation and background, you may have seen something in
relationships. The reason no one robs the Anvil is the upper wards that has driven you into the
JMKI][MXMWXTMTW^M-ZIVVI°IVLJMKI][M\PMa darkness. Any character could have run afoul of
know Ilsa Boromar would hunt them down. the Sharn Watch, a powerful noble, or a sinister
Poverty is a part of a Callestan campaign. Most conspiracy; if you leave the lower wards, you may
of the people in this district have never seen have to evade this enemy.
a platinum piece, and a single gold piece has Another option is that you’ve taken on a role
considerable value. Maintaining a comfortable in the community. Your cleric is the preacher for
lifestyle can be a challenge, and an uncommon the district, trying to help these troubled people
rewards of adventure should be lower than in \PM]VW‫ٻ‬KQIT[PMZQ‫ٺ‬XZW\MK\QVO\PMQVVWKMV\I[
a heroic fantasy campaign. But reputation and best you can. You might work as a ratcatcher, a
relationships are the true treasures of this style of healer, or a private inquisitive solving mysteries.
campaign. If you save Ilsa Boromar, she might Callestan may be miserable, but it’s your home
OQ^MaW]IX]Z[M_Q\POXNWZaW]Z\ZW]JTM° and these are your people.
but her favor may provide you with far more
protection than a set of IZUWZ.
An important piece of the tone is that no one WHAT DO YOU WANT?
KIZM[_PI\PIXXMV[\W+ITTM[\IV. Things can occur Once you know what you’re doing in Callestan,
here that would never happen in the upper the next question is where you want to go from


here. What motivates your character? What INTERESTING LOCATIONS
could drive you to place yourself in danger?
Do you want to help your friends, or protect The Anvil was once The Golden Anvil, House
the innocent people of the neighborhood? Are /PITTIVLI¼[ÆIO[PQXQVVQV;PIZV6W_Q\¼[
you seeking revenge on a powerful enemy or faded and forgotten, but it still has traces of its
organization? Are you trying to establish your former glory. There’s a few gaming tables and
own business, or make an arcane breakthrough? a small stage; there’s a dwarf comedian who’s
These can be long-term goals or general themes, been doing the same act for sixty years. While
but it’s good for both player and DM to know most services are modest or poor in quality,
what motivates the characters. there is a single comfortable room. Eranna
d’Ghallanda runs the inn; she’s kind, honest,
and much beloved in the district. The Anvil is
THE SHAPE OF THE DISTRICT on the west side of the Bridge and is a common
hangout for Boromar allies.
The heart of Callestan is the plaza called the The Broken Mirror is an inn run by a family
Bridge. This central square serves as an open of changelings; the theme and tone of the inn
market and speaker’s corner. It’s not on a bridge; changes every week. It’s said to have ties with the
rather, the center of the plaza contains the Tyrants, which keeps troublemakers away.
wreckage of a bridge that fell from one of the The Butcher’s is a combination butcher
higher wards. shop and bar in Eastbridge. It’s popular with
More recently, the Bridge has taken on \PMTWKITOVWTT[IVLQ[\PMJM[\XTIKM\WÅVL
another meaning: it’s the line between Boromar Daask soldiers, though not all monsters in the
territory and the wilds. Everything to the west region have ties to Daask.
of the Bridge is still under Boromar dominion. The Crooked Cat is home to dozens of cats,
Fences, dreamlily dens, gambling holes—if it’s and this odd feature draws tourists from the
Westbridge, the Boromars take a cut and will higher wards. The proprietor is a shifter named
IK\\WXZW\MK\Q\<PMPITÆQVOIlsa Boromar Whiskers. He runs a side business as a fence,
is the local clan leader. She despises needless buying and selling unusual goods. Rumors say
cruelty but is ruthless in protecting her family’s that Whiskers is some sort of warlock or druid,
interests. Eastbridge is a blend of Boromar and that he can see through the eyes of his cats as
loyalists, Daask insurgents, refugees and veteran they wander the city.
soldiers driven here by war, even a small band of The General is a headless statue in a small
warforged. Westbridge is as safe as Callestan gets, square in Eastbridge. It’s hundreds of years old,
while anything goes in Eastbridge. and no one actually knows who it represents.
In Eastbridge, a group of goblins, kobolds, and within a 15-foot radius and serves as a refuge for
gnolls have taken up residence in a block of those in danger. The most destitute inhabitants of
condemned tenements known as the Kennels. the district often sleep around the General.
Aside from this, Callestan is incredibly diverse, The Silvermist Theater stands on the
and members of any race can be found here. west side of the Bridge. Like the Anvil, it’s a
Callestan is an inner district, which means ZMUVIV\WN+ITTM[\IV¼[OTWZaLIa[#IÅVM\PMI\MZ
that it’s largely enclosed in one of the massive that’s a rotting shadow of its former self. The
core towers of Dura Quarter. However, it’s large current owners have grand ideas about future
enough that it extends out to the walls of the productions, but it’s the dreamlily parlor in the
tower. Many people live in or on the walls, in basement that keeps the theater open.
tenements or shops carved into the thick stone.


You may delve into the ruins below Sharn or
crash an airship into Skyway. You may head to
Sharn is a city with an appetite for adventure. Xen’drik or other distant lands. Wherever you
1\¼[\PMOI\M_Ia\W@MV¼LZQSITIVLÅTTML_Q\P go, adventure awaits!
mystery and danger. Eccentric nobles and
dragonmarked barons alike need capable agents
for their many intrigues. So Sharn has a steady
aW]OW\WÅVL\PMU What is it, and how did you earn it? Are you a
)+TQ‫\ٺ‬WXKIUXIQOVNWK][M[WVPMZWQK new prodigy, or an old retired hero who’s just
fantasy. You’re a professional adventurer with a getting back into the game?
reputation established, and you’re always ready As always, consider your background. If you’re
NWZ\PMVM`\KPITTMVOM?PMVaW]TQ^MQV+TQ‫\ٺ‬WX a soldier, you might have had a celebrated
every day brings a new thrilling challenge—a career. As an entertainer, you might perform
new chance to put your life on the line in pursuit at one of the theaters of Upper Menthis
of fame and fortune. between adventures. If you’re a sage you could
be considered an expert in arcane lore or the
history of Xen’drik, giving lectures at Morgrave
SETTING THE TONE University in your spare time.
One question to consider is if you’re part of the
+TQ‫\ٺ‬WXZ]V[_Q\P\PMQLMI\PI\\PMXTIaMZ +TQ‫\ٺ‬WX)L^MV\]ZMZ[¼/]QTL. This is serves
characters are SVW_Vas adventurers. They’ve as a social club for adventurers and a one-stop
accomplished remarkable feats and beaten marketplace for anyone seeking to hire a capable
QUXW[[QJTMWLL[7VM_Ia\WZMÆMK\\PQ[Q[\W[\IZ\ and reliable champion. If you’re part of the
\PMKPIZIK\MZ[W‫ٺ‬I\IPQOPMZTM^MT\PIV][]IT CAG you have access to the guild hall and a
With the DM’s approval, use the following rules host of potential friends and allies. Perhaps you
\WKZMI\MI+TQ‫\ٺ‬WXIL^MV\]ZMZ have a mentor at the guild, a retired adventurer
• You begin at 5th level. who regales you with tales of her epic deeds. Or
• You start with 600 gp in addition to your maybe you’ve take a novice under your wing and
normal starting equipment. you’re teaching him the ropes. A critical point
is that the CAG has a positive reputation and
• You have two common magic items and
doesn’t condone evil behavior; if you’re part of
two uncommon magic items.
All magic items are subject to the approval of the to adhere to its codes of conduct. Less reputable
DM, and the DM may choose whether to assign KPIZIK\MZ[KIVÅVL_WZS_Q\P\PMDeathgate
these items or to allow you to select the items Adventurers’ Guild in Middle Tavick’s
you want. Either way, take a moment to come Landing. There’s a long-standing rivalry between
up with the story behind these items. How did the two guilds, and if you’re part of the CAG you
you acquire them? Were they treasures found on might work with the DM to develop a particular
your adventures? Heirlooms from your family nemesis in the Deathsgate guild.
or your time in the Last War? Or just something
you bought with your earnings?One point
+TQ‫\ٺ‬WX. This district is your base of operations, )[I+TQ‫\ٺ‬WXIL^MV\]ZMZaW]¼ZMZMO]TIZTaX]\\QVO
home to valued comrades and rivals. It’s your life on the line. What is it that brought you
_PMZMaW]OM\aW]ZVM`\RWJ*]\I[I+TQ‫\ٺ‬WX to this risky line of work? Is it just about the gold?
adventurer you’ll be venturing to exotic locales. Are you driven by academic curiosity? Are you


seeking the answer to a particular mystery, or INTERESTING LOCATIONS
searching for clues about an ancient threat? Are
you primarily interested in your reputation— The Augury is home to a circle of magewrights
perhaps hoping to gain entry to the legendary who specialize in divination magic, including
?IaÅVLMZ¼[.W]VLI\QWV, or to prove yourself I]O]Za(50 gp), LQ^QVI\QWV (200 gp), identify (150
to your family or your true love? gp) and [XMIS_Q\PLMIL(200 gp). The master of
the Augury is an elf named Kestia. She has
ties to a number of angels of Syrania, and if she
THE SHAPE OF THE DISTRICT chooses she can perform KWUU]VM. However, as
this requires her to call in a celestial favor, it’s not
upper ward, it’s still part of Dura Quarter. The The Drunken Dragon is a legendary
stone is drab granite and the towers are simple watering hole. While the service is slow and the
and functional. It’s no match for the splendors food is modest at best, it has the widest selection
inhabitants more than make up for the somewhat Khorvaire. From Lhazaar mead to the fermented
dingy surroundings. honey-milk favored by the shifters of the Eldeen
PW[\MT[KQZKTM\PMXQVVIKTMIPQOPXMISÅTTML it at the Drunken Dragon. The proprietor,
with shops and services catering to adventurers. Hascal d’Ghallanda, has the Greater Mark of
The laborers and artisans who keep the district Hospitality and can give his favorite customers
running are usually ready to drop their daily access to his UIOVQÅKMV\UIV[QWV.
tasks and serve as hirelings. House Sivis maintains a small enclave in
The +TQ‫\ٺ‬WX)L^MV\]ZMZ¼[/]QTLis the Clifttop. In addition to the speaking stone, this
physical and social heart of the district. You don’t outpost specializes in translating exotic texts and
have to be a member of the CAG to get work providing legal services to adventurers in trouble
QV+TQ‫\ٺ‬WXJ]\Q\KMZ\IQVTaPMTX[<PMK]ZZMV\ with the law. Josilian Tarli d’Sivis is one of
leader of the guild is a dwarf named Sumara the best barristers in Sharn, though certainly one
Korranor, but she goes by Summer. If you’re of the most expensive.
part of the CAG, the DM and the players should Kavv’s is quieter than the Drunken Dragon,
work together to add additional details about but the food is far better. Saza and Taji Kavv
Summer: what are her traits and quirks? What’s are immigrants from the city of Stormreach in
an interesting encounter you’ve had with her, or Xen’drik, and use many exotic ingredients and
a story you’ve heard about her? spices the people of Khorvaire have never tasted.
Violence and crime are relatively rare in The Kavvs have many friends in Stormreach,
+TQ‫\ٺ‬WX#\PMUMUJMZ[WN\PM+)/][]ITTa and their insights and contacts could be useful to
handle any troubles that arise. However, the adventurers heading to Xen’drik.
district is under the jurisdiction of Watch The shops of the Mystic Market deal in
Commander Lian HalamarIPITÆQVO_PW magic items, whether locally produced or bought
runs the Daggerwatch garrison in Upper Dura. from explorers. The Mithral Blade produces
Halamar has no love for adventurers and is ÅVMIVL]VKWUUWV_MIXWV[IVLIZUWZWise
always happy to catch a member of the CAG on Wood buys and sells arcane focuses and other
the wrong side of the law. It’s generally assumed wands. The Moonlit Loom deals in magical
that Commander Halamar is working for the clothing; the Dragon’s Hoard sells wondrous
Boromar Clan, though he’s never committed the items; and Boldrei’s Tears and Good Spirits
Dura Watch to their struggles with Daask. are a source of reliable potions.


on page 264 of the ,]VOMWV5I[\MZ¼[/]QLM.
Another twist that works well with a Morgrave
MORGRAVE UNIVERSITY campaign is to use story-based advancement
instead of standard XP. Level advancement
Morgrave University is the largest institute of could be based on time: player characters gain
learning in Breland. While it’s not as prestigious WVMTM^MTMIKP[MUM[\MZTM^MTQVO]XIN\MZÅVIT[
as Arcanix or the Library of Korranberg, Alternately, advancement could be tied to
Morgrave is known for its unorthodox methods IKPQM^QVO[XMKQÅKOWIT["AW]¼TTITTOIQVITM^MTI[
and hands-on style of teaching. If you want to long as your professor survives the expedition!
learn about the history of Sharn, what better See page 261 of the ,]VOMWV5I[\MZ¼[/]QLMfor
way than to explore the ancient ruins below the more information.
city? Critics say that Morgrave is a college of
tomb robbers, and much of its endowment does
come from the sale of artifacts recovered on its WHY ARE YOU HERE?
expeditions. As a Morgrave student, you’re not an adventurer
Morgrave University can be a useful resource yet. You’ve got talent, but you’re learning.
in any style of campaign. It’s an asset for sages Consider how your background ties into this.
conducting research and a source of potential As a noble, are you an entitled rich kid who
patrons. But it can also be the foundation of a thinks you’re better than everyone else? As an
campaign: heroic fantasy seen through the eyes urchin, did you somehow earn a scholarship,
of students at the university. or are you literally sneaking into your classes?
As a criminal, you could be the daughter
of a Boromar crime boss, or you might be an
SETTING THE TONE entrepreneur selling dreamlily to the nobles. A
A Morgrave campaign is a coming of age story charlatan could be a brilliant drama student
in a fantasy world. In between delving into ruins or an undercover spy trying to root out enemy
and uncovering demonic schemes, the player agents in the faculty. If you’re an entertainer
characters need to decide what to do with their you might be a prodigy whose talent is only just
TQ^M[P]UQTQI\M\PMQZZQ^IT[IVLÅO]ZMW]\_PI\ emerging. A Morgrave story is about coming of
to wear to the Crystalfall dance. You can play up age and unlocking your potential. So think about
the humor in this scenario, but it can be just as your background as a way to set up the person
dark as Callestan if you choose. you’re becoming, as opposed to representing
A Morgrave campaign isn’t driven by material adventures that you’ve already had.
wealth. Even when you go on expeditions, the
University will lay claim to most of the treasures
adventures are measured in relationships and in Figuring out what you want in life is one of the
learning. Can you earn a professor’s trust? Can main goals of a Morgrave campaign. As wizard
you get unrestricted access to the library stacks? you’ve got remarkable arcane talents. But what
Can you impress that mysterious stranger? are you going to do with them?
At the DM’s discretion, accomplishing these You can establish a grand goal from the
[WZ\[WN[QLMOWIT[KIVXZW^QLMKWVKZM\MJMVMÅ\[ beginning. Perhaps your wizard needs to master
A wizard who has access to the library may be magic to summon and destroy the demon that
able to swap one of their known spells at start killed your parents. The bard is determined to
of each session. As a simple reward, a character play on the Grand Stage. The paladin keeps
who accomplishes a meaningful personal goal PI^QVOILQ^QVM^Q[QWV°J]\_PI\LWM[Q\UMIV?


But such goals should be something that guide connects the Commons to Dalannan Proper.
you down the path of knowledge—things that One side of this bridge holds little shops and
can evolve and change with your character. vendors catering to students, while the opposite
side is the standard place to display notices of
interest to students.
Morgrave University is located in Upper Menthis INTERESTING LOCATIONS
Plateau, where it occupies the aptly named
Upper Menthis is a center for entertainment,
University district. The university itself occupies
the massive Dalannan Tower; this includes a
located in the University District, including the
number of layers.
edgy Art Temple, more traditional Grand
• The tower is crowned by Lareth Hall,
Stage, and the legendary Kavarrah Concert
a beautiful domed structure than holds
go to the Kavarrah, and they may go down to
• Classrooms and auditoriums occupy 5QLLTM5MV\PQ[NWZ\PMUWZMI‫ٺ‬WZLIJTM[PW_[
Dalannan Proper, the levels directly and dinner theater. Students feeling bold may
below the dome. descend as far as Lower Menthis, home to a wide
• The Dezina Museum of Antiquities ^IZQM\aWNQTTQKQ\MV\MZ\IQVUMV\[°QVKT]LQVO\PM
occupies a number of levels below XZQbMÅOP\[WN\PMBurning Ring. But for those
Dalannan Proper. This showcases many who stay close to home, here’s a little of what the
wonders recovered from Xen’drik and =VQ^MZ[Q\aLQ[\ZQK\PI[\WW‫ٺ‬MZ
other expeditions, though anything truly Detention. This tavern celebrates its
valuable tends to be sold by the university. reputation as a watering hole for the worst
students in Morgrave. There’s always an exotic
• The Morgrave University Library
drinking game or a lively debate on the current
stretches down below, with levels and levels
state of the Race of Eight Winds. Detention is
of stacks below the public reading rooms.
While the library has its limits—including
claims to be a excoriate, driven from House
a level of disorganization that results in
Ghallanda after refusing to water down her ale,
texts being randomly lost in the stacks for
but some say she’s the Ghallanda patriarch’s
decades—it is the most extensive collection
heir. The warforged bouncer Bumper keeps the
in Breland.
rowdiest students under control.
• Below the Library lie the Vaults. Golden Horn. This wealthy inn includes a
These hold crates of relics waiting to be library, a few large meeting rooms, and a small
catalogued, shelves of oddities deemed to concert hall. Rumors say that this is an outpost
have little monetary or academic value, and of the secret Circle of Song, a society of bards
a few heavily secured chambers holding and entertainers spread across Khorvaire;
artifacts deemed too valuable or dangerous others swear that House Thuranni and House
to be put on display. Phiarlan regularly send talent scouts to the
Breland Spire is adjacent to Dalannan Tower Golden Horn. Many aspiring musicians perform
and holds the standard student dormitories. The at the Horn in the hopes of being noticed by
Commons is a large open-air plaza situated one of these organizations.
atop Breland Spire. This massive rooftop garden The Great Hall of Aureon. Devoted to the
[MZ^M[I[I[XIKMNWZZMÆMK\QWVX]JTQKM^MV\[IVL Sovereign of Law and Lore, this grand temple is
UMIT[#^MVLWZ[I\\PMMLOMWN\PM+WUUWV[W‫ٺ‬MZ an architectural marvel as well as a sacred site.
a wide range of culinary options. A wide bridge Many scholars and sages make the pilgrimage


and spend one night in the Great Hall, hoping
that inspiration will strike them as they sleep;
of the warforged after spending the night in the
their faith—a rarity in Sharn—as well as to the
general acquisition of knowledge. Most priests
are usually happy to share their knowledge with
Honors. The counterbalance to Detention,
Honors is both bar, bookstore, and reading
room. Many of the more respectable faculty
members take their meals in Honors, and it’s a
Eberron or the morality of the Last War.

Morgrave’s physical education classes cover
everything from acrobatics and athletics to
archery, dueling, and various other forms of
combat. The arcane studies program covers
the Arcana skill, as well as honing the abilities
of arcane casters. Divine magic can’t simply be
taught, but Morgrave has classes in theology and
religious history—essentially, the Religion skill.
While these classes may not make for
interesting adventures, Morgrave is famous for
its hands-on teaching style. This often involves
competitions against other students. It can also
involve a professor’s personal projects: ?PaLWV¼\
_QTTOW_ZWVOOnce students have proven their
competence, it can involve expeditions—trips
into the Depths of Sharn, or even to distant
countries or lands.
Although Morgrave professors are experts
the abilities of high level player characters! Just
because that conjuration professor can perform
a summoning ritual doesn’t mean he can cast
ÅZMJITT. Always remember that XTIaMZKPIZIK\MZ[IZM
M`KMX\QWVIT—and as that talent begins to show,
people are sure to take an interest in you.


Use these tables as inspiration for the weary DM
who needs to put together a story in a hurry.
Don’t feel bound to use any of these details
exactly as presented—this is purely a source of
ideas. The Villain table suggests an archetype
along with an organization; consider both as
as possibilities. A local crimelord could be tied
to House Tarkanan or the Tyrants instead of
Daask. The sinister cultist could be a priest of the
Make every story your own!

d«›,ÊÊ» d«›s®½½ƒ®Ä
1d8 WůŽƚ,ŽŽŬ 1d12 sŝůůĂŝŶ
1 One of the PCs is nearly crushed when 1 A dragonmarked baron
a man falls from a high bridge, striking 2 An eccentric noble (Aurum)
the ground near them and dying 3 A local crimelord (Boromar Clan)
instantly. He’s carrying a sealed bag
4 A nefarious necromancer (Emerald Claw)
of holding and the badge of an agent
of the Argentum, a Thrane agency 5 ƐŝŶŝƐƚĞƌĐƵůƟƐƚ;ƌĂŐŽŶĞůŽǁͿ
dedicated to the retrieval of dangerous 6 A misguided paladin (Silver Flame)
ĂƌƟĨĂĐƚƐ͘ 7 A clever doppelganger (Tyrants)
2 The PCs are caught in the middle of a 8 A vengeful warforged (Lord of Blades)
ƉŝƚĐŚĞĚďĂƩůĞ͙ĂŶĚƚŚĞLJĚŽŶ͛ƚŬŶŽǁ 9 A possessed innocent (Dreaming Dark)
the people on either side.
10 An oni mastermind (Daask)
player characters. 12 A disguised dragon (The Chamber)
4 A former comrade in arms shows up. d«›W½Êã
She’s badly injured, and her enemies
are right behind her. 1d10 WůŽƚ
5 A gargoyle courier delivers a 1 Arrange a dangerous alliance.
mysterious package. 2 ĐƋƵŝƌĞĂƉŽǁĞƌĨƵůĂƌƟĨĂĐƚ͘
6 A delirious street preacher has an 3 Assemble and use a magical weapon.
4 Defeat a rival.
the player characters.
5 Open a planar portal.
7 The PCs discover a bound-elemental
ŚĂǀĞƚŚƌĞĞƌŽƵŶĚƐƚŽŇĞĞŽƌĂƩĞŵƉƚƚŽ 7 Overthrow a peer or superior.
disarm the device. 8 Cause a riot in the Cogs.
8 A skycoach crashes through the wall. 9 Start a war between two allies.
/ƐƚŚŝƐĂŶĂƩĂĐŬ͕ŽƌƚŚĞƌĞƐƵůƚŽĨ 10 Collapse Skyway or one of the towers.


d«›dó®Ýã d«›&®Äƒ½^‘›Ä›/Ý/Ä͘͘͘
1d8 dǁŝƐƚ 1d8 &ŝŶĂůĞ>ŽĐĂƟŽŶ
1 A friend or former ally is working with 1 ŶŝŶǀŝƐŝďůĞŇŽĂƟŶŐĨŽƌƚƌĞƐƐĂďŽǀĞ
the villain. Sharn.
2 The villain is not who they appear to 2 The heart of Khyber’s Gate in the
be. Cogs.
3 A third party shows up with their own 3 The Bridge in Callestan in Lower Dura.
agenda. 4 A Cannith forgehold seized by the
4 There’s a hostage, or an ally of the PCs villain’s forces.
is directly at risk. 5 The heart of the High Walls refugee
5 ŵĂŶŝĨĞƐƚnjŽŶĞŽƌƉůĂŶĂƌĐŽŶũƵŶĐƟŽŶ camp in Lower Tavick’s Landing.
6 dŚĞǀŝůůĂŝŶŚĂƐĂƉĞƌƐŽŶĂůĐŽŶŶĞĐƟŽŶ Upper Central Plateau.
to one of the PCs. 7 A noble’s mansion in the restricted
7 dŚĞŝŶŝƟĂůƉůŽƚǁĂƐũƵƐƚĂĚŝƐƚƌĂĐƟŽŶ districts of Upper Tavick’s Landing
from the actual plot. 8 The vaults of Morgrave University in
8 dŚĞǀŝůůĂŝŶŝƐĮŐŚƟŶŐĂŐƌĞĂƚĞƌĞǀŝů͕ Upper Menthis Plateau.
and their plot is an important part of 9 An abandoned foundry in the Cogs.


The player characters are making a trip from The entries in the following tables depict things
Lower Dura to Upper Menthis. What happens that adventurers in Sharn might encounter
along the way? The tables on the following pages by chance or happenstance. Each of these is
IZMÅTTML_Q\PQLMI[NWZZIVLWU\PQVO[IVLXMWXTM an immediate, visible part of someone’s life in
you might encounter while wandering around Sharn. Each entry also has room to imply or
Sharn. These could be used as pure color, or you imagine backstory or history—and to encourage
could expand any one of these ideas to spark a full players to ask “What happens next?”
scene if the initial situation attracts the players’ What happens next depends on their
interest. Not every result from the table needs involvement. What led up to this moment is fuel
to be the beginning of something in your story. NWZ\PMM^MZJ]ZVQVOÅZMWN;PIZV¼[W_VPQ[\WZa
Simply showing that Sharn lives and thrives and character. Consider answering one or more
around the players’ characters—that it’s full of of these questions to add another dimension to
stories happening all the time—helps bring the each entry in the table:
city to life for everyone. • Where did participants in this moment start
Use these tables as sources of inspiration. They W‫?'ٺ‬PMZMLQL\PMa_ISM]X\WLIa'
ZMÆMK\\PMOMVMZITIK\Q^Q\QM[IVLÆI^WZWN\PM • Why aren’t other locals participating?
LQ‫ٺ‬MZMV\TM^MT[WN;PIZVJ]\aW]KIV\IQTWZ\PM What’s complicating things here?
results to be a better match for any ward.
• What do participants in this moment hope
will happen? What are they afraid might
happen? Why now?


2d20 ^ƚƌĞĞƚƐŽĨ>ŽǁĞƌ^ŚĂƌŶ
2 zŽƵĮŶĚĂŶĞǁůLJͲƉĂŝŶƚĞĚŵƵƌĂůŽĨĂ 15 Hungry people stand in line outside a
of an ogre. bread.
3 A dwarf is selling kebabs from a cart. 16 You bump into a medusa, causing her
͞ƌŝƐƉLJƐƉŝĐĞĚƌĂƚ͊͟,ĞĐƌŝĞƐ͘͞dŚĞďĞƐƚ to drop the package she’s carrying.
ŝŶƚŚĞƚŽǁĞƌ͊͟ You freeze for a moment, then realize
4 A changeling street performer adopts she has a leather band covering her
your face and begins to match your eyes. Her serpent mane hisses as she
ĂĐƟŽŶƐ͘ retrieves her belongings.
5 An old goblin has goods laid out for 17 &ƌĞƐŚŐƌĂĸƟƐŚŽǁƐĂLJƌĂŶĐƌŽǁŶǁŝƚŚ
sale, odds and ends salvaged from the ĂƐǁŽƌĚƚŚƌŽƵŐŚŝƚ͘dŚĞƚĞdžƚƌĞĂĚƐ͞LJƌĞ
sewers. is dead, no place for Mourners.”
6 A pack of children clusters around you, 18 ŐƌŽƵƉŽĨƐŚŝŌĞƌĐŚŝůĚƌĞŶƚĂŬĞƚƵƌŶƐ
begging for copper or food. Do you help trying to make the biggest howl,
them? laughing in between.
small pamphlet into your hand. “Come One of them snarls, and sharp fangs
ďĞĐŽǀĞƌĞĚ͊͟ 20 A young woman is repairing a damaged
8 A sudden, horrible stench makes you ĞǀĞƌďƌŝŐŚƚƐƚƌĞĞƚůĂŶƚĞƌŶ͕ŵƵƩĞƌŝŶŐ
gag. curses under her breath.
9 You come upon a minotaur with a 21 A well-dressed elf from Aerenal walks
broken horn and a spiked club in one ĂůŽŶŐƚŚĞĮůƚŚLJƐƚƌĞĞƚ͕ĂĐĐŽŵƉĂŶŝĞĚďLJ
ŚĂŶĚ͘,Ğ͛ƐƵƌŝŶĂƟŶŐĂŐĂŝŶƐƚĂǁĂůů͕ĂŶĚ a dour ogre hauling a large trunk. The
ƐŶĂƌůƐǁŚĞŶŚĞŶŽƟĐĞƐLJŽƵǁĂƚĐŚŝŶŐ͘ elf’s face is hidden behind a brass mask,
10 A half dozen rats are clustered around but he looks lost.
a bloody bundle of cloth. They scurry 22 A group of drunken soldiers are singing
away as you approach. a warbling Brelish anthem from the
11 A young half-elf with a crimson Last War. A few of them spot you and
ĞLJĞƉĂƚĐŚŽīĞƌƐĂĮŶĞƐĞƚŽĨƉĞŶƐĂŶĚ demand that you join in. Do you?
parchment for sale, at a price of 3 23 A dwarf and a goblin are arguing
ƐŽǀĞƌĞŝŐŶƐ;ϯƐƉͿ͘͞dŽƉŶŽƚĐŚ͊ŶĚŶŽƚ about the Race of Eight Winds, a local
stolen or anything.” ƐƉŽƌƟŶŐĞǀĞŶƚ͘dŚĞŐŽďůŝŶŝŶƐŝƐƚƐƚŚĂƚ
12 You step into a shallow puddle… and the Gargoyle will win this year, while the
then realize it’s a pool of fresh blood. ĚǁĂƌĨƐƵƉƉŽƌƚƐƚŚĞ'ƌŝīŽŶ͘
13 You nearly walk into a well-dressed 24 A warforged skirmisher and a Valenar
ŚĂůŇŝŶŐ͘^ŚĞƐƚƵĚŝĞƐLJŽƵƌĨĂĐĞĐĂƌĞĨƵůůLJ elf are engaged in an argument. The
and scowls. Other onlookers carefully elf takes a step back and draws her
turn away. scimitar.
14 A large black and white cat watches you 25 A trio of hobgoblins walk through a
from an alley. It’s caught a surprisingly ŵĂŬĞƐŚŝŌŵĂƌŬĞƚĂƐƚŚŽƵŐŚƚŚĞLJ͛ƌĞ
scaly rat. ŚƵŶƟŶŐĨŽƌƐŽŵĞƚŚŝŶŐ͘


26 You’re drenched by a sudden gout of 34 A headless warforged sits in an alley
water—you hope—from a bridge above begging for coin. It waves in a signal of
you. thanks whenever someone drops a coin
27 A group of Cyran refugees are gathered in its bowl.
ŝŶĂĐŝƌĐůĞ͕ƐŝŶŐŝŶŐĂŚĂƵŶƟŶŐƐŽŶŐ͘ 35 A crowd is gathered around a young
28 You see a tall, thin woman pulling a adept of the Silver Flame. She’s
body—Dead? Drunk?—into an alley. Her performing a ritual to purify a pool of
arm is covered with the blood-red lines ƌƵŶͲŽīǁĂƚĞƌ͘
of an aberrant dragonmark. 36 zŽƵŶŽƟĐĞĂůĂƌŐĞŵĞƚĂůŚĂƚĐŚŝŶƚŚĞ
29 The window of a bakery holds a display ground, engraved with warding symbols
this quality of goods doing down here? should never be opened.
alleyway. they see you approach.
31 A dragonmarked gnome walks down 38 A goblin tumbles out of a nearby tavern.
the street, carrying a small stone in his A warforged juggernaut steps out of the
hand. Every few yards, he raises the door and snarls “Don’t come around
stone to his lips and says, “Can you hear ŚĞƌĞƵŶƟůLJŽƵĐĂŶƉĂLJ͊͟
me now? Good.” 39 A trio of Morgrave students take notes
32 An austere monk of the Silver Flame and they ask a goblin about “the goblin
makes their way down the street, ĞdžƉĞƌŝĞŶĐĞ͘͟
handing provisions to beggars. 40 Near one of the entrances to the Cogs,
from the Last War. The singer is a young ƉƌŽƚĞƐƟŶŐƚŚĞƵƐĞŽĨǁĂƌĨŽƌŐĞĚ
man leaning against the wall; he’s laborers.


2d20 ^ƚƌĞĞƚƐŽĨDŝĚĚůĞ^ŚĂƌŶ
2 ͞ĞƐƚƚŽƵƌƐ͊ůůƚŚĞĨĂĐƚƐ͊͟ĐƌŽǁƐĂ 14 A warforged waves at you from a dingy
kenku guide, trying to catch your eye. cart piled high with a frightening array
3 An Aundairian man in a glamerweave of foods. “Hungry? I could use some
ǀĞƐƚͶƉĂƩĞƌŶĞĚǁŝƚŚďůĂnjŝŶŐŇĂŵĞƐͶ taste testers. As in, what does food
interrupts your travel. “You know the taste like?”
best place to play cards around here?” 15 A scaled humanoid—one of the
4 ĐŚĞĞƌĨƵůŐŶŽŵĞŽīĞƌƐŽůĨĂĐƚŽƌLJ lizardfolk or dragonborn of Q’barra—is
make the most dismal districts smell ĮƌĞďƌĞĂƚŚŝŶŐ͘
ůŝŬĞƌŽƐĞƐ͊͟ 16 You hear screaming above you. When
5 ĐůƵŵƉŽĨŚŝƉƉŽŐƌŝīĚƵŶŐĨĂůůƐĨƌŽŵ you look up, you see a well dressed
6 ŚĂůŇŝŶŐǀĞŶĚŽƌŝƐƐĞůůŝŶŐĚƌŝĞĚůŝnjĂƌĚ 17 A young child sits crying on the stairs of
7 A crowd stands outside a rundown
ďƵŝůĚŝŶŐ͘ŐƌŝŵƋƵĂƌƚĞƚŽĨŚĂůŇŝŶŐƐ 18 You spot a moss covered warforged
wearing the insignia of the Ratcatcher’s ƐŝƫŶŐŝŶĂƐŵĂůůƉĂƌŬŽǀĞƌůŽŽŬŝŶŐƚŚĞ
Guild head inside. ĂŐŐĞƌZŝǀĞƌ͘ŝƌĚƐĂƌĞŶĞƐƟŶŐŝŶĂŶ
small, open compartment in the torso
of the warforged.
the head. 19 Two veteran soldiers—a Karrn and a
9 A dragonmarked half-orc holds what
The Karrn draws a dagger.
appears to be a dowsing rod, slowly
passing it over doors and passerby on 20 The crowds part, making room for
the street. The rod begins to shake ĂŚĂůŇŝŶŐǁĂƌƌŝŽƌƌŝĚŝŶŐĂƐŶĂƌůŝŶŐ
violently as you approach. clawfoot raptor.
10 A human merchant argues with a giant 21 Three children follow a warforged
owl. juggernaut, giggling and throwing
garbage at it. The warforged stoically
ignores them.
pair of stonemasons studding a crack
running through the stone span. 22 A squad of the Sharn Watch pushes
past you, urging people to get out of
12 Two people are arguing in front of a city
the way.
someone is a changeling. 23 An Aereni stops you to ask for
silver mask and a glamerweave robe,
map in their hands. They turn and
and carries a sizeable purse.
ŵĂŬĞŚĞĂĚƐŽƌƚĂŝůƐŽĨƚŚĞĚŝƌĞĐƟŽŶƐ͘ 24 A cheerful man sells a wide variety of
souvenirs to commemorate your visit
to Sharn: sketches, crystal globes, and
small plaster towers.


merchant arguing with a member ǁŝƚŚŽƌĂŶĞů͊͟
of the Sharn Watch. Apparently, the 35 ǁĞůůͲĚƌĞƐƐĞĚŐŶŽŵĞŽīĞƌƐƚŽƐĞůůLJŽƵ
making a foolish purchase. ŐƌĂŶĚĞƐƚĐĞůĞďƌĂƟŽŶŝŶ^ŚĂƌŶ͊/͛ŵƚŽŽ
26 You come across a wall where people busy to go this month, but it’s a bargain
during the Last War. 36 ŵĂŶŝŶĨĂĚĞĚĮŶĞƌLJĞdžƚŽůƐƚŚĞǀŝƌƚƵĞƐ
27 ŚĂůŇŝŶŐǁĞĂƌŝŶŐƚŚĞůŝǀĞƌLJŽĨ,ŽƵƐĞ ŽĨĂŵŝƌĂĐůĞĞůŝdžŝƌƚŽĂƐŵĂůůĐƌŽǁĚ͘͞/ƚ͛Ɛ
Jorasco argues with a member of the the secret House Jorasco doesn’t want
Sharn Watch, apparently trying to LJŽƵƚŽŬŶŽǁ͊͟
ĂďƐŽůǀĞĂĨƌŝĞŶĚŽĨĂŶĂĐĐƵƐĂƟŽŶŽĨ 37 With a loud cry and wildly pinwheeling
ƉŝĐŬƉŽĐŬĞƟŶŐ͘ arms, a child plummets from a crowded
28 dŚĞƐŵĞůůŽĨĨƌĞƐŚ͕ďƵƩĞƌĞĚďƌĞĂĚ bridge above.
ƚŚŽƌŽƵŐŚĨĂƌĞ͕ďƵƚLJŽƵĐĂŶŶŽƚĮŶĚƚŚĞ let these thieves tell our king what
29 A street performer dressed as King ĐŽƌŶĞƌƐŚŽƵƟŶŐĂďŽƵƚƚŚĞƚŚƌĞĂƚƉŽƐĞĚ
ŽƌĂŶĞůŽīĞƌƐƚŽŬŶŝŐŚƚƚŽƵƌŝƐƚƐĨŽƌĂ by the dragonmarked houses.
copper piece. 39 A panicked gnome runs out of an
a balcony above, his fall slowed by a ŽŽŽŽŽŵĞĚ͊
ĨĞĂƚŚĞƌĨĂůů spell. He bids you, “good 40 A man begs for coins outside a Jorasco
ŐƵĂƌĚƐƐŚŽƵƟŶŐĂŶĚƉŽŝŶƟŶŐĨƌŽŵĂ I know it’s a lot, but if I can’t raise the
bridge above. ŵŽŶĞLJƚŽĚĂLJ͕ƐŚĞ͛ůůĚŝĞ͊͟
31 A gargoyle swoops overhead, landing
on the street in front of you. It pulls
a piece of folded parchment out of a
leather satchel and heads into a nearby
32 A one-eyed half-elf opens up his cloak
arguing about the Race of Eight Winds,
thinks that the Hawk can’t lose, while
the half-elf insists that this is the year
of the Owl.


2d20 ^ƚƌĞĞƚƐŽĨhƉƉĞƌ^ŚĂƌŶ
2 You’re nearly run down by a gilded 11 A Morgrave professor leads a pack of
carriage, pulled by a team of warforged ĐŚĂƩĞƌŝŶŐƐƚƵĚĞŶƚƐŽŶĂŶĞdžƉĞĚŝƟŽŶ͘
ŐŝůĚĞĚŝŶƚŚĞƐĂŵĞƉĂƩĞƌŶƐ͘ From their spelunking gear, you
3 ŵĂŐĞǁƌŝŐŚƚŽīĞƌƐƚŽƵƐĞĂƐŝŵƉůĞ imagine they’re heading down into the
charm to polish the coins in your purse Cogs.
for just 3 crowns (3 cp). “We wouldn’t 12 As you pass by a fancy inn, a nobleman
want anyone to get grime on their hands you a copper piece and the reins
the lower wards.” bites.”
4 An illusion of a warforged butler 13 A tour group pauses to marvel at the
appears as you pass by the sealed gates of a mansion. Apparently, it’s
gates of a mansion. “I’m afraid my the home of one of the divas of Upper
mistress isn’t receiving guests today.” Menthis.
5 ĚƌĂŐŽŶŵĂƌŬĞĚŚĂůŇŝŶŐŽīĞƌƐĂ 14 An enchanted mirror allows you to
cleansing enchantment for 5 crowns view the streets below you, to see how
(5 cp). “Gets rid of the dirt, brightens the less fortunate live.
LJŽƵƌďƌŝŐŚƚƐ͕ƉƵƚƐĂůŝƩůĞďŽƵŶĐĞďĂĐŬ 15 A kalashtar storyteller shares a tale of
ŝŶLJŽƵƌŚĂŝƌ͊:ƵƐƚƚŚĞƚŚŝŶŐƚŽŵĂŬĞĂ life in Sarlona and the endless struggle
good impression.” between the peaceful monks of Adar
6 ͞DĂŬĞǁĂLJ͊DĂŬĞǁĂLJ͊͟LJŽƵŶŐďŽLJ and the cruel soldiers of the Inspired.
clears a path for a jewel-encrusted 16 A half-elf wearing a jeweled eyepatch
warforged wearing a lovely fur cloak. ŽīĞƌƐĂĮŶĞƐƉĞůůŬĨŽƌũƵƐƚĨŽƌƚLJ
of paper and parchments taller than ƐƚƵī͊ŶĚŶŽƚƐƚŽůĞŶŽƌĂŶLJƚŚŝŶŐ͘͟
himself. He is oblivious to the trail 17 You come upon a gilded statue of
of smoke coming from inside a tall, Queen Wroaan, the queen who
rolled-up scroll on his back. led Breland into the Last War (“and
argument. They’re wearing similar 18 A warforged with roses twined around
cloaks—glamerweave garments ŚĞƌůŝŵďƐŽīĞƌƐƚŽƐĞůůLJŽƵĂďŽƵƋƵĞƚ
clouds—and this seems to be the 19 A string quartet gives an impromptu
problem. performance—publicity for the new
9 A regal woman with auburn hair held season of the Kavarrah Concert Hall.
back in a silver diadem waits for a 20 A dragonmarked elf dazzles passerby
ƐŬLJĐŽĂĐŚ͘^ŚĞŚŽůĚƐĂĚĂƌŬǁŽŽĚƐƚĂī with a illusionary tableau of two
encrusted with dragonshards, and she dueling dragons.
10 A gray-bearded sage argues with a on its walls. They’re probably there
be carved from ice. They seem to be commentary about everyone who


22 ƐƚƌĞĞƚƉĞƌĨŽƌŵĞƌŝƐĚƌĂǁŝŶŐƉĂƩĞƌŶƐ 34 A large statue commemorates Lord
on the ground in chalk. As each picture Dalian ir’Tain II, a noble philanthropist
is completed, it starts to move. lost at sea. He holds a spyglass in one
23 Someone’s painted the crown dies hand and a dragon turtle in the other.
with Boranel across the gates of a 35 You pass by a Hope Well. Supposedly,
noble’s mansion. A member of the any coins you throw in the well are
Sharn Watch is talking to the servants. transported down to help the troubled
24 A girl wearing the colors of House people of the lower wards.
Vadalis chases her miniature chimera. 36 A half-elf noblewoman strides by
25 A team of handlers from House Vadalis wearing a fancy red dress and carrying
ǁĂůŬĂůŽŶŐƐŝĚĞĂƐŵĂůůŐĞůĂƟŶŽƵƐĐƵďĞ͘ a matching parasol. Both the dress and
“We’re trying it out, seeing if it can umbrella are decorated with Siberys
keep things clean,” they say. dragonshards.
26 It starts to drizzle. A well-dressed 37 zŽƵĐŽŵĞƵƉŽŶĂďĞĂƵƟĨƵůŐĂƌĚĞŶ
half-elf glares at the sky and snaps ĂƚƚŚĞĞĚŐĞŽĨĂƚŽǁĞƌ͘ŶĞůĨŝŶĮŶĞ
ŚŝƐĮŐƵƌĞƐ͕ĂŶĚƚŚĞƌĂŝŶŝŵŵĞĚŝĂƚĞůLJ mourning clothes looks out over the
stops. edge.
watering Aundairian entrees from a for a ‘celebrity skycoach tour’ for just 5
ŇŽĂƟŶŐĐĂƌƚͶŽŶůLJϴƐŽǀĞƌĞŝŐŶƐ;ϴƐƉͿ galifars (5 g) a head.
ĨŽƌĂŵĂŐŝĐĂůŵĞĂů͊ 39 You spot a unit of the Redcloak
28 A member of the Sharn Watch stops ĂƩĂůŝŽŶ͕ƚŚĞĞůŝƚĞƐŽůĚŝĞƌƐŽĨƚŚĞ
you. “Can I help you? Are you sure Sharn Watch. They’re talking to the
you’re in the right ward?” owner of a local tavern.
29 You pass the open doors of a smithy. 40 A half-elven poet loudly recites
Inside, a number of hard-working tools a lengthy poem about the tragic
A nearby smith waves a wand as if
earn the blessings of Kol Korran is to
donate. “For each coin you give, you’ll
31 You come upon a fountain of cold
spill down and out into the pool below.
32 A trio of elves perform perform a
illusion magic, advanced publicity for
the Carnival of Shadows.
33 A lovely mosaic displays the seal of the
united Galifar.


After reading this ?IaÅVLMZ¼[/]QLM, you may ruins, sinister organizations, and treasure-laden
have questions. What’s the Aurum? Who are dungeons of Stormreach. In addition to providing
the Daughters of Sora Kell? Just how many Dungeon Masters with a richly detailed city for
districts are there in Sharn, and what happens their Xen’drik based campaigns, this supplement
to adventurers in the Mournland? What’s in presents information on the movers and shakers of
Xen’drik? Until new material becomes available Stormreach, ready-to-use adversaries, adventure
NWZ\PMÅN\PMLQ\QWVWN\PMDUNGEONS & DRAGONS hooks, and location maps.
:WTMXTIaQVO/IUMaW]KIVÅVL\PMIV[_MZ[\W Dragons of Eberron (3.5E): This supplement
these questions and many more in the resources delves into the mysterious Draconic Prophecy.
created in previous editions of the game. It explores the continent of Argonnessen,
homeland of the dragons, and describes various

new adventure sites. This book also investigates
dragons on the continents of Khorvaire, Sarlona,
and Xen’Drik.
These resources are currently available as ebooks
Dragonmarked (3.5E): This supplement
via the Dungeon Master’s Guild at:
explores each of the thirteen dragonmarked
DMsGuild.com houses in detail and presents advice for playing
The -JMZZWV+IUXIQOV;M\\QVOand -JMZZWV+IUXIQOV dragonmarked characters within a house or guild.
/]QLMboth provide an overview of the world, It also introduces new options for dragonmarked
including advice on creating adventures and characters, including prestige classes, feats, and
a deeper look at the nations of Khorvaire and spells. Finally, it discusses aberrant dragonmarks
the lands beyond it. Either of these books can and their role in a campaign.
be useful for a Dungeon Master who wants Eberron Campaign Guide (4E): Designed for
further insight into the setting. The other books the fourth edition of the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS
IZMTIZOMTa\QML\W[XMKQÅK[]JRMK\[1NaW]_IV\ Roleplaying Game, this book presents a historical
to run a campaign in the mysterious lands of and geographical overview of the setting;
Xen’drik, ;MKZM\[WN@MV¼LZQS and +Q\aWN;\WZUZMIKP information on key locations, personalities, and
PI^MITW\\WW‫ٺ‬MZ1NaW]¼ZMOWQVO\W[\IaPWUM organizations; an introductory adventure; and a
.Q^M6I\QWV[reveals more information about bestiary of monsters and villains.
the nations at the heart of Khorvaire, while Eberron Campaign Setting (3.5E): The
,ZIOWVUIZSMLexpands on the dynasties that ÅZ[\[W]ZKMJWWSNWZ\PM[M\\QVO\PQ[XZW^QLM[I
dominate the magical economy. general overview of the world. This includes the
All of these books were written for the revised IZ\QÅKMZKTI[[IVL[\I\Q[\QK[NWZUWV[\MZ[]VQY]M
third edition (3.5E) or the fourth edition (4E) of to Eberron (deathless, daelkyr, quori), along with
the Dungeons & Dragons Roleplaying Game. a host of spells, feats, prestige classes, and other
The setting material in these books is suitable to game material.
any Eberron campaign but the monsters, spells, Eberron Player’s Guide (4E): This book
classes, feats, or other game material in these presents Eberron from the point of view of the
books require adaptation for use in modern adventurer exploring it. This includes everything
campaigns. a player needs to create Eberron characters in
the fourth edition of the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS
City of Stormreach (3.5E): Stormreach is an Roleplaying Game.
IL^MV\]ZMZ¼[ÅZ[\[\WX_PMVM`XTWZQVO\PMLQ[\IV\ Explorer’s Handbook (3.5E): This book
land of Xen’drik. This book describes the shadowy gives players everything they need to explore a


variety of sites across Eberron, including modes the mountain refuge of Adar, the vast empire of
of travel, exploring tips, and rules for joining Riedra, and the mysterious lands of Syrkarn and
WZOIVQbI\QWV[[]KPI[\PMXZM[\QOQW][?IaÅVLMZ the Tashana Tundra.
Foundation. For DMs, the book describes Secrets of Xen’drik (3.5E): This book
several likely “launching pads” and destinations, delves into the mysteries of Xen’drik, including
complete with maps, ready-to-play encounters, encounters, exotic locations, and new monsters,
and pregenerated NPCs. magic items, and more.
Faiths of Eberron (3.5E): This supplement Sharn: City of Towers (3.5E): This book
presents detailed descriptions of the major provides an in-depth exploration of the City of
religions of Eberron, including the rival Towers. In addition to describing more than
pantheons of the Sovereign Host and the Dark 100 city districts, it delves into the organizations
Six, the young faith of the Silver Flame, and the that are active in Sharn and explores the laws
mysterious Blood of Vol. MVNWZKMLQV\PMKQ\a°IVL\PMUIVaNWZKM[
Five Nations (3.5E): This provides that break them. It includes maps of Sharn and
comprehensive overviews of Aundair, Breland, locations within it, along with NPCs, spells,
Karrnath, Thrane, and the Mournland, prestige classes, magic items, and more.
including postwar status, government, and

economy, as well as important locations,
communities, organizations, and NPCs.
Forge of War (3.5E): This comprehensive
There are dozens of novels that explore the world
overview of the Last War provides all you need to
of Eberron. Here are a few that are currently
available as ebooks or audiobooks:
themes of Eberron’s greatest clash of nations.
The Draconic Prophecy trilogy by James
Magic of Eberron (3.5E): In addition to
presenting new arcane and divine spells, feats,
half-elf seer with the Mark of Storms discovers
his role in the mysterious Draconic Prophecy—a
destiny that will take him from the dungeons of
dragon totem magic and the twisted experiments
Dreadhold to Aundair and Argonnessen.
of the daelkyr, sheds light on the process of
The Dragon Below trilogy by Don
elemental binding, and touches on other types of
Bassingthwaite: <PM*QVLQVO;\WVM<PM/ZQM^QVO
magic present in the world.
<ZMM<PM3QTTQVO;WVOBeginning in the gloom of
Player’s Guide to Eberron (3.5E): An
the Shadow Marches, this series draws in the
overview of important locations, events,
Gatekeeper druids, the daelkyr, the kalashtar,
organizations, races, and features of the Eberron
and the Cults of the Dragon Below.
campaign setting, this gives a sense of what a
The Dreaming Dark trilogy by Keith
player character might know about the world,
Baker: +Q\aWN<W_MZ[<PM;PI\\MZML4IVL/I\M[
while providing additional character options.
WN6QOP\. In the wake of the Mourning, a band
Races of Eberron (3.5E): This sourcebook
of Cyran soldiers travel to the city of Sharn.
delves deeply into changelings, kalashtar, shifters,
Trouble in the City of Towers leads them to the
and warforged. It provides detailed information
ruins of Xen’drik and the planes of Thelanis and
on the psychology, society, culture, behavior,
Dal Quor as they unravel the schemes of the
religion, folklore, and other aspects of these races,
Dreaming Dark.
as well as exploring the role of other core D&D
The Heirs of Ash trilogy by Rich Wulf:
races in the setting.
Secrets of Sarlona (3.5E): This sourcebook
:Q[MWN\PM;M^MV\P5WWVThis series follows the
explores the continent of Sarlona, home to the
crew of an airship on a journey across Eberron in
kalashtar and the villainous Inspired. It explores
pursuit of a mysterious superweapon.


The Legacy of Dhakaan trilogy by Don • *W]VL*a1ZWVby Edward Bolme follows a
Bassingthwaite: <PM,WWUWN3QVO[, Word of mystery in the grim nation of Karrnath.
<ZIQ\WZ[<PM<aZIVVaWN/PW[\[. The shifter Geth is • <PM6QOP\WN4WVO;PILW_[by Paul Crilley.
drawn into the intrigues of the goblin nation of Inquisitive Abraxus Wren investigates a
Dhakaan, dealing with the precarious balance murder at Morgrave University, uncovering
between the Ghaal’dar, the Dhakaani, and the a mystery that reaches to the highest towers
elves of Valenar. of Sharn.
The Thorn of Breland trilogy by Keith
Baker: <PM9]MMVWN;\WVM<PM;WVWN3PaJMZ • 4MOIKaWN?WT^M[by Marsheila Rockwell is
<PM.ILQVO,ZMIU. A member of the elite Dark set in the nation of Thrane, and deals with
Lanterns, Thorn clashes with House Tarkanan shifters and the dark history of the Church
in Sharn; pursues a dangerous mission in the of the Silver Flame.
monstrous nation of Droaam; and follows a • <PM,IZS_WWL5I[SJa2M‫ٺ‬4I;ITIM`XTWZM[
mysterious lead deep into the Mournland. the politics of Breland and Karrnath
Eberron: Inquisitives is a series of stand- through the fallout of an ambassador’s
alone novels focusing on inquisitives— murder in the city of Korth.
Eberron’s answer to the private investigator.


Aberrant Dragonmark. A mark that Breland. A nation in southern Khorvaire.
manifests on the skin and grants magical abilities Known for industry and pragmatism. One of
to the bearer. Aberrant dragonmarks are diverse the Five Nations that formed the Kingdom of
grant destructive abilities. Superstition leads Callestan. A district in the Lower Dura ward
many people to distrust those who carry aberrant of Sharn. A dangerous and lawless region of the
dragonmarks. +PIX\MZ City of Towers. +PIX\MZ
Adept. A divine spellcaster who knows 1-4 Cannith. A dragonmarked house associated
cantrips or rituals. +PIX\MZ with the Mark of Making. +PIX\MZ
Aerenal. An island nation in Eberron. Changeling. A race of shapeshifters found in
Homeland of the elves and the Undying Court. Khorvaire. +PIX\MZ
+PIX\MZ. +TQ‫\ٺ‬WX. A district in the Upper Dura ward
Arawai. The Sovereign of Life and Love. A of Sharn. Known as a reliable source of capable
deity of the Sovereign Host often associated with adventurers. +PIX\MZ
the Life and Nature domains. +PIX\MZ Crown. A copper coin with a value of 1 cp.
research in Khorvaire, located in the nation of Cyre. One of the Five Nations that formed the
Aundair. +PIX\MZ. Kingdom of Galifar, Cyre was known for art and
Aundair. A nation in northwestern Khorvaire. IZ\QÅKM+aZM_I[LM[\ZWaMLJa\PM5W]ZVQVO
Known for education and arcane magic. One and is now known as the Mournland. +PIX\MZ.
of the Five Nations that formed the Kingdom of Daanvi. The plane of order. +PIX\MZ
Galifar. +PIX\MZ. Daask. A criminal organization with ties to
Aureon. The Sovereign of Law and Lore. A the monstrous nation of Droaam. Primarily
deity of the Sovereign Host often associated with associated with violent crime and extortion.
the Knowledge and Order domains. +PIX\MZ +PIX\MZ
Aurum. A powerful conspiracy operating in Dark Six. The sinister counterpart to the
Khorvaire. +PIX\MZ Sovereign Host. The deities of the Dark Six
Balinor. The Sovereign of Horn and Hunt. A embody dangerous forces: death, darkness,
deity of the Sovereign Host often associated with destruction, treachery, chaos, passion. Most
the Nature domain. +PIX\MZ followers of the Sovereign Host view the Dark
Blood of Vol. A grim religion that believes Six as evil, but their followers believe that the
that death is oblivion, but that mortals have a forces they represent are important aspects of life.
spark of divinity in their blood. Associated with +PIX\MZ
the Life and Death domains. +PIX\MZ Daelkyr. 8W_MZN]TÅMVL[NZWU\PMXTIVM
Boldrei. The Sovereign of Hall and Hearth. A of Madness. Daelkyr create aberrations and
deity of the Sovereign Host often associated with JZW]OP\UQVLÆIaMZ[IVLJMPWTLMZ[\W-JMZZWV
the Life and Protection domains. +PIX\MZ The daelkyr are currently bound in Khyber by
Boromar Clan. A powerful criminal seals created by the Gatekeeper druids. +PIX\MZ.
organization with deep roots in Sharn. Primarily Dal Quor. The plane of dreams. +PIX\MZ
associated with theft, gambling, and smuggling. Darguun. A nation in southeast Khorvaire.
+PIX\MZ Primarily populated by goblins who seized the
region from Cyre during the Last War. +PIX\MZ.


Demon Wastes. A barren region in deep below the surface and used with binding
northwestern Khorvaire. The Demon Wastes enchantments. ;QJMZa[LZIOWV[PIZL[fall from the sky
are twisted by dark powers and home to a wide and amplify magical energies. +PIX\MZ
^IZQM\aWNÅMVL[+PIX\MZ Droaam. A nation in western Khorvaire.
Deneith. A dragonmarked house associated Droaam was formed ten years ago and isn’t
with the Mark of Sentinel. +PIX\MZ recognized under the Treaty of Thronehold.
Devourer, the. A deity of the Dark Six, often Its inhabitants are largely creatures considered
associated with the Tempest domain. +PIX\MZ to be “monsters”: ogres, trolls, gnolls, harpies,
Dhakaan. A goblin empire that existed medusas, and similar creatures. +PIX\MZ
before humanity came to Khorvaire. Destroyed Dreaming Dark)VITTQIVKMWNÅMVL[[IQL\W
\PW][IVL[WNaMIZ[IOWIN\MZÅOP\QVO\PMLIMTSaZ be manipulating mortal dreams. +PIX\MZ
+PIX\MZ. Eberron. 1. One of the legendary Progenitor
Dol Arrah. The Sovereign of Sun and Dragons, said to be the source of natural life and
;IKZQÅKM)LMQ\aWN\PM;W^MZMQOV0W[\WN\MV druidic magic. 2. The natural world. +PIX\MZ
associated with the Light and War domains. Eldeen Reaches. A nation in western
+PIX\MZ Aundair, formed by an alliance between the
Dol Dorn. The Sovereign of Strength and druids of the western woods and farmers who
Steel. A deity of the Sovereign Host, often broke away from Aundair. +PIX\MZ
associated with strength, courage, and the War Emerald Claw. The Order of the Emerald
domain. +PIX\MZ Claw is a group of Karrnathi patriots who serve a
Dolurrh. The realm of the dead, where Ua[\MZQW][ÅO]ZMSVW_VI[\PM9]MMVWN,MI\P
mortal souls go after death. Many faiths believe Many follow the Blood of Vol faith, but most
that Dolurrh is a gateway to a higher level of followers of the Blood of Vol don’t support the
existence. +PIX\MZ Emerald Claw. +PIX\MZ
Draconic Prophecy. Signs of the Prophecy Excoriate. A dragonmarked heir who’s been
manifest in the movement of the moons and K]\W‫ٺ‬NZWU\PMQZPW][M][]ITTaL]M\WIKZQUM
planes, in the manifestation of dragonmarks against the house. +PIX\MZ
and natural phenomena. The Prophecy doesn’t Everice. An arctic continent in Eberron.
Dragonmark. A mark that manifests on Five Nations. Aundair, Breland, Cyre,
the skin and grants magical abilities to the 3IZZVI\PIVL<PZIVM<PM[MÅ^MVI\QWV[[MZ^ML
bearer. There are twelve known dragonmarks. as the foundation of the Kingdom of Galifar and
,ZIOWVUIZS[IZMPMZMLQ\IZaIVL\QML\WI[XMKQÅK were the primary combatants in the Last War.
set of bloodlines. +PIX\MZ. +PIX\MZ
Dragonmarked Houses. An alliance of Forgehold. A Cannith workshop focusing on
families that carry a particular dragonmark; arcane production or innovation. +PIX\MZ
House Cannith carries the Mark of Making, Foundling. Someone who develops a
House Sivis holds the Mark of Scribing. Each dragonmark without having any established ties
dragonmarked house has used the power of its to one of the dragonmarked houses. +PIX\MZ.
UIZS[\WOIQVQVÆ]MVKMW^MZIXIZ\QK]TIZMTMUMV\ Frostfell. An arctic continent in Eberron.
of the magical economy of Khorvaire. +PIX\MZ +PIX\MZ
Dragonshard. A form of crystal with mystical Fury, the. A deity of the Dark Six, associated
properties. -JMZZWVLZIOWV[PIZL[are found in with passion, madness, and vengeance. +PIX\MZ
upper earth and are the primary fuel of the Galifar. A human civilization that once
magical economy. 3PaJMZLZIOWV[PIZL[are found dominated the continent of Khorvaire, named


after the king who established it. Galifar came Lhazaar Principalities. An alliance of
to an end when the Five Nations turned on one city-states in northeastern Khorvaire. Known for
another, triggeering the Last War. +PIX\MZ. ships and sailors, and for both merchants and
Ghaal’dar. The alliance of goblin clans that pirates. +PIX\MZ
established and currently rule the nation of Library of Korranberg. Located in Zilargo,
Darguun. +PIX\MZ the Library of Korranberg is widely considered
Ghallanda. A dragonmarked house associated to be the most extensive collection of literature
with the Mark of Hospitality. +PIX\MZ. and general knowledge in Khorvaire. +PIX\MZ
Greater Dragonmark. A dragonmark that Lyrandar. A dragonmarked house associated
has grown in size and grants greater powers to with the Mark of Storms. +PIX\MZ.
the character that possesses it. +PIX\MZ. Mabar. The plane of darkness and entropy.
Irian. The plane of light and hope. The source The source of negative energy in Eberron. Serves
of positive energy in Eberron. +PIX\MZ the role of the Shadowfell in Eberron. +PIX\MZ
Jorasco. A dragonmarked house associated Magewright. Someone who uses arcane
with the Mark of Healing. +PIX\MZ. magic as part of their occupation. A typical
Kalashtar. A hybrid race formed by a bond magewright knows 1 to 4 practical cantrips or
between humans and renegade spirits from the rituals. +PIX\MZ
plane of dreams. Primarily found in the nation of Manifest Zone. A region where one of
Karrnath. A nation in northeastern zone usually displays traits associated with the
Khorvaire. Known for stoicism and martial connected plane, and it can serve as a portal to
discipline. One of the Five Nations that formed that plane.
the Kingdom of Galifar. +PIX\MZ. Medani. A dragonmarked house associated
Keeper, the. A deity of the Dark Six, often with the Mark of Detection. +PIX\MZ.
associated with the Death and Grave domains. Mockery, the. A deity of the Dark Six, often
+PIX\MZ associated with the Trickery and War domains.
Khoravar. The half-elves of Khorvaire use +PIX\MZ
this term—Elvish for “child of Khorvaire”—as Morgrave University. Located in the Upper
the name of their race. +PIX\MZ. Menthis Plateau ward of Sharn, Morgrave
Khorvaire. A continent in Eberron. Home of University is the largest institute of learning in
the Thronehold nations. +PIX\MZ. Breland. +PIX\MZ.
Khyber. 1. One of the legendary Progenitor Mournland. Formerly the nation of Cyre, the
,ZIOWV[[IQL\WJM\PM[W]ZKMWNÅMVL[IVLW\PMZ Mournland is an unnatural wasteland created
evil creatures. 2. The Underdark of Eberron. by the Mourning. It is home to many dangerous
Kol Korran. The Sovereign of World and +PIX\MZ
Wealth. A deity of the Sovereign Host associated Mourning. The mystical cataclysm that
with trade and travel. +PIX\MZ destroyed the nation of Cyre and transformed
Kundarak. A dragonmarked house associated it into the Mournland. The Mourning took
with the Mark of Warding. +PIX\MZ. place on 20 Olarune 994 YK. The cause of the
Kythri. The plane of chaos. +PIX\MZ Mourning remains a mystery. +PIX\MZ.
Lamannia. The plane of nature. +PIX\MZ Mror Holds. A mountainous nation in
Last War)KWVÆQK\NW]OP\\WLM\MZUQVM eastern Khorvaire. Primarily inhabited by
which of the Five Nations would rule Galifar. dwarves. Known for its mines and mineral
The Last War began in 894 YK. The Last War wealth. +PIX\MZ.
Treaty of Thronehold. +PIX\MZ


Olladra. The Sovereign of Feast and Fortune. the Dark Six. 2. A coin with a value of one silver
A deity of the Sovereign Host often associated piece (1 sp). +PIX\MZ
with the Life and Trickery domains. +PIX\MZ Sovereign Host. The most widespread
Onatar. The Sovereign of Fire and Forge. A religion in Khorvaire. The Host is a pantheon of
deity of the Sovereign Host often associated with nine deities. Followers believe the Sovereigns are
Q’barra. A nation in eastern Khorvaire. Most people worship the pantheon as a whole,
Home to lizardfolk and dragonborn, it was but there are variations that focus on subsets of
colonized by settlers from the Five Nations the host. +PIX\MZ
during the Last War. +PIX\MZ Stormreach. The largest human colony in
Orien. A dragonmarked house associated with Xen’drik. +PIX\MZ.
the Mark of Passage. +PIX\MZ. Syrania. The plane of peace. Known for its
Path of Light. A kalashtar religion that seeks ÆWI\QVOKQ\ILMT[+PIX\MZ
to guide Eberron through an age of darkness Talenta Plains. A nation in eastern
and into light. Often associated with the Life and 3PWZ^IQZM8ZQUIZQTaQVPIJQ\MLJaPITÆQVO[
Light domains. +PIX\MZ. +PIX\MZ.
Phiarlan. A dragonmarked house associated Tarkanan. House Tarkanan is a criminal
with the Mark of Shadows. +PIX\MZ. organization primarily associated with theft
Risia. The plane of ice. +PIX\MZ and assassination. Members have aberrant
Sarlona. A continent in Eberron. Home of dragonmarks. +PIX\MZ
humanity and the kalashtar. Dominated by the Tharashk. A dragonmarked house associated
Inspired lords of Riedra. There is limited contact with the Mark of Finding. +PIX\MZ.
between Khorvaire and Sarlona. +PIX\MZ Thelanis. The Faerie Court. This plane serves
Shadow, the. A deity of the Dark Six, often the role of the Feywild in Eberron. +PIX\MZ
associated with the Knowledge domain. +PIX\MZ Thrane. A nation in central Khorvaire.
Shadow Marches. A region of swamps in Known for devotion and the Church of the Silver
southwestern Khorvaire. Primarily inhabited by Flame. One of the Five Nations that formed the
orcs, humans, and half-orcs. +PIX\MZ Kingdom of Galifar. +PIX\MZ.
Shifter. A race thought to have ties to Thronehold. This island city was the former
lycanthropes, primarily found in the Eldeen KIXQ\ITWN/ITQNIZ<PM\ZMI\a\PI\W‫ٻ‬KQITTaMVLML
Reaches. +PIX\MZ. the Last War was negotiated and signed here.
Siberys. 1. One of the legendary Progenitor Thronehold Nation. A nation in Khorvaire
Dragons, thought to be the source of celestials recognized by the Treaty of Thronehold
and magic. 2. The ring of dragonshards that and bound by the terms of the treaty. The
circles the world. +PIX\MZ Thronehold nations are Aundair, Breland,
Silver Flame. A source of divine energy, the Darguun, the Eldeen Reaches, Karrnath, the
;QT^MZ.TIUMJQVL[ÅMVL[IVLMUXW_MZ[\PW[M Lhazaar Principalities, the Mror Holds, Q’barra,
_PWÅOP\M^QT7N\MVI[[WKQI\ML_Q\P\PM4QNM the Talenta Plains, Thrane, Valenar, and
Light, and War domains. +PIX\MZ Zilargo. +PIX\MZ
Sivis. A dragonmarked house associated with Thuranni. A dragonmarked house associated
the Mark of Scribing. +PIX\MZ. with the Mark of Shadow. +PIX\MZ.
Skycoach. )[UITTÆaQVO^M[[MTNW]VLQV\PM Traveler, the. A deity of the Dark Six, often
city of Sharn. Skycoaches are sustained by the associated with the Forge and Trickery domains.
manifest zone around Sharn and can’t be used +PIX\MZ
elsewhere in Khorvaire. +PIX\MZ Treaty of Thronehold. The agreement that
Sovereign. 1. One of the deities of the brought the Last War to an end. +PIX\MZ
Sovereign Host; occasionally used to describe


Tyrants, the. A criminal organization Warforged. A race of sentient golems created
primarily comprised of changelings and by House Cannith during the Last War. The
doppelgangers. Associated with forgery, Treaty of Thronehold granted freedom to
blackmail, and fraud. +PIX\MZ the warforged and forbid the creation of new
Twelve. An organization that facilitates warforged. +PIX\MZ
communication and cooperation between the Xoriat. The plane of madness. +PIX\MZ
Dragonmarked Houses. +PIX\MZ YK. “Year of the Kingdom.” A calendar
Undying Court. The council of deathless abbreviation used to mark the foundation of
elves that guides and protects the elves of the Kingdom of Galifar. By default, an Eberron
Aerenal. As a source of divine power, often campaign begins in 998 YK. +PIX\MZ
associated with the Grave, Knowledge, and Light Xen’drik. A continent in Eberron. Once
domains. +PIX\MZ home to an empire of giants, it’s now a nation of
Valenar. 1. A nation in southeastern ruins and mysteries. +PIX\MZ.
Khorvaire. Established by elf mercenaries who Zilargo. A nation in the southern Khorvaire.
seized the territory from Cyre. 2. One of the elves Primarily populated by gnomes. Known for
who seized this region. Valenar elves known for elemental binding and the pursuit of knowledge.
their devotion to the arts of war. +PIX\MZ +PIX\MZ
Wandslinger. Someone who uses an arcane
focus as a primary weapon. NPC wandslingers
typically know 2 cantrips, and up to three
additional cantrips or spells. +PIX\MZ





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