Akha5000 Akhamet CampaignSetting Bookmarked v4 1

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Campaign Setting

Head Writer: JP Chapleau

Writers: Edward Karbara, Randy Price
Additional ideas: Wesley Oar
Cover Art: Blehc
Commissioned Art: Blehc, Irene Campos
Stock Art through Creative Commons: Anonamos701, Hoseyn, Emanuel Martinez
Loma, McFle, Tomas Reichman, Rockmangurl, Tom Prante
Maps: Caeora, Dyson Logos, JP Chapleau
Version 3: Included Errata

This book is dedicated to my three kids: Jojo “Princess Akat”, Kitty “Georget”, and
ActionMan who play-tested and gave me tons of feedback. Special dedication my wife Julie
who lost me for many a nights as I feverishly worked to complete this book.
Special Thanks: Ed Karbara, Randy Price, and Wesley Oar who chipped in with ideas,
critiques and helped me get unstuck when work slowed to a crawl. I wish to thank my home
groups: Jean-Patrick Chapleau, Ashley Cook, Steve Edmonds, Nick Felix, Steve Lynch, Will
Matthews, Wendy Matthews, Justin Robinson. Also, to the many unsuspecting players at
Conglomeration in Louisville KY, Lexicon in Lexington KY, Origins in Columbus OH, and
Hypericon in Nashville TN whose thoughts and comments helped shape Akhamet into a
consistent whole.
A big thanks to Blehc and Irene with whose arts this project went from just a series of
images in my head to a concise, physical book.

Page 1
First Sons ........................................................... 61

CONTENT Obelisk............................................................... 62
Orthodoxy ......................................................... 63
Content .................................................................... 2 Red Sails ............................................................ 63
Akhamet.................................................................. 3 Salt Bearers ....................................................... 64
History ................................................................. 3 Worldburners ................................................... 64
Unique Elements ................................................ 7 Races of Akhamet ............................................... 65
Society ................................................................... 10 Anubian ............................................................ 65
Life in Akhamet ................................................ 13 Gebite ................................................................ 66
Land of the Gods .............................................. 15 Horite................................................................. 67
Warfare .............................................................. 16 Khemite ............................................................. 68
Monsters And Threats ..................................... 17 Numru ............................................................... 69
Lands of Akhamet ............................................... 20 Retid................................................................... 70
Deserts ............................................................... 20 Sethru ................................................................ 71
Forests and Woodlands ................................... 22 Ubasti ................................................................ 72
Mountains ......................................................... 22 Other races ........................................................ 73
Ruins .................................................................. 24 Languages ............................................................. 74
Structures ......................................................... 26 Related Languages ........................................... 75
Waterways ........................................................ 27 New Backgrounds ............................................... 76
Adventuring ..................................................... 28 Brute .................................................................. 76
Cities and Settlements........................................ 31 Hermit ............................................................... 76
Anupolis ............................................................ 32 Pharaoh’s Wife ................................................. 76
Bastis .................................................................. 34 Scribe ................................................................. 76
Gebaphis ........................................................... 36 New Feats ............................................................. 77
Katamun ............................................................ 38 Akhamet Armor Master .................................. 77
Khemaphis ........................................................ 40 New Spells .......................................................... 77
Onoris ................................................................ 42 Spell Lists .......................................................... 77
Ophara ............................................................... 44 New Magic Items ................................................ 78
Per-Khathet ...................................................... 46 New Books ........................................................ 80
Seraklis .............................................................. 48 New Plants ........................................................ 81
Waset ................................................................. 50 New Monsters ...................................................... 82
Deities ................................................................... 52 Ammut Beast .................................................... 82
Pharaoh ............................................................. 52 Colossus ............................................................ 83
Anubis ............................................................... 53 Ghoul ................................................................. 85
Bast ..................................................................... 53 Gnasher ............................................................. 86
Geb ..................................................................... 54 Hippopotamus ................................................. 87
Horus ................................................................. 54 Hunting Dedeceri ............................................ 87
Khem ................................................................. 55 Lycanthrope, Werecrocodile .......................... 88
Khonsu .............................................................. 55 Mindless Dead.................................................. 89
Num ................................................................... 56 Mummy Guard ................................................ 90
Seth..................................................................... 56 Mummy, Lesser ............................................... 91
Sobek.................................................................. 57 Sand wraith....................................................... 93
Tawaret.............................................................. 57 Sethathu ............................................................ 93
Other Deities ..................................................... 58 Sharkfolk ........................................................... 94
Barbarian Deities .............................................. 58 Sphinx ................................................................ 95
Factions and Organizations ............................... 59 Ushebti .............................................................. 95
Charioteers ........................................................ 59 Vampire, Sekhmeti .......................................... 96
Coins of Num ................................................... 60 Legal Notices ........................................................ 97
Dirt Diggers ...................................................... 60
Eclipsers ............................................................ 61
establishment of the first set of writing, the
codification of hieroglyphics.

Akhamet is not Egypt. Its gods, peoples, The Great Raid

legends, cities and stories are quite different. In the first century, an army of creatures from
While this campaign setting is inspired and other planes, called the Horyrehmet, invaded
draws a lot from Egyptian folklore, it is not. Akhamet at the head of vast armies of monstrous
creatures. They commanded those around them
HISTORY and were beyond brutal and ruthless.
The Horyrehmet army besieged, captured,
Rise of Pharaoh and plundered the city of Bastis. Pharaoh
History records little before the rise of gathered His armies and moved against the
Pharaoh. Spotty records appear on cracked beleaguered city. Undefeatable as the Sun above,
plaster in lost tombs and ruins swallowed by the Pharaoh swept the invaders, crushing them
desert. Oral traditions speak of a time when all of without mercy. He had them splayed in the
Akhamet was green, verdant and fertile year- desert where the desert burnt their black skins
round and of unheard tyranny and oppression. and destroyed them all.
These are little more than children’s tales. Pharaoh entered the city turned to a
Pharaoh looked down from Heaven and saw necropolis, its former inhabitants now rotting
his people were hurting, divided and without corpses and undead abominations. It took years
guidance. Undead horrors roamed the land, to clear the city and make it habitable again. To
spreading death and misery. Pharaoh knew they this day, the necropolis is a place where judges
needed His leadership and He took the form of a send condemned criminals for execution.
man to unite, lead, and guided His people. In the aftermath, Pharaoh remained in Bastis
He spent the first years of His reign for over a century before returning to His
gathering soldiers wanting to be home in Ophara.
righteous in the eyes of the gods.
He first fought the khemites and The Great Plague
recruited them to his cause. Then The second century was dominated
the gebites, the anubians, and by the Great Plague. Originating in the
all others prostrated tombs of pre-history, this plague affected
themselves before Him. anyone who died, reanimating them
These campaigns into zombies. The Great Plague, as it
first brought became known, ran rampant until it
desolation but also was finally eradicated. It changed
purpose, prosperity, society forever because the dead did
and unity. With not rest easy from that day forth.
the founding Anubis taught his priests the rites of
of Ophara, mummification and how to embalm the
the land finally dead to prevent reanimation.
had a central capital and Today, a few places are still affected by
a city that was built just for it, typically in lost settlements in the desert.
their new king to rule Such areas are overrun by shambling
them. zombies.
History In response, Pharaoh
officially begins ordered the creation of
with the founding military
of Ophara and the units that
would serve the dual purpose of

Page 3
fighting the rising dead and keep the roads safe. pursuits, away from the workings of the
Having a force that proactively sought out the government.
rise of the undead and put a stop to them brought
safety to Akhamet. The Sea People
Beginning in the late third through the early
Rule of the Royal harem fifth century, barbarian invaders from the sea, the
The third century saw a rise in the power of Peleset, came to Akahamet with greater
the Royal Harem, with Pharaoh’s wives forming frequency. The first groups settled peacefully on
the high clergy and the central administration. the uninhabited islands and they traded with
With His wives firmly in control, nepotism ran Akhameti fishermen and merchants.
rampant, qualified officials were replaced by As their numbers grew, the barbarians
spoiled and incompetent favorite children. organized, turning their outposts into a
Though the empire continued because of its confederation supporting their armada. The
expansive bureaucracy, the Royal Harem’s initial barbarians founded the village of Katamun.
unity devolved with internal rivalries and in- From Katamun, they led an army that
fighting. The doctrine of the faith broke down conquered Khemaphis after a two year siege.
and contradictory information circulated. Many They controlled the flow of goods up the Fork
smaller cults to Pharaoh trace their founding to River. Their army swelled as new arrivals joined
this period, most naming one of more of His them and the barbarians pushed north to Onoris.
wives as their founder and benefactor. A The re-conquest of the stolen lands began in
unification of the faith has not existed since. the East, when Amenefre, a minor son of a
powerful ubasti family, took command of the
Neferheket, the Bloody Queen fleet and sailed against the Peleset.
The infighting ended when queen
Concentrating his efforts against the island
Neferheket seized power by eliminating her
settlements, he cut the supplies to the land cities
rivals and bringing the numbers of the Royal
preventing the barbarians from conducting an
Harem to little more than a hundred from ten
effecting campaign.
At the Battle of Bone Island, he caught the
A woman of ambition, she was both one of
enemy fleet by surprise and sunk over half their
His wives and His head priestess, ousting the
fleet. With the enemy routed, Amenefre was slain
male clergy from the upper echelons. She
by a stray arrow as he ordered his fleet to break
enforced His laws with zeal, repressing the cult
up and destroy the enemy. The victory led to the
of Seth and Sobek. She enslaved all foreigners
rapid fall of all lands under barbarian control.
who did not swear immediate and eternal
To celebrate the victory, Pharaoh ordered a
allegiance to Pharaoh. Foreigners became slaves
great white pyramid built to the honor of the
overnight and those taken by her secret police
empire’s greatest admiral.
formed the labor force that built her pyramid.
She commanded the building of a massive The Eastern Famine
pyramid built to house her and her children upon In the sixth century, a great famine struck the
their passing. The records show that she passed land east of Ophara. The harvests were weak
during childbirth, giving Pharaoh a seventh son. throughout Akhamet. Whereas the western
However, it is generally agreed that intrigue was settlements barely fed themselves and Ophara,
involved. the eastern provinces fared even worse.
In the days following her passing, a new By the time the rains came, many settlements
prime minister took over and ordered the were filled with shambling dead. Because of the
separation of the Royal Harem and the clergy, lack of funerary rites, even more died the
preventing His wives from occupying high following year to the rising undead hordes.
ranking positions in the government. From this Pharaoh sent his High Priestess, Princess
day forth, most wives spent their day in idle Hapochet to destroy the threat.
The Princess spent a year in the east, leading Prince Rameriankhnas proposed a novel
an army of priests on campaign, fighting against idea: split the army into many smaller columns
shambling hordes. With the campaign winding and hunt down the rebels. These smaller armies
down, she wrote to her father demanding she be would move faster and could spread a wider net
allowed to create a great canal to ensure the East against Pharaoh’s enemies. Pharaoh agreed and
had water year-round. Receiving approval, the formed seven armies he sent throughout
Princess spent the rest of her life in the East Akhamet.
working on the Grand Canal and the levees on The retid-gebite was the most glorious of
the Sunrise River that now bears her name. them, retaking no less than twenty towns and
cities and defeating an undead horde. For his
Five Day Eclipse efforts, Pharaoh named him Lord-General, a title
One year before the end of the millennium, he kept until his death a decade later.
the Moon eclipsed the Sun for five full days. This
astrological phenomenon took the empire’s Kelek the necromancer
greatest astrologists by complete surprise. For a During the 18th century, a foreigner called
full five days and six nights the Sun remained Kelek landed in Anupolis from parts unknown.
hidden. The temperatures plummeted and Reclusive and unwilling to allow himself to be
creatures of the night stalked the land. represented in monuments, his vast knowledge
Across Akhamet, armies of ghouls and of arcane magic brought him to the attention of
blood-sucking creatures called Sekhmeti the high priests.
emerged from ancient necropolis and hidden After spending a year working for the
underground bases to fall on an unsuspecting church, crafting wards and traps to protect the
Akhamet. Entire settlements fell, growing the Hundred Pyramids. Part of his work, he spent
army of reanimated dead. time examining the tombs, their layout, and the
Their leader was Queen Hatshepdjet, a traps designed to prevent robbery. His book
sekhmeti of great power. From the palace in “Protecting the dead” is still the ultimate reference
Ubasti, the Queen declared that after a in how to build the best and most dangerous
millennium of rule by the Sun, the new era would traps with brutal and effective improvements.
be one where Khonsu ruled unchallenged. She Summoned to Ophara, he became the
announced the death of Pharaoh and that the Sun darling of the court and given wives and a palace.
would never be seen again in the sky. She For the next decade, he traveled throughout
declared this the era of Khonsu. Akhamet cataloguing and charting abandoned
At the head of a small band of brave heroes, settlements, including spending much time in
Prince Ankhsut broke into the Queen’s palace Algazan and the Misty Dunes.
and confronted her. After a long battle, the prince Then one night, his nature and true motives
slew her with his magical khopesh, were revealed. Kelek was a horyrehmet and a
Morninglight. Before the Queen of the dead’s necromancer. During an eclipse, thousands of
body hit the ground, the sun emerged from demons burst out of their tomb and fell on the
behind the moon, reclaiming its hegemony and unsuspecting cities of Akhamet. In a coordinated
heralding a new millennium under Pharaoh’s effort, he besieged Ophara a demon army gated
benevolent rule. in from his palace.
Only the timely appearance of Pharaoh
Prince Rameriankhnas rallied His forces and defeated the necromancer.
In the fourteenth century, a new plague As the living and the dead fought in the streets of
caused by widespread rebellion led to famine the capital, Kelek and his palace vanished,
and rampant banditry across Akhamet. Pharaoh leaving a crater behind. Their general gone, the
raised an army but his enemies refused to do undead army was defeated in a week.
battle, preferring to scatter to the winds.

Page 5
The effort taxed Pharaoh because the of state, deferring to his wisest ministers and
following decade was the coldest in recorded nomarchs to handle the day-to-day operation.
history, the desert receding in places. For last five years, a persistent and heretical
rumor circulated: Pharaoh is dying, suffering
Two-Day Eclipse from an affliction beyond the means of mortals to
The dawn of the second millennium once heal.
again brought a darkening of the Sun that lasted At first, the authorities repressed such gossip
two days. Once again, the dead emerged but this vigorously, but as times went by, stories,
time they did not have united leadership and prophecies and ancient tales circulated; half-
they were defeated within a matter of weeks. spoken prophecies of a time when Pharaoh
In the aftermath of the Two-Day Eclipse, would leave the world behind and return to live
teleportation magic began to behave oddly. The among the gods.
network of obelisks experienced mishap after
mishap. Powerful spellcasters reported Recent Events
teleportation magic suffered from the same This is the year 2438th of Pharaoh’s rule.
impediments. Research is on-going as to the At the beginning of the year, the high priests
cause. confirmed the rumors, Pharaoh was ill and their
magic could not heal Him. The gods revealed
Barbarians that a group of chosen could decide His fate.
From the 21st century on, barbarian raids Since that time, the priests search for the chosen
become more common. The barbarians are not ones.
interested in conquest, only in plunder and With the uncertainty of Pharaoh’s situation,
slaves. The barbarian armies are well-trained but many Princes prepare for a civil war to determine
poorly equipped for the heat and climate of who will inherit, or take, the throne. Most want
Akhamet. to keep Akhamet as it is, with as little disruption
They use lightning-quick attacks to take any as possible. Some nobles see this as an
garrison by surprise and vanish by land or sea opportunity to break the power of the priests and
before an effective counterattack can be give power to secular authorities.
mounted. Support by cults of Seth or Tawaret A few priests speculate Pharaoh’s condition
remains unproven. is due to a war in the Heavens, as the gods battle
The last major raid was in 2404 when a against barbarian gods wanting to take over
barbarian fleet established beachheads near Akhamet. A large force of barbarians appeared
Anupolis. From there, they launched raids along the northern border, near the Burning
against the less defended interior. Pharaoh’s Crown. Pharaoh has yet to name a general in His
armies defeated the barbarians, forcing them to absence and the whole empire is paralyzed.
abandon their colonies. The barbarian fleet sailed Factions inside the empire contemplate a time
away with much of their plunder and slaves, when Pharaoh is gone and a new emperor will
vanishing over the horizon. rule. Each wants to find the chosen successor to
make themselves into kingmakers.
Pharaoh is dying
Axes and swords get sharpened.
As a god, Pharaoh is immortal, divine,
eternal, and cannot die. No one would dare
mention such a thing out loud, for this would be
heresy. The priests burn heretics on great pyres,
denying them access to the Afterlife.
He always led Akhamet with a firm but kind
hand. The entire governmental bureaucracy is
predicated on that assumption. For many years,
he has taken less of an active hand in the affairs
without proper funerary rites arise as undead
UNIQUE ELEMENTS creatures: ghasts, ghouls, skeletons, or zombies.
Akhamet is NOT Egypt These creatures roam, seeking to expand the
number and power of the dead.
Akhamet is not ancient Egypt. The presence
Priests of Anubis cannot mummify everyone
of active magic, the presence of different
using the full rites, so the gods provided their
intelligent races, the gods’ direct involvement in
priests with spell to prevent this. Necromancy as
the world, and the geography are different.
a whole is viewed with suspicion and
Throughout its long history, ancient Egypt
was a nation connected to the rest of the world.
Akhamet is an insular nation without Priestly
any neighbors.
The gods themselves are
The civil service is composed
named and based on the gods of
of priests dedicated to one of the
Egypt. Their portfolios, domains,
many gods of Akhamet. In any
and attitudes are different.
areas, priests rule over the
Akhamet is like populace. They serve as
Egypt barristers, magistrates, scribes,
and local administrators. Priests
Akhamet draws upon
touch all aspects of life.
ancient Egypt: the architecture,
While not all priests are
appearance of the people, the
altruistic, their presence brought
people’s view of the world, the
stability, peace and prosperity.
desire for peace, quiet, and
There is no concept of
stability. These serve as great
separation of church and state.
motivator for the people.
Saying such things, could be
Its gods, peoples, legends,
considered seditious, almost
cities and stories are quite
different. This setting is
inspired and draws from its No Heir
ancient folklore, cosmogony Pharaoh has a thousand
and mythology. wives in his harem in Ophara,
God among us giving him thousands of
children, the retids. The retids all
Pharaoh is a living god whose
bear the honorific title of “prince” or
home is the palace in Ophara. As the
“princess”, but the title has little value
god of the Sun, He is eternal and
in Akhamet though foreigners see
benevolent. Any word of His
great value in it. None of them was
immediately becomes law.
groomed to take the throne if Pharaoh
The recent announcement of His
were to die. The retids spend their
illness is unsettling for the people of
lives trying to reconcile their divine
Akhamet, for to speak, doubt, or wish
nature with their common ancestry.
ill of Pharaoh is to commit heresy.
A few princes think of themselves
Therefore his current status makes
as successors to their father. More than
most people uneasy and they avoid
a few are gathering loyal forces in case
talking about it.
of an eventual civil war.
Dead Rise
Dead bodies of
humanoids and giants left

Page 7
Page 9
SOCIETY The priests form the public service and
ensure His will and decrees are known and
Akhameti society is separated into five
obeyed by all. Priests serve as scribes,
castes, with foreigners forming a sixth. Few
magistrates, arbiters, teachers, moneychangers
people every change from caste to another
and tax collectors. A settlement is only
during their lives. The one exception is for those
recognized as such when a priest is assigned to
condemned into slavery for crimes.
oversee it.
Pharaoh Clergymen are leaders of their communities
At the top is Pharaoh. He is a living god, a and the face of the state. Regardless which deity
bridge between the gods and mortals. His will is they worship, the average person defers to them
absolute, benevolent, righteous, and unarguable. out of habit.
Whenever Pharaoh speaks or gives a command it The High Priests are a sub-caste that forms
is executed without question. the close entourage of Pharaoh. Ever since His
Pharaoh appears as a tall man with striking illness began, the High Priests prevent anyone
features of the same race as the beholder with a from having access to Him directly. This includes
golden aura. Regardless of the medium of His wives and His children.
representation, everyone recognizes His image. In the major nomes (cities), joining the ranks
Only a few of his children can look at him for of the priesthood requires years of dedication
longer than a few moments without being and study. In rural and poorer areas, the process
dazzled, much like looking at the Sun. is less formal and much quicker.
Because of his divine status, Pharaoh does
not interact with His people on a daily basis. He
leaves the day-to-day to His priests, speaking out
only when He desires. He does not hold court or
attend any public or social function. He calls
upon His many wives at night but does not share
His personal thought with them.
Royal Family
Pharaoh has a harem of a thousand wives, of
every race in Akhamet and beyond. His divine
essence allows Him to breed with His wives,
regardless of their race. There are princes with
the divine spark of Pharaoh among every
community. Together, they are called the Retids.
His children form the royal family and have
the title of Prince or Princess. Since Pharaoh is
eternal, none of his children will ever succeed
Him. Their title does not pass to their children,
and as just a way to present one’s lineage.
Pharaoh marries His children to high-ranking
priests, favored nobles, or foreign leaders with
whom He wishes to form alliances. His children
are, without exception, comely, healthy and
physically gifted.
Many princes have a natural affinity for war
and Pharaoh often names one of His children to
lead His armies when He is not present.
The nobility are those born of higher ranks or What foreigners look
into great wealth. Most nobles either descend like?
from Pharaoh or from someone He appointed to This document keeps the look of
a post, sometimes ages ago. barbarians and foreigners vague on purpose.
Nobles organize the peasants and keep them I had originally envisioned Asian or pirate-
in line, serving as the lowest tiers of the themed forces threatening Akhamet. In the
administration. They collect taxes for the priests end, I opted for neither, and both.
and making sure things runs smoothly. Many are The people of Akhamet value stability
tasked with protecting the priests and defending and organization above all. So bring in your
the cities. Although there is no official standing pirates, samurai, or knights from your
army in Akhamet, the nobility is often tasked favorite campaign setting.
with training and mustering troops. A few groups appear in this book, but the
Poor nobles have to tithe with the freemen, universe is vast and there are many people
something that is major to their prestige. who can come to visit or invade Akhamet at
any time.
Freemen of Akhamet are the artisans, stealing, may result in temporary enslavement to
craftsmen, boatsmen, merchants, sailors, and another. During that time, the slave performs a
farmers. These tasks are considered sacred, holy task like the tithe, except that it benefits the other
and beneficial to all. person. The new master may, at any time, end
Every year, freemen must engage in two their servitude by notifying the local priests.
months of free labor for the government, called
the tithe. These tasks include public works such Foreigners
as construction, road maintenance, and irrigation Foreigners sometimes appear from the desert
improvements. Freemen are tasked with or sail into the ports on the Endless Sea. They
overseeing slaves as taskmasters. carry outlandish gear, speak in strange tongues,
During this tithe, no debts can be collected and have bizarre ideas about the world.
against the freeman and all his expenses are Foreigners are a special group of the slave
covered by the government, particularly food. caste. Those with magical powers are favored
When a freeman must serve his tithe depends on over others. Otherwise, they become the
the local nobility.
Peasants whose works make them extremely
prosperous may join into the nobility.

Slaves are the lowest caste of people in
Akhamet. A slave belongs to someone and must
ply the trade imposed upon him. Slaves with
particular training may be granted their freedom,
allowing them to join the ranks of the freemen,
however such action is rare. Priests, nobles, and
peasants all possess slaves.
Slaves perform the worse and most
dangerous tasks including fishing in deep sea,
sewer works, hunting large and dangerous
creatures, and forming the militia.
Slavery can be a temporary or permanent
thing. Minor crimes, such as unpaid debts, or

Page 11
property of the local priests and are often used to little more than a stepping stone as they conquer
perform dangerous tasks. Since many foreigners the whole world.
have little problem with those tasks, the Nonetheless, because of their vast power,
arrangement works well enough. worshippers of Seth and Tawaret seek them out
to learn from them. Such interactions always end
Barbarians in tragedy for Akhamet.
The difference between foreigners and Horyrehmet are best represented by the First
barbarians is thin. Foreigners come to Akhamet Ones from FOE’s Tyrants of Saggakar setting (see
and integrate by recognizing the established Service is Eternal).
order. Barbarians raid, destroy, plunder, and
enslave. Magic
Barbarians refuse to accept the dominance of In Akhamet, the general belief is that all
the gods over everything. Barbarians spread the magic comes from the gods, both arcane (as used
word of their vile and malformed deities to by bards, sorcerers, and wizards) divine (as used
spread chaos among the people. by clerics and druids), and pact-based (as used
Captured barbarians are executed or left to by warlocks). Simply put, without the gods, there
dry in the desert, in large pits for the sands to is no magic and the world would become a
cover. Barbarians are never accorded the barren and sterile.
embalming rites to ensure they do not pass on to Arcane magic uses the power that links the
the Afterlife. gods to the universe without calling upon the
gods themselves. Divine magic cajoles the gods
Horyrehmet into using their powers to affect the world.
Horyrehmet are a special class of barbarians,
they are more cunning, devious, and have access Mummies
to great magical powers. Every time they acted in Mummies hold a particular place in society.
Akhamet, great calamities ensued. They deny Although mummification part of the funerary
and laugh at the rites, few are made into
power of the gods mummies. Only
over them. They volunteers chosen by
reject the power and Pharaoh, Anubis, or
rule of Pharaoh and who their clergy
consider Akhamet
decide to reward with such gift become
The law compels mummies to remain within
the confines of a necropolis away from the living.
Within, they act as guards, maintaining the
tombs and mausoleums while looking for tomb
By law, only priests of Anubis speak with
them. There are some places where petitioners
may interact with them. Such interaction is
heavily monitored and questions must be
submitted and approved first.
Mummies created by the church can be
represented by the mummy guards or lesser
mummies in the new monsters section. Other
mummies have the same statistics as mummies
and mummy lords found in the Monster Manual.

Akhameti-style names are given to all
people, regardless of race. When two people with Calendar
the same name meet, they first use their
Scribes in Akhamet use a calendar based on
profession (or their spouse’s).
the rise of Pharaoh to the kingship of heaven and
Male names: Amenhemti, Apa, Apui,
earth. Today is the 2438th year of Pharaoh’s rise,
Assatatkeres, Atmoo, Atsu, Donkor, Enantef,
or simply 2438. Armies of scribes write down and
Faki, Hapmu, Heri, Hiknekht, Horemhebi,
chronicle all that happens and everything
Hotephers, Humai, Kartonenamen, Kasiya,
Pharaoh says or does.
Khnemu, Mahu, Merenhor, Nebuer, Niu, Pahos,
Every temple has a repository of scrolls
Quasshie, Raenkau, Ramaneb, Ratmeto, Saites,
chronicling local events. Each focuses on certain
Sapakhi, Sapar, Sentenantef, Setemash, Shafra,
aspects of life: the temple of Horus records births,
Son, Souphis, Tethapi, Teti, Thothmes, Tureis
the temple of Anubis records deaths, etc.
Female names: Ahit, Amentakehal,
Researching the story of a person requires a lot of
Amuntikhet, Anat, Ankhnas, Anucis, As,
legwork, spanning many libraries.
Asenath, Astekhu, , Hentkherpu, Heqet, Kamas,
Records of pre-history are spotty and
Kemat, Khufut, Mandisa, Manetankh, Mesi,
difficult to ascertain. There is no single calendar
Mesta, Naa, Nebet, Neferra, Nensala, Nephtys,
as every city and island kept its own based on
Nishem, Nohems, Ode, Pelkha, Rato, Rubata,
forgotten rulers. Records are often incomplete,
Saboenea, Semet, Setamen, Surhethetu, Tamun,
contradictory or incorrect.
Tates, Tena, Tenpepiou, Tii, Uernaro
For their great love of historical research, the
Female names are also made by adding the
time before Pharaoh is not considered important
suffixes –et or –eti. Thus, Atsu would become
or valuable.
Atsueti. They also use the prefix Nefer-.
LIFE IN AKHAMET Crime in Akhamet is left to the local
Life in Akhamet is slow and follows the authorities without a universal list of written
rhythm of the seasons. The slow pace of life is laws. Local authorities hear complaints, judge
highly prized and occupations with fast-paced crimes and pass sentence. Each city handles the
work are viewed as less desirable and relegated business of law in different ways.
to slaves.

Page 13
Acting or Speaking out against Pharaoh set and many goods use the gold standard to
(which includes His actions or decisions) is a gets determine the value of more expensive items.
one branded as a heretic. Heresy is punishable by
death and dismemberment after death or burned Necropolises
in the desert. Every settlement in Akhamet has its own city
Tomb robbing is a major crime, one that of the dead. Necropolises are enclosed areas with
results in the erasure of the culprit’s name from temples, mausoleums, into a city in miniature for
the official logs. Their names are no longer the dead to dwell forever.
spoken and are removed from any monument A necropolis is open during the day for
where they appeared; breaking this ordnance worshippers and family members to pay homage
results in massive fines. and offer gifts to the deceased but cannot meet
with the dead. Guards in the employ of the
Dress Church of Anubis keep watch night and day.
Most people in Akhamet wear clothing made Necropolises are closed to the public at night.
of linen or cottons either white or undyed. Males Only member of the Church of Pharaoh or
wear skirts going down to their knees. Females Anubis may enter with the approval of a ranking
wear longer dresses or sheath with shoulder priest. Since the dead rise if they do not receive
straps. Goatskin and sheepskin cloaks are used the proper rites, the walls keep such corpses
for protection against the chill of the desert. contained. Many necropolises were built atop
Leather made of local animals, such as cattle or ancient cemeteries or battlefields as a way to
shark, is used by all. contain the horrors therein.
Jewelry is made with gold, gems, ivory,
shiny beads or stones, and seashells. The Year
craftsmanship and appearance of a piece is more There are three seasons in Akhamet, each
important that what it is made of. How it draws lasting about four months each.
and holds the eye with contrasts determines its The year begins with the Rainy Season – or
monetary value. Gold is the most prized of all Flood Season - and is characterized by intense
material because it resembles the Sun. rains. During that time the rivers flood covering
their banks with essential sediments that make
Money them fertile. Water retention basins and
Akhamet uses very little coin, while the irrigation canals swell and extend the reach of the
barter system is used extensively. Scribes assign river. This is the coldest season of the year.
a monetary value in silver to every item and that Next, during the Planting Season, hordes of
scale determines a fair price for transactions. workers plant grain such as barley, corn, hops,
The Akhameti state mints only silver and and wheat to feed the people and the livestock.
copper coins, in denomination of 50, 10, 5 and 1 There is occasional rainfall, usually short and
exist. Gold coins are only found on barbarians intense. The season ends with the harvest as
and foreigners. It is quickly smelted and made crops are gathered and stored. This is a time of
into jewelry or trade goods. The value of gold is plenty where many religious holidays and
celebrations give respite from the backbreaking the work for the state. In lieu of payment, many
work. priests offer reprieved or shortened periods of
The year ends with the Dry Season where the tithing. Others request consecutive seasons of
land bakes and the heat rises to its maximum tithing to avoid legal issues and proceedings.
levels. This is a time of rest and public works are
done during the evening. Workers expand LAND OF THE GODS
waterworks to prepare for the coming Rainy The gods live on a barge in the sky. As the
season. Rivers run low as crocodiles rule the mud barge flies, the other gods listen to the prayers
holes. their worshippers send to them. Pharaoh wears
the Sun upon His crown as His barge travels
Tithe across the sky.
Every adult in Akhamet works for the
At night, the barge sails the Underworld and
government without pay, providing services and
the Land of the Dead. During this time, Pharaoh
instead of paying with money. This is called the
and his son Horus fight against the horrors of the
tithe and is performed by every noble and
night. Spawn and servants of Khonsu and
peasant in the land. Priests are always serving the
Tawaret assault the barge of the gods. Every
state. Depending on the region of Akhamet, some
night the gods duel against these horrors, using
pay their tithe by offering the service of one or
their cunning and might to repel boarders.
multiple slaves.
The mystery of how Pharaoh can both be
Local priests arrange when one person’s tithe
among mortals and the gods at the same time can
will take place at the start of the year. The state
only be understood through faith and deep
expects to have an armor of workers on hand
prayer. It is not for mortals to doubt or
year-round. The workers available are assigned
understand, doubt, or question, for doing so is
to a variety of projects: planting, harvesting,
heresy. The gods speak in ways that make their
logging, building, or whatever is needed for the
exact will unclear. Their pleasure and
public interest. They tasks usually require
displeasure is easy to guess.
limited or common skills, such as carrying
materials or supplies, or cooking. Those with Afterlife
special skills, such as engineers or magic-users To reach the Afterlife, one must receive
use the fullest extent of their abilities. Most proper funerary rites, at the temple of Anubis.
people perform these tasks with mixed One must have his body intact, for your body in
enthusiasm, as one pays yearly taxes. the Afterlife mirrors the one that received the
While tithing, the state houses and feeds the funerary rites. The burial of goods in one’s tomb
workers and keeping the workforce in the best allows the passage of these goods with the
shape reflects on the local clergy. Morale and deceased.
quality of work go hand-in-hand. The Afterlife is an idealized and eternal
During that time, no debts can be collected version of the world. It is a place where things are
against the person and all legal action involving easy and pleasant in all aspect of life. Amassing
the tither are suspended, to allow him to focus on riches and material goods is important because it

Page 15
helps in the Afterlife. Good and riches amassed priests and trained by nobles. They are typically
in life sustain you forever. armed with spears and shields.
After one’s passing, Anubis and his court When Pharaoh gathers His army, priests
judge the soul of the deceased and their actions. muster and equip troops at their own expenses.
If they are deemed worthy, they are allowed into There is great competition to put out the best-
the Afterlife. If they are not, they are thrown to looking, best-trained, and best-equipped troops.
creatures for their souls to be devoured, This creates a ragtag army equipped with a wide
disappearing forever. array of weapons like axes, clubs, spears, and
swords, with padded armor or shields.
Sacred Animals The army includes different types of units:
Every god in Akhamet has one or more infantry, skirmishers, cavalry, and magic. Priests
animal they consider sacred. They breed, raise, of Geb, Horus and Pharaoh serve as officers and
and maintain small number of sacred animals in in the general’s entourage.
or around temples and sanctuaries. Infantry forms the largest group and is
Other than Pharaoh, the gods rarely act further separated into spearmen and infantry.
directly in Akhamet. Rather, they send dreams The spearmen are equipped with spears and
and visions to their priests, and infrequently to shields formed into mobs. The infantry is better
chosen mortals. Their sacred animals invariably equipped and trained with axes or swords with
appear and often speak in such dreams. light armor and shields. Some units also carry
Attacking a sacred animal draws the bows to serve dual roles as skirmishers. They
attention of the god to your actions. The gods serve as specialist and a vanguard for the army.
rarely have time or a reason to retaliate against Skirmishers operate as outriders and scouts.
such sinners, though their priests often know of They are formed in units based on their common
repeat offenders and demand reparation before equipment: bows, javelins, or slings. Since their
they assist. Defending oneself from these equipment is lighter that the infantry, they
creatures is acceptable and does not incur the operate ahead and on the flanks of the army. In
god’s wrath or attention. battle, they form up on the wings of the main
battle lines where they harassing the enemy
WARFARE before retreating and supporting the rearguard.
Few in Akhamet ever travel more than Cavalry is formed by the nobility. The term
twenty miles away from their home. A calm, designates both mounted unit of mounted troops
clean, and sedentary life is valued by everyone. and charioteers and the two are formed into
Guard duty and menace hunters are mixed units. Cavalry’s primary weapons are
considered low jobs, best left to slaves and bows or darts, and spears. Chariots are used as
foreigners. Public guards, such as the town mobile weapons platforms with a driver and a
watches, are placed under the command of local warrior equipped like cavalry riders. Horses are
the most common mount used by the military.
The magic wing defensive and protective magic. Military losses
includes anyone directly result in local economic pressures.
who casts Foreigners are pressed into military service
spells. whenever possible as their losses are acceptable
Military to the populace. Foreigners often value warfare
magic and combat, so they serve as skirmishers. Most
users serve in infantry formations and are often called
focus on upon to train raw recruits in battle formations.
Pharaoh is officially the general of any
Akhameti army. When He is not there, He is
represented by a large icon of him, a relic, or one
of His wives. Serving under Him is a great
honor. History is filled with tales of Pharaoh
leading His victorious armies. For the past
century, He rarely took the field, deferring
to his generals and priests.
He nominates generals and the general
nominates his commanders and officers.
Generals are expected to feed their troops.
They get a larger share of plunder to cover
expenses if they are victorious.

Akhameti remain
within settled areas
because of their greater
safety. The hinterlands
and borders of Akhamet
have a well-deserved
reputation as
dangerous and filled
with monsters.
Predators, marauders
and bandits use oases,
lakes, and creeks as
their main hunting
Akhameti believe
every creature does the
will of one of the gods.

of Khonsu
Khonsu has
dominion over every
creatures of the undead
subtype, except those

Page 17
of Sobek
humanoids, unaligned
creatures of the
aberration, beast, fiend,
monstrosity, ooze,
werecrocodiles, or plant types,
who received the mummification rites, who
non-good elementals, all fey serve Sobek. As lord
belong to Anubis. Servants of Khonsu oppose
of the fey, any creature from faerie realms serves
servants of Anubis and those of Pharaoh in any
him, but many pay him only lip service.
way they can.

Creatures of Seth Creatures of Tawaret

Non-good, non-humanoid-shaped creatures
Giant, evil humanoids, most lycanthropes,
of the aberration, fiend, monstrosity, ooze, or
non-good humanoid-shaped creatures of the
plant types, all demons and devils, and the
aberration, fiend, or monstrosity types serve
tarrasque are servants of Tawaret.
Seth. Most bandits are believed to perform the
will of Seth, even if the individuals do not have Foreign Threats
any official religious affiliation. As the lord of The groups presented in this book are
mercenaries, Seth employs creatures on a humanoid group that come to Akhamet to trade,
temporary basis. This has the added benefit of conquer, or settle (not necessarily in that order).
making his precise will difficult to divine and his Most are human or comprise large number of
goals remain obscure. humans.
Amaru Although their presence is illegal everywhere
The Amaru are a people who live north of the else, Peleset ships smuggle, trade, and settle
Godshield. They are closely aligned with remote settlements, where oversight and security
demonic and ogre forces because their forces are not as tight. Because of their frequent acts of
include many half-breeds of these creatures with piracy, Peleset are seen with suspicion and
other humanoids. Amaru are warlike and are the assumed to be involved in piracy.
least interested in trading, preferring conquest Peleset humans have light skin tones and
and subjugation. Amaru lands are flat and well- hair that range from auburn to dark brown. They
irrigated with great canals and enormous wear loose-fitting shirts or tunics. Many people
metropolises packed with people. The climate is in the islands and on the southern coast are of
temperate. Amaru have almond-shaped eyes, Peleset stock.
men have little to no facial hair beyond a
moustache. They wear long robes and fight with
The Tehenu are the people of the Great
odd weapons.
Western Desert. They have dark skins and wear
Peleset long cloaks of animal skins and feathers in their
The Peleset are people from the sea. They sail hair. They are closely associated with dragons, in
on large ships – bigger and better ships than their language and their religion. They are the
those made in Akhamet – and have the most likely to trade. Small communities exist in
advantage in most naval engagements. Their Western Akhamet in and around the village of
homelands are far to the south of Akhamet, Waset. Of the foreigner groups, Tehenu are
across the Endless Sea. closest to Akhameti in mentality and the two
The Peleset first landed in Akhamet in the groups are the most likely to collaborate and
third century and poured large amounts of trade together. They live in tent camp huddled
resources into conquering and settling the land. around oases and the waterways of the Great
For the better part of two centuries, they Western Desert.
occupied large sections western Akhamet before In the past, expeditions sponsored by the
being beaten back. During their occupation, they Church of Horus or Seth travelled to the land of
founded settlements that still exist today, such as the Tehenu and returned with tales of expansive
Katamun and Seraklis. white cities growing out of the desert, and of a
Since, then Akhamet and the Peleset both great forest beyond.
fought and traded together. The kings of the The Tehenu follow strong leaders and
Peleset are notorious for changing their minds on when a warmonger rises among them,
how to deal with Pharaoh and his people. One they conduct large-scale raids against
day they seek their help, the next they wish to Akhamet. They terrorize the
ally against other nations and the they next try to countryside, but do not have means
invade Akhamet. to conduct effective long-term
Today, the city of Seraklis is the one sieges, as such they are
place where the Peleset are perceived as primitive.
welcomed openly to

Page 19
There are three main causes of
desertification, each of them with their own
special types of landscape and terrain features.

AKHAMET Divine Desertification

Many sections of desert were created by
Akhamet is a desert bound between an contact with the gods. These areas are rife with
impassable mountain range and an endless sea. tales of the battle between Pharaoh and Seth
Most who attempt to cross the Endless Sea, the before time began. The land tends to be hardened
Godshield Mountains by walking, flying, riding, clay that cracks in the daytime heat that remains
or sailing disappear and few are ever seen again. warm well into the night.
Akhamet has many resources: waters Hermits and pilgrims visit these areas in the
teeming with fish and aquatic life; hills and hope of finding enlightenment or divine
mountains filled with minerals and quarried guidance and inspiration. Sethru communities
stone. Mines produce copper, gold, silver, and create fortresses and settlements here.
tin. These areas are marked by rugged
Construction is uses stone, brick, clay, or landscapes, sharp rocks and pockets of short,
wood as primary materials. Marbles is not hardy vegetation.
available in sufficient quantities to use for
building. With sandstone easy to quarry, it is the Magical Desertification
preferred material for construction. It can be Throughout history, massive arcane battles
mined with simple tools and shaped into a left the landscape pockmarked by their conflicts.
variety of shapes. Temperatures rise and plummet quickly with the
Although iron and steel are known, they are sun with little to no shelter to be found.
rare and must be reported to the authorities. These areas tend to be flat, devoid of notable
Smiths with knowledge of iron and steel earn terrain features, with little vegetation. Sand and
fortunes working for the government. Such silt cover the grounds and fly off, stinging any
material is a monopoly and only Pharaoh can exposed skin.
grant. Like vegetation, settled areas are rare and
Ships are coastal and river-sailing vessels built around oases or wells. Monsters, like
made of reeds reinforced with wood. They use sphinxes and dragons, favor these areas.
square sails and crewmen pole them up and Natural Desertification
down river. Irrigation is extensive with Many areas of the hinterlands dried from
aqueducts, retaining ponds, canals and locks natural causes ranging from rock fields, lava
controlling the flow, through the Dry Season. fields, rolling sand dunes, to scrub lands.
Vegetation, typically dry grasses, scrubs, and
DESERTS hardy bushes, are joined by larger trees wherever
near water. Larger concentrations of plant life are
Hinterlands a good sign of the presence of water.
As one leaves moves away from the cities or
the rivers, the lands quickly turn to desert. While Great Western Desert
there are many areas of sand dunes, the desert is Beyond the lands of Akhamet, the Great
a very diverse environment. Such areas are Western Desert is an endless expanse of sand
colloquially referred to as “Hinterlands”. dunes. There is little to no plant life and the few
Ancient tales speak of massive forests and creatures found there are undead. The few oases
rolling plains covered with grass. Such tales are found there are home to monsters and bandits.
ancient and predate the rise of Pharaoh. Now The clergy of Seth holds these lands as sacred
most of Akhamet is dry, with life exploding and invites worshippers to visit these hallowed
across the land at the end of the Rainy Season. lands.
Misty Dunes Ribs of Tawaret
Northwest of Ubasti is a magical area known A large section of desert east of Gebaphis is
as the Misty Dunes. Those who venture in are known as the Ribs of Tawaret. The sands have a
never seen again, or they are found years later pink hue and have fine grains that fly up at the
without any memory of what happened or where slightest hint of a breeze. Red stone arches in a
they went. They are dressed with odd clothes and long line give the impression of ribcage.
carry foreign-made equipment. The churches of The soil does not support plants and those
Khem and Seth erected a series of steles around that grow are carnivorous and feed on the
the dunes to warn anyone from entering the wildlife. Gnashers, snakes, giant insects and flock
dunes. In spite of that, outlaws risk the dunes to of predatory birds rule the region, particularly
escape the law. Local authorities declared these around the rib-like stones, one of the few places
areas off-limits and anyone venturing beyond the to find shade.
erected steles is considered lost. Few humanoids travel these lands. Trade
The Mists are highly magical, radiating routes between Gebaphis and the rest of
powerful conjuration and divination magic. Any Akhamet go around the Ribs of Tawaret.
attempt at scrying or divining their true nature Mercenary outfits make small fortunes
fails and yields no result. The Mists do not move protecting caravans where the trade routes skirt
from their location. the pink sands. The few who spend any time here
With the announcement of Pharaoh's illness, emerge half-crazed with demented visions.
scholars consider sending people into this area to Any attempt to civilize or irrigate the area
find a cure for Him. Opponents point out the vanishes overnight: ditches fill up, structures
randomness of any return and the lack of crack and break.
Note: The Mists are a passage to the Tyrants Salt Desert
of Saggakar campaign setting by FOE. This large depression west of the Fork River
is marked by strange formations of salt forming
into mesas towering as high as fifty feet. The air
is so dry that without protection, skin cracks and

Page 21
peels within a day. Unsealed water and liquids appear wild, then wild, before they were
evaporates in half the time. abandoned and left to grow wild on their own.
The area is home to salt mephits and armies The jungle is home to many species of large
of salt skeletons. The dead here re-animate into cats. Predatory plants are found in abundance
salt skeletons rather than zombies. here.
Necromancers and priests of Anubis and Khonsu
travel here in the hope of understanding the Zenith Woods
effects reanimating the dead. Few enter, fewer Zenith woods are a tropical forest at the
return. The skeletons patrol the area around the southern entrance to Sun Bay. Palm, cocoa,
ruins of the city of Algazan. banana, and bamboo trees provide shade and
supply lumber. The coast is rocky and
Time-forgotten sandpits inhospitable, but contains hidden cove and
Necromancers are not the only ones wanting twisted passages form ideal hideouts for small
to cheat death. Some seek immortality by staving vessels.
off time itself, redirecting the destructive Coastal areas were cleared out and are used
energies of time away from themselves onto to dry and salt fish. Fishermen, merfolk,
specially-made standing stones. The result, they smugglers, and foreigners use this area as
thought, would allow them to create an immortal meeting points away from the authorities.
city and protect the land and their own lives.
The few partially-successful experiments MOUNTAINS
went awry. Surrounding villages with prepared To the north, east and west of Akhamet, the
standing stones turned to grey sand and dust, tall peaks of the Godshield Mountains encase
leaving nothing but flat featureless ground and protect Akhamet. Many peaks are covered
within. The area is lifeless, and no magic with snow year-round. The Northern and
functions within. Eastern Godshield have few through, but
When enters the sandpit, all active magic networks of valleys grant access to distant mines
spell is immediately dispelled. All permanent and settlements. Communities in these areas are
magic effects are suppressed until the owner insular and often eager for news of the world but
leaves. no for governmental oversight. Passes in the
Every round a creature must succeed at a DC Western Godshield allow passage through the
18 Charisma saving throw or take 14 (4d6) Great Western Desert.
damage and age 1d6 years. Anyone who dies in
the sandpit turns to sand and cannot be brought Burning Crown
back from the dead. This range of volcanoes north of Ophara is
Harvesting of sands is a royal monopoly. called the Burning Crown. It is home to creatures
Violations are punishable by being sent to who favor the burning environment. Fire giants
harvest the sands. Criminals harvest a bucket full and red dragons fight for supremacy of the area.
of sand (which takes 1d6 rounds to fill) before Both sides fought for and against Pharaoh’s
they are released. The sands are prized armies, as mercenaries or auxiliaries. The area is
components in the crafting of magical items. dangerous and avoided by most sane people.
Sethru live in and around the Burning Crown,
FORESTS AND seeking employment with one group of the other,
switching allegiance as it is convenient.
WOODLANDS Special: Spell that deal fire damage cast
Bast’s Forest within the Burning Crown, deal additional fire
damage equal to the level of the spell cast.
The massive jungle east of Ubasti was
apparently started just after the Great Eastern
Famine by the elite of the city. They started by
growing wild gardens with imported plants.
These gardens were first well-ordered, made to
Central Range are immune to the effects of the Stormheart peak.
Northeast Khemaphis and southwest of The crystals are prized for their use in the
Ophara, the central range is a collection of creation of magic items.
sandstone mesa rising hundreds of feet in the air. The highest reaches of the mountain are
The area is sparsely populated because of the covered with crystals called stormhearts. These
creatures that dwell within: dragons, sphinxes, crystals often fly up to ten feet in the air before
and genies. Nomadic and barbarian tribes travel crashing down. Stormhearts resemble broken
the area with the seasons. shards.
The area is dry and lacks water. The wells For every five minute a creature enters the
and oases are defended and jealously guarded, storm, roll 1d6 on to the following tables. Taking
though some trade for their water. cover grants advantage on saving throw.
Stories of a lost temple carved out of the d6 Effect
mesas abound. Whether the temple is dedicated 1 Lightning strike 28 (8d6) lighting
to Pharaoh, Geb, or Seth is the topic of much damage, DC 15 Dexterity for none.
debate, leading to a belief that there may be 2 Strong winds DC 15 Strength saving
multiple temples, and perhaps even an entire throw or be flung in a random direction
city. (including upwards).
Special: Spells that create water do not 3 Debris 21 (8d6) bludgeoning damage,
function within the Central Range. Such spell DC 15 Dexterity for half.
behaves as if the target of a successful 4 Driving rain all ranged attacks and
counterspell. Wisdom (Perception) checks have
Sphinx Roost 5 Raw chaos 28 (8d6) psychic damage, DC
Sphinx Roost is a plateau in the center of the 15 Charisma for none.
Central Range. Amid the ruins of a forgotten city, 6 Mass effect roll twice
dozens of sphinxes make their homes here,
spending much of their time discussing history, Valley of Lost Princes
philosophy, and trading riddles with each other. Among the first peaks of the Godshield, this
They are not welcoming of strangers, and the few vast necropolis contains the tombs of over a
who make it here speak of prolonged and thousand princes, princess, nobles and ranking
elaborate tests before they can question the member of the clergy.
sphinxes. The valley was the site of constant building
Unlike the mummies of the Valley of Lost during the 15th through the 16th century, when
Princes, the sphinxes are well-travelled and excavation of the tombs and the beautification of
know of the greater world and of the spheres of their exterior was viewed as a way to ensure
existence and the happenings at the courts of the successful passage to the Afterlife. A large
outer planes. contingent of mummies and priests were
From the knowledge collected here, the assigned to maintain and keep the valley clean.
sphinxes protect the area by divine decree. The A barbarian horde came from the mountains
same decree forbids them to say anything about and attempted to take over the valley and
it. Its very existence has been inferred rather than plunder its tomb. The priests and the mummies
revealed or discovered. repelled the attack at great personal cost,
decimating their numbers. The battle damaged
Stormheart Peak many of the structures but no tomb was
Stormheart peak is a mountain in the
Godshield Mountains atop which rages a
The clergy demanded funds to repair the
perpetual magical storm. The winds and
damage done, but few wanted to repair tombs to
precipitations are tainted with chaotic influence
lost ones they never knew personally. Funds
making them unpredictable. Creatures of chaos

Page 23
came, but not enough and construction projects inhabitants were killed and left unburied,
were abandoned. leaving them to haunt the dark, empty halls for
A small order dedicated to the protection of centuries.
the Valley, the Order of Lost Princes, was Travelers crossing often come across
formed, with mummies serving as teachers for buildings uncovered by the shifting sands.
the living. Today the order is small, under living Constructs and undead are found within, often
fifty members. They accept any orphan and leaving the confines of their once-hidden lairs to
unwanted children and train them. The order is explore or prowl the area.
dedicated to both Anubis and Pharaoh.
Windbreak Range Algazan, the City-of-Salt, is a forbidden ruin
Located on the Pharaoh’s Hand peninsula, in the Salt Desert in eastern Akhamet. This town
this mountain range shelters Akhamet from sea has the distinction of being created by the
storms and hurricanes. It is much wetter than horyrehmet and their slaves before the rise of
most of Akhamet as rain falls every other day Pharaoh. Events in the city created the Salt
year-round. The peaks have few passes across, Desert. Every structure and items is covered with
completely blocking access to the Endless Sea. thin layers of salt crystals. Anything found
The area is home to bronze and silver within is covered in salt that cannot be fully
dragons who value their privacy. In return for washed away, even after items are taken away
the occasional assistance, local priests agree to from here.
make this area off-limits to any Akhameti. Those The history of the city is shrouded in mystery
found here are confronted by the dragons and as only fragments of records of the city, dating to
escorted out of the range. before the arrival of Pharaoh. The city itself was
removed out of the records long before then.
Djetserekh The inhabitants turned to statues of salt,
Up in the Windbreak Mountains in
forever petrified. Many scholars seek to uncover
southeastern Akhamet, is the sprawling palace of
the mystery. Unlike other petrification processes,
Djetserekh. Djetserekh, the White Palace is the
no one has successfully undone their
home of a powerful being called the White
transformation. The statues are frozen in place,
Queen. The palace has been described as made of
forever stopped in whatever activity they were
gossamer material, like cloud or fog. It is home to
engaged in. From the position of many, there was
cloud giants, djinnis, and silver dragons. Few
no warning to what happened.
ever saw the interior and lived to tell the tale.
In its heyday, it was a thriving metropolis,
The White Queen claims to be the wife of
rivalling Ophara in size. Great colonnades now
Horus. She appears as a gargantuan horite
hold nothing but the skies above. Wide palm
female, dressed in cloth made of the same
tree-lined avenues bear witness to the grandeur
material as the palace itself. Her exact nature is
of this city.
unclear: some say she is the queen of the Silver
Incorporeal undead, from ghosts to shadow
Dragons, others that she is a goddess of the cloud
to wraiths haunt the ruins. The mephits that are
giants, or Pharaoh’s first wife and Horus’
found everywhere in the salt desert avoid the city
itself. Warbands of roaming skeletons patrol the
outskirts of the city but rarely enter the streets.
RUINS For all these reasons, the city is forbidden to
The lands of Akhamet have been inhabited all travelers. However, the current situation with
for millennia, long before Pharaoh came. Over Pharaoh has many wondering whether a more
the years, settlements were abandoned, leaving thorough expedition to the City-of-Salt may be
behind ruins. With the shifting sands, many provide new or different insight. Opposition to
disappeared and were forgotten. The state of such a project is massive as any dealings with the
these ruins depends on what caused them. Since horyrehmet always end in tragedy.
many locations were abandoned when their
Konenis spells. As elemental energies were unleashed, the
Konenis rose on the southern coast of most fortunate fled into the jungle. Wild magic,
Akhamet, tucked along the coast and the Central fires and explosions ravaged the town for a
Range hallway between Anupolis and fortnight, until a group of priests of Horus sent to
Khemaphis. The city enjoyed a mild climate and the city found it overrun by plants, the magic
a decent harbor. users gone or burnt to a crisp.
The city became a hub for magical research They declared the city forbidden and
as the greatest minds came to study and perfect abandoned it to the jungle. Occasional explorers
their craft, away from more inquisitive eyes. go there to discover what happened, but so far
In the twelfth century, the city became the none found the truth.
number one producer of colossi (see new Dedeceri plant
monster) with no less than a dozen such Unknown to all, one expedition brought
creatures walking out of the city for all parts of back a plant from another plane, the Dedeceri
Akhamet each year. Colossi created here, were flower. This plant grew very well in the
reputed to be of the highest, most exquisite Akhameti weather, giving sweet fruits that kept
craftsmanship. for weeks without spoiling. It was grown
In the 1267th year of Pharaoh’s rule, Tomeo, everywhere and its fruits exported. Then the
the greatest of its craftsmen built a colossus plant revealed its threat: the plants achieve
greater than all others. It had one great partial sentience, using its vines to feed on the
innovation: it could heal itself on the blood of living. Its spores, released in mass affected the
defeated enemies. His creation complete, he local magic-using population and the city
activated it. The colossus went on a rampage, descended into chaos as spellcasters began
killing everyone in sight, starting with Tomeo. randomly casting spells into the population.
The colossus barely stopped long enough to The dedeceri something forms into a creature
drink the blood of its enemies and repair itself as called hunting dedeceri
it went on a rampage and killed every living
creature within the boundaries of Konenis. The
only thing moving within the walls of Konenis
ever since is Tomeo’s Colossus.

In the eastern reaches of Bast’s Forest stand
the ruins of Totelkanse. The city was built during
the fifteenth century during a period of great
prosperity. Taking advantage of the wetter
conditions to clear a section of jungle and take
advantage of the climate.
The city’s first lord was a numru architect
named Kansu. After showing his designs for a
“Forest City” to Pharaoh, Pharaoh gave him
great resources to build a city in the jungle.
For three centuries, Totelkanse exported
breed of exotic flowers to all parts of Akhamet.
The city became a haven for those interested in
agriculture and botany, building a huge
university and sponsoring expeditions to
discover new exotic species.
One day, the wizards of Totelkanse turned
on the population with their most destructive

Page 25
declared this area off-limits to the living.
STRUCTURES Petitioners may be granted access to one of the
Garden Pyramids pyramids to speak with the mummies resting
here. Such requests are granted only when the
East of Bastis, rise the garden pyramids.
need to all of Akhamet is great as the Church
These stepped pyramids have extensive gardens
seeks to keep the mummies’ eternal rest, quiet
on every level, with trees, bushes making the
and peaceful.
structure vanish after a decade or two. Wildlife
The area is patrolled by an army of mummy
move in and settle in the area. The creation of
soldiers and bound elementals to support them.
such work fell out of fashion over a millennium
In life, many were priests and keep their
ago due to the amount of additional work
devotions giving them access to magic.
required to prepare then abandon the gardens
and the realization that this did not make the Obelisks and Steles
content of the tombs any more secure. Obelisks and steles are both standing
A few other such pyramids were built across structures made of a single piece of stone.
the land, having one or two steps and now lost Obelisks are topped with a pyramid-shaped
under copses of trees. With the abandonment of stone. Akhameti raise obelisks and steles for a
those pyramids, many are infested by undead variety of reasons: announce the official
creatures that use the tomb as a base. founding of a settlement, celebrate a great
Hundred Pyramids victory, or mark the locations of
forbidden areas.
The desolate lands east of Anupolis are
dotted with hundreds of small pyramids,
built to honor dead priests of Anubis.
The pyramids are small, the
tallest rising up to fifty feet.
The Church
of Anubis
standing stones range from twenty to fifty feet inscribed prayers to Him in both hieroglyphics
tall, covered with hieroglyphics detailing the and modern Khamet.
events that led to its creation. The church imbues these steles with magic
Such creations are onerous and built by that prevent teleportation within the adjacent
hundreds of workers. Their size makes them temple, unless it is initiated by someone devoted
difficult to destroy by barbarians and rebels. to Pharaoh. Any attempt to teleport inside that
Because of this, they are seen as good target for range redirects the target to between the steles.
magical enchantment. Sigilists and ward-crafters
earn great living by plying their crafts on both. WATERWAYS
Necropolis Steles Eastern Swamp
A few steles are created to protect The Eastern Swamp used to be a flood plain
necropolises from reanimation of bodies, repel or until the Great Canal was dug. The area is now
reveal invaders, and similar effects. Such steles kept wet lands, serving as overflow for the
are the most likely to be broken, vandalized, Sunrise and Sunset Rivers. Today it is filled with
rendered inert, or tampered with. The church of crocodiles, snakes, and insects of all types. A few
Anubis has taken to hide such steles inside or as areas of civilization remain as fishing villages.
part of existing structure to hide their presence. The cult of Sobek rules the area, threatening
Obelisk Markers everyone and keeping the swamp healthy, wet,
Following the Great Plague from the second and wild. The cult maintains a great half-
through the fifth centuries, Pharaoh tasked the submerged cathedral converted from the
Church of Geb with the creation of a network that worship of Num. There, the High Priest of Sobek
would allow his generals to travel throughout lives as sovereign.
Akhamet quickly. Many designs were evaluated,
the idea that obelisks would serves as
Endless Sea
South of Akhamet is the Endless Sea. This
teleportation markers was retained. Activating
expanse of water is so large that no Akhameti
these obelisks is a closely-guarded secret of the
ship ever sailed to the other side. Because
church of Geb.
barbarians sail to Akhamet on large wooden
A few obelisks were broken, lost to the sands,
sailboats, there is a land somewhere far beyond
or taken over by barbarians or bandits. Most
the horizon.
obelisks are not imbued with magic or were but
Islands dot the Endless Sea. Many are home
no longer function correctly. One reason for these
to colonies of fishermen, no more than a dozen
quirks is that many obelisks are loaded with
family each. Aquatic creatures, such as merfolk,
multiple enchantments that interact with each
sahuagin, and sharkfolk dominate vast swaths of
other in strange patterns.
sea floor.
Every year, the church sends people to test
and maintain the network of obelisks that allows Bone Island
for the quick travel of high-ranking church A few days’ sailing southwest of Khemaphis,
envoys. The magic used to maintain the network Bone Island is a barren island of white rocks that
is quirky and prone to mishaps. Because of this, look like bone. Towering high over the island is
most officials prefer to travel overland, using the Pyramid of Amenefre. Amenefre was the
them only when there is a major crisis. admiral who defeated the Sea People. He is still
considered the greatest Akhameti admiral of all
Pharaoh's Steles
These stone stelles topped with a head
The waters around the island are teeming
depicting Pharaoh are found in pairs before the
with large sharks that gather here at the height of
entrance of His temples. Along the front surface,
the Dry Season.
the one facing away from the temple, are

Page 27
A single village exists on the island, the lands in Akhamet, to the west of Bastis. The canal
sharkfolk village of Afara. They defend their flows year-round, allowing for a generous
homes against all comers. The sharkfolk worship harvest of rice.
the pyramid as a god and believe anyone setting The area is plagued by venomous snakes,
foot on their island is a defiler. making it dangerous.

Fork River Opharan Canal

From its source in the Godshield Mountains Built to fill Pharis Lake, this canal flows
near Gebaphis, the Fork flows south to southwest from the Lazy River to Pharis Lake.
Khemaphis. From north to south, the river is The waters flow slowly a dark shade of brown.
wide, and deep with sandy banks. The canal fills the largest network of waterways
Its flow is greatly regulated through a series irrigating miles of plains.
of dams and levees. With water locks allowing
ships to Extensive irrigation works, near the Sun Bay
cities and towns along its banks water extend Sun Bay is an expanse of salt water reaching
agriculture and farms. Its waters are murky and inland. Its waters are deep and teem with sea life.
brown but loaded with sediment. The waters are calm and easy to sail. The bay is
Away from settlements, crocodiles and lined with fishing villages. Every day, armadas
hippopotami rule the waters. Reeds and papyrus of fishing vessels sail on the blue-green waters.
line the banks, filled with cobras and other
snakes. Such areas are dangerous and avoided by
Sunrise River
The easternmost major river in Akhamet is
the populace.
the Sunrise River. This turbulent river has the
River traffic is constant and heavy, requiring
most cataracts and rapids of the major rivers.
armed escort to defend vessels from beasts and
Between its five set of cataracts, only the right
pirate operations using canoes and rafts that
bank is exploited for agriculture because its left
allows them to disappear in the narrow, shallow
bank is home to the largest forest in Akhamet.
canals branching out from the river.
Before Bast’s Forest, the waters are diverted
Gilded River at Hapochet’s Levee, where it fills the Grand
Flowing down from the Godshield Canal joining to the Sunset River.
Mountain, into Pharis Lake, south to Anupolis
Sunset River
and finally into the Endless Sea. From its source
This river flows southeast into Sun Bay. Its
the river’s flow is swift, with rapids and quite
flow trickles to almost nothing during the Dry
rocky. It is one of the few areas where the waters
Season. Most of the waters were diverted into the
are not used in irrigation projects. The largest
Opharan Canal.
project is the Grand Aqueduct that takes water to
At the village of Ameneku, the river is joined
Ophara. A single bridge crosses the Gilded River,
by the waters of the Grand Canal, providing
at the village of Hetep.
water to the area year-round.
Flowing from Pharis Lake into the Endless
Sea, this river is most travelled between Anupolis
and Ophara. All along the banks are rich estates,
obelisks, statues, and pyramids making it one of Armor
the nicest views. Between those two cities are few The oppressive nature of the heat makes it
wild areas. difficult to be out and about wearing armor for
South of Anupolis, the river is wild, with extended periods. Because of this many people
crocodiles ruling the banks and the waters. chose not to wear armor. To represent the
Grand Canal dangers of the heat, anyone wearing armor
The Grand Canal links the Sunrise and outside during the day has to make Constitution
Sunset Rivers, creating the largest, best irrigated saving throw every hour to avoid gaining a level
of fatigue. Wearing metal armor increases the Teleportation
DCs by 1. Teleportation behaves strangely across
Staying inside or taking a short rest does not Akhamet. These mishaps are more common the
require a saving throw. further one tries to teleport. The causes are
Armor Type DC unknown at this time. The god Khonsu is linked
None - to these because they were first reported during
Light 5 the Two-Day Eclipse at the dawn of the second
Medium 10 millennium.
Heavy 13 The following table gives the increased
chance of a mishap happening (see the teleport
Heat spell in the Player’s Handbook), however these
Akhamet is hot, with daytime temperature mishaps happen regardless of the spell, ability, or
rarely below 80`F (25’C) during the day. magic item used.
‘F Temperature Distance(miles) Mishap chance
40 to 90 Moderate
<1 -
90-110 Severe Heat
1-10 +1%
110 or higher Extreme Heat
10-100 +5%
Moderate: The most comfortable
100+ +10%
temperature. There is no special penalty for
Other plane +15%
dealing with these temperatures. You need one
Using obelisk +5%
gallon of water per day or take one level of
Severe Heat: At this point, the heat gets
uncomfortable. At these temperatures, you
require a full gallon of water every six hours.
With less than your full allotment of water, you
take one level of exhaustion.
Extreme Heat: Now the heat is deadly. Every
10 minutes you wear metal armor out in the sun,
you take 1 (1d2) fire damage. Without one gallon
of water every three hours, you take one level of
exhaustion. The DCs for the saving throw for
wearing armor increase by 2.

Page 29
Alignment: This entry provides information
about the average inhabitant of the city. Assume
that 75% of the population is of that alignment.

SETTLEMENTS Exceptional individuals can be of any alignment.

Religion: This section describes the most
This section presents important cities of common deities worshipped here with
Akhamet. These cities or nomes are important information about the priesthood and notable
centers of learning, commerce and exchange. churches and religious structures.
These entries are not a complete description of Languages: This entry gives the languages
the city, but the high points meant to provide a spoken in town.
starting point for adventure. Military: This entry describes the military
forces the city has at its disposal, in particular
City entries unique or elite forces used by the town leaders.
Every city entry is organized as follows: History This entry describes some of the
Ruler: This entry gives the name and official most notable events that happened in the city.
title of the person in charge of the city. Unique Locations This entry describes
Government: This entry describes how the unique adventure location within the lands
city is run and what form of government rules. controlled by the city. These are jump off points
Population: This entry gives ratios of the for adventure.
population. Races described as “Common from Important NPCs This entry provides
together between fifty and seventy percent of the additional details on some of the most unique or
population. Uncommon races form a total of colorful characters in town.
twenty to twenty five percent. Rare races Characters This entry provides insight into
combine for up to ten percent of the population. how to create iconic character from this area.
Law: This entry describes how the legal Plot hooks This entry provides a series of
system operates in town. An alignment is given short adventure ideas set in that city.
to simplify the details.

Page 31
Temple of


Great Necropolis is reserved for the elite while

ANUPOLIS the public necropolis is for all.
Nomarch: Gatemaster Sefferu Anupolis is the most traditionalists of all the
Government: Theocratic monarchy. cities, with a strong attachment to tradition and a
Population: Common: anubians, numru; dedication to ancient arts and knowledge. It is
Uncommon: gebites, horites, khemites not where one goes to challenge authority.
Law: The law in Anupolis is written on the
both sides of the city gates. It is clear, all-
Already a town when the first hieroglyphics
encompassing and absolute. Penalties range
were drawn and carved into stone, Anupolis
from fines, to whippings, to execution for
celebrated Pharaoh’s ascension with joy. The city
regicide or sedition. The law is definitely lawful
claims to be the only one that never fell.
neutral in both interpretation and enforcement.
Three centuries ago, undead monsters
Alignment: The lands of Anupolis are
flooded out of the Temple of Anubis,
ordered and distant from the capital. The
overrunning the city’s defenses. For more than a
population leans heavily towards lawful neutral.
season, the city was under the control of the
Religion: Anubis and Pharaoh are the most
dead. It is only when Pharaoh himself arrived at
worshipped deities.
the head of His army that the city was liberated.
Languages: Anubian, Common
Investigation revealed that an over-eager
Military: The city is protected by a well-
student used a ritual way beyond his training
equipped small militia that serves two purposes:
and it ran amok, opening a portal to a land of the
collect taxes at the city gates and patrols the
necropolises. In times of war, the clergy of
Anubis commands a force of devoted undead Unique Locations
creatures – mummies, ghouls, and wights – The Great Necropolis is dominated by a large
against their enemies. stone pyramid that holds the mummified
Located in the heartland of the empire remains of over a hundred generation of the
among extensive forests, Anupolis is the only city richest and most deserving of the city’s former
in Akhamet that boasts two necropolises. The inhabitants. Guards, both living and mummified,
patrol the halls, to prevent tomb robbing. Many
of its inhabitants are undead creatures granted who was just promoted to this position. He is
eternal life through mummification. idealistic and believes his people are the ones
Only the priests of Anubis are legally who are best placed to find and solve Pharaoh’s
allowed to communicate with them. However, illness. He devotes many resources to finding a
there is a thriving market of people who can cure.
arrange a meeting one or more of the mummies. Guard Master Tetfu (male anubian warrior)
Arranging for communication is a lucrative Tetfu grew up in the slums of Anupolis where his
business many enterprising and money- father fell into slavery for gambling debts. He
grubbing criminal entrepreneurs involve trained as a soldier and served ten years
themselves with. watching the Opharan Gate. Sent into the Great
The Public Necropolis is a mini-city where Necropolis, he single-handedly destroyed five
the rest of the population is buried in small ghouls, which gained him recognition and a
mausoleums. Although the clergy maintains promotion to lead guard the Great Necropolis.
soldiers to prevent the creation of undead, they
are a constant threat to the city, requiring Anupolisite Characters
specialists to remove them. Ghouls and wights Backgrounds: acolyte, afflicted, apothecary,
spawn regularly. charlatan, missionary, sage
The Temple of Anubis has two halls: one Recommended classes: cleric, druid, monk,
above ground and one below ground. The upper paladin
hall doubles as hospital and hall of medicine. The
Plot hooks
lower halls are where the secret mummification
A local noble wishes to speak to a deceased
rites are performed.
uncle given the rite of mummification and
Important NPCs interred into the Great Necropolis. He petitioned
Prince Gafren (male retid-anubian noble) the clergy of Anubis without success for months.
The Prince came to Anupolis a decade ago. The The uncle is the only one who knows where the
grandson of the previous Gatemaster has been family fortune is hidden. The noble is willing to
recruiting an army to defend Anupolis as he hire enterprising people to enter the Great
expects civil war to break out soon. Necropolis, speak with his uncle and bring back
Gatemaster Sefferu (male anubian priest of the information he wants.
Anubis) The Gatesmaster is a young anubian

Page 33
Palace of Sweet Pharaoh’s
Dreams Temple


Military: The local militia is poorly equipped

BASTIS and made up of the dredges of society. When
Nomarch: Pridelord Raia forced to go to war, Bastis brings an army of
Government: Theocratic democracy beasts, including but not limited to, felines. These
Population: Common: ubasti; Uncommon: cats are armored and serve as skirmishers.
gebites, numru On the eastern shores of Sun Bay, Bastis is a
Law: The law in Bastis is complex and filled colorful city whose plastered houses are painted
with loopholes and exceptions, making it a bright colors, making it visible from far away.
complex mess. Any capable barrister can argue The city is filled with cats and statues of
or bribe his way to victory in any case. The law is felines. Music always filters in merging into a
chaotic neutral and a mess to outsiders. The symphonic cacophony. Artists of all types find
death penalty waits whoever hurts a feline easy employment here as rich patrons spend
within the city limits, leading to the common lavish sums to produce and perform art. Every
proverb “While in Bastis, if you get mauled by a night, theatrical performances entertain the
tiger, enjoy being the meal.” masses in private and public performances.
Alignment: The people of Bastis are mostly
chaotic neutral in alignment. A large variety
between good and evil exist. On the site where Bast first saw Pharaoh and
Religion: Bast is the most worshipped of all fell in love with him, she gave birth to a litter of
the gods here, far above Pharaoh. A strong cult young, the ubasti. Here, they built a palace to her
of Sobek exists here, feeding crocodiles. glory and made it into a cat’s dream home.
Languages: Ubasti The Great Raid marked the first time in
recorded history that barbarians claimed a major
city in Akhamet, an experience that marked the system. However, he and Tethamose have begun
collective imagination. These barbarians stole talking about a potential military campaign to
untold riches and took the population as slaves. “suppress rebels”.
Exactly where they went is the topic of hot Pridelord Raia (male ubasti priest of Bast)
debate, but “beyond the Godshield Mountains” Raia held his position for well over two decades
is the agreed answer. during which he led a live of idle pleasures.
In the aftermath, Pharaoh rebuilt the city, Fancying himself as something of a poet, he
greater and more beautiful that before. Today, writes poems he publishes at his expense. He
most visitors agree Bastis is the most visually refuses to acknowledge the seriousness of
stunning city in Akhamet. Pharaoh’s illness, claiming that “as a god, he can
An army of slaves keeps the city nice and rid himself of his affliction whenever he wants.”
clean, decorating it for every festival and holiday, This has not endeared him to the rest of the
which happens every other day. Bastis is not a clergy.
place where one conducts serious business, but a Tethamose (male human priest of Bast) This
party town where one goes to relax, enjoy a old priest of Bast and the Pridelord have been at
more-less private tryst or indulge in one pleasure odds with each other over the position to adopt
or another. over Pharaoh’s illness. Tethamose claims to have
received dreams warning of impending doom.
Unique Locations
Most people coming to Bastis do so to come Bastite Characters
and see the Palace of Sweet Dreams. This fortified Backgrounds: acolyte, afflicted, apothecary,
palace is a cat’s dream with perches, nooks and charlatan, missionary, sage
holes where one can take naps, eat and explore. Recommended classes: bard, rogue,
Felines are found everywhere lounging around sorcerer, warlock
lazily. Even the largest and most dangerous are
docile, fed and pampered by the clergy of Bast. Plot hooks
Every night, the palace is the site of epicurean An influential Opharan noble makes a
feasts where food and drink are served aplenty. pilgrimage to Bastis to meet with a high priest
In the center of town is Pharaoh’s Temple. and get an interpretation of a recurring dream he
This old and crumbling palace was has. However, he should have returned
Pharaoh’s home when he lived in Bastis long ago but has yet to do so. Rumors
following The Great Raid. After he say that he was seen in a known
left, the structure was converted drug den. The local priest decides
into a temple. to send people to investigate the
In the center of town, stories.
Hunters’ Park is a jungle tended Tales of a new type of
to by the clergy of Bast. Felines mountain lion surface and
roam free within the the park. everyone in Bastis want to
Worshippers place offerings of bring a mated pair to town.
cream, milk, food, and artwork Both clergy and lay
at the entrance. worshippers seek to garner
Bast’s favor by bringing a live
Important NPCs pair to town.
Prince Khu (male retid-ubasti
noble) Born to the previous
Pridelord’s daughter, the Prince
spends his days surveying the
landscape around Bastis. Officially, he
does this to improve the irrigation

Page 35
Pharaoh’s Temple
Pyramid of Seth

of Khem

College of War
and Tactics

In northeastern Akhamet, Gebaphis rises in

GEBAPHIS the Yellow Hills, named because of the color of
Nomarch: High Lord Engineer Hatshepaten the limestone mined for the creation of obelisks,
Government: Theocratic monarchy pyramids and structures across Akhamet. These
Population: Common: gebites, sethru; stones are plentiful here and easily mined and
Uncommon: khemites, foreigners shipped down the Fork River.
Law: The law in Gebaphis seeks a good Gebaphis is the most independent and self-
medium between what is right and what the law sustaining of the major cities. Its walls rise over
says, making the legal system neutral good. fifty feet high and are between ten and twenty
Alignment: Most people in Gebaphis are feet thick in most places. A wide array of ballistae
neutral or neutral good in alignment. and catapults stand on the towers.
Religion: Geb, Horus and Seth have the Communities centered on stone fortresses
largest following. provide a spread-out defensive network and
Languages: Gebite and Khamet are the most allows for the rapid deployment of troops along
used language. However, a variety of foreign a wide area, preventing barbarians from taking
languages are taught and spoken around town. out its army in a single blow. These satellites are
Military: Gebaphis maintains a large force of linked to the city by high quality roads.
regulars composed of slingers and siege
engineers. Another group attached to the army
Gebaphis’s history is one of constant
during times of trouble is a force of experienced
resistance to foreign invasion. From the first day,
sethru trackers and hunters dedicated to keep
the small settlement had to protect itself from
tabs on barbarians. Their military is poorly
attack. When Pharaoh first came here, He did so
adapted for offensive warfare, being focused on
at the head of His army. After a short siege, he
defensive campaigns.
offered terms for subjugation, terms that
recognized the gebites’ ability for war. Pharaoh’s accelerated work on the great pyramid that will
army never claimed the city. Rather, He was host Pharaoh’s remains.
welcomed as a friend. Lord Ptehmeses (male horite, priest of
Every decade, barbarians descend the slopes Pharaoh) Born in Ophara, Ptehmeses came to
of the Godshield or swoop in from the Great Gebaphis to study as a military engineer. Having
Western Desert and besiege the city. Their trained at the College of War and Tactics, he is
successes are limited even if they often take away petitioning for a posting where he can oversee
workers. Because of it, a force of trackers was grand construction projects.
formed. The involvement of these soldiers Koshepsu (female horite, head of the
further limited the damage caused by barbarians. trackers) Koshepsu was enslaved for excessive
gambling debts. With her tracking skills, she rose
Unique Locations through the ranks until she became commander.
In the center of town, the College of War and Koshepsu remade the outfit into a paramilitary
Tactics doubles as the temple of Geb. It is the operation.
greatest school of engineering in all of Akhamet. Princess Tamunakset (female retid-gebite)
The school is always under construction, with The Princess is a famous adventuress who
cranes and wheels moving vast quantities of rock travelled beyond Akhamet. She is easily the
and dirt. It is a school that takes a very hand on richest person in town. She meets with foreigners
approach. Although it presents itself as a college and Sethru traders at her home. She has spoken
of war, it teaches very little about warfare other openly against the inadequacies of the priestly
than the building of fortifications and siege caste.
engines. The college is the not-so-secret base for Wafjet (female sethru) This sethru woman
the Charioteers, an organization dedicated to the leads a small confederation of nomads. She is the
creation of a permanent military force in go-to person to find a guide or caravan to travel
Akhamet. through the Great Western Desert. She has a bad
Believed to be the final resting place of reputation as a crime lord, something that was
Pharaoh after he leaves the world, Pharaoh’s never proven.
Pyramid rises in a walled enclave west of the city.
For years, many laughed at this construction Gebaphite Characters
thinking it to be little more than a waste of Backgrounds: acolyte, afflicted, apothecary,
resources. With Pharaoh’s illness, work charlatan, missionary, sage
accelerated. The pyramid is filled with magical Recommended classes: cleric, fighter,
and mundane traps, mummies and other eternal paladin
guardians. Only the High Lord Engineer knows
the exact plans and the secrets of the pyramid. Plot hooks
In the center of town, the Grand Obelisk rises Slaves are disappearing from a quarry in the
to a height of six hundred feet. Covered with Yellow Hills. The local priest is worried that the
hieroglyph praising the heroic deeds of Pharaoh losses may bring his operation into disrepute. He
on all four sides, it marks the center of the great believes barbarian slave raiders are behind the
market. Every day, merchants, and farmers sell whole affair.
or trade their goods in its shadow.

Important NPCs
High Lord Engineer Hatshepaten (male
gebite priest of Pharaoh) Hatshepaten spent his
life working on the great canals. Concerned for
Pharaoh, he leaves these concerns to the Opharan
clergy while he focuses on his city. He

Page 37
Temple of the Arcanisium
Setting Sun

Floating Sea

Western Naval Foreign

Palace Base Quarter

permanent military force detached here. The

KATAMUN navy ensures the protection of the Governor-
Nomarch: Governor-General Kaziopea General. In times of trouble, he hires mercenaries.
Government: Military dictatorship
Population: Common: khemites, foreigners,
Katamun was founded in the early fourth
Uncommon: horites, sethru
century by a barbarian lord whose name has been
Law: Katamun law favors Akhameti over
erased from the histories. The village is the only
foreigners and the rich over the poor. Unlike in
permanent barbarian settlement in Akhamet in
the rest of the empire, authorities here are secular
recorded history. The barbarians used the deep
and rely little on the usual army of priests.
waters as a launching point for their invasion of
Unique and barely-remembered rulings and
Akhamet. Over the next century, it became a
decrees are invoked here as if they were the most
stopping point for foreign ships to load plunder
important one day and dismissed the next.
stolen from Akhamet and drop off additional
Magistrates are bought with gold every day. The
barbarian settlers and warriors.
law can best be described as chaotic neutral.
After the defeat of the barbarian navy at the
Alignment: The people of Katamun are free
Battle of Bone Island, barbarian forces made their
spirits. They lean heavily toward chaotic
last stand here. Gebite general Katamun diverted
alignments, with an even split favoring good and
the river, cutting the water supply to the town.
evil, making the city chaotic neutral.
After two months, the barbarians surrendered,
Religion: Seth is the patron of the city. The
giving up their arms without a significant battle.
Foreign Quarter has shrines to deities not of the
Katamun entered the settlement, executed the
Akhamet pantheon, some of them heretical.
leaders, sold the warriors into slavery and
Languages: Khamet and Sethru are officially
married the locals with his unwed soldiers. His
the only languages used, but a variety of foreign
soldiers renamed the village Katamun in his
and barbarian languages are spoken openly.
Military: Katamun is a major port for the
Akhameti navy. The marines are the only
Within five years, Katamun was integrated The naval base is the military center of town.
into Akhameti society. The army withdrew, The dockyards hire many workers and offer
turning the city over to the navy. good pay.
Since that time, the city earned a reputation
for being of dubious loyalty. Barbarian invaders Important NPCs
find sympathetic ears here and the settlement Governor-General Kaziopea (female
falls to barbarian every decade or so, before it is Olympian Child of Zeus, warlord) Kaziopea
recaptured by Akhameti forces. came to Akhamet as a child. She grew up serving
in the military rising to the rank of general. She
Unique Locations enjoys the power and the adulation of others. She
The city is dominated by the fortress called has dreams of ruling her own empire. While she
the Western Palace. Officially it should be does not know her divine heritage, she feels
Pharaoh’s residence, but he never visited and is called upon to do more.
the residence of the governor-general. It is a Lady Latizia of House Ougozar (female
military installation that suffered damage over First One, powerful wizard) A year ago, a
the years and seen only minimal repair. woman with jet-black skinned arrived in town, at
The Temple of the Setting Sun is the temple first calling herself Queen Latizia. She since
of Seth, the only temple to an Akhameti deity in dropped the title of queen for the friendlier
town. The temple has small shrines to the rest of “Lady”. Since arriving, she befriended the
the pantheon. governor-general, sponsors and teaches at the
The Foreign Quarter is a walled enclave Arcanisium, and has been gathering power
where foreigners are quarantined upon arrival among the foreign community.
and merchandises stored as they clear customs.
The Arcanisium is a school for the magic arts Katamite Characters
that accepts any petitioner who can pay the Backgrounds: brute, folk hero, hermit,
entrance fees. savage, scavenger, subversive
Floating sea port is a section built on pillories Recommended classes: barbarian, druid,
where small boats can moor. Smuggling is a real ranger, wizard
problem, but officials are paid to look the other Plot hooks
Lady Latizia needs a rare spell component.
The simi plant is found only in merfolk garden
deep beneath the waves. She needs people to
secure a supply of this plant. She cares little how
the PCs do it.
Scouts reported a large band of barbarians in
the hinterlands. A local merchant hires the PCs to
serve as armed muscle to escort a caravan to
Onoris. He wants them to protect his wife. The
wagon containing his wife also holds a treasure
in gold and gems.
Conspirators wish to replace the Governor-
General with someone else. This creates a rift as
Kaziopea goes on the offensive and the city
devolves into chaos with street gangs taking

Page 39
Pharaoh’s Great Hall of
Palace Writing

Temple Fish
of Horus Market

Great Pharos of


unless the crime is so terrible that is cannot be

KHEMAPHIS ignored or covered up. The law is neutral in
Nomarch: High Lord Guardian Sefferu alignment.
Government: Theocratic monarchy Alignment: People in Khemaphis are as
Population: Common: horites, khemites; different as the waves themselves. Thus, they can
Law: Khemaphis treats the law in a fluid be defined as neutral.
manner and it does not always apply equally to Religion: Khemaphis is the city of the
all. Those of means can get away with pretty goddess Khem. She and Pharaoh have the most
much anything by paying a fine or committing to worshippers with Horus not far behind.
doing some community works. Money is king, Languages: Khamet.
Military: Khemaphis’s military is made up of that is something can be had, it can be found here.
sailors from the crew of sailing ships. These The stench of fish is overpowering.
troops are heteroclite and unpredictable. The city Next to the Fish Market, the Temple of Horus
boasts the largest college of magic. serves as a martial academy teaching Pharaohs
Southeast of Akhamet and blessed with a future officers.
temperate climate brought about by the sea In the warehouse district is the Shipwright
Khemaphis is the largest and busiest port in Academy. This school teaches ship-building and
Akhamet; ships from all over trade here. navigation. This school is maintained by the
Cypress, oak, and pine forests close to the churches of Khem and Horus.
city allow for a thriving shipbuilding industry. North of town, the Great Hall of Writing is
Local ships sail both the Endless Sea and the the premiere school of wizardry in Akhamet.
rivers of Akhamet. Here, people of all walks of life learn the magical
arts and compile the largest library in Akhamet.
History Pharaoh’s Palace is the official seat of the
Throughout recorded history, a port and a government. It is has vast halls with openings
fortress stood on the current site of the giving a view of the waters.
city. Pharaoh came and ordered the
city made into a major port. It is said Important NPCs
that here He saw the sea for the first Prince Khufu (male retid-khemite)
time and she became His love. Prince Khufu runs the day-to-day operations
Khem formed out of that love a of the city in lieu of the High Lord Guardian.
perfect consort for Him. For High Lord Guardian Sefferu (male
centuries, they met here during khemite priest of Khem) Son of a
the Dry Season. shipwright, Sefferu always felt the call of
Khemaphis sees attacks by the sea. He joined the clergy at a young
pirates and seaborne barbarians. age and rose through the ranks. He is
The last of which was a flotilla that angered by the lack of interest of other
broke into the harbor and laid leaders with regards to Pharaoh’s illness.
waste to the city, taking its riches
and dragging the inhabitants Khemian Characters
aboard their ships. These raids Backgrounds: acolyte, afflicted,
and the following occupation last apothecary, charlatan, missionary, sage
about a week, too short for Pharaoh’s Recommended classes: cleric, druid,
armies or navies to gather and crush them paladin

Unique Locations Plot hooks

The greatest and best-known feature of A scribe wants an escort to the Sea Port until
Khemaphis is the Great Pharos. Built on a rocky he boards a ship. He struck a priest who was
island off the mainland, it burns day and night, trying to steal from him. Crossing the city pits the
guiding ships to the safety of the harbor. It is a PCs and their charge against the city watch and
magical flame that burned over a thousand years. thugs hired by the priest.
Stories began to circulate about its light fading A pirate king assembled a small armada and
during the day. The local clergy repress such is raiding the coast. The PCs are hired by the
gossip. High Lord Guardian to join an expedition to find
The Sea Port is a floating city between the and destroy them.
mainland and the Great Pharos. It is a place
where few legal activities take place.
In the center of town is the Fish Market,
where locals and sailors meet to trade. It is said

Page 41
Temple of New Onoris Northern
Khem Onoris

Temple of

Temple of

Fortress of the
Setting Sun

Old Onoris
Colossus of

Alignment: The populace is mostly neutral-

ONORIS aligned, leaning towards evil.
Nomarch: Prince Amengeb Religion: Khem and Seth are the two major
Government: Criminal syndicate deities here. The cult of Sobek is numerous along
Population: Common: sethru; Rare: horites, the Fork River.
khemite. Languages: Khamet and Sethru are the most
Law: The military focus their efforts away common.
from town, leaving it to civilian authorities to Military: Light cavalry mounted on camels
police themselves. Soldiers only involve or horses form most of the city’s official defense
themselves in the most grievous offenses and force. In times of trouble, well-armed and trained
when they do, they act like a hammer on a fly. criminal gangs gather to defend town.
Local crime bosses maintain the peace. Because Built on the Fork River, Onoris is a major
of this, the law is neutral evil. trading hub for land and river commerce. Onoris
has reputation as the criminal capital of the commerce, with the priests introducing parties to
empire. each other.
Because of the lax laws, it serves as a neutral
meeting place to broker legal and less-than-legal Important NPCs
deals between parties. Such deals are invariably Prince Amengeb (Male retid-sethru,
worked through intermediaries as the greats and military commander) This comely sethru hates
powerful would not be seen here. Disposable this post he finds too hot for his horses. His
security – such as adventurers – can be hired here organization of the outriders turned them into a
for short to long terms. force that uses a bend-don’t-break approach and
focuses on scouting and intelligence gathering
History rather than cavalry action.
Onoris was but a tent city until Pharaoh Khafu (male khemite, head priest of Seth)
ordered the construction of bridges to cross the A local boy gone good, Khafu controls a vast
Fork River. Onoris was burned during the Great criminal empire focused on the overland traffic.
Plague when an army of the dead crossed the Charming and friendly, he hires unsuspecting
bridges and fell upon the unsuspecting town. people to do his bidding. He supports
Pharaoh razed the city and had it rebuilt, commander Amengeb to make sure his temple
expanding it to have outposts on all three shores. can continue to provide security in town.
These outposts grew to form one town. Sutebet (female sethru, head priestess of
Khem) The head priestess of Khem is the head of
Unique Locations the bargee and watermen guild, she uses them as
In the center of town stands the mighty her own army to bully and force her will on
Colossus of Pharaoh. Towering eighty feet, it rivals. She hates Khafu with a passion, blaming
looks up to the skies without blinking. A him for shoddy goods that cause her
persistent tale is that should the city ever find to spend lavish sum maintaining the
itself faced with destruction that Pharaoh piers.
will inhabit the colossus and rescue the
town. Onorisian Characters
The Fortress of the Setting Sun is Backgrounds: charlatan, criminal
the biggest cavalry outpost in western Recommended classes: bard, rogue
Akhamet. Units of outriders based
here are elite Plot hooks
riders. A sphinx from the
Located on Central Range blocks the
the water the road between Oronis and
Temple of Khem is Ophara,
home to the port master preventing all
and is the life blood of the city. traffic on
The temple had piers and quays the roads.
that protects the city from the The sphinx
yearly flood. Raising the levels of the kills those
riverside meant old structures were who do not
buried and forgotten. Criminals use answer its
these locations as storage and escape riddle.
The Temple of Seth is a sprawling
complex where foreigners are taught
about Akhameti society. The
temple is a major center for

Page 43
Temple of
Sobek Temple of

Temple of

Temple of
Holy Travelling
Hunting Order

Temple of

Temple of

Palace Temple of
Temple of Khem
Religion: Pharaoh dominates local worship,
OPHARA however churches to every god are found here.
Ruler: Pharaoh The temple of Pharaoh towers over the others.
Government: Absolute Deific Autocracy. Languages: Khamet is the language most
With Pharaoh’s illness, the council of High spoken in Ophara.
Priests runs the empire. Military: If forced to defend itself, Ophara
Population: Common: all; Rare: foreigners can raise a large army of slaves armed with
Law: The law in Ophara represents the spears and shields. These troops are backed up
Divine Will of Pharaoh. Magistrates resolve and supported by priests of every god, making it
disputes and trials as quickly as possible, the army with the most spell casters in Akhamet.
through fines or bribes. Thus, it can be It is the center of both temporal and religious
considered neutral-aligned authorities for all of Akhamet.
Alignment: Ophara includes a wide variety
of people making it a neutral-aligned town.
After Pharaoh conquered and subjugated the
land, He decided to create a capital city for
Himself. Sending His clergy across the land, He Akhamet, along with charms to safeguard
chose the site of Ophara for his capital. oneself from the dangers of the road.
The city grew into a metropolis within a few The Temple of Sobek sits on a man-made
years. Resources and expertise came in from swamp filled with crocodiles. It is an area few
across the kingdom. No expense was spared and people ever visit.
an army of slaves built, carved, and lifted more
stone that ever before. Ophara is a city known for Important NPCs
its rising structures, dominated by the Temple of Lady Jatchep (female horite, wife of
Pharaoh. Pharaoh) Born in the Godshield Mountains, she
Today, the city is the brains of Akhamet, with was sent to Pharaoh as tribute from her family.
priests and messengers coming and going day Pharaoh fell madly in love with her and took her
and night. With Pharaoh’s illness, this activity as His wife.
reached frantic levels. Orders coming from the High Priest Khetfu (male khemite, High
palace are contradictory and confused adding to Priest of Pharaoh) Head of Pharaoh’s clergy,
the worries of the populace. Khetfu runs the city’s day to day operation.
Rumors of corruption, nepotism, and favoritism
Unique Locations surround him but nothing has yet been proven,
The Great Palace is Pharaoh’s official the long list of dead bodies adds to the
residence, where He meets His people and .speculations.
entertains guests. The palace is a sprawling Lord Kupthet (male gebite, priest of Geb)
complex with three main wings. Pharaoh’s Kupthet is Pharaoh’s First Architect. He is tasked
private apartments are where His wives and with the construction of great buildings to glorify
children reside. These are off-limits to all but the Pharaoh’s rule. Kupthet is known for his
High Priests. In the Public Halls, Pharaoh meets engineering skills and his bottomless greed.
with visitors and renders justice. The Trophy Totsu (male sethru priest of Seth) This
Wings is where Pharaoh keeps prisoners too priest has been speaking at half-words that
powerful. This wing is absolutely off limits to all Pharaoh is already dead and that a successor
but Pharaoh Himself. should be chosen at once. Other priests treat him
Between the river and the wall is Pharaoh’s as an apostate, but have yet to act against him.
Hunting Ground, a forest stocked with wild
game and fowl. Hunting within the forest is Opharan Characters
forbidden under penalty of death. It is a favored Backgrounds: acolyte, afflicted, apothecary,
spot for secret meetings and private love affairs. charlatan, missionary, sage
Every temple is open day and night for Recommended classes: cleric, druid, paladin
worship and spell casting services. Petitioners Plot hooks
wishing to join the ranks of the clergy line up Well-intentioned priests want to support
daily to perform tasks that will allow them to join Totsu’s search for a successor, but do not wish to
the religious orders. be open about it. Adventurers looking into it
Before the Temple of Pharaoh, rises the would not endanger their positions.
Grand Obelisk, a stone spire that reaches five Junior priests want to know what is going on
hundred feet in the air. The obelisk splits with Pharaoh. Suspecting a conspiracy, they hire
Akhamet between the East from the West. adventurers to spy on the high priests and see if
The Holy Travelling Order – or Obelisks – they are lying about Pharaoh’s health.
has its headquarters next to the Great Obelisk.
The public halls have an extensive library of
maps. The Obelisks buy and sell maps.
The temple of Seth is a small affair where one
can find maps of the desert and beyond

Page 45
Seaport and

Shrine of the


Languages: To preserve the purity of the

PER-KHATHET land, only Khamet is spoken aloud. Foreign
Nomarch: High Cleric Amenmesse languages are forbidden by law to be spoken.
Government: Theocratic Dictatorship Military: Per-Khathet is a major port for the
Population: Common: khemites; navy. A small garrison defends the city, but the
Uncommon: foreigners, sethru biggest military power belongs to the Horesuteb
Law: The law in Per-Khathet imposes strict and the gangs that support them.
public adherence to Pharaoh’s edicts and the Per-Khathet occupies the northern tip of
commands of the Horesuteb, it is lawful neutral, Kethoric Island to the southeast of Akhamet. The
with a strong leaning towards evil. island’s climate lends itself to the growing of figs
Alignment: The population of Per-Khathet is and olives. The city is under the thumb of the
primarily neutral alignment. Horesuteb, a fanatic cult of Pharaoh. They rule by
Religion: Pharaoh is the official deity of Per- fear and intimidation, encouraging
Khathet. No other gods are worshiped within the denunciations. They impose Akhamet law and
walls The Horesuteb lean towards neutral evil. culture, repressing foreign influences.
Shrines to the other gods of Akhamet stand
outside the city gates.
History Important NPCs
The city of Kethoric grew on commerce of the High Cleric Amenmesse (male khemite
Endless Sea, as a hub of commerce with distant priest of Pharaoh) Born in the city, Amenmesse
nations. When Pharaoh offered the city to join, demonstrated zealous faith in Pharaoh from a
the rules chose their independence. The people of young age. His rise was meteoric, based on his
Kethoric grew jealous of Akhamet’s prosperity brutal methods. He is good to the faithful and
and declared war. The war ended with the terrifying to those brought inside the Golden
victory of Pharaoh’s armies and the Pyramid.
subjugation of the city.
Leaders were killed and the population Per-
enslaved and forced to level the monuments Khatheter
and toppled the statues of old in a show of Characters
penitence. Pharaoh erased the city’s name Backgrounds:
from history by renaming it after the acolyte, horesuteb,
general who conquered it, Prince Per- missionary, sailor
Khathet. Recommended
After years of corrupt officials running classes: fighters,
the city, a cult of Pharaoh, the Horesuteb clerics, paladins
took power in a bloody coup. The cult’s
members all wear gilded masks of Plot
Pharaoh and are organized as a hooks
paramilitary organization. Rumors persist
Under their harsh rule, of a cult of Tawaret
corruption was almost in the area. Men
eliminated but the city and women are
now lives in fear of the glimpsed in the
cult. streets, through
shuttered windows
Unique engaging in strange
Locations rituals. Visiting priests
The Golden of Pharaoh disappear,
Pyramid dominates with only bloody scrawls
the city. Only the of the Destroyer’s name in
Horesuteb and high- hieroglyphic near their
ranking members of last location. The
the Church of Pharaoh Horesuteb want the culprit
can enter this temple. found. How could the guilty
Criminals and exist in a city where the
apostates dragged Horesuteb tyrannically
through the lower stamp out outside influence
gates are never seen over its citizen?
again. The top of the
pyramid has daily
noon-time rituals
where the priests
observe the faithful
pray to Pharaoh.

Page 47
Temple of the

Great Sea

Temple of the Obelisk

Foreign One

Peleset exists in the harbor, under close

SERAKLIS supervision of the clergy of Seth.
Nomarch: Lord-Governor Kleontes Languages: Khamet and Peleset are the most
Government: Military dictatorship used language. However, many foreign
Population: Common: foreigners, khemites, languages are taught and spoken here.
horites; Uncommon: sethru Military: Seraklis is defended by soldiers
Law: The law in Seraklis is very permissive, from across Akhamet, the Plumed Guard, for the
seeking to promote peaceful co-existence of feather on their shields. In addition, the Lord-
Akhameti and Peleset foreigners. It can best be Governor maintains a force of foreign
described as chaotic good. mercenaries to support his position. He
Alignment: The people of Seraklis come maintains a secret group of arcane casters to
from a variety of background and ethnic origins defend his person.
making it hard to divine as a whole. The Seraklis is a city that is part Akhameti, part
population averages out to neutral-aligned. Peleset. Even if it owes fealty to Pharaoh, it is
Religion: The entire Akhameti pantheon has perhaps the least loyal of all the cities in the
shrines in Seraklis. Seth, as Lord of Foreigners, is Empire. From afar, it resembles the Peleset cities
the city’s patron. A temple to the gods of the with colonnaded temples and marble edifices.
The city benefits from commerce with these
distant lands. Massive amounts of cotton, commerce never closes and business takes place
papyrus, and wheat head south, while strange day and night. The streets are lit with magical
spices, paper, silk, and porcelain fill the docks. torches. The only commerce not found here –
The city is the frequent target of barbarian legally – is slavery.
pirate attacks. Its defenders are quite adept at The Temple of the Foreign One is dedicated
fighting against pirates. to Seth. Shrines to the other gods of Akhamet are
East of town, the Smoking Peak looms above, found within.
its top bellowing black smoke daily. The
rumblings increased in frequency and intensity Important NPCs
lately, and many keep a close eye on the Lord-Governor Kleontes (male khemite,
mountain. military commander) Kleontes is half-Peleset on
his mother’s side. He understands both groups
History and under his leadership has kept the peace.
Seraklis was founded by the Peleset during Mikshu (male retid-khemite, priest of Seth)
their migration and colonization efforts of the The high priest of Seth in Seraklis, he works
Second Century. After decades of serving as the closely with the lord-governor to keep the money
invader’s top port, the Akhameti retook the city flowing.
by blockading it.
Once the invasion of the Sea People was Waseti Characters
repelled, the city became a hub for slavers before Backgrounds: outlander, pirates, sailor,
Pharaoh Himself declared the city open to soldier.
foreign trade. Recommended classes: barbarian, druid,
Being so distant from the heart of Akhamet, rogue
the city was spared many of the problems that Plot hooks
plagued Akhamet during its long history.
The PCs find a weapon with a rare maker’s
Barbarians have since retaken and lost the city
mark. The PCs travel to Seraklis to find
many times.
additional information about this.
Unique Locations A priest of Seth believes the Smoking Peak
The heart of the city is the Foreign Market, could provide the answer and insight that could
huddled by the Great Sea Port. This hub of cure Pharaoh. He sends the PCs to commune
with the spirits living in the caldera.

Page 49
Spider and
Scorpion Inn
Waset Jail and

Guides’ Guild


To Great
Western Desert

Burned temple
of Seth

Military: The village is protected by a

WASET detachment of soldiers under the leadership of
Nomarch: Commander Sennu Commander Sennu. Their barracks is adjacent to
Government: Previously plutocracy, the Waset jail.
currently military dictatorship Waset is an outpost village serving as the
Population: Common: foreigners, khemites, great gate to the Great Western Desert. It sits in a
sethru; Uncommon: gebites, ubasti wide pass of the western Godshield Mountains.
Law: The law used to be very lax and It offers sanctuary to nomadic merchants whose
handled through a system of bribes and favors. caravans enter or leave Akhamet. Those who
The law is now lawful evil. arrive are taught the Khamet language and
Alignment: The people can best be described instructed in the laws and customs. The temple
as chaotic neutral: they are flighty and given to of Seth coordinated those efforts.
fits of fancy and are quick to both anger and
Waset was the site of conflicts with
Religion: Seth is the patron deity of Waset.
barbarians since its founding. It was won and lost
His temple was recently burned by Commander
many times. Because of this, the town is not
Sennu. Worship of Pharaoh and Horus is
fortified to make retaking it easier.
encouraged above all others.
Two years ago, a new commander, Sennu,
Languages: Sethru and Khamet are the most
came to Waset at the head of a small group of
used language. However, many foreign
warriors to impose law and order. The priests in
languages are spoken around the village.
Ophara secretly commanded him to prevent
barbarian incursions and any who might be open cheap, but if promised certain items and copies
to supporting them. of any maps made and the retrieval of items, in
A local priest of Seth preached that Pharaoh return for coin.
had lost his way and that the Empire should turn
to Seth for guidance and protection in the coming Waseti Characters
days. Sennu had him executed and his temple Backgrounds: entertainer, guild merchant,
burned. His heavy-handedness angered the outlander, soldier.
locals and public protests happen with growing Recommended classes: barbarian, druid,
regularity. The cult of Seth now gathers in the fighter, ranger, rogue
dunes west of town.
Plot hooks
Unique Locations Unhappy townsfolk plan to ambush and kill
The Spider and the Scorpion Inn is a Sennu for his tyrannical changes. The PCs have
gambling den offering overpriced rooms with wind of the plot and must choose sides.
modest meals. Named for the deadly duels Cultists seek guides or escorts to take them
between deadly insects where gamblers bets on to a holy site of Seth, out in the desert. The site is
the winning creature. It is the social heart of haunted by ghosts of ancient pilgrims.
Waset. Sennu placed a bounty on the head of a
The Waset jail and barracks is the seat of heretical Sethite cult leader who dwells in the
power for Sennu. All visitors coming into deep desert. Bounty hunters come from all over
Akhamet must register here and pay the taxes Akhamet to cash in. The cult of Seth offers its
and tariffs. own bounty for any dead bounty hunter.
The Guides’ Guild Outpost is a simple
building where guides and travelers can meet,
discuss prices and have their agreement
witnessed by a priest.
The burned temple of Seth is still the site of
public prayers by the faithful. This is an open act
of opposition to Sennu. He cannot repress
without drawing additional ire. Sennu
understands that and commanded his troops to
steer clear of the area during services.

Important NPCs
Commander Sennu (male horite, military
commander) Sennu hates this distant post and
does everything he can to complete his task. He
seeks to bring order but has so far only managed
to alienate everyone against him. He acts with the
tacit approval of his leaders.
Ergamenes (male sethru, priest of Seth)
Ergamenes created the Guides’ Guild Outpost
and thus is the best informed person in town.
Ergamenes knows about every caravan, every
migration, and every plot in or around Waset.
Semesh (male khemite, foreign trader)
Semesh comes from the Great Western Desert, he
is a member of the Salt Bearers and who readily
assists anyone planning to travel west. He is not

Page 51
Alignment: neutral
Akhamet is ruled by a god-king, Pharaoh Appearance: A handsome man.
Himself, who founded the empire at the Sometimes he wears the sun
beginning of time. He did so having defeated as a crown, sometimes a
Seth and receiving the acclaim of both gods and simpler crown. He carries a
mortals. When He donned the crown, Akhamet scepter in his right hand.
was formed, unified under a single ruler. He is always bathed in a
The gods of Akhamet are active in the world, bright halo.
but do so through their many priests and Portfolio: civilization, life,
intermediaries. Pharaoh is the only one acting the Sun
directly in the affairs of mortal. However, he Clerical Domains: life, light
spends His days on His Sun barge flying over the Symbols: crown, the Sun
world, and His nights enjoying the pleasures and Favored Animal: cobra,
delights of His harem. eagle
The gods communicate to their priests Color: yellow
through dreams and omens. Each god has Favored Weapon:
symbols, favored animals, colors and favored khopesh/ longsword
weapons they use to identify. For example, if Pharaoh is the living
Pharah wanted to warn his followers, he might god and the ruler of both gods and mortals. He is
send a dream of a cobra, or of a yellow-colored the physical embodiment of the Sun and His will
man. is supreme and absolute. Under His kind and
benevolent leadership, Akhamet became a land
Entries of opportunity, plenty, and enlightenment.
Alignment describes the alignment of the Pharaoh chases away darkness every day
god. and brings safety to all who dwell in His light. He
Appearance describes the typical has many children from his thousands of wives.
appearance of the deity, when depicted in As a god, His children form the people called
frescoes and hieroglyphics. retids.
Portfolio gives the areas of influence of the Pharaoh ruled for over two millennia, but is
deity. now dying. What will happen next is unclear.
Clerical Domains gives recommended Should Pharaoh die, will the Sun blink out of the
clerical domains for devoted of the deity. sky and bring about an endless night?
Symbols give symbols associated with the Although everyone nominally worships
deity. These are often attributes of magic items Him, those who dedicate themselves to Him rule
the deity possesses. the priestly castes. His priests are involved in
Favored Animal gives the favored animals of every aspects of society.
the deity. Temples often have them roam the When seen, Pharaoh appears as a beautiful
area. male of the viewer’s own race, bathed in a halo of
Color gives favored color of the deity. Priests bright light. Thus khemites see him as a khemite
wear robes of those colors. man.
Favored Weapon gives the weapon the god
is best known to use. Duties of the priesthood
Pharaoh demands his priest make sure His
authority is absolute. Promote the peaceful
operation of the state. Quell and dispel all
rebellion and sedition.
Lord of the Underworld, Keeper of the The Dreaming One, the Lady of Cats
Gates of Night, Watcher-In-The-West Alignment: chaotic neutral
Alignment: lawful neutral Appearance: A humanoid
Appearance: A jackal- female with the head of a
headed man. His animal feline. Usually, this is a
face is either black or dark house cat, but a lioness, a
blue. He carries a scepter panther or a tigress are also
in his right hand. common. She commonly carries
Portfolio: the Afterlife, a fan in her right hand.
medicine, Portfolio: arts, cats, dreams, ubasti
mummification Clerical Domains: nature, trickery
Clerical Domains: death, Symbols: cats, clouds
knowledge Favored Animal: any feline
Symbols: jackal, canopic Color: dark grey or tan
jars Favored Weapon: battle axe
Favored Animal: jackals, Bast is the frivolous goddess of cats. Since
canids she enjoys sleeping at any time of the day, she is
Color: black and red the goddess of dreams, sending them to
Favored Weapon: flail followers and teaching how to interpret them.
Anubis is the lord of the Underworld Along amongst the gods, Bast does not
guiding souls to final judgment where their demand her followers do much, making her the
eternal fate is determined. He takes his task hardest goddess to please. What pleases her one
seriously and opposes those who cheat death on time may find her indifferent another.
purpose. Her displeasure is easier to discern. When all
Anubis demands that his followers protect cats abandon a home, rodent infest a house, or
life and make sure the rites for the dead are one is plagued by repeated nightmares, one
maintained and that their final resting place should quickly seek to garner her favor.
remain undisturbed. His clergy are dour, quiet
and direct, having little time for politics or
Duties of the priesthood
Bast’s only demand is that her followers treat
overelaborate fanciful talk. Most of his followers
cats and felines as extensions of herself. Her
work in the medical arts.
followers garner her favor by mimicking a cat’s
Duties of the priesthood life: periods of play mixed with periods of active
Anubis demands his priests ensure the dead hunting and sleeping.
receive proper burial rites. Protect and maintain As the goddess of dreams, her priests catalog
the necropolis as resting homes of the dead. Fight and keep records of dreams and prophecies.
and destroy all unwanted undead creatures and Bast’s followers share her love of easy living
those who create such things. Promote the good and fondness for earthly pleasures. They support
and healthy practices that stave off diseases, and promote the arts and the creation of beauty,
illness, and plague. music, painting, poetry, and theatre all please
The cult of Anubis employs a wide variety of Bast’s. Her followers always surround
undead, worshippers who have offered themselves with cats of all types. Woe to he who
themselves willingly to serve their god for hurts a feline.
eternity. These creatures as not considered
wicked, but are kept out of the public eye.

Page 53
The Lord of Stone, the Patient One The Sky Prince, Pharaoh’s First Son
Alignment: neutral good Alignment: neutral
Appearance: A gebite male. Appearance: A falcon or eagle-
Geb rarely holds anything in headed humanoid wearing a
his right hand. crown. He carries a scepter
Portfolio: construction, in his right hand.
earth, gebites, peace, Portfolio: ambition, birds,
snakes horites, the sky, youth
Clerical Domains: artifice, war Clerical Domains: tempest,
Symbols: gebites, pyramids war
Favored Animal: snake Symbols: cloud, falcon
Color: brown Favored Animal: falcon
Favored Weapon: war pick Color: white
Geb is the engineer of the gods, the one who Favored Weapon: spear
shapes stone into usable shapes. Initially, a Horus is the god of the
warrior god, Geb has grown into a god of peace, sky, the one who brings
building and creating works that help defend his clouds to keep the sky from
people. He understands and teaches that society crushing Akhamet. Horus is
requires public works and the better those works said to be Pharaoh’s first born to a falcon, thus his
are executed, the better the people’s quality of title of Sky Prince. As the god of youth, Horus
life. He was the one who presented Pharaoh with represents the desire shared by the young to
the idea of the tithe that forms the basis of the replace their parents. Horus openly demands
economy. Pharaoh steps down and give him the control of
Geb is madly in love with Khem to whom he the Sun.
offers loving gifts and welcomes her into his With Pharaoh’s illness, Horus’s clergy has
domain. grown more vocal about their god’s readiness to
assume the mantle of kingship. Many believe
Duties of the priesthood Horus is behind the woes affecting Pharaoh.
Geb demands his followers seek ways to
improve life through the building of public Duties of the priesthood
works. Peace, both sought and earned, is the Horus demands that his priests support the
greatest reward. Those who disrupt or break that rule of Pharaoh and the stability of the empire, as
peace should be punished. one day, it will fall upon Horus to rule. His
Geb’s worshippers favor service in the public priests strive for, and encourage, excellence in
works, as administrators, as engineers, and as everything.
overseers. Others favor the simpler works of As the god of the sky, he protects travelers
craftsmen and smiths. They seek to improve and and merchants. Some believe Horus wants them
make their works better and improve the life of to explore and survey the lands of Akhamet, but
their communities. also the lands surrounding it as he may one day
wish to conquer them.
Horus’s worshippers favor professions that
take them outside to be under the open sky. As
such merchants, hunters, and soldiers, fill the
ranks of his followers.
The Lady-of-the-Waves, the Ever-Present The Undying One, the Bringer-of-
Alignment: none (neutral) Disease
Appearance: An attractive khemite Alignment: chaotic evil
female carrying a fan in her right Appearance: A mummified
hand. She sometimes is shown human with green skin
carrying a writing quill. Portfolio: disease, night,
Portfolio: magic, khemites, undead
water, writing Clerical Domains: death,
Clerical Domains: arcana, life
tempest Symbols: the moon, mummy
Symbols: crown of papyrus, Favored Animal: vulture
water Color: green
Favored Animal: fish Favored Weapon: maul
Color: blue Khonsu is an ancient deity,
Favored Weapon: harpoon believed to be older than the
Khem is the goddess of other gods. He rules the night
the sea and magic. She is a and the creatures that dwell
capricious goddess who respects no boundaries only therein. As the creator of
and goes wherever she pleases. However, she disease, he brings death to everyone. A small
enjoys being the center of attention and can be sub-cult worships him as the lord of physicians.
cajoled into doing what others want. Irrigation, He does not mind who he blesses. He has little
canals, reservoirs, man-made ponds bring about regards for anyone’s life and is the lord of the
her favor. undead.
Like water, Khem is highly accommodating While Anubis is the lord of the Afterlife,
when happy. When unhappy, she creates storms Khonsu has no respect for any of the other
and massive waves that destroy the coastline and deities, want to steal or infect their servants into
ships or droughts that kill slowly his dominion.
Khonsu’s temples are all underground,
Duties of the priesthood either in or near necropolises, with few public
Khem demands her priest use water in useful
entrances and secret, underground access to
and creative ways. She approves of any
nearby mausoleums and funerary complexes.
waterworks from retention ponds, to aqueducts,
Ghouls are considered blessed vessels of his will.
to canals. At the same time, she encourages the
spread of literacy and the mystery of the Duties of the priesthood
hieroglyphics writing. Khonsu looks over all undead creatures that
Khem’s worshippers have professions inhabit the necropolises. His priests seek to
dealing with the sea, such as fishermen, pearl discover and spread diseases. Widespread
divers, shipwrights, water engineers, or plagues are a great omen and a sign of Khonsu’s
bargemen. Others focus on magic creation, favor. The Great Plague being a most blessed
scribing, and book-binding. time.
Non-worshippers make libations and
offerings to him to draw his attention away from

Page 55
The Creator The Desert Lord, the Foreign One
Alignment: lawful good Alignment: neutral evil
Appearance: A humanoid Appearance: A humanoid
with the head of a goat or with the head of an
a sheep unnamed creature. He
Portfolio: craftsmen, carries a staff in his right
creation, civilization hand.
Clerical Domains: arcana, Portfolio: the desert, fire,
artifice foreigners, sandstorms
Symbols: goat’s horn, Clerical Domains: strife,
drinking bowl trickery
Favored Animal: goat Symbols: fire, seth beast
Color: gray Favored Animal: seth beast
Favored Weapon: Color: red
quarterstaff Favored Weapon: glaive-
At the beginning of time, Num took clay and guisarme
fashioned the world. He built the mountains, the Seth is the god of the desert and fire. It is said
valleys, the plains, and the seas, with his potter’s Pharaoh and Seth fought for centuries before the
wheel. His work complete, he lay down and dawn of time with the winner becoming master
slept. While he slept, the other gods created of the world. Pharaoh defeated Seth but gave him
mortals and other forms of life to populate his dominion of the desert.
creation. When he woke up, he looked on and Seth has few public temples. Devoting
was amused by this new world. oneself to Seth has a stigma attached to it. Seth
To understand mortals, he travelled the and his people prefer to act away from the
world, teaching the glories of pottery to people. revealing eye of Pharaoh and His priests.
Seeing how fickle the children of the other gods Seth is a selfish deity interested in his own
were, he used clay to create his three children: advancement and self-betterment. As lord of
goats, sheep, and the numru people. foreigners, he is the god of mercenaries. He is
Because of his association with artisans, his willing to work alongside anyone to advance his
priests sponsor craftsmen guilds. Priests both agenda. Therefore his people can be swayed into
lead and join such organizations. helping rebellions and criminal activity.
Duties of the priesthood Duties of the priesthood
Num demands that his priests create for the Seth is a secretive god whose exact wishes
benefit of all. While Bast sponsors artwork and are difficult to guess. On the one hand, he
Geb great works; Num values both, simple works supports insurrection and rebellions. On the
like pottery, carpentry, metalwork, and masonry other, he teaches foreigners to improve to
are seen as great works. Akhamet.
Libations and offerings to Num are common His clergy promotes the integration of
when treasure is found or when a particularly foreigners into society teaching the Khamet
complex or beautiful work is completed. language and the basis of society.
Figurines to Num can be found in most artisan
He-who-waits-in-ambush The Destroyer
Alignment: chaotic evil Alignment: neutral evil
Appearance: A humanoid with the Appearance: A black
head of crocodile. He usually humanoid creature
carries a crown of reeds and with some elements of
carries a staff in his right a hippopotamus and
hand. wearing a long plumed
Portfolio: crocodiles, cloak.
monsters Portfolio: destruction,
Clerical Domains: death, entropy, invaders
war from other planes
Symbols: crocodiles, Clerical Domains:
reptiles death, strife
Favored Animal: Symbols: black
crocodiles, reptiles hippopotamus
Color: green Favored Animal:
Favored Weapon: greataxe tarrasque,
Sobek is the god of hippopotami
crocodiles, dinosaurs and Color: black
reptiles. He is the one who creates and sponsors Favored Weapon: greatsword
all the monsters and creatures that stalks the Tawaret is a monster from another plane, the
living in Akhamet. He waits in ambush ready to goddess of the Horyrehmet and their dark
kill whoever comes nearby. He does not armies. Originally unknown before the sacking
recognize any authority. of Bastis, she has since become figure of the
Sobek’s clergy raise and feed monsters and destroyer, the one who swallows the world and
creatures of all type. They claim to cull the weak all within it as the world ends.
and favor the strong. His clergy operates openly, She has no permanent clergy. Alone among
flaunting power. Sobek’s temples are along the faiths, anyone who actively worships or
rivers where crocodiles are common. promotes her worship is eliminated. Items
dedicated to her worship, including texts, books
Duties of the priesthood and icons are destroyed immediately.
Sobek demand that his clergy be strong and
Priests of Seth are quick to divert blame onto
powerful. The weak are to be culled. They do not
Tawaret’s clergy, passing away the blame for
involve themselves in public improvement
their own dubious activities, making the myth of
projects, living on the outskirts of society, where
the cult of Tawaret much more powerful than its
they must struggle to survive.
true numbers are.
Sobek is fond of breeding monstrosities,
large reptiles and half-breed creatures that are Duties of the priesthood
then left to terrorize the world around them. Tawaret seeks to destroy the world and
society as a whole. Its few priests work to
undermine and destroy everything that makes
society the way it is.

Page 57
the gods. Repression does not mean such cults do
OTHER DEITIES not exist. Local cults and ancient superstition
There are thousands of other deities in linked to these creatures exist.
Akhamet with the heads of hawks, ibises, lions, While use and communion with such entities
scarabs, and snakes. These deities are local with happens with regularity, worship or breeding
a finite, limited following. with them is frowned upon and seen as a form of
Most are subservient to Pharaoh and his worship.
commands. A few rebel or fight against him.
These typically serve Khonsu, Seth, or Tawaret. BARBARIAN DEITIES
Seth encourages rebellion and opposition, but
Though the worship of foreign gods is not
only through veiled or half-words, never
expressly forbidden, preaching their word and
opposing or fully supporting them.
spreading their faith is. The gods of Akhamet
Deities serving Tawaret seek the destruction
refuse to have others trample upon their
of the whole multiverse, not just Akhamet.
Celestial and Fiend Foreign priests are expected to convert
within a year of arriving within Akhamet. The
worship church of Seth leads the way in integrating and
Worship of celestials and fiends is repressed
guiding the new arrivals. Foreigners who do not
in Akhamet. Those entities are perceived as
convert are considered seditious are treated as
deceivers of men and usurpers of the power of
Hieroglyphic Symbol. A wheel.
Status. The Charioteers are a semi-public
organization publicly supporting the

ORGANIZATIONS establishment of a permanent military. Their

seditious goals are known only to a few.
Motto. A soldier’s arm for the glory of Akhamet.
CHARIOTEERS Beliefs. The Charioteers’ beliefs can be
Akhamet has a small summarized as follows.
permanent military,  Support and encourage the creation of a
composed of elite strong, permanent military structure.
regiments and units raised  Support and encourage military
by generals and nobles. expedition against barbarians.
Foreigners often assume  Keep an eye for any occasion to seize
generals are the ones with power in the name of the military.
the power and flock to Goals. The Charioteers seek to establish a
support them. This faction has existed for strong, permanent military and take over the
centuries, its power and support ebbing with the government.
need of the military. Typical Quests. The Charioteers send agents
Barbarian incursions and magical mishaps to rile up barbarians. They participate in military
first led to an increase in support of a permanent exercises and campaign. They train peasants to
force. With the announcement of Pharaoh’s serve in military units, getting used to the
illness, nobles and generals turned to this discipline.
organization, seeing the clerical administration Base. The Charioteers are based out of
as unable to fulfil its official duty. Gebaphis but have supporters in most large
From a faction supporting a permanent towns.
military the Charioteers met and agreed that
should the priests fail to keep Pharaoh
alive, they would overthrow
them and install a military

Page 59
The secret organization The official name of
known as the Coins of the organization is the
Num, or simply “the Holy Bureau of Archeology
Coins” is a secular and Antiquities, but everyone
organization whose knows them by the slur ‘Dirt
power rests with the many Diggers’. The organization
craftsmen and artisan guild is sponsored by members
across Akhamet. Members of the clergy of Geb and Khem. Its members are
toil and work under priests whose only skills lay erudite and scholars seeking to uncover the truth
in religion. This sentiment grew to contempt as before the rise of Pharaoh, that the past holds the
they realized the priests added little to the lives secret to the future.
of the people. Instead, they realized, Akhamet They are involved in almost every
worked on the work of the craftsmen, artisans, archeological digs, whether by placing agents
farmers, and merchants there or through sponsorship.
The Coins of Num radicalized and is now Hieroglyphic Symbol. A mattock.
anti-clerical. While few are atheists or agnostics, Status. The Dirt Diggers are a public
the organization opposes the power of the organization. They uncover secrets to find and
priests, but not the power of the gods. expand knowledge of the world.
The organization is one without a single Motto. The past holds the keys to the future.
united voice, with little more than guiding Beliefs. The Dirt Diggers’ beliefs can be
principles, making it powerful, but limiting what summarized as follows.
it can actually do. It is a strong opposition  Discover why history begins with the
movement. coming of Pharaoh.
Hieroglyphic Symbol. A coin.  Copy and report any relevant material
Status. The Coins of Num are a secret information you come across.
organization whose goals make them outlaws.  Any artefact and item that could lead to
Motto. People first. information needs to be kept away from
Beliefs. The Coins of Num’s beliefs can be the uneducated.
summarized as follows. Goals. The Dirt Diggers seek to understand
 The priests should be removed from the past first and foremost, then to know how
power and a secular administration set best to act in the coming days.
up to replace them. Typical Quests. The Dirt Diggers send
 Pharaoh’s illness is a ploy to distract the agents to archeological digs, search for lost sites,
populace from other concerns. and visit ancient structures.
 Protect the people from the abuse and Base. The society is based at the Great Hall of
lies of the priests Writing where its members collate, copy and
 Protect the power of the guilds share information. A grand hall belongs to the
Goals. The Coins of Num seek to placate and organization.
limit the power of the clerical administration in
favor of a secular one.
Typical Quests. The Coins of Num send
agents on quests to ensure and consolidate their
power, gathering riches and obtaining the
support of other factions.
Base. The Coins of Num have no real base of
operation. Their numbers are greatest in Ophara.
 Akhamet was green before Pharaoh’s
ECLIPSERS coming. When he returns among the
The group calling itself the gods, the world of mortals will heal.
Eclipsers was formed out
 If Pharaoh is dying, let him.
of the heretical idea that Goals. The Eclipsers seek to let Pharaoh’s
Pharaoh Himself is condition run its course, with the hope that
responsible for the should he pass, the land can heal itself and return
desertification of to its original verdant state.
Akhamet. After all, an Typical Quests. The Eclipsers seek to
overabundance of Sun kills
discover how Akhamet could be made green
plants. again. They support and sponsor expeditions to
The Eclipsers started as a religious
understand desertification and how to stop its
organization backed by the Church of Set, but effects.
those who became Eclipsers chose a secular Base. The Eclipsers do not have a set base.
approach. Those who preferred the religious
path joined the Worldburners.
Hieroglyphic Symbol. An eclipse
This secret society
Status. The Eclipsers are a secret
believes that, as First Son
organization. If their goals would become public,
of Pharaoh, Horus should
they would be hunted for heresy and sedition.
ascend to the throne when
Motto. A little allows the land to grow.
He will return to the
Beliefs. The Eclipsers’ beliefs can be
heavens. Once in power,
summarized as follows.
His children will bring in a new golden age. The
 Make Akhamet green.
ranks of the organization are mostly horite and
Hieroglyphic Symbol. The eye of Horus.
Status. The First Sons are a secret
organization. If their goals were made public,
they would be hunted down for sedition.
Motto. The Son follows the Father.
Beliefs. The First Sons’ beliefs can be
summarized as follows.
 Ensure Horus’s ascension to the throne
of the gods.
 Keep our goals secret.
 Find the true heir to Pharaoh, according
to His wishes.
Goals. The society places members and
sympathizers in places of power, such as local
clergy, the military or the navy. be ready to
assume power as soon as Pharaoh leaves.
Typical Quests. The First Sons send agents
on missions that will increase the power of its
members. It also sends agents to research
genealogical trees and tracing family ancestry.
Base. The society is based at the temple of
Horus in Ophara.

Page 61
Hieroglyphic Symbol. An obelisk
OBELISK Status. The Obelisks are a public
The Holy Travelling Order is organization whose goals are public.
an organization dedicated to the Motto. Keep the ways safe.
safe travel across Akhamet. Beliefs. The Obelisks’ beliefs can be
Initially, the Order was formed summarized as follows.
of mounted outriders that  Maintain the network of obelisk
travelled the roads, eradicated markers.
bandits and monsters.  Discover the cause of the many mishaps
Following the Great Plague of with teleportation effects.
the Second Century, Pharaoh
 Assist local authorities on any travel-
demanded a new travel
related problems through collaboration
network created. The Order
and coordination.
turned its focus to the creation
Goals. The Obelisks focus on travel across
and upkeep of the network of
the empire, with a special focus on obelisks
obelisks that now link the
markers and teleportation magic.
major towns of Akhamet.
Typical Quests. The Obelisks send agents to
With this shift, the
verify obelisk markers function as expected,
organization cut back on
teleporting agents across the empire. They help
its original mission. The organization stopped
local authorities making sure the roads are open
patrolling the roads, turning to mercenary outfits
and safe. They send agents on the roads to their
and local militias.
As of the fourth century, the order turned its
Base. The obelisks are based out of central
focus to magical pursuits. They built obelisks
Ophara where they have a massive complex by
across the empire and made great stride in the
the Grand Obelisk.
field of teleportation magic, earning the moniker
most people use today, “Obelisks”.
This branch of the clergy is The Red Sails was a
composed of ultra- craftsman guild that
traditionalists. They specialized in the creation
profess that Pharaoh’s of sailing ships. They first
illness is due to a lack of built bigger ships designed to transport large
piety. As a god, He is quantities of cargo to and from the islands in the
immortal and is the living Endless Sea. They set out to beyond the horizon
and breathing representation to see what was there. The guild expanded their
of Akhamet. If he is dying, then the cancer that operations to every port on the southern coast.
ravages him must be found and stamped out. The organization pushes for the exploration
Cults like the Horesuteb closely support and of other lands, presented as a possible avenue to
assist the Orthodoxy. find a remedy for Pharaoh. The guild was
The Orthodoxy used to be a minor outlying initially closely associated with the church of
group with little to no power, but with Pharaoh’s Num, but has since shifted to support the church
predicament, their ranks and power swelled. of Horus. It sponsors exploration beyond
Hieroglyphic Symbol. A perfect circle. Akhamet both on land and sea routes.
Status. The Orthodoxy is a public Hieroglyphic Symbol. A boat.
organization with its goals known to all. Status. The Red Sails are a public
However, while most agree with their goals, few organization. Their goals are publicly known.
support the zealous dedication and their brutal Motto. Seek the horizon.
methods. Beliefs. The Red Sails’ beliefs can be
Motto. Repent. summarized as follows.
Beliefs. The Orthodoxy’s beliefs can be  Exploration above all. Map the world
summarized as follows. and discover whatever can be found.
 Return to genuine, orthodox beliefs and  The answers to every problem of the
practices is the only way to cure Pharaoh world can be found in the world.
of his illness.  Take what you can and bring it back to
 Heresy must be uncovered, rooted out the guild. What you can’t take, copy.
and eliminated. What you can’t copy, steal.
 Eternal vigilance is the price to pay. Our  Akhameti culture is superior to that of
vigilance lapsed and now our god may the barbarians. Barbarians’ only value is
die. in their wealth.
 Only the worship of the gods of  The organization’s interests stand above
Akhamet is to be tolerated. all authority, save that of Pharaoh.
Goals. The Orthodoxy seeks to cure Goals. The Red Sails claim humanitarian
Pharaoh’s illness through rigid, adherence to the goals, but their interests are pecuniary in nature.
scriptures. They support and encourage piracy and theft of
Typical Quests. The Orthodoxy sends its any non-Akhameti target they come across.
agents to investigate would-be prophets and Typical Quests. The Red Sails sponsor
diviners. They also keep tabs on members of expeditions to lands beyond Akhamet. They seek
clergies not from Akhamet to map the Great Western Desert. They pay
Base. The Orthodoxy is present in most large money for accurate maps and any remote region.
cities, with a particularly large following in Base. The Red Sails are based out of Ubasti
Anupolis, Ophara, and Per-Kathet. where they are least bothered by the authorities.

Page 63
Ancient history points to a According to the
time when the horyrehmet ruled Worldburners, when Pharaoh
some if not all of Akhamet. The came to Akhamet, he promised
information is spotty and Seth that when his time come,
inconsistent; some sources He would abdicate in favor
claiming it was a golden age or of Seth. Seth agreed and
peace, and others saying that it was fell in line with the other
a time of the utmost oppression and gods. The Worldburners
tyranny. believe the time has come
The organization calling itself the Salt for Seth to rule as God-
Bearers is dedicated to finding more about that Emperor, burning away the
time and seeks contact with the horyrehmet. old world order.
Many of its adherents join for humanitarian or Members see themselves in positions of
intellectual reasons. Of the secret societies, the power, but the organization claims that Seth will
Salt Bearers are the most active in working with burn away society. Obtaining power for
and through other organizations. themselves and weakening the current state
Hieroglyphic Symbol. An amphora. holds great sway among them.
Status. The Salt Bearers are a secret Hieroglyphic Symbol. A flame.
organization that would be hunted for heresy. Status. The Worldburners are a secret
Motto. Carry the salt to the feast. organization. They would be hunted for heresy
Beliefs. The Salt Bearers’ beliefs can be and sedition.
summarized as follows. Motto. The time has come to burn it all.
 Pharaoh ended the golden age of the Beliefs. The Worldburners’ beliefs can be
horyrehmet. summarized as follows.
 The horyrehmet are not the monsters  Destroy society and its institutions; it
Pharaoh and his priests tell us they are. will be easier for Seth to rebuild.
 Seek the horyrehmet and help them  Anarchy and chaos are the tools of our
however they need. trade.
 Uncover and reveal the lies Pharaoh’s  Store wealth and valuables to make your
priests spread. life easier in the coming age.
Goals. The Salt Bearers seek to return the  Do not get caught and trust no one.
horyrehmet to power and to return the golden Goals. The Worldburners want to ease and
age of their reign. There is no trick too speed up the transition from a society under
underhanded for them. Pharaoh to one under Seth. The more chaos Seth
Typical Quests. The Salt Bearers send their finds, the quicker civilization will return.
agents to discover ancient truths about the Typical Quests. The Worldburners send
ancient days of Algazan and of the horyrehmet. their agents on missions that spread chaos,
They seek to undermine the clergy of Pharaoh in confusion, and anarchy. Supporting and
particular. instigating insurrection is a common theme.
Base. Officially, the order is based out of Base. The society is based out of ruins in the
Algazan, the City-of-Salt, but few members ever Great Western Desert.
been there.
present. The necropolises are clean, extensive,
and well-maintained.
Religion: Anubian worship Anubis and

AKHAMET Pharaoh the most, but a few worship Sobek.

Names: Anubians consider names to be
sacred and select them with great care, keeping
ANUBIAN male and female distinct.
Anubians are the children of Anubis. These Adventurers: Anubians adventure as a way
jackal-headed creatures are creatures of duty. to atone for some personal sin. Life on the road is
Given to function over form, anubians tend to the not one they particularly relish. They prefer a
needs of their community. clear and define regimen.
Personality: Anubian are duty-driven, when Society: Anubian society is one that
they set a goal for themselves, they work at it promotes order in all things.
until it is accomplished. They are dour and Gender Roles: Anubian enter into arrange
serious, relaxing and enjoying life for short marriage for the good of both spouses’ families.
periods after they complete a goal. They are loyal The mother rears the young until weaned, at
and enjoy working with others to complete their which time they are turned over to the father for
goals. training into the family trade. Both males and
Physical Description: Anubians are females share their father’s trade.
humanoids with jackal or coyote heads. They are Iconic Concepts: The iconic anubian
covered in fine fur, ranging from near-white to becomes a cleric, fighter, monk, or paladin.
beige to brown to almost black. Rare is the Oddball concepts: Anubian who hear the
anubian who is fat or out of shape. call of Sobek become barbarians. A few chose the
Relations: Anubians form alliances based on life of a hermit in the wilderness become druids
principles but once established those bonds last or rangers.
forever. Multiverse analogs: Anubians are distantly
Alignment: Anubians tend towards lawful related to jackalwere. They can crossbreed but
alignment above all without preference towards the two groups highly dislike and revile each
good or evil. other. The mother determines which race
Lands: Anubian lands mix structures to the offspring are.
glory of the past and the functional use of the
Anubian traits
Ability score increase. Your Strength and
Wisdom scores increases by one.
Age. You mature very young and live
around six decades.
Size. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within
60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in
darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern
color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Bite. You possess a bite attack that deals 1d4
piercing damage.
Underworld guardian. You may cast hide
from undead on yourself. This ability recharges
after you complete a short rest.
Languages. You can read, speak and write
Anubian and Khamet (Common).

Page 65
Names: Gebites prefer long and extensive
GEBITE names to minimize the chance of two gebites
Gebites are the children of Geb. They are an having the same name.
offshoot of the halfling race. Not gifted with Adventurers: Gebites become adventurers
strength, gebites instead focused on using their out of a desire to discover new things, to expand
minds and their natural affinity with stone to their knowledge and discover new techniques
become the greatest engineers in Akhamet. They and ways to make their lives easier. Few do so
are masters of astronomy and mathematics. out of greed. Those who do not conform to the
Personality: Gebites prefer a simple life of confines of gebite society are asked to leave it
comfort. They content that if work is made for the politely, in the hopes that they will find come to
good of all, then all can relish in private, leisurely appreciate and understand the strictures of good,
pursuits. polite society.
Physical Description: Gebites resemble Society: Gebite like to organize their society
other halflings but with dusky skin and dark in a simple and clear way. Everything has a place
brown to black hair. They usually keep hair in and everyone has a role to play. It is a society that
thick braids. They favor heavy, complex jewelry. is rigid and orderly. However, these strictures
Relations: Gebites get along well with most are not imposed by those who chaff under them.
people who value them for their skills and Gender Roles: Both genders enjoy equal
intelligence. They dislike people who shout roles in gebite society. Males most often take on
loudly or who threaten those around them for no tasks and roles that require them to travel while
reason. women prefer more sedentary positions.
Alignment: Gebites tend towards good Iconic Concepts: Gebites favor the rogue and
alignment most of all. wizard classes above all.
Lands: Gebites live throughout the world in Oddball concepts: A few gebites become
close-knit communities. Gebaphis is their bards, fighters, or warlocks
greatest creation, second only in beauty to the Multiverse analogs: Gebites are related to
capital itself. Grand buildings with massive halls hajit and hareen from the Tyrants of Saggakar
and great colonnades, a great canal and campaign setting, and halfling from the Player’s
aqueducts water the city. Handbook. Their offspring can be of either race.
Religion: Gebites worship Geb and Pharaoh
above all others. A few dabble with the worship Gebite Traits
of Seth, but do so secretly. Gebites are halflings for any game purpose.
Ability score increase. Your Dexterity and
Intelligence scores increase by 1.
Age. Gebite mature in their early twenties,
and live well past one hundred years.
Size. Your size is Small.
Speed. You base walking speed is 25 feet.
Educated. You are well educated and know
two additional languages.
Halfling Nimbleness. You can move
through the space of any creature that is of a size
larger than yours.
Quick Fingers. You are proficient in Sleight
of Hand.
Language. You can read, speak and write
Gebite and Khamet (Common).
Ambition and envy runs rampant amongst
HORITE horites.
Horites are descendant of Pharaoh through Gender Roles: Horites mate for life. Females
his first born, the god Horus. Movers and shakers are fertile only during the Rainy season, with a
of the empire, they do not satisfy themselves with female giving birth to one to three chicks. Despite
anything. They promote and support the their avian appearance, horites are mammals, but
betterment of everything around them. As such, the females do not lactate. Both parents feed the
they often rise to positions of leadership because children, starting with simple gruels and moving
of their inner drives. on to meats shortly. From a young age the chicks
Personality: Horites always seek more of compete with each other for food, attention, and
everything. Considered greedy by some, horites rewards.
always want more and better of everything, be it Iconic Concepts: The iconic horite is a
money, possessions, or slaves. Horites prefer fighter, monk, or ranger.
positions of leadership. Oddball concepts: A few become barbarians
Physical Description: Horites are taller than or druids to live outside.
humans, heavily-muscled with heads of falcons Multiverse analogs: Horites are distantly
or eagles. They speak with shrill, forceful voices. related to aarakocra. They can freely intermingle
Relations: Horites favor working with and crossbreed. Offspring born in Akhamet are
anubians and khemites. The ubasti’s hedonistic Horites, while those born in other planes can be
ways are alien to the horites. of either race.
Alignment: Horites can be of any alignment,
but are rarely of neutral alignment. Horite traits
Lands: The horite claim no land of their own. Ability score increase. Your Wisdom score
They are most common in and around the capital increases by two.
city of Ophara. Age. You mature very young and live about
Religion: Horites favor Horus above all. a half-century.
Many favor Pharaoh or Seth, drawn to its Size. Your size is Medium.
promises of power and advancement. Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.
Adventurers: Horite leave their homes as a Great vision. You have advantage on any
way of gaining glory and advancing their own Wisdom (Perception) check based on sight.
agendas. Some do so as a way to earn riches. Horite Spark. You can cast fire bolt as a
Society: Horite society is based on the cantrip.
concept of self-advancement. Only the weak and Light as a feather. You may cast feather fall
lazy do not strive to improve their station. upon yourself. This ability refreshes after you
complete a short rest.
Languages. You can read, speak and write
Horite and Khamet (Common).

Page 67
Relations: Khemites form alliance of
KHEMITE convenience adapting to their local environment.
Khemites are human and the descendants of Thus, khemites near Gebaphis tend to be close to
Pharaoh and the goddess Khem. Like the waves gebites while those near Bastis are closely allied
she lords over, they are numerous with a vast with ubasti.
array of interests and abilities. Alignment: Khemites are of any alignment.
Khemites form the largest community in Lands: Khemites are found everywhere in
Akhamet. They are found in the cities, in the Akhamet, forming the majority of the
desert, on the islands, and in the mountains of the population.
Godshield. Religion: Although they descend from
Personality: As a group, khemites are Khem, Khemites worship Pharaoh and Khem
difficult to describe. Each khemite selects one above all.
thing in which to seek perfection. They are Adventurers: Khemites become adventurers
curious about other people, other cultures and for many reasons. Many do so as a way to avoid
are willing to adapt and adopt new techniques the rigid strictures of society, others do so to get
and new ways to thinking. rich, others out of curiosity or a will to explore.
Physical Description: Khemites are humans They are other of the few races that take to the
with mocha to bronzed skin with dark eyes and roads to get rich.
black or dark brown hair. Men and women braid Society: Khemites are one of the few races
their hair. Men keep their hair shaved, short, or that organize themselves naturally. They make
as long as their shoulders. Women keep their hair order out of chaos and chaos out of order. Few
long and hold their braids with jewelry. They people in khemite society are left out as naturally
tend to be slightly shorter compared to other they seek to find a place for themselves, and
races of human. adapt themselves to any situation.
Gender Roles: Khemite adapt, typically
mate for long periods of time. Females generally
rear the children with help from the father. Like
everything khemites adapt to changing
situations with surprising ease.
Iconic Concepts: There is no iconic khemite
concept. They fill needs in the world around
Multiverse analogs: Horites are related to
other humans. They can freely intermingle and
crossbreed. Offspring born in Akhamet are
Khemite, those born elsewhere are humans.

Khemite traits
Khemites are humans and follow the rules
for human creation in the Player’s Handbook with
the following changes.
Adapted to heat. You have advantage on any
saving throw made to resist the effects of the
heat, which includes when wearing medium or
heavy armor.
Languages. You can read, speak and write
Khamet (Common) and one additional language
based on their home.
Names: Numru have typical names, which
NUMRU they suffix with their chosen profession: Pektet
Numru are the descendants of the god Num, the Potter or Wadju the Carter.
potter of the gods. They are a quiet people who Adventurers: Numru rarely become
draw great joy from the creation of arts and adventurers by choice, they prefer to hire others
crafts. Unlike gebites who revel in the creation of to do dangerous work. Those who do believe this
large-scale works or the ubasti who revel in the is a temporary state.
beauty of art, numru value the act of creating. Society: Numru feel close to their fellow, but
Personality: Numru are peaceful, quiet, and live in large communal groups that stick together
introspective, preferring quiet, private pursuits. as an extended family. These groups form a
They dislike violence and only engage in it when group that act as one, many local priests seek
they see no other course of action. They prefer the their support first when implementing new rules.
safety of cities and settlements to Gender Roles: Male numru surround
Physical Description: Numru are about the themselves with a harem of females. Females
size of a man with the head of a goat with horns. attach themselves to a male. Most female attach
Males are lean and trim with large horns. themselves to a male for a long time but neither
Females grow fatter with age, some the eldest mates consider themselves exclusive. Children
crones are the plumpest. They are sometimes born out of the main family unit are welcomed
mistaken for an offshoot of the minotaur race. within as
Relations: Numru favor gebites for their love Iconic Concepts: The iconic numru becomes
of craftsmanship and ubasti for their love of art. a bards or a wizard. They favor classes that
Bad experiences with the sethru have left them require a significant time investment and
highly suspicious of them. training.
Alignment: Numru lean heavily towards Oddball concepts: A few become druids or
lawful and good alignments sorcerers.
Lands: Numru live in all the great cities, Multiverse analogs: Numru are related to
serving as artisans and crafters. anukas. The two groups can freely mingle with
Religion: Numru favor their father Num children being of one either race, depending
above all other, with Geb and Pharaoh next. A upon their natural temperament.
few turned to the worship of Bast.
Numru traits
Ability score increase. Your Constitution
and Intelligence scores increase by 1.
Age. You mature in your early teens and live
around five decades.
Size. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Hardy. You gain the Durable feat.
Languages. You can read, speak and write
Khamet (Common).

Page 69
Society: Retids have no society and feel little
RETID kinship with each other. They feel closer ties to
Retids are the children of Pharaoh with one their mother’s family than their siblings.
of his many wives. They typically have the title Gender Roles: Retids are members of their
of Prince or Princess, but this title means very parent’s race and behave as such. Retids do not
little. Many need to impress their father and pass the spark of godhood to their children.
peers. They often turn to the worship of Horus as Iconic and Oddball Concepts: Retid match
the god of youth, First son of Pharaoh. their mothers’ race.
Personality: Retids are always conscious of
how other people see and judge them. They act Retid traits
as though they were constantly being judged. Age. You mature like your mother’s race.
Physical Description: Retids resemble their Size. Your size is Medium.
mother’s race. They are idealized physical Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
versions of their race. Men are tall and physically Scion of the Sun. You may cast light and
gifted. Women are beautiful and fit. sacred flame as cantrips.
Relations: Retids are raised as members of Wrath of the Sun. You may cast guiding bolt
their mother’s race and share those relations. once per long rest.
Alignment: Retids mirror their mother’s Languages. You can read, speak and write
alignment. As a group they can be considered Khamet (Common) and the language of your
neutral. mother.
Lands: Retids have no lands of their own.
Religion: Retids favor their father and Sub-races of Retid
brother Horus above all other deities. Feeling Anubian
shunned turn to Seth in order to garner favors. Ability score increase. Your Strength and
Names: Retids have names chosen by their Wisdom scores increase by 1.
Adventurers: Retids visit the world to prove Gebite
themselves worthy for their father. Many seek to Ability score increase. Your Dexterity and
join Horus in the home of the gods. Intelligence scores increase by 1.
Size. Your size is Small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
Ability score increase. Your Dexterity and
Wisdom scores increases by 1.
Ability score increase. Two of your ability
scores increase by 1.
Ability score increase. Your Constitution
and Intelligence scores increase by 1.
Ability score increase. Your Constitution
and Charisma scores increase by 1.
Ability score increase. Your Dexterity and
Charisma scores increase by 1.
constant shift of alliances, and the access to
SETHRU sudden treasure make adventuring alluring to
The Sethru are the children of Seth and share the Sethru.
his interest in self-advancement. Sethru organize Society: Sethru from tight clans based on
and participate in criminal networks. family. In a world of shifting allegiances, family
Sethru are the only people that become is the one constant to the Sethru.
adventurers by choice and preference. Gender Roles: Sethru live on their own with
Personality: Sethru are always concerned limited contact with others. Reproduction
about themselves and their own prosperity. They happens as the result of private sexual
are highly adaptable and shift their alliances encounters. The father rarely knows who his
when faced with changing circumstances. As children are as any children are reared by the
such, they favor professions require travel, such mother’s family. Elders are the ones teach and
as merchant or adventuring. train the young as their mothers head off on her
Physical Description: Sethru are humanoids current work.
with canine heads with elongated jaws and Iconic Concepts: The iconic sethru is a
distinctive square ears. Their skin tones range fighter, rogue, sorcerer or warlock. They favor
from dark brown to red. classes that do not require long and continued
Relations: Sethru do not have any training.
permanent relations, favoring short-term Oddball concepts: Some sethru become
alliances. Other races think the Sethru as flightly, barbarians or bards.
shifty and untrustworthy. As long as they have Multiverse analogs: Sethru are distantly
an advantage, Sethru remain. related to gnolls. They can freely intermingle and
Alignment: Sethru focus on themselves first crossbreed. Offspring are determined by the
and foremost making them neutral evil. mother.
Lands: Sethru own very little land,
preferring a nomadic lifestyle whenever possible. Sethru traits
Religion: Sethru favor Seth, but are known Ability score increase. Your Constitution
as a particularly devout people. and Charisma scores increases by one.
Names: Sethru favor long names and alone Age. You mature in your mid-teens and live
in Akhamet take pseudonyms. around five decades.
Adventurers: Sethru are natural Size. Your size is Medium.
adventurers. With their love of the open road, the Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.
Bite. You have a bite attack that deals 1d4
piercing damage.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within
60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in
darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern
color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Sneaky. You are trained in the Stealth skill.
Son of the Desert. You are resistant to fire.
Languages. You can read, speak and write
Khamet (Common) and Sethru.

Page 71
Adventurers: An ubasti adventures out of
UBASTI curiosity and adventuring provides them the
The Ubasti are the Children of the Goddess ultimate freedom. Many ubasti leave their homes
Bast. They are curious and prone to fits of fancy. to join resistance movements far away to prevent
Their appearance matches all type of felines, retribution against their families.
from lions, to panthers, to tigers, to house cats. Society: Ubasti control vast domains with
Personality: Ubasti are extremely curious many servants in and around the city of Basti.
with a strong longing for freedom and a desire The ubasti do as little as they can, preferring to
for a lazy lifestyle filled with naps and rest. sleep in the sun whenever possible, leaving the
Physical Description: Ubasti resemble feline work to their servants. Ubasti slave have to be
humanoids. They have short fur whose colors constantly kept in line.
range the full spectrum of felines. Noble ubasti Gender Roles: Ubasti mate for short periods
tend to have more uniform colors. They have of time, as long as it is convenient for both
cat’s eyes that allow them to see in the dark. partners. Invariantly, the mother rears her
Relations: Ubasti do not trust others quickly young, ignoring all males until her kittens are
or easily. Once a bond is form, they demand and weaned.
expect that others keep offering them and Iconic Concepts: The iconic ubasti choses to
actively work at maintaining the relation. become clerics, monks and rogues.
Alignment: Ubasti tend towards chaotic Oddball concepts: Ubasti choosing less
alignments without a preference between good traditional paths become paladins, druid or
or evil. rangers (often with feline affinity).
Lands: Ubasti prefer wide open areas and Multiverse analogs: Ubasti are related to
vast estate with shade and areas where they can tabaxi and ptahn from the Tyrants of Saggakar
bask in the sun. The city of Bastis is home to most setting. They can freely intermingle and
of them. crossbreed. Their offspring can be of either race.
Religion: Ubasti worship Bast above all
other deities. However, they have little problem Ubasti traits
bowing to and recognizing the domain of other Ability score increase. Your Dexterity score
deities. increases by two.
Names: Ubasti favor short names that are Age. You mature very young and live less
unisex. They do not consider that a name has a than a century.
gender connotation and use male or female name Size. Your size is Medium.
indiscriminately. Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within
60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in
darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern
color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Bast’s Children. You can cast speak with
animals affecting only felines. This ability
refreshes after you complete a long rest.
Nimble. You have proficiency in the
Acrobatics skill.
One of us. You can cast animal friendship
affecting only felines. This ability refreshes after
you complete a long rest.
Languages. You can read, speak and write
Khamet (Common) and Ubasti.
everywhere. Females accepted in society often
OTHER RACES work as courtesans, midwives, or physicians.
GOSTOR Races Drakonian
As reptilians, drakonians are believed to be
creatures of Sobek. Most do not object to this.
Small communities of amazon exist along the
southern coast. They appeared on the shores Hajit and Hareen
centuries ago and accepted Pharaoh as their Both types of halflings integrate into gebite
master, nominally. For full details on Amazons, society. The hareens’ illiteracy is the biggest
see Gostor: Amazon hurdle.
Medusan, Olympians, Titanborn Haver
All races from Mythic Greece: the medusans, Like everywhere, havers have a difficult time
the olympians, and the titanborn all fitting in. They find employment in Bastis
appeared in Akhamet and for the most where promiscuity is rampant. They serve as
part adapted to society eunuch, protecting children to keep away
Rhym Races
Races in this section appear in the Kaliban
Rhym Campaign Setting. Kalibans pillage and plunder the
outer reaches of Akhamet. Those who
Darkling accepted and integrated into society
Darklings are join the military.
misunderstood by the people of
Akhamet, their fiendish origin Kynean
traditionally relegate them to Kyneans are quick to adapt to
creatures of Khonsu or Akhamet. Their slow nature
Tawaret. Because of this makes them greatly attracted
association, they are often to the peaceful and simple
hunted and assumed to be life. Their love of the arcane
barbarians without being arts and pursuit of knowledge
given a chance to explain add to their value.
themselves. Most darklings
serve – or at least work closely
Ptahn associate with ubasti and
with – the Church of Seth.
adapt to life in Akhamet.
Tyrants of Skythian
Saggakar Skythian are associated with
Races the Horyrehmet. Most hide or disguise
Races in this section appear in the Tyrants of themselves as human. They join assassin guilds,
Saggakar Player’s Guide. military outfits, or live as hermits away from
Anukas are rare in Akhamet. Their natural Other Races
predator-and-prey outlook brings them to the The core races of the game are known in
worship of Sobek. Akhamet, and tiny communities of them exist
across the land.
With their fiendish origin, cambions are
associated with the worship of Tawaret.
Cambions are hunted and unwanted most

Page 73
17th level – Master Craftsman You may
create magic items. You can create a single item
chosen from Magic Item Tables A or B from the
DMG. It takes you one week to create the item,
CLERIC DOMAINS and you may only use this ability once per
Artifice Domain month.
The Artifice Domain first appeared in the Strife Domain
"Rhym Campaign Setting." The Strife domain first appeared in "Service
Clerics dedicated to divinities with this is Eternal."
domain are associated with crafting and Clerics with this domain have a greater
engineering. Its priests are involved whenever affinity with the darker side of trickery, reveling
local authorities and aristocrats need advice in in creating chaos.
important engineering projects. Cleric Lvl Spells
Clerics with the artifice domain add the 1st compelled duel, dissonant
following spells to their list at the appropriate whispers
level. 3rd detect thoughts, suggestion
Cleric Lvl Spells 5th fear, nondetection
1st detect magic, identify 7th confusion, greater invisibility
3rd enhance ability, magic weapon 9th dominate monster, hold monster
5th counterspell, dispel magic 1st level – Bonus Proficiencies You are
7th fabricate, stoneshape proficient in the Deception skill.
9th animate object, creation 1st level – Twist Tongue As an action, you
1 level – Master Craftsman You have
can touch a creature and give it disadvantage on
advantage on Intelligence-based checks to its next Charisma-based skill check.
analyze or understand complex devices, plans, or 2nd level – Channel Divinity: Minor Strife
structures. After a creature fails a saving throw from any
You are also proficient with anyone toolset of enchantment spell you cast, you have advantage
your choice. on Charisma ability or skill check against that
2nd level – Channel Divinity: Tool mastery creature for the next 10 minutes.
You may expend your channel divinity to 6th level – Shield of lies Whenever you are
become proficient with one set of tools. You the target of an enchantment spell or effect, you
remain proficient until you complete a short rest. may use your channel divinity to gain advantage
If you are already proficient, double your on the saving throw.
proficiency bonus. 8th level –Liar, Liar You may add your
6th level – Weapon Enhancement You may Wisdom modifier to any spell dealing force or
expend your channel divinity to fill a weapon psychic damage.
you wield with divine power. When imbued, 17th level – Lies and shadows You may cast
your weapon deals an additional 1d6 radiant major image (as a 6th level spell) or programmed
damage and lasts for ten minutes or until illusion without expending a spell slot or
someone else picks up the weapon. providing the material component. You regain
At 14th level, this damage increases to 2d6. use of this ability when you complete a long or
8th level – Gremlins You may spend your short rest.
action to negate one type of damage resistance of
a construct. You may also turn one type of
damage immunity from a construct to damage
At 14th level, you can negate one type of
damage immunity.
Languages of Rhym are interconnected with
Amarru: Amarru is the language of the each other as they trade words and formulations.
people from beyond the Godshield to the north. When speakers of different languages attempt to
It is closely associated with the language of Oni communicate with each other using different
and demons. languages, the time taken doubles and
Anubian: This language of barks and yelps conversations are limited to simple concepts such
is best spoken with a canine snout. It is a barter or finding a location.
language that is very precise and is very useful in To make sure both sides understand both the
warfare and to give commands. intent and meaning of the conversation, but sides
Gebite: This language is one that is ideal for need an Intelligence check using the following
long discourse and extreme details, such as are chart as a guide.
needed for mathematics and engineering. Topic DC
Horyrehmet: This language is the tongue of Simple 10
the great invaders that sacked Bastis. Moderate 14
Horite: This language of screeches and peeps Complex 18
is guttural and quite adapted for creatures Simple. Simple information can be answered
without lips. Horite is particularly adapted to and understood with hand gestures and a
geography and geology. repetitive answer format. "Where is the inn?" or
Khamet: This is the language of the Common "Where is the Temple?"
tongue found in Akhamet. Replace all instance of Moderate. Moderate information is typically
“Common” with “Khamet”. For those coming more open-ended and require some
from other worlds, Khamet has two types of interpretation or knowledge. "How is the king?"
alphabets, a modern and an ancient one or "Who sells swords at the best price?"
(Hieroglyphics). People who can read Common Complex. Complex information is rarely
can learn the modern alphabet within a month. formulaic and typically requires complex and
Khamet (Hieroglyphic): An archaic form of subtle nuances. "How does the Irontower thieves'
Khamet that exists only in written form. Reading guild function?" or "Can you explain stoic
ancient Khamet takes years to master because it philosophy?"
uses hieroglyphics with many local idioms and
variant spellings that it is considered a different Related Languages
language. It is used when formal writings and Language Alphabet Related
decorations are needed. Amarru Amarru Abyssal
Peleset: The Peleset are a race of seafarers Anubian Anubian Skythian*
from the south, beyond the Endless Sea. Gebite Common Halfling, Hajit*,
Sethru: Sethru is the language of innuendo Terran
and double-talk. It is used for diplomacy and Horyrehmet Exodite Aklo, Exodite*,
negotiation because everything requires Undercommon
explanation. Horite Celestial Aarakocra, Auran
Tehenu: Tehenu is the language of the Great Khamet Common Common
Western Desert. Their language is closely related Peleset Peleset Aquan, Dorian
to Draconic. Sethru Common Gnoll
Ubasti: The ubasti language sounds like a Tehenu Draconic Draconic
series of meows and whines. It is very well Ubasti Common Tabaxi
adapted for the creation of song for lovers and * The languages are from the Tyrants of
artists. Saggakar campaign setting.
** The languages are from the Rhym setting.

Page 75
Skill Proficiency: History, Religion

BACKGROUNDS You are one of Pharaoh’s one thousand
wives. The time you spend in the harem gave you
a greater understanding of the dynamics of court
BRUTE and how to have favors performed for you.
You grew up as a true ruffian, an enforcer You are unable to speak about your time
and a thug doing your house’s bidding. Not with alone with Pharaoh, doing so constitutes
really a guard, not really a criminal, but treason on your part.
somewhere in-between best describe you. Requirement: Must be female.
Skill Proficiency: Intimidation and Skill Proficiency: Deception and Insight
Perception Tool Proficiency: Disguise kit.
Tool Proficiency: Choose any one. Equipment: Traveler’s clothes, one set of
Equipment: Traveler’s clothes, one light courtly clothes, a make-up kit (disguise kit), a
weapon, one weapon of your choice, a good luck trinket given to you by Pharaoh, a pouch
charm, a pouch containing 10 gp. containing 5 gp.

Feature: Thug Feature: Harem

You favor physical confrontation and You understand the ways of court and of the
assume people are going to resist whatever he harem. Given time, you are able to distinguish
asks of them. Untrained opponents tend to flee or the movers and shakers of any court you attend.
avoid you rather than confront you. You may As one of His wives, your presence carries a
force people to give you a few coins to avoid small amount of weight at court and you may
being roughed up. obtain minor favors from courtiers and priests
seeking His favor. Such favors would not put
Variant: Horesuteb them in trouble or cause them hardship.
The Horesuteb is a variant of the brute
background. Variant: Escaped Wife
You trained with the Horesuteb, a zealous Not every one of Pharaoh’s one thousand
cult of Pharaoh based in the town of Per-Khathet. wives is pleased to be chosen to continue His line.
From them, you learn the art of ruling through More than a few escape to continue their lives
fear and imposing your will upon others by away from the pampered living of Ophara.
using religious arguments. Requirement: Must be female.
Skill Proficiency: Intimidation, Religion Skill Proficiency: Deception and Stealth
Tool Proficiency: Choose any one. Tool Proficiency: One gaming set.
Equipment: a holy symbol of Pharaoh, a Equipment: Traveler’s clothes, a token from
gold-plated mask, a set of common clothes, a your mother, a small knife, a gaming set of your
priest’s pack and a pouch containing 15 gp. choice, a pouch containing 15 gp.

Scribes serve their community by reading
Variant: Initiate of the and writing letters for the common people. They
Order of Lost Princes are trained to research data in the dusty and
You spent your youth training with the unique libraries.
Order of Lost Princes, learning from the Skill Proficiency: Investigation and Religion
mummies. You learned about the history of Language: Select any two.
Akhamet and why things are as they are. Equipment: Scholar’s pack, calligrapher’s
Your discovery feature deals with some supplies, two spare notebooks, one set of
knowledge of the past. traveler’s clothes, a pouch containing 5 gp.
Cleric Lay to rest
Lay to rest
Level 1 Level 3
Open the obelisk (R)
Hide from undead
Level 4
Mummy’s rest (R)
you to stay outside indefinitely in a light or
Feature: Librarian medium armor.
Whenever you enter a town, you can make a
few coins by writing or reading for locals. You
may gain access to private and public libraries NEW SPELLS
without having to pay the typical entry fees.
Hide from undead
Variant: Architect- 1st-level illusion
Engineer Casting Time: 1 action
In this variant, you are one of the designers Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a piece of mummy shroud)
who work with the laborers to create the many
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
great public works Akhamet is known for.
A creature you touch becomes invisible, but only to
Skill Proficiency: History and Investigation undead creatures. Anything the target is wearing or
Tools: Select any two between carpenter’s carrying is invisible as long as it is on the target’s
tool, mason’s tools, smith’s tools, or tinker’s person. The spell ends for a target that attacks or
tools. casts a spell.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
Feature: Eye for plans spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can target one
You know how to make and read plans for additional creature for each slot level above 1st.
the creation of great public works. You can
provide insight and ideas for improvement on Lay to rest
designs. You are often called upon to supervise Necromancy cantrip
tithing freemen. Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Touch

Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
This spell prevents a touched corpse from animating.
Casting this spell does not prevent a corpse from
AKHAMET ARMOR animating without the use of more powerful magic.
MASTER Mummy’s Rest
You trained to wear your armor out in the 4th-level necromancy (R)
scorching heat of the desert. Casting Time: 6 hours
 Increase your Constitution by 1, to a Range: Touch
maximum of 20. Components: V, S, M (500gp of rare oils and honeys)
Duration: Instantaneous
 You do not have to make saving throws for
This spell is a more potent version of a gentle repose,
wearing light or medium armor, allowing
preserving the body in its current state indefinitely.

Page 77
Time passed while under this spell does not count If you attune to it, you may cast a commune spell once
towards the time limit for the raise dead spell. per long rest without providing the material
component. You may also use it as if you are un-
Open the Obelisk attuned.
3rd-level conjuration (R) If you attune to an ankh of your deity, you may also
Casting Time: 10 minutes cast the following spells once per long rest, instead
Range: Touch of the commune. These spells can be cast without any
Components: V, S, F (a obelisk) spell component.
Duration: Instantaneous Deity Spell
This spell may only be used as a ritual. By casting this Anubis death ward
spell on a specially-prepared obelisk, you may open Bast divination
it as a teleportation circle between two locations you Geb stoneskin
are familiar with, or know the exact writing on both Horus guardian of faith
obelisks. Khem control water
Use of this ritual makes it much more likely travelers Pharaoh banishment
suffer a teleportation mishap (+10%). Seth confusion
Sobek dominate beast

NEW MAGIC Tawaret ice storm

Book of Thoth
ITEMS Wondrous Item, artefact (requires attunement)
This long papyrus is the personal spellbook of the god
Thoth. It contains all the knowledge of the world
Ankh but is not meant for mortals to read, much less use.
Wondrous Item, legendary, requires attunement by It contains every spell known to exist, from all
worshiper of the same god sources of magic (arcane, divine, and any other
The ankh is a cross with a loop for a head is a symbol source). The content cannot be copied, scribed or
of life and of the power of the gods. It can be made reproduced in any way.
of any material, but typically gold, silver or copper. While attuned to the book, you gain the following
The name of the gods is always written clearly in benefits.
hieroglyphics on it. Each god has the power to  You Intelligence score increases to 22.
create them. The ankh acts as a holy symbol for the  You have advantage on any Intelligence skill and
god who created it. Khonsu does not create them. ability checks.
If you use the ankh while un-attuned, you can cast a  You can cast any spell out of the book, as if from a
true resurrection spell on anyone that has not spell-scroll, regardless of school, type, or origin.
incurred your own patron deity’s wrath. The ankh
used, it vanishes forever.
Curse: The bearer of the Book of Thoth cannot find rest Heat salve
even in death, he always returns to life as a mummy Wondrous Item, common
2d6 days later (or longer if the person undergoes the The Church of Pharaoh considers this salve in bad
mummification rituals). The only way to rid oneself form and a rejection of Pharaoh’s kindness.
of the book is for an un-attuned person to take the However, because of its benefits, it is readily
book and make it disappear, typically by throwing available in most marketplaces for around 50gp.
it into another dimension or sending it into an This salve protects you from the effects of the Sun
unreachable location. Casting remove curse is for a full day.
ineffective. One dose can cover an object the size of a human man.
Every time a spell from the book is cast, tragedy
follows the caster. It first affects close family Morninglight
members, such as spouses and children, but the Weapon (Longsword), very rare (need attunement)
more one uses the Book of Thoth, the greater these Prince Ankhsut forged this sword out of jewelry
tragedy become, going so far as to affect their home Pharaoh gave his mother. The prince’s mother died
nation perhaps even the whole world. Eventually, during the Five Day Eclipse forcing her son to put
the caster is left alone, abandoned and forsaken by her to final rest. The hilt represents an anubian
all because no one wishes to be targeted by the woman of great beauty, the prince’s mother.
curse. These never affect the bearer of the book When attuned, you gain the following abilities.
directly.  You have advantage on any saving throw cause
The exception to this effect is when casting divination by the undead, and worshippers of Khonsu.
magic to determine the outcome of using the Book of  When you use the divine sense ability, you may
Thoth. Such warnings are always clear and detect undead creature up to 300 feet.
understood by the user without the possibility of  If you use the divine smite ability, you deal an
doubt or ambiguity. The only way to prevent additional 9 (2d8) radiant damage.
further tragedies is to stop using the book.
 Whenever you hit an undead creature, it must
Spell Level Target make a DC 18 Charisma saving throw or become
Cantrip None vulnerable to radiant damage until the beginning
1-3 Minor inconvenience of your next turn.
4-6 Major inconvenience
7-9 Catastrophe Pharaoh’s Blood
Minor Inconvenience: The target suffers from a Potion, very rare
condition that is temporary and not debilitating. This yellow drop shines like a torch at all times. When
Left to itself or with minor care, the condition may drank as a potion, you regain all your hit points. If
be remedied. Examples include bed bugs or a non- you are a cleric or paladin dedicated to Pharaoh,
deadly illness. you also regain use of a spell as if you had used a
Major Inconvenience: The target suffers a condition pearl of power.
that is permanent and potentially debilitating.
Without magical assistance, the condition can only Sandskipper sandals
worsen. Examples include blindness, permanent Wondrous Item, common, requires attunement
illness, or a wide-spread but non-deadly plague. These sandals are made of camel fur. While wearing
Catastrophe: Catastrophes are deadly to the target and the sandals, you can travel over sandy terrain as if
many others. This can be a full-fledged deadly affected by a freedom of movement spell. You also
plague, a tsunami, or an earthquake. have advantage on any Constitution saving throw
against exhaustion caused by heat or forced march.
Canopic Jars of Algazan
Wondrous Item, rare Stoneskin Salve
These urns were discovered in the ruins of the Wondrous Item, uncommon
horyrehmet city of Algazan. The jars are made of This small box is filled with a gritty grey paste. When
clay once decorated with now-faded elaborate you apply this paste to un-living material, that
designs. A thin layer of salt that never goes away material turns to stone.
covers the jars. Opening or breaking one of those It is a favorite of nobles who prefer artisans to work on
jars releases a vrock demon (see Monster Manual) easier mediums such as clay or wood then turn their
that must obey your commands for one day. After works to stone, allowing for quicker creation and
that, the demon is free to do whatever it wants. added details.

Page 79
One dose can cover an object the size of a human man. Origin: The book was written in the Seventh
Century when Serufu first attempted to create a
Time-Forgotten Sands network of obelisks to hasten travel across
Wondrous item, very rare
A pinch of these dull-grey sands dispels any active
magic effect and disrupts permanent magic for 1 Description: This codex of papyrus sheet
minute. It is highly prized by assassins, criminals bound between two pieces of cedar wood.
and thieves. Colorful illustrations cover this long scroll.
If you throw a pinch on a person with a ranged attack, Contents: The book contains magical theory
all active spells are dispelled and active magic items about teleportation and anchor points. It is
cease to function for 1 minute and both the user and undecipherable to those without advanced
target must make a DC 10 Charisma saving throw knowledge of arcana. The book is describes how
or they age 1 year.
to anchor teleportation points on stone
Once used, the sands vanish into nothingness.
structures, such as fountains, obelisks, and
NEW BOOKS Language: The original version is in Gebite,
Protecting the Dead but has many translations into Khamet, using
both the modern script and hieroglyphics.
Full Name: Protecting the Dead, How the
Locations: The church of Geb has many
Dead of Akhamet are protected for their final
repose. copies of this book. A copy can be found in most
halls of the Holy Travelling Order. Access to this
Author: Kelek the Necromancer
Origin: Written as description of the best and book is limited, often requiring a
recommendation from a priest.
most devious traps and plots designed to prevent
Reference: If you are trained in the Arcana
tomb robbery, the book explains how to create,
skill, or if you can make a DC 15 Intelligence
hide, and disarm them.
(Arcana) check, you can cast open the obelisk as a
Description: This book is made of sheet of
ritual directly from the book without having to
parchment glued together to form a single book.
use one of your spell slots.
The penmanship is precise and exquisite, with
Spells: Open the obelisk
schematics drawn throughout the text.
Other Versions: Some versions do not have
Contents: The papyrus the schematics for
the full ritual in it, these version are used
contains three hundred traps, including their
Cost: A complete version sells for 1,000gp.
weak points, bypass tricks and proposes
Versions without the ritual sell for 200gp.
improvements to make them deadlier.
Language: The book is written in Khamet,
using hieroglyphics scripts. Versions in the
simpler modern alphabet are common.
Locations: Copies of this book exist in large
libraries and in temples of Anubis and Geb.
Reference: The book gives advantage on the
first check made to disable or locate a trap in a
pyramid or mausoleum.
Spells: None
Other Versions: The version in modern
Khamet is the equivalent of the hieroglyphics.
Cost: A complete version sells for 500gp.

Secret of the Obelisk

Full Name: A guide to the creation and
maintenance of the obelisk transportation
Author: Serufu of Gebaphis
NEW PLANTS Purple Ironwort
This flowering plant is one of the best-known
Dedeceri plant medicinal herbs in Akhamet. The purple
This plant resembles a vine with tiny iris-like ironwort grows on bushes in or near water. Its
flowers that change hues as they sway in the flowers have a distinct shade, white at the stem
wind. First found in a chaos-infused plane, these to deep purple at the tip. Only the buds and
flowers were highly-sought by gardeners for flowers can be consumed, but the entire plant can
their colorful blooms. be boiled to from an herbal tea. It has a bitter taste
The secret of these plants is that they have a so it is most often served with honey or citrus.
minor form of hive mind: when numerous in one Found by the coasts of the Endless Sea and
place, they emit spores that affects anyone with Sun Bay, this plant is subject to a royal monopoly.
arcane spellcasting abilities. As such, only officially appointed farmers can
When the dedeceri plants expel their spores, grow and harvest the plant. Near Ubasti where it
any arcane spellcaster (such as bards, sorcerers, is very common, such licenses are given without
warlocks, and wizards) must make a DC 11 much thought, but in the west, where it is rarer,
Constitution saving throw every 5 minutes or such licenses are hard to come by and expensive.
suffer one of the following effects. Once you fail When drunk and you spend hit dice to regain
one saving throw, make a new saving throw at hit points, treat all dice rolls of ‘1’ as ‘2’. In
the end of your turn to shake off the effect. addition, when you take a long rest while
d10 Behavior afflicted by a disease, you have advantage on any
1-5 You cast your most damaging spell at saving throw to recuperate.
one target you can see.
6-7 You cast your best defensive spell on
yourself. If you have none, then assume
you rolled a ‘1’.
8-0 You act normally.

Page 81
target must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or
become frightened.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 10 (2d6+3) slashing damage.
An Ammut beast has the head of a crocodile, The Missing (Level 7)
the fore-body of a lion and the rear end of a Local workers quarry stones for their yearly
hippopotamus. These creatures are closely tithe. A creature hunts and kills the both priests
associated with the cult of Tawaret. and workers, forcing the priests to call on help to
AMMUT BEAST track down and destroy the creatures. To protect
Large beast, chaotic evil their workers, the local priests contacted their
Armor Class 14 superiors for help.
Hit Points 127 (15d10+45)
Speed 40ft., swim 20ft. The Valley (Medium)
The PCs track the creatures to a valley where
a pair of Ammut beasts set up their lair. Four tall
16 (+3) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 7 (-2) 13 (+1) 6 (-2)
statues of the god Khonsu emit a dark light that
Saving Throws Str +5 forces living creatures within 10 feet of them to
Damage Immunities poison, psychic make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or take
Senses darkvision 60ft., scent, passive Perception 10
9 (2d8) necrotic damage.
Languages -
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
See above.
One of us. Mindless undead do not attack Ammut
beasts. Aftermath
Ka Eater. When an Ammut beast takes a living target The valley was home to a small cult of
down to zero, the target automatically fails a death
Khonsu. The cult rises as zombie and to fall upon
saving throw. Anyone killed by an Ammut Beast
the workers. The dark light of Khonsu heals the
cannot be brought back to life using magic.
zombies with its necrotic light.
The zombies defeated, the PCs may
Multiattack. An Ammut beast makes one attack with investigate the statues. Who built them? Did the
its bite and two with its claws. cult have allies among the locals?
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 10 (2d6+3) piercing damage and the
Magic weapons. The colossus’s attacks are magical.
COLOSSUS Siege Monster. The colossus deals double damage to
Found across Akhamet, these giant statues objects and structures.
form an elaborate and secret network of defenses. ACTIONS
Built by gebite engineer, most represent Pharaoh, Multiattack. The colossus makes three slam attacks.
but were made in the image of other gods. Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 15 ft., one
Since colossi spend most of their time target. Hit: 32 (4d10+10) bludgeoning damage.
immobile among normal statues, few people Earthshake (Recharge 5, 6). The colossus strikes the
know which are constructs and which are mere ground, sending massive shockwaves. All creatures
statues. The church of Geb maintains both with on the ground within 60 feet of the colossus take 65
the tithes they are given. (10d12) bludgeoning damage and be flung 30 feet
straight up in the air unless they make a DC 25
Major Colossus Strength saving throw for half damage and avoid
These massive creatures are the crown jewels the flinging
of the Church of Geb. Major colossi are a closely
Minor Colossus
guarded secret.
These “small” colossi are the most commonly
Gargantuan construct, unaligned found. They defend temples and cities.
Armor Class 19 COLOSSUS, MINOR
Hit Points 307 (15d20+135) Huge construct, unaligned
Speed 40ft. Armor Class 17
Hit Points 172 (15d12+75)
30 (+10) 9 (-1) 28 (+9) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 3 (-4)
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, slashing 23 (+6) 9 (-1) 20 (+5) 4 (-3) 10 (+0) 1 (-5)
from magical weapons not made of adamantine.
Damage Immunities fire, poison, psychic, Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, slashing
bludgeoning, piercing, slashing from nonmagical Damage Immunities fire, poison, psychic
weapons. Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned Senses darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 10
Senses darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 10 Languages understands Gebite and Khamet, but
Languages understands Gebite and Khamet, but cannot speak
cannot speak Challenge 12 (8,400 XP)
Challenge 22 (41,000 XP) Immobile. When immobile, a colossus is
Antimagic aura. Whenever the major colossus or a indistinguishable from a statue.
creature in its command stand is targeted by a spell Immutable form. The colossus is immune to any spells
that requires an attack roll, the attack is made with or effect that would alter its form.
disadvantage. If the spell includes a saving throw, Magic resistance. The colossus has advantage on
the colossus and creatures on its command stand saving throws against spells and other magical
ignore the effects of the spell if their saving throw is effects.
successful. Magic weapons. The colossus’s attacks are magical.
Command stand. A major colossus may carry up to Siege Monster. The colossus deals double damage to
two medium or smaller creatures on its head or objects and structures.
shoulders. Creatures in the command stand are ACTIONS
immune to the effect of the earthshake. Multiattack. The colossus makes two slam attacks.
Immobile. When immobile, a colossus is Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
indistinguishable from a statue. target. Hit: 28 (4d10+6) bludgeoning damage.
Immutable form. The colossus is immune to any spells
or effect that would alter its form.
Magic resistance. The colossus has advantage on
saving throws against spells and other magical

Page 83
Tomeo’s Colossus Tomeo’s Colossus can consume a soul gem and
regain 30 hit points.
The scourge of Konenis, is a major colossus
created in response to address the biggest issue ACTIONS
with colossi: they fray and damage themselves Multiattack. The colossus makes three melee attacks.
over time. Tomeo wanted his creation to Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 15 ft., one
rejuvenate itself by feeding on the souls of target. Hit: 32 (4d10+10) bludgeoning damage.
Swat. Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 15 ft., one
defeated enemies.
target. Hit: 21 (2d10+10) bludgeoning damage and
Once activated, Tomeo’s Colossus broke out
the target must make a DC 25 Strength saving throw
of the workshop, killing its creator and going on of be thrown 20 feet in a direction chosen by
a rampage that has gone on for just under a Tomeo’s Colossus
thousand years. It is still walks and hunts the Soul Blast (Recharge 4, 5, 6). Tomeo’s colossus can
living to this day. exude a blast of soul energy. All creatures within 60
TOMEO’S COLOSSUS feet of Tomeo’s Colossus must make a DC 25
Gargantuan construct, unaligned Constitution saving throw or take 52 (8d12) necrotic
Armor Class 19 damage. This has no effects on contructs.
Hit Points 307 (15d20+135) LEGENDARY ACTIONS
Speed 40ft.
Tomeo’s Colossus can take 3 legendary actions,
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA choosing from the options below. Only one
30 (+10) 9 (-1) 28 (+9) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 3 (-4) legendary action can be used at a time and only at
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, slashing the end of another creature’s turn. Tomeo’s
from magical weapons. Colossus regains spent legendary actions at the start
Damage Immunities fire, poison, psychic, of its turn.
bludgeoning, piercing, slashing from nonmagical Pass Through. Tomeo’s colossus can move its speed.
weapons. Rejuvenate. Tomeo’s colossus consumes one soul gem
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, within 10 feet.
frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned Second wind. Tomeo’s colossus recharges its soul
Senses darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 10 blast.
Languages understands Gebite and Khamet, but Swat. Tomeo’s colossus can make a swat attack.
cannot speak
Challenge 22 (41,000 XP)
Antimagic aura. Whenever the major colossus or a
creature in its command stand is targeted by a spell
that requires an attack roll, the attack is made with
disadvantage. If the spell includes a saving throw,
the colossus and creatures on its command stand
ignore the effects of the spell if their saving throw is
Immobile. When immobile, a colossus is
indistinguishable from a statue.
Immutable form. The colossus is immune to any spells
or effect that would alter its form.
Legendary Resistance (3/day). If Tomeo’s Colossus
fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed
Magic resistance. The colossus has advantage on
saving throws against spells and other magical
Magic weapons. The colossus’s attacks are magical.
Siege Monster. The colossus deals double damage to
objects and structures.
Soul Engine. When a creature within 30 feet of
Tomeo’s colossus dies, its soul coalesces into a dark
red gem, called a soul gem. As a bonus action
GHOUL rotting village (Level 6)
On their way to their destination, the PCs see
These necrophagians burrow and feast on
an camp in the distance. This is the first sign of
the dead in the necropolises of Akhamet. Ghouls
civilization they have seen in days.
form clans around a common location, a ghast, or
a ghoul of great power. They hunt anyone alive Outbreak (Medium)
that dares enter their demesne, or venture As the PCs enter the camp, the former
nearby. They spend their days hidden in the inhabitants rise up and attack.
many dark hollows between tombs, avoiding the ZOMBIES (15)
attention of the church of Anubis. See Monster Manual.
A few clans serve Anubis, killing and
consuming the deceased of the lower classes who
After nightfall, the creatures responsible for
are more likely to have received poor embalming
the slaughter at the camp: a band of ghouls with
their zombie slaves.
Ghasts are identical to those found in the AKHAMETI GHAST
Monster Manual, with the command lesser ability See above.
(see below). AKHAMETI GHOUL (4)
Medium undead, chaotic evil OGRE ZOMBIES (2)
Armor Class 12 See Monster Manual.
Hit Points 22 (5d8)
Speed 30 ft. Aftermath
All the riches, including water and food, of
13 (+1) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 7(-2) 10 (+0) 6 (-2) the settlement are still present, ready to be taken.
The valuables are not worth much, but in large
Damage Immunities poison
numbers can fetch a nice price.
Condition Immunities charmed, exhausted, poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
La nguages Khamet
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Command lesser. As a bonus action, a ghoul may
command one mindless undead it can see. The
target is charmed by the ghoul. If the target is
already charmed or commanded, it is allowed a DC
12 Wisdom saving throw to avoid this effect.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) piercing damage.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (2d4 + 2) slashing damage. If the target
is a creature other than an elf or undead, it must
succeed on a DC 10 Constitution check or be
paralyzed for 1 minute. The target can repeat the
saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending
the effect on itself on a success.

Page 85
GNASHER Dune Hunters (Level 4)
The PCs are out in the desert, looking for a
Gnashers are ambush hunters that hunt in
missing grain caravan. The grain is needed to
packs. Their scales range from beige to brown
feed the workers on an aqueduct out in the
with green highlights. Packs hide in the sands
desert. Retracing the steps of the caravan, the PCs
until prey appears, once they fight to the death.
GNASHER arrive at an abandoned village now serving as a
Medium beast, unaligned stop to take cover from the sand. When the PCs
Armor Class 12 (natural armor) arrive, they find the wagons still intact with no
Hit Points 27 (5d8+5) sign of the crew or the pack animals.
Speed 30 ft., climb 20ft.
Dune Ambush (Medium)
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA As they search the area, the gnashers are
14 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 1(-5) 10 (+0) 3 (-4)
hiding around the settlement, waiting for prey.
Skills Perception +3, Survival +3 They are hiding under the sand.
Senses scent, passive Perception 11 GNASHERS (6)
La nguages - See above.
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Ambusher. In the first round of combat, the gnasher Aftermath
has advantage on attack rolls against any creature The gnashers defeated, the PCs must find a
that has yet to act. way to bring the wagons to their destination.
Keen Smell. The gnasher has advantage on Wisdom Unprotected wagons tend to disappear.
(Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Opportunist. As a bonus action, a gnasher can make
one claw attack against a prone target.
Pack Tactics. The gnasher has advantage on attack
rolls against a creature if at least one of the gnasher's
allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage, and the
target must make a DC 13 Strength saving throw or
be grappled.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
grappled target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) slashing damage.
These large riverine mammals have barrel- Hunting dedeceri is the mobile form of the
shaped shaped bodies and a wide mouth with dedeceri plant that takes on a form vaguely
large canine tusks. They live in herd dominated resembling a lion or a wolf. As such, the plant
by a large male. They spend most of their time in hunts arcane spellcasters in packs. Even when
the cool water. Hippopotamuses are aggressive destroyed, they leave behind the seeds of more
and are known to attack humanoids and boats plants.
without provocation. HUNTING DEDECERI
HIPPOPOTAMUS Large plant, unaligned
Large beast, unaligned Armor Class 14
Armor Class 12 Hit Points 37 (5d10 + 10)
Hit Points 47 (5d10+20) Speed 50 ft.
Speed 30ft., swim 30ft. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 3 (-4) 13 (+1) 1 (-5)
17 (+3) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 2 (-4) 11 (+0) 4 (-3) Damage Resistance psychic; bludgeoning and
Skills Athletics +5 piercing from nonmagical weapons
Senses passive Perception 10 Damage Immunities poison
Languages - Condition Immunities blinded, deafened, exhaustion,
Challenge 1 (200 XP) poisoned,
Brave. A hippopotamus has advantage against being Skills Perception +3, Stealth +4
frightened. Senses passive Perception 13
Charge. When a hippopotamus moves at least 20 feet Languages understands Khamet but cannot speak
before attacking a target in the same turn, the target Challenge 2 (450 XP)
takes an additional 7 (1d12) point of piercing Fragile Frame. When the hunting dedeceri dies, it
damage. explodes, and all creatures within 10 feet must make
Hold Breath. A hippopotamus can hold its breath for a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or take 10 (3d6)
15 minutes. poison damage. All that remains are non-magical
ACTIONS dedeceri spores.
Magic Resistance. A hunting dedeceri has advantage
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one on any saving throws against magic.
target. Hit: 17 (2d12+3) bludgeoning damage. If the Opportunist. As a bonus action, the hunting dedeceri
target is a creature it must succeed at a DC 12 can make one bite attack against a grappled or
Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. prone target.
Pack Tactics. The hunting dedeceri has advantage on
an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the
hunting dedeceri’s allies is within 5 feet of the
creature, and the ally isn’t incapacitated.
Pounce. If the hunting dedeceri moves at least 20 feet
straight toward a creature and then hits it with a
claw attack on the same turn, that target must
succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be
knocked prone.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage and the
target is grappled (escape DC 13).

Page 87
carrying isn’t transformed. It reverts to its true form
LYCANTHROPE, it if dies.
WERECROCODILE Hold breath. The werecrocodile can hold its breath for
15 minutes.
These lycanthropes are greedy, selfish and
covetous. They see themselves as the favored ACTIONS
sons and daughters of Sobek and stalk areas of Multiattack (humanoid or hybrid form only). In
murky waters such as swamps and flood plains. humanoid form, the werecrocodile can make two
They prefer to eat meat, particularly other melee or ranged attacks. In hybrid form, it can
attack like a humanoid, or make two tail attacks.
intelligent creatures. When hiding among
Bite (crocodile or hybrid form only). Melee Weapon
humanoids, they take jobs where they can hunt Attack +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d12
others, such as assassins or bounty hunters. +3) piercing damage and the target is grappled
WERECROCODILE (escape DC 13). Until the grapple ends the target is
Medium humanoid, chaotic evil restrained and the werecrocodile can’t bite another
Armor Class 13 target. If the target is humanoid, it must succeed on
Hit Points 120 (16d8 + 48) a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be cursed
Speed 30 ft., swim 30ft. with werecrocodile lycanthropy.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Tail (crocodile or hybrid form only). Melee Weapon
16 (+3) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 8 (-1) Attack +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 +3)
bludgeoning damage.
Skills Athletics +5, Perception +3, Stealth +4 Longsword (humanoid or hybrid form only). Melee
Damage Resistances bludgeoning Weapon Attack +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7
Damage Immunity piercing, slashing from (1d8 +3) slashing damage.
nonmagical attacks that aren’t silvered Longsword (humanoid or hybrid form only). Melee
Senses passive Perception 13 Weapon Attack +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7
Languages Khamet (can’t speak in crocodile form) (1d8 +3) slashing damage.
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Longbow (humanoid or hybrid form only). Ranged
Shapechanger. The werecrocodile can use its action to Weapon Attack +1 to hit, range 150/600 ft., one
polymorph into a crocodile hybrid or into a target. Hit: 4 (1d8) piercing damage.
crocodile, or back to its true form, which is
humanoid. Its statistics, other than size, are the
same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or
disappearances. The PCs’ investigation reveals
MINDLESS DEAD the street gang and their deal with Pejka.
The mindless dead of Akhamet come in two
main varieties: skeletons and zombies. These Breakout (Medium)
creatures are found all over Akhamet, wherever On the night the PCs begin searching for him,
the rites of the dead have not been performed, or he breaks out. Waves of zombies flow into the
not been performed correctly. streets, forcing the necropolis guard and the local
Priests of Khonsu consider such creatures to authorities to focus on containing the roaming
be lower than flies in the natural order of undead while the PCs can tackle Pejka.
undeath, but they nevertheless use of their Inside the necropolis, a mob of zombies
services in temples and secret bases. Although attack the PCs.
nothing was ever proven, it is believed that many ZOMBIES (12)
of the great plagues of the dead originated from See Monster Manual.
such places. Pejka (Hard)
The PCs track down Pejka to the tomb of a
Skeletons rich local family.
Skeletons are the dead who are stuck or PEJKA
entombed with former masters or spouses. See Monster Manual, under ghast.
Isolated from the outside world, their flesh dries SKELETONS (6)
and turns to dust before they animate. When See Monster Manual.
tomb robbers unseal these tombs, the skeletons
are released and wander in search of the living. Aftermath
Game-wise, they use the same statistics and Inside, he gathered treasures in jewelry and
stat blocks as regular skeletons. other personal items. The family is powerful and
may reward the PCs or blame them for the
Zombies actions of Pejka.
Zombies are created when a body is left to rot
out in the open air. All humanoid and giants
suffer from this curse, only the occasional beast
and monstrosity rise again after their deaths.
Reanimation happens within a few hours up to a
full day, though it is often precipitated by the
approach of potential living.
Game-wise, they use the same statistics and
stat blocks as regular zombies.

The Rise (Level 3)

Local criminals have been ridding
themselves of bodies by throwing them over a
wall of the necropolis. The untreated bodies rose
again to be destroyed by the necropolis guard.
One night, a ghast named Pejka happened on
them and pretended to be a necromancer looking
for associates. They struck a deal and the gang
sent him bodies for looted treasures.
Pejka now commands a small army of the
dead, waiting for the right time to prey upon the
unsuspecting populace.
The PCs are contacted by the local priests to
investigate the growing number of

Page 89
MUMMY GUARD Tomb Robber (Level 5)
Hard times are upon the House of Tufu, a
A mummy guard is a devoted of Anubis who
local ceramic merchant. The first setback was
underwent mummification to perform duties to
when his prize glaze was stolen. Then the boat
the church forever. These brave souls serve as
that carried a shipment of red clay was sunk by
guards in necropolises and temples across
hippopotamuses, then his warehouse caught fire,
Akhamet. They are kept away from the public.
MUMMY GUARD his daughter ran off with his petty cash, then two
Medium undead, lawful neutral of his turning wheel cracked.
Armor Class 15 (shield) To keep his business afloat, he needed
Hit Points 97 (15d8+30) money. More than that, he needed fast money, so
Speed 20ft. he opted for the easiest way he knew: he opted to
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA rob the tomb of his family. The treasures therein,
18 (+4) 8 (-1) 15 (+2) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) he reasoned belonged to him as the rightful heir
Saving Throws Wis +3
to the family fortune.
Damage Vulnerabilities fire Pretending to travel to purchase new potter’s
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and wheels, he instead rode off into the Great
slashing from nonmagical attacks Necropolis to his family tomb.
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison There, he took buried treasures and pawned
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, them in Anupolis before returning home with the
frightened, paralyzed, poisoned needed wheels, quality clay, and supplies. No
Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 10 one thought anything was wrong, and had he left
Languages any languages it knew in life
it there, he may have gotten away with this
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
crime, but when his daughter Kari asked for a
wedding with Prince Lem, he decided to return
Multiattack. The mummy makes two attacks with its to take more from his family tomb.
longsword. His expedition was successful and he
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
returned once more with the money needed.
one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage plus 14
However, this time six mummy guards caught
(4d6) necrotic damage and the target must make a
DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be stunned his track and followed him all the way from the
until the end of the mummy guard’s next turn. Great Necropolis.
REACTION Street Fight (Easy)
Anubis’s Blessing. When the mummy guard is subject As the PCs head home after a night on the
to a condition, it can take its reaction to make a town, Tufu crashes into them, claiming crazy
saving throw with advantage to remove the creatures are after him. Hot on his trail is a single
condition. mummy guard. The guard assumes the PCs are
accomplices of Tufu and attacks.
See above.

The PCs should find a way to unravel the
mystery of why the mummies pursue Tufu. After
dispatching the six mummy guards, finding a
way to save Tufu’s life may be difficult, even
knowing what he did is not that easy.
Whether Tufu escapes with his life or faces
justice (which would be death), is up to the PCs.
MUMMY, LESSER Lost Papers (Level 1)
Jedjet, a local nobleman found the diary of
Lesser mummies are created by the church of
his ancestor, Djeleset the Sage who, in his later
Anubis as a way to gift immortality to favored
years gave everything to his children. He
servants. The ritual is a shortened version that
disappeared and vanished from the records of
creates mummies and mummy guards. These
creatures are not as tough, but they retain more
Jedjet believes the diary contains a passage
of their mental faculties.
LESSER MUMMY concerning Pharaoh’s current situation.
Medium undead, any alignment However, the most critical passage suffered
Armor Class 13 damage and is missing. A friend of his, a sage
Hit Points 36 (8d8) who visited the Valley of Lost Princes, claims he
Speed 20ft. saw a member of the Order, a mummy called
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Djeleset the Sage.
13 (+1) 17 (+3) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) Jedjet hires the PCs to take a copy of the
Damage Vulnerabilities fire
papyrus to the Valley of Lost Princes and
Damage Resistances necrotic, slashing from convince his ancestor to complete his missing
nonmagical attacks part of the parchment.
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
Gnolls (Hard)
poisoned One day out of the Valley, gnolls ambush the
Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 10 PCs.
Languages any languages it knew in life. GNOLLS (2)
Challenge 2 (450 XP) See Monster Manual.
See Monster Manual.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage plus 7 (2d6) Aftermath
necrotic damage and the target must make a DC 13 Captured gnolls trade their life for
Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the information. They work for one Tawadjet. They
end of the lesser mummy’s next turn. know the PCs have a papyrus their boss wants.
Bandits (Medium)
One day out of the Valley, a group of bandits
attack the PCs.
See Monster Manual.
See Monster Manual, under Noble.

Tawadjet refuses to talk and insists Jedjet is a
lying and conniving individual who stole the
papyrus from him.
Reaching the Valley, the PCs can petition the
Order of the Lost Princes to meet with Jedjet’s
ancestor. The Order may ask some favor from the
PCs before they agree to the meeting.
When the PCs finally meet the ancestor, who
is now a mummy, he tells the PCs the full
passage. The content is not what Jedjet expected,
so he pays the PCs.

Page 91
Pack Tactics. The salt skeleton has advantage on attack
SALT SKELETON rolls against a creature if at least one of the salt
Salt skeletons resemble other skeletons but skeleton's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and
they are covered with salt crystals. These crystals the ally isn't incapacitated.
make the skeleton sturdier. ACTIONS
The Salt Desert is one of the most Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
inhospitable in Akhamet. Any dead rises up as a target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) slashing damage.
salt skeleton, unlike elsewhere where they
animate as zombies. Salt skeletons taken out of Run for the Hills (Level 5)
the Salt Desert retain their unique qualities. The PCs are camped in the Salt Desert, when
Salt skeletons conglomerate and arrange salt skeletons come over the dunes.
themselves into military-like formations. They
Skeletons (Medium)
patrol around the ruined city of Algazan.
The skeletons move about in military way
Medium undead, lawful evil trying to prevent the PCs from escaping.
Armor Class 12 SALT SKELETONS (12)
Hit Points 13 (2d8+4) See above.
Speed 30 ft. Aftermath
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Every five minutes, another group arrives
10 (+0) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 6 (-2) 8 (-1) 5 (-3) until the PCs turn and run. The next scene
Damage Immunities poison features the PCs as they avoid the hordes of
Condition Immunities exhausted, poisoned skeletons until they enter the ruins of Algazan or
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9 flee the Salt Desert.
La nguages understands Khamet but cannot speak
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
These undead are made up entirely of sand. A sethathu, or simply “Seth beast”, is a
The Church of Seth uses them sometimes to creature created by Seth to serve as companions
defend holy sites in the desert. A sand wraith to his people. They resemble greyhounds with a
attacks by firing blasts of sand from its arms. curved snout and squared, upright ears with a
SAND WRAITH long forked tail. Sethathu are both aggressive
Medium undead, neutral evil and loyal.
Armor Class 13 SETHATHU
Hit Points 39 (6d10+12) Medium beast, unaligned
Speed fly 30ft. Armor Class 14
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Hit Points 84 (13d8+26)
11 (+0) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 6 (-2) 12 (+1) 4 (-3) Speed 40ft.

Damage Resistance piercing or slashing from non- STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
magical weapons 17 (+3) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 2 (-4) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
Damage Immunity necrotic Skills Athletics +5, Survival +3
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, Senses darkvision 60 ft., scent, passive Perception 11
frightened, paralyzed, poisoned Languages -
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Languages Khamet (cannot speak) Great Tracker. A sethathu has advantage on Wisdom
Challenge 1 (200 XP) (Survival) checks to follow tracks.
Sand blaster. A sand wraith can attack with its sand
blast attack without having disadvantage when
firing into melee. Multiattack. A sethathu makes one attack with its bite
Sand walker. A sand wraith is not impeded by any and one with its claws.
sand-based effect, such as a sandstorm or quick Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
sands. target. Hit: 7 (1d8+3) piercing damage and the target
must make a DC 13 Strength saving throw or
become prone.
Multiattack. The sand wraith makes two attacks with Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
its sand blast. target. Hit: 10 (2d6+3) slashing damage.
Sand blast. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
reach 5 ft. or 20 / 100 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8+3) The Pack (Level 5)
bludgeoning damage. Local cattle are disappearing in a remote
settlement and the local priest called for
Haunted Oasis (Level 2) assistance. The PCs are sent to resolve the
The PCs are in the hinterlands looking for a
situation. After a short investigation, the PCs
lost temple of Seth. They having searched for
track the culprit to a pack of sethathu. As they
many days and their supplies are starting to run
track the beasts to their lair, they find themselves
low when a sandstorm comes over their position.
surrounded by the pack.
Sandstorm (Medium)
Ambush (Hard)
After taking cover and suffering from the
The sethathu ambush the PCs in a canyon
effects of the storm, the PCs emerge from the
where they cannot escape.
sands they find ruins uncovered by the storm. A
pair of sand wraith emerges and attacks. See above.
See above. Aftermath
The pack defeated, the PCs find proof the
Aftermath beast were trained. Which leads to the next
The sand wraiths defeated, the PCs may
question: who is behind this? And why did he
explore the ruins uncovered by the sands.
send his beasts to ambush the PCs?

Page 93
Sharkfolk are humanoid sharks that live in Medium humanoid, neutral evil
the depths and reefs of the Endless Sea. They Armor Class 13
consider any creature as source of food and raid Hit Points 27 (5d8 + 9)
both land settlements and ships. They live Speed 30 ft., swim 30ft.
solitary lives and congregate for reproduction STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
and to confront common threats. 12 (+3) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 7 (-2) 15 (+2) 10 (+0)
They form communities where food is Skills Nature +2, Perception +4, Survival +4
plentiful. They do not build much preferring to Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
live in shallow caves, reefs, or in shipwrecks. Languages Aquan, Khamet
Shamans advise individuals and serve as Challenge 2 (450 XP)
leaders during raids and wartime. In rare Aggressive. As a bonus action, a sharkfolk can take a
peacetime, they act as spokesmen. free move towards an opponent who does not have
full hit points.
Not overly intelligent, they sometimes trade
Amphibious. The sharkfolk can breathe air and water.
with people on the surface, especially when they Shark Empathy. Sharkfolk have advantage to any
know those they deal with are more powerful. Wisdom (Animal Handling) check to deal with
Sharkfolk do not make long-term alliances, sharks.
rather making short-term deals and quickly turn Spellcasting (sharkfolk form only). The sharkfolk
on their allies when they think they have the shaman is a 5th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting
advantage. ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 12, +4 to hit with
Sharkfolk hate sahuagin and the two groups spell attacks). The sharkfolk has the following druid
are constantly at war, fighting over settlements spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will) druidcraft, poison spray, thorn whip
and access to resources.
1st level (4 slots) fog cloud, speak with animals
2nd level (3 slots) barkskin, moonbeam
Medium humanoid, neutral evil
3rd level (2 slots) conjure animals (sharks only), dispel
Armor Class 13
Hit Points 15 (2d8 + 6)
Speed 30 ft., swim 30ft. ACTIONS

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Multiattack (humanoid form only). The sharkfolk
16 (+3) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 7 (-2) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) makes two melee attacks.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Skills Intimidation +2, Perception +2, Survival +2 target. Hit: 4 (1d6 +1) piercing damage.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12 Trident (humanoid form only). Melee or Ranged
Languages Aquan, Khamet Weapon Attack +3 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/ 60
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8+1) piercing damage.
Aggressive. As a bonus action, a sharkfolk can take a Change Shape (Recharges after a long or short rest).
free move towards an opponent who does not have The shaman can polymorph into a hunter shark,
full hit points. remaining in that form for up to 1 hour. It can revert
Amphibious. The sharkfolk can breathe air and water. to its true form as a bonus action. Its statistics, other
Shark Empathy. Sharkfolk have advantage to any than its size, are the same in each form. Any
Wisdom (Animal Handling) check to deal with equipment it is wearing or carrying isn’t
sharks. transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies.
Multiattack. The sharkfolk makes two melee attacks.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 6 (1d6 +3) piercing damage.
Trident. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack +5 to hit, reach
5 ft. or range 20/ 60 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3)
piercing damage.
Akhameti sphinxes serve as direct An ushebti is a construct built to resemble
messengers of the gods. Unlike some celestials one of the gods. They often are covered with
and fiends, they serve all the gods equally, bandaged to appear as mummies at a quick
meaning they can deliver messages from Khem glance.
or Tawaret. USHEBTI
The appearance of a sphinx is cause for great Medium construct, unaligned
concern and is seen as the direct involvement of Armor Class 12
Hit Points 25 (3d8 + 12)
the god. Such appearances are rare or are done in
Speed 30 ft.
private. Statues of sphinxes line the entrance and
interiors of temples, reminding visitors of the STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
connection to the divine. 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 3 (-4) 12 (+1) 1 (-5)
Seeking the wisdom and insight of such wise Damage Immunities poison, psychic
creature is a task for the brave and highly Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened,
dedicated for they prefer to make their lairs in exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified,
remote areas, such as Sphinx Roost in the Central poisoned
Senses blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius),
Range or deep in the Hinterlands. They do not
passive Perception 13
suffer fools and rid themselves of annoyance Languages understands Khamet but can't speak
with little hesitation. Challenge 2 (450 XP)
All Akhameti sphinxes know the following Antimagic Susceptibility. The ushebti is incapacitated
two spells in addition to their regular spell list: while in the area of an antimagic field. If targeted by
commune and legend lore. dispel magic, the ushabti must succeed on a
Constitution saving throw against the caster's spell
save DC or be incapacitated, making a saving throw
at the end of each of its turn to remove the
Magic Resistance. The usebti has advantage on saving
throws against spells and other magical effects.
Multiattack. The ushebti makes two claw attacks.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 8 (1d6 + 5) slashing damage.

Page 95
creature’s turn. The sekhmeti regains spent
VAMPIRE, SEKHMETI legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Sekhmeti are a breed of female vampire that Claw. The sekhmeti makes a claw attack.
dwells in the dark recesses of the world. They are Heal Lesser. One undead within 60 feet of a lesser CR
the blessed of Khonsu and the rulers of his armies than the sekhmeti regains 20 hit points.
of the dead. Sekhmeti skin darkens with time, the Order Lesser. One undead within 60 feet of a lesser CR
oldest have jet-black skins. than the sekhmeti can make a single attack, move
up to its speed, or use the Help action.
Medium undead, chaotic evil Swift. The sekhmeti can move half its speed without
Armor Class 13 provoking opportunity attacks.
Hit Points 66 (12d8 + 12)
Speed 30 ft., climb 20ft.
Civil War (Level 12)
The wedding of Princess Neferdjet and Psu,
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA local head priest of Num, did not go as planned.
18 (+4) 17 (+3) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 14 (+2)
Fingers were pointed and accusations flew. The
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison conflict escalated and bystanders were caught in
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, the crossfire and vanish.
frightened, poisoned The culprit is the Princess’s own mother,
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Neferkah, now a sekhmeti. She orchestrated the
Languages Khamet, one other
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
mishaps at the wedding to have a feeding frenzy
Command lesser. As a bonus action, a sekhmeti may while fingers are pointed elsewhere.
command one mindless undead it can see. The
The Blood Lady (Hard)
target is charmed by the sekhmeti. If the target is
The PCs confront her and her sons, now
already charmed or commanded, it is allowed a DC
15 Wisdom saving throw to avoid this effect. ghasts
Grevious wounds. When scoring a critical hit, a NEFERKAH, SEKHMETI
sekhmeti deals an additional dice of damage and it See above.
regain 10 hit points. GHAST (4)
Legendary Resistance (1/day). If a sekhmeti fails a See Monster Manual.
saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead. Aftermath
Sunlight vulnerability. A sekhmeti has disadvantage
The PCs should stop Neferkah before she
on attack rolls and Wisdom (Perception) check
while under the sun.
turns her daughter.
Turning defiance. A sekhmeti and any undead within
30 feet has advantage against effects that turn
Multiattack. The sekhmeti makes one bite attack and
two with her claws.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 4) piercing damage. If the
target is not a construct or an undead, it must make
a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or gain one level
of exhaustion. A female killed by the bite of the
sekhmeti rises as a sekhmeti. Males turn into
ghouls, under the control of the sekhmeti.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage.
The sekhmeti can take 3 legendary actions, choosing
from the options below. Only one legendary action
can be used at a time and only at the end of another
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photographic and other visual or audio representations; names and Tyrants of Saggakar: Player’s Guide © 2015, First Ones
descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, Entertainment; Author: JP Chapleau
personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, environments, Akhamet: Campaign Setting © 2018, First Ones Entertainment;
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Page 97
Page 99

Dreams of Dust
A Ravenloft Tale of Unrequited Love
By JP Chapleau
Obsessive love turned toxic, love that covers everything, love that stick
to you forever, love that forgets everything else. This is a tale of such a
love affair. You are the next ones to be embroiled in this one-sided love
affair that could only take place beyond the Mists.
This 9-15 hours adventure set in Ravenloft is best played with a group
of 4-6 characters of level 4-6 (optimized for level 5s).

Need of the Many

By Jen McTeague and JP Chapleau
A local arcanist linked to the Church seeks a minor artifact to protect
towns from attacks. It should be abandoned and forgotten by all in the
ruins of Midsanborg Castle. However, not all is as it seems at
Midsanborg Castle, and choices will have to be made. Does the need of
the many…?
This 4 hour adventure is best played with a group of 4-6 characters of
level 5-10 (optimized for level 7).

Treasures: Ten Magic Items

By JP Chapleau
A collection of ten unique magic items. Each of these items comes not
only with its own history and unique powers, but with a series of 1-3
adventure hook for each. Each is more than treasure – they are an

Gostor: Amazon
By JP Chapleau
The Amazon are human, but set apart because they are blessed -and
cursed - by the gods.
Players will find a new race and new feats. GMs will find ideas to
introduce and use amazons in your own campaign setting, with
adventure hooks and notes on how amazons fit into other campaign
Discover the world of Rhym, a fantasy setting for the
5th Edition of the world oldest Role-Playing Game!

Rhym is a land of conflicts, both internal and external

where heroes can have significant impact
First Ones Entertainment offers great material for the
5th Edition of the world oldest Role-Playing Game!
Play using the Pathfinder RPG or 5th Edition!

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