Aids Vacancy Details July 18

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trrqff,q, F ftfrt-ffir fnf gpq 3TfuFrft,

Eil-{rdffig(, ftrdr q-krq (tr.q.)

frq|q. / 5fusr.3T./\s-tl / zota / Ua 2-\ wl<ng{, ffio o) / ot 7 zorc

// arfiqT //
orqfilq cffifl rrcq gW fuiTq qftfr ffi,
fr-dmo. ffi {rqw, E.rr. ffr w{.
efirfil\rss/Tl4t./2o1r,zro+ rr+y, fffi6 28.0s.2017 d qRqffiq d eKq ffi it qW fuiaq E.rd-6-q srtrfil
ffifuo fttr rfft-Er c-qt d ftgfu foqy qrrr t r

sTr}r6 fta f{t .rt sqq Hrtufr S ergw, o-rqldq gcq frfuffir qtf Rr€q qffi,
qrrcagr, fuf,r rrf,{, q Bqfurf, E}fir q-ff sfuqr d $rB-d d E-+.-i t t srrq qrqrcr g,qRrd sTr+{6 qs st$
fr--rn TS fuqI ql-ilrt
s-m fqc q-E 6r frd{q frqrgsrc t t

S. Name of Vacant Cast Wise Vacant

Name of Post Qualification Salary
N. Program Post Post
1 ) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Date - 26-07-20 8 Resistration Time - 10:00 am to 12:00 pm

1. Graduate in Medical Laboratory
Technology (B.Sc.)
Minimum I Year Experience after
Diploma after Graduation.
Reeistration with C.G. Para Medical
Council if applicable.
2. Diploma in Medical Laboratory
Technology (DMLT)
Minimum 2 Years Experience after
Diploma after Diploma.
Resistration with C.G. Para Medical
Council if applicable.

The Services of existing LTs who do not

hold a DMLT may be continued if they
have done a certificate course in Medical
Aids Laboratory Technology and have more
Lab Technician 13,000.00
I Control 02 00 02 00 00 than 5 Year of Experience of working in
(rcrc) the ICTC/PPTC/ART Centre's under the
Per Month
National Aids Control Programmes.
1. fuf,H frw il ro+z trqfu t rz dt
str *cT qrtrSl
2. rtq fr-an n-+-frPrq-q GQfutrfr
oo*fuq-c) o-r 10 q6/1 q$ or
qPrer"r crd.qmq qr fufr,ffiq tq
fr-glq q ffiqT d-{r qrB}, d
ffiRed otfud srcl qmq{ *g
qrq *il qrR-S t

3. E.rr. t$iBf,d o)fua t q-S-{f,

(tRa-n ffq n-ofrPrqq d rq t
ffiRqE otkd sm qrq q$q-{)
Other Experience Required :-
Working Knowledge of Computer.
S. Name of Vacant Cast Wise Vacant
Name of Post Qualification Salary
N. Prosram Post Post
1 ) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0
1. Post Graduate Degree/Diploma in
Aluman Development,Nursing.
With Minimum 0l Year Experience
after PG Degree /Diploma, of working
in field of counseling in health sector,
preferably in HIV/AIDS.
Aids OR
Counselor 13,000.00
(PPrCr) Control 01 00 01 00 00 2. Graduate in Psychology/Social
Per Month
Program Work/Sociology/Anthropology/Hu
man Development/Nursing.
With Minimum 03 Years Working
Experience after Graduation, of
working in field of counseling in health
sector, preferably in HIV/AIDS.

Other Exoerience Required :-

Workins Knowledse of Computer.


1. traBr* *qdr - Bo%Weightage

2. 3rflq - rs % (s ds. ufu+$1 Weightage
3. frrS fi q1akn srq \{wn qr ffisrcq fr oq* it M qr ffiqr - Os%Weightage.

1. rifu{r ftgk Wfo'qer$ *,frt
z. rrfufl Tdi qfi scqrt ffirr qq cnfua t t

3. qdi of ricqr if qMq d q-6-dr t t

4. qiqTpm *.{6 rnal-dr qrq ffiqrc{q t dffir oTM t I

s. o{rtrfr q, d qtel crqr frrt qri qrA srffi G{fu ssiq-rfud +{T oTfuqrd t, lriqrR.-d q *i w oTrid[-{
frrE qmr qrlm I

6. oT[uf crge Zfrq'f oTl'dfi TrT d $qel it +tf fuqlr rfr fuqr qr]qr r

r. qns+tqZ$t{ns+1-q ri{afi tt ordrf,o1 srq-fl fudfffir rien effirqfu }Hrur r;r of W qfr *
Grifi{ fr qilr{ qr,-rtr ef+qd t t

B. rS6 T{ d ftrt rfreTr qfr q-flfr HI\"ft M

tuor or qS c}fr t
e. qnnqfi-q Vi 3ti.rrTs+lq ri*edn (vnw+ or srmq) it riEiE-f, ffidstc S ergro oi S q-q sril qr}I|-r t

ro. Eligibility Criteriafr frt .rn ergun PLHIV (People Living with HIV) of ergre tt ge of qr+or *rfr t

11. 1'6't B{E6.rd t qff tg {dg6 B-S<orr o} srcrr-€rof.r trd tg erarr-orofl enicq 6T{r frfit
12. rrff sfu'qr A dRH di fi
qrfr frrfr rox d ff,qr-E lti srr€rT rR oiftq frdq dt o.r sqffufi'R
qRfs{r, fiqffio'orqlaq qr fuf,r rffiflq aepq Hfrfr of +.n, url stfr sTifeo 6} q-q $qvl

isreq 3Tffi

snt{{ Td

Tififi Eqi6 .__.__..____ forqfdq ERr cqrq fuur vrhnl s-fqm ol crflclc
Hd-q EH E-d
EfiITER ?D-{
oTrik rrE t5-t ilrI ftrq-f,ril
m.rfiE.q or qIII

1. orriEo o-r qFr

2. ftm,zqft o-r qFr

3. urft (erw 7 ei-sqr / orft-q / rfl-qrq)

3Trln{d s-.f (wfr) sT qFr
n-dqx o-rqfd-q o-r qFr \'q frfua
qfifi m-qro' vq ffio.
5. qq ftf\
6. org (or.or.zora of ReTRr t)
7. wrr$ qrr

8. q-l qcl6ft zFT qill

L wY{ t q {-td sn$ g

10. tun Fe*/Tos)
11. rrfudpffi(Etrlq-fr)
12. PlGTPro qlrqilr or fu+*ur

fr. qfrffr o.r qrq sffi"f q{ dd/frrqfu{Eq /iffiefi 6r;nq t[GT OI-{' g'Iqnr qHsrf, Srfr
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
/ (cqr.T T{ gq 0r-6 {fr sdr{ o-t D
'r3. or+lgra:-

14. wr ereneff d fustr ErFso d/qfr

rFrrrr ot' t t

15. qR d d ogfu gq qnr HBil

ro{ur tr si ffiq of rrrq-orfr or
s-ad-o of t

sni<o d rwre-r

q dqqr ovorlmvfi ( fu nt ffid trq of qrrilr q-dift srdl 6t E frqr t r vs sTrilfi ra t rqo
rq-rtw qtrorfr $a' ss \q sS t oti fr qmfirft smrer *i d qcn fr i{r sTrnd[-{ t{r< fu-qr qr rrd'n yq
fu--S fi q*rq tft f+gfu ffir q)trqr d sqrw of qr sfiftt

oTrn{o, rhr;fl-q tr Etdlflt

ws-{ sqr"r r* at TIS


5. 6. 7.

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