Iitd Ird 119 2024

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{ift R-dr
gtwum, ir$ft*ft-110016
(ffifn-d erg+turn v"i ft-{rw s-firt)
llauz Khas, New Delhi-110016
(lndustrial Research & Development Unit)

No. llTD/lRD/RP04622N/ Dated: 2410512024

Advertisement No.: ilTD/jRD/J 1 9/2024

Applications from lndian nationals are invrted for Project Appointment under the following project. Appointment
shall be on contractual basis with consolidated pay, renewable yearly or upto the duration o-f ihe'project, whichever
is earlier. frEF-fUd qffits-fl il ae+'+rrrfrq il.rF-{ii n 3na<-i -rrTqft-{ f}i, qrr ir .rqiiaqz, qaBa .r,etr vr q-ifffi
qdtr,.rft{ arfd?r cT qtrIq-{r fr ffif,* n=l, rr .ifr qFq BT, + qrq errn.

Title of the and fabrication of rated underwater vehicle

llT GuwahatiTech @fo_yetio_!1an C Developme nt F u n d
Name of the Project Prof. Vamsi Krishna Chalamalla
lnvestigator / Contact Point [email lD: vqha][email protected] ac inl
Deptt/ Centre Departmen! of Applied Mechanics
Duration of the .31t10t2025
Post (s) Consolidated fellowship /

Jr Research Fellow (1) Rs.37,000/- per month plus B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering with
27% HRA (For JRF as per NET/GATE. OR M.'l-ech. (with GATE
DS I norms) qualification) in Mechanical Engineering A
minimum of 70% is required in the qualifying
degree, Experience related to robotics &
product design is a must, programming rn
Python is desirable. *.The requirement of
NET/GATE examination for the selection to
the post of JRF/SRF may be relaxed for the
candidates who have graduated from
Centrally Funded Technical lnstitutes (CFTls)
with a CGPA of more than 8.000.

candidates who are rnterested to apply for the above post should download Form No. IRD/REC-4 from the
IRD Website (http://ird.iitd.ac.in/rec) of llT Delhi and submit the duly filled form with complete information
regardlng educational qualifications indicating percentage of marks/division, details of work experience etc. at
l[) vchalama@am iitd ac in
ll T Delhi reserves the right to fix higher criterra for short-listing of eligible candidates from those satisfyrng
qualification and requirement of the project post and their name will be displayed on web link
(http://ird'iitd.ac'in/shortlisted) alongwith the online interview details Only short-listed candidates will be
informed for online rnte-rview ln case any clarification is required on eilgibiliiy regarding the above post, the
candidate may contact Prof. Vamsi Krishna Chalamalla at email id: VsbAE 1nfU.AAJ!
5% relaxation of marks may be granted to the SC/ST' Candidates. ln case of selection of a retired/superannuated
government employee, his/her salary will be fixed as per prevailing IRD norms, 'rfi{Fr4 flf} 7 35aqf}-{
cn-qTfr ?,
:rfizqrt 4;r izt;r 17 SX W ff w q6fi t rr,6 ireTft1f, ,rrflt {,ffi q, vqn { q1qa q Tq?r;r +r-r'a4-q6 ..4t.{rt
clil?3-l{-rrfli-r14f}rrrnn.n1 Thelastdateforsubmittingthecompletedapplicationsbyemail is10t06t2024
by 5.00 p.m.

Eirrr "*Jhs\"nM
. Head of the Deptt./Centres/Units : It is requested that the contents of the Above Advt be
brought to the notice of the staff working tn your
Deptt /Centre/Unrt
a Webmaster, IRD 'T-o
put advertisement at llTD website
a Notice Boards
o Advertisement file
a Prof. Vamsi Krishna Chalamalla, Pl, Department of Applied Mechanics
a Copy to Chairperson, DRC/CRC

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