The Arpanet: Forerunner of Today's
The Arpanet: Forerunner of Today's
The Arpanet: Forerunner of Today's
In late 1968, the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) put out a Request for
Quotation (RFQ) to build a network of four Interface Message Processors (IMPs).
At BBN, Frank Heart assembled a proposal team that included Dave Walden, a young
programmer with expertise in real-time systems, Bernie Cosell, an ace de-bugger whom
every BBN manager had learned to rely on if their projects got into trouble, Severo
Ornstein, a perfectionist hardware ace, Will Crowther, an exceptional programmer who
specialized in producing complex, tight code, and Bob Kahn, the consummate
theoretician who understood error-control and the problems associated with sending
data over telephone lines.
Frank Heart: Father of the
ARPANET When the BBN team submitted its detailed proposal in September 1968, it filled 200
When ARPA's request for pages. Flowcharts, equations, and tables detailed timing, routing, transmission delays,
proposal arrived at BBN in and packet queuing. The team was confident that no one else had prepared such a
August of 1968, Frank Heart detailed bid, although a dozen companies bid on the contract. When ARPA awarded
handpicked a team that the contract to BBN in January 1969, the larger organizations who had submitted
combined expertise in real-time
systems,hardware, computer
proposals were stunned.
science, wireline
communications, and The team worked with an off-the-shelf Honeywell 516 to design the high speed I/O
debugging to write the winning devices that would need to be added to the basic model and to start writing the code
ARPANET proposal for the first that would reload crashed IMPs, pull packets into the machine, figure out how to route
computers connected in a
packet-switching network. them, and send them on their way. Researchers would not be satisfied with the original
Heart's knowledge of computer proposal, which required connecting only a single host at each site, so the team also
technology, his knack for putting redesigned the IMP to handle up to four hosts at each site.
together effective engineering
teams, and his insistence on
reliability led to the successful,
Ben Barker, a Harvard-educated hardware engineer and the newest member of the IMP
on time installation of the first team, tried loading several pieces of code onto the customized 516 when it arrived. It
nodes of the ARPANET nine didn't work and neither did anything else. Barker worked 16 hours a day, unwrapping
months later and produced the misconnected wires from their pins, figuring out where they should be connected, and
underpinnings of today's
then rewrapping the wires on each pin, while Ornstein worked on design corrections,
Internet technology.
which he then relayed to Honeywell's engineers.
The software team, Crowther, Walden, and Cosell, spent most of the summer devising a
routing scheme that would automatically route data packets around troubled links in the
network and update itself several times per second. Two weeks before the UCLA
installation deadline, the next IMP arrived from Honeywell. The machine incorporated
few of the requested modifications. Barker again unwrapped and rewired pins, this time
with the advantage of knowing how they should be connected. Within a few days, he
activated the IMP's interfaces, but it crashed frequently at random intervals. He had a
hunch that the problem lay in the machine's timing chain and designed a fix. The
machine had to be shipped to UCLA the next day, leaving no time to test the fix.
Barker traveled with the IMP to make sure the airline's cargo crew treated it with the respect it deserved
and Truett Thach, a technician in BBN's Los Angeles office, met Barker and the IMP as they deplaned.
When the IMP got to UCLA, Barker and Thach attached the cables and powered it up. Instantly, the
machine picked up just where it had left off in Cambridge. Barker phoned Heart to tell him the good news
and that he would be coming home in the morning. Heart asked Barker to hang around for a few days to
see if it crashed. It didn't.
On October 1, 1969, the second IMP arrived at SRI and the first characters were transmitted over the new
network. The ARPANET was born. IMPs number three and four were installed at UC Santa Barbara and
the University of Utah with little fanfare. IMP installations were beginning to seem routine.
The network expanded to thirteen sites by January 1971 and twenty-three by April 1972 but was still
virtually unknown outside of BBN, ARPA, and a small group of researchers. The International Conference
on Computer Communication in Washington on October 1972 changed that. The ARPANET was the only
demonstration at the conference and by the time it was over the much-maligned concept underlying the
project—packet switching—had been vindicated and computer makers began to have an inkling of an
emerging market.
The IMP Development Group pictured with the IMP: (left to right) Truett Thach, Bill Bartell, Dave Walden, Jim
Geisman, Bob Kahn, Frank Heart, Ben Barker, Marty Thorpe, Will Crowther, and Severo Ornstein.
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