Heavy Duty Wheel Balancers: Safety Instructions Operating Instructions Maintenance Instructions Installation Instructions
Heavy Duty Wheel Balancers: Safety Instructions Operating Instructions Maintenance Instructions Installation Instructions
Heavy Duty Wheel Balancers: Safety Instructions Operating Instructions Maintenance Instructions Installation Instructions
ÌBalancing Your
First Tire Safety Instructions
on page 1.
Operating Instructions
Maintenance Instructions
Installation Instructions
READ these instructions before placing unit in
service. KEEP these and other materials delivered
with the unit in a binder near the machine for ease
of reference by supervisors and operators.
1601 J. P. Hennessy Drive, LaVergne, TN USA 37086-3565 615/641-7533 800/688/6359 www.ammcoats.com Manual Part No.: 85606875 02a
HENNESSY INDUSTRIES INC. Manufacturer of AMMCO®, COATS® and BADA® Automotive Service Equipment and Tools. Revision: 12/11
Important: Always read and follow the information box instructions. • iii
Safety Notices and Decals The motor unit of this machine contains a Class IIIa
laser with a maximum output less than 5mW at a wave
Read entire manual before assembling,
installing, operating, or servicing this
❷ ❼
❹ ❸
❺ J Hood Guard
Figure 4 - On/Off Switch
❻ Offset Arm, Measures A & D of Tire/Wheel
(shown in home position) Using The Offset Arm
When not in use or when prompted by the balancer
❼ Hood Sonar - Width Sensor (3D model only) instructions, store the offset arm in the home position
❽ 50mm Shaft as shown in figure 5.
A1 At least A2
Figure 12B - A2 and D2 Tire Dimensions 3. Use the keypad to enter the W (Width DIM) to
match the measured caliper width of the mounted rim.
❷ ❽
The Patch Weight Balance involves the loos-
ening of tire beads and the inflation of a
tire. Training is necessary in tire changer
operation and understanding the dangers
involved during bead seating and tire infla-
tion before attempting this stage of the
Figure 15 - Spoke 1 And Spoke 2 Locations On Either Side Of
Patch Weight Balance procedure. Read the
Original Outboard Weight Location operators manual supplied with the tire
changer and consult a supervisor.
6. Center and attach the spoke 2 outboard corrective
weight at the laser locator dot location (see figure 11 The patch weight balance steps are as follows:
page 6). 1. Direct Select Weight position PATCH STATIC. The
7. Next, rotate the wheel toward the spoke 1 location balancer automatically sets itself for a STATIC balance.
until the outboard center bar stops blinking and the two 2. Measure the outside tire
bars on either side blink. diameter, see figure 16, and Outside
Note: The laser locator dot will stop blinking. enter this diameter manually
using the keypad.
8. Center and attach the spoke 1 outboard corrective
Figure 16 - Measure Outside Tire
weight at the laser locator dot location (see figure 11
page 6).
3. Spin the wheel.
9. Respin tire/wheel to check balance.
4. Rotate the wheel until the center weight position
bar blinks. Next, mark the tire and rim at 12 o’clock.
Then remove the wheel assembly from the machine.
5. Disassemble the tire and rim. Place patch weight
in the tire at location marked on the tire. Reassemble
tire and rim matching the marks on the tire and rim.
6. Complete by balancing the wheel assembly follow-
ing normal procedures.
CAUTION 1. Place spring over threaded stud with the large end
inside of the faceplate. Spring must be used.
Avoid back injury, seek assistance when 2. Select a cone that best fits into wheel center hole.
lifting heavy tire/rim assemblies onto the Use only small or medium cones. If a larger cone is
balancer shaft. required, use the front cone mounting system.
3. Slide selected cone onto threaded shaft with the
Wing nuts must engage threads for at least
six full turns. Hubnut and cone must force
wheel and adapter firmly against the face-
plate. Failure to tighten hubnut or wing-
nuts securely may result in serious personal
Use common sense, this is an electrical
device. Exposing the balancer to water,
Figure 22 - While Holding Arm at Faceplate Edge, Enter A
either by hose or bucket, or by exposure
13. Move the arm to its home position and press the to rain or snow, may cause risk of shock
NEXT key. or electrocution to operator or bystanders.
Place, store, and operate the balancer only
14. Move the arm to the clip-on weight location on
in a dry, sheltered location.
the rim flange and hold it there while manually entering
the D dimension. Press the NEXT key.
15. While still holding the arm at the clip-on weight
position on the wheel, enter the dimension read off the
arm rod. Press the NEXT key. Do not hose down with water or bucket
wash the balancer. Extensive damage to
16. Return the arm to home position; arm calibration the balancer will result. Sensitive electronic
is complete. components, wiring harnesses, and other
Important: To redo the Arm Calibration procedure, devices housed in the balancer are not
press and hold SHIFT and press 0, then press 19 to intended to be exposed to water.
bypass the Machine Calibration requirement. Always 4. Keep the area around and under the balancer
use the same wheel assembly that was used during clear. Remove any tools or other items that are leaning
the machine calibration or else the calibration will not against the balancer. Remove any items that may cause
be correct. the balancer to not sit level. Be particularly cautious of
17. If machine calibration for the Car Mode/Lt. Truck new or used wheel weights on the floor, as they may
Mode is necessary then: cause personal injury due to falls.
Car Mode - Hold SHIFT key and press 4 until Car 5. Use only COATS® accessories. Accessories from
Mode LED is toggled on. Then, mount a 16-inch other manufacturers may not fit or function properly,
steel tire/wheel assembly on the balancer and and may damage the balancer.
repeat steps 2 through 16. 6. To replace Arm Laser battery, remove cover
Note: Car Mode calibration covers both Car mode and (fig. 23). Discard
Light Truck mode. old battery. Install
a new battery and
Important: A balanced tire/wheel assembly is required. replace the cover.
Note: Position wheel so that no weights are on Figure 23 - Replacing
either flange at the top-dead-center location. Turn the Arm Laser Battery
machine OFF then ON.
Arm Laser
Batter Cover
File your claim with the carrier promptly. Support Connect to Power
your claim with copies of the bill of lading, freight bill, Your factory trained COATS® Service Technician should
invoice, and photographs, if possible. do the final check to verify the power installation before
connecting the balancer to a power supply. Failure due
Although COATS responsibility ceases upon delivery to improper power connection may void the warranty.
of the shipment to the carrier, we will gladly assist
in tracing lost shipments. Our willingness to assist in Floor and Space Requirements
every possible manner does not make COATS respon- The balancer must be located on a flat floor of solid
sible for collection of claims, or replacement of lost or construction, preferably concrete. The balancer must
damaged materials. sit solidly on its three feet. If the balancer is not level,
does not sit solidly on its three feet, or is placed on an
Electrical Requirements unstable floor, the balancer will not function properly
See serial tag for the appropriate power requirements and may produce inaccurate balance readings.
of your machine.
Do not operate the balancer while it is on the pallet.
Always have a qualified electrician install the proper
receptacles in accordance with state and local codes. Select a location for the balancer that provides a level,
solid floor, and adequate clearance around and above
the balancer. Make sure the location selected has
enough room above and behind the unit so the hood
can be raised completely. The location must also pro-
vide working room for mounting and removing wheels.
Make sure the area has adequate lighting.
70 in. 62 in.
89 in.