Smith Et al-1958-AIChE Journal PDF
Smith Et al-1958-AIChE Journal PDF
Smith Et al-1958-AIChE Journal PDF
The correlation of Kolodzie and Van Winkle (3)for predicting dry plate orifice coeffi- parameter. Figures 1, 2, 3, and 4 present
cients through perforated plates originally covering a Reynolds number range of 2000 to these data.
20,000 has been extended to apply to Reynolds numbers as low as 400. The correlation Sudden sharp decreases in pressure
applies to column diameters ranging from 3 to 15 in. -
dror, as the flow rate was araduallv de-
creased were encountered in testing plates
Kolodzie and Van Winkle (3) reported procedure enabled duplicate determinations having a plate thickness t o hole diameter
experimental data and a correlation de- to be made with a maximum absolute error of 0.75 to 0.80. Because of this, the experi-
rived therefrom based on a study of of 5% and an average absolute error of mental points were not as reproducible
approximately 2y0.
perforated plate dry pressure drop with as in other situations. A number of
air as a fluid and the Reynolds numbers ORIFICE COEFFICIENTS points were taken and averaged to give
range of 2000 to 20,000. Because of the points from which the dashed curves
possible interest in discharge coefficients The orifice coefficients shown on the shown on the figures were drawn.
and pressure drop through perforated figures were calculated by means of Such instability in a study of a single
plates a t lower Reynolds numbers than Equation (1) orifice in approximately the same range
those covered in the original work, this of thickness-to-diameter ratio was re-
investigation was initiated to extend the ported by Lesem, et al. (4).They explained
data over the range down to Reynolds the phenomenon by postulating that for
numbers of 400. Essentially, Reynolds thick-plate orifices, the vena contracta lies
numbers ranging from 400 to 3000 were between the upstream and downstream
studied in this work. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS surfaces of the plate; for thin plate
For each pitch t o diameter ratio a plot orifices the vena lies beyond the down-
EQUIPMENT was prepared showing the orifice coeffi- stream surface of the plate; and that for
The equipment arrangement was the cient as a function of Reynolds number orifices for intermediate plate thicknesses,
same as that used by Kolodzie ( 3 ) and with the thickness to diameter ratio as a the vena lies between the surfaces. In the
consisted mainly of flanged sections of
3-in. I.D. Pyrex glass pipe arranged hori-
zontally so that perforated plates of variow TABLE 2
flanges. Details of the setup are given in (3).
The perforated plates studied were the Reynolds AP, exp. AP, calc. %
same as those in the original work and the Fluid NO. t l d Ratio P/d Ratio in HzO in HzO Difference
range of variables included in their design Arnold, el al. ( 1 ) 15411. column
are shown in Table 1.
Air 1760 0.35 1.085 0.51 0.66 -16.6
880 0.15 0.15 0.0
TABLE1 400 0.04 0.04 0.0
RANGEOF PLATE DESIGNVARIABLES 2500 0.49 1.14 2.80 2.70 0.4
1880 1.70 1.66 0.2
Hole diameter, in. 1/16, 3/32, 1/8, 1252 0.70 0.68 0.3
. . 1096 0.50 0.50 0.0
Hole pitch to diam- 985 0.49 1.06 0.30 0.31 -0.1
eter ratio 2, 3, 4 657 0.12 0.14 -0.2
Plate thickness, in. 0.081, 0.125, 0.1875, 494 0.082 0.083 -0.2
Plate thickness to hole Mayfield, et al. (6) &in. column
diameter ratio 0.33 to 4.0 2570 1.00 4.00 0.45 0.48 -6.2
Plate free area, 70 of 2380 0.40 0.42 -4.8
pipe cross-sectional 1925 0.25* 0.28 -10.1
area 2.33 to 15.8 1475 0.15* 0.17 -7.1
All holes were drilled on a triangular pitch. Hunt et al. ( 8 ) 6411. column
PROCEDURE Air 2820 1.00 4.00 0.166 0.162 4.9
2000 0.083 0.082 1.2
The experimental procedure was essen- 0.033 0.033 0.0
tially that followed by Kolodaie but slightly 1260
1395 0.166 0.164 2.4
modified to obtain greater accuracy in 0.083 0.082 1.2
reading pressure drop data at the lower flow 982
624 0.033 0.033 0.0
rates. These modifications included use of
a more sensitive draft gauge with optical
Dioxide 2360 1.00 4.00 0.50 0.49 2.0
magnification of the scale and meniscus in 0.025 0.025 0.0
the tube. Also the runs were started at the 1665
Methane 1835 1.00 4.00 0.046 0.045 2.1
high flow rates and readings taken at 0.0184 0.0183 0.0
decreasingly lower rates until the pressure 1160
drop was too small to be measured. This Argon 2230 1.00 4.00 0.115 0.112 2.6
1310 0.046 0.046 0.0
P. L. Smith, Jr., is at present with C. F. Brsun
Cq,Alhambra, California. 'extrapolated
090 2 090
u w
g 080
0 u
G 070
u.E 070
0 0
0 60 0 60
0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 02 06 10 14 18 22 26
Fig. 1. Plot of orifice coefficient vs. Reynolds number for a pitch Fig. 5. Cross plot of Figures 1,2,3,and 4 at a Reynolds number
to hole diameter ratio of 2.0. of 2000.
Fig. 8. Cross plot of Figures 5 , 6, and 7 at two thickness to hole diameter ratios. T h e correlation therefore has been
shown t o apply t o dry-plate pressure
drop through perforated plates at
Reynolds numbers down t o 400.
t / d ratios greater than 1.7, the coefficient of 2000 to 20,000, could predict other Winkle, A.1.Ch.E. Journal, 3, 305 (1957).
is practically independent of the t / d ratio. dry-plate pressure drop d a t a reported 4 . Lesem, L. B., J. J. McKetta, and G. H.
A t Reynolds numbers below 2000 the in the literature ( 1 , 2, 5 ) within a n Fancher, J . Pet. Tech., 210, No. 9, 61
coefficient increases with increasing t / d accuracy of 5%. T h e correlation,.extended (1957).
ratio to a maximum value a t around 5. Mayfield, F. I]., W. T,. Chiirch, A. C.
t / d = 1.0. It then decreases. A t the lower
i n Reynolds number range t o 400 by this
work, also predicts t h e available data t o Green, 1). C. Lee, and R. W. Itasmussen,
Reynolds numbcrs, the rate of decrease Ind. Eng. Chem., 44, 2238 (1952).
relative t o t / d ratio is more rapid. The within a n accuracy of 5% at the lower
coefficient also decreases with irirrensing Reynolds numbers. Table 2 includes com-
Manuscript received Dec. 30, 1957: rp:ision received
pitch-to-diameter ratio. parison of experimental pressure drop Jan. BS, 195X; paper accepted Jan. %5, 1958.