OLGA: Calculating Momentum Force On Pipework: Knowledge Base

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8/1/2021 KB6521172


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OLGA: Calculating momentum force on

The following describes how the momentum force on pipework can be calculated using OLGA
output variables.

Content ID: 6521172
Submitted Date: 3/25/2020 1:53:52 PM
Last Review Date: 3/25/2020 1:53:52 PM
Content Type:
Version: All
Application: OLGA, OLGA - Modeling


When fluids flow through a bend in the pipeline, they exert forces on the pipework due to the directional change in linear

These forces can be computed using the following formulae:

     Fx= Pipe Area * Momentum flux * (1-cos(angle))

     Fy= Pipe Area * Momentum flux * sin(angle)

where Fx is the force in the direction of one of the pipes (reference pipe), and angle is the change in direction of the two pipes.
Fy is the force orthogonally to the direction of the reference pipe.

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8/1/2021 KB6521172

The most accurate way to calculate the momentum flux is to use the sum of the momentum fluxes of each of the individual flow

The total momentum flux can be constructed from the following OLGA output variables:

     momentum flux = WG*UG + WLHL*ULHL + WLWT*ULWT + WD*UD

where WG/WLHL/WLWT/WD is gas/oil film/water film/droplet mass flux in the bend, and UG/ULHL/ULWT/UD is the gas/oil
film/water film/droplet velocity in the bend.

The fact that these terms evaluate to a force quantity can be verified by looking at the dimensions of the variables. The
dimension of momentum flux is that of mass*velocity/volume, which in SI units is kg/s/m2. Multiplied with area (m2) and
velocity (m/s) we get kg*m/s2  which is the unit of force (N). More information can be found on pages 60–65 in "Aero-
Thermodynamics and Flow in Turbomachines", Robert E. Krieger Publishing Company, Huntington, New York, 1974.

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