Mortgage 2 PDF
Mortgage 2 PDF
Mortgage 2 PDF
2. Understand the house-buying process, the key parties involved and their roles. 10
3. Understand the different forms of valuation and survey, the factors that affect 12
property values, and the implications for consumers and mortgage lenders.
4. Understand the common types of borrower and how their main mortgage‑related 6
requirements may differ, what factors may disqualify people from borrowing and
the purpose of additional security including that of guarantors.
6. Understand the role of a mortgage adviser and the importance and principles of 6
providing advice, including the key factors affecting the advice given.
8. Understand the main features of mortgage related protection products, their uses 5
and lenders’ requirements.
10. Understand the risks associated with debt consolidation for the consumer and the 2
implications for mortgage lenders.
11. Understand the implications, rights and remedies for the borrower and the lender 4
of non-payment of the mortgage and associated products.
12. Understand the main provisions made by the State to assist homeowners and 4
14. Understand the key features and structure of mortgage products and their interest 17
rate options.
15. Understand the key features of the different types of mortgage capital and 9
interest repayment options.
16. Analyse consumers’ circumstances and recommend appropriate mortgage 25 case study
solutions to specific consumers’ circumstances. related questions
*The test specification has an in-built element of flexibility. It is designed to be used as a guide for study and is not a
statement of actual number of questions that will appear in every exam. However, the number of questions testing each
learning outcome will generally be within the range plus or minus 2 of the number indicated.
14.1 Describe the main types of mortgage. The regulation of mortgage business. Richard Fox. London:
CII Knowledge Services. Updated as necessary. Available
14.2 Describe the different interest rate options available online via (CII/Personal Finance
to lenders. Society members only).
The regulation of mortgage intermediaries. Tony Wiltshire,
15. Understand the key features of the updated by Brad Baker, 2010. London: CII Knowledge
different types of mortgage capital and Services. Updated as necessary. Available online via
interest repayment options. (CII/Personal Finance Society
members only).
15.1 Describe the types of residential mortgage
repayment options available.
15.2 Describe the implications and obligations placed on
the borrower. Financial Adviser. London: Financial Times Business.
Weekly. Available in print and online at
16. Analyse consumers’ circumstances Financial Solutions. London: Personal Finance
and recommend appropriate mortgage Society. Six issues a year. Also available online via (CII/Personal Finance Society
solutions to specific consumers’ members only).
Money Marketing. London: Centaur Communications.
16.1 Analyse consumers’ circumstances and recommend Weekly. Available online at
appropriate mortgage solutions to specific
consumers’ circumstances. Mortgage Introducer. London: Publishing
Group. Fortnightly. Also available online at
Technical Focus. London: Society of Mortgage
Several issues a year. Available online at
(CII/Personal Finance Society members only).