W01 Syllabus 2023

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Award in

At the end of this unit, candidates should be able to understand the:
• basic principles of insurance;
• main legal principles related to insurance contracts;
• main regulatory principles related to insurance business;
• key elements to protect consumers.

Summary of learning outcomes Number of questions in the


1. Understand the nature and main features of risk and insurance. 20

2. Know the structure and main features of the insurance market. 22

3. Understand the main legal principles governing insurance contracts. 42

4. Understand the main regulatory and legal principles applicable to the 14

transaction of insurance business.

5. Know key aspects of ethics, corporate governance and internal controls. 2

* The test specification has an in-built element of flexibility. It is designed to be used as a guide for study and is not a statement of actual
number of questions that will appear in every exam. However, the number of questions testing each learning outcome will generally be within
the range plus or minus 2 of the number indicated.

Important notes
• Method of assessment: 100 multiple choice questions (MCQs). 2 hours are allowed for this
• This syllabus will be examined from 1 May 2023 until 30 April 2024.
• This PDF document is accessible through screen reader attachments to your web browser and has
been designed to be read via the speechify extension available on Chrome. Speechify is an
extension that is available from https://speechify.com/. If for accessibility reasons you require this
document in an alternative format, please contact us on [email protected] to discuss your
• Candidates should refer to the CII website for the latest information on changes to law and practice
and when they will be examined:
1. Visit www.cii.co.uk/qualifications
2. Select the appropriate qualification
3. Select your unit from the list provided
4. Select qualification update on the right hand side of the page

Published February 2023

©2023 The Chartered Insurance Institute. All rights reserved. W01
1. Understand the nature and main features 4.3 Understand the importance of combating financial
of risk and insurance. crime.
1.1 Explain the concept of risk and risk perception. 4.4 Explain fraud and how it impacts the insurance
1.2 Explain how different risks are categorised.
1.3 Explain the risk management function and process. 5. Know key aspects of ethics, corporate
1.4 Explain the components of risk. governance and internal controls.
1.5 Apply the principles of risk to a given set of 5.1 Explain the functions of the Chartered Insurance
circumstances. Institute (CII).
1.6 Explain the need for insurance. 5.2 Explain the importance of the fair treatment of
1.7 Explain what is meant by co-insurance, dual customers and positive customer outcomes.
insurance and self-insurance. 5.3 Understand the objectives of ‘fit and proper’
1.8 Explain the main classes of insurance in outline. requirements and the risks of unsuitability.
5.4 Understand the importance of internal control
2. Know the structure and main features of systems.
the insurance market.
2.1 Explain the way in which the insurance market is
2.2 Explain the different types of insurers.
2.3 Explain the unique structure and main features of
2.4 Explain the different distribution channels used for
the selling of insurance.
2.5 Explain the key roles within the insurance

3. Understand the main legal principles

governing insurance contracts.
3.1 Explain the essentials of a valid contract of
3.2 Explain how contracts of insurance can be
3.3 Explain the creation of an agency and how it is
3.4 Describe the duties of an agent and the duties of a
3.5 Explain the requirements for insurable interest in
insurance contracts.
3.6 Explain how the principles of disclosure and
representation apply to contracts of insurance.
3.7 Explain the definition of proximate cause and how it
is applied to non-complex claims.
3.8 Explain the principle of indemnity and how it is
provided under most insurance contracts.
3.9 Explain how the principle of indemnity can be
modified by insurance contracts.
3.10 Explain underinsurance and average.
3.11 Explain the basic principle of contribution and how it
applies to the sharing of claim payments in
straightforward property cases.
3.12 Explain the principle of subrogation.

4. Understand the main regulatory and legal

principles applicable to the transaction of
insurance business.
4.1 Explain the importance of the regulation of the
insurance industry.
4.2 Understand the importance of establishing and
maintaining capital adequacy.

Published February 2023 2 of 3

©2023 The Chartered Insurance Institute. All rights reserved.
Reading list Examination guide
If you have a current study text enrolment,
The following list provides details of further
reading which may assist you with your the current examination guide is included
studies. and is accessible via Revisionmate
(ciigroup.org/login). Details of how to access
Note: The examination will test the
syllabus alone. Revisionmate are on the first page of your
study text. It is recommended that you only
The reading list is provided for guidance study from the most recent version of the
only and is not in itself the subject of the
examination. examination guide.
The resources listed here will help you
keep up-to-date with developments and Exam technique/study skills
provide a wider coverage of syllabus topics.
There are many modestly priced guides
available in bookshops. You should choose
CII study texts
one which suits your requirements.
Award in General Insurance. London: CII.
Coursebook W01.
Books (and ebooks)
A beginner's guide to the insurance
profession. Johnsie Gladney. New Delhi:
World Technologies, 2012.*
Handbook of insurance. Georges Dionne.
New York: Springer, 2013.*
Insurance claims. 5th ed. Alison Padfield.
Bloomsbury Professional, 2021.
Insurance theory and practice. Rob Thoyts.
Routledge, 2010.*
Insurance law: an introduction. Robert
Merkin. London: Routledge, 2014.*
Research handbook on international
insurance law and regulation. Julian Burling,
Kevin Lazarus. London: Edward Elgar
Publishing, 2011.*
World insurance: the evolution of a global
risk network. Peter Borscheid, Niels Viggo
Haueter. Oxford: Oxford University Press,
The Journal. London: CII. Six issues a year.
Reference materials
Concise encyclopedia of insurance terms.
Laurence S. Silver, et al. New York:
Routledge, 2010.*
Dictionary of insurance. C Bennett. 2nd ed.
London: Pearson Education, 2004.
The insurance manual. Stourbridge, West
Midlands: Insurance Publishing & Printing
Co. Looseleaf, updated.
The insurance manual. Sadler, John.
Stourbridge, Worcs: Insurance Publishing &
Printing Co. Looseleaf updated annually.

Published February 2023 3 of 3

©2023 The Chartered Insurance Institute. All rights reserved.

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