Family Code of Philippines - Philippines
Family Code of Philippines - Philippines
Family Code of Philippines - Philippines
ART. 245. Grounds for Cancellation of Union Registration. - form an independent union during the 60 days freedom
The following may constitute grounds for cancellation of period immediately preceeding the expiration of the CBA
union registration: Usually the CBA has a life for 5 years. 2 months before it
(a) Misrepresentation, false statement or fraud in expires, that is what we call the freedom period and at that
connection with the adoption or ratification of the time aside from negotiating for a new CBA, the charter or
constitution and by-laws or amendments thereto, the the local may disaafilliate from the mother union.
(b) Misrepresentation, false statements or fraud in ANS: upon a written resolution approved by the majority of
connection with the election of officers, minutes of the the local membership. Adopted by the general membership
election of officers, and the list of voters; meeting called by that purpose.
(c) Voluntary dissolution by the members." Note that kanina cancellation which needs 2/3
So here are the three in condensed from but I suggest that votes, ngaun naman disaffiliation which needs a
you read the law proper for exam: majority vote. Also dapat meron talaga sya sa
1. Any falsehood about the constitutional by laws; agenda. Hindi sya pwde issinngit singit lang sa
2. Any falsehood about election of officers; and meeting. Dapat talaga called for that purpose. Let’s
So, if the constitution and bylaws or the election has been EXCEPTION: The disaffiliation by the majority where the
found to be fraud or was simulated, according to union may disaffiliate from the mother union even before
jurisprudence, the BIR can cancel the union registration. the 60 days freedom period. So it may be carried out but
The 3rd ground which is the voluntary dissolution which is still by the majority member of the union members in the
2/3 votes of the entire membership with a subsequent BU. This happens when there is a shift in allegiance by the
majority members of the union. They can disaffiliate,
however, the CBA continuous to bind the members of the
Based on the Lecture of Atty. Edig
(new) union up to its expiration date. For this to happen, a
consent (?) election must be administered again to CHAPTER II
determine which union must carried now since the RIGHTS AND CONDITIONS OF MEMBERSHIP
federation is no longer_. ART. 250. [241] Rights and Conditions of Membership in a
the union say, ok I will now disaffiliates arbitrarily? The following are the rights and conditions of membership
ANS: this should be done in accordance to the rules of in a labor organization:
procedure stated in the consti and by laws of the federation. a) No arbitrary or excessive initiation fees shall be
Usually, a charter local does not have their own consti and required of the members of a legitimate labor
bylaws. They adopt the consti and bylaws of their federation. organization nor shall arbitrary, excessive or
How do they disaffiliates? So accordance to the bylaws of oppressive fine and forfeiture be imposed;
the federation. This is also to protect the employees of the b) The members shall be entitled to full and detailed
BU, so that their officers will act arbitrary to their prejudice. reports from their officers and representatives of all
financial transactions as provided for in the
WHO HAS JURISDICTION? constitution and by-laws of the organization;
ANS: BLR – Bureau Of Labor Relation cause it is considered c) The members shall directly elect their officers in the
as an inter-union conflict. local union, as well as their national officers in the
national union or federation to which they or their
WHAT IS THE SUBSTITUTIONARY DOCTRINE? local union is affiliated, by secret ballot at intervals
Ans: it is connected with the disaffiliation by majority. Even of five (5) years. No qualification requirement for
if the union would disaffiliates from the mother federation, candidacy to any position shall be imposed other
the CBA entered into by the federation since ( do u than membership in good standing in subject labor
remember the principle of agency, the P is the employee, organization. The secretary or any other
the A is the union and the A of the A is the federation) since responsible union officer shall furnish the Secretary
the federation represents the union, which in turns of Labor and Employment with a list of the newly-
represents the employees, they are the ones who are elected officers, together with the appointive
considered the exclusive bargaining agent during the entire officers or agents who are entrusted with the
proceedings. handling of funds within thirty (30) calendar days
So even if the local union would disaffiliate from the mother after the election of officers or from the occurrence
union, the CBA would still hold true for the BU. Employees, of any change in the list of officers of the labor
cannot revoke validly executed CBA with there employer by organization;
simple changing their bargaining agent. d) The members shall determine by secret ballot, after
due deliberation, any question of major policy
WHAT IS EQUITY OF THE INCUMBENT? affecting the entire membership of the
ARTICLE 240( or Article 240) – All existing federation and organization, unless the nature of the organization
national unions which meet the qualification of a legitimate or force majeure renders such secret ballot
labor organization and none of the grounds for cancelation impractical, in which case, the board of directors of
shall continue to maintain their existing affiliates regardless the organization may make the decision in behalf
of the nature of the industry and the location of the of the general membership;
affiliates e) No labor organization shall knowingly admit as
This was asked in my bar exam. members or continue in membership any individual
Based on the Lecture of Atty. Edig
who belongs to a subversive organization or who is has submitted the financial report requirements
engaged directly or indirectly in any subversive under this Code: Provided, further, That failure of
activity; any labor organization to comply with the periodic
f) No person who has been convicted of a crime financial reports required by law and such rules and
involving moral turpitude shall be eligible for regulations promulgated thereunder six (6) months
election as a union officer or for appointment to after the effectivity of this Act shall automatically
any position in the union; result in the cancellation of union registration of
g) No officer, agent or member of a labor such labor organization;
organization shall collect any fees, dues, or other k) The officers of any labor organization shall not be
contributions in its behalf or make any paid any compensation other than the salaries and
disbursement of its money or funds unless he is expenses due to their positions as specifically
duly authorized pursuant to its constitution and provided for in its constitution and by-laws, or in a
by-laws; written resolution duly authorized by a majority of
h) Every payment of fees, dues or other contributions all the members at a general membership meeting
by a member shall be evidenced by a receipt duly called for the purpose. The minutes of the
signed by the officer or agent making the meeting and the list of participants and ballots cast
collection and entered into the record of the shall be subject to inspection by the Secretary of
organization to be kept and maintained for the Labor or his duly authorized representatives. Any
purpose; irregularities in the approval of the resolutions shall
i) The funds of the organization shall not be applied be a ground for impeachment or expulsion from
for any purpose or object other than those the organization;
expressly provided by its constitution and by-laws l) The treasurer of any labor organization and every
or those expressly authorized by written resolution officer thereof who is responsible for the account
adopted by the majority of the members at a of such organization or for the collection,
general meeting duly called for the purpose; management, disbursement, custody or control of
j) Every income or revenue of the organization shall the funds, moneys and other properties of the
be evidenced by a record showing its source, and organization, shall render to the organization and
every expenditure of its funds shall be evidenced to its members a true and correct account of all
by a receipt from the person to whom the payment moneys received and paid by him since he
is made, which shall state the date, place and assumed office or since the last day on which he
purpose of such payment. Such record or receipt rendered such account, and of all bonds, securities
shall form part of the financial records of the and other properties of the organization entrusted
organization. to his custody or under his control. The rendering
of such account shall be made:
Any action involving the funds of the a. (1) At least once a year within thirty (30)
organization shall prescribe after three (3) years days after the close of its fiscal year;
from the date of submission of the annual financial b. (2) At such other times as may be required
report to the Department of Labor and by a resolution of the majority of the
Employment or from the date the same should members of the organization; and
have been submitted as required by law, whichever c. (3) Upon vacating his office. The account
comes earlier: Provided, That this provision shall shall be duly audited and verified by
apply only to a legitimate labor organization which
Based on the Lecture of Atty. Edig
affidavit and a copy thereof shall be Criminal and civil liabilities arising from violations of above
furnished the Secretary of Labor rights and conditions of membership shall continue to be
m) The books of accounts and other records of the under the jurisdiction of ordinary courts.
financial activities of any labor organization shall be
open to inspection by any officer or member Discussion: so the one I have is condensed version. So
thereof during office hours; better read you’re codal.
n) No special assessment or other extraordinary fees They have the following rights:
may be levied upon the members of a labor 1. They have the right to decision making;
organization unless authorized by a written 2. They have the right to vote;
resolution of a majority of all the members in a 3. They have the right to include themselves fund-
general membership meeting duly called for the raising(?) in the labor organization;
purpose. The secretary of the organization shall 4. They have the right to information on the content
record the minutes of the meeting including the list of the consti and bylaws, access to the CBA and
of all members present, the votes cast, the purpose access to the labor laws;- actually labor
of the special assessment or fees and the recipient organizations are mandated by the labor code to
of such assessment or fees. The record shall be educate their members about their rights under the
attested to by the president. labor laws.
o) Other than for mandatory activities under the 5. They have the right to vote and be voted for
Code, no special assessments, from any amount subject to provisions of their qualifications and
due to an employee without an individual written disqualifications;
authorization duly signed by the employee. The 6. They have the right related to monetary matters-
authorization should specifically state the amount, so they may have vote on the compensation of
purpose and beneficiary of the deduction; and their officers, vote on special assesments where
p) It shall be the duty of any labor organization and atty fees come from so these can be voted by them
its officers to inform its members on the provisions on how much are they going to pay and who are
of its constitution and by-laws, collective going to pay.
bargaining agreement, the prevailing labor 7. They have the right to be deducted a special
relations system and all their rights and obligations assessment only with members’ written
under existing labor laws. authorization – this is an important provision. A lot
For this purpose, registered labor organizations may assess o cases deals with this matter. There must be this
reasonable dues to finance labor relations seminars and requirement of written authorization.
other labor education activities. 8. They have the right to impositions of excessive fees
Any violation of the above rights and conditions of against unauthorized collection of contribution or
membership shall be a ground for cancellation of union disbursement and they are required adequate
registration or expulsion of officers from office, whichever is records to the expenses
appropriate. At least thirty percent (30%) of the members of 9. They have the access to the financial records of the
a union or any member or members specially concerned union or LO. –
may report such violation to the Bureau. The Bureau shall
have the power to hear and decide any reported violation
to mete the appropriate penalty. MEMBERS AND OFFICERS OF THE LABOR
Based on the Lecture of Atty. Edig
WHO ARE PROHIBITED OF BECOMING MEMBERS OR from any amount due to an EE without individual written
OFFICERS? authorization duly signed by the employee.
1. Non-employees ; The authorization should specify the following:
2. Those engaged in subversive activities; 1. Amount;
3. Those persons convicted of crime involving moral 2. Purpose;
turpitude; 3. Beneficiary of the deductions.
WHO MAY VOTE? Ans: Only members of the union
They may put criteria Ex. If the employees are seasonal or sinabing union dues, these are already provided by the law.
irregular and there is requirement that for a member to So what is the example of SA, example when the union
vote, there should be that, for a particular payroll period would hire a lawyer to represent a case. So SA yan sya.
and the status must be regular WON they are probationary.
So in these scenario or eligibilities, two criteria must be WHAT ARE THE REQUREMENTS OF SA? Para automatic sya
compiled for an employee to be eligible to vote. The deducted sa salary.
qualifications must be applied to all members. Dili pwde 1. Authorization by a written resolution of the
may special . hindi yan pwde. Kung ordinary yan, ordinary majority of the members at the general meeting
lahat. Wla dapat ice cream lahat kasi dapat walang special. called for that purpose;
You should be given time and opportunity to know also the 2. Secretary’s record of the minutes of the meetings
qualifications required. which must include the:
Ito we go to check-off dues. Ito talaga, marami talaga itong a. List of the members present;
cases sa SC. b. Votes case;
c. Purpose of the special assessment;
CHECK OFF d. Receipt of such assessment.
WHAT IS A CHECK OFF? 3. Individual written authorization to check off duly
It is a method of deducting from an employee’s pay at a signed by the Employees concerned- to levy such
prescribed period, the amounts due the union for fees, fines assessment ( ART 241,lc)
and assessments.
So here before you receive your salary here, there is WHAT IS THE EXCEPTION OF THE REQUIREMENT OF
automatic deductions for the check-off. Si ER mismo ang INDIVIDUAL WRTTEN AUTHORIZATION?
makuha 1. Mandatory activities under the labor code;
Deductions for unions service fees are authorized by the law 2. For agency fees;
and do not require individual check-off authorization 3. When non-member of the union avail of the
NATURE AND PURPOSE OF CHECK OFF- union dues are benefits of the CBA:
the lifeblood of the union. All unions are authorized to a. Nonmembers may be assesed union dues
collect All unions are authorized to collect reasonable equivalent to that paid by union members;
membership fees, union dues, assessments and fines and b. Only by board resolution approved by
other contributions for labor education and research, majority of the members in general
mutual death and hospitalization benefits, welfare fund, meeting called for that purpose
strike fund and credit and cooperative undertakings. 4. Union service fee authorized by law- we will discuss
(Article 292 (277), LC) these on the case.
GR: No special assessment, attorney’s fees, negotiations
fees or any other extraordinary fees may be checked off
Based on the Lecture of Atty. Edig
So under number 3, example class, the BU already has an Sec. 5. Grounds for impeachment or expulsion. Failure to
EBA. So even if your union did not win the BU, they will still provide adequate labor education and research services to
charge agency fees. members of a labor organization shall be a ground for the
impeachment or expulsion of the officer or officers
WHAT ARE THE MANDATORY ACTIVTIES AUTHORIZED BY responsible therefor in accordance with the provisions of
LAW? the constitution and by-laws of the labor organization
1. The union is required to educate the members. concerned. Misuse or illegal disbursement of the labor
Under section2 (huh) there is a special fund that education and research fund shall be a ground for
can be part of the check off without individual impeachment or expulsion from the union and punishable
written authorization under the relevant provisions of the constitution and by-
2. Mandatory seminars, conducted to educate the laws of the union and other applicable laws.
members. Read Rule 10 of the omnibus rules
These was included because of the case Radio
Rule X Communication PH vs Secretary of labor. Magolo ito
Sec. 1. Enlightenment of unionists as a duty. It shall be the CASE: RADIO COMMUNICATION VS SECRETARY OF
duty of every legitimate labor organization to enlighten its LABOR
members on their rights and obligations as unionists and as Atty Edig: The lawyer was denied of his atty’s fees kay
employees. gimaniobra sa mga officials para maadto ang attys fees sa
Sec. 2. Special fund for labor education and research. Every isa ka non-existent na lawyer. This went court and the union
legitimate labor organization shall, for the above purpose, contended there was no individual written authorization for
maintain a special fund for labor education and research. his attys fees. Because the attorney’s fees here was from a
Existing strike funds may be transformed into labor decision rendered by the BLR. SC HELD: union service fees
education and research funds, in whole or in part. The union authorized by law under section 11 in relation to section 13.
may also periodically assess and collect a reasonable The SC considered the attorney’s fees as part of union
amount from its members for such fund. service fees authorized by law under section11 in relation to
Sec. 3. Mandatory seminars. It shall be mandatory for every sec 13. Attorney’s fees, in any judicial or administrative
legitimate labor organization to conduct seminars and proceedings for the court not exceed 10%. These may be
similar activities on existing labor laws, collective deducted from the total amount due of the winning party.
agreements, company rules and regulations, and other Since the lawyer won the case for the union, there was the
relevant matters. The union seminars and similar activities amount given to the union. So doon magkuha ng 10% and
may be conducted independently or in cooperation with lawyer. Even without individual written authorization. The
the Department of Labor and Employment, the Asian Labor 10% should be given to the lawyer. ( so murag sa judgment
Education Center, the Institute of Labor and Manpower sya kuhaon)
Studies, and other labor-education groups.
Sec. 4. Official receipts. All collections and expenditures of FROM THE CASE: petitioner cannot invoke the lack of an
funds for labor research and education shall be duly individual written authorization from the employees as a
covered by official receipts subject to account examination shield for its fraudulent refusal to pay the service fee of
by the Secretary of Labor and Employment or his private respondent. Prior to the payment made to its
Based on the Lecture of Atty. Edig
employees, petitioner was ordered by the Regional Director Public respondent Bureau of Labor Relations correctly
to deduct the 15% attorney's fee from the total amount due ruled based on the evidence presented by the parties
its employees and to deposit the same with the Regional that SAPI, the legitimate labor union, registered with its
Labor Office. Petitioner failed to do so allegedly because of office, is not the same association as CSAI, the
the absence of individual written authorizations. Be that as corporation, insofar as their rights under the Labor Code
it may, the lack thereof was remedied and supplied by the are concerned. Hence, the former and not the latter
execution of the compromise agreement whereby the association is entitled to the release and custody of
employees, expressly approved the 10% deduction and held union fees with Aboitiz Shipping and other shipping
petitioner RCPI free from any claim, suit or complaint companies with whom it had an existing CBA.
arising from the deduction thereof. When petitioner was The expulsion of Nacua from the corporation, of which
thereafter again ordered to pay the 10% fees to respondent she denied being a member, has however, not affected
union, it no longer had any legal basis or subterfuge for her membership with the labor union. Whatever acts
refusing to pay the latter. their group had done in the corporation do not bind the
We agree that Article 222 of the Labor Code requiring an labor union.
individual written authorization as a prerequisite to wage Atty Edig:
deductions seeks to protect the employee against PAFLU VS SEC OF LABOR
unwarranted practices that would diminish his FACTS: The registration certificate of Security System
compensation without his knowledge and consent. 21 Employees Association (SSSEA), which is affiliated to
However, for all intents and purposes, the deductions Philippine Association of Labor Unions (PAFLU), was
required of the petitioner and the employees do not run cancelled by the Registrar of Labor Organizations for
counter to the express mandate of the law since the same failure to comply with some requirements in violation of
are not unwarranted or without their knowledge and Section 23 of Republic Act No. 875.
consent. Also, the deductions for the union service fee in While a motion for reconsideration was still pending,
question are authorized by law and do not require SSSSEA and PAFLU sought to annul all proceedings in
individual check-off authorizations. 22 connection to the cancellation. According to SSSEA and
OK LETS GO TO THE CASES PAFLU, Sec. 23 of RA No. 875 violates their freedom to
assembly and association.
CSAI VS FERRER-CALLEJA ISSUE: WON Sec. 23 of 875 violates their freedom to
FROM KADZ FACTS: Cebu Seaman’s Association, Inc. (CSAI) assembly and association
was organized by marine engineers and deck officers of RULING: NO.
vessels plying Cebu and other ports of PH. The same group The registration prescribed in paragraph (b) of said
was registered as a labor union before the BLR as the section 1 is not a limitation to the right of assembly or
Seaman’s Association of the Philippines, Inc (SAPI). association, which may be exercised with or without said
Two sets of officers are claiming to be entitled of the registration. 2 The latter is merely a condition sine qua
union dues. The first one was led by Nacua and the non for the acquisition of legal personality by labor
other was led by Gabayoyo. According to the latter, organizations, associations or unions and the possession
Nacua has already been expelled as member/officer of of the "rights and privileges granted by law to legitimate
the corporation and that the corporation is one and the labor organizations". The Constitution does not
same with SAPI. guarantee these rights and privileges, much less said
ISSUE: Who is entitled to the union fees? personality, which are mere statutory creations, for the
RULING: SAPI. possession and exercise of which registration is required
to protect both labor and the public against abuses,
Based on the Lecture of Atty. Edig
fraud, or impostors who pose as organizers, although On the other hand, a trade union center is any group of
not truly accredited agents of the union they purport to registered national unions or federations organized for the
represent. Such requirement is a valid exercise of the mutual aid and protection of its members; for assisting such
police power. members in collective bargaining; or for participating in the
Atty Edig: what was the position of the court on the 30 day formulation of social and employment policies, standards,
period invoke the petitioner? and programs, and is duly registered with the DOLE in
SMCEU-PTGWO VS SMCEU PDMP accordance with Rule III, Section 2 of the Implementing
FACTS: SMCEU-PTGWO is the incumbent bargaining Rules.
agent of three divisions of SMC. SMCEU-PDMP is a Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
registered chapter of PDMP, a legitimate labor After an exhaustive study of the governing labor law
organization. Subsequently, SMCEU-PDMP filed a provisions, both statutory and regulatory, we find no legal
petition to represent the afore-mentioned three justification to support the conclusion that a trade union
divisions of SMC. center is allowed to directly create a local or chapter
SCMEU-PTGWO sought to cancel the registration of through chartering.
SMCEU-PDMP. In its petition, petitioner accused
respondent of committing fraud and falsification, and PDC VS SEC. OF DOLE
failure to submit the number of employees and names FACTS: Kilusan filed a petition for certification election
of all its members comprising at least 20% of the among rank-and-file employees of PDC, alleging that it
employees in the bargaining unit where it seeks to is a legitimate labor federation and that its local chapter
operate. PDEU (Progressive Development Employee’s Union) was
ISSUE: Is SMCEU-PDMP a legitimate labor organization? issued charter certifcation.
RULING: NO. Although PDMP as a trade union center is PDC filed a motion to dismiss contending that Kilusan
a legitimate labor organization, it has no power to failed to submit necessary documents, one of which is
directly create a local or chapter. Thus, SMPPEU-PDMP the book of accounts required under Sec. 3 Book V of
cannot be created under the more lenient requirements Rules Implementing Labor Code.
for chartering, but must have complied with the more ISSUE: WON Kilusan failed to substantially comply with
stringent rules for creation and registration of an the registration requirements
independent union, including the 20% membership RULING: YES.
requirement. Where as in this case the petition for certification
Atty Edig: Maam ask about the non-compliance of the election was filed by the federation which is merely an
requirement for registration. What was the ruling? What agent, the petition is deemed to be filed by the chapter,
was exclude by the law? What was the is a TRADE UNION the principal, which must be a legitimate labor
CENTER? Can a Trade union center create a local? What organization. The chapter cannot merely rely on the
happen to the 20% requirement under the law? ( It must be legitimate status of the mother union.
complied with) The Court's conclusion should not be misconstrued as
From the case : as has been held in a long line of cases, the impairing the local union's right to be certified as the
legal personality of a legitimate labor organization, such as employees' bargaining agent in the petitioner's
PDMP, cannot be subject to a collateral attack. The law is establishment. We are merely saying that the local union
very clear on this matter. Article 212 (h) of the Labor Code, must first comply with the statutory requirements in
as amended, defines a legitimate labor organization[37] as order to exercise this right.
“any labor organization duly registered with the DOLE, and
includes any branch or local thereof.”[38]
Based on the Lecture of Atty. Edig
Atty Edig: was the charter or local here afforded status as an Faculty Union (USTFU) may participate and vote in a legally
LLO? There were not afforded with that status, Y? In the called election for union officers
case , SC held that they do not depriving them of the Atty Edig: so here, it was only a general faculty meeting, this
chance to comply with the requirements but since they do is not limited to union members. It was general faculty
not comply with the reportorial requirements they cannot member kahit dl member of union andun. Note here class
file for petition of COE. They cannot be the EBA here, so the there was an election of the officers of the union offcers.
petition was granted. There is now two sets of union officers/members, one
-------------------END OF CLASS----------------- elected previously and the other elected by the general
faculty. What was the ruling of the SC here? So here, the
election itself is void cause it go against the constitutional
January 10 2018 bylaws of the union. Even if the management or the UST
Transcribed by GlowingGloria affirmed the new set of officers, that cannot be done, since
QUIZ 1st half nangingi-alam ang ER in this case. How are we going now
Recitation of cases to know the will of the EE. Also SC here, said that even if the
Q: was the failure to submit reportorial requirements a whole faculty is in favor of the new set of officers, SC said __
ground for dissolution? cannot substitute the rule of law. They are bound by the by
A: No maam, what is important is the fundamental right to laws and consti of the union. There is a right way, to do the
self-organization. right thing at the right time.. (alright?? )
So how do we determine union representation? What are
the modes of determining who should represent the
EXCEPTIONS: employees?
There are two modes: 1. Certification election, and 2.
1. Supervisory employees must have a separate Voluntary recognition.
union from rank-and-file employees. Voluntary Recognition
Proper when:
2. When the employer unit has to give way to 1. No exclusive bargaining representative in a
other bargaining units due to different job bargaining unit (UNORGANIZED)
groupings. 2. No other legitimate labor organization within the
3. When a certain class of employees are bargaining unit.
exempted from the coverage in an existing Essentially, no union has existed in this establishment. That
CBA. is why the employer may merely acknowledge the
In a decided case, the SC has said that for every corporation, legitimate labor organization as the exclusive bargaining
there must be separate bargaining units. So, two representative of the employees.
corporations CANNOT be treated as a single bargaining Requirements for voluntary recognition:
unit even if their businesses are directly related. 1. Joint affidavit of the ER and the Union attesting
For example, Ayala Corp. Let’s say Ayala has many branches. that the Union is the only legitimate labor
So, even if these branches are owned by one and the same organization in the bargaining unit and it has been
mother company, they are considered separate entities. accorded voluntary recognition;
So what is the rationale behind this? Two companies are 2. Such JA must be posted for 15 consecutive days in
distinct entities with separate juridical personalities. The SC at least two (2) conspicuous places within the
has held that even if employees of one corporation were establishment.
originally employees of the other corporation: Ayala in the
Based on the Lecture of Atty. Edig
3. A certificate of Voluntary Recognition filed before During the 60-day freedom period, either party may serve
the DOLE within thirty (30) days from the written notice to terminate or modify the CBA.
recognition. During the freedom period, or even after the freedom
The employees must be aware that there is a LLO being period, if there is no new CBA, both parties are under the
recognized by the employer. As no certification election had duties to keep the status quo and abide by the conditions
been conducted, such notice to the employees is essential. set under the CBA until a new agreement is reached by the
So, upon filing of the Notice of Voluntary Recognition, the parties.
recognized Union becomes the EBR. How does the petitioning union file the PCE?
This is one of the more popular topics in jurisprudence 1. By a verified petition consented by 25% of all
when it comes to certification election because a lot of the employees within the bargaining unit
problems arise during such. These are favorite bar questions.
Certification Election When is the filing of a petition for cert election BARRED?
It is defined as the process of determining the sole and 1. Election year bar rule – within one (1) year after
exclusive bargaining representative of the employees the holding of a successful cert election;
through secret balloting in an appropriate bargaining unit.
2. Voluntary recognition year bar rule – the same as
the election year bar rule, in that one (1) year after
Requirement for a CE: the voluntary recognition by the ER, a petition for
1. Notice for the CE should be posted ten (10) days CE is not allowed;
BEFORE the election, in two (2) conspicuous places
within the establishment; 3. Negotiation year bar rule – when the bargaining
This requirement is mandatory. Absent such notice, the CE agent has commenced and sustained bargaining
is invalid. negotiations with the employer, within one (1) year
Who may file? from the voluntary recognition or holding of a
1. Legitimate labor organization (LLO) of a local successful CE, the petition is not allowed.
chapter, and duly issued a chapter certificate;
(Remember that the Federation is just an agent of 4. Deadlock bar rule – here, the freedom period had
the agent of the employees) already lapsed but there is no new CBA entered
When can the petition of CE be filed? into. So even if there is a deadlock, and the same
1. Unorganized establishment: ANYTIME has been submitted to conciliation or arbitration,
2. Organized establishment: only within the 60-day or the deadlock has been the subject of a valid
freedom period. notice of lockout, there could be no petition for CE
When we say organized establishment, this means that filed.
there are already several LLOs within the establishment, and
there is an existing CBA with one of them. In this situation 5. Contract bar rule – if there is a validly registered
the petition for certification election may be filed only CBA, a petition for CE cannot be filed during such
within the freedom period. existence, except within the 60-day freedom period.
Freedom Period: the 60-day period immediately preceding So class, if the CBA says it shall be valid for five (5) years,
the expiration of a VALIDLY REGISTERED collective does this mean that no petition for CE absolutely cannot be
bargaining agreement. filed for the same duration? YES, except during the 60-day
Remember that the CBA must have been validly registered, freedom period.
if not, the unions may file a petition for CE anytime. Where should the petition for CE be filed?
Based on the Lecture of Atty. Edig
It should be filed before the DOLE Regional Office which 2. Required to be notified that a petition for CE has
issued the petitioning Union’s certificate of registration. been filed within the bargaining unit.
Requisites for a valid petition for certification election: So when can the ER oppose the petition for CE?
1. Unorganized establishment – verified petition Exceptions to the By-stander Principle:
consented to by 25% of all employees in the 1. When there is no employer-employee relationship
bargaining unit; (EER)between the petitioning union and the
2. Organized establishment – employer;
a. verified petition; and 2. If the petitioning union is not listed in the registry
b. written consent of 25% of all the employees in of legitimate labor unions;
the bargaining unit 3. If the registration of the petitioning union is
What is the reason for the non-requirement of such written cancelled (3 grounds);
consent in UNORGANIZED establishments? This is because 4. The BU is not appropriate (mixing);
the LC wants to promote the formation of labor unions in 5. The petition is not supported by the written
establishments. So, as there yet no LLO in unorganized consent of 25% of the employees in the BU
establishments, even if there is non-compliance of the 20% (applicable only in organized establishments);
requirement, there can still be an LLO formed. 6. If the petition is filed within 1 year from the
So upon compliance of the bargaining unit of the written voluntary recognition OR certification election;
consent, it is MANDATORY for the Med-Arbiter in the DOLE 7. The EBR has commenced negotiations with the ER;
to order a certification election. 8. When there is a bargaining deadlock;
As it is mandatory, it can be compelled via a Petition for 9. If the petition is filed during the existence of a
Mandamus. registered CBA (exception: freedom period)
But if the 25% statutory requirement is NOT complied with, What issues may the Med-Arbiter resolve in a petition for
the decision to hold a CE becomes DISCRETIONARY upon CE?
the Med-Arbiter. 1. Existence of EER;
Thus… 2. Eligibility or mixture in union membership.
1. 25% complied with – mandatory upon the Med- What issues are the Med-Arbiter NOT allowed to resolve in
Arbiter; a petition for CE?
2. NOT complied with – discretionary upon the Med- 1. Validity of the union’s registration, EXCEPT if on the
Arbiter. face of the petition, the union is not included in the
Role of the Employer during the Certification Election roster of LLOs;
In a CE, we are only concerned with the representation of 2. Validity of the registration of the CBA, EXCEPT if
the employees. This is the sole concern of the employees, the CBA is not registered at all with the DOLE.
and the employer has nothing to do with this. Who are qualified to vote in a CE?
Bystander Principle – the ER cannot intervene during the CE, All employees covered in the BU, at the time of the issuance
and should strictly maintain a hands-off policy on the CE of the certification for CE, are eligible to vote.
proceedings. Absent any prohibitions, probationary employees, or those
We do not want an employer-dominated union, so the ER who are members of religious sects that prohibit their
cannot have a hand in the proceedings. But this does not members from joining labor unions may vote. This also
mean that the ER cannot do anything during the CE. includes dismissed employees whose complaints for illegal
So during this time, the ER may participate by: dismissal have not yet been resolved.
1. Submitting the list of the names of the employees Challenging of votes
during the preliminary conference; 1. The voter is not an employee of the company, or
Based on the Lecture of Atty. Edig
2. is not a member of the involved bargaining unit What if the election was SUCCESSFUL?
Who can challenge? The proclamation of the winning union shall be done when:
1. Not an employee – 1. No protest has been filed or perfected within the
a.) any of the authorized representatives of any of the five (5)-day reglementary period; or
contending unions; or 2. No challenge or eligibility issue was raised; or
b.) the employer (exception to the By-stander Principle) 3. If there was a challenge raised, the resolution of
When should the vote be challenged? the same will NOT materially change the result of
Before the ballot is deposited in the ballot box. the election.
How can you know if there are voters who cast votes The winning union will now represent ALL of the employees
despite not being employees? Remember that the employer in the bargaining unit, and not only its members.
must submit a list of the names of the employees during Agency fees – dues collected from non-union members of
the preliminary conference before the conduct of a CE. the bargaining unit.
Before he/she can vote, the Union or the ER must COLLECTIVE BARGAINING
immediately challenge the vote. Collective Bargaining Agreement – a contract executed
RUN-OFF ELECTION – when no winner emerged in the CE, upon request of either the EBR or the employer himself
and there is a need to have an election to declare a winner. after negotiating regarding wages, hours of work, and all
Requirements: other terms and conditions of employment, including the
1. CE conducted should have at least three (3) grievance machinery.
choices; What are the processes involved?
2. None of the contending unions obtained the 1. Negotiation of the terms of employment;
majority of votes cast. 2. Execution of the written contract;
3. Total number of votes for all contending unions 3. After execution of the CBA, there will be questions
must be 50% of the votes. interpreting the contract, and negotiating in the
4. There are no challenged ballots which can terms of the new contract, or amendment of a new
materially alter the results. agreement.
For the EBR to be held as such, it must have garnered the Thus, the execution of the CBA does not end the collective
majority of the valid votes cast. bargaining process.
Example, 200 voted. Majority would be 101 votes. As for #3, Actually class, the book says that CB is a continuing process
if there are three choices namely, “Union A, B, and No that never stops. If there are provisions in the CBA that
Union,” A and B must have garnered 100 votes together. need to be changed or amended, collective bargaining can
Who can participate in a run-off election? again resume, subject to the guidelines provided by the
Only two labor unions which received the highest number Labor Code.
of votes can participate in a run-off election. Preconditions for CB:
A “No Union” option must always be present. 1. The Union must possess the status of majority
When is the election considered FAILED? representation in the BU;
When majority of the eligible voters failed to vote. 2. Proof of such majority representation thru a CE;
A Motion for the Holding of a New Certification Election and
may be filed within six (6) months AFTER the Declaration of 3. A demand to bargain was made, as required under
Failure of Elections is issued. Art. 250 (a) of the LC.
If majority of the eligible voters voted for No Union, there is Who are the parties in CB?
no failure of elections. The employees clearly do not want 1. The employer’s representative; and
to be represented.
Based on the Lecture of Atty. Edig
2. The employee’s representative During the freedom period, this only refers to proposals to
negotiate non-representational provisions of the CBA.
Meaning economic provisions.
Who has the duty to bargain? Outside the freedom period, there should be no petition for
Absent the preconditions we stated, the ER is not under any CE filed, since under the LC, the representation aspect of
duty to initiate CB negotiations. the CBA may be for a term of five (5) years.
But upon compliance of the preconditions above, the ER’s All other CBA provisions may be renegotiated within three
duty to bargain begins during the certification year. (3) years after the execution of the CBA.
What does this mean? Within one (1) year from the Example, there is a valid CBA. The LC provides that
certification of the EBR, the employer is compelled to economic provisions may be renegotiated within three (3)
bargain, but this duty to meet and convene promptly for years after the execution of the CBA. After expiration of the
negotiations does not include the duty to agree to a freedom period, the ER shall continue to recognize the
proposal. majority status of the incumbent EBR.
Who signs the CBA? So, if no one will a petition for CE during the freedom
1. Union officers; and period, the status of the Union as the EBR shall continue. It
2. Union managers does not expire even if the CBA has expired.
shall sign the CBA for it to be valid. After signing, the CBA Effectivity and Retroactivity of the CBA
must be posted for five (5) days in two (2) conspicuous 1. New CBA – effectivity date must be agreed upon
places in the establishment. by the parties;
This is a mandatory requirement, under the rules of the 2. Renegotiated CBA or there was an old CBA and
DOLE. you desire to replace it with a new CBA:
After posting, the CBA must be submitted for ratification by a. Renegotiated DURING or WITHIN freedom
the EEs of the BU. The ratification must be made by majority period: takes effect after the expiry of the old
of the covered employees. CBA;
After ratification, the CBA is then submitted to the DOLE for b. Renegotiated AFTER the freedom period:
ratification. effectivity date of the new CBA should be
If the CBA is UNREGISTERED, it is still binding between the agreed upon by the parties. No automatic
parties. But, the CBA will NOT bar the filing of a petition for retroaction.
CE by another union. c. Absent agreement and the case is submitted
So for example, if the union that signed the CBA did not to the DOLE Sec, the arbitral award that states
register the CBA, another union may filed a petition for CE. when the effectivity of the CBA is to take place
This is because the contract-bar rule DOES NOT apply to an is upon the discretion of the DOLE Sec or the
unregistered CBA. NLRC. Prospective or retroactive
During the 60-day freedom period, either party may serve Hold-over Principle – in the absence of a new CBA, the
written notice to terminate or modify the CBA. parties should maintain the status quo, and existing terms
During the freedom period, or even after the freedom and conditions of employment must continue in full force
period, if there is no new CBA, both parties are under the and effect.
duties to keep the status quo and abide by the conditions
set under the CBA until a new agreement is reached by the
Based on the Lecture of Atty. Edig
January 24, 2018 transcription bargaining unit for they have community or
____________________________________ mutuality of interest, performing work of the
same nature and receiving the same wages and
18. SAN MIGUEL CORP. SUPERVISORS AND compensation although belonging to 3 different
EXEMPT UNION V. LAGUESMA plants of the Magnolia Poultry Division of San
G.R. No. 110399 | August 15, 1997 Miguel.
FACTS: SMC Supervisors and Exempt Union filed
before DOLE a Petition for Certification Election
among the supervisors and exempt employees
of the SMC Magnolia Poultry Products Plants of 19. SAN MIGUEL FOODS, INCORPORATED VS
Cabuyao, San Fernando and Otis. Med-Arbiter SAN MIGUEL CORPORATION SUPERVISORS
Reynante then ordered their conduct of and EXEMPT UNION
certification as one bargaining unit. But San G.R. No. 146206
Miguel appealed with DOLE contending that (1) FACTS: Following the case of San Miguel
the 3 separate plants should not be grouped Corporation Supervisors and Exempt Union v.
into one bargaining unit, and (2) supervisory Laguesma, a certification election was
levels 3 and 4 (S3 & S4) should be excluded conducted. On the date of the election, SanMig
because these positions are confidential in questioned the eligibility to vote by some of its
nature. employees on the grounds that some employees
Undersecretary Laguesma declared confidential do not belong to the bargaining unit which
employees ineligible from forming or joining a respondent seeks to represent or that there is no
labor union. He ordered S3, S4 and the so-called existence of ER-EE relationship with petitioner.
exempt employees to be excluded from those
participating in the certification election, and Based on the results of the election, the Med-
directed the conduct of separate certification Arbiter issued the Order stating that since the
elections in each of the 3 plants. Yes vote received 97% of the valid votes cast,
respondent is certified to be the exclusive
ISSUE: WON that the employees of the 3 plants bargaining agent of the supervisors and exempt
constitute an appropriate single bargaining unit? employees of petitioner's Magnolia Poultry
Products Plants. CA affirmed the Resolution with
HELD: YES. modification stating that those holding the
The SC held that S3, S4 and the exempt positions of Human Resource Assistant and
employees do not fall within the term Personnel Assistant are excluded from the
“confidential employees” who may be prohibited bargaining unit.
from joining a union. In the case at bar, S3, S4
and the exempt employees handle confidential ISSUE: WON CA departed from jurisprudence
information which relate to product formulation, when it expanded the scope of the bargaining
product standards and product specification unit.
which concerns the employer’s internal business
operations and not to the field of labor relations. RULING: NO. In San Miguel vs Laguesma, the
Moreover, SC held that the employees of the 3 Court explained that the employees of San
plants constitute an appropriate single
Based on the Lecture of Atty. Edig
Miguel Corporation Magnolia Poultry Products academic EEs and the other for the non-
Plants constitute a single bargaining unit, which academic EEs, considering their dichotomy of
is not contrary to the one-company, one-union interests. Director Calleja however declared that
policy. It held that while the existence of a the appropriate bargaining unit should comprise
bargaining history is a factor that may be of both groups, stating that the intent of EO 180
reckoned with in determining the appropriate was to not fragmentalize the employer (ER) unit.
bargaining unit, the same is not decisive or The University also sought to exclude from the
conclusive. bargaining unit EEs holding supervisory
The test of grouping is community or mutuality positions, alleging that there still existed that
of interest. This is so because the basic test of an held supervisory powers over her other EEs.
asserted bargaining unit’s acceptability is
whether or not it is fundamentally the ISSUE: WON academic and non-academic EEs of
combination which will best assure to all UP should comprise a single collective
employees the exercise of their collective bargaining unit.
bargaining rights. Certainly, there is a mutuality
of interest among the employees. HELD: NO. A “bargaining unit” has been defined
The Court affirms the finding of the CA that as a group of employees, consistent with equity
there should be only one bargaining unit for the to the ER, cases have shown the 4 criterion to
employees in Cabuyao, San Fernando, and Otis consider;
of Magnolia Poultry Products Plant involved in (1) will of the employees;
dressed chicken processing and Magnolia (2) affinity and unit of employees' interest,
Poultry Farms engaged in live chicken such as substantial similarity of work and
operations. duties, or similarity of compensation and
working conditions;
(3) prior collective bargaining history; and
17. UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES VS. (4) employment status, such as temporary,
FERRER-CALLEJA seasonal probationary employees.
G.R. No. 96189, 14 July 1992 Out of the four, it is the “community/mutuality
FACTS: The Organization of Non-Academic of interests” test that stands out the most.
Personnel of UP (ONAPUP) filed a petition for Applying the same, it's clear that the acad and
certification election with Bureau of Legal non-academic personnel’s respective interests
Relations (BLR). It claimed to represent 33% of contradict with each other, and in effect, failed
all the non-academic personnel of UP-Diliman, to satisfy the “community/mutuality of interest
Los Baños, Manila, and Visayas. All UP Workers’ test.” Thus, the 2 separate and distinct
Union opposed the same and asked that the bargaining units, one unit is for academics and
appropriate organizational unistructure be first the other for non-academic unit personnel, is
defined. It alleged that its membership essential to assure it to all the EEs the exercise of
composed of both academic and non-academic their collective bargaining rights.
rank-and-file (RnF) employees (EEs) of UP.
UP then made a comment on such that there
should indeed be 2 distinct unions, one for
Based on the Lecture of Atty. Edig
The CIR has found that there is a basic
20. MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT LABOR difference, in that those in the Caloocan shops
UNION SA PHILIPPINE NATIONAL RAILWAYS V not only have a community of interest and
COURT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS (CIR), working conditions but perform major repairs of
SAMAHAN NG MGA MANGGAGAWA SA railway rolling stock, using heavy equipment and
CALOOCAN SHOPS machineries while others only perform minor
24 SCRA 925 (1968) repairs. Therefore, the workers in the Caloocan
FACTS: There were three (3) union in the shops require special skill which set them apart
Caloocan shops of the Philippine National from the rest of the workers in the Mechanical
Railways (PNR): the “Samahan”, the “Kapisanan Department.
ng mga Manggagawa sa Manila Railroad
Company”, and the Mechanical Department
Labor Union. A petition was filed by Samahan 21. FILOIL REFINERY CORPORATION –VS–
calling attention to the fact that no certification FILOIL SUPERVISORY & CONFIDENTIAL
election had been held in the last 12 months in EMPLOYEES ASSOC & COURT OF INDUSTRIAL
the Caloocan shops. RELATIONS
46 SCRA 512 [1972]
The petition was opposed by management as FACTS: Filoil Supervisory & Confidential
well as the Mechanical Department Labor Union, Employees Assoc (FSCA) filed petition for
the latter averring that it had been previously certification as sole and exclusive collective
certified as the sole and exclusive bargaining bargaining agent of all of the supervisory and
agent of the employees and laborer of the PNR’s confidential employees. The petitioner
mechanical department and it had negotiated (Employer Company) filed a Motion to dismiss
two CBAs with management in 1961 and 1963 arguing that supervisors are not employees,
and that a renewal of the CBA had been re- since they are part of management, they do not
negotiated and is yet to be signed. The CIR, have the right to bargain collectively.
however, found that the Caloocan shops are The then Court of Industrial Relations (CIA) and
separate and distinct from the rest of the NLRB (National labor relations board) ruled in
workers under the Mechanical Department unit favor of FSCA.
represented by the Mechanical Department
Labor Union. ISSUE: WON supervisors form part of the
management and are not considered as
ISSUE: WON the holding of a plebiscite election employees entitled to bargain collectively.
be allowed to determine the desire of the
workers of the Caloocan shops to have a HELD: NO. Supervisor has a dual status as a
separate bargaining unit representative of the management and as an
HELD: YES. Bargaining units may be formed “Supervisors and confidential employees, even
through separation of new units from existing though they may exercise the prerogatives of
ones whenever plebiscites had shown the management as regards the rank and file
workers’ desire to have their own employees are indeed employees in relation to
Based on the Lecture of Atty. Edig
their employer, the company which is owned by have every right to self-organization or to be
the stockholders and bondholders (capital) and heard through a duly certified collective
should therefore by entitled under the law to bargaining union. The Supervisory power of the
bargain collectively with the top management members of NATU consists merely in
with respect to their terms and conditions of recommending as to what managerial actions to
employment”. take in disciplinary cases. Therefore, they are not
prohibited from forming their own collective
bargaining unit since it has not been shown by
22. GENERAL RUBBER VS. BLR GRFC that "the responsibilities (of these
[G.R. No. 74262 October 29, 1987] monthly-paid-employees) inherently require the
GENERAL RUBBER and FOOTWEAR exercise of discretion and independent
CORPORATION vs. BUREAU OF LABOR judgment as supervisors" or that "they possess
RELATIONS, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF the power and authority to lay down or exercise
NATU. To prevent any difficulty. and to avoid confusion
FACTS: In 1985, the Samahang Manggagawa sa to all concerned and, more importantly, to fulfill
General Rubber Corporation-ANGLO was the policy of the New Labor Code as well as to
formed by the daily-paid rank and file be consistent with Our ruling in the Bulletin case,
employees as their union for collective supra, the monthly-paid rank-and-file
bargaining. employees should be allowed to join the union
In the same year, the monthly-paid employees of the daily-paid-rank-and-file employees of
of GRFC, formed their own collective bargaining GRFC so that they can also avail of the CBA
unit, named as National Association of Trade benefits or to form their own rank-and-file
Unions of Monthly Paid Employees (NATU). union, without prejudice to the certification
NATU then filed a petition for certification election that has been ordered.
election, which the BLR granted. GRFC fontested
the Order, but both its appeal and MFR were
denied, hence this present petition. 23. SAMAHANG VS. SEC.
GRFC argued that (1) there is already an existing [G.R. No. 107792. March 2, 1998]
bargaining unit in GRFC, which is the Samahang, SAMAHANG MANGGAGAWA SA PERMEX (SMP-
(2) the monthly paid employees are not legally PIILU-TUCP) vs. THE SECRETARY OF LABOR,
allowed to form or join a union as they exercised NATIONAL FEDERATION OF LABOR, PERMEX
FACTS: The employees of Permex conducted a
ISSUE: Whether the monthly-paid employees are certification election, where majority of the
allowed to form or join a union. employees voted for No Union.
Nevertheless, some employees of Permex
RULING: Yes. formed their own labor organization known as
The members of NATU are not managerial the Samahang Manggagawa sa Permex (SMP),
employees as claimed by GRFC but merely which they registered with the DOLE. The union
considered as rank-and-file employees who later affiliated with the Philippine Integrated
Based on the Lecture of Atty. Edig
Industries Labor Union (PIILU). certification previously allowed under the Labor
Code had been discontinued as a method of
Soon thereafter, SMP-PIILU wrote Permex selecting the exclusive bargaining agents of the
requesting recognition as the sole and exclusive workers. Certification election is the most
bargaining representative of the company’s effective and the most democratic way of
employees. Permex recognized SMP-PIILU and determining which labor organization can truly
entered into a collective bargaining agreement represent the working force in the appropriate
with the said union. The CBA was ratified by the bargaining unit of a company.
members and was subsequently certified by the II. No. The purpose of the rule is to ensure
DOLE. stability in the relationships of the workers and
the management by preventing frequent
NFL filed a petition for certification election but modifications of any collective bargaining
the same was dismissed. An appeal to the agreement earlier entered into by them in good
Secretary of Labor caused the setting aside of faith and for the stipulated original period.
the dismissal and the order of certification Excepted from the contract-bar rule are certain
election among the rank-and-file employees of types of contracts which do not foster industrial
Permex. The choices were NFL, SMP, and No stability, such as contracts where the identity of
Union. the representative is in doubt. Any stability
SMP moved for reconsideration, but the motion derived from such contracts must be
was dismissed, hence this present petition. subordinated to the employees’ freedom of
choice because it does not establish the kind of
ISSUES: I. Whether SMP may be validly industrial peace contemplated by the law. Such
recognized as Permex’s valid [appropriate] situation obtains in this case. SMP entered into a
bargaining unit. CBA with Permex when its status as exclusive
II. Whether the contract-bar rule applies in this bargaining agent of the employees had not
case been established yet.
I. No. If a union asks the employer to voluntarily
recognize it as the bargaining agent of the
employees, it in effect asks the employer to
certify it as the bargaining representative of the
is the employees prerogative (not the
employers) to determine whether they want a
union to represent them, and, if so, which one it
should be.1
By virtue of Executive Order No. 111, which
became effective on March 4, 1987, the direct
Ilaw at Buklod ng Manggagawa v. Ferrer-Calleja, 182 SCRA 561 (1990).
Based on the Lecture of Atty. Edig
January 31, 2018 transcription If there is a deadlock, there is a need for a third-party
Unfair Labor Practices in Collective Bargaining to come up to the negotiations as a negotiator or
What are these ULP? arbitrator.
A. If the employer failed or refuses to meet and In a conciliation for deadlock, both the ER and EE
convene with the Union who demanded representatives agree that the deadlock should be
negotiations for CBA: Instances: submitted to a third-party who will decide upon the
1. May opt to not recognize the EBR; conditions of the CBA that will be a win-win solution for
2. The ER, in the guise of transferring his assets to both parties under the CBA.
another ER, but still, there is continuity of But even if there is a conciliator or arbitrator, this does
business; not mean that he can compel the parties to agree to
3. Financial hardship of the ER cannot be used as the CBA. What he can do is, to draft a CBA that will be
an excuse to meet and convene for CBA favorable to both.
negotiations; C. Bargaining in bad faith
Bargaining in good faith: No specific test on what is good Blue Sky Bargaining – you come to the negotiation table
faith-bargaining. Case to case basis. but had no good faith in doing so because the ER or the EE
What are the acts which are NOT deemed as a refusal to demands are too high. They come to the table with the
bargain by the ER? intention of demanding terms that are too high, to cause
1. If the EEs have committed ULP such as an illegal the non-signing of any CBA. Inflexible demands.
strike, the ER may choose not to bargain with the Bargaining in bad faith means there is unwarranted delay in
union which committed the illegal strike; the negotiations, or there it a time limit set when to
2. No request for bargaining; conclude the negotiations.
3. If the Union seeks to represent an inappropriate If the ER or EE representative are in good faith, there must
bargaining unit; do all in their power to come to an agreement.
4. There is comingling of supervisors and rank-and- Boulwarism – this term came from a US jurisprudence. In a
file employees in the same BU; motor company, the ER advertised to his EEs a pre-crafted
5. If the BU chose ‘No Union’; terms and conditions of a CBA. They gave out ads and flyers,
6. If there are unlawful bargaining demands by the and the ER said that this is the most beneficial contract for
union; the EEs.
B. Failure or refusal to bargain on mandatory What the US Court said about Boulwarism is that such
subjects practice does not give the EE representative any leeway to
Mandatory subjects: wages, hours, terms and negotiate beneficial terms for the EEs. This is a take it or
conditions of employments, bonuses, retirement and leave it principle. If you do not agree, the ER will refuse to
pension, transfer. bargain. This is bargaining in bad faith.
Why is there an importance to know the difference D. Gross violation of a contract (not included in exam)
between mandatory and non-mandatory subjects? E. Grievance Machinery Procedure
If for example, there is a bargaining impasse and a _______________________________________
deadlock, and the reason for such is NON-mandatory Union Security Agreements (USA)
subjects, this cannot be a ground for a valid strike or Union Security - is a generic term of an agreement which
lockout due to a bargaining deadlock. imposes upon the EEs of an organization the obligation to
acquire or retain union membership as a condition affecting
Based on the Lecture of Atty. Edig
Why are union security agreements important in CBAs? It’s 3. Confidential EEs who are not part of the rank-and-
because USAs ensure the continuity of a union. Since it is a file employees. Since they cannot participate in a
precondition to employment, there is little chance that the BU, the closed-shop agreement cannot apply to
ER will bust the union. them;
Kinds of USA: 4. Employees who are expressly excluded from the
1. Closed-shop agreement – most prized CBA;
achievement of unionism. Here, only union Tanduay distillery case
members can be hired by the company, and they FACTS: TDI and the Union therein entered into a CBA
must remain as such to continue employment. This for three years. The CBA expressly and clearly contained
must CLEARLY and EXPLICITLY appear in the CBA a USA which provided that all workers, as a condition of
which was duly signed by both parties, to warrant a their continued employment, must maintain
valid dismissal. membership in good standing in the union for the
duration of the CBA.
2. Union-shop agreement – A non-union member Some members joined and organized a different union
may be hired by the ER, but to retain employment, in TDI. Under the CBA by-laws, disaffiliating members
the EE must acquire union membership after a must explain their action lest they be meted with
certain period. Applies to both and present and termination for disloyalty. An investigation was
future EEs. conducted and the disaffiliating members were
terminated from employment.
3. Maintenance of membership-shop agreement – ISSUE: Was their termination by the ER proper?
No EEs may be compelled to join the union, but all HELD: YES. The stipulation in the CBA by-laws of the
present and future members must, as a condition maintenance of good membership standing is
for continued employment, remain in good necessary to preserve the integrity of the union. It is
standing in the union. also allowed by the Magna Carta of Labor.
While it may be true that employees have the right to
4. Treasury-shop agreement – EEs are not compelled self-organization, such right shall not injure the right of
to join the union, but the union shall charge the Union to proscribe its own rules with respect to
agency fees against non-member EEs. Agency fee retention of membership therein.
in lieu of union membership. Since the ER merely imposed the provisions of the CBA,
When does the use of a Union Security Clause come as an there was a valid dismissal of the disaffiliated members.
issue? Once the USA is used on an erring union member, it As the CBA signed while the erring EEs were union
can turn into a termination issue. members, it is presumed that they knew that there was
When a closed-shop agreement NOT applicable: a closed-shop agreement in such CBA.
1. Any EE who, at the time agreement took effect, is a
bona fide member of a religious sect which
prohibits membership in a labor union based on
religious grounds;
2. Any EE already employed and working, who, at the
time agreement took effect, was already a member
of a union other than the majority union that
crafted the CBA;
Based on the Lecture of Atty. Edig
February 1, 2018 transcription (BWLU- ADLO) filed a petition for direct
29. HERCULES INDUSTRIES VS SECRETARY OF certification as the sole and exclusive bargaining
LABOR representative of all the rank and file employees
September 1992 of Benguet Electric Cooperative, Inc. (BENECO).
BENECO, on the other hand, filed a motion to
FACTS: National Federation of Labor as the sole dismiss the petition claiming , that the
and exclusive bargaining agent of the rank and employees sought to be represented by BWLU-
file employees of the petitioner. Petitioner as the ADLO are not eligible to form, join or assist
Employer now questions and assail the validity labor organizations of their own choosing
of the result of the certification of election. because they are members and joint owners of
the cooperative.
ISSUE: Whether or not the petitioner, Hercules ISSUE: W/N employees of a cooperative are
Industries, Inc., as employer, may question the qualified to form or join a labor organization for
validity of the certification election among its purposes of collective bargaining. NO
rank-and-file employees. NO. HELD: The right to collective bargaining is not
available to an employee of a cooperative who
HELD: Employer is not a party to a certification at the same time is a member and co-owner
election which is the sole or exclusive concern of thereof. With respect, however, to employees
the workers. In the choice of their collective who are neither members nor co-owners of the
bargaining representative, the employer is cooperative they are entitled to exercise the
definitely an intruder. His participation, to put it rights to self-organization, collective bargaining
mildly, deserves no encouragement. The only and negotiation as mandated by the 1987
instance when the employer may be involved in Constitution and applicable statutes.
that process is when it is obliged to file a
petition for certification election on its workers’ The fact that the members-employees of
request to bargain collectively pursuant to petitioner do not participate in the actual
Article 258 of the Labor Code. After the order for management of the cooperative does not make
a certification election issues, the employer’s them eligible to form, assist or join a labor
involvement ceases, and it becomes a neutral organization for the purpose of collective
bystander. bargaining with petitioner. It is the fact of
ownership of the cooperative, and not
involvement in the management thereof, which
30. BENGUET ELECTRIC CORP. v HON. CALLEJA disqualifies a member from joining any labor