Surviving Sepsis Hour 1 Bundle Infograph
Surviving Sepsis Hour 1 Bundle Infograph
Surviving Sepsis Hour 1 Bundle Infograph
3 5
68 Administer broad- Apply vasopressors if
100/50 spectrum antibiotics. hypotensive during or
Time Zero/Time 96 Presentation after fluid resuscitation to
14 maintain a mean arterial
*“Time zero” or “time of presentation” is 4 pressure ≥ 65 mm Hg.
defined as the time of triage in the Emergency
Department or, if presenting from another Begin rapid
care venue, from the earliest chart annotation administration of
consistent with all elements of sepsis 30 ml/kg crystalloid
(formerly severe sepsis) or septic shock for hypotension or
ascertained through chart review. lactate > 4 mmol/L
1 100/50
Obtain blood cultures
before administering