Elder Bruce C. Hafen Speaks On Same-Sex Attraction

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Elder Bruce C.

Speaks on Same-Sex Attraction
Elder Bruce C. Hafen Of the Quorum of the Seventy

Evergreen International 19th Annual Conference

September 19, 2009

During a recent stake conference in Europe, I asked Some may wonder how the Church’s leaders can
the stake president if Sister Hafen and I might visit one empathize with you when they haven’t been in your
or two of his members who could use a little shoes themselves. Some may even wonder how the
encouragement. As we visited one young man, a single Savior himself can really understand you when he
returned missionary, we found that he cared deeply hasn’t been where you are. But remember: Christ not
about the Church but was also very troubled. When only descended TO our conditions, he has descended
we asked how he was doing, he began to cry and said, BELOW our conditions, whatever they are, because
with a look of real anguish, “I suffer from same- “The Son of Man hath descended below [all things].”
gender attraction.” My heart went out to him. The [iii] The Atonement was possible only because of that
longer we talked, the more compassion I felt, as I descent, which Elder Neal A. Maxwell called Christ’s
learned that the operative word for him really was “earned empathy.” He knows that every day may feel
“suffer.” like a major battle for you.

He said he’d heard of an organization called Many other people also live heroically with
Evergreen and he wondered if I thought they could uninvited daily struggles. The victims of childhood
assist him. I encouraged him to find their website, sexual abuse also live with agonizing daily battles that
contact them, and follow their counsel. He then asked may echo the experiences of some who cope with
for a blessing, which I gladly gave him. same-gender attraction. A young woman I know has
spent years trying to put her spiritual and emotional
I admire your courage and your righteous desires. life back together, trying to regain her trust in men--
You may not have consciously chosen to have same and in God. She was devastated when a Church leader
gender attraction, but you are faithfully choosing to to whom she went for counsel told her, “Oh, get over it
deal with it. Sometimes that attraction may make you and get on with your life.” He simply didn’t grasp her
feel sinful, even though the attraction alone is not a sin condition. Another more seasoned priesthood leader
if you do not act on it. Sometimes you may feel said that many abuse victims are like emotional
frustration or anger or simply a deep sadness about quadriplegics—yet they look so normal that other
yourself. But as hard as same-gender attraction is, people may have no idea what they deal with. She
your feeling it does not mean that your nature is went through an arduous recovery process, stretching
flawed. Whenever the Adversary tries to convince you her soul in faith almost to the breaking point; but she
that you are hopelessly “that way,” so that acting out has developed a remarkable spiritual maturity.
your feelings is inevitable, he is lying. He is the Father
of Lies. Elder Maxwell once taught a group of people who
lived with really hard daily challenges. He had been
Remember President Hinckley’s confidence in you: watching the Olympic diving competition, where he
“Our hearts reach out to [you]. We remember you had learned that the judges grade a dive not just by
before the Lord, we sympathize with you, we regard how graceful it looks to the public, but by how
you as our brothers and sisters.” [i] And President difficult the dive is—which only the judges can
Packer has echoed, “We do not reject you… We understand enough to measure. Elder Maxwell told
cannot reject you… We will not reject you, because this group that the Lord will judge their lives by the
we love you.” [ii] With that kind of leadership, I pray difficulty of their dive, which He understands in every
that all Church members are learning to be more detail. And your own difficult dives are being made
compassionate and understanding. much harder by the increasing cultural confusion that
now swirls around the topic of homosexuality.
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Before discussing that confusion, I first want to is angry and evil. The two dogs are in a constant battle
draw on a few doctrines that apply to your concerns. with one another, since neither is powerful enough to
The doctrinal foundation is in the nature of God and destroy the other. The young brave asks, ”If they are
how he feels about you. He is the greatest being in the of equal power, which dog will win?” The elder
Universe, and He knows and loves you. He wants you replies, “The dog you feed the most.”
to find joy. His power is greater than all the powers of
darkness combined. You feed the angry dog when you cultivate lustful
feelings, view pornography, label yourself as gay, or
You are literally God’s spirit child. Having same- associate with activists who aggressively promote gay
gender attraction is NOT in your DNA, but being a lifestyles. Those activists have an agenda, and it
child of God clearly IS in your spiritual DNA—only includes constantly feeding your angry dog.
one generation removed from Him whom we call
Father in Heaven. As the Family Proclamation states, You feed the peaceful dog when you seek the
“Gender is an essential characteristic of individual Lord’s Spirit. You feed the peaceful dog when you
premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose.” simply stop fighting the angry dog. Don’t let your
As part of an eternal plan, our Father placed us in this challenge define your entire identity. As Dr. Jeff
world subject to death, sin, sorrow, and misery – ALL Robinson said, [vii] you can’t hate your way out of
of which serve the eternal purpose of letting us taste your attraction. Just walk away from fighting the
the bitter that we may learn to prize the sweet. angry dog and focus on all the good things you may
have put on hold your education, career plans, social
If you are faithful, on resurrection morning—and experience, and Church service. Stop focusing so
maybe even before then--you will rise with normal much on yourself, including hating yourself, and spend
attractions for the opposite sex. Some of you may more energy caring about other people. Build good
wonder if that doctrine is too good to be true. But associations with people of your gender. Find a
Elder Dallin H. Oaks has said it MUST be true, therapist who can help you identify the unmet
because “there is no fullness of joy in the next life emotional needs that you are tempted to satisfy in false
without a family unit, including a husband and wife, sexual ways. As you do such things, the peaceful dog
and posterity.” And “men (and women) are that they will grow stronger than the miserable, angry dog.
might have joy.” [v]
Now how does our most central doctrine, the
It’s true that the law of chastity forbids all sexual Atonement, apply to same-gender attraction? If you
relations outside the bonds of a married heterosexual have engaged in immoral behavior, you need to repent
relationship. And while same-gender attraction is not a fully by confessing your sins and forsaking them.
sin, you need to resist cultivating immoral, lustful These actions unlock the door to the Savior’s mercy,
thoughts toward those of either gender. It’s no sin if a which allows your complete forgiveness. But if you
bird lands in your tree, just don’t let him build a nest feel an attraction you didn’t seek and haven’t acted on,
there. The Adversary will tempt you by constantly you have nothing to repent of. You have nothing to
“enticing” you to “do that which is evil,” because repent of. So how can you qualify for the
“there is an opposition in all things.” (2 Nephi 2:11) Atonement’s power?
But God will also constantly “entice” you “to do good
continually.” (Mor. 7:12-13) No temptation is so The Atonement means just what the word says: at-
strong that you can’t resist it, unless you have already one-ment. Its purpose is to make us “at one” with
given away some portion of your agency to a total God, or bring us into harmony with Him, after being
addiction. So will you choose to “yield” to temptation, separated from him by death, by sin, or any other
or will you “yield to the enticing of the Holy Spirit”? force. In that sense, the atonement can heal us not
(Mosiah 3:19) It’s up to you. only from sin, but also from carelessness,
imperfection, and all mortal bitterness—intended and
There’s an old Native American parable, a young unintended. Even though same-gender attraction is by
brave is brought before the tribal elders, who are itself not a sin, its presence can make us feel estranged
concerned about his aggressive tendencies. One of the from God. That sense of separation arises from our
tribal elders is assigned to teach this young man that knowing that this attraction runs counter to our eternal
his anger is understandable, but he needs help. So he nature as a son or daughter of god. These feelings can
tells the young brave all humans have within them two terribly damage a conscientious person’s sense of both
dogs. One dog is good and peaceable. The other dog worth and worthiness in God’s sight.
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The blessings of the Atonement include its healing astonished king looked into the furnace, he saw not
and compensating power when one has been separated just the three men but “four men walking in the midst
from God by sin, by unintentional mistakes, or simply of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the form of the
by adversity. I classify same-gender attraction within fourth is like the Son of God.” (Daniel 3:25) The
the category of “adversity,” because typically you Savior’s presence in that fire symbolizes the way he is
haven’t brought it upon yourselves. It has truly “with us” in our afflictions, not just passively
consequences similar to being harmed by the sins of observing us or waiting until our trial is completed.
others, such as the separation from God felt so Think of that next time you partake of the sacrament.
commonly by the victims of childhood sexual abuse. He will be with you.

The Savior described this part of His healing power As a second healing blessing, the Atonement
to the Nephites: “Will ye not return unto me, and enables the grace that assures us of this grand promise:
repent of your sins, and be converted that I may heal No eternal blessing—including marriage and family
you?” Consider also Alma’s description of Christ’s life--will be withheld from those who suffer same-
broad healing power, which includes “afflictions,” gender attraction, if they do “all they can do” to
“infirmities,” and “sicknesses,” in addition to death remain faithful always. That story from the Book of
and sin: “And he shall go forth suffering pains and Daniel applies to this blessing as well. You will
afflictions and temptations of every kind; and this that remember that when the three men refused to worship
the word might be fulfilled which saith he will take the Babylonian idol, they weren’t afraid of being
upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people. thrown into the fiery furnace. They said “Our God is
And he will take upon him their infirmities, that his able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and
bowels may be filled with mercy.” [viii] he will deliver us. But if not, we [still] will not
worship the golden image.” (Daniel 3:17-18)
The Atonement’s healing blessings are conditional,
just as receiving the mercy that allows forgiveness is Applied to you, what does “but if not” mean? It
conditioned on our repentance. The conditions we means that your faith in God must run so deep that,
must satisfy include repenting fully of any actual sins first, you know he has the power to remove your
in our lives. Beyond that, Nephi teaches us this about unwanted same-gender attraction—“he is able to
the other conditions we must satisfy: “[I]t is by grace deliver us from the furnace.” But, second, if he
that we are saved, after all we can do.” (2 Nephi doesn’t deliver you right now (“but if not”), for
25:23) In other words, we must do “all we can do” whatever reason, you will not give up on Him or on
within our own power, then his grace overcomes our yourself. There truly is light at the end of your tunnel,
separation from God as it heals us. no matter how long it is. That light is the Light and the
Life of the world.
How much is “all we can do” for one who suffers
same-gender attraction? I don’t know. But I do know Now let’s discuss how today’s cultural and legal
that “all we can do” is less than many of you think it climate is making your challenge much harder than it
is, because some of you are so conscientious that you would otherwise be. First a little historical
think you have to do it all. Don’t beat yourselves up background. I began teaching family law in the early
needlessly. You don’t have to do it all. Grace shall be 1970s, during the U.S. civil rights movements that
“as your day”—whatever your particular dive requires. sought for much-needed racial and gender equality.
During that peroid, almost no one considered people
To those challenged by same-gender attraction, the with homosexual attraction as a distinctive
Atonement offers two healing blessings. First, Christ demographic group (like race or gender) who were the
helps us draw on His strength to become more at-one victims of discrimination. The main legal goal of gay
with God even while still overcoming the attraction. activists then was to eliminate criminal penalties
He helps us bear the burden of our afflictions. In against homosexual acts, as a first step toward their
Alma’s words, when our testimony of the Atonement goal of greater public acceptance.
grows within us like the tree of life, “then may God
grant unto you that your burdens may be light, through Even though criminal laws against homosexual acts
the joy of his Son.” (Alma 33:23) For example, when were seldom enforced, the Supreme Court considered
the king cast Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego into those laws constitutional as recently as 2003. In the
that fiery furnace, their faith in the Lord’s power saved early 1970’s, the public and most lawyers, doctors, and
them from being burned. Remember the story. As the therapists saw homosexuality not as normal adult
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behavior but as a psychological disorder. As recently Consider now four misconceptions the activists
as 1982, the mayor of San Francisco vetoed a proposal seek to establish as facts in the minds of policymakers
to grant spousal-type benefits to both straight and gay and the public. I do this here because these
unmarried couples. An editorial in a major San misconceptions, if believed, will seriously undermine
Francisco newspaper agreed with the mayor, saying: the efforts of Latter-day Saints or others who desire to
“The notion that an unmarried relationship is the overcome their own same-gender attraction. First is
equivalent of marriage is an attack upon social norms, the misconception that same-gender attraction is an
the destruction of which concerns a great many people inborn and unalterable orientation. This untrue
in the nation and…in San Francisco.” [xi] Sounds assumption tries to persuade you to label yourselves
pretty long ago now, doesn’t it? No country anywhere and build your entire identity around a fixed sexual
in the world recognized gay marriage until 2001. orientation or condition. How would that affect you?
Since then, however, a few countries and six U.S. As President James E. Faust wrote, “The false belief of
states now recognize same-gender marriages. inborn homosexual orientation denies to repentant
souls the opportunity to change and will ultimately
So what's been going on during the last few years to lead to discouragement, disappointment, and despair.”
cause the cultural earthquake we’re now feeling on [xiv]
this subject? We have witnessed primarily an
aggressive political movement more than we’ve However, the activists have almost convinced the
witnessed substantive change in the medical or legal American public about this point. A reliable 2009 poll
evidence. In 1973, in response to increasing asked U.S. adults what causes people to be gay or
disruptions and protests by gay activists, the American lesbian. In the two most common responses, 42% of
Psychiatric and Psychological Associations removed this public sample said gay or lesbian people are born
homosexuality from their official lists of disorders. that way, and 36% said they choose to be that way.
Significantly, they took this action by simply putting [xv] Both of those responses are factually wrong.
the issue to an open vote in their professional
meetings--not because of any change in actual medical So much individual variation exists with so many
findings. As LDS psychologist Dean Byrd writes, possible explanations that there is simply no scientific
“This was the first time in the history of healthcare consensus about what causes homosexual tendencies.
that a diagnosis was decided by popular vote rather As the American Psychological Association has stated,
than scientific evidence.” [xii] “[N]o findings have emerged that permit scientists to
conclude that sexual orientation is determined by any
The activists have used similar methods in the years factor or set of factors… [N]ature and nurture both
since then, trying to prove that they are a legitimate play complex roles.” [xvi] So, even though natural
demographic category with fixed and unchangeable personality traits do influence one’s inclinations, the
characteristics. They must present themselves in this idea that there is a “gay gene” has little scientific
way in order to justify their demand for the same legal support. As two Columbia University researchers put
protections now given to race and gender. That is a it, “the assertion that homosexuality is genetic . . .
crucial point in understanding both the agenda and the must be dismissed out of hand as a general principle of
tactics of intimidation used by today’s activists. As psychology.” [xvii]
Elder Dallin H. Oaks has said, in recent years “we
have seen unrelenting pressure from advocates of [the Now we do know that inherited susceptibilities,
homosexual] lifestyle to accept as normal what is not childhood experiences, and agency all influence a
normal, and to characterize those who disagree with given person’s development. And even though no
them as narrow-minded, bigoted and unreasonable. universal explanation exists, some patterns do fit many
Such advocates are quick to demand freedom of same-gender attraction cases. For example, we know
speech and thought for themselves, but equally quick from the research that among women up to 80% who
to criticize those with a different view and, if possible, have same-gender attraction were abused in some way
to silence them by applying labels like as children. [xviii] Among men, especially during the
‘homophobic.’… This is more than a social issue— years just before and during puberty, as President
ultimately it may be a test of our most basic religious Boyd K. Packer has said, “What would have only
freedoms to teach what we know our Father in Heaven been a more or less normal passing phase in
wants us to teach.” [xiii] establishing [your] gender identity can become
implanted and leave you confused, even disturbed.”
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In other words, before puberty, boys are typically nearly thirty years earlier, when the APA voted to
more interested in other boys than in girls. Then their remove homosexuality from its list of disorders.
interest gradually shifts to girls, but a few boys don’t
make this transition. Often these boys are emotionally Dr. Spitzer listened again, and he decided to study
sensitive, introspective, and, especially among Church two hundred people who had changed to a
members, perfectionistic. When puberty hits this heterosexual orientation that had lasted more than five
group, they can be sexually aroused by many factors. years. Dr. Spitzer published his research findings,
When those factors include other boys, they can despite the objections of activists who thought his
become fixated on the fear that they are “gay,” work threatened their political agenda. He concluded,
especially if they have male sexual experiences, “Like most psychiatrists, I thought that . . . sexual
including male pornography. Then their fixation can orientation could not be changed. I now believe that is
block their normal emotional-sexual development. untrue—some people can and do change.” [xxiii]
Adult men who have had such childhood experiences
can often resume their normal development by Just last month the American Psychological
identifying and addressing the sources of their Association adopted a resolution stating that there is
emotional blockage, which usually includes restoring insufficient evidence to prove conclusively whether
healthy, appropriate male relationships. [xx] sexual orientation can be changed. But in what the
Wall Street Journal called “a striking departure” from
A second misconception the activists promote is that Association’s earlier hesitation about encouraging
that therapy cannot treat, let alone change, same- such therapy, the same resolution also stated that “it is
gender attraction. This false assumption is linked to ethical—and can be beneficial—for counselors to help
the first one: if you’re born gay, there is no need to some clients reject gay or lesbian attractions,”
change; and since you have a permanent condition, especially clients with a strong religious identity.
you can’t change anyway. Evidence that people have [xxiv]
indeed changed threatens the political agenda of the
activists, because actual change disproves their claim Now, to be sure, not everybody who seeks
that homosexuality is a fixed condition that deserves treatment succeeds. We have got to be realistic and
the same legal protections as those fixed conditions honest about that. Not every experience with therapy is
like race and gender. So they don’t want you, or completely positive. That is why responsible therapists
anyone else, to change, or even to believe that change can’t promise particular outcomes. And, the Church
is possible. does not endorse specific methods of treatment.
Success rates vary, and “success” can be defined in
But as President Packer said, “The angels of the various ways. The client’s level of commitment to the
devil convince some that they are born to a life from treatment process is probably the most significant
which they cannot change and are compelled to live in variable in successful outcomes. [xxv] The skill and
sin. The most wicked of lies is that they cannot attitude of the therapist also matters a great deal. But
change and repent and that they will not be forgiven.” in general, well over half of those seeking treatment
[xxii] If you believe that no change is possible, you can be significantly helped by it. That is roughly the
have only two options, neither of which is acceptable same success rate as treatments for clinical depression.
to a believing Latter-day Saint—you must either give One non-LDS therapist who has treated both men and
in or give up. Thankfully, you have other options. women for many years reports that 40% of his clients
find full heterosexual resolution, another 40% achieve
Nonetheless, the American Psychiatric Association enough resolution to control their attraction and
has considered making it unethical for a therapist to behavior, and 20% are unsuccessful. [xxvi]
treat someone with same-gender attraction who desires
to change. But in the year 2000, when such a proposal The third misconception is that most Americans
was pending before that organization, they were met favor same-gender marriage, which means the Church
with a very different form of activism than what they is outside the mainstream in opposing it. For example,
had seen earlier. Busloads of formerly gay men last June Time magazine carried a story that described
appeared at their national meeting, claiming their right the aftermath of California’s Proposition 8 campaign
to choose therapy for their unwanted attraction. In an as a “vicious backlash from gay-rights activists, some
ironic twist of history, the APA representative who of whom accused Mormons of bigotry and blind
met with them, Dr. Robert L. Spitzer, just happened to religious obedience.” This statement ignores the fact
be the same man who had met with the gay activists that aggressive intimidation has long been a primary
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political tactic of these activists against any group that permit that behavior without also endorsing it—that is,
opposed them—including their intimidation of promoting and encouraging that behavior, which we
professional associations in the early 1970s. have historically done only when the behavior serves a
significant public purpose.
The Time writer went on to say that “Gay
marriage…belongs to a class of behaviors increasingly Our society and our laws have long endorsed man-
tolerated in the broader society.” It is true that six woman marriage with an honored priority, not just to
American states now permit same-gender marriage. support happy lovers, but because marriage is our most
But forty states have already passed laws opposing significant social institution—not merely a private
such marriages. And the most recent national polls project. This “public interest” or “social interest”
reinforce that large majority opinion, despite some separates the marriage contract from every other
modest recent gains by the activists. contract in society. We don’t invite guests and have
receptions when people sign a business deal; but we do
For example, last June a CBS News/New York celebrate marriage as a publicly significant event.
Times poll asked whether U.S. adults favored gay Why? Because the children of that marriage are the
marriage, gay civil unions without marriage, or no future society and they clearly thrive best when reared
legal recognition for same-gender couples. Only 33% in a formal family with their own father and mother.
preferred gay marriage; 30% favored civil unions; and
32% would give no legal recognition. When civil The New York Times has reported a “powerful
unions were not offered as an alternative, the consensus” in the social science research [xxx] that
percentage favoring same-gender marriage was higher. children do best when they live with their own mom
[xxvii] A recent USA Today/Gallup Poll also asked and dad. The research clearly shows that, by every
whether allowing people of the same gender to marry measure of child well-being—such as health,
will improve society, have no effect, or will harm emotional stability, education; and avoiding crime,
society. Only 13% thought gay marriage would make drugs, and abuse—children do far better in a two-
society better, while 48% thought it would make parent, married heterosexual family. That ideal child-
society worse, and 35% thought it would have no rearing environment is not always possible because of
effect. [xxviii] deaths, unavoidable divorces, and births outside
wedlock. But giving policy priority to the natural
These poll numbers hardly put the Church on the family establishes the social goal that, whenever
public fringe with its view that same-gender marriage possible, each child has a right to grow up with his or
is not a good idea. But let us finally consider the more her own mother and father in a legal marriage. That
important question—what’s wrong with same-gender goal binds the father and mother to each other and to
marriage? their children—and to society’s long-term interests.
Civilization began when the culture required men to
The fourth misconception is that there are no care about their women and their children. And
rational, non-religious reasons for opposing same- society has the right to expect that kind of pattern from
gender marriage. The Time Magazine writer said the fathers and mothers—for the sake of the future
only “rational side” to the Church’s efforts in society’s well being.
California was its fear of losing its tax-exempt status.
He acknowledged no serious sociological or other Recent experience in this country has threatened
argument for limiting marriage to a man and a woman. this pattern, not just because of same-gender marriage,
This description of the marriage debate is so limited the problem dates further back, because we have
that it invites a response. I therefore briefly offer a shifted, in America, from being a culture of marriage
non-religious case against same-gender marriage. toward becoming a culture of divorce. Americans
have more than doubled the divorce rate. We have the
First, the American public has always distinguished highest divorce rate in the world. We’ve also more
between what the law tolerates and what the law than quintupled the rate of unwed births since the
should endorse--a clear line between “passive 1960’s. Nearly 40% of all children born in the U.S.
toleration” and “active support” of homosexual today are now born out of wedlock. [xxxi] These
conduct. [xxix] To tolerate behavior is to move it, trends have inflicted untold damage upon the country’s
legally, from being prohibited to being permitted, children and families. That’s why President Hinckley
which we did in deciding not to prosecute homosexual said a few years ago, “The family is falling apart. Not
behavior as criminal. However, we can tolerate or only in America, but across the world.” [xxxii] He
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also said that family disintegration is “a matter of rather than primarily serving adult interests that trump
serious concern. I think it is my most serious children’s interests.
concern.” [xxxiii] Why the concern? Because single-
parent families are, with rare and admirable The French parliament’s study of same-gender
exceptions, generally not as good for children. marriage centered on marriage as a social institution.
Damaged children create a damaged society; and when Its report said marriage is inevitably built around
enough families are dysfunctional, society itself children, and every country that has adopted same-
becomes dysfunctional. gender marriage have soon afterward authorized
adoption and surrogate gestation by same-gender
The new culture of divorce began with no-fault couples. But, they concluded, France could “no longer
divorce in California in the late 1960’s. That concept systematically place [the] aspirations of adults ahead”
essentially gave any married individual the right to just of children’s needs and rights. [xxxvi] And if they
walk away from a marriage as a matter of personal allowed individual control of family forms to persist,
freedom, regardless of fault or consequences. Both France would “exhaust all possibility of expression of
no-fault divorce and same-gender marriage allow society’s stake in marriage.” I repeat, this was a
personal adult rights to trump the best interests of secular argument, not a religious one. Indeed, in
society and children. The radical personal freedom France, as Jacques Chirac said, secularism IS their
theory on which the Massachusetts same-gender religion.
marriage case is based is actually the logical extension
of the same individualistic legal concept that created Specifically, the French report focused on
no-fault divorce. Think about it. When the law upholds children’s need for identity and stability. Insofar as
an individual’s right to END a marriage, regardless of possible, it said, each child has the right to know and
social consequences (as happened with no-fault be cared for by—and be bonded to--his or her
divorce), that same legal principle can be used to biological parents. Biological bonding combined with
justify the individual’s right to START a marriage, legal bonding inherently creates the most lasting and
regardless of social consequences (as happens with stable adult-child relationship, which provide the
same-gender marriage). emotional and legal security required for optimal child
development. Occasional adoptions may be necessary
Gay rights do not claim to satisfy society’s in exceptional cases, but there are plenty of stable
enormous interest in its children. On the contrary, in a heterosexual married couples who wish to adopt all
key early Supreme Court opinion in 1986, Justice available adoptive children. The French report said
Harry Blackmun argued that the Constitution should that to accept a public policy that consciously places
protect gay sexual rights “not because they contribute children with homosexual adults increases the risks to
to the general public welfare but because they form so children who are already at risk because they feel
central a part of an individual’s life,” including one’s identity confusion and abandonment by their
“right to differ as to things that touch the heart of the biological parents. To ignore this need is to
existing order.” [xxxiv] The Court’s 2003 majority discriminate against these children. Adoption is about
opinion striking down state criminal laws against a child’s right to a regular family, not merely about an
same-gender sexual conduct accepted Justice adult’s right to a child.
Blackmun’s view, basing its rationale on the personal
“autonomy” rights of consenting adults, not on any So France rejected same-gender marriage so that
benefit of that conduct to society. [xxxv] children “do not suffer as a result of situations
imposed on them by adults. The interest of the child
Now this contrast between adult rights and the must outweigh the exercise of freedom by adults,
rights of society and children introduces the most whatever life choices are made by the parents.” This
persuasive example I have seen of the secular case view takes marriage away from the private, adults-
against same-gender marriage. France rejected gay only world of gay and lesbian lifestyles and returns it
marriage in 2006, because its parliament concluded to its original place as society’s primary social
that these marriages run counter to the best interests of institution.
children and the future society they create. France was I return now to where I started, to the admiration
not ready, as a matter of conscious public policy and empathy I feel for you. I feel especially tender
choice, to throw out its babies with the bathwater of toward you who honor your covenants and
gay activism. They concluded that marriage should wholeheartedly desire the blessings of temple marriage
serve a child’s right to optimal personal development, and family life; and who have tried repeatedly—but
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not successfully yet —to diminish your same-gender connotations of those words. That is your true, eternal
feelings. I know people who feel that way. My heart identity. I urge you to seek a testimony, even a
goes out to them. They are waiting upon the Lord. personal vision, of that identity. I ask you to take
every possible step, every day, to align your physical
I was once living through a pretty difficult dive and emotional life with the spiritual reality of who you
myself, though of a much different variety. One day really are. Even if you can open only a tiny space for
in the Wyoming mountains I saw a bald eagle in a God’s influence in your life now, open it up, all you
nearby tree. Something about that majestic creature can. Say “yes” to Him, over and over, and He will
reminded me to read these words from the 40th help you make ever more room for Him in your heart.
chapter of Isaiah: “The Lord giveth power to the faint; Then your confidence will grow—not only in Him, but
and to them that have no might he increaseth strength. in yourself. I am describing a process, not an event,
They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their and it can sometimes seem hopelessly long and
strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; difficult. But I promise you that as you learn to
they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, connect your righteous desires with His love, His
and not faint.” [xxxvii] power will pull you home—eventually, all the way
I wondered what “waiting upon the Lord” meant.
Then I read in Joseph Smith’s Translation of Matthew Brigham Young’s words describe the promise and
3:24 that when young Jesus grew up, he “waxed the fulfillment of that homeward journey: “Your
strong, and waited upon the Lord for the time of his spirits when they came to take [earthly] tabernacles
ministry to come.” I couldn’t imagine the boy Christ were pure and holy. There is no spirit among the
just standing around the carpenter shop “waiting” for human family that was begotten in hell; none that were
something to happen. I came to understand that begotten by angels, or by any inferior being. They
“waiting upon the Lord” is a special invitation to [are all the children of] our Father in heaven. He is the
become an active, consecrated disciple of Christ. It Father of our spirits; and if we could know,
isn’t to sit back passively and just wait on your hands. understand, and do His will, every soul would be
I was moved to make changes in my daily pattern so I prepared to return back into His presence. And when
could “wait” with much more intense spiritual they get there, they would see that they had formerly
initiative. As a result, I discovered for myself that, as lived there for ages, that they had previously been
Isaiah said, men have not heard, “neither hath any eye acquainted with every nook and corner, with the
seen, O God, how great things thou hast prepared for palaces, walks, and gardens; and they would embrace
him that waiteth for thee.” (D&C 133:45) As the their Father, and He would embrace them and say,
angel sang to Elijah, “O rest in the Lord; wait patiently ‘My son, my daughter, I have you again;’ and the child
for Him, and he will give thee thy heart’s desire.” would say, ‘O my Father, my Father, I am here
again.’” [xxxviii]
An LDS medical doctor who has worked closely
with many people who deal with same-gender
attraction recently said to me, “This is a truly difficult Notes
problem, but in its very difficulty is something that
allows those who meet the challenge to become [i] Ensign, Nov. 1995. P. 99
amazingly purified and sanctified and thus qualified
for special comfort and revelation from the Savior, [ii] Ensign, Nov. 2000, p.
who knows how to succor ‘all’ men and women in
their infirmities.” His words prompted a memory of [iii]D&C 122:8; D&C 88:6
Elder Maxwell’s insight: “If we are serious about our
discipleship, Jesus will eventually request each of us to [iv]D&C 88:114
do those very things which are [the] most difficult to
do.” The apostle Paul wrote, “All things work [v]LDS.org Newsroom, interview transcript.
together for good to them that love God.” (Romans
8:28) Even same-gender attraction can work for your [vi]Alma 37:36
good IF you love God.
[vii] Theguardrail.com/transcript.htm.
You are not simply a child of God. You are a son or
a daughter of God, with all the masculine or feminine [viii]Alma 7:11-12
Page 8
[ix]Carri P. Jenkins, “Toward the Light of Hope: [xxvii]PollingReport.com/civil.htm
Victims of Abuse,” Brigham Young Magazine, May (CBS/N.Y.Times poll June 12-16, 2009)
1993, p. 35.
[xxviii]PollingReport.com/civil.htm (USA
[x]See note 7. Today/Gallup poll, May 7-10, 2009)

[xi] San Francisco Examiner, Nov. 21, 1982, at [xxix] Bernstein, “When One Person’s Civil Rights
B10, col. 1. Are Another’s Moral Outrage,” N. Y. Times, Oct. 16,
section 4, p. 6; Barney, “Shaky Ground: Gay Rights
[xii] Dean Byrd, Mormons & Homosexuality Confront Determined Resistance from Some
(2008), p. 22 Moderates,” Wall St. J. Oct. 7, 1994, p. A1.

[xiii] Dallin H. Oaks and Lance B. Wickman, [xxx]Hardin, 2-Parent Families Rise After Change
LDS.org Newsroom interview. in Welfare Laws, quoted in What Next for the
Marriage Movement? (New York: Institute for
[xiv] James E. Faust, Ensign, Sept. 1995. American Values), posted to MarriageMovement.org,
12 Dec. 2004.
[xv] Quinnipiac University poll, April 21, 2009, in
PollingReport.com. [xxxi] “The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention reported in May that births to unmarried
[xvi] In Dean Byrd, M&H, p. 36. women have reached an astonishing 39.7%” of all U.S.
births. Caitlin Flanagan, “Why Marriage Matters,”
[xvii] Friedman and Downey, in Byrd, M&H, p. 34. Time, July 13, 2009, p. 45

[xviii] David C. Pruden, Lead My People, audio [xxxii]”No Nation Can Rise Higher Than the
CD Strength of Its Families.” Church News, 3 Oct. 1998,
p. 6.
[xix] Boyd K. Packer, Ensign, November 2000.
[xxxiii] “President Hinckley Notes His 85th
[xx] See generally Jeffrey Robinson, Birthday.” Church News, 24 June 1995, p. 6.
Theguardrail.com; Jason Park, Understanding Male
Homosexual Problems. [xxxiv] Bowers v. Hardwick, ___ U.S. ___ (1986)

[xxi] Ensign, Aug. 1979, p. 51. [xxxv] Lawrence v. Texas, ___ U.S. ___ (2003)

[xxii] Boyd K. Packer, Ensign, May 2006. [xxxvi] Report of the Mission of Inquiry on the
Family and the Rights of Children, a study
[xxiii] Spitzer. R.L. (2003). “Can some gay men commission appointed by the National Assembly of
and lesbians change their sexual orientation?” France, January 25, 2006, p. 32 (English translation of
Archives of Sexual Behavior, 32, 5 October, pp. 403- commission report).
[xxxvii] Isaiah 40:28-31
[xxiv]Stephanie Simon, “A New Therapy on Faith
and Sexual Identity,” Wall St. J., Aug. 6, 2009 [xxxviii]Brigham Young, JD 4:268 (italics added).

[xxv] Jason Park, Understanding Male Copyright © 2009 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights
Homosexual Problems, p. 30 reserved

[xxvi] Park, p. 31.

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