General SOP Template Final
General SOP Template Final
General SOP Template Final
This page documents the revisions over time to the SOP. The most recent iteration should
be listed in the row space, with consecutive versions following. Signatures may be
required for revised documents.
1. Title Page
2. Table of Contents
3. Procedures
a. Scope and Applicability
b. Summary of Method
c. Definitions
d. Health & Safety Warning
e. Cautions
f. Interferences
g. Personnel Qualifications / Responsibilities
h. Equipment and Supplies
i. Step by Step Procedure
Instrument or Method Calibration and Standardization
Sample Collection
Sample Handling and Preservation
Sample Preparation and Analysis
Data Acquisition, Calculations & Data Reduction Requirements
Computer Hardware & Software
j. Data and Records Management
4. Quality Control and Quality Assurance Section
5. Reference Section
1. Title Page
The first page or cover page of each SOP should contain the following
information: a title that clearly identifies the activity or procedure, an SOP identification
(ID) number, date of issue and/or revision, the name of the applicable agency to which
this SOP applies, and the signatures and signature dates of those individuals who
prepared and approved the SOP. Electronic signatures are acceptable for SOPs
maintained on a computerized database.
2. Table of Contents
A Table of Contents may be needed for quick reference, especially if the SOP is
long, for locating information and to denote changes or revisions made only to certain
sections of an SOP.
3. Procedures
The following are topics that may be appropriate for inclusion in technical SOPs.
Not all will apply to every procedure or work process being detailed. If a particular topic
does not apply, leave the topic heading in and insert “Not applicable for this SOP”.
d. Health & Safety Warning – indicate any operations that could result
in personal injury or loss of life and explaining what will happen if
the procedure is not followed or is followed incorrectly; listed here and at the
critical steps in the procedure.
5. Reference Section
Documents or procedures that interface with the SOP should be fully referenced
(including version number), such as they relate to the SOP, published literature, or
methods manuals. Citations cannot substitute for the description of the method being
followed in the organization. Attach any that are not readily available. References
should be numbered (1, 2, 3, … etc.) and may be used as a footnote. Use an acceptable
format for citing a reference (see examples provided below).
R1. 40 CFR 30, Code of Federal Regulations, “Grants and Agreements With
Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals, and Other Non-Profit