General SOP Template Final

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Standard Operating Procedure


{Facility name here}

Prepared By: NAME / TITLE Date


Approved By: NAME / TITLE Date

Approved By: NAME / TITLE Date

Effective Date: mm/dd/yyyy

Revision History

This page documents the revisions over time to the SOP. The most recent iteration should
be listed in the row space, with consecutive versions following. Signatures may be
required for revised documents.

Date of Revision Page(s)/Section(s) Revision Explanation

Table of Contents (OPTIONAL)

1. Title Page
2. Table of Contents
3. Procedures
a. Scope and Applicability
b. Summary of Method
c. Definitions
d. Health & Safety Warning
e. Cautions
f. Interferences
g. Personnel Qualifications / Responsibilities
h. Equipment and Supplies
i. Step by Step Procedure
 Instrument or Method Calibration and Standardization
 Sample Collection
 Sample Handling and Preservation
 Sample Preparation and Analysis
 Troubleshooting
 Data Acquisition, Calculations & Data Reduction Requirements
 Computer Hardware & Software
j. Data and Records Management
4. Quality Control and Quality Assurance Section
5. Reference Section
1. Title Page

The first page or cover page of each SOP should contain the following
information: a title that clearly identifies the activity or procedure, an SOP identification
(ID) number, date of issue and/or revision, the name of the applicable agency to which
this SOP applies, and the signatures and signature dates of those individuals who
prepared and approved the SOP. Electronic signatures are acceptable for SOPs
maintained on a computerized database.

2. Table of Contents

A Table of Contents may be needed for quick reference, especially if the SOP is
long, for locating information and to denote changes or revisions made only to certain
sections of an SOP.

3. Procedures

The following are topics that may be appropriate for inclusion in technical SOPs.
Not all will apply to every procedure or work process being detailed. If a particular topic
does not apply, leave the topic heading in and insert “Not applicable for this SOP”.

a. Scope and Applicability – describing the purpose of the process or

procedure and any organization or regulatory requirements, as well as any
limits to the use of the procedure.

b. Summary of Method – briefly summarize the procedure.

c. Definitions – identify any acronyms, abbreviations, or specialized terms

used in the SOP.

d. Health & Safety Warning – indicate any operations that could result
in personal injury or loss of life and explaining what will happen if
the procedure is not followed or is followed incorrectly; listed here and at the
critical steps in the procedure.

e. Cautions – indicate any activities that could result in equipment

damage, degradation of sample, or possible invalidation of results; listed
here and at the critical steps in the procedure.

f. Interferences – describe any component of the process that may

interfere with the accuracy of the final product.

g. Personnel Qualifications / Responsibilities – denote the minimum

experience the user should have to complete the task satisfactorily, and
cite any applicable requirements, like certification.
h. Equipment and Supplies – list and specify, where necessary,
equipment, materials, reagents, chemical standards, and biological
specimens necessary to complete the SOP procedure completely.

i. Step by Step Procedure (LIST ALL PERTINENT STEPS, IN ORDER,


 Instrument or Method Calibration and Standardization – list and

describe any instrument or method utilized in the SOP that requires
calibration and/or standardization prior to use. Provide explicit
instructions to ensure that accurate measurements are obtained.

 Sample Collection – provide any information or instruction necessary

to successfully complete the sample collection task. This may be an
area where a table is best suited which lists all media, sample container
type/size, volume requirements, headspace requirements, etc.

 Sample Handling and Preservation – this section typically refers to

how samples, once collected, are handled and preserved prior to and
during shipment (or delivery). This may be an area where a table is
best suited which lists all media, special handling, preservation,
holding times, etc.

 Sample Preparation and Analysis – this section refers to laboratory

activity that may include extraction, digestion, analysis, identification,
and counting procedures.

 Troubleshooting – typically this section is used for laboratories

performing analysis where certain known interferences may present
themselves and degrade the quality of the analysis. This area may also
be used for field measurements, if applicable, that may have a known
interference and a particular method or technique of correcting the

 Data Acquisition, Calculations & Data Reduction Requirements – such

as listing any mathematical steps to be followed.

 Computer Hardware & Software – used to store field sampling

records, manipulate analytical results, and/or report data.

j. Data and Records Management – identify any calculations to be

performed, forms to be used, reports to be written, and data and record
storage information. Records retention schedule may also apply here.

4. Quality Control and Quality Assurance Section

QC activities are designed to allow self-verification of the quality and consistency
of the work. Describe the preparation of appropriate QC procedures (self-checks, such as
calibrations, recounting, re-identification) and QC material (such as blanks – rinsate, trip,
field, or method; replicates; split samples; spikes; and performance evaluation samples)
that are required to demonstrate successful performance of the method. Specific criteria
for each should be included. Describe the frequency of required calibration and QC
checks and discuss the rationale for decisions. Describe the limits/criteria for QC
data/results and actions required when QC data exceed QC limits or appear in the
warning zone (control charts). Describe the procedures for reporting QC data and results.

5. Reference Section

Documents or procedures that interface with the SOP should be fully referenced
(including version number), such as they relate to the SOP, published literature, or
methods manuals. Citations cannot substitute for the description of the method being
followed in the organization. Attach any that are not readily available. References
should be numbered (1, 2, 3, … etc.) and may be used as a footnote. Use an acceptable
format for citing a reference (see examples provided below).

R1. 40 CFR 30, Code of Federal Regulations, “Grants and Agreements With
Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals, and Other Non-Profit

R2. ANSI/ASQC E4-1994, Specifications and Guidelines for Quality Systems

for Environmental Data Collection and Environmental Technology
Programs, American National Standard, January 1995.

R3. U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2000a. Guidance for Data

Quality Assessment: Practical Methods for Data Analysis (QA/G-
9), EPA/600/R-96/084, Office of Environmental Information.

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