Iws Materials and Their Behaviour PDF
Iws Materials and Their Behaviour PDF
Iws Materials and Their Behaviour PDF
IIW/EWF Diploma –
Materials and Their Behaviour (Foundation)
Section Subject
1 Structure of Pure Metals
1.1 General introduction
1.2 Crystal structures
1.3 Solidification of metals and grain structure
1.4 Crystal structure imperfections
1.5 Work hardening
2 Alloys and Phase Diagrams
2.1 Alloying
2.2 Solid solution alloy equilibrium phase diagram
2.3 Alloys with partial or no solid solubility
2.4 Age hardening
2.5 Phase diagram involving a eutectoid
2.6 Introducing the iron-carbon phase diagram
2.7 Advantages and disadvantages of phase diagrams
3 Manufacture of Steels
3.1 Modern steelmaking
3.2 Primary steelmaking
3.3 Secondary steelmaking
3.4 Casting
3.5 Steel processing
4 Materials Testing
4.1 Mechanical testing
4.2 Tensile testing
4.3 Charpy impact testing
4.4 Fracture toughness testing
4.5 Bend testing
4.6 Fatigue testing
4.7 Hardness testing
4.8 Metallographic examination
5 Heat Treatment of Steels
5.1 Why heat treat?
5.2 Equilibrium heat treatments (ferrite and pearlite)
5.3 Non-equilibrium heat treatment
5.4 Stress relief and postweld heat treatment
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6 Fe-C Steels
6.1 Steel
6.2 Steel terminology
6.3 Weldability of steels
7 Micro-alloyed/High Strength Low Alloy (HSLA) Steels
7.1 Micro-alloyed steels
7.2 TMCP steels
7.3 Weldability of micro-alloyed steels
7.4 Applications for high strength steels
8 Structure of the Welded Joint
8.1 Weld metal
8.2 The HAZ
8.3 Microstructures of multi-pass welds
8.4 Heat input
9 Cracking Mechanisms
9.1 Hydrogen (cold) cracking
9.2 Solidification (hot) cracking
9.3 Liquation cracking
9.4 Lamellar training
9.5 Reheat cracking of low alloy steel
10 Corrosion
10.1 Definition
10.2 Reactions during corrosion
10.3 Galvanic series
11 Welding of Stainless Steels
11.1 What makes stainless steel stainless?
11.2 Why use stainless steel?
11.3 Crystallographic structure
11.4 The elements contained in stainless steel
11.5 Five basic types of stainless steels
11.6 Mechanical properties
11.7 Potential problems with welding stainless steels
12 Surfacing
12.1 Reasons for using overlays and coatings
12.2 Types of protective layers
12.3 Weld surfacing
12.4 Arc welding surfacing techniques
12.5 Laser weld deposition
12.6 Explosive cladding
12.7 Clad pipes
12.8 Dilution in weld overlays
12.9 Sensitization of the substrate
12.10 Welding and NDT of clad steels
12.11 Standards
12.12 Quality control of weld overlays
12.13 Thermal spray coatings
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Rev 2 July 2011
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Introducing materials and their behaviour
Welcome to the International Institute of Welding (IIW) and European Welding
Federation (EWF) approved Diploma course offered by TWI Training and
Examination Services. Successful completion of your course leads to qualification
recognised in more than 40 countries. The syllabus and expected learning outcomes
are given in an IIW publication, IAB-252r8-07, of which a short version may be
downloaded from either the IIW website: www.iiw-iis.org, or from the EWF website:
This course is designed to cover the syllabus but we emphasise that self-study
should account for at least as much time as the lectures. Larry Jeffus (Welding
Principles and Application) is an excellent source for basic information, with coloured
easy to follow diagrams. Callister/Rethwisch (Materials Science and Engineering) is
also an excellent reference. Althouse, Turnqist, Bowditch, Bowditch, Bowditch
(Modern Welding) also has good explanations. AC Davies (The Science and
Practice of Welding) is a classic, but now rather dated reference. More advanced
explanations can found in Welding Metallurgy, by Kou.
The internet is, of course, a prime source of reference, though care must be taken as
anyone can set up a website and post information, not all of which is accurate. We
strongly suggest that you use the technical information available from TWI’s website
With the changing face of the internet we cannot say that these sites will remain in
place and as useful as they seemed when we looked at them. We recommend that
you use a search engine to explore what is available for any topic that you to learn
more about.
We hope that you enjoy this learning experience. Good luck in the exams.
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We must point out that simply learning the notes is not enough. We make frequent
reference to private study and expect you to use all facilities – library, reference
books and the internet, especially the TWI website with its Job Knowledge series of
articles – to give you a fuller understanding of the subject.
Our lecturers and Course Manager are always keen to hear from you. If you have
input to give, ideas for improvement, or you just have a concern over the learning or
examination, please speak to us.
Why do some welds crack down the centreline whilst being made?
Usually this is a sign of solidification cracking. You will learn how to identify it
conclusively but, not only that, you will learn the mechanisms involved. Steels can
sometimes show solidification cracking.
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The reason is that impurities are concentrated in the last area to freeze (the
centreline) and these create a thin liquid film that cannot accept the strain as the
solid metal cools and contracts.
At first sight it looks the same as that in steel so you might guess at a similar cause,
but in this case it is intrinsic to mix of the major alloying elements. Careful selection
of filler metal composition is necessary to avoid centreline cracking in aluminium
These are just a few examples of why it is important to understand the underlying
principles and mechanisms operating in the material as it are subjected to welding
and the stressing induced by the process. It is material science but there is nothing
to fear, it is all based on discovering why noteworthy practical effects take place.
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This module prepares you for specific exams on materials and their behaviour, one
of four modules that you need to achieve the end qualification. Even if you choose
not to be tested in this way, your involvement in the course will have given you a
much greater understanding of why certain things are important in welding and how
to exert control over them in order to achieve quality welds.
Specific needs may be limited today, but we believe that individuals should have
good general knowledge; their company may enter a new field of operation or they
may choose to change company and we don't wish to limit their horizon.
Whilst we recognise that you are likely to be sponsored by your company against a
company objective, we should also point out that your personal development and the
gaining of professional qualifications is of great benefit to you, the individual, as you
follow your career path.
Section 1
So the number of atoms per cube = 8×1/8 (each atom shared by 8 cubes) +
1 (atom at the body centre) = 2
Examples of metals that have the bcc crystal structure are Cr, V, Mo, W, Nb,
α-Fe (ferrite), structural steels and some stainless steels. At room
temperature, bcc crystal structured materials usually have lower ductility
than their face-centred-cubic (fcc) counterparts (described below), but can
have higher strength.
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Structure of Pure Metals
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A second type of cubic crystal structure is the face-centred cubic (fcc). This
consists of 14 atoms arranged in a cube with an atom in the centre of each
face of the cube. The number of atoms per cube in this case is four (4). This
structure is usually associated with high ductility and malleability. Examples
of metals that have the fcc crystal structure are Ni, Cu, Al, Ag, Au, Pb, γ-Fe
(austenite) and some stainless steels.
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Structure of Pure Metals
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In weld pools, the grain structure is columnar, because the dendrite growth
follows the direction of heat dissipation starting perpendicular to the fusion
boundary and follows the welding direction, as shown in the following figure.
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Structure of Pure Metals
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Linear imperfections are known as dislocations and there are two types,
edge and screw dislocations. Edge dislocations consist of an extra half-
plane of atoms.
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Structure of Pure Metals
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Elastic Plastic
Grain size
If the grain size is small, then more grain boundaries exist which means
more barriers to dislocation movement making plastic deformation more
difficult. A finer grain size leads to increased hardness and tensile strength
(and also increased toughness). Grain size can be reduced by promoting
crystal nucleation from many sites in the liquid phase, but more commonly
for wrought products, the grain size is reduced through mechanical working
and heat treatment, which will be covered later in the course.
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Structure of Pure Metals
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Grain size can be measured by comparing images of the grain structure with
grain size charts in the standard ASTM E112. These charts relate to a range
of grain sizes from 1 (coarse) to 8 (fine).
Increase in
grain size
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Structure of Pure Metals
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Revision Questions
Section 2
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Alloys and Phase Diagrams
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> Ni Mush
T (°C)
100% Cu 100% Ni
By removing the time axis from the curves and replacing it with composition,
the cooling curves indicate the temperatures of the solidus and liquidus for a
given composition.
There are three main types of binary alloy system phase diagrams:
The simplest kind is where the two elements form a solid solution and there
is complete solubility in the solid and the liquid phase (for example the Cu-Ni
or antimony (Sb)-bismuth (Bi) systems). In such an alloy system, there is a
range of temperatures through which the alloy freezes, where both solid and
liquid are present as a mush before complete solidification occurs.
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Alloys and Phase Diagrams
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Solidus is the phase boundary which limits the top of the solid phase in the
phase diagram. Liquidus is the phase boundary which limits the bottom of
the liquid phase field. In other words, the alloy is completely liquid above the
liquidus line and solid below the solidus line.
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Alloys and Phase Diagrams
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Alloys and Phase Diagrams
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︵ ︶
Therefore there is 66.7% solid at 1232oC. As the only other phase present
at 1232oC is liquid the amount of liquid present at this temperature is
100-66.7=33.3%. The exact same result is also obtained by using the lever
6 6
0 6
5 5
7 7
︵ ︶
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Alloys and Phase Diagrams
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More commonly, there is total solubility in liquid phase and partial solubility
in solid phase (particularly where there is a high percentage of one of the
elements, with a small amount of solute atoms). An example is the copper
(Cu)-silver (Ag) system. Other examples include that of lead (Pb)-tin (Sn),
Pb-magnesium (Mg) alloy systems.
In the diagram (Cu-Ag system) the phases the regions with solid solubility of
Ag in Cu and Cu in Ag are represented by the Greek letters and ,
respectively. The black lines (or the phase boundary) that represents the
limit of solid solubility is also called the solvus.
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Alloys and Phase Diagrams
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Alloys and Phase Diagrams
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Alloys and Phase Diagrams
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At fast cooling rates, precipitation can be avoided and the precipitates can
be formed at a later heat treatment, where their size and distribution can be
controlled through careful selection of temperature and time at temperature.
This is called an ageing or precipitation heat treatment. The precipitates
formed at the grain boundaries during slow cooling have little effect on the
properties of an alloy, but the precipitates formed during ageing are
distributed inside the grains and can be very effective in increasing the
strength of an alloy.
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Alloys and Phase Diagrams
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Age hardening increases the hardness and tensile strength of the alloy. The
size of the precipitates become coarser as the ageing temperature
increases and the ageing temperature can control the distribution of the
second phase as well as the precipitate size. Having many fine and
uniformly dispersed precipitates is more effective at increasing strength than
having a few coarse precipitates. If heating is too prolonged or excessive,
the alloy re-softens due to over-ageing of the precipitates, which become
too large to be effective.
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Alloys and Phase Diagrams
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The main phases that occur in the iron-carbon phase diagram are:
Peritectic reaction
Is a three-phase reaction in which, upon cooling, a liquid and a solid phase
transform at a certain temperature to give one different solid phase. In the
Fe-C system this occurs at high temperature and is characterized by the
transformation of liquid plus delta ferrite to austenite.
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Alloys and Phase Diagrams
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Eutectic reaction
Occurs in cast irons with more than 2.1 wt% carbon. As described before
and as with the peritectic, the eutectic occurs at a single temperature. In the
Fe-C system, the eutectic reaction occurs at 1148oC and is characterized by
the transformation of liquid to austenite plus cementite.
Eutectoid reaction
Occurs at 727oC and involves the transformation of the residual austenite to
a lamellar structure of ferrite and cementite, called pearlite.
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Alloys and Phase Diagrams
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Alloys and Phase Diagrams
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However, the phase diagram does not indicate the structural arrangement of
the phases ie lamellae, globules, films, nor does it indicate the structural
distribution of the secondary phases, ie either distributed within grains or
deposited at grain boundaries. The phase diagram shows only the
equilibrium (slow cooling) state, which is not representative of some
production or welding thermal conditions.
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Alloys and Phase Diagrams
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Revision Questions
1 Draw the shape of a phase diagram for a binary alloy system that shows
complete solubility in both the liquid and solid phases.
2 What are the features of a eutectic and what can its microstructure look like?
4 Describe how you would carry out an age hardening heat treatment on an alloy
system with partial solubility in the solid phase.
5 Name four different solid phases in the iron-carbon alloy system. Which are
stable at room temperature?
Section 3
Manufacture of Steels
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Manufacture of Steels
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3 Manufacture of Steels
3.1 Modern steelmaking
Steel is essentially an alloy of iron (Fe) and carbon (C) and is generally
produced in a two stage process known as primary steelmaking. The first
stage involves the extraction of raw iron (also referred to as pig iron) from
iron ore inside a vessel known as a blast furnace. In its raw form, pig iron
contains high levels of carbon, sulphur and phosphorus, making it very
brittle and severely limiting its usefulness as an engineering material. In the
second stage of primary steelmaking, the amount of carbon and other
unwanted elements in the molten pig iron is reduced using the Basic
Oxygen Steelmaking (BOS) process. The resulting steel exhibits superior
toughness and ductility to the raw pig iron and can be used in a wide variety
of engineering applications. Engineering steel can also be produced from
scrap steel in an electric arc furnace. Further reductions in carbon content or
adjustments to the steel composition that may be required by the end user
necessitate additional processing steps such as ladle refining and vacuum
degassing and this is known as secondary steelmaking.
For more information about blast furnaces and steel manufacture see
Davies: Science and Practice of Welding vol. 1 pages 65-79.
To extract the iron from the ore the oxygen needs to be removed in a
process called reduction. Molten iron is initially produced in a vessel known
as a blast furnace.
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The blast furnace is a large vertical stack, roughly 30m tall, lined with
refractory bricks. The temperatures within the blast furnace increase from
approximately 250°C at the top to over 1900°C at the bottom. Blast furnaces
tend to be operated continuously due to the cost and difficulty of stopping
the process once the furnace is up to temperature and often run for several
years at a time. The raw materials of iron ore, coke (which is almost pure
carbon) and a flux (typically limestone) are introduced continuously at the
top of the furnace adding to the furnace contents or burden. Hot air is
blasted in near the base of the furnace through water-cooled nozzles known
as tuyères. The oxygen supplied in the hot air blast supports combustion of
the coke forming carbon monoxide (CO). The CO reduces the iron ore to
molten iron which seeps down through the furnace burden under the action
of gravity and collects at the bottom of the furnace in a structure known as
the hearth. The limestone decomposes in the heat of the furnace to calcium
oxide (CaO) which reacts with impurities in the ore such as silica to form a
molten slag. This slag also collects at the base of the furnace above the
molten iron. The molten pig iron and slag are extracted from the furnace
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through tap holes, with the iron being transported to the next processing
step in ladles or refractory lined torpedo-shaped rail cars. As the molten iron
travels down through the furnace it picks up high levels of carbon (up to
4.5%) and other impurities (approximately 0.06% sulphur and 1%
phosphorus) from the coke. As a result, solidified pig iron exhibits low tensile
strength, very low ductility and contains large amounts of dissolved gases,
severely limiting its usefulness as an engineering material. Typically pig iron
is converted into steel using the basic oxygen steelmaking (BOS) process,
which reduces the amount of carbon, sulphur and phosphorus dissolved in
the molten metal. Prior to being transferred to the BOS vessel, the molten
pig iron is frequently pre-treated with powdered magnesium, iron oxide and
lime in order to reduce the levels of sulphur, silicon and phosphorus
Molten pig iron from the blast furnace is charged into the BOS vessel, which
is lined with a high temperature resistant refractory material. Scrap steel is
added to the BOS vessel prior to charging with molten pig iron in order to
cool the charge and protect the refractory lining. A water-cooled lance is
lowered into the converter and high purity oxygen is blown through the
molten metal, causing the combustion of carbon dissolved in the metal and
forming carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide gases which escape from the
top of the vessel, thereby reducing the carbon content of the steel. Other
unwanted elements such as silicon and phosphorus react to form acidic
oxides which combine with basic fluxes added to the BOS converter forming
a slag which mixes with the molten metal during blowing to form an
emulsion, thereby facilitating the refinement of the steel. After the process is
complete the slag separates from the steel and floats on its surface,
allowing the steel to be tapped into a ladle whilst leaving the slag in the BOS
converter to be tapped off separately. A typical steel chemistry produced by
the BOS process is as follows: 0.2%C, 0.2%Si, 0.8-1.0%Mn, 0.025%S and
0.020%P. While a carbon content in the region of 0.2% may be acceptable
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Manufacture of Steels
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to some end users, it is often necessary to reduce the carbon content further
and/or make compositional adjustments, thus requiring additional
The electric arc furnace offers an alternative route for the production of
engineering steels to the traditional (and resource-intensive) method of
reducing iron ore in the blast furnace followed by refinement in the BOS
converter. The structure of an electric arc furnace used for steelmaking
consists of a refractory-lined shell with a retractable roof, through which up
to three graphite electrodes protrude. The primary feedstock in the electric
arc steelmaking process is typically scrap steel, although some pig iron or
directly reduced iron may be used. The furnace charge is melted by a high
energy electric arc struck between the electrodes and the charge. Oxygen is
introduced to the molten steel through a lance in order to remove carbon
and other unwanted elements and flux is added to react with impurities in
the steel forming a slag which floats on the molten steel. The slag layer acts
as a thermal barrier, helping to prevent excessive heat loss from the molten
bath, thus allowing greater thermal and electrical efficiency. The flux is
typically composed of burnt lime (calcium oxide) and dolomite (magnesium
oxide) and can either be charged with the scrap or blown into the furnace
during melting. Once the temperature and composition of the melt is correct,
the steel is tapped into a ladle by tilting the furnace. The slag remains in the
furnace to be tapped off separately. The principal advantage of the electric
arc steelmaking process is the fact that new steel can be produced entirely
from scrap. The process is also extremely flexible and unlike the blast
furnace, can be started and stopped to suit demand. While electric arc
furnaces represent a comparatively low capital investment the operating
costs can be high (power rating can be up to 150,000kW).
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3.4 Casting
Before the molten steel produced by the BOS or EAF processes can be
transformed into useful products it must be cast into ingots or slabs. Casting
involves the solidification of molten metal into a desired shape or profile
inside a mould.
Direction of
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Gases (such as oxygen) dissolved in the molten steel can give rise to
porosity or other casting defects as the material solidifies. Steels for ingot
casting are typically given one of three designations depending on the level
of deoxidation they have been subjected to; killed, semi-killed or un-killed.
Pipe defect
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The above designations are derived from the behaviour of the molten steel
when it is poured into the mould. The violent evolution of carbon monoxide
from solidifying un-killed steels contrasts with the passive solidification
behaviour of fully deoxidised steels hence the term killed.
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Continuous casting represents the most cost and energy efficient method for
solidifying large volumes of metal into simple shapes for subsequent
processing. A high degree of automation is possible with continuous casting
and the process produces a product of high quality and uniformity in a range
of cross-sections. A disadvantage is that impurities segregate at the
centreline of the slab.
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Rev 2 July 2011
Manufacture of Steels
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3.5.1 Rolling
Rolling involves the reduction in thickness of a metal feedstock by passing it
between a pair of rotating rolls. The gap between the rolls is less than the
starting thickness of the feedstock thus forcing the material to deform as it
passes between the rolls. Traditionally rolling was carried out in two stages
consisting of an initial stage which converted large cast ingots into slabs or
blooms followed by a secondary rolling stage which converted the blooms
and slabs into plates, sheets and other products. With the widespread
introduction of continuous casting, semi-finished slabs, blooms and billets
could be produced directly, thereby eliminating the requirement for the initial
rolling stage for volume steel production.
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During cold rolling the as-cast grain structure is elongated and deformed or
cold worked leading to an increase in hardness. The deformed material is
typically subjected to an intermediate anneal at high temperature between
rolling operations in order to recrystallise the sheet, restoring the equiaxed
grain structure and increasing ductility. This softened product can then
undergo further rolling operations.
During hot rolling, the steel is held above the recrystallisation temperature
(950-1000°C) throughout the process. After each rolling operation the
distorted grains spontaneously recrystallise and grain growth occurs before
subsequent rolling operations (see figure below). The result of hot rolling is
steel with a refined equiaxed grain structure. Steel is then usually heat
treated (normalised or possibly quenched and tempered) before being used.
Any inclusions in the steel will become elongated during rolling forming
features known as stringers (see micrograph overleaf) which are not altered
by annealing operations. Material containing stringers is considered to be
anisotropic. It is recognised that stringers can lead to lamellar tearing when
the material is welded and it is therefore desirable that they are avoided.
Where material properties in the through-thickness direction are required to
be guaranteed, the material is designated Z grade (where Z is the through-
thickness axis in XYZ coordinates). The X direction corresponds with the
rolling direction and generally exhibits the highest tensile strength, Charpy
impact toughness and ductility. The Y or transverse direction tends to exhibit
slightly poorer mechanical properties than the X direction, with the Z
direction often showing the lowest strength and toughness.
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The above diagram summarises the most common process route for
production of coils of hot rolled steel from molten metal. It can be seen that
the molten metal is initially cast into a long strand before being cut into
individual slabs which are heated or soaked in a re-heat furnace at a
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3.5.3 Forging
Forging is a manufacturing process that involves the deformation and
shaping of metals under localised compressive forces. Due to its strength
and resistance to deformation, steel is forged at high temperatures. This is
known as hot forging. Forging techniques can be generally divided into two
groups; open and closed die. Open-die forging is a basic technique for
producing simple shapes using a moveable ram or hammer and a static
anvil. Open-die forging is frequently used to roughly shape a component
prior to closed-die forging. The closed-die forging process uses a more
complex-shaped die that completely encloses the workpiece, forcing it into
the desired shape. The flash generated around the periphery of the
component is removed in subsequent finishing operations. Closed die
forging gives accurate component dimensions, however tooling and
maintenance costs can be high. Forged products typically exhibit forging
lines which are revealed by etching as shown in the figure below.
Forging lines
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3.5.4 Extrusion
Extrusion is used to produce a length of material with a fixed cross-sectional
profile by forcing the material through a shaped die under high pressure. It is
possible to extrude steels however very high extrusion temperatures and
pressures are required (in excess of 1200°C and 100,000psi), with
correspondingly high tooling and maintenance costs. Glass powder is used
as a lubricant.
3.5.5 Drawing
Drawing is a process in which the cross-sectional profile of a wire or pipe is
reduced by pulling through a drawing die. Although similar in concept to
extrusion, drawing differs in that the material is pulled rather than pushed
through the die. Tube drawing necessitates the use of a mandrel which fits
inside the die to maintain the shape of the pipe as it is drawn.
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Revision Questions
1 What are the raw materials used in the blast furnace and what functions do they
4 Describe how the grain structure of steel changes as it undergoes hot rolling.
5 What is Z grade steel and why is it sometimes specified for welding structures?
Section 4
Materials Testing
Rev 2 July 2011
Materials Testing
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4 Materials Testing
4.1 Mechanical testing
Mechanical testing produces data that may be used for design purposes, or
as part of a welding procedure or operator acceptance scheme. The most
important function may be that of providing design data, since it is essential
that the limiting values a structure can withstand without failure are known.
The materials properties that can be determined by mechanical testing
include: yield strength, ultimate tensile strength, ductility, notch (impact)
toughness, fracture toughness, crack arrest performance, hardness,
corrosion resistance, creep resistance, fatigue resistance, physical
properties (density, thermal conductivity, etc). More information on material
testing can be found in TWI’s Job Knowledge articles on its web site.
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Materials Testing
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Both the load (stress) and the test piece extension (strain) are measured
and from this data an engineering stress/strain curve is constructed. From
this curve we can determine:
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Materials Testing
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Stress - strain curve with the proof stress for a fixed deformation indicated.
5 The percentage reduction of area reflects how much the specimen has
necked or reduced in diameter at the point of failure.
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Materials Testing
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A photograph of the device for a Charpy impact test is shown in the figure
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Materials Testing
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The Charpy impact test involves striking a standard specimen with a free
swinging controlled weight pendulum. Examples of standards covering
Charpy testing are:
The amount of energy absorbed in fracturing the test piece is measured and
this gives an indication of the notch toughness of the test material. The test
allows metals to be classified as being either brittle or ductile. A brittle metal
will absorb a small amount of energy when impact tested, a tough ductile
metal a large amount of energy. Testing is generally carried out at a single
temperature, for example the minimum design temperature, with triplicate
tests performed. Alternatively tests can be carried out over a range of
temperature to generate a transition curve. It should be emphasised that the
results can usually only be compared with each other or with a requirement
in a specification. Whilst they can be used to estimate the fracture
toughness of a weld or parent metal, conservative assumptions are
necessarily made and thus this is not a very good substitute for actual
fracture toughness measurement.
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The standard Charpy V specimen is 55mm long, 10mm square and has a
2mm deep notch with a tip radius of 0.25mm machined on one face. In
addition to a V notch, the Charpy specimen may be used with a keyhole or a
U notch. The keyhole and U notch are used for testing brittle materials such
as cast iron and for the testing of plastics.
The test specimen consists of a rectangular test coupon with a brittle weld
bead on top. The weld bead is notched. The coupon is tested in 3-point
bend at different temperatures in order to determine the nil-ductility
transition temperature (NDTT). Further details in ASTM E208-06 Standard
test method for conducting drop-weight tests.
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Materials Testing
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strong and tough, but not always (especially at temperatures different from
the ambient).
The CTOD test is used when some plastic deformation can occur prior to
failure, as it allows the tip of a crack to stretch and open, hence tip opening
Unlike the inexpensive 10mm by 10mm square Charpy-V test piece with a
blunt machined notch, the CTOD specimen may be the full thickness of the
material, will contain a genuine crack, and will be loaded at a rate more
representative of service conditions. Conventionally three tests are carried
out, to ensure consistency of results, at a single temperature, for example
the minimum design temperature. On occasions, testing may be carried out
over a range of temperatures to generate a transition curve.
The test piece itself is proportional with the length, depth and thickness of
each specimen inter-related so that, irrespective of material thickness, each
specimen has the same proportions. There are two basic forms namely a
square or a rectangular cross section specimen. If the specimen thickness is
defined as W, the depth will be either W or 2W with a standard minimum
length of 4.6W. A notch is machined at the centre and then extended by
generating a fatigue crack so that the total defect length is half the depth of
the test piece as shown below. For example a test on a 100mm thick weld
will require a specimen measuring 100mm wide, 200mm deep and
460mm long. This is an expensive operation, the validity of which can only
be determined once the test has been completed.
The test is performed by loading the specimen in three point bending and
measuring the amount of crack opening. This is done by means of a strain
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Materials Testing
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As bending proceeds, the crack tip plastically deforms until a critical point is
reached when the crack has opened sufficiently to extend by ductile tearing
or to initiate a cleavage crack (brittle fracture). This may lead to either partial
or complete failure of the specimen.
The values that are required for the calculation of fracture toughness are
firstly the load at which fracture occurs and secondly the amount by which
the crack has opened at the point of crack propagation (see below).
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Materials Testing
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Materials Testing
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the shape of the component and the environment will all affect the fatigue
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Materials Testing
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The Brinell test, which uses a ball indenter, is generally used for bulk metal
hardness measurements, since the impression is larger than that of the
Vickers test, in which a pyramid indenter is used. This is useful, as it
averages out any local heterogeneity and is affected less by surface
roughness. However, because of the large ball diameter, the test cannot be
used to determine the hardness variations in a welded joint, for which the
Vickers test or the micro-hardness test are preferred.
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Materials Testing
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E is a constant, 100 for a diamond cone indenter and 130 for a steel ball
e is the permanent increase in the penetration depth due to the major load.
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Materials Testing
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Macro Micro
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Materials Testing
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1 Identify Take care when identifying where to cut the specimens from.
Make sure all pieces of material are identified using an
engraving tool (stamping may not be suitable for small samples).
2 Record All details of preparation to be recorded, eg in a laboratory
notebook. May include sketches or photographs to record
sectioning details. Use this record to file other data and test
results too.
3 Cut Usually performed mechanically, eg by band saw or preferably
by slitting wheel.
4 Mount Samples are generally mounted to improve handling during
grinding and polishing. Large samples are mounted in Araldite
resin, smaller samples mounted in a hot press in Bakelite or a
clear resin.
5 Grind Use wet or dry silicon carbide papers ranging from 200 (coarse)
up to 1200 (fine) grit finish. This is often an adequate finish for a
macro examination, but not for micro examination which needs
6 Polish Using a rotary polishing wheel with diamond or alumina paste
applied to cloth base. Polishing paste particles range from 6m-
0.25m diameter.
7 Inspect The specimen needs to be examined carefully during and after
polishing to ensure that all polishing marks from the previous
grade have been removed before using a finer polish, or etching.
8 Etch Rinse specimens in acetone or alcohol before etching. Etching
may be purely chemical, or (particularly for stainless steels) be
encouraged by electrolytic polarisation. Immerse and/or swab
the etch on to the polished surface using cotton wool (a typical
etch for ferritic steels is 2% Nital and for stainless steels, 20%
sulphuric acid). Use a heavier etch for macro than micro
examination. Rinse and dry thoroughly.
9 Inspect To ensure that the etching has brought out the features of
10 Photograph To record the investigation.
11 Storage In a dry environment for an agreed period.
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Materials Testing
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Revision Questions
1 Draw a stress-strain curve and label the yield point (or proof strength) and the
4 When would a side bend test be specified instead of a face or root bend test?
Section 5
Flame oven.
Electric oven/electric heating blankets.
Induction/HF heating elements.
A Austenite
+ Cementite
+ Ferrite
Eutectoid A1
Ferrite A1
Rev 2 July 2011
Heat Treatment of Steels
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Rev 2 July 2011
Heat Treatment of Steels
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The slow, furnace cooling rates from the austenite phase field result in
equiaxed and fairly coarse grained ferrite and pearlite with coarse
interlamellar spacing. This microstructure results in good ductility, low
strength and hardness, which are the main objectives of a full annealing and
are desirable properties, for example, before cold working. Hypereutectoid
steels (>0.83%C) are annealed in the austenite plus cementite phase field,
promoting spheroidized pearlite and thus avoiding low toughness cementite
networks on the grain boundaries from slow cooling from the austenite
phase field.
5.2.3 Normalising
The purpose of normalising is to produce a fine ferrite-pearlite
microstructure and remove internal stresses introduced by heat treating,
casting, forging, or forming. Normalising differs from annealing in that the
steel is allowed to cool in air, as opposed to furnace cooled as is the case
for full annealing. The cooling rate depends on the mass of the component
ie thin sections cool faster in air and develop finer grains than thick sections
of same type of steel. Soaking temperatures for normalising heat treatments
are usually slightly higher than that for annealing. The temperature range
used to normalise hypoeutectoid (<0.8 C) steels is the upper critical (A3)
temperature plus approximately 40oC. For hypereutectoid (high carbon)
steels the normalising temperature range is the upper critical temperature
(Acm) plus ~30oC.
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Heat Treatment of Steels
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Annealed Normalised
A3 A
A3 1
Recovery and recrystallization
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Heat Treatment of Steels
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At the heat treatment soaking temperature, the stored energy present in the
material (in the form of dislocations) is allowed to relax by elimination and
re-arrangement of the internal crystallographic defects. This process leads
to recovery where the internal energy of the system is reduced, but no major
changes in microstructure or mechanical properties are observed.
Recovery Rx GG
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Heat Treatment of Steels
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Heat Treatment of Steels
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Used with permission from: Atlas of continuous cooling transformation diagrams for
engineering steels, British steel corp. Published in US by ASM 1980.
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a b
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Heat Treatment of Steels
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Water quenched.
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Heat Treatment of Steels
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During welding, hardening may occur in the HAZ, particularly for medium or
high carbon steels. To reduce the hardness of the HAZ, improve the
toughness of the microstructure and relieve the stresses from welding,
postweld heat treatment (PWHT) is carried out following welding. The main
objectives of PWHT are to improve the mechanical properties (higher
toughness or ductility) of the weld metal or HAZ and relieve residual
stresses. It is important to know that some alloys, such as microalloyed low
carbon steels, may actually harden at PWHT temperatures so are not
normally heat treated following welding.
Provide adequate support for the component (since the yield strength will
be lower at high temperature).
Control the heating rate to avoid uneven thermal expansions and control
temperature gradients which means no direct flame impingement is
After allowing sufficient soak time to equalise the temperature through
the component, the cooling rate must be controlled to avoid brittle
microstructure formation.
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Heat Treatment of Steels
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Review Questions
Section 6
Fe-C Steels
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Fe-C Steels
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6 Fe-C Steels
6.1 Steel
Pure iron is very soft and expensive to manufacture and thus has very
limited practical engineering application. However, the properties and
particularly the strength, of iron are greatly affected by the presence of C
and steels are defined as iron alloys, containing less than 2% C. Many other
elements are normally present in steels, both intentionally added alloying
elements and residual elements present from ore or scrap metal used in the
steelmaking process. Iron alloys of more than 2% carbon content are
generally only used for cast iron.
In a broad sense, steels can be divided in two major groups: Carbon steel
(also called C-Mn steels, depending on Mn level) and alloy steels. This
nomenclature is used in American standards (American Iron and Steel
Institute and The Society of Automotive Engineering) and in modified forms
in European standards as well. The AISI – SAE nomenclature is as follows:
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Fe-C Steels
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Carbon steels can be divided (broadly) into plain carbon and carbon-
manganese steels:
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Fe-C Steels
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Fe-C Steels
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Hydrogen-assisted cracking.
Solidification cracking.
Lamellar tearing
Reheat cracking.
Liquation cracking.
These are covered elsewhere in the course. The most significant of these,
which is most strongly affected by the parent steel composition, is hydrogen-
assisted cracking and this is covered in more detail below. Lamellar tearing
resistance depends on having a clean steel, with a low level of rolled
(Fe,MnS) inclusions.
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Fe-C Steels
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Different carbon equivalent formulas have been proposed and a widely used
carbon equivalent formula is the International Institute for Welding (IIW) CE
or Ceq formula. An IIW CE of less than around 0.4 imparts good weldability;
above 0.5 CE the weldability is considered to be poor.
M 6
M 5
i 1
C 5
Since its adoption by IIW, the equation has been incorporated into a number
of material standards and codes, including EN 1011-2:2001 and in a
modified form in AWS D1.1-2010, with a +Si/6 term added to the equation.
Pcm is generally used for modern steels typically used for pipeline
manufacture, where carbon contents are no more than ~0.11%. The IIW
formula gives less tolerance to the presence of substitutional elements
(which increase hardenability) than the Pcm equation. What this means is
that at higher carbon concentration, the increased hardenability from the
substitutional alloying results in more martensite in the microstructure and
the risk of hydrogen cracking is increased. At low enough carbon
concentration, the addition of substitutional elements have a much smaller
impact on hardenability and the risk of hydrogen cracking is reduced.
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Fe-C Steels
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Welds cool relatively rapidly through the temperature range where steels
undergo phase transformations and therefore the continuous cooling
transformation (CCT) diagrams are more applicable to welding conditions.
The cooling rate depends principally on heat input and joint thickness and
also to some degree on initial temperature. In a CCT diagram, the cooling
rate is given by the slope of the time-temperature cooling profile, as shown
below. In welding, the cooling severity is usually expressed as the time in
seconds for the temperature to fall from 800-500°C and is usually expressed
as t8-5.
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Fe-C Steels
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Martensite ∆t8-5=90s
∆t8-5=30s Ferrite and
Ferrite and lower temperature pearlite
transformation products
(Bainite and acicular ferrite)
CCT diagram for medium carbon C-Mn steel, with microstructures obtained
at cooling rates ∆t8-5 of 3, 30 and 90 seconds, shown.
Whilst the cooling rates depend on joint geometry and welding parameters,
the time for the start of transformation to ferrite, pearlite and bainite depends
on alloying additions; C, Mn, Cr, Ni, Mo, Cu, V and B shift the curves to
longer times, thus promoting martensite formation at slower cooling rates.
This effect is reflected in the CEIIW and Pcm formulas.
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Fe-C Steels
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Fe-C Steels
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Post heat is applied for hydrogen release, after the weld has been
completed. The post-heat temperature may be the same as, or greater than,
the original preheat temperature specified, but care must be taken not to
allow the joint to cool before applying the post heat.
Post weld heat treatment (PWHT) is carried out at higher temperatures for
stress relief or to temper hard microstructural phases. See the notes on heat
treatment for more details.
Rev 2 July 2011
Fe-C Steels
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Review Questions
1 What does the carbon equivalent indicate? Which formulae work best for low and
higher carbon, respectively?
2 What is weldability and what is the effect of carbon content upon the weldability
of steels?
4 Explain how CCT diagrams help understand the HAZ properties of welded joints.
Section 7
Micro-alloyed/High Strength
Low alloy (HSLA) Steels
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Micro-alloyed/High Strength Low Alloy (HSLA) Steels
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Rev 2 July 2011
Micro-alloyed/High Strength Low Alloy (HSLA) Steels
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Rough rolling
Relatively high temperature deformation of the austenite gives rapid
recrystallisation and finer austenite grains. This is the same as normal
processing routes.
Finishing rolling
Rolling at lower temperature, below the region of rapid recrystallisation.
Plastic deformation at this temperature promotes fine grain size and
retards precipitation. Deformation bands act as sites for subsequent
austenite transformation.
These stages decrease the grain size in order to increase strength and
Accelerated cooling
Typically at 5-15°C/sec between 800-500°C, followed by air cooling from
500°C. Additional strengthening results from the refinement of the ferrite
grains and enhanced precipitation hardening for micro-alloyed steels.
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Micro-alloyed/High Strength Low Alloy (HSLA) Steels
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PWHT is typically required for thickness greater than 40mm. TMCP grades
will, in general, not tolerate PWHT without detriment. If TMCP steel is to be
subjected to PWHT, this should be specified at the time of the order; the
PWHT temperature may be limited to 580°C or even 560°C (BS EN 10025-
One of the main welding problems with carbon and C-Mn steels is to
achieve adequate fracture toughness in the HAZ and weld metal with high
productivity. It may be necessary to limit the heat input to around 3.5kJ/mm
to minimise grain growth, but with many modern steels designed to resist
grain growth in the HAZ, many of which are TMCP, much higher heat inputs
can be tolerated. Although high heat inputs can result in HAZ softening in
TMCP steels, particularly those with accelerated controlled cooling, joint
strength is generally not compromised unless this is severe and extensive.
Rev 2 July 2011
Micro-alloyed/High Strength Low Alloy (HSLA) Steels
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Rev 2 July 2011
Micro-alloyed/High Strength Low Alloy (HSLA) Steels
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Revision Questions
1 What effect does grain size have on strength and toughness of HSLA steels?
2 What is the minimum yield strength and production method of 10mm thickness
S355M steel?
Section 8
Rev 2 July 2011
Structure of the Welded Joint
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8.1.1 Dilution
The ratio of the volume of parent metal melted to the total weld volume is
known as the dilution of the weld. Some melting of the parent metal and
hence some dilution, is necessary to ensure adequate fusion of the weld;
certain joints will have more dilution than others. See Figure 8.3. There is
higher dilution in single-pass welds and in joints with shallow bevel angles.
A large number of weld passes welded with a backing bar gives low dilution.
Lower dilution can mean a lower risk of solidification cracking, if the parent
steel contains more sulphur, phosphorus and carbon than the filler metal.
Dilution is also influenced by the welding process, eg submerged arc
generally gives higher dilution than MIG/MAG welding.
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Structure of the Welded Joint
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Acicular ferrite appears as small laths of ferrite with a low aspect ratio (1-2
microns in width), formed in intragranular regions by nucleating on non-
metallic inclusions (which are generally spherical and sub-micron in
diameter) in the weld pool. It forms at around 650-550°C (depending on
alloy content, cooing rate and the efficacy of the inclusions as nucleants),
after the primary ferrite and has an interlocking appearance. As it has a
small grain size, it is usually associated with excellent toughness.
The microstructure in Figure 8.4 is of a typical MMA weld metal. This weld
was made using an AWS A5.1 E7018 4mm diameter electrode and shows a
microstructure of large regions of primary ferrite along the original austenite
grain boundaries. Acicular ferrite has formed in the centre of the prior-
austenite grains.
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Structure of the Welded Joint
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Structure of the Welded Joint
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Structure of the Welded Joint
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FS(A) Ferrite with aligned second phase, which has poor toughness.
FS(NA) Ferrite with non-aligned second phase which has better
M Martensite which (until it has been softened by tempering)
generally has high hardness and low toughness.
a b
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Structure of the Welded Joint
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Figure 8.9 C-Mn steel grain refined HAZ microstructure, some grain boundaries
are delineated for clarity.
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Structure of the Welded Joint
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Structure of the Welded Joint
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The reheat thermal cycle of subsequent weld passes normalises and refines
parts of the microstructure in the previous weld metal, which improves
toughness. Figure 8.12 below shows that weld Run 2 refines part of the HAZ
from Run 1, such that the refined coarse-grained HAZ from Run 1 has a
similar microstructure to the fine-grained HAZ in Run 2. In multi-pass welds,
the subsequent weld run also tempers the previous weld metal, thereby
reducing residual stresses. However, not all effects are beneficial and the
lowest toughness microstructure in a HAZ is often associated with the
GCHAZ of a first weld pass, subsequently reheated in the intercritical
temperature range by a second weld pass. The reduction in toughness is
associated with the formation of MA phases (explained previously) in a
coarse starting microstructure.
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Structure of the Welded Joint
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The lower heat input per pass of a multipass weld (compared to a single
pass weld) means that the amount of grain growth is limited and previous
passes also provide some preheat which slows down the cooling rate of the
subsequent pass and helps reduce the hydrogen level and thus reduces the
risk of hydrogen cracking. However, multi-pass welding can mean a lower
productivity from the larger number of passes needed compared to an
equivalent single-pass weld.
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Structure of the Welded Joint
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Rev 2 July 2011
Structure of the Welded Joint
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Revision Questions
1 What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a low heat input when arc
3 List the four regions of the HAZ. Which has the lowest toughness (describe the
region of lowest toughness in single and multipass welds)?
4 What are the advantages of using a multi-pass instead of a single pass weld in a
similar joint?
5 If the heat input during welding is not controlled, what disadvantageous effects
could occur in the HAZ?
Section 9
Cracking Mechanisms
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Cracking Mechanisms
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9 Cracking Mechanisms
The main types of fabrication cracking that can affect welded joints are:
Fabrication hydrogen cracking (also known as hydrogen, hydrogen-
induced cold cracking, or delayed cracking).
Hot cracking:
Solidification cracking.
Liquation cracking.
Lamellar tearing.
Reheat cracking.
Stress Hydrogen
(At low enough
Rev 2 July 2011
Cracking Mechanisms
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9.1.1 Hydrogen
If there is no hydrogen in the weld region, then clearly there will be no
fabrication hydrogen cracking. The amount of hydrogen present is a variable
that can be controlled, once the various sources of hydrogen are
recognised. Hydrogen comes from the breakdown of hydrogen containing
compounds in the welding arc and in particular from:
Particularly in warm and humid conditions.
Moisture in fluxes or dirt/grease on wires.
Surface contamination
Grease, dirt, rust or moisture on the joint faces.
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Cracking Mechanisms
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Chemical composition of the steel affects the hardness which is achieved for
a given cooling rate. This is also discussed in the module on Fe-C steels. A
measure of a materials hardening response is obtained through
compositional parameters, known as carbon equivalent factors, eg IIW CE,
Pcm. High hardness is thus caused by a combination of the cooling rate,
typically characterised by the time to cool between 800-500°C and the
hardening response of the material, characterised, for example, by IIW CE:
When welding High Strength Low Alloy (HSLA) steels, a filler metal with
higher alloy content might be necessary to overmatch the parent metal
strength (which has been achieved by grain refinement and/or precipitation
hardening at low CE). This means that the weld metal may be more
susceptible to fabrication hydrogen cracking than the HAZ. Weld metal
fabrication hydrogen cracking in the body of the weld is typically oriented
transversely across the weld (perpendicular to the high shrinkage residual
stress along the weld bead). At sufficiently high alloy content, such cracking
is also perpendicular to the outer surface. However, in thick-section C-Mn
steel welds, it may be oriented at approximately 45° through the thickness of
the weld; this is commonly referred to as chevron cracking.
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Cracking Mechanisms
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9.1.3 Stress
For fabrication hydrogen cracking, the stress needs to be greater than
around half the material yield strength to be a concern. Such stresses come
from weld shrinkage and are not controllable by the welder. However, higher
stresses (and thus greater risk) arise in thick section material, from restraint
as a result of rigid fixturing or from stress concentrators such as weld toes,
defects, or poor alignment and fit-up. PWHT will reduce residual stresses in
welds and help avoid fabrication hydrogen cracking, but is only useful if the
weld is not allowed to cool to near ambient before the PWHT.
9.1.4 Temperature
Fabrication hydrogen (cold) cracking only occurs once the material has
cooled. The temperature at which hydrogen cracking can occur depends on
the composition of the steel; C-Mn steels need to be below 150°C, but some
alloy steels may be prone to cracking at temperatures below 300°C. It also
takes some time for hydrogen to diffuse within the steel to potential cracking
sites, so welds should be left for 24 or 48 hours after welding before
inspection is carried out, so that any hydrogen cracking will be detected.
Fabrication hydrogen cracking can be avoided by keeping the material warm
and thus safe from cracking, for a sufficient time to allow any hydrogen to
diffuse away to a substantially lower level, by applying preheat, maintaining
an interpass temperature and/or continuing the preheat as a post-heat or
post-weld heat treating immediately after welding.
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Cracking Mechanisms
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There are four main factors that affect the likelihood of hot cracking in
Rev 2 July 2011
Cracking Mechanisms
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Certain weld profiles prevent any remaining liquid weld metal back-filling
shrinkage cavities. In particular, concave (or flat) fillet welds. A fast travel
speed can also mean that the solidification fronts meet in this susceptible
orientation and that the distance from weld pool to incipient crack is long
and difficult to feed with liquid metal.
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Cracking Mechanisms
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9.2.3 Stress
Often the shrinkage stress (or strain) in the weld bead is sufficient to cause
solidification cracking, if the other factors are present.
From the Fe-C diagram it is easy to see how increased C content increases
the temperature range for solidification.
Austenite ()
0.25 0.5 %C
The weld metal starts to solidify at around 1,500°C, the FeS eutectic
solidifies at 988°C. However, as Mn is added, this temperature is raised
towards 1,570°C, which is the MnS eutectic temperature.
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Cracking Mechanisms
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Low S steel
Change joint Increased hot
design ductility Reduce C%
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Cracking Mechanisms
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Rev 2 July 2011
Cracking Mechanisms
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For this form of cracking to occur, the weld must be oriented such that
strains act through the joint, across the plate thickness, ie so that the fusion
boundary is approximately parallel to the plate surface, giving rise to
shrinkage strains that are normal to the rolling direction.
Rev 2 July 2011
Cracking Mechanisms
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It is widely accepted that cruciform, T and corner joints present the greatest
risk of cracking. It is also acknowledged that full penetration T-butt welds
offer greater cracking risk than simple fillet welds of smaller leg length.
Appropriate design of the bevel location of corner joints, to avoid welds
impinging on a plate surface, can reduce the risk of cracking.
Rev 2 July 2011
Cracking Mechanisms
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In order to reduce the risk of cracking, the heating rate should be as fast as
possible, in order to heat the steel quickly through the temperature regime in
which it is most brittle and can crack. Care must be taken to avoid
differential heating, as this can produce distortion and high levels of strain.
For structural welds, the cracking risk can be reduced through the use of a
steep-sided preparation; the high angle of attack leads to a high degree of
refinement of the coarse-grained HAZ of the underlying pass. Several
equations have been devised to characterise the risk of reheat cracking in
parent steels and weld metal.
∆G = Cr + 3.3Mo + 8.1V - 2
∆G < 0
K = Pb + Bi + 0.03Sb (ppm)
K < 1.5 (for weld metal)
Rev 2 July 2011
Cracking Mechanisms
Copyright TWI Ltd 2012
Revision Questions
1 What are the four factors necessary for fabrication hydrogen cracking?
2 What weld profiles are more susceptible to solidification cracking and why?
3 Where in the welded joint is reheat cracking likely to occur and in what type of
4 How does the quality of the parent metal affect the likelihood of lamellar tearing?
Section 10
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10 Corrosion
10.1 Definition
Corrosion is the deterioration of a metal due to chemical or (very often)
electrochemical reactions with its environment.
Rev 2 July 2011
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316 stainless steel
Mild steel
Types of corrosion
Galvanic corrosion occurs when two dissimilar metals are placed in contact
and their different redox potentials cause corrosion. Practical implications of
the galvanic series are that the more anodic metal will be the metal that
corrodes. The farther apart the two metals, the faster will be the corrosion
rate. In order to protect against galvanic corrosion you need to electrically
insulate dissimilar metals from each other and/or eliminate the electrolyte
(eg water).
General corrosion attack proceeds uniformly over the entire surface and
there is a uniform loss of wall thickness (mm/year). This is common in steel
in water or seawater or stainless steels in acidic or strong alkaline solutions.
A corrosion allowance (mm) may be specified in the design in order to take
this into account.
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Crevice corrosion attack occurs in narrow crevices filled with liquid and
where the oxygen level is very low (differential aeration) eg gasket surfaces
or under bolt/rivet heads, intrusions at weld toes. Under-deposit corrosion is
a form of crevice corrosion and is where corrosion occurs under non-
metallic deposits or coatings on the metal surface. Materials resistant to
pitting corrosion are also resistant to crevice corrosion.
Rev 2 July 2011
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Paints, plating, weld cladding, anodising and metal spraying.
Add suitable chemicals to control the environment.
Cathodic protection
Impressed current or sacrificial anodes (eg galvanised steel).
Anodic protection
Passivation of stainless steel.
Rev 2 July 2011
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Revision Question
1 A welded process pipe has suffered corrosion. Describe the types of corrosion
that may have occurred in and around the weld.
Section 11
Rev 2 July 2011
Welding of Stainless Steels
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Rev 2 July 2011
Welding of Stainless Steels
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11.4.3 Others
Some elements, like sulphur, do not stabilise any of the iron phases. It is
added to improve machinability.
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Welding of Stainless Steels
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18-20%Cr + 8-10%Ni + 0.08%C
18-20%Cr + 8-12%Ni + 0.03%C (improved corrosion resistance)
18-20%Cr + 8-12%Ni + 0.1%C (improved creep strength)
18-20%Cr + 8-10.5%Ni + 0.08%C + N
16-18%Cr + 10-14%Ni + 0.08%C + 2-3%Mo (improved pitting corrosion
17-19%Cr + 9-12%Ni + 0.08%C + Ti
17-19%Cr + 9-13%Ni + 0.08%C + Nb
19-21% Cr + 10-12% Ni + 0.08% C (used to weld 304 parent metal)
22-24% Cr + 12-15% Ni + 0.02% C (used for dissimilar welds, buttering
carbon steels)
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Welding of Stainless Steels
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The weld metal can often contain, in addition to the austenite phase, some
delta ferrite, depending on the compositional balance. This can be
beneficial, because it helps reduce the risk of hot cracking (sulphur being
more soluble in the ferrite phase than in the austenite), however it can
promote the formation of a detrimental chromium-rich phase called sigma
phase. Corrosion performance can also be affected by welding: for example,
a phenomenon called ‘weld decay’ can occur in some circumstances (see
paragraph 11.7.2).
Cheaper than the austenitic stainless steels and their price is more
stable (lower nickel content).
They have similar thermal properties to carbon steels.
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Welding of Stainless Steels
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Welding of Stainless Steels
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Relatively expensive.
The manufacturing route is quite complex.
Not easily weldable.
Not formable.
Their service is limited to below 310ºC.
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Welding of Stainless Steels
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The typical relative strengths and ductilities of the five types of stainless
steels are presented in Figure 11.3 below.
Finally, all the stainless steels can be strengthened using surface hardening.
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Figure 11.4 Impact toughness vs temperature for the different types of stainless
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Welding of Stainless Steels
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Revision Questions
Section 12
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12 Surfacing
12.1 Reasons for using overlays and coatings
It is often desirable to change the surface properties of a component,
because the properties required at the surface may be different to those
required of the base material. Some examples are described below.
12.1.1 Wear
There are several types of wear, for example solid particle erosion, liquid
droplet erosion, abrasion, metal-to-metal wear and cavitation.
Wear resistant materials are often quite hard and brittle. If the surface of a
component must be wear resistant, but the component must have high
toughness and bulk strength to do its job, then it may not be possible to find
a single material that will do both.
Another reason why wear resistant alloys are not generally used for bulk
parts is that they are harder to manufacture. Usually, they are not easily
forged, extruded or drawn. Although they can often be cast, cracking during
cooling can be a problem in larger parts. This is another reason why a wear
resistant cladding or coating is often more cost effective.
12.1.2 Corrosion
There are several types of corrosion, for example:
Atmospheric corrosion
Varies depending on temperature and moisture/salt content. Industrial
and coastal air is more corrosive than rural mountain air.
Aqueous corrosion (moisture)
For example sea water, fresh water, acids (including sour environments
in the Oil & Gas industry), or alkalis.
High temperature oxidation
For example the scaling up of furnace parts.
Hot gas corrosion
Chlorine, ammonia, hydrogen sulphide, etc.
Although many materials that resist corrosion also have good strength and
toughness, they tend to be expensive (eg nickel alloys, titanium alloys, or
stainless steels).
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Table 12.1 Some common surfacing processes and welding related challenges associated with them.
Typical thickness Coating technique Examples Typical welding-related issues to be aware
range of
5-25μm Thin film techniques, eg: Gold-coloured PVD titanium nitride (TiN) These coatings should preferably be applied
(0.005-0.025 mm) Physical Vapour coatings are used on cutting tools and after welding.
Deposition (PVD) dies/punches.
Chemical Vapour CVD coatings are used on metal forming tool
Deposition (CVD) and dies. The diamond coatings on high
performance tool bits are CVD diamond.
Up to 1mm Paints, waxes, polymers Used for decorative and corrosion protection When applying paint systems to welded
purposes. Suitable for low temperature, low fabrications to mitigate corrosion, consider the
cost applications where wear is not an issue. potential for localised corrosion and stress
corrosion cracking of the weld, especially if
being used at high temperatures where
coating protection may fail.
If welding a coated structure, remove all
residual paint/coating before welding and
reapply (if applicable) after welding.
10-500μm Electroplating techniques Being phased out for environmental and health The plating process can induce hydrogen
(0.01-0.5mm) such as chrome or reasons. embrittlement in high strength alloy welds and
cadmium plating. consideration should be given to post-
deposition heat treatment.
50-500μm Thermal spray coatings WC-Co wear resistant coatings Thermal sprayed coatings should be applied
(0.05-0.5mm) using powder as a feed Thermal barrier coatings (typically based on after welding.
stock stabilised zirconium oxide)
See following Sections.
0.1-3mm Thermal spray coatings Thermally sprayed aluminium (TSA) coatings Thermal sprayed coatings should be applied
using wire as a feed stock are widely used for corrosion protection of after welding if at all possible.
offshore oil rigs.
See following Sections.
1.6mm and above Weld surfacing See Section 12.3 onwards See Section 12.3 onwards
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50-200μm Hot dip galvanising The most common hot dipping process for When welding parts that are going to be
(0.05-0.2mm) industrial applications is galvanising, which is galvanised, it is important to use a filler metal
the coating of iron or steels with zinc for rust that matches the silicon content of the base
proofing. steel. The Si content of a steel has a dramatic
It is an extremely versatile and easy means of effect on the thickness of the galvanised zinc
providing corrosion protection for construction layer. If, for example, the weld filler metal has a
materials exposed to atmospheric conditions. higher Si content than the steel, the galvanised
Protection is imparted in two ways: assembly will have a visibly thicker zinc
Zinc acts as a galvanic protector of the steel coating on the weld area.
by slowly sacrificially corroding in a corrosive Hot dip galvanising of welded structures can
aqueous environment. cause Liquid Metal Embrittlement of the
structure at areas of stress concentration, such
Continuous barrier of zinc protects the
as dramatic section changes or badly prepared
underlying substrate from contact with the
weld finishes. Zinc has a low melting point and
corrosive electrolyte.
if melting occurs due to welding being done
Hot dip galvanising is essentially a two-step nearby, liquid Zn can cause Liquid Metal
process. First, the steel must be properly Embrittlement.
prepared to accept the zinc coating. A clean Care is required when welding galvanised
base metal is essential to achieve a good steels. Zn vapour may cause porosity in the
galvanised coating, normally accomplished by welds with high speed welding processes such
pickling the component in an alkaline solution to as GMAW or laser.
remove any rust or grease. Breathing in of metal oxides such as zinc and
The second step involves immersing the copper can lead to an acute flu-like illness
component in a bath of molten zinc, long enough called metal fume fever. It occurs most
for the zinc to form a series of alloy layers with commonly when welding galvanised steel;
the base steel of sufficient thickness to meet symptoms usually begin several hours after
certain required weight specifications. exposure with thirst, coughing, headache,
sweating, pain in the limbs and fever.
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12.3.2 Hardfacing
A softer material is given a wear, abrasion or erosion resistant surface by
cladding using a hardfacing alloy with high hardness, such as cobalt alloys
(eg Stellite®), tungsten carbide, Cr-Mo steels, or martensitic steels.
12.3.3 Cladding
Cladding provides a corrosion or oxidation resistant surface on a less
corrosion resistant material. An example is the deposition of a stainless
steel (309, 316) or nickel-based layer (625, 825) on a carbon steel base.
The clad materials will depend on the application, eg austenitic stainless
steels for corrosion resistance, nickel alloys for oxidation resistance, copper-
nickel alloys for saltwater service. One advantage is the cost saving arising
when surfacing a relatively inexpensive metal, such as a carbon steel, with a
more expensive but corrosion resistant layer of stainless steel rather than
using solid stainless steel.
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Figure 12.2 Weld overlay being applied to a large industrial process vessel.
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Surfacing methods
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Figure 12.3 The MMA hardfacing process (Image © Deloro Stellite Inc., used with
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Cold wire GTAW is used infrequently because of its low deposition rate, but
the addition of a hot wire facility can increase deposition rates to match
those of the GMAW/MAG process but with a GTAW quality deposit.
Welding rods used for GTAW Welding can also be used for hardfacing with
the oxy-acetylene welding process.
12.4.3 Gas metal arc welding (GMAW) and submerged arc welding (SAW)
Figure 12.4 The GMAW hardfacing process (Image © Deloro Stellite Inc., used
with permission).
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Wire (which can be a cored wire) or a flat strip consumable is used as the
hardfacing consumable in the SAW process. In this process, a mineral-
based fluxing powder flows around the consumable wire and is melted by
the arc. It forms a gaseous shield around the arc and also forms a slag on
top of the weld pool, shielding the cooling weld pool from the atmosphere.
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Figure 17.6 The PTAW Process (Image © Deloro Stellite Inc., used with
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The deposition rate from a 60mm wide strip can be as high as 36kg/hr for
ESW and 20kg/hr for SAW. ESW cladding provides lower levels of substrate
dilution into the surfacing material than SAW (10% compared with 20%),
meaning that the required chemical analysis can often be achieved in a
single layer deposit where SAW cladding may need two. The strip cladding
process is usually confined to relatively large and thick components which
need to be manipulated to enable welding to be carried out in the flat
position. It is used for surfacing the internal surfaces of pressure vessels
and large diameter pipe and in the reclamation of steel mill rolls.
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Due to the narrow heat-affected zone and the fast cooling rate, the heat
input is low, thereby producing an almost stress free overlay. Compared
with other welding processes, for a given hardfacing alloy, the fast cooling
rate of the laser process produces an overlay with a significantly finer
Usually, this fast cooling leads to a higher hardness; but in some hardfacing
alloys that rely on time-dependent carbide growth for their wear properties it
can lead to unexpectedly poor wear resistance.
This is a solid state process so can clad a wide range of metals to almost
any base material (dissimilar materials). The parent plate is stationary which
means that components of a wide range of sizes can be joined. However,
geometric configuration must allow a uniform progression of the detonation
front, which limits the application to flat plate and cylindrical and conical
structures. There are also safety issues with the use of explosives. The
main industrial sectors using explosively clad materials include the food and
chemical process industries.
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Seamless clad pipes are seldom used for pipelines in the common range of
between 8-24”.
Metallurgically clad (roll bonded) pipes are manufactured by hot rolling the
plates of the different materials together to produce a metallurgical bond
between them. This process is widely used. An advantage compared with
overlay welding is that there is no dilution from the base material see section
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Contact between the two layers is achieved by the different elastic and
plastic behaviours of the ferritic steel outer pipe and the austenitic material
of the inner pipe, whereby the spring-back effect of the ferritic outer pipe is
greater than that of the inner pipe when the pressure is released.
This results in residual compressive stress on the inner pipe of ca. 50-100
MPa, which provides a homogenous contact.
When applying overlays onto steels, there will be some iron from the steel in
the overlay. This decreases the corrosion resistance of overlays such as
Alloy 625 and affects both the corrosion and the wear resistance of
hardfacing alloys.
The effect of welding process can be seen in Figure 12.9, which shows how
the dilution levels in Stellite® 12 welds drop off rapidly from about 50%Fe at
the weld fusion line, to about 5%Fe at a distance of 4mm from the fusion
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The dilution for PTAW deposits is lower than for GTAW deposits, reaching
10%Fe at less than 1mm deposit thickness. For GTAW deposits however,
dilution levels below 10%Fe are typically only reached at deposit
thicknesses of over 2mm.
% Fe Content
40 PTA Weld
GTA weld
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Distance from fusion line, CM
Figure 12.9 Typical dilution levels in stellite 12 GTAW and PTA overlays.
Figure 12.10 shows how the hardness of the overlay drops more or less
linearly with dilution up to levels of about 15%Fe, although the curve seems
to start flattening out at the highest iron percentages.
Hardness VHN
GTA weld
480 PTA weld
0 5 10 15 20
% Fe Dilution
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These metallurgical issues mean that often nickel base fillers (eg alloy 625)
are preferred as they have less thermal expansion coefficient mismatch
from carbon steels than stainless and are also less likely to form martensitic
HAZs. However, they are more expensive than carbon steel and stainless
steel wires.
The combination of ferritic and austenitic materials in one joint gives rise to
restrictions on the NDT methods that can be used (eg ultrasonics may
bounce from the interface whether defective or not). It is common to have
some misalignment in the bore (ie at the clad layer) of abutting tubes or
pipes. However, the clad layer cannot be machined to fit or else the
corrosion resistance will be lost. This misalignment issue therefore imposes
tight tolerances of the ends of clad pipes in order to weld them.
The access for welding is important when assessing how the joint is to be
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Step 1
Faces bevelled from
carbon steel side.
Step 2
Step 3
Weld from carbon steel side.
Step 4
Root gouge.
Step 5
Weld from stainless steel side.
Step 6
Protective plate welded on
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Step 1
Faces bevelled.
Step 2
Step 3
Weld from carbon steel side.
Step 4
Clean the root and weld from the
stainless steel side.
Step 1
Faces bevelled.
Step 2
Step 3
Welded from C steel side only.
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Step 1
Faces bevelled and carbon plate cut
back to expose cladding.
Step 2
Step 3a
Welded with stainless steel/Ni base
filler only.
Step 3b
Welded with stainless and carbon
steel filler.
12.11 Standards
Weld overlay processes, consumables and the properties of the weld
overlays themselves are covered by several internationally recognised
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Revision Questions
5 Name 3 typical challenges that might be faced when welding clad pipes or plates.
6 Consider what methods of surface protection you might choose for the following:
a Protection of a steel bridge structure from the weather. Would you choose a
different method for a small footbridge compared with a large rail bridge?
c Valve seat and plug made of carbon steel and exposed to sour (acidic) gas.
Section 13
The high service temperature, service loads and time impose special
considerations in material selection. As well as creep resistance, it is
necessary to consider oxidation and corrosion resistance, microstructural
stability, ie carbide precipitation, sigma phase formation (in stainless steels)
and temper embrittlement.
Primary creep
Is associated with a rapid increase in strain and decrease in the strain rate
with time. The latter is due to work hardening.
Secondary creep
Also known as steady state creep. In this regime, which forms the bulk of
the creep life of a component, a balance is achieved between the creep rate
and the work hardening rate.
Tertiary creep
Is the final stage, in which the creep strain rate increases in an unstable
manner until the material finally fails. This is the result of structural changes
within the material, such as cavity / void formation and localised necking,
leading to a reduction in cross-sectional area and hence an increase in the
effective stress. Linkage of the cavities / voids leads to the formation of
cracks and ultimately failure.
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Creep Resistant Steels
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These effects mean that some Cr-Mo steels can be used up to ~550°C
without risk of creep failure, compared with C-Mn steels which are only used
up to ~425°C. With the addition of Co, V, W and Nb and with appropriate
balancing of the levels of C, N and B, service temperatures for 9%Cr steels
of 625°C are currently possible, with a target temperature of 650°C.
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Creep Resistant Steels
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Creep Resistant Steels
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Tight control of temperature is required during the test and this is usually
achieved with the use of a tubular furnace mounted onto the frame of the
test rig. The temperature is typically controlled to within 2-3C.
A more simplified test is the stress rupture test in which the time to rupture
at a specific temperature and stress is determined. In this case no
measurement of strain is required, negating the need for expensive
extensometry. Further cost savings can be achieved through the use of
multi-specimen strings within a single furnace, with the temperature of each
sample generally recorded separately via thermocouples. When a single
specimen breaks, the load on all samples is removed and in most cases the
equipment is designed such that failure of a specimen stops the clock and
switches off the furnace. The broken specimen would then be removed from
the string and the test re-started.
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Creep Resistant Steels
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Extrapolations based on stress versus strain rate or stress versus life data is
generally rather unreliable due to changes in the creep mechanisms
involved. More reliable extrapolations are based on short time tests carried
out at temperatures above normal operating temperature to predict longer
term behaviour at the operating temperature. For this approach, the use of
time-temperature parameters is required; there are a number of such
parameters available of which the Sherby-Dorn, Larson Miller and Manson-
Haferd are perhaps the best known. These parameters allow the
equivalence of times at temperatures to be assessed. For example, these
parameters can be used to calculate the equivalent times to achieve rupture
at different temperatures, or the equivalent temperature to achieve rupture
in a given time.
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Creep Resistant Steels
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In terms of composition, at least two of Cr, Mo, V and B are required. Steels
with Mo and V, particularly when the V is over 0.1%, are particularly
susceptible. High levels of C and Si increase the risk and the impurity
elements generally associated with temper embrittlement (P, S, Sn, As, Sb)
also have a detrimental effect on the cracking susceptibility. Many
fabricators therefore specify limits on these deleterious impurity elements.
Reheat cracking is more likely to occur in regions of coarse prior austenite
grain size, ie immediately adjacent to the fusion line, since an increase in
prior austenite grain size results in less grain boundary area for impurity
elements to segregate to and fewer regions for deformation to be
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Creep Resistant Steels
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If the HAZ is markedly stronger than the weld metal then the weld metal will
deform preferentially. Conversely, if the weld metal is appreciably stronger
than the HAZ, then the majority of plastic deformation will occur in the HAZ
and the risk of cracking will increase.
The risk of cracking can also be reduced by rapid heating through the critical
temperature range, generally from 350-600°C depending upon the
composition, in which the grain boundary impurities and intra-granular
precipitates form. Care needs to be taken to select heating rates that avoid
uneven heating which in turn can lead to distortion and high residual
stresses and which may violate code requirements. Welded joints should
also be designed to avoid stress concentrating features which can promote
The risk of reheat cracking can be further reduced through the use of low
heat inputs to minimise grain growth in the HAZ and devising a welding
procedure that results in the maximum amount of grain refinement in the
HAZ. The use of a steep-sided preparation may also be beneficial; the high
angle of attack leads to a high degree of refinement of the grain-coarsened
HAZ of the underlying pass. Alternatively, a two-layer, controlled deposition
buttering technique can be adopted. This employs different welding
parameters for the two layers and requires careful control of bead overlap,
resulting again in substantial refinement of the grain-coarsened HAZ of the
first layer.
The risk of reheat cracking can be reduced by grinding of the weld toes to
give a smooth profile and removal of any traces of undercut; if this operation
is carried out warm it can also be beneficial in reducing the risk of hydrogen
cracking. Peening of the weld toe regions may also have a beneficial effect.
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Creep Resistant Steels
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Creep Resistant Steels
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Creep Resistant Steels
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Creep Resistant Steels
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Revision Questions
Section 14
Cryogenic Steels
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Cryogenic Steels
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14 Cryogenic Steels
Cryogenic steels are used in applications for low temperatures, particularly
in the transportation and storage of liquefied gases. Ferritic steels at low
(sub-zero) temperatures can show low toughness and hence are prone to
brittle failure. They become ductile as the temperature is raised. Other
critical components such as aircraft and chemical processing equipment are
also required to work at sub-zero temperatures and thus the behaviour of
metals at temperatures down to -150°C needs consideration, especially
from the point of view of welded design, where changes in section, flaws
and stress concentrations at welds may occur. Cryogenic steels are
designed to show good fracture toughness at low temperatures, mainly
achieved by control of the composition and the microstructure. They also
need good weldability. The choice of cryogenic steel, ie its composition,
depends upon the lowest temperature service limit.
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Cryogenic Steels
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When nickel is added to steel, the effect is to shift the transition curve to
lower temperatures. This means that the high toughness upper shelf is
maintained down to lower temperatures, plus the lower shelf toughness is
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Cryogenic Steels
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heat input to avoid loss of toughness in the high temperature HAZ and an
interpass temperature up to 250°C; PWHT is not normally required. In the
high temperature HAZ, the level of austenite decreases in a narrow band
adjacent to the fusion boundary and hardening occurs, eg from 250HV-
Filler materials are nickel-based: AWS A5.11 ENiCrMo-6 (EN ISO 14172 E
Ni 6620) or ENiCrMo-3 (E Ni 6625) Therefore the weld metal strength
under-matches that of the parent plate. The weld pool is also very viscous
(sluggish). Fully austenitic stainless steel fillers are prohibited, due to their
higher coefficient of thermal expansion than the parent metal and brittle
martensite formation near the fusion line. Cleanliness is very important to
avoid hot cracking and smooth blending between weld face and parent
metal is required to avoid stress concentration. 9% nickel steel is strongly
ferro-magnetic (and also may have residual magnetism) which can make
arc blow a problem during welding. The use of AC current and
demagnetisation before welding may be required to overcome this.
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Cryogenic Steels
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Review Questions
4 How can we reduce the effect of reduction in toughness in the HAZ as a result of
welding of the Ni steels?
Section 15
Aluminium Alloys
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Aluminium Alloys
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15 Aluminium Alloys
15.1 Introduction
Aluminium is one of the most useful engineering materials. It has an fcc
crystal structure, is low density, white and lustrous and can provide a range
of strengths (50-650MPa) from pure aluminium to precipitation-hardening
alloys with only a third of the density of steel. However, although it has a
good strength to weight ratio, it also has twice the thermal expansion
coefficient of steel, along with high thermal and electrical conductivity.
Principal alloying additions include Cu, Si, Mg, Mn, Zn and Li. Aluminium
alloys are classified into two main groups; cast (Al-Si) and wrought alloys.
There are a large number of wrought alloys, which are broadly divided into
two main types; the work hardenable alloys and the heat treatable alloys.
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Aluminium Alloys
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For temper designation a specific letter indicates the condition of the alloy.
Various letters used are as follows:
Some examples:
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Aluminium Alloys
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Electrode coating
The MMA electrode coating is hygroscopic (absorbs moisture) so when
these electrodes are used, the absorbed moisture adds hydrogen to the
weld. However, MMA is rarely used for production welding of aluminium
Filler wire
Sometimes filler wires have surface contamination such as grease, dirt and
oxides (with adsorbed moisture).
Shielding gases
These are used in the MIG and TIG welding processes. They can contain
moisture and therefore hydrogen, the major source of which could be plastic
carrier pipes.
Parent metal
Hydrogen may originate from the parent metal either from a hydrated
surface layer or internal, dissolved hydrogen. Other forms of surface
contamination consisting of grease, oil or paint can also provide sources of
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Aluminium Alloys
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The terms hot cracking, solidification cracking and hot tearing tend to be
used synonymously for cracking which occurs directly on solidification as a
result of the stresses or strains induced by cooling shrinkage and the
restraint of the solidifying metal by the surrounding metal fixtures. Unlike
steels, however, the susceptibility to hot cracking tends to be linked to the
contents of the main alloying elements (see next page), not impurities, as
well as the weld shape and restraint. Hot cracks typically initiate at the
trailing edge of the weld pool as a result of high shrinkage and thermal
stresses occurring whilst there are still liquid films at the grain boundaries.
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Aluminium Alloys
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Ease of welding.
Sensitivity to weld cracking.
Strength of the weld.
Weld ductility.
Service temperature.
Corrosion resistance.
Colour match between the weld and the base alloy after anodising.
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Aluminium Alloys
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Various filler materials used for different alloys are given in below.
4xxx fillers are also used for Al-Si castings and 5xxx fillers for Al-Mg
15.9 Welding processes for aluminium alloys
The main arc welding processes for welding aluminium and its alloys are
TIG and MIG. TIG is used for welding thinner sections, using AC current
gives half a cycle of cathodic cleaning in both manual and automatic
processes. MIG is used for heavier sections. MMA is rarely used now since
it has poor arc stability. It is possible to use gas welding (oxyacetylene or
oxy-hydrogen flame) to weld aluminium with a flux and filler using a neutral
flame. The difficulties with welding aluminium alloys with traditional arc
welding processes have meant that aluminium alloys are increasingly
welded using newer welding processes such as laser or friction stir. Lasers
have a concentrated heat source which counters the high thermal
conductivity of aluminium and reduces distortion. As friction stir welding is a
solid state welding process, it avoids the problems of porosity and cracking
encountered in fusion welds.
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hcp bcc
TIG welding is the most commonly used process for titanium, but plasma
welding can also be used as well as laser, electron beam and resistance
welding. Matching filler is usually used when arc welding. Compared to
other commonly welded metals, particular care needs to be given to gas
shielding, as additional shielding is required to protect the hot weld and HAZ
from the atmosphere. At high temperatures, titanium rapidly absorbs
atmospheric gases causing severe embrittlement. Inadequate shielding can
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Magnesium alloys are used for a number of applications. For example, Mg-
6Zn-3Al is used for sand and die castings in automotive applications
requiring good room temperature strength.
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Review Questions
4 Which are the important factors to be considered when choosing a filler metal?
Section 16
Dissimilar Joints
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Dissimilar Joints
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16 Dissimilar Joints
When arc welding two dissimilar materials, a number of aspects need to be
considered in addition to those associated with welding similar materials.
Firstly, from a practical viewpoint, it may not be possible to make a fusion
weld if the two materials have significantly different melting points or thermal
conductivities, as it is essential to have controlled melting on both sides of
the joint simultaneously; otherwise there is a risk of lack-of-fusion and flaws.
Secondly, even if it is possible to fuse the metals, it may not be possible to
produce an adequate joint if the two materials are metallurgically
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Dissimilar Joints
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One final consideration when making dissimilar welds between C-Mn steels
and stainless steels is how they are going to be inspected. Ultrasonic testing
has difficulties with austenitic material, but is good for ferritic steels. The two
materials will have different permeability for radiography, making
radiographs harder to interpret, especially at the most critical fusion line.
Although the carbon steel will respond to magnetic particle inspection, the
austenitic stainless steel will not.
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Dissimilar Joints
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Revision Questions
1 What precautions are required when making dissimilar welds between creep-
resistant steel and C-Mn steel?
2 What weldability problems are possible when welding austenitic stainless steel to
C-Mn steel?
Section 17
Other Alloys
Rev 2 July 2011
Other Alloys
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17 Other Alloys
17.1 Cast irons and cast steels
Cast irons are iron based alloys containing more than 2% carbon (up to 7%
C), 1-3%Si and up to 1%Mn. As cast irons are relatively inexpensive, very
easily cast into complex shapes and readily machined, they are an
important engineering and structural group of materials, but not all grades
are weldable and special precautions are normally required even with the
so-called weldable grades.
Cast steels may be of any steel composition, but have not had any
subsequent heat treatment or processing (forging, rolling, etc) to modify the
as-cast microstructure. As for cast irons, the shapes may be complex and
welding such materials usually requires special precautions.
The balance of carbon and silicon in the casting defines whether the
material is defined as a cast iron or steel. The diagram below indicates
some general compositional ranges.
%C+1/3Si = 4.3
Spheroidal irons
C Content, %
3 Grey irons
White irons
Malleable irons
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Si Content, %
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Mixed ferrite-pearlite matrix grey cast iron, showing the remaining dendritic
structure from casting.
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Grey cast irons contain 2-4.5%C and 1-3%Si. Their structure consists of
branched and interconnected graphite flakes in a matrix of pearlite, ferrite or
a mixture of the two. The graphite flakes form planes of weakness and so
strength, ductility and toughness are inferior to those of structural steels.
Grey cast iron has moderate strength (up to 275MPa), excellent ductility,
excellent machinability and can be welded with Ni-Fe consumables. Ni
consumables are not recommended as grey cast irons often have a high
phosphorus content, which aggravates solidification cracking in the weld.
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By reducing the carbon and silicon content and cooling rapidly, much of the
carbon in cast iron is retained in the form of iron carbide without graphite
flakes forming. However, iron carbide, or cementite, is extremely hard and
brittle and these castings are used where high hardness and wear
resistance is needed but they have poor ductility and are unweldable.
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The disadvantages of the method are that the joint properties are controlled
by a relatively soft braze metal or a rather weak braze/cast iron interface.
The lower melting and softening temperature of the braze deposit also limits
the maximum service temperature of braze welds, typically to around 260°C.
There is also poor colour matching between the braze and the casting. In
addition, it is more difficult to detect imperfections in braze welds than in
fusion welds, due to the metallurgical discontinuity along the bond line as a
Arc welding
Welding is a fast cooling process, so HAZ microstructures are modified and
can be hard and brittle (similar to white cast iron). There are two basic
methods to avoid HAZ cracking when arc welding cast irons – welding with
high preheat and very slow cooling, or welding keeping the cast iron as cool
as possible. MMA is widely used in the fabrication and repair of cast iron.
When using the hot technique, cast iron electrodes are often used, the
intense, high temperature arc enables higher welding speeds and lower
preheat levels with the flux coating improving arc stability, reducing porosity
and adding alloying elements to give a near matching weld deposit (with
nodular graphite structure).
The disadvantages of MMA are the greater weld pool penetration and
parent metal dilution compared to other processes. A number of standard
ferritic steel MMA consumables can also be used on weld and repair jobs.
When opting for the cold technique, nickel-based electrodes are used as
nickel does not form carbides so carbon is rejected from the weld area as
graphite, the weld metal volume increases and there is less risk of cracking
in the HAZ, but they can be sensitive to solidification (hot) cracking
(especially high Ni electrodes), which means dilution must be limited. Welds
made with nickel or nickel-iron fillers have generally higher strength and
more ductility than welds made with cast iron electrodes, but with nickel filler
the bevel angle needs to be wider because nickel forms a very viscous
metal weld pool.
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MIG and FCAW can be used to weld cast irons, mainly using dip transfer
and can achieve high deposition rates, whilst limiting the amount of weld
penetration. Solid wires used are nickel, Monel (70Ni-30Cu) or copper
alloys; cored wires used are Ni-Fe or Ni-Fe-Mn.
Oxy-acetylene welding
Because of the relatively low temperature heat source, oxy-acetylene
welding will require a higher preheat than MMA. Penetration and dilution is
low but the wide HAZ and slow cooling will produce a soft microstructure. It
is used with a slightly reducing flame and the consumable has a slightly
higher carbon and silicon content than the parent to provide a weld deposit
with similar properties.
Pure nickel consumables are often used to repair casting defects, but are
more susceptible to solidification cracking. Dilution of the cast iron into the
weld pool, particularly for high phosphorus content grey cast irons increases
the risk of solidification cracking to an unacceptable level.
Nickel-copper or Monel type fillers are a good choice when the composition
of the iron is not known, or when tolerance of dilution and good
machinability are required. These also have a fairly good colour match to
cast irons.
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17.2.2 Classification
Pure nickel may be alloyed with various elements to produce and/or
enhance the properties desired for service. Nickel alloys may be broadly
classified into three groups according to the mechanism of strengthening.
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Oxide-dispersion-strengthened alloys
Oxide particles such as ZrO2 or Y2O3 are introduced in to the master alloy
by mechanical alloying. The mechanically alloyed powers are consolidated
by placing them in sealed cans for extrusion or hot pressing, followed by
conventional hot and cold-working processes. A final annealing at high
temperatures is required to develop the stable, coarse grain structure
suitable for the most demanding stress-rupture applications.
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Solidification cracking
Hot cracking results from low melting point solute elements segregating to
the weld centreline. Sulphur, even in very small quantities and lead, boron,
bismuth and phosphorus can all cause hot cracking. Thus, manganese and
niobium additions in filler metals are used to combine with sulphur to avoid
this. The problem may be minimised by reducing the welding speed to
improve depth-to-width ratio and by employing parent metal with a fine grain
The principal causes of porosity are gases from air (O2 and N2), or from
surface contamination (yielding O2 and H2) being incorporated into the weld
pool during welding. To avoid porosity, attention must be paid to the
cleanliness of the joint preparation and the effectiveness of the gas shield in
TIG and MIG welding processes. Preheat might be required in case of
moisture condensation. Adding oxygen-removing agents, such as aluminium
or titanium, can also help reduce porosity but these elements can form small
islands/slag spots so interpass cleaning is critical.
Oxide Inclusions
Slag and surface oxide can also cause particulate inclusions. Oxides of Ti,
Nb, Cr and Ni itself all have much higher melting temperatures than the
base metal, therefore, oxides trapped in the weld pool form inclusions.
Surface oxide must be removed by machining or grinding, since wire
brushing only polishes the oxide, making it less easy to see but still present.
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Copper and most copper alloys can be joined by arc welding. Weldability
varies with grade; tough pitch is less weldable than PDO or oxygen-free
copper. Welding processes that use gas shielding are generally preferred,
although SMAW can be used for many noncritical applications.
The preferred welding processes are TIG and MIG with inert shielding
gases, either argon or argon-helium mixtures used. Porosity is best avoided
by using appropriate filler wire containing deoxidants (Al, Mn, Si, P and Ti);
by use of dry inert gases and drying electrodes and fluxes before welding.
High levels of distortion and residual stress can result when welding copper
due to the high thermal expansion coefficient. This can be minimised by
employing preheat and allowing free expansion of the components during
17.3.2 Brasses
Brasses are alloys of copper and zinc. When considering weldability,
brasses are separated into two groups, low zinc (up to 20%Zn) and high
zinc (30-40%Zn). Nickel silvers contain 20-45%Zn and nickel is added to
improve strength. The main problem in fusion welding these alloys is the
volatility of zinc which results in white fumes of zinc oxide and weld metal
porosity. Only low zinc brasses are normally considered suitable for arc
welding using the TIG and MIG processes. TIG welding with a zinc-free filler
rod is the most popular.
17.3.3 Bronzes
There are several types of bronze:
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Two phase alloys are more easily welded. Single phase alloys can be
susceptible to weld metal cracking and HAZ cracking can occur under highly
restrained conditions. Matching filler metals help to maintain the weld
corrosion resistance. Rigorous cleaning of the material surface is essential,
both before and after each run, to avoid porosity.
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Revision Questions
1 What is braze welding and what are the advantages of the process for joining
cast iron?
2 Name four different types of cast iron and which of these can be readily welded?
3 What are the main welding defects likely when welding nickel alloys? How can
they be avoided?
Arrangement of Atoms
Features: Features:
• no. of atoms = 9. • no. of atoms = 14.
• high strength. • high ductility and
• moderate ductility. malleability.
• examples: Cr, V, • examples: Ni, Cu,
Mo, W, Nb, - Fe. Al, Ag, Au, Pb, - Fe.
Features: Directions of
• no. of atoms = 17.
• low plasticity follow
• examples: Ti, Zn, directions of
Mg, Be, Zr. c heat
Grain structure Grain Structure
Crystals of metals are known as grains. Solidification of metals - practical implications
• Grain boundaries.
• Columnar structure of
weld metal.
Interstitials Vacancies
Atoms in lattice
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Appears due to a
step of atoms.
Preventing Dislocations Moving Elastic and Plastic Deformation
• When dislocations cannot move it takes more force • Elastic deformation = reversible, small (below yield point).
to deform (yield) the material and the metal has • Plastic deformation = permanent, larger (beyond yield
higher strength. point).
• Yield strength is lower at higher temperatures so
• Dislocations become pinned by flaws in the crystal deformation is easier at higher temperatures.
lattice and stable (low energy) lattice sites.
Elastic Plastic
• Barriers to dislocation motion include:
– Interstitial atoms (eg in solid solution alloys). Yield
– Precipitates (eg second phase or inter-metallic
– Grain boundaries.
– Other dislocations.
1085 °C Solid
Phase diagrams can be determined by taking a series of
cooling curves for a system over a range of compositions
Then swap the time axis for composition. 100% Cu 100% Ni
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Using the Phase Diagram Using the Phase Diagram
Determine the phases present at different temperatures Find the temperatures at which solidification starts/ends
T (°C) 100% Liquid T (°C)
Liquid Liquid
Mixture (mush)
of liquid and
solid phase TStart
T2 Solid
100% Solid
T = 1232°C T = 1232°C
Alloy Systems Alloy Systems
Alloy systems System with total solubility in liquid phase and total
insolubility in solid phase, eg Bi - Cd alloy system.
T (°C) T (°C)
Liquid 321 °C
271 °C
phase (solid and total and partial
solution) insolubility in solubility in Eutectic + Bi Eutectic + Cd
solid phase solid phase
100% Bi 40% Cd 100% Cd
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Alloy Systems Alloy Systems
System with total solubility in liquid phase and partial solubility in
Alloy systems solid phase: Cu - Ag alloy system T (°C)
962 °C
Liquid +
Liquid +
T (°C)
with total with total with total 780 °C
Solidus line
solubility in solubility in solubility in
8% Ag 91% Ag
liquid and solid liquid phase liquid phase
phase (solid and total and partial
solution) insolubility in solubility in
solid phase solid phase
100% Cu 72% Ag 100% Ag
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Precipitate Size vs. Temperature Practical Implications of Age Hardening
Iron Carbon Eutectoid Reaction Iron Carbon Phase Diagram
Iron Ores
• Fe3O4.
Steel Manufacture • Greyish black or iron
black colour.
• Magnetic.
• Contains approximately
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72% Fe.
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• Fe CO3.
• Fe2O3.
• Greenish grey or brown
• Reddish grey or blackish grey colour.
red colour.
• Contains approximately
• Contains approximately 63% Fe.
70% Fe.
• Fe3O(OH) - hydrated
iron oxides.
• Yellowish brown colour.
• Contains approximately
48% Fe.
Blast Furnace - Input and Output Blast Furnace Reactions
Oxygen reacts
Molten steel with dissolved
carbon forming
Pig iron typically converted to steel using basic oxygen CO and CO2
steelmaking (BOS) process.
Transfer ladle
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Charging Columnar
(scrap, pig crystals
iron) (anisotropy)
Ingot Production Continuous Casting
Advantages Liquid metal fills a cavity within a mould and solidifies into
a useful shape.
• Faster than rolling from
ingots - 300 t steel in
45min compared to
• Cheaper - no ingot
moulds, handling, etc.
• No piping problems.
• Impurities segregate at
the centre of the plate.
Plastic Deformation During Rolling Types of Rolling
Equiaxed Elongated
crystals crystals
Increase in
hardness and Intermediate
tensile strength annealing
Rolling above
recrystallization Hot rolling
Upper die
Typical forged product Extrusion
Drawing is a process
in which the cross-
sectional profile of a
wire or pipe is
reduced or altered
by pulling through a
drawing die.
Material Properties
• Yield strength and ultimate tensile strength.
• Ductility.
• Notch (impact) toughness.
• Fracture toughness.
Materials Testing
• Hardness.
• Corrosion resistance.
TWI Training & Examination Services • Creep resistance.
EWF/IIW Diploma Course • Fatigue resistance.
• Physical properties (density, thermal
conductivity, etc).
Gauge length
Gripped end
Cross Weld Tensile Test Toughness
Specimen Pendulum
dimensions from
ASTM E23 Anvil
• Proportional testpiece.
• May be full thickness of material.
Fracture Toughness Testing Bend Tests
d1 d2
Brinell Hardness Test Rockwell Hardness Test
HR = E - e
d d E is a constant, 100 for diamond cone indenter and 130 for steel ball
d 1 2 indenter.
e is the permanent increase in penetration depth due to major load.
Metallographic Examination
• Used for detecting weld defects (macro).
• Measuring grain size (micro).
• Point counting the proportion of different constituents.
• Detecting brittle microstructures, precipitates, etc.
• Assessing resistance toward brittle fracture, cold
cracking and corrosion sensitivity.
Information to be supplied on the test report:
• Material type • Location of examined area
• Etching solution • Weld imperfections (macro)
• Magnification • Phase, constituents,
• Grain size precipitates (micro)
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Heat Treatment
• Tailor mechanical properties.
• Change microstructure.
Heat Treatment of Steels • Reduce residual stress level.
• Improve machinability.
• Homogenize chemical composition.
TWI Training & Examination Services How?
EWF/IIW Diploma Course • Flame oven.
• Electric oven/electric heating blankets.
• Induction/HF heating elements.
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Annealed and Normalised Steel
Annealing and Normalising
Normalising –
Air cool Annealing –
Furnace cool
Annealing of hypereutectoid steels is carried out in the
austenite + cementite phase field to spheroidize the
carbides and avoid cementite film formation along the grain
boundaries. Ferrite
0.008 0.77 2.0 Annealed Normalised
0.022 Carbon content in weight %
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Non Equilibrium Heat Treatment - Quenching Tempering
• Subcritical (Below A1) heat treatment to tailor
• Heating to annealing heat treatment temperature
hardness/strength of martensite.
• Performed after quenching to reduce the brittleness.
• Fast cooling to increase hardness: • Ductility and toughness are improved.
– Brine (Water and salt) • Removes stresses due to quenching.
Increased quench severity
– Water
– Oil
• Ductility and toughness are drastically reduced.
• Usually followed by tempering.
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Stress relief
• Carried out at lower temperature below A1 to reduce
residual stresses.
• Carried out at higher temperature below A1. Not only
relieves stresses, but also softens the hard HAZ
• No phase transformation
• Provide adequate support (low YS at high
• Slow heating and cooling temperature).
(max: 50°C/h). • Control heating rate to avoid uneven thermal
910 Acm • Soaking time 1hr/inch of
thickest section. expansions.
A1 • Usual temperature for • Control soak time to equalise temperatures.
727 PWHT (C-Mn steel) –
550-650°C. • Control temperature gradients - NO direct flame
600 • Stress Relief carried out impingement.
after cold work or
Stress Relief
welding, at lower • Control cooling rate to avoid new residual stress.
0.022 0.77 2.0
temperatures. • For specific PWHT applications see standards
Carbon content in
weight %
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Iron and Carbon
• Pure iron is not a
structural material.
• Small additions of carbon
Fe–C Steels greatly affect mechanical
• Steels are ferrous alloys
containing up to 2%
TWI Training & Examination Services carbon.
• Above 2% carbon usually
IIW/EWF Diploma Course
only cast iron.
C > ~0.11C
Mn Cr Mo V Ni Cu CEIIW ≤ 0.4
CEIIW C Good weldability
6 5 15
CEIIW ≥ 0.5
C < ~0.11C Poor weldability
Si Mn Cu Cr Ni Mo V
p cm C 5B
30 20 60 15 10
Alloying additions less of an issue at lower C levels
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TTT and CCT Diagrams TTT and CCT Diagrams
TTT = Time Temperature CCT = Continuous Cooling 900
Transformation diagram Transformation diagram Ac3 • Include effects of all
Ac1 alloying elements
Austenite phase field Austenite phase field 700 Ferrite
• Show transformations that
Temperature (0C)
Temperature (0C)
Finish occur under non-equilibrium
Phase transformations measured Bainite conditions
under continuous cooling conditions 500
• Are specific to one alloy
Phase transformations measured Martensite composition.
under isothermal hold conditions Ferrite and
Most applicable to welding Mf Bainite Ferrite and
Time (s) Time (s) 100
Martensite Pearlite
• Weldability is still good when using low hydrogen • Risk of formation of hard martensite in the HAZ.
welding process or consumables. • Weld metal and HAZ are susceptible to
• Some risk of hydrogen-assisted cracking due to hydrogen-assisted cracking and low toughness.
increased hardenability, especially thicker • Low hydrogen welding processes must be used.
sections. • Preheat at 150-250°C, depending upon carbon
• For thickness >25mm preheat at 40-75°C. content, maintain interpass temperature >150°C.
• Maintain interpass temperature >100°C. • Slow cool and PWHT.
• PWHT thick sections or if high joint restraint.
Interpass Temperature Summary of Heating Requirements
• A temperature, specified as minimum and/or maximum
for the deposited weld metal and adjacent base metal
before the next pass is started. Carbon Preheat Interpass PWHT
equivalent temperature (oC) temperature (oC) temperature (oC)
• Steels which require preheat, must be kept above
minimum interpass temperature between the weld
passes. CE ≤ 0.4 Not required Not specified Not required
• Heat input is often adequate to maintain the interpass 0.4 ≤ CE ≤ 0.5 40-75°C 100-200°C 525-650°C
temperature, depending on plate thickness. (thick section) (thick section)
• Maximum interpass temperatures are imposed to limit CE ≥ 0.5 150-200°C 150-300°C 550-650°C
grain coarsening, or to ensure transformation from
austenite between passes.
Micro-alloy(HSLA) Steels
• Micro-alloy/high strength low alloy (HSLA) steels have
high strength (up to 700MPa) with <0.12% carbon.
• Good weldability from low carbon equivalent.
Fine-Grained • High toughness.
• Obtain strength and toughness from fine grain structure.
Micro-Alloyed Steels
• Use micro-alloying.
• And/or thermo-mechanically controlled processing
TWI Training & Examination Services (TMCP) or quenching and tempering (QT).
EWF/IIW Diploma Course • Used for structural applications, pressure vessels,
ASTM E 112 Coarse grains Fine grains • Usually alloyed with V and Nb (max. 0.10%) and Ti
(up to 0.025%).
Increase in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 • Nb controls recrystallisation during rolling.
grain size
• Additional precipitation hardening effect from Nb and
• Fine grains and precipitates give high strength and
• Ni, Mo for higher strength or thicker sections.
• Low C content gives excellent weldability.
• Heat input & preheat limited to avoid grain growth.
Weldability and Application of HSLA Steels Steel Grades
Advantages Pipe line steels
• Low carbon/IIW CE means lower danger of cold cracking • API 5L/ISO 3183 eg X52, X60, X65, X70, X80
and little or no preheat required. • 52 is the yield strength in ksi.
• Compared with carbon steels, thinner sections are Structural steel (buildings, bridges)
required to carry same load. • EN 10025, EN 10113, EN 10137 eg S355N,
Disadvantages S550A.
• Narrow range of heat input to prevent grain growth so • S means structural steel, 355 is yield strength in
accurate setting of parameters essential. MPa, N, M or A is delivery condition (normalised,
• Use overmatched filler metal so risk of weld metal cold TMCP or annealed).
• Risk of lower strength and toughness on fusion line.
• PWHT temperature limited.
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Steel Grades
Pressure vessel steels
• EN 10028, EN 10149, EN 10225, EN 10210 (replace
• eg P355N, P means for pressure purposes.
Thermomechanically rolled steels
• EN 10025-4.
Quenched and tempered steels
• EN 10025-6:2004+A1:2009, DefStan 02-736 Part 1
[Q1(N)], ASTM A514, A517.
• Used for submarine hull construction, earth moving
equipment, cranes and offshore oil and gas wells.
Structure of the Weld
Heat input = volts x amps x thermal efficiency (beware units) • Expansion and contraction → residual stresses.
travel speed • Changes in chemical composition by diffusion and dilution
affect mechanical properties.
High heat input welds:
• Cooling from melting temperature down to room
• Single pass welds.
temperature → HAZ.
• Large weld bead.
• High dilution.
• Slow cooling → grain growth in HAZ → low toughness.
• Deep narrow arc weld may lead to solidification cracking.
Low heat input welds:
• Multi pass welds.
• Smaller weld bead.
• Fast cooling = risk of hard brittle zones in HAZ.
• Control heat input or use preheat.
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Stages in Weld Pool Solidification Dilution
Note that:
• Columnar grains follow the heat dissipation path.
• Solidification starts from fusion line towards centre of
HAZ Regions Grain Coarsened HAZ
Multi-run HAZ Microstructure Multi-pass HAZ Regions
Hydrogen (Cold) Cracking
Cracking Mechanisms
Hard microstructures at greater risk. • Hydrogen (cold) cracking occurs if hydrogen is still
• Some factors affecting microstructure hardness: present once material has cooled to <300°C and more
– Fast cooling = Hard microstructure. likely, <150°C.
• Low heat input gives fast cooling. • Hydrogen cracking can be avoided by keeping material
• Preheat slows cooling rate. warm for sufficient time to allow hydrogen to diffuse out.
• Thicker section = Faster cooling. • Preheat slows cooling – enhances diffusion.
• Maintain interpass temperature and then post heat before
• Higher carbon, higher alloy steels at greater risk: joint allowed to cool.
Mn Cr Mo V Ni Cu
• Hydrogen cracking can also take time to occur.
CEIIW C C≥0.18 – Welds often left to cool for 24 or 48 hours before inspection is
6 5 15 carried out, so that any hydrogen cracking will be detected.
Si Mn Cu Cr Ni Mo V
pcm C 5B C<0.18
30 20 60 15 10
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Cold Cracking Avoidance Benefits of PWHT
• Reduce weld metal hydrogen by proper selection of Hard microstructures at greater risk
welding process/consumable.
• If hard microstructures cannot be avoided during
• Use dry shielding gases. welding, PWHT is necessary.
• Clean joint from rust, grease and solvents. • PWHT directly following welding and joint not allowed
• Apply preheat. to cool.
• Maintain a specific interpass temperature. • Reduces microstructure hardness.
• Reduces residual stress.
• Apply post heat on completion of welding.
• Allows H to diffuse out.
• Control heat input.
• Use multi-run instead of single-run technique.
• Use a temper bead or hot pass technique.
Note: Some alloys become stronger during PWHT, while others lose
• Reduce residual stress, blend weld profile. toughness.
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Poor joint design
Hard, brittle and/or fit-up
structure High stress Hydrogen trapped in
martensite lattice
Parent IIW CE > Weld IIW Weld IIW CE >> parent IIW CE
CE cracking mainly in HAZ Cracking may occur in weld metal COLD CRACKING
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Solidification Range Solidification Cracking and Joint Design (Fillet)
Austenite ()
0.25 0.5 %C
Solidification Cracking and Joint Design (Fillet) Solidification Cracking and Travel Speed
Summary - Solidification Cracking Causes Summary - Solidification Cracking Avoidance
High thermal Poor weld profile Reduce Add Mn Reduce heat
stress Sulphur forms a (deep, narrow) restraint input to avoid
eutectic at grain coarse grains
Excessive boundaries Decrease Mn forms inclusions
travel speed travel speed Improve joint fit-
Poor joint fit-up with sulphur before Fe
(wide gap) can react (higher
High dilution temperature reaction)
Reduced grain Reduce heat Reduce dilution
Primarily Poor weld bead input to lower (e.g. avoid rutile
boundary shape (concave)
austenitic cohesion dilution electrodes)
Coarse grain Low S steel
Wide freezing structure Change joint Increased hot
range design ductility Reduce C%
Rolling direction
Reduction of Area in Short Transverse
Reheat Cracking
Direction (for 12.5-50mm Thick Plates)
A low value of the
short transverse
reduction of area
gives a high lamellar
tearing risk.
BS EN 1011-2:
2001, Annex F and
T. G. Davey, The
Welding Institute
Research Bulletin,
1979, 20(6), 169-
Types of Corrosion 2 – Types of Corrosion 3 –
General Corrosion Intergranular Corrosion
• Corrosion attack proceeds uniformly over the entire • Corrosive attack is localised at and adjacent to grain boundaries.
surface. • Occurs in stainless steel due to chromium (Cr) carbide precipitation
(sensitisation); for welded stabilised grades (eg 321, 347) can take the
• Uniform loss of wall thickness (mm/year). form of knife line corrosion in the HAZ.
• Eg steel in seawater, stainless steels in acidic or strong • Resistance against this type of corrosion is improved by lowering the
alkaline solutions. C content, controlling the welding procedure or by addition of Ti or Nb
• Corrosion allowance (mm) may be specified in design.
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• Highly destructive non-uniform attack due to localised breakdown of • Attack occurs in narrow crevices filled with liquid and where the
passivity (the pit becomes the anode whilst the surface becomes the O2 level is very low (differential aeration).
cathode = effect of differential aeration).
• Results in holes in the metal.
• Eg gasket surfaces or under bolt/rivet heads, weld toes .
• In stainless steel occurs most commonly in chloride-containing • Under-deposit corrosion = when corrosion occurs under non-
environments or oxidising salts. metallic deposits or coatings on the metal surface.
• Resistance against this type of corrosion is improved by increasing Cr • Materials resistant to pitting corrosion are also resistant to
and Mo content; N has also a favourable influence. crevice corrosion.
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Types of Corrosion 6 –
SCC Main Contributing Factors
Stress Corrosion Cracking
Material employed Environment,
(microstructure) temperature and
exposure time
• Occurs when metal subjected to tensile stress and exposed to a
corrosive environment material can remain unattacked while fine
branched cracks progress through it (cracking can be either
intergranular or transgranular).
• In austenitic stainless steels occurs in chloride or halide containing
Level and
solutions; risk increases with increasing salt concentration, tensile distribution of
stress and service temperature (seldom found below about 60°C). tensile stresses
Common Corrosion Protection Techniques Pickling and Passivation
Corrosion Testing
Ranking tests:
• Relative corrosion resistance of materials in an
• ASTM G48 etc.
Electrochemical tests:
• Critical Pitting or Crevice Temperature
• Pitting Potential
• ASTM G150 etc.
Don’t necessarily represent service conditions; as-
received or as-welded metal, environment, temperature.
What Makes Stainless Steel Stainless? What Makes Stainless Steel Stainless?
Crystallographic Structures The Elements Contained in Stainless Steel
• Austenite: face centred cubic (fcc). Ferrite stabilisers:
• Iron (Fe).
• Chromium (Cr): corrosion resistance.
• Molybdenum (Mo): pitting and crevice resistance.
• Tungsten (W): pitting and crevice resistance.
• Titanium (Ti): Intergranular corrosion resistance in weld
• Niobium (Nb): Intergranular corrosion resistance in weld
• Martensite: body centred tetragonal (bct). HAZs.
• Each phase has specific properties. • Vanadium (V): creep resistance.
• Silicon (Si): high temperature oxidation resistance.
• Properties of the steel dependent on the phase(s) it
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The Elements Contained in Stainless Steel The Elements Contained in Stainless Steel
Five types of Stainless Steels- Five types of Stainless Steels-
Austenitic Grades Austenitic Grades
• Most commonly used grades. Pros (continued):
• Composition: 18-27%Cr and 8-22% Ni. • Can be surface hardened.
• Exceptional corrosion resistance, because highly
• AISI grades: 304, 316, 321, 347, 308 and 309. alloyed.
• Pros: Cons:
– Formable: excellent for stretch forming because very • Very susceptible to price variations, because rich
ductile. in nickel.
– Weldable: even thick sections. • Very expensive, because highly alloyed.
– Good fracture toughness, even at low temperature. • Low thermal conductivity.
– Non-magnetic. • High thermal expansion.
– Can be strengthened by cold work. • Difficult to machine, because tend to harden
when cold worked.
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Five types of Stainless Steels-
Five types of Stainless Steels- Duplex Grades
Duplex Grades
Cons: Welding duplex grades:
• Not as easily weldable as the austenitic. • Filler metals have higher Ni content than the
• Not easily formed. parent metals.
• More difficult to machine than austenitic.
• Become brittle when exposed to temperatures
above 475ºC.
• Suffer from sigma phase precipitation at
temperatures above 540ºC.
Mechanical Properties-Stress-Strain Curve Mechanical Properties-Toughness/Strength
Potential Problems with Welding Stainless Potential Problems with Welding Stainless
Steels- Sigma Phase Embrittlement Steels- Sigma Phase Embrittlement
• Sigma () phase is a high chromium brittle inter-metallic
• Precipitates between about 500 and 1000ºC depending
on steel composition.
• Forms more readily in ferrite than in austenite.
• Affects toughness and corrosion resistance.
Sigma phase
• Grades containing Mo require less time for phase
• Avoid by using no preheat or PWHT and low interpass
Why do we need Overlays and Coatings?
• Hence overlays and coatings are used to achieve the Build-up and repair:
required surface properties, whilst maintaining the • Worn or damaged surfaces can be replaced by building up the
surface with a weld metal which approximates the composition and/or
strength and toughness of the base material at a mechanical properties of the parent metal, in order to restore the
reasonable overall manufactured cost. original component dimensions.
• There is a wide variety of surfacing techniques available, Hardfacing:
ranging in thickness from 5μm (0.005mm) to about 5mm • A softer material is given a wear, abrasion or erosion resistant
or more. surface using a hardfacing alloy with high wear resistance, such as
high-carbon CoCr alloys (eg Stellite®), tungsten carbide, Cr-Mo
• This course focuses on weld overlays and also touches on steels, or martensitic steels.
the welding of galvanised steel components. Cladding:
• Cladding provides a corrosion or oxidation resistant surface on a less
corrosion resistant material. An example is the deposition of a
stainless steel (309, 316) or nickel-based layer (625, 825) on a
carbon steel base.
Cladding Methods – Overview Clad Steel Features
Submerged Arc Strip Cladding (SAW) Submerged Arc Strip Cladding
Range of application including weld hard facing and corrosion
resistant alloy cladding.
Roll Bonding (Metallurgical Cladding) Mechanical Cladding
Base metal dilutes the weld metal: Some weldability problems for clad steels are:
• 40-50% adjacent to the fusion line. • Maintaining the continuity (ie corrosion resistance) of
• Drops to around 5-25% in subsequent passes. the cladding.
– Depends on weld method, technique, parameters.
• Difficulties with dissimilar metal welding.
– For example, for thin as-machined deposits, PTAW can
provide lower dilution than GTAW. • Mismatch of the bore diameters.
• NDT and access restrictions.
• Thermal fatigue.
• Affects the corrosion resistance, hardness and wear
resistance of the deposit.
Can use nickel alloy (alloy 625) to weld clad steel.
• Most standards and specifications specify the acceptable
dilution level at the as-machined weld overlay thickness. Or use a buttering layer (eg 309 SS) between clad layer
and carbon steels.
Welding Clad Steel Plates – Single Sided Welding Clad Steel Plate
Weld metal - 309
type stainless steel Butt welding if both sides accessible - six stage process.
or Inconel
Weld metal
(carbon steel)
Stainless steel
No root face on
cladding - 304
carbon steel Cladding
(316) type
Step 1 - Faces bevelled
Step 3 - Welded from C steel side only
min. 1.6 mm
Step 1 - Faces bevelled
from carbon steel side Step 3 - Weld from
carbon steel side
2.5-3.2 mm No gap
Step 2 - Fit-up
Step 2 - Fit-up
Welding Clad Steel Plate Welding Clad Steel Plate
Step 4 - Root gouge Butt weld from both sides – alternative method.
Gouge from
stainless steel side
Step 3 – Weld from C steel side Step 4 – Clean root and weld from SS side
Cladding 2.5-3.2 mm
Step 1 - Faces bevelled and carbon Step 2 - Fit-up
plate cut back to expose cladding
3rd run - extra Fill runs -
Weld metal - 309
Root run - 308 low carbon carbon
type or Inconel
or 316 type steel filler steel filler
2nd run -
309 type
or Inconel
What is Creep?
• Slow, time dependent deformation of a material under a
constant load.
• Extent of the deformation a function of:
– Temperature.
Creep-Resistant Steels – Time.
– Stress.
• Threshold temperature, for a given material, below which
creep is not of concern.
TWI Training & Examination Services • For most metals, creep occurs at around 0.3-0.4 melting
EWF/IIW Diploma Course point.
– High temperature problem.
• Creep failure occurs by void formation, developing into
intergranular cracks.
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0 Time (hr)
Use of Creep Data Creep-Related Terms
• Design life >20 years. • Creep rate: Slope of time/strain curve (rate of
• Creep data generally <11 years (100,000 hours). deformation).
• Extrapolated data generally unreliable. • Creep strain: Time-dependent strain at elevated
• Instead, test using equivalents of time at temperature, temperature.
eg Sherby-Dorn, Larson-Miller or Manson Haferd • Creep stress: Stress produced by a constant load
parameters. which leads to creep.
• Creep strength: The stress to cause a given creep
strain, in a given time, in a given environment.
Welding Creep-Resistant Steels Welding Creep-Resistant Steels
Main problems: Recommendations:
• HAZ cold cracking - use low hydrogen consumables.
• Apply preheat (guidance given in codes); as Cr content
• Loss of toughness in GCHAZ. increases, preheat temperature increases.
• Reheat cracking.
• Use low hydrogen welding process and consumables.
• As alloy element content increases, hardenability increases,
weldability decreases. • PWHT is normally essential, as Cr content increases,
• Loss of creep strength in HAZ (Type IV cracking). PWHT soaking temperature increases.
Welding processes: • Reduce restraint, and clean thoroughly weld joint area, in
• Common welding processes: MMA, TIG, MAG, FCAW and order to avoid hot cracking; avoid deep narrow profile
SAW. weld runs.
• Near matching filler materials are generally used to provide
proper service performance characteristics.
K = Pb + Bi + 0.03Sb (ppm)
K < 1.5 to achieve freedom from reheat cracking
Flat position - high degree of Horizontal position - low
HAZ refinement. degree of HAZ refinement.
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Sensitivity to Reheat Cracking –
Temper Embrittlement
Alloy Composition
• Reduction in notch toughness when steel heated 375-
Increased sensitivity to reheat cracking 575oC.
• Segregation of impurities (P, Sb, Si and As) to grain
5Cr 1Mo 2.25Cr 1Mo 0.5Mo B 0.5Cr 0.5Mo 0.25V
• Assess by ductile-brittle transition temperature before
and after heat treatment eg step cooling heat treatment
assessment in ASTM A387
Creep Damage Assessment Damage Levels
Cryogenic Steels
Effect of Ni on Phases in Steel The Impact Toughness Transition Curve
Transition curve features:
• Refines ferrite grain
Energy Upper shelf
size. (J) Low impact energy
→ brittle failure
• Fine distribution of
toughness at low
• Favours bainitic and temperatures.
martensitic structures.
High impact energy →
• Increases resistance to ductile failure
cleavage fracture in
ferrite. Lower shelf
Transition range
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Welding 9% Ni Steels Welding 9% Ni Steels
• Require very low S content (<0.006%) to avoid • Filler materials are only Ni-based: AWS A5.11 ENiCrMo-6 (EN
liquation cracking no lamellar tearing. ISO 14172 E Ni 6620) or ENiCrMo-3 (E Ni 6625) under-
• Not sensitive to stress corrosion cracking. matching, high viscosity (sluggish).
• Cleanliness very important to avoid hot cracking.
• Ductile martensitic structure (max. 400HV) + 5%
retained austenite (QT steels) no danger of cold • Fully austenitic stainless steel filler prohibited due to higher
coefficient of thermal expansion than parent metal and brittle
cracking no preheat required for thickness up to
martensite formation near fusion line.
• Smooth blending between weld face and parent metal is
• Use low heat input to avoid loss of toughness in the required to avoid stress concentration.
high temperature HAZ.
• Strongly ferro-magnetic (and also may have residual
• Interpass temperature 250°C; PWHT not normally magnetism) arc blow is a common problem; AC current and
required. demagnetisation before welding may be required.
Aluminium and Its Alloys
• Light weight.
• Good strength to weight properties.
• Forms a large range of alloys with other elements.
Aluminium and Light Alloys • Alloying elements increase strength.
• High thermal and electrical conductivity.
TWI Training & Examination Services • Cast alloys.
• Wrought alloys.
EWF/IIW Diploma Course – Heat treatable - strengthened by heat treatment.
– Non-heat treatable - strengthened by alloying or work
Porosity in Aluminium Alloys Problems in Welding
Some Filler Metals used Welding Processes
Parent metal Filler metal(s) Heat Applications
treatable? • Arc welding processes.
1xxx 1080A No Chemical plant, architecture (4047A
1200 prevents weld metal cracking where – TIG for thinner sections.
4043A there is high dilution)
4047A – MIG for heavier and thicker sections – faster
3xxx 3103 No Buildings, heat exchangers than TIG.
4047A • Gas welding with neutral flame.
5xxx 5554 No Marine, automotive
5154A • Laser welding.
5556A • Friction stir welding.
6xxx 4043A No Structural, automotive
7xxx 5556A No Aerospace, defence
Magnesium Alloys Magnesium Alloys
Alloy Applications
Mg-6Zn-3Al Sand castings requiring
good room temperature
Die casting-automotive
99% Ti Chemical and marine uses
Arc Weldability of Dissimilar Metals
General arc
weldability problems
Welding Other Alloys
• Cast iron.
• Nickel alloys.
Grey irons
• Si (1-3%). • Readily machined.
• Mn (up to 1%).
White irons
• Often poor weldability. 2
Malleable irons
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Si Content, %
Nodular Cast Iron White Cast Iron
• Also called spheroidal Spheroidal graphite White cast iron
graphite (SG) or ductile iron.
• Due to rapid cooling, carbon forms Fe3C.
• Obtained by adding Mg or • Very brittle, with poor ductility.
Ce to grey cast iron.
• Highest hardness, good wear resistance.
• Good machinability. • Unweldable.
• Highest strength and
ductility of the cast irons.
• Readily welded with most
Pearlite, ferrite or pearlite-
ferrite matrix
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• Parent metal not melted – avoids disadvantages • Welding is a fast cooling process.
of fusion welding. – HAZ microstructures are modified and can be hard and
• Joint does not pick up impurities (P, S) from the brittle (similar to white cast iron).
casting. • High preheat, slow cooling needed to avoid hard
• Soft braze metal controls joint strength and HAZs and subsequent cracking.
service temperature (up to ~260°C). • Cold welding possible, but not with matching
• Poor colour match. composition consumables, Ni-based
consumables may be used.
• Hard to inspect joint for defects.
Welding Processes for Cast Iron Welding Processes for Cast Iron
MMA Oxy-fuel welding
• Higher heat input lower preheat required. • Low heat input requires a higher preheat.
• Deeper penetration, greater dilution. • Low dilution, wide HAZ, slow cooling softer
• Wide range of consumables. microstructure.
• Used on weld repair jobs. • Slightly reducing flame.
MIG/FCAW • Consumable has slightly higher C and Si than parent to
• Mainly dip transfer. give matching strength weld deposit.
• Achieve high deposition rates.
• Solid wires are Ni, Monel (70Ni-30Cu) or Cu alloys.
• Cored wires are Ni-Fe or Ni-Fe-Mn.
• Flux coating improves arc stability, reduces • Includes Ni, Ni-Fe, Monel, Ni-Fe-Mg types.
porosity and adds alloying elements. • Widely used to weld cast irons.
• Matching weld deposit (nodular graphite • No preheat required.
• Sensitive to hot cracking (especially high Ni
• High preheat and slow cooling needed to electrodes) so dilution of the casting into the
encourage graphite formation rather than weld pool needs to be limited.
• Welds have generally higher strength and more
• Good colour match with the original casting. ductility than cast iron, but viscous weld metal -
wider bevel angle needed.
Typical Ni Alloys (Precipitation Hardened and
Typical Ni Alloys (Solid Solution)
Oxide Dispersion-Strengthened)
Adding Cr , Co, Cu, Fe, Mo, W, Nb and V in Ni PPT hardened
Alloy 400 - Ni + 31.5%Cu • Contain Al and Ti, precipitation of the gamma prime or gamma
• Highly corrosion resistant in sea water, H2SO4 and HF double prime phase.
acids. • Alloy X-750 , Ni-Cr-Fe-Ti-Al, postweld heat treatment cracking.
• Alloy 718(N07718) –Ni-Fe-Cr-Mo-Ti-Nb for gas turbines.
Alloy 600 - Ni + 15.5%Cr + 8%Fe
• Waspaloy (Ni + 19.5%Cr, 13.5%Co, 4.3%Mo, 3%Ti, 1.4%Al,
• Resists oxidising and reducing environments and severe 2%Fe) also used for gas turbines.
corrosion at temperature.
AIloy 625 - Ni + 21.5%Cr, 2.5%Fe, 9%Mo, 3.6%(Nb +Ta) OD strengthened
• Excellent strength and toughness from cryogenic to high • Fine insoluble oxide particles added in the master alloy by
temperature; oxidation, corrosion and fatigue resistant. mechanical alloying.
AIloy 825 - Ni + 30%Fe, 21.5%Cr, 3%Mo, 2.25%Cu • Typically mechanically alloying by adding Y2O3 and/or ZrO2.
• Excellent corrosion and pitting resistance and service in • MA6000 Ni-Cr-Al-Ti-W-Mo-Ta-Y2O3.
reducing acids and oxidising chemicals. • MA754 Ni-Cr-Al+Ti(min)-Y2O3.
Ni Weldability Problems
Oxide inclusions
• Oxides have much higher melting temperatures than
the base metal oxides trapped in the weld pool
form inclusions.
• Surface oxide must be removed by machining or
Copper and Copper Alloys
grinding; wire brush only polishes the oxide.
Copper Properties Copper Welding
Welding Copper Nickel Alloys