September 23, 2010

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The Cub Reporter

Dutch Fork Elementary School • 7900 Broad River Road • Irmo, SC 29063 • (803) 476-3900 • FAX (803) 476-3920 September 23, 2010

School Improvement Council Elections

Sept 30
ƒ ID Concepts
ƒ SIC Elections 7 am-4 pm Dutch Fork Elementary SIC by-laws require four (4) elected parents to serve
DFES Office a 2 year term. Currently we have 2 elected parents, Heather Dale and Angie
Thomason. Two other elected persons had to resign due to job conflicts.
The following candidates are running for the two (2) elected positions. The
voting will take place Thursday, September 30 from 7:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. in the
school office.
Oct 5 The following parents have completed statements regarding their desire to
ƒ Fall Pictures serve on the DFES School Improvement Council. The two parents receiving the
Oct 11 highest number of votes on Thursday, September 30, 2010, will serve for the 2010-
ƒ Student Holiday 11 and 2011-12 school years.
Oct 12
ƒ Health Screenings Karen English
Oct 19
I was SIC vice-chair at HB Rhame Elementary School, I was also PTO member. My
ƒ PTO Board Mtg. 1:45 p.m.
mother-in-law is on the Aiken School Board. Education runs in our family.
Oct 21
ƒ Early Release Day 11:40
ƒ Sonic Halloween Night Emily Flores
5-8pm My daughter is Sofia Guerrero; she is in the 3rd grade. I believe in the power of a
Oct 29 good public education. I have a background in social work with children. I would be
ƒ Fall Festival honored to serve as one of your SIC representatives.

Tonya Kinard
My name is Tonya Kinard. I am married with three children, Deondre’, Amber and
Christina. I have been a visible face here, at DFES, since my oldest, Deondre’ came
September to the first grade in 2001. Since then, my two oldest have become DFES alumnae
Word of the Month and my last little one is now in the first grade. Over the years I have served on PTO
Responsibility and have helped out in the classroom and/or around the school as needed. I am
very proud of our school and feel it is an honor to be able to serve it in any way
possible. I have previously served on SIC for 2 terms and am asking for your support
once again this year. I feel that not only is our school successful because of the
wonderful teachers and administrators, but also because we have parents that
genuinely care and contribute to our success. In my capacity as a SIC member I will
continue to share with parents relevant information that I learn as well as attempt to
be a voice for parents by sharing views/questions that they express to me at SIC
meetings. I thank you in advance for your support and look forward to being able to
continue serving our school in the years to come.
We need your help Nurse’s Notes
Please save your
newspapers and Reminder . . .
bring them in to No medication can be given at school without a
our school. A box permission slip. You can find the permission slips on our
is located web site or please feel free to stop by the health room and
between the mini theater and Mrs. I’ll be glad to give you one. If you have a prescription
Beckman’s office. We are going to medication, please note that the medical doctor who
use old newspaper in our Secret prescribed the medication must sign the permission slip. If
Garden. We will put the newspapers you have any questions, please call the health room at
down and cover them with mulch to 476-3906.
cut down on weeds! We thank you in If your child is sent home with a fever, the child must be fever free for 24
advance for helping us with this hours without any fever reducing medications. If your child wakes up in the morning
project! with a fever please do not send him/her to school.
We will be having our vision and hearing screening on October the 12th, here
at Dutch Fork. Please make sure to remember this important date.
First grade is collecting egg Linda Miller, RN
cartons that School Nurse
carry a dozen
eggs. Would you
please save your
egg cartons and
bring them to Mrs. Perkins
Free Opportunity for 1st – 3rd graders
on the first grade hall. Thank
you! Free one-week after school movement (line dancing and fold
dancing) class for 1st-3rd graders. Mrs. Stephanie Little, a
former elementary school physical education teachers and
currently a doctoral candidate in the Department of Physical
Education at USC needs students to assist in her research.
There is no charge for the class; however, children must be able
to commit. Should you be interested contact Joyce Stokely at
[email protected] for more information and consent form.
Pre-testing to determine movement ability on Oct. 12 & 13
Community Connections
(time will be assigned to you)
You may have noticed your child is Class times: October 18-21
not bringing community flyers home 3:00-3:45 for 1st graders
for you to read! We are still in touch 3:45-4:30 for 2nd graders
with community happenings but in a
4:30-5:15 for 3rd graders
“greener” way. Since DFES has gone
green we are now posting all
community announcement flyers on
our webpage. Please take a moment
to check out our “Community Information for ID Concepts, the group that creates student
Connections” webpage and get in identification cards, will be sent home next week. ID Concepts
touch with what is happening in your will be with us on September 30.

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