Cross-Layer Signalling For Next-Generation Wireless Systems: Qi Wang and Mosa Ali Abu-Rgheff

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Cross-Layer Signalling for

Next-Generation Wireless Systems

Qi Wang and Mosa Ali Abu-Rgheff
Mobile Communications Research Group
School of Computing, Communications and Electronics
The University of Plymouth
Drake Circus, Plymouth, Devon PL4 8AA, UK
<qwang, mosa>

Abstract- Cross-layer design is becoming a popular design corruption. The congestion avoidance procedure can only
methodology for the IP-based next-generation wireless systems, make things worse. Exposing the packet corruption rather than
and cross-layer signalling is a key enabler of such a methodology.
Several methods are emerging to achieve this signalling in congestion in the signalling from Link Layer1 to Transport
layered protocol stacks. Through these methods, the refined Layer will facilitate an easy solution to this problem [3].
wireless systems are expected to gain significant performance Secondly, the heterogeneity of network and traffic calls for
improvement and/or obtain extended functionality that is very a co-ordinated adaptation from multiple layers. Introducing a
hard if not impossible to obtain from a single layer signalling. single collocated layer for various adaptation tasks would be
This paper begins with a survey of representative cross-layer
signalling methods. Based on the analysis, the paper proposes an too complex and heavy. The QoS (Quality of Service)
efficient, flexible and comprehensive scheme defined here as adaptation even requires all layers’ participation [1].
Cross-LAyer Signalling Shortcuts (CLASS), and then a set of Therefore, a co-operation of multiple layers'adaptation would
evaluation criteria is defined to compare CLASS with current lead to a simpler and more flexible approach.
schemes. Finally, the possible application areas of CLASS are Thirdly, the rare radio resource and the limited power
identified, and a reference application programme is presented
for applying CLASS into various management areas. necessitate the optimisation of network performance; such
optimisation can hardly be met in the sub-optimal wired
architecture with strict layering. For example, error correction
I. INTRODUCTION schemes are provided in both Link Layer and Transport Layer.
Layering is the dominating design methodology of In wireless systems, these schemes have to be invoked much
communication protocol stacks. An essential feature of the more frequently to combat the errors due to unreliable
layering principle is layer-independence (modularity), and channels. A co-ordination of the two layers can thus result in a
thus in a strict layered protocol stack, cross-layer more efficient solution [4].
communications are considered as violation. However, Lastly, the emerging short-range networks such as Ad Hoc
keeping the strict layering all the time can be cumbersome and network and Personal Area Network entail an integrated
may result in an inefficient implementation of a protocol suite. design approach. In traditional networks, Link Layer is for
Therefore, the cross-layer design [1] has been introduced. point-to-point communications, while Transport Layer is for
The extreme is to merge all layers into one flat single layer. end-to-end communications across various links. In short-
This is absolutely orthogonal to the strict layered structure. range networks, the peer-to-peer communications mostly take
Between the two extremes, cross-layer (inter-layer) signalling place in the point-to-point level. By cross-layer design,
can be introduced to a layered protocol stack, and thus only duplicate efforts from each related layer can be avoided [5].
limited modifications would be required to the existing stack. The remaining of this paper is organised as follows: Section
This approach is the focus of this paper. II presents a survey of existing cross-layer signalling methods.
We argue that the cross-layer design can play an important Section III describes the design, evaluation and application of
role for the next-generation (3G and beyond) wireless the proposed scheme, CLASS (Cross-LAyer Signalling
systems, featured by all IP-based protocol stack, Shortcuts). We conclude and outline the future work in
heterogeneous access networks, and multimedia data traffic Section IV.
[2]. The cross-layer design can be fully justified considering
Firstly, the assumptions in the wired IP stack are METHODS
inadequately suitable for the wireless networking. For For presentation convenience, a five-layer reference model is
example, one of the well-known assumptions in TCP protocol used as a uniform protocol stack in this paper.
is that packet loss is caused by network congestion. However,
in wireless systems, packet loss often occurs due to 1
A name of a layer is capitalised with “the” omitted.
A. Method 1- Packet Headers
In IPv6, optional Network-Layer information can be Application Application
encoded in additional headers. The Interlayer Signalling Pipe
(ISP) briefed in [4] takes advantage of this new feature by Transport Transport
storing cross-layer information in the Wireless Extension
Network Network
Header (WEH) as shown in Fig. 1. This method makes use of
IP data packets as in-band message carriers with no need to Link Link
use a dedicated internal message protocol. However, an IP
packet normally can only be processed layer by layer, and it is Physical Physical
not easy for higher layers to access to the IP-level header.
Furthermore, the conceptual bottom-to-top “pipe” seems MH MH
excessive in most cases. Although the ISP is implemented Method 1: signalling pipe Method 2: selected holes
within the mobile host (MH), network nodes and the Figure 2. Comparison of Method 1 and Method 2
corresponding host (CH) can read the information if they are
WEH-aware. Thus, in fact, this method is more suitable for distributed WCI servers. Interested applications then access to
external IP-level information exchange. the WCI for their required parameters from the lowest two
In [3], only one bit in the TCP packet header was used for layers as shown in Fig. 3. Although it is not a cross-layer
Explicit Loss Notification (ELN) by a Link-Layer software signalling scheme within a MH, we can deem it
agent Snoop in the Base Station (BS). When Snoop is aware complementary to the former two schemes, as further
of a packet loss due to corruption, it sets the ELN bit in the implementation problems are considered in parameter
TCP header and generates the in-band signalling as a feedback definition, abstraction, coding, and decoding. However, any
to the MH. This scheme suits a simple Boolean notification intensive use of this method would introduce considerable
but does not scale well to bear complex control information. signalling overhead and delay over a radio access network.
B. Method 2- ICMP Messages D. Method 4- Local Profiles
ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol, [6] for IPv4, [7] In [5], local profiles are used to store periodically updating
for IPv6) is a widely deployed signalling protocol in IP-based information for a MH in an ad hoc network as illustrated in
networks. Compared to the “pipe” described above, Method 2 Fig. 4. Cross-layer information is abstracted from each
[8] is to “punch holes in the protocol stack” and propagate necessary layer respectively and stored in separate profiles
information across layers by using ICMP messages as shown within the MH. Other interested layer(s) can then select the
in Fig. 2. In this scheme, desired information is abstracted to profile(s) to fetch the desired information.
parameters, measured by corresponding layers wherever Seemingly, this method looks like Method 3, which stores
convenient. A new ICMP message is generated only when a the cross-layer information separately and keeps it ready for
parameter changed beyond the thresholds. Since cross-layer future use. However, in this method, internal profiles rather
communications are carried out through selected “holes” not a than external servers are applied. Analogically, Method 1 and
general “pipe”, this method seems more flexible and efficient. 2 store cross-layer information in memory basically, Method 3
Furthermore, Method 2 is maturer since it has been stores the information in a network server, while Method 4
implemented on Linux operating system (OS) with APIs does this in local hard disk. Method 4 is flexible since profile
(Application Program Interfaces) developed. However, an formats can be tailored to specific applications, and the
ICMP message is always encapsulated in an IP packet, and interested layers/applications can access the desired
this indicates that the message has to pass by Network Layer information directly. However, it is not suitable for time-
even if the signalling is only desired between Link Layer and stringent tasks.
Application Layer.
C. Method 3- Network Service Application Application Server
In [9], a specific access network service called Wireless
Channel Information (WCI) was proposed. In this scheme, Transport
channel and link states from Physical Layer and Link Layer
are gathered, abstracted and managed by third parties, the
IPv6 header WEH header TCP (Transport-layer) WCI Server
Next Header = Next Header = TCP header + payload Physical
WEH Inter-layer info
…… ……
MH Air Network

Figure 1. Bear cross-layer information with extension header Figure 3. Concept model of Method 3 (network service)
Application Application

High-layer Transport

Network Network

Link Low-layer Profile



Figure 4. Concept model of Method 4 (local profiles) Figure 5. Concept model of CLASS

The following presents a simple analysis of propagation

III. DESIGN, EVALUATION AND APPLICATION OF latency across the protocol stack.
CLASS For methods where a message travels layer by layer, the
upward (or vice versa) propagation latency between any two
A. Design Overview
layers, say layer 1 (the source layer, not necessarily Physical
From the above discussion, a couple of major drawbacks of
Layer) and layer n (the destination layer, 1<n ≤ 5 in this case),
the existing methods can be identified:
can be formulated as:
• The signalling propagation paths across the protocol n −1
stack are not efficient. The layer-by-layer propagation
approach just follows the data propagation mode.
T L1→ Ln = ∑ (T
i =1
ri + T pi ) , (1)
Consequently, the intermediate layers have to be involved where Tri denotes the travel time between the interfaces of
even if only the source layer and the destination layer are layer i and layer i+1, and Tpi denotes the processing time
actually targeted. This will cause unnecessary processing (including any queuing delay) at layer i+1.
overhead and propagation latency. If we let
• The signalling message formats are either not flexible n −1
enough for active signalling in both upward and downward
directions, or not optimised for different signalling inside and
Tp = ∑T
i =1
pi (2)

outside the MH respectively. Furthermore, the desired and assume

message formats should be scalable enough for rich signalling Tri = Tr , (3)
more than cross-layer hints and notifications [10].
Therefore, we propose a method, named CLASS, as an then we obtain the value expression:
efficient, flexible and comprehensive scheme with the T L1→ Ln = (n − 1) × Tr + T p . (4)
following distinct features. For CLASS, the expression of the same metric is:
1) Direct Signalling between Non-Neighbouring Layers: T L’1→ Ln = Tr + T p ( n −1) . (5)
The basic idea is to break the layer ordering constrains
while keeping the layering structure, i.e., let cross-layer Assuming the processing time is the same at each layer, then
messages propagate through local out-of-band signalling T p ( n −1) = T p (n − 1) . (6)
shortcuts. For instance, enable the direct communications Finally, sumarising (4) to (6), we reach the following
between Application Layer and Network Layer without conclusion:
turning to the otherwise middleman, Transport Layer.
T L’1→ Ln = T L1→ Ln (n − 1) . (7)
Although this approach is NOT unknown to the layered
protocol stacks, it only appeared as exceptions, and was not In contrast to the layer-by-layer approach, the propagation
designed for generic management functionality. For example, latency in CLASS is only about 1/(n-1) as large. The more the
the Layer-3 entity RRM (Radio Resource Management) layers, the more significance it makes. Only when n=2
directly accesses Physical Layer in GSM [11]. A dedicated (signalling between neighbouring layers), there is no
API between Network Layer and Application Layer was difference.
defined in a software simulator, GloMoSim [12]. The same 2) Light-weighted Internal Message Format:
principle is also applicable to the software-based real-world For internal signalling, it is not necessary to use
implementations. Obviously, this scheme also applies to standardised protocols, which are normally heavy-weighted
signalling between neighbouring layers. for, e.g., transmission against errors in the network. For
The concept of this feature is illustrated in Fig. 5. instance, Mehtod 2 [8] uses ICMP messages for internal
signalling. In addition to the large IP header (20 bytes for Internal Overhead (Overhead within the MH): The average
IPv4), a common ICMP header itself is 8 bytes, where the message size and the signalling frequency mainly determine
required checksum field is 2 bytes, occupying 25%. Therefore, this overhead. This entails an optimised format and signalling
reducing additional headers and minimising the fields can thresholds should be applied to avoid excess signalling.
simplify the internal message format. Although header External Overhead (Overhead in the Network): In some
compression techniques are emerging, it is a problem of contexts signalling between the MH and the access network
another dimension. Essentially, only three fields are required has to be introduced for system control. In this case,
in CLASS: standardised signalling protocols are preferred for
Destination Address, including destination layer and implementation purpose.
destination protocol(s) or application(s). Propagation Latency: This refers to the time taken by the
Event Type, indicating a parameter. signalling transmission between the source layer and the
Event Contents, the value of the parameter. targeted layer. The decisive factors include the propagation
If we assign 1 byte to the Destination Address and the Event path and travel time between interfaces, and intermediate
Type respectively and assume the Event Contents field takes 2 processing time (including queuing delay) in the path.
bytes, the whole message size is 4 bytes. Similarly, we Propagation Direction: Cross-layer signalling messages can
examine an IPv4-encapsulated ICMP message with 8-byte be propagated from lower layers to higher layers (upwards) or
header and 2-byte contents. The whole message size is 30 vice versa (downwards). Bi-directional propagation is required
bytes, 7.5 times bigger than that of CLASS. for some complex tasks.
Messages can also be propagated in an aggregate way by Flexibility: A flexible method can be used for signalling
introducing an optional field, Next Event. between any two arbitrary layers and for different tasks.
3) Standardised External Message Format: Localisation: The ability to maintain cross-layer signalling
For external signalling, ICMP can be used for general within a MH is important as far as the rare radio spectrum and
messages while TCP/IP headers for short notifications. prompt response are considered. Furthermore, this approach
4) Other considerations: would need minimum infrastructure or software modifications
A message control protocol is expected to guarantee that on the network side, and thus minimum new investments are
dense simultaneous messages across layers can be exchanged needed. Moreover, the network would not need to keep the
in an optimised and organised way to achieve high efficiency MHs’ states and thus the scalability would not be impacted.
and avoid possible conflicts. The message generation and Preferably, internal signalling messages only have local
reading mechanisms in Method 2 [8] can be based on. In meanings and will not be transported to other network entities.
general, a message with a layer-specific parameter is A limited number of messages might be exchanged between a
generated from the specific layer whenever a significant MH and its access network, but no cross-layer messages go to
change of the parameter happens. Function calls are used to the CH unless desired. This feature assures that the MH can
set and get the parameter, and system calls are used to read the communicate with a CH unaware of cross-layer signalling.
message. Complexity: To achieve a cross-layer signalling method, it
Notably, the actual interactions between layers are task- would require different levels of OS modifications and
dependent and protocol-specific. The design of CLASS serves internal/external interface design.
as a framework that allows of different implementations 2) Comparison of the methods:
regarding different application scenarios. Table I qualitatively compares the existing methods with
B. Evaluation CLASS under the above criteria (extended). In short, CLASS
1) Evaluation Criteria: overcomes the two major drawbacks aforementioned.

Criterion Signalling Pipe Selected Holes Network Service Local Profiles Shortcuts (CLASS)
Extension header of
Internal message format ICMP N/A Author-defined Light-weighted
IP packet (WEH)
Internal overhead Low Medium N/A Low Low
External message format WEH or ICMP ICMP Author-defined N/A Standardised
External overhead Low to medium Medium High N/A Low to medium
Propagation Active and direct
Layer-by-layer data Layer-by-layer Application-level Read and write
signalling between
scheme traffic messages messages over air profiles
any 2 arbitrary layers
Propagation latency High Low Highest Medium (periodic) Lowest
Propagation direction Bi-directional Upward (Basically) N/A Bi-directional Bi-directional
Flexibility Low Medium Low High Highest
Localisation Medium High Lowest Medium High
Complexity Low Medium High Medium High
First, since CLASS uses the unique active and direct follow a specific design procedure. We present a reference
signalling between any two arbitrary layers in both directions, application programme, using a multi-layer wireless QoS
it has the lowest propagation latency with high efficiency and adaptation protocol stack as shown in Fig. 6. The basic idea is
flexibility. Second, CLASS purposely distinguishes between to achieve adaptive applications and protocols by exchanging
the internal and external messages, and applies optimised or and responding controllable QoS parameters between the real-
standardised formats for internal or external signalling or non-real-time applications and the layers below.
respectively. Hence it has the lowest overhead when applied First, identify the layer-specific (“natural”) contributions to
within a MH and has a low overall overhead when this task from each layer. Existing layer-specific mechanisms
implemented between a MH and its access network as well. or protocols make contributions independently. Select the
Moreover, CLASS does not exclude the simultaneous use of appropriate ones, with enhancements if necessary, and
other methods under some specific circumstances. introduce them into the protocol stack. For example, we can
Therefore, complex as it is, its efficiency, flexibility and introduce IntServ [15] or DiffServ [16] to Network Layer for
scalability will justify its wide application perspective. IP-based QoS management. To control BER (bit error rate),
C. Application we can introduce FEC (forward error correction) and the
1) Application Areas: optional ARQ (automatic repeat request) to Link Layer.
CLASS is applicable to various cross-layer signalling TCP/RTP in Transport Layer can deal with jitter as well as
scenarios thanks to its comprehensive design. Cross-layer error-related parameters like packet loss ratio.
design would benefit those areas where a “global” system Second, work out the cross-layer (“added”) contributions
factor (GSF) is the target. A GSF can be defined and from each layer. An added contribution could be either an
generated from one of the following three sources. First, the existing parameter that interests other layers, or a
original layer separation and abstraction of a protocol stack result/behaviour/function/action that needs to be revealed to
had difficulties in clearly placing one function/service in a interested layers. Examples of the former ones are selected
single layer, e.g., error correction exists in both Link and environment measurements such as SNR (signal to noise ratio)
Transport Layers to fight errors in different levels. Second, the and RSS (received signal strength), widely available in
GSF itself is a system-level factor by nature, and can hardly be wireless systems. Contributions of the latter kind need to be
handled thoroughly in a specific layer. Examples include QoS, parameterised. IP-level handoff notification is a good
resource, energy (power), and security, whose better example. During the whole course of a handoff, Transport
management would require a collaboration of multiple layers. Layer needs to adjust its behaviours. For example, TCP can be
Third, a GSF can also be a significant change to the original notified to suspend for the time being to avoid
design basis of a protocol stack. Wireless and mobility are retransmissions. BER is another example from Link Layer to
good examples, which challenge many design assumptions in Transport Layer for a joint error control. Similarly, Link and
the TCP/IP suites and affect all the layers' behaviours. Thus, Network Layer could control delay-constrained transport in
mobility support [13, 14] and wireless adaptation would be frame and packet level respectively [17], and thus a joint delay
another two application areas. control is also possible. Transport Layer is in charge of
2) Application Programme: A Case Study reporting error-related parameters and jitter to Application
To apply CLASS for a cross-layer design in an application Layer, while Network Layer reports delay constrains. All the
area, which is typically a management task, a designer would parameters are then coded for the CLASS message format.

Real-/non-real time services
Packet loss ratio, jitter, Transport Delay constrain, etc.

Joint error control using Network Desired value of QoS

BER; Handoff notification parameters

Environment Link Joint delay control

measurements reports: Link quality; FEC/ARQ
SNR, RSS, etc.

Channel conditions

Figure 6. QoS adaptation protocol stack model
Third, with all the contributions available, identify how the the design. The overall advantages of CLASS seem to be
layers interact with each other to fulfil the task. In this QoS significant when compared with other methods through a
adaptation case, an application announces its QoS qualitative evaluation under a set of criteria that we defined.
requirements in terms of controllable parameters and For introducing CLASS to deal with real-world problems, we
corresponding values (or value ranges) to all the related layers. presented the recommended guidelines of a working
Generally, a real-time service can bear higher packet loss rate programme. Following the programme, the applications of
or BER as long as the delay and jitter are small enough, CLASS would be broad since the multi-layer management
whereas a non-real-time service usually has the opposite concept can apply to the management of QoS, power, radio
requirements. Respective layers can then report any significant resource, mobility and even more areas in the IP-based next-
changes of the parameters to the application, which will adapt generation wireless systems.
to the changes accordingly. Furthermore, the measurement Future research is under way to simulate CLASS in a
reports from the lowest two layers, together with other software simulator (e.g., GloMoSim) and implement it on
parameters, could benefit context-aware applications. What is Linux with the OS kernel modified, so that a quantitative
more, an application could even negotiate a parameter with the evaluation could be performed to further validate the design of
responsible layer for cost, energy or resource saving purpose, CLASS.
as long as minimum or enough requirements are met. On
receiving such a request, the responsible layer would adjust its REFERENCES
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