Hard-Drawn Copper Wire: Standard Specification For

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Designation: B1 − 13

Standard Specification for

Hard-Drawn Copper Wire1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation B1; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original
adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscript
epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense.

1. Scope 3.1.3 Type of copper, if special (Section 4),

1.1 This specification covers hard-drawn round copper wire 3.1.4 Package size (10.1),
for electrical purposes. 3.1.5 Special package marking, if required, and
3.1.6 Place of inspection (7.1).
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded
as standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematical
4. Materials
conversions to SI units that are provided for information only
and are not considered standard. 4.1 The material shall be copper of such quality and purity
1.2.1 Exception—For density, resistivity and temperature, that the finished product shall have the properties and charac-
the values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. teristics prescribed in this specification.
NOTE 1—Specification B49 defines the materials suitable for use.
2. Referenced Documents
2.1 The following documents of the issue in effect at the 5. General Requirements (see Section 8)
time of reference form a part of this specification to the extent
5.1 Tensile Strength and Elongation—The wire shall con-
referenced herein:
form to the requirements as to tensile strength and elongation
2.2 ASTM Standards:2 prescribed in Table 1 (see Explanatory Note 1 and Note 2). For
B49 Specification for Copper Rod Drawing Stock for Elec- wire whose nominal diameter is more than 0.001 in. (0.025
trical Purposes mm) greater than a size listed in Table 1 and less than that of
B193 Test Method for Resistivity of Electrical Conductor the next larger size, the requirements of the next larger size
Materials shall apply.
B258 Specification for Nominal Diameters and Cross- 5.1.1 Tests on a specimen containing a joint shall show at
Sectional Areas of AWG Sizes of Solid Round Wires Used least 95 % of the tensile strength give in Table 1. Elongation
as Electrical Conductors tests shall not be made on a specimen containing a joint.
2.3 Other Documents: 5.2 Resistivity—The electrical resistivity at 20°C shall not
NBS Handbook 100 — Copper Wire Tables3 exceed the following values:
3. Ordering Information Resistivity at 20°C,
Nominal Diameter, in.
Ω·lb/mile2 Ω·g/m2
3.1 Orders for material under this specification shall include
0.460 to 0.325 (11.684 to 8.255 mm), incl 900.77 0.15775
the following information: Under 0.325 to 0.0403 (8.255 to 1.024 mm), incl 910.15 0.15940
3.1.1 Quantity of each size,
3.1.2 Wire size: diameter in inches (5.3 and Table 1), 5.3 Dimensions and Permissible Variations—Within the
range of diameters given in Table 1, the wire shall not vary
from the specified diameter by more than plus and minus 1 %,
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee B01 on expressed to the nearest 0.0001 in. (or 0.001 mm) (see
Electrical Conductors and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee B01.04 on Explanatory Note 4).
Conductors of Copper and Copper Alloys.
Current edition approved Oct. 1, 2013. Published October 2013. Originally 5.4 Joints—No joints shall be made in the completed wire
approved in 1909. Last previous edition approved in 2012 as B1 – 12. DOI: (Explanatory Note 3). Joints in the wire and rods made prior to
10.1520/B0001-13. final drawing shall be in accordance with the best commercial
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM practice and shall conform to the requirements prescribed in
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on 5.1.
the ASTM website.
Available from National Technical Information Service (NTIS), 5301 Shawnee 5.5 Finish—The wire shall be free of all imperfections not
Rd., Alexandria, VA 22312, http://www.ntis.gov. consistent with the best commercial practice.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

B1 − 13
TABLE 1 Tensile Properties
Nominal Tensile Nominal
DiameterA Area at 20°C StrengthB (see Explanatory Elongation,%B
Note 2)
in. mm cmil in.2 mm2 psi MPa in 10 in. (250 mm)
0.4600 11.684 211 600 0.1662 107.0 49 000 340 3.8
0.4096 10.464 167 800 0.1318 85.0 51 000 350 3.3
0.3648 9.266 133 100 0.1045 67.4 52 800 365 2.8
0.3249 8.252 105 600 0.08291 53.5 54 500 375 2.4
0.2893 7.348 83 690 0.06573 42.4 56 100 385 2.2
0.2576 6.543 66 360 0.05213 33.6 57 600 395 2.0
0.2294 5.827 52 620 0.04133 26.7 59 000 405 1.8
0.2043 5.189 41 740 0.03278 21.2 60 100 415 1.7
0.1819 4.620 33 090 0.02599 16.8 61 200 420 1.6
0.1650* 4.191 27 220 0.02138 13.8 62 000 425 1.5
0.1620 4.115 26 240 0.02061 13.3 62 100 430 1.4
0.1443 3.665 20 820 0.01635 10.5 63 000 435 1.3
0.1340* 3.404 17 960 0.01410 9.10 63 400 435 1.3
0.1285 3.264 16 510 0.01297 8.37 63 700 440 1.3
0.1144 2.906 13 090 0.01028 6.63 64 300 445 1.2
0.1040* 2.642 10 820 0.008495 5.48 64 800 445 1.2
0.1019 2.588 10 380 0.008155 5.26 64 900 445 1.2
0.0920* 2.387 8 460 0.00665 4.29 65 400 450 1.1
0.0907 2.304 8 230 0.00646 4.17 65 400 450 1.1
0.0808 2.052 6 530 0.00513 3.31 65 700 455 1.1
0.0800* 2.032 6 400 0.00503 3.24 65 700 455 1.1
0.0720 1.829 5 180 0.00407 2.63 65 900 455 1.1
0.0650* 1.651 4 220 0.00332 2.14 66 200 455 1.0
0.0641 1.628 4 110 0.00323 2.08 66 200 455 1.0
0.0571 1.450 3 260 0.00256 1.65 66 400 460 1.0
0.0508 1.290 2 580 0.00203 1.31 66 600 460 1.0
0.0453 1.151 2 050 0.00161 1.04 66 800 460 1.0
0.0403 1.024 1 620 0.00128 0.823 67 000 460 1.0
The diameters marked by asterisks (*) are often employed by purchasers for communication lines, but are not in the American Wire Gage (B & S Wire Gage) series,
as are the other diameters listed (see Explanatory Note 4).
These values are subject to the requirements of conformance criteria in Section 8 in determining acceptability of wire under this specification. They are intended to be
used as the “minimum values” in design and in all dependent specifications.

6. Test Methods middle. The average of the three measurements shall determine
6.1 Tensile Strength and Elongation: compliance with the requirements.
6.1.1 Obtain the tensile strength, expressed in pounds per 6.4 Surface Finish—Make a surface-finish inspection with
square inch, by dividing the maximum load carried by the the unaided eye (normal spectacles accepted).
specimen during the tension test, by the original cross-sectional
area of the specimen. Tensile strength and elongation may be 7. Inspection
determined simultaneously on the same specimen. 7.1 General (see Explanatory Note 7)—Unless otherwise
6.1.2 Determine the elongation of the wire as the permanent specified in the contract or purchaser order, the manufacturer
increase in length due to the breaking of the wire in tension, shall be responsible for the performance of all inspection and
measured between gage marks placed originally 10 in. (250 test requirements specified.
mm) apart upon the test specimen (see Explanatory Note 5). 7.1.1 All inspections and tests shall be made at the place of
6.1.3 If any part of the fracture takes place outside the gage manufacture unless otherwise specifically agreed to between
marks or in the jaws of the testing machine, or if an examina- the manufacturer and the purchaser at the time of the purchase.
tion of the specimen indicates a flaw, the value obtained may 7.1.2 The manufacturer shall afford the inspector represent-
not be representative of the material. In such cases the test may ing the purchaser all reasonable manufacturer’s facilities to
be discarded and a new test made. satisfy him that the material is being furnished in accordance
6.2 Resistivity—Determine the electrical resistivity of the with this specification.
material in accordance with Test Method B193 (see Explana- 7.1.3 Unless otherwise agreed upon between the purchaser
tory Note 6). The purchaser may accept certification that the and the manufacturer, conformance of the wire to the various
wire was drawn from rod stock meeting the International requirements listed in Section 5 shall be determined on samples
Standard for Annealed Copper instead of resistivity tests on the taken from each lot of wire presented for acceptance.
finished wire. 7.1.4 The manufacturer shall, if requested prior to
6.3 Dimensional Measurements—Dimensional measure- inspection, certify that all wire in the lot was made under such
ments shall be made with equipment capable of measuring to conditions that the product as a whole conforms to the
a graduation of 0.0001 in. (or 0.001 mm). Take measurements requirements of this specification as determined by regularly
on at least three places on each unit selected for this test. If made and recorded tests.
accessible, take one measurement on each end and one near the 7.2 Definitions Applicable to Inspection:

B1 − 13
TABLE 2 Sampling for Dimensional Measurements
First Sample Second Sample
Number of Allowable Number Allowable
Number of Units in Lot Units in Sample, of Defects in Number of Units Number of
n, plus n2
n1 First Sample, c1 in Sample, n2 Defects in Both
Samples, c2
1 to 14, incl all 0 ... ... ...
15 to 50, incl 14 0 ... ... ...
51 to 100, incl 19 0 23 42 1
101 to 200, incl 24 0 46 70 2
210 to 400, incl 29 0 76 105 3
401 to 800, incl 33 0 112 145 4
Over 800 34 0 116 150 4

7.2.1 lot—any amount of wire of one type and size pre- 8.1.1 Tensile Strength—The lot shall be considered con-
sented for acceptance at one time, such amount, however, not forming if the average tensile strength of the four specimens is
to exceed 100 000 lb (45 000 kg) (see Explanatory Note 8). not less than the appropriate tensile strength of Table 1 minus
7.2.2 unit(s)—coil(s), reel(s), or other put-up method which 400 psi (3 MPa); however, any individual production unit, the
makes up the lot from a production unit of one size of wire. specimen from which has a tensile strength less than the
7.2.3 sample—a quantity of production units (coils, reels, appropriate tensile strength value in Table 1 minus 1700 psi (12
etc.) selected at random from the lot for the purpose of MPa) shall be rejected.
determining conformance of the lot to the requirements of this The lot shall be considered to have failed to meet the
specification. tensile conformance criterion if the average of the four
7.2.4 specimen—a length of wire removed for test purposes specimens is less than the tensile strength in Table 1 minus 400
from any individual production unit of the sample. psi (3 MPa) and the tensile strength of any of the individual
7.3 sample size—the number of production units in a sample specimens is less than the value in Table 1 minus 1700 psi (12
(see Explanatory Note 7) shall be as follows: MPa).
7.3.1 For tension, elongation, and resistivity determinations, If the average of the four specimens is less than the
the sample shall consist of four production units. From each tensile strength in Table 1 minus 400 psi (3 MPa) and the
unit, one test specimen of sufficient length shall be removed for tensile strength of each of the individual specimens is equal to
the performance of the required tests. or more than the value in Table 1 minus 1700 psi (12 MPa), six
7.3.2 For dimensional measurements, the sample shall con- additional specimens from six production units other than the
sist of a quantity of production units shown in Table 2 under four originally sampled shall be tested. The lot shall be
the heading “First Sample.” considered conforming if the tensile strength of each of the ten
7.3.3 For surface-finish inspection and for packaging in- specimens is not less than the appropriate tensile strength value
spection (when specified by the purchaser at the time of placing in Table 1 minus 1700 psi and the average of the ten specimens
the order) the sample shall consist of a quantity of production is not less than the value in Table 1 minus 400 psi. The lot shall
units shown in Table 3. be considered to have failed to meet the tensile strength
requirement if the tensile strength of any of the individual
8. Conformance Criteria (see Explanatory Note 7) specimens is less than the value in Table 1 minus 1700 psi or
8.1 Any lot of wire, the samples of which comply with the if the average of the ten specimens is less than the value in
conformance criteria of this section, shall be considered as Table 1 minus 400 psi.
complying with the requirements of Section 5. Individual 8.1.2 Elongation—The lot shall be considered conforming if
production units that fail to meet one or more of the require- the average elongation of the four specimens is not less than
ments shall be rejected. Failure of a sample group from a lot to the appropriate elongation value in Table 1 minus 0.1 percent-
meet one or more of the following criteria shall constitute age points; however, any individual production unit, the
cause for rejection of the lot. The conformance criteria for each specimen from which has an elongation less than the appro-
of the prescribed properties given in Section 5 are as follows: priate elongation value in Table 1 minus 0.2 percentage points
shall be rejected.
TABLE 3 Sampling for Surface Finish and Packaging Inspection The lot shall be considered to have failed to meet the
elongation conformance criterion if the average of the four
Allowable Number
Number of Units Number of Units in
of Defective specimens is less than the appropriate elongation value in Table
in Lot Sample, n
Units, c 1 minus 0.1 percentage points the elongation of any of the
1 to 30, incl all 0 individual specimens is less than the elongation value in Table
31 to 50, incl 30 0 1 minus 0.2 percentage points.
51 to 100, incl 37 0
101 to 200, incl 40 0 If the average of the four specimens is less than the
201 to 300, incl 70 1 appropriate elongation value in Table 1 minus 0.1 percentage
301 to 500, incl 100 2 points and the elongation of each of the individual specimens
501 to 800, incl 130 3
Over 800 155 4 is equal to or more than the elongation value in Table 1 minus
0.2 percentage points, six additional specimens from six

B1 − 13
production units other than the four originally sampled shall be surface defects not consistent with commercial practice shall
tested. The lot shall be considered conforming if the elongation not exceed the allowable defect number, c, in Table 3. Failure
of each of the ten specimens is not less than the appropriate to meet this requirement shall constitute failure to meet the
elongation value in Table 1 minus 0.2 percentage points and surface-finish conformance criterion.
the average of the ten specimens is not less than the value in 8.1.6 Packaging—Conformance to the packaging require-
Table 1 minus 0.1 percentage points. The lot shall be consid- ments specified by the purchaser shall be determined in
ered to have failed to meet the elongation requirement if any of accordance with Table 3. The number of units in the sample
the ten specimens is less than the appropriate elongation value showing nonconformance to the requirement shall not exceed
in Table 1 minus 0.2 percentage points or if the average of the the allowable defect number, c, in Table 3. Failure to meet this
ten specimens is less than the elongation value in Table 1 requirement shall constitute failure to meet the packaging
minus 0.1 percentage points. conformance criterion.
8.1.3 Resistivity—The electrical resistivity of each of the
four specimens shall conform to the requirements of 5.2. 9. Density
Failure to meet this requirement shall constitute failure to meet 9.1 For the purpose of calculating mass per unit length,
the resistivity conformance criterion. cross sections, etc., the density of the copper shall be taken as
8.1.4 Dimensions—The dimensions of the first sample 8.89 g/cm3 (0.32117 lb/in.3) at 20°C (see Explanatory Note 9).
(Table 2) shall conform to the requirements of 5.3. If there are
no failures, the lot conforms to this requirement. If there are 10. Packaging and Package Marking
failures but the number of these does not exceed the allowable 10.1 Package sizes shall be agreed upon between the manu-
defect number, c2 (Table 2), for the respective number of units facturer and the purchaser in the placing of individual orders.
in the sample, a second sample equal to n2 shall be taken and
the total defects of the n1 plus n2 units shall not exceed the 10.2 The wire shall be protected against damage in ordinary
allowable defect number, c2. Failure to meet this requirement handling and shipping.
shall constitute failure to meet the dimensional conformance
criterion. 11. Keywords
8.1.5 Surface Finish—The surface finish of the samples 11.1 copper electrical conductor; copper wire; electrical
taken in accordance with Table 3 shall conform to the require- conductor; electrical conductor—copper; hard-drawn copper
ments of 5.5. The number of units in the sample showing wire


NOTE 1—Other tests than those provided in this specification have been head which, under no-load conditions, are not greater than 3 in. (75
considered at various times, such as twist tests, wrap tests, tests for elastic mm)/min, but in no case at a speed greater than that at which correct
limit, etc. It is the opinion of the committee that twist and wrap tests on readings can be made.
hard-drawn wire do not serve a useful purpose and should be regarded as NOTE 6—Resistivity units are based on the International Annealed
undesirable, as well as inconclusive as to results and significance. Tests for Copper Standard (IACS) adopted by IEC in 1913, which is 1/58 Ω·mm2/m
values of elastic limit are likewise indefinite as to results. Tests to at 20°C for 100 % conductivity. The value of 0.017241 Ω·mm2/m and the
determine elastic properties of hard-drawn wire from which wire stringing value of 0.15328 Ω·g/m2 at 20°C are respectively the international
and sagging data may be compiled are considered to be outside the scope equivalent of volume and weight resistivity of annealed copper equal (to
of the acceptance tests contemplated in this specification. 5 significant figures) to 100 % conductivity. The latter term means that a
NOTE 2—The tensile strength values given in Table 1 cannot always be copper wire 1 m in length and weighing 1 g would have a resistance of
met if the wire is drawn into coils of less than 19 in. (48 mm) inside 0.15328 Ω. This is equivalent to a resistivity value of 875.20 Ω·lb/mile2,
diameter or if the wire has been rewound. Lower tensile strength values, which signifies the resistance of a copper wire 1 mile in length weighing
therefore, are permissible for smaller-diameter coils, or rewound wire, 1 lb. It is also equivalent, for example, to 1.7241 µΩ/cm of length of a
through mutual agreement between the manufacturer and the purchaser at copper bar 1 cm2 in cross section. A complete discussion of this subject is
the time the order is placed. contained in NBS Handbook 100 of the National Bureau of Standards.3
NOTE 3—Mechanical joints made during inspection at the request of the The use of 5 significant figures in expressing resistivity does not imply the
purchaser are permissible if agreed upon at the time of placing the order. need for greater accuracy of measurement than that specified in Test
NOTE 4—The values of the wire diameters in Table 1 which correspond Method B193. The use of 5 significant figures is required for reasonably
to gage numbers of the American Wire Gage (see Specification B258) are accurate reversible conversion from one set of resistivity units to another.
given to the nearest 0.0001 in. (0.0025 mm). The diameters preceded by The equivalent resistivity values in Table 4 were derived from the
asterisks are not in the American Wire Gage series. They correspond to fundamental IEC value (1/58 Ω·mm2/m) computed to 7 significant figures
certain of the numbers of the Birmingham Wire Gage or of the British
Standard Wire Gage and are used for communication lines. The use of
gage numbers to specify wire sizes is not recognized in this specification, TABLE 4 Resistivity Relationships
because of the possibility of confusion. An excellent discussion of wire
Conductivity at
gages and related subjects is contained in NBS Handbook 100.3 20°C %
100.00 97.16 96.16
NOTE 5—It is known that the rate of loading during tension testing of 2
Ω·lb/mile 875.20 900.77 910.15
copper affects the performance of the sample to a greater or lesser extent,
Ω·g/m2 0.15328 0.15775 0.15940
depending upon many factors. In general, tested values of tensile strength Ω·cmil/ft 10.371 10.674 10.785
are increased and tested values of elongation are reduced with increase of Ω·mm2/m 0.017241 0.017745 0.017930
speed of the moving head of the testing machine. These effects are µΩ·in. 0.67879 0.69863 0.70590
pronounced when the speed of the moving head is excessive in the testing µΩ·cm 1.7241 1.7745 1.7930
of hard-drawn wires. It is suggested that tests be made at speeds of moving

B1 − 13
and then rounded to 5 significant figures. cally. For small lots of 5000 lb or less, the purchaser may agree to the
NOTE 7—Cumulative results secured on the product of a single manufacturer’s regular inspection of the product as a whole as evidence of
manufacturer, indicating continued conformance to the criteria, are acceptability of such small lots.
necessary to ensure an over-all product meeting the requirements of this NOTE 9—The value of density of copper is in accordance with the
specification. The sample sizes and conformance criteria given for the International Annealed Copper Standard. The corresponding value at 0°C
various characteristics are applicable only to lots produced under these
is 8.90 g/cm3 (0.32150 lb/in.3). As pointed out in the discussion of this
subject in NBS Handbook 100 of the National Bureau of Standards, there
NOTE 8—A lot should comprise material taken from a product regularly
meeting the requirements of this specification. Inspection of individual is no appreciable difference in values of density of hard-drawn and
lots of less than 5000 lb (2270 kg) of wire cannot be justified economi- annealed copper wire.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or [email protected] (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
(www.astm.org). Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the ASTM website (www.astm.org/

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