PCA Patient Checklist PDF

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new patient procedure checklist q

Patient Name:___________________________ Date:________________ Clinician Comments

Discuss Peel Treatments with Patient:

q Patient Profile form
q expectations
q possible reactions
q mandatory sunscreen use
q have patient sign the Consent Form and give them a copy

Analyze the Skin:

q visually
q UV light devices (Wood’s Lamp, Visia,® SkinScanner)
q magnifying lamp
q take ‘before’ pictures/use Face Diagram when a camera or UV light
device is not available

Daily Care Regimen:

q trial-size solutions
q customized regimen with instructions
q patient brochure
q Preparation for a Peel Treatment instructions

Peel Appointment:
q date of first treatment
q Post-Procedure Skin Treatment Tips
q Post-Procedure Daily Care Regimen

What is your daily care regimen?____________________________________________________________________________

© Physicians Care Alliance, LLC

• What are the cosmetic improvements you would like to see in your skin?_______________________________________
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Treatment recommendation:________________________________________________________________________________

Patch Test Date:_____________Solution:_______________Test Area:__________Result:______________________________

patient profile

Name:__________________________________________________ DOB:__________________ Age:_____ Sex:_______

City:_____________________________________________________________ State:____________ Zip:____________
Phone:___________________________________________ E-mail:___________________________________________

About You:
• What is your hereditary background? (circle all that apply) Nordic / Scandinavian / Irish / English / Asian /
Mediterranean / Hispanic / Native American / Middle Eastern / African American / Other _______________
• Natural eye color: ________________________
• Natural hair color: ________________________
• Do you consider your skin (circle the best option): Sensitive / Resilient / Unsure
• Describe your skin (circle all the apply): Normal / Dry / T-Zone/Combination / Thick / Thin / Saggy /
Firm / Oily / Acne / Comedones/Blackheads / Milia / Cysts / Breakouts / Acne-scarred / Large pores /
Small pores / Rosacea / Eczema / Freckled / Sun-damaged / Melasma / Hyperpigmentation /
Hypopigmentation / Uneven/Blotchy / Mature / Wrinkled / Patchy dryness / Sallow / Psoriasis /
Dehydrated/Lacking moisture / Asphyxiated / Telangiectasia/Broken surface capillaries
• What are the changes you’d most like to see in your skin?

• Are you pregnant or lactating? o No o Yes
(Please consult with your obstetrician. Only the Oxygenating Trio,® Detox Gel Deep
Pore Treatment or Hydrate: Therapeutic Oat Milk Mask are appropriate.)
• Do you wear contact lenses? o No o Yes
(Remove contacts if eyes are sensitive or if having microdermabrasion.)
• Do you currently have a sunburned/windburned/red face? o No o Yes
• Are you in the habit of going to tanning booths? o No o Yes
(If within past 14 days, decline treatment. This practice should be discontinued due to
increased risk of skin cancer and signs of aging.)
• Do you participate in vigorous aerobic activity or sports? o No o Yes
© Physicians Care Alliance, LLC

What type?________________________________
• Do you smoke or use tobacco? o No o Yes
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• What kind of work do you do?________________________________

• On average, how many hours per week do you spend outdoors? ________________________
Medical/Treatment History:
• Do you currently use depillatories or wax? o No o Yes
(Discontinue use five days pre- and post-treatment.)
• Have you had a chemical peel or any type of procedure with a medical device? o No o Yes
Within the last 14 days? o No o Yes
What type?________________________________
• Do you have regular collagen, Botox® or other dermal filler injections? o No o Yes
(Peels should precede or follow injections by two days to prevent movement of the filler
or stinging at the injection site.)
• Have you recently had laser resurfacing or facial surgery? o No o Yes
• Are you currently taking any medications, topical or otherwise? o No o Yes
(Tretinoin/Retin-A /Renova /Differin /Tazorac /Avage / EpiDuo /Ziana )
® ® ® ® ® ™ ®

Which one(s)?_____________________________
For how long?_____________________________
What strength?____________________________
(High percentages of certain ingredients may increase sensitivity. Discontinue use five days
before and after treatment. Consult your physician before discontinuing use of any prescription.)
• Are you currently using any topical retinoid prescriptions? o No o Yes
• Have you ever undergone Accutane therapy (isotretinoin)?
o No o Yes
(If you are currently using Accutane® therapy (isotretinoin), please consult with your
dispensing physician.)
(If you are no longer using Accutane® therapy (isotretinoin) it is OK to apply ONE layer of
Ultra Peel ® I, Sensi Peel,® Ultra Peel ® II, Esthetique Peel, Oxy Trio,® Hydrate: Therapeutic
Oat Milk Mask or Revitalize: Therapeutic Papaya Mask.)
• Do you develop cold sores/fever blisters? o No o Yes
Last breakout? ____________________________
• Are you allergic/sensitive to (circle all that apply) milk / apples / citrus / grapes / aloe vera / aspirin /
perfumes / latex / hydroquinone / mushrooms?
If any other allergies, what?_______________________________
• Have you ever used any other products that caused a bad reaction? o No o Yes
Describe ________________________________
© Physicians Care Alliance, LLC
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Patient Signature:__________________________________Date:_________________

Clinician Signature:__________________________________Date:_________________
consent form

Prior to receiving treatment, I have been candid in revealing any condition that may
have bearing on this procedure, such as: pregnancy (if so, consult your physician prior
to treatment), recent facial surgery, allergies, tendency to cold sores/fever blisters,
Continued Treatment
or use of topical and/or oral prescription medications such as: tretinoin, Retin-A,®
isotretinoin, Accutane,® Differin,® Tazorac,® Avage,® EpiDuo™ or Ziana.®
Date Initials
I understand there may be some degree of discomfort such as stinging, pin-prickling
sensation, heat or tightness.

I understand there are no guarantees as to the results of this treatment, due to many
variables, such as: age, condition of skin, sun damage, smoking, climate, etc.

I understand I may or may not actually peel and that each case is individual.
I understand that the amount of peeling does not correlate with degree of

I understand this treatment is a cosmetic treatment and that no medical claims are
expressed or implied.

I understand that to achieve maximum results, I may need several treatments.

I understand that although complications are very rare, sometimes they may occur
and that prompt treatment is necessary. In the event of any complications, I will
immediately contact the physician/clinician who performed the treatment.

I agree to refrain from tanning in tanning beds or outdoors while I am undergoing

treatment, and during the 14 days prior to and following the end of treatment. This
practice should be discontinued due to the increased risk of skin cancer and signs
of aging.

I understand that extended direct sun exposure is prohibited while I am undergoing

treatment, and the daily use of sunscreen protection with a minimum SPF of 30 is

I have not had any other chemical peel of any kind within 14 days of this treatment.
I understand I cannot have another chemical peel within 14 days of this treatment,
whether it is performed at this location or any other location.

I understand that I should follow my clinician’s recommendations for post-procedure

skin care to minimize side effects and maximize results.

I hereby agree to all of the above and agree to have this treatment performed on me.
I further agree to follow all post-peel care instructions as I am directed.

Signature: __________________________________Date:________

Initials: ___________

Signature of Clinician: ____________________________________

© Physicians Care Alliance, LLC

Signature of Witness:_____________________________________
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face diagram

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© Physicians Care Alliance, LLC
preparation for a peel treatment

You will be having a light peel treatment on the day of your appointment. Please follow
the outline below to prepare.

• U
 se of PCA SKIN® daily care products prior to your peel will prepare the skin,
allow for better treatment results and reduce the risk of complications. This is
recommended but not mandatory. Please consult your physician or skin care
clinician for appropriate recommendations for your skin type and condition.

It is recommended that you take the following into consideration:

• F
 or best results and to reduce the risk of complications, it is recommended
that you use PCA SKIN daily care products 10 to 14 days prior to treatment.

• If you are lactating, pregnant or may be pregnant, only an Oxygenating Trio®
or Detox Gel Deep Pore Treatment is appropriate. Consult your OB/GYN
before receiving any treatment.

• D
 o not go to a tanning bed two weeks prior to treatment. This practice should
be discontinued due to the increased risk of skin cancer and signs of aging.

• It is recommended that extended sun exposure be avoided, especially in the

10 days prior to treatment.

• It is recommended to delay use of tretinoin, Retin-A,® Renova,® Differin,®

Tazorac,® Avage,® EpiDuo,™ Ziana® and high-percentage AHA and BHA products
for approximately five days prior to treatment. Consult your physician before
temporarily discontinuing use of any prescription medications.

PCA SKIN superficial peels result in little to no downtime but create dramatic and
visible results. Treatments may cause slight redness, tightness, peeling, flaking or
temporary dryness. Most patients find it unnecessary to apply makeup, as the skin
will be smooth, dewy and radiant following your treatment. If you would like to apply
makeup, allow approximately 15 minutes for the pH of the skin to stabilize before
applying foundation.

© Physicians Care Alliance, LLC

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patient treatment log

Treatment #: Date:

Patient name: Next scheduled treatment:

Area treated: face neck chest hands arms feet other Scale of one to ten: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Protocol: correct
q ExLinea Peptide Smoothing Serum (pHaze 25)

cleanse q Pigment Gel (pHaze 13)


q Facial Wash Oily/Problem (pHaze 1) q Pigment Gel HQ Free (pHaze 13)


q Acne Gel (pHaze 35)

q Other:
q Acne Cream (pHaze 33)
q C-Quench Antioxidant Serum (pHaze 15+)

prep/degrease q A&C Synergy Serum (pHaze 23)


q Smoothing Toner (pHaze 2) q Total Strength Line & Pore Minimizer

q Nutrient Toner (pHaze 5) q Hydrating Serum (pHaze 43)
q Rejuvenating Serum (pHaze 24)
treat q Anti-Redness Serum (pHaze 42)
Enhanced Jessner’s Peels Therapeutic Masks q Retinol Renewal with RestorAtive Complex (pHaze 26)
q Intensive Clarity Treatment: 0.5% pure retinol night
q PCA Peel ® Hydroquinone Free layers q Hydrate: Therapeutic Oat Milk Mask 1 layer q Intensive Age Refining Treatment: 0.5% pure
retinol night
q PCA Peel with Hydroquinone
layers q Revitalize: Therapeutic Papaya Mask 1 layer q Brightening Therapy with TrueTone
q C-Strength 15% with 5% Vitamin E (pHaze 16)
q PCA Peel ® with Hydroquinone q Clarify: Therapeutic Salicylic Acid Mask 1 layer q C-Strength 20% with 5% Vitamin E (pHaze 16+)
& Resorcinol layers q EyeXcellence (pHaze 12)
q Retexturize: Therapeutic Pumpkin Mask 1 layer
q Après Peel Soothing Balm (pHaze 11)

TCA Peels
Retinol Treatments q Peptide Lip Therapy
q Sensi Peel ® layers q other:
q Ultra Peel ® II 1 layer
q Ultra Peel ® I layers hydrate & protect
q Esthetique Peel 1 layer q Clearskin (pHaze 18)
q Ultra Peel ® Forte layers q ReBalance (pHaze 17)
Peel Alternatives q Weightless Protection SPF 45
q Smoothing Body Peel layers q Perfecting Protection SPF 30
q Detox Gel Deep Pore Treatment 1 layer q Protecting Hydrator SPF 30 (pHaze 7)
q Hydrator Plus SPF 30 (pHaze 6+)
q Oxygenating Trio® 1 layer q other:

Treatment #: Date:

Patient name: Next scheduled treatment:

Area treated: face neck chest hands arms feet other Scale of one to ten: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


q ExLinea Peptide Smoothing Serum (pHaze 25)

cleanse q Pigment Gel (pHaze 13)


q Facial Wash Oily/Problem (pHaze 1) q Pigment Gel HQ Free (pHaze 13)


q Acne Gel (pHaze 35)

q Other:
q Acne Cream (pHaze 33)
q C-Quench Antioxidant Serum (pHaze 15+)

prep/degrease q A&C Synergy Serum (pHaze 23)


q Smoothing Toner (pHaze 2) q Total Strength Line & Pore Minimizer

q Nutrient Toner (pHaze 5) q Hydrating Serum (pHaze 43)
q Rejuvenating Serum (pHaze 24)
treat q Anti-Redness Serum (pHaze 42)
q Retinol Renewal with RestorAtive Complex (pHaze 26)
Enhanced Jessner’s Peels Therapeutic Masks
q Intensive Clarity Treatment: 0.5% pure retinol night
q PCA Peel ® Hydroquinone Free layers q Hydrate: Therapeutic Oat Milk Mask 1 layer q Intensive Age Refining Treatment: 0.5% pure
© Physicians Care Alliance, LLC

retinol night
q PCA Peel with Hydroquinone
layers q Revitalize: Therapeutic Papaya Mask 1 layer q Brightening Therapy with TrueTone
q C-Strength 15% with 5% Vitamin E (pHaze 16)
q PCA Peel ® with Hydroquinone q Clarify: Therapeutic Salicylic Acid Mask 1 layer q C-Strength 20% with 5% Vitamin E (pHaze 16+)
& Resorcinol layers q EyeXcellence (pHaze 12)
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q Retexturize: Therapeutic Pumpkin Mask 1 layer q Après Peel Soothing Balm (pHaze 11)

TCA Peels q Peptide Lip Therapy

Retinol Treatments
q Sensi Peel ® layers q other:
q Ultra Peel ® II 1 layer
q Ultra Peel ® I layers hydrate & protect
q Esthetique Peel 1 layer q Clearskin (pHaze 18)
q Ultra Peel ® Forte layers q ReBalance (pHaze 17)
Peel Alternatives q Weightless Protection SPF 45
q Smoothing Body Peel layers q Perfecting Protection SPF 30
q Detox Gel Deep Pore Treatment 1 layer q Protecting Hydrator SPF 30 (pHaze 7)
q Hydrator Plus SPF 30 (pHaze 6+)
q Oxygenating Trio® 1 layer q other:
post-procedure skin treatment tips

for two days post-procedure:

• Stay cool! Heating internally can cause hyperpigmentation.
• Do not put the treated area directly into a hot shower spray.
• Do not use hot tubs, steam rooms or saunas.
• Do not go swimming.
• Do not participate in activities that would cause excessive perspiration.
• Do not use loofahs or other means of mechanical exfoliation.
• Do not direct a hair dryer onto the treated area.
• Do not apply ice or ice water to the treated area.

general guidelines:
• A
 fter receiving a PCA SKIN® professional treatment, you should not necessarily
expect to ‘peel’. However, light flaking in a few localized areas for several days
is typical. Most patients who undergo these treatments have residual redness
for approximately one to twelve hours post-procedure.

• A
 s with all peels and treatments, it is recommended that makeup not be
applied the day of treatment, as it is ideal to allow the skin to stabilize and rest
overnight; however, makeup may be applied 15 minutes after the treatment if

 o minimize side effects and maximize results use the Post-Procedure

• T
Solution for three to five days or until flaking has resolved.

• If the skin feels tight, apply ReBalance for normal to oily skin types or
Silkcoat® Balm for drier skin types to moisturize as needed. For maximum
hydration, you can apply Hydrating Serum under ReBalance or Silkcoat®

• M
 oisturizer should be applied at least twice a day but can be applied more
frequently for hydration and to decrease the appearance of flaking.

• It is recommended that other topical, over-the-counter medications or alpha

hydroxy acid products not be applied to the skin seven days post procedure,
as they may cause irritation.

• It is recommended to delay use of tretinoin, Retin-A,® Differin,® Renova,® Tazorac,®

Avage,® EpiDuo™ or Ziana® five days post-procedure. Consult your physician
before temporarily discontinuing use of any prescription medications.

 void direct sun exposure and excessive heat. Use Weightless Protection
• A
SPF 45, Perfecting Protection SPF 30, Protecting Hydrator SPF 30 or
Hydrator Plus SPF 30 for broad-spectrum UV protection.

• D
 o not go to a tanning bed for at least two weeks post-procedure. This
© Physicians Care Alliance, LLC

practice should be discontinued due to the increased risk of skin cancer

and signs of aging.

• D
 o not pick or pull on any loosening or peeling skin. This could potentially
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cause hyperpigmentation.

• D
 o not have electrolysis, facial waxing or use depilatories for approximately
five days.

Do not have another treatment until your clinician advises you to do so.

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