Mejdd 9 33
Mejdd 9 33
Mejdd 9 33
49 Original Article 33
1. Researcher, Kerman Oral and Dental
Diseases Research Center, Kerman Uni- BACKGROUND
versity of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Many studies have reported an association between periodontal infections and some
Iran systemic diseases such as respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. Some studies found
2. Assistant Professor, Pathology and stem a direct association between chronic gastritis caused by Helicobacter pylori (HP) infec-
tion and poor periodontal health.
cells Research Center, Kerman Univer-
sity of Medical Science ,Kerman,Iran METHODS
3. Associate Professor, Kerman Oral and
In a cross-sectional study from November 2014 to December 2015 in Kerman, the
Dental Diseases Research Center, Ker-
largest province in southeast Iran, patients with dyspepsia who were candidate for di-
man University of Medical Sciences, agnostic upper gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy were included in our study. Decayed,
Kerman, Iran Missing, and Filled Teeth (DMFT) index and Loe plaque index that are two popular
4. Assistant Professor of Internal Medi- indexes in dental epidemiology were used to assess the oral health by a dentist before
cine, Digestive Research Center, Ker- the upper GI endoscopy. According to the Loe plaque index, score: 0= no plaque, score:
1= a film of plaque attaching to the free gingival border and near area of the tooth,
man University of Medical Sciences,
score: 2= moderate reposition of deposits within the gingival pocket, score :3= plenty
Kerman, Iran of soft matter within the gingival pocket±on the tooth and gingival border. Scores ≤1,
5. Associate Professor of Internal Medi- 2 and 3 equal to good, moderate, and poor oral hygiene, respectively. During upper GI
cine, Digestive Research Center, Ker- endoscopy a total of six biopsy samples were taken from fundus, body, and antrum. A
man University of Medical Sciences, pathologist reported these samples according to Sidney’s classification into superficial
gastritis, atrophic gastritis, intestinal metaplasia, and dysplasia.
Kerman, Iran
6. Professor of Internal Medicine, Diges- RESULTS
tive Research Center, Kerman Univer-
According to Sidney’s classification 77 (89.5%) patients had superficial gastritis,
sity of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran
3 (3.5%) had atrophic gastritis, and 6 (7%) had intestinal metaplasia. HP was found in
80.2% of the gastric mucosal biopsy samples. There were not statistically significant
relationship between Sidney’s classification, presence of HP in gastric mucosal biop-
sies, and hygiene indicators (p>0.05). No relation was found between the DMFT index
and superficial gastritis, atrophic gastritis, and intestinal metaplasia (p>0.05). Gastric
infection with HP was found in 70%, 75%, and 100% of patients with mild, moderate,
and sever DMFT index, respectively.
Our study showed that there might be a relation between poor oral hygiene and gas-
tric precancerous lesions. In addition, HP infection in gastric histopathology might be
* associated with periodontal disease.
Corresponding Author:
Elham Jafari, MD
Pathology and stem cells research center, KEYWORDS: Oralhygiene, Dyspepsia, Chronic gastritis.
Kerman University of Medical Science, Please cite this paper as:
Kerman,Iran. Zahedi L, Jafari E, Torabi Parizi M, Shafiei pour S, Hayat Bakhsh Abbasi M, Darvish-
Telefax: + 98 3432223066 Moghadam S, Zahedi MJ. The Association between Oral Hygiene and Gastric Pathology
Email: [email protected] in Patients with Dyspepsia: a Cross-Sectional Study in Southeast Iran. Middle East J Dig
Dis 2017;9:33-38. DOI: 10.15171/mejdd.2016.49
Received: 03 Sep. 2016
Accepted: 11 De. 2016
Oral health is an important component of general health.1 Many studies
have found an association between periodontal infection and some systemic
diseasessuch as some respiratory and cardiovascular dis- for diagnostic upper GI endoscopy and were referred to
eases.2,3 So, increasing the awareness about oral health a gastroenterology clinic in AfzalipourHospital were in-
should be one of the healthprograms in order to reduce cluded in our study. Inclusion criteria were dyspeptic pa-
the outcomes of systemic diseases.4 tients withepigastric pain or discomfort who had history
Some studies found a direct association between of anti-dyspeptic therapy without remission and onset of
chronic gastritis caused by Helicobacter pylori (HP) in- dyspepsia after 50 years old.
fection and poor periodontal health. HP is an opportunist Exclusion criteria were: patient with history ofdiabe-
gram negative microorganism that causes some gastro- tes mellitus, cirrhosis, renal failure, cancer, and immuno-
intestinal (GI) diseases in humans via infected foods and suppressive drug consumption.
water.5 More than 50% of the general population world- Demographic data from all the patients were collected
wide have been infected by this organism and the preva- from their medical records and entered to a checklist.
lence of this infection in Iran seems to be 90%.6,7 This Decayed, Missing, and Filled Teeth (DMFT) index
infection is usually asymptomatic and associated with and Loe plaque index that are two popular indexes in
superficial gastritis, which is often reversible by appro- dental epidemiology were used to assessthe oral health
priate anti HP treatment.But persistent infection causes by a dentist before the upper GI endoscopy.In order to
chronic gastritis that can progress to atrophic gastritis, determine DMFT index,the examination method was
intestinal metaplasia, dysplasia, and ultimately gastric based on WHO criteria.That is,the patient sits in dental
adenocarcinoma.6,8 HP is present in saliva, tongue dor- unitand by flat dental mirror and ordering light he/she is
sum, and dental plaque as a natural flora.It seems that assessed for number of extracted teeth due to decayre-
mouth cavity is a suitable reservoir for recurrence of gas- stored teeth and decayed teeth. Dental plaque measuring
tric HPinfection.9 index used in this research was Loa index. According to
Poor dental and oral hygiene such as negligence in the Loe plaque index, score 0=no plaque,score: 1=a film
teeth brushing can be a risk factor for the presence of HP of plaque attaching to the free gingival border and near
in oral cavity.10,11 Rarely, HP in dental plaque is elimi- area of the tooth,score 2=moderate reposition of deposits
nated by anti HPeradication therapy, and this may play a within the gingival pocket,score 3=plenty of soft mat-
role as a source for future reinfection. Therefore, eradi- ter within the gingival pocket±on the tooth and gingival
cation of HP from dental plaques and oral cavity should border. Scores ≤1, 2, and 3 equal to good, moderate, and
be an important part of the comprehensive management poor oral hygiene, respectively.19
of HP-associated GI diseases.12-15 We used SiC index for dividing patients into two
Up to now, the association between gastric pathol- groups according to their DMFT. For this purpose we
ogy and oral hygiene has been reported by limited stud- chose the one third of the population with the highest
ies.16-18 Salazar and colleagues showed that about 70% of DMFT values.The SiC Index is the one third of the study
patients with precancerous lesionsin gastric biopsy had group with the highest DMFT score 20 and the other two
poor oral hygiene.16 In 2014, Boylanand co-workers in a third have mild to moderate DMFT.
study of 262 patients found that periodontal disease was During upper GI endoscopy a total of six biopsy sam-
associated with increased risk of peptic ulcer disease.17 ples were taken from fundus, body, and antrum.After tis-
So, the purpose of this study was to assess the associa- sue processing a pathologist who was notaware about the
tion between oral health and gastric pathology as the first patients’ oral health,reported these samples according to
study in Iran. Sidney’s classification into superficial gastritis, atrophic
gastritis, intestinal metaplasia, and dysplasia.
Patients’ population Statistical analysis
In a cross-sectional study from November 2014 to De- Chi-square and t tests were used for statisticalanaly-
cember 2015 in Kerman, the largest province in south- sis. SPSS software version 20 was used for data analysis.
east Iran, patients with dyspepsia who were candidate pvalue <0.05 was considered as statistically significant.
Table 5: The relationship between DMFT and Plaque indexes with gastric H.pylori grades
Absent (no H.pylori) Mild Moderate Sever P value
Mild to moderate 17(100) 25(100) 16(51.6) 8(61.5)
DMFT 0.001
sever 0(0) 0(0) 15(48.4) 5(38.5)
good 13(76.5) 17(68) 7(22.6) 2(15.4)
Plaque Index moderate 4(23.5) 8(32) 9(29) 2(15.4) 0.001
bad 0(0) 0(0) 15(48.4) 9(69.2)
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