Real World Data and Data Science in Medical Resear
Real World Data and Data Science in Medical Resear
Real World Data and Data Science in Medical Resear
Data Science: Present and Future
Real world data (RWD) are generating greater interest in recent times despite being
not new. There are various purposes of the RWD analytics in medical research as
follows: effectiveness and safety of medical treatment, epidemiology such as inci-
dence and prevalence of disease, burden of disease, quality of life and activity of
daily living, medical costs, etc. The RWD research in medicine is a mixture of digi-
tal transformation, statistics or data science, public health, and regulatory science.
Most of the articles describing the RWD or real-world evidence (RWE) in medi-
cal research cover only a portion of these specializations, which might lead to an
incomplete understanding of the RWD. This article summarizes the overview and
challenges of the RWD analysis in medical fields from methodological perspectives.
As the first step for the RWD analysis, data source of the RWD should be compre-
hended. The progress of the RWD is closely related to the digitization, especially of
medical administrative data and medical records. Second, the selection of appropri-
ate statistical and epidemiological methods is highly critical for an RWD analysis
than those for randomized clinical trials. This is because it contains greater varie-
ties of bias, which should be controlled by balancing the underlying risk between
treatment groups. Last, the future of the RWD is discussed in terms of overcoming
limited data by proxy confounders, using unstructured text data, linking of multiple
databases, using the RWD or RWE for a regulatory purpose, and evaluating values
and new aspects in medical research brought by the RWD.
* Kanae Togo
[email protected]
Health and Value, Pfizer Japan Inc., Tokyo, Japan
Japanese Journal of Statistics and Data Science
1 Introduction
In the field of medical research, randomized clinical trials (RCTs) are the golden stand-
ard to estimate the causal inference between treatment interventions and outcomes.
Real world data (RWD) are the data relating to patient health status and/or the delivery
of the healthcare, routinely collected from a variety of sources regardless of the size of
data (Hiramatsu et al., 2021; US Food & Drug Administration, 2018). Data from obser-
vational studies are also considered as RWD. The RWD are mutually complementary
to limitations of RCTs, such as a small sample size of trials, participants with limited
age groups including a smaller number of people, or no older people and minors, par-
ticipants with limited complications, short follow-up duration, etc.
The RWD are generating greater interest in recent times although the RWD has been
used since more than decades ago. Progress of the RWD is closely related to digiti-
zation, especially of medical administrative data and medical records. The UK estab-
lished the first European electronic health records (EHR) database of Clinical Practice
Research Datalink (CPRD) in 1987. In the US, the HITECH Act was enacted in 2009,
providing funds toward encouraging medical practices to better adopt and make mean-
ingful use of the EHR (Menachemi & Collum, 2011). In Japan, electronic claim of
public health insurance was legalized in 1976, finally becoming an obligation in 2011.
At present, the National Database of Health Insurance Claims and Specific Health
Checkups of Japan (NDB) cover 99% of claims in Japan.
Various purposes of analysis using the RWD (hereafter, RWD analysis) in medical
research include effectiveness and safety of medical treatment, epidemiology such as
incidence and prevalence of disease, burden of disease, quality of life and activity of
daily living, and medical costs. As an example of comparative effectiveness, long-term
survival advantage among patients who underwent coronary-artery bypass grafting
(CABG) was shown compared with percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), using
a large study population of 189,793 patients in total, from claims and patient regis-
try databases (Weintraub et al., 2012). These days, the RWD and real-world evidence
(RWE) are used for regulatory submission (Feinberg et al., 2020), as well as for other
activities during clinical development and post-launch of drugs in the pharmaceutical
industry (Fig. 1) (Togo et al., 2019).
The RWD in medicine is a mixture of digital transformation, statistics, data science,
public health, reimbursement, pricing of products and regulatory science. Unfortu-
nately, most of the articles describing the RWD in medical research cover only a por-
tion of these specializations and that might lead to RWD’s incomplete understanding.
Further, describing various sources of the RWD and relating analytic issues as biases
(systematic errors) remain insufficient as well. Therefore, this article summarizes the
overview of data source of the RWD and challenges of the RWD analysis in medical
fields from methodological perspectives.
Japanese Journal of Statistics and Data Science
Fig. 1 Use of real-world data during clinical development and post-launch in pharmaceutical industry
2 Source of RWD
There are two approaches to collecting RWD: primary and secondary data collection
(Schneeweiss & Patorno, 2021). Primary data are collected directly from study par-
ticipants for the purposes of the study, and may be collected either retrospectively
(via patient charts or other data sources), or prospectively (Mueller et al., 2018).
Secondary data are obtained from existing health care data collection infrastruc-
tures, such as administrative claims databases, EHR databases, existing patient reg-
istries or study cohorts, or individual patient medical records.
Major data sources of secondary data are presented in Table 1 (Nabhan et al.,
2019). Each database of secondary data has strengths and limitations. The over-
view of medical databases in Japan is annually surveyed by the Japanese Society
for Pharmacoepidemiology and provided on the website (Pharmacoepidemiology &
Database Taskforce, Japanese Society for Pharmacoepidemiology, 2021). The larg-
est medical database in Japan is the National Database of Health Insurance Claims
and Specific Health Checkups of Japan (NDB), which covers approximately 99% of
health insurance claims in Japan. Although its use was limited to certain organiza-
tions for public welfare and academic institutions, NDB has been open to private
companies for research of public health since October 2020 (Kaneyama et al., 2017;
Kohsaka et al., 2021).
When selecting an appropriate data source for a research, protection of data pri-
vacy is one of the key elements, as well as strengths and limitations of each data
source. The RWD includes medical data with sensitive personal information. There-
fore, data privacy has to be protected for any types of data source in compliance
with national data protection laws such as the US Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act (HIPAA), the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR),
and the Japan Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Personal Information
Protection Commission, Government of Japan, 2020; Office of Civil Rights, Depart-
ment of Health and Human Services, 2002; The European Parliament & the Council
of the European Union EUR-Lex, 2019; Wirth et al., 2021). In Japan, medical data
Japanese Journal of Statistics and Data Science
Administrative claims database A health insurance claim is a request made for direct payment or
reimbursement for medical services from hospitals, clinics, phar-
macy. Claims data are systematic and well-structured. Large claims
databases are available in many countries. However, claims are
recorded to maximize the reimbursement and the data sometimes
might be unrepresented as the disease name of clinical practice
EHR database (Evans, 2016) An EHR is an individual patient health record. A typical EHR may
include a patient’s medical history, diagnoses, treatment plans,
immunization dates, allergies, radiology images, pharmacy records,
and laboratory and test results. Although EHR databases are more
likely to capture important health information about patients than
administrative data, most of that information is unstructured
Patient registry A patient registry is defined as an organized system that collects
data and information on a group of people defined by a particular
disease or condition, and that serves a pre-determined scientific,
clinical and/or public health (policy) purpose (European Medical
Agency, 2020). In addition to its use as secondary data, a registry-
based study is another way of leveraging registry system. Registry
often includes clinical outcomes, but missing data is common
Wearable, censor Sensors and/or software apps on smartphones and tablets that can
collect health‐related data remotely i.e., outside of the healthcare
provider’s office (Izmailova et al., 2018). These provide monitoring
treatment response, including the monitoring of efficacy and safety
of treatment, and monitoring of patient‐reported outcomes and/or
quality of life measures
Although the RWD can be leveraged for various research questions, the selection of
appropriate statistical and epidemiological methods is highly critical than those for
RCTs. In traditional clinical trials, randomization has long been an essential tool for
minimizing bias by balancing underlying risk between treatment groups (Sherman
et al., 2016). Among dozens of biases that have been defined, the major biases are
the selection bias and the information bias (Table 2) (Rothman et al., 2008). A bias
needs to be prevented by adequate designing of the study, since bias once identified,
Table 2 Biases in the RWD analysis
Description Example of limitation due to secondary data
Selection bias Bias that results from procedures used to select participants and from factors that influence Insurance claims data, based on worker’s
study participation association, consists of relatively young
Japanese Journal of Statistics and Data Science
Japanese Journal of Statistics and Data Science
Table 3 Study designs using the RWD (Baumfeld et al., 2020; Strom et al., 2019)
Description Limitation
Nested case–control studies Selecting all cases in the cohort, then randomly selecting one Whenever the disease to be investigated is changed, controls
or more controls from risk-set for each case. The antecedent need to be re-selected, as well as the cases. Whereas, the
exposure is compared between cades and controls case–control study can easily consider many exposures
Self-control studies This is a design where comparisons between exposures are This design can only deal with an acute adverse event, a short
made within subjects, thus significantly attenuating the wash-out period of exposure and requires precise data of
problem of confounding exposure
Study designs for regulatory decision making in combination with clinical trials
External control arm for clinical trials Participants are selected from a cohort of RWD to be balanced Differences in unmeasured confounders between the arms of
with subject of a clinical trial in backgrounds for comparing clinical trial and the external control remain even after adjust-
key efficacy or safety outcomes ing all measured confounders
Pragmatic studies A randomized clinical trial incorporating pragmatic design This is the most feasible in health care systems with reliable and
elements. The intervention should be delivered as in clinical accessible electronic health records that capture the events of
practice (Ford & Norrie, 2016) interest, which is at present are challenging in many countries
Long‐term follow‐up studies Post‐marketing requirement studies of safety and effectiveness Regulators or companies may prefer RCTs due to feasibility
outcomes of interest require longer follow‐up durations (e.g., level of measurement and/or monitoring)
Japanese Journal of Statistics and Data Science
3.3 Instrumental variable
3.4 Machine learning, AI
At times, the RWD is a large and high-dimensional data. Machine learning methods
are used for identifying groups with disease prognostic or treatment response from
a large data (Bakouny & Patt, 2021; Bica et al., 2021) In addition, machine learn-
ing and deep learning are leveraged for propensity score estimation. Application of
Japanese Journal of Statistics and Data Science
AI to the RWD is an intensive research field to use complex RWD including texts,
images, voice data, etc. Disease diagnosis from image data and outcomes, such as
treatment response and adverse effects, extracted from physician notes are popular
and practical themes using AI.
3.5 Sensitivity analysis
Although it may be strange to deal with sensitivity analysis along with the meth-
ods mentioned above, it is worth referring to sensitivity analysis to understand the
robustness of a study’s findings in a RWD analysis. Sensitivity analysis for quantify-
ing a bias is sometimes called bias analysis. For unobserved confounders, external
adjustment is to adjust relative risk using external evidence. For misclassification of
disease or exposure, statistics can be adjusted using sensitivity and specificity esti-
mated in a validation study or external literatures. For assessing the effect of a bias
in the study design, definitions of baseline period, outcomes, and exposure can be
varied in the sensitivity analysis (Rothman et al., 2008). Causal effects estimated in
observational studies are not binary signals, with or without statistical significance,
but are numerical quantities. To quantify the effect as unbiasedly and precisely as
possible, multiple studies using the different RWD sources, and meta-analysis of
them could provide a highly reliable estimate (Hernán, 2021). The practical imple-
mentation, and quite a few assumptions of the sensitivity and bias analysis are con-
tinuously discussed.
4 Discussion
There are several approaches to overcome the limited data of a RWD database.
Although administrative database has limited information, high dimensional propen-
sity score approach can be exploited by applying proxy confounders of variables
created from a large quantity of structured data, such as disease and prescription
records (Bosco-Lévy et al., 2021). For the EHR, unstructured text data including
physician’s progression notes and repots of test results is drawing attention. Clinical
outcomes are derived from unstructured medical records using retrospective review
and automated analysis, using natural language processing and AI. This is critical
for the progress of comparative effectiveness research using the RWD. Linking mul-
tiple databases enables patient follow-up for a long period of time, or covers a wide
range of personal information. The data privacy regulation in each country makes
data linking difficult or at times, even impossible. As a countermeasure for medical
research, in Japan, “Act on Anonymized Medical Data That Are Meant to Contrib-
ute to Research and Development in the Medical Field” (Next Generation Medical
Infrastructure Law) was enforced in 2018 that allows certified enterprises to deal
with identifiable medical information from multiple facilities.
In drug development, pharmaceutical companies and regulatory authorities con-
sider utilizing an external control arm for a non-randomized clinical trial of a sin-
gle arm when randomization may not be feasible or ethical (Nishioka et al., 2021;
Japanese Journal of Statistics and Data Science
5 Conclusion
The RWD is not new, but rapidly evolving in terms of data source, digital devices for
data collection, application fields, and regulations. Statistics and data science should
be updated corresponding to these rapid changes for various sources and settings in
the RWD. We emphasize on improving methodologies for explaining relevance of
the obtained evidence including biases and uncertainty.
Author contribution All named authors meet the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors
(ICMJE) criteria for authorship for this article, take responsibility for the integrity of the work as a whole,
and have given their approval for this version to be published.
Funding No funding was received to assist with the preparation of this manuscript.
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Conflict of interest KT and NY are employees of Pfizer Japan and shareholders of Pfizer.
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you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Com-
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