Testing Grammar
Testing Grammar
Testing Grammar
-We have taught the grammar. We have practised it.We have corrected it. But how do we
know if the process has worked? How do we test it?
- Grammar is typically tested by means of what we called discrete-item texts; that is individual
components of the learner's knowledge are tested using tasks such as gap-fills or multiple
choice tasks;
- Tests of this sort make up a significant proportion of what passes as grammar testing :
1. Placement tests- purpose of the test is to place the learners in the right class
2. Progress tests- to test how they are getting on mid-course;
3. Achievement tests- to test how well they have done at the end;
- One of the attractions of these kinds of test is that they are relatively easy to design, and
they are very easy to set and mark: they are practical;
- They meet learner's expectations, they have what is called face validity;
- They also full another criterion of test effectiveness in that they are reliable;
- They are also valid tests if all we want to test is the learner's knowledge of a specific area;
- There are six factors that need to be taken into account when assessing the value of a test:
1. Its practicality- how easy is it to set up, administer, and mark?
2. Its reliability- does it give consistent results?
3. Its validity- does it test what we want to test, and not something else?
4. Its face validity- does the students recognise it as a fair test?
5. Backwash- does it positively influence the teaching that will be done in preparation
for it?
6. Spin-off- can the test be used for review and remedial teaching?
- Here are some techniques for testing structures which are most widely used by teachers:
1. Multiple-choice;
2. Modified cloze;
3. Text completion;
4. Paraphrase;
- Whatever test-type is chosen, it is important that students are familiar with it in advance;
- Since tests are recognized means of providing both teacher and learner with feedback on
teaching/ learning process , and since they are useful means of encouraging learners to
review, they can have a positive influence on language learning;
- It is important, however, that testing be done well- or as well as possible.