Irca Audit Log

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IRCA Audit Log

Guidance Notes for Completing the Audit Log

 Please also refer to ‘Essential Guidance for Application’ section in ‘Requirements for Certification as an IRCA
Auditor (All Schemes)’ document.
 We prefer this log to be filled in digitally. If printed and scanned, please keep resolution set at low, to limit file

Column Audit number on log sheet: You do not need to add any information to this column.
Column Date: Day, month and year of the first day of the site visit, beginning with the opening meeting.
Column Total Duration: Total time, including time spend off site, that you spent on the audit (To the nearest half day). Note: This is NOT the combined duration
3 of the entire audit team.
On site Time: Time spent on actual auditing activities, from the opening to the closing meeting inclusive.
Off-site Time: Time spent on planning/preparation, document review and report writing. These activities may take place at the site of the audit or off
location, but is still considered off-site time. A maximum of 1 day off site time is allowed per audit (For Stage 1 and 2 audits, 1 day is permitted for each).
Column Auditee Contact Details: This section must be completed in full for us to perform evaluation and verification. If any of this information is not available
4 we may ask you to supply us with more evidence.
Column Role in Audit: Please indicate Auditor, Lead Auditor, Sole Auditor or Internal Auditor as appropriate.
5 Only enter Lead Auditor if you led a team consisting of yourself and at least one other auditor.
Please enter Sole Auditor if you carried out an audit where you were the only auditor and performed all phases of the audit.
Column Total number in team: Number of active participating auditors, including yourself, on the audit team.
Column Audit standard: If your audit standard is not referenced in the corresponding auditor certification criteria or on the equivalent standards list (all available
7 at please contact the IRCA secretariat for advice and/or submit to IRCA, with your audit logs, a copy of the standard for evaluation. (There
may be a charge for this evaluation).
Column Audit type: Third Party (TPA), Second Party (SPA), First Party /Internal (FPA), Consultancy or contracted (CON). For audit events classified as (TPA)
8 further explanation of purpose should be included. i.e. pre-assessment, certification, surveillance (Surv.), re-assessment, stage 1, stage 2 etc. Also
detail ‘Full system’, or ‘Partial System’ as appropriate. ‘See guidance in IRCA 1000 – ‘Requirements for Certification as an IRCA Auditor’ for more
For aerospace audits the inclusion or exclusion of design within the performed audit must be detailed on the audit log sheet.
Column Contact Details of the company that employed you: the company that employed you for the audit, i.e. your employer or client if
9 consultancy/contracted audit.
This section must be completed in full for us to perform evaluation and verification. If any of this information is not available we may ask you to supply
us with more evidence.

IRCA/106 (Feb 2013)

IRCA Audit Log

Column Competency Reference:

For initial application and for regrade to Auditor, Lead Auditor and Principal Auditor (Route 1), one full system audit must have been carried out
under the direction and guidance of a lead auditor. Therefore, you are required to supply the contact details of the guiding and directing lead auditor that
is willing to attest to your competence, having observed one of your audits. This lead auditor must be competent and should be certified as a lead
auditor by IRCA or another recognised auditor certification body. IRCA may accept a reference by an uncertified auditor or by a person of equal and
demonstrable competence and standing in industry. Please provide us with their CV if this is the case.

For initial application and for regrade to Internal Auditor, the audit manager, or senior management for whom the audit was conducted may act as a
competency referee to confirm that the audit(s) were conducted adequately and professionally. All internal audits must therefore come with a
competency reference. However this may be the same person for multiple audits.

Note 1: Direction and guidance means that you were under supervision for a significant part of the on-site audit process.
Note 2: The directing and guiding lead auditor does not need to sign the audit log. IRCA simply require you to submit their details, so we may contact
them at our discretion to validate the information.
Note 3: Certified auditors renewing certification at the same grade do not need to complete this section


Name & Certifica Existin Declaration: I declare that all information submitted is accurate and is representative of
Initials tion g the audits I have carried out. Note: IRCA may verify any information provided, and discovery of
(Enter below) Number Grade any falsified information will likely result in suspension from the register.
(Enter (for
below) certifie

Sign or print name:

IRCA/106 (Feb 2013)

IRCA Audit Log

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Audit Dates Total Audit Contact details Role in Total Audit Type of Contact Declaration of
Numb (DD/MM/YY) Durati Days of the company audit Numbe standa audit details of the competence
er on of spent audited (auditee) r in rd company that (This person declares that the
audit was conducted
Audit on site STATE: Team (e.g. ISO STATE: employed you adequately and professionally
STATE: PROVIDE: 9001:2008)
in days LA - Lead (includ TPA – and that the presented
PROVIDE: information is accurate)
Start and STATE: Auditee contact name Auditor ing STATE: Pre
finish dates -assessment
of the audit
Duration of Complete address SA - Sole
yoursel Full Stage 1
Company name PROVIDE:
on site Number of your on- Auditor f) Reference Stage 2 Complete address
site Telephone/fax incl. Surveillance Name
days of
your Days number: A - Auditor date of Contact Name Position
involvement standard SPA
E-mail address IA –Internal Position within
Auditor FPA Auditor certification number: (if
(incl. off-site Organisation applicable)
time) Size of organisation
(i.e. number of people T – Trainee CON Contact telephone
employed on the site) Auditor Contact telephone / fax number
(See guidance Email address
above) Email address

IRCA/106 (Feb 2013)

IRCA Audit Log

IRCA/106 (Feb 2013)

IRCA Audit Log


IRCA/106 (Feb 2013)

IRCA Audit Log





IRCA/106 (Feb 2013)

IRCA Audit Log



IRCA/106 (Feb 2013)

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