IFT Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies
IFT Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies
IFT Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies
The IInstitute
nstitute of F ood Technologists has issued this Scientific S
Food tatus S
Status ummar
Summar y to update our kno
ummary wledge of
transmissible spongiform encephalopathies and provide an authoritative perspective on the surrounding regu-
latory and trade landscape.
Keywor ds: Scr
eywords: apie
apie,, Chr
Scrapie onic Wasting D
Chronic isease
isease,, B
Disease Boovine Spongifor
Spongifor mE
pongiform ncephalopathy
ncephalopathy,, C
Encephalopathy Crreutzfeldt-Jakob disease
ransmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) encom- evolving information pertaining to these diseases. This Scientific
pass a group of diseases affecting several mammalian spe- Status Summary attempts to capture major findings and trends,
ciesmink, cats, sheep, goats, cattle, deer, and elk (Figure and we encourage the reader to check for updates, as new research
1)including humans. These diseases are transmissible because may alter our current understanding.
they are capable of being transferred from one animal to another,
spongiform because they cause the appearance of sponge-like holes Science Review
in the brain of those affected, and encephalopathic because they
are neurodegenerative diseases of the brain.
TSEs continue to pose a concern with respect to animal and hu-
T he first evidence of TSE diagnosis was recorded in Europe in
sheep in 1732 (DEFRA 2002), although the disease was not rec-
ognized to be transmissible until 1936 (Cuille and Chelle 1936).
man health. This was recently underscored by discovery of bovine TSEs cause brain vacuolation, astrogliosis, neuronal apoptosis, and
spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)positive cattle in Canada and accumulation of misfolded, protease-resistant prion proteins in the
the United States and the apparent spread of variant Creutzfeldt- central nervous system (Soto and Castilla 2004). As a result, affect-
Jakob Disease (vCJD) in humans through blood transfusions. The ed animals or people develop varied neurologic symptoms. Victims
TSE threat to humans can be attributed to the fact that there are do not display a classic immune response, and there is no treat-
direct and indirect routes of exposure. As a result, the U.S. govern- ment. Table 1 provides an overview of disease characteristics per-
ment, including the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, the Food and Drug taining to the TSEs reviewed in this report.
Administration, and the Environmental Protection Agency, is being Transmission of TSEs is a complex and active area of research.
called on to develop the regulatory framework necessary to protect Some TSEs are not contagious (BSE) but can be transmitted orally,
the public, the animals, and the environment. for example, spread through contaminated feed, while others
From an economic perspective, TSEs have brought about trade (scrapie and chronic wasting disease, CWD) are contagious and
disruption and additional processing requirements resulting in thought to be spread more easily, for example, via contact with pla-
hardship for cattle producers, meat processors, feed manufactur- centa and placental fluids or environmental contamination. Still
ers, and renderers. The impacts include changes in slaughtering other TSEs are spontaneous (classical CJD) or hereditary (Gerst-
and deboning techniques, implementation of special handling mann-Strausler-Sheinker disease, GSS), and several TSEs can be
procedures for specified risk materials (SRMs), additional labeling spread through tissue transplantation (Brown 2003). The agent of
requirements, and significant disposal and waste-handling chal- transmission is known as a prionan abnormally shaped protein
lenges for the industry. lacking nucleic acid that was isolated and named in 1982 by Stanley
From a government perspective, TSEs have created a need for B. Prusiner. The word prion is derived from pr pro teinaceous in
pro infec-
increased regulation and monitoring of meat processing and ren- tious particle (Prusiner 1982). Prusiner and his group were able to
dering facilities, with resultant effects on the food and feed indus- ascertain the genetic code for the prion protein (PrP) and demon-
tries (for example, ingredients derived from edible rendering, in- strate that its mRNA is a product of a single host gene. This gene is
cluding fats, oils, and emulsifiers). present in the brain of disease-free animals and constitutively ex-
Summarizing the scientific, regulatory, and trade landscape of pressed by many cell types. The prion protein exists in two forms,
TSEs has proven to be quite a challenge because of the constantly normal (PrPc) and its pathological isoform (PrPres); the latter is ex-
tremely hardy, resists protease digestion and survives dry heat for
Author Hueston ([email protected]), a Diplomate of the American College 15 minutes at 600 C (Prusiner 1998; Brown and others 2000). The
of Veterinary Preventive Medicine, is Director of the Center for Animal Health differences between PrPc and PrPres lie in their tertiary (three-di-
and Food Safety, Univ. of Minnesota, 136 Andrew Boss Laboratory, 1354 Eckles
Ave., St. Paul, MN 55108. Author Bryant ([email protected]) is Research Sci- mensional) structure (Figure 2) that arises due to a shift from -helix
entist, Dept. of Science and Technology Projects, Institute of Food Technolo- (PrPc) to -pleated sheet (PrPres) (Soto and Castilla 2004).
gists, 1025 Connecticut Ave. N.W., Suite 503, Washington, DC 20036-5422. Send The origin of pathological prions is not fully understood, sparking
reprint requests to author Bryant.
debate among those who study this disease family. Some believe
2005 Institute of Food Technologists Vol. 70, Nr. 5, 2005JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE R77
Published on Web 6/29/2005
R: Concise Reviews in Food Science
Scientific Status Summary: TSEs . . .
that these infective prions originated in one species and then were species, the genetics of the host often determines predisposition to
passed to other animals, while others think they spontaneously this malformation (misfolding), with some genotypes being more
arose in each species independently (Brown 2001). or less susceptible. Researchers have determined that change
For an animal to acquire a TSE, PrPc must be a part of that ani- (polymorphism) in only 1 to 3 base-pairs of the gene that encodes
mals normal mammalian cells (Bueler and others 1993; Prusiner the normal prion protein can change resistance to prion disease for
1998). This protein is expressed most abundantly in the central sheep, elk, and humans (Cross and Burmester 2002). Genetic dif-
nervous system (CNS) tissue and brain. Known TSEs are associated ferences among these diseases are outlined in Table 2.
with a structural malformation of this protein that alters its function TSEs are inhibitedto varying degreesfrom spreading from
and results in cell damage. Microscopic spongiform lesions form in one species to another by what is referred to as the species barri-
defined regions of the brain, resulting in nervous system dysfunc- er (Bollinger and others 2004). Prion disease is initiated as abnor-
tion and eventual death (Brown and others 2000). Within the same mal prions (PrPres) interact with normal prions (PrPc) and precipi-
Table 1Comparison of clinical aspects of the TSE diseases. Information is accurate to the best of our knowledge
new results continue to present.
Scrapie CWD BSE vCJD
Date, place of recognition 1732, UK 1967, USA 1986, UK 1996, UK
Species Sheep/goats Deer/elk Ruminants/felines Humans
Transmission Lateral (direct) trans- Lateral (direct) trans- Ingestion of MBM Consumption of BSE
mission via contact mission or environ- derived from BSE- contaminated cattle materials
with placenta and fluids mental (indirect) infected cattle or iatrogenic
Contagious Contagious Non-contagious Non-contagious
Incubation time 2 to 5 y 1 to 3 y 4 to 5 y 10 to 15 y
Symptoms Slight behavior Slight behavior change Slight behavior change Depression, anxiety, personality
change (nervous, followed by repetitive (nervous, reluctant to change followed by pain
aggressive, solitary) behaviors, depression, enter doorways, kick in limbs, face, body (tingling,
followed by itching then decreased when milked), teeth numbness), then at 6 mo:
and/or hypersensitivity, appetite and weight grinding, frenzy, clumsy, slurred speech,
then motor loss, then increased locomotor ataxia, involuntary movements, and
abnormalities urination, slobbering, hyperaesthesia, memory loss
and stumbling excessive licking,
weight loss, low milk
Duration of illness 1 to 6 mo 2 to 3 mo 1 to 3 mo 12 to 18 mo
Minimum onset age 24 mo <12 mo 22 mo Adolescence
Methods of diagnosis IHCa, SAF-immunoblot IHC, SAF-immunoblot IHC, SAF-immunoblot of IHC, SAF-immunoblot of brain
of brain of brain, lymph brain (conclusive) (conclusive)
Live-animal test: nodes (neck), tonsils Rapid screening Other methods (inconclusive):
biopsy of 3rd eyelid methods (inconclusive)b: MRI: increased signal in the
Prionics WB thalmic region (90% of cases)
Prionics LIA EEG, spinal tap (14-3-3
BioRad TeSeE protein)c, tonsilar biopsy
Abbott/Enfer Test
IDEXX HerdChek
Organs accumulating CNS, spleen, lymph Brain, pituitary, spinal Brain, spinal cord, eyes, Brain, pituitary, spinal cord, eyes,
prion protein nodes, placenta, cord, eyes, tonsils, tonsils, trigeminal ganglia, tonsils, lymph nodes, spleen
intestine (large and lymph, spleen, dorsal root ganglion,
small), blood, pancreas, pancreas, peripheral distal ileum of the small
ovary, liver, muscle nerves intestine, 3rd eyelid
aIHC = immunohistochemistry done using antibody/antigen staining of postmortem biopsy tissue.
b BSE rapid methods are USDA/APHIS approved for use as screening tests in the expanded surveillance program.
cFrom National Prion Disease Pathology Surveillance Center, www.cjdsurveillance.com/.
Figure 1Animals affected by transmissible spongiform encephalopathies include cattle, sheep, goats, deer, and elk.
Photos courtesy of USDAs Agricultural Research Service.
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R: Concise Reviews in Food Science
Scientific Status Summary: TSEs . . .
Table 2Genetics and zoonotics of selected animal and human TSEs. Letters represent amino acidsa.
Sheep scrapie Deer and elk CWD Cattle BSE Human vCJD
Polymorphism 171 Q/R/K/Hb White-tail deer: 95 Q/H, 96 G/S, 138 S/Nc 5091, with 5 or 6 octapeptide 129 M/Vf
codon(s) and code Mule deer: 20 D/G, 225 S/Fd repeats in the regionf
Elk: 132 M/Le
Susceptibility High: QQ White-tail deer: More QGS, less Studies to date have shown All clinical cases of
Low: RRb QSS = greater susceptibilityc no genetic indication of vCJD to date have
Mule deer: DS = greater susceptibilityd susceptibility been MMg
Elk: MM = greater susceptibility e
Zoonotic? h No No Yes
Cell-free human PrP Intermediate (2 to Low (5 to 12 times weaker) Very low (>14 times weaker)
conversion rate i 4 times weaker)
aA = alanine, D = aspartate, G = glycine, H = histidine, K = lysine, L = leucine, M = methionine, N = asparagine, Q = glutamine, R = arginine, S = serine, V = valine.
Amino acid groups represent genotype combinations (each animal inherits a PrP gene from each parent).
b From APHIS (2003a). Note: Codons 136 and 154 are also indicators of susceptibility.
c From Johnson and others (2003).
d From Brayton and others (2004).
e From Cross and Burmester (2002).
f From Brown (2003).
g From Wadsworth and others (2004).
h Knowledge of TSEs is continuing to develop.
i From Raymond and others (2000). Note: Conversion rate based on inter-cervid conversion of prion proteinsit is a test of the molecular compatability
between PrP c and PrP res of different sequences.
tate a shape change in the protein itself, a process called conver- phenomenon and stick to one strain; however, atypical cases in
sion. The species barrier is a function of the prion strain itself and France and Italy have suggested that initial conclusions in this regard
degree of PrP sequence homology between donor infective prion may have been erroneous. A new form of TSE in cattle has been
and recipient prion. A greater species barrier for a given prion re- deemed bovine amyloidotic spongiform encephalopathy (BASE).
sults in greater resistance for a recipient species animal and a longer The molecular weight and distribution of the BASE protein within the
incubation time from exposure to the onset of disease. Once the brain differs from that of BSEinstead of granular, stringy deposits,
barrier has been crossed, incubation time decreases upon serial BASE causes globular accumulations of tangled protein in the brain
transmission (within species) due to increased PrP sequence ho- (that is, plaques). The discovery team found that BASE is similar in
mology (Prusiner 1998). In addition, as exposure dose increases, molecular structure to that of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
incubation time decreases, and vice versa. This is supported by (CJD), one of the human forms of TSE, suggesting that it may not
United Kingdom epidemiological data that shows an increase in the share the same origins as BSE (Casalone and others 2004).
age of the youngest case detected each year as the time since the The multi-strain phenomenon is considered by some to be a
implementation of feed regulations banning the practice of feed- weak point in the prion hypothesis because such differences would
ing mammalian meat-and-bone meal to cattle increases and the be expected to arise from mutations or polymorphisms in the genetic
theoretical exposure dose has likewise declined (DEFRA 2005). material of the infectious agent; but in the case of TSEs, prion protein
Each of the TSE diseases seems to be linked to multiple prion does not contain nucleic acids (Soto and Castilla 2004). Prusiner
strains, each slightly different from the next and each causing slightly (1998) attributed the ability of prions to exist as different strains to
different symptoms. Until recently, BSE was thought to defy this slight differences in their conformation or aggregation states.
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Scientific Status Summary: TSEs . . .
susceptibility. Sheep homozygous for alanine at codon 136 and argi- ers 2004). Regardless, the American Veterinary Medical Association
nine at codon 171 (AARR) are almost completely resistant to scrapie. (AVMA 2004) and many state agriculture departments recommend
This genetic knowledge is being used to design breeding programs that the following handling precautions be followed when dealing
to control its spread (APHIS 2003a). USDAs Animal and Plant Health with game meat:
Inspection Service (APHIS) has initiated a Scrapie Eradication Pro- Avoid harvesting deer or elk that appear sick.
gram in the U.S. that consists of the following elements: Wear rubber gloves while field dressing animals.
Identification of preclinical infected sheep through live-animal Remove all bone and fatty tissue from the meat of animals.
testing and active slaughter surveillance. Minimize handling of the brain, spinal cord, spleen, tonsils,
Effective tracking of infected animals to their flock/herd of or- lymph nodes, and eyes.
igin, made possible as a result of identification requirements. Avoid consuming tissue from any animal testing positive for
Provision of effective genetic-based flock cleanup. CWD.
APHIS provides the following to exposed and infected flocks/ Do not remove anything but pure meat (muscle) from areas
herds that participate in cleanup or monitoring programs: where CWD is known to exist.
Indemnity for high-risk, suspect, and scrapie-positive sheep On December 24, 2003, APHIS issued a proposed rule to initiate
and goats which owners agree to destroy. a CWD Eradication Program (APHIS 2003b) with a goal of eliminat-
Scrapie live-animal testing. ing CWD from captive deer and elk herds. The proposed program
Genetic testing. consisted of identification, testing of adults dying or moving to
Testing of exposed animals that have been sold out of infect- slaughter, and herd management and control of animal movement
ed and source flocks/herds (APHIS 2004a). into and out of herds. Once a herd has not been diagnosed with a
case of CWD for 5 y, it would be certified, indicating that it is low-
Chronic Wasting Disease risk for harboring the disease. The program has been undergoing
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R: Concise Reviews in Food Science
Scientific Status Summary: TSEs . . .
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Scientific Status Summary: TSEs . . .
Table 4Chronology of actions taken to protect animal and human health from BSE a.
Actions taken UK EU CA USA
Restricted ruminant protein from ruminant feed 1988
Banned export of UK cattle born before July 1988 feed ban 1989
Banned SBOs from human food 1989
Banned importation of live ruminants (and products) from UK 1990 1989
Banned SBOs from animal food and export of SBOs to EU 1990
Initiated active surveillance 1990
Banned export from UK of SBOs to non-EU 1991
Restricted mammalian MBM from ruminant feed 1994
Restricted mammalian protein from ruminant feed 1994
MRM of bovine vertebral column (and export of it) banned 1995
UK cattle and products (excluding milk) banned from export 1996
Condemned all cattle over 30 mo from any use (except hide leather) 1996
Restricted MBM from all animal feed/fertilizer 1996
Restricted most mammalian protein from ruminant feed 1997 1997
Prohibits import of live ruminants and most products from all Europe 1997
Destroyed all offspring of BSE cattle born on or after August 1, 1996 1999
Banned sheep and cattle SRM in EU 2000
Prohibited all rendered animal protein product imports 2000
Prohibited all rendered animal protein product imports, unless BSE-free 2000
Banned MRM from cattle, sheep and goats 2001
Restricted mammalian protein from all livestock feed 2001
Began immunologic brain exam of all slaughtered cattle >30 mo 2001
Began routine testing of AMR product for spinal cord tissue 2002
Banned downer cattle and SRMs (>30 mo) from human food supply 2004 2004
Initiated test and hold policy 2004
Banned MSM from human food 2004
Initiated expanded surveillance program 2004 2004
Banned SRMs and MSM from human food, cosmetics, and dietary supplements 2004
a SBO = specified bovine offal, MBM = meat and bone meal, SRM = specified risk material, MRM = mechanically recovered meat, AMR = advanced meat
recovery, MSM = mechanically separated meat.
mented by governments in Europe and North America are out- The Canadian Experience
lined in Table 4. A preliminary positive BSE diagnosis in Northern Alberta, Can-
A recent report by the European Association for Animal Production
ada, was reported on May 16, 2003. This case was confirmed posi-
(EAAP 2003) suggested that the UK epidemic has neared an end and
tive by the Canadian Food Inspection Agencys National Center for
will not recur. It also concluded that the EU is left with three main BSE
Foreign Animal Disease on May 18, 2003, and the UKs internation-
issues: (1) the remaining uncertainty as to BSEs origins, (2) the un-
al reference laboratory on May 20, 2003. The cow actually was
certain future of vCJD, and (3) what should be done with the 16 mil-
slaughtered on January 31, 2003, and was, at the time, unable to
lion tons of animal byproducts that are produced each year.
walk (that is, a non-ambulatory, recumbent downer). As a result
of a postmortem pneumo-
nia diagnosis, the carcass
was condemned and did not
enter the human food sup-
ply, although it was rendered
and likely ended up in non-
ruminant animal feed (CFIA
2003). A sample of brain tis-
sue was collected as part of
the Canadian BSE surveil-
lance program, but process-
ing of the sample at the labo-
ratory was delayed,
ironically, as a result of the
high numbers of CWD sur-
veillance samples being ex-
An epidemiological investi-
gation by CFIA revealed the
The animal was born in
Canada (95% confidence).
Figure 4Confirmed nr of BSE cases in Great Britain by year of birth where known. The animal was between 6
Data from DEFRA (2005). and 8 y old.
The 6 mo prior to the ani-
R82 JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCEVol. 70, Nr. 5, 2005 URLs and E-mail addresses are active links at www.ift.org
R: Concise Reviews in Food Science
Scientific Status Summary: TSEs . . .
mals death were spent as part of an 80-cow herd established The 2nd and 3rd BSE-positive cattle in Canada were confirmed on
in 200102 from 2 lines of cattle. January 2 and January 11, 2005, respectively. The first of these 2 cases
A total of 2700 cattle were destroyed as a result of the investiga- was identified in an animal that was born in 1996, before Canadas
tion, and the 2000 head of older cattle (>24 mo of age) were tested, implementation of mammalian-to-ruminant feed ban regulations.
with no additional cases of BSE detected (CFIA 2003). The age of However, the 2nd case was born within the year after the implemen-
the cow and information attained during the CFIA trace of this cow tation of the feed regulations. Both cases were investigated by Cana-
was consistent with the theory that it was infected through con- dian officials (CFIA 2005a, b). Because of the younger age of the 2nd
sumption of contaminated MBM sometime close to the August 1997 animal, the U.S. also sent a technical team to Canada to investigate
ban of this feeding practice. CFIA was unable to determine if the the circumstances of this case. The findings of that investigation
MBM was of Canadian or U.S. origin (approximately 50% of MBM were to be used in consideration of the most recent regulatory posi-
consumed in this region was imported from the U.S.). The rendered tion of the U.S. with regard to Canadian beef imports (USDA 2005).
remains of the infected cow were traced forward to pet food and All countries dealing with BSE have observed cases born shortly after
animal feed. Up to 1800 farms may have received infective mate- the implementation of MBM feeding bans, indicating the existence
rials. The CFIA inspections revealed excellent records of compli- of an adoption period during which the new regulations achieve high
ance with feed regulations, suggesting that the risk to ruminants levels of compliance. This last Canadian case should be considered
was minimized. CFIA went on to conduct 170 on-farm investiga- in light of such international experience.
tions and found that 99% encountered no exposure, further verify-
ing very low risk to the cattle or human populations due to this one The U.S. Experience
BSE positive cow (CFIA 2003). USDA announced on December 23, 2003 that a cow slaughtered
The CFIA took the following quick actions (CFIA 2003): on December 9, 2003, at a facility in Moses Lake, Wash., had tested
Required the removal of SRM from carcasses and prohibited positive for BSE. APHIS and USDAs Food Safety and Inspection
the export and use of SRM in food for human consumption. Service (FSIS) quickly mobilized to investigate this problem and
SRM was defined as the skull, brain, trigeminal ganglia (nerves protect animal and public health. The most recent herd from which
attached to the brain), eyes, spinal cord, and dorsal root gan- the cow originated in Mabton, Wash., was put under quarantine.
glia (nerves attached to the spinal cord) of cattle aged 30 mo or The following day, FSIS began a Class II meat recall of 10410 lb of
older (scientific research has shown that these tissues in cat- beef generated from 20 independent cows slaughtered along with
tle younger than 30 mo rarely contain the infective agent); and the BSE-positive cow (APHIS 2004c).
the tonsils and distal ileum (portion of the small intestine) of Immediately following the announcement of the BSE case in the
cattle of all ages; U.S., countries around the world quickly took action to ban beef
Prohibited the sale or import for sale of food products contain- imports from the U.S. For 2 trading days following the announce-
ing SRM under the Food and Drug Regulations from countries ment, live cattle futures prices dropped the maximum allowable
that are not BSE-free. (1.5/lb for a single trading day) and live cattle cash prices dropped
These actions were followed by improvements to the tracking to $75/cwt. In the months leading up to December 23, live cattle
and surveillance systems in January 2004 (CFIA 2004), including prices were $90 to 100/cwt (Petry 2004). By September 2004, the
the following: market had recovered fairly well, with prices averaging around $84/
Enhanced enforcement activities associated with the existing cwt (AMS 2004). The U.S. market has fared much better than neigh-
cattle identification system. boring Canada, which can be attributed to a lesser dependence on
An increase in BSE testing levels, with a target of at least 8000 exports (10% of the U.S. market) (ERS 2004).
animals tested in the first year (2004), rising to testing levels APHIS announced on December 27, 2003, that the cow in ques-
of 30000 or more animals per year in following years (Canada tion originated in Alberta, Canada, and was imported into the U.S.
actually tested nearly 24000 cattle in 2004, with a total slaugh- in August 2001. The age of the cow was 6 y. Based on this informa-
ter cattle population of approximately 3.25 million). tion, it was theorized and later confirmed that this cow was born
Accelerated development over the next 2 y of a more compre- before the mammalian-to-ruminant feed ban regulations of 1997
hensive cattle identification program that uses new technol- were implemented and thereby was likely infected via consump-
ogies and integrates approaches with trading partners and ex- tion of contaminated MBM (APHIS 2004c).
isting programs. Secretary of Agriculture Ann M. Veneman announced on Decem-
Upon release of the BSE finding in May 2003, the U.S., Mexico, and ber 30, 2003, the following actions:
many other countries around the world imposed a ban on the import A ban on non-ambulatory disabled (downer) cattle from the
of Canadian beef. Cattle prices dropped from $107 CND per hun- human food chain.
dredweight to around $30 CND within an 8-wk period. The trade em- A test-and-hold policy that mandates that meat from cattle
bargo resulted in huge financial losses for Canada because Canada that are tested for BSE must be held until test results are ob-
exports 50% of its beef, with 70 to 80% of exports destined for the U.S. tained.
(Francl 2003). As a result of the trade ban, U.S. imports of Canadian Removal of SRMs from the human food supply.
beef dropped from a high of about 1.1 billion lb in 2002 to 700 million Strengthening of advanced meat recovery (AMR) rules by ban-
lb in 2003 due to the trade ban implemented after the BSE case in ning spinal cord and dorsal root ganglia.
May of that year. APHIS examined Canadas risk-mitigation strategies A ban on the use of mechanically separated beef from the hu-
(for example, removal of SRMs and dedication of facilities) and cate- man food chain.
gorized select beef, veal, sheep, and goat products as low risk. In A ban on air-injection stunning.
turn, trade restrictions were eased 4in August 2003 to allow import of These rules were issued as interim final rules (except the test-
trim and boneless beef cuts that originate from cattle less than 30 mo and-hold policy, which was issued as a notice) on January 12, 2004
of age (ERS 2004). Further import permits have followed, including (APHIS 2004c).
those for ground beef, hot dogs, and various other processed meats, Also on December 30, 2003, the Secretary of Agriculture an-
and the trade situation continues to evolve (APHIS 2004b). nounced formation of an International Subcommittee of BSE ex-
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perts to conduct a review of the USDA response. Team members Non-ambulatory cattle.
included Prof. U. Kihm and Dr. D. Heim of Switzerland, Prof. W. Cattle with signs of central nervous system disorder.
Hueston of the U.S., Dr. D. Matthews of the UK, and Prof. S.C. Mac- Cattle exhibiting other signs of BSE, such as wasting or injury.
Diarmid of New Zealand. The committee met for three days in Jan- Dead cattle.
uary and released a report on February 4, 2004. One recommenda- According to APHIS calculations, sampling 201000 animals would
tion of the team was to greatly expand the surveillance program to allow detection of BSE at the rate of 1 positive animal in 10 million
include cattle over 30 mo of age from the high-risk population (de- adult cattle with 95% confidence, assuming that all of the positives
fined below), as well as to include a subset from the over 30-mo- were in the targeted high-risk population. If 268500 animals were
and-healthy group (Kihm and others 2004). sampled, the confidence level would rise to 99% (approximately 32
In 2004, regulators pushed forward to ensure the safety of beef million cattle were slaughtered in the U.S. in 2004) (APHIS 2004d).
in America, with APHIS initiating a greatly expanded surveillance The Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) issued a comment to USDA,
plan and FDA publishing enhanced efforts to keep BSE out of the encouraging full implementation of the expanded plan, suggesting
human food chain. that APHIS include economic incentives to ensure producer compli-
The expanded surveillance plan was announced by APHIS on ance, and calling for increased funding of BSE research.
March 15, 2004 (APHIS 2004d). A comparison of this and other sur- Since June 1, 2004 three animals have given mixed or inconclu-
veillance programs is provided in Table 5. It was described as a one- sive test results (2 in June and 1 in November, 2004), meaning that
time effort to obtain a snapshot of the BSE situation in the U.S. the sample came back positive for BSE by the rapid-screening assay.
and was initiated on June 1, 2004 with the goal of testing as many After further testing (IHC) all 3 were found to be negative for BSE.
cattle from the target high-risk population as possible within a 12- Recently, at the reguest of the Inspector General (who is directing a
to 18-mo period. During the period of expanded surveillance, from review of BSE-related activities), these inconclusive samples were
June 1, 2004 to June 2005, APHIS has sampled over 375000 cattle retested using a second confirmatory method (SAF-immunoblot) with
from the high-risk population. High-risk animals include cattle over 1 yielding a BSE-positive result. This sample was then sent for further
30 mo of age that fall into the following categories: testing and on June 24, 2005 it was confirmed positive for BSE. As a
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result, USDA has revised its protocol to include dual testing (IHC and lance. Japan has tested more than 3 million cattle and had 16 cases
SAF-immunoblot) of all future inconclusive test results. It is impor- (OIE 2005), 2 of which were only 21 and 23 mo old (ProMed-mail
tant to note that the animal in question was a downer and, there- 2003). Positive diagnoses of cattle younger than 30 mo have oc-
fore; due to the safeguards put in place by USDA and FDA following curred rarely and are generally thought to be due to exposure to an
the December 2003 case of U.S. BSE, it did not enter the human unusually large dose of infective prions (FSIS 2004). However, one
food chain nor the ruminant-to-ruminant feed supply. of these cases has been labeled atypical, and both remain ques-
An interim final rule published by FDA and FSIS on July 14, 2004 tionable because they tested negative for BSE using the gold-stan-
(FDA 2004a) announced the ban of SRM, small intestine of all cattle, dard immunohistochemistry (IHC) test (ProMed-mail 2003; Ja-
material from non-ambulatory disabled cattle, material from cattle pan-U.S. BSE Working Group 2004).
not inspected and passed for human consumption, and mechanical- Japan was the largest importer of American beef, accounting for
ly separated beef, from human food, including dietary supplements nearly $1.2 billion of total beef exports of nearly $3.3 billion in 2003
and cosmetics. This ban did not include tallow (containing no more (ERS 2004). Accordingly, the biggest blow to the American cattle
than 0.15% hexane-insoluble impurities) and tallow derivatives. FDA industry after the December 2003 BSE case in Washington State
also published an advanced notice of proposed rulemaking that came when Japan closed its doors to those imports. Talks between
would require companies producing human food and cosmetics that APHIS and Japanese Food Safety Commission officials ensued, and
are manufactured with, processed with, or otherwise contain material a final report was issued on July 22, 2004 (Japan-U.S. BSE Working
from cattle to keep records to prove that they did not use prohibited Group 2004). The Japanese initially insisted that the U.S. test all
cattle materials (FDA 2004b). cattle to reestablish trade, but the U.S. argued that testing cattle less
Following an extensive risk assessment, USDA on December 29, than 30 months has no scientific basis because BSE cannot be reli-
2004, created a minimal risk region status as a designation that ably detected early in the incubation period. Discussions may re-
establishes conditions under which a country may be allowed to ex- sult in a change to Japanese policy that could open the door to U.S.
port live cattle under 30 mo of age (and certain other commodities) imports because 80% of U.S. slaughter cattle are 20 mo of age or
to the U.S. Canada was the first and only country initially placed on younger (ERS 2004; Japan-U.S. BSE Working Group 2004).
that list. This regulatory action was published on January 4, 2005, A joint press statement was released by the governments of Ja-
and was to take effect on March 7, 2005 (APHIS 2005). Even though pan and the U.S. on October 23, 2004, stating that two-way trade
APHIS undertook a thorough investigation of the science to sup- could resume upon completion of regulatory processes currently
port this action (APHIS 2004e), it has met substantial resistance. underway in both countries (modification of testing procedures in
The first was a preliminary injunction filed by the Ranchers Cattle- Japan and implementation of import procedures by the U.S.) and
men Action Legal Fund (R-CALF) to the U.S. District Court of Mon- development of a marketing program specifically for Japan (USDA
tana (Edwards and others 2005). The second was delivered in the 2004). This program, the Beef Export Verification Program, will re-
form of a vote by the U.S. Senate to disapprove the regulation. As a sult in certification by USDAs Agricultural Marketing Service that
result of this resistance, the effective date for this regulation has U.S. beef and beef product exports meet requirements as present-
been suspended indefinitely. ed in the agreement. The Honorable Mike Johanns was sworn in as
the 28th Secretary of Agriculture on January 21, 2005, and openly ac-
Public Reaction to BSE knowledged that restoration of beef trade with Japan was the first
Data from both Canada and the U.S. indicate that public confi- priority on his agenda.
dence in the safety of the beef supply did not waiver significantly
as a result of the revelation of BSE-positive cattle in North America. Human TSEs
Data from CanFax, a Canadian market analysis organization,
suggested that, despite discovery of a case of BSE in Canada in May
2003, per-capita meat consumption within Canada increased
T he human variety of TSE exists in several different forms, in-
cluding Kuru (transmitted via ritualistic cannibalism); GSS dis-
ease (genetic mutation); classic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD);
slightly from 49.0 lb in 2002 to 51.5 lb in 2003 (CanFax 2004). and variant CJD (vCJD).
The National Cattlemens Beef Associations beef demand index Classic CJD has three forms: (1) sporadic, (2) familial, and (3) ac-
in the U.S. increased 10.4% from first-quarter 2003 to first-quarter quired (through transplantation of infected tissues or use of contam-
2004 (NCBA 2004). This index accounts for per-capita consumption inated surgical equipment for a medical procedurealso referred to
and consumer spending on beef . The Cattlemens Beef Board of as iatrogenic). Sporadic CJD is also known as somatic or spontaneous
NCBA sponsored a consumer survey that measured consumer con- CJD because it is thought to arise through either somatic mutation or
fidence at 90% in January 2004 (CBB 2004). These strong indicators spontaneous conversion. It occurs in 1 in 1 million people, accounts
suggest that consumer confidence in the safety of the American for 90% of all CJD cases, and is not known to be contagious. Familial
beef supply remains high. or hereditary CJD is associated with a genetic mutation and accounts
for 5 to 10% of cases, while iatrogenic is unintentional, accounting for
The Japanese Response less than 5% of all cases (Prusiner 1998; WHO 2002).
The first confirmed case of BSE in Japan was diagnosed in Sep- vCJD was first diagnosed in 1995 in the UK. From May to October
tember 2001. Subsequently, the country instituted a mandatory of that year, 3 people who were much younger than most classic CJD
ban on the use of ruminant MBM as animal feed in October 2001 victims (ages 16, 19, and 29 y) displayed unusual neuropathology.
(Japan-U.S. BSE Working Group 2004). Japanese per capita beef Autopsy demonstrated unusual accumulation of PrP, called amyloid
consumption dropped 42% in the month following the announce- plaquesan abnormality that occurs in only 5 to 10% of classic CJD
ment of the first indigenous Japanese case (Japan 2003), demon- cases. Also, psychiatric symptoms were more common to the initial
strating the disparity in consumer confidence compared to the U.S. presenting signs that occur with classic CJD. They displayed prom-
Japan began testing all slaughter cattle for BSE on October 18, inent ataxia, absence of periodic electroencephalographic activity,
2001; however, it did not implement testing of cattle from the afore- and a comparatively prolonged illness (Brown and others 2001; WHO
mentioned high-risk group until April 2004, marking a significant 2002). Epidemiological data strongly suggest that vCJD was transmit-
difference in the American and Japanese approaches to surveil- ted to humans via consumption of BSE-contaminated meat prod-
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R: Concise Reviews in Food Science
Scientific Status Summary: TSEs . . .
ucts. Such contamination may have resulted from infected tissues Since the first official case of mad cow disease was diagnosed
(SRM) being mixed with muscle meat through mechanical deboning in the late 1980s, animal and public health officials have struggled
systems. Importantly, muscle tissue itself has not been shown to to define, detect, prevent, quantify, and control this disease. Rec-
carry infectivity (Brown 2001, 2003). As of February 2005, there have ognition that an animal health and food safety issue can have cat-
been 155 probable confirmed cases, resulting in 150 deaths due to astrophic global impact while resulting in very limited human ill-
vCJD in the UK (CJD Surveillance Unit 2005), 7 cases in France ness and death has provided a hurdle to effective risk assessment,
(ProMed-mail 2004), and 1 case each in Canada, Ireland, Italy, the management, and communication. Meanwhile, governments have
U.S., Japan, and, most recently, the Netherlands. A caveat to the had to act on the basis of a rapidly evolving scientific understanding
Canadian, Irish, and U.S. (and likely the Japanese) cases is that all derived from epidemiological studies and laboratory research.
were diagnosed in people who had resided in the UK and were likely Today, the U.S., Canada, and many other countries have man-
infected during that time (CDC 2004). dated removal of SRM from the food supply and restricted produc-
Susceptibility to vCJD is characterized by a polymorphism at tion practices that may lead to cross-contamination. They eliminat-
codon 129 of the human genome, which codes for valine or methion- ed use of recycled mammalian materials from ruminant feed 6 y
ine. Homozygosity for valine appears to decrease the risk of infection prior to the first appearance of BSE in indigenous North American
as homozygosity for methionine is common to all clinical cases of cattle and have put into place extensive surveillance programs. To
vCJD genotyped (Ironside and others 2002). Infectivity of vCJD has date, these measures appear to have successfully protected public
been found once in tissues of an MV heterozygote vCJD transfusion health and upheld consumer confidence in the regulatory system.
recipient who died of unrelated causes (Llewelyn and others 2004). Nevertheless, science continues to evolve, and international trade
remains significantly disrupted.
Live Animal Testing As pointed out in this report, developments in effective risk
P rions present one of todays great scientific enigmas and one Dis 10:977-84.
Bollinger T, Caley P, Merrill E, Messier F, Miller MW, Samuel MD, Vanopdenbosch
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Center. http://wildlife1.usask.ca/ccwhc2003/Publications/CWD%20Expert%20
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ber of TSEs have been discovered, each with differing symptoms, Brayton KA, ORourke KI, Lyda AK, Miller MW, Knowles DP. 2004. A processed
pseudogene contributes to apparent mule deer prion gene heterogeneity. Gene.
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kob disease. Brit Med J 322:841-4.
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New TSE research appears in the scientific literature or popular ease. ILSI Europe, Brussels. http://europe.ilsi.org/file/TSE.pdf.
press almost weekly. TSEs are an active research area, with multiple Brown P, Rau EH, Johnson BK, Bacote AE, Gibbs CJ, Gajdusek DC. 2000. New
studies on the heat resistance of hamster-adapted scrapie agent: Threshold
in-vivo and in-vitro approaches, using a wide array of both wild- survival after ashing at 600 C suggests an inorganic template of replication.
type and transgenic experiment animals. Given that the expression Proc Natl Acad Sci 97:3418-21.
Brown P, Will RG, Bradley R, Asher DM, Detwiler L. 2001. Bovine spongiform
of TSE is very dependent on the specific infectious agent/host in- encephalopathy and variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: Background, evolu-
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CWD in deer are not necessarily always equivalent to BSE in cattle. 1993. Mice devoid of PrP are resistant to scrapie. Cell 73:1339-47.
R86 JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCEVol. 70, Nr. 5, 2005 URLs and E-mail addresses are active links at www.ift.org
R: Concise Reviews in Food Science
Scientific Status Summary: TSEs . . .
CanFax, 2004. Statistical briefer. www.canfax.ca/general/StatBrf.PDF. Llewelyn CA, Hewitt PE, Knight RS, Amar K, Cousens S, Mackenzie J, Will RG.
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Japan-U.S. BSE Working Group. 2004. Final report, July 22. www.mofa.go.jp/re-
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Jeffrey M, Gonzalez L. 2004. Pathology and pathogenesis of bovine spongiform The Science Reports and Emerging Issues Committee of IFT oversees
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Kihm U, Hueston W, Matthews D, MacDiarmid SC, Heim D. 2004. Report on mea- The Scientific Status Summaries may be reprinted without permission,
sures relating to bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in the United States. provided that suitable credit is given.
USDA/APHIS. www.aphis.usda.gov/lpa/issues/bse/US_BSE_Report.pdf.
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