Transmission Line Design For IOE Students
Transmission Line Design For IOE Students
Transmission Line Design For IOE Students
Transmission Line
80mw 100km
P, Power to #e transmitte2,80mw
Taking 167 k" as a re'ire2 "o!tage as it is more near to the o#taine2
eonomia! "o!tage 5o stan2ar2 "o!tage !e"e! o% transmission !ine , 167 k"
e ha"e
M'!ti&!$ing @ator*m%+,7.>7-
5ine P!imit P
@5,@ator O% 5a%et$,1.7
Maim'm 5$stem )o!tage %or 167 k", 1=- k" *10F a#o"e the s$stem
Tem&orar$ o;"*)+,G7/k/)LL I "aires %rom 1 to 0.> a"g,0.8
Comå this "a!'e o% 'rrent with the 'rrent arr$ing a&ait$ %rom the
gi"en stan2ar2 A5C on2'tor ta#!e on2'tor LEOPAD is o% right hoie.
@'rther we ha"e to Bn2 the eien$ o% !ine an2 it sho'!2 #e 4=F
,Po't;*Po'tP!oss+ 4=F
here T, maim'm a!!owa#!e tem&erat're
Take T, >- 2egree entigra2e
entigra 2e
Ta#!e 6(
Name O% Tota!
Tota! Eien$*
5N Con2'tor 70 >- *ohm+ P!oss*watt+ F+
0.714 0.7-8K 4460708.1 88.4-K8K
1 Leo&ar2 6 K= 7-.8KK= >1 7-4
0.771 0.7>17 1007-744. 88.8>640
7 Co$ote = -7 7>.17-7 0K 41K
0.777 0.7>70 100->44>. 88.867>6
6 Tiger 1 K8 7>.70K8 0= 716
0.18= 0.71K- 86=488K.K 40.-=40>
= o!% = 47 71.K-47 -> 80K
0.1-8 0.18K- K14-717.6 41.K=81-
- L$n 4 07 18.K-07 84 >-4
0.16K 0.1>77 >77>140.K 47.KK476
> Panther - - 1>.77- 08 =8K
0.177 0.1==6 --6K416.> 46.-7-KK
K Lion 6 1= 1=.=61= 7> 846
0.110 0.1600 =440008.8 4=.178K1
8 Qear 7 6> 16.006> == 176
0.084 0.10>0 =0K06=6.8 4-.1-8=0
4 Roat 84 K 10.>0K07 K= K01
)i , 71.1/RM/!n*RMD;RM+/m/δ
Where , m=roughness factor= 0.9 for ASCR conductor
Δ=relative density of air=0.9
!f "#R is in cm $ci =%%..&'v( )er )hase
!f $ci*$s&)er )hase( design is safe from corona effect.
$ci= +.-.+&cm(-0.9-0.9-ln&/.+10.0+(
$s&)hase(= 2+132 =/.+ 'v
6. Voltage
Voltage regulation criterion
,0.88 '%
Q, <*1Y<;=+, =7.8>SK7.66
C, Y*1Y<;=+,6.1=/e=S40
,1=8.-K k"
)o!tage eg'!ation *)+, *V)sV;A V)rV +;V)r
, 11.4= F
)o!tage reg'!ation S 17F so this on2'tor /E-) an #e 'se2.
5our different conductors 7elo8 conductor 7ear in ASCR conductor ta7le is chosen. 4ence
tension calculation 8ill 7e done for conductor 6ear, "oat, :eer and Shee); 8ith s)an length
+0m, +m, 200m, 2+m and 20m. <ension for <oughest, Stringing and asiest condition are
calculated and ta7ulated 7elo8. Sam)le is also sho8n..
<ension at the toughest condition &<(= &ultimate tensile strength(1&factor of safety(=/ 'g
Weight of conductor&Wc(=+9 'g1'm
Wind ressure = 00 'g1m?
Weight due to the 8ind force&W8(=s)an length-&+12(-diameter of conductor-air )ressure
=00-000-+2.D 7>e6/7;6
,1->6.66 kg
Weight of ice &8ice( = 0
√ ( wc + wice ) 2 + ww 2
Similarly , <2 is calculated 7y the similar )rocedure as a7ove. 5or the calculation of <2 the value
of F and F+ fro +0m s)an is given 7y>
Hsing stringing eEuation 8e get,
<2= +99.2, B.//IJ2.9
4ence, <2= +99.2 Fg
!n the similar
similar manne
r, the
the values
values of tensions
tensions for
for different
different conduc
tor and s)an length
length is
ta7ulated 7elo8G
<a7le DG Conductor 8eight and tension
Con2'to Diameter*
5N r m+ w ie 1 7 T1
1->6.666 1487.=
1 Qear 1714 0.076=- 666 0 1> 1714 ->--
1K61.666 778-.-
7 Roat 1=47 0.07-4K 666 0 1- 1=47 >840
6 5hee& 1K7> 0.07K46 18>7 0 71 1K7> 4=--
= I'n2ah 1787 0.07>87 1K88 0 0> 1787 =-01
- Deer 14KK 0.07484 >>K 0 780K 14KK 411-
=8K7.0 187=408K 187=408K
7 Roat 7-0 K 1>K -=K4.8 76>0.== 1>K 6>4>.7
=>87.K 7708164- -=61.7 7708164- 6K=-.7
7K- 7 =K7 K 71K1.04 =K7 K
==K-.6 7>7K8>8- -687.= 7>7K8>8- 6K41.>
600 = -70 7 14>6.K1 -70 1
=7=4.4 608=04-K -666.4 608=04-K 686-.1
67- 6 617 6 1K68.6 617 -
=00>.= 6-K>8710 -78>.6 6-K>8710 68K-.4
6-0 4 8=K 4 1=4=.8> 8=K 7
K=K-.8 7861>0K0 K47>.- 7861>0K0 -=44.8
6 5hee& 7-0 K 867 = =->6.K8 867 8
K667.0 6=7>7==- K886.6 6=7>7==- --6K.6
7K- = K0K - ==14.4> K0K >
K1K=.- =0KK-1=1 =0KK-1=1 --K=.-
600 7 448 K868.7 =7>7.== 448 >
=K8-=1-4 KK41.- =K8-=1-4 ->11.1
67- K006.6 K0> > =041.77 K0> 6
>818.6 --=44=48 KK=6.8 --=44=48 ->=>.8
6-0 8 861 K 640>.6 861 7
I'n2ha 61-=.> 11K=-768 6414.7 11K=-768 7=->.7
= h 7-0 - 87> 8 -04.-08 87> K
1=711K68 =00=.8 1=711K68
7K- 6118.8 4K4 K =K6.>-= 4K4 7-47.1
60K4.- 1>4161=6 =040.6 1>4161=6 7K14.4
600 6 404 4 =6=.68> 404 4
606>.8 148=4=-6 148=4=-6 781=.7
67- - >1- =1K-.= 641.K06 >1- >
7440.K 76070>>8 =7-4.- 76070>>8 74>0.0
6-0 - 048 = 6=-.>0> 048 =
>>0>.K =7=646-K K68=.4 =7=646-K =48>.K
- Deer 7-0 - -14 7 6780.04 -14 1
-16-1>77 K6=7.8 -16-1>77
7K- >640.- -48 4 60>6.8- -48 -0>-.6
>1-6.> >1117>K= K600.6 >1117>K= -1=0.0
600 > 87K = 787K.01 87K 4
-84>.7 K1K77-1= K7-K.8 K1K77-1= -710.4
67- 6 70K 1 7->4.-K 70K 7
861811=0 K71-.K 861811=0 -7KK.K
6-0 ->18.7 K6K K 7741.-= K6K 8
<a7le /G
.6ending moment acting on to8er due to )o8er conductor considering 8ind force
6#)8 = 58c-&4L4+L42(
+. 6ending moment due to turning of the )o8er conductor
6m)t=+< sin&N1+( -&4L4+L42(
-&4L4+L4 2( Oneed to calculate N for +, , 20 degreeP
:ue to earth 8ire>
5or conductor cost calculation
@et, cost of steel= Rs 0 )er 'g
Cost of Al = 200 )er 'g
:e). 5actor= 0.
@ife time= + years
Sam)le calculation,
5or 6earG
s)an length=2+m, Al 8eight )er 'm= 2D 'g, Steel 8eight )er 'm= D'g
= Rs +//9+/.+
L@ 0. -
LL@ 0.6
ate, 4 s;'n
it ea' )o8er loss )er 'm= D9.9'81'm
Cost of energy loss= l-@@5-time-rate )er '8h
= Rs ,0,+2D.
So, 8e can easily see from a7ove ta7le that 6AR conductor
conductor 8ith a s)an 2+m
8ill 7e the most economical conductor for the transmission line as the sum of cost of to8er,
conductor cost and energy loss cost is minimum for 6AR conductor.
POWER (P) 80m
LE!"T# (L) 100 $m
!UM%ER O& 'R'UTS (!c) 1
A'SR 'on*c+o, %EAR S-nl/ c$+
%PARAMETER =7.8>SK7.66
'PARAMETER 6.1=/e=S40
L!E !U'TA!'E (L) 0.13 #
L!E 'APA'TA!'E (') 0.88 *
L!E MPEA!'E () 42.862.33
L!E SUS'EPTA!'E() 6.1=/e=S40
E&&'E!' 74.12
VOLTA"E 2+.90'v &hase(
SPA! LE!"T# 325M
T1 56559"
T2 4427.49"
T3 2788.219"
# 3.18M
#1 10.50M
#2 12.37M
#3 14.28M