1st Order Polarizability-1
1st Order Polarizability-1
1st Order Polarizability-1
p = αE, (1)
where α is the polarizability tensor. Being a tensor, it allows for the fact that
the induced dipole moment is not necessarily in the direction of the applied
field. For simplicity, we treat the polarizability as a scalar so that the induced
dipole moment and electric field are parallel and choose the coordinate system
so that the z-axis is along the field. This reduces the problem to one dimension.
All models of the polarizability begin by calculating the dipole moment as
a function of the electric field. The resultant model function for the dipole mo-
ment, p(E), is expanded in a power series of the electric field, and the coefficient
of the linear term is the polarizability.
Here, we are interested in modeling the polarizability using time dependent
perturbation theory, where the electric coupling between the applied field and
the electrons is weak compared with the binding energy of the electrons in the
molecule. The time-dependent perturbation potential is of the form
V (t) = −p · E,
= −pE0 cos ωt, (2)
eiωt + e−iωt
cos(ωt) = , (3)
The full Hamiltonian is H = H0 + V (t), where H0 is Hamiltonian of the
system in the absence of perturbation with
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ωnl = ωn − ωl (8)
n = δng (9)
Z t
−i 0
n (t) = eiΩng t Vng (t0 )dt0
~ −∞
µ ¶
qE0 ei(Ωng +ω)t ei(Ωng −ω)t
= xng + , (10)
2 Ωng + ω Ωng − ω
where xnm ≡ hn| x |mi. Note that Equation (10) assumes that the perturbation
is turned on at a time far in the past so that cn (t → −∞) → 0.
The dipole moment, p = qx, is given by the expectation of the dipole oper-
ator using the perturbed state
hu| p |ui
hpi (t) = = q hu| x |ui , (11)
where we keep only terms that are first order in the applied field. As such,
hu|ui = 1.
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Noting that cos(ωt−φ) = cos ωt cos φ+sin ωt sin φ, the phase of the polarizability
is given by µ ¶
−1 απ/2
φ = tan . (21)
If only the excited state n contributes, as is approximately the case when the
photon energy is in resonance with the nth state, the phase is given by,
µ ¶ Ã !
−1 απ/2 −1 2ωΓng
φ = tan = tan Γ2
. (22)
α0 ω 2 − ω 2 + ng
ng 2
were c.c. represents the complex conjugate of the previous term. Using orthog-
onality of exp (−iωt) and exp (+iωt), and the definition given in Equation (1),
we get the complex polarizability
µ ¶
q2 X 2 1 1
α(−ω; ω) = |xgn | ∗ +ω
+ . (24)
~ n ωng ωng − ω
The real an imaginary parts of the polarizability, α(−ω; ω), given by Equation
(24) are just α0 and απ/2 , respectively.
One additional comment needs to be made about the damping factor in
Equation (14). The astute reader may notice that the introduction of complex
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[1] R. W. Boyd, Nonlinear Optics Academic, Press, New York (1992).
[2] B. J. Orr and J. F. Ward, Mol. Phys. 20, 513, (1971).