HW 1
HW 1
HW 1
Assignment 1
Due Date: 1395/12/10
1. Let x(t) and y(t) denote two bandpass signals, and let xl (t) and yl (t) denote their low-pass equiv-
alents with respect to some frequency f0 .
2. Suppose that s(t) is either a real- or complex-valued signal that is represented as a linear combi-
nation of orthonormal functions {fn (t)}, i.e.,
s(t) = sk fk (t)
where (
Z +
1 m=n
fn (t)fm (t)dt =
0 m 6= n
Determine the expressions for the coefficients {sk } in the expansion s(t) that minimize E:
Z +
E= |s(t) s(t)|2 dt
and calculate corresponding residual error E. (Here is a hint: look for the orthogonality principle.)
3. Carry out the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization of the signals in the figure below in the order s4 (t),
s3 (t), s1 (t), and thus obtain a set of orthonormal functions {fm (t)}. Then determine the vector
representation of the signals {sn (t)} by using the orthonormal functions{fm (t)}. Also determine
the signal energies.
(a) The nearest-neighbor signal points in the 8-QAM signal constellation are separated in distance
by A units. Determine the radii a and b of the inner and outer circles, respectively in terms of
A. The adjacent signal points in the 8-PSK are separated by a distance of A units. Determine
the radius r of the circle.
(b) The adjacent signal points in the 8-PSK are separated by a distance of A units. Determine the
radius r of the circle.
(c) Determine the average transmitter powers for the two signal constellations, and compare the
two powers. What is the relative power advantage of one constellation over the other? (Assume
that all signal points are equally probable.)
(d) Is it possible to assign 3 data bits to each point of the signal constellation such that the nearest
(adjacent) points differ in only 1 bit position?
(e) Determine the symbol rate if the desired bit rate is 120 Mbits/s.
5. Let m(t) be a real band-limited signal (|f | W ). We define si (t) for i = 1, 2, 3, 4 as:
where f0 W .
6. Specify a Gray code for the 16-QAM signal constellation shown in the figure below:
7. Let m(t) be a real band-limited signal (|f | W ). Assuming fc W, determine the low-pass
equivalent of signal
x(t) = m(t)cos(2fc t) m(t)sin(2fc t)
with respect to frequency f = fc + W/2 and its inphase and quadrature components.
Note that m(t) = t ? m(t) is the Hilbert transform of the signal m(t), which is obtained by
introducing a phase shift of /2 at positive frequency components of m(t) and /2 at negative
frequencies. Mathematically speaking, in the frequency domain we have:
P (X x) evx E evX
E XeuX xE euX = 0
Use this bound to show that Q(x) ex /2