Flyer How Angel Tree Works

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How Angel Tree Works

Expressing the love of Christ to children and families of prisoners

Angel Tree® is a wonderful way to express Christ’s love. It helps open hearts receive the most important
gift, salvation and forgiveness of sins through Jesus Christ. Angel Tree is a great vehicle to introduce
families to your church and enfold them into the body of Christ through continued ministry. We honor
requests to match the same children with your church each year, so long as those children remain
eligible for Angel Tree.
Angel Tree Staff
Over the summer, the Angel Tree specialists at Prison Fellowship® provide application forms to prison
chaplains. The chaplains and/or PF volunteers pass these out to prisoners who have children. Some
restrictions apply: The children must be 17 or younger; they must be children or stepchildren of the prisoner;
and there must be no court order barring the prisoner from contacting his/her children.
The chaplains ship the completed applications to Prison Fellowship’s processing center, to be entered into
our database. Angel Tree staff members assign children to churches that have registered to participate in
Angel Tree. Efforts are made to match children with a church in their own neighborhood, making every
attempt to assign children to the locations requested by each church.
Churches, Coordinators, and Volunteers
Every church that registers to participate in Angel Tree has a designated Church Coordinator who is the lead
contact person directing his/her team of volunteers. The Angel Tree Church Resource Kits are sent to the
coordinators as a guide for organizing and engaging their churches in this outreach ministry to prisoners’
children and their families. In October, the Church Coordinators receive their assigned child listings with
caregiver information from Angel Tree. Each child receives two gifts that cost $15-$25 each. One is a fun gift
(toy), and the other is an article of clothing. The prisoner makes one suggestion regarding a toy gift for each
child, and this information is listed on the application. The coordinator and team will telephone or write to
each child’s caregiver to confirm the prisoner‘s gift suggestions or determine another appropriate gift,
determine clothing size, and confirm the address.
The church team then transfers the information about each child’s gift wishes—writing them on two large,
colorful tags. The tags are placed on a Christmas tree in the foyer or hallway of a participating church. Church
members select tags from the tree and purchase and wrap the gifts.
Shortly before Christmas, the gifts are either delivered to each child’s home or distributed during an Angel
Tree party or open house at the church. Individuals who purchase the gifts or church volunteers present the
Gospel to each child at time of delivery. Age-appropriate Gospel materials are available for purchase through
Prison Fellowship, and special materials on how to tell the Christmas story to an Angel Tree child are
provided. The gifts are given in the name of the absent parent and Jesus. Note: Prisoners’ applications include
a personal Christmas greeting they have written to their children. Coordinators transcribe this onto the Angel
gift tags.
Whether your church is large or small, Angel Tree can bring a great blessing
to you and to the prisoners’ families to whom you minister.
Angel Tree® is a registered trademark
For more information call 1.800.55.ANGEL or visit of Prison Fellowship Ministries.

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