Bulletin Supplement December 18 2016

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2nd Annual AUMC KidsFest!

We cant wait to host our 2nd Annual AUMC KidsFest this Spring! Last
year, this great event included a bouncy house, food, music, facepainting, crafts, and more! Stay tuned for the 2017 date! To volunteer,
please contact Rachel Miller at [email protected]

2017 Offering Envelopes

Offering envelopes for 2017 will be available soon. When they are
ready, there will be a table in the Narthex with each box clearly labeled.
An announcement will be made as soon as the envelopes are ready for
pick up.

Vacation Bible School 2017!

Please plan on joining us in early summer 2017 for
Maker Fun Factory Vacation Bible School at Aldersgate
UMC! Together we'll spend a week experiencing a
world where curious kids become hands-on inventors
who discover they're lovingly crafted by God. Dates
will be scheduled soon.

Holiday Office Hours

The Church Offices will be closed December 23 through January 2.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Bible Study Coming in January

Exodus: In Both the Old and New Testaments

Be looking for information in the near future!

December 18, 2016

Christmas Worship
at Aldersgate
Invite a friend and join us as we
celebrate the birth of our Savior

Christmas Eve Candlelight and Communion Services

Saturday, December 24 at 5:00, 7:30, and 11:00 pm
Christmas Day Combined Worship
Sunday, December 25 at 11:00 am

2017 Flower Calendar

Please consider donating a flower arrangement to our church this year. The
arrangements not only beautify the Sanctuary during worship but they can
hold special meaning for those who have provided them. The 2017 Flower
Calendar (only one this year) is posted in the Reed Room. The bouquets are
created and delivered by New Leaf Florist at the cost of $40 each. Payment
can be made in advance by sending a check to the church office or by putting
it in an envelope and placing it in the offering plate on the Sunday that your
flowers are scheduled to appear. You may take your flower arrangement
home after the 11:00 service or leave it to be taken to someone in need of
comfort. For more information, contact Amy OBrien at the church office.

Amazon Smile Did You Know?

If you are an Amazon shopper, you have an easy way to also help your
church as you shop. You can go to www.smile.amazon.com, log in to your
Amazon account and then choose Aldersgate United Methodist Church,
Charlottesville, VA as your charitable organization to support. (It turns out
that there are many churches with the name of Aldersgate United Methodist
Church, so be sure to select the one in Charlottesville.) Once you select our
church as your AmazonSmile organization, Amazon will donate 0.5% of the
price of your eligible purchases to Aldersgate UMC. This is a simple and
automatic way for you to support your church every time you shop, at no
extra cost to you. After once registering for donations to go to Aldersgate,
then whenever you go to shop on Amazon simply start out on
www.smile.amazon.com and the church will benefit.

Progressive Dinner
TODAY the AUMC Youth will hold their Christmas Party, and this year it will
be a Progressive Dinner. We'll spread our dinner into three courses and will
be hosted by three different Aldersgate families! At our third and final stop
we'll enjoy dessert and our annual gift exchange. This would be the perfect
time for additional students in the 6th-12th grades who haven't been with us
regularly or even at all, to join! For information about joining or if your family
would like to help one of the families hosting us, please contact Rachel at
[email protected] or 973-5806. This will be our final Youth Group
gathering for 2016. We look forward to beginning our 2017 Youth year on
Sunday, January 8th!

Childrens Church and Sunday School

Holiday Schedule
Families, please note that there will be NO CHILDREN'S CHURCH during
11am Worship on Sunday, December 25th and during 9am and 11am
Worship on Sunday, January 1st. There will also be NO CHILDREN'S or
YOUTH SUNDAY SCHOOL on Sunday, December 25th or Sunday,
January 1st. I know I express the sentiment of all when I say that we
are so thankful for each and every one of our teachers, assistants, and
substitutes and the amazing ministry they provide to the children and
youth each week. I pray that our teachers, assistants, substitutes, and all
of our families have an exciting and fun-filled Christmas season.
As we celebrate God's unfathomable and immeasurable love sent to
Earth thousands of years ago as an innocent baby, in these coming days
and weeks, let us each take time to give our Praise and Thanks to God
for the gift he gave: Emmanuel, which means "God is with us."
Additionally, as you begin thinking about how you will share the love of
God and the messages of peace, justice, grace, and forgiveness that
Christ taught in the coming year, please consider being a teacher,
assistant or substitute in the Nursery, Children's Church, Children's
Sunday School, Youth Sunday School, or Youth Group. Please contact me
if you would like to grow your talents and gifts in this way in 2017.
Peace be with you, Merry Christmas, and may blessings abound for you
and yours in the coming New Year! - Rachel Miller, Director of Ministries
with Young People

Mission Kits continued

Isabelle Willinghan
John, Robin, Amanda, and Ashley Oliver
Art Oliver, Jr.
John, Robin, Amanda, and Ashley Oliver
Chester Painter
Faith Painter
Nancy Scott-Cameron
Faith Painter
Martha Gonzales
Elizabeth and Jonathan Peterson
Virginia Taylor
Elizabeth and Jonathan Peterson
June Moon
Hope and Martin Pietrzyk
Terry and Allen Shotwell
Hope and Martin Pietrzyk
Georgene Slepin
Hope and Martin Pietrzyk
Jerry Hudson
Hope and Martin Pietrzyk
Dolly Hage
Hope and Martin Pietrzyk
Nancy Reed
Rick and Susan Reed
Our parents and Judy Sharff
Rich and Linda Sharff
Norma Stotz
Bud Stotz
Our Father and Grandfather Buzz Vogel
The Vogel Family
Loved ones
Johanna VonAchen
Bill Ward
Jean Ward and Family
My parents
Rebecca Wagner
Our family
Rita and Gordon Yager
To the Glory of God
Pam Ohlendorf
Dan, Kathryn, JoAnne Reid and Marguerite Ballenger

Spreading Christmas Cheer

Saturday Morning Men's Group will he hosting their second Christmas
Eve's visit to the local Seminole Trail Fire Department after the second
Christmas Eve Candle Light Service. We will take a basket of delicious
food/snacks for the firemen (ladies). Anyone who would like to donate
goodies and/or visit the Fire Department and spread Christmas cheer on
this special night with us, please join us at around 9pm, Room 208.

Credo Confirmation at Aldersgate is for students in grades 6-12.
"Confirmation is not the beginning or the end of the faith journey.
Confirmation is about making disciples. It is that simple and that
challenging." Students each have a mentor from our congregation
and will have the opportunity near the end of our course to decide if
he/she wants to join The United Methodist Church, specifically
Aldersgate. It takes a very mature student to participate in this
course so if your youth is not ready that is completely okay - and we
do not pressure anyone into joining the church. If you're interested
in your child (or grandchild) participating in Credo, please contact
Rachel at [email protected] or 973-5806. She'll be in touch
with you after the holidays about options for Credo in 2017.

Church Conference Today at 3 pm

A church conference has been called for the membership of Aldersgate
Church TODAY at 3:00pm to recommend Chelsea Morse and Ashley
Oliver as Certified Candidates for ordained ministry in The United
Methodist Church. Both Chelsea and Ashley have been approved by the
Charlottesville District Committee on Ordained Ministry to begin the
process, and both recently received the recommendation of the StaffParish Relations Committee of Aldersgate Church to continue the
process. They are now seeking the recommendation of the membership
of Aldersgate Church. All members of Aldersgate Church are encouraged
to be present to hear more about Chelsea's and Ashley's calling, the
process that they have begun in the United Methodist Church, and vote
on continuing as candidates.

Poinsettias and Mission Kits

Our thanks to all who have donated poinsettias and contributed towards
Mission Kits to be taken to Annual Conference in June 2017. Poinsettias
may be taken home after the 11:00 am service on December 25.


In Honor Of
Our precious family of seven
The Ansells
Marilea Grogan
Lori, Matthew, Lindsay, David, Kelly Blumberg
Dot Cage
Our great-grandchildren
Dwight and Martha Cragun
Anita Ratliff
Marilea Grogan
Martha Waring
Julia Harris
Norma Stotz
Joanna Knoll
Margaret Childress
Betty Muri
Our Parents
Rita and Gordon Yager
In Loving Memory Of
Merle Bickel
Patricia Breeden
Jerry and Ricky Carter
Bunny Taylor
Beverly C. Smithson
My husband and daughter
Sophie Fritz
John and Marty Thackston
Loved ones
Bob Grogan
Wayne Hamlin
Penny Chiminello
Chester Painter
Nancy Scott-Cameron

Mary Bickel
Timmy Breeden
Dot Cage
Eleanor and Wendy Carter
Eleanor and Wendy Carter
The Chang Family
Virginia Chartier
Don and Shirley Fritz
Don and Shirley Fritz
Bob and Ann Galione
Marilea Grogan and family
Jeanne Hamlin
Betty Muri
Faith Painter
Faith Painter

Poinsettias continued
Martha Gonzales
Elizabeth and Jonathan Peterson
Virginia Taylor
Elizabeth and Jonathan Peterson
Norma Stotz
Bud Stotz
Our Father and Grandfather Robert Morse
The Vogel Family
Beth Yager Walton
Rita and Gordon Yager

Mission Kits
In Honor Of
Dot Cage
Our great-grandchildren
Dwight and Martha Cragun
Bud Stotz
Joanna Knoll
Betty Miller
Margaret Childress
Betty Muri
Stephanie & Nico, Shannon & Jason, Travis & Alisa Rick and Susan Reed
Our sons and their families
Rich & Linda Sharff
My family
Betty Thacker
To the glory of God and in honor of my family
Jean Ward
In Loving Memory Of
Merle Bickel
Rick & Lois Brown
Dorothy Monzi (Ruths sister)
Theresa Dunlap
Rob & Anne Forrest
Jack & Jean Seaver
Sophie Fritz
John and Marty Thackston
Jim Kiker
Our parents and our sisters
Penny Chiminello

Mary Bickel
Greg and Ann Brown
Dot Cage
Ruth and Ted Davis
Carolyn German
Bob and Joan Forrest
Bob and Joan Forrest
Don and Shirley Fritz
Don and Shirley Fritz
Jean Kiker
Robert and Florence Lockman
Betty Muri

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