Midterm Exam Empowerment 180123014731

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National Capital Region

Schools Division Office

Caloocan City
Globalizing Filipino Skills and Competencies
S.Y. 2017- 2018

Name: _____________________________________________________________ Date: _____________________

Strand: ________________________Grade & Section: ______________________ Score:____________________


Directions: The following statement are tips to stay safe online. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Do not use pirated software. 1.
a. Safe b. Not Safe c. Not Sure d. Maybe
2. Think before you click. 2.
a. Safe b. Not Safe c. Not Sure d. Maybe
3. Do not just accept terms and conditions; read it. 3.
a. Safe b. Not Safe c. Not Sure d. Maybe
4. Do not share your password to anyone. 4.
a. Safe b. Not Safe c. Not Sure d. Maybe
5. Don’t post anything about future vacation. 5.
a. Safe b. Not Safe c. Not Sure d. Maybe
6. Add friends you know in real life. 6.
a. Safe b. Not Safe c. Not Sure d. Maybe
7. Avoid visiting untrusted website. 7.
a. Safe b. Not Safe c. Not Sure d. Maybe
8. Make your Wi-Fi password private. 8.
a. Safe b. Not Safe c. Not Sure d. Maybe
9. Do not reply to a suspicious e-mail. 9.
a. Safe b. Not Safe c. Not Sure d. Maybe
10. Do not talk to strangers weather online or face to face. 10.
a. Safe b. Not Safe c. Not Sure d. Maybe


Directions: From the bubble sheet, choose “A” if the statement is TRUE, “B” Maybe, “C” almost true, and “D” if NOT true.
11. ICT stands for Information and Communication Technology 11.
12. International companies call Philippines as the “ICT Hub of Asia” 12.
13. Convergence is the synergy of technological advancement to work on a similar goal. 13.
14. Social Media is a website that enables users to create, discuss and exchange user generated 14.
15. A virus is a malware that multiplies and infects other computer through flash drives. 15.
16. Android is an operating system for mobile phones. 16.
17. Blackberry OS are intended only for Blackberry phones. 17.
18. Symbian is smartphone OS use by Nokia devices. 18.
19. Social News can allow user to post news item or link from other news sources. 19.
20. Microblogging are sites that focus on short updates from the user. 20.


Directions: Classify the following examples of social media according to their types. Choose the letter of the correct answer .
A - Bookmarking site B - Social News C - Microblogging D - Blogs and Forums
21. StumbleUpon 21.
22. Reddit 22.
23. Blogger 23.
24. Tumblr 24.
25. Yahoo 25.
26. Youtube 26.
27. CNN news portal 27.
28. Twitter 28.
29. Pinterest 29.
30. Plurk 30.
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
31. Designed to send you advertisement. 31.
a. adware b. trojan c. internet d. pharming
32. Replicates and can transfer from one computer to another. 32.
a. virus b. spyware c. spam d. malware.
33. Exploit the DNS system. 33.
a. pharming b. rogue c. malware d. spam
34. Runs in the background and monitors what you are doing. 34.
a. spyware b. spam c. trojan d. keylogger
35. Unwanted emails, mostly from bots. 35.
a. spam b. rogue c. malware d. net
36. Disguise as a useful program but it’s not. 36.
a. trojan b. rogue c. keylogger d. worm
37. A malicious software. 37.
a. malware b. spyware c. spam d. keylogger
38. Used to record the keystrokes done by the user. 38.
a. keylogger b. spam c. trojan d. worm
39. Malicious program like “LOVE BUG” created by a Filipino programmer. 39.
a. worm b. virus c. malware d. trojan
40. Tricks the user into posting that is a security software. 40.
a. Phishing b. virus c. Pharming d. spam


Directions: Tell whether the statement is related to Online Safety and Security, Protecting Reputation Online, Copyright
Infringement and Online Research. Write “A” for Online Safety and Security, “B” for Protecting Reputation Online,
“C” Copyright Infringement and “D” for Online Research.
41. There is a risk on sharing your Name and other information online. 41.
42. Your cellphone number should not be posted over the internet 42.
43. Having your birthday on your profile makes vulnerable to identity theft. 43.
44. Your post in the internet have tell about your personality. 44.
45. Your reputation is at risk if you are careless in using your social media account. 45.
46. There is a protection on a literary works, paintings, drawings, music etc. 46.
47. It is illegal to use something made from somebody else’s creativity 47.
48. It is important to acknowledge some body about their woks. 48.
49. To filter information, use advance search 49.
50. Search engine like Google, Bing and Yahoo is a flat form for gathering information online. 50.

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