Sarawak Digital Economy Strategy: An Overview Booklet

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STRATEGY 2018 - 2022
My first priority for Sarawak since becoming the Chief
Minister on the 13th January 2017 was to bring about a major
paradigm shift in our development strategy. We have so far
been relying heavily on non-renewable resources for our
economic development and this is clearly not sustainable
in the long run. It was quite obvious then with the whole
world focused on emerging technologies such as gaming
and animation, big data, cloud computing, blockchains,
artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles, and renewable
energy we have to enter without hesitation into the digital
world so that Sarawak will have a chance of enjoying high

I immediately asked the State Secretary to organise an

international conference on the digital economy in Sarawak
and spearhead the Digital Economy Transformation. The
first International ICT Infrastructure and Digital Economy
Sarawak (IDECS) - Transforming Sarawak through the Digital
Economy - was held on the 3rd and 4th of April 2017 in
Kuching featuring notable local and international speakers
with over 1,500 delegates. During the closing ceremony
of the conference, I also announced that Sarawak will set
up the Sarawak Multimedia Authority (SMA), the Sarawak
Digital Economy Corporation (SDEC), Development Bank of
Sarawak (DBOS), as well as a strategic plan for developing
the digital economy of Sarawak.

I am therefore pleased to present the five year Sarawak Digital Economy Strategy (2018-2022), in which we set out the
possible directions Sarawak can take in order to leapfrog into the digital economy to be at the forefront of the digital world.
In our search for a practical digital strategy for Sarawak, we visited a few countries particularly Australia, Finland, Estonia,
Germany, France and China. The biggest lesson we learnt is that digital economy is not merely about the frontier of the digital
technology, but also ideas about how society can be organised more efficiently while protecting personal information and
privacy which implies vigilance in the area of cybersecurity. Digital economy is also about being able to apply technology in
a cost-effective manner. Going ‘digital’ is now a global trend, and Sarawak should also be involved in it, averse to any risks
and making wise decision each step of the way.

As such, the digital economy is about the efficacy in which digital technology is applied to our everyday lives. To achieve this,
we require diverse talents to create a new way of life for the people of Sarawak. The digital technology can then certainly be
used to make our lives easier and simpler, and hopefully richer. It is really up to each and every one of us to embrace digital
technologies in the best way that we can to make our own lives better, if not the lives of our neighbours.

I certainly see the development of the digital economy to be a collaborative effort between the government, the private
business sector and the people of Sarawak. The government’s role is to provide basic but necessary infrastructure to build the
digital economy. In the urban setting, the digital infrastructure is adequate for building digital business and other commercial
applications. The challenges in building the digital infrastructure tends to increase going into the more rural and remote areas
of Sarawak. These challenges are worth taking up, for us to reach remote areas and provide them an avenue to connect with
the rest of the world, thereby creating greater economic opportunities.

I am aware that the creation of new business opportunities is a major challenge for us in Sarawak. Sarawak is small and
isolated, which has always been a disadvantage for us in development. I see the digital technology as an opportunity for
Sarawak to remove the constraints of a small and isolated economy. We need to see the potential of opening up our local
economy in hopes of strengthening our digital connection with the rest of the world.

Looking forward to the horizon, the next five years is a time which we shall improve our digital coverage as well as speed,
motivate young talents to get involved in coding and product development, businesses to make their presence felt on
the Internet through their websites and mobile apps, local business participation in global e-commerce platforms, the
development of our own electronic payment system called SarawakPay – which will revolutionise making payments, in a
more secured and convenient way. I also foresee its use across all local transactions; integrated into all government services
online. The launch of our own big data along with the sharing of database by the Federal Government, this creates more
opportunities for our communities and our businesses, drive competitiveness and productivity, and strengthen connectivity
across Sarawak. The greater efficiency of mobility and connectivity in the major urban centres, and the general improvement
in our local economic environment suggests that there is a better future we can build for Sarawakians.

I hope in the months and years to come, you and I can put our heads together to build a robust and thriving digital economy
for Sarawak.

The Right Honourable Datuk Patinggi (Dr) Abang Haji Abdul Rahman Zohari Bin Tun Datuk Abang Haji Openg

When the Right Honourable Chief Minister instructed
me to take the lead in drawing up the maiden strategy
for the Digital Economy of Sarawak, I first felt honoured,
and then humbled and challenged.

Our main concern is to ensure that whatever plan we

are going to have, the plan is adopted by everybody
so that it will be implemented. We understand that the
major challenge is to get it accepted by everyone.
Around the world, civil servants are known to be reluctant
to embrace the digital technology for fear of the
unknown and to be drawn back by lack of knowledge
and burdened by fear of some unmanageable

Certainly, the government must change the way we

provide our services to the general public through the
Digital Government. The public service can facilitate
and provide an ecosystem which is conducive and
needs the private sector and communities to co-partner
and co-exist in moving forward our Government’s
agenda in achieving Sarawak Digital Economy’s goals
and objectives to greatly improve the livelihood of

Therefore we decided to develop our Sarawak Digital Economy Strategy in-house by putting together the minds
of Sarawakians, and friends of Sarawak, in both the government and the private sector in brain-storming sessions
called labs. Under four clusters of subject matters namely Governance and Infrastructure, Economic Sectors,
Smart City, and Talent and Research and Development, seventeen sub-subject areas were identified for studying
and planning. Seventeen working groups were created to deal in-depth with each of these seventeen areas
namely Legislation and Governance; Digital Infrastructure; Digital and Data; Cyber-security; Digital Government;
Agriculture; Tourism; Manufacturing; e-Commerce; Health; Physical Infrastructure and Utilities; Housing and Urban
Development; Transport, Logistics and Supply Chain; Talent Management; Digital Village; Centre of Excellence;
and Digital Inclusivity.

In this booklet, you will find overview of the strategies and strategic actions totalling 47 in numbers with some
programme examples that can be implemented. These represent our first version of the Sarawak Digital Economy
Strategy for 2018 to 2022.

We are aware that it is important that the private sector has to be fully involved in the development of the
digital economy in Sarawak. The role of the government is to provide the basic infrastructural support for the
digital economy. We know that the private sector can be more in tune with the developments in the business
and technological world in their specific areas of interest. We, as government servants, can work together and
facilitate. We are always open to new ideas and suggestions. I am sure that this will also be the case with the
Sarawak Multimedia Authority and the Sarawak Digital Economy Corporation who will be responsible for the
policies and implementation respectively.

At this juncture, I join the Most Honourable Chief Minister in calling all Sarawakians, the civil servants and the
general public, to work together to build a better tomorrow for Sarawak through the digital economy.

The Honourable Tan Sri Datuk Amar Haji Mohamad Morshidi bin Abdul Ghani
Sarawak State Secretary

• Implement one-stop frontline government service
• Single Sign On and Sarawak ID
• SarawakPay Incentives and Promotion

• Old Kuching - Digital Heritage

• Standard Portal and App Development
• Health Tourism Roadshow – Incorporate in
Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture, Youth and
Sports Sarawak’s existing programme

• To spur growth of the automation

ecosystem and accelerate Industry 4.0
in the local manufacturing sector
• Accelerate SMEs growth of Economy

• Geospatial Database
• Agro park project
• IoT for smart farming
• IoT for Integrated Livestock
• IoT for Empurau farming
• IoT for Collection, Processing and
Packaging Centre

• IoT for swiftlet farming

S- araw
• Build fibre connection
• Create new backbone using
Sarawak Energy fibre asset
• Improve 3G and 4G
• Leverage on BBGP fibre lines to
expand 3G / 4G
• Kick start IoT applications by
setting up LP WAN in cities
• Increase access to fixed line
broadband (100mbps) for
businesses in cities

• CENTEXS/HUAWEI collaboration on
digital training to support Industry
• Up skilling and reskilling of graduate for
DE, STEM Education

• Study on State Digital readiness

• Community resource / digital centres in rural area
• Dialogues with Community Leaders, NGOs and
Private Sectors
• Digital Literacy programme for communities

• Ready government Digital and Data Infrastructure

• Ready Big Data Portal applications, analytic tools and APIs

• To increase accessibility and improve level of medical and
health services in rural and remote Sarawak and promote
world class health tourism

• Developing eMarket Place

• Establish Intergrated Digital Free Trade Zone (DTFZ)

• Centralised Infrastructure and Utility

• Smart Systems in Housing Estates
• Digital Planning System
• Free Public WiFi Hotspot
• Upgrading and Improvement Works to
Green Waste Disposal Centre
• Integrated Smart Development Planning
• Smart and Sustainable Stormwater
• Smart Water Metering System
• Crime Monitoring Centre Phase 1
• Smart Systems in Strata Titles Housing
• Central Traffic Management System
• Implementation of Bus Information
System (BIS) at State Bus Service
Transformation (SBST)

• Implementation of cyber security

monitoring centre
• Implementation of web
application firewall
• Implementation of end point

wak Web security

• Data security / Protection
framework and implementation
• Implementation of Intrusion
Prevention System

• Establish Digital Village

• Digital Village Facility Development
• Digital Innovation Hub
• Intellectual Property Filings Venture
• Digital Innovation Hub Sibu
• Digital Innovation Hub Bintulu
• Digital Innovation Hub Miri
• Private Sectors, University Digital
Innovation Centre

• Digital Sports
• The rise of smart stadiums
• Deeper fan engagement
• Using technology for sponsorship and integration
• Globalisation of hometown team
• Art and Culture
• Social Development
• Wearable technology
• eSports
• Social Media

• Establish Centre of Excellence (CoE)

• Develop database of experts and stakeholders
• Establish Living Lab
• Data gathering for research

Sarawak DIGITAL ECONOMY Opportunities and
ICT Raising
Development in Global Marketing Productivity
New Sectors and Sales Growth
Data, Infrastructure, Traditional Sectors: Mainly Traditional Sectors:
Softwares, Designs, Tourism, e-Commerce, Mainly Agriculture,
Gaming others Manufacturing,
• Data transmission • Marketing, attracting Government, others
infrastructure customers (websites,
(cables, social networking); • Production
international and • Selling, transaction, management
local); delivery and automation;
• Data storage • Cost saving in
centres, server storage and
farms (Cloud Spinoffs delivery;
computing); • Digital
• Data generating Food & Beverage, Housing, Government;
centres (websites, Transportation, others • Saving time for
mobile apps, sensor the population;
feedbacks); • Expansion in the growth • Transparency of
• Data analytics of basic needs by policies;
centres (product ordinary people in • Open
R&D); everyday life provided competition
• Technology R&D by local providers and
(design, coding, entrepreneurs
animation, gaming).

“ It is time to introduce smart farming
and other advanced methods
to help the farmers increase
productivity and income.”
The Honourable Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas
Deputy Chief Minister
Minister of Modernisation of Agriculture & Rural Economy
Excerpt from Speech during Agro-based Industry (IAT) Entrepreneur Carnival 2017

“ This IDECS 2017 conference shows

me that Sarawakians are all over
the world, in terms of contributing to
ICT skills, but not in Sarawak! Why?
Where did we go wrong? So it’s
time for us to correct the wrong and
make it right.”
The Honourable Tan Sri Datuk Amar Dr. James Jemut Masing
Deputy Chief Minister for Infrastructure Development & Transportation
Excerpt from Winding-Up DUN Speech 2017

“ You must have the audacity to

dream big in e-commerce as the
world is the marketplace for your
product through the internet and ICT
The Honourable Datuk Amar Haji Awang Tengah Ali Hasan
Deputy Chief Minister
Minister Of Industrial and Entrepreneur Development Second Minister Of Urban Development
& Natural Resources
Excerpt from Speech during World Islamic Economic Forum (WIEF) 2017
Institutional Structure The SMA will be the one stop agency that provides
To ensure the proper development of the Sarawak the policy and facilitate the Digital Economy
Digital Economy, the Sarawak Government programmes and projects. The SDEC shall ensure
has decided to set up the Sarawak Multimedia the implementation of the key focus areas of the
Authority under the Sarawak Multimedia Authority Sarawak Digital Economy which include, among
Ordinance, 2017. others:

The Sarawak Multimedia Authority (SMA) is headed • Digital infrastructure

by the Chief Minister as the Chairman and he is • Cyber-security
assisted by a Board of Directors. The roles of SMA • Talent development
are: • e-Commerce
• R&D in digital technology
• Digital innovation entrepreneurship
1 To advise the Sarawak Government on
matters relating to the State policy objectives • Digital government.
for communications and multimedia
2 To implement and enforce the provisions of
The anchor sectors of Sarawak Digital
State laws relating to communications and
multimedia; and Economy are:
To consider and recommend reforms to
3 State laws relating to communications and 1. Agriculture
multimedia. 2. Manufacturing – Industry 4.0
3. Tourism
The SMA also has the power to appoint committees
and persons as well as incorporated companies,
4. Smart City
joint ventures, etc., on related activities, for the 5. Digital Health
purpose of fulfilling its roles. 6. e-Commerce
In line with this, the SMA shall incorporate the 7. Digital Government
Sarawak Digital Economy Corporation (SDEC) as
a Sarawak government-owned agency whose
role is to implement the development of the
communications and multimedia activities in These sectors are supported by the following
Sarawak. enablers:
1. Infrastructure
The SDEC shall be managed by local talent, to be 2. Digital Skills and Talent Development
headed by a Chief Executive Officer and guided 3. Research and Development (R&D)
by other members of the Board of Directors all of 4. Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurship:
whom are experts in the digital technology and Technology Transfer and Commercialisation
digital economy and its administration. 5. Digital and Data
6. Cyber-security

Sarawak Digital Economy Governance Structure

SMA Ordinance


Board of Directors

Talent R&D Digital

Infrastructure Development e-Commerce Government

Digital Innovation
Cyber-security Entrepreneurship


State GLCs Other Related Agencies / Watching Brief

Economic sectors for
sarawak digital economy

29 Strategic Actions
18 Strategic Actions


Future Fertigation at Rejang through Precision


ACTION Adopt ICT and digital technologies in transforming the
1 agricultural sector and driving innovation
Objectives: Programme Examples:
• To improve • Implementation of IoT and sensor technology for smart
farming (soil nutrient checking, precision fertilisation,
productivity smart fertigation, intelligent swiftlet forming, precision
and efficiency Empurau farming) implementation of geospatial
system for agriculture planning and operation support
of agricultural development agro park, development of anchor
sector farmers.

ACTION Establish efficient distribution system for agriculture inputs

• To access to
new markets
2 and products
Programme Examples:
for agriculture • IoT for Collection, Processing and Packaging Centre,
produce and Collection Centers (Processing, Distribution), Intelligent
Supply Chain Management, Logistic
ACTION Develop new markets and expand existing ones for
3 agriculture produce and products
Programme Examples:

• Collaborate with Domestic and International Investors

and venture capitalist, Branding, e-Commerce


ACTION Adopt Industry 4.0 to fuel the digital transformation of the
4 manufacturing Sector
Programme Examples:
Objectives: • Automation, adoption of IoT, Application of Big data,
• To improve Application of advanced Human Computer Interaction
competitiveness ACTION Explore various opportunities for alternative energy
using the 5
applications of Programme Examples:
technological • R&D on Hydrogen Fuel Cell technology and application
and business
tools ACTION Provide incentives to grow local SMEs and to provide
6 opportunities for globalisation

• To create more Programme Examples:

technology • Funding support for strategic SMEs, Investment incentive,
driven SMEs Entrepreneur development, Commercialisation &
Acceleration Support


Tourist Attraction - Sarawak Regatta

ACTION Promote Sarawak through Digital Media
7 Programme Examples:
• Building the Sarawak tourism content and promote
Objectives: it through blogs, websites, Facebook, and other
• To position digital channels

Sarawak as a
major tourist ACTION Provide a digital platform for tourism product and
destination 8 service providers to enhance their business

using digital Programme Examples:

technology • Create one-stop digital platform supported by big
data analysis to promote and transact tourism-
related products
• To create better
presentation of
ACTION Personalisation of tourist experience online
tourism product
and services
9 Programme Examples:
• Standard Portal and App Development, Improve
using digital websites and portals, User friendly Tour planning,
technology to applications/functions, AR/VR
enhance tourist

1. Physical
Infrastructure &

ACTION Provide clean, reliable and cost-efficient energy using smart
10 technologies
Programme Examples:
• Real-time monitoring apps, Sensor technologies, Smart gas
meters, Portal for customer to manage, Integrated Smart
Objectives: Development Planning
• To provide high
quality and ACTION Provide efficient water supply services leveraging on smart
efficient services 11 technologies
Programme Examples:
to the rakyat
• Smart Water Metering System, Intelligent water supply
management system, State-wide treated water grid,
• To provide constant and sufficient supply of treated water. Address
healthier living NRW.

ACTION Develop a smart solid waste management system.
and efficient
waste 12 Programme Examples:

management • Upgrading and Improvement Works to Green Waste

Disposal Centre, Integrated and intelligent waste planning
and management. Smart Bin, Smart Garbage, IoT, Tracking
of garbage collection, Community engagement

ACTION Enhance the efficiency of wastewater management to

13 prevent pollution and water-borne diseases

Programme Examples:
• Modernisation of waste management facility, modern
sewerage system including sensor-integrated sewerage
treatment plant

ACTION Develop a flood management and response system.

14 Programme Examples:
• Smart and sustainable stormwater management,
Integrated smart development planning, storm water
management, flood information management system.

SMART CITY Economic A fair world

2. Housing

& Urban Sustainable


Development A viable
A liveable


ACTION Ensure efficient development of sustainable housing

Objectives: 15 and enhance convenience, safety and comfort for city

• To achieve Programme Examples:
smarter • Implementing smart housing design platform,
and more automated surveillance for crime monitoring and
comfortable prevention using big data analytics, centralised
infrastructure and utility mapping, free public
living WiFi hotspots and smart systems for development
planning including strata housing management.

• To create
ACTION Implement Green Building Index (GBI) in new
friendly urban 16 government and private non-residential buildings in
major cities and towns
living and Programme Examples:
workspace • Developing IoT evaluation platform of Green Building
Index (policy support, develop professionals in green
building design and management)

3. Transport,
Logistics &
Supply Chain

Artist impression of LRT Management System

ACTION Establish a comfortable and safe mobility for
17 commuters using smart technologies

Programme Examples:

Objectives: • Integrated transportation system for Kuching,

Intelligent route selection, digital asset management,
• To improve smart traffic light, smart parking, digital information
mobility and signage, smart buses, Bus Information System (BIS),
LRT, Electric vehicles
user experience
in transport Route Destination
service Traffic Signal
GPS & Vehicle

• To develop

more efficient
logistics support Automated
Fare Collection
for digital & Passenger

activity Smart Card
Vehicle Diagnostics
Driver Information
Silent Alarm Display

City bus connected to intelligent transport system

ACTION Develop integrated logistics solutions to support

18 e-commerce.
Programme Examples:
• e-warehousing, Integrated Free Trade Zone, vessel
tracking and management system, shipping and
cargo information system


ACTION Increase accessibility and improve level of medical and
19 health services.

Programme Examples:
Objectives: • With internet connection and smart devices, patient’s
• To improve the care option will not be limited by geographic
location. Online platform for pharmacist and doctors
accessibility, to serve patients.
and quality of ACTION Safeguard the health of people who are living, staying

medical and 20 and working in Sarawak.

health services Programme Examples:

for everyone, • Integrated monitoring system for all foreign workers in
terms of health records and immigration
ACTION Provide world-class specialist healthcare services and
• To improve the 21 grow health tourism in Sarawak.

management of Programme Examples:

communicable • Establish Healthcare Travel System to integrate
diseases information on specialist health care services such as
oncology, orthopaedic, cardiology, cardiothoracic,
aesthetic medicine in order to promote attractive
• To achieve medical packages to Sarawak.
• To encourage establishment of high tourism and
higher revenue health services standard private hospital.
from health
tourism in


ACTION Improve the Sarawak
22 e-Commerce and services ecosystem

Programme Examples:
Objectives: • Intelligent supply chain management, Policies, DFTZ,
fulfilment hubs, applications (online auctions, online
• To increase shopping), eMarket Place “”
sales and
from export
of Sarawak ACTION Increase awareness of Sarawak products and services
products 23 through digital platform.
Programme Examples:
• Marketing and branding, digital
• To improve networking
the marketing
of local
ACTION Increase e-Commerce adoption.
products via
24 Programme Examples:
• Business assistance, education, R&D.
strategies and

ACTION Create a FinTech platform that provides technological

25 and business tools to secure a competitive advantage
in current and future markets.

Programme Examples:
• Set-up FinTech platform such as
SarawakPay, Provide incentive
for the operation and adoption
of FinTech by Government
and industry and to expand
the platform to cross border

Creativity &

Agility &


Digital by Public Servants

(Digital First)

Government in System & Data
Sarawak Security &

Customer Effectiveness


Open Data

ACTION Initiate Digital Government based on five principles:
Objectives: 26 • Open Government
• Data-Centric Government
• To create an • Innovative Government
open and • Excellent Service Delivery
• Excellent Digital Governance
digital Programme Examples:
government • Open Data, encourage innovation and new ideas in using
government data
• Executive Information System (EIS)/Business Intelligence (BI)
• To innovate • Initiatives such as Innovative and Creativities Circles, Key Focus
and improve Activity (KFA), High Performance Team Solutions
• Improvement on service delivery especially Frontline service
government improvement
service • Smart applications to enhance service, One stop service
delivery (Single-Sign on, Sarawak ID and blockchain)
• Single Government Bill (SGB)

Summary of digital government plan for Sarawak


Aerial view of Sarawak Stadium

ACTION SPORTS : Rollout smart digital technology in sports to
27 enhance spectator experience and attendance at
the stadium.
To foster game development, eSports, marketing and
Objectives: sport science.
• To improve Programme Examples:
social well- • Smart stadiums, using technology for sponsorship and
integration, user experience with high-speed connectivity
being of supported by e-Commerce of merchandise and food.
Sarawakians • Establish game development start-ups (digital nomad) at
sports complex and promotion of eSports. Enhance sport
science using digital technology.
• To preserve
culture and ACTION ARTS & CULTURE : Preserve the value of our heritage and

heritage 28 culture physically and digitally to enhance tourism in

Programme Examples:
• To keep record digitally on all pictures, literatures, media on
arts and cultures as our treasure.
• Old Kuching-Digital Heritage, AR/VR apps to recreate
experience on heritage and culture.

ACTION SOCIAL : Accelerate the social development support to

29 disadvantaged communities through the use of digital
and data technologies.

Programme Examples:
• To provide an avenue for micro entrepreneurs under the
welfare list to market their products through e-Commerce e.g.
Digital Kenyalang.
• To develop big data and support system for people who
needs protection and rehabilitation.

Enablers for Sarawak
Digital Economy


ACTION Develop the infrastructure in more cost-effective way
30 using Hub and Spoke development concept in all
towns in Sarawak by end of 2020.
Programme Examples:
• To increase the
• Multi-tiered ring network design with alternative back-up
broadband paths, Reliable power supply for the core tiers.
coverage and
upgrade its ACTION Develop an international internet gateway in Sarawak
speed and
31 and a new submarine cable system to connect directly
to international internet gateway.
Programme Examples:
• Alternative internet gateway to and from Sarawak.
• To optimise
the utilisation
of existing ACTION Liberalise the infrastructure sector to attract foreign

and new tele- 32 digital businesses to set-up their operation in Sarawak.

and network Programme Examples:
infrastructure; • Allow more service providers, data centres and server farms,
consider PPP, BOT, PFI. To reduce price of internet access to
and attract volume.

• To achieve Provide affordable and high-speed internet access for

33 the masses through carrier-independent backhaul and
backbone data transmission services.

inflow in digital
Programme Examples:
• Use existing dark fibres for public/commercial, to increase UX
100Mbps in populated and strategic areas and 20-50Mbps in
rural areas.


STEM Programme in school

ACTION Build, develop and head hunt a workforce that is agile,
34 digital-savvy and industry-ready.
• To develop Programme Examples:
human resource • Workforce planning and training, Scholarships,
industrial attachments, Recognised /accredited
for Sarawak’s online courses, attract talents to Sarawak, e.g.
Digital Economy; CENTEXS-HUAWEI Digital Training Lab.

• To enhance
ACTION Strengthen current STEM and ICT education in primary,
our education
system and
35 secondary and tertiary institutions.

infrastructure Programme Examples:

especially in • Upgrade facilities, train teachers, develop student’s
STEM interest and capacity, recruit post Form Five students
into TVET, teach kids early on technology and
coding, programming, sourcing, etc.


Research in biodiversity

ACTION Establish a Centre of Excellence (CoE) to engage in
36 fundamental and translational research in core areas
Objectives: of digital economy and other economic sectors in
partnership with universities, industry, governments and
• To develop and community.

Programme Examples:
knowledge • Carry out strategic and translational research (big
and research data and data analytics, software systems, IoT,
capabilities to visualisation, Cyber-Security, and etc.)
• To support economic sectors and the enablers of
support digital digital economy.
economy in • To develop strategies to help commercialise
Sarawak products.


Malaysian Global Innovation & Creativity (MaGIC)

Event in Sarawak

ACTION To establish one innovation centre in each divisions

Objectives: 37 and facilitate others (private sectors, universities and


• To inculcate Programme Examples:

the culture of • Workspace, Exposure, Mentoring, IP protection,
innovation; Facilitate collaboration.

• To increase ACTION Establish Digital Village to facilitate technology transfer

the number 38 and commercialisation and accelerate the maturity of
the start-ups through global accelerator partnership.
of successful
technopreneurs Programme Examples:
including spin- • Funding, R&D, Strategic partnership, Market access,
Policy support;
offs and start-
• Access to biodiversity and IP, source for talent.
ups; and

• To achieve ACTION Establish “Launch Sarawak” Programme at Digital

continuous 39 Village to provide a transformative pathway to support
innovation, intellectual property creation and spin-offs.
Programme Examples:
transfer and
• “Launch Sarawak” Programme, E-Com Y30, IP
commer- support;
cialisation. • Create funding and investment opportunities.

ACTION Setup “Digital Landing Pads” overseas to promote

40 Sarawak as a destination for high tech innovation
and entrepreneurship like Silicon Valley or Shanghai,
etc. and to encourage both domestic and foreign

Programme Examples:
• Set up presence in global markets


Sarawak Data Centre

ACTION Collect data from current and future digital services to

Objectives: 41 support data-driven decision-making.

• To use data Programme Examples:

analysis • Coordinate data standard, Business intelligence
for better services to support SMEs,
• Data centres.
ACTION Monetise Big Data.
• To develop
and use data Programme Examples:
as our “next • Encourage and facilitate data sharing to develop
innovative products and services e.g. integrating
oil”. rainfall and weather data from DID with soil and
crops data from DOA, economic data from SPU, L&S
data etc. to do precision farming.

ACTION Develop an Open Data Ecosystem.

Programme Examples:
• Open data portal and apps, Promote data
accountability, Government Big Data launch in April


ACTION Develop a cyber-security code of practice to improve
44 awareness about cyber-security.

Objectives: Programme Examples:

• To increase • Education and awareness programmes on data
the awareness security and privacy which are fundamental in
building customer trust.
and knowledge
ACTION Create an effective legal framework to tackle cyber
individuals and
organisations 45 risks in Sarawak.

on cyber- Programme Examples:

security; • Laws to protect DE players, Facilitate resolution of
cyber disputes or frauds.
• To improve
resilience ACTION Protect the State’s Critical Information Infrastructure
against cyber- 46 (CII).

security threats .
Programme Examples:
• Set up advance Security Operation Centre to protect
Sarawak from and manage cyber attack by team of
highly skilled cyber-security analyst.


ICT Training at Sarikei Innovation Centre

ACTION Establish a digital-ready community through developing
47 digital skills and competencies and promoting inclusive
digital participation
• To enhance the Programme Examples:
competency • Bridging digital divide in rural and remote areas,
widespread trainings and awareness programmes
and readiness on the use of ICT for education, business and
of all entrepreneurship.
communities for • Provision of digital payment gateway such as
Sarawak Pay in the absence of banking facilities in
digital economy remote areas.
• Developing self-reliance in digital technology for
activities such as repair of computer, mobile phones
and other devices.

The Journey
Towards Digital Economy
Strategy 17th
7th-8th Session with
Lab 1: Sharing Chief Minister
14th on Digital
Launching of Economy 23rd-31st
Sarawak Gov Official Visit to

16th January 2017 App during 25th-26th

Melbourne and
Dawn of Chief Minister
Lab 2: Sectors Hobart,
the New Era Mandate
Identification Australia

3rd-4th 20th-21st
IDECS Lab 3:


First Draft of
Chief Minister assigned DE Strategy
the State Secretary to Study Visit to
organise IDECS and China
spearhead State Digital
Economy Transformation

e-Commerce Forum
14th 2017
Kenyalang 15th
Launching of
17th Sarawak Pay
Innovation 21st-23rd
Centre (SIC) 13th World Islamic
Forum 2017 (WIEF)


Dialogue 30th
between Chief Sarawak Digital
Minister and Economy Strategy
Industry (2018-2022)
Leaders Document Editing SARAWAK
STRATEGY 2018 - 2022

5th-12th 23rd Sept-1st Oct AND BEYOND...


Official Visit to Official Visit to Finland

Shanghai and & Estonia Facilitate dawn of
Shenzen, China the new era
Conference on
Agriculture &
Industry Sarawak

TEGAS Digital
Hub (TDIH)





Level 4, Wisma Bapa Malaysia,
Petra Jaya, 93502 Kuching,
Sarawak, Malaysia

Telephone : 082-441957
Fax : 082-449002

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