Schuette EPA Email

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From: Kime, Robin

Location: DCRoomARN3500/OPEI
Importance: Normal
Subject: Meeting with Jerry Jung
Start Date/Time: Wed 7/26/2017 5:00:00 PM
End Date/Time: Wed 7/26/2017 5:30:00 PM
Jung Rethink Ethanol Opinion Washington Times EnergySection Final (1 ).pdf
Bio (16).docx

Directions: Please use the William Jefferson Clinton North Entrance located on your right
as you exit the Federal Triangle Metro Station. Please arrive 10 minutes prior to the meeting
with photo IDs to clear Security.

EPA Contact: For an escort from Security to the meeting call (202) 564-4332; for all other
matters call Robin Kime (202)564-6587.

From: Jerry Jung [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Friday, April 28, 2017 3:08 PM
To: Dravis, Samantha <[email protected]>
Cc: Bill Schuette <[email protected]>

I reached out to Mr. Schuette to give me your contact information because I wanted to keep Mr.
Pruitt's office in the loop regarding op eds in the Washington Times. The Times will be running
a section on energy. When they have asked me to submit an op-ed on the topic of ethanol, they
mentioned that they would also be publishing an op-ed from Mr. Pruitt.

Attached is what I have submitted. I suspect that my views are in line with those of Mr. Pruitt,
but I wanted to provide him an opportunity to comment on what I wrote. Any comments or
suggestions that his office has would be welcome.

Jerry Jung


17cv01906 Sierra Club v. EPA ED_001523_00005700-00001

Jerrold M. Jung

586-850-8096 P.O. Box 7060 Novi, Ml 48376

Employment background:

Over $1,000,000,000 of shareholder value created by companies that I founded or controlled.

Surety Bond analyst for Travelers Indemnity Company from 1977 to 1978.

Director of Reservations for Continental Airlines from 1979 to 1982.

Designed from 1983 to 1985 passenger revenue optimization software still used by over 50 air carriers.

General Manager of Michigan CAT's Engine Division from 1983 to 1987.

Founded Landfill Energy Systems in 1987. The EPA awarded this alternate energy company a certificate
that declared that methane reduction achieved by its power plants was equivalent to taking 800,000
cars off of the road. Company was sold in 2008.

CEO of Michigan CAT from 1988 to 2011. Market share rose to 60% from 25%. Revenues peaked at
$550,000,000 and employment at 880. The business was sold in 2011 because my children have other
career interests.

Chairman and founder of Oak Adaptive, Inc. that provides software tailored to Caterpillar dealers as well
as an innovative sentencing app that provides information for use within the criminal justice system.

Currently semi-retired and manage Rule of Ones, LLC an investment vehicle.

Educational background:

Graduated from Birmingham Seaholm High School in 1971. Received Bausch-Lomb Award for
outstanding high school students. On committee that established Bingham Farms Nature Center.
Varsity letter in Track.

Attended University of Michigan from 1971 to 1973. Phi Eta Sigma honor fraternity.

Graduated from Tulane University in 1975, ist in class, summa cum laude with honors in economics. Phi
Beta Kappa honor fraternity. Commodore of sailing club.

Attended Harvard Graduate School of Business in 1976.

Co-authored "Price Elasticity of Demand for Air Travel." Published in the 1976 fall edition of Transport
Economics and Policy. This paper informed Congressional debate when airline fares were deregulated.
It is still utilized as instructional material at the University of Chicago School of Public Policy.


17cv01906 Sierra Club v. EPA ED_001523_00005701-00001

Chair of Michigan Colleges Alliance, a group of 15 private independent colleges.

Board member of the Michigan League of Conservation Voters.

Board member of Public School Academies of Detroit.

Board member of 6,000,000 member National Wildlife Federation.

Chair of the Michigan State Transportation Commission from 2010 until 2015.

Past Director of Warren Equipment Company, a Texas based gas compression fabricator and Caterpillar
dealer with revenues in excess of $1,000,000,000.

Past Vice-Chair of St. Mary Hospital in Livonia Michigan.

Past Trustee of the Nature Conservancy in Michigan.

Past President of the Michigan Construction Equipment Dealers Association.

Past Board Member of the Cooperative Tractor Dealers Association-a financing co-op.

Past Board Member of NWEA-the National Wood Energy Association.

Philanthropic Endeavors:

Supports a wide variety of environmental and educational initiatives that improve the legacy we leave to
future generations.

Founded in conjunction with the Michigan Colleges Alliance the "Third 90" program that annually
introduces hundreds of inner city high school students to nature as well as to private college professors,
students and campuses.

Founded "" an entity that educates legislators and the public about the need for
corn ethanol reform.


Scenic Michigan-"Hero Award" 2009

Michigan Infrastructure and Transportation Association-Honorary Member Award: 2012

Michigan Aggregate Association- Distinguished Service Award: 2012

Detroit Public TV-Riley Stewardship Award: 2012

Michigan League of Conservation Voters-Lifetime Conservation Award: 2013

Tribute from Michigan Transportation Commission-Resolution 2015-2.

The State of Michigan named a roadside park in my honor.

Honorary Ph.D. from Adrian College in May of 2017.

References: (contact information provided upon request)

17cv01906 Sierra Club v. EPA ED_001523_00005701-00002

Governor Rick Snyder.

National Wildlife CEO Collin O'Mara.

Former CEO of Warren Equipment Company and Dallas Federal Reserve board member Richard Folger.

Director Michigan Department of Transportation Kirk Steudle.

CEO and Chairman of Caterpillar Tractor Company Doug Oberhelmen.

Congressman David Trott.

Michigan Republican Chair Ronna Romney McDaniel.

Former Secretary of Agriculture and Caterpillar Tractor Board Member Clayton Yeutter.

DTE Energy Chairman Gerry Anderson.

Recently retired CEO of International Transmission Company Joe Welch.

Past owner of Thompson Mccully Paving Company and charter school visionary Bob Thompson.

Former Ambassador to Belgium Allan Blankenship.


Reside in Birmingham Michigan.

Married to Eve Baughman Jung.

Have three children, three grandchildren and two stepchildren.

Enjoy outdoor activities such as gardening, hiking, hunting, fishing, golfing, sailing and skiing.

Practice "eco-restoration" on several properties in Michigan.

Own and manage for bio-diversity and carbon sequestration over 43,000 acres of forestland in central

17cv01906 Sierra Club v. EPA ED_001523_00005701-00003

It's tirre to rethink ethanol mandates
out that by-products from the distilla $20 of value, and to cattle, about $50 of Republican primary in Iowa.
tion process can be fed to livestock, but value. It is this value-added chain that There are many other reasons to
studies such as one published by the creates rural employment and economic discontinue ethanol mandates. Dozens of
University of Nebraska point out that the diversity. diverse stakeholder groups, representing
practice of feeding distillates to cattle It is not uncommon to see hand- fiscal conservatives; small and marine
shortens the shelf I ife of their meat. painted signs in Iowa that read "Fam- engine users and manufacturers; food
Other studies indicate that the practice ily Farms, not Factory Farms." A poll producers and food justice groups; chaF
alters the flavor of meat and can make conducted by a leading conservation ter boat captains; The Sierra Club, The
Iivestock sick. organization shows surprising oppos~ National Wildlife Federation and the
The price of corn shot up to $8 per tion to ethanol mandates in rural areas. Audubon Society; and even the Ameri -
bushel when the mandate was dra It is no wonder, since these are the can Petroleum Institute are opposed to
matically ramped up nine years ago. As populations most a- l\i.ected in terms of subsidized and mandated corn ethanol
a result, there were food riots in some water quality and outdoor recreational production.
countries where corn is a dietary staple. opportunities. These are the fami I ies Ironic, is it not, that a mandate sold
Since then, the amount of acreage de- that must confront chemical pollution to Congress and the public as "green" is

·s year the Environmental Bhanol is a ION-value canmditY,. A bushel of com will produce 2.8 galloos
Protection Agency (EPA) has I
of ethanol vvorth about $4.50. '~e same com, fed to poultry, produces
mandated that 15 bi 11 ion gal- of
about $20 of value, and to cattle, about $50 value. It is this value-
lons of ethanol be added to
gasoline. As a result, most added chain that creates rural errployment and ecooanic diversity.
gasoline contains about 10
percent ethanol. voted to growing corn has increased arguably the biggest polluter of air and
Initially, automotive manufacturers to over 35 million acres in the U.S. water in the U.S.?The policy has also
saw the mandate as a cheap way to in- (larger than most states) and the been a significant driver of what
crease octane ratings, and corn growers price is back where it started. has aptly been termed the Sixth
thought it would bea boon to the agr~ Unfortunately, much of Extinction of biodiversity.
cultural economy. Casual observers and this land is ecologically Fortunately, legislation
even some conservation organizations sensitive. The National has been introduced in the
thought that it was a renewable source of Wildlife Federation House of Representatives
energy that would help the environment estimates that 10 mi~ that would cap the etha-
and reduce harmful emissions. Others lion acres in the U.S. nol content of gasoline
saw it as a way to reduce dependence on have been converted at 10 percent and reduce
foreign oil. from Conservation mandates over time.
After eight years of dramatically in- Reserve Programs Urge your members of
creasing mandates, the results are in and -virgin prairie, Congress to support
it is apparent that none of these goals woodlands and wet- this legislation.
have been met- in fact, the opposite is lands in the U.S. - The EPA can also
true. to grow corn over play a vital role as they
Due to an arcane and fraud-prone the last 10 years. work with automobile
ethanol credit trading scheme, the price The careful reader companies imple-
0 of higher-octane gasoline has skyroek might question how 35 menting improved fuel

eted, relative to lower grades; the farm million acresaregrow- economy standards.
economy continues its decline; finite ing corn for ethanol, The first step in this
resourcessuchasphosphorusandsub - but "only" 10 million new regard would betoelimi -
terranean aquifers are being depleted; acres have been converted nate artificial incentives to
'1:1=. wildlife and biodiversity are being to agricultural use in the U.S. produce ethanol. Currently, the
threatened; harmful emissions have Much of this acreage used to EPA gives CAFE mileage bonuses
doubled; and the mandate has had no grow soybeans for export. Typi to gas guzzlers if they can consume
impact on reducing use of fossil fuels. cally, farmers would rotate between gasoline that is up to 85 percent ethanol.
How can this be? corn and soybeans, but now many grow Credits are also given to compensate for
The answer is simple - it takes as corn year after year. the reduced energy content of ethanol
much fossil fuel to produce ethanol from South America has filled the void, and that are at a competitive disadvan- as compared to pure gasoline. Given the
corn as it yields. with the result that Brazi I now exports tageagainst huge absentee landowners, environmental destruction and excessive
A Cornell University study estimates more soybeans than the U.S. -with the when it comes to low-value commod- use of fossil fuels consumed in the pro
that it takes 40 percent more energy to concomitant destruction of forest and ity products. Look no further than the duct ion of ethanol, these credits should
produce corn ethanol than it yields. The grasslands in that country, not to men City of Des Moines water authority's realistically be debits. It is impera -
actual distillation of corn into ethanol tion an increased trade deficit here in lawsuit against upstream agricultural tive that the EPA consider the overall
consumes about 28 percent as much this country. districts. Look no further than the City economic and environmental impact of
energy as it produces; yet when all the A recent study discussed by a Con- of Toledo that shut down water supplies their policies and not focus solely on a
inputs required to grow corn -such as servative Political Action Committee to hundreds of thousands of residents single aspect of the overall picture.
the production of herbicides, insect~ panel in February concludes that the because of nutrient-fed toxic algae. Look . ----------------------------------------·
cides, fertilizer and the fuel for tractors farm economy continues its decline no further than the just-released U.S. Jerry Jung is a retired businessman and
and transportation -are factored in, the despite -and perhaps because of - Geological Survey study that confirmed conservationist who became concerned
equation changes. Even the U.S. Depar-t ethanol mandates. deadly "neo-nic" insecticides in Iowa when Monarch Butterfliesstopped arriv-
ment of Agriculture, a misguided pro- Ethanol is a low-value commodity. A drinking water. Perhaps it is no ace+ ing at his hobby farm in central Michigan
ponent of ethanol production, estimates bushel of corn will produce 2.8 gallons dent that Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who has after migrating from Mexico. Thepollina
that the energy output only slightly of ethanol worth about $4.50. The same never supported ethanol mandates or tor's population has declined by 95 percent
exceeds the inputs. The agency points corn, fed to poultry, produces about costly agricultural subsidies, won the since the ramp-up in ethanol mandates.

17cv01906 Sierra Club v. EPA ED_001523_00005702-00001

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