FOIA Lawsuit Documents

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1 48075 + PHONE 28.483,5000 + F248 FAN ACKER rc otter tintnatows Seow hoot» svanaian Das Dated om e [OODM. Gi STATE OF MICHIGAN IN THE COURT OF CLAIMS Progress Michigan, Plaintiff, Case No. 177 093-MZ Hon. Srepuns Bill Schuette, in his official ‘capacity as Attorney General and head of the Department of Attomey General, . Defendant, Goodman Acker, P.C, : Mark Brewer (P35661) a Attomeys for Plaintiff 17000 W. 10 Mile Rd. 2 Floor Southfield, MI48075 (248) 483-5000 [email protected] / PLAINTIFF PROGRESS MICHIGAN’S COMPLAINT FOR DISCLOSURE OF E- MAILS IMPROPERLY WITHHELD BY MICHIGAN ATTORNEY GENERAL There ij no other pending or resolved civil action arising out of the transaction or occurrence alleged in the Complaint. ) ( T \ov) wor Mark Brewer (P35661) Dee ated La Fr GC SOBMAN ACKER :c io wort Roa Secono Fioon + SOUTHFIELD MiccAN 475 © PHONE 248.483 $000» Bbr 248833134 >= ——— NOW OMES Plaintiff Progress Michigan, by and through its attomeys, Goodman ‘Acker, P.C., plitsuant to the Michigan Freedom of Information Act, MCL 15.231 et seq., seeking a couit order to compel disclosure of public records wrongfully withheld by Defendant Bill Schuette, and in support of its Complaint states as follows: INTRODUCTION 1. After discovering through previous FOIA requests that Attomey General Bill Schuette and his staff were performing official functions using personal email accounts, Progress Michigan sent a comprehensive FOIA request seeking such emails. Schuette denied therequest claiming that the Department of Attorney General “does not possess” stch emails, a denial reaffirmed after an internal appeel. This complaint seeks prodiiction of the requested emails, or a declaration that their destruction was illegal. NATURE OF ACTION 2. This is an action to virdicate the public’s right to information about state government | protected by the Michigan Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), MCI. 15.231 et seq; MSA 4.1801(1) et seq. PARTIES 3. Plaintiff Progress Michigan is a Michigan nonprofit corporation whose objectives are to advocate, educate ard inform the citizens of Michigan about progressive issues and policies at dl levels of government. It investigates state government and shares its | findings with the public. It is a “person” as defined in MCL 15.232(c). 2 00 + FAK 248.483.3191 GEGIMAN ACKER seventeen fons vw snes nen . Defendant Attorney General Bill Schuette (“Schuette”) is the head of the Department . Progress Michigan files FOIA requests as part of its mission and has filed FOIA. . In the course of reviewing public records disclosed by Schuette pursuant to previous }. Copies of the public records received by Progress Michigan disclosing the use of of Attorney General in the executive branch of state government, which is a “public body” as defined in MCL 15.232(d)(j) and which creates and maintains “public records” a} defined in MCL 15.232(e). JURISDICTIC ion pursuant to MCL 15.240(1)(b) and MCL 600.6419(1)(a).. FACTUAL ALLEGATIONS requests of Schuette. | FOIA requests, Progress Michigan discovered that Schuette and his staff were performing official functions using personal email accounts, ie., email accounts not issued by the State of Michigan, personal email accounts to conduct official functions are attached as Exhibit 1. Those records reveal that, at a minimum, the following current or former employees of ‘Schuette used personal email accounts to perform official functions: Schnette, Bill (Attorney General) © Bitely, Andrea (Director of Communications) © Bundy, Carter (Constituent Relations Representative) ‘© Burgch, John (former Solicitor General) | ‘+ Hills, Gerald (Rusty) (Director of Public AGfairs) 3 17000 Wrev Tew Maus Roa, Secon Fao « Sout MICA 48075 + PHONE 2484835000 + Hx 24848331310 * Isaacs, Carol (former Chief Deputy Attorney General) + Litldstrom, Aeron (Solicitor General) © Prite, Shannon (former Constituent Relations) ‘© Schneider, Metthew (Chief Deputy Attomey General) * Selleck, John (Director of Public Affairs) + Stamer, Dennis (Constituent Relations Representative) © Teszlewicz, Barbara (Assistant Attorney General) + Yeqrout, Joy (Director of Communications) 9. Based on the discovery of this extensive usage of personal email accounts to perform’ official furtctions, on September 27, 2016 Progress Michigan sent a comprehensive FOIA request to Schuette seeking all emails sent or received by a group of twenty-one (21) individuals using a personal email account in the performance of any official function siace November 1, 2010. See Exhibit 2. 10. On October 19, 2016 Schuette denied the request stating that, with one exception, the Department of Attorney General “does not possess records meeting your description.” As to the single email it did possess, the Department claimed an exemption. See Exhibit 3. 11, On November 26, 2016 Progress Michigan filed an intemal appeal of the denial, see , Exhibit 4, which appeal was denied, the Department again claiming that “no such records exist,” see Exhibit 5. MAN ACKER. GSS 7000 Wesr‘Taw Mitt RoaD, Secon FLoox + SOUTHFIELD, Michicax 4807S + PHONE 2484835000 + Fax 248483313) == GSaaMAN ACKER. COUNT I - VIOLATION OF FOIA 12, Plaintiff Hereby adopts and incorporates by reference each and every allegation contained In Paragraphs 1-11 of this Complaint as if specifically set forth herein word for word abd paragraph by paragraph, 13. FOIA requires the disclosure, upon request, by public bodies of “public records”. 14, Michigan law is clear that state employees who use personal email accounts to perform official fimotions are creating public records subject to disclosure under FOIA. See, £2, State pf Michigan, Records Management Services, “Frequently Asked Questions About E-njail Retention,” Question 5 (copy attached as Exhibit 6). 15. As demonstrated by Exhibit 1 Schuette and his staff have routinely used personal ‘email accounts over a long period of time to perform official functions. 16, Schuette's Fefusal to disclose emails sent and received by him and his staff using personal emhail accounts in the course of performing official functions violates FOLA. UNT I~ S 17. Plaintiff adopts and incorporates by reference each and every allegation contained in Paragraphs 1-16 of this Complaint as if specifically set forth herein word for word and paragraph or paragraph. 18. The Management and Budget Act declares that “{all records of this state are and shall remain the property of the state,” MCL 18.1287(1), including “electronic data processing material,” id, 18.1284, 19. Allstate departments “shall maintain records which are necessary for all of the | following: (a) The continued effective operation of the state agency; (b) An adequate | ard proper fecording of the activities of the state agency; (c) The protection of the legal 17000 Wes Ten Mis Ro, Secon FLoon + Souswanan, MICNIGAY 48075 + PHONE 24%4.5000 + HX 2484833191 452 GOGIMANAcKER.. rights of the state,” MCL 18,1285(1), and “shall cause the records to be listed on a retention ahd disposal schedule,” MCL 18,1285(2). 20. The retention and disposal schedules for the State and the Department of Attomey General classify records based on their content. 21. Upon information and belief the public records sought by Progress Michigan fall within two (2) retention and disposal schedules, the General Retention and Disposal Schedule #5 on administrative records and the Office of Attomey General Executive Office Schedule. (attached as Exhibits 7 and 8). 22. If Schuette has destroyed when the law required him to preserve, and/or has failed to preserve the public records requested by Progress Michigan, he has violated the Management and Budget Act and the applicable retention and disposal schedules, and he has violated Progress Michigan’s right to obtain those public records pursuant to * FOIA. RELIEF. ‘WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays that the Court: 1. Assign this action for hearing at the earliest practicable date and expedite it in every way pufsuant to MCL 15.240(5); 2. Declare that emails conceming official functions sent or received by state employges using personal email accounts are “public records” subject to disclosure under FOIA. 3. Order the disclosure of the emails requested by Progress Michigan on September 28, 2016; Debts ated tw Fi C SOODMAN ACKER. 170 Weer Tw Mis Roa, Seco Mok + Savxvoness MICA 4075 + PHONE 248483 3000 + FAX 4B 3135 ee 4. Award attomeys’ fees, costs and disbursements to Plaintiff pursuant to MCL. 15.240(6); 5. Award punitive damages for the arbitrary and capricious refusal and/or delay in providing copies of emails to Plaintiff pursuant to MCL 15,240(7); 6. If Schuette has failed to preserve and/or destroyed the requested emails where the law requires preservation, declare that such failure and/or destruction violated FOIA and the Management and Budget Act; and 7. Award|such other relief as is appropriate and just. Dated: April 7, 2017 Respectfully submitted, ‘GOODMAN ACKER, P.C. t | ch iw q By: Mark Brewer (P35661) Goodman Acker, P.C. 17000 W. 10 Mile Rd, 2" Floor Southfield, M1 48075 (248) 483-5000 [email protected] EXHIBIT 1 Gustafson, Holly (a ee Fror GY, Lori (AG) Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2014 1048 AM. To nse j Schneider, Matthew (AG) His, Rusty (AG): Cropsey, Alan (AG); ‘sees, Carl (AG); Yearout, Joy (AG) ce: Loffe, Sharon (AG); Gustafson, Holly (AGY; Nurenberg, eth (AG); Teseewic, Barbora 6) Subject: ‘Mackinec - Detroit Regione! Chamber Fiease be aware that the AG sno lange able to attend the Detrolt Chamber on Mackinac Island due to « conflict in his schedule, ‘ust so the “left” knows what the “ight” Is doing, please note the following travel schedules for staf: Rusty Hills Arriving late Tuesday (5/27), Departing Wednesday (5/28) ~ Now taking AG's lace at Grand Hotel (we couldn't gettour depost back, so I'm moving Rusty here) Matthew Schnelder ‘Arriving Tuesday (5/27) or Wednesday (5/28), Departing Friday (5/30) - Hart's Inn (hotel has 3 night minimum) Alan Cropsey ‘Asriving Twestay (5/27), Departing Friday (5/30) ~ Mission Point Resort (hotel thas 3 night minimum) . John Selick Arriving Tuesday (5/27), Departing Fray (5/30) — Hart's Inn (hotel has 3 night ‘minimum)-- John, is th correct? Scott Greenlee | Alving Wednesday (5/28), Departing Thursday (5/29) Lllee Tree inl be necessary for everyone {excdat John) toll out 9 pre-trave form, Ths to cover al your inckdertals (ferry, ‘mileage, meals, taxi), Please obtain raceipts for everything, _aron/ath/Holy~ please work with BARS om the pre-travel forms in regard tothe "ustlication for travel” language. This Is important, Ether & wil continue to forward any bvtations we receve,Pleese RSVP to those You wish to attend, Thanks, Lori Gay Bgcutive Assistane Attorney General iC Scfnatte (617)373-1113 Gustafson, Holly (A ible From: ay, Lor (AG) Sent ‘uosday, July 29, 2014 4:07 PM To: Yearout, Joy (AG); Hills, Rusty (AG); Johnsellek@; Isaacs, Cero (AG); Schnelder, Matthew (AG) ce, Allen, Sydney (AG; Gast, Sonya (AG); Jentzen Esther E. (AG); Teszlewicr, Barbara (AG) Gustafson, Holly (AG) Subject: sHropane press conference Joy, “The AG could do a propane press conference the morning of Monday, August 28, He Isleaving it in your and Rusty's discretion whether it should be held in Saginaw or Lansing. He can't do Traverse City. ing being held tentatively for Wed, August 13, 1:00-2:00'PM in his office, Gustafson, Holly (AG) From: Gay, Lori (AG) Sent: ‘Tubsday, July 29, 2014 Geld PM To: ‘Yehrout, Joy (AG); Hills, Rusty (AG); [email protected]; Isaacs, Carol (AG); Schnelder, ; Matthew (AG) - ce ‘Alen, Sydney (AG); Gast, Sonya (AGy,Jentzen, Esther E. (AG); Teszlewicz, Barbara (AG), Gifstafson, Holly (AG) Subject: Rape Kit Apptop press conference oy, ‘The AG would be available for a Rape Kit Approp press conference on Wed, Oct. 1 in Detrolt, | will hold the date for now until | hear confirmation from you whether all the players néeded are free. ‘Once Its locked In, ll set a date foria pre-brlefing. 4 ‘Thanks. Lort istafson, Holly (AG) From: Gay, Lori (AG) Sent: ‘Tussday, August 12, 2014 4:10 PM Tot Rusty Hills; Hills, Rusty (AG); Yearout, Joy (AG); [email protected] Jotinsellek@yahoo,com; Issacs, Carol (AG); Pascoe, DJ (AG); Fowler, Dartin (AG); ‘Schnelder, Matthew (AG) ce , ‘Totzlewice, Barbara (AG); Nurenberg, Beth (AG); Gee, Mary (AG); Allen, Sydney (AG), Gast, Sonya (AG); Gustafson, Holly (AG) Subject: Ej TOMORROW - time change/location change for Press Conference Briefing Sorry, looping Matthew in, ‘Matthew/Holly ~ please note locatioh/time change for tomorrow, From: Gay, Lori (AG) Sent: Tuesday, August 32, 2014 4:02 PM “Tot ‘Rusty Hills; His, Rusty (AG); Yeerout, Joy (AG); [email protected]; [email protected] Isaacs, Carol (AG); Pascoe, D3 (AG); Fowler, Darlh (AG) et Teszlewice, Barbara (AG); Nurenberg, Beth (AG); Gee, Mary (AG); Allen, Sydney (AG); Gest, Sonya (AG) ‘Subject: TOMORROW - time changeflocation change for Press Conference Briefing ‘A propane press conference briefing with the AG Is scheduled for tomorrow, Wednesday, August 13. Please note the time & location havp been changed. NEW TIMI 30AM~12:00 NOON, NEW LOCATION: Warner, Norcross, & Judd ‘One Michigan Ave Building 120 N. Weshington Sq. 4 FL—Sulte 410 Downtown Lansing Participants include; Chief Deputy, Rusty, Joy, DJ, and Darrin, ‘Thank you. Gustafson, Holly (AG) From: Testlewiz, Barbare (AG) Sent: Thegsdey, October 30, 2014208 PM Veep To: . ‘Schuette, Bill (AG); billschuette53@; Gay, Lori (AG); Starner, Dennis; Jentzen, Esther E. (AG); Isaacs, Carol (AG); Sonneveldt, Daniel (AG); ‘Schnelder, Malthew (AG); Lindstrom, Aaron (AG); Gustafson, Holly (AG); ils, Rusty (AG) Matt Hall ([email protected]); [email protected]; shan: {mail.corn; Greenlee, Scott (AG) bundcar@; Cropsey, Alan (AG Lolo, Sharon (AG); [email protected]; Yearout, Joy (AG); ‘Nurenberg, Beth (AG); Gast, Sonya (AG); Allen, Sydney (AG) Lazet, John (AG); Filler, Graham (AG); Restucci, Eric (AG); Sherman, Ant\(AG}, Sits, Jennifer (AG); Dalzll, Kathryn (AG); Wolenin, Amanda (AG), Zuierachowsk, Brittany (AG); Anderson, Carly (AG) Subject: Lunthaon - November 6th We would like to have a “potluék” luncheon on Thuretlay, November 6, in the Kelley Library. Please sign up to bring a main dil, salad, dessert, or pop and table wear. The aign-up sheet is at Barb's desk. . Barb Teszlewicz Senior Brecutive Management Assistant Michigan. Department of Attorney General (iN 378-1118 / phone (617 978-2002 7 fae Gustafson, Holly (AG) From Gustafson, Holly (AG) Sent: Filday, November 07, 2014 9141 AM To: Jentzen, Esther E, (AG); Lindstrom, Aaron (AG); Hills, Rusty (AG); Yearout, Joy (AG; . éstueela, Eric (AG); ‘Burech, John ([email protected])’ [email protected] ce ‘acs, Carol (AG); Schnelder, Matthew (AG) Teszlewicz, Barbara (AG) Subject: RE: Dedoar messaging meeting Attachments: Hblly Gustafsonvet Tye received the message and Matthew is aware of the call and will call in at 10:45 am. Froms Jentzen, Esther E, (AG) Senti Friday, November 07, 2014 9:40 AM Tos Lndstrem, Aaron (AG); ls, Rusty (AG); Yearout 2oy (AG); Restuce Ee (AG); Burst, John (bursch@wnicom)' Johnselleke@yahoo,com ‘Get Isaacs, Carol (AG); Schnelder, Matthew (AG); Gustafson, Holy (AG); Teszlewicz, Barbara (AG) ‘Subject: RE: DeBoer messaging mesting ‘Whoever ig in the office can meet in the executive conference room, I will diel them in ae the host of this call. 3 For anyono olsc not in the office please call: 1-888-090-8807 aud use pasucode; 1am adding John Sellek to this ¢mail per the AG, Please Jet me know that you hav zeceved thls mossage, Thanks! Esther From Lindstrom, Aaron (AG) Tot Rey (AG) et (At Res, (AG) uch ohn Gutipwn.con) ‘or Hl, Rust } ie Cer Isaacs, Carol (AG); Schnelder; Maithew (AG); Gustafson, Holl ly (AG); Jentzen, Esther E, (A@) Subject: RE: DeBoer messaging meeting Esther says the AG would, like to do the call at 10:45, She will set up a conference line for it, Please RSVP to her. From: Lindstrom, Aaron (AG) ‘Sent Friday, Novernber 07, 2014 8:4 AM Gustafson, Holly (AG) . From: . Linkistrom, Aaron (AG) Sent: «Fray, Novernber 07, 2014 9356 AM To: * Jentz: Esther E, (AG) Hills, Rusty (AG); Yearout, Joy (AG); Restuccl, tric (AG); "Bursch, Jolin Qbursch@wn,.com; [email protected] ce, as ‘Carol (AG); Schnelder, Matthew (AG); Gustafson, Holly (AG); Teszlewlcz, Barbara . (a6) Subjects RE DeBoer messaging meeting Carol suggested, wisely, that It might be helpful for us to talk before the AG gots on the line, 80 wwe can use his time more protuctively. So, if you are able, let's meet (or call in) at 10:16 to start identifying the issues and talking through them. _ Aaxon From: Jenizen, Esther E. (AG) . Sent: Fiday, Novernber 07; 2014 9:40 AM : Tot Lindstrom, Aaron (AG); Hills, Rusty (AG); Yearout, Joy (AG); Restucca, Eri (AG); ‘Bursch, John ([email protected])} [email protected] . ‘Ces Isaacs, Carol (AG); Schnelder, Matthew (AG); Gustafson, Holly (AG); Teszlewiee, Barbara (AG) Subject: REi DeBoer messaging mebting Whoever is in the office can meat in the exeoutive conference zoom, I will dial them in as the host of this call, 2 p For anyone else not in tho office please call: 1-888-686-8807 and use passcode: Tem adding John Selle to thie Pmail per the AG. Please let me know that you haye received this message, Thankl Esther Fromt Lindstrom, Aaron (AG) Sent: Friday, November 07, 2014 9:24 AM : ‘Tor Hls, Rusty (AG); Yearout, Joy (AG); Restuccla, Eric (AG) ‘Bursch, John ([email protected])’ xz Isaecs, Carel (AG); Schneider, Matthew (AG); Gustafson, Holly (AG); Jentzen, Esther-E. (AG) ‘Subject: RE: DeBoer messaging meeting Esther says the AG would likp to do the call at 10:48, She will set up @ conference Tine for it, Please RSVP to her, From: Lindstrom, Aaron (AG) ~ - Sant Friday, November 07, 2014 8:48 AM ‘Tot Hils, Rusty (AG); Yearout, Joy (AG); Restuccla, Eric (AG); ‘Bursch, John (Saurech@wn}.com) ‘Cet Tsaacs, Carol (AG); Schneider, Matthew (AG); Gustafson, Holly (AG) ‘Subjectt DeBoer messaging meeting . Gustafson, Holly (AG) From: Gay, Lori (AG) “Monday, November 10, 2014 952 AM 3 ‘Yesrout, Joy (AG); Isaacs, Carol (AG); Hills, Rusty (AG); John Sellek; Schnelder, Matthew (AG); Stokes, Wanda (AGy Elizondo, Kelly (AG); Lolo, Sharon (AG) Cropsey, Alan (AGl; at pyyrarout@amalicon Cer Tewi ara (AG)}\Nurenberg, Beth (AG); Gustafson, Holly (AG); Hopkins, Lois ) (Gy, Jentzen, Esther E, + Mating w/ AG ‘A blefing meeting has been scheduled with the AG for is Wednesday, November 12° fram 1:00:43 PM In the ‘executive conference room. The purpose of this big isto discuss: ‘+ Recent llcensing cases against compo Now legislative reforms governing. * Our regulation of compounding. ing pharmacies (NEC, Specialty Medicine, Nu Vision) ipounding pharmacies frmacies, In general ‘This brlefing willhelp prepare the AG Yor tentative media interviews, tf you have specifc questions concerning your role, please contact. Joy Yearout, Thank you. | Lori Gey Frecutioe Asistant Attorney Genera Bil Schuetie onan Gustafson, Holly (AG) snnicamainnp seid): From: Gey, Loris) Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2014 5:26 PM To: ‘Tsclewicz, Barbara (AG); [email protected] Cropsey, Alan (AG); His, Rusty (AG; 'Haacs, Carol (AG); Lindstrom, Aaron (AG); Schneider, Matthew (AG); Yearout, Joy (AG) ce. gntzen, Esther €, (AG); Nurenberg, Beth (AG); Gustafson, Holly (AG); Lolo, Sharon (AG) Subject: RE Senior Staff Meetings - Novernber Please note ~Staff meeting on Wed, Nov, 15" will start at 10:45 AM, From: Teszlewicz, Barbara (AG) ‘Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2014 8:47 AM “To! [email protected]; Copsey, Aan (AG) Hl Rsty (AG); secs, Carl (AG); Lindt, Aaron (AS; Semele, Matthew (AG); Yearout, Joy (AG) ‘Ces Gay, Lort (AG); Jentzen, Esther, (AG); Nurenberg, Beth (AG); Gustafson, Holy (AG); Lol, Sharon (AG) Subject: Senior Staff Meetings - November ‘The noxt Senior Staff mestinig is sot for Wednesday, November 19% - 10:00 - Carol, Rusty, Matthew 10:80 — Senior Staff ‘There is also a tentative meeting set for Tuesday, November 25t\— 10:00 — Carol, Rusty, Matthew 10:80 ~ Senior Staff ‘You can send ms agenda items at any time. ‘Thanks, Barb Barb Tesslewica Senior Executive Management Assistant Miciigan Department of Attorney General (617) 878-1116 / phone (617) 878-8042 / fas: Gustafson, Holly (AG) a From: Gap tort 6) Sent: Friday, November 24,2014 346 PM To! Butch, John [email protected]) Hil, Rusty (AG); Lindstrom, Aaron (AG) etn Sella, 717. Yesrout, Joy (AG) [email protected]: Isaacs, Carol (AG); Schneider, Matthew (AG); Restuecl, Ere (AG) : ce rshler@wn].coms; Teszlewicz, Barbera (AG); Gustafson Holly (AG) Sits, Jennifer (AG): ___ Nutenberg, Bath (AG) Jentzen, Esther E, (AG) Subject: conference call on MONDAY John Bursch- Are you avellable for a 9115 AM confrence call on Monday, November 24% re: DeBoer? “iso, you can elther participate in pexson or via phone, Callin numbert 1-888-626-3807 Passcode: Other tentative participants: Aaron tindstrom; Rusty His; John Selle; Joy Yeerout; Carol Isaacs; Matthew Schneider; Restuccla, Erle Lori Gay ‘Expentive Assistant Attorney General il Seueste w1q)s7s113 From: Lindstrom, Aaron (AG) Sent: Fidy, Novernber 21,2016 1:25 PM ‘To! Gay, Lori (AG) Subjects FW: REE Loxi, will you please handle the coordination for the conference call? fro bl sehuets falas ama] ‘Santi Fday, Novernber 22, 2014 11:97 AM ‘To: Undstrom, Aaron (AG) ‘ce: Rusty Hils; Aaron Lindstrom Johd B. Salle Joy Yearout; Carol saacs; Matthew Schnelder; Restucl, Ec (AG); Lor Sbjct Re: Res Aaron, please send me the last drab, Also, we need to set up a 9:15 conference call on Monday please Sent from my iPad : , OnNow2, 2014, at 36 AM, *itdstom, Aaron (AO}" LinsromA Bates wot ‘Thanks, Rusty. Ive reviced based on these suggestions, See my in-line eomments below. Gustafson, Holly (AG) From: : ay, Lori (AG) Sent: ‘Tuesday, November 25, 2014 1:08 PM To: ‘Yearout, Joy (AG); Jentzen, Esther E. (AG); Gast, Sonya (AG); Allen, Sydney (AG, Spnneveldt, Daniel (AG) Wendy Andersom si rail 171%. bundyear@amaiLcomy Schneider, Matthew (AG); Lindstrom, Aaron (AG); John Sellek; = Ctopsey, Alan (AG); Lolo, Sharon (AG) ils, Rusty (AG); Rusty Hl ce ‘Nurenberg, Seth (AG); Teszlewicz, Barbara (AG); Gustafson, Holly (AG) Subject: RE: TIMELY-please reed today ‘Aso, 1am mailing thy check and the AG's check to Ron Robinson today. So anyone wants to give me their check or ‘ash, I can send el in one envelope. Or fee free to mallon your own as well. ; ‘From: Gay, Lori (RG) ~ Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2014 1:04 PM ‘To: Yearout, Joy (AG); Jentzen, Estljer E, (AG); Gast, Sonya (AG); Allen, Sydney (AG); Sonneveldt, Daniel (AG); ‘Wendy Anderson’; ‘shann malcom’; bundycar®@gmallicom; Schnelder, Matthew (AG); Lindstrom, Aaron (AG); ‘John Sele Copsey Aan (AG) Lalo, Shoo 0) He RG usty (AG); Rusty Hills et Nurenberg, Beth (AG); Teszlewicz, Barbara (AG); Gustafson, Holly (AG) ‘Subject: TIMELY-please read today {you have not done so already, wold you please RSVP to me (or you can send your response directly to Pler King) on ‘whether you're attending the Detrot Hollday Paty, ‘They need to finalize a count TODAY for the caterer. Date: Wednesday, December 10 Time: 11:30AM Location: Ford Piquette Avenue Plant (old Ford Museum) Cost: $20/person~ checks made payable to Ron Robinson ‘Thank yout Fromt MIAG-FY Senti Tuesday, November 18, 2014 12:09 PM To: AG-ALL Staff ‘Subject: SPECIAL FYI - REMINDER DETROIT HOLIDAY PARTY Please be reminded about the Dettolt Holiday Party quickly approaching, (see flyer) Be sure to get your reservation In, Happy Holtdaysttt Gustafson, Holly (AG) a Lot Gay Friday, November 28, 2014 12:18 AM ‘Aaton Lindstrom; Lindstrom, Aaron (AG); Hills, Rusty (AG); Rusty Hills; Caro! Is2acs; Isades, Carol (AG); alan cropsey, Cropsey, Alan (AG); Joy Yearout; Yearout, Joy (AG); [email protected]; [email protected]; Schneider, Matthew (AG); ‘Sharon Lotllo; Loli, Sharon (AG) ce te2#28@att net; Teszlewicz, Barbara (AG) Esther Jentzen; Jentzen, Esther E, (AG); ‘Gustafson, Holly (AG); Beth Nurenberg; Nurenberg, Beth (AG) Subjoct: STAFF MEETING ON MONDAY Hope everyone enjoyed theit"Thanlsgiving and hes plenty of leftovers to grave over the weekend, I know I sure dol . ‘Thete will be a staff meeting on Mdnday, December fat at 10:30 AM in the AG's office, lence send yout agenda items to Bitb by 9:30 AM on Monday. “The weekly meeting with Catol; Rutty, and Matthew is set for 10:00 AM. (Catol, would you please let Barb of me know if you would like to join by phone?) Aso, 2 few other items for your calendats: Barewell patty for Joy set for Monday, December 35th, Buresa/Division Chief meeting als9 set for Monday, Decenaber 15th. ‘Times for both are to TBD, but plense block off 10:30 AM-1:30 PM. Thank you. Lod Gay Beecutive Assistant * Attorney Genetal Bill Schuette G17) 373-1113 Gustafson, Holly (AG) From: = Tefzlewice, Barbara (AS) Sent: ‘Monday, December 08, 2014 9:06 AM Yo: ‘Allen, Sydney (AG); Gustafson, Holly (AG); Schnider, Matthew (AG); Selle John (AG); [email protected] ae ster Your Time This Morning High ‘Thanks. Barb Teeslewice Senior Beaoutive Management Assistant ‘Michigan Department of Attorney General [email protected] (617) 878-1116 / phone (617) 878-8042 / fos: . Gustafson, Holly (AG) Sent: friday, December 26, 2014 9:21 AM or nDuiysischuette@gmellcom ‘Subject; Breakfast ‘Attachments: Holly Gustafson.vef RSVP to the Breakfast for Holly Gustafson, 517-582-8458 and Family (children Rose and Harlen), ‘Thank you for the invitation. Gustafson, Holly (AG) « From: £8) Schuette Sent: : Fridey, December 26, 2014 11:55 AM To: Gustafson, Holly (AG) cc: Gipentee, Scott (AG) Subject: Ret Receptton Great Holly - Looking forward to having you all there for the breakfast and. reception! Best, ‘Team Schuette (On Ful, Deo 26, 2014 at 9:22 AM, Gustafson, Holly (AG) wrote: I RSVP to the Reception for | Houy Gustaveon, 17502-8048 | and Family (hildcen Rose anti Havlon), | Thank you for the invitation. ” Gustafson, Holly (AG) From: Teszlewicz, Barbara (AG) Sent: Monday, January 05, 2025 654 AM To: Allen, sfoney (AG); Anderson, Wendy (AG); Armstrong, Cindy (AG); Bundy, Carter (AG); ropsey, Alan (AG); Gay, Lori (AG); Greenlee, Scott (AG); Gustafson, Holy (AG); Hall, Matt (AG); Hils, Rusty (AG); enn, Robert (AG); Isaacs, Ceol (AG); Kinkey, Alicia (AG); Lazet, John (AG); Lindstrom, Aaron (AG); Lolile, Sharon (AG); Moody, Laura (AG); Nurenberg, $oth (AGY Price, Shannon (AG); Schnelder, Matthew (AG); Schuette, Bl (AG); Salle, John ‘®G) Sonneveldt, Daniel (AQ); Starner, Dennis ce Gast, Sonya (AG); johns m Subject: REMINDER - DCOS TODA Importance: High Please and thank you, Barb Tesclewiee Senior Brecutive Management Aeelstant in Department of Attorney Genoral (617) 818-1116 / phone (619) 878-8048 7 fore Schuette, Bill (AG) From: Bil schuette Sent ‘Tubsday, March 17, 2015 7:27 AM To: All, Sydney (AG) . ce: Sehuete, all (AG); Bitely, Andrea (RG); Cropsey, Alan (AG); Gast, Sonya (AG); Hills; Rusty (AG); saacs, Carol (AG); Isaacs, CarolZ; John Sellek-Personel; Lindstrom, Aaron (AG); ‘Mody, Laura (AG); Rusty-Personal Schnelder, Matthew (AG) Selle, John (AG), ._ Nugenberg, Beth (48) Subject: ej Media Inquiries-3/16, teem, let's alscuss the marijuana statements... may ust say let the voters decide. cen add to our discussion next week! Sent from my iPad (On Mar 26, 2045, at 5:19 PM, "Allen, Sydney (AG)* wrote! Anthony Rizzo, OMU Phtlic Radio (COMPLETE) . Re: Question about pregs release regarding Schuette's consumer tips to avoid IRS" scams this tax season, . 989-774-8654 5 Anthony xiza@omichekn REPLY: Kathayn Barcn provided sound bite, ‘Mike Arney, WSJM (COMPLETE) ‘Re: Question about tax Beame press release 269-925-1112 i REPLY: Katharyn Baron provided sound bite, ‘Melisoa Burnor, The Blicefield Advance (COMPLETE) Rif: Many of our local riunicipalities are being asked to support a resolution on the increase in Michigan seles tax whose purported aim ie to fund road improvements from the Michigan Munipcal Leaguo. I read that’ the attorney general has taken a ‘stance on the issue. Is there an official press release or could you clarify your position on this? news@blissfeléedvancecom REPLY: Sent Detroit News article. ” Josh Sidorowies, Fox 17 GR (COMPLETE) Re: Socking AGs official reaction to a potition drive for MJ ogaleaton, (616)681-2064 EBPLY: "When it comes io the medical marijuana question, we all know people who suffer from gréat pain and we are monitoring the legislature's review of that law, but we absolutely must keep drugs out of kids’ hands and that is why Iam opposed to so- 1 From: John Sellek Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2015 12:12 PM To: “Taszlewicz, Barbara (AG) ce: ‘Gistafson, Holly (AG) Nurenberg, Beth (AG); Seek, John (AG) Subjects Ré: Enbridge 6B pipeline settlement ‘Yes. John Sellek + Attorney General Bill Schuette 517,648,9543 On Apr 9, 2015, at 12:09 PM, "Tpszlewicz, Barbara (AG)" wrote: It looks like Carol and Rusty are available at 8:30-10;00 on Friday, April 24th, John - are you available at that tine? ~-~-Original Message--— From: Gustafson, Holly (AG) Sent: Wednesday, April 08, 2015 12:05 PM To: Nurenberg, Beth (AG); Teszlewicz, Barbara (AG) Subject: FW: Enbridge 6B pipelize settlement, Beth and Barb - Iim going to have to finish scheduling this on Monday. Can you look at schedules for Rusty, John Seilek and Carol and tell me if there are any available times on: ‘Tuesday afternoon, April 21; all day on Wednesdey, Apri! 22; and ell day on Friday, April 24, Holly ---«-Original Message From; Hart, Nanoy (AG) Sent: Wednesday, April 08, 2015 10:32 AM. To: Gustafson, Holly (AG) Subject: RB: Enbridge 6B pipeline settlement Not to be a pain, but would it be ¢asierto get Ms, Isaacs! availability fist ~ since she is ica ono with scheduling? T think Polly and Peter could adjust to her schedule, ‘And to help you outa litle bt, I think both Polly and Peter would be available on Tuesday afternoon, April 21; all day on Wednesday, April 22, and all day on Friday, April 24, 1 Gustafson, Holly (AG) From: Sent: 1 Subje Importance: ‘Tésclewicz, Barbara (AG) ‘Monday, April 13, 2015 9:26 AM Lach, Nicholas (AG; shannox lLcom;[email protected]; Alen Sydney (Gy Anderson, Wendy (AG); Armstrong, Cindy (AG); Barton, Denise (AG); Bitely, Andrea ‘AG Bundy, Carter (AG); Crops, Alan (AG); Gast, Sonyea (AG): Gay, Lori (AG); Greenlee, Stott (AG) Gustafson, Holy (AG); Hall, Matt (AG) Hills, Rusty (AG); Howe, Raymond ‘AG Isaacs, Carol (AG); Kikey, Alicia (AG); Lazet, John (AG); Lindstrom, Aaron (AG); {lio heron (AG); Manning, Peter (AG); Moody, Laura (AG); Morton, Bradley (AG), \Nurenberg, Beth (AG); Potchen, Joseph (AG); Price, Shannon (AG); Schnelder, Matthew (AG) Schuette, ail (AG); Selle, John (AG) Sonnevelct, Daniel (AG); Sterner, Dennis (AG), ‘Stokes, Wand (AG) REMINDER - DCDS Today High For those of you who were ngt here on Friday, please enter your time in DCDS. Barb Teszlewice Senior Bxeoutive Management Assislant Michigan Department of Attorney General [email protected] (IN) 878-1118 / phone (617) 878-5042 1 fax Gay, Lori (AG) le Gay, Lori (AG) Wednesday, Mey 13, 2015 1:18 PM billschuettess@gmalicom Rusty Hil; John Selle; Bitely, Andrea (AG) Radlo ae you willing to do lve radio intprview w! WKZO at ether 7:20 or 8:20 AM fomortow morning? You will bbe in the car by 8:00 AM, so either time should work, . ‘This is regarding $75 Million Settlbraent for Enbridge’s Kalamazoo River Oil Spill. From: Tim Abramowsis ‘Subject: Fwd: Schuette, Wyant Announce $75 Million Settlement for Enbridge’s Kalamazoo River Oil Spill H ‘Good morning Andrea, ‘Any chance that Mr, Schuptle be available tomorrow moming (Thursday, May 14) at 7:2Dam ot B:20am to join ow co-hosts Jey Morzis and Jim McKinney of the Kalamazoo Moming News It would be, LIVE for apptbximately 6-8 minutes. Let me know ‘Thank you for your time ead considerstion ‘Tim Abramowski Producer, AM 590 WKZO Radio ‘The Kalamazoo Morning News ‘Midwest Communications Inc, tim.abra

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