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Operation and Maintenance

Manual Excerpt 140K

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© 2010 Caterpillar
All Rights Reserved
November 2008

Operation and
12K, 140K and 160K Motor Graders
JJA1-Up (Machine)
JPA1-Up (Machine)
SZL1-Up (Machine)
SZM1-Up (Machine)
JBP1-Up (Machine)
SZP1-Up (Machine)

SEBU8249-01 81
Maintenance Section
Maintenance Interval Schedule

i02943134 Scarifier Teeth - Inspect/Replace ........................ 131

Window Washer Reservoir - Fill .......................... 141
Maintenance Interval Schedule Window Wiper - Inspect/Replace ........................ 141
Windows - Clean ................................................. 141
SMCS Code: 1000; 7000
Every 10 Service Hours or Daily
Ensure that all safety information, warnings, and
instructions are read and understood before any Air Tank Moisture and Sediment - Drain ............... 83
operation or any maintenance procedures are Backup Alarm - Test .............................................. 84
performed. Brakes, Indicators and Gauges - Test ................... 87
Circle Drive Pinion Teeth - Lubricate .................... 94
The user is responsible for the performance of Circle Top - Lubricate ............................................ 95
maintenance, including all adjustments, the use of Cooling System Coolant Level - Check ................ 99
proper lubricants, fluids, filters, and the replacement Engine Oil Level - Check .................................... 109
of components due to normal wear and aging. Failure Fuel System Water Separator - Drain .................. 119
to adhere to proper maintenance intervals and Fuel Tank Water and Sediment - Drain ............... 120
procedures may result in diminished performance of Seat Belt - Inspect .............................................. 131
the product and/or accelerated wear of components. Transmission and Differential Oil Level - Check .. 137

Use mileage, fuel consumption, service hours, or Initial 100 Service Hours
in order to determine the maintenance intervals. Transmission and Differential Oil Filter and Screens -
Products that operate in severe operating conditions Replace/Clean .................................................. 136
may require more frequent maintenance.
Every 100 Service Hours or 2 Weeks
Note: Before each consecutive interval is performed,
all maintenance from the previous interval must be Articulation Bearings - Lubricate ........................... 83
performed. Axle Oscillation Bearings - Lubricate .................... 84
Belt - Inspect ......................................................... 85
When Required Blade Lift Cylinder Socket - Lubricate ................... 87
Cab Air Filter - Clean/Replace .............................. 89
Battery - Recycle .................................................. 84 Centershift Cylinder Socket - Lubricate ................ 90
Belt - Replace ....................................................... 86 Centershift Lock Bar - Clean/Lubricate ................. 90
Blade Lift Cylinder Socket - Check/Adjust/ Drawbar Ball and Socket - Lubricate .................. 103
Replace ............................................................... 86 Hydraulic System Oil Level - Check ................... 125
Centershift Cylinder Socket - Check/Adjust/ Kingpin Bearings - Lubricate ............................... 126
Replace ............................................................... 89 Ripper Cylinder Bearings - Lubricate .................. 129
Circle Clearances - Check/Adjust ......................... 90 Scarifier Lift Link Socket - Lubricate ................... 131
Circle Drive Oil Level - Check ............................... 94 Tandem Drive Oil Level - Check ......................... 133
Circuit Breakers - Reset ........................................ 95 Tire Inflation - Check ........................................... 134
Cutting Edges and End Bits - Inspect/Replace ... 102 Wheel Lean Bar Bearings - Lubricate ................. 140
Drawbar Ball and Socket End Play - Wheel Lean Bearings - Lubricate ....................... 140
Check/Adjust ..................................................... 103 Wheel Lean Cylinder Bearings - Lubricate ......... 140
Engine Air Filter Primary Element - Clean/
Replace ............................................................. 104 Initial 500 Service Hours (or at first oil
Engine Air Filter Secondary Element - Replace .. 107 change)
Engine Air Filter Service Indicator -
Inspect/Replace ................................................ 107 Battery or Battery Cable - Inspect/Replace .......... 84
Engine Air Filter Service Indicator Screen - Electronic Unit Injector - Inspect/Adjust .............. 104
Check/Replace .................................................. 108 Engine Valve Lash - Check .................................. 113
Engine Air Precleaner - Clean ............................ 109
Engine Crankcase Breather - Replace ............... 109 Every 500 Service Hours or 3 Months
Engine Overheating ............................................. 112
Engine Power Loss .............................................. 113 Braking System - Test ........................................... 88
Ether Starting Aid Cylinder - Replace .................. 114 Cooling System Coolant Sample (Level 1) -
Evaporator Coil and Heater Coil - Clean ............. 114 Obtain ................................................................. 99
Fuel System - Fill ................................................. 116 Engine Air Filter Service Indicator -
Fuses - Replace .................................................. 120 Inspect/Replace ................................................ 107
Moldboard Wear Strip - Inspect/Adjust/Replace .. 127 Engine Oil Sample - Obtain ................................. 110
Radiator - Clean .................................................. 128 Engine Oil and Filter - Change ............................ 110
Radiator Core - Clean ......................................... 128 Fuel System - Prime ............................................ 116
Ripper Tip - Inspect/Replace .............................. 129
82 SEBU8249-01
Maintenance Section
Maintenance Interval Schedule

Fuel System Primary Filter (Water Separator) Every 12 000 Service Hours or 6 Years
Element - Replace ............................................. 116
Fuel System Secondary Filter - Replace ............. 118 Cooling System Coolant (ELC) - Change ............. 96
Fuel Tank Cap and Strainer - Clean .................... 119
Hydraulic System Oil Filter - Replace ................. 124
Hydraulic System Oil Sample - Obtain ............... 126
Parking Brake - Drain ......................................... 127
Tandem Breather - Clean/Replace ..................... 132
Tandem Drive Oil Sample - Obtain ..................... 134
Transmission and Differential Oil Filter and Screens -
Replace/Clean .................................................. 136
Transmission and Differential Oil Sample -
Obtain ............................................................... 138
Wheel Bearing Oil Level (Front) - Check ............ 139
Wheel Bearing Oil Sample (Front) - Obtain ........ 139

Every 1000 Service Hours or 6 Months

Blade Cushion Accumulator - Check .................... 86
Rollover Protective Structure (ROPS) - Inspect .. 130
Transmission and Differential Breather -
Clean/Replace .................................................. 134
Transmission and Differential Oil - Change ........ 135

Every 2000 Service Hours or 1 Year

Hydraulic System Oil - Change ........................... 123

Every 2000 Service Hours or 2 Years

Air Dryer Desiccant - Replace .............................. 83
Battery or Battery Cable - Inspect/Replace .......... 84
Circle Drive Oil - Change ...................................... 93
Condenser (Refrigerant) - Clean .......................... 96
Cooling System Pressure Cap - Clean/Replace .. 100
Crankshaft Vibration Damper - Inspect ............... 102
Electronic Unit Injector - Inspect/Adjust .............. 104
Engine Valve Lash - Check .................................. 113
Engine Valve Rotators - Inspect .......................... 114
Evaporator Coil and Heater Coil - Clean ............. 114
Final Drive Preload - Check ................................. 115
Refrigerant Dryer - Replace ................................ 129
Tandem Drive Oil - Change ................................ 132
Wheel Bearing Oil (Front) - Change ................... 138

Every 3000 Service Hours or 2 Years

Cooling System Water Temperature Regulator -
Replace ............................................................. 101

Every 3 Years After Date of Installation or

Every 5 Years After Date of Manufacture
Seat Belt - Replace ............................................. 132

Every 3000 Service Hours or 3 Years

Cooling System Coolant Extender (ELC) - Add .... 98
Cooling System Water Temperature Regulator -
Replace ............................................................. 101
SEBU8249-01 83
Maintenance Section
Air Dryer Desiccant - Replace


Air Dryer Desiccant - Replace

SMCS Code: 4285-510

The air lines to and from the air dryer must be at

atmospheric pressure. If the air lines are not at at-
mospheric pressure, personal injury could result.
Release the air pressure from the air system com-
pletely before performing maintenance.

Refer to the Operation and Maintenance Manual, Illustration 79
“Access Doors and Covers” for the location of the
service points. 2. The air tanks are located at the rear of the
machine under the frame. Pull down the lever to
open drain valve (1) in order to drain one air tank.
Pull down the lever to open drain valve (2) in order
to drain the other air tank. Close the drain valve.

3. Close the access door.

Note: Small amounts of moisture may be in the

system due to condensation in the system. Moisture
may also be in the system if an air dryer is installed
on a machine that has been operating without an air
dryer. Several weeks may be required in order to
completely dry the system.

g01463969 i01671010
Illustration 78

Air dryer (1) is positioned on the right side at the front

Articulation Bearings -
of the machine. Lubricate
1. Open the access door in order to service the air SMCS Code: 7057-086-BD
Wipe all the fittings before you apply lubricant through
2. Replace the air dryer desiccant cartridge when the fittings. The fittings for the articulation bearings
the water can not be absorbed. Consult your are located under the cab on the left side of the
Caterpillar dealer for service or for replacement machine.

3. Close the access door.


Air Tank Moisture and

Sediment - Drain
SMCS Code: 4272-543-M&S; 5505-543

Refer to the Operation and Maintenance Manual,

“Access Doors and Covers” for the location of the
access doors.
Illustration 80
1. Open the access door in order to service the drain
valve for moisture and sediment.
84 SEBU8249-01
Maintenance Section
Axle Oscillation Bearings - Lubricate

The upper articulation bearing has one fitting (1). i00993589

In order to lubricate the upper articulation bearing,
use 183-3424 Grease Cartridge to apply lubricant Battery - Recycle
through fitting (1).
SMCS Code: 1401-561
The lower articulation bearing has one fitting (2).
In order to lubricate the lower articulation bearing, Always recycle a battery. Never discard a battery.
use 183-3424 Grease Cartridge to apply lubricant
through fitting (2). Always return used batteries to one of the following

i01671028 • A battery supplier

Axle Oscillation Bearings - • An authorized battery collection facility
• Recycling facility
SMCS Code: 3268; 4313
The lubrication fitting is located in the middle of the
front axle. Wipe the fitting before you apply lubricant Battery or Battery Cable -
to the fitting.
SMCS Code: 1401-510; 1402-510

1. Turn the engine start switch key to the OFF

position. Turn all the switches to the OFF position.

2. Turn the key for the battery disconnect switch to

the OFF position. Remove the key.

3. Disconnect the negative battery cable at the

battery disconnect switch. The battery disconnect
switch is connected to the machine frame.

Note: Do not allow the disconnected battery cable to

Illustration 81
g00811688 contact the battery disconnect switch or the machine.

In order to lubricate the axle oscillation bearings, use 4. Disconnect the negative battery cable from the
183-3424 Grease Cartridge to apply lubricant to the battery.
one fitting.
5. Disconnect the positive battery cable from the
6. Inspect the battery terminals for corrosion. Inspect
Backup Alarm - Test the battery cables for wear or damage.
SMCS Code: 7406-081 7. If necessary, make repairs. If necessary, replace
the battery cable or the battery.
Turn the engine start switch to the ON position in
order to perform the test. 8. Connect the positive battery cable at the battery.
Apply the service brake. Move the transmission 9. Connect the negative battery cable at the battery.
control (lever) to the REVERSE position.
10. Connect the battery cable at the battery
The backup alarm should sound immediately. disconnect switch.
The backup alarm should continue to sound until
the transmission control (lever) is moved to the 11. Install the key for the battery disconnect switch.
NEUTRAL position or to any FORWARD position. Turn the battery disconnect switch to the ON
The backup alarm is located at the rear of the
SEBU8249-01 85
Maintenance Section
Belt - Inspect


Belt - Inspect
SMCS Code: 1357-040; 1397-040

Air Conditioner Belts

Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
“Access Doors and Covers” for the location of the
service points.

1. Stop the engine.

Illustration 84

3. Inspect the condition of belts (3) and (4).

4. Replace the belts if any of the following conditions


• excessive cracking
• excessive wear
• excessive damage

Illustration 82
g01705935 5. Inspect the free arm stop of belt tensioner (5).
The free arm stop must be aligned with the green
zone which is on the decal of the belt tensioner.
If the free arm stop is in either of the red zones,
replace the belt.

Alternator and Fan Drive Belt

Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
“Access Doors and Covers” for the location of the
service points.

Illustration 83

2. Open access cover (1). Remove bolts from belt

access cover (2). Remove the belt access cover.

Illustration 85

1. Stop the engine.

2. Inspect the condition of the belt (6).

86 SEBU8249-01
Maintenance Section
Belt - Replace

3. Replace the belt if any of the following conditions Alternator and Fan Drive Belt
Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
• excessive cracking “Access Doors and Covers” for the location of the
service points.
• excessive wear
• excessive damage


Belt - Replace
SMCS Code: 1357-510; 1397-510

Air Conditioner Belts

Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
“Access Doors and Covers” for the location of the
service points. g01734416
Illustration 87

1. Remove the belt.

2. Install the new belt around the pulleys.


Blade Cushion Accumulator -

SMCS Code: 5077-535-BG

Consult your Caterpillar dealer for the following

Illustration 86
• The correct checking procedure
1. Release the tension on belt (1) and (2). Insert a
12.7 mm (0.50 inch) ratchet into the square hole • The correct filling procedures
in belt tensioner (3) and pry the belt tensioner in a
clockwise direction. • The recommended pressure
2. Remove the belts.

3. Install the new belts around the pulleys.

Blade Lift Cylinder Socket -
4. Release the belt tensioner in order to put tension Check/Adjust/Replace
on the belts.
SMCS Code: 5102-025; 5102-510; 5102-535;
5. Check the belt tension after 30 minutes of 5103-025; 5103-510; 5103-535
1. Rotate the blade. Position the blade at an angle
Note: The break-in period for the belts is considered of 90 degrees to the frame. Lower the blade to
to be 30 minutes. the ground.

6. Inspect the free arm stop of the belt tensioner. The 2. Operate the blade lift cylinders. Observe the
free arm stop must be aligned with the green zone socket. If the socket moves without blade
which is on the decal of the belt tensioner. movement, adjustment is necessary.
SEBU8249-01 87
Maintenance Section
Blade Lift Cylinder Socket - Lubricate

g00949365 g00949369
Illustration 88 Illustration 89

3. Remove two bolts (2) from each cap (1). Remove There are two blade lift cylinders (1).
the cap (1).
Each blade lift cylinder socket has one fitting (2).
4. Remove one shim from either side of the inserts in In order to lubricate the blade lift cylinder sockets,
order to reduce clearance. use 183-3424 Grease Cartridge to apply lubricant
to each fitting.
Note: If you need to remove two shims, then remove
one shim from each side of the inserts.

5. Install the cap. Install the bolts and tighten the

Brakes, Indicators and Gauges
- Test
6. Check the socket for movement. If you observe
movement in the socket, repeat Step 3 through SMCS Code: 4251-081; 4267-081; 4269-081;
Step 5. 7000-081; 7450-081; 7490-081

Note: If no shims remain, install new inserts. Install

two shims on each side of the inserts. Add additional
shims, as needed.


Blade Lift Cylinder Socket -

SMCS Code: 5102-086; 5103-086

Wipe all the fittings before you apply lubricant to the


Illustration 90

Look for broken lenses on the gauges, broken

indicator lights or broken switches, etc.

Start the engine. Run the engine until the gauges

have stabilized.
88 SEBU8249-01
Maintenance Section
Braking System - Test

Look for inoperative gauges. Use the following test in order to determine whether
the service brake is functional. This test is not
Turn on all of the machine lights. Check for proper intended to measure the maximum holding ability of
operation. the service brake.

Sound the horn. 1. Start the engine. Raise the blade slightly. Depress
the transmission modulator control. Apply the
Move the machine forward and test the service service brake control.
brakes. If the service brakes do not function properly,
see Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Braking 2. Move the transmission control (lever) to FIFTH
System - Test” in the Maintenance Interval Schedule SPEED FORWARD. Increase the engine speed
of this manual. to high idle.

Stop the engine. 3. Gradually release the transmission modulator

control. The machine should not move. The
Make any needed repairs before you operate the engine should stall.
4. Reduce the engine speed to low idle. Engage
the parking brake control. Lower the blade to the
ground. Stop the engine.
Braking System - Test Note: The friction material for the brake may require
SMCS Code: 3077-081; 4011-081; 4250-081; replacement. The new friction material for the brake
4251-081; 4267-081 may require burnishing for maximum performance.
For the procedure to burnish the new friction material
for the brake, consult your Caterpillar dealer.
Service Brake Holding Ability Test
Parking Brake Holding Ability Test

Personal injury can result if the machine moves

while testing.
Personal injury can result if the machine moves
If the machine begins to move during test, reduce while testing.
the engine speed immediately and engage the
parking brake. It the machine begins to move during test, reduce
the engine speed immediately and engage the ser-
vice brake control.
If the machine begins to move, reduce the engine
speed immediately and engage the parking brake. NOTICE
If the machine moved while testing the parking brake,
consult your Caterpillar dealer.
If the machine moved while testing the service brake Have the dealer inspect and, if necessary repair the
consult your Caterpillar dealer. parking brake before returning the machine to opera-
Have the dealer inspect and, if necessary, repair the
service brakes before returning the machine to oper- Be sure that the area around the machine is clear of
ation. personnel and clear of obstacles.

Make sure that the area around the machine is clear Test the parking brake on a hard dry surface.
of personnel and clear of obstacles.
Fasten the seat belt before you test the parking
Test the service brake on a dry level surface. brake.

Fasten your seat belt before you test the brakes. Use the following test to determine whether the
parking brake is functional. This test is not intended
to measure the maximum holding ability of the
parking brake.
SEBU8249-01 89
Maintenance Section
Cab Air Filter - Clean/Replace

1. Position the machine on a slope of 20 percent. 3. Rinse the filter elements in clean water.
Thoroughly air dry the filter elements.
2. Engage the parking brake control. Release the
service brake control. The wheels should not 4. Install the filter elements. Install the filter cover.
rotate. If the wheels rotate, engage the service
brake control.
Replace the Filters
i01829689 Note: Replace the cab air filters, as required.

Cab Air Filter - Clean/Replace 1. Remove the filter covers.

SMCS Code: 7311-070-FI; 7311-510-FI; 7342-070; 2. Remove the filter elements. Discard the filter
7342-510 elements.

Note: The cab air filters are an optional attachment 3. Install the new filter elements.
on this machine.
4. Install the filter covers.


Centershift Cylinder Socket -

SMCS Code: 5223-023; 5223-025; 5223-535

1. Rotate the blade. Place the blade at an angle of

90 degrees to the frame. Lower the blade to the

2. Operate the centershift cylinder. Observe the

socket. If the socket moves without movement of
the drawbar, adjustment is necessary.

Illustration 91
(1) Outside filter
(2) Inside filter

Clean the Filters

Note: Clean the cab air filters more often in dusty

The cab air system has two outside filters. There is

one outside filter above each cab door. Illustration 92

The filter for the inside cab air system is positioned 3. Remove bolts (1) from cap (2). Remove cap (2).
behind the operator's seat.
4. Remove one shim from either side of the inserts in
1. Remove the filter cover. order to reduce clearance.

2. Remove the filter elements. Clean the filter Note: If you need to remove two shims, then remove
elements with pressure air or wash the filter one shim from each side of the inserts.
elements in warm water and in a nonsudsing
household detergent. 5. Install the cap and bolts and tighten the bolts.
90 SEBU8249-01
Maintenance Section
Centershift Cylinder Socket - Lubricate

6. Check the socket for movement. If you observe

movement in the socket, repeat Step 3 through
Step 5.

Note: If no shims remain, install new inserts. Install

two shims on each side of the socket. Add additional
shims, as needed.


Centershift Cylinder Socket -

SMCS Code: 5223-086 g00811486
Illustration 94
Wipe all the fittings before you apply lubricant to the
fittings. Centershift lock bar (1) is located under the front
frame and above the circle.

Clean the dirt, the lubricant and the rust from the
holes in the centershift lock bar.

Apply the appropriate lubricant to the holes in the

centershift lock bar.


Circle Clearances -
SMCS Code: 6152-025; 6152-535; 6153-025;
Illustration 93
g00949526 6153-535; 6154-025; 6154-535; 6155-025;
The centershift cylinder has one fitting on each end.
In order to lubricate the centershift cylinder sockets, Blade Circle and Drawbar
use 183-3424 Grease Cartridge (5% Molybdenum
Disulfide) to apply lubricant to the fittings. 1. Rotate the blade. Place the blade at an angle of
90 degrees to the frame.
Note: Install the C-clamps before you lower the blade
Centershift Lock Bar - to the ground.
SMCS Code: 5221-070; 5221-086

Note: Caterpillar recommends the use of 5%

molybdenum grease for lubricating the centershift
lock bar. Refer to Special Publication, SEBU6250,
“Caterpillar Machine Fluids Recommendations” for
more information on molybdenum grease.
SEBU8249-01 91
Maintenance Section
Circle Clearances - Check/Adjust

Blade Circle to Shoe Clearance

1. Rotate the blade. Place the blade at an angle of
90 degrees to the frame.

Note: Install the C-clamps before you lower the blade

to the ground.

Illustration 95

Illustration 97

Illustration 96

2. Clamp two C-clamps onto the front of the blade

circle (1) and the drawbar (2). This will fasten the
blade circle and the drawbar together. Tighten
the two C-clamps until the wear strips (3) are in
contact with the top of the blade circle and the
wear strips (3) are in contact with the bottom of Illustration 98
the drawbar.
2. Clamp two C-clamps onto the front of the blade
3. Lower the blade to the ground. Stop the engine. circle (1) and the drawbar (2). Tighten both
C-clamps until the wear strips (3) contact the top
4. Measure the distance (A) that is between the top of the circle and the bottom of the drawbar.
surface of the blade circle and the bottom surface
of the drawbar. Replace the wear strip (3), if the 3. Lower the blade to the ground. Stop the engine.
distance between the top surface of the blade
circle and the bottom surface of the drawbar is Note: Check the wear strips (3) around the entire
less than 1.5 mm (0.06 inch). circumference of the blade circle. The wear strips (3)
should be in complete contact with the blade circle
5. Inspect the wear strip (3). Inspect the drawbar. and the drawbar.
The wear strip (3) should be in complete contact
at all points with the blade circle. If the wear strip
(3) is not in complete contact with the blade circle,
replace the wear strip (3).
92 SEBU8249-01
Maintenance Section
Circle Clearances - Check/Adjust

9. After all the circle shoes (9) have been adjusted,

check the circle shoes (9) for proper clearance.
If necessary, perform adjustments to the circle
shoes (9).

Note: After all the adjustments have been performed,

the blade circle (1) must rotate freely without binding .

Circle Pinion and Circle

Note: The engagement of the circle pinion and the
circle teeth is determined by the adjustment of the
circle shoes. Clean the circle and the pinion. Remove
any dirt and any abrasive material. This will reduce
Illustration 99
g00108090 wear to the circle pinion and to the circle teeth. Also,
this will improve the accuracy of the adjustment of
4. Shoe mounting fastener (4), shoe mounting the circle shoes. After the adjustment, apply clean
fastener (5) and shoe mounting fastener (6) must lubricant to the circle pinion and to the circle teeth.
be tight. Make sure that the shoe wear strips (3)
are completely seated in the circle shoes. 1. Rotate the blade. Place the blade at an angle
of 90 degrees to the frame. Lower the blade to
the ground. As you slowly inch the machine in a
forward direction, apply the service brake. This
will hold a light load between the wear strips for
the front circle shoes and the circle. Engage the
parking brake. Stop the engine.

Illustration 100

5. Measure the clearance (B) between the bottom of

the circle (1) and the top of the shoe wear strip
(7). Maintain a maximum clearance of 0.5 mm
(0.02 inch). Maintain the proper clearance by g00775404
adding shims (8) or by removing shims (8). Illustration 101

Note: The proper clearance will permit the blade 2. Measure the clearance (X) that is between
circle to freely rotate for 360 degrees. the bottom flange of pinion (10) and the inner
machined surface of circle (1). If the clearance is
Adjust the circle shoes (9) one at a time. less than 49.5 to 52.5 mm (1.95 to 2.07 inch), then
adjust the clearance.
6. Loosen shoe mounting fastener (6). Remove shoe
mounting fastener (4) and remove shoe mounting
fastener (5).

7. Add shims or remove shims, as required.

8. Install shoe mounting fastener (4) and install shoe

mounting fastener (5). Tighten the shoe mounting
SEBU8249-01 93
Maintenance Section
Circle Drive Oil - Change

11. Tighten all shoe mounting fasteners (4), shoe

mounting fasteners (5) and all shoe mounting
fasteners (6) to a torque of 475 ± 60 N·m
(350 ± 44 lb ft).

12. Tighten all locknuts (11) to a torque of

200 ± 30 N·m (150 ± 22 lb ft).


Circle Drive Oil - Change

SMCS Code: 5207-510-OC

Illustration 102

3. Loosen shoe mounting fastener (4), shoe Hot oil and hot components can cause personal
mounting fastener (5), shoe mounting fastener (6) injury. Do not allow hot oil or hot components to
and locknuts (11) on the front circle shoes. contact skin.

4. Loosen the shoe mounting fasteners and the

locknuts for the rear circle shoes. NOTICE
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
5. Loosen the shoe mounting fasteners and the during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
locknuts for the side circle shoes, if equipped. ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
6. Adjust the front circle shoes one at a time. ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
Turn the adjusting bolts (12) inward or turn the nent containing fluids.
adjusting bolts (12) outward in order to attain
49.5 to 52.5 mm (1.95 to 2.07 inch). Adjust the Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, “Caterpillar
other front circle shoe. Dealer Service Tool Catalog” for tools and supplies
suitable to collect and contain fluids on Caterpillar
Note: If the circle shoes are moved outward, it may products.
be necessary to slowly inch the machine in a forward
direction in order to place a light load between the Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
wear strips for the front circle shoes and the circle. mandates.

Note: Adjust the front shoes so that the front circle

shoes have the same clearance measurement.

7. If you cannot attain the correct clearance

measurement due to worn front shoe wear strips
(7), replace the worn shoe wear strips (7). Then,
repeat Step 6.

8. Tighten the shoe mounting fasteners and locknuts

for the front circle shoes.

Note: The adjusting bolts must be tight against

the circle shoes before you tighten the mounting
fasteners and the locknuts.
Illustration 103
9. Set all of the circle shoes (front, side and rear) Bottom view of the blade circle
to contact the circle. There will be no clearance
between the circle shoes and the circle.

10. When the pinion clearance is set and the front

circle shoes are in contact with the blade circle,
measure the distance (C) between each wear strip
(7) and the blade circle. The clearance should be
a maximum of 0.8 mm (0.03 inch).
94 SEBU8249-01
Maintenance Section
Circle Drive Oil Level - Check

The check/fill plug is located on top of the circle drive

housing at the front of the circle.

Illustration 104
Top view of the blade circle
Illustration 105
Note: Clean the area around the drain plug and
clean the area around the check/fill plug before you 1. Remove check/fill plug (1).
remove the plugs.
2. Maintain the oil level to the bottom of the opening
1. Remove drain plug (1). Remove check/fill plug (2). for the check/fill plug.
Allow the oil to drain into a suitable container.
3. Install check/fill plug (1).
2. Clean the drain plug and install the drain plug.

3. Fill the circle drive housing with oil. Refer to the i02527479

following topics: Circle Drive Pinion Teeth -

• Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Lubricant Lubricate
SMCS Code: 5207-086-PI
• Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Capacities

4. Clean the check/fill plug and install the check/fill Contact with a moving attachment may cause in-
plug. jury or death.
5. Start the engine. Operate the machine for a few Avoid contact with a moving attachment when lu-
minutes. Check the circle drive housing for leaks. bricating or maintaining the attachment.
6. Stop the engine. Remove the check/fill plug and
check the oil level. Maintain the oil level to the Note: Caterpillar recommends the use of 5%
bottom of the filler opening. If necessary, add oil. molybdenum grease for lubricating the circle drive
pinion teeth. Refer to Special Publication, SEBU6250,
7. Install the check/fill plug. “Caterpillar Machine Fluids Recommendations” for
more information on molybdenum grease.
i03322240 The circle drive pinion teeth are located under the
Circle Drive Oil Level - Check circle drive housing.

SMCS Code: 5207-535-OC

If a leak develops or you suspect a leak, check the

oil level.

Wipe the surfaces around the opening for the

check/fill plug before you check the oil and before
you add oil.
SEBU8249-01 95
Maintenance Section
Circle Top - Lubricate

3. Apply a dry film lubricant to the 5 mm (0.2 inch)

gap between the circle and the drawbar yoke.
Apply the dry film lubricant around the entire circle.
See Special Publication, SEBU6250, “Caterpillar
Machine Fluids Recommendations”, “Dry Film
Lubricant” for further information.


Circuit Breakers - Reset

SMCS Code: 1417-529; 1420-529

Refer to the Operation and Maintenance Manual,

Illustration 106
g01071611 “Access Doors and Covers” for the location of the
service points.
1. Clean the dirt and the old lubricant from circle
drive pinion teeth (1) and from blade circle (2). Circuit Breaker Resets – Push the buttons inward
in order to reset the circuit breakers. If the system is
2. Apply the appropriate lubricant to circle drive working properly, the buttons will remain depressed.
pinion teeth (1) and blade circle (2). If the buttons do not stay depressed, check the
appropriate electrical circuit.


Circle Top - Lubricate

SMCS Code: 6154-086-TP

1. Park the machine on a level surface and engage

the parking brake.

2. Stop the engine. Lower the blade and any

attachments to the ground.

Illustration 108

The circuit breaker resets are located in the engine

compartment on the right side of the machine.

Alternator (1) – The circuit breaker for the

alternator is 80 amp.

Main Circuit Breaker (2) – The main

circuit breaker is 80 amp.

Illustration 107
96 SEBU8249-01
Maintenance Section
Condenser (Refrigerant) - Clean

i02793761 i02976205

Condenser (Refrigerant) - Cooling System Coolant (ELC)

Clean - Change
SMCS Code: 1805-070 SMCS Code: 1350-044-NL; 1350-544-NL;
If excessively dirty, clean condenser with a brush. To
prevent damage or bending of the fins, do not use a
stiff brush. Personal injury can result from hot coolant, steam
and alkali.
Repair the fins if found defective.
At operating temperature, engine coolant is hot
Refer to the Operation and Maintenance Manual, and under pressure. The radiator and all lines
“Access Doors and Covers” for the location of the to heaters or the engine contain hot coolant or
service points. steam. Any contact can cause severe burns.

Remove cooling system pressure cap slowly to

relieve pressure only when engine is stopped and
cooling system pressure cap is cool enough to
touch with your bare hand.

Do not attempt to tighten hose connections when

the coolant is hot, the hose can come off causing

Cooling System Coolant Additive contains alkali.

Avoid contact with skin and eyes.

g01394849 Do not change the coolant until you read and under-
Illustration 109
stand the material in the Cooling System Specifica-
tions section.
The refrigerant condenser (2) is located in front of the
radiator (1) at the rear of the machine.
1. Open the access door at the rear of the machine Mixing ELC with other products reduces the effective-
on the left side of the machine. ness of the coolant and shortens coolant life. Use only
Caterpillar products or commercial products that have
2. Inspect the condenser for debris. If necessary, passed the Caterpillar EC-1 specifications for pre-
clean the condenser. mixed or concentrate coolants. Use only Caterpillar
Extender with Caterpillar ELC. Failure to follow these
3. Use clean water in order to wash off all dust and recommendations could result in the damage to cool-
dirt from the condenser. ing systems components.

4. Close the access door. If ELC cooling system contamination occurs see the
topic Extended Life Coolant (ELC) in the Special Pub-
lication, SEBU6250, “Caterpillar Machine Fluids Rec-
SEBU8249-01 97
Maintenance Section
Cooling System Coolant (ELC) - Change

Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
nent containing fluids.

Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, “Caterpillar

Dealer Service Tool Catalog” for tools and supplies
suitable to collect and contain fluids on Caterpillar

Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and g01504434

Illustration 110
2. Open cover (1).
If the coolant in the machine is changed to Extended
Life Coolant from another type of coolant, see Special 3. Clean the area around the cooling system
Publication, SEBU6250, “Caterpillar Machine Fluids pressure cap of any dirt or debris. This must be
Recommendations”, “Extended Life Coolant (ELC) done before the cooling system pressure cap can
Cooling System Maintenance”. be removed.

If the coolant is dirty or if you observe any foaming 4. Slowly remove the cooling system pressure cap in
in the cooling system, change the coolant before the order to relieve pressure.
recommended interval.

It is important to replace the thermostat in order

to avoid any unexpected failure of the thermostat.
This is a good preventive maintenance practice that
reduces the chances of unscheduled downtime.
Failure to replace the thermostat on a regularly
scheduled basis could cause severe engine damage.

Note: If you are only replacing the thermostat, drain

the coolant from the cooling system so that the level
of the coolant is below the thermostat housing.

Always operate Caterpillar engines with a thermostat

because these engines have a shunt design cooling
system. Illustration 111

Note: Thermostats can be reused if the thermostats 5. Open drain valve (2). The drain valves are located
meet certain test specifications. The tested at the right rear of the machine. Allow the coolant
thermostats must not be damaged and the tested to drain into a suitable container.
thermostats must not have an excessive buildup of
deposits. 6. Flush the cooling system with clean water until the
draining water is transparent.
1. Stop the engine and allow the engine to cool.
7. Close the drain valve.

8. Add the Extended Life Coolant. Refer to Operation

and Maintenance Manual, “Capacities (Refill)”.

Note: Make sure that the cooling system pressure

cap is removed for Steps 9 through 10.

9. Start the engine and run the engine until the

thermostat opens and the coolant level stabilizes.
98 SEBU8249-01
Maintenance Section
Cooling System Coolant Extender (ELC) - Add

10. Maintain the coolant level between the “FULL” When a Caterpillar Extended Life Coolant (ELC)
mark and the “ADD” mark on the coolant tank. is used, an extender must be added to the
cooling system. See Operation and Maintenance
11. Install the cooling system pressure cap. Close Manual, “Maintenance Interval Schedule” for the
cover (1). proper service interval. The amount of extender is
determined by the cooling system capacity.
12. Check the radiator for any external leaks. Check
for air bubbles in the radiator. 1. Stop the engine and allow the engine to cool.

13. Stop the engine.


Cooling System Coolant

Extender (ELC) - Add
SMCS Code: 1352-045; 1352-535; 1352-544-NL;
1352-544; 1395-081

Personal injury can result from hot coolant, steam g01463648

Illustration 112
and alkali.
2. Open cover (1).
At operating temperature, engine coolant is hot
and under pressure. The radiator and all lines
3. Clean the area around the cooling system
to heaters or the engine contain hot coolant or
pressure cap of any dirt or debris. This must be
steam. Any contact can cause severe burns.
done before the cooling system pressure cap can
be removed.
Remove cooling system pressure cap slowly to
relieve pressure only when engine is stopped and
4. Remove the cooling system pressure cap slowly
cooling system pressure cap is cool enough to
in order to relieve the pressure.
touch with your bare hand.
5. Drain some coolant from the radiator into a
Do not attempt to tighten hose connections when
suitable container. This will allow space for
the coolant is hot, the hose can come off causing
additional cooling system coolant extender.
6. In order to add cooling system coolant extender,
Cooling System Coolant Additive contains alkali.
refer to Special Publication, SEBU6250,
Avoid contact with skin and eyes.
“Extended Life Coolant (ELC)”. Refer to the table
for the correct amount of Caterpillar Extended
NOTICE Life Coolant (ELC) Extender that is needed to be
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained added to the cooling system.
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to 7. Install the cooling system pressure cap. Close
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open- the cover.
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
nent containing fluids.

Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, “Caterpillar

Dealer Service Tool Catalog” for tools and supplies
suitable to collect and contain fluids on Caterpillar

Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and

SEBU8249-01 99
Maintenance Section
Cooling System Coolant Level - Check


Cooling System Coolant Level

- Check
SMCS Code: 1350-040-HX; 1350-040;
1350-535-FLV; 1350-535; 1353-535-FLV;
1354-535; 1395-082; 1395-535; 1395-535-FLV

Personal injury can result from hot coolant, steam

and alkali.
At operating temperature, engine coolant is hot Illustration 114
and under pressure. The radiator and all lines
to heaters or the engine contain hot coolant or 2. If necessary, add the appropriate coolant mixture.
steam. Any contact can cause severe burns.
3. Open cover (2).
Remove filler cap slowly to relieve pressure only
when engine is stopped and radiator cap is cool 4. Clean the area around the cooling system
enough to touch with your bare hand. pressure cap of any dirt or debris. This must be
done before the cooling system pressure cap can
Do not attempt to tighten hose connections when be removed.
the coolant is hot, the hose can come off causing
burns. 5. Remove the cooling system pressure cap slowly
in order to relieve pressure.
Cooling System Conditioner contains alkali. Avoid
contact with skin and eyes. 6. Add coolant through the filler tube.

7. Clean the cooling system pressure cap and install

Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual, the cooling system pressure cap.
“Access Doors and Covers” for the location of the
service points. 8. Close the cover.


Cooling System Coolant

Sample (Level 1) - Obtain
SMCS Code: 1395-554

Note: Obtaining a Coolant Sample (Level 1) is

optional if the cooling system is filled with Cat
ELC (Extended Life Coolant). Cooling systems that
are filled with Cat ELC should have a Coolant Sample
(Level 2) that is obtained at the recommended interval
g01466274 that is stated in the Maintenance Interval Schedule.
Illustration 113
Note: Obtain a Coolant Sample (Level 1) if the
1. Maintain the coolant level between the “FULL” cooling system is filled with any other coolant
mark and the “ADD” mark on coolant tank (1). instead of Cat ELC. This includes the following
types of coolants:

• Commercial long life coolants that meet the

Caterpillar Engine Coolant Specification -1
(Caterpillar EC-1)

• Cat Diesel Engine Antifreeze/Coolant (DEAC)

100 SEBU8249-01
Maintenance Section
Cooling System Pressure Cap - Clean/Replace

• Commercial heavy-duty antifreeze/coolant Use the following guidelines for proper sampling of
the coolant:
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained • Complete the information on the label for the
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test- sampling bottle before you begin to take the
ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to samples.
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo- • Keep the unused sampling bottles stored in plastic
nent containing fluids. bags.

Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, “Caterpillar • Obtain coolant samples directly from the coolant
Dealer Service Tool Catalog” for tools and supplies sample port. You should not obtain the samples
suitable to collect and contain fluids on Caterpillar from any other location.
• Keep the lids on empty sampling bottles until you
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and are ready to collect the sample.
• Place the sample in the mailing tube immediately
after obtaining the sample in order to avoid
NOTICE contamination.
Always use a designated pump for oil sampling, and
use a separate designated pump for coolant sampling. • Never collect samples from expansion bottles.
Using the same pump for both types of samples may
contaminate the samples that are being drawn. This • Never collect samples from the drain for a system.
contaminate may cause a false analysis and an incor-
rect interpretation that could lead to concerns by both Submit the sample for Level 1 analysis.
dealers and customers.
For additional information about coolant analysis, see
Special Publication, SEBU6250, “Caterpillar Machine
Note: Level 1 results may indicate a need for
Fluids Recommendations” or consult your Caterpillar
Level 2 Analysis.


Cooling System Pressure Cap

- Clean/Replace
SMCS Code: 1382-070; 1382-510

Personal injury can result from hot coolant, steam

and alkali.
Illustration 115 At operating temperature, engine coolant is hot
and under pressure. The radiator and all lines
Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual, to heaters or the engine contain hot coolant or
“Access Doors and Covers” for the location of the steam. Any contact can cause severe burns.
service points.
Remove filler cap slowly to relieve pressure only
Obtain the sample of the coolant as close as possible when engine is stopped and radiator cap is cool
to the recommended sampling interval. In order enough to touch with your bare hand.
to receive the full effect of S·O·S coolant analysis,
you must establish a consistent trend of data. Do not attempt to tighten hose connections when
In order to establish a pertinent history of data, the coolant is hot, the hose can come off causing
perform consistent samplings that are evenly spaced. burns.
Supplies for collecting samples can be obtained from
your Caterpillar dealer. Cooling System Conditioner contains alkali. Avoid
contact with skin and eyes.
SEBU8249-01 101
Maintenance Section
Cooling System Water Temperature Regulator - Replace


Cooling System Water

Temperature Regulator -
SMCS Code: 1355-070; 1355-510; 1393-010

Personal injury can result from hot coolant, steam

and alkali.

Illustration 116
g01463648 At operating temperature, engine coolant is hot
and under pressure. The radiator and all lines
The cooling system pressure cap is located on top of to heaters or the engine contain hot coolant or
the engine compartment. steam. Any contact can cause severe burns.

1. Open cover (1). Remove filler cap slowly to relieve pressure only
when engine is stopped and radiator cap is cool
2. Clean the area around the cooling system enough to touch with your bare hand.
pressure cap of any dirt or debris. This must be
done before the cooling system pressure cap can Do not attempt to tighten hose connections when
be removed. the coolant is hot, the hose can come off causing
3. Remove the cooling system pressure cap slowly
in order to relieve pressure. Cooling System Conditioner contains alkali. Avoid
contact with skin and eyes.
4. Inspect the cooling system pressure cap and
the cap seal for damage, deposits, and foreign Replace the cooling system water temperature
material. Clean the cooling system pressure cap regulator on a regular basis in order to reduce the
with a clean cloth. Replace the cooling system chance of unscheduled downtime and of problems
pressure cap if the cap is damaged. with the cooling system.
5. Install the cooling system pressure cap. The water temperature regulator should be replaced
after the cooling system has been cleaned. Replace
6. Close the cover. the water temperature regulator while the cooling
system is completely drained or while the cooling
system coolant is drained to a level that is below the
water temperature regulator housing assembly.

Failure to replace the engine's water temperature reg-
ulator on a regularly scheduled basis could cause se-
vere engine damage.

Note: If you are only replacing the water temperature

regulator, drain the cooling system coolant to a level
that is below the water temperature regulator housing

1. Loosen the hose clamp and remove the hose from

the water temperature regulator housing.

2. Remove the bolts from the water temperature

regulator housing and remove the water
temperature regulator housing.
102 SEBU8249-01
Maintenance Section
Crankshaft Vibration Damper - Inspect

3. Remove the gasket and remove the water

temperature regulator from the water temperature
regulator housing.

Former water temperature regulators may be used, if
they meet test specifications and are not damaged or
have excessive buildup or deposits.

Since Caterpillar engines incorporate a shunt design
cooling system, it is mandatory to always operate the
engine with a water temperature regulator.
Illustration 117
Depending on load, failure to operate with a water
temperature regulator could result in either an over- Caterpillar recommends replacing vibration damper
heating or an overcooling condition. (1) for any of the following reasons:

NOTICE • The engine has had a failure because of a broken

If the water temperature regulator is installed incor- crankshaft.
rectly, it will cause the engine to overheat.
• The S·O·S analysis detected a worn crankshaft
front bearing.
4. Install a new water temperature regulator and
a new gasket. Install the water temperature • The S·O·S analysis detected a large amount of
regulator housing. gear train wear that is not caused by a lack of oil.

5. Install the water temperature regulator housing • Fluid leakage is detected during inspection.
and the hose. Tighten the hose clamp.
• The housing is damaged.
6. Add the cooling system coolant. Maintain the
coolant level within 13 mm (.5 inch) of the bottom Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Damper &
of the filler tube. Crankshaft Pulley” for the procedure to remove the
damper and the procedure to install the damper.
The vibration damper can be used again if none of
Crankshaft Vibration Damper the above conditions are found or if the vibration
damper is not damaged.
- Inspect
Note: Contact your Caterpillar dealer for further
SMCS Code: 1205-040 information.

Damage to the vibration damper or failure of the

vibration damper will increase torsional vibrations. i01569254

These vibrations will result in damage to the

crankshaft and to the other engine components. A
Cutting Edges and End Bits -
deteriorating vibration damper will cause excessive Inspect/Replace
gear train noise at variable points in the speed range.
SMCS Code: 6801-040; 6801-510; 6804-040;

Personal injury or death can result from the blade


Block the blade before changing blade tips.

SEBU8249-01 103
Maintenance Section
Drawbar Ball and Socket - Lubricate

g00811262 g00949567
Illustration 118 Illustration 119

End bits (1) and/or cutting edges (2) may be Apply the appropriate lubricant through the fitting in
damaged. End bits (1) and/or cutting edges (2) may order to lubricate the drawbar ball and socket.
be worn excessively. Replace the end bits (1) and/or
the cutting edges (2), as needed.

1. Place blocks under the blade. Lower the blade

onto the blocks. Do not block up the blade too
Drawbar Ball and Socket End
high. Just use enough blocks so that end bits (1) Play - Check/Adjust
and cutting edges (2) can be removed.
SMCS Code: 6170-025; 6170-535; 6171-025;
2. Remove end bits (1) and/or cutting edges (2). 6171-535

3. Install new end bits (1) and/or new cutting edges Check
Rotate the blade so that the blade is placed at an
4. Raise the blade and remove the blocks. angle of 90 degrees to the frame. Lower the blade to
the ground. While you maintain a light load between
i02528905 the ball and the socket, inch the machine slowly to
the rear. Stop the machine and shut off the engine.
Drawbar Ball and Socket -
SMCS Code: 6170-086; 6171-086

Note: Caterpillar recommends the use of 5%

molybdenum grease for lubricating the drawbar ball
and socket. Refer to Special Publication, SEBU6250,
“Caterpillar Machine Fluids Recommendations” for
more information on molybdenum grease.

Wipe the fitting before you apply lubricant through

the fitting.

Illustration 120

Measure the end play that is between ball (2) and

cap (3). The end play should be 0.6 ± 0.2 mm
(.02 ± .01 inch). Adjust the end play, if necessary.

1. Support the drawbar and support the circle.
104 SEBU8249-01
Maintenance Section
Electronic Unit Injector - Inspect/Adjust

2. Remove bolts (1) that hold the drawbar to the i01649392

bolster. Move the drawbar backward or move the
machine forward. Electronic Unit Injector -
SMCS Code: 1251-025; 1251-040; 1290-025;

Be sure the engine cannot be started while this

maintenance is being performed. To prevent pos-
sible injury, do not use the starting motor to turn
the flywheel.

Hot engine components can cause burns. Allow

additional time for the engine to cool before mea-
Illustration 121 suring/adjusting the unit injectors.

3. Remove capscrews (7) from cap (3) that holds the The electronic unit injectors use high voltage. Dis-
drawbar and adapter (6) together. Remove the connect the unit injector enable circuit connector
adapter. in order to prevent personal injury. Do not come
in contact with the injector terminals while the en-
4. As required, remove shims (4) or install shims gine is running.
(4) in order to attain an end play of 0.6 ± 0.2 mm
(.02 ± .01 inch).
5. Install capscrews (7) in cap (3) and adapter (6). Only qualified service personnel should perform this
Rotate cap (3) by hand. The socket should rotate maintenance. Refer to the Service Manual or your
freely on ball (2). Caterpillar dealer for the complete valve lash adjust-
ment procedure.
6. Check the torque on bolts (5) that hold ball (2)
in place. The correct torque is 500 ± 65 N·m Operation of Caterpillar engines with improper valve
(370 ± 50 lb ft). adjustments can reduce engine efficiency. This re-
duced efficiency could result in excessive fuel usage
7. Assemble the drawbar to the bolster. Tighten bolts and/or shortened engine component life.
(1) to a torque of 950 ± 50 N·m (701 ± 37 lb ft).
The initial adjustment to the unit injector is
recommended at the initial 500 hour interval. The
unit injector adjustment should then be made at
every 2000 hour interval. The operation of Caterpillar
engines with improper adjustments of the electronic
unit injector can reduce engine efficiency. This
reduced efficiency could result in excessive fuel
usage and/or shortened engine component life.


Engine Air Filter Primary

Element - Clean/Replace
SMCS Code: 1051-070-PY; 1051-510-PY;
1054-070-PY; 1054-510-PY

Service the air cleaner only with the engine stopped.
Engine damage could result.
SEBU8249-01 105
Maintenance Section
Engine Air Filter Primary Element - Clean/Replace

Service the air cleaner filter element when the Cleaning Primary Air Filter
yellow piston on the engine air filter service
indicator enters the red zone or the indicator
reads 63.5 cm (25 inch) of water. Refer to
Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Engine Air NOTICE
Filter Service Indicator - Inspect”. Caterpillar recommends certified air filter cleaning ser-
vices available at participating Caterpillar dealers. The
1. Open the access door for the air filter housing. Caterpillar cleaning process uses proven procedures
Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual, to assure consistent quality and sufficient filter life.
“Access Doors and Covers”.
Observe the following guidelines if you attempt to
clean the filter element:

Do not tap or strike the filter element in order to re-

move dust.

Do not wash the filter element.

Use low pressure compressed air in order to remove

the dust from the filter element. Air pressure must not
exceed 207 kPa (30 psi). Direct the air flow up the
pleats and down the pleats from the inside of the filter
element. Take extreme care in order to avoid damage
to the pleats.
Illustration 122 Do not use air filters with damaged pleats, gaskets, or
seals. Dirt entering the engine will cause damage to
2. Remove cover (1) for the air filter housing . engine components.

3. Remove primary filter element (2) from the air

filter housing. The primary air filter element can be used up to
six times if the element is properly cleaned and
4. Clean the inside of the air filter housing. inspected. When the primary air filter element is
cleaned, check for rips or tears in the filter material.
5. If the machine is equipped with a vacuator valve, The primary air filter element should be replaced at
clean the vacuator valve on the cover for the air least one time per year. This replacement should be
filter housing. performed regardless of the number of cleanings.

6. Install a clean primary air filter element. Install the NOTICE

cover for the air filter housing. Do not clean the air filter elements by bumping or tap-
ping. This could damage the seals. Do not use ele-
Note: Refer to “Cleaning Primary Air Filter Elements”. ments with damaged pleats, gaskets, or seals. Dam-
aged elements will allow dirt to pass through. Engine
7. Reset the engine air filter service indicator. damage could result.

8. Close the access door.

Visually inspect the primary air filter elements before
If the yellow piston in the indicator moves into the red cleaning. Inspect the air filter elements for damage
zone after starting the engine or the exhaust smoke to the seal, the gaskets, and the outer cover. Discard
is still black after installation of a clean primary filter any damaged air filter elements.
element, install a new primary filter element. If the
piston remains in the red zone replace the secondary There are two common methods that are used to
element. clean primary air filter elements:

• Pressurized air
• Vacuum cleaning
106 SEBU8249-01
Maintenance Section
Engine Air Filter Primary Element - Clean/Replace

Pressurized Air Inspecting the Primary Air Filter

Pressurized air can be used to clean primary air filter
elements that have not been cleaned more than two
times. Pressurized air will not remove deposits of
carbon and oil. Use filtered, dry air with a maximum
pressure of 207 kPa (30 psi).

Illustration 124

Inspect the clean, dry primary air filter element. Use

a 60 watt blue light in a dark room or in a similar
facility. Place the blue light in the primary air filter
Illustration 123 element. Rotate the primary air filter element. Inspect
the primary air filter element for tears and/or holes.
Note: When the primary air filter elements are Inspect the primary air filter element for light that may
cleaned, always begin with the clean side (inside) show through the filter material. If it is necessary in
in order to force dirt particles toward the dirty side order to confirm the result, compare the primary air
(outside). filter element to a new primary air filter element that
has the same part number.
Aim the hose so that the air flows inside the element
along the length of the filter in order to help prevent Do not use a primary air filter element that has any
damage to the paper pleats. Do not aim the stream of tears and/or holes in the filter material. Do not use
air directly at the primary air filter element. Dirt could a primary air filter element with damaged pleats,
be forced further into the pleats. gaskets or seals. Discard damaged primary air filter
Vacuum Cleaning
Storing Primary Air Filter Elements
Vacuum cleaning is another method for cleaning
primary air filter elements which require daily cleaning If a primary air filter element that passes inspection
because of a dry, dusty environment. Cleaning with will not be used, the primary air filter element can
pressurized air is recommended prior to vacuum be stored for future use.
cleaning. Vacuum cleaning will not remove deposits
of carbon and oil.

Illustration 125
SEBU8249-01 107
Maintenance Section
Engine Air Filter Secondary Element - Replace

Do not use paint, a waterproof cover, or plastic as a 2. Remove the secondary element.
protective covering for storage. An airflow restriction
may result. To protect against dirt and damage, wrap 3. Cover the air inlet opening. Clean the inside of
the primary air filter elements in Volatile Corrosion the air cleaner housing.
Inhibited (VCI) paper.
4. Uncover the air inlet opening. Install a new
Place the primary air filter element into a box for secondary element.
storage. For identification, mark the outside of the
box and mark the primary air filter element. Include 5. Install the primary element and the air cleaner
the following information: cover.

• Date of cleaning 6. Close the left side engine compartment door.

• Number of cleanings Note: When you replace the air filter element, you
must replace the filter screen. Refer to Operation
Store the box in a dry location. and Maintenance Manual, “Engine Air Filter Service
Indicator Screen - Check/Replace”.
Engine Air Filter Secondary
Element - Replace Engine Air Filter Service
Indicator - Inspect/Replace
SMCS Code: 1051-510-SE; 1054-510-SE
SMCS Code: 7452-040; 7452-510
Always replace the secondary element. Do not at- Inspect
tempt to reuse it by cleaning. Engine damage could
result. 1. Start the engine.

Refer to the Operation and Maintenance Manual, 2. Run the engine at high idle.
“Access Doors and Covers” for the location of the
service points. 3. Open the access door.

Note: Replace the engine air filter secondary element

when you service the engine air filter primary element
for the third time. Replace the secondary element
if the exhaust smoke remains black and a clean
primary element has been installed. Also, replace
the secondary element if the element has been in
service for one year.

1. Open the access door on the left side of the

engine compartment. Remove the air cleaner
cover and the primary element.

Illustration 127

4. If the yellow piston in the engine air filter service

indicator enters the red zone, service the air

5. Stop the engine.

Note: See the Operation and Maintenance Manual,

“Engine Air Filter Primary Element - Clean/Replace”.
See the Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Engine
Air Filter Secondary Element - Replace”.
Illustration 126
108 SEBU8249-01
Maintenance Section
Engine Air Filter Service Indicator Screen - Check/Replace

Replace i01360098

Refer to the Operation and Maintenance Manual, Engine Air Filter Service
“Access Doors and Covers” for the location of the Indicator Screen -
service points.
1. Open the access door.
SMCS Code: 7452-510-Z3; 7452-535-Z3

Illustration 128
Illustration 129
2. Stop the engine. Check the operation of the Typical Example
service indicator by pressing the reset button on
the bottom of the service indicator. This should Check
require three pushes or less of the reset button.
1. Set an 8N-2694 Air Filter Service Indicator to
3. Next, check the movement of the yellow piston indicate a restricted indicator screen.
in the service indicator. Start the engine and
accelerate the engine to high idle for a few 2. Screw the indicator onto a 1/8 inch NPT pipe
seconds. After the accelerator control (pedal) nipple.
is released, the yellow piston should remain at
the highest position that was achieved during 3. Screw the other end of the nipple into the threaded
acceleration. hole in the elbow. Normally, filter screen (1) is
located in the elbow.
Note: The air filter indicator should be replaced
during engine overhauls. The air filter indicator should 4. Depress the reset button on the 8N-2694 Air
also be replaced during replacement of any major Filter Service Indicator.
engine component . Replace the air filter indicator at
least one time per year. 5. If the indicator resets, filter screen (1) is not
plugged. If the indicator does not reset, filter
4. If the indicator will not reset easily, replace the screen (1) is plugged. Filter screen (1) should
service indicator. If the yellow piston of the then be replaced.
indicator will not latch at the highest vacuum that is
attained, replace the service indicator. Tighten the
indicator to a torque of 2 N·m (18 lb in). Excessive Replace
tightening force may crack the top of the indicator.
For more information on the air filter indicator, 1. Remove the air cleaner from the air cleaner
refer to Video Tape, PEVN1736, “Caterpillar Air housing. Removing the air cleaner from the air
Filter Service Indicator”. cleaner housing will provide access to the hole
inside the elbow. Filter screen (1) is installed
Note: If you still believe that the service indicator inside the elbow.
is working improperly, refer to Operation and
Maintenance Manual, “Engine Air Filter Service 2. A 2 inch piece of 1/8 inch drill rod is needed in
Indicator Screen - Check/Replace”. order to push filter screen (1) from the inside of
the elbow to the outside.
5. Close the left side engine compartment door.
SEBU8249-01 109
Maintenance Section
Engine Air Precleaner - Clean

3. After the plugged filter screen (1) has been i02954148

removed, install a new filter screen (1) in the hole
on the outside of the elbow. Use a piece of 1/4 Engine Oil Level - Check
inch drill rod to lightly seat the filter element in the
bottom of the bore. SMCS Code: 1000-535-FLV; 1302-535-FLV;
1326-535-OC; 1326-535-FLV; 1348-535-FLV


Engine Air Precleaner - Clean

Hot oil and hot components can cause personal
SMCS Code: 1055-070; 1055-070-DJ injury. Do not allow hot oil or hot components to
contact skin.
Service the engine air precleaner only with the engine NOTICE
stopped. Engine damage could result. Do not under fill or overfill engine crankcase with oil.
Either condition can cause engine damage.
The engine air precleaner is positioned on top of the
engine compartment. Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
“Access Doors and Covers” for the location of the
service points.

Clean the area around the oil level gauge and clean
the area around the oil filler cap before you remove
the oil level gauge and before you remove the oil
filler cap.

1. Open the front left access door.

Illustration 130

1. Loosen clamp (1) at the bottom of engine air

precleaner (2).

2. Remove engine air precleaner (2) and inspect the

opening for dirt and debris. Clean the tubes, if

3. Clean engine air precleaner (2) with pressure air Illustration 131
or wash the engine air precleaner (2) in clean
warm water. 2. Before starting the engine, check oil level gauge
(2). Maintain the oil level between the marks on
4. Install engine air precleaner (2). Tighten clamp (1). the oil level gauge.

3. If necessary, remove oil filler cap (1) in order to
add oil.
Engine Crankcase Breather -
4. Clean the oil filler cap and install the oil filler cap.
5. Close the access door.
SMCS Code: 1317-510

Only replace the engine crankcase breather when

you rebuild the engine.
110 SEBU8249-01
Maintenance Section
Engine Oil Sample - Obtain

i03330561 Abnormally harsh operating cycles or harsh

environments can shorten the service life of
Engine Oil Sample - Obtain the engine oil. Arctic temperatures, corrosive
environments, or extremely dusty conditions may
SMCS Code: 1348-008; 1348-554-SM; 7542-008; require a reduction in engine oil change intervals
7542-554-OC, SM from the recommendations in Table 11. Also refer
to Special Publication, SEBU5898, “Cold Weather
Recommendations”. Poor maintenance of air filters
or of fuel filters requires reduced oil change intervals.
See your Caterpillar dealer for more information if this
product will experience abnormally harsh operating
cycles or harsh environments.

Table 11
Engine Oil Change Interval(1)
Operating Conditions

Multigrade Fuel Altitude

High Sulfur above
g01726296 Oil Type Normal(2) Load
Illustration 132 from 1830 m
Factor(3) 0.3% (6000 ft)
The sampling valve for the engine oil is located on to
the right side of the engine compartment to the left 0.5%(4)
of the oil filter. Cat DEO
500 hr 500 hr 500 hr 250 hr(6)
Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
SEBU6250, “S·O·S Oil Analysis” for information that Cat ECF-1
pertains to obtaining a sample of the engine oil. minimum 500 hr 500 hr 500 hr 250 hr(6)
Refer to Special Publication, PEHP6001, “How To TBN(4)
Take A Good Oil Sample” for more information about Preferred
obtaining a sample of the engine oil.
Cat ECF-1
TBN(4) 500 hr 500 hr 250 hr(6)
i02977642 below 11.0

Engine Oil and Filter - Change API CG-4 500 hr 250 hr(5)
250 hr(6)

SMCS Code: 1302-044-OC; 1308-510; 1318-510; (1) The traditional oil change interval for engines is 250 hours.
1326-535-OC; 1348-044 The standard oil change interval in this machine is 500 hours, if
the operating conditions and recommended oil types that are
listed in this table are met. Improvements in the engine allow
Selection of the Oil Change Interval this engine oil change interval. This new standard interval is not
permitted for other machines. Refer to the applicable Operation
and Maintenance Manuals for the other machines.
NOTICE (2) Normal conditions include these factors: Fuel sulfur below

A 500 hour engine oil change interval is available, pro- 0.3%, altitude below 1830 m (6000 ft), and good air filter and
fuel filter maintenance. Normal conditions do not include high
vided that the operating conditions and recommend- load factor, harsh operating cycles, or harsh environments.
ed multigrade oil types are met. When these require- (3) High load factors can shorten the service life of your engine
ments are not met, shorten the oil change interval oil. Continuous heavy load cycles and very little idle time result
to 250 hours, or use an S·O·S Services oil sampling in increased fuel consumption and oil contamination. These
and analysis program to determine an acceptable oil factors deplete the oil additives more rapidly. If the average
fuel consumption of your machine exceeds 24 L (6.4 US gal)
change interval. per hour, follow the “High Load Factor” recommendations in
Table 11. To determine average fuel consumption, measure
If you select an interval for oil and filter change that is average fuel consumption for a period of 50 to 100 hours. If
too long, you may damage the engine. the application of the machine is changed, the average fuel
consumption may change.
(4) For sulfur content above 0.5%, refer to Special Publication,

Caterpillar oil filters are recommended. SEBU6250, “Total Base Number (TBN) and Fuel Sulfur Levels
for Direct Injection (DI) Diesel Engines”.
(5) In order to verify an oil change interval of 500 hours, refer to
Recommended multigrade oil types are listed in “Program A” below.
Table 11. Do not use single grade oils. (6) Use “Program B” below to determine an appropriate interval.
SEBU8249-01 111
Maintenance Section
Engine Oil and Filter - Change

Adjustment of the Oil Change Procedure for Changing the Engine

Interval Oil and Filter
Note: Your Caterpillar dealer has additional
information on these programs.
Hot oil and hot components can cause personal
Program A injury. Do not allow hot oil or hot components to
contact skin.
Verification for an Oil Change Interval of 500
This program consists of three oil change intervals of Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
500 hours. Oil sampling and analysis is done at 250 during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
hours and 500 hours for each of the three intervals ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to
for a total of six oil samples. The analysis includes collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
oil viscosity and infrared (IR) analysis of the oil. If ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
all of the results are satisfactory, the 500 hour oil nent containing fluids.
change interval is acceptable for the machine in that
application. Repeat Program A if you change the Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, “Caterpillar
application of the machine. Dealer Service Tool Catalog” for tools and supplies
suitable to collect and contain fluids on Caterpillar
If a sample does not pass the oil analysis, take one products.
of these actions:
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
• Shorten the oil change interval to 250 hours. mandates.

• Proceed to Program B. NOTICE

Do not under fill or overfill engine crankcase with oil.
• Change to a preferred oil type in Table 11. Either condition can cause engine damage.
Program B
Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
Optimizing Oil Change Intervals “Access Doors and Covers” for the location of the
service points.
Begin with a 250 hour oil change interval. The oil
change intervals are adjusted by increments. Each Park the machine on a level surface and engage the
interval is adjusted an additional 50 hours. Periodic oil parking brake. Stop the engine.
sampling and analysis is done during each interval.
The analysis includes oil viscosity and infrared (IR) Note: Drain the crankcase while the oil is warm. This
analysis of the oil. Repeat Program B if you change allows waste particles that are suspended in the oil to
the application of the machine. drain. As the oil cools, the waste particles will settle
to the bottom of the crankcase. The particles will not
If an oil sample does not pass the analysis, shorten be removed by draining the oil and the particles will
the oil change interval, or change to a preferred recirculate in the engine lubrication system with the
multigrade oil type in the listing above. new oil.

Reference: Form, PEDP7035, “Optimizing Oil
Change Intervals”

Reference: Form, PEDP7036, “S·O·S Fluid Analysis”

Reference: Special Publication, PEHP7076,

“Understanding the S·O·S Services Tests”

Illustration 133
112 SEBU8249-01
Maintenance Section
Engine Overheating

1. Open crankcase drain valve (1). Allow the oil to

drain into a suitable container.

2. Close crankcase drain valve (1).

Illustration 135

10. Clean the area around oil filler cap (3) before you
remove the oil filler cap. Clean the area around oil
Illustration 134
g01505421 level gauge (4) before you remove the oil level
gauge. Remove the oil filler cap. Fill the crankcase
3. Open the right side access door. with new oil. Refer to the following topics:

4. Open the left side access door. • Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Lubricant
5. Clean the area around engine oil filter (2) before
you remove the engine oil filter. Remove the • Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Capacities
engine oil filter with a strap type wrench. Refer (Refill)”
to Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Oil Filter
- Inspect”. 11. Clean the filler cap and install the filler cap.

6. Clean the base of the engine oil filter housing. 12. Start the engine and allow the oil to warm. Check
Make sure that all of the old filter gasket is the engine for leaks.
13. Check the oil level. If necessary, add oil. Refer to
7. Apply a thin film of engine oil to the gasket of the Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Engine Oil
new filter. Level - Check” for more information.

8. Install the new filter by hand until the seal of the 14. Stop the engine. Close all access doors.
filter contacts the base. Note the position of the
index marks on the filter in relation to a fixed point i01900293
on the filter base.
Engine Overheating
Note: There are rotation index marks on the filter
that are spaced 90 degrees or 1/4 of a turn away SMCS Code: 1000; 1350; 1353
from each other. When you tighten the filter, use the
rotation index marks as a guide. If your machine experiences an engine overheating
problem, do the following maintenance procedures
9. Tighten the filter according to the instructions in the order that is listed:
that are printed on the filter. Use the index marks
as a guide. For non-Caterpillar filters, use the 1. Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Cooling
instructions that are provided with the filter. System Coolant Level − Check”

Note: You may need to use a Caterpillar strap 2. Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Radiator -
wrench, or another suitable tool, in order to turn Clean”
the filter to the amount that is required for final
installation. Make sure that the installation tool does 3. Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Belt -
not damage the filter. Inspect”

4. Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Cooling

System Pressure Cap - Clean/Replace”
SEBU8249-01 113
Maintenance Section
Engine Power Loss

5. Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Radiator i01498587

Core - Clean”
Engine Valve Lash - Check
6. Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Cooling
System Water Temperature Regulator - Replace” SMCS Code: 1105-535

If the engine overheating problem is not corrected,

consult your Caterpillar dealer.
Ensure that the engine can not be started while
this maintenance is being performed. To help pre-
vent possible injury, do not use the starting motor
Engine Power Loss to turn the flywheel.

SMCS Code: 1000; 1051; 1250 Hot engine components can cause burns. Allow
additional time for the engine to cool before mea-
If your machine experiences an engine power loss, suring/adjusting valve lash clearance.
perform the following maintenance procedures in the
order that is listed:
Only qualified service personnel should perform this
1. Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Engine Air
maintenance. Refer to the Service Manual or your
Filter Service Indicator - Inspect”
Caterpillar dealer for the complete valve lash adjust-
ment procedure.
2. Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Engine Air
Precleaner - Clean”
Operation of Caterpillar engines with improper valve
adjustments can reduce engine efficiency. This re-
3. Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Engine Air
duced efficiency could result in excessive fuel usage
Filter Primary Element - Clean/Replace”
and/or shortened engine component life.
4. Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Engine Air
Filter Secondary Element - Replace” NOTICE
Do not use the yoke that comes out of the front of the
5. Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Fuel Tank engine in order to turn over the engine. Damage to the
Water and Sediment - Drain” crankshaft vibration damper can occur.
6. Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Fuel Tank
Cap and Strainer - Clean” The adjustment is necessary due to the initial wear of
the valve train components and to the seating of the
7. Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Fuel System valve train components.
Water Separator Element - Replace”
This maintenance is recommended by Caterpillar
8. Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Fuel System as part of a lubrication and preventive maintenance
Secondary Filter - Replace” schedule in order to help provide maximum engine
If the power loss is not corrected, consult your
Caterpillar dealer. Ensure that the engine is stopped before you
measure the valve lash. To obtain an accurate
measurement, allow the valves to cool before you
perform this maintenance.

Remove the cover in order to access the rear of

the engine. Check the valve lash. For the correct
adjustment procedure, refer to Systems Operation,
Testing and Adjusting, “Engine Valve Lash -
114 SEBU8249-01
Maintenance Section
Engine Valve Rotators - Inspect

i00128925 3. Remove the used gasket. Install the new gasket

that is provided with each new ether starting aid
Engine Valve Rotators - Inspect cylinder.
SMCS Code: 1109-040 4. Install the new ether starting aid cylinder. Tighten
the ether starting aid cylinder hand tight. Tighten
the retaining clamp on the ether starting aid
cylinder securely.
When inspecting the valve rotators, protective
glasses or face shield and protective clothing 5. Close the access door.
must be worn, to prevent being burned by hot oil

Inspect the engine valve rotators after the valve Evaporator Coil and Heater
clearances have been set. Coil - Clean
1. Start the engine and run the engine at low idle. SMCS Code: 7309-070; 7343-070
2. Watch the top surface of each valve rotator. When The evaporator coil and the heater coil are located
the intake valve or the exhaust valve closes, the under the seat in the cab.
engine valve rotator should turn slightly.
1. Remove the seat.
If an intake valve or an exhaust valve fails to rotate,
consult your Caterpillar Dealer. 2. Remove both of the covers.


Ether Starting Aid Cylinder -

SMCS Code: 1456-510-CD

Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,

“Access Doors and Covers” for the location of the
service points.

Illustration 137

3. Clean evaporator coil (1) and clean heater coil (2).

Replace both coils.

Illustration 136
g01469857 4. Replace both of the covers and replace the seat.

1. Open the right side access door. Note: If you are operating the machine under harsh
conditions or with the cab door open, it may be
2. Loosen the retaining clamp on ether starting aid necessary to clean the coils more often.
cylinder (1). Remove the empty ether starting aid
cylinder. Properly discard the empty ether starting
aid cylinder.
SEBU8249-01 115
Maintenance Section
Final Drive Preload - Check


Final Drive Preload - Check

SMCS Code: 4050-535-ZP

Table 12
Required Tools
Part Number Description Quantity
Wrench for 140K
6V-4074 1
Wrench for 160K
Torque Wrench Gp
9U-5015 1
(3/4 Inch Drive)
Illustration 139

Table 13
7. Remove lock (2).
Bearing Preload for the Final Drive
Sales Model Final Torque
102 N·m (75 lb ft)

1. Park the machine on a level surface.

2. Refer to the Operation and Maintenance Manual,

“Jacking Locations” for the proper lifting points.
Support the machine so that the rear tires are
off the ground. The machine must be in a stable
position in order to be able to turn the rear tires.

3. Unlock the differential. g00985487

Illustration 140

4. Stop the engine. 8. Install the wrench for your machine to the
appropriate torque wrench.
5. Drain the oil below the level of the outer cover.
9. Check the torque. Refer to Table 13.

10. Refer to the adjustment procedure inthe Power

Train Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting,
“Final Drive Bearings - Adjust” if the torque is

Illustration 138

6. Remove outer cover (1).

116 SEBU8249-01
Maintenance Section
Fuel System - Fill

i02794509 Note: Prime the fuel system. Refer to Operation and

Maintenance Manual, “Fuel System - Prime” for more
Fuel System - Fill information.
SMCS Code: 1250-544

Fuel System - Prime

Personal injury or death may result from failure to SMCS Code: 1250-548; 1258-548
adhere to the following procedures.

Fuel leaked or spilled onto hot surfaces or electri- NOTICE

cal components can cause a fire. Do not allow dirt to enter the fuel system. Thoroughly
clean the area around a fuel system component that
Clean up all leaked or spilled fuel. Do not smoke will be disconnected. Fit a suitable cover over discon-
while working on the fuel system. nected fuel system component.

Turn the disconnect switch OFF or disconnect the 1. Turn the engine start switch to the ON position.
battery when changing fuel filters. Leave the engine start switch in the ON position
for two minutes.
NOTICE 2. Verify that the water separator is full of fuel.
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test- 3. If the water separator is not full of fuel, turn the
ing, adjusting, and repair of the machine. Be prepared engine start switch OFF and then turn the engine
to collect the fluid with suitable containers before start switch ON. This will cycle the fuel priming
opening any compartment or disassembling any com- pump again.
ponent containing fluids.
4. When the water separator is full of fuel, attempt
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and to start the engine. If the engine starts and the
mandates. engine runs rough or the engine misfires, operate
at low idle until the engine is running smoothly.
Reference: Refer to Operation and Maintenance If the engine cannot be started, or if the engine
Manual, “Capacities (Refill)” for the fuel tank capacity continues to misfire or smoke, repeat Step 1.
of your machine.

Fuel System Primary Filter

(Water Separator) Element -
SMCS Code: 1263-510-FQ

Fuel leaked or spilled onto hot surfaces or electri-

cal components can cause a fire.
Illustration 141 Turn the disconnect switch OFF when draining
and/or removing any fuel system components.
1. Clean filler cap (1) and the surrounding area.

2. Remove the filler cap.

3. Fill fuel tank (2) with fuel.

4. Install the filler cap.

SEBU8249-01 117
Maintenance Section
Fuel System Primary Filter (Water Separator) Element - Replace

Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
nent containing fluids.

Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, “Caterpillar

Dealer Service Tool Catalog” for tools and supplies
suitable to collect and contain fluids on Caterpillar

Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and g01708328

Illustration 143
1. Close the fuel supply valve. The fuel supply valve
NOTICE is positioned in the engine compartment on the
Do not fill the fuel filters with fuel before installing the right side of the machine.
fuel filters. The fuel will not be filtered and could be
contaminated. Contaminated fuel will cause acceler- 2. In order to drain the primary fuel filter, open drain
ated wear to fuel system parts. valve (3) on water separator bowl (2). The water
separator bowl is under primary fuel filter (1).
Catch the fuel in a suitable container.
Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
“Access Doors and Covers” for the location of the 3. Remove primary fuel filter (1) and water separator
service points. bowl (2). Clean the filter housing base.

4. Remove the water separator bowl from the

primary fuel filter.

Note: Check the water separator bowl for damage.

Reuse the water separator bowl if no damage is

5. Clean the water separator bowl and clean the

groove for the O-ring. Wash the water separator
bowl in a clean nonflammable solvent. Use
pressure air to dry the water separator bowl.

6. Lubricate the O-ring with clean diesel fuel or

g01726353 lubricate the O-ring with clean motor oil. Place the
Illustration 142 O-ring in the groove on the water separator bowl.
The primary fuel filter is located inside the engine 7. Install the clean water separator bowl onto a new
compartment on the left side of the machine. filter by hand.

8. Apply clean diesel fuel to the seal of the new filter.

9. Install the new filter hand tight until the seal of the
filter contacts the filter mounting base. Note the
position of the index marks on the filter in relation
to a fixed point on the filter mounting base.

Note: There are rotation index marks on the filter

that are spaced 90 degrees or 1/4 of a turn away
from each other. When you tighten the filter, use the
rotation index marks as a guide.
118 SEBU8249-01
Maintenance Section
Fuel System Secondary Filter - Replace

10. Tighten the filter according to the instructions that 2. Close the fuel supply valve. The fuel supply valve
are printed on the filter. Use the index marks as a is positioned in the engine compartment on the
guide for tightening the filter. For non-Caterpillar right side of the machine.
filters, use the instructions that are provided with
the filter.

Note: You may need to use a Caterpillar strap

wrench, or another suitable tool, in order to turn
the filter to the amount that is required for final
installation. Make sure that the installation tool does
not damage the filter.

11. Prime the fuel system. See Operation and

Maintenance Manual, “Fuel System - Prime” for
the proper procedure.

Note: The secondary fuel filter should also be

changed at this time. See Operation and Maintenance
Manual, “Fuel System Secondary Filter - Replace” for Illustration 145
further instructions.
3. Remove the secondary fuel filter.
12. Start the engine and check for leaks.
4. Drain the fuel from the secondary fuel filter into a
13. Close the access door. suitable container.

Note: Discard any drained fluids according to local

i03329444 regulations.
Fuel System Secondary Filter - 5. Clean the mounting base for the secondary fuel
Replace filter. Make sure that you removed all of the old
SMCS Code: 1261-510-SE
6. Coat the seal of the new secondary fuel filter with
NOTICE clean diesel fuel.
Do not fill fuel filters with fuel before installing them.
Contaminated fuel will cause accelerated wear to fuel 7. Install the new secondary fuel filter by hand.
system parts. Tighten the new secondary fuel filter until the seal
contacts the mounting base. Then tighten the new
secondary fuel filter for an additional turn of 3/4
Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual, of a turn.
“Access Doors and Covers ” for the location of the
service points. Use the rotation index marks on the new
secondary fuel filter as a guide for tightening the
1. Open the engine compartment access door on the filter. These rotation index marks are spaced at
left side of the machine. intervals of 1/4 turn.

8. Open the fuel supply valve.

9. Prime the fuel system. See the Operation and

Maintenance Manual, “Fuel System - Prime” for
more information.

10. Close the engine compartment access door on

the left side of the machine.

Illustration 144
SEBU8249-01 119
Maintenance Section
Fuel System Water Separator - Drain

i03339624 i02794517

Fuel System Water Separator Fuel Tank Cap and Strainer -

- Drain Clean
SMCS Code: 1263-543 SMCS Code: 1273-070-STR; 1273-070-Z2

Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
nent containing fluids.

Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, “Caterpillar

Dealer Service Tool Catalog” for tools and supplies
suitable to collect and contain fluids on Caterpillar

Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and g01395494

Illustration 147
1. Clean fuel tank cap (1) and the surrounding area.

2. Remove the fuel tank cap and disassemble the

fuel tank cap.

3. Inspect the seal on the fuel tank cap for damage.

If the seal is damaged, replace the seal. Lubricate
the seal on the fuel tank cap.

4. Replace the element on the fuel tank cap.

5. Remove the strainer from the filler opening.

6. Wash the strainer in clean nonflammable solvent.

Illustration 146
7. Install the strainer.
Typical example
8. Install the fuel tank cap.
Fuel system water separator (1) is mounted on the
left side of the machine. Refer to Operation and
Maintenance Manual, “Access Doors and Covers”
for the location.

1. Open the rear access door.

2. Open drain (2) on water separator bowl (1).

3. Drain the water from the water separator bowl.

4. Close the drain.

5. Close the access door.

120 SEBU8249-01
Maintenance Section
Fuel Tank Water and Sediment - Drain


Fuel Tank Water and Sediment

- Drain
SMCS Code: 1273-543-M&S

Illustration 149
(1) Fuse panel on the steering console (unswitched power)
(2) Fuse panel on the steering console (switched power)

Illustration 148

Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,

“Access Doors and Covers” for the location of the
service points.

1. Open drain valve (1). Drain the water and

sediment into a suitable container.

Note: Discard any drained fluids according to local

Illustration 150
2. Close the drain valve.
(3) Overhead fuse panel

i03336504 There are three fuse panels. Two fuse panels are
positioned in the base of the steering column. The
Fuses - Replace other fuse panel is near the top of the cab at the right
side of the operator.
SMCS Code: 1417-510

Fuses – Fuses protect the electrical system from

damage that is caused by overloaded circuits.
Replace the fuse if the element is separated. Check
the circuit if the element is separated in a new fuse.
Repair the circuit.

Replace the fuses with the same type and size only.

If it is necessary to replace fuses frequently, an electri-

cal problem may exist. Consult your Caterpillar dealer.

Illustration 151
Fuse panel on the steering console (unswitched power) (1)

Tail Lights and Panel Lights (4) (If

Equipped) – 10 amp
SEBU8249-01 121
Maintenance Section
Fuses - Replace

Engine ECM (5) – 15 amp Headlights (19) – 15 amp

Keyswitch (6) – 10 amp

Auxiliary Power Port (7) (If Equipped) –

10 amp

Horn (8) – 10 amp

Turn Signals and Hazard Lamps (9) (If

Equipped) – 10 amp Illustration 152

Fuse panel on the steering console (switched power) (2)

Lighter (10) – 10 amp Digital Electrical Monitoring System

(20) – 10 amp

Blank (11) Blade Floodlights (21) (If Equipped) – 15


Stop Lamps (12) – 10 amp Rear Floodlights (22) (If Equipped) – 10


Radio (13) (If Equipped) – 10 amp

Light bar (23) (If Equipped) – 10 amp

Dome Lamp (14) – 10 amp

Air Dryer (24) – 10 amp

Product Link (15) – 10 amp

Differential Lock (25) – 10 amp

Communication Radio (16) – 15 amp

Heating and Air Conditioning System
(26) – 15 amp

Ether Starting Aid (17) – 10 amp

Blade Cushion (If Equipped) and
Centershift Lock Pin (27) – 10 amp

AccuGrade(18) (If Equipped) – 20 amp Transmission Control (28) – 15 amp

122 SEBU8249-01
Maintenance Section
Fuses - Replace

Blank (29) Snow Wing Light (39) (If Equipped) – 10


Parking Brake (30) – 10 amp Front Windshield Defroster (40) – 10


Blank (31) Moldboard Lights (41) (If Equipped) – 10


Blank (32) Rear Window Defroster (42) – 10 amp

Exterior Heated Mirrors (43) (If

Blank (33)
Equipped) – 10 amp

Blank (44)
Beacon (34) (If Equipped) – 10 amp

Blank (45)
Blank (35)

Blank (46)

Blank (47)

Blank (48)

Blank (49)
Illustration 153
Overhead fuse panel

Front Windshield Wiper/Washer (36) – Blank (50)

15 amp

Auxiliary Backup Lights (37) (If Blank (51)

Equipped) – 10 amp

Rear Window Wiper and Washer (38) –

10 amp
SEBU8249-01 123
Maintenance Section
Hydraulic System Oil - Change

i03322061 Park the machine on a level surface with the front

wheel straight ahead. Lower all attachments to the
Hydraulic System Oil - Change ground. Apply a slight downward pressure to the
attachments. Center the articulation of the machine
SMCS Code: 5050-044; 5056-044; 5095-044 and install the frame lock pin. The frame lock pin
must move freely in the frame. Move the front wheels
to vertical and install the wheel lean bolt. Engage the
parking brake. Stop the engine.
Hot oil and hot components can cause personal
injury. Do not allow hot oil or hot components to The hydraulic system oil tank is positioned behind
contact skin. the operator station at the center of the machine.

Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
nent containing fluids.

Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, “Caterpillar

Dealer Service Tool Catalog” for tools and supplies
suitable to collect and contain fluids on Caterpillar

Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and


Note: The normal hydraulic oil change interval

is at every 2000 Service Hours or 1 Year. By
performing S·O·S oil analysis, the hydraulic
oil change interval may be extended to 4000
Service Hours or 2 Years. S·O·S oil analysis
must be performed at every 500 Service Hours
or 3 Months in order to extend the hydraulic oil
change interval. The results from the S·O·S oil
analysis will determine if the hydraulic oil change
interval may be extended. If S·O·S oil analysis is
not available, the hydraulic oil change interval
must remain at every 2000 Service Hours or 1
Year . Refer to the Operation and Maintenance
Manual, “S·O·S Information”.

Note: Cat HYDO Advanced 10 has a 50% increase

in the standard oil drain interval for machine Illustration 154
hydraulic systems (3000 hours versus 2000
hours) over second and third choice oils - when 1. Slowly remove hydraulic oil filler cap (1).
following the maintenance interval schedule for
oil filter changes and for oil sampling that is 2. Drain plug (2) is positioned in the bottom of the
stated in the Operation and Maintenance Manual hydraulic oil tank. Remove the drain plug. Drain
for your particular machine. 6000 hour oil drain the oil into a suitable container.
intervals are possible when using S·O·S Services
oil analysis. Contact your Cat dealer for details. 3. Replace the filter for the hydraulic system oil. See
Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Hydraulic
Operate the machine until the oil is warm. System Oil Filter - Replace” in the Maintenance
Interval Schedule.
124 SEBU8249-01
Maintenance Section
Hydraulic System Oil Filter - Replace

4. Remove the filler screen from the filler tube in the

hydraulic oil tank. Wash the filler screen in clean NOTICE
nonflammable solvent. Allow the filler screen to Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
dry. during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to
5. Clean the drain plug and install the drain plug. collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
6. Install the filler screen. nent containing fluids.

7. Fill the hydraulic system oil tank. See Operation Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, “Caterpillar
and Maintenance Manual, “Capacities (Refill)”. Tools and Shop Products Guide” for tools and supplies
suitable to collect and contain fluids on Caterpillar
8. Inspect the filler cap gasket. If the filler cap gasket products.
is damaged, replace the filler cap gasket.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
9. Install the hydraulic oil filler cap. mandates.

10. Start the engine. Run the engine for a few

minutes. Park the machine on a level surface with front wheels
straight ahead. Lower all attachments to the ground.
11. Maintain the oil level above the “MIN” mark on Apply a slight downward pressure to the attachments.
sight gauge (3). If necessary, add oil through the Center the articulation of the machine and install the
filler tube. frame lock pin. The frame lock pin must move freely
in the frame. Move the front wheels to vertical and
Note: The oil must be free from bubbles. If there are install the wheel lean bolt. Engage the parking brake.
bubbles in the oil, then air is entering the hydraulic Stop the engine.
system. Inspect the suction hoses and inspect the
clamps. Clean the area around the filler cap before you
remove the filler cap. Clean the area around the filter
12. Stop the engine. cover before you remove the filter cover.

13. If necessary, tighten any loose clamps and tighten

any loose connections. Replace any damaged


Hydraulic System Oil Filter -

SMCS Code: 5056-510-FI; 5068-510

Hot oil and hot components can cause personal

injury. Do not allow hot oil or hot components to
contact skin.
SEBU8249-01 125
Maintenance Section
Hydraulic System Oil Level - Check


Hydraulic System Oil Level -

SMCS Code: 5050-535-FLV; 5056-535-FLV;
5095-535-FLV; 7479-535

Hot oil and hot components can cause personal

injury. Do not allow hot oil or hot components to
contact skin.

Operate the machine until the oil is warm.

Park the machine on a level surface with front wheels

straight ahead. Lower all attachments to the ground.
Apply a slight downward pressure to the attachments.
Center the articulation of the machine and install the
frame lock pin. The frame lock pin must move freely
in the frame. Move the front wheels to vertical and
install the wheel lean bolt. Engage the parking brake.
Stop the engine.

The hydraulic tank sight gauge is positioned on the

left side of the machine.

Illustration 155

1. Slowly remove hydraulic oil filler cap (1) in order

to relieve the tank pressure.

2. Remove filter cover (2) from the hydraulic system

oil tank.

3. Inspect the seal for the cover. If necessary, replace

the seal.

4. Remove the filter element and discard the filter


5. Install a new filter element.

6. Install cover (2).

7. Maintain the hydraulic oil level above the “MIN”

mark on sight gauge (3).

8. Inspect the filler cap gasket. If the filler cap gasket

is damaged, replace the filler cap gasket. Install
the oil filler cap.
126 SEBU8249-01
Maintenance Section
Hydraulic System Oil Sample - Obtain


Hydraulic System Oil Sample

- Obtain
SMCS Code: 4129-008; 5050-008; 5056-008;
5095-008; 5095-SM

Illustration 157

The sampling valve for the hydraulic oil is located

underneath the operator's compartment on the left
side of the machine.

Refer to Special Publication, SEBU6250, “S·O·S Oil

Analysis” for information that pertains to obtaining
a sample of the hydraulic oil. Refer to Special
Publication, PEHP6001, “How To Take A Good Oil
Sample” for more information about obtaining a
sample of the hydraulic oil.
Illustration 156
Hydraulic System Oil – Maintain the
hydraulic system oil level between the top Kingpin Bearings - Lubricate
mark and the bottom mark on the sight
gauge (1). SMCS Code: 4314-086

Note: If necessary, add oil. Slowly loosen the filler Wipe all the fittings before you apply lubricant to the
cap in order to relieve the tank pressure. Remove fittings.
filler cap (2). Add oil through the filler tube. Clean the
filler cap and install the filler cap.

Illustration 158
SEBU8249-01 127
Maintenance Section
Moldboard Wear Strip - Inspect/Adjust/Replace

The kingpins are located to the inside of the front 7. Remove the top retaining plate from the center
wheels. Each front wheel has a kingpin. Each kingpin wear strip bracket. Visually inspect the wear strips.
has two fittings. In order to lubricate the kingpin If the wear strips are worn close to the moldboard,
bearings, use 183-3424 Grease Cartridge to apply replace the wear strips.
lubricant to the fittings.
8. Install shims between the moldboard rail and the
wear strips at the location of minimum clearance.
Add shims in order to provide a clearance of
Moldboard Wear Strip - 0.13 mm (0.005 inch) to 0.89 mm (0.035 inch).

Inspect/Adjust/Replace 9. Install the top retaining plate for the center wear
strip bracket.
SMCS Code: 6174-025; 6174-040; 6174-510

1. Rotate the blade. Position the blade at an angle of i01863714

90 degrees to the frame. Lower the blade to the

ground. Stop the engine.
Parking Brake - Drain
SMCS Code: 4267-543-M&S

Sudden movement of the machine or release of

air under pressure can cause injury to persons on
or near the machine. To prevent possible injury,
perform the procedure that follows before testing
and adjusting the air system and brakes.

Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
Illustration 159
g01703913 ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
2. Remove the top retaining plates and the bottom ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
retaining plates. Visually inspect the wear strips. If nent containing fluids.
the wear strips are worn close to the moldboard,
replace the wear strips. Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, “Caterpillar
Tools and Shop Products Guide” for tools and supplies
3. Install shims between the moldboard rail and the suitable to collect and contain fluids on Caterpillar
wear strips at the location of minimum clearance. products.
Add shims in order to provide a clearance of
0.13 mm (0.005 inch) to 0.89 mm (0.035 inch). Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
Note: The shims that are required should be divided
evenly between the upper wear strips and the lower 1. Move the machine to a smooth horizontal location.
wear strips. Move away from operating machines and move
away from personnel. Lower all implements to the
4. Install the top retaining plate and install the bottom ground.
retaining plate.
2. Install the wheel lean locking bolt in the front axle.
5. Start the engine. Raise the blade, so that the Install the frame lock pin. Engage the parking
blade will clear the ground. Sideshift the blade brake and stop the engine.
through the entire limit of travel. Measure the
clearance between the wear strips and the blade. 3. Permit only one operator on the machine. Keep all
This will allow you to determine the location of the other personnel away from the machine. Also, all
minimum clearance. personnel should be visible to the operator.

6. Stop the engine. 4. Place chocks in front of the wheels and behind
the wheels.
128 SEBU8249-01
Maintenance Section
Radiator - Clean


Radiator - Clean
SMCS Code: 1353-070; 1805-070; 1810-070

Illustration 160
(1) Parking brake
(2) Outer plug

1. Remove outer plug (2) and an inner plug (not

shown) behind outer plug (2). Illustration 162

2. Start the engine. Make sure that the air system 1. Remove the access cover on the left rear of the
pressure reaches 965 ± 34 kPa (140 ± 5 psi). machine. Remove the access cover on the right
rear of the machine.

2. Remove any dirt from the area around the radiator.

Remove any debris from the area around the

3. Install the access covers.


Radiator Core - Clean

SMCS Code: 1353-070; 1353-070-KO

g00950104 You can use compressed air, high pressure water,

Illustration 161 or steam to remove dust and other debris from the
(3) Transmission control (lever) radiator core. However, the use of compressed air
is preferred.
3. Make sure that the service brake control (pedal)
is down. Move lever (3) from PARKING BRAKE See Special Publication, SEBD0518, “Know Your
ENGAGED position to the NEUTRAL position Cooling System” for the complete procedure for
and back to the PARKING BRAKE ENGAGED cleaning the radiator core.

4. Continue to move lever (3) from PARKING BRAKE

ENGAGED position to the NEUTRAL position
position. This will drain the moisture from parking
brake (1).

5. Stop the engine and allow the air to escape from

the system. Replace the inner plug and outer plug
SEBU8249-01 129
Maintenance Section
Refrigerant Dryer - Replace

i01827882 Note: When you operate the machine in a climate

with high humidity, replace the in-line refrigerant dryer
Refrigerant Dryer - Replace after every 1000 service hours or 6 months.
SMCS Code: 7322-510

Ripper Cylinder Bearings -

Personal injury can result from contact with refrig- Lubricate
SMCS Code: 5352-086; 6325-086
Contact with refrigerant can cause frost bite. Keep
face and hands away to help prevent injury. Note: Caterpillar recommends the use of 5%
molybdenum grease for lubricating the ripper cylinder
Protective goggles must always be worn when re- bearings. Refer to Special Publication, SEBU6250,
frigerant lines are opened, even if the gauges in- “Caterpillar Machine Fluids Recommendations” for
dicate the system is empty of refrigerant. more information on molybdenum grease.

Always use precaution when a fitting is removed. Wipe all the fittings before you apply lubricant through
Slowly loosen the fitting. If the system is still un- the fittings.
der pressure, release it slowly in a well ventilated

Personal injury or death can result from inhaling

refrigerant through a lit cigarette.

Inhaling air conditioner refrigerant gas through a

lit cigarette or other smoking method or inhaling
fumes released from a flame contacting air con-
ditioner refrigerant gas, can cause bodily harm or

Do not smoke when servicing air conditioners or

wherever refrigerant gas may be present.
Use a certified recovery and recycling cart to prop- Illustration 164
erly remove the refrigerant from the air condition-
ing system. Fitting (1) is on each side of the trunnion. Apply the
appropriate lubricant through each fitting in order to
lubricate the trunnion.

Fitting (2) is mounted on the left side rod end of

the ripper cylinder. Apply the appropriate lubricant
through the fitting in order to lubricate the rod end of
the ripper cylinder.


Ripper Tip - Inspect/Replace

SMCS Code: 6808-040; 6808-510

Illustration 163
Personal injury or death can result from the ripper
The in-line refrigerant dryer is located under the cab falling.
on the right side.
Block the ripper before changing teeth.
Refer to Service Manual, SENR5664, “In-Line
Refrigerant Dryer - Remove and Install” for the
replacement procedure of the in-line refrigerant dryer.
130 SEBU8249-01
Maintenance Section
Rollover Protective Structure (ROPS) - Inspect


Rollover Protective Structure

Retainer pin, when struck with force, can fly out
and cause injury to nearby people. (ROPS) - Inspect
Make sure the area is clear of people when driving SMCS Code: 7323-040; 7325-040
retainer pins.
To avoid injury to your eyes, wear protective Do not attempt to straighten the ROPS structure. Do
glasses when striking a retainer pin. not repair the ROPS by welding reinforcement plates
to the structure.
Inspect the ripper tips. Replace the ripper tips if the
tips are damaged or the tips are worn excessively. If there are any cracks in the welds, in the castings, or
in any metal section of the ROPS, consult your Cater-
1. Block up the ripper to a height that is adequate for pillar dealer for repairs.
the removal of the tips.

Illustration 166
Illustration 165
1. There are two retaining pins for the ROPS. One
2. Drive out the retainer pin from the retainer side retaining pin is located on each side of the cab.
of the ripper tip. Remove the ripper tip and the Remove the access covers (1) from the retaining
retainer. pin locations.

3. Clean the adapter, the retainer pin, and the 2. Inspect the retaining pins. Inspect the keeper bolt.
retainer. Install the retainer in the groove. Replace any damaged keeper bolts or any missing
keeper bolts with only original equipment parts.
4. Install the new ripper tip over the retainer.
3. Install the access covers.
5. Drive the retainer pin through the retainer, through
the adapter, and through the ripper tip from the 4. Inspect the ROPS for any loose bolts or any
opposite side of the retainer. damaged bolts. Replace any damaged bolts or
any missing bolts with only the original equipment
6. Repeat Step 2 through Step 5 in order to replace parts. Tighten the four rear bolts (2) to a torque of
additional ripper tips. 430 ± 60 N·m (320± 45 lb ft). Tighten the nuts (3)
for the two front bolts to a torque of 240 ± 40 N·m
7. Raise the ripper. Remove the block. Lower the (180 ± 30 lb ft).
ripper to the ground.
Note: Apply oil to all ROPS bolt threads before you
install the bolts for the ROPS. Failure to apply oil can
result in improper bolt torque.

5. When you operate the machine on a rough

surface, the ROPS may rattle or the ROPS may
make a noise. If the ROPS rattles or if the ROPS
makes a noise, replace the ROPS mounting
supports .
SEBU8249-01 131
Maintenance Section
Scarifier Lift Link Socket - Lubricate


Scarifier Lift Link Socket -

SMCS Code: 6162-086-LNK

Wipe all the fittings before you apply lubricant to the


Illustration 168

1. Block up the scarifier. Do not block up the scarifier

too high. Block up the scarifier to a height that
allows you to remove the teeth.

2. Remove the scarifier tooth from the shank.

3. Clean the shank.

Illustration 167
4. Install the new scarifier tooth over the shank.
The machine has two fittings on each side.
5. Drive the scarifier tooth onto the shank.
In order to lubricate the scarifier lift link socket, use
6. Repeat Step 2 through Step 5 in order to replace
183-3424 Grease Cartridge (5% Molybdenum
additional scarifier teeth.
Disulfide) to apply lubricant through the fittings.
7. Raise the scarifier and remove blocking.

Scarifier Teeth - i02429589

Inspect/Replace Seat Belt - Inspect

SMCS Code: 6807-040; 6807-510 SMCS Code: 7327-040

Always check the condition of the seat belt and the

condition of the seat belt mounting hardware before
you operate the machine. Replace any parts that are
Personal injury or death can result from the scar- damaged or worn before you operate the machine.
ifier falling.

Block the scarifier before changing the teeth.

Flying objects can cause injury or death.

Make sure the area is clear of people when remov-

ing/installing scarifier teeth.

To avoid injury to your eyes, wear protective

glasses when removing/installing scarifier teeth.

If the scarifier teeth are damaged or worn excessively, Illustration 169
then change the scarifier teeth. Typical example
132 SEBU8249-01
Maintenance Section
Seat Belt - Replace

Check the seat belt mounting hardware (1) for wear If your machine is equipped with a seat belt
or for damage. Replace any mounting hardware that extension, also perform this replacement procedure
is worn or damaged. Make sure that the mounting for the seat belt extension.
bolts are tight.
Check buckle (2) for wear or for damage. If the buckle
is worn or damaged, replace the seat belt. Tandem Breather -
Inspect the seat belt (3) for webbing that is worn or Clean/Replace
frayed. Replace the seat belt if the seat belt is worn
or frayed. SMCS Code: 4062-070-BRE; 4062-510-BRE

Consult your Caterpillar dealer for the replacement of

the seat belt and the mounting hardware.

Note: Within three years of the date of installation or

within five years of the date of manufacture, replace
the seat belt. Replace the seat belt at the date which
occurs first. A date label for determining the age of
the seat belt is attached to the seat belt, the seat belt
buckle, and the seat belt retractor.

If your machine is equipped with a seat belt

extension, also perform this inspection procedure for
the seat belt extension.
Illustration 171
The tandem breathers are located on the top of each tandem.

Seat Belt - Replace Note: The tandem breather for your machine may be
SMCS Code: 7327-510 located closer to the front of the tandem housing.

Within three years of the date of installation or within 1. Remove breathers (1) from both tandems.
five years of the date of manufacture, replace the
seat belt . Replace the seat belt at the date which 2. Wash breathers (1) in clean, nonflammable
occurs first. A date label for determining the age of solvent.
the seat belt is attached to the seat belt, the seat belt
buckle, and the seat belt retractor. 3. Use pressure air to dry breathers (1).

4. Install breathers (1) in both tandems.

Note: Replace breathers (1) if the breathers are



Tandem Drive Oil - Change

SMCS Code: 4071-510

Illustration 170
(1) Date of installation (retractor) Hot oil and hot components can cause personal
(2) Date of installation (buckle) injury. Do not allow hot oil or hot components to
(3) Date of manufacture (tag) (fully extended web) contact skin.
(4) Date of manufacture (underside) (buckle)

Consult your Caterpillar dealer for the replacement of

the seat belt and the mounting hardware.
SEBU8249-01 133
Maintenance Section
Tandem Drive Oil Level - Check

• Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Capacities

NOTICE (Refill)”
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test- 7. Clean the cover and install the cover on the top of
ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to the tandem drive housing.
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo- 8. Install the plate to the walkway.
nent containing fluids.
9. Clean the oil check plug and install the oil check
Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, “Caterpillar plug.
Dealer Service Tool Catalog” for tools and supplies
suitable to collect and contain fluids on Caterpillar 10. Start the engine. Operate the machine for a few
products. minutes. Check the tandem drive housing for
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
mandates. 11. Stop the engine. Remove the oil check plug.

12. Check the oil level. Maintain the oil level to the
bottom of the opening for the oil check plug. Add
oil, if necessary.

13. Install the oil check plug.

14. Repeat Step 1 through Step 13 for the other side

of the machine.


Tandem Drive Oil Level - Check

SMCS Code: 4071-535
Illustration 172
Clean the surface area around the oil check plug
1. Clean the surface area around oil check plug (1). before you check the oil level.

2. Remove drain plug (2). Remove the oil check plug.

Allow the oil to drain into a suitable container.

Note: When you change the tandem drive oil, use

diesel fuel in order to clean the housing of the sludge
and flush the housing of the sludge.

3. Clean the drain plug and install the drain plug.

4. Remove a plate from the walkway that is located

on top of the tandem drive housing. This must be
done in order to access one of the covers on the
top of the tandem drive housing.
5. Clean the area around one of the covers of any Illustration 173
dirt or debris. This must be done before the cover
is removed. 1. Remove the oil check plug.

6. Remove a cover from the top of the tandem drive 2. Maintain the oil level at the bottom of the opening
housing. Fill the tandem drive housing with new for the oil check plug. If necessary, add oil. Open
oil. Refer to the following topics: the cover on the top of the tandem drive housing
and add oil. Close the cover on the top of the
• Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Lubricant tandem drive housing.
3. Install the oil check plug.
134 SEBU8249-01
Maintenance Section
Tandem Drive Oil Sample - Obtain

i02794297 If necessary, inflate the tires. Refer to the following

additional information about tire inflation:
Tandem Drive Oil Sample -
Obtain • Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Tire Inflation
with Nitrogen”
SMCS Code: 4071-008
• Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Tire Shipping

• Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Tire Inflation

Pressure Adjustment”


Transmission and Differential

Breather - Clean/Replace
SMCS Code: 3030-070-BRE; 3030-510-BRE;
3258-070-BRE; 3258-510-BRE
Illustration 174

The oil sample for the tandem drive should be taken

from the housing by removing one of the plates that
are located on the top of the tandem housing.

Refer to Special Publication, SEBU6250, “Caterpillar

Machine Fluids Recommendations”, “S·O·S Oil
Analysis” for information that pertains to obtaining
a sample of the tandem drive oil. Refer to Special
Publication, PEHP6001, “How To Take A Good Oil
Sample” for more information about obtaining a
sample of the tandem drive oil.
Illustration 176
1. Remove the breather (1).
Tire Inflation - Check
2. Wash the breather (1) in clean, nonflammable
SMCS Code: 4203-535-PX; 4203-535-AI solvent.

3. Use pressure air to dry the breather (1).

4. Install the breather (1).

Note: Replace the breather (1) if the breather is


Illustration 175

Measure the air pressure on each tire. Consult your

tire dealer for the correct load rating and for the
correct operating pressures.
SEBU8249-01 135
Maintenance Section
Transmission and Differential Oil - Change


Transmission and Differential

Oil - Change
SMCS Code: 3080-510; 3258-510-OC

Hot oil and hot components can cause personal

injury. Do not allow hot oil or hot components to
contact skin.

Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
nent containing fluids. g01394804
Illustration 177
Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, “Caterpillar Bottom View
Dealer Service Tool Catalog” for tools and supplies
suitable to collect and contain fluids on Caterpillar 1. Remove transmission drain plug (1) and remove
products. differential drain plug (2). Drain the oil into a
suitable container.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
mandates. 2. Change the filter element and clean the screens.
Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
“Transmission and Differential Oil Filter and
Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual, Screens - Replace/Clean” for the proper
“Access Doors and Covers” for the location of the procedure.
service points.
3. Clean the drain plugs and install the drain plugs.
Clean the area around the differential drain plug and
the area around the transmission drain plug. Refer 4. Open the front left access door.
to Illustration 177 for the location of drain plugs.
Clean the area around the oil level gauge/fill cap.
Refer to Illustration 178 for the location of the oil level
gauge/fill cap.

Operate the engine until the transmission oil and the

differential oil are warm. Park the machine on a level
surface and engage the parking brake. Lower the
blade and apply slight down pressure to the blade.
Stop the engine.

Note: Drain the transmission case and drain the

differential case while the oil is warm. This allows
waste particles that are suspended in the oil to drain.
As the oil cools, the waste particles will settle to the
bottom of the case. The particles will not be removed Illustration 178
by draining the oil and the particles will recirculate in
the lubrication system with the new oil. 5. Fill the transmission case and the differential case
with oil through oil level gauge/fill cap (3). Refer
to the following topics:

• Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Lubricant

136 SEBU8249-01
Maintenance Section
Transmission and Differential Oil Filter and Screens - Replace/Clean

• Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Capacities


6. Remove transmission breather (4) and discard the

transmission breather. Install a new transmission

7. Start the engine and run the engine at low

idle. Inspect the transmission and differential
components for leaks.

8. Engage the transmission modulator control

(inching pedal). Slowly operate the transmission
in order to circulate the oil.
9. With the engine at low idle, maintain the oil level Illustration 179
between the marks on the oil level gauge. If
necessary, add oil through oil level gauge/fill cap

10. Stop the engine.

11. Close the access door.


Transmission and Differential

Oil Filter and Screens -
Replace/Clean g01504634
Illustration 180
SMCS Code: 3030-070-Z3; 3030-510-Z3;
3067-070; 3067-510; 3258-070-FI; 3258-070-Z3; 1. Remove drain plug (3) on transmission oil filter
3258-510-Z3; 3258-510-FI housing (2). Allow the oil to drain into a suitable

2. Loosen the port (1) in order to vent the

transmission oil filter housing.
Hot oil and hot components can cause personal
injury. Do not allow hot oil or hot components to 3. Remove the transmission oil filter housing.
contact skin.
4. Remove the used element and discard the used
NOTICE element.
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test- 5. Clean the transmission oil filter housing with a
ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to clean, nonflammable solvent.
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo- 6. Clean the base of the transmission oil filter
nent containing fluids. housing.

Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, “Caterpillar 7. Insert a new filter element into the transmission oil
Dealer Service Tool Catalog” for tools and supplies filter housing.
suitable to collect and contain fluids on Caterpillar
products. 8. Replace the filter housing base seal.

Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and 9. Install the transmission oil filter housing.
10. Install drain plug (3) in transmission oil filter
housing (2).
SEBU8249-01 137
Maintenance Section
Transmission and Differential Oil Level - Check

g01707177 g01504636
Illustration 181 Illustration 182

11. Remove the three bolts of the cover for magnetic 22. Clean the area around oil level gauge/fill cap (6).
screen (5). Slowly remove the cover from the
housing (4) for the magnetic screen. Allow the oil 23. With the engine at low idle, maintain the oil level
to drain into a suitable container. between the marks on the oil level gauge. If
necessary, add oil through oil level gauge/fill cap
12. Remove the magnetic screen tube assembly. (6).

13. Separate the magnet and the tube assembly 24. Stop the engine.
from the screen. Wash the screen and the tube
assembly in clean, nonflammable solvent. Allow
the screen to dry and allow the tube assembly to
dry. Transmission and Differential
Oil Level - Check
Do not drop or rap magnets on hard objects, or dam-
SMCS Code: 3030-535-FLV; 3080-535-FLV;
age can result. Replace damaged magnets.

14. Clean the magnet with a cloth or clean the magnet

with a firm brush. Allow the magnet to dry.
Hot oil and hot components can cause personal
15. Install the magnet and the tube assembly into the injury. Do not allow hot oil or hot components to
screen. contact skin.
16. Install the screen.
Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
17. Inspect the cover seals. If the cover seals are “Access Doors and Covers” for the location of the
damaged, replace the cover seals. service points.

18. Install the covers and tighten the bolts.

19. Start the engine.

20. With the parking brake engaged, run the engine

at low idle in order to circulate the transmission oil.

21. Inspect all of the transmission components for


Illustration 183
138 SEBU8249-01
Maintenance Section
Transmission and Differential Oil Sample - Obtain

1. Open the front left access door.

2. Clean the area around oil level gauge/fill cap (1).

3. Start the engine and run the engine at low idle.

Remove the oil level gauge/fill cap.

4. With the engine at low idle, maintain the oil level

between the marks on oil level gauge/fill cap (1). If
necessary, add oil.

5. Stop the engine.

6. Close the access door.

Illustration 184
The oil sample for the transmission and the differential
Transmission and Differential should be taken from the oil level gauge/fill cap (1).
Oil Sample - Obtain
Refer to Special Publication, SEBU6250, “S·O·S
SMCS Code: 3006-008; 3030-008; 3080-008; Services Oil Analysis” for information that pertains to
3258-008; 7542 obtaining a sample of the transmission and differential
oil. Refer to Special Publication, PEHP6001, “How
To Take A Good Oil Sample” for more information
about obtaining a sample of the transmission and
differential oil.
Hot oil and hot components can cause personal
injury. Do not allow hot oil or hot components to
contact skin. i01829992

Wheel Bearing Oil (Front) -

Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test- SMCS Code: 4205-044; 4208-044; 4234-044;
ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to 7551-044-WHL
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
nent containing fluids.

Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, “Caterpillar

Dealer Service Tool Catalog” for tools and supplies
suitable to collect and contain fluids on Caterpillar

Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and


Illustration 185

The front wheel bearings are located on the inner

side of each front wheel. The check/fill plugs (1) are
located on the housings of each front wheel bearing.

Clean the surface around each check/fill plug before

you change the oil.
SEBU8249-01 139
Maintenance Section
Wheel Bearing Oil Level (Front) - Check

2. Maintain the oil level to the bottom of the opening

NOTICE for the check/fill plug. If necessary, add oil.
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test- 3. Install plug (1).
ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open- 4. Repeat Step 1 through Step 3 for the other wheel
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo- bearing.
nent containing fluids.
Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, “Caterpillar
Tools and Shop Products Guide” for tools and supplies Wheel Bearing Oil Sample
suitable to collect and contain fluids on Caterpillar
products. (Front) - Obtain
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and SMCS Code: 4205-008; 4234-008; 7542

1. Remove check/fill plug (1).

Hot oil and hot components can cause personal
2. Use a 1U-7683 Suction Gun in order to remove injury. Do not allow hot oil or hot components to
the oil from the housing for the wheel bearing. contact skin.

3. Add oil to the housing for the wheel bearing until

the oil level is at the bottom of the opening for NOTICE
check/fill plug (1). Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
4. Install check/fill plug (1). ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
5. Repeat Step 1 through Step 4 for the other wheel ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
bearing. nent containing fluids.

Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, “Caterpillar

i01830000 Dealer Service Tool Catalog” for tools and supplies
suitable to collect and contain fluids on Caterpillar
Wheel Bearing Oil Level (Front) products.
- Check Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
SMCS Code: 4205-535-FLV; 4208-535-FLV; mandates.
4234-535-FLV; 7551-535-FLV

Clean the surface area around the check/fill plug

before you check the oil level.

Illustration 187
The wheel has been removed for ease of viewing.

The wheel bearing sample plug (1) is located on the

Illustration 186 inner side of each front wheel of the machine.

1. Remove check/fill plug (1).

140 SEBU8249-01
Maintenance Section
Wheel Lean Bar Bearings - Lubricate

Refer to Special Publication, SEBU6250, “S·O·S

Services Oil Analysis” for information that pertains
to obtaining a sample of the oil. Refer to Special
Publication, PEHP6001, “How To Take A Good Oil
Sample” for more information about obtaining a
sample of the hydraulic oil.


Wheel Lean Bar Bearings -

SMCS Code: 5225-086-BD
Note: Caterpillar recommends the use of 5% Illustration 189
molybdenum grease for lubricating the wheel lean bar The wheel has been removed for ease of viewing.
bearings. Refer to Special Publication, SEBU6250,
“Caterpillar Machine Fluids Recommendations” for Each front wheel has two fittings. Apply the
more information on molybdenum grease. appropriate lubricant through the fittings in order to
lubricate the wheel lean bearings.
Wipe the fittings before you apply lubricant through
the fittings.

Wheel Lean Cylinder Bearings

- Lubricate
SMCS Code: 5211-086-BD

Note: Caterpillar recommends the use of

5% molybdenum grease for lubricating the
wheel lean cylinder bearings. Refer to Special
Publication, SEBU6250, “Caterpillar Machine
Fluids Recommendations” for more information on
molybdenum grease.

Wipe the fittings before you apply lubricant through

Illustration 188 the fittings.
The wheel has been removed for ease of viewing.

Each front wheel has one fitting. Apply the

appropriate lubricant through the fittings in order to
lubricate the wheel lean bar bearings.


Wheel Lean Bearings -

SMCS Code: 5225-086-BD

Note: Caterpillar recommends the use of 5% g01394696

molybdenum grease for lubricating the wheel lean Illustration 190
bearings. Refer to Special Publication, SEBU6250, The wheel has been removed for ease of viewing.
“Caterpillar Machine Fluids Recommendations” for
more information on molybdenum grease. The right front wheel has two fittings on the wheel
lean cylinder. Apply the appropriate lubricant through
Wipe the fittings before you apply lubricant through the fittings in order to lubricate the wheel lean cylinder
the fittings. bearings.
SEBU8249-01 141
Maintenance Section
Window Washer Reservoir - Fill

i01834467 i03326131

Window Washer Reservoir - Window Wiper -

Fill Inspect/Replace
SMCS Code: 7306-544-KE SMCS Code: 7305-040; 7305-510

Use Caterpillar nonfreezing window washer solvent
or a commercially available windshield washer fluid
in order to prevent freezing of the windshield washer

The windshield washer reservoir is positioned in the

seat support to the left of the operator's seat.

1. Remove the access cover for the windshield

washer reservoir.

Illustration 192

Inspect the upper front wind shield wiper blade (1).

Inspect the lower front wind shield wiper blades (2).
If the machine is equipped with a wiper for the rear
window, inspect the wiper blade for the rear window
(3). If any of the wiper blades are streaking any of the
wind shields, replace the wiper blade. Also, replace
the wiper blade if the wiper blade is streaking the
rear window.

Illustration 191
Windows - Clean
2. Remove the filler cap for the windshield washer
reservoir. SMCS Code: 7310-070; 7340-070

3. Fill the window washer reservoir with window

washer solvent through the filler cap opening.

4. Install the filler cap.

5. Install the access cover.

Note: The window washer nozzles can be adjusted

so that the window washer solvent will be sprayed
in the desired direction.

Illustration 193

Use commercially available window cleaning

solutions to clean the windows. Stand on the ground
in order to clean the outside windows, unless
handholds are available.

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