Tax Incentives 10708

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Republic Act No.

December 9, 2015
Tags: Benigno S. Aquino III, Laws, Republic Acts, taxes

H. No. 5831
S. No. 2669

Republic of the Philippines

Congress of the Philippines

Metro Manila

Sixteenth Congress

Third Regular Session

Begun and held in Metro Manila, on Monday, the twenty-seventh day of July, two thousand fifteen.




Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress


SECTION 1. This Act shall be known as “The Tax Incentives Management and Transparency Act

SEC. 2. Declaration of Policy. — It is hereby declared the policy of the State to promote fiscal
accountability and transparency in the grant and management of tax incentives by developing
means to promptly measure the government’s fiscal exposure on these grants and to enable the
government to monitor, review, and analyze the economic impact thereof and thereby optimize the
social benefit of such incentives.

SEC. 3. Definition of Terms. — As used in this Act:

a. Investment Promotion Agencies (IPAs) shall refer to government entities created by law,
executive order, decree or other issuance, in charge of promoting investments, administering tax
and non-tax incentives, and/or overseeing the operations of the different economic zones and
freeports in accordance with their respective charters. These include the Board of Investments
(BOI), Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA), Bases Conversion and Development
Authority (BCDA), Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA), Clark Development Corporation
(CDC), John Hay Management Corporation (JHMC), Poro Point Management Corporation
(PPMC), Bataan Technology Park, Inc. (BTPI), Cagayan Economic Zone Authority (CEZA),
Zamboanga City Special Economic Zone Authority (ZCSEZA), Phividec Industrial Authority
(PIA), Aurora Pacific Economic Zone and Freeport Authority (APECO), Authority of the Freeport
Area of Bataan (AFAB), Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority (TIEZA), and ail
other similar authorities that may be created by law in the future;

b. Tax incentives shall refer to fiscal incentives such as those which come in the form of income
tax holidays (ITH), exemptions, deductions, credits or exclusions from the tax base, as provided
by law, to registered business entities; and

c. Registered business entity shall refer to any individual, partnership, corporation, Philippine
branch of a foreign corporation, or other entity incorporated and/or organized and existing under
Philippine laws and registered with an IPA.

SEC. 4. Filing of Tax Returns and Submission of Tax Incentives Reports. — All registered business
entities are required to file their tax returns and pay their tax liabilities, on or before the deadline
as provided under the National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC), as amended, using the electronic
system for filing and payment of taxes of the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR).

For registered business entities availing of incentives administered by the IPAs, they shall file with
their respective IPAs a complete annual tax incentives report of their income-based tax incentives,
value-added tax and duty exemptions, deductions, credits or exclusions from the tax base as
provided in the charter of the IPA concerned, within thirty (30) days from the statutory deadline
for filing of tax returns and payment of taxes.

The IPAs shall, within sixty (60) days from the end of the statutory deadline for filing of the
relevant tax returns, submit to the BIR, their respective annual tax incentives reports based on the
list of the registered business entities who have filed said tax incentives report.

The details of the tax incentives reports, as provided in the preceding paragraphs, shall be provided
in the implementing rules and regulations (IRR) of this Act.

The foregoing provisions shall be without prejudice to the right of the BIR and the Bureau of
Customs (BOC) to conduct assessment within the prescribed period provided in the NIRC, as
amended, and the Tariff and Customs Code of the Philippines (TCCP), as amended, respectively.

Sec. 5. Monitoring of Tax Incentives. — The BIR and the BOC shall submit to the Department of
Finance (DOF), notwithstanding any law to the contrary: (a) the tax and duty incentives of
registered business entities as reflected in their filed tax returns and import entries; and (b) actual
tax and duty incentives as evaluated and determined by the BIR and the BOC.

The DOF shall maintain a single database for monitoring and analysis of tax incentives granted.

For purposes of monitoring and transparency, the DOF shall submit to the Department of Budget
and Management (DBM) the aggregate data on a sectoral and per industry basis of: (1) the amount
of tax incentives availed by registered business entities; (2) the estimate claims of tax incentives
immediately preceding the current year; (3) the programmed tax incentives for the current year;
and (4) the projected tax incentives for the following year. Such information shall be given to the
Oversight Committee created under Section 9 of this Act.

The aforesaid data shall be reflected by the DBM in the annual Budget of Expenditures and Sources
of Financing (BESF), which shall be known as the Tax Incentives Information (TII) section:
Provided, That the TII shall be limited to the aggregate data related to incentives availed of by
registered business entities based on the submissions of the DOF and the concerned IPAs,
categorized by sector, by IPA and type of incentive.

Nothing in this Act shall be construed to diminish or limit, in whatever manner, the amount of
incentives that EPAs may grant pursuant to their charters and existing laws; or to prevent, deter,
or delay the promotion and regulation of investments, processing of applications for registrations,
and evaluation of entitlement of incentives by IPAs.

SEC. 6. Conduct of Cost-Benefit Analysis on Investment Incentives. — The National Economic

and Development Authority (NEDA) is mandated to conduct cost-benefit analysis on the
investment incentives to determine the impact of tax incentives on the Philippine economy.

For this purpose, all heads of the IPAs shall submit to the NEDA the aggregate tax incentives,
based on the submissions of registered business entities as provided in Section 4 of this Act, and
aggregate investment-related data, both on a sectoral or per industry basis, which may include, but
not limited to, investment projects, investment cost, actual employment and export earnings.

SEC. 7. Penalties for Noncompliance with Filing and Reportorial Requirements. — Any registered
business entity which fails to comply with filing and reportorial requirements with the appropriate
IPAs and/or which fails to show proof of filing of tax returns using the electronic system for filing
and payment of taxes of the BIB shall be imposed the following penalties:

a. First (1st) violation — payment of a fine amounting to one hundred thousand pesos

b. Second (2nd) violation — payment of a fine amounting to five hundred thousand pesos
(P500,000.00); and

c. Third (3rd) violation — cancellation of the registration of the registered business entity.

Provided, That if the failure to show such proof is not due to the fault of the registered business
entity, the same shall not be a ground for the suspension of the ITH and/or other income-based tax
incentives availment.

Any government official or employee who fails without justifiable reason to provide or furnish the
required tax incentives report or other data or information as required under this Act shall be
penalized, after due process, by a fine equivalent to the official’s or employee’s basic salary for a
period of one (1) month to six (6) months or by suspension from government service for not more
than one (1) year, or both, in addition to any criminal and administrative penalties imposable under
existing laws.

SEC. 8. Funding. — Such amount necessary to carry out the implementation of this Act shall be
sourced from the current General Appropriations Act (GAA).

SEC. 9. Joint Congressional Oversight Committee. — A Joint Congressional Oversight

Committee, herein referred to as the Oversight Committee, shall be constituted in accordance with
the provisions of this Act. The Oversight Committee shall be composed of the respective
Chairpersons of the Committees on Ways and Means of the Senate and of the House of
Representatives and four (4) additional members from each House, one of whom shall be the
Chairperson of the Senate Committee on Trade, Commerce and Entrepreneurship and the
Chairperson of the House Committee on Trade and Industry to be designated by the Senate
President and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, respectively. The Oversight Committee
shall monitor and ensure the proper implementation of this Act.

SEC. 10. Implementing Rules and Regulations. — The Secretaries of the DOF and the Department
of Trade and Industry (DTI), in coordination with the NEDA Director-General, Commissioners of
the BIR and BOC, and heads of concerned IPAs, shall, within sixty (60) days from the effectivity
of this Act, promulgate rules and regulations to faithfully implement the intent and provisions of
this Act: Provided, That the failure of the Secretaries of the DOF and DTI to promulgate the rules
and regulations shall not prevent the implementation of this Act upon its effectivity.

SEC. 11. Separability Clause. – If any provision of this Act is subsequently declared invalid or
unconstitutional, other provisions hereof which are not affected thereby shall remain in full force
and effect.

SEC. 12. Repealing Clause. – All other laws, acts, presidential decrees, executive orders,
issuances, presidential proclamations, rules and regulations or parts thereof which are contrary to
and inconsistent with any provision of this Act are hereby repealed, amended or modified

SEC. 13. Effectivity. – This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its complete publication
either in the Official Gazette or in at least one (1) newspaper of general circulation.



President of the Senate Speaker of the House
of Representatives

This Act which is a consolidation of House Bill No. 5831 and Senate Bill No. 2669 was finally
passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on October 7, 2015.
Secretary General
Secretary of the Senate
House of Representatives

Approved: DEC 09 2015


President of the Philippines


 [PDF] Republic Act No. 10708, December 9, 2015

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