Al-Kitaab Fii Taallum Al-Arabiyya Part o
Al-Kitaab Fii Taallum Al-Arabiyya Part o
Al-Kitaab Fii Taallum Al-Arabiyya Part o
- Vocabulary ()داتالمفر
- Grammatical rules ()القواعد
- The story in dialectal Arabic ()القصة بالعامية
- The story in formal Arabic ()القصة بالفصحى
- Cultural material ()الثقاقة
- The dialog ()الحوار
- Review exercises ()تمارين المراجعة
All lessons rely on the audio and video materials featured on the
accompanying DVD. One needs to open files before launching the
DVD: it is the only way to navigate between lessons, and within a
lesson between materials. Audio and video files are in Mp3 and Mp4
formats, and can therefore be read by any computer or DVD player.
At the end of the volume (p. 293), the learner will find
“Grammar and reference charts,” a “Grammar index,” and two
glossaries, one English/Arabic and one Arabic/English, as well as an
“Answer key.” The back cover states that any purchase by a
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language lab will automatically come with rights to post an
electronic copy of the DVD content on a secure (password-protected)
network for use by students and faculty at the institution. The book is
printed on acid-free paper.
Al-Kitaab fii taʿallum al-ʿArabiyya (part one) includes a colorful
textbook, and a plethora of audio and video materials. In addition to
providing rich linguistic and cultural information, this ambitious
comprehensive program offers learners and teachers a unique
opportunity to approach Arabic in a communicative and interactive