Decentralized PID Control Design For Magnetic Levitation Systems Using Extremum Seeking
Decentralized PID Control Design For Magnetic Levitation Systems Using Extremum Seeking
Decentralized PID Control Design For Magnetic Levitation Systems Using Extremum Seeking
ABSTRACT A decentralized proportional–integral–differential (PID) control structure has been always the
first option for magnetic levitation systems due to its model-free nature as well as the simplicity. It is very
challenging to tune PID parameters for each suspension point to ensure that the closed-loop system is less
sensitive to uncertainties/disturbances. Even though, by a large number of experiments, a reasonably good
PID control parameter set can be obtained to levitate a single suspension point for a given set point, these
parameters are very sensitive when the set point changes or the decentralized PID controller is applied to
the half bogie where coupling exists, strong oscillations will be observed and retuning of parameters is
needed. This paper utilizes the extremum seeking (ES) method to tune PID parameters on-line to improve
the steady-state performance of the system with few oscillations. A ‘‘sampled-data’’ structure is used to
obtain a moving window approximation of the steady-state behavior, leading to a discrete-time ES tuning
for the decentralized PID parameters. By using projection method, the tuning parameters are constrained
in a compact set, in which the stability can be guaranteed and the optimal performance can be achieved.
Experiments have shown the effectiveness of the proposed method.
INDEX TERMS Magnetic levitation systems, decentralized PID control, extremum seeking for PID tuning.
I. INTRODUCTION used [4] due to its simplicity in design, parameter tuning, and
A Magnetic Levitation (Maglev) train uses electromagnetic implementation. And in practice, model-free decentralized
forces to stably levitate the train above the track at the given PID controllers are widely used in the EMS systems [5]–[7].
set-point. Compared with traditional wheel rail trains, Maglev This work tries to achieve a good steady-state perfor-
trains offer many advantages such as safety, comfort, low mance to levitate a Small-Scale Magnetic Levitation Plat-
noise, small turning radius and strong climbing ability [1]. form (SSMLP), as shown in Fig. 1.
Among different design methods, ElectroMagnetic Suspen-
sion (EMS) structure has been a popular way. It has been used
in Transrapid, HSST, CMS and so on [2], [3].
Any EMS system is open-loop unstable. Thus the control
design plays an important role in order to regulate the gap
at the desired set-point. It is worthwhile to highlight that the
model for the EMS system is highly nonlinear and uncer-
tain even for a single suspension point. As the number of
suspension points increases, the complexity of model will
increase dramatically due to mechanical coupling among
suspension points, making it infeasible to design a model-
based controller for Maglev systems. A decentralized control
structure, which implies that each suspension point has its FIGURE 1. Small scale maglev experiment platform.
own control loop and typically all suspension points share This SSMLP is a full bogie structure with EMS levi-
the identical control structure and parameters, is thus widely tation structure. A bogie consists of two half bogies with
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Q. Chen et al.: Decentralized PID Control Design for Maglev Systems
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YING TAN received the Ph.D. degree in electri- IVEN MAREELS received the M.S. degree in
cal engineering from the National University of electromechanical engineering from Ghent Uni-
Singapore in 2002. versity, Belgium, in 1982 and the Ph.D. degree in
In 2002, she joined the Department of systems engineering from The Australian National
Chemical Engineering, McMaster University, as a University, Canberra, Australia, in 1987.
Postdoctoral Fellow. Since 2004, she has been Since 1996, he has been a Professor of Electrical
with the Department of Electrical and Elec- and Electronic Engineering at the Department of
tronic Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The Univer-
where she is currently an Associate Professor sity of Melbourne. His current research interests
and Reader. Her current research interests are are control and instrumentation for irrigation net-
iterative learning control, extremum seeking control, nonlinear systems works, control theory and automation, mathematical modelling of engineer-
and applications in rehabilitation robotic systems, and engine operation ing systems, signal processing and data modelling, and systems engineering.