Calendar For Examinations - 2010
Calendar For Examinations - 2010
Calendar For Examinations - 2010
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Calendar for Examinations in year 2009
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Detail Programme of Commission's Examinations for 2010 Hindi Version
Registration Information
Venue Information
Examination Time Tables
Written Results
Final Results
Mark Sheet
Interview Details
Do's and Don'ts for filling up the Application Forms
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Combined Medical 05.09.2009 17.01.2010 M.B.B.S. Degree Below 32 years as Candidates appearing at the final M.B.B.S.
Services Examination, 05.10.2009 (One day) on 01.01.2010 Examination also eligible to compete subject to
2010 certain conditions. Selected candidates will be
appointed only after they have completed
compulsory rotating internship.
Combined Defence 26.09.2009 14.02.2010 (i) For IMA and OTA :- Degree of a For IMA 19 - 24 Candidates appearing at the degree or equiv
Services Examination 26.10.2009 (One day) recognised University or equivalent. years as on examination also eligible to compete subjec
(I), 2010 01.01.2011 certain conditions.
(ii) For Naval Academy :- B.Sc. (with Physics For NA 19 - 22
& Mathematics) or Bachelor of Engineering. years as on
(iii) For Air Force Academy :-Degree of a For AFA 19 - 23
recognised University (with Physics and years as on
Mathematics at 10+2 level) or Bachelor of 01.01.2011
For OTA 19 - 25
years as on
National Defence 17.10.2009 18.04.2010 (i) For Army Wing of National Defence 16½ - 19 years as Candidates appearing at the 12th Class unde
Academy & Naval 16.11.2009 (One day) Academy : - 12th Class pass of the 10+2 on 01.01.2011 10+2 pattern of School Education or equiva
Academy Examination pattern of School Education or equivalent examination also eligible to compete subjec
(I), 2010 examination conducted by a State Education certain conditions.
Board or a University.
(ii) For Air Force and Naval Wings of NDA
and for 10+2 (Executive Branch) Course at
Naval Academy : 12th Class pass of the
10+2 pattern of School Education or
equivalent with Physics and Mathematics
conducted by a State Education Board or a
Civil Services 02.01.2010 23.05.2010 A degree from a recognised University or 21 - 30 years as on Candidates appearing at the degree examinat
(Preliminary) 01.02.2010 (One day) equivalent. 01.08.2010 also eligible to compete subject to certain
Examination 2010 conditions.
Engineering Services 30.01.2010 26.06.2010 A degree in Engineering from a recognised 21 - 30 years as on Candidates appearing at Engineering degree o
Examination, 2010 02.03.2010 (Three days) University or eqivalent. M.Sc Degree or its 01.08.2010 equivalent examination also eligible to compet
equivalent with Wireless Communications, subject to certain conditions.
Electronics, Radio Physics or Radio
Engineering as special subject acceptable for
certain Services/posts only.
Indian Forest Service 20.02.2010 10.07.2010 A Bachelor's degree with at least one of the 21 - 30 years as on Candidates appearing at the degree examinat
Examination, 2010 22.03.2010 (Ten days) subjects namely, Animal Husbandry & 01.07.2010 (with prescribed subjects) also eligible to comp
Veterinary Science, Botany, Chemistry, subject to certain conditions.
Geology, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics
and Zoology or a degree in Agriculture or
Forestry or Engineering of a recognised
University or equivalent.
National Defence 20.03.2010 22.08.2010 (i) For Army Wing of National Defence 16½ - 19 years as Candidates appearing at the 12th Class unde
Academy & Naval 19.04.2010 (One day) Academy : - 12th Class pass of the 10+2 on 01.07.2011 10+2 pattern of School Education or equiva
Academy Examination pattern of School Education or equivalent examination also eligible to compete subjec
(II), 2010 examination conducted by a State Education certain conditions.
Board or a University.
(ii) For Air Force and Naval Wings of NDA
and for 10+2 (Executive Branch) Course at
Naval Academy : 12th Class pass of the
10+2 pattern of School Education or
equivalent with Physics and Mathematics
conducted by a State Education Board or a
Combined Defence 17.04.2010 19.09.2010 (i) For IMA and OTA :- Degree of a For IMA 19 - 24 Candidates appearing at the degree or equiva
Services Examination 17.05.2010 (One day) recognised University or equivalent. years as on examination also eligible to compete subject to
(II), 2010 01.07.2011 certain conditions.
(ii) For Naval Academy :- B.Sc. (with Physics For NA 19 - 22
& Mathematics) or Bachelor of Engineering. years as on
(iii) For Air Force Academy :-Degree of a For AFA 19 - 23
recognised University (with Physics and years as on
Mathematics at 10+2 level) or Bachelor of 01.07.2011
For OTA 19 - 25
years as on
Central Police Forces 29.05.2010 24.10.2010 A degree from a recognised University or 20 -25 years as on Candidates appearing at the degree or equiva
(Assistant 28.06.2010 (One day) equivalent. 01.08.2010 examination also eligible to compete subject to
Commandants) certain conditions.
Examination, 2010
Civil Services (Main) 29.10.2010 A degree from a recognised University or 21 - 30 years as on Only such of the candidates as are declared
Examination 2010 (Twenty-one equivalent. 01.08.2010 qualified on the results of Preliminary Examina
days) are eligible to take the Main Examination.
Indian Economic/Indian 05.06.2010 04.12.2010 A Post-graduate degree in 21 - 30 years as on Candidates appearing at the Post-graduate de
Statistical Service 05.07.2010 (Three days) Economics/Applied Economics/Business 01.01.2010 or equivalent examination in the relevant discip
Examination, 2010 Economics/Econometrics for the IES and a also eligible to compete subject to certain
Post-graduate degree in conditions.
Statistics/Mathematical Statistics/Applied
Statistics for the ISS, from a recognised
University or equivalent.
Geologists' 19.06.2010 04.12.2010 Master's Degree in Geology or Applied 21 -32 years as on Candidates appearing at their Master's Degree
Examination, 2010 19.07.2010 (Three days) Geology or Marine Geology from a 01.01.2010 equivalent examination (with prescribed subjec
recognised University or equivalent. also eligible to compete subject to certain
Section Officers'/ 26.06.2010 26.12.2010 Departmental Examination open to only certain
Stenographers' (Grade 23.08.2010 (Four days) categories of Government servants.
`B'/Grade -I) Limited
The dates of notification and commencement of the examinations and the conditions of eligibility indicated above are liable to alteration, if the circumstances so warrant.
Commission's advertisements containing details of the various examinations are published in Employment News/ Rozgar Samachar and leading daily newspapers of the
Country, generally in their Saturday editions. For further details, please see the Notice/Rules for the Examination, after the same has been notified.
Except for the Defence Services Examinations at Serial Numbers 2, 3, 7 and 8 the upper age limits are relaxable in the case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled
Castes/Scheduled Tribes/Other Backward Classes and certain other categories as notified by the Government from time to time.
Female candidates are not eligible for the National Defence Academy & Naval Academy Examination.
* * * * * *
Notifications - Current
Last Date for Applications Still Due
Last Date for
Date of Date/Day of
Ser Receipt of Duration of
Name of Examination Notification Commencement
No Applications Examination
(Saturday) of Examination
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Notifications - Archival
Last Date for Applications Past
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Registration Information
Last Date for
Date/Day of
Date of Notification Receipt of Duration of
Ser No Name of Examination Commencement
(Saturday) Applications Examination
of Examination
20.03.2010 19.04.2010 22.08.2010
1 N.D.A. & N.A. EXAM.(II), 2010 1 DAY
Venue Information
Last Date for
Date/Day of
Date of Notification Receipt of Duration of
Ser No Name of Examination Commencement
(Saturday) Applications Examination
of Examination
17.04.2010 17.05.2010 19.09.2010
1 C.D.S. EXAM.(II), 2010 1 DAY