Non-Integrable Master Equations: P. C. L Opez V Azquez
Non-Integrable Master Equations: P. C. L Opez V Azquez
Non-Integrable Master Equations: P. C. L Opez V Azquez
P. C. López Vázquez
Departamento de Ciencias Naturales y Exactas, Universidad de Guadalajara,
Carretera Guadalajara - Ameca Km. 45.5 C.P. 46600. Ameca, Jalisco, México.
E-mail: [email protected]
1 Introduction 2
1.1 Chord function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1. Introduction
Open dynamics in quantum systems are a fundamental part of the quantum theory due
to the inherent interaction with the surroundings and thus, any theory that boasts of
being a truthful approximation of reality, should include dissipation. The treatment
to tackle open dynamics has been standardized with the formulation of interacting
systems, in which a central system interacts with an idealized reservoir e.g. a very large
collection of harmonic oscillators at a certain temperature, or at a zero temperature,
the later corresponding to a vacuum field which will have the effect to only produce
damping to the dynamics. One of the most popular ways to treat the open dynamics
of the system is by employing master equations which have a specific form, depending
on the approximations done in their derivation and on the assumptions taken in the
interaction between the central system and the environment and on the characteristics
of the environment. The master equations are differentiual dynamical equations of the
evolution of the density operator; typically having the following form:
i~ = [Ĥsys , %] + i~L[%] (1)
where % = |ψihψ| is the desntiy operator and it contains all the information of the
quantum systems in question and it represents a larger class of quantum states which
are not typically possible to represent with the standard vector state formalism, |ψi
of the Schödinger equation, i.e. i~ ∂t |ψi = Ĥsys |ψi. Also, in equation (1), Ĥsys
represents the Hamiltonian operator of the quantum system, the symbol [Â, B̂] =
ÂB̂− B̂ Â irepresents the conmmutator between two linear operators A and B, and L[%]
is a superoperator (an linear operactor acting over linear operators) which represents
the dissipative process of the system due to its interaction with the surrounding
environment and its form depends on the model of dissipation one uses. This super
operator often is called the Lindblad term and all the dissipation process are described
throug it.
where δ = α/ω, f (τ ) = β cos(µτ ) with β = λ/ω, µ = ν/ω; and the Lindblad term is
considered in the following way:
† † †
L[%] = − γ (n̄ + 1) â â % − 2 â% â + % â â
− γ n̄ â↠% − 2 ↠% â + % ââ†
√ √
where â = (x̂ + ip̂) 2 and ↠= (x̂ − ip̂) 2 are the dimensionless creation and
anihilation operators. By appliying the chord funciton trasnformation to the complete
master equation descirbed in (7) one obtains
γ+ 2
L̂duf w(k, s, τ ) = −(if (τ ) + (k + s2 ))w(k, s, τ ) (10)
where L̂duf is a differential operator which has the following form
L̂duf = −4 s ∂k3 + (s + γk + α s3 )∂k − (k − γs)∂s + ∂τ (11)
and γ+ = 2γ(n̄ + 1/2). This is a no-autonomous linear third order partial differential
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