Privacy As Contextual Integrity: Abstract: The Practices of Public Surveillance, Which Include The Monitoring of

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Copyright © 2004 by Washington Law Review Association


Helen Nissenbaum*

Abstract: The practices of public surveillance, which include the monitoring of

individuals in public through a variety of media (e.g., video, data, online), are among the least
understood and controversial challenges to privacy in an age of information technologies.
The fragmentary nature of privacy policy in the United States reflects not only the
oppositional pulls of diverse vested interests, but also the ambivalence of unsettled intuitions
on mundane phenomena such as shopper cards, closed-circuit television, and biometrics. This
Article, which extends earlier work on the problem of privacy in public, explains why some
of the prominent theoretical approaches to privacy, which were developed over time to meet
traditional privacy challenges, yield unsatisfactory conclusions in the case of public
surveillance. It posits a new construct, “contextual integrity,” as an alternative benchmark for
privacy, to capture the nature of challenges posed by information technologies. Contextual
integrity ties adequate protection for privacy to norms of specific contexts, demanding that
information gathering and dissemination be appropriate to that context and obey the
governing norms of distribution within it. Building on the idea of “spheres of justice,”
developed by political philosopher Michael Walzer, this Article argues that public
surveillance violates a right to privacy because it violates contextual integrity; as such, it
constitutes injustice and even tyranny.


Privacy is one of the most enduring social issues associated with

information technologies. It has been a fixture in public discourse
through radical transformations of technology from stand-alone
computers, housing massive databases of government and other large
institutions, to the current distributed network of computers with linked
information systems, such as the World Wide Web, networked mobile
devices, video and radio-frequency surveillance systems, and computer-
enabled biometric identification. Among many privacy controversies that
have stirred public concern, a particular set of cases, to which I have
applied the label “public surveillance,” remains vexing not only because
these cases drive opponents into seemingly irreconcilable stances, but
because traditional theoretical insights fail to clarify the sources of their
controversial nature.1 This Article seeks to shed light on the problem of

Associate Professor, Department of Culture & Communication, New York University, East
Building 7th Floor, 239 Greene Street, New York, New York 10003. E-mail address:
[email protected].
Many people and institutions have inspired and helped me in this endeavor, beginning with the
Institute for Advanced Study, School of Social Sciences, where I wrote and presented early drafts.


Washington Law Review Vol. 79:119, 2004

public surveillance first by explaining why it is fundamentally

irreconcilable within the predominant framework that shapes
contemporary privacy policy, and second by positing a new concept—
contextual integrity—to explain the normative roots of uneasiness over
public surveillance. This Article’s central contention is that contextual
integrity is the appropriate benchmark of privacy. Before taking up these
general points, it is useful first to consider a few specific illustrations of
public surveillance.
Case 1: Public Records Online. Local, state, and federal officials
question the wisdom of initiatives to place public records online, making
them freely available over the Internet and World Wide Web.2 The
availability to citizens of public records, such as arrest records; driving
records; birth, death, and marriage records; public school information;
property ownership; zoning and community planning records; as well as
of court records, serves the unquestionable purpose of open government.
Nevertheless, the initiatives to move these records online in their
entirety, making them even more accessible, cause unease among many,
including government officials and advocacy organizations, such as the
National Network to End Domestic Violence and the American Civil
Liberties Union.
State supreme courts, for example, with jurisdiction over court
records, are mindful of concerns raised by advocates of victims of
domestic violence and other crimes, among others, who point out the
dangers inherent in these new levels of accessibility. Yet their worries
seem paradoxical. The records in question are already publicly available.
Computerizing and placing them online is merely an administrative

Drafts were further sharpened through opportunities to present at colloquia and workshops held at
the New Jersey Bar Association, Princeton University’s Program in Law and Public Affairs,
University of British Columbia, University of California, San Diego, University of Maryland,
University of Washington, and the Social Science Research Council. Colleagues who have shared
essential insights and expertise include Grayson Barber, Rodney Benson, Aaron Goldberg, Jeroen
van den Hoven, Natalie Jeremijenko, Bob Salmaggi, Bilge Yesil, and Michael Walzer. I received
outstanding research and editorial assistance from Danny Bloch, Rachel Byrne, and Brian Cogan.
Grants from the Ford Foundation (Knowledge, Creativity, and Freedom Program) and National
Science Foundation (SBR-9729447 and ITR-0331542) have supported my research as well as the
writing of this Article.
1. See Helen Nissenbaum, Protecting Privacy in an Information Age: The Problem of Privacy in
Public, 17 LAW & PHIL. 559 (1998).
2. See Robert Gellman, Public Records—Access, Privacy, and Public Policy: A Discussion
Paper, 12 GOV’T INFO. Q. 391 (1995) (noting that restrictions do apply on access to government
records). The point here is whether any changes are necessary in the transition from paper-based
access to online access to these records.


Privacy as Contextual Integrity

move towards greater efficiency. Nothing has changed, fundamentally.

Are these worries rational? Is there genuine cause for resistance?
Case 2: Consumer Profiling and Data Mining. Most people in the
United States are aware, at some level, that virtually all their commercial
activities are digitally recorded and stored. They understand that actions
such as buying with credit cards, placing online orders, using frequent
shopper cards, visiting and registering at certain websites, and
subscribing to magazines leave digital trails that are stored away in large
databases somewhere. Fewer are aware that this information is shipped
off and aggregated in data warehouses where it is organized, stored, and
analyzed. Personal data is the “gold” of a new category of companies,
like Axciom, that sell this information, sometimes organized by
individual profiles, to a variety of parties, spawning product,
subscriptions, credit card, and mortgage offers, as well as annoying
phone solicitations, special attention at airport security, and targeted
banner and pop-up advertisements. When the popular media writes about
these webs of personal information from time to time, many react with
indignation. Why? Often the information in question is not confidential
or sensitive in nature.
Case 3: Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Tags. These tiny
chips—which can be implanted in or attached to virtually anything from
washing machines, sweaters, and milk cartons to livestock and, it is
anticipated, one day, people—are able to broadcast information to radio
signal scanners up to ten feet away. Although prospective users of these
tags have lauded their tremendous promise for streamlining the stocking,
warehousing, and delivery of goods, as well as in preventing theft and
other losses, privacy advocates point out a worrisome possibility of a
multitude of commodities with the capacity to disseminate information
about consumers without their permission or even awareness. Why does
this worry us? After all, information will be gathered mainly from open
or public places where the powerful radio frequency emitters would most
likely be located.
All three cases are spurred by technological developments and
developments in their applications that radically enhance the ability to
collect, analyze, and disseminate information.3 Case 1 highlights how

3. It is important to note that we are not adopting a deterministic model either of technological
development or of technology’s impact on society. When we say that a technological development
or an application of technology has had particular results, we assume an undeniably complex
backdrop of social, political, economic, and institutional factors that give meaning, momentum, and
direction to observed outcomes.


Washington Law Review Vol. 79:119, 2004

great increments in the ability to disseminate and provide access to

information prompt disquiet, particularly at the prospect of local access
giving way to global broadcast. This worry seems to be a contemporary
version of the one evoked in Samuel Warren and Louis Brandeis’
seminal work calling for a right of privacy in the face of then-new
developments in photographic and printing technologies.4
In Case 2, it is advances in storage, aggregation, analysis, and
extraction (mining) of information both online and off-line that spur
questions.5 One of the earliest cases to spur a grass-roots, Internet-
mediated storm of protest centered on Lotus Marketplace: Households, a
database intended for distribution on CD-ROMs. The database contained
aggregated information about roughly 120 million individuals in the
United States, including names, addresses, types of dwelling, marital
status, gender, age, approximate household income, and so forth.
Eventually, the two companies collaborating on the venture, Lotus
Development and Equifax Inc., backed off, citing negative publicity.6
Case 3 focuses attention on enhanced modes of gathering or capturing
information as in automated road toll systems like EZ Pass, video
surveillance and face recognition systems, web browser cookies,
biometrics, thermal imaging, and more.7
One could read these cases simply as public policy disputes in which
groups with opposing interests face off against one another, each seeking
to promote its own goals, desires, preferences, and interests above those
of opponents in the dispute.8 This reading is not entirely unproductive as

4. See Samuel D. Warren & Louis D. Brandeis, The Right to Privacy, 4 HARV. L. REV. 193
OVER LOTUS MARKETPLACE AND THE CLIPPER CHIP (1997). Another case that has touched off a
flurry of concern and protest is profiling of online advertising companies, such as Doubleclick, that
monitor the online web-surfing behaviors of millions of users, frequently merging online records
with other information about these users. See the website of the Electronic Privacy Information
Center for a full account of this case at (last visited Jan. 17, 2004).
6. See Nissenbaum, supra note 1.
7. See, e.g., JULIAN ASHBOURN, THE BIOMETRIC WHITE PAPER (1999), available at; Colin J. Bennett, Cookies, Web Bugs, Webcams, and
Cue Cats: Patterns of Surveillance on the World Wide Web, 3 ETHICS & INFO. TECH. 197 (2001);
Roger A. Clarke, Human Identification in Information Systems: Management Challenges and Public
Policy Issues, INFO. TECH. & PEOPLE, Dec. 1994, at 6, available at; Linda Greenhouse, Justices Say
Warrant Is Required in High-Tech Searches, N.Y. TIMES, June 12, 2001, at A1; Alice McQuillan &
James Rutenberg, E-ZPass Slows Those Trafficking in Wrong, DAILY NEWS, Nov. 3, 1997, at 3, 49.
PUBLIC POLICY (1995) (providing a rich reading of many interest based privacy disputes during the


Privacy as Contextual Integrity

it at least requires an understanding of how technologies can affect

diverse social groups differentially and how these differences suggest
particular reactive policies, which in turn have the capacity to shape
further technical developments.
In this Article, however, the fluctuations of public interest politics,
public policy, and at times law, are not central; the focus, rather, is the
foundation for policy and law expressed in terms of moral, political, and
social values. We will not be pursuing or presenting specific policies and
strategies for achieving them, but trying to explain, systematically, why
particular policies, laws, and moral prescriptions are correct. Another
way of saying this is that our purpose is to articulate a justificatory
framework for addressing the problem of public surveillance including
the many disputes typified by our Cases 1, 2, and 3 above. Such a
framework would not only address specific cases before us, but would
allow them to serve as precedents for future disputes in a way that Lotus
Marketplace: Households, despite its successful outcome, never did. A
justificatory framework linking cases across time provides rationality to
their resolution that rises above the power plays of protagonists and
Before proceeding, it is necessary to define boundaries and
terminology. The scope of privacy is wide-ranging—potentially
extending over information, activities, decisions, thoughts, bodies, and
communication. A full theory of privacy would need to take account of
all these dimensions, even if, eventually, it asserted theoretically
grounded exclusions. Such is frequently the case for accounts of privacy
that do not, for example, consider the right to abortion as a component of
a right to privacy.10 The goals of this Article are more limited, not
aiming for a full theory of privacy but only a theoretical account of a

period roughly from 1890 through 1991); see also SUSANNAH FOX, THE PEW INTERNET & AM. LIFE
(survey of popular privacy preferences), available at; JOSEPH TUROW,
SYSTEM IS BROKEN (2003) (survey of popular privacy preferences), available at
9. This is in contrast with the case of Lotus Marketplace: Households, where privacy advocates
arguably “won” but not in a precedent setting way in the current landscape of data collection,
aggregation, and analysis.
10. This is sometimes called “constitutional privacy.” For discussion of the full picture and
TECHNOLOGY (1997); Ruth Gavison, Privacy and the Limits of Law, 89 YALE L.J. 421 (1980).


Washington Law Review Vol. 79:119, 2004

right to privacy as it applies to information about people. Furthermore, it

undertakes this aim in relation to individual, identifiable persons—not
taking up questions about the privacy of groups or institutions. Finally,
for purposes of precision, we will reserve the term “personal
information” for the general sense of information about persons;
“sensitive” or “confidential” will indicate the special categories of
information for which the term “personal information” is sometimes
The balance of this Article is divided into two parts. The first part
posits and discusses a framework consisting of three conceptually
independent principles that define an approach to privacy protection that
dominates contemporary public discussion, policy, and legal landscape.11
It includes subparts devoted to each of the principles, respectively,12 and
a subpart on contentious cases in which opposing sides disagree on
whether given principles apply to the cases in question.13 The final
subpart explains why public surveillance is problematic for this three-
principle framework. Unlike the contentious cases discussed before,
public surveillance seems to fall entirely outside its range of
The second part of this Article proposes an alternative account of
privacy in terms of “contextual integrity”—an introduction to the layer
of social analysis upon which the idea of contextual integrity is built.15
Developed by social theorists, it involves a far more complex domain of
social spheres (fields, domains, contexts) than the one that typically
grounds privacy theories, namely, the dichotomous spheres of public and
private. Following this introduction, the first two subparts describe,
respectively, two “informational norms” that govern these contexts of
social life, namely, appropriateness and distribution.16 The third subpart,
anticipating challenges to the normative force of contextual integrity,
gives an account of its normative foundations.17 The fourth subpart
shows how contextual integrity may be applied to the three Cases
described in this Article’s introduction, showing that it easily captures

11. See infra Part II.

12. See infra Part II.A–C.
13. See infra Part II.D.
14. See infra Part II.E.
15. See infra Part III.
16. See infra Part III.A–B.
17. See infra Part III.C.


Privacy as Contextual Integrity

their problematic roots.18 In the final subpart, the approach to privacy

through contextual integrity is contrasted with other theoretical
approaches that also extend beyond the three-principle framework.19


The search for a justificatory framework is a search for theories and

principles that yield reasons for favoring one general policy or another
and for resolving particular cases. It is useful to understand why
prevailing principles that have guided so much of contemporary privacy
policy and law in the United States offer little guidance in many hard
cases, including the three described at the beginning of this Article.
Surveying the fields of public policy development, regulation and
statutory law, court decisions, and social and commercial practices
during the twentieth century we find that three principles dominate
public deliberation surrounding privacy. The three principles are
concerned with: (1) limiting surveillance of citizens and use of
information about them by agents of government, (2) restricting access
to sensitive, personal, or private information, and (3) curtailing
intrusions into places deemed private or personal.

A. Principle 1: Protecting Privacy of Individuals Against Intrusive

Government Agents

This principle comes into play when questions arise about intrusions
by agents of government (or government agencies or representatives)
who are accused of acting overzealously in collecting and using personal
information. This principle can be understood as a special case of the
powerful, more general principle of protecting individuals against
unacceptable government domination. Privacy is thus protected by
reference to general, well-defined, and generally accepted political
principles addressing the balance of power, which, among other things,
set limits on government intrusiveness into the lives and liberty of
individuals. Data gathering and surveillance are among many forms of
government action in relation to individuals needing to be stemmed.
In the United States, the Constitution and Bill of Rights20 provide
what is probably the most significant source of principles defining limits

18. See infra Part III.D.

19. See infra Part III.E.
20. U.S. CONST. amends. I–X.


Washington Law Review Vol. 79:119, 2004

to the powers of federal government in relation to the liberty and

autonomy of individuals and individual states. They also serve as a
powerful reference point for privacy protection. Although, as commonly
noted, the U.S. Constitution does not explicitly use the term “privacy,”
many legal experts agree that various aspects of privacy are, in fact,
defended against government action through several of the amendments,
including the First (speech, religion, and association), Third (quartering
soldiers), Fourth (search and seizure), Fifth (self-incrimination), Ninth
(general liberties), and even the Fourteenth (personal liberty versus state
action) Amendments. The U.S. Constitution, as we know, draws on other
tracts, including English common law and works of the great political
philosophers that have contributed fundamentally to defining the powers
and limits of governments in democratic societies embraced not only in
the United States, but in the laws and political institutions of western
democracies and many beyond.21
Not all legal restraints on governmental gathering and use of
information about individuals stem from the Constitution. Others have
been expressed in state and federal statutes, with a notable peak of
activity in the mid- to late 1960s, coinciding with a steady increase in the
creation and use of electronic databases for administrative and statistical
purposes.22 Priscilla Regan’s detailed account of privacy policy from the
1960s through the 1980s suggests that informational privacy became a
topic of intense public scrutiny around the late 1960s following a
proposal in 1965 by the Social Science Research Council to create a
Federal Data Center to coordinate centrally the use of government

21. I refer very generally to core political works that have shaped contemporary, liberal
democracies. See, e.g., THOMAS HOBBES, LEVIATHAN (C.B. Macpherson ed., Penguin Books 1981)
(1951); JOHN LOCKE, THE SECOND TREATISE OF GOVERNMENT (Thomas P. Peardon ed., Macmillan
Publ’g Co. 1986) (1690); JOHN STUART MILL, ON LIBERTY (Gertrude Himmelfarb ed., Penguin
Books 1982) (1859); JEAN-JACQUES ROUSSEAU, THE SOCIAL CONTRACT (Maurice Cranston trans.,
Penguin Books 1968) (1762).
22. For discussions of the trend toward increasing reliance upon computerized record-keeping
systems by government and other agencies, see, for example, COLIN J. BENNETT, REGULATING
Fraud, Waste, and Abuse, 12 BUREAUCRAT 23 (1983); James B. Rule et al., Documentary
Identification and Mass Surveillance in the United States, 31 SOC. PROBS. 222 (1983).


Privacy as Contextual Integrity

statistical information.23 This culminated in the Privacy Act of 1974,24

which placed significant limits on the uses to which agencies of federal
government could put the databases of personal information.25 Many
other statutes followed that placed specific restrictions on government
agents in their collection and use of personal information.26
For purposes of our discussion, more relevant than the specific details
about legal restrictions on government agents is the general source of
momentum behind these restrictions, in particular, a principled
commitment to limited government powers in the name of individual
autonomy and liberty. To the extent that protecting privacy against
government intrusion can be portrayed as an insurance policy against the
emergence of totalitarianism, the rhetoric of limiting government powers
can be parlayed into protection of privacy. During the 1950s until the
end of the Cold War, when regimes in the East loomed vividly in public
consciousness and fictional constructions, like George Orwell’s Big
Brother in 1984,27 entered the public imagination,28 the U.S. Department
of Health, Education, and Welfare’s Secretary’s Advisory Committee on
Automated Personal Data Systems found a receptive audience for their
seminal 1973 report on the impacts of computerized record-keeping on

23. See REGAN, supra note 8.

24. 42 U.S.C. §§ 2000aa–2000aa-12 (2000).
25. Id. We should not exaggerate the scope of success. The Privacy Act of 1974 addressed only
government record-keeping, bowing to the lobbying of large private record-keeping institutions (like
banks and insurance companies) to remove their interests from the general privacy rights umbrella.
See REGAN, supra note 8, at 77–85; see also JERRY BERMAN & JANLORI GOLDMAN, A FEDERAL
26. See, e.g., Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act (CMPPA), 5 U.S.C. § 552a (2000);
Right to Financial Privacy Act, 12 U.S.C. §§ 3401–3422 (2000); Electronic Communications
Privacy Act, Pub. L. No. 99-508, 100 Stat. 1848 (1986) (codified in scattered section of 18 U.S.C.).
28. For example, recall the popularity of Arthur Koestler’s Darkness at Noon and the Broadway
stage adaptation by Sidney Kingsley. ARTHUR KOESTLER, DARKNESS AT NOON (Daphne Hardy
trans., The Modern Library 1941); SIDNEY KINGSLEY, DARKNESS AT NOON (1951). In popular
culture, for example, consider the success of Bob Dylan’s song Subterranean Homesick Blues
(critical of overzealous government); Janis Joplin’s backup band Big Brother and the Holding
Company; Stills, Crosby, Nash, and Young’s song Ohio (regarding the Kent State massacre—“tin
soldiers and Nixon coming”); and Francis Ford Coppola’s movie The Conversation (1974). In news
media, for example, review Anne R. Field, Big Brother Inc. May Be Closer Than You Thought, BUS.
WK., Feb. 9, 1987, at 84. In scholarly literature see, for example, John Shattuck, In the Shadow of
1984: National Identification Systems, Computer-Matching, and Privacy in the United States, 35
HASTINGS L.J. 992 (1984). See also REGAN, supra note 8, at 81 (providing references to Big
Brother rhetoric that peppered floor debates over privacy policy in both chambers of Congress).


Washington Law Review Vol. 79:119, 2004

individuals, organizations, and society as a whole.29 The report

emphasized this concern for balancing power, and for limiting the power
of state and large institutions over individuals by warning that “the net
effect of computerization is that it is becoming much easier for record-
keeping systems to affect people than for people to affect record-keeping
systems.”30 Further, “[a]lthough there is nothing inherently unfair in
trading some measure of privacy for a benefit, both parties to the
exchange should participate in setting the terms.”31 The lasting legacy of
the report and its Code of Fair Information Practices is the need to
protect privacy, at least in part, as one powerful mechanism for leveling
the playing field in a game where participants have unequal starting

B. Principle 2: Restricting Access to Intimate, Sensitive, or

Confidential Information

This principle does not focus on who the agent of intrusion is but on
the nature of information collected or disseminated—protecting privacy
when information in question meets societal standards of intimacy,
sensitivity, or confidentiality. Capturing the notion that people are
entitled to their secrets, this principle finds robust support in scholarship
developed from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, is well entrenched
in practical arenas of policy and law, and is frequently raised in privacy
deliberations in public or popular arenas. Several prominent
philosophical and other theoretical works on privacy hold the degree of
sensitivity of information to be the key factor in determining whether a
privacy violation has occurred or not. These works seek to refine the
category of so-called “sensitive information” and explain why the
sensitivity of information is critical in defending privacy against
countervailing claims.32

CITIZENS], available at
There is no doubt that security worries following the September 11 attacks have lessened the
dominance of public resistance to overly intrusive government agencies in lives of individuals, as
seen in general willingness to accept legislation like the PATRIOT Act. Uniting and Strengthening
America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA
PATRIOT) Act of 2001, Pub. L. No. 107-56, 115 Stat. 272.
30. RIGHTS OF CITIZENS, supra note 29.
31. Id.
(devoted almost entirely to establishing the foundational definition of “sensitive information”);


Privacy as Contextual Integrity

In the United States legal landscape, sensitive information is accorded

special recognition through a series of key privacy statutes that impose
restrictions on explicitly identified categories of sensitive information.
Examples include the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of
1974,33 which recognizes information about students as deserving
protection; the Right to Financial Privacy Act of 1978,34 which accords
special status to information about people’s financial holdings; the Video
Privacy Protection Act of 1988,35 which protects against unconstrained
dissemination of video rental records; and the Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA),36 which set a
deadline for adoption of privacy rules governing health and medical
information by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Further, the common law recognizes a tort of privacy invasion in cases
where there has been a “[p]ublic disclosure of embarrassing private facts
about the plaintiff” or an “[i]ntrusion . . . into [the plaintiff’s] private
affairs.”37 Similar thoughts were expressed by Samuel D. Warren and
Louis D. Brandeis, who were specifically concerned with protecting
information about “the private life, habits, acts, and relations of an

C. Principle 3: Curtailing Intrusions into Spaces or Spheres Deemed

Private or Personal

Behind this principle is the simple and ages-old idea of the sanctity of
certain spaces or, more abstractly, places.39 For example, “a man’s home
is his castle”—a person is sovereign in her own domain. Except when
there are strong countervailing claims to the contrary, this principle
apparently endorses a presumption in favor of people shielding
themselves from the gaze of others when they are inside their own

Charles Fried, Privacy, 77 YALE L.J. 475 (1968) (arguing for protection of a socially determined
kernel of sensitive information); Tom Gerety, Redefining Privacy, 12 HARV. C.R.-C.L. L. REV. 233
(1977) (limiting privacy rights to information that is sensitive); William Parent, Privacy, Morality,
and the Law, 12 PHIL. & PUB. AFF. 269 (1983).
33. 20 U.S.C. § 1232(g) (2000).
34. 12 U.S.C. §§ 3401–3422.
35. 18 U.S.C. § 2710.
36. 42 U.S.C. §§ 1320d–1320d-8.
37. William L. Prosser, Privacy, 48 CAL. L. REV. 383, 389 (1960).
38. Warren & Brandeis, supra note 4, at 216.
39. Michael R. Curry, Discursive Displacement and the Seminal Ambiguity of Space and Place,
in THE HANDBOOK OF NEW MEDIA 502 (Leah A. Lievrouw & Sonia Livingstone eds., 2002).


Washington Law Review Vol. 79:119, 2004

private places. The Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution expresses

commitment of a protected private zone in the Third and Fourth
Amendments, defining explicit limits on government access to a home—
quartering soldiers in the Third, and security against search and seizure
in the Fourth. The Fourth Amendment, particularly, has been featured in
countless cases where privacy is judged to have been violated by law
enforcement agents who have breached private zones.40 Warren and
Brandeis give rousing voice to this principle: “The common law has
always recognized a man’s house as his castle, impregnable, often, even
to its own officers engaged in the execution of its commands. Shall the
courts thus close the front entrance to constituted authority, and open
wide the back door to idle or prurient curiosity?”41 Warren and Brandeis,
thus, endorse the principled sanctity of a private domain—in this case,
the home—whether against the prying of government agents or any
Although in many cases Principles 2 and 3 can apply simultaneously,
they are independent. In the cases of a peeping Tom, for example, spying
on someone in her bedroom, or a wiretap connected to a person’s
telephone, we would judge privacy violated according to Principle 3,
even if only mundane or impersonal information is gathered and hence
Principle 2 is not violated. A similar distinction is found in numerous
legal cases involving the Fourth Amendment and, of all things, garbage.
Bearing most directly on the point here is the consistent finding that
people cannot claim a privacy right in their garbage unless the garbage is
placed within recognized private spaces (or the “curtilage”). In
California v. Greenwood,42 for example, a case that has served as
precedent in many that followed, the U.S. Supreme Court concluded:
“[a]ccordingly, having deposited their garbage in an area particularly
suited for public inspection and, in a manner of speaking, public
consumption, for the express purpose of having strangers take it,

MATERIALS (2d ed. 2002) (providing a discussion that specifically focuses on information and
AMENDMENT (3d ed. 1996) (providing a general discussion of Fourth Amendment cases); DANIEL J.
SOLOVE & MARC ROTENBERG, INFORMATION PRIVACY LAW (2003) (providing a discussion that
specifically focuses on information and information technology).
41. Warren & Brandeis, supra note 4, at 90.
42. 486 U.S. 35 (1988).


Privacy as Contextual Integrity

respondents could have had no reasonable expectation of privacy in the

inculpatory items that they discarded.”43
In insisting that privacy interests in garbage are a function not of
content or constitution, but of location—whether inside or outside what
is considered a person’s private sphere—courts are, in effect, finding that
Principle 3 is relevant to these cases, but not Principle 2; they are not
finding contents of garbage to be inherently sensitive or private

D. Applying the Three Principles—Some Gray Areas

In claiming the three-principle framework has ascended to dominance

in public deliberations over privacy, I maintain that it serves as a
benchmark for settling disputes, but not that the outcome of disputes, or
the application of the principles, is always obvious or clear. Even when it
is clear which of the three principles is relevant, it may not always be
obvious precisely how to draw the relevant lines to determine whether or
not that principle applies, particularly with precedent setting cases
involving new applications of information technology.
We have experienced this in a number of controversial government
initiatives following the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. The USA
PATRIOT Act44 is one example among several where government
agents have clashed with citizen advocacy organizations over attempts to
redraw the boundaries of access into citizens’ private lives. Even before
the September 11 attacks, however, similar disagreements persisted over
deployment of Carnivore, a surveillance tool for traffic flowing through
the Internet.45 Although a detailed account of these cases would require
too great a detour from the central arguments of this Article, both are
examples of disputes in which governmental interventions are asserted
and contested. There is little doubt, in other words, that Principle 1 is of
central relevance; what is disputed is whether the proposals in
question—greater latitude for governmental surveillance both online and
off-line—abide by or violate it.
Drawing lines in the case of intimate and sensitive information is also
difficult and can be controversial. For example, an open question
remains on whether to designate credit headers, which contain

43. Id. at 37; see also LAFAVE, supra note 40, at 603.
44. Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and
Obstruct Terrorism (USA PATRIOT) Act of 2001, Pub. L. No. 107-56, 115 Stat. 272.
45. The FBI developed the Carnivore software, which is now typically called DCS 1000.


Washington Law Review Vol. 79:119, 2004

information such as names, addresses, phone numbers, and Social

Security numbers, as “personal” or not. The Individual Reference
Services Group, an industry association of information brokers,
maintains they are not, while the Federal Trade Commission argues they
are. Case 1, raising the question whether public records ought to be
available online, provokes similar questions about court records in
general, and more particularly, whether some of the information
contained in them and other public records should be reclassified as
personal and deserving of greater protection.46 These lines are neither
static nor universal as demonstrated by the case of information about
students, including grades. The Family Educational and Privacy Act of
197447 marked a switch in conventional assumptions about student
records. Among other things, it prohibited disclosure of information such
as performance and staff recommendations without explicit permission
of the students or their parents.
Similar line-drawing controversies challenge Principle 3.
Interpretations of what counts as a private space may vary across times,
societies, and cultures. The case of wiretaps in the United States
illustrates variability across time: in 1928, in Olmstead v. United
States,48 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that wiretapping did not
constitute a breach of private space.49 By 1967, however, in what is
understood as an overturning of that ruling, in Katz v. United States50 the
Court concluded that tapping a person’s phone does constitute an
unacceptable intrusion into inviolate space.51 At least one change this
shift reflects is a change in belief about what constitutes a person’s
private sphere.
The Kyllo v. United States52 decision reflects similar conflicting
intuitions and opinions about what constitutes an intrusion into private
space. In Kyllo, the question was whether the police’s use of a thermal

[hereinafter REPORT OF THE SPECIAL DIRECTIVE SUBCOMMITTEE] (discussing whether home
addresses and telephone numbers of citizens should be made publicly available), available at
47. 20 U.S.C. § 1232(g) (2000).
48. 277 U.S. 438 (1928), overruled by Katz v. United States, 389 U.S. 347 (1967).
49. Id. at 466.
50. 389 U.S. 347 (1967).
51. Id. at 359.
52. 533 U.S. 27 (2001).


Privacy as Contextual Integrity

imaging device to detect patterns of heat inside the suspect’s home—for

purposes of determining whether he was growing marijuana—
constituted a violation of the private sphere.53 In a split (five to four)
ruling, the Court determined that the police were at fault for not first
obtaining a warrant.54 Against the argument proffered by the police that
use of a thermal imaging device did not constitute intrusion into physical
space, Justice Scalia, writing for the majority, concluded that “[i]n the
home . . . all details are intimate details, because the entire area is held
safe from prying government eyes.”55 Quoting precedent, Justice Scalia
further emphasized that the law “‘draws a firm line at the entrance to the
Another regularly contested area, though the preponderance of
opinion seems to have shifted over time, is online privacy in the
workplace. Where previously this “space” was considered personal and
inviolate, recent public opinion as well as court decisions suggest that
ownership of servers by business organizations trumps claims by
employees that the realms of the computer systems with which they
work be considered a personal sphere.57 This shift in presumption means
that employers may routinely monitor e-mails and web-surfing behaviors
of their employees.58

E. The Three Principles and Public Surveillance

The challenge posed by public surveillance is different from that

posed by cases falling within the gray areas described above. In the
latter, the difficulty is drawing a line; in the former, it is falling
completely outside the scope of a normative model defined by the three
principles. Like many of the hard cases, public surveillance typically
involves a new technology, or a newly developed application of
entrenched technology that expands the capacity to observe people;

53. Id. at 27.

54. Id. at 28.
55. Id. at 37.
56. Id. (quoting Payton v. New York, 445 U.S. 573, 590 (1980)).
57. For a comprehensive overview of this area of law and news media, see the Workplace Privacy
webpage of the Electronic Privacy Information Center at
(last visited Jan. 17, 2004).
58. But cf. Julie Cohen, Examined Lives: Informational Privacy and the Subject as Object, 52
STAN. L. REV. 1373 (2000) (providing a more pessimistic interpretation—that the increased
presence of thermal imaging and similar technologies of surveillance augurs the collapse of a
protected private sphere).


Washington Law Review Vol. 79:119, 2004

gather information about them; and process, analyze, retrieve, and

disseminate it. Unlike those cases, however, public surveillance does not
involve government agents seeking to expand access to citizens; or
collection or disclosure of sensitive, confidential, or personal
information; or intrusion into spaces or spheres normally judged to be
private or personal. Although public records are initially created by
government agencies, the issue of placing them online does raise
troubling questions of governmental overreaching and, by definition the
records are public by virtue of not falling into categories of sensitive or
confidential. Tracking by radio frequency identification, similarly, would
not occur in places deemed private to the subjects of tracking. Online
profiling is troubling, even when the information gathered is not
sensitive (excludes credit card information, for example) and when it
takes place on the public Web.59 According to the framework, therefore,
it seems that public surveillance is determined not to be a privacy
problem. Because this conclusion is at odds with the intuition and
judgment of many people, it warrants more than simple dismissal. In this
disparity lie the grounds for questioning the three-principle framework
as a universal standard for public deliberations over privacy.
Before presenting an alternative, contextualized approach in the next
part, one conservative response to the problem of public surveillance
deserves mention. Instead of simply dismissing popular aversion to
public surveillance as misguided, unfounded, or irrational, this
conservative view distinguishes between privacy—the value, which is
embodied in the three principles, and privacy—the more encompassing
category of preference, or taste, revealed in results of numerous public
opinion surveys.60 Designating public surveillance as a member of the
second category still affords it various means of social protection, in
addition to “self-help.”61 As commonly understood, democratic market-
based societies offer at least two robust mechanisms for expressing
popular preference: first, citizens can press for laws to protect majority

59. The term “public Web” is used to mark a distinction between those realms of the Web that are
publicly accessible and those that are accessible only to authorized users and frequently protected by
some form of security.
60. See, e.g., Oscar Gandy, Public Opinion Surveys and the Formation of Privacy Policy, 59 J.
SOC. ISSUES 283 (2003); Electronic Privacy Information Center, Public Opinion on Privacy, at (last modified June 25, 2003) (summarizing public opinion
61. See, e.g., Gary Marx, A Tack in the Shoe: Neutralizing and Resisting the New Surveillance, 59
J. SOC. ISSUES 369 (2003).


Privacy as Contextual Integrity

preferences, and second, consumers, through their actions, can affect the
terms and nature of commercial offerings in a free, competitive
marketplace.62 These alternatives deserve a great deal more attention
than I am able to offer here.
Although this view preserves the three-principle framework, at least
one problem with it is that it places resistance to public surveillance on a
weak footing against countervailing claims, particularly those backed by
recognized rights and values. In a free society, a person has a right to
choose chocolate over vanilla ice cream, or to press for extensive
protections of privacy preferences, except where such preferences
happen to conflict with another person’s claim to something of greater
moral or political standing. Those who conduct public surveillance, or
support its pursuit, have lobbied exactly on those grounds, citing such
well-entrenched freedoms as speech, action, and pursuit of wealth.63 The
weak footing that this allows for the aversion to public surveillance can
be demonstrated in relation to a commonly used legal standard, namely,
reasonable expectation of privacy.
Justice John Harlan, concurring with the majority opinion in Katz, is
credited with formulating two conditions that later courts have used to
test whether a person has “a reasonable expectation of privacy” in any
given activity or practice, namely: (1) that the person exhibited an actual
expectation of privacy, and (2) that the expectation is one that society is
prepared to recognize as reasonable.64 Although the reasonable
expectation benchmark raises deep and complex questions that cannot be
addressed here, there is at least one point of direct interest, notably that
the benchmark is a potential source of crushing rebuttal to preference-
based complaints against public surveillance. It is simply this: when
people move about and do things in public arenas, they have implicitly
yielded any expectation of privacy. Much as they might prefer that
others neither see, nor take note, expecting others not to see, notice, or

62. Privacy skeptics have argued that because people seem to do neither, they obviously do not
care much about privacy. See Calvin C. Gotlieb, Privacy: A Concept Whose Time Has Come and
Gone, in COMPUTERS, SURVEILLANCE, AND PRIVACY 156 (David Lyon & Elia Zureik eds., 1996);
Solveig Singleton, Privacy as Censorship: A Skeptical View of Proposals To Regulate Privacy in
the Private Sector, in CATO POL’Y ANALYSIS NO. 295, (Cato Inst. 1998), available at
63. Many articles deal with privacy in relation to competing claims. But see, e.g., Cohen, supra
note 58, at 1373; Richard Posner, The Right to Privacy, 12 GA. L. REV. 393 (1978); Eugene Volokh,
Personalization and Privacy, COMM. ACM, Aug. 2000, at 84.
64. See Katz v. United States, 389 U.S. 347, 360–61 (1967) (Harlan, J., concurring); see also
REGAN, supra note 8, at 122; SOLOVE & ROTENBERG, supra note 40, at 21.


Washington Law Review Vol. 79:119, 2004

make use of information so gained would be unreasonably restrictive of

others’ freedoms. One cannot reasonably insist that people avert their
eyes, not look out their windows, or not notice what others have placed
in their supermarket trolleys. And if we cannot stop them from looking,
we cannot stop them remembering and telling others. In 2001, Tampa
police, defending their use of video cameras to scan faces one-by-one as
they entered the Super Bowl stadium, stated, “the courts have ruled that
there is no expectation of privacy in a public setting.”65
In sum, maintaining that the three principles define the value of
privacy provides significant force to the reasonableness of privacy
claims covered by them, but offers little cover for anything outside the
principles. Cast as preference, these claims are not ruled out as grounds
for favoring one outcome over another, though not accorded special
consideration in competition with others. Accordingly, there is no prima
facie concern over placing public records, already available for anyone
to see, online, or for permitting aggregation of non-sensitive information,
so long as a compelling reason such as efficiency, safety, or profit can be
offered. Since RFID and other surveillance are conducted in public
venues only, the expectation of privacy in any of these contexts cannot
be reasonable. Those who hold that public surveillance can constitute a
violation and not merely a practice that some people dislike will remain


Highlighting two features of the three-principle framework helps to

convey what lies behind the idea of contextual integrity. One is that it is
posed as a universal account of what does and does not warrant
restrictive, privacy-motivated measures. That is, as a conceptual
framework, it is not conditioned on dimensions of time, location, and so
forth.66 Another is that it expresses a right to privacy in terms of
dichotomies—sensitive and non-sensitive, private and public,
government and private—that line up, interestingly, with aspects of the
general public-private dichotomy that has been useful in other areas of
political and legal inquiry. That which falls within any one of the
appropriate halves warrants privacy consideration; for all the rest,

65. Peter Slevin, Police Video Cameras Taped Football Fans, WASH. POST, Feb. 1, 2001, at A10.
66. It might still admit of variability in that the categories of sensitive and non-sensitive, for
example, could vary across, say, cultures, historical periods, and places.


Privacy as Contextual Integrity

anything goes. In both these features, the account of privacy in terms of

contextual integrity diverges from the three-principle model.
A central tenet of contextual integrity is that there are no arenas of life
not governed by norms of information flow, no information or spheres of
life for which “anything goes.” Almost everything—things that we do,
events that occur, transactions that take place—happens in a context not
only of place but of politics, convention, and cultural expectation. These
contexts can be as sweepingly defined as, say, spheres of life such as
education, politics, and the marketplace or as finely drawn as the
conventional routines of visiting the dentist, attending a family wedding,
or interviewing for a job. For some purposes, broad sweeps are
sufficient. As mentioned before, public and private define a dichotomy
of spheres that have proven useful in legal and political inquiry. Robust
intuitions about privacy norms, however, seem to be rooted in the details
of rather more limited contexts, spheres, or stereotypic situations.
Observing the texture of people’s lives, we find them not only
crossing dichotomies, but moving about, into, and out of a plurality of
distinct realms. They are at home with families, they go to work, they
seek medical care, visit friends, consult with psychiatrists, talk with
lawyers, go to the bank, attend religious services, vote, shop, and more.
Each of these spheres, realms, or contexts involves, indeed may even be
defined by, a distinct set of norms, which governs its various aspects
such as roles, expectations, actions, and practices. For certain contexts,
such as the highly ritualized settings of many church services, these
norms are explicit and quite specific. For others, the norms may be
implicit, variable, and incomplete (or partial). There is no need here to
construct a theory of these contexts. It is enough for our purposes that
the social phenomenon of distinct types of contexts, domains, spheres,
institutions, or fields is firmly rooted in common experience and has
been theorized in the profound work of reputable philosophers, social
scientists, and social theorists.67 Any of these sources could provide

SOCIOLOGY 95–115 (1992) (providing general discussion of Pierre Bourdieu’s fields); id. at 97 (“In
highly differentiated societies, the social cosmos is made up of a number of such relatively
autonomous social microcosms . . . . For instance, the artistic field, or the religious field, or the
economic field all follow specific logics . . . .”); MICHAEL PHILLIPS, BETWEEN UNIVERSALISM AND
DEFENSE OF PLURALISM AND EQUALITY (1983); Roger Friedland & Robert R. Alford, Bringing
Society Back In: Symbolic Practices, and Institutional Contradictions, in THE NEW
DiMaggio eds., 1991) (also discussing institutions); id. at 251 (“[Institutions] generate not only that


Washington Law Review Vol. 79:119, 2004

foundational concepts for articulating the concept of contextual integrity

in relation to personal information.
Contexts, or spheres, offer a platform for a normative account of
privacy in terms of contextual integrity. As mentioned before, contexts
are partly constituted by norms, which determine and govern key aspects
such as roles, expectations, behaviors, and limits. There are numerous
possible sources of contextual norms, including history, culture, law,
convention, etc. Among the norms present in most contexts are ones that
govern information, and, most relevant to our discussion, information
about the people involved in the contexts. I posit two types of
informational norms: norms of appropriateness, and norms of flow or
distribution. Contextual integrity is maintained when both types of
norms are upheld, and it is violated when either of the norms is violated.
The central thesis of this Article is that the benchmark of privacy is
contextual integrity; that in any given situation, a complaint that privacy
has been violated is sound in the event that one or the other types of the
informational norms has been transgressed.68

A. Appropriateness

As the label suggests, norms of appropriateness dictate what

information about persons is appropriate, or fitting, to reveal in a
particular context. Generally, these norms circumscribe the type or
nature of information about various individuals that, within a given
context, is allowable, expected, or even demanded to be revealed. In
medical contexts, it is appropriate to share details of our physical
condition or, more specifically, the patient shares information about his
or her physical condition with the physician but not vice versa; among
friends we may pour over romantic entanglements (our own and those of
others); to the bank or our creditors, we reveal financial information;
with our professors, we discuss our own grades; at work, it is appropriate
to discuss work-related goals and the details and quality of performance.
As important is what is not appropriate: we are not (at least in the
United States) expected to share our religious affiliation with employers,

which is valued, but the rules by which it is calibrated and distributed.”); id. at 253 (“society is
composed of multiple institutional logics”); Jeroen van den Hoven, Privacy and the Varieties of
Informational Wrongdoing, in READINGS IN CYBER ETHICS 430 (Richard A. Spinello & Herman T.
Tavani eds., 2001).
68. It still holds that a violation can be justified in the event that another, more serious or urgent
value is at stake.


Privacy as Contextual Integrity

financial standing with friends and acquaintances, performance at work

with physicians, etc. As with other defining aspects of contexts and
spheres, there can be great variability from one context to the next in
terms of how restrictive, explicit, and complete the norms of
appropriateness are. In the context of friendship, for example, norms are
quite open-ended, less so in the context of, say, a classroom, and even
less so in a courtroom, where norms of appropriateness regulate almost
every piece of information presented to it. The point to note is that there
is no place not governed by at least some informational norms. The
notion that when individuals venture out in public—a street, a square, a
park, a market, a football game—no norms are in operation, that
“anything goes,” is pure fiction. For example, even in the most public of
places, it is not out of order for people to respond in word or thought,
“none of your business,” to a stranger asking their names.
While norms of appropriateness are robust in everyday experience,
the idea that such norms operate has not been explicitly addressed in
most of the dominant research and scholarship that feed into public
deliberations of privacy policy in the United States.69 Within the
philosophical literature of the past few decades, however, we find
recognition of similar notions. James Rachels, for example, has posited
something like a norm of appropriateness in arguing that adequate
privacy protection accords people the important power to share
information discriminately, which in turn enables them to determine not
only how close they are to others, but the nature of their relationships:
businessman to employee, minister to congregant, doctor to
patient, husband to wife, parent to child, and so on. In each case,
the sort of relationship that people have to one another involves
a conception of how it is appropriate for them to behave with
each other, and what is more, a conception of the kind and
degree of knowledge concerning one another which it is
appropriate for them to have.70
Ferdinand Schoeman, a philosopher who has offered one of the deepest
and most subtle accounts of privacy and its value to humans, writes,

69. The formal regulation of confidentiality within professional fields is an exception, but this
Article argues that similar norms hold in all contexts, even if not stipulated in explicit laws or
70. James Rachels, Why Privacy Is Important, in PHILOSOPHICAL DIMENSIONS OF PRIVACY: AN
ANTHOLOGY 290, 294 (Ferdinand David Schoeman ed., 1984).


Washington Law Review Vol. 79:119, 2004

“[p]eople have, and it is important that they maintain, different

relationships with different people.”71 Further,
[a] person can be active in the gay pride movement in San
Francisco, but be private about her sexual preferences vis-à-vis
her family and coworkers in Sacramento. A professor may be
highly visible to other gays at the gay bar but discreet about
sexual orientation at the university. Surely the streets and
newspapers of San Francisco are public places as are the gay
bars in the quiet university town. Does appearing in some public
settings as a gay activist mean that the person concerned has
waived her rights to civil inattention, to feeling violated if
confronted in another setting?72
These cases illustrate Schoeman’s sense that appropriating information
from one situation and inserting it in another can constitute a violation.
Violations of this type are captured with the concept of appropriateness.

B. Distribution

In addition to appropriateness, another set of norms govern what I will

call flow or distribution of information—movement, or transfer of
information from one party to another or others. The idea that contextual
norms regulate flow or distribution of information was profoundly
influenced by Michael Walzer’s pluralist theory of justice.73 Although
Walzer’s theory does not specifically address the problems of privacy
and regulation of information, it provides insights that are useful to the
construction of privacy as contextual integrity.
In his book, Spheres of Justice: A Defense of Pluralism, Walzer
develops a theory of distributive justice in terms of not only a single
good and universal equality, but in terms of something he calls complex
equality, adjudicated across distinct distributive spheres, each with its
own, unique set of norms of justice.74 Walzer conceives of societies as
made up of numerous distributive spheres, each defined by a social good
internal to them.75 Social goods include such things as wealth, political

71. Ferdinand Schoeman, Privacy and Intimate Information, in PHILOSOPHICAL DIMENSIONS OF

PRIVACY: AN ANTHOLOGY, supra note 70, at 403, 408.
72. Ferdinand Schoeman, Gossip and Privacy, in GOOD GOSSIP 72, 73 (Robert F. Goodman &
Aaron Ben-Ze’ev eds., 1994).
73. See WALZER, supra note 67. Jeroen van den Hoven pointed out the relevance of this work to
74. See id.
75. See generally id.


Privacy as Contextual Integrity

office, honor, commodities, education, security and welfare, and

employment.76 These social goods are distributed according to criteria or
principles that vary according to the spheres within which they operate.77
In the educational sphere, for example, access to instruction up to a
certain level (a good) might be guaranteed to all residents of a
community with appropriate mental capacities and instruction beyond
the basic level, say, a university undergraduate education, allocated only
to those who have performed to a particular standard. Commodities
(goods) in a marketplace are distributed according to preferences and
ability to pay; in the sphere of employment, jobs (goods) are allocated to
those with appropriate talents and qualifications, and so on.78 According
to Walzer, complex equality, the mark of justice, is achieved when social
goods are distributed according to different standards of distribution in
different spheres and the spheres are relatively autonomous.79 Thus, in
Walzer’s just society, we would see “different outcomes for different
people in different spheres.”80
Complex equality adds the idea of distributive principles or
distributive criteria to the notion of contextual integrity. What matters is
not only whether information is appropriate or inappropriate for a given
context, but whether its distribution, or flow, respects contextual norms
of information flow.
Let us return to the context of friendship, this time to consider some
examples of norms of flow. As described earlier, relatively few general
norms of appropriateness apply, though practices may vary depending on
whether the friends are close, have known each other for a long time,
and so on. Information that is appropriate to friendship can include
mundane information about day-to-day activities, likes and dislikes,
opinions, relationships, character, emotions, capacity for loyalty, and
much more. The same open-endedness, however, does not hold for
norms of flow, which are quite substantial. In friendship, generally,
information is either shared at the discretion of the subject in a
bidirectional flow—friends choose to tell each other about themselves—
or is inferred by one friend of another on the basis of what the other has
done, said, experienced, etc. But that is not all. Confidentiality is

76. See generally id.

77. See generally id.
78. See generally id.
79. See generally id.
80. Id. at 320.


Washington Law Review Vol. 79:119, 2004

generally the default—that is, friends expect what they say to each other
to be held in confidence and not arbitrarily spread to others. While some
departure from the norms is generally allowable, as when friends coax
information from each other, straying too far is usually viewed as a
serious breach. Where a friend ferrets out information from third party
sources, or divulges information shared in friendship to others for
reasons having nothing to do with the friendship, not only might the
friend justifiably feel betrayed, but the actions may call into question the
very nature of the relationship.81
Free choice, discretion, and confidentiality, prominent among norms
of flow in friendship, are not the only principles of information
distribution. Others include need, entitlement, and obligation—a list that
is probably open-ended. In a healthcare context, for example, when a
patient shares with her physician details of her current and past physical
condition, the reigning norm is not discretion of the subject (that is, free
choice of the patient) but is closer to being mandated by the physician
who might reasonably condition treatment on a patient’s readiness to
share information that the physician deems necessary for competent
diagnosis and treatment. Another difference from friendship is that in the
healthcare context, the flow is not normally bidirectional. Confidentiality
of patient health information is the subject of complex norms—in the
United States, for example, a recent law stipulates when, and in what
ways, a physician is bound by a patient’s consent: for example, where it
is directly pertinent to diagnosis and treatment, where it poses a public
health risk, and where it is of commercial interest to drug companies.82
Other cases of information practices following rational norms of flow
include, for example, transactions between customers and mail-order
merchants. In such transactions, customers are required to provide
sufficient and appropriate information to satisfy companies that they can
pay, and provide an address indicating where packages should be sent.
Police are bound by law to abide by various regulations governing
modes of acquiring information and how to deal with its flow thereafter.
However, suspects arrested by police on criminal charges may volunteer

81. We may wonder how it would affect a friendship if one party discovers his friend has engaged
the help of the much advertised snoop programs that promise the ability to track e-mail
82. 45 C.F.R. §§ 164.102–.535 (2003). For a general discussion of the privacy regulations
implemented pursuant to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA),
42 U.S.C. §§ 1320d–1320d-8 (2000), see the Health Privacy Project website at (last visited Jan. 17, 2004).


Privacy as Contextual Integrity

certain categories of information beyond those that they are compelled to

provide. A sexual partner may be entitled to information about the
other’s HIV status, although the same demand by a friend is probably
not warranted. A job applicant may volunteer information she considers
evidence of her ability to do the job. Candidates for political office
volunteer proof of professional competence, political loyalty, personal
integrity, political connections, and past political activities. But it is
accepted that employers and voters, respectively, might choose to
conduct independent investigations as to fitness and competence. These
cases are intended merely to illustrate the many possible configurations
of informational norms we are likely to encounter, and they just begin to
scratch the surface.

C. Change, Contextual Integrity, and Justice

As proposed above, a normative account of privacy in terms of

contextual integrity asserts that a privacy violation has occurred when
either contextual norms of appropriateness or norms of flow have been
breached. One point of contrast with other theoretical accounts of
privacy rights is that personal information revealed in a particular
context is always tagged with that context and never “up for grabs” as
other accounts would have us believe of public information or
information gathered in public places. A second point of contrast is that
the scope of informational norms is always internal to a given context,
and, in this sense, these norms are relative, or non-universal. Before
revisiting the problem of public surveillance in light of contextual
integrity, two potentially worrisome implications should first be
addressed, both consequences of this built-in contextual dependence.
One is that by putting forward existing informational norms as
benchmarks for privacy protection, we appear to endorse entrenched
flows that might be deleterious even in the face of technological means
to make things better. Put another way, contextual integrity is
conservative in possibly detrimental ways. As a brief example, consider
the substantial benefits that networked information systems with good
search capabilities provide consumers wishing to find out more about
products, services, or service providers, say, to check whether a
particular surgeon has been found guilty of malpractice. Because the
capabilities are new, ferreting out such information constitutes a radical
departure from past practice, which, in the case of the surgeon, might
have meant a patient having to ask the surgeon directly or engage
someone else in a costly search. It would be problematic if the theory of


Washington Law Review Vol. 79:119, 2004

contextual integrity would judge new forms of information gathering to

be a privacy violation in such instances.
A second worry is that contextual integrity, being so tied to practice
and convention, loses prescriptive value or moral authority. In this era of
rapid transformations due to computing and information technologies,
changes are thrust upon people and societies frequently without the
possibility of careful deliberation over potential harms and benefits, over
whether we want or need them.83 Practices shift almost imperceptibly
but, over time, quite dramatically, and in turn bring about shifts in
conventional expectations. These changes have influenced outcomes in a
number of important cases, such as determining that the Fourth
Amendment was not breached when police discovered marijuana plants
in a suspect’s yard by flying over in a surveillance plane.84
The U.S. Supreme Court held that people do not have a reasonable
expectation of privacy from air surveillance because flights have become
a common part of our lives.85 In Kyllo,86 even though the Court
concluded the Fourth Amendment had been breached, one of the reasons
for its conclusion was that thermal imaging trained on a private
residence (unlike plane flights) was not yet common practice and so
would count as a search.87 As long as contextual integrity is tied, in these
ways, to practice and convention, it would be unconvincing as a source
of moral prescription, that is, constituting adequate justification for what
one morally should or should not do.
Although the two worries come from apparently opposite directions,
in fact, they provoke a similar set of elaborations. First, they highlight
the importance of distinguishing actual practice from prescribed
practice. Second, even within the category of prescribed practice, the
grounds for prescription can vary among several possibilities. Third,
even entrenched norms can change over time and may vary across not
only historical moments, but cultures, geographic locations, societies,
nations, etc. Although these considerations mean that just because
something is the case, does not mean it morally or politically ought to be
the case, they also mean that something more is needed to enable us to

83. I am aware of an oversimplification in the way I express this issue, for change is not strictly a
consequence of devices and systems by themselves but, of course, may involve other social,
economic, or legal determinants.
84. Florida v. Riley, 488 U.S. 445, 447, 452 (1989).
85. Id. at 458.
86. See supra notes 52–56 and accompanying text.
87. See Kyllo v. United States, 533 U.S. 27, 34, 40 (2001).


Privacy as Contextual Integrity

distinguish changes that are morally and politically acceptable, or even

desirable, from those that are not (and ought to be resisted). As explained
below, this can be done, but only indirectly.
I propose that the requirement of contextual integrity sets up a
presumption in favor of the status quo; common practices are understood
to reflect norms of appropriateness and flow, and breaches of these
norms are held to be violations of privacy. Walzer’s account of justice
asserts a similar presumption in the case of spheres, namely, that
distributing social goods of one sphere according to criteria of another
constitutes injustice.88 Evidence of a commitment to this presumption is
that our society recognizes as wrong wealthy people buying favorable
verdicts in courts of law, bosses demanding sexual favors as a condition
of promotion, awarding political office on the basis of kinship, and
determining wage scales by gender or race. These examples are unjust
not only because goods from one sphere have intruded into another, but
also because distributional norms of one sphere are being applied to
another. Further, Walzer considers it a form of tyranny when goods of
one sphere intrude into, or become dominant in, not only one sphere but
many; local norms that embody the settled rationale of the tyrannized
sphere are overturned as those who possess vast amounts of dominant
goods are able to exert tyrannical power over those who do not.89
A presumption in favor of the status quo for informational norms
means we initially resist breaches, suspicious that they occasion injustice
or even tyranny. We take the stance that the entrenched normative
framework represents a settled rationale for a certain context that we
ought to protect unless powerful reasons support change. The settled
rationale of any given context may have long historical roots and serve
important cultural, social, and personal ends. The hugely complex
system of regulations in the medical context can be traced at least as far
back as the fourth century B.C.E., when Hippocrates exhorted fellow
physicians to maintain confidentiality because of the shame involved in
passing on any further what they learn about their patients in the course
of treatment: “And about whatever I may see or hear in treatment, or
even without treatment, in the life of human beings—things that should

88. See WALZER, supra note 67, at 17–20.

89. Id.


Washington Law Review Vol. 79:119, 2004

not ever be blurted out outside—I will remain silent, holding such things
to be unutterable [sacred, not to be divulged].”90
The context of elections for political office is another case of a settled
normative framework that functions in generally positive ways.91 On
election day, citizens converge on polling stations to cast votes. From the
moment they cross the threshold, information flows are highly regulated,
from what elections officers can ask them to what they can ask officers,
what voters are required to document in writing, who sees it, what
happens to the vote cast and who sees that, what exit pollsters can ask
citizens as they leave—for whom they voted but not voters’ names—and
what the exit pollsters are free to disseminate publicly. These two
familiar cases illustrate how systems of norms of appropriateness and
flow may evolve to serve determinable ends and institutions.
A presumption in favor of status quo does not, however, rule out the
possibility of a successful challenge where adequate reasons exist.
Resolving these contested cases calls for reliable means of evaluating the
relative moral standing of entrenched norms and the novel practices that
breach or threaten them. Specifically, I propose that entrenched norms be
compared with novel practices that breach or threaten them, and judged
worth preserving, or not, in terms of how well they promote not only
values and goods internal to a given context, but also fundamental social,
political, and moral values. Conducting the second of these two modes
of evaluation, namely, a comparison in terms of social, political, and
moral values, involves identifying fundamental values that may be
served by (or obscured by) the relevant informational norms imposing
restrictions on the flow and distribution of personal information in the
given case. According to the insights of several privacy scholars, the list
of values likely to be affected includes: (1) prevention of information-
based harm, (2) informational inequality, (3) autonomy, (4) freedom,
(5) preservation of important human relationships, and (6) democracy
and other social values.92 Values that are regularly cited in support of

90. “In a Pure and Holy Way:” Personal and Professional Conduct in the Hippocratic Oath, 51
J. HIST. MED. & ALLIED SCI. 406 (1996) (Heinrich Von Staden trans.) (alteration in original),
available at
91. I am speaking of elections in a democratic state, with details drawn more specifically from the
context of the United States.
92. This list is informed by the work of Julie Cohen, Stanley Benn, Ruth Gavison, Jeroen van den
Hoven, James Nehf, Paul Schwartz, Jeffrey Reiman, Jeffrey Rosen, and others. Citations to specific
works are given in footnotes to follow.


Privacy as Contextual Integrity

free or unconstrained flows include: (1) freedom of speech, (2) pursuit of

wealth, (3) efficiency, and (4) security.

1. Prevention of Informational Harms

Information in the wrong hands or generally unrestricted access to

information can be harmful. The harm in question can be severe, such as
occurred in the case of the murder of actress Rebecca Schaeffer in 1989,
when it was discovered that the murderer located her home address
through Department of Motor Vehicles records.93 Less palpable, but also
serious, are harms like identity theft, which occurs with increasing
frequency, apparently as a result of the ready availability of key
identifying information like Social Security numbers, addresses, and
phone numbers. Furthermore, various goods such as employment, life,
and medical insurance, could be placed at risk if the flow of medical
information were not restricted, or if information regarding people’s
religious and political affiliations, sexual orientation, or criminal records
were readily available.

2. Informational Inequality

There are a number of facets to this value. In the crucial 1973 U.S.
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare’s report on computerized
records, the opening sentences presented fairness, or we might say
justice, as a foundational value for regulating the collection, storage, and
use of personal information in computerized databases.94 The
Department’s politically grounded argument will be familiar in the
American contexts where entities, such as government and financial
institutions, wield significant power over the fates of individual citizens
and clients. Allowing these institutions free reign in collecting and using
information further tips the balance of power in their favor. Responsive
to the strong sentiment in favor of leveling the playing field, the widely
influential Code of Fair Information Practices defined restrictions on
gathering, storing, and using information about people in the name of

93. See Margan v. Niles, 250 F. Supp. 2d 63, 68 (N.D.N.Y. 2003). Passage of the Driver’s
Privacy Protection Act (DPPA), 18 U.S.C. §§ 2721–2725 (2000), followed shortly thereafter in
1994. Margan, 250 F. Supp. 2d at 68–69.
94. RIGHTS OF CITIZENS, supra note 29.
95. Id. at xxiii–xxxv.


Washington Law Review Vol. 79:119, 2004

Inequalities may also arise in the context of routine commercial

transactions mediated by technologies of information. As described by
Jeroen van den Hoven, individuals acquiring goods or services are also
giving (some would say, selling) something, namely, information about
themselves, such as their credit card numbers, names, or addresses.96
Usually the parties in the transaction are far from equal. For the most
part, individuals have little knowledge and understanding of the potential
value of this economic exchange; do not know what will be done with
the information; do not grasp the full implications of consenting to
release of information; and almost certainly have no power to retract or
redraw the arrangement should it prove annoying, burdensome, or
simply different from what they had initially sought. van den Hoven
calls for “openness, transparency, participation, and notification on the
part of business firms and direct marketers to secure fair contracts,” in
order to promote fairness in exchange.97

3. Autonomy and Freedom

For purposes of this abbreviated discussion, we consider ways in

which autonomy and freedom, taken together, have indicated the need
for wise restrictions on access to personal information.98 Typically
associated with the liberal political vision, autonomy is the mark of
thoughtful citizens whose lives and choices are guided by principles they
have adopted as a result of critical reflection.99 Thoughtful works on
privacy by Ruth Gavison, Jeffrey Reiman, Julie Cohen, and others have
demonstrated a rich array of associations between autonomy and
privacy.100 These works assert that freedom from scrutiny and zones of
“relative insularity”101 are necessary conditions for formulating goals,
values, conceptions of self, and principles of action because they provide
venues in which people are free to experiment, act, and decide without

96. van den Hoven, supra note 67.

97. Id. at 435.
98. Consider the title of Alan F. Westin’s early and influential book, Privacy and Freedom. ALAN
100. Stanley I. Benn, Privacy, Freedom and Respect for Persons, in NOMOS XIII: PRIVACY 1 (J.
Roland Pennock & John W. Chapman eds., 1971); Cohen, supra note 58; Gavison, supra note 10;
Jeffrey Reiman, Driving to the Panopticon: A Philosophical Exploration of the Risks to Privacy
Posed by the Highway Technology of the Future, 11 SANTA CLARA COMPUTER & HIGH TECH. L.J.
27 (1995).
101. See, e.g., Cohen, supra note 58, at 1424.


Privacy as Contextual Integrity

giving account to others or being fearful of retribution.102 Uninhibited by

what others might say, how they will react, and how they will judge,
unhindered by the constraints and expectations of tradition and
convention, people are freer to formulate for themselves the reasons
behind significant life choices, preferences, and commitments. In
defending robust broad protections for informational privacy, Cohen
reminds us that autonomy touches many dimensions of peoples’ lives,
including tastes, behaviors, beliefs, preferences, moral commitments,
associations, decisions, and choices that define who we are.103
Besides the causal or enabling connection between privacy and
autonomy, a further, constitutive connection that is hardly ever
recognized as such plays an essential role in the most widely held
definition of a right to privacy—the right to control information about
oneself.104 The plausibility of such a right to control information about
oneself, even one that is limited and constrained by other competing or
countervailing rights and obligations, rests on the premise that
information about ourselves is something over which individuals may
exercise autonomy. In this way, it is comparable to the prima facie rights
of self-determination that we have over our bodies and access to them.

4. Preservation of Important Human Relationships

Information is a key factor in the relationships we have and form with

others. Charles Fried has said that controlling who has access to personal
information about ourselves is a necessary condition for friendship,
intimacy, and trust.105 James Rachels, as mentioned earlier, has made a
related point that distinctive relationships, for example individual to
spouse, boss, friend, colleague, priest, teacher, therapist, hairdresser, and
so on, are partially defined by distinctive patterns of information
sharing.106 Insofar as these relationships are valued, so would we value
adequate and appropriate restrictions on information flows that bolster

102. See, e.g., Gavison, supra note 10.

103. Cohen, supra note 58, at 1425.
104. See REGAN, supra note 8; WESTIN, supra note 98; Cohen, supra note 58. However, I believe
this conception is deeply flawed for reasons offered by Ruth Gavison and Jeffrey Reiman. See
Gavison, supra note 10; Reiman, supra note 100.
105. See Fried, supra note 32.
106. See Rachels, supra note 70.


Washington Law Review Vol. 79:119, 2004

5. Democracy and Other Social Values

Several proponents of strong privacy protections point out the

importance of privacy not only to individuals but to society. Priscilla
Regan, in Legislating Privacy, provides one of the best-informed
versions of this claim:
Privacy has value beyond its usefulness in helping the individual
maintain his or her dignity or develop personal relationships.
Most privacy scholars emphasize that the individual is better off
if privacy exists; I argue that society is better off as well when
privacy exists. I maintain that privacy serves not just individual
interests but also common, public, and collective purposes.107
Regan and others describe ways in which privacy is essential to
nourishing and promoting the values of a liberal, democratic, political,
and social order by arguing that the vitality of democracy depends not
only on an autonomous and thoughtful citizenry—bolstered through
privacy—but on the concrete protection against public scrutiny of certain
spheres of decision-making, including but not limited to the voting
booth.108 Privacy is a necessary condition for construction of what
Erving Goffman calls “social personae,” which serves not only to
alleviate complex role demands on individuals, but to facilitate a
smoother transactional space for the many routine interactions that
contribute to social welfare.109 Similar arguments have been offered by
Janlori Goldman defending robust protections of medical information on
grounds that individuals would then be more likely both to seek medical
care and agree to participate in medical research. In turn, this would
improve overall public health as well as social welfare through scientific
research. Arguments favoring restrictions of online transactional
information cite potential gains, namely, the increased likelihood of
participation in electronic commerce.110 Finally, Oscar Gandy has

107. REGAN, supra note 8, at 221.

108. See Anita L. Allen, Coercing Privacy, 40 WM. & MARY L. REV. 723 (1999); Cohen, supra
note 58; Janlori Goldman, Protecting Privacy to Improve Health Care, HEALTH CARE, Nov./Dec.
1998, at 47.
the importance of maintaining a “backstage” where people are allowed to relax out of character (ch.
3) and describing the preferences of both audiences and performers to maintain a façade in various
ritualized social settings, even when both know that the performances in question do not reveal the
whole truth (ch. 6)); see also Cohen, supra note 58, at 1427.
110. See Donna L. Hoffman, Information Privacy in the Marketspace: Implications for the
Commercial Uses of Anonymity on the Web, 15 INFO. SOC’Y 129 (1999) (providing discussion as


Privacy as Contextual Integrity

vividly conveyed how profiling and the widespread collection,

aggregation, and mining of data increase social injustice and generate
even further discrimination against traditionally disadvantaged ethnic

6. Countervailing Values

There are obviously many reasons for favoring the collection, sharing,
and widespread distribution of personal information, including
maintaining free speech112 and a free press, economic efficiency113 and
profitability, open government, and security.114 When these values clash
with those that support restrictive treatment, we need to pursue trade-offs
and balance.

D. Applying Contextual Integrity to the Three Cases

One of the key ways contextual integrity differs from other theoretical
approaches to privacy is that it recognizes a richer, more comprehensive
set of relevant parameters. In addressing whether placing public records
online is problematic, whether moving records from filing cabinets or
stand-alone databases onto the net marks a significant change, it forces
us to look beyond whether the information in question is public. To
establish whether contextual integrity is breached requires an
examination of governing norms of appropriateness and flow to see
whether and in what ways the proposed new practices measure up.
When the first case, the availability of public records online, is
viewed through the lens of contextual integrity, certain aspects of the

well as empirical analysis); Donna L. Hoffman et al., Building Consumer Trust Online, COMM.
ACM, Apr. 1999, at 80 (same); see also L. JEAN CAMP, TRUST AND RISK IN INTERNET COMMERCE
INFORMATION (1993); Oscar H. Gandy, Jr., Coming to Terms with the Panoptic Sort, in
COMPUTERS, SURVEILLANCE, AND PRIVACY 132 (David Lyon & Elia Zureik eds. 1996); Oscar H.
Gandy, Jr., Exploring Identity and Identification, 14 NOTRE DAME J.L. ETHICS & PUB. POL’Y 1085
112. See, e.g., Cohen, supra note 58; Paul M. Schwartz, Privacy and Democracy in Cyberspace,
52 VAND. L. REV. 1607 (1999); Volokh, supra note 63, at 84; see also SOLOVE & ROTENBERG,
supra note 40, ch. 2, sec. C (providing extensive case law).
113. See Singleton, supra note 62 (describing economic efficiency as potentially in conflict with
114. See Orrin Kerr, Internet Surveillance Law After the USA PATRIOT Act: The Big Brother
That Isn’t, 97 NW. U. L. REV. 607 (2003). In general, literature and cases surrounding the Fourth
Amendment involve a quest to balance privacy against security.


Washington Law Review Vol. 79:119, 2004

change in placement from locally kept records (whether hardcopy or

electronic) to Web-accessible records, are highlighted in novel ways.
The change in placement, which vastly alters the range of accessibility
from local to global, is significant because it constitutes a breach of
entrenched norms of flow. As such, it demands scrutiny in terms of
values. Although a full-blown analysis is not possible in the context of
this Article, it is instructive to consider, briefly, how this affects a case
that, arguably, draws little sympathy—the convicted sex offender.
Recent changes in the laws of various states require that neighbors be
informed if someone with a record of a serious sex offense moves into
the neighborhood.115 Despite objections, a good case may be made in
favor of altering the distributional norms, from storing a record in a
publicly available cabinet to actively informing neighbors. A proposal to
place these records online, however, is different. While residents of, say,
Hamilton, New Jersey, might reasonably argue that being informed
about a released sex offender in their neighborhood is a justified measure
of protection against the dangers of recidivism, believed to be high in the
case of sex crimes, a similar argument seems specious for a citizen of,
say, Fairbanks, Alaska. Furthermore, placing the myriad categories of
public records online would greatly facilitate the aggregation and
analysis of these records by third parties. This radical alteration of
availability and flow does little to address the original basis for creation
of public records, namely, public accountability of governmental
The second case, consumer profiling and data mining, can be
analyzed in a similar way. As before, the crucial issue is not whether the
information is private or public, gathered from private or public settings,
but whether the action breaches contextual integrity. The use of credit
cards and the emergence of information brokers, along with a host of
technical developments, however, have altered patterns of availability
and flow in well-known ways. But are these changes significant from the
perspective of contextual integrity? The answer is variable. In the past, it
was integral to the transaction between a merchant and a customer that
the merchant would get to know what a customer purchased. Good, that
is to say, competent merchants, paying attention to what customers
wanted, would provide stock accordingly. Although the online
bookseller maintains and analyzes customer records

115. See, e.g., N.J. STAT. ANN. § 2C:7-2 (West 2002).

116. REPORT OF THE SPECIAL DIRECTIVE SUBCOMMITTEE, supra note 46; Gellman, supra note 2.


Privacy as Contextual Integrity

electronically, using this information as a basis for marketing to those

same customers seems not to be a significant departure from entrenched
norms of appropriateness and flow. By contrast, the grocer who
bombards shoppers with questions about other lifestyle choices—e.g.,
where they vacationed, what movies they recently viewed, what books
they read, where their children attend school or college, and so on—does
breach norms of appropriateness. The grocer who provides information
about grocery purchases to vendors of magazine subscriptions or
information brokers like Seisint and Axciom is responsible not only for
breaches of norms of appropriateness but also norms of flow.117
Contextual integrity generates similar questions about RFID tags
because they too significantly alter the nature and distribution patterns of
information. Prior to the advent of RFID tags, customers could assume
that sales assistants, store managers, or company leaders recorded point-
of-sale information. RFID tags extend the duration of the relationships,
making available to the jeans retailer, the manufacturer, and others a
range of information about customers that was not previously available.
These potential uses of RFID tags can affect not only who gains access
to customer information, but at whose discretion. In a departure from
past assumption, the customer would no longer control the distribution
of information beyond point of sale. Unless RFID tags are designed
specifically to allow for easy detection and disabling, discretion is
removed from the customer and placed into the hands of information
gatherers. This departure from entrenched norms triggers an assessment
in terms of values.

E. Contextual Integrity and Other Privacy-Centric Approaches

For the three cases, I have been able to provide only sketches of
arguments to support particular prescriptions to restrict (or not restrict)
information gathering, aggregation, and dissemination on the basis of
contextual integrity. In general, the norms of appropriateness and flow
demand consideration of a number of parameters, including the nature of
the information in question and its relationship to the context, the roles
involved in the context, the relationships among the roles, the rules of
flow, and how any changes made within a context might affect the
underlying values. For the most part, building a conclusive argument in

117. To complete the argument would require showing that these breaches are justifiable neither
in terms of values internal to the context nor in terms of more fundamental social, political, and
moral values.


Washington Law Review Vol. 79:119, 2004

terms of contextual integrity involves painstaking analysis of details (or

building upon analyses of identical or very similar cases), including even
a reference to factual findings, which might ground claims about the
empirical effects of a change on key parameters.
In developing the rationale for a new way of thinking about some of
the puzzles of public surveillance or “privacy in public,”118 deficiencies
(or blind spots) in the three-principle framework served as a springboard
for an alternative normative theory built around the concept of
contextual integrity. Although this strategy highlights the specific
strength of contextual integrity to resolve puzzles of public surveillance,
it gives short shrift to a body of theoretical works on privacy—many
proposed in the past few years—whose broadly encompassing privacy
principles also extend to various forms of public surveillance, among
other things.119 Given space constraints, I am not able here to give them
the degree of individual consideration they deserve except briefly to
mention the one most significant point of contrast. Where these other
accounts offer interpretations of privacy in terms of universal
prescriptions, contextual integrity couches its prescriptions always
within the bounds of a given context.
The widely held conception of a right of privacy as a right to control
information about oneself, for example, is sufficiently capacious to entail
protections even in categories of so-called public information, public
spaces, and against non-governmental agents. The same potential holds
for rights posited in terms of freedom from visual surveillance or
restrictions on access to the subject. From the perspective of contextual
integrity, where prescriptions are always couched in context-specific
terms, these conceptions would be considered too blunt, possibly
dogmatic. Even allowing for tradeoffs with other competing claims and
rights, for balancing privacy against other values such as security,
property, or speech (which any reasonable version would), the claim to
control and limit access remains too open-ended and still leaves out too
much of the picture.
According to the theory of contextual integrity, it is crucial to know
the context—who is gathering the information, who is analyzing it, who
is disseminating it and to whom, the nature of the information, the

118. Nissenbaum, supra note 1.

FREEDOM (1992); Cohen, supra note 58; Jerry Kang, Information Privacy in Cyberspace
Transactions, 50 STAN. L. REV. 1193 (1998); Reiman, supra note 100; Daniel J. Solove,
Conceptualizing Privacy, 90 CAL. L. REV. 1087 (2002).


Privacy as Contextual Integrity

relationships among the various parties, and even larger institutional and
social circumstances. It matters that the context is, say, a grocery store as
opposed to, say, a job interview or a gun shop. When we evaluate
sharing information with third party users of data, it is important to know
something about those parties, such as their social roles, their capacity to
affect the lives of data subjects, and their intentions with regard to
subjects. It is important to ask whether the information practice under
consideration harms subjects; interferes with their self-determination; or
amplifies undesirable inequalities in status, power, and wealth.
We might agree that there is something disrespectful, even sinister, in
the relentless gathering, aggregation, mining, and profiling conducted by
companies like Seisint and Axciom. In other cases, contexts, or activities
that are similar in form might strike most people as desirable, or at least
acceptable. Consider teachers in the setting of primary and secondary
education in the United States—they collect and aggregate information
about students in order to assign grades. Over time, these grades are
further aggregated to yield grade point averages and are combined with
other information to form a student dossier, which, in some form, may
be submitted to colleges or employers to which students have applied for
admission or employment. A school might be judged remiss if it failed to
notice that the performance of particular students had changed
significantly in one way or another, if it failed to “mine” its data for
other categories of change that reflected on students’ and the school’s


This Article develops a model of informational privacy in terms of

contextual integrity, defined as compatibility with presiding norms of
information appropriateness and distribution. Specifically, whether a
particular action is determined a violation of privacy is a function of
several variables, including the nature of the situation, or context; the
nature of the information in relation to that context; the roles of agents
receiving information; their relationships to information subjects; on
what terms the information is shared by the subject; and the terms of
further dissemination. The model is prescriptive in that it is intended to
serve as a justificatory framework for prescribing specific restrictions on
collection, use, and dissemination of information about people.
Although other normative theories of privacy have produced
important insights into privacy and its value and foundations, they


Washington Law Review Vol. 79:119, 2004

typically are framed in overly general terms. As a result, important

details that in my account give rise to systematic context-relative
qualifications need to be treated as exceptions, or tradeoffs. By contrast,
the possibility of context-relative variation is an integral part of
contextual integrity.
By contrast, if we adopt contextual integrity as the benchmark for
privacy, these context relative qualifications can be built right into the
informational norms of any given context. One consequence is that
privacy prescriptions, now shaped to a significant degree by local
factors, are likely to vary across culture, historical period, locale, and so
on. Although some might find this problematic, I consider it a virtue. As
prominent contributors to the study of privacy have noted, norms of
privacy in fact vary considerably from place to place, culture to culture,
period to period; this theory not only incorporates this reality but
systematically pinpoints the sources of variation.120 A second
consequence is that, because questions about whether particular
restrictions on flow are acceptable call for investigation into the relevant
contextual details, protecting privacy will be a messy task, requiring a
grasp of concepts and social institutions as well as knowledge of facts of
the matter. Ideally, this approach will encourage future research into
prominent and problematic domains in order to uncover how technical
innovations in these domains affect informational norms.121
Finally, a brief note on how to respond to violations of contextual
integrity, particularly those associated with widespread adoption of
technologies of public surveillance. In connection with similar questions
about injustices, Michael Walzer recommends that certain types of
exchanges be blocked in order to preserve complex equality. Distribution
principles of one sphere should not be permitted to intrude into others, so
that those who are wealthy in one sphere are not allowed to spread
tyranny to others. In our own society, we experience at least some such
safeguards in law and policy—such as those prohibiting monetary
exchanges for various kinds of goods (e.g., votes, babies, and organs),
those invalidating kinship as a basis for handing down political office,
and those rejecting political office as a sound basis for favorable
decisions in court; even outlawing insider trading.122

120. See, e.g., WESTIN, supra note 98.

121. See Kang, supra note 119 (providing an exemplary naturalized analysis of a particular
domain—although not couched in terms of contextual integrity).
122. See Alex Kuczynski & Andrew Ross Sorkin, For Well-Heeled, Stock Tips Are Served with
the Canapés, N.Y. TIMES, July 1, 2002, at A1, B6 (“The investor Wilbur L. Ross Jr., who spends his


Privacy as Contextual Integrity

Policy and law are not the only means of preserving contextual
integrity. Outside the legal arena, norms of decency, etiquette,
sociability, convention, and morality frequently address appropriateness
and distribution of information. Certain contexts, such as friendship and
courtship, for example, as rich and important as they are, are likely to
remain the purview of these non-legal systems. In certain contexts, such
as that of a lawyer-client (or other professional) transaction, a middle
ground has so far seemed workable—norms explicitly articulated,
backed by sanctions of the relevant professional associations.123 When to
codify contextual integrity into law, policy, and regulation is a familiar
question about the scope of the law. Here, there is space to propose only
that when violations of norms are widespread and systematic as in public
surveillance, when strong incentives of self-interest are behind these
violations, when the parties involved are of radically unequal power and
wealth, then the violations take on political significance and call for
political response.

weekends in the socially conscious town of Southampton, said that the people who divulge
information and pass along tips are most likely concerned with improving their social
status. . . . With a wink or a nod among friends and acquaintances, information heard along the
boulevard is used to lubricate a promising personal or business relationship, impress a dinner table
and repay a favor.”).
123. But see Jonathan D. Glater, Lawyers Pressed to Give Up Ground on Client Secrets, N.Y.
TIMES, Aug. 11, 2003, at A1, A12 (reporting that new government rules following corporate
scandals, tax evasion, and concerns over terrorism are forcing professional groups, such as the
American Bar Association, to cede ground on client confidentiality). Within this approach, such a
change is framed as a change in norms of distribution on the lawyer-client context.


Washington Law Review Vol. 79:119, 2004


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