Tutorial 9
Tutorial 9
Tutorial 9
4. A plane surface having an area of 1.0 m is insulated on the bottom side and is
place on the ground exposed to the atmosphere at night. The upper surface is
exposed to air at 290 K and the convective heat-transfer coefficient from the
air to the plane is 12 W/m2. K. The plane radiates to the clear sky. The
effective radiation temperature of the sky can be assumed as 80 K. If the plane
is a black body, calculate the temperature of the plane at equilibrium.
5. A space satellite in the shape of sphere is traveling in outer space, where its
surface temperature is held at 283.2 K the sphere “sees” only outer space,
which can be considered as a black body with a temperature of 0 K. The
polished surface of the sphere has an emissivity of 0.1. Calculate the heat loss
per m2 by radiation.